a beauty that captures the heart


Wedge First Despair

The air conditioning in the parlour was turned up so much that Unhappy couldn’t help but shiver.
Maybe it was because she hadn’t slept well last night, or maybe it was just the cold, but her lips were a little blue. A pair of black and white eyes stared fixedly at the crystal coffee table in front of her, and the girl on the coffee table was also looking at her. Those eyes were covered in blood, which reminded her of a moose at the edge of a cliff.
Because there was no way to escape, the only thing left in the trap was despair.
Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the building, a sudden dashing cold rain fell, and bean-sized raindrops knocked against the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows. She turned her face and looked at the grey sky outside somewhat blankly. This was a twenty-eight story building, such a high, so high that it was as if one could reach out and touch the grey dark clouds. The sky turned into a huge slab of lead, instantly cracking into countless pieces that came crashing straight at her.
The sky was dark ……
Unhei thought that she would probably always remember this day.
On 25 October 2009, she had just turned twenty-one. It was supposed to be a happy day.
It was her birthday and her anniversary with Mo Rufei. Seven years ago today, in the dilapidated orphanage on the outskirts of the city, fourteen-year-old Lu Wei Hei met the equally fourteen-year-old Mo Rufei.
The Goddess of Fortune sat high in the clouds and smiled mysteriously, as if she had deliberately arranged it.
Mo Rufei doesn’t know her own birthday. She was abandoned by her parents at birth. So she simply took Wei Hei’s birthday as her own.
This morning, as soon as the neighbourhood pastry shop opened, Mo Rufei, who never woke up early, ran to order a cake with a pair of panda eyes.
As usual, Wei Hei took the earliest bus to the Academy of Fine Arts. At the end of the class, she received a message from the head of the department informing her that the college had decided to apply for a special scholarship for her because of her excellent grades.
At that moment, she felt like a happy bird, almost reaching for the sky.
Yup. The sky was so lovely today, even the smell of the soil was so fresh. Everything was so mellow and beautiful and satisfying that she almost wanted to let out a song.
If it hadn’t been for that phone call, if she hadn’t had to meet with that man, if she hadn’t agreed to that, this would have been a rare and happy day.

The mobile phone in her backpack suddenly rang, the ringtone monotonous and sharp, very harsh. He felt his heart beating faster and faster with the ringtone, and his body trembled uncontrollably.
But then the door opened and someone walked in. He looked at the door in a daze, as if he were in a dream.
The mobile phone was still ringing, and it sounded very loud in the silence of the conference room. As if the visitor hadn’t heard her, he walked straight to her, and she stood up in a bit of a hurry.
‘Miss Lu, I’m Mr Ruan’s assistant, Wang Dongyang, Mr Ruan is in a meeting that will end in about thirty minutes. He asked me to come over to inform you of the time schedule for the two of you tonight ……’ The man’s tone was completely formulaic, his indifferent voice barely rising and falling.
‘Schedule?’ Wei Hei subconsciously repeated, he was just paying for a good time, it wasn’t a business rivalry, this kind of thing still needed to be carefully planned and carefully laid out?
‘Yes, Mr Ruan is a perfectionist, he plans everything.’ Wang Dongyang said rather seriously.
This was kinda black humour.
Wei Hei smiled, truly worthy of being the pride of the financial world, the most successful capitalist in the city. Thinking about it, he was also a commodity that he had paid for, so he naturally had to make the best use of his money.

Wang Dongyang’s timetable hadn’t finished being announced when his mobile phone rang again after a brief lull, he raised his eyes to look at her and asked, ‘Do you want to answer the phone first?’
The phone? Yes, the phone should be answered first.
However, when Wei Hei looked at the familiar number on the screen, she couldn’t find the courage to do so. The thin back of her heart was covered in sweat, yet her whole body was cold and weak.
‘Miss Lu, are you alright?’
Wang Dongyang looked at her expressionlessly, and found that she had been staring at the mobile phone with a deadpan stare and woodenly refused to pick it up, he couldn’t help but remind her, ‘Miss Lu, you’d better pick up the phone first. I think ……’ he paused slightly and suddenly smiled ’You’d better take care of everything before Mr Ruan comes. It’s necessary to remind you that Mr Ruan has always disliked wasting time, especially on trivial matters.’
He finished his explanation and went out, leaving Wei Hei standing alone in this huge parlour, his body cold.
Frivolous? That’s right, she was trivial to them, the high and mighty. Perhaps she should be thankful that he hadn’t said something worse to make her feel even more ashamed.
But what did it matter? Her life with Rufei was like this, spending a third of her time bearing insults, a third of her time waiting to bear insults, and another third of her time dissolving the damage caused by insults.
Anyway, after the humiliation, it is still life.

The mobile phone rang again, and in her heart, she knew she couldn’t avoid it, so she finally picked it up.
The call went through, and the sound of rain came from the other end of the receiver, mixed with the honking of horns and a noisy background.
‘Where are you, Max?’
Unhei didn’t say anything, she really didn’t know what to say, how to explain all this to the person on the other end so that they could accept it smoothly and not go crazy.
‘Unhei, where are you?’ The other person repeated, sounding agitated.
Wei Hei took a hard breath and finally decided to lie, ‘That …… Rufei, I’m really sorry, you’ll have to spend this year’s birthday by yourself. I have a classmate who’s going to study abroad in a few days, and we’re going to spend today for him ……‘
’Do you have any classmates who can afford to drive a Bugatti, and are so well connected that they can make you give up to spend your birthday with me when I don’t even know them?’ When Rufus was angry, his tone was always a bit aggressive.
Wei Hei was a bit surprised, ‘How did you ……’
“How do I know? It was Yuan from the noodle shop downstairs who told me. You know, he likes to study these expensive and famous cars the most. In the afternoon, I just walked to the street corner, he ran over and said that a Bugatti picked you up. He emphasised that it was a special Hermes edition, and that only 14 of these cars are made in the world each year, so you can’t even buy one. When did you make such a rich friend? You should introduce me to them.’
‘Rufei, I ……‘
’Hei, you never lie to me. Now if you don’t tell the truth, won’t I be more worried?’
Wei Hei was silent, the only sound in the air was the sound of the thin rain. After a while, Ru Fei suddenly asked through gritted teeth, ‘It’s that bastard Ling Luchuan, isn’t it?’
When Wei Hei didn’t reply, Ru Fei’s heart suddenly jumped, ‘Is it Ruan Shao Nan?’
Wei Hei took a deep breath and simply replied, ‘Yes, it’s him. But you don’t have to worry, he’s just inviting me for dinner and tea. You know, he’s the most genteel and famous gentleman in the city, he won’t ……‘
’Lu Wei Hei, you take me for a fool!’ Ru Fei roared, ‘He’ll give you 120,000 for dinner and tea? Don’t tell me that the twelve piles of banknotes at home were picked up by you! 120,000, ten times the price of a first night with a ‘stunning’ woman, he’s really generous. He’s humiliating you, do you know that?’
‘I know! I know better than anyone.’ Max breathed deeply and bit his lip until it hurt, ‘But what can I do? Didn’t you say this morning that a madman splashed you in the face? After that, our boss Wei Chengbao called to tell me that if I didn’t show up today, then the next time he splashed you in the face it wouldn’t be water. He warned me not to make him angry or he’d make you act out a real-life version of Singing in the Middle of the Night.’
At that, Unhappy smiled to himself, ‘You know, the man is always creative when he’s angry, we’ve learnt that more than once.’
Rufei looked at his fingers shivering in the rain, even his voice had a tremor in it, ‘Wei Hei, let …… us go, get out of here. There’s always us out there ……’
Wei Hei shook his head helplessly, tears streaming out in bunches, ’You know better than I do in your heart, we can’t leave. We’ve been working at Jade for a long time, and we’ve known that Wei Chengbao has his fingers in the pie. He is only afraid of two people, one is Ruan Shao Nan, the other is Ling Lu Chuan. Which one will help us? And …… why should we run? There are my studies here, your dreams, everything we have worked so hard for. Why should we run away because of a few people who hurt us? Even if we’re lightweight thieves, even if we’re bad, we still have the right to live, and no one has the right to take that away from us. Rufei, do you understand?’
Rufei wanted to say something else, but Undine didn’t have time to listen. She closed her eyes and murmured in a dream-like voice, ‘Don’t be afraid, close your eyes and pray with all your heart like we did when we were kids. Believe me, the dark night will always pass, and tomorrow …… will be a new day.’
Stumbling on her feet, Mo Rufei fell to her knees on the rain overflowing street, the cake in her hand was soaked by the torrential rain, and the beautiful cardboard box almost turned into papier-mâché.
She bent over, so mournful that she could no longer make any sound.
‘Max, do you understand or not? That man, he won’t just let you go ……’
These were the last words that Mo Rufei said to Lu Wei Hei before she switched off her mobile phone as she sat in the rain in the dusk of that pouring rain.
The sound of the rain was so loud that she didn’t know if she heard it clearly. But it didn’t matter anymore.
They both knew what would happen in the future, but they had no choice.
A life without choices is a sad life, but they couldn’t escape it.
They didn’t die in the night, in the alley, in the cold orphanage, they had to live.
However, this kind of life, they are living a life of pain that can not be suppressed.

The rain outside the window had stopped slightly, and the wall clock was still ticking away. In the uncertainty of the road ahead of the fear, waiting, turned into a never-ending torment.
When the heavy door was pushed open again, it was the moment when the rain cleared up. The haze receded, the clouds dispersed, and the golden sunlight was like a harsh telephone, directly piercing her eyes.
Shocked in the pain she only turned around, and then saw Lu Shao Nan, this own waiting for a long time, only hand to cover the sky of the man, as early as the spirit of the gods as silent standing behind her, as if an inescapable destiny.
It wasn’t that she wasn’t afraid.
Hei involuntarily backed up, and then backed up …… until her back pressed against the cold floor window, she fixedly opened her eyes wide. Behind is the abyss, she can not avoid.
Seems to see her fear, so he smiled more quickly, like a high predator, with a charming smile, calmly coming towards her – end her life.



The car was travelling down the road.
Wei Hei looked out of the car window at the street, the splashes of neon flashing by with a ham-fisted gesture. Ruan Shao Nan was fiddling with his laptop, looking indifferent, busy and uncaring like any other successful person.
Wei Hei looked at his fingers as they danced across the keyboard, bony but long and strong. There was no denying that these were hands that were good at turning the tide, for example, in the business world, in the stock market, and in thousands of families. Another example: the interests of thousands of families, as well as the fate of an ordinary girl’s life.
The car, at some point, has driven into the deepest part of the city’s bustling, lavishly decorated boutiques, like humble maids of honour waiting on both sides of the street.
The man put away his computer and turned his face to look at the girl beside him, his eyes focused. However, she just looked out of the window, no desire to communicate, silverware and goods, words seem superfluous.
She knew nothing of his life, and neither did he. But tonight, she had to deliver a woman’s most precious memories to him, which was fate.
At that moment, he stretched out his hand, and his cold fingers touched her face, as if it were some kind of reptile. She did not dare to move, but her body trembled, the poor heart in her chest tightened together.
The man looked at her coolly and let out a light laugh, ‘Don’t be afraid like this, I’m not a tiger, I can’t eat you.’
Wei Hei turned her face and looked at him in a daze. He stopped looking at her and returned to his work as if nothing had happened.
As she pressed her head against the cold car window, an inexplicable sadness welled up beyond her fear. She wanted to remember the cause of the disaster, but all that remained in her memory were fragments.
It should have been remembered, she thought with a certain lassitude, but it was only a week ago. To forget was to deceive oneself hopelessly.
Perhaps every woman, even a prostitute who sells smiles for a living, would not like to recall such a process – the process of watching her dignity being trampled on.
Now think carefully, that was really a very ordinary day …… If I really want to say what is different, it is that Wei Hei found that the sky seemed to get dark especially fast that day.

The night is like a prison, the lonely ghosts stand in the four fields. The fireworks have not yet ended, the song has not yet stopped, in this prosperous and mundane coastal city, some human beings have just gone to sleep, some creatures have just awakened ……

“Hei Wei, VIP box six.’ Feng, the quick bartender, placed a bottle of Hennessy on the bar and instructed, ‘Be careful, it’s expensive.’
Wei Hei placed the wine on a silver tray and held it carefully in her hands.
She carried the bottle through the Disco Bar, where the lights, the music, the men and women were as dazzling as ever.
‘Hey, Max.’ Someone was calling her.
When she turned round, it turned out to be the beautiful DJ CoCo, dressed in a tight black leather jacket and wearing an oversized headset, standing on the DJ stage and playing music, but also took the time to wave at her.
She was grinding a disc with one hand and gesturing in a semi-circle with the other, but she didn’t miss a beat.
Wei Hei understood that this was a date for her and Ruofei to go for a drink after work.
She shook her head and put her hand on the side of her face.
CoCo shook her hand as if she couldn’t stand it, meaning: ‘Che, go home and sleep after work, aren’t you bored?’.
Hei smiled and shrugged. She and Rufei were both night owls, and they could drink too much. They could sleep until three in the afternoon and no one would even ask. She had a day of classes tomorrow, and how could she do that with a pair of swollen goldfish eyes and a hangover that made her head explode?
Then, Max went to deliver the drinks and CoCo concentrated on the discs. She’d won a DJ competition in town, and her hands were so good that the music she played was even more touching, and instantly got the crowd going.
As a result, the girls dancing on the pole were swaying, the women wearing animal skins were hot and passionate, and the tie man and the backless woman were flirting with each other in a fiery embrace. Countless men and women on the dance floor were hugging each other, miserable and foolish.
And those tall and beautiful, gentle and lovely temperament beauty, in the bar side, in the card seat, brow curved bent in the brocade night men’s ear soft voice offer, ‘Chat five hundred, out three thousand, five thousand night. Just cash, no cheque, thank you ……’
Lu Wei Hei, holding the silver tray, passed through the group of bulls and snakes with great care, and found that every day here was like Halloween, with the gates of hell wantonly open, demons and monsters pouring out to wreak havoc on the earth, and the lives of the people were in a state of abject misery.
When she finished delivering the wine and walked out with the tray, she saw that the door of the seventh box next to her was unrelated. A familiar voice drilled into her ears through the doorway, a slightly hoarse voice more or less rambling.

The red eyes looked at this lonely city

like a bitter smile squeezed out of the happy

The whole city for me to spend all the ruthless

flashy world to do the breakup of the set

Legend has it that the tears of infatuation will pour the city

Neon went out of the world gradually cold

The fireworks will be thankful that the song will be stopped

Apparently, the end of the story is more melodious

Very bleak lyrics, penetrating a wave of the city of the inexorable injury, just do not know in the city of the surging tide of people, there are a few people can understand it.
Wei Hei smiled and thought that the only person who could sing this kind of song in this kind of place was Ru Fei.
In a place of sex, a man would want to be in a state of ecstasy, where he would be in a state of lust, and a woman would want to be in a state of debauchery. Women naturally want to be loose and smoky.
Sentimental? Who cares! In the scene for many years of rolling Ru Fei and how would not understand this, but she likes to do the opposite.
At the end of the corridor is the performance hall, powerful English dance music along the narrow passageway all the way over, Groove Coverage’s song with a buzzing echo, full of innocent questions and mysterious temptation.

God is a girl

Wherever you are

Do you believe it

Can you receive it

God is a girl? God is not a girl.
If God were a girl, he wouldn’t stand by and watch so many poor women, suffering on earth.

The guest in Box 13 left, contentedly with his arm around a young lady with a slender waist, and Max came in to clean up the mess. She put bottles, cigarette boxes, pink condoms, white pill bags …… and such rubbish into a black plastic bag, ready to take it to the back alley to throw away.
There was a sudden commotion outside the door.
The sound was loud, the footsteps were messy, some people cursed, some people yelled, and some people screamed in shock. From the sound of it, it should be that another sitting girl was beaten up.
Here is an absolute male-dominated world, some things have seen more than not strange, the natural change is not shocked, not Hei initially just busy with their own affairs, did not care.
But she didn’t realise that a disaster was coming her way.


Chapter 2 Ling less, you see whether to clear the scene

‘stunning city’, this shocking Southeast Asia’s nightclub, is to its luxurious decoration, high quality, high taste, high education ‘red powder army’ and famous overseas.
The secrecy here is extremely strong, and like many other high-class entertainment clubs, it follows a principle that is unchanging: the more erotic the scene, the calmer the surface, never letting the outside world see any clues.
On this point, in the boss Wei Chengbao iron blood management of the ‘stunning city’, is undoubtedly the industry leader.
And such a place never lacks stories, but the stories here have always been very secretive and tight-lipped. The most unknown takes place behind the curtains, the most dirty and nasty is hidden under the floor, while those most shameless, despicable and cruel plays are transformed into grievances and dissipate in the rotten air without a sound.
That very night, Mo Rufei Lu Wei Hei, under such rules, almost like two tiny beetles, disappeared into the bloody night.
Just a little bit ……

When晞 broke into Box 7, where the door was hidden, the corner of Ru Fei’s mouth was bleeding. Drops of blood fell onto the scarlet carpet, and before they could trickle cleanly, the man’s palm slapped over with swift speed, once again without mercy. There was a crunching sound, and there was nowhere to hide.
Seeing that the man’s fan-like slap was about to fall again, Wei Hei did not even think about it and blocked in front of Ru Fei, like a mother sparrow protecting her chick. Unfortunately, she was not facing a child’s slingshot, but a pack of wolves.
The bodyguard-like man first froze, then turned his head to look at his boss sitting on the sofa, about to ask with his eyes for instructions on what to do.
Through the bodyguard’s tall body. He couldn’t see what was happening on the other side of the room, and only heard a voice, with the usual laziness of a cockney, say idly, ‘I say, Old Wei, your young lady here is really good at what she does! One of them dares to pour wine on my guest, and the other one doesn’t even know the minimum rules, and she dares to break into the VIP box? Is it possible that you are usually too compassionate. Is it because you’re usually too compassionate to them that you’ve spoilt them into being so lawless?’
A voice responded in an almost ingratiating manner, ‘It’s because I’m not good at disciplining them, and I’ve spoiled young Ling’s pleasure.’
However, the man yawned, his light tone as if he was watching a play, ‘Oh, it’s fine, this is interesting, you’re not heartbroken into it.’
The moment these words came out, the physically tough bodyguard immediately made a move.
When the iron-like slap hit his face, Wei Hei felt that the left side of his face was like being scraped by a razor, and his face skin rolled hot as if it was going to drip blood. His eyes were also burning hot, almost to the point of tears.
God tells us that if someone hits you on the left side of your face, you must give him the right side as well. But God must not know what it is like to be slapped.
It wasn’t the first time that Max had been slapped, but it was definitely the first time that she had been hit by such a powerful man. When the second slap hit her on the right side of her face, she almost suspected she was going deaf. Her ears buzzed as if they were filled with a million bees. The corners of her mouth shook and cracked, and her teeth scraped through her mouth, filling it with a fishy-sweet taste.
Life teaches us a truth, when you face something can not fight, you only have two choices, stoicism, or go with the flow.
Obviously, Ruofei that day both did not choose, but in the intolerance, splashed that what the boss all over the wine. It was fine to mess with him, but it happened that the person who was inviting guests today was Ling Luchuan, which was like stirring up a hornet’s nest.
The ladies who work here all know that they would rather offend their boss Wei Chengbao than Ling Luchuan. This man has money, face, background, means, all the nastiness a playboy should have, handsome looks, and lawlessness.
Rufei would not have been so impulsive if she had not been forced by them to have no way back. In fact, she is not wrong, she just do not want to introduce, she has her principles.
This is two years ago, when she walked into the ‘absolute colour’, she set a final bottom line for herself. She said to Max, ‘If one day I can’t even keep this, you can consider me dead.’
However, these successful people who call the shots don’t care if she dies.

When the bodyguard’s murderous weapon-like slap came down once again, Ru Fei was like an enraged black cat, her cold hairs standing up, ‘What are you doing in here! What are you doing here? You don’t think it’s messy enough? Get out of here!’
I don’t know where the strength came from, but she broke away from the man holding her like a madman and pushed Wei Hei towards the door. She stumbled and almost fell out.
But she was one step away. Someone was quick enough to intercept the fish that had almost missed the net.
‘Yo, Old Wei, where did you find so many beautiful women, each one is more beautiful than the other.’ Ling Luchuan wrapped one hand around Wei Hei’s waist and cupped her chin with the other, narrowing his eyes slightly and scrutinising the girl in his hand through the dim wall light.
Wei Hei remembered that those eyes were very pretty, with long eyelashes, and even prettier when they looked askance. However, there was no emotion in his eyes, like a raptor on the hunt, a claw sealed his throat!
Wei Chengbao stroked his half-bald head, said with some difficulty: ‘She is just a waiter, responsible for giving the guests end wine and cigarettes, cleaning up, not sitting here.’
Ling Luchuan, however, just laughed, ‘Waitress? Pity.’ Thumbs rubbed Wei Hei pointed chin, black ice-like eyes but looked at Wei Chengbao, ‘As long as it is here, it is done, not also does not matter. Just your two acres of land, still worrying that I can’t set things right?’
The men in the room laughed, their voices ambiguous and spirited.
The large box, sitting five or six people, all of them are jade hall golden horse-like characters, clean and well-dressed, elegant instrument. The place of the wind and moon is rotten, the look of obscenity is not seen, only the eyes are sharp, nakedly able to peel off a layer of her skin.
What happened after that? Wei Hei did not want to recall more. But people’s memories are strange. Happiness can fade like the wind, but unhappiness always follows her.
The man grabbed her wrist and forced her onto the sofa. The box is obviously very familiar, but his hand seems to be an ice money, straight to the bottom of her heart.
A pungent smell of alcohol greeted her, and in her heart, she knew this was not a good sign.
She was just about to struggle, when she heard Ru Fei say in a low voice: ‘Ling Shao, I’m wrong, okay? If you guys want me to come out, I’ll just come out. Please let this sister of mine go, she’s still a student ……’
Ru Fei wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth and carefully compensated with a smile, holding her voice delicately. She was scared, this time she was really scared.
However, the man seemed to turn a deaf ear, all his attention was focused on Ru Xi. He cupped her chin, looked left and right, rubbed her ceramic skin in the dim light, and tsked under his breath, as if he were sizing up a fine piece of merchandise.
It was Wei Chengbao who had the eyesight to immediately ask curtly, ‘Ling Shao, you see, do you need to clear the scene?’
Once this was said, Rufei almost fell to her knees, she begged with tears in her voice, ‘Ling Shao, she’s really a student, please have mercy, let her go, please let her go, what you guys let me do can be done ……’
There was a roar of laughter in the room, and someone covered their mouths While laughing, he said, ‘She really thinks she is a piece of treasure …… girl, wake up, Ling Shao looks at who, that is who’s blessed, you no longer beg is useless.’
Ling Luchuan smiled more thick, he wiped off the blood at the corner of Wei Hei’s mouth, slowly asked: ‘This good sister of yours in order to save you, can really go out of the way, what do you say?’
Wei Hei bit her own lip until she almost lost blood, she looked at Ru Fei whose cheeks were red and swollen, took a deep breath and whispered, ‘Ling Shao, please let her go, I’ll just stay and accompany you.’
Ling Luchuan smiled and nodded, and the bodyguard immediately let go of Ru Fei’s arm. Ru Fei still wanted to say something, but Wei Hei sharply passed a wink, and Ru Fei immediately understood.
However, just as her hand was on the cold door handle, she heard Ling Luchuan ask carelessly, ‘Old Wei, will you have the police here to check? In case someone calls the police and says we’re bullying good women, what then?’
Wei Chengbao immediately understood a few points, and immediately responded, ‘Don’t worry, Ling Shao, the top has already made some good connections. Besides, even the king of heaven wouldn’t dare to check on Ling Shao’s compartment, you just rest assured.’
Ling Luchuan smiled, with mocking eyes looking at Ru Fei pale as paper face, lifted his chin and said: ‘Continue to walk ah ……’
Ru Fei only feel this door handle a thousand pounds, not Hei frequently handed her eyes, anxious tears are almost down.
At this time, only to hear Ling Luchuan cold snort, ‘What? You don’t want to go? Then don’t go!’
‘Ling Shao, you promised ……’ Wei Hei was just about to say something when Ling Luchuan backhanded her neck and pressed her onto the sofa.
He stuck to her ear and sneered coldly, ‘Playing détente with me, you’re not Taoist enough ……’

“Miss Lu, please try this pair of shoes, it goes well with this rose red halter dress of yours.’
The professional and sweet voice of the shopgirl successfully pulled Wei Hei back from the abyss of memory to the cruel reality.
She fixed her mind and looked at herself in the mirror, and the girl in the mirror also looked at her. Her blank eyes were more than drowned by the gorgeous background, she only saw a beautiful skin, she couldn’t see herself.
Ruan Shao Nan casually twirled out his cigarette, stood up and signalled the shop assistant to bring a string of pearls. The pearls were glistening white, holy and beautiful, complementing the flamboyance of the dress.
He personally put them on her neck to hide the slenderness and emptiness there. Looking into her eyes as a supreme heavenly god looking down on earth – his own most perfect work of art – and then nodding in satisfaction, ‘Beautiful.’
Beautiful indeed, how could it not be when the line was over six figures?
He was not an amorous man, yet he could splurge money and dress her up on a whim as if he were giving a coin to a beggar.
At this moment, he stood behind her, his hand pressed against the artery in her neck, as if testing the temperature of the blood there. His hand was cold, and no intimacy was visible between his looks, causing Lu Wei Hei to be reminded of another man’s fingers, which were cold and long and strong in general with Lu Shao Nan’s.
Ling Luchuan, Rain Falls Under the River, quite a pretty name, easy to remind people of a modest gentleman who is as gentle as jade. However, Wei Hei thought that this man was the greatest irony of ‘a man’s name is his name’. Except, of course, for his good looks.

He wondered if that was the darkest moment of their lives.
That night, Ling Luchuan’s fingers pinched her neck without mercy, not too hard, just enough to make it difficult for her to breathe, but not too hard to die.
She was no longer able to resist anything, feeling like she was being held down under water. The air smelled of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and cologne on the man’s body, coming at her head, pressing down like a mountain and almost suffocating her.
Rufei’s trembling voice kept pleading with him, ‘Ling Shao, we know it’s wrong, we really know it’s wrong. I’ll go with you guys, please ……’
Ling Luchuan, however, seemed to be smiling, only measuring Rufei from head to toe, ’You? Sorry, I don’t have the stomach for it, a few of them are more interested. As for her, don’t worry about it, I’m not the kind of iron rooster that doesn’t give a dime, I’ll give her a reasonable price.’
Ru Fei completely despaired, gritting her teeth and cursing, ‘Surname Ling, you son of a bitch son of a bitch! You shall not die!’
The result of this outburst was a vicious slap in the face as the bodyguard grabbed Ruifei by the hair and pinned her face down on the table.
No one screamed, and all Max could do was watch her, unable to make a sound or move. She was pressed down on the sofa by the tall bodyguard, and there was more than one pair of hands holding her down, the man’s strong palms clasped on her face, making it impossible for her to even wail.
Ling Luchuan looked at her with interest, like admiring a small animal that was dying.
Then in broad daylight, in full view of everyone, he sighed as his slender fingers went from the beautiful curve of her neck to the collar of her uniform shirt, very patiently, undoing her buttons one by one, trampling on the poor girl’s dignity bit by bit.
Until the buttons on her chest were unbuttoned for the most part, the black bra lined her skin with snow, and the sheep’s fat-like perfect semi-circle undulated up and down like waves with Wei Hei’s rapid panting.
Ling Luchuan sighed softly, turned his face to a room of people instructed: ‘You first go to the next box, wait for me to finish my business, we will continue to other stalls.’
‘Ling Luchuan, you’re not human!’ Ru Fei cursed with a torn heart.
He turned his head and saw in a trance that they were dragging Ru Fei like a dog. Ru Fei’s hands were gripping the doorframe of the compartment with bloodshot eyes, and he refused to let go of his hands, even to death.
Wei Hei wanted to say something, but she couldn’t. The man pulled up her bra upwards, cold breath and hot lips, fell on her white lips, fell on the wonderful lines of her neck, fell on the tip of her pink titillating. His nimble fingers circled behind her, unbuttoning her corset without a care in the world, pulling aside the things that were in her way, and like a child having fun, he coldly ravaged her bright body.
Her half-naked body trembled in despair as she was exposed to the dim light and the cold sight of the men. She knew what she was going to lose, and it was going to be in a most unpleasant and terrible way.
She turned her face sideways, and saw that there were bottles and glasses on the table, and ice picks …… in the ice cones if she could only get them, and even if she could not stop him, she could end herself.
But she could not move, her hands were pressed by him, her whole body was clamped in his arms, his fingers into her temples, kissing her tear-wet face delicately, excited to continue this cruel game.
Her nose caught the musk and heavy scent of male desire, and Wei Hei went cold, as if she were sinking in water, her breathing becoming harder and harder, her consciousness less and less clear.
He lifted her face, his fingers rubbing her playful voluptuousness very skillfully, biting her lips, containing her subtle cries of pain, and his slender fingers probing all the way down along her supple waistline. He breathed hot, seemed to stick in her ear and said something, the music in the box was deafening, she did not hear a word, only drifted off to see his face, far away and near.
She didn’t know how many people were watching this horrible and sordid scene, but no one stepped forward to stop it, no one was even willing to say a word for them, even just one.
There were no tears in the dry corners of her eyes, only pain and despair.
She heard someone laughing, cold danfeng eyes flashing in the endless darkness. She really didn’t understand why this person, who clearly had a good skin, was laughing like a devil.
Has anyone seen a wolf that smiles while demolishing its prey into its stomach? She had seen it today, alive and able to drive people to their deaths.
Her consciousness blurred further. Everything around her faded away. All the sounds seemed to come from far away, and like they were just floating in her ears. The whole person felt like sinking underwater, and like someone had cut her throat.
She wanted to scream for help, but she couldn’t make a sound. She tried to reach out and grab something, but it was futile. There was only rapid breathing, a burst of violent breaths, as if she had used up all her strength. Sweat soaked the man’s fingers, soaked his half-faded shirt, and it was as if he had been run over by a truck, his liver and guts cracking, his insides aching. But still, she couldn’t breathe, no matter how hard she tried!
In a trance, she heard Ru Fei shouting in panic: ‘She has congenital asthma, something will happen to her like this, you let go of her!’
Then, I don’t know who lightly replied back, ‘It’s just asthma, it’s not going to die.’
It’s true that it won’t kill you, no matter how painful it is, it will only be worse than death. Only those who have truly experienced it will know that it is clear that they are alive, but they can’t breathe as if they are being held by the throat …… It is a living hell!


Chapter 3 Public Abuse

“You’re scared of me?’ The man on the other side of the table put down his knife and fork, wiped the corners of his lips with a napkin, and said so to Max.
Max raised her head a little hastily and looked at him, but she didn’t know how to answer. In fact, she was really afraid of him.
Ruan Shao Nan smiled softly and folded his arms casually, ‘I probably know why. Frankly speaking, I don’t know what methods Wei Cheng Bao used, yet I’m satisfied with the result. I like certain qualities in you, I’m just not willing to waste too much time for it. So I’m sorry if I made you feel aggrieved.’
Unh said nothing, and he didn’t need her to say anything. This wasn’t a listening session with equals, it was a telling off of the powerful. Her will was insignificant compared to his whim.
He pulled out a cigarette and asked her gentlemanly, ‘May I?’
She nodded in a trance, and then saw him pull out his lighter and light it familiarly, the metal of the Givenchy lighter crunching and the orange-red flame blooming like a flower. This sound and smell is so familiar, as that night when the sky turned upside down ……

That night, he sat in the corner of the room and lit a cigarette, the orange flame, as if a small cluster of bright torches. That bright and uncertain shimmering light lit up a side of darkness, reflecting a pair of eyes as deep as the sea.
Earlier he had been sitting in the dark without speaking, and Wei Hei was too flustered to notice him. At this moment, she was no longer able to see him clearly, but she could still hear his voice.
‘Lok Chuan, it’s almost enough. You’re a big man, why are you fighting with two little girls? Do you really consider yourself a hooligan?’
His voice was low and clear, as if he was used to standing above the crowd and giving orders, and his tone was not without the flavour of derision and sarcasm. However, the always domineering Ling Luchuan didn’t care, lifting his face from Max’s chest, he smiled resentfully at him and said, ‘I’m in the middle of my fun, and you want to come and tear me down?’
‘I was worried that you were playing with fire.’ He twisted out his cigarette and stood up, one hand in his trouser pocket as he slowly walked out of the shadows in the corner. Taking up a position next to the couch where she lay, he towered over the dishevelled and miserable person below.
‘Asthma won’t kill you for a while, but a brain deprived of oxygen for too long can turn a person into an idiot. You don’t want to keep her for the rest of her life, do you?’
‘Oh ……’ Ling Luchuan patted her white miserable face, ’Such a beautiful little idiot, it’s not bad to raise her for a lifetime, wouldn’t that be just right for me to do whatever I want?’
He laughed, counting, ‘You have not a serious, a good party, said to wash the dust to the old Zhao, the result is that a group of us just look at you tossed most of the night, there is no end to it?’
Immediately someone stood up to round up the situation, ‘Haha, all right, all right. Washing the dust is a small matter, Ling Shao’s happiness is a big matter, as long as he’s happy, as long as he’s happy ……‘
’When he’s happy enough, these two have also been tossed to death by him.’ Ruan Shao Nan looked at his wristwatch through the light, ‘Let’s go, it’s almost time here, let’s go to another place to renew the stall.’
After saying that, he didn’t look at them and walked away.
Ling Luchuan saw him leave, but really just hand, smiled and pinched Wei Hei’s chin, kissed her on the cheek, picked up his own jacket and followed.
So, a group of people followed in such a vast manner. While they were walking, they were discussing which one had the best red wine, elegant style, and the lady was gentle, beautiful, and understanding.
Leaving behind a room of misery and two poor girls, who is going to end it?
‘Max, Max …… Look at me, look at me. Don’t scare me. Where’s your medicine? Where’s your medicine?’ Rufei fumbled with her clothes, buttoned them up, and searched through the purse in her trousers for her medicine.
She wanted to tell Rufei that the medicine was in the dressing room, but she was already too weak to speak. She felt a pair of slender arms pulling hard on her, trying to carry her. However, the bruised Ru Fei could no longer bear her weight, even though she was as slender as a dragonfly.
Wei Cheng Bao looked at the miserable and incomparable them, and did not help, but only carelessly counted down: ‘’You two are really capable today, do you know what kind of people are those? I have to serve like an ancestor. Do you even dare to offend him? You don’t want to hang around here anymore, do you?’
The doorway has gathered some people to watch, Wei Chengbao on the way out, also did not forget to slowly commanded: ‘Tell you, one by one, all give me to stand and watch, no one is not allowed to care about them, otherwise …… I break that person’s legs!’
The onlookers looked at each other in dismay, ‘The City of Beauty’ is just like a small society, more like a wild zoo, with its own set of hierarchical ecological food chain, the top predator gave the word, who dares to disobey?
That’s why everyone stood a metre away from them, on survival instinct, never approaching.
In that moment, she wondered what they had done wrong. The whole night had been a game of cat and mouse. They had been made to suffer, and the others had watched in amusement.

What happened after that? She knew nothing. When she woke up again, she was already lying in the hospital. Her head was clear, her mind was normal, but her body was just a little weaker.
If not bought chicken soup, the snack bar near the hospital to do, taste sloppy, floating on a thick layer of floating oil, look at some shocking.
Wei Hei was used to this kind of food, and picked up the soup spoon and drank it one sip at a time. Rufei told her as she packed up her things that the person who relieved them last night was Ruan Shao Nan.
She froze upon hearing this and raised her big, dark eyes to ask, ‘Which Ruan Shao Nan?’
‘Ruan Shao Nan of the Yi Tian Group, the wealthy newcomer who can shake the stock market three times by moving his finger.’ Ru Fei looked at her a little strangely, Ruan Shao Nan’s name was as familiar as thunder in this city, and the myth of Yi Tian Group’s entrepreneurship was even more unknown.
‘At that time, you were already unconscious, Wei Cheng Bao that bastard didn’t let everyone come to help. coCo and Ah Feng wanted to come over to help me, but they were stopped by those mongrels who were watching the show. You didn’t see it at the time, CoCo was so anxious that she cried and kept asking if you were dead. Luckily, Ruan Shao Nan sent his own driver to help me take you to the hospital, otherwise I really didn’t know what to do in that situation.’
Wei Hei put down the chicken soup in her hand, her cheeks were hot, but her heart was cold.
Her mobile phone rang, and she looked down to see that it was her own, but it was an unfamiliar number. She had a bad feeling about it, but she picked it up anyway. Then a voice came clearly, low and strong.
‘Miss Lu? This is Ruan Shao Nan ……’
Wei Hei felt her heart like a terrified bird of prey, falling into an endless abyss with despair. Darkness instantly drowned out everything around her, leaving only his voice, echoing hollowly.
His voice was cold, but gentlemanly, and after briefly inquiring about her condition, he hung up. It was only thirty or forty seconds before and after the call, but Wei Hei’s brain was in a stage of stagnation, as if all her thoughts had been pulled into another dimension by a big, brutal hand.
‘Who’s on the phone, Max?’ Rufei asked.
Wei Hei turned his face and said in a trance, ‘It’s …… Ruan Shao Nan.’

The phone call worried Wei Hei for several days, but in the midst of the worry, there was a certain fluke.
In this city, he is too rich, the life of all the admiration, every move is the focus of media attention, the people after dinner topic. She, on the other hand, was nothing more than an ant living in a corner, struggling to make ends meet in a sea of people.
So that’s it.
This is the distance between the mortal dust and the heavenly world, the distance between the woman and the man, the distance between her and him …… Maybe just forget each other, the red dust pathway, and then do not think of it?
However, Wei Chengbao’s a phone call, will break all her naive fantasy.
The meaning is simple and clear, cruel and straightforward, as if a vulgar soap opera, not even a euphemism for obscurity. After that, Lu Wei Hei lost her soul.
It wasn’t until she met him, and saw his cold brow reflected in the evening view of the setting sun, that she realised her soul was missing. She realised that her soul was not gone, she was still alive. And so, it was time to live and suffer through it all.

When they left the restaurant, the night was already deep.
Wei Hei sat in the car suddenly a little tired, her nerves too long too tight, to this most critical time, but instead of the strength. Perhaps, as some people say, fear, just fear waiting for the process of fear; pain, just pain to get the results of pain.
So just ……
she did not have the strength to think about anything else, so she fell asleep against the leather chair. She seemed to have had a long, long dream, but forgot what it was about. All that was known was that it was an incredibly sad dream.
How long had she been having this dream?
If dozens of moments were an instant, dozens of moments were a snap of a finger, how much of her blood had congealed in the black soil in the snap of a finger?
Did she shed any tears?
Don’t remember. In a trance, it seemed as if someone was close to her ear and told her something, the voice was very melodious, with a gorgeous angelic tenderness.
I remembered that when she was a child, Ru Fei had told her a story.
Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a beautiful place called the City without Tears, and the people in the city were all happy angels. Because they were happy, they had no tears. Later, when the angels fell and blue rain fell from the sky, the place was still called the City without Tears. Only, people’s eyes were drained. ……


Chapter 4 Light Hooked with Desire, Later Ordered to Enter the Buddha’s Wisdom

“The scroll painting you are now looking at is called a “thangka”, an art of painting that sprang up during the time of Songtsen Gampo. The painting depicts the Buddha of Joy, with a male and female statue of the Buddha. The male Buddha is known as the Ming King and the female Buddha is the Ming Consort. There is also a legend about the Joyful Buddha in India.’
The professor wiped his glasses, ‘According to the legend, the king who worshipped Brahminism was cruel and killed Buddhists in large numbers. Shakyamuni then sent Guanyin in the guise of a beautiful woman to copulate with him, and the king, who was drunk on women’s lust, was eventually overcome by the beautiful woman and converted to Buddhism, and eventually became the main deity on the altar of the Buddha.’
Someone whispered in his seat, ‘Isn’t this a grandiose picture of the aphrodisiac ……’
The classroom resounded with giggles and laughter, and on closer inspection, it was true.
The thangka, a man and a woman embrace sitting together. The male Buddha’s face is fierce, his body is about twice the size of the female Buddha, holding the female Buddha’s waist tightly, while the female Buddha’s feet ringed in the male Buddha’s waist. The gesture did not look like cultivation, but rather like the most common male-female affair in the world.
Could it be that divine Buddhas also understood the seven emotions and six desires, male and female love?
Professor sipped tea, not slow to say: ‘Joyful Buddha in Tantric Buddhism is a “mind-aligning tool”, to it to observe the shape of the forensic vision, and gradually become accustomed to it, the desire of the heart naturally eliminated. This is what we often call ‘curbing desire with desire’. The charming and colourful Princess Ming, who is one with these brutal Ming kings, is an indispensable companion of the Ming kings in their cultivation. Her role in cultivation is called, in the words of the Buddhist scriptures, ‘first hooking them with desire, then bringing them into the Buddha’s wisdom’; she offers those brutal gods and demons with her love and desire, causing them to be sensitised and then drawing them into the realm of the Buddha ……’
Some people covered their mouths and laughed, others whispered, everyone seemed to be infinitely new to this mysterious statue of a joyful Buddha.
When Wei Hei looked at the double Buddha statue of the red woe embracing each other, he just thought in a trance: love and lust can overpower the fierce gods and demons, but can it dissolve the hostility in people’s hearts?

At the end of the class, the professor told everyone that in a month is the holiday, he would like to take a team of students to Lijiang sketching, the cost is shared equally. He is responsible for leading the way, not responsible for sexual encounters, want to go to him to sign up.
Everyone laughed and said, ‘Lijiang, good place, the city of love affairs, where you can believe in the miracle of human beings.
Wei Hei lowered his head, silently packing his own things, forlorn figure in a group of bright young people how to look a little abrupt.
Zhou Xiaofan took three or two steps and ran to her side, pulling her hand excitedly, ‘Wei Hei, let’s go together. Lijiang, I’ve wanted to go there for a long time. Maybe I can meet a handsome Naxi man, haha, that would be blissful.’ She held her heart in her hand and fainted.
Yes, Lijiang, a city where one can forget about time. I heard that there are golden flowers, green water, turquoise blue sky, and the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, which surrounds the ancient city and is covered in ice and snow all year round, is indeed mesmerising.
However, she just shook her head, packing up her notes as she said, ‘I’m sorry, Xiaofan, find someone else to accompany you, I have arrangements for the holiday.’
‘What arrangements can you have? You’re still bored alone at home, it’s hard not to ……’ Zhou Xiaofan slapped her with a big grin, ’You have a man?’
As if stung by something, Wei Hei raised her head in surprise and looked at her with panicked eyes. However, in a few seconds, she calmed down and smiled, ‘No, I’m not. Don’t you dare say that.’ Then she picked up her backpack, ‘Sorry, Xiaofan, there’s nothing else, I have to go now, see you tomorrow.’
Zhou Xiaofan looked at Wei Hei’s slender back and felt that there was something not quite right about her these days. In the past, although she was silent and quiet, as if she deliberately kept a certain distance from people, she was a girl who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.
But now she seems to be a different person. When people call her name, she seems to be in shock and freezes for a long time before responding. She’s restless all day long, and even during class, she wanders off.
How can I put it? It was like a small animal waiting for the hunter to lynch it, with a pair of innocent eyes open, miserably watching itself being drawn and quartered.
Zhou Xiaofan suddenly had a chill, how how could he think of such a cruel thing?
Looking back, the classroom had long been deserted in all directions. The professor had forgotten to switch off the computer, and the big screen still showed the image of the Joyful Buddha. King Ming was holding the naked Consort Ming in his arms, but his eyes were facing her, and it was as if the gaze was alive, cold and hostile.
Zhou Xiaofan had a panic attack for no reason. It was too evil!

A hundred-year-old school, even the side entrance is decorated with an extraordinary atmosphere. Wei Hei moved slowly along the forest path, hating that the road would never be finished.
But the longest path will always be finished. At the end of the road, she would have to meet people she didn’t want to meet, and face things she didn’t want to face.
An elegant Bentley has been waiting there, dressed in decent driver respectfully opened the door for her, everything seems to be a matter of course.
But God knows, a few days ago, they were strangers who had never crossed paths, living their lives as if nothing had happened, not allowed to get close.
Wei Hei looked at the man beside him out of the corner of her eye, he was still so busy, even in the car did not rest. In fact, from the day she met him, all she saw was him working hard. Sometimes it felt like he was really like the little girl in the fairy tale with the red dancing shoes, more than life, dancing.
If a man spent two-thirds of his life making money, she wondered what joy he had left. If there was no joy, what was the point of having so much wealth?
Tugging at the corners of her lips, she laughed a little at her own impetuosity. The mind of a man of honour was beyond the comprehension of a mere mortal like her.
She had never been able to see through him, and he had always been able to see right through her, so it had never been an equal game from the start.
It was like that morning when she got out of his car and went back to that pigeon-cage of a rented house. Kofi had been waiting at the house and hadn’t closed her eyes all night.
As soon as she entered, she was pulled by Rufei to look at her from head to toe, as if he was afraid that she was missing something.
Rufi kept asking her, what happened last night?
What happened that night?
Incredibly, nothing happened that night. She had fallen asleep lying in the car, and surprisingly he had let her fall asleep like that without waking her up.
She was awakened by the chirping and chirping of birds and opened her eyes to see his sleeping face drenched in the golden morning sun, so quiet.
He’d fallen asleep leaning back in his seat while she was still covered in his suit jacket. Their car was parked by the lake, the driver long gone.
She was in a bit of a trance, just staring blankly at him, at his lashes in the sunlight, at the quiet side of his face. His lips are beautiful, but very thin, it is said that men with such thin lips tend to be thin ……
until he woke up, she hastily avert her face. He looked at her for a long time, as if in thought. He did not say anything, and she was silent. The car was so quiet that all that could be heard was the gentle chirping of the birds, and it was a new day.
‘Where do you live? I’ll drive you.’ His face was slightly tired, and after a slight stretch of his shoulders and neck, he opened the door, sat in the driver’s seat, and started the engine.
She gave an address, but regretted it as soon as it was out of her mouth. She shouldn’t have told him, it would mean that she might be stuck with him for the rest of her life.
But what did it matter if she didn’t tell him? In this world, if you really want to find someone, you can always find them.
As he was for her.
No matter how much she expected in her heart, how much she prayed to God, his car still appeared at the side door of the school waiting for her as it did every day.
And she had no right to say no, not then and not now.
Then he would choose a quiet environment, but the location of the remote restaurant to eat, eat and send her to the road nearest to the ‘stunning’, sat in the car and watched her walk into the. The day so, rain or shine.
He does not spread, not publicised, not deliberately, so quietly, noiselessly, punctually on time in front of her. Every time his words are not much, and even rarely meet with her eyes, do not speak when the temperament is even more cold, so that people are afraid for no reason, but do not dare to escape.
He was poised and courteous, and never acted out of line, not even touching her hand, still leaving her in the dark.
It was as if he had become her shadow, a huge, dark, quiet shadow. And like the dark cloud under the sun, not too big, not too small, but just enough to block out all her brightness.
She couldn’t believe that he didn’t need to socialise, that Vanity Fair was full of flings. Even if her information is closed, she knows that he has always acted in a low-key way, but never less than scandalous. But he just has the time, patience and interest to continue this game of pursuit of strength, and enjoy it.
She was really tired, and the constant mental strain was exhausting her to the point of collapse. She would rather have him take her by force and eat her up, as she had initially thought, than have her tremble every day at his seemingly modest gentlemanly demeanour.
Sometimes she really wondered if he was treating her this way on purpose, as a way of torturing her poor, tense-as-silk nerves.

‘You better seem to have lost some weight.’ Ruan Shao Nan put down his wine glass, propped up his chin with one hand, and gazed at the person across from him who was so thin that he could almost be blown away by a gust of wind.
‘Studying too hard? Or is the nightclub job not going well?’ He seemed to be high on conversation today.
How can studying be hard? Wei Hei thought quietly, that was the opportunity she had worked so hard for, even if it was really hard, it was still sweet to her.
As for work, it was thanks to his blessing that she and Rufei hadn’t had it so good since they left the orphanage.
So you see, the heavens were fair, and when they made you lose something, they always had to give you some compensation, even if it was a drop in the bucket.
‘Perhaps you could try eating with me next time without the word ‘barely’ written so clearly on your face.’
She shuddered and raised her eyes abruptly. But he wasn’t looking at her, all his thoughts seemed to be on the steak in front of him, and it was as if the words he had just spoken were just a casual remark that hadn’t crossed his mind.
However, the wind stopped at this moment, and the air, like frozen mud, froze. Even the oxygen became a little thin, making it difficult to breathe.
‘Winter holidays are in a month, what are your arrangements?’ He changed the topic.
‘The tutor is organising a group of students to go to Lijiang to sketch.’ She whispered.
He pondered for a moment and said, ‘How about going to Europe, how about Paris? I’ll be there on a business trip in a few days, we can stay in Paris for some days, and by the way, I’ll introduce you to the professors at the Paris Academy of Fine Arts.’
The dust settled on this, and he didn’t even ask her if she was willing.
What was this?
‘It’s almost time, let’s go.’ He placed the cutlery on the table and wiped the corners of his lips elegantly with a napkin before pulling out his card and handing it to the waiter.
Undine lowered her head and looked at her shaking fingers holding the knife and fork.
These days, she had been enduring, always enduring.
But now, she really couldn’t bear it anymore, and she completely admitted defeat to him. She would rather him give her a pain, while he was like a cat that plays with mice, and like a cunning executioner. He tortured her sanity to a bloody pulp, crying out for help, but deliberately prolonged the execution, reserving only the right to slaughter.
This feeling of being on the edge of an abyss was about to overwhelm her.
‘Almost forgot ……,’ he suddenly pushed a jewellery box in front of her.
Wei Hei froze all of a sudden, and before she could recover from her surprise, he opened the lid of the box right away, and inside was a sparkling diamond necklace with a very unique pendant style, as if it was a delicate key.
He took the necklace out and walked over to Max and put it around her neck. The white skin of Maxi made the diamonds stand out.
There weren’t many customers in the restaurant, so everyone looked at them with a sidelong glance, thinking that they were a couple in love, and that the man’s handsome appearance and stooping posture were the envy of all the ladies. There was an old man who looked at them and smiled, as if to say to Max, ‘Look, child, how happy you are.
Are you really happy?
He looked at the man in front of him stiffly, and he was still elegant, comfortable as usual, without the slightest embarrassment on his face, not even a smile, as indifferent as the cold rain on that day. The cold lips were pressed against the equally cold forehead of Max, and the two of them were as cold and desperate as the wilderness.
When he turned his face away from the window, the lights were on, and people were coming and going from the north to the south. Some came in groups, some laughed and left. Only she, sitting alone in a barren wilderness, looked around ……

When晞 walked into the dressing room, Rufei was applying make-up in the mirror. As soon as she looked up, she saw Wei Hei resting her face on her shoulder, as tired as a bird without legs.
‘Still picking you up from school, eating with you, and dropping you off at work today, the silent trilogy?’
‘Killing people is nothing, what the hell does he want?’ Ru Fei became a little indignant.
Wei Hei let out a bitter laugh, ‘I wish I knew. Perhaps he was trying to drive me crazy with this silent trilogy and then send me to an insane asylum. It’s a pity that he doesn’t know that I’m actually a ‘little strong man’, soft and weak on the outside, but strong in spirit.’
‘Haha ……’ Ru Fei laughed dryly, ’It’s not funny at all.’
It’s not funny, especially when you’re in the middle of the joke,’ thought Max.
Rufei suddenly remembered something, ‘Hei, today is the seventh day of Vivian’s life.’
Hei was stunned. Yes, it was Vivian’s first birthday, and they had to pay for the funeral with a few other sisters, how could she forget such an important thing?
‘Where are her ashes?’ Max asked.
‘Old Wu took them away, and I haven’t been able to contact her family. Old Wu had just returned from a painting exhibition in Beijing and came as soon as he heard about it. An old man, holding Xiao Wen’s ashes and crying like something, it was hard for people to watch.’
Mo Rufei lit a cigarette and rubbed the corners of his eyes, ‘When he left, while crying, he said that he wanted to take Xiao Wen to Beijing to see Tiananmen Square and the Great Wall, which was her greatest wish before she died. I really didn’t expect that he was sincere to Xiao Wen. Unfortunately, she was not blessed ……’
She nonetheless couldn’t say any more, just smoked fiercely, the fire between her fingers flickered brightly, looking in the silent black night, as if it were a drop of red tears.


Chapter 5 noble wild dog

The night is deep, the city’s night sky still can not see the stars. Unhei took the rubbish bag and went to the back alley of the nightclub alone. This is probably the darkest place in the whole city, except for the occasional beggar huddled in the corner and the rats foraging for food, even the moonlight does not want to come down.
Putting the rubbish in the incinerator, dousing it with petrol, lighting a match and throwing it in, the whole routine was easy, it was part of her job at the bar.
When the dancing flames reddened her eyes, Lu looked up and wondered what she was looking at. Perhaps she wasn’t looking at anything, but the action had become a habit.
A habit of dissolving grief.
The dark nights in this city are too long, if you don’t light up the darkness for yourself, who can save you?
She took Rufus’s cigarettes and lit one, taking a light drag, the flavour was more pungent than expected. She set it down on the west side, then pulled out a stack of drawing paper from a pouch, and on the drawing paper was a vividly alive face.
Vivian, CoCo, Feng ……, Rufei and herself. This is after she went to work in the ‘absolute colour’, to each of the friends she made drawings.
The night breeze of the city brushed through her fingers and felt cold to the touch. The red embers of the fire danced in the night breeze, the sound of the wind was mute, and the ashes blown away by the wind seemed like black butterflies fluttering in the vast darkness of the night.
She looked at Xiao Wen’s young and melancholic face on the drawing paper, she was a beautiful woman who smoked all day long just like Rufei. Only, the way she smoked was sad, it was an expression that didn’t belong to this world.
So, since then, I have had a certain premonition: such a woman can not go too far in the world.
Max sighed softly and looked down at Rufei’s cigarettes, Mild Seven, the only brand of Japanese cigarettes she smoked.
I remember Ruifei said that cigarettes, like alcohol, can plug memory wounds in the moment when the soul is drawn away, if you don’t care to drink hemlock to quench your thirst.
Does it really work that well?
Doubtfully, Unhei put a cigarette to her mouth and was just about to light it ……
“Hey, you don’t want Destiny!’
Before she could come back to her senses, the cigarette on her lips was brutally jerked away.
However this uninvited guest just smiled and didn’t reply. With his black jacket slung casually over his shoulder, he lit the snatched cigarette with his hand protected. The red firelight reflected his fine black hair and crystal bright pupils, the man’s pupil hair also seems to become red, even more set off he does not look like a human being, but like a fallen angel in the legend.
Wei Hei was a little shaken, knowing that he was an exceptionally handsome man. But seeing him on such a bleak night, in such a gloomy background, her heart still throbbed.
He came over and stood beside her, staring at the blazing fire with her. Beyond the smoke and flames, Unhail smelled a distinctive and dry scent, like the deep earth. Yet he turned his face and smiled at her, and there was always an indescribable evil in that gaze, that gesture.
It was baffling that both clean and undesirable qualities could exist in this man at the same time.
‘The person who sold you cigarettes must be a handsome man.’ Chi Mo revealed a mouthful of snow-white teeth when he smiled, looking handsome and clean during the day, giving people the desire to kiss him. But looking at it at night, it seemed like some kind of beast during a hunt, Sen Sen Taxi Li.
‘Eh? How do you know?’
‘People with asthma can’t smoke, that’s common knowledge you’ve known since you were a kid. If you weren’t a handsome man, how could you be so desperate?’
Ji Mor suddenly pressed a handsome face closer to look at her, grinning badly, ‘Did I guess right?’
‘Totally wrong, the cigarettes were bought by Rufei. How would I know if the man was round or flat?’ Wei Hei took a step back, he had enjoyed teasing her like this since the day they met. Though it had long been known that his temperament was one of bluster and even cynicism. But being this close to a pretty face would always make one’s heart beat faster.
‘Huh, blushing?’
Wei Hei took another step back and discerned, ‘That’s because you’re leaning too close.’
However, the more flustered Mei Hei was, the more Ji Mo was willing to do bad things, and he had to stick close to her and talk, ‘It seems to be even redder.’
Wei Hei hastily took a big step back, and in her haste, she didn’t pay attention to her feet and almost tripped over a piece of wood. Fortunately, Ji Mor’s hand was quick to pull her back.
‘Told you you were getting too close.’ Wei Hei, who landed in the crook of Ji Suo’s arm, looked at him in shock, her cheeks scarlet.
‘Okay no, not teasing you, glass made.’ Ikimori suddenly got serious and let go of his hand, then pulled a bag of stuff out of his jacket pocket and handed it to her.
‘Here, this is for you.’
Wei Hei took it and immediately cheered up, ‘Wow, sugar fried chestnuts, is this all for me?’
Ji Mo smoothly pinched her chin and laughed, ‘Yes, silly girl.’
Ji Mo was four years older than Wei Hei, and had always taken care of her and loved her. However, in Wei Hei’s opinion, this was nothing more than love. Because, Ji Mor was Rufei’s mate, although Rufei himself never admitted it.
There were so many people who liked Ji Mor that there were hardly any women in the red light district who didn’t know about him. He was like a beautiful beast that every woman wanted. But Max had never seen Ji Mor with anyone other than Rufei for a long time. So Max took Rufei’s denials as a way of keeping a low profile so as not to attract jealousy.
Ji Mor’s history is legendary, even in the red-light district, which is full of talent.
His father was a second-generation Japanese orphan in China who returned to Japan with his mother in the 1980s and was placed in Shinjuku by the government to live on public assistance.
Born in Japan and raised in Shinjuku, he spoke both Chinese and Japanese, and spent his teenage years in Kabukicho. In that place, where various nationalities, languages, conspiracies and violence were mixed, he was able to make a good living with a group of outlaws who were also orphans of the ‘two races’.
He was a black-handed fighter with a keen sense of touch, cunning and cold, and a loner. He used to be employed in various entertainment venues as a guard, but in fact he was a fighter. He doesn’t belong to any organisation, but has attracted a large number of followers.
The life of a prodigal son, the career with no tomorrow, these are all cool things in the eyes of women, full of post-modernist decadence. But to Max, Ji Mor is just a kid.
He’s only twenty-five. What are all the other twenty-five-year-old boys doing? Are they like him, living in a constant state of danger?
Ru Fei said, Ji Mo is a wild dog out of the pack, and noble, and free, but the body …… is carrying unimaginable wounds.
Wei He believes that this may be his best interpretation of the man in front of him.

There is an abandoned basketball court outside the back alley, and every time Wei Hei comes here to burn rubbish, she will come over here to get some fresh air, to put it bluntly, it is lazy.
At the moment, she and her handsome brother, Ji Mor, were sitting on the overturned basketball hoop, looking at the city’s ghostly blue sky and eating hot, sugary fried chestnuts, which was quite indescribable.
‘Aren’t you opening in the front hall? How come you’re free to come over and deliver one to me?’ Wei Hei shook the bag in his hand, his mouth not idle as he spoke.
‘You haven’t been back for too long, so Rufei was a bit uneasy and asked me to come over to take a look. Anyway, they have them in the front hall, so I don’t need to keep an eye on them.’ Ji Mor pinched out his cigarette, snatched a freshly peeled chestnut from Hei’s hand, and stuffed it into his mouth.
‘She’s been a little nervous since that last incident. How’s it going? Are you getting used to it here?’ Wei Hei simply peeled another one for him, this person always likes to rob others.
‘It’s all just working for someone, nothing to get used to.’
‘But you’ve always refused to come here before, even though Wei Chengbao has solicited you more than once. You’ve always disliked him, but now you want to work under him?’
Chi Mo said carelessly, ‘I didn’t accept Wei Cheng Bao’s solicitations because the chances of being cannon fodder by his side were much higher than anywhere else. But now he’s offering a price several times higher than others, and I’m a money-minded person, so how could I not be moved?’
Wei Hei was unimpressed by his words, ‘It’s for Rufei, isn’t it? If you’re worried about her, just say so, why be so cool?’
Ji Mo turned his face to look at her with a smile in his eyes that bordered on mockery, ‘Don’t be so self-righteous if you don’t know anything. Do you think that me being in ‘Absolute Colour Pouring City’ will make any difference? I know what happened between you and Ru Fei that day, but let me tell you, even if I was there, I would have only stood and watched. You’re in this circle, you have to accept the rules of the game here. You, me, Ru Fei, all of us. Here, if someone helps you, it means someone wants to harm you. Someone approaching you, is someone trying to use you. Don’t be so naive as to think that anyone can be your dependant. Because sooner or later you’ll realise that the person who harms you to the bone is often the person you trust the most.’
Ji Mo threw away the chestnut shells in his hand and lit a cigarette, ‘What you guys did on that day doesn’t mean anything to me at all. So don’t expect anything from me. I’m not a good person, and what I’ve done in the past, believe me, will definitely be beyond your imagination.’

Ji Mor left, and Wei Hei was left alone to stare at the night sky of the city. There was silence all around, and the occasional cicada could be heard chirping. Perhaps it was the remoteness of the place, perhaps it was the fact that the stars were too dim today, or perhaps it was the man’s undisguised mockery that gave rise to a bleak state of mind.
Alas …… Unhei sighed at the night sky, and the stars in the sky flashed and flashed, as if they were Ru Fei s eyes.
Although she has long known that her own life to rely on their own to grasp. But in her heart, she always hold a trace of fantasy. She imagined that one day, there would be a man who would be the hero of Ruifei’s life, who would love her as passionately as he loved his own life.
Then even if one day she had to leave her, Ruofei would not have to live alone in the crowd and feel hopeless.
But all of this, after all, is just a luxury, right?


Chapter 6: Drunkenness

After work, we agreed to go to the stall to have a late-night meal. CoCo naturally brought her cool rocker boyfriend Mark, Feng brought his girlfriend Meimei, who had come from her hometown for work, and Rufei and Chi Mor were a pair.
There were seven of them, occupying eight chairs.
The group was always very noisy, even the owner of the food stall was afraid of them, but today it was surprisingly quiet. Until Ah Feng picked up his wine glass and said to the empty chairs, ‘To Xiao Wen.’
The crowd picked up their glasses and then poured all the beer in the glass onto the floor.
Women in the red light district are like floating weeds, as cheap as ants. Even though life passes like water, tragedies are staged every day and life goes on.
Everyone seems to have lightened up a bit, chatting back and forth. Hei was a bit quiet today, but Rufei was as active as ever, calling Mark’s bluff all the time, determined to get this wild, handsome man drunk.
CoCo is happy to watch the show from the sidelines, so she doesn’t help anyone. These days, valuing a friend over a woman is just as despicable as valuing a friend over a woman.
Ah Feng little two just focus on head to head talk, like two mice in love. Chi Mo has always been a man of few words on such occasions, and when someone tells a cold joke, he smiles and laughs along with them.
The TV is playing a mess of entertainment gossip news, not Hei can not watch, while picking up the not so fresh Pei Pei shrimp.
Suddenly, an image fixed her eyes.
The news was broadcasting scenes from a charity auction, and Ruan Shao Nan’s face flashed across the screen. Then the camera focused on a diamond necklace in a glass enclosure, and gave a close-up of the chic pendant.
Wei Hei wiped her eyes and finally made sure that she was not mistaken, it was the very same one she was wearing around her neck.
‘The biggest attraction of this year’s charity auction is the diamond necklace named ‘Key of Hope’. Its blue main diamond weighs 7.8 carats, and it is rumoured that it was the last royal horse of Italy, Maria Giusei, who was in love with her lover. It is said to have been the love token between the last Italian Emperor Maria Giuseppe and his lover. It is not only of exquisite craftsmanship, but also of high historical value. ……’
The entertainment reporter’s report was so vivid that it attracted the attention of most of the diners.
Then, Wei Hei saw the main auctioneer shaking hands with Ruan Shao Nan, and next to him, Wang Dong Yang received the precious auction item, with countless magnesium lights rising and falling.
The camera then panned to show Ruan Shao Nan being surrounded by a group of frenzied reporters and leaving under the protection of the staff. All the other celebrity gentlemen were left out to dry, such a scene was still rare to see.
It was no wonder, he was the talk of the town but rarely appeared in front of the media, the paparazzi naturally seized on him.
The beautiful female entertainer held the microphone and said with infinite emotion, ‘As you can see, Ruan Shao Nan, the chairman of the E-Tian Group, after auctioning this treasure at an absolutely advantageous price, he refused to be interviewed by the media and left in a hurry, which has to be said to be a regrettable thing. However, Mr Ruan’s good deeds are there for all to see. In recent years, the Yi Tian Group has been actively participating in various charitable activities ……’
After that, Wei Hei no longer had the heart to listen to the overflowing words. She subconsciously touched her neck, her heart in a state of confusion.
‘What a rich man.’ CoCo, who was sitting next to her, shook her head enviously, ‘Spending that much money on a necklace is enough to feed us for the rest of our lives.’
Then, she touched the one on Wei Hei’s neck and asked curiously, ‘Wei Hei, where did you buy this imitation? It’s quite similar.’
Hei pointed to the corner of the street, ‘Wu Ji, twenty yuan a piece, can be customised.’
Ru Fei spat out a mouthful of wine, pounded the table with one hand, and laughed his head off, this is really the coldest joke of the year.
Wei Hei glared at her indignantly, but unfortunately she didn’t see it.

‘Hey, I heard that Ruan Shao Nan has started to fully pursue Tai Huang Group, is there any insider information?’
The voice came from the neighbouring table. Wei Hei turned her face to see two white-collar looking men chatting.
Why does everyone have to talk about him? Hei thought a little wanly.
‘I’m just a small staff at E-Ten, how could I possibly know what’s going on in the upper echelons? But everyone is saying that I’m afraid Tai Huang is in deep shit this time.’
‘No way, Lu Zi Xiu is an old fox who has reigned supreme for so many years, would he be eaten so easily?’
‘Unfortunately, this time he ran into a lion, or a lion that specialises in eating foxes. Have you forgotten about the ‘Huasheng Acquisition Case’ that made a lot of noise last time? Sheng Liancheng was cunning enough, right, but what happened in the end? Ruan Shao Nan forced him to jump off a building. There’s also the ‘Xingye Acquisition Case’, how strong the Li family’s funds are, but they didn’t keep the company even after pouring all their money into it. And ……’
The content suddenly became a bit bloody, and Wei Hei felt her palms sweating and her body wincing, as if she was back to that dusk with the cold rain. She wanted to tell the two nasty guys to shut up, but unfortunately, they were in the middle of something and were chattering away.
‘So, the financial world is going to be reshuffled.’ The guys at the other table seemed quite interested as well; when men got together, the topics were nothing more than money, cars, and women.
It was exciting to be noticed, and the little white-collar man exploded with even more vigour.
‘It’s not just a reshuffle, it’s a change of dynasty. Our boss has always done things in a thunderous manner, never merciful. Look at how he’s doing so many good deeds now, it’s a way of accumulating Yin virtue for himself. But then again, if you were in his position, you would do the same. The so-called shopping mall is like a battlefield, in this circle, the human touch and whatnot, it’s just that ……’
Wei Hei was getting more and more unable to sit still, and everyone was so happy about Ruan Shao Nan’s gossip. Especially CoCo, who can’t wait to listen with her ears open.
Ru Fei noticed that Wei Hei’s face was getting uglier and uglier, and hurriedly tapped his cup with his chopsticks, yelling, ‘Hey, I say, they rich people have their rich people’s pastimes, and we have our pleasures too. Oi! Mark, have a guitar part for everyone to hear. If you don’t show your glamour, CoCo’s soul will be seduced.’
Without saying a word, Mark immediately threw away his cigarette, picked up his guitar, and casually played a passionate and wild dance song. Ru Fei clamped the cigarette and screamed, pulling CoCo and running to the street, with the rhythm of the guitar, like a free gypsy girl, happily and uninhibitedly twisting her slender waist.
Everyone laughed and applauded, blowing their mouths at them. The stars in the sky turned into lamps, the concrete road into a stage. At this moment, there was no Ruan Shao Nan, no Yi Tian Group, no bloodshed in the shopping malls, no troublesome everything.
Years later, when Wei Hei thinks of this autumn night, she still remembers: in this place forgotten by God, they are angels abandoned on earth, deprived of glory, unable to return to heaven.
However, at this very moment, their brilliant youth, with open wings of flight, bloomed as brilliantly as fireworks, warmly embracing life ……
This wonderful everything, they are really have had, this is enough.

Close to the early hours of the morning, only when everyone had finished their wine and dispersed. Luckily, it was the weekend and Max could sleep in. Ru Fei seemed to be really drunk, and she was so dizzy that she was helped to leave by Ji Mo.
She went home alone. She didn’t have to worry about Ruifei anyway, and even if Ji Mor was bad, he wouldn’t sell her out.
The place where Ji Mor lives is not much better than the house where Wei Hei lives. It’s a pigeon-cage roofed house, cold in the winter and hot in the summer. He was used to living alone, and the house was clean.
Ji Mo held Rufei in his arms as he took a shower in the half-cold, half-hot bath. Ru Fei’s face was very red, looking up at the man holding her like a slightly intoxicated flower, probably because of the wine she drank.
Ji Mor lowered his head and kissed her, it was a one-sided demanding kiss. Rufei was about really drunk, her arms hooked around the man’s neck and giggled. He grabbed her hair to keep her pretty little head from moving from side to side, feeling the silky smoothness of his fingertips.
Ruofei didn’t like having long hair, and only had a penchant for short, fashionably expressive hairstyles. The speed of getting tired of a hairstyle is always faster than the time it becomes popular. To put it bluntly, it’s just a matter of looking forward to it.
And Chi Mor, it was precisely this that he appreciated about her.
He pushed her down on her own spring bed, fished the condom out from under his pillow, and ripped the package open with his teeth. Silent bright eyes, people in the dark, as if a cheetah ready to go.
The old springs creaked as they made love. He thought he heard Rufus humming a song, quite a sad tune. She was really drunk, he couldn’t remember how many times he’d brought the drunken cat home, and almost every time she’d had a shocker and then managed to forget all about it the next morning.
For that matter, he really admired her for being able to be so heartless.
‘Any idea what we’re doing?’ He clasped her face, making love to an unconscious woman felt like a form of ecstasy, and he felt the need to remind her of that.
Ru Fei laughed, fine white fingers stroked the man’s face, learnt his tone, deliberately trailed off his voice and responded very seriously, ‘I know ah ……’ then put her fingers on his beautiful lips and said mysteriously. ‘Hush, sister sings to you.’
At that moment, Ji Mor really wanted to throw her out of the impulse.

It was almost dawn when Chi Mor rolled over and fell asleep. Rufus was sitting on the windowsill smoking a cigarette with his shirt draped over him, and the city in front of him was the darkest moment before dawn.
How should I describe the feeling when everyone is asleep and you are the only one who is awake? It’s rather like being drunk and awake alone.
And in fact, Ru Fei’s ability to drink is indeed not generally good, even beyond his Chi Mor’s imagination.
She was never that easy to get drunk.
Legend has it that there are two kinds of people in the world who get drunk. One kind of people live in the red wine, red dust and colour, the spirit is indeed incomparable sobriety. The other kind of person is just the opposite, all the time is not calm and self-composed, turn over the hand for the clouds and turn over the hand for the rain, make them drunkenness, is the spirit.
Obviously, she was the first kind of person.
Ru Fei smiled a little, the breath of this man still lingered on her lips, but there was a black void in her heart, as if it was a bottomless abyss, dark and gloomy, as if all the darkness in the world was cooked inside, so deep that she couldn’t see the end.
She looked at the sleeping back of the man on the bed, she liked to look at his back, the front side of him was too arrogant and cold, so that people were not allowed to get close. The back, on the other hand, was like a quiet child with a warm outline.
Ru Fei sighed, every time she didn’t want to have sex with him, when she was in a low mood, when she was sad, when she was sad, she would pretend to be drunk. Unfortunately, Chi Mor couldn’t read it every time, or, he was unwilling to read it.
The moment he came in, she actually wanted to shed a tear.
She knew that he appreciated how she turned around beautifully and let go cleanly.
She knew that he liked her body and coveted her smell.
She knew that she hadn’t expected anything from him since the first day they met.
She knew the pain he felt inside. Countless nights, that loneliness that could not be told in words, was painfully and clearly released in her body, and she felt it more deeply than anyone else.
But then she lay there on the not-so-comfortable spring bed, looking at his face steeped in desire. His eyes were closed, his lips slightly parted, as if he was in a very beautiful place, and that place had her.
There had been a momentary urge to tell him that, in fact, she didn’t really care about anything.
But, she wouldn’t say it.
It was clear what the outcome would be, so it was better not to say it.
Ru Fei turned her face and opened the window, her outstretched arm felt the coolness of the dew, and her lonely heart was like the misty breeze between the buildings.
She gently closed her eyes ……


Chapter 7 The Butcher’s Anvil

Ru Fei did not know that the same night, far away in another corner of the city there is a person just like her, before the dawn of the city, counting stars against the night sky.
Wei Hei was sitting on her bed, looking at the necklace hanging on her finger, the blue main diamond was still bright in the night, like the ‘Heart of the Ocean’ in ‘Titanic’, which had made countless fans fall in love with it.
She remembered that its name was the ‘Key of Hope’. Ruan Shao Nan had auctioned it off for a price she couldn’t imagine, and then put it around her neck without saying anything.
After all of this, she seemed to understand something, but she didn’t seem to understand anything at all.
Not wanting to think about it anymore, she lay in bed, tossing and turning again, tormented by anxiety. So she turned on the radio and listened to the early morning programme.
There was an old song playing on the radio, the melody of the intro was a bit sad, maybe it was the time of the day, even the sound of the song had the fog of the early morning.
He poured himself a glass of ice water, looked at the lonely city before dawn, and listened quietly.

Memories are like a storyteller.

In a tone filled with the accent of the countryside.

Jumping over the puddles, round the village.

Waiting for the fate of meeting.

You made a city out of clay.

Said you would marry me in the future.

How many times have I turned around, how many times have I passed through the door.

Throwing away my youth. ……

The lyrics are very beautifully written, mournful, but not hurtful. Wei Hei forgot whether she had listened to the whole thing or not, but only remembered that she followed the melody and gently hummed and hummed, and slowly …… fell asleep.
That night, she had a dream, a golden dream. She still did not remember the content of the life, but felt that she forgot all the pain, happy as if she was in heaven.
A voice kept echoing in her ears, separated by endless years and long time, indistinct and long, as if floating in the sky.
‘Little Wei Hei, you must remember, you must grow up quickly, when you grow up you will be my bride ……’
She must have cried, cried in her dream. This voice had been hidden from her for so long, so …… long that she had already forgotten whether it was just a dream she had made up, or whether it had really existed.
So many hard years, so many painful times, so many unspeakable humiliations and injuries, she gritted her teeth and bore them silently.
She knew that it was not just to live, or to live with more dignity, but because she still held a glimmer of hope in her heart. She hoped that one day, the person with whom she had made a promise would really appear in front of her and light up the darkness for her.
According to the promise, she grew up. But everything changed, her fairy tale twisted and turned violent and bloody.
She whimpered with the abandon of a child in this golden dream world. She cried at the top of her lungs, sobbing so hard that her whole body curled up together and shrunk into a tiny ball. By the end of her crying, the tears were no longer coming out, only a shuddering, using her whole body.

You couldn’t hear my wails of pain.

But do you remember?

That summer, we listened to the sound of the wind together.

Do you still miss it?

Those little promises we made back then, those little promises.

Do you still believe that?

I was in hell, looking up to the sun, looking up to you ……

When I woke up, the light in the room was dim, the sun had already slipped in the west.
When she woke up, the house was dark and the sun was already in the west. When she looked at the alarm clock, the hour hand was pointing to 5:00 p.m. She had slept for the whole day. If she didn’t come back, she should be with Ji Mo, right?
She hadn’t eaten anything for the whole day, but her stomach felt like it was full of stones, she had no appetite at all, and her head ached as if it was going to split open. She went into the bathroom and turned on the light, seeing the person in the mirror with dishevelled hair and red eyes.
She remembered that Ruan Shao Nan had asked her out for dinner in the evening.
She hurriedly washed her face, changed her clothes, grabbed the things she needed to bring, went downstairs, walked two blocks, and saw Ruan Shao Nan’s car parked there.
Wei Hei opened the door and got in, the driver started the engine and the car seemed like a drop of water, blending into the city’s tidal wave of traffic.

‘Why are your eyes red? Did you just cry?’ Ruan Shao Nan was looking at the performance report, and glanced at Wei Hei, then went back to his own business.
‘Laid up all day, probably slept too much.’
He pulled the corners of his lips in a smirk, asking with slight sarcasm, ‘Is that so?’
Unhei felt a chill run down her spine, this man was so taxing it was almost scary.
She took a deep breath and finally made up her mind, ‘Mr Ruan, I think we need to talk.’
‘Talk about what?’ He didn’t even look at her, and didn’t seem the least bit interested in what she was proposing.
Unh opened her backpack and took out the beautiful jewellery box, placing it on the seat, ‘Perhaps we can start with this. It’s too expensive for me to take.’
Ruan Shao Nan didn’t think so, and spoke as if he was dealing with a child having a temper tantrum, ‘So that’s what this is about, it seems that we have a different understanding of what “expensive” means. It’s just a trinket. If you don’t like it, just throw it away.’
Wei Hei suddenly realised that she was simply incapable of communicating with the man in front of her.
‘There’s also this ……,’ Hei simply poured out the contents of his backpack, a whole twelve piles of red cash.
‘This is the money you gave me in the first place, or perhaps I should say, the money you bought me. If you don’t want to fulfil your rights, then I will withdraw my obligations as well. In the meantime, in order to secure your costs, please take the money back.’
Ruan Shao Nan turned his face to look at her, his eyes seemed to be quenched with ice. Wei Hei knew that she had finally succeeded in getting his attention. But she wasn’t happy about it, because her intuition told her that the man in front of her was in the midst of warm anger, and she …… seemed to be a little too close to him. Her heart pounded, almost in her throat.
‘Of course, if you want to settle for silver and goods now, I have no objection; you are the buyer, and everything is at your pleasure. Only, after dawn, allow us to go our separate ways from here on out.’
At this point in the conversation, Max felt her heart almost fail her.
She looked at him helplessly, almost pleadingly, ‘Mr Ruan, I really don’t have the energy to spend any more time with you. I’m just an ordinary student, and I still want to live my own life, so just do me a favour and please let me go. ……’
With a crunching sound, Ruan Shao Nan shut down his laptop almost roughly, and Wei Hei was shocked by his sudden action.
He hadn’t said a word or looked at her. The car was on its way, the air in the compartment almost stagnant, and all that could be heard was the beeping of the engine.
He finally turned his face, as if looking at her with ulterior motives, and suddenly smiled softly, ‘You’re right, I’m the buyer. Whether I let you go or not depends on my mood. In fact, I’m so happy with you that I can’t let you go. Even if you commit yourself to me today, it’s just more excuses for me to tie you up. So ……’ he suddenly clasped her chin with one hand, his icy fingers freezing the bottom of one’s heart, ’want to use provocation, let me let you go? I tell you, this idea sucks. With your little three-legged skills, I advise you to save your breath.’
Wei Hei almost despaired and looked at him helplessly, ‘Ruan Shao Nan, killing is only a headache. Even if you want to take revenge, but there is a head for the grievances, there is a head for the debts, you bullied an unresisting girl like this, don’t you think you’ve gone too far?’
The man’s eyes widened, inexplicably looking at her.
Wei Hei bit the tip of her own tongue until it was raw and painful, but she finally spoke, even with a slight smile, ‘You see, when you first met me, I was only fourteen years old. So many years have passed, and we’ve both changed so much that I’ve almost forgotten what you look like, and you probably don’t quite recognise me either. However, you wouldn’t fail to remember my name. To be exact, you wouldn’t forget everyone in our Lu family, would you?’
Wei Hei looked into the man’s eyes and just stared straight at him, as if she was trying to travel through long stretches of time, through the pale years, searching for the handsome young man in her memory.
‘My surname is Lu, the chairman of Tai Huang Group, Lu Zi Xiu, is my father, and he is the one who caused your family to fall apart. To be precise, we are world enemies. You won’t not remember ……’
The car finally stopped and the driver walked off, quickly going nowhere. Unhail had no idea where this was, and the silence of the man beside him was downright terrifying.
‘You want revenge, there’s nothing wrong with that. But please, find the right person.’ Unh felt she had to make her position clear, otherwise, she was afraid she would be more than cannon fodder tonight.
‘You may have investigated me, so you should know that I left the Lu family seven years ago. To them, I’m just a forgotten outcast daughter, they don’t care if I live or die. Moreover, I was still a child back then, and the Ruan family’s tragedy had nothing to do with me. So you shouldn’t vent your resentment on me. Theoretically, I am innocent ……’
Ruan Shao Nan interrupted her with a cold smile, ’I never thought you were innocent.’
‘What did you say?’ Wei Hei didn’t understand what he meant.
‘It’s not just the Lu family that owed me back then, it’s also you!’
Wei Hei’s eyes widened suddenly as Lu Shao Nan grabbed her arm and with a cannibalistic brute force, almost dragging, dragged her from the car.
‘Ruan Shao Nan, what are you doing?’ Wei Hei’s entire body fell to the ground, she was terrified, she struggled wildly as if she was desperate, but she was simply no match for his strength.
Outside was a wide courtyard, and the car was parked in front of a villa. This is a suburb, surrounded by uninhabited, not even see the maid. Or maybe there were servants at all, just seeing such a scene, no one dared to care, and no one wanted to care.
Ruan Shao Nan dragged her all the way, dragging her up the stairs and into the bedroom. His face was cold and he didn’t say a word, as if he was a Shura from hell, cruel and cold-blooded, not even caring if he would hurt her. Under the man’s brute force, she looked like a lamb on a platter, no matter how miserable she screamed, no matter how loud she screamed, no one cared, no one asked her questions.
He threw her onto the carpet and casually left the door open. Then sharply, he removed his coat, tore off his tie, then simply ripped off his shirt with one hand, crystal buttons crackling on the carpet.
The implication was cruel!
Unh struggled to get up from the floor and stumbled towards the door, only to be yanked back by a handful of his hair.
The round king-sized bed was a light aqua-blue colour, as if it was a deep sea, full of romance, but at this moment, it had become a butcher’s chopping block.
Ruan Shao Nan was almost like a cunning executioner! He knew how to press her down, could make her unable to struggle without hurting her too much. He knew how to block her cries for help, making her scream for help. He even knew what kind of threats to use to make her give up her armour and give in completely.
He is a cold-blooded executioner, let her hot tears in his cheeks into a river, let her how much she cried and begged, he is also like an iceberg, not the slightest move.
The rose in the bottle blossomed wantonly, bright red like blood, beckoning a beautiful life, but can instantly wither. Review a nearly desperate release, no past, no future, no hope, only a dazzling bleakness.
Her bright body was exposed to the pale moonlight, and her pained eyes rose and fell silently in his cold sight.
Finally, in the nick of time, she begged him almost brokenly, ‘Nan, Nan, please ……’
In fact, …… she knew what he wanted to hear, all along.
But she couldn t say it, she couldn t say it even after she bit her lip. But on the verge of breaking, his toughness forced her to almost collapse. She hadn’t thought that he could go this far, that she was his undoing, that she was forced to submit to his coldness.
This monophonic nickname, an intimate code word that only the two of them would say together, gently circled around the tip of the tongue as if it were an autumn breeze blowing through the fields, warm and lonely.
Ruan Lu and his family was originally a family friend, Ruan Shao Nan older, but when she was a child, she never called him ‘brother’ like the other siblings, she did not want to be too far away from him, she only called him ‘Nan’.
‘So, you still remember, you remember everything.’ Ruan Shao Nan held her tear-wet face, ‘Little Wei Hei, you were never innocent, you owe me a promise. You promised to be my bride.’
Her tears were like a river that had opened its floodgates and ran out uncontrollably. Yes, she had always remembered, and she had never dared to forget it, even though her life had been a series of ups and downs and a thousand disappointments.
He held her body trembling from crying and crying, constantly calling her name, ‘Wei Hei, Wei Hei …… I know that you will hate me. What I did today will make you hate me. But ……’
He paused, cupping her face in his hands and forcing her to look into his eyes, ’I won’t let you go. Your Lu family owes me too much, and I’m going to collect the debt from everyone …… including you.’


Chapter 8 The First Night

When the sky let up, Wei Hei walked out of the bedroom. She saw a florist mowing the lawn in the courtyard and a cook in the kitchen preparing breakfast. It turned out that it wasn’t that there were no people here, but that those people knew how to turn into air at the right time.
The maids all flinched when they saw her. It was no wonder that she was still standing here in full bloom after last night’s fiasco.
Hei walked out of the villa alone, no one stopped her, and she didn’t have to answer to anyone.
She didn’t have to talk to anyone. When she was about to walk out the door, the early driver came over and asked if she wanted to use the car.
She didn’t say anything, just waved her hand and walked away without looking back.
She walked up the road and stopped a bus into the city with some other early risers.
As soon as she got on the bus, someone gave her a strange look. Unsure of what to make of this, she looked down and saw that her neck was covered in red and purple. She realised that she had been in such a hurry that she hadn’t noticed. She tried to cover it up with her hand, but the red marks on her wrist were even more shocking.
Wei Hei sat in the last row of seats, where it was more spacious. She curled up and hugged her knees, as if that would ease the discomfort. She was in so much pain that she cowered in the corner of the car, shivering. The half-length skirt hid the purple and blue patches and bruises on her thighs, but it was hard to hide the blinding splash of crimson on her calves.
‘Child, are you alright, do you want me to call the police for you?’ An old woman next to her looked at her nervously.
She shook her head and said with a wan expression, ‘Thank you, no.’
Wei Hei leaned her face against the car window and looked out at the rolling coastline, with a cool sea breeze blowing in, bringing in bits of golden sand.
The morning sea breeze was a little chilly, and she was dressed thinly. Protecting her chest with her hand, she felt a heavenly twinge. She seemed to see Ruan Shao Nan’s eyes burning brightly in the darkness again, eyes that were so firm and cold.
At that time, his hand was on her neck, his lips pressed against her ear, and he was even breathing cold.
‘I’ve been waiting for you to grow up since you were fourteen winds. After so many years, after such a long gap, you finally grew up and appeared in front of me, but you forgot all about me. You know what, Max? How sad I was when I realised that? I was waiting for you to remember me. You were just a hand’s reach away, and I didn’t dare to get close, and I thought about you every day, and I suffered. Yet, now you’re telling me that you turned out to remember everything.’
Ruan Shao Nan suddenly laughed a little, his fingers tightened, ‘Perhaps, I should really strangle you.’
She felt a wave of suffocation, but it wasn’t death that awaited her, and it was a more horrible feeling than death.
It was and life and death, it was love and hate, it was half heaven and half hell, it was going to tear her body, her soul, into messy pieces and put them back together again in a way that was so extraordinary that it made her several times more deformed and painful.
‘Nan, no, please, please ……’ She flinched instinctively like a terrified child, struggling with fear and panic.
But she couldn’t stop him. She couldn’t care about her dignity, she trembled on top of him and begged him, but she couldn’t stop his coldness and determination.
He held her body down and just ignored it.
Sharp stabbing pain underneath her body, she suddenly choked, as if crying and closed her breath, her head against the white pillowcase, steeply opened her eyes and looked straight at the ceiling, like a fish thrown on the shore.
His strong body covered her, breathing coldly in her ear, and said to her in an incomparably cold voice: ‘Wei Hei, you are mine ……’
Her consciousness instantly blanked out, as if she only realised at this moment what she had lost. She pushed back hard against the man’s strong chest, as if that would be enough to escape this brutal predation and all this horror.
She cried and struggled in his arms like a bad-tempered child, tears falling in bunches and spilling onto the man’s strong arms.
The man squeezed her tightly, clasping her wrists with one hand and cupping her chin with the other. His eyes were cold and quiet as he told her in that cruel tone, ‘If you don’t want to face it, I don’t mind saying it again, you’re mine. In this life, the next, and the next, you’re mine. Don’t you dare try to run away!’
The last few words were almost gritted teeth. As if to validate his words, he possessed her without a care in the world, lifting her long, beautiful legs and burying himself into her snow-white, trembling body again and again. His eyes were so cold, his thrusts so hard, the gorgeous vintage bed creaked, creaked as if it were some sort of punishment, unmerciful.
She was in excruciating pain, her wrists held above her head by his clasp, her eyes lost in thought as she stared at the ceiling. She bit her lip and told herself to bear it, bear it, bear it and it would pass. Just like when you were a child, bear with it, the humiliation and hurt that was much more painful than this, didn’t you survive it all?
Bear with it, just bear with it again ……
But just at this moment, the man holding her seemed to see through her mind. He lifted her chin, so that her eyes overflowing with tears, to his eyes driven red by desire. He looked at her with such a persistent and affectionate gaze, kissing her lovingly, as if she were the most precious thing in his life, as if what he was embracing in his arms was his entire being. Yet, at the slightest movement on her part, he would increase his force to keep her from defecting.
Like a mighty monarch, he braced his arm on the side of her face, ravaging, possessing, enjoying without mercy. His teeth nipped at her slender collarbone and his lips contained her reddish bud, like a greedy child and like a terrifying demon, teasing her weak body and the most fragile nerves in her brain.
Her hands at some point wrapped around his strong spine, her slender legs encircled his rhythmic waistline, her nails scratched haphazardly on his strong skin, and her frail body involuntarily greeted him with a slight poignancy and endearing beauty. She was breathing heavily, murmuring under her breath, her cheeks flushed, her dark eyes, like water flowing in the dark, clear and mesmerised. Yan Benefits’ pain slowly receded, turning into extreme pleasure, extreme sweetness with his primitive and wild rhythm.
His strong plundering over and over again shattered her world and shook her body. Until the moment he ascended to the top, he clasped her cheeks, staring at her confused eyes for an instant, watching how she moaned and trembled, how she chaotically trembled under his icy gaze.
He was using his actual actions to show her how ridiculous her passive resistance really was, how powerless she really was at this moment.

When everything subsided, she whimpered like a small animal in despair, tears streaming out in bunches. She really wanted to hate him, but he had chosen to kiss her tears dry and murmur his tenderness in her ear at the moment when she was most upset.
He said so many, many words to her, all of them long ago yellowed memories, gently drifting out from his beautiful lips, in an infinitely warm tone, loving her pain.
The swing in the old Lu family mansion, the maple trees in the southern mountains, the starlight in the wilderness, the golden autumn leaves. Wherever the autumn wind passes, it always seems like a golden rain falls in the yard. There is also that beautiful butterfly kite, which was trampled by her brothers again and again, and was repaired by him again and again ……
These good times they shared, these only scaled claws of fragments, side trivialities, many of which were forgotten by herself, but he remembered, and a person who preserved them so well. Only looking forward to the reunion time, can take out to savour, across the heavy light of day, with her to revisit the past all kinds of.
However, he did not expect that the reunion that he had longed for was such a sad outcome.
He kissed her tear-dampened eyelashes, the person in his arms is still sobbing uncontrollably, he gently murmured, ‘Wei Hei, there must be something wrong, this is with my expected reunion is too much too much ……’
Wei Hei’s tears fell drop by drop, she also wants to know, from the fourteen years old, this man had been treasured by her for seven years, seven whole years. She hid him in the most secret corner of the Lord, stayed alone with him, unknown to anyone. And now, why was it that when they could have held each other close, there was only painful possession, not the expected blissful sweetness?
He covered her once more, pressing her slender wrists against the snowy pillowcase, his strong muscles pressing against every inch of her softness. Tearful and trembling with pain, she looked almost pleadingly at the man who had possessed her so mercilessly, only to feel that something had drained the breath from her entire body.
She didn’t have the strength to argue with him any more, to resist anything. She just let him hold her, let him kiss her delicately, let him dominate her body over and over again, and that sentence he repeated countless times, spell-like, echoing icily in her dark, undefined dreams.
He said, ‘Max, you’re mine.’

As she thought about it, she felt as if she were getting colder. She rubbed her arms carelessly, as if that would warm her up. Ruan Shao Nan hadn’t woken up when she’d left, he’d seemed exhausted to the point of exhaustion, and she’d just fled without leaving a word behind. She didn’t quite dare to think about what the consequences would be, nor did she know what the heroine was supposed to do if this was really a story about love rather than revenge, as it usually developed.
Out of instinct, at that moment, she just wanted to leave.
The bus had already driven into the city, Wei Hei got off and took a taxi straight home.

Ru Fei took the ointment for bruises, looked at Wei Hei lying on the bed sweating, picked up her wrist and asked, ‘What’s going on here?’
‘I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the wrong place, with the wrong person, had a wrong negotiation, he made a wrong decision, I eat my own.’ Wei Hei finished in one breath and took a sip of ginger soup.
Rufei stared at her for a long time, and finally shrugged helplessly, ‘You leave me speechless.’
Wei Hei nodded and said as she sipped the ginger soup, ‘Then don’t say anything.’
Wei Hei didn’t look at Ru Fei again and just kept her head down and drank the ginger soup. She knew that her reaction to the incident was too numb in Rufei’s eyes. But what could she do? She herself was still in a state of confusion. What she should do, what she shouldn’t do, what she could do, what she couldn’t do, she had done it all in the last ten hours.
Wei Hei knew that she had made a huge mistake, she shouldn’t have picked everything up in such a way at a time like this, and it just happened to give the other party a reason, a reason that clearly hurt her, and could still be uplifted.
The mobile phone suddenly rang, Wei Hei was drinking ginger soup and was so shocked that she almost spilled it.
Rufei looked at his mobile, ‘It’s me.’
Only then did Wei Hei remember that she hadn’t turned on her mobile phone since she came out of Ruan Shao Nan’s villa.
Rufei answered the phone, first froze, then looked at Wei Hei who was drinking ginger soup and handed the phone to her, ‘It’s for you.’
Wei Hei’s face, which had just turned a little red, turned white.
Rufei looked at Wei Hei’s frightened look and took back the phone and answered, ‘Mr Ruan, she’s asleep.’
Wei Hei didn’t know what Ruan Shao Nan said, she only saw Ru Fei on the phone while going around the room, then covered the phone and said to her, ‘He said if you don’t answer it, he’ll be right over.’
Wei Hei found that this man could always push her to the brink. She had no choice but to pick up the phone and try to keep her voice calm, ‘Mr Ruan, you wanted to see me?’
‘Wei Hei, we need to talk.’ His voice seemed like the winter wind, clear and cold.
‘Mr Ruan, I think ……,’ Wei Hei hesitated, ’we should have already talked.’
‘So that’s your decision?’ His tone sounded very unhappy.
He was grinning again, as if he was careless, but Undine knew that it was a precursor to his anger.
‘My little Max, you shouldn’t be like this.’
Unh’s heart hung in her throat and she was about to say something when there was a click and a busy signal and he simply hung up.
‘What did he say?’ Rufus asked.
‘He said ……,’ Unhei said as if she hadn’t recovered, ’I shouldn’t have.’
Kifu frowned, ‘What do you mean? A threat? Or a request?’
Unhei handed the phone back to her and smiled bitterly, ‘It sounded like a request, the tone …… was more like a threat.’
‘Shit!’ Rufus stood up at once, rubbing his fists together, ‘Let’s say it’s a threat, then what is it that he can’t do? Or, what is there that he is afraid of? People are about to kill us, we can’t just sit back and wait.’
Unhei shook her head in despair, ‘Not that I know of.’
Ru Fei looked at her with something close to pity and patted him on the shoulder in a comforting manner, ‘Then what can I do for you now?’
Wei Hei only felt a headache like pins and needles, she fell onto the bed and said breathlessly, ‘Collect my body for me ……’
Ru Fei pulled her up, ‘Wei Hei, I told you, don’t joke with me like that, it’s not funny. ’
Wei Hei looked at Ruifei’s worried eyes, sighed, pressed against her forehead, and said seriously, ‘I’m not joking. Rufei, you have to be prepared. I grew up in the Lu family, so I have a premonition. Something big is about to happen soon, and its ferocity might be no less than a raging storm. Whether it’s Ruan Shao Nan or those from the Lu family, they don’t care if I’m innocent or if I’m simply uninterested in participating in the war. As long as there’s a need, either of them will take me on their backs and won’t hesitate at all.’


Chapter 9: Meeting on a Narrow Road

Whether it was a joke or not, since that night, Ru Fei had been as nervous as a tightly strung piano, always on the verge of snapping. Hei went to class, went to work, and went out for a night on the town as usual, with a face that didn’t look like it was on the verge of breaking.
But Rufei knew that she had become different. She was afraid, a strange kind of afraid. This kind of fear is not on her face, can’t be expressed in words, can’t even be cathartic, but is engraved in her blood and bones, and is closely related to her, following her like a shadow.
The terrible thing was that she was powerless to struggle at all. Because a part of her life, has been branded with that man. Or rather, it was that man who had used an almost cunning means to draw his own traces on a blank sheet of paper.
This made Ru Fei feel cruel, this was a kind of invisible violence, striking at your nerves, which would make you bleed invisible blood, yet cry out for help powerless.
On the contrary, Ruan Shao Nan seemed to be living a springtime life, always low-profile people uncharacteristically frequent in the newspaper, always accompanied by different beauties, ringed with fat and thin, flowers and willows. He has never looked for Wei Hei, as if they were strangers in different worlds. It was as if nothing had ever happened, like a nightmare that disappeared at the end of the night.
The storm seemed to have died down in an instant, as if, all at once, Max had been forgotten in the crowd of people at the end of the street.
Kisha had wondered if this was the man’s way of exacting revenge. She really didn’t know if he had succeeded or failed.
Unhei didn’t say anything about his scandal, didn’t see her disappointed, and didn’t see her celebrating. Sometimes she would look at him on TV and wonder what was missing.
When she saw this, she didn’t know if she should be happy for her or sad.
She knew what that man meant to Max, it was the best and most desperate vision of her entire childhood, teenage years, and even her entire life.

‘The city of colours is just as colourful as it used to be. Life and death, marriage and funeral, that is all outside. No matter how much the outside world changes, this place is still a place of song and dance.
Ruan Shao Nan didn’t patronise this place anymore, he seldom went to this kind of place to spend his time. Ling Luchuan was still a regular, but he didn’t ask Ru Fei to accompany him. However, Wei Hei, who was responsible for delivering drinks to the VIP box, inevitably had to meet this man.
He was never a gentleman, let alone a nice man. He seemed to live outside the rules of morality and never hid his interest in what he was interested in. A pair of beautiful danfeng eyes, when looking at WeiXi, always so wantonly rude. But all along, perhaps because of Ruan Shao Nan’s favour, he did not do anything excessive.
But now ……

Wei Hei half-kneeled on the carpet, took the champagne out of the ice bucket, used the corkscrew to open it with familiarity, and then poured it into a glass. Ling Luchuan sat on the sofa and looked at her with a smile.
The box is very lively, a few ladies and Ling Luchuan brought guests singing KTV. there are a few people who are drunk, singing absurdly.
This kind of noise has long been accustomed to, listen to it more and do not find it difficult to hear, but this skill really can not be practised in a day.
‘Hey, tired of this song, change the song.’ I don’t know who said a word.
This place is all computerised song ordering, and the ladies all do it. Wei Hei was busy refilling each person’s glass with ice, and when she looked up, the music was still playing, but the people had already left.
Except for one person.
This situation was clearly a clear out, Wei Hei was a little nervous and subconsciously looked at the door of the box.
Ling Luchuan laughed, leaning lazily on the sofa and looking at her, ‘What are you afraid of? I don’t eat people.’
He Ling Luchuan is not eating people, but the things he did are more horrible than eating people. When she thought about what happened that night, she still had a bad feeling about it.
Seeing that Wei Hei looked like she was on guard, the smile at the corner of her mouth became more obvious, ‘Don’t be so nervous, I didn’t tell them to do that. But it’s just that everyone saw me staring at you all the time, so they took it upon themselves to do something. Don’t worry, you’re Shao Nan’s woman, he and I are both buddies and business partners, I won’t touch his woman.’
Suddenly hearing Ruan Shao Nan’s name, Wei Hei had some dawning pain, she raised her head and looked at Ling Luchuan with little expression, ‘Mr Ling, the wine has been poured. If you’re fine, I’ll be going out.’
‘Wait!’ Ling Luchuan pulled her back with no control of his force, and Wei Hei fell onto the sofa.
‘What are you doing?’ Wei Hei was a little nervous as she looked at the uncertain face in front of her.
‘Don’t be in such a hurry to leave, there is something to say to you ……’ He suddenly pressed against her ear, as if he really wanted to say something to her. I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, his lips if anything slid over her earlobe, and his warm breath blew on her neck. Thus, the wild memories of that night were all of a sudden hooked up by him without any defence.
Wei Hei subconsciously averted her face, and the roots of her ears suddenly turned red.
Ling Luchuan paused for a moment, a wrench on her chin, sharp eyes as if a scalpel, staring at her for a long time, a smile of understanding, ‘You’re not the same as last time, heh …… really did not think that Shao Nan has always been cautious when it comes to women, and this time, the action is really fast. Just, I have one thing I don’t understand, what happened between you guys? How come it was so fast …… for him to hit the cold palace?’
Did this man come specifically to see her joke today? Then he was a little bit bored.
Wei Hei pushed his hand away in disgust, but this man has some bad taste, the more others dislike him, the more he wants to tease.
He pushed his hand a little harder, and his head and neck were pinned to the back of the sofa, and after his first experience, he didn’t dare to move.
The man smiled slightly, as if satisfied, and nibbled on the good chin, ‘Actually, I wanted to tell you that I really quite like you. As long as you are his woman, I will not move you. However, if you guys go your separate ways now, then you might as well consider me. You see, I have everything he has, and I can give you what he can give you. Besides, he only thinks about making money every day, how uninteresting. I’ve never had much patience with women, but I’ll make an exception for you. Perhaps ……’ he rubbed his thumb over Max’s lips and said excitedly, ’we could have a little love affair first, to cultivate a relationship?’
Wei Hei realised that she had reached the point where she could not tolerate this boring and overbearing son of a bitch.
‘Ling Shao, since you already know my current situation, please raise your hand and don’t make fun of me as an abandoned wife. And …… ‘Wei Hei smiled, “Although I’ve seen little, I still understand the principle of ”rabbits don’t eat grass by the side of the nest’.’
Ling Luchuan looked at her in surprise for a moment, and then smiled, his eyebrows and eyes all spread out, very happy look.
Wei Hei’s chin was being held by his thumb, and her neck was still in his hands, so she could only be forced to look up at him, her heart in turmoil. This man was just like Ruan Shao Nan, smiling even when he was happy, smiling even when he wasn’t happy, all with the face of a marquis who was as deep as the sea, making it hard to pinpoint him.
The next moment, he pulled her hair and laughed coldly, ‘Eloquent, beware, I’ll pull out all your teeth sooner or later.’
Wei Hei’s scalp was numb with pain, she wondered if anyone would come to her rescue before she was screwed to death by this devil king.
‘I’m not Shao Nan, I don’t have that good manners. Remember, next time, don’t put your disgust so obviously on your face. Such a woman makes one’s stomach turn.’ Then unexpectedly, he opened his snow-white teeth to bite her lips, punishment-like, after biting one side, he switched sides again.
He must be a madman! A complete lunatic! As she struggled, she cursed him in her mind, but she couldn’t match his strength. This man seemed to be getting more and more addicted to the game, his hand had already probed into the collar of her shirt, and with a smooth and vigorous pull, revealing the straps of her bra. He lowered his head and smiled, biting it aside with his teeth with interest, kissing on her alabaster skin, very hard, maliciously leaving a series of red and purple marks.
‘Ling Luchuan, let go!’ Wei Hei was completely cornered by him and shouted to stop him, not even caring about her fear.
Just then, a shrill bell suddenly rang outside, a fire alarm! Countless feet running around outside, ‘absolute colour’ immediately boiling into the sky, chaos into a pot of porridge.
‘Ling Shao ……’ The bodyguard knocked on the door outside.
Only then did Ling Luchuan let go of his hand, satisfied with the look at the eyes of Hei Hei dense, scared and afraid of the look, comforting as if kissing her forehead, sorted out his clothes, but also did not forget to help Hei Hei pulled the collar of the mess, and only then satisfied with the walk out.
He was still on the sofa for a second, breathing a heavy sigh of relief, when it suddenly occurred to him that this was a fire alarm. Nightclubs were full of flammable and explosive materials, and a real fire was no joke.
She hurriedly ran out of the box, but the corridor was only chaotic like ants, did not smell the smell of fireworks.
Then, heard Wei Chengbao in a place not far away from the storm, ‘Damn! Who was it that idly pulled the alarm.’


Chapter 10 You Thought I Was Pregnant

“Special news reports that Lu Ze Hei, the eldest son of the chairman of the Tai Huang Group, has been arrested by the public security authorities yesterday night for allegedly raping an underage girl. The girl was forced to take a large amount of prohibited drugs and is still in a coma, and according to the hospital, her condition is quite dangerous. The case is still under further investigation, but the involvement of Lu Zexi, who is a high-ranking member of the group, will have an adverse impact on the Tahuang Group. Some stock experts believe that the price of the company’s shares will plummet today. This will certainly add to the woes of the company, which is being pursued by Yitian. ……’
When the morning news reported this story, Max and Rufei were having breakfast at the snack bar downstairs.
Ru Fei was stunned at first, then shook her head and said to Max, ‘I finally understand what it means to get what’s coming to you. Your big brother also counted the crime deserved, just that girl poor, I do not know whether it can be saved?’
‘Can not be saved ……,’ said Wei Hei in a low voice as he took a sip of soya milk.
Wei Hei’s certainty surprised Rufei a little, ‘Why?’
‘There are no karmic retributions in this world, only predetermined traps. Rape, three to seven years at most. But if this results in the death of the other person, it’s a felony. The person who set it up doesn’t want to teach him a lesson, but wants to screw him over. What’s the point of this trap if the girl can be saved?’
She non suddenly understood something and asked, ‘Ruan Shao Nan, you suspect him?’
Wei Hei shook his head, ‘It’s not suspicion, I’m almost certain. Lu Ze Hei is indeed an animal, but he is not an idiot. He has the means, the brains, when he was a child, he could make other people live and die, and he himself is dripping with water. When he grew up, he should have been even more high-handed, so how could he have been caught in the act? Even if he was careless for a moment, but the Lu family has been calling the shots for so many years and has a wide range of contacts, how could he let the news get out so quickly?’
Ru Fei grunted and laughed, ‘Ruan Shao Nan, even someone like your elder brother could fall into his hands, he really has a hand.’
‘Perhaps, he’s not the only one who made a move.’
Ru Fei thought for three seconds and blurted out, ‘Ling Luchuan?’
Wei Hei nodded, ‘They are partners, that is, a community of interest. Now that Tai Huang’s stock price has plummeted and the Lu family’s reputation has been tarnished, I’m afraid they are celebrating with champagne at home.’
Rufei shook his head, ‘These two people, they are really …… But they are too ruthless, how old is that little girl? Isn’t she cannon fodder for nothing?’
‘The shopping mall, is a smoke-free Shura, corpses everywhere, traps everywhere. The so-called one will succeed ten thousand bones withered …… ‘ Wei Hei turned his face, looking at the distant towering Yi Tian Building, ’You see, those glorious skyscrapers, the appearance of bright and shiny, in fact, are built on the tired white bones. ’
Ruifei couldn’t believe it and let out a long sigh, ‘God, I really can’t imagine, what kind of people are these?’
Wei Hei laughed a little, and said with a straight face, ‘It’s the kind of people that you and I, absolutely cannot afford to mess with.’
As she said that, she suddenly felt a twinge in her abdomen.
‘What’s wrong with you? Your face looks so bad.’ Ru Fei noticed that she was not right and asked worriedly, ‘I saw you stay in the toilet for most of the day in the morning, is everything alright?’
‘It’s …… fine,’ Wei Hei’s face turned white and a weak sweat broke out, ’I was a little nauseous in the morning, maybe I ate the wrong thing.’
‘Do you want me to take you to the hospital?’
Wei Hei waved her hand, ‘No, I have class in the morning, if I still feel sick after class, I’ll go myself. Don’t worry, I can hold out.’

Today’s class seemed to be a particularly long one, and Wei Hei still felt very sick until the end of class. As she packed up her things and carried her drawing board to leave, Zhou Xiaofan came over and tapped her on the shoulder, ‘Wei Hei, the department head wants you to go for a while.’
‘What is it?’
‘I’m guessing it might be about your scholarship, you’ll find out when you go.’

As she walked out of the headmaster’s office, she was still feeling dizzy; maybe, she really needed to see a doctor. As she reached the door, she was still trying to figure out which bus to take to the hospital would be faster and less expensive.
‘Unh!’ Someone was calling her.
When she turned round, she saw a beautiful woman in the sunshine, standing next to a Maserati, waving at her.
She smiled to herself, thinking about how cold and calm her life had been for twenty-one years, but suddenly it had become so busy and crowded. People from all walks of life were appearing in turn, singing from your side of the fence.
‘It’s been a long time, can we talk?’
Could she say no?

The place for the conversation was an open-air coffee house, and as she looked at the woman in front of her, covered in designer labels and glitter, there was no doubt that she was still as beautiful as ever.
‘Max, how long has it been since I’ve seen you? How have you been?’ The beauty smiled without showing her teeth, and was well groomed.
Wei Hei nodded, ‘I’m fine.’
‘Have you been to visit your mum recently?’
‘Yesterday.’ Wei Hei took a sip of coffee, it was bitter.
The beauty was a little surprised, ‘So, you already know?’
‘Yes, I know. Her ashes are missing, the management of the cemetery told me about it. I have entrusted them to call the police, still waiting for the result.’ Wei Hei put down his cup and looked at her, ‘You didn’t come here today to shush me. I have business to attend to, so let’s get straight to the point.’
‘Hehe, you’re still the same as when you were a child, so I won’t talk too much. You should have heard about Big Brother, we know that Ruan Shao Nan has looked for you, and we also know the relationship between you. The Lu family needs your help right now, and of course, father said that he won’t let you do it for nothing. I think I’ve made myself clear enough, right?’
Wei Hei nodded, ‘It is very clear. But I still don’t understand, what do you want from me?’
The corners of the beauty’s mouth sank, a little upset, ‘You’re playing me, aren’t you? Ruan Shao Nan screwing over big brother like this, he’s basically taking revenge for you. The Lu family only needs you to whisper in his ear, telling him not to go too far, and that he won’t treat you poorly when it’s all over, and you won’t even do that?’
Wei Hei couldn’t help but laugh, ‘So you guys think that Lu Zexi’s prison sentence was due to me blowing smoke up his arse? That’s an understatement. Who am I to influence Ruan Shao Nan? Have you forgotten that my name is Lu, too? Theoretically, I’m also his enemy.’
‘Wei Hei, you’re not like us. Ruan Shao Nan used to love you the most, and one word from you is worth ten. Even if you didn’t instigate this, you still can’t see it happen!’ The beauty suddenly held Wei Hei’s hand, as if she was about to shed a tear, ‘Just think of it as helping your sister, Wei Hei, we are family after all.’
‘Family?’ Wei Hei felt a little ridiculous, ‘Back then, those two animals dragged me into the basement ……’ She paused and looked straight at this so-called sister, ‘Strip me naked, trampled on me, sister, who stood by the side gloating and seeing death?’
This was like being slapped in the face, the beauty immediately turned red and smiled, ‘Wei Hei, I was confused at the time. At that time, we were all young and uneducated. Besides, Big Brother and Second Brother were just joking with you, and you didn’t do anything in the end, did you?’
‘A joke?’ Wei Hei laughed a little, ‘That’s right, for those of you who grew up being well-dressed and bossy, hurting someone is as simple as drinking cold water. Besides, we weren’t even born of the same mother.’
Unhei withdrew her hand and pulled her wallet out of her backpack while saying, ‘I’m absolutely sure that you guys are really desperate, otherwise you wouldn’t have come running to beg me. However, you’ve come to the wrong person. I deeply sympathise with you guys, but there is nothing I can do to help. However, there is one thing I can guarantee ……’
Wei Hei looked into her eyes and smiled, ’It’s Ruan Shao Nan, he also loves to joke around. He also loves to play games, and the Lu family is now a fun playground for him, full of deadly temptation. Before he completely destroys the Lu Family, you guys, are just trinkets for his amusement. But when he’s done playing, you guys will never be okay. He’ll leave you all ruined and penniless! Because, this is what the Lu Family owes him.’
After finishing her sentence, Wei Hei placed the money for a cup of coffee on the table, picked up her backpack and got up to leave. She still had a bunch of troubles of her own to solve, so she didn’t have time to care if the beauty across the table was already blue in the face.
‘Lu Wei Hei, don’t gloat so much, you think you can do it alone? Don’t forget, your surname is Lu too. When he’s done with us, you’ll be the last to go. I’ll be waiting to see what happens to you!’
Wei Hei stopped walking and looked back at the face that was angry because of despair, there was no anger, only calmness. For she knew the deep-seated, shadowy fear that this woman was experiencing, just as she had experienced it before and was experiencing it now.
‘I never thought that I could do it alone. But it kinda surprises me that you guys would be this scared now. Remember what you guys said when you were kids and you guys locked me in that basement where I couldn’t see the light of day? You guys said it was still called shutting the door and beating the dog. What do you look like now? Turtles in a jar? Did you ever think about the cycle of justice when you were doing all your evil?’
Max did not look at her again, but by the sound of her voice, she could tell that her beautiful sister was crying behind her in despair, and that fear had made it impossible for her to care about decency and dignity.
Fear was the only thing that could bring people down.
Max knows that she is not gloating, because she herself is in the midst of a disaster.
She was in the midst of a disaster herself, a mistake that could never be undone!
‘Max, even if you don’t help us, even if I deserve to die, along with Big Brother, Second Brother, Father, all of us, what about our little sister, Hei? You don’t care?’
Max’s back stiffened, but she didn’t look back, she just walked away.
The pain in her lower abdomen was still so bad that the hospital ……
couldn’t wait for the bus, so she waved and took a taxi. When she got into the car, she saw herself in the reverse mirror, her face as white as snow.

When she came out of the maternity ward, she called Ruifei to ask her if she could come to pick her up. But the phone was busy, so she had to sit in the lounge area and wait.
As it happened, the TV in the lounge was broadcasting live the awards ceremony for this year’s Most Outstanding Banker, the highest honour in the industry, and the winners are often the leading figures in the financial world.
He was still wondering who would win this year’s award. Then a familiar figure appeared on the TV, accompanied by thunderous applause and glittering limelight.
Hei was in a trance, staring at the TV. All the sounds suddenly became so distant, as if from another world.
She was sitting alone in the hospital, but it was as if she was on a deserted island. Everything around her was instantly dim, except for him, his smile was light, his eyebrows were starry-eyed, still consistently faint, even his smile was only slightly raised at the corners of his lips, noble as an emperor, with a feeling that he could control everything.
She could not quite remember the last time she saw him. That tired and aching morning, when she woke up, he was still sleeping deeply, breathing in her ear, so far away and so close ……
But she still remembered his fingers, the warm line of his lips, his wild breath, his burning intensity. It was amazing that she remembered so clearly about all the sore hidden secrets of that night. She couldn’t possibly forget it, and she couldn’t forget it.
Throughout the night, whenever she tried to escape, he forced her to look into his eyes. Every minute, every second of possessing her, he made her watch. He was the one who had cunningly and icily made her remember it all, so she would never forget it for the rest of her life.
Another sharp pain shot through her, and like a pear blossom struck by a torrential downpour, Wei Hei slowly shrivelled up, finally curling her whole body together.
Just then, there was a sudden commotion at the awards ceremony.
Ruan Shao Nan was giving his acceptance speech on the stage when Wang Dong Yang suddenly came up and leaned over and said something in his ear. Who knows, after listening to his face changed greatly, suddenly said ‘I’m sorry’ into the microphone, without a word of explanation, took Wang Dongyang hurriedly left.
The whole audience was in an uproar!
This is a live TV broadcast, thousands of viewers are watching, and he just left like that? Without a word of explanation?
All the people in the scene looked at each other in disbelief, and the host stood on the stage at a loss for words. Even Hei, who was sitting in the hospital, was so shocked by the sudden turn of events that she forgot about the pain.
What’s going on here?
The host, as well trained as he is, quickly recovered, made a few nice remarks and moved on to the next activity. But it was clear that the atmosphere was not as vibrant as it had been before, with journalists and guests talking at cross purposes, and many of the media even leaving the room.
Wei Hei was puzzled by this, and felt that this is weird to the extreme, he has never been such a person who has no sense of proportion, in the end, what is the big thing that has happened?
As he was thinking about it, another commotion broke out in the hospital lobby. Many people gathered at the entrance of the hall, seemingly looking at something. Then, they heard a small nurse exclaim in a low voice, ‘Ruan Shao Nan!’
Are you kidding?
Wei Hei turned back in shock, glaring round at the man in front of her, and then at the TV. She couldn’t believe how the man who had just been on TV had jumped to her side in a flash like a gust of wind.
Ruan Shao Nan grabbed Wei Hei’s hand, and could see that he was in a hurry, with beads of sweat on his forehead and a very anxious expression, ‘Wei Hei, listen to me, you can’t do this.’
He just stared at him blankly, not yet recovered from the shock. The man thought she was indifferent, and his tone became even more severe, ‘Even if the adults made a mistake, the child is innocent!’
‘A child?’ It was then that Wei Hei realised, ‘You thought I was pregnant?’
The man was very puzzled, ‘I thought you came to have an abortion …… didn’t you?’
Wei Hei looked at him and couldn’t help but laugh and cry, ‘Mr Ruan, a gynaecology appointment isn’t necessarily for an abortion, it could be something else.’
‘Something else?’ Ruan Shao Nan was confused.
Wei Hei shook the medicine in her hand, ‘For example, menstrual cramps ……’
Ruan Shao Nan then understood, heaved a sigh of relief, and then let out a giggle, looked at Wei Hei and laughed, probably because she herself felt that today’s incident was really too oolong.
Wei Hei was really dumbfounded, from the time they met until now, she had seen him as if he was a living specimen, perfect to the point of being flawless. Never had she seen him change his expression so much in such a short period of time.
‘Mr Ruan ……’ his assistant Wang Dongyang followed him up and reminded him, ’There are reporters following us, let’s go through the back door.’
Ruan Shao Nan didn’t move, he just clutched Wei Hei’s arm tightly as if he was thinking about something.
Wei Hei suddenly understood his intentions, she grasped his hand, almost pleadingly looked at him, ‘No ……’
However, this man as if he had already made up his mind, not even move, but only hoop Wei Hei’s hand became more powerful, as if he was afraid that she would run away.
The first time I saw her, I was so anxious that my tears were about to fall down.
In the end, it was Wang Dongyang who knew how to turn the situation around, ‘Mr Ruan, if you want to announce your relationship with Miss Lu, you can do it at another time. In a place like this, in a situation like this, the reporters will definitely write nonsense. Besides, Miss Lu is still a student, so I’m afraid it’s not good for her. ……’
Ruan Shao Nan looked at Wei Hei again before letting go, ’Let’s go then.’
It was only after she got into the car that Wei Hei breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe it was because of her nervousness, her pale face actually had a little bit of redness.
Ruan Shao Nan looked at her relaxed expression and couldn’t help but sneer, ‘So happy? Not having to tangle with me in front of the media makes you so happy?’
Wei Hei was stunned by his words, and in a low voice, she said, ‘That’s not what I meant. ……’
But Ruan Shao Nan didn’t seem to be interested in listening to her explanation, and turned his face to the side, leaving her with a cold, hard silhouette.
Wei Hei silently sighed, this man’s heart is really inscrutable, but in a minute, he changed his face.
‘Mr Ruan, where to?’ The driver asked.
Ruan Shao Nan thought for a moment, looked at Wei Hei, and asked in a very gentlemanly manner, ‘I’m hungry, accompany me to eat, can you?’
Wei Hei nodded, ‘Yes.’ After thinking about it, she added, ‘Actually, you don’t need to be so polite.’
Ruan Shao Nan didn’t say anything else, and the temperature in the carriage seemed to drop to freezing point all of a sudden. The driver kindly turned on the music, as if he wanted to ease the atmosphere.
The music was soft and gentle, soothing. The arts were all intertwined, and there was hardly a person who loved art who didn’t love music.
She thought of the new tape recorder that Rufei had bought, and frankly, even the best music came out of those cheap speakers like cotton.
So it was nice to be rich, even the music was extraordinarily beautiful.
She suddenly remembered something, so she turned her face and asked the man beside her, ‘How did you know I was in the hospital? Did you send someone to follow me?’
The corners of Ruan Shao Nan’s mouth sank, and he simply closed his eyes, seemingly unwilling to pay much attention to her, ‘I prefer to interpret it as protection.’
‘Actually, you don’t have to be so nervous. I’ll tell you when I really have a child.’ Unhail said.
‘Really?’ Ruan Shao Nan looked at her sideways.
Wei Hei smiled, ‘False. As you expected, I’ll abort it without a word.’
The man sneered and wrenched her chin, his hot breath could burn the nerves of a person. Between his lips and teeth, he said, ‘Don’t even think about it.’


Chapter XI kill father’s hatred is not shared

The dinner was a colourful and flavourful Huaiyang cuisine, and Wei Hei was a little touched that she didn’t think that he still remembered. Wei Hei’s mother was from Yangzhou, and she was best at Huaiyang cuisine when she was alive.
Yangzhou, with its warm mountains and soft waters, is a place of great talent, and its cuisine is also very sophisticated, with a clear and elegant flavour.
Pingqiao tofu, greens fried mushrooms, mixed crispy eel, tomato fish fillets, as well as fresh and crispy stewed crabmeat lion’s head, thin-skinned stuffed fresh Huai’an soup dumplings ……
When晞看到这一道美食的时候,她几乎要掉下泪来,这都是她妈妈以前经常做给她吃的,这么多年过去了,她几乎已经忘记它的 She had almost forgotten their flavour and the warmth and solidity of the food. It was surprising that he remembered, and remembered it so clearly.
The restaurant was arranged in a very stylish manner, and the private rooms were placed on the ancient water pavilion, with gurgling water below, and looking out from the window of the private room, one could see the ancient bridge and wooden waterwheel in the courtyard, as if it was a real smoky Jiangnan.
Wei Hei was in a trance, as if she had returned to those first years of her life, every time she was bullied, she sat alone on the swing of the old Lu family house, licking her wounds like a wounded little animal. No one cared, no one paid attention. She had even wondered if one day, if she was killed by those so-called brothers and sisters, would no one know about it?
Until one day, he appeared, as if a ray of warm sunshine, caught off guard, unpredictably illuminated her entire life.
If she were to say that there was any miracle in that desolate world, it would be that he, surprisingly, would appear there, at that time, at that place, in her thorny life.

Ruan Shao Nan seemed to be in a good mood again, and asked for a can of aged Daughter Red, a rare product of the cellar for eighteen years, and smelled the rich fragrance of the wine when he opened the lid.
Wei Hei has asthma, even if the wine is soft and fragrant, but do not dare to drink too much, just a small bite of the small dishes to drink.
The sound of a small dog’s barking came from the courtyard, and she looked out with some surprise, why would there be a dog here?
But there really was, she saw a little girl holding a fluffy Akita puppy and was having fun with the dog. The puppy was so well behaved and cute, with round eyes and an innocent expression on its face.
When Ruan Shao Nan saw this, he couldn’t help but smile, ‘I remember the first time I saw you, you were also holding a puppy. But that puppy was dirty, ugly and injured, it seemed like you picked it up, right? You were crying and begging me to help you save it, I remember, you called it ‘Hachi’. You kept hugging it, and your mouth kept chanting, Hachi can’t die, Hachi can’t die. You cried so pitifully that I was baffled.’
Recalling the past, Wei Hei also smiled, ‘That’s because, at that time, I happened to watch a Japanese film called “Loyal Dog Hachi”. In it, Hachi was very kind to his master, and went to the station every day to wait for him to get off work. Until one day, his master died while he was working, but he was still there waiting for him to come back. At the same time, the same place, the same position, it waited for ten whole years, until he died of old age ……’ Wei Hei’s eyes had a faint mist, she smiled again, ’This story taught me what love and loyalty are. So, at that time, I wish I had a dog like Hachi.’
‘I remember, at that time, I helped you take that dog to the vet hospital and it survived. Later on, I also saw you guys playing fetch in the yard, it was ugly, but very agile.’
‘Yeah, Hachi was really good. But then ……’ Wei Hei pursed his dry lips, his voice a little broken and trembling, ’not long after you left …… one day, my brothers and sisters, on a whim, find out A pair of scissors cut my hair. Xiaohachi rushed over to save me, and it bit my sister’s skirt. Then they …… put a rope around its neck and hung it from a tree. Just like that …… kept hanging …… kept hanging ……’
Ruan Shao Nan raised his eyebrows and didn’t say anything else. After a while, he suddenly remembered something, so he opened his mouth and asked her, ‘I heard that film was remade in a new version by the US, if you like it, I’ll take you to see it?’
Wei Hei smiled, her eyes were already full of tears, but she tried to hold back, holding back her lips from trembling, holding back her throat from being raw, ‘I …… don’t want to see it anymore, after that, for a long time, every night, I …… hear Xiaohachi screaming, I am afraid to think of …… myself can not stand ……’
She finally did not hold back, tears rustling down, drop by drop smashed on the edge of the cup, scattered countless. Every word is so hard, every word is full of cold blood. At this moment, what is memory? Is it hell? Is it the abyss? Or was it a cage made of fear and blood intertwined?
In her life, happiness was always so short-lived, the pain of being coerced never stopped, for others, pain was only an occasional experience, for her, it was real life.
Ruan Shao Nan has been very silent, he lit a cigarette, smoke, quietly watching her. Just looking at her, looking at her slightly trembling eyelashes, looking at her little by little tears and sadness to put back together, looking at her beautiful face under the shadow of the lamp, looking at the small and vaguely visible vermilion sand mole between her eyebrows. Just watching, not asking questions, not intervening, not even comforting.
Early lights, the courtyard lit up a red lantern, as if the night swim peony, floating in the small unknown dark night. The distant erhu was as cold as water, and from afar, it sounded like a sad legend, bitter and long, like a complaint or a cry.

After dinner, Wei Hei had to go to work, and Ruan Shao Nan insisted on seeing her off. When she got into the car, Wei Hei noticed that he was driving a silver grey Pagani.
‘Did you change your car?’ Mei was more or less curious.
‘You don’t like it?’ Ruan Shao Nan turned to look at her.
‘Ah, no.’ Wei Hei quickly cleared the air, it was not her turn to dislike it. ‘Actually, I always thought that Bugatti was too ostentatious, not quite your usual style.’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed a little, ‘I thought so too, so I gave it to Luochuan.’
Wei Hei was shocked, a car that cost tens of millions of dollars, and he just gave it away and accepted it? What were these people thinking?
Seeing Wei Hei’s puzzled expression, Ruan Shao Nan explained, ‘In return, he transferred a piece of land he was holding to me at a cheap price, and when I did the maths, I made a small profit.’
Wei Hei then understands and looks at him, ‘In fact, you already knew he liked it, so you deliberately bought it first, just to knock him down later?’
The man raised the corners of his lips, ‘What do you think?’
Guess? As the saying goes, there is no business without treachery, and interests are always eternal in the mall. She couldn’t guess what these people of theirs were thinking.
Seeing that she didn’t say anything, Ruan Shao Nan said, ‘Not really. When I first bought that car, I just wanted to give a gift to myself for working so hard. After I bought it, I didn’t like it too much, and it so happened that Lok Chuan was obsessed with that kind of limited edition sports car, so I simply did the right thing.’
Giving himself a gift? How lonely must he be? Wei felt a bit sorry for him.
‘Are you close to Ling Luchuan?’ Max admitted that he was a bit nosy. The man beside her was always as cold as ice, but when he mentioned Ling Luchuan, the corners of his mouth had a slight smile, which was really rare in him.
‘Sort of a friend in need, we met in America. At that time, he ran away from home, drifted outside alone, and was besieged by a group of hooligans. I saw that we were all Chinese, so I helped him out. Don’t look at him like a cockney, but he’s a professional fighter.’
Wei Hei was completely shocked, she looked at Ruan Shao Nan, who was driving, and stammered, ‘You mean you and he …… fought with hooligans in the United States? Back to back? Like in a Hong Kong hero film?’
Ruan Shao Nan nodded and asked rather seriously, ‘Is that weird?’
Jeez! It was more than strange, it was simply heavenly. No wonder Ling Luchuan was so skilful in detaining people, it turned out that he was simply a professional.
But Ruan Shao Nan, such an elegant and noble person ……
She suddenly remembered that she had heard before that the Ruan family’s grandparents were all Vietnamese overseas Chinese, and only returned to the mainland in his father’s generation. His grandfather had fought in the Vietnam War and was a war hero, ambushing many American soldiers in the jungles of Vietnam.
How should I put it? A tiger grandfather has no dog grandson?
‘If he’s so powerful, why does he still always have bodyguards with him? Afraid of being kidnapped?’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed a little, ‘People don’t dare to kidnap him.’
Wei Hei became more and more curious, ‘Then what kind of person would dare to kidnap him?’
Ruan Shao Nan thought for a moment, ‘Like secret agents, terrorists and the like ……’
‘His father ……’ Ruan Shao Nan hesitated for a moment, ’is a leading figure, a very high kind, do you understand?’
Wei Hei finally understood, ‘Oh’, said: ‘So it is the “Prince’s Party”, no wonder …… ‘
Ruan Shao Nan looked at her, ‘I think you’re a bit mistaken. In fact, his relationship with his father has always been very frosty, almost to the point of not speaking to each other, so his father hasn’t been bothering him much, leaving him to fend for himself. But with a status like his, anyone would be scared of him. Above him was a brother, working in the Ministry of Security. An older sister, working as an interpreter in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is the only one of his children who is a businessman, and is considered an anomaly in the family. His bodyguards are all hired by his brother, and only protect his safety, and will not casually make a move. The people who …… beat you guys up that day were not brought by him.’
Unhei nodded, no wonder the last few times he ran into his bodyguards, he felt very courteous, indeed not quite the same.
‘That kid is a bit of a jerk, but, usually, he doesn’t go too far. That day, he was drunk, plus your friend’s temper, also really …… I didn’t recognise you at the time, otherwise, I wouldn’t have let him fool around.’
Wei Hei pondered in her heart, guessing that Ruan Shao Nan should not know about Ling Luchuan’s running to molest her. If he didn’t know, she didn’t want to tell him. After all, what kind of relationship did she have with him?
She smiled, ‘’Actually, you don’t need to explain to me. Whether he was intentional, or unintentional, it makes no difference to us, because the result is the same. In a place like that, making you guys happy is our job. If you guys are not happy, we naturally have to bear the consequences. We don’t have that qualification, nor do we have that ability, to argue right and wrong with you guys.’
The corner of Ruan Shao Nan’s mouth sank, and Wei Hei’s heart sank with it.
Alas, angry again, she seemed to really make him angry easily. But she remembered that he used to have a very good temper and had never said a single heavy word to her. Now, for some reason, she seemed to be particularly unappealing to him. And since he always had an icy look on his face, she was even more afraid of him, even when he smiled, she was a bit afraid, with a feeling of walking on thin ice.
‘Then allow me to explain one last thing, that 120,000, it wasn’t me who gave it to you, it was Wei Chengbao who made a fool of himself.’
Wei Hei nodded carefully, ‘I understand.’
‘What do you understand!’ Ruan Shao Nan suddenly roared out in a stern voice, followed by a sharp brake.
Wei Hei was stunned by him, and the atmosphere, which had just been very cordial, immediately went ‘downhill’.
‘Get out of the car!’ He ordered, getting out first.
After three seconds of stagnation, Max followed.
However, the outside was not the entrance of ‘Jade’, it was not even in the city, it was the beach!
Looking out at the rough sea, she was so dumbfounded that she didn’t even realise that she had just been talking to him. What did he bring her here for? It can’t be that he wants to sink her body into the sea to vent his hatred, right?
The answer came immediately.
Ruan Shao Nan confined her between the car and his own body, kissing her with great force. It was as if this man had been abstaining from sex for too long, and just kissing was biting raw.
The mobile phone rang, probably from Rufei. Wei Hei subconsciously touched her pocket with her empty hand, not realising that just such a small action had been discovered by him, and that he couldn’t even tolerate that.
He almost savagely pulled out the thing that had been ringing incessantly from her pocket and casually dropped it on the rock, smashing it to pieces!
He really was mad! The horrible feeling immediately swam through her body as she remembered that crazy night. She was a bit scared, not daring to disobey him at this time, and only softly obeyed him. His breath was hot and chaotic, and he couldn’t seem to get enough of her, just kept asking for more.
‘Wei Hei, Wei Hei ……’ He kissed her at length, patiently, as if coaxing her. His long, nimble fingers unbuttoned her shirt, and his beautiful lips burned into the skin of her shoulders and neck.
Wei Hei suddenly startled, hands against him, ‘Not today ……’
“Shhh, I know, I know, don’t be afraid …… ‘He gasped against her forehead and spoke in a low voice, his voice was dark, his dark eyes were covered with a thin layer of water vapour, his red pupils in the moonlight, as if he was a drunk, but he was still in control.
He picked her up and sat in the car, burying his face in the crook of her neck. It was only then that Wei Hei felt that his face was frighteningly hot. She didn’t dare to move. He held her as if she were a giant teddy bear.
But he didn’t think it was enough, pulling her arms up to wrap them around his neck, and after a moment’s thought, he pressed his face against her chest again, as if he was listening to her heartbeat.
In this position, it was as if – it was she who was embracing him.
The night wind gusts, the waves beat the shore, the bright moon is bright, and the stars are appendaged.
Alas …… someone sighed softly to the sky full of stars, what a beautiful night!
Such an embrace, really romantic, as if the man and woman in a love film; such an embrace, really warm, as if a heart to another heart of deep comfort; such an embrace, really sweet – just should not appear between the two of them.
The wind on the seashore was very hard, Wei Hei only wore a peach coloured knitted cardigan on her upper body, and after a long time, she got really cold and shivered.
Ruan Ru Nan didn’t want to leave, but just held her hand tighter, his cheek pressed against her chest and murmured, ‘Wei Hei, you make me scared.’
Wei Hei didn’t say anything, and after a long time, she smiled and gazed down at the man in her arms, ‘How could you be afraid? Everything is under your control, isn’t it? I only learnt today that that special scholarship for our school was funded by your Yi Tian Group. You had people pressuring it, you know how important that is to me. And my mother’s ashes, they were dug up. I guess, you must know where the ashes are, don’t you?’
Speaking of which, Unhappy smiled bitterly, ‘Oh yeah, and Rufus. Last time you threw water, what do you want to throw next time? Sulfuric acid? You know how deep our bond is, as long as nothing happens to her, I’ll promise you anything. You see, all my weaknesses are caught in my hands, what are you afraid of?’
These words were like a basin of cold water poured over his head, he raised his head and smiled that low laugh again, ‘Are you blaming me? I told you not to leave me, did you listen? As soon as the sun came up, you left without even leaving a word. Do you know what that feels like? The feeling that you thought you had the whole world and then you lose it all at once. That kind of fear, that kind of anxiety, that kind of unsupported, heartbreaking …… you wouldn’t understand.’
Was it only her leaving without saying goodbye that he was accusing her of?
Unhei frowned at him, almost tit-for-tat, ‘So you shoot before you ask questions, not even caring if the prey you aim at is innocent, too pathetic to put up even the slightest resistance?’
‘Yes!’ Ruan Shao Nan almost gritted his teeth, ‘I told you, you shouldn’t be like this! You didn’t leave a word, you just left!’
Wei Hei fell silent, at this point in the conversation, there really was nothing else to say.
It turned out that they had been separated for too long, separated by a bitter blood feud, and seven years of monstrous years. She had long since ceased to be the little girl who always looked up to him with a face of adoration. And he, too, with the memory of that smile like the spring breeze of the handsome young man is far away.
Not ever hold hands with this period of years, he long ago did not understand her world, and he also has a lot of things she has no way to know.
For example, in these seven years, what things have happened to him? What people had he met? For example, when he left, he obviously had nothing, in the United States in the end what kind of encounter? After returning to China, even with a swift momentum in one fell swoop to acquire the Yi Tian Group, just one year’s time, so that the entire financial sector has changed the sky.
Without strong financial support, I’m afraid no one can do this. And his style is even more sophisticated than Lu Zi Xu back then, more high-handed, and the means of action is also more cold-blooded. Ever since he returned to China a year ago and came out of nowhere in the financial world, the media’s fervour for him has continued. But the media has been very tight-lipped about his mysterious life.
Max knew that he had deliberately buried the story, shutting the media up and preventing anyone from repeating it. Without saying a word, he made the people who knew about that incident, one by one, their families were destroyed and cleaned up the mess. The culprit, however, was left at the end of the line and was slow to move. No one knew what he was thinking, he was a natural predator, clever and treacherous, and a mere mortal like her could hardly match a tenth of that, let alone guess what he was thinking.
One thing was clear, however – he had a vendetta against his father!
At the thought of it, Wei Hei’s hairs almost stood on end.

‘I want to go home, can you let me go?’ All Wei Hei wanted to do now was to get away from him, even if it was only for a minute.
Instead, Ruan Shao Nan held her tighter and sighed, ‘Wei Hei, stay with me for a little while longer, there’s still so much I want to say to you. I know that ever since we met again, you’ve been carrying a lot of grievances in your heart. I want to speak to your heart, but have you closed it to me?’
Wei Hei lowered her head, looking at this man who had once given her infinite care, but now gave her endless torment, she pressed against his ear, her voice was soft and feeble, with a slight tremor, as if a feather had been blown by the wind.
‘If my heart could speak, she would say that she is afraid; if my heart could speak, she would say that you are a cruel and good hunter, and that you have made your prey suffer; if my heart could speak, she would say that what you have done is more than she can bear; and if my heart could speak, she would say that, for the sake of former friendship, she begs you to let her go. ……’
He clasped the back of her neck at once and pulled her off the hood of the car. His hands seemed like cold iron jaws, holding her tightly in place. He was so strong that the hoop creaked her spine.
He lowered his head and once again looked at her condescendingly, ‘If, that’s all you want, then I don’t mind reiterating once more that in this life, you don’t even want it!’
Wei Hei was really desperate, for the last time, she tried to communicate with him, but it turned out to be this way.
When his lips came down, she could barely contain herself. His cold fingers clasped her chin, and her tears hit his tiger’s muzzle one by one.
He knew she was crying, and the icy tears burned more than the flames. But he didn’t let go, he just lowered his head and said against her ear, ‘I know that the Lu family’s people have searched for you ……’
Wei Hei’s complexion flinched and she shook even more. Ruan Shao Nan tightened his arm again, patting her back as if to soothe her, coaxing softly, ‘Don’t be afraid, it seems that I underestimated them, I put out so much smoke and they still found you.’
Speaking here, he let out a light laugh, a playful-like lilt in his laughter, ‘But it’s okay. I promise, this kind of thing will never happen again. Max, wait a little longer, give me some more time. When I deal with all the things, when I let all the damned people to die, when I remove all the obstacles …… I will let you love me, I will use all the methods to let you love me. So don’t always think about running away, and I won’t let you, just give me some more time, just give me some more time. My little unhei ……’
He bent his head to his ear, whispering tenderly, with the daughter of his enemy, his pretty lips with a bloody sweetness, and calmly told of his love for her, and how he would make her a flesh and blood relative… . put to death.
He tore off her knitted cardigan, pinned her down on the soft sand, lifted her skirt, and his long, slender fingers probed in, into that softest, most secluded of female places, the meeting place of all his passions and desires.
Unh’s body tightened and she looked at him almost pleadingly. He couldn’t do this to her, not at a time like this, he would hurt her.
His lust-filled lips kissed her trembling eyes and said in a low, husky voice, ‘Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I’m not going to do anything, let me touch you and hold you.’
Then he picked up her corset with his fingers and pulled it upwards a little, his head lowered and his snow-white teeth bit into her floating tip. His breath was hot, his skin was hot, and the movements of his hands were getting more and more impatient, more and more frenzied.
Wei Hei cowering helplessly, turned her face, staring trance-like at the vast expanse of the sea. The black sea, angry waves draining the sky. The man on top of her, however, was even more unpredictable than the heavy black night, as if he had reduced all the stars and clouds to an instant of overwhelming darkness.
There is no end ……


Chapter 12 Love and Sex

Chi Mo had a chill for no reason.
He tilted his face up and looked at the narrow side of the sky above his head, where a dark cloud happened to cover the moon. He leaned back and leaned against the wall, idly lighting a cigarette and inhaling it slowly.
The man on his knees was a bloody mess, sticky dark blood coming out of his mouth in streams. He was covered in blood and his eyes were bleeding. His head was arched over the ground and his mouth was babbling so much that I couldn’t hear what he was saying, probably begging for mercy.
The man with the baseball bat looked back at Chi Mor, and he nodded.
Bang! There was a muffled sound, and then all was quiet.
Ik Mor twisted out his cigarette and said to a few other men, ‘That’s enough, let’s go.’
Someone spat on the man on the ground and cursed, ‘Shit! Eating inside out.’
Chi Mor gave him a look and kicked him hard in the small of the back, and the man was caught off guard, grimacing as he fell to his knees.
‘He’s already paid the price for his behaviour, you’re not qualified to insult him anymore.’
The man’s face almost changed shape as he endured the pain, gritting his teeth and saying, ‘I was wrong, Stranger.’
An uncontrollable feeling of vomiting arose, and Ji Mor was suddenly fed up with all this filth.

After talking to Wei Chengbao on the phone and briefly explaining what happened, he let those people disperse. Some people proposed to go drinking and singing karaoke, he was not interested, and left alone.
He walked along the path, back to the alley behind the ‘stunning’, see this familiar scene, the whole person relaxed again. Leaning against the wall, re-light a cigarette, slowly smoking.
The back door of the ‘absolute colour’ opened, a slender figure carrying a bag of things came out. Chi Mor subconsciously stood up straight, but when he saw the visitor clearly, he was a little disappointed.
‘What are you doing here?’ Rufus threw the black rubbish bag into the incinerator, then poured petrol on it and lit it.
‘Just finished an errand and came over to get some air.’ Chi Mor lazily leaned against the wall and watched the bright red flames.
There was a vague smell of blood on the man’s body, and Ru Fei glanced at him without asking another word. A woman in the red light district can act good, play the wave, pander, and pamper, but only can’t be curious. To know, curiosity killed the cat.
She patted the ash on her body, took down the cigarette by Ji Mor’s mouth and took a puff, leaned against the wall and said to the man beside her, ‘Wei Hei didn’t come today.’
‘Yeah? What happened to her?’ Ji Mor lit another cigarette and asked a little carelessly.
Rufei rubbed the corner of his forehead with the cigarette in his hand, ‘I called, but her mobile phone wasn’t on. Maybe she’s not feeling well, I saw that she didn’t look too good in the morning.’
‘Oh.’ Ji Mo nodded and exhaled a smoke ring into the air, ‘Today, do you want to go to my place?’
‘No, the money you gave me last time, it hasn’t been spent yet.’
Chi Mor didn’t say anything else, he wasn’t a good man. He never relied on anyone, nor did he want to be anyone’s reliance. He was a beast that wandered in the darkness, only obsessed with human greed.
With him and Rufei, everyone, including Wei Hei, thought they were a close and loving couple. But the truth, as only they know, is that it’s all about naked money at every turn.
He knew Rufei wasn’t that kind of woman, but he couldn’t give her anything else but that. Without this, he didn’t know how to keep this relationship going.
This was about the most ruthless thing about men, that they could separate love and sex and still be able to tell the difference.
He was a selfish man, a monetary debt he could afford to pay. Emotional debts, he didn’t want to pay them and couldn’t afford to.
‘Then forget it ……,’ Chi Mo pinched out his cigarette and prepared to leave, ’Rufei, if one day, you don’t want to continue, be sure to tell me.’
Ru Fei tilted her head to look at him, picking her lips with a smile, ‘I’m not one of those little women who stick to you and die without letting go, you don’t need to remind me again and again. On the contrary, it’s you, I got wind that Wei Cheng Bao already knew that the person who smashed the alarm that day was you.’
Chi Mo was a little surprised, then let out a cold laugh, ‘There really is no impermeable wall.’
Ru Fei glanced at him, ‘This matter can be big or small, in short, take care of yourself. Also, thank you for saving Wei Hei.’ She smiled again, as if she was talking to herself, ‘But that’s something not to be said.’
Ru Fei’s mobile phone suddenly rang, she took it out and looked at it, it was an unfamiliar number with a bit of familiarity. She suddenly remembered that it was Ruan Shao Nan.
After Ru Fei answered the phone, her face changed, Chi Mo who was standing on the side asked, ‘What’s wrong?’
‘Wei Hei is in the hospital, I need to go there now.’
Ji Mor pulls out his motorbike keys, ‘It’s hard to get a taxi at this hour, I’ll give you a ride.’

When they arrived at the hospital ward, Wei Hei hadn’t woken up yet, and Ruan Shao Nan was sitting by the bed, holding her hand.
Ji Mor saw Ruan Shao Nan, froze for a moment, he knew who this man was, too surprised to speak, did not rush in, and uneasy about them, so he guarded the door.
Ru Fei walked in and didn’t say a word, just pulled Wei Hei’s hand out of Ruan Shao Nan’s and put it back under the covers.
Ruan Shao Nan didn’t say anything, and was silent on the sidelines. He looked like a schoolboy who had done something wrong.
Wei Hei’s face was whiter than the bed sheets, Ru Fei touched her face painfully, turned her face to look at the man guarding the bedside, her eyes burning, ‘Mr Ruan, shouldn’t you explain this to me?’
‘We were at the beach, she suddenly had a seizure, and she didn’t get better even after inhaling the medicine. I took her to the hospital and the doctor said it wasn’t asthma, it was hyperventilation.’
‘A breathing compulsion caused by stress and perhaps mental stimulation. The symptoms are very asthmatic as the carbon dioxide level in the blood is lowered due to intense breathing, hence the onset. It’s painful, but …… not life threatening.’ Ruan Shao Nan repeated the doctor’s words parrot-like.
Ru Fei was simply grieved, and looked at the person lying on the bed with heartache, raising her face, ‘Mr Ruan, do you mind if I talk to you alone?’
Ruan Shao Nan was a little hesitant. Ru Fei turned her face and said to the person guarding the doorway, Ji Mor, ‘Please take care of her for me.’ Then to the puzzled Ruan Shao Nan, she said, ‘When you were only busy seeking revenge on the Lu family, Ling Lu Chuan came to bully Wei Hei, and he was the one who saved Wei Hei’s life. He’s a friend of ours and has always taken care of Wei Hei, and she trusts him. I’m asking him to take care of her. If she loses a single hair, I’ll let you do whatever you want. Of course, you can talk here if you want to, as long as you’re not afraid to wake her up.’
Ruan Shao Nan said, ‘It’s not that serious.’ He looked at Ji Mor again and nodded to him in a gentlemanly manner, ‘Thank you for always taking care of Wei Hei, thank you.’
Ruan Shao Nan went out with Ru Fei. Chi Mo sat on the edge of the bed, guarding the person lying on the bed for them.
She seemed to be sleeping very uneasily, her eyebrows all furrowed together as if she was in the middle of a nightmare. He saw her nose tighten. He thought she would cry, but who knew, she was just shivering, shivering in bursts, as if she was being chased by something terrifying, her entire body was curled up, her entire face was wrinkled together, there were no tears, only trembling.
Chi Mor was deeply shaken by the scene in front of him, he really can’t imagine, just what kind of fear can make a person scared like this? Just what kind of experience can make a person even in the dream do not dare to cry aloud?
She is a soft woman, but, he has seen her, even in the most troubled times, are a clanking and proud, never seen her so fragile.
The wind had risen, the window was not closed, the wind rolled the curtains and flipped them in the darkness of the night, like the wings of a bird.
Chi Mo looked at the person on the bed, miserable white face, as if a shrivelled flower. He whispered, ‘Ruan Shao Nan, Ling Luchuan …… God, do you actually know that you have messed with some kind of people?’

When Rufei returned to the ward, Ji Mor was closing the window. Ru Fei put the bought snacks on the table, but the person on the bed seemed to be extremely tired and had no intention of waking up at all.
‘He’s gone?’ Chi Mor asked.
Ru Fei nods, her entire body slumps into the chair next to the bed, as if relieved.
Chi Mor looks at her, ‘You don’t want to say something to me?’
Rufei tilts her face up, ‘I’m hungry, let’s talk while we eat.’

The two sat on the lanai outside the ward, drinking beer and eating chicken wings. The whole city was silent, occasionally wild birds could be heard cawing in the shadows. The night was deep, with neon flickering in the distance, the hustle and bustle of the world so distant at the moment.
‘What do you want to know?’ Rufus nibbled on a few chicken wings, instantly refreshed.
‘I should say, I want to be sure of something. I know that the last time you guys offended a guest at the ‘Absolute Colour’, one of them was Ruan Shao Nan. At that time, he took a liking to Wei Hei, and then she became his …… ‘Calling for an answer, Chi Cheng suddenly felt unable to say anything else. However, just now in the ward, that man was so intimate with her that he couldn’t help but make people think.
Rufei laughed dumbly, ‘If things are just like that, it’s simple. Between them, it’s not what you think.’
Looking at the man’s puzzled eyes, Ru Fei sighed, ‘These are all what Wei Hei told me in the orphanage, this story is a bit long, perhaps we should start from Wei Hei’s life ……’

That night, Ji Mo had been drinking in silence, and even though his heart turned over like a shock and throbbing, he also put it away. and throbbing in his heart, he hid them well. He didn’t want to let himself act too surprised and affect the mood of the teller.
‘Lu Zi Xiu has more than one woman, and Wei Hei’s mother is considered the most favoured of all the mistresses. She was very pretty, as you can tell by looking at Wei Hei. So, after his main wife died, he officially married her mother and brought them back to the Lu family. But that was the beginning of the nightmare for Wei Hei. Lu Zi Xiu was not a kind man, and he raised his children to be ungrateful little brutes as well. He had two brothers and an older sister. Her mother was a weakling, and she became a toy for them to play with. Children can be cruel, and you can imagine what those years were like for her. Until she met Ruan Shao Nan when she was fourteen.’
Rufei took a sip of beer and looked at the moon in the sky, ‘I don’t know why, but the first time Ruan Shao Nan met Wei Hei, he liked her very much. The Ruan and Lu families were originally family friends and often travelled together. He came to see her every few days, taking care of her, caring for her, fulfilling her every wish, literally answering her every request. With him as her protector, Wei Hei’s life in the Lu family was much better, and it was probably the best time of her life as a teenager. It’s just a pity that the good times didn’t last long.’
Chi Mor frowned, sensing that what was to follow would not be a happy one.
Sure enough, Ru Fei sighed, ‘Due to a conflict of interest in the shopping mall, Ruan Shao Nan’s father was forced by Lu Zi Xiu to jump from the thirtieth floor in a bloody mess. And he and his mother, in order to survive meticulously fled to the United States. Since then, he has not been heard from or heard from again. Not long after that, something happened to Max’s mother. The one who couldn’t even speak aloud in front of the Lu family slit her wrists in her husband’s bed. By the time Lu Zi Xu found out, the bed was covered in blood and the body was hard. After her mother’s funeral, Wei Hei left the Lu family. She was so insignificant in the Lu family that no one cared if she lived or died. She was left alone on the streets, a teenager, for a whole week before someone from the welfare organisation found her and put her in an orphanage.’
Ru Fei turned her face and looked at the man beside her who had been silent, ‘So you should know clearly by now, Wei Hei, that she has been in love with Ruan Shao Nan since she was fourteen years old, for seven whole years. When we were in the orphanage, I didn’t know Ruan Shao Nan’s name, and it was only after they were reunited that Wei Hei told me. All I knew then was that there was someone living inside of her. She talked to him, smiled at him, and for a long time, she lived in the past, refusing to come out. The year she spent with him was like her entire childhood. I even suspected that her entire teenage years were actually spent with Ruan Shao Nan, in the castle she had forged with her memories and blood. Even if he was no longer there, even if they met again, and what awaited them was nothing more than bitter hatred, she had trouble parting with him and refused to leave ……’
The man forced down the shaking in his heart, and couldn’t help but ask, ’What about him, did he love her like that too? ’
Rufei smiled, ‘This, even Wei Hei doesn’t know. She’s so smart and can’t even see through him, I know even less.’
Rufei raised his face and looked at the twinkling stars in the sky, ‘Have you ever thought about it. If the person you love the most in the world could be the person who hates you the most in this world, what should you do?’
Ji Mo pondered for a moment, and returned, ‘Everything that happened back then had nothing to do with Wei Hei, she didn’t even profit from it, there’s no reason for him to hate even her.’
‘That’s what I told Wei Hei at the time, but Wei Hei told me that I had forgotten that there is a very scary emotion in this world called relocation of anger. For Ruan Shao Nan, whose family was ruined by the Lu family, just the reason that her surname is Lu is enough.’
Chi Mor fell silent, it was a fact that human emotions, especially the emotion of revenge, were indeed sometimes not controlled by reason.
‘So, what did you just say to him? Telling him how much Unhail loves him?’
Rufus puffed, ‘Am I crazy? I told him that if he dared to hurt Maxine, I would not let him go even if I were a ghost.’
‘How did he reply?’
Ru Fei’s eyes looked in an unknown direction and suddenly became dark, ‘He said that even if he turned everyone in the world into ghosts, he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her half a bit.’
Chi Mo was stunned for a moment, and after a long time he let out a cold laugh, ‘What is this?’
‘I think ……,’ Ru Fei took a sip of beer, ’he is using another way to express his love.’
Chi Mo suddenly understood something and smiled coldly, ‘You brought me here today on purpose?’
Ru Fei’s response was very cold, ‘It was you yourself who wanted to come, I was just going along for the ride.’
‘You already knew that, didn’t you?’
‘Yes, I knew! The first day I was with you, I knew.’ Ru Fei turned her face and looked at the man’s handsome side face, it was a sinking temptation that one couldn’t resist after one look.
‘Then you still sleep with me? Mo Rufei, what do you think?’ Chi Mo grabbed Rufei’s arm, his fingers almost embedded into her flesh.
Ru Fei looked at him, her eyes fluttering and carrying a certain unspeakable heat, ‘Because I’m the same as you, because I know that I will never be able to get the one I love, so I covet his scent, I covet his flavour, and as long as I can hold each other tightly, even if it turns into a flash, even if it’s like a moth to a flame, I’d rather lay my liver and brain on the ground for him.’
Her fingers gently stroked his face, her delicate curves pressed against his power-filled body, her teasing breath lingering on his lips with a slight sourness and deadly allure, ‘I know what it is about me that fascinates you. It doesn’t matter, you can always use me, I know your pain, your loneliness, the emptiness inside you, all the pain and confusion, I empathise with you.’
Chi Mor grabbed Ru Fei’s hair, his sharp black eyes pierced coldly at her face, ‘I’m not a decent person, don’t care about getting you all bruised up, are you really sure, you don’t mind?’
Ru Fei’s arms snake-like hooked around his neck, murmured and whispered, ‘Yes, the other party is you, I have no inhibitions.’
Ji Mor laughed, hugged this moving body in his arms tightly, and said sorrowfully, ‘But, I mind!’

Chapter 13 A woman’s cruelest humiliation

Hyperventilation is not a serious illness, and Wei Hei was able to leave the hospital the next day.
After her discharge, everything seemed to be quiet. As the end of the semester approached, she was busy attending classes and working part-time, and when she had a few spare moments, she carried a drawing board and went out sketching with her classmates. She used every method to keep herself from having extra time, because as soon as she stopped, she felt that even the sky was grey in this city.
The department informed her to prepare her CV, that the scholarship had already been approved, and that she only needed to submit a few documents to get it done. When she heard the news, she felt nothing. She knew that it didn’t mean anything, and it didn’t change anything.
Ruan Shao Nan just liked to coax her, just like when she was a child, every time she was sad, he would buy some small gifts to make her happy. However, this couldn’t change her fate.
He said that he wouldn’t let her go, then he wouldn’t let her go for the rest of his life.

In December, this coastal city, which has no winter, unexpectedly had a heavy snowfall. The old people said it was a miracle that would not be seen for decades.
When Wei Hei woke up in the morning, through the grey window, she saw large flakes of snow drifting down from the sky.
Rufei was so happy that she used her sleeve to polish a small piece of glass and looked out excitedly, ‘Come look, Max, this is the first time I’ve seen snow since I was a child, and it’s real snow!’
Hei smiled at her as she cuddled up under the covers, Ruifei really was an easily satisfied person.
The weather was bad, so they ate breakfast at home, and when Rufei came back with breakfast, she brought back a bunch of gossip papers. She was nibbling on a doughnut while looking at it with a sense of humour. Suddenly, a news item subdued her entire being.
She looked up at Wei Hei who was drinking oil tea and pushed the newspaper to her, ‘Wei Hei, your sister …… hanged herself in the Lu family villa.’
‘What?’ Wei Hei almost choked on her oil tea.
‘See for yourself.’ Ru Fei nodded to the huge news item on the newspaper.
Hei grabbed the paper.
‘It says that she lost all her assets in futures speculation and owes the bank a large sum of money. Her husband fell on his sword and not only divorced her, but also claimed that he wanted to separate himself from the Lu family. Also, the Securities and Futures Commission is investigating her for cheating small shareholders by making false accounts, and once the case is closed, she will go to jail. She couldn’t stand the pressure and hanged herself at Northview Villa, and her body hung for a week before being found.’
Wei Hei frowned and said to herself, ‘North View Villa? That’s the Lu family’s old mansion, it’s been shelved for a long time.’
She suddenly felt a chill like suffocation; Ruan Shao Nan had said last time that he guaranteed that no one from the Lu family would bother her in the future. As it turned out, he was guaranteeing that her sister would die!
‘Looking at this photo, I guess when the gate was pried open, the police didn’t arrive before the reporters did. The photo was taken like this and still released, the Lu family has really fallen, now it’s a wall falling down.’
‘It should be the end of the road ……’ Wei Hei sighed, ’She has always loved to be beautiful, I remember when I was a child, every time she went out, she had to dress up like a noble princess, I did not think that now …… Chinese people talk about is into the ground for peace, life is no longer good, after death should also be respected. Such photos are also exposed, the media is also too inhumane.’
Ru Fei grunted and laughed, ‘When she used to cut your clothes, cut your hair, and rub chilli water on your face, she probably didn’t think she’d have today.’
Wei Hei put down the newspaper and folded it to the side, ‘Actually, she’s not bad in the Lu family, princess temper, but simple-minded. The scariest one is my second brother, a smile that hides a knife, a move that can lead to death. He used to be a demon, now I don’t know what he will become.’
Rufei thought for a moment, and suddenly said very seriously to the person across the table, ‘Wei Hei, have you ever thought that, perhaps, it’s not the media that’s inhumane, but someone who authorised them to do this.’
Hearing these words, Wei Hei was stunned.
‘I’ve always felt that Ruan Shao Nan was avenging you in his own way. Nah! I should say, avenging you. Maybe …… he really loves you.’
Wei Hei looked at her a little strangely, ‘You didn’t used to have this attitude, why did you change your stance so quickly?’
‘I just think, aren’t we being too pessimistic? Ruan Shao Nan certainly wants revenge, but if he really loves you, he may not take it out on you. Besides, how the Lu family has been treating you all along, Ruan Shao Nan knows very well.’
Wei Hei sighed, ‘Do you think that I’m just afraid of being angered by him?’
Rufei was a little confused, ‘What else are you afraid of?’
Wei Hei hesitated for a moment before saying, ‘Rufei, do you remember, we saw a film together called “Looking at the Countryside”. We all pitied those Nanyang sisters, who at the time of the country’s poorest and weakest, endured the cruelest humiliation of being a woman in a foreign land, suffered the ravages of foreign men, and used their own flesh and blood money to feed their relatives back home, but never had the face to return to their homeland.’
‘As I recall, their graves in the South Seas are turned with their backs towards their homeland.’ Rufei looked at Wei Hei strangely, ‘Why did you suddenly remember this?’
‘Ruan Shao Nan’s mother was in the United States ……’
Hei couldn’t go on, Rufei stared at him with rounded eyes, and nodded his head gently. Ruifei covered her mouth in surprise, and only half a day later stammered, ‘No…… can’t be, how could this happen?’
‘At that time, the Ruan family had completely collapsed, the same situation as the Lu family now, the wall fell down and people pushed. When they mother and son fled to the United States, they were already penniless. Lu Zi Xu ……’ Wei Hei let out a long sigh, ’I have to say, he was too good at playing with his enemies, even the orphans and widows. He found them quickly, and instead of driving them to extinction, he came up with a better way to torture them. He used his powerful connections in the United States to make it impossible for mother and son to even find a job washing dishes over there. He even sent someone to break Ruan Shao Nan’s legs, they had no hospital bills, Ruan Shao Nan was going to be disabled for the rest of his life. At that time, his mother and son had no way out of heaven and no way in. His mother, a woman, apart from betraying herself, what else could she rely on to save her son?’
Ru Fei shook his head, ‘Great mother …… that, Wei Hei, take offence, I used to only think that your father is a clothed beast, I now realise that he is simply worse than a beast.’
Unhei smiled, ‘No need to feel offended, your assessment is quite pertinent.’
‘However, this matter should be very secretive, how do you know so well?’
‘Hidden?’ Max shook his head and sighed, ‘It wasn’t secret at all. At that time, this matter was known to almost everyone in high society. Lu Zi Xiu even got someone to take photos of his mother pimping in the US, and they were widely circulated in the community, becoming the laughing stock of celebrities and noblewomen after dinner.’
Ru Fei screamed, ‘My God! He …… this is also too shameless, what deep hatred, why so desperate?’
Wei Hei looked at Ru Fei, his eyes heavy, ‘This is the most terrifying thing about Lu Zi Xu. To make an example of him, he wants all the people to fear him and not dare to go against him. In the past, in the Lu family, he said something to all of our children that I still can’t forget.’
‘What did he say?’
‘He said that to take revenge on someone, you don’t necessarily have to kill them, but learn to make their life worse than death. To strike a man, it is not necessary to destroy his flesh, but to destroy his dignity. You must make him tremble with fear when he thinks of you, and feel ashamed and ashamed of himself. That’s the way to completely destroy a person.’
Ru Fei was so shocked that she could barely speak, ‘Now I finally know why those brothers and sisters of yours are so shameless in what they do, so, the root cause is here.’
Unhei laughed mockingly, ‘That’s right, to be his children, they are either deranged or pessimistic, there can’t be any that are too normal. He’s like a lion, pushing his children off a cliff one by one and watching them climb back up bit by bit, the strongest to become king. The one thing he admired most in his life was Darwin, citing his theory of evolution as a classic and believing in it.’
‘Now I finally understand why Ruan Shao Nan’s revenge is so crazy. With such a blood feud, no one would not go crazy.’
Wei Hei shook his head remotely, his eyes staring at the newspaper he had just folded, ‘Now, he’s not just taking revenge, he’s also settling scores. Remember those things we heard last time at the stall? Those people whose families were ruined by Ruan Shao Nan, most of them were my father’s partners. Those who were involved in this matter back then, those who knew about this matter, he is liquidating them one by one, he won’t let any of them go.’
Rufei suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and grabbed Wei Hei’s arm, ‘You mean you’re one of them?’
Ru Fei hoped that she had thought wrong, but Wei Hei’s answer just confirmed her suspicions.
‘For Ruan Shao Nan, I am a witness and a recorder. I witnessed his humiliating history and recorded his tragic past. I can’t deny that he probably likes me a little bit, so he hasn’t yet laid his hands on me, and the joy of reunion has temporarily drowned out everything. However, when he cleans up those people one by one, when he gets back from his joy, the last one that should be cleaned up is me.’
Rufei really panicked, she didn’t expect things to develop into this, ‘But, the result may not be like this. If …… he loves you a lot, maybe, he won’t bother with all that.’
Wei Hei sighed deeply, looked at Ru Fei’s eyes and said, ‘You also said, it’s just “if”.


Chapter 14 Enduring is no longer tolerable

In the coastal city, snow can’t stay on the roads. The streets are full of wheels spinning in the snow slurry, and people walking with their trouser legs.
The neon sign of ‘A Beautiful City’ had a layer of snow on it, which she swept off with a small broom.
The night wind was a little chilly, so she tugged at the collar of her uniform and put her reddened fingers to her mouth, puffing on them as if to warm them up a little.
It was about time, and the ladies who worked here were coming in one after another. Beauties of all colours came in one after another, with beautiful clothes and beautiful flowers.
Many people said that all the ladies of the ‘City of Colours’ drove Mercedes-Benz and BMWs to work. At first, she thought this was true, but after working here for a long time, she realised that the rumours were exaggerated. There are many who leave in fancy cars, but very few who come by car.
The girls here earn a lot of money and spend a lot of it. Some of them like to buy designer brands, following the same as the devil. Cartier watches, LV bags, Chanel perfume, cosmetics, the best to Lancôme full set. A set of lines to be tens of thousands, which have spare money to buy a car?
There are also some people do not like to buy these good-looking but not useful luxury goods, but the speed of spending money is faster than running water. As for where they spend their money, looking at their increasingly thin bodies, more and more depressed look, do not ask.
In fact, once you embark on this road, no matter how you go, almost all in one direction, is the road of no return.
It is said that eating youth is the most time-saving, fastest-gaining and lowest-cost profession. But who can say what it’s like, except for themselves?

When the snow was almost cleared, Wei Hei was carrying her tools and planning to go back. At that moment, a black Rolls Royce pulled up in front of the ‘City of Beauty’.
The car park of the City of Beauty has always been the home of the Universal Motor Show. But when she saw the person coming down from the car, she was really surprised.
‘CoCo……,’ Max cried out.
CoCo turned to look at Wei Hei, not much expression, the man beside her eagle claw-like hands around her shoulders, kissed her on the cheek before letting go of her.
CoCo turned back to him and waved her hand, her back to Unhail, so Unhail couldn’t see her face.
She turned and walked over to him, and Max tried to say something to her, but she didn’t seem to want to say hello, her pretty boots stomping carelessly in the mud, splattering it in countless spots.
She had been fine the other day, but what was wrong with her today?
Wei Hei was really surprised, and when she went to the bar to get a drink, she couldn’t help but ask Ah Feng, ‘What’s wrong with CoCo?’
Feng looked up at CoCo, who was playing a disc on the stage, ‘Nothing, just that the song today was a bit bad, I told her to change it to something new, nowadays the customers’ tastes are tricky, but she just didn’t listen.’
‘That’s not what I’m asking, I saw that Mr Chen sent her here today. What’s going on here?’
‘Oh ……’ Ah Feng skimmed his lips, ’That’s for her to ask herself, but I heard that it seems like she’s done for the day.’
Unhei was even more surprised.

Hei had been in a very low mood today, and she had been surprised by CoCo’s cold expression that had been playing in front of her eyes, as well as Feng’s disdainful way of mentioning it.
As a result, when she burned the rubbish, she seemed to be affected by her bad mood, and even the lighter was against her, and she couldn’t get it to light. She wanted to go back for matches, but as soon as she turned around, she saw CoCo, standing silently at the back door, looking at her in disbelief.

They were sitting on a fallen basketball hoop, looking at the abandoned court in front of them. It was a wild, desolate place, and more than once, she had wondered how such a place could exist. It didn’t fit in at all with this materialistic city.
‘Aren’t you coming?’ CoCo shook the can of beer in her hand.
‘Nah, I’m fine with water. I’ve just been hospitalised the other day and I’m too scared to even have a drink now.’
CoCo turned her head to look at Wei Hei and smiled, ‘Wei Hei, sometimes, I really envy you. You don’t seem to want anything. How do you do it in a place like this, with all these people?’
Wei Hei took a sip of water, ‘All people have desires, it’s just that my desires are not quite the same as yours.’
‘Different in what way?’
‘Your desires can be converted into material things, my desires, can’t be seen, can’t be touched, it lurks in my heart.’
CoCo laughed and said drunkenly, ‘Max, is there something you want to ask me?’
Wei Hei looked at the young and beautiful face in front of her, she really had a lot of questions, ‘CoCo, you should know what kind of person that man is, how many ladies here have been spoiled by him? The last time that art college student, what kind of ending did he end up in, do you know?’
‘I know …… that Chen Gongzi, who doesn’t know about his tricks? Firstly, he feeds you with pearls and jewellery every day. When you are used to enjoying, you can never go back, he is almost tired of playing. When they broke up, they wouldn’t let them take anything with them, and if they were unhappy, they would let their bodyguards go up and beat them up. That girl, he broke her nose. The other day, I heard someone saw her at the massage parlour on the next street.’
Unhei was a little anxious, ‘You know it, why still ……’ CoCo curled up a little, Unhei could not go on.
‘You think I do?’ CoCo hung her face, her long eyelashes covering her eyes, ‘Wei Chengbao put the word out, if I don’t agree, he’s going to make me lose face for the rest of my life. Max, I’m not you. I didn’t go to college, I don’t have a talent for drawing, and I don’t have any friends like Rufei to depend on. I can’t do anything except DJ. I’m a girl with no background, no backing, no friends, what else can I do?’
Wei Hei froze for a long time before asking, ‘What did Mark say about this?’
‘Heh ……’ CoCo laughed out of her nose, ’Him? Wei Chengbao’s mouth scares him twice, and he immediately tells me to pack up and get out. Thinking about the past, I in order to buy him an electric guitar to save their own food and money, I feel stupid. I now understand that men, the original is only hard when the lower side, the upper side will be soft. What kind of alliance is not worth half a burrito.’
Max sighed, ‘Not all men are like that, you just didn’t meet the right person.’
CoCo laughed softly, ‘Do you remember when Xiao Wen told us that Wei Chengbao asked her to go to a hotel to serve a man with a very good background ……’
Hei nodded, ‘I remember when she entered the room, she found the man’s wife and his wife’s son. room and found the man’s wife and child sleeping on the bed, sound asleep. She wanted to leave, but the man pulled her into the bathroom. When they were doing that, the man’s wife and child were sleeping outside. The whole time, she didn’t dare make a sound. She said it felt like a century long.’
‘Can you imagine? I was dumbfounded. A man with his wife and child right outside, one wall away, and he’s over here having sex with a call girl. Everyone says prostitutes are cheap, but who’s cheap?’
Max was speechless at her question. It was snowing again, large flakes blown up by the wind, like willow flakes in late spring.
The two of them were speechless for a while, CoCo had nothing to say, and Hei wanted to say something, but she didn’t know what to say.
After a long time, CoCo clasped her hands on her knees and mumbled like a child, ‘Max, you don’t have to feel sorry for me. In fact, if you look at it carefully, there’s nothing wrong with it now. I’m living in his villa now, and I’ve never seen such a magnificent house in my life. What did Wei Chengbao say about women being born to be fucked by men? What does it matter if it’s with Mark or other men? Mark is worse than those men. I’ve been so good to him and he doesn’t even want me. Men, they’re all the same. I put up with it, put up with it and get over it, it’s no big deal ……’
She said while biting her finger, self-mutilation-like, biting out a bright red blood mark.
Wei Hei looked at her dumbfounded, as if back to that horrible night, she was lying alone and helpless in Ruan Shao Nan’s bed, shedding tears and blood, and lying to herself the same way.
Time and space intertwined in an instant, the scene in front of her overlapped with memories of the past, different looks, different voices, but the same timid eyes, resigned expression.

Hei, you must be obedient. Only if you listen will we have food to eat and a place to live. My brothers and sisters are bad, but aren’t the men outside worse? Not only do they scold you, they beat you, they bully you. Remember, Max, we’re women, and if we’re not capable, we’ll always be bullied by men. As long as we obey and don’t resist, we won’t have to starve or be beaten, and we’ll have a few good days. As long as we endure a little, endure a little will be all right ……

Who is the person who is talking in front of us? Who was the person who hugged her and said these words back then?
Back then, she was really obedient, her mother told her to endure, she endured. She wants her how to endure, she how to endure. But in the end, she endured, and the person who told her to endure did not. No one thought that the weak and timid woman would lie beside her husband and use a tiny pencil sharpener to sharpen her own artery.
Unh had seen the wound, the skin turned over, the flesh worn away. The pencil sharpener was ineffective, and it took many strokes in the same spot before it succeeded. He couldn’t imagine what kind of mindset her mother, who had always been timid and fearful of the Lukes, had had in mind when she ended her own life in an almost self-inflicted manner.
Is it only when she was forced to the point of ‘intolerable, intolerable’ that she would do so?
Yes, her poor mother didn’t have to endure any more, she was relieved. She was left alone to face the joyous world.

Wei Hei raised her head, looked at the distant lights, looked beyond the desolate world, as if she were talking to herself, and asked the person beside her, ‘Endure? Where are you going to endure? Your life is in the hands of others, how can you endure? You can’t even choose your own future, how can you endure? You know what? Tolerance also needs capital. Those of us who are at the mercy of others, the role of the people, up to heaven and down to the ground, it is not at the pleasure of others, what do you have to endure?’
The first time I saw this, I was able to see that the whole thing was just a little bit of a joke. ……
CoCo froze, and cried on Max’s shoulder. But the crying is not loud, just crying, stopping, as if a child crying too much choking.
‘Wei Hei …… If one day …… I die, can you help me collect the body, just like …… helping Xiaowen? I …… I don’t want to be a nameless corpse and die …… into a lonely ghost ……’
Wei Hei hugged her and smiled softly. ‘If I’m alive, I’ll help you. If I die, Rufei will help you. If we all die, and we all become lonely ghosts, you don’t have to be afraid, even if you go to hell, you have us with you.’
CoCo shuddered softly and lifted her tear-stained eyes to look at her, ‘Wei Hei, do you think that there really is a hell?’
‘Hell?’ Unhei mouthed, looking away as if she wanted to look through the darkness that melted before her eyes to the backside of the world to see what it was all about.
‘I don’t know, what is this place? What is hell? Where are we? I can’t tell the difference. ……’


What is life? It’s about spending most of our time experiencing pain and resolving it.
Such as hunger, such as poverty and sickness, such as wandering, such as ……
When Ruan Shao Nan put the call through, Wei Hei and Ru Fei were just about to finish work and go home.
Wei Hei watched as Ruan Shao Nan’s name flashed on the screen of the mobile phone he had given her. After he smashed his old phone, he bought her this one and had Wang Dongyang personally deliver it to the school.
The latest model of mobile phone, the price is naturally not expensive. When Wei Hei received the mobile phone, there was already a string of numbers stored in the phonebook. Ruan Shao Nan’s mobile phone, office phone, residential phone, secretary’s desk phone, driver’s phone …… and even his assistant’s phone.
The phone kept ringing, and Wei Hei resigned herself to picking it up.
‘Max, I miss you.’
It was nice, a simple, dry sentence that went straight to the heart, and Wei Hei could almost see Ruan Shao Nan’s undeniable expression on the other end of the line.
‘It’s too late, I want to go home ……,’ Wei Hei tried to hang on for dear life.
‘Shouldn’t you find a better place to put your mother’s ashes?’ He said slowly, his lightly widowed tone without a hint of emotion.
This was non-negotiable. Wei Hei looked at the high sky, the wind swirling with snowflakes blew over, it was cold, but not as cold as his three words.
‘I’ll have the driver pick you up.’ It was a statement, not a question. He would always know where her soft spot was, and didn’t think she was capable of refusing.
With pathos in her heart, Wei Hei asked, ‘Where are you? I’ll go by myself.’
Ruan Shao Nan seemed a little surprised and paused a little before saying, ‘I’m at the company, you know the place.’
After putting down the phone, Wei Hei looked at Ru Fei and said somewhat apologetically, ‘Ru Fei, go home by yourself.’
Rufei grabbed her arm, looking nervous, ‘Will it be alright?’
Wei Hei shook her head and smiled bitterly, ‘There won’t be anything serious. But ……’ her eyes were filled with cold sourness, ’I don’t want there to be a next time.’

Ruan Shao Nan stood on the topmost floor of Yi Tian Group, looking at the snowflakes swirling back outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. The silvery-white snowflakes, dancing and flying lightly, wrapped the dark night into a silver and white world.
Perhaps it was the neon lights, the sky at the moment was a strange dark red, as if blood had stained the chest of the night. Beneath his feet was the brightly lit city, and because it was in the most lively business district, even after midnight, it was still bustling as if it were not on earth.
Few people knew that Chairman Yi Tian actually had a living room of considerable size on the topmost floor of the company. This was after he took over Yi Tian, and had people purposely spacing out the conference room on the topmost floor to its current size.
There was a bedroom, a study, a bathroom, a separate toilet, a kitchen, and even a small bar. Whenever he worked late at night, he rested here. So the time spent on this side was even more than at home.
In fact, apart from work, there was another reason why he liked this place more than that villa near the sea.
One always has to stand at a high place to realise how small the people at the low place are. Only then can one caution oneself never to be the one who stoops to follow others.
Heh, live in peace and think of danger ……

Ding dong! It’s the sound of the lift, he has a private lift that goes straight here. Ruan Shao Nan put down his wine glass and opened the door to see a snowman.
Wei Hei’s entire body was white, with snowflakes hanging from his clothes, hair, eyebrows, and even his eyelashes. The temperature in the room was so high that the snow quickly turned into water, as if it had been drenched in a downpour, only this rain was different from that of the height of summer, cold as a frosty knife.
Ruan Shao Nan froze in the doorway for three seconds, hardly recognising the woman standing in front of him, not a single part of her body was dry.
He locked the door and without a word or care for her, he went into the other room by himself. Wei Hei stood there like a drowned stray cat, barefoot, water dripping from her hair onto the oily floor.
When Ruan Shao Nan came back out, he had a towel in his hand and threw it in her face without saying anything. When she tried to take it off, her feet left the ground, and before she knew what was happening, she was already being picked up in his arms.
He carried her into the bathroom and threw her straight into the bath like a sack. His square bath was so large that she was almost drowned in the water without even taking off her clothes.
The water was hot, like a million pins and needles, like torture. Max wrapped her arms around herself, her shoulders scrunched together. The water suddenly rose, and she was locked in an arm around her chest.
Ruan Shao Nan held her with one arm, the other resting casually on the edge of the bath, his back leaning against the edge of the pool, his eyes slightly closed.
His lips were pursed tightly, his jaw taut, the knot in his throat sliding up and down, and his fists resting on the edge of the pool were clenched tightly together, as if he was desperately trying to hold something back.
Adapting to the temperature of the water, Wei Hei’s body gradually warmed up, but his clothes were not removed, and after a long time, he itched unbearably and couldn’t help but wriggle a little.
‘What’s wrong?’ Ruan Shao Nan opened his eyes. Her movements were light, but he was too perceptive.
‘Not too comfortable.’
Ruan Shao Nan turned her body so that she was facing him.
It was only then that Wei Hei realised that he was surprisingly well-built. Broad shoulders and long arms, a standard model’s body type, no wonder everything he wore was so flattering and beautiful. He probably did a lot of exercise, and his muscles were rippling, every grain of them strong, hiding an incalculable danger and a beast that was waiting to be unleashed.
She shuddered in her heart and involuntarily shrank back a little. Ruan Shao Nan, however, clasped her chin, observing her every expression, ‘Are you never comfortable with me?’
‘You’re the one who wanted me to come. You only said you wanted me, you didn’t say what kind of me you wanted. If that doesn’t satisfy you, then next time what kind of expression you want, please give three days’ notice.’ It was almost like a provocation.
As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Wei Hei regretted it, knowing that she shouldn’t have angered him, and that the result of a moment of verbal bravado would be nothing more than hitting a stone with an egg, a mantis, or a bicycle.
Sure enough, Ruan Shao Nan pressed her down onto the soft couch by the pool, at just the right angle so she wouldn’t feel too bad, and couldn’t use her strength to break free.
He was always like this, killing and deciding between laughter and talk. Even her fear of him, he could control it just right. He never pushed her to the point of fighting for her life, yet he was able to make her fear him to the bone.
His lips fell with a dizzying scent. Wei Hei’s heart shrunk into a ball, and her face, which had just been somewhat flushed, instantly turned snow-white, and her body couldn’t help but freeze together.
This situation reminds her of that night when the sky turned upside down, as if she instantly relived everything she experienced that night, once again setting off the shocking waves in her heart, once again being crushed into powder and swallowed clean.
She dared not look at him, trembling sideways. But he laughed and said in her ear urgently, ‘Scared like this, and then you prefer to mess with me?’
Ruan Shao Nan saw the person underneath him looking at him without saying a word, the person in his arms, but full of sadness and aggression, couldn’t help but sigh, and moved to her ear, softly mumbling, ‘Don’t be afraid, don’t hold a grudge against me because of the last time, and don’t blame me for anything else. I’m also angry with myself for using those unpleasant tactics on you when I didn’t have anything like that in mind. But Max, really, I wouldn’t have pushed you so hard if I could have done anything else. So don’t be afraid of me, and don’t avoid me. You don’t know how hard it is for me to see you like that.’
He kissed her lips and said softly as if he was fascinated, ‘Just like we used to be, okay? You used to like to stick to me, you don’t know, at that time I hoped you would grow up quickly. But now that you’re older, you’ve grown distant from me. Max, let me know what you want. Whatever you want, whatever you like, whatever you can’t do. If you want the stars in the sky, I’ll pick them for you, okay?’
Stars? He knew in his heart that what she wanted wasn’t that, yet he was using such words to coax her? What she wants, last time on the beach has said clearly, and his answer is, this life, she do not even want to think.
Wei Hei turned her face sideways and faintly answered: ‘’I encountered some things today, and my mood is very poor ……
Ruan Shao Nan didn’t say anything, but his hand reached for her clothes. Wei Hei was startled, how did not expect him to be like this, instinctively backward, one hand grabbed the clothes, wet, shrinking in a corner, like a poor little mouse.
He pulled her closer, not letting her move around, looking at her with amusement, ‘You don’t really want to bathe with your clothes on, do you?’
Of course she didn’t want to, but …… unhealthy felt her face heating up.
He laughed softly against her ear, ‘I’ve already seen it, why are you still shy?’

His kisses landed on her back with a warlike burn. Noticing her abnormality, he laughed softly and put his arm around her shoulders, rubbing his wet hair against her face.
‘Why do you keep your hair so long? It’s past your waist, isn’t it?’ He ruffled her long hair to the side, the black strands spreading out in the water like spirited algae.
‘I haven’t cut it much since I was fourteen, and I trim it occasionally when it splits. Unfortunately, my hair isn’t good enough to stay here.’
‘Would more conditioner be better?’ He took a long lock of hair in his hand, feeling the smoothness in his palm, ‘Keep it all the way, I like it.’
She wrinkled her nose, ‘It’s a pain.’
‘How much trouble?’ He wrenched her chin, purposely raising his voice with her, ‘More troublesome than having a baby?’
She laughed, not afraid of him at this point, ‘It’s just more troublesome than having a baby, it’s hard to wash and clean, don’t believe me, try it yourself?’
He laughed and hugged her a little, murmuring in her ear, ‘Keep it, I’ll help you in the future ……’
She wanted to say something, but in the end did not say anything. Suddenly very greedy for this kind of atmosphere, two people together, just like an old husband and wife, do some boring and silly things, say some irrelevant gossip and parents, faggots, unknowingly is a lifetime.
But she knew that this short-lived happiness was stolen. When you laugh, there is an occasional trance. That smile then congealed on her face, as if it were some kind of sign, commemorating the passing of a happy period.
Time cannot be turned back, history will not be rewritten, and things in this world will always go in the direction they should go, irrevocable and irreversible.
Every time I think of this, all the happiness will instantly disappear into the air, leaving only a faint breath.
It turns out that happiness can also have no tomorrow, which is really a sad thing ……
“By the way, what makes you unhappy?’ He rested his chin on her shoulder, his broad palms tenderly rubbing her breasts and blowing warmly in her ear, her affliction not affecting him. He was truly happy at the moment, a rare joy that came from within.
It was just a few gentle whispers, an intimate embrace, and he was happy like this. It was surprisingly easy to make him happy, she really hadn’t thought about it.
She pulled away his unsteady hand and smiled, ‘It’s all trivia, you won’t be interested.’
‘No way! Tell me.’ He bit her shoulder, suddenly bossy like a child.
She laughed and hid from him, but the bath was so big, where could she hide? She thought for a moment and told him about CoCo in a simplified way.
Ruan Shao Nan had a moment of silence after listening and asked, ‘Did she remind you of something?’
Wei Hei leers over her shoulder, Ruan Shao Nan doesn’t say anything else, just gives her a gentle kiss on the neck, ‘I’m done, take your time to wash.’
She heard a splash of water and he put on a towel and went out.
The temperature in the bathroom didn’t change, but Wei Hei felt cold. She looked at her fingers, white from the warm water, water running down between them, her palms hollow. Clenching them into fists, they held nothing but emptiness.
She turned her face and saw his men’s shirt sitting by the side of the pool, where he must have left it on purpose. Her clothes hadn’t dried yet, and she guessed there wouldn’t be any extra pajamas here.
She stepped out of the bath and drew a towel to dry herself off. Then picked up the shirt, expensive fabric, examined cut, even the tiny cufflinks were made of understated and expensive sapphire glowing in the light with an ethereal lustre.
In the Lu family when I know, the real rich, is what he wears used, are tailor-made. The car and the mansion are all tailor-made, from a car to a mansion, to a tiny button.
Wei remembers that Ruan Shao Nan used to like to wear white shirts, probably because he was still in school, and his white shirts were only the most ordinary kind. But it was always washed white and clean, and when she put her face on it, she could smell the faint aroma of washing powder, like lilacs on a summer night, gently diffusing under the pale moonlight. It was a reassuring smell, and leaning in his arms, one would not want to leave for the rest of one’s life.
But now, touching the delicate lines of the shirt, it made her feel unfamiliar. I should say, except for certain moments that could evoke memories, everything about him now was unfamiliar to her.

Outside the bedroom’s floor-to-ceiling windows, there was a wide terrace surrounded by colourful neon lights, and in the middle of it was a small swimming pool facing the city’s bustling night scene.
Once again, he couldn’t help but think, ‘It’s good to be rich. Who would have thought of building a swimming pool so high up? Even if they could, how many of them could do it?
How much more pleasurable would it be to enjoy the moon, the breeze and the city’s bustle?
However, the owner of the house was just sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the bedroom, sipping red wine, and seemed to have no intention of wanting to go into the water, and come to think of it, today’s weather didn’t seem to be suitable.
‘Come sit.’ He patted the cushion on the floor.
Wei Hei walked over, her hair still dripping, her shirt was wide and she rolled up the sleeves, towelling her hair dry as she went.
Ruan Shao Nan poured her a cup of tea and proceeded to drink himself. Wei Hei realised that he drank a lot, but in a few moments the bottle of red wine was almost at the bottom.
‘Can you swim?’ The atmosphere was a bit stagnant, he seemed to be unable to find any topic of conversation for a while, and asked casually.
Wei Hei looked at the pool reflecting the starlight, smiled, ‘I’ve always been in awe of swimming pools, both big and small, and never watched swimming competitions, and even the sight of the water in the pool would make me nauseous.’
‘Why?’ He was a little curious.
Unhealthy whispered with his teacup in hand, ‘If a person, who has been pressed into the water over and over again, and pulled out again and again, I think, he would be just like me.’
‘What?’ He was surprised.
‘My second brother Lu Renxie ……,’ Wei Hei fixedly looked at the pool water outside, the whole person suddenly a little weak, the heart in the chest cavity trembled badly. She didn’t know if she had enough courage to tell everything that happened at that time. Everything in the past she never wanted to recall, those heinous encounters, those terrible humiliations, those days without seeing the light of day. He would never know if she couldn’t tell.
She could never forget that summer holiday, what heinous things her second brother Lu Renxie, the most valued and smartest child in the Lu family, had done to her.
She told Ruan Shao Nan how he had pushed her into the water again and again, and how he had pulled her out again and again. Each time he asked her to look at his face, sometimes it was pitch black in front of her, sometimes she could faintly see his mocking eyes. Her lungs hurt as if they were exploding, water choked into her windpipe, her throat felt like a knife was cutting it, and her nasal passages felt like they were on fire. Until she couldn t stay up …… she began to beg him, crying and screaming, begging him in every way she could. But even then he refused to let her go. After he had enjoyed himself, he held her down once again.
When she said these words, her voice had been with an uncontrollable tremor, gradually becoming upside down and fragmented. Her gaze was stiff and dull, as if she was a puppet on strings that had lost its paint.
Ruan Shao Nan’s hand was holding her with an unconscious strength, his powerful fingers tightening bit by bit, almost pinching into her flesh.
However, Wei Hei was oblivious to all of this, she couldn’t feel the pain, nor could she feel the man’s tightness. She was defenceless, and fell headlong into a flood of memories, as if into a bottomless abyss.
She suddenly turned her face and fixed him with a straight stare, ‘Do you know what fear he put into me? It’s not violence, it’s not death, it’s the fact that there is a time in your life when there is someone who can make your life worse than death. And this time, unspecifiable, unpredictable, it’s like a shadow in the sun following you like a shadow, it will slowly drain you ……‘
’Stop saying that!’ Ruan Shao Nan couldn’t listen anymore, he tightly grabbed her shoulders, ‘Don’t say anymore ……’
Wei Hei, however, laughed, a pale smile in the cool moonlight, but it looked a little weird, ‘You can’t listen anymore? Does he also remind you of something?’
He snapped up his fierce eyes like an enraged cheetah, and the very look could dismantle his prey into his belly. He grabbed her fiercely and pinned her whole against the landing, almost embedding her in the glass.
‘You did that on purpose!’ He viciously spat out these words from between his teeth, ‘Everything you did today, every word you said, even every action, every expression, was it all designed by you beforehand?’
‘What do you think?’ She asked instead of answering.
He grabbed her shoulders, almost wanting to tear her apart, ‘How could you be so horrible? I can’t believe it!’
Wei Hei looked at him somewhat miserably as she endured the sharp pain in her shoulder that felt like it was being dismantled, ‘Who is the one who is horrible? If you had a clear conscience, why are you so angry now? Do the things I did and said today make you feel uncomfortable? What about me, what kind of life have I been living these past two months? You can push me to the brink again and again and then give me a straw to save my life. It’s like I’m being held down into the water over and over again, and then being pulled out over and over again. This process …… is right, it is like simmering an eagle. When I can not boil, you will be satisfied. So, for the first time, you won t let me close my eyes, you want me to watch and see how powerless and desperate I am. Every step you counted, you want me not to dare to reject you, even dream of you …… ‘ she suddenly laughed, ’This is really a kind of romantic destruction, you must think that you are the greatest lover in this world, is not it? ’
‘I said, don’t say anymore …… ‘ Ruan Shao Nan slowly clasped her neck, his hands were cold, freezing. The brutally violent hostility pounced on her face, and the cold-blocking eyes made her believe that if she said one more word, he would really strangle her to death.
However, she was not afraid of death and preferred to speak on.
‘You’re even more terrifying and high-handed than Lu Renaxi. You don’t even spare the dead, you can use them all, you make me hurt so much that I can’t speak. I really want to know, for someone like me who has nothing to lose in the first place, if one day I don’t even care about my mother’s ashes, what capital do you have left?’
His thumb caught in her throat and his fingers cackled. He tried desperately to control himself from raising his hand and slapping her across the face, holding back his entire body, but he couldn’t stop the cannibalistic-like force in his hand.
Her throat was almost crushed by him, and yet, she could still speak.
‘You wouldn’t know that …… these days …… I only have one dream …… and it’s all about you . . it’s all about that trickster you …… I wake up scared in my dreams …… Do you want me to fall in love with you …… Is it possible? ’
Deadly blow!
Bang! He slammed her to the floor, the veins in his body almost exploding, and the veins on his forehead jutted out. Like a wild animal that had lost its mind, he grabbed her up and slammed her to the floor again so hard that he almost knocked all the air out of her chest. She blacked out and collapsed, just hurting, hurting so horribly, like a jackhammer crushing her ribs, or like a bird having its wings broken and thrown into a bottomless abyss.
He seemed to say something to her, but the voice was too distant for her to hear. He began to tear her clothes, his movements were so violent that he seemed to want to pull out her internal organs. She struggled violently, but his strength was so strong, ferocious and ruthless as if he wanted to dismantle her and strip her of her tendons.
The thin material could not withstand the strong tugging and pulling, and the sound of cracking silk was so ear-piercing. Under the rags, she was naked, as if the beautiful carcass was made of sheep’s fat white jade, arousing the man’s primitive wildness. He almost ferociously spread her thighs, pulling open the belt of his dressing gown, his violent weapon was like a sharp sword, seemingly to pierce her stubbornness, her stubbornness, her tender body alive.
In her panic, she casually touched the flask. She grabbed it, but he was faster, snapping her wrist and slamming it hard on the floor ……
Splat! The wine bottle burst.
Something came out of her hand, bright red, drop after drop.
Ten fingers connected, she didn’t know how many shards had lodged in her hand, and her eyes went black, almost fainting from the pain. Cold sweat broke out and instantly soaked her entire body. She was cold and in pain, her frail body had long been unable to bear it, and like a butterfly with broken wings she was nailed to the cold floor by him, as if she was only waiting for that final shattering, that final despair.
She turned her face to the side, looking at her own hands shivering in the blood and water pressed by him, no longer able to resist anything. There was red as far as the eye could see, and only his breath, cold and dominating, covered her entire body.
He tore away the last of her cover, and came in, ramming into her, into that warm and delicate place, using all his strength, his mouth panting like a wild animal feeding, his cold teeth gnawing at her smooth skin, like the brave and hostile gods and demons on the thangkas, sinister and powerful, strong and incomparable.
Wei Hei’s eyes were blurred, lost in thought, looking at her bleeding water, looking at the terrible puddle of crimson on the floor, and in her ears, she heard his frantic heartbeat, beastly low gasps, and the sound of muscles and bones giving out.
Her cold sweat broke out as he penetrated her so hard he almost embedded her in himself. But just like that he wasn’t satisfied, pulling her up and forcing her into his arms. Kissing her wildly, her slightly parted lips, her lost eyes, her body was lifted up high by him, and then down heavily. She was shaking, her back was slick with sweat, and her whole body felt as if it had been split in two by a sharp axe, so painful that she couldn’t breathe.
She heard someone laughing, and it was a creepy, mournful, desperate laugh, as if it were some sort of goblin, as if it came from her own body.
She gasped, looked into his stormy eyes, and said to him in a light, trembling voice, ‘Mr Nguyen …… When you are done, please tell me how much pleasure it gives you to watch me bleed and shiver on top of you. When you’re done, please tell me how happy you are to trample on me like this?’
All the storm was instantly stilled, and the room was so quiet that the heartbeats of the two men could be heard. Flutter! Flutter! Flutter!
The whole world disappeared, all the feelings poured out in an instant, and only the awful, cold sound of the heart-beats remained. Flutter! Puff! Puff!
I don’t know how long it took, but a voice rang fiercely in her ears, lowered with a hatred that could sweep away everything, ‘Get out of here! I never want to see you again!’

Chapter 16 Strangers

That night, or Wang Dongyang rushed over and sent these two people to the hospital, Ruan Shao Nan’s hand was also injured, he couldn’t drive himself, and couldn’t just let the blood keep flowing, so he called him over.
He had a lot of glass shards lodged in his left hand, but they were relatively shallow and didn’t damage the nerves. The doctor only kept her in the hospital for one day, and then allowed her to go home. On her way out, she was told to come back regularly to change her medication, to keep her wound out of water, and not to eat irritating food, as it would be difficult for the scar to go down.
When she was discharged from the hospital, the snow had stopped and the sun was shining.
When she was discharged, she stood in the lobby waiting for her. Coincidentally, she saw Ruan Shao Nan and Wang Dong Yang walking towards the hospital.
He was actually more injured than she was, and she thought he would stay for two more days, but she never expected to see him so soon.
Ruan Shao Nan also saw her, coldly, without any expression, and did not avoid her gaze, that kind of detached eyes, like looking at a stranger.
He walked closer and closer, the surroundings were noisy, but in her case it was like a pantomime, instantly eliminating all the noise, the entire hall was left with only the sound of his footsteps, echoing hollowly. Her heart beat more and more rapidly, stood there fixedly, for a moment actually at a loss for words.
Then he passed her by, and the whole world stood still.
How should I describe this feeling? Like life, like reincarnation, lightning and fire tasted a lifetime of sweet and sour, let a person can not bear.
She was alone, standing in the hospital where people came and went, just like standing in the flood of time. The constant crowd of people seemed like goldfish swimming in a fishbowl, leaving her alone, standing alone outside the glass tank, looking at her own desolation, looking at this gorgeous world.
He was gone, but she was still standing here.

After that day, Ru Fei had asked her, ‘Is it the result you want to have, just passing by like this?’
They were sitting on the roof of the building watching the sunset, surrounded by a checkerboard of high-rise buildings, the so-called sunset was just a little afterglow between the buildings.
Wei Hei was making up an assignment left by her professor, and when she heard Ru Fei’s words, she herself was startled, and her hand lost focus for a moment. She used a knife to scrape off the excess, but she couldn’t get it back, so she sighed, ‘Things are already like this, do you think the answer still matters?’ Then she crumpled the drawing paper into a ball, threw it away, and replaced it with another one.
Ruofei lit a cigarette and didn’t say anything.
She remembered that when she rushed to the emergency room, she was really startled by the sight in front of her. However, it wasn’t Wei Hei who scared her, but Ruan Shao Nan.
He was being stitched up at the time, and the wound was almost across his entire wrist. On a porcelain plate next to him was a large shard of glass, the sharp edge of which stood out in blood, making one’s heart skip a beat. The hospital stitched it up while telling him, ‘It’s a good thing you didn’t cut the nerves, or your hand would be ruined.’
Hearing the doctor’s words, he didn’t have much of an expression. The person who was usually so perfect and flawless, at the moment looked a bit wretched, still wearing his pyjamas, the cuffs of his sleeves were already stained with blood.
Wang Dongyang ambled into his ear and said something, only then did he turn his face, looking at her in a wooden yet empty way, his icy eyes frightening. Looking at her was not like looking at a person, but rather a strange object.
Ru Fei only felt a chill down her back, this kind of eyes that do not recognise their relatives, to her is to hate the crows and houses, and even so. What would happen to Wei Hei?
She didn’t dare to think about it.
But that day at the hospital, when she saw them pass by like strangers, she felt sorry for Max. In her heart, she always thought that Ruan Shao Nan was in love with Wei Hei.
‘Have you thought about it? If he doesn’t love you at all, nothing you can do will help. If he really loves you, and you treat him like that, that kind of blow is enough to be fatal. You didn’t see the look in his eyes that day at the hospital, so desperate that he seemed to have lost the whole world. You’re just going to make a clean break like that, not leaving him or yourself a chance at all? What were you thinking?’
Wei Hei’s hand trembled, wrong again, it seems that she can’t continue to draw today. She simply put down her drawing board and looked at the sunset between the buildings in the distance, ‘Then what do you think I should do? Tell him how much I love him? And then let him take me, the daughter of his enemy, with him, facing each other in the morning and embracing each other at night? He simply can’t forget who I am and whose blood flows in my body. It has nothing at all to do with whether I am innocent or not, or how I am related to the Lu family. Rather, when he sees me, he will remember that unbearable past. He’ll be conflicted, he’ll lose control, I’ve tried it more than once.’
She lowered her head, looked at her gauze wrapped left hand, and smiled ruefully, ‘Whether he loves me more or hates me more, probably even he can’t tell.’
Ru Fei sighed, rubbing the corner of his forehead with a cigarette in his hand, ‘So you guys are like this?’
‘What else could it be?’ Unhei hugged his knees and curled up in the chair, ‘I know, you must think I did wrong. You can call me selfish, you can call me pretentious, you can call me pretentious and selfish. I don’t care, because I see myself that way too. But, Rufei, think about it, people like us, what do we have left in this world besides ourselves? I really can’t afford to pay for it. I also don’t have the means to put up with his threats over and over again, over and over again, on a whim, on a whim, being called around like this every day by the person I love, a feeling …… worse than a slap in the face.’
Unh buried her face deep into her knees, as if not only silently smoking, as if one was thinking about something. Only after a long time, she sighed, ‘Wei Hei, I don’t read as many books as you do. You and he are both men of honour. I’m not as shrewd as you are, nor do I have the ability to think as much as you do, or see as far as you do. But I don’t think love is a matter of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, so why bother? He likes you, you also love him, is this not enough to let you together? Not to mention ……’ Rufei paused for a moment, ’what he can give you is far more than anyone else. You really don’t want that at all?’
He lifted his face and looked at the bustling city under the slanting sun on the half-wall, murmuring a soft sigh, ‘This city is really beautiful, some people stand on top of the crowd, admired by all, wanting things at their fingertips. Some people are ants wandering in the city, exhausted for food, clothing and warmth. Yes, power, money, status, who do not want to stand in those gorgeous halo? I want to, too. I was even a little complacent when I felt that maybe he was avenging me. But, RuFei, this city has already taken too much from us, and there’s not even dignity left along the way. In order to survive, we smile and usher in and out every day, serving those so-called famous gentlemen. When we are bullied, we don’t even dare to cry out loud. No one knows better than we do what kind of humiliated and trampled victims the poor are in this city. But ……’
Wei Hei paused for a moment, suddenly choked a little, ’This does not mean that I have to live my life under the eyes of a man, with a loathed surname, an embarrassing identity, every day guessing his mind, looking at his eyes in fear. . Because I love him, I can’t do this. I can’t let this relationship bring the slightest shadow. I want to let myself recall him always with feeling, with love, not pain and suspicion. So, letting go decisively now, this is the last dignity I leave myself …… with.’
Ru Fei looked at the red-eyed Wei Hei, she thought she would cry, who knows, all she saw was a rippling face. Rufei felt sorry for her, the more she was like this, the more she was sad.
When the wind suddenly picked up, Rufei put out her cigarette and put her arm around Max’s shoulder, ‘Now that he’s treated you like a stranger, you should be satisfied, right?’
Max smiled sadly, ‘Rufei, can you believe it? For the past seven years, every morning when I opened my eyes, I had to tell myself that I must like him a little less, so that it wouldn’t be easier? I have always reminded myself of this. But I couldn’t help it when I saw him at the hospital that day. The moment I brushed past him, I finally understood what it means to have a heart like a knife. However, there is everything in this world, but there is no medicine for regret. I don’t have a contented heart, I just …… have no way out.’
When the evening sun dyed the last piece of sky, Wei Hei still cried. She hugged her knees, and for the first time, without holding back or repressing, she let herself cry uncontrollably.
Rufei hugged her tightly, her bright eyes staring fixedly at the darkening sky, but in her heart, her despair was even more intense than the ink. She wanted to comfort her, but how could she say a thousand words?
Regardless of whether this outcome was in line with everyone’s ideals, the good news was that it was all over.

After that, Ruan Shao Nan really didn’t look for Wei Hei again, not once.
However, there were still some small issues between them that hadn’t been accounted for. For example, his assistant Wang Dongyang paid for the hospital bill and the expensive mobile phone.
Wei Hei remitted the hospital bill to his company, and the mobile phone was delivered by same-city courier. She didn’t want to owe him anything and didn’t want him to think it was an excuse for her to get close, so she signed it with Wang Dongyang’s name. Not long after that, Wei Hei received a parcel and opened it to see her mother’s urn.
At that moment, Wei Hei thought of nothing, almost emptying her mind. It was a skill she had honed since reuniting with Ruan Shao Nan. It was what she did when she had a feeling that she might be too hard to bear.
She had given everything back to him, and he had given everything back to her. He did as she wished, and from then on, it was mountains and lakes forever.
She knew it, and he told her so in his own practical way.

Wei can not afford to buy a cemetery, and do not want to send the ashes back to the Lu family’s cemetery, so the ashes will be enshrined in the house, morning and evening, three incense, as a kind of consolation to her mother’s soul. She and Rufei’s life has also returned to the old calm. Rufei still sleeps during the day and works at night to save money. Max’s final exams are coming up and she’s focusing on her studies.
They don’t rely on heaven, earth or men. However, she has to rely on herself to get out of the predicament ahead of her.
At this time, another exciting news came from the school, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts wanted to have an academic exchange with Wei Hei’s university, the specific form of which, in addition to academic seminars and exchanges of works, was to send foreign students to each other, for a period of one year.
‘This is a great opportunity to save money and gain knowledge.’ Zhou Xiaofan was eating lunch, chewing on the fragrant braised pork in his mouth, and hit the essence of the problem with a single word.
‘How can it be that easy? There’s only one spot, and the school must choose the best, so I’m afraid we’ll just have to watch.’ Max didn’t think so.
‘I wouldn’t dream of it, but you can do it, Max. You’ve won so many prizes and your grades are so good, you might as well give it a try.’ Zhou Xiaofan said with a big grin.
When she said that, Wei Hei was really a bit tempted. After all, being able to go to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts for further study was something that every student could only dream of. There was also the fact that it was her dream to get away from here for a year.
She asked the head of the department about the details of the application process, and was a little surprised to hear that not only were the requirements for theoretical foundations and artwork extremely high, but also that the number of applicants was as high as a river of carp, and naturally, there was no shortage of teenage heroes amongst them.
However, Max started to prepare for the application without thinking too much about it, because he was just trying to give it a try.

When you’re serious about studying, the days always fly by. After New Year’s Day, the school was about to close for the holidays, but in order to pass the assessment test in a few days, she held a pile of books every day and studied hard in the school library.
Ru Fei laughed at her for turning into a complete bookworm, but she just liked this kind of life, calm, safe, and could continue until she grew old and died.
Ruan Shao Nan was still the centre of attention, frequently on the headlines of small and large newspapers, and on the covers of financial magazines and gossip magazines. Every move he made and every smile he wore was a topic of concern, especially for young girls. He is young, rich, handsome, single, elegant, an outstanding businessman and a philanthropist, all of which seems to be full of infinite reverie and fatal temptation for them.
Zhou Xiaofan then more than once pointed to a series of numbers on the newspaper and said enviously, ‘Look how many zeros there are, donating money once is such a big deal, how much property does he have?’
Someone beside her splashed cold water, ‘How much property has nothing to do with us, that kind of rich people, want to marry must be rich girl, even mistress must be star level. Haven’t you heard? He recently got particularly close to a ‘crown princess’.’
Zhou Xiaofan skimmed his mouth, biting hard on his straw, ‘I’ve heard about it, it’s Gu Yongling, the daughter of Singapore’s Fuhuang Group, I heard that her family is extremely rich, and she has several private jets alone.’
‘So if they got married, wouldn’t that be a strong alliance? Tai Huang Group is fighting a takeover battle with Ruan Shao Nan, won’t they die faster?’ A classmate wailed.
Zhou Xiaofan looked at her adoringly, ‘You know about financial and business wars too?’
‘How would I know, it’s my dad who squats in the stock hall every day and comes back every day to recite this. He still has a lot of Taihuang shares in his hands, I told him to cut his meat long ago, but he wouldn’t listen, and now it’s about to fall to the bottom.’
‘Your family is still doing well, haven’t you heard that some days ago, someone lost everything and jumped from the securities building? These financial predators only have their hands in the sky, in the end, the unlucky ones are not the small shareholders?’
Everyone sighed, and Wei Hei, who was sitting on the side, also sighed. I wanted to have an afternoon tea with everyone, so I could relax a bit. I didn’t realise that the more I didn’t want to hear about something, the more people would talk about it.
‘By the way, Wei Hei, are you going to Lijiang or not, everyone is paying.’ Zhou Xiaofan bumped her with his elbow.
‘I’m not going, I have to pay five thousand yuan per person, it’s too expensive.’
A classmate shouted, ‘It’s not too expensive, nowadays with these prices, what can five thousand yuan buy? Besides, it’s so beautiful over there, it’s still worth it.’
Wei Hei only smiled and shook her head. 5,000 yuan was her and Ru Fei’s expenses for half a year. Ruan Shao Nan had once said that he had a different concept of ‘valuable’ than she did. And compared to her classmates, who had nothing to worry about, her concept of money would never be the same.
They would never understand the precariousness of her life.

‘By the way Wei Hei, when I went to Mr Xu’s office today, I heard several professors in the department talking about you.’ A girl with a round face said.
Hei was surprised, ‘What were they talking about me for?’
‘It seems to be about your last work, which the people from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts admired very much, saying that you are very good at using colours, and that the simple contrast of colours makes the oil painting flourish with a kind of tenacious vitality. They also said that when they saw that painting, they could never imagine that the person who painted it was in her early twenties, and she was also a girl. I’m afraid you’re going to be famous now, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts is full of experts, how poisonous are those people’s eyes, now that they’ve taken a liking to your work, I guess that study abroad place is yours.’
Zhou Xiaofan slapped Max on the shoulder and said excitedly, ‘Yes, I knew you had it in you! Hei, I knew you had an aura, but I didn’t realise you were this good. Come on, shouldn’t you be treating us to something like this?’
After all, she had done the department proud, and they were all very happy for her. Wei Hei was also excited in her heart, but she didn’t dare to be too happy yet.
‘Don’t rush to rip me off, there’s a written test in a few days, so I don’t know if I’ll be good enough!’
Zhou Xiaofan said uncaringly, ‘In our profession, it’s better to speak beautifully than to draw beautifully. Written test is not a show, as long as you pass on the surface, the quota is not yours?’

Later proved that the fact is just as Zhou Xiaofan said. The next day, the head of the department called Wei Hei in and said much the same thing she had heard. He told her to prepare well for the theory exam in a few days, and that as long as her results weren’t too bad, she had a good chance of getting the opportunity.
She couldn’t describe how she felt, because it was so good that she couldn’t believe it was real.
On the way home, she bought her and Rufei’s favourite chestnut cake to celebrate with her. Walking up to the front door of the house, she was very surprised to see a familiar figure, hovering there.
CoCo looked back and smiled softly, ’Unh, I came to say goodbye.’

Ru Fei opened a can of beer for her, CoCo waved her hand, ‘I can’t drink any more, I hurt my stomach from drinking the other day, and I’m now nourishing it with light porridge and small dishes.’
‘If you leave like this, that surname Chen will let you go?’ Ru Fei put the beer aside and poured her a cup of tea.
‘He was the one who wanted me to leave, and gave me a sum of money to go as far away as I could.’
Rufus was a little surprised, ‘That beast not only let you go, but also gave you money? How is that possible?’
CoCo said, ‘I also think it’s strange, but he seemed to be very scared at that time, saying something like let me not harm him anymore, and also said that he can’t afford to mess with it but he can always hide from it, which made me puzzled. But no matter what, the money he gave me, save it and spend it, it’s enough.’
Rufei glanced at Wei Hei, who was also looking at her, and neither of them said anything.
‘You’re travelling alone, aren’t you?’ Hei asked.
CoCo smiled, ‘Who else could it be? I don’t want to blame anyone, after all this, I’ve seen through a lot of things. Now I feel like I’ve been reincarnated, I just want to get out of here early and live a new life.’
‘When are you leaving? Let’s go see you off.’ Rufus said.
CoCo shook her head, ‘No, I am just afraid that you guys will go to send me off, that scene …… I must not be able to stand it. In the beginning I came alone, now it is better to go alone, unattached, clean.’

That afternoon, when CoCo left, it was dusk, and the whole street was covered in a golden sunset.
Ru Fei and Wei Hei dropped her off downstairs. As friends, they were a little sad to think that they might not see each other again.
When they left, CoCo hugged Wei Hei and whispered in her ear, ‘Wei Hei, in fact,……, that Chen asked me to tell you that Ruan Shao Nan wanted him to do something, he has already done it. I don’t know what your relationship with Ruan Shao Nan is, and I don’t want to know. But Max, I know that you saved me. Thank you. I’ll remember for the rest of my life, everything you’ve done for me. I’ll be grateful for the rest of my life, and I’ll cherish myself as much as you cherish me. ……’
When he listened to her just now, Wei Hei had already guessed it in his heart. Just did not expect, I was unintentionally a word, can help her escape from life.
She smiled, gently hugged the poor girl, said in her ear some sad: ‘CoCo, in fact, I have always wanted to say to you, has been hurt, is never an excuse to fall. The more no one loves us, the more we have to love ourselves. We are all people who cannot choose our own future, but where there is a chance, even if we fight for our lives, we should not give up so easily. There are too many things in this world that are not up to us. The only body is your own, you have to remember to love it …… Life will always have regrets, what we should learn is, don’t let regrets be longer than life.’

Chapter 17 A Shocking Thunderbolt

These days, Wei Hei had a hidden thought in her heart, if one day, the world suddenly did not have Ruan Shao Nan, what would happen to her? Would she be happier, or more miserable?
Would she fall in love with another man? And what kind of man? An ordinary white-collar man? Or a romantic artist?
What kind of life would they have? Will it be two people crammed into a small snail house and have a beautiful child? Or to pursue an unattainable dream of art, walking hand in hand to the ends of the earth?
But no matter what kind of person she meets, no matter what kind of life she leads, she knows that there is a part of her life that has already rotted forever, and even if the whole world is in spring, they are still like dry blades of grass, which will never come back to life again.

The final exams were over, and today was the day of the written exam for study abroad. The exam is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. and the questions are said to be from experts at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, so we are all eagerly awaiting the exam, not daring to slow down.
Wei Hei spent the morning reading in the library and settled for lunch in the school cafeteria. As the holidays approached, there were fewer people eating in the cafeteria. Wei Hei found a quiet corner and ate the not-so-authentic Yangzhou fried rice one bite at a time, not being able to put her book down.
She suddenly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere around her, as if many pairs of eyes in the restaurant were glancing her way at the same time.
She raised her head before she found the source of the problem.
Ling Luchuan, this man seemed to bring a whirlwind wherever he went, whether it was big or small, it depended on his mood.
He stood opposite her and smiled gentlemanly, ‘Mind if I sit down?’
Could she say no?
Wei Hei looked around, some students were sizing them up and whispering at the same time, presumably they had already recognised him. One must know that his exposure, Ling Luchuan, was no less than Ruan Shao Nan’s, especially with all the lace news.
The gazes of her classmates already made her feel uneasy, and the fact that Ling Luchuan was sitting across from her without a care in the world made her feel like she was on pins and needles. Wei Hei’s hands were sweating as she squeezed the spoon, her body was stiff and straight, and she felt the urge to run away.
Ling Luchuan seemed to see her intentions and smiled as he spoke to her, his tone was very gentle, ‘You’d better sit obediently, otherwise, I guarantee you’ll be ten times harder than you are now.’
Wei Hei looked at him in surprise, she really didn’t understand how someone so beautiful and decent could always smile like a demon.
She looked at him feebly, ‘Mr Ling, I don’t know what has upset you again, but I really have something very important to do today, even if you want to teach me a lesson, can you do it another time?’
The man laughed lightly, picking up the juice that Wei Hei had placed on the table and took a sip, it was about as bad as it gets, only to see him frown and put it back.
‘You don’t have to be scared like this, I promised Shao Nan I wouldn’t touch you, so I definitely won’t. Today is just to take a look at you and satisfy my curiosity.’
He said while sizing her up, his eyes extremely malicious, ‘Lu Wei Hei, I really underestimated you before, I didn’t think that Lu Zi Xiu had such a stray daughter like you, what a loss of respect.’
Hearing the meanness in his words, Wei Hei was a bit shocked, and hurriedly explained, ‘I have no relationship with the Lu family for a long time, I think Mr Ling should know this.’
Ling Luchuan laughed, ‘Of course I know, that’s why I find it strange. You left the Lu family for so long, how come the Lu family’s ability to torment people is something you have learnt to perfection? Could it be that blood is really thicker than water, and where there is a father, there is a daughter? Or is it the nature of the Lu family that you can’t change who you are?’
Wei Hei was stunned by his taunting, ‘Mr Ling, I don’t understand what you mean.’
‘You don’t understand? No way, what did Miss Lu do that day that she forgot so quickly?’
So it was about that night.
‘Mr Ling, no matter who’s right or who’s wrong between him and I, in the end, it’s between us.’
The implication was, was his eldest young master too nosy?
Ling Luchuan laughed coldly, ‘If it wasn’t for Shao Nan for your sake, the company doesn’t care anymore, he doesn’t report his revenge, he drinks wine like water every day, and he looks like he’s half-dead, do you think I’d be willing to care about you guys?’
Wei Hei’s brain buzzed with confusion, Ruan Shao Nan is not considered a man of nature, he has always been calm, objective, stable and self-controlled, how could he act so impulsively?
‘You don’t believe it?’ Ling Luchuan’s hawk-like eyes stared at her, ‘I really don’t deserve it for Shao Nan, so what if he did everything for you? But he can’t even get the least bit of trust. Miss Lu, I would like to ask you, is Shao Nan really that unforgivable to you?’
The time for the written exam was almost up, and the students in the canteen left with their trays.
A little anxious, Wei Hei tightened her throat and said, ‘Mr Ling, if you came here today to see the Lu family’s abandoned daughter, I believe you’re already satisfied. If you still want to discuss his character with me, then can we change the time? I really have something to do today, sorry.’
Just about to stand up ……
“Sit down!’ The man on the other side rebuked coldly, ‘I haven’t finished my words yet.’
Wei Hei could only sit back resentfully, Ling Luchuan pursed his lips, his eyes were very disdainful, ‘He’s a good person, for you to become that way, you’re actually indifferent. Shao Nan is right, you really don’t care about him at all. No matter what he does, no matter how he makes up for it, you only remember how bad he is, how he forced himself on you, how he threatened you. Lu Wei Hei, if you really don’t like it, you can sue him, no one will stop you. But you can’t hang on to him like this. Even if you have a grudge in your heart, you can’t kill a man with your head in the sand. Aren’t you going too far in treating him like this?’
His words were like a howitzer, and Wei Hei’s face turned red and white as he was bombarded with a barrage of words. It seemed that these two people were really good brothers who could talk about anything, even this kind of personal information could be brought up for discussion. Since this was the case, she simply went out on a limb as well.
‘Mr Ling, it seems like you are well aware of what has happened between us. Then I also want to tell you that if I were as powerful as you, no, even if I only had a tenth, a hundredth, or even a thousandth of what you have, I wouldn’t have condescended to myself like this. I know that that kind of thing is nothing in the eyes of a cockney like you. So, I don’t want to say that I have suffered any wrongdoing. Because I know very well that our pitiful little will is simply worthless in the hearts of those of you who call the shots. I can only say that I never thought that I would have much power to kill him, and that he would now become like this ……’ she bit her lip, ’It really wasn’t my intention. But it’s true that there’s nothing I can do to help, I can’t fulfil his demands. Besides, Mr Ling, he has already spared me, so why should you be a villain in vain now? There’s no point.’
The man examined her with a searching gaze, as if studying something, then laughed contemptuously, ‘Indeed there is no point. For I realised today what a hypocritical woman you are.’
He suddenly stood up and pressed himself against her ear, a gesture so intimate that an outsider would have thought it was an intimate whisper between lovers.
‘Know what Shao Nan said to me the other day when he was drunk? He asked me what it meant if an untouched girl allowed a man to enter her body. What does it mean if an untouched girl keeps hugging that man when she does that?’
The unseasoned girl looked shocked and the man laughed softly, ‘I don’t know about you, but to a man, it means – I like you. You’re right, we’re villains, so what are you? A hypocritical coward! Shao Nan is unscrupulous, but he has the courage to love. But what about you? What are you? You don’t even have the courage to admit it. Don’t think you’re so clever at hiding it, I can see right through your little trick.’
Wei Hei’s eyes widened, staring blankly at him, but the man took it in stride, his hand clasping the side of her face, ‘But you’re right about one thing. There is no real democracy between you and us. Who do you think you are? If Shao Nan hadn’t been protecting you, would you still be able to sit in such a beautiful school and be your morally good student? In my hands, you’d be nothing but dregs! You don’t have to be grateful, but you should be grateful. Be thankful that you have such a callow fool like him, who’s been silently protecting you behind your back.’
He pushed her away and pulled a slip of paper from his pocket, waving it in front of her eyes, ‘I came here today, I was going to give you this. This is the address of the hospital, Shao Nan he is hospitalised. The doctor said it’s advanced bone cancer, the cancer cells have already entered the brain, and these days he’s in excruciating pain at night. I wanted you to go and see him, but ……’ he tore the note in half in one go, ’Forget it, like you said, there’s no point.’
The two pieces of paper fluttered down, and Wei Hei looked at them woodenly, staring blankly for a long time before she suddenly understood and looked up abruptly, ‘What did you say?’
He looked into her eyes and said, ‘I said that the bone cancer is terminal, and the doctor said that he has at most two months to live. Congratulations, you finally got what you wanted. Now you should be happy, don’t you hate him, hate him, don’t want to see him? Don’t worry, you’ll soon never see him again. When he’s dead, he’ll never haunt you again. You’ll have got rid of all your anger, and it’s time for you Lu family to raise a glass to celebrate! Do you know why he got this disease? The doctor said that 80% of it is tumour lesions caused by chronic infections from previous fracture injuries that didn’t receive timely medical treatment. Everyone in the Lu family, especially Lu Zi Xiu, should die by a thousand cuts!’
Wei Hei looked at him in horror, but the man’s expression was cold and terrifying, ‘You should now understand why Shao Nan is so eager to get things done, whether it’s for you or for the Lu family. Because he doesn’t have time! He doesn’t have time to wait for you to slowly get to know him and accept him. You don’t know what kind of life he had in America, and you don’t know what he had to pay in order to get where he is today. However, you should know who easily took away everything he had. It was like this in the past, and it’s still like this now. Who is going too far?’
Wei Hei stared at him blankly, unable to say a word, but Ling Luchuan was not willing to let her go just like that.
‘Lu Wei Hei, ask your own conscience, from the beginning to now, Shao Nan has never really hurt you? He thinks of you for everything, even when he was sick, he was still thinking of you. When you frown, even your messed up friends follow suit. You’re really something! I now realise that you are more high-powered than anyone else, and without spending a single soldier or even taking the initiative to ask for it yourself, you can make a man bow down and die for you. But I really don’t understand how a desperate and selfish woman like you can still be so dead to you?’ He laughed contemptuously, ‘But there’s really no point in saying that now.’
He patted her face, his icy breath blowing in her ear, ‘I wish you success in your studies! But you must live well. Because every day that you live, you will remember what you really missed out on in your life.’

Ling Luchuan left, he threw a bolt from the blue at her, blowing her into flying powder, and left alone.
Wei Hei was suddenly at a bit of a loss as to what she should do.
Right, she should go to the exam first!
She picked up her book and left, and after taking two steps she suddenly remembered that she hadn’t sent the dinner tray back yet. She turned back to pick up the dinner plate and thought again that she should have picked up the two pieces of paper first. As a result, she somehow failed to hold it properly, and the soup and rice, juice and cups, crackled and spilled all over the place.
All the people in the restaurant were looking at her, and she hurriedly crouched down to clean it up. Both hands scratched haphazardly, the shards of the cups pierced her fingers, and blood flowed out. She held up her hands, staring at them in awe, watching the blood gush out of the wounds and run down her fingers and across her palms.
Her hands were full of blood, her eyes full of red, and that’s when she felt fear.
Pain! It hurt like hell! It hurt so much that her liver and organs were twisted.
She sat crumpled on the floor, just feeling the pain, her chest hurting as if it was going to explode. She knew the time was up and she should be getting ready to go into the exam room. But she didn’t want to care about anything right now, all she wanted to do was look for the torn note, as if that would recover the irretrievable.
She fell to her knees and groped around, but her eyes were blurred, she couldn’t see a thing, the water in front of her eyes was blank, she couldn’t see anything. Her blood-stained hands scratched haphazardly on the ground, as if someone was pulling her, as if another familiar classmate was calling her name. She cried, at first in whispers, then bawling.
She knew that she was finished. The world was dead and no longer meant anything to her.
What were exams? What was studying abroad? What was she without him in the world?
Her classmates must have been horrified by her, she was so uncaring and unbelievable like a madman. When they dragged her to the infirmary, she was still clutching the two pieces of paper in her hands, but they were soaked with blood.
The school nurse gave her a shot of sedative, and only then did she quiet down. She lay on her bed, her body felt like it was falling apart, and she just felt pain. Her hands, her heart, her whole being, it hurt like hell. But she could no longer cry.
The medicine had taken effect, and her whole being was in a trance. Just lying there, looking at the twisted ceiling of the infirmary, she vaguely heard the doctor say to the classmate who sent her here that she was perhaps haemophobic, and that was why she was acting so erratically.
Without realising it, she fell asleep, sinking into a sea of darkness.
By the time she opened her eyes again, it was already three o’clock in the afternoon, the school nurse was not there, and her hand, wrapped in thick gauze, had been bandaged.
She fumed silently for a while, seeing the bright red note on the table before the memories of the past came back in droves.
Without shedding another tear, she put on her shoes, picked up the note on the table, and left the infirmary.

Chapter 18: The Living Colour Offering

When Ji Mor picked up Wei Hei on the street, she was wandering around like a ghost. At first, Ji Mor thought she was mistaken. Shouldn’t Wei Hei be at the academy at this time of day, taking her sample exams?
It wasn’t until she stopped at the station and looked up, staring blankly at the sign. It was only then that Ji Mor was sure that it was her.
Chi Mo parked his motorbike on the side of the road, got off and pulled her down, ‘Wei Hei, don’t you have a test? Why are you standing here?’
Wei Hei stupidly looked at him, after a minute to recognise who he was, her tears fell, said, ‘Can you send me to the West Mountain …… I can not find the bus to go there …… Taxi is too expensive, I …… don’t have any money on me! I …… don’t have that much money on me.’

West Mountain, Sifang Temple. This city’s most sacred and quiet place, Sanskrit singing hidden, winding paths.
Legend has it that this temple has nine hundred and ninety-nine steps from top to bottom.
It is said that if a man or woman who comes to worship the temple can complete these steps one step at a time, he or she will be able to achieve whatever he or she desires.
As she stood in front of the moss-covered steps, she looked up at the ancient temple high above her.
She had never believed in ghosts and gods, but now she was willing to kneel for him to all the gods and goddesses in the sky. She never prayed for wishes, but at this moment she would like to take a step for him a long head ……

Ru Fei boiled a pot of ginger soup, and brought a bowl to Chi Mor. Then touched Wei Hei s forehead, she was burning badly, lying drowsily on the bed, her face as red as a familiar apple.
‘She fools around, and you let her? Nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, it’s still snowing outside, she’s in such poor health, aren’t you afraid she’ll knock herself to death on those steps? What are you thinking?’ Rufei looked at the man beside her reproachfully.
Chi Mo looked at the ginger soup in his hand and slowly said, ‘It’s not like you don’t know her temperament. She is hurting so much that there is no way out, let her vent it out and she will subside. Otherwise …… don’t know what to make a mess.’
‘What about her exams?’
Ji Mo shook his head, ‘It is estimated that she did not participate.’
Rufei really don’t know what to say, for that exam, how hard did Wei Hei prepare for it, she watched with her own eyes. Her work had already been recognised, and as long as she passed this test, a place to study abroad was within her grasp. But the heavens had a way of getting in her way at this point.
Rufei tried Wei Hei’s temperature again, but was still unsure, ‘I’ll go buy her some more antipyretic medicine, you keep an eye on her for me.’
After Rufei finished speaking, he put on his jacket and went out, leaving Ji Mo alone, looking at the sleeping Wei Hei.
Hei was sleeping steadily and quietly, she was really tired. The room was so quiet that you could hear her tiny sniffles, as if she were some kind of sleeping animal.
The night was already very late, Ji Mo looked at her helplessly, really can’t figure out, how Rufei every time so relieved to boldly leave Maxi to him. Doesn’t she know what kind of temptation it is for him?
He sat on the edge of the bed and gently touched her sleeping face. In his mind, he recalled the afternoon, how she had climbed the nine hundred steps, one step at a time, one knee at a time.
It was snowing send away, the mountain wind was cloudy and cold, he saw that she was even fighting with her teeth. Her forehead knocked, the gauze on her hands seeping blood, full of sludge, full of snow, the whole person is in a terrible mess, but she is still walking, so persistent and determined eyes, no retreat at all.
‘Really love him so much?’ Ji Mo sighed softly, ‘Do you really love him so much that you don’t even want to die?’
When they went down the mountain, Wei Hei couldn’t walk a single step. He didn’t say anything, so he carried her on his back.
The road was slippery after the snow, and he accompanied her all the way to the mountain on his knees, already exhausted himself, but holding on, careful not to fall.
The wind in the mountains is still very cold, their clothes are not dry, blowing on the body to penetrate the bone marrow. However, the place where their bodies were pressed against each other was very warm.
Wei Hei lay on his back, her face pressed against his shoulder, and said to him, ‘Ji Mor, if I’m not around one day, please take care of Ru Fei.’
The memories came to an abrupt end here, Ji Mor’s body stiffened, he gazed at the sleeping person on the bed, leaned down and pressed himself against her ear, repeating the words he had said to her on the mountain as if he wanted to carve it into the bottom of her heart.
‘Don’t you leave her in my hands; she is not my responsibility. If you’re gone, she won’t survive, no matter who’s by her side. Unh, you must live well, we must all live well. You must remember that for people like us, survival itself …… is a victory.’

At first light, Wei Hei woke up, the fever had subsided, but her bones felt like they were falling apart. She saw Rufei lying in front of her bed, still asleep. She smelled the faint scent of tobacco, but it wasn’t the kind Rufei usually smoked.
She found Marlboro butts in the ashtray, which should have been left behind by Ji Mor. He was the only one who had a taste for that brand, and Rufei didn’t smoke anything but Mild Seven.
Thinking of Ji Mor, Wei Hei was more or less upset. He had been caught by her temporarily, and not only accompanied her all the way to the top of the mountain, but also carried her on his back for such a long time.
Although he had never admitted it, she felt that he was actually a trustworthy man. Although he occasionally said some chilling things, he was much more honest and truthful than Mark.
The next time she saw him, she’d be sure to say ‘thank you’. But right now, she had other things to do.

Ruan Shao Nan lived in a private hospital, not far from the city, but in a quiet, prime location. Hei didn’t know what to bring with her when she visited the patient, so she didn’t bring anything at all, and stood at the door of the ward with an uneasy heart.
She expected to see a lot of people visiting the patient, after all, his status was not what it used to be. However, it was surprisingly quiet.
She knocked gently on the door and waited for a while with no answer. And the door was hidden, she simply pushed open the door and walked in.
She really didn’t expect that he was sleeping alone in the ward. The sunlight filtered through the gaps in the blinds, leaving streaks of shadows on his face.
She felt the tip of her nose go a little sour, the room was filled with fruit baskets and flowers, filling the room with a sweet, refreshing aroma. She was about to walk over to ……
“Excuse me, which one are you?’
Wei Hei didn’t expect there to be anyone else in the ward, she was stunned and turned around, thanks to Zhou Xiaofan’s gossip magazines, she quickly recognised who the other person was.
Gu Yongling, the eldest Miss of the Fu Huang Group, it had to be said that she was even prettier in person than in her photos, bright-eyed and white-toothed, a typical temperament beauty.
‘I’m Gu Yongling, are you Shao Nan’s friend?’ Seeing that she didn’t answer, the beauty introduced herself with great poise and a slight smile, it was so pretty.
‘I’m ……’ Wei Hei felt embarrassed, how should she introduce herself?
Without waiting for her to reply, there was a movement on the bed. Gu Yongling smiled apologetically at her, put down the vase in his hand, and walked over to the window to pull the blinds open and the sun shone through.
‘Wing Ling?’ Ruan Shao Nan asked in a low voice, the soft tones still carrying a drowsy nasal tone.
The beauty helped him up and asked, ‘Are you feeling better today? The doctor said you can’t eat anything too greasy, I cooked you some thin rice, do you want to eat now?’
Ruan Shao Nan shook his head, ‘In a while.’ Then he turned his face, and only then did he notice Wei Hei who had been standing in the corner.
His face immediately sank, slightly narrowing his eyes as if this off could see her a little more clearly, ‘It’s you?’
The coldness of his rejection caused Wei Hei to shrink. And Gu Yongling’s questioning eyes made her feel even more ashamed. She subconsciously gripped her skirt, forcing herself to face the embarrassing situation.
She was to blame for everything today, no one else. She was the one who had cruelly and decisively cut everything, could she still expect him to wait there all the time?
She was just about to say something when Gu Rongling spoke before her, ‘Shao Nan, is this young lady a friend of yours?’
Ruan Shao Nan didn’t look at her again, but smiled at Gu Yong Ling, ‘We are not friends, but I am her first man, and we are not a couple. How should I describe our relationship?’ He glanced at her from the corner of his eye and mocked, ‘Miss Lu, according to you, you’re just a trinket I use to relieve my boredom on a whim. Isn’t that right?’
This was like a blow to the head, and Wei Hei was almost unsteady on her feet. How could she not have expected that he would say something so unpleasant in front of another woman?
Ruan Shao Nan’s face went white as he watched, but he became even more aggressive, ‘Isn’t that so? Miss Lu, do you have a new explanation?’
Wei Hei opened her eyes and tried to force her tears back. There were still so many things she hadn’t said to him, no matter how embarrassing it was, she couldn’t just take the road and run away.
Ruan Shao Nan was a little impatient, ‘Miss Lu, you’re not here to stand in the penalty box, are you? If there’s nothing you want to say, please leave and leave us in peace.’
Wei Hei stood up straight, gazing at the man she loved so much through the tiny flecks of dust in the sunlight.
She finally mustered up enough courage, ‘I came here today to tell you that I’m sorry for lying to you the other night, when in fact ……’ she took a deep breath, ‘I love you, and I have for the past seven years. ’
Ruan Shao Nan froze for a moment, Gu Yong Ling was also filled with astonishment.
The air in the room instantly froze, but Ruan Shao Nan laughed coldly, ‘Lu Wei Hei, Lu Wei Hei, do you know what you’re doing? You’re running here now, saying this in front of us, don’t you think you’re being ridiculous?’
Wei Hei looked at the man’s mocking eyes and laughed ruefully, ‘No, it’s not laughable at all. If you know what kind of heart I carried to love you in the past seven years, you won’t find it laughable ……’
Wei Hei’s eyes gradually drifted away, over the bitter and long time, back to the yellowed, unattainable past.
How she wanted to tell him about those seven years of waiting as if no one else was there, about all her love. Her voice must be low, low, low, as if it was going to be lowered into the dust. She must use the softest tone of voice, with the most sincere expression, and her eyes should be glittering with tears, which must be the most touching melody in this world.
But she couldn’t do it, she couldn’t do it even with all her strength. In response to his relentless questioning and mocking, she could only clench her whitened fingers tightly, but could not say a single word.
He had turned into such a cold man that he had only turned his back on her. He already had such a wonderful woman by his side, and compared to her, she was like a piece of old clothing that couldn’t hold up.
So what’s the point of talking about it now?
At the thought of this, tears almost came to her eyes. But in the end, she didn’t cry, she just smiled embarrassingly, but it was even worse than crying.
‘I know, it’s useless for me to say anything now. But please believe ……’ Wei Hei raised his eyes, as if he wanted to look straight into his heart, ’I love you, even if you are surrounded by so many women, but there is absolutely no woman who will love you as much as I do. The past is like this, the present is like this, and every day …… in the future will also be like this.’
She finally finished, and before he could respond, she bowed slightly and left there. It was only three words, but it had taken all the strength she had in her life. She was shaking and had no more energy to support her.
She walked fast and furious, admitting that she was afraid, afraid that after putting everything together, all she would get was his ridicule. But wasn’t that what life was all about? Better to regret than to have regrets.
The corridors of the high-class ward area were far and long, and Wei Hei walked in a windy manner, and when she was about to reach the exit, she was pulled by a big hand on her arm.
She panicked and turned around, but unexpectedly, she was met with a pair of angry eyes, which seemed to be about to spit fire.
‘Lu Wei Hei, you are really good at this. You’re the best at messing with people’s hearts and then walking away, aren’t you?’
Wei Hei didn’t understand him for a second, and he didn’t need her to, dragging her back to the ward. Gu Yongling had left at some point, and when he came in, he snapped the door shut and locked it.
Wei Hei’s head was still a little dizzy when he carried her to bed, and she wanted to think about things like, how did Gu Yongling just leave like that? For example, they hadn’t made up yet, why were they suddenly so close? For example, he was still sick, but how did a sick person have so much strength?
The fourth doubt hadn’t even popped up yet, but the man on top of her didn’t have any more time to give her. He tugged at her clothes, his kisses and fingers carrying a dominating aura that seemed to sweep her clean of all sanity.
He called her name softly, each sinking in exuberant and powerful. She wrapped her legs around his waist, catering to his rhythm as if she were offering a living sacrifice.
It was irresistibly beautiful, food for thought, perhaps pulverised. She cried at some point, and he noticed, but held her tighter. Her tears rolled down her face, her body so soft it was like a pool of spring water, drawing infinite pity from him, but he couldn’t stop it, it just became more and more engrossing.
He kissed her tears dry, murmured in her ear, about to coax her again. Between the ears and temples, filled with an aura similar to happiness, just too desperate ……
not to be able to hear his words, a heart trapped in endless sadness. Her tears couldn’t stop flowing out, flowing down the corners of her eyes on the white pillowcase, as in his deep heart.
Why do people always have to wait until it’s too late to regret?
Wei Hei hugged him tightly, and only at this moment did she realise that he had lost a lot of weight. Her tears flowed down in bunches, but she didn’t know where to go.
In the end, how can we not even love, also become so desperate?
The morning sunlight was beautiful, quietly scattered on earth. The people under the sun still act on their own, not coming this way, then going that way, without asking the reason, and without the need to be awake.
This is a state of chaos, but there is a kind of luck of sticking to the rules.
The world calls it destiny.

Chapter 19: The Scourge of the Red Colour

Wei Hei was woken up by her stomach, and when she opened her eyes it was already afternoon, she hadn’t eaten any water or rice for a whole day. She turned her face to see Ruan Shao Nan still sleeping heavily, buried in the shadow of the blinds, his dark hair blocking most of his face.
He still had one hand across her waist, and not wanting to wake him up, Wei Hei carefully moved his hand away. But just as she sat up, before her feet hit the ground, she was pulled back by a pair of arms.
He pulled her face over and kissed her, asking vaguely, ‘Where are you going?’
‘I’m hungry and I want to go out and get something to eat. Aren’t you hungry?’
His arm tightened around her shoulders and he said nervously, ‘You can’t go, I won’t let you go, Max, you can’t leave me alone again.’
‘I’m not leaving, I’m not leaving.’ Wei Hei touched his face backwards and explained, ‘I’m just going out to get something to eat, Shao Nan, I love you, my person, my heart is with you, where can I go?’
He rubbed his chin against her shoulder, his voice was low, even a little aggravated, ‘I just couldn’t believe it, the moment I heard you say you loved me, I almost thought I was dreaming. But even in a dream, you never said you loved me.’
Wei Hei said guiltily, ‘I’m sorry, I was too selfish in the past, only thinking of myself, but ignoring your feelings. Shao Nan, I’m your Wei Hei ……,’ she said in a trembling voice as she pressed her face against his, ’Your Wei Hei will always love you, to the end of her days.’
Ruan Shao Nan did not allow his housekeeper to bring food to him, saying he hated being disturbed. When Wei Hei wanted to go out to buy some food, he wouldn’t let her go far. He might be really scared, or he might know that he doesn’t have much time, so he’s also fighting for time.
A pain shot through her heart, like someone was pounding her chest with their fist. She didn’t dare to go far, but only bought some food from the hospital’s restaurant and came back. The taste of the food was not satisfactory, but he ate it with great relish, and planned to take Wei Hei on a trip after he was discharged from the hospital. He said he hadn’t been on holiday for a long time, so he had to take her on a relaxing trip.
Wei Hei couldn’t help herself, but she couldn’t bear to spoil his fun, so she had to make up her mind.
When it was time to go to bed, Ruan Shao Nan fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow. His nostrils were heavy, he must have been very tired. Wei Hei was lying on the bed next to him, she was also very tired but couldn’t sleep, but she was afraid that her presence in the room would disturb him, so she quietly retreated out of the room.
The window in the corridor was left open, and the cool night air filtered in, instantly waking people up. Through the window, Wei Hei looked at the quietly flowing clouds in the night sky, and a curved, lower-stringed moon appeared and disappeared between the clouds.
At that moment, she happened to meet Dr Xiao Hu, who was checking on her.
He greeted her politely, ‘Is Mr Ruan resting?’
‘He’s asleep, thank you for your concern.’
‘He really needs to be careful, it’s not easy to recover from this disease, he needs to pay more attention in general.’
Wei Hei couldn’t help but ask, ‘Dr Hu, is there any hope for him …… to be cured?’
Dr Hu smiled, ‘Mr Ruan is still so young, and his body is in good shape, of course he can get well. As long as you pay more attention to your diet, live a regular life, and drink less alcohol, you’ll be fine in no time.’
Wei Hei froze and asked suspiciously, ‘No way, Dr Hu, didn’t he have bone cancer and only have two months left?’
Dr. Hu looked at her baffled, ‘Mr. Ruan only had a slight stomach bleed, how could he only have two months left? Who told you that?’
Wei Hei’s head went haywire. Who did she listen to? Of course she heard it from Ruan Shao Nan’s best mate, Ling Lu Chuan.
Wei Hei smiled awkwardly, ‘It’s good that it’s okay, it seems like I was tricked.’
Doctor Xiao Hu also smiled, ‘You are Mr Ruan’s girlfriend, right? Don’t worry about it, except for a little stomach problem, Mr Ruan is healthy everywhere else, he can be discharged in a few more days.’
‘I see, thank you.’
‘Oh, it’s fine ……,’ Dr Xiaohu looked behind Wei Hei and said with a bit of surprise, ’Ah, Mr Ruan, haven’t you rested yet?’
Ruan Shao Nan, dressed in hospital clothes, walked over and draped a jacket over Wei Hei’s shoulders, put his arm around her shoulders and asked, ‘How come you disappeared just as I was sleeping for a while?’
‘I saw you sleeping and came out to get some air.’
Dr Xiaohu smiled and said, ‘Mr Ruan, your girlfriend and I were just talking. I don’t know who joked with her that you have bone cancer. Oh, it’s simply a no-show, and it’s still worrying her to death.’
Ruan Shao Nan visibly froze for a moment, glancing down at the person beside him before he smiled and said, ‘I guess it’s because I made a careless friend and even made her worry. I’ll be sure to pay attention in the …… future,’ he gripped her shoulders tightly, as if he was afraid she would run away.
Wei Hei didn’t say a word, Dr Xiao Hu thought she was in a tantrum, so he was kind enough to round up the situation for them, ‘Haha, it’s good to explain it clearly now, and the lady shouldn’t be angry anymore. It’s getting late, you guys rest early.’
After bidding farewell to Dr Xiao Hu, Ruan Shao Nan asked, ‘Did Luochuan tell you?’
Wei Hei didn’t say anything.
He was a little nervous, ‘I didn’t collude with him, do you believe me?’
Wei Hei still didn’t say a word, just pushed his hand away and turned to walk away.
Ruan Shao Nan took a few steps forward and grabbed her hand, saying hurriedly behind her, ‘Wei Hei, don’t go! Listen to me, I really don’t know anything. You believe me …… cough ……’
He coughed violently, bending over in pain, and refused to let go of her hand.
She was only momentarily angry, but she didn’t expect him to be like this, and hurriedly supported him, nervously asking, ‘How are you? Don’t scare me.’
‘Stomach ache ……’ He put his face on her shoulder and suddenly hugged her tightly.
Only then did Wei Hei realise that she had been tricked again. One Ling Luchuan wasn’t enough, but he even came to cheat her too?
She pushed him with all her strength, but she couldn’t push him. He picked her up and brought her back to the ward without saying anything.
The room was still filled with a dusky scent, like an ambiguous invitation. He pressed her onto the bed where she had been turned upside down before, as if he wanted to relive that wonderful sweetness.
‘Ruan Shao Nan, let go of me!’ Wei Hei screamed in anger, struggling with her hands and feet.
But he just wouldn’t let go! He clamped down on him with his own body, doing nothing but not letting her go.
She slapped his back with her slim arms, hitting her own hands so hard they hurt. In the confusion, her knee hit his stomach. About as painful as it was, he sizzled and sucked in a mouthful of cold air, but he refused to let go, just letting her hit and make a scene without saying a word.
Until Wei Hei got tired of hitting and making a scene, and couldn’t think of any other way to do it, and was finally forced by him to cry out.
‘Ruan Shao Nan, you bastard! You’re all jerks!’ She was in his arms, huffing and puffing and crying, ‘How can you …… you all lie to me like this? How can you scare me like this? Do you know how upset I was when I heard that you might die? My whole body was confused, I even thought, if you die me, I don’t want to live. But it turned out to be a lie. You all lied to me. Ruan Shao Nan, you really scared me to death.’
The man wiped her tears bit by bit, so patiently, so carefully. But the person in his arms seemed to be made of water, how could he not wipe them clean.
After a long time, he suddenly smiled helplessly, ‘Actually, I should thank that boy. If it wasn’t for him, how long would I have to wait before I could hear your heartfelt words?’
He gently patted her back as if he was coaxing a child who was having a tantrum, ‘Wei Hei, you can’t leave me anymore, I’ll die, that’s true.’

Ling Luchuan sat on a chair in the ward, holding the tea cup in his hand, and was pondering whether to pour it out or not. There was no other reason, the tea was poured by Wei Hei, and he was more or less sceptical about the safety of this cup of tea.
Ruan Shao Nan looked at him with a smile, ‘Don’t worry, it’s not poisonous.’
Ling Luchuan skimmed his lips, ‘That’s hard to say, haven’t you heard, not afraid of a hoarder’s knife, but afraid of a beauty’s smile?’
Ruan Shao Nan took the apple that Wei Hei had peeled and flirted with him while enjoying the beauty, ‘You don’t have to be afraid even if it’s poisonous. This is a hospital, the rescue will be timely. The doctors are also very responsible, as well as those little nurses drooling over you, definitely won’t let you die in a heartbeat that’s all.’
Ling Luchuan grunted out from his nose, ‘Count your ruthlessness! The guy with heterosexuality but no humanity.’
Wei Hei watched with amusement as the two men fought, a scene unimaginable to outsiders, probably seen by the media and their subordinates, the two men’s reputation would be ruined, not to mention how many people’s glasses would be shattered?
Compared to Ling Lu Chuan’s indignation, Ruan Shao Nan is much happier. Wei Hei had been by his side all these days, taking good care of him, being gentle and considerate, and knowing when he was cold and hot, which put him in a good mood and made him eat with a lot of gusto.
Wei Hei poured a cup of stomach-warming tea for him, and couldn’t help but remind him softly, ‘Eat slowly, the doctor said that you need to chew and swallow slowly now, in order for the food to be easily absorbed.’
He smiled and touched her face, obediently slowing down.
‘God, my heart is breaking. You two are almost done, are you sour?’ Ling Luchuan said fervently with his hand over his heart.
Ruan Shao Nan glanced at him, ‘You can leave if you can’t stand it.’
Ling Luchuan did not want to leave at all, his eyes looked at Wei Hei, but his words were for Ruan Shao Nan to hear, ‘Congratulations, you finally got what you wanted. But you can remember, such a good woman, but I helped you to cheat back, you can be good to others.’
Ruan Shao Nan took Wei Hei’s hand and returned contentedly, ‘What else do you need to say?’
Ling Luchuan, however, was not serious again, ‘But Wei Hei, he’s actually very boring, especially when it comes to business, he’s practically disowned by all six of his relatives. If one day you can’t stand him anymore, remember to come to me, my arms will always be open to you.’
Wei Hei just thought he was used to womanising, and was always this way with everyone, so she just listened to him as a joke.
Ruan Shao Nan laughed softly, looked at him coldly, and said seriously, ‘If that day ever comes, you’ll have to be careful. You know, I’ve never been merciful to my enemies.’
Sitting in the gazebo, Wei Hei saw from afar two white-haired couples holding each other and walking under the setting sun. The afterglow stretched their shadows to a great length, as if the word ‘man’ had been written in large letters.
The men were talking about business, so she came out for a breath of fresh air. They didn’t avoid her, but she herself always had to avoid suspicion. After all, it was none other than her father whom they had to deal with, and whom they wished to put to death.
Besides, both of them were the masters of talking and laughing and being able to use soldiers, so true and false that one could not tell the difference.
Just like just now, Ruan Shao Nan’s serious appearance really made her nervous, who knew that the two men were just joking. After laughing, it was like nothing, back to the previous kiss and make out. This kind of rhythm, this kind of behaviour, this kind of unthinkable, sunny and rainy days, really made her unable to bear it.
It was an indisputable fact that she couldn’t keep up with them. Every time she thought about it, she would feel a hollow sense of powerlessness. It was like this in the past, a wide river had always separated them, and it was always Ruan Shao Nan who stood on the opposite bank. She could admire it, she could look up to it, but how could she be on par with him?

Wei Hei sat outside alone for a long time, looking up at the sky, it was already late. When she stood up, she saw that Ruan Shao Nan was already walking towards her. She quickly collected her thoughts and greeted her with a smile, ‘Why did you come out?’
‘Seeing that you didn’t come back for half a day, I was a bit uneasy.’
‘He’s gone?’
‘Then let’s go back.’
‘Wei Hei ……,’ Ruan Shao Nan suddenly pulled her hand, ’You’re angry, aren’t you?’
Wei Hei looked at him with some surprise, ‘I’m not angry, why do you ask?’
‘I think you’re angry, if you don’t like it, we won’t talk about business in front of you from now on. I don’t mean anything else, I just don’t want you to think I’m intentionally avoiding you.’
A few words warmed Unh’s heart that he had even noticed such a subtle thing.
‘You guys didn’t intentionally avoid me, that means you didn’t treat me as an outsider. I understand, it’s just that ……’ she paused and suddenly lowered her head, ’Can I …… ask you for something?’
Ruan Shao Nan lifted her chin, ‘Silly girl, why are you so polite with me? As long as it’s a request from you, I’ll agree to 10,000 things.’
Wei Hei smiled, and Ruan Shao Nan whispered in her ear, ‘Except for one thing – the Lu family.’
Wei Hei’s smile froze on her face before she could collect herself.
The man sighed, ‘Wei Hei, I want you to stay by my side and be a simple, happy little woman. I don’t want you to think about anything, I don’t want you to worry about anything. I want you to empty your mind and body, think of me, think of your paintings, as long as you are happy, you can do anything. But I don’t want those unnecessary people and one to interfere with you, especially the Lu family. If you don’t get rid of the roots, there will be endless trouble. You should understand this, shouldn’t you?’
Wei Hei looked up at him, ‘Cut off the roots? Shouldn’t that include me? Have you forgotten? I’m also called Lu.’
The man hugged her and laughed, ‘Silly girl, how is this the same. Okay, let’s not argue over these boring little issues. I’m hungry, accompany me back to eat, okay?’
Wei Hei sighed, that’s how he is, he always likes to treat her like a child, thinking that he just needs to coax her.
In fact, she knew in her heart that no matter how much Ruan Shao Nan liked her, he wouldn’t let her become his ‘Red Woman’ or ‘Demon Lady’. He was already in such a high position, he would never allow himself to have any weaknesses, let alone give his enemies the opportunity to use this as a constraint.
In the end, for these powerful men, and then good women are just clouds in the sky. Men can appreciate the beauty of the clouds in their spare time. However, a cloud is a cloud, in the end, it can’t bring over the rain, let alone imagine that it can change the sky and the earth.
Her voice trailed off, ‘Actually, I just want to tell you that not everyone in the Lu family is guilty of the most heinous crimes. Just like my little sister young Hei, she had an accident when she was small, fell down the stairs, the doctor said it was paraplegic, this life will have to lie in bed. And …… she has never harmed anyone, much less you.’
She saw a slight frown on her brow, Ruan Shao Nan softly coaxed her again, ‘Look at you, you’re frowning when you’re talking. Alright, I promise you that I will think carefully about this matter, okay?’
After all was said and done, what else could Wei Hei say. He, Ruan Shao Nan, was never someone who bargained with others, no one dared and no one could. Now, no matter whether it was a perfunctory or coaxing her, he was willing to give in for her, so she really couldn’t ask for more.

Chapter 20: The Definition of Happiness

Ruan Shao Nan’s happy time didn’t last too long, as he was discharged from the hospital with a bunch of official business waiting for him to handle.
Wei Hei’s school was already on holiday, and despite Ruan Shao Nan’s repeated requests, she didn’t move into his villa, nor did she go back to work at ‘The City of Perfection’, which she was still a bit wary of considering Ruan Shao Nan’s status.
However, without that income, her future tuition and living expenses would be a problem, as well as those expensive paints and painting tools.
Ruan Shao Nan gave her a subsidiary card, but she kept it in the drawer of his villa. She appreciated his feelings, but she didn’t want to turn herself into an accessory like that card. It wasn’t that she was pretentious, but it was the result of years of habit. In addition, self-esteem, the more she felt the gap between her and him, the more she wanted to maintain their independence in terms of money.
Later, when she said this idea to Ruifei, Ruifei did not think so, ‘You even went abroad to study for him, he naturally has the responsibility to take care of you. Besides, it’s not like he can’t afford to support you, so why make things difficult for yourself?’
Wei Hei said, ‘You can’t just eat from other people’s mouths, you can’t just take from other people’s hands. If I rely on him for everything, then if he doesn’t want me, won’t I starve to death?’
Rufei thought for a moment, ‘You’re right, but Ruan Shao Nan is a macho man. If you’re like this, he won’t say anything on his lips when he’s in the way, but in his heart he’ll definitely be angry.’
‘He should …… be able to understand, right?’ Wei Hei said this with a little bit of weakness, in fact, she herself is not sure.
These days, Hei has been out and about. But in this time of economic crisis, it’s not easy to find a job. A few days later, her legs were so weak, but she still couldn’t find a job.
Ruan Shao Nan watched her for a few days without moving, but in the end he couldn’t stand it any longer, so he asked her, ‘Is it so hard for you to spend my money? You lost your job because of me, so let me make it up to you, isn’t that okay?’
Wei Hei had just come back from outside and shook her head while drinking water, ‘No. I decided to quit my job on my own! I decided to quit my job myself. What’s it got to do with you?’
‘Then I’ll lend it to you. I’m not lending it to you for nothing. When you graduate and find a job, you can pay me back with interest at the bank rate.’
Wei Hei pondered for a while, but still shook his head, ‘I still can’t, I can get a loan for my tuition, but I can’t get a loan for my living expenses, I have to earn it myself.’
Ruan Shao Nan was dumbfounded and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, ‘Who are you like in this temper?’
Wei Hei smiled and said, ‘Don’t you know? The greatest artists in the world are all poor. Art is only born in the moment of hunger, and can only touch people’s souls. Ever heard of Gauguin? He drank glue from a poster. And Van Gogh, who was so hungry he even ate oil mixed with turpentine. And ……’
The more Ruan Shao Nan heard, the more uncomfortable he became, he simply interrupted her, ’Alright, I don’t want you to go and eat something so disgusting. Either way, I have a lot of business friends who like to collect famous paintings, you can help them repair paintings, it should be a good income, more than you earn in the ‘Absolute Colour’, the working hours are still free.’
Wei Hei nodded, ‘Indeed it’s a good idea, but …… repairing famous paintings usually goes to more famous painters, most of those paintings are worth a lot of money, do they trust me?’
Ruan Shao Nan was busy with his own business, he didn’t even raise his head, ‘It depends on your own skills, I’m only responsible for making introductions, it’s up to you whether you succeed or not. You’re the one who said you wanted to be self-reliant, why don’t you even have that kind of confidence?’
If she didn’t have that kind of confidence, she’d have learnt all those years of painting for nothing. Although Ruan Shao Nan had introduced her to this job, she was happy to earn her living.

Ruan Shao Nan was indeed very honoured, and looking at the paintings in his study, it was as if Wei Hei was dreaming. She didn’t know what kind of friends Ruan Shao Nan had, but the paintings in his collection were all masterpieces. When she held the paintings, she felt her hands shaking, afraid that something might go wrong.
Ruan Shao Nan looked at her and said slowly and steadily, ‘It’s just a few paintings, I can afford to pay for them even if you break them.’
Wei Hei just breathed a sigh of relief, Ruan Shao Nan then said: ‘But my money is not for nothing, anyway, in addition to painting you have no other skills, why don’t you just pay the debt back to me little by little.’
Why did this man speak so venomously? She had only refused his help, and he was squeezing her like this. She knew that he had been holding his breath these days, just waiting for this opportunity to let it out. A calculating and petty man!
But his words had completely fuelled her fighting spirit.

Once she really got started, she realised that it wasn’t as hard as she thought it would be, but it was just a lot of work. Most of the paintings were old and had tiny cracks in the paint. It took skill and patience to repair the cracks without damaging the painting itself.
Wei Hei worked so hard that Ruan Shao Nan simply gave her half of his study on the top floor of Yi Tian. Every day she worked on her paintings on one side of the room while he worked on the other. The purpose of this arrangement was that he could see her when he raised his head when he wanted to. He’s a busy man and has very little time to fall in love, so he only has one mind and two hearts.
Yi Tian’s takeover battle with Tai Huang was at a critical point, and every minute could be a change. His plan to go out for a trip together had to be postponed.
Ruan Shao Nan felt sorry for him, but Wei Hei didn’t care. Being with someone you like, no matter what you do, it’s always a pleasure. Just like them now, he is busy every day, she is not idle, but when tired, a look exchange, can understand.
These days, Max has been thinking about what happiness really is. Some people say that happiness is not living a long life or being rich and famous, but having something to eat when you want to eat, and being loved when you want to be loved.
If you look at it from this perspective, Wei Hei is really happy right now.
Ruan Shao Nan wasn’t a very affectionate man, in fact he was very serious most of the time, and when he had a stern face, people were even more afraid to get close to him. His subordinates were afraid of him, and so was Wei Hei sometimes, especially when he was angry. However, he treated her quite well. It was because he was afraid that she would run away, so even if she touched his scales, he would still restrain his temper.
But perhaps out of habit, he always spoke to her in the same tone he would use with a child. Whether it was to coax her or to discipline her.
For example, he would tell her not to go to bed without blow-drying her hair, not to walk around barefoot, not to run out of the house without breakfast, not to chew on her pencils, and not to smear paint all over her face like a cat.
Wei Hei has been living freely like a wild plant for so many years, and she thinks she can take care of herself pretty well, but he’s too demanding and she’s used to being spontaneous, so she always runs into obstacles in front of him, which almost makes her lose all her confidence. However, he really spoilt her. What she likes, what she doesn’t like, what she usually avoids, he will secretly pay attention.

As the New Year approached, Ruan Shao Nan had a rare holiday and woke up late in the morning. Wei Hei was already used to running both ways and stayed late last night.
She’s used to waking up early, and when Ruan Shao Nan found her, she was in the studio fixing her paintings, and he hugged and kissed her from behind, smelling of paint.
Wei Hei turned her face to respond to him, but she couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Because he had just woken up, his hair was tousled, and he looked sleepy-eyed and a little naive. He was usually too perfect, too meticulous, seldom saw him this unkempt, but there is a kind of indescribable kind of cute.
‘I’m off today, let’s go out for a walk?’ He blew in her ear.
Wei Hei smiled and avoided him, ‘Wait for me for a while, this painting is still a bit short.’
‘The work is never done, it’s not too late, don’t do it.’ He said and snatched her brush away.

There were quite a lot of people on the streets, it was close to the New Year, everyone was shopping for New Year’s goods, and there was a fervent festive atmosphere everywhere. Ruan Shao Nan parked his car in front of a clothing shop, Wei Hei felt a sense of déjà vu, and suddenly remembered, wasn’t this the shop he brought her to last time?
‘It’s almost New Year’s, you always need to buy some new clothes. The clothes in this shop are very suitable for young girls, let’s go in and take a look.’ He wrapped his arm around her waist affectionately.
The clerk was still warm and attentive, and Ruan Shao Nan sat on the sofa and casually flipped through magazines. When Wei Hei walked out of the fitting room, she only felt that the scene was very familiar. In this glorious backdrop, to this day, she still remembers what kind of apprehensive heart she was standing here with at the beginning. Of course, there was also humiliation.
‘It’s very beautiful ……’ Ruan Shao Nan hugged her shoulders behind her, dotingly kissed her side face and praised her heartily.
The shopgirl said with a smile, ‘Mr Ruan has a good eye, this wool dress is Valentino’s new model for this season, it’s perfect for this lady’s elegant temperament.’
Ruan Shao Nan helped Wei Hei straighten her collar, ‘Remember Miss Lu’s size, she’s most afraid of trouble, in the future, if there’s any new goods directly send the list over, let her pick it out.’
The clerk immediately said, ‘We can send the garments directly to your residence for Miss Lu to try on. If Miss Lu isn’t satisfied, we can also contact European manufacturers for you and tailor them specifically for Miss Lu.’
Only then did his handsome face slightly clear up and he smiled in satisfaction, ‘This is best.’ Turning his face to the person in his arms again, he said, ‘Letting you come out to go shopping by yourself once is harder than climbing up to the sky. It’s not like I can often accompany you, so this is much more convenient.’
Wei Hei was a little helpless, ‘Mr Ruan, I’m still a student, don’t you think it’s too flashy for me to walk around the school every day wearing international designer labels?’
Ruan Shao Nan picked up a white cashmere coat and compared it to hers, casually responding, ‘Just say it’s an imitation from the internet, that’s all.’
Wei Hei simply laughed and laughed at his idea.
Ruan Shao Nan seemed to be very interested, and the shop assistant was very busy. Wei Hei felt like a living plastic model, being spun around like a gyroscope. He was happy to watch, but she had a hard time trying, and soon she was too tired to say anything for fear that he would call her heartless.
The shop assistant was very good at reading eyes and understandingly said, ‘Miss Lu must be tired, you and Mr Ruan have a cup of tea on the sofa and rest, I’ll go to the front to see if there are any suitable scarves for Miss Lu.’
Wei Hei sat on the sofa and casually looked around, suddenly finding a low-cut tight leather skirt in a hot and sexy style. She couldn’t help but think of Ru Fei’s individualistic and flamboyant face, she was best suited to wear such a dress, flirtatious and forthright.
Seeing that she kept staring at those leather skirts, Ruan Shao Nan suddenly understood something and asked her, ‘By the way, pick a few for Ru Fei as well, wouldn’t it be more comfortable for you to have her accompany you?’
‘This ……’ Wei Hei hesitated for a moment, ’It’s not too good.’
‘Silly girl, with me still polite what, and is not something remarkable.’ He pressed in her ear, with a volume that only each other can hear, ‘Your whole body is given to me, I give you a few clothes is nothing. If you feel embarrassed, then make it up to me tonight.’
Wei Hei’s face flushed red, although they were already close to each other, but he never made such jokes, especially in a public place.
Seeing her embarrassment, Ruan Shao Nan laughed out loud and flicked her apple face, ‘I’m talking about letting you cook for me, what are you thinking?’
He actually tricked her! Wei Hei looked at him indignantly, denouncing him with incomparably spiteful eyes.
‘Stop glaring like a sulky puppy, it’s not shocking at all.’ He kissed her eyes and hugged her with a cheerful smile. Anyway, he just ate up her thin skin and couldn’t wipe her face, so she was ruled to death by him at every turn.
Afterwards, Ruan Shao Nan asked the shopkeeper to match the boots and bag with the same colour. It was too extravagant! Wei Hei felt dizzy just counting the zeros on the price tag, and couldn’t help but tug on Ruan Shao Nan’s sleeve, but it was no use.

On the way back, Wei Hei looked back at the bags piled up in the backseat, her heart aching.
‘Isn’t it too much of a waste? If I wear these clothes, I probably won’t even dare to leave the house.’
‘What’s there to be afraid of? For my Ruan Shao Nan’s woman, of course I have to use the best of everything.’ He was such a big man sometimes.
Wei Hei couldn’t help but ask him, ‘How many women have you told this to?’
Ruan Shao Nan laughs lowly, ‘You’re not jealous, are you? Other than you, no one else gets this kind of treatment.’
Wei Hei let out a ‘humph’, ‘Who knows if you’re telling the truth.’
He looked at the road ahead, his eyes focused, ‘Of course I’ve said sweet things, but they were all in bed, just for the occasion. I hate it when people lie to me, and those women understand that they can’t get extra cheap on me, so they are honest. Most of the beautiful women are greedy and vain, and they will sell anything for money, and what I need is only sensual pleasure. The relationship between men and women in this circle looks honourable on the surface, but when you peel back the skin, it’s just a naked trade in money.’
He said, ‘Not all women are like that. Among the women you’ve bought, there may be some who really loved you, but didn’t dare to say so because of your indifference, shattering their own hearts.’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed, ‘Are you calling for them? Silly girl, do you think they care about themselves? Even if there are one or two that have true feelings, they still turn their heads and forget about it? This kind of feeling is too cheap, not even worthy of alms to the beggars on the street.’
He was just so mean sometimes, but he had a spot-on edge for the weaknesses of human nature. Can’t say he’s all wrong, just too utilitarian.
Without saying anything else, Wei Hei turned his face to look out the window at the street scene.
While waiting at the red light, Ruan Shao Nan answered a phone call, who knew that his face would change after he answered it.
‘Hei, I have to go back to the office for a while, can you go back by yourself?’
Looking at his face, he knew that the situation was serious, Wei Hei immediately said, ‘You can just drop me off at the front, I’ll take the car back myself.’

Chapter 21 Deadly Lies

After Ruan Shao Nan left, Wei Hei suddenly felt a bit panicky, half of it was worrying for him, and half of it was a kind of emotion she couldn’t put her finger on.
She didn’t know where to go for a while, so she just skipped along the street and took a walk. The city sky was a pale blue, with occasional white clouds as thin as fluff.
The sky was high and the clouds were light, and winter in the south is always a thin layer of sunshine and warmth, so it was a good day to go out.
Hei was aimlessly walking down the street when he heard the sound of a manic engine. Then, an incredibly tough motorbike brushed past her. Chomp! There was a sharp brake, and it came down with a big grin across the road a few centimetres from her toes.
The rider removed his black helmet, revealing a handsome face in the sunlight.
Puzzled, Unh asked, ‘How come every time I wander down the street, you pick me up?’
‘Don’t you know? I have a hobby, I specifically like to pick up some kittens and puppies to take home.’ Ji Mor smiled, snow white teeth, deep features, wheat-coloured skin, a bit like a model in some advertisement, indescribably handsome in the thin warm winter sun.
‘What’s the point of picking it back up? You don’t like animals.’
‘To cook soup, to eat.’
He was so bad sometimes, so bold, so rude, but not so annoying.
‘What do you do?’ Ji Mor asked.
Hei shrugged, ‘No place to go, just wandering around.’
Ji Mor took out his spare helmet and threw it to her, ‘That’s just right, let’s go, I’ll take you for a ride.’

Ji Mo parked the car at the Sunshine Coast, the most beautiful place in this coastal city.
The fine white sandy beach like snow, the emerald green bay, the coastline covered with sunshine …… everything looks like it came out of a magazine.
Two people sitting on the golden sand, shoulder to shoulder, listening carefully to the waves in the distance.
With this kind of atmosphere, this kind of scenery, in this kind of bright sunshine, it seems like nothing needs to be said. Just sitting like this alone was full of poetic beauty.
In the sound of the waves lapping at the shore, Ji Mo suddenly asked the person next to him, ‘Wei Hei, are you happy?’
Wei Hei smiled slightly, ‘I’m very happy, but …… I’ll be afraid.’
Chi Mo looked at her strangely, ‘What are you afraid of?’
‘I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m too happy, so I can’t believe that it’s all real, and I always suspect that the jubilant hustle and bustle in front of me is nothing more than a sham.’
Chi Mo let out a light laugh, ‘You’re afraid because you care. You care about him, that’s why he shines so brightly in your eyes. If you don’t care about him, he’s nothing.’
Wei Hei laughed lowly and thought to herself that that made sense. But if Ruan Shao Nan found out, he would probably call her heartless again.
Unconsciously, dusk had crept in. The two people leaned their backs against each other, looking at the beach under the twilight, chatting with one word or another.
‘Chi Mor, do you remember, how long have we known each other?’
‘Two or three years now.’
‘Do you remember the first time we met?’
‘Yes, you and Rufei were still selling alcohol in a bar, and there were a few punks who were looking for trouble, not paying for the alcohol they took, but also making a move on you. I saw them and taught them a lesson. But you, this girl, didn’t even say a ‘thank you’.’ Ji Mo counted down unwillingly.
Wei Hei yawned and laughed, ‘I was stunned at the time, but then again, the way you beat people up was really quite handsome. I felt, at the time, like I was watching a film.’
Ji Mo smiled smugly, ‘You just realised that now, huh? Then you still treat me so poorly?’
‘There are too many people who treat you well, I’m afraid that they would have to line up from ‘Jade’ to the backstreets, don’t you think it’s enough? Beware that the heavens will teach you a lesson.’
Ji Mor turned around and made to tear her mouth off, but Max laughed and dodged it.
‘Now that I think about it, I really should thank you.’ Hei shielded her hand from the rouge haze, ‘We had just left the orphanage, we didn’t know anything, and we were bullied every day. You were the first person to help us, and the first person to get Rufei to put me down and go with you. Although she herself kept saying that she was just playing around with you. But I feel that he really likes you ……’
Chi Mo turned his face sideways and looked at the person leaning on his back. Her small body was leaning against him, but a small mouth couldn’t stop talking.
Sometimes looking at her like this, Ji Mor would think, what exactly is love? Is it the love at first sight when you look at each other? Or is it the love that grows over time when you spend time together?
Why do people fall in love with another person? Is it because of a smile in a sea of people? Or is it because of the pity when one is in trouble?
With a pain in his heart, he looked at her butterfly-winged eyelashes and suddenly interrupted her, ‘Hei, I have to go.’
He sat up straight and turned his face to look at him, ‘Where are you going?’
‘I don’t know, I just don’t want to stay here, maybe back to the north-east, that’s where my parents came from.’
Wei Hei had never been that far away, her impression of the north is snowy, desert. Ji Mor was used to the city, how could he stand such a desolate place?
‘What’s over there? How do you live?’
‘White mountains and black water, soybean sorghum, as long as you have hands and feet, you won’t starve to death.’
‘Must you go?’
Chi Mo collected his thoughts, put one arm around Wei Hei’s shoulder, and smiled gangly, ‘What? You can’t bear to see me go?’
Wei Hei looked up and said frankly, ‘I just can’t let go. You don’t have any friends over there, but if you don’t have any friends here, we can at least take care of each other. You don’t have to go, stay here, okay?’
Chi Mo’s heart moved, in front of the Ying Ying Jian water and three years ago the clear overlap, as if the dewdrops on the grass leaves, cold and clear. He couldn’t help himself and asked in a low voice, ‘Wei Hei, can I hug you?’
Wei Hei froze, and before she could react, Ji Mo reached out with his long arm and held her tightly in his arms.
He breathed in sharply, she was in his arms, and he could smell the scent of her hair, just as he had smelled it countless nights at Rufei’s place. He remembered her lips, they were a light pink, like the cherry blossoms he had seen in Ueno when he was a child, and when there was a breeze, the brocade-heavy petals fell all over the ground, and then danced all over the sky under the crisp white moonlight.
His blood surged, in this last hour, let him indulge once, just once. Once he went this way, it was a matter of not seeing each other again.
‘Chi Mor, what are you doing?’ Sensing his intentions, Wei Hei fluttered up like a moth, ‘Ji Mor, let …… go.’
Here the waves lapped at the shore and struck the air. His fingers tightened around her chin, so impatient that he even bit her lips. She was still whimpering and struggling even though he had sealed her lips and tongue, her hands were pinned behind her back, and her eyes were looking at him in surprise and horror.
I don’t know how long it took, but he finally let go, and Unhappy took a step back, tears almost falling from her eyes. She trusted him like this, but how could he bully her like this?
Ji Mor didn’t say anything, for so long, he only dared to watch from afar, didn’t dare to get close, didn’t dare to touch, but when he should have let go the most, he stepped over the thunder pool, and did the most inadvisable thing.
Wei Hei wants to walk back to the city by himself, but Ji Mo won’t let him. It’s a long way from the city, and it’s getting dark, so how can he be sure she’ll be alone on the road?
He took her back to the city before letting her down. He was a very good man, but he was not a very good man, and he was a very good man. Ji Mor quietly watched the taxi’s taillights, as if they were two red tears, blending into the tidal river of cars.
He went back to his car, put on his helmet, and looked up to see a huge poster hanging in the cinema across the street, with the words: There is no drug you can’t quit, only love you can’t quit.
There is no drug that can not be quit, only style can not be love ……
He stood there, stunned out of half a day of God, a time of a thousand thoughts, heartache God broken, do not know what to do.
The company’s website is a great source of information about the company’s products and services, and the company’s website is a great source of information about the company’s products and services, and the company’s website is a great source of information about the company’s products and services.

When Wei Hei returned to the seaside villa, she found that the light in the study was on, and Ruan Shao Nan had already returned.
She tried to adjust her mood, the butler was very respectful when he saw her, ‘Miss Lu, you’re back.’
Seeing that he was carrying a dinner plate in his hand, Wei Hei asked, ‘Mr Ruan didn’t have dinner?’
‘Yes, as soon as he came back, he went into the study, we didn’t dare to go in.’
Wei Hei’s heart sank, guessing it wouldn’t be good news. But even if the sky is falling, dinner must always be eaten.
‘How about this, you go to the kitchen and bring a bowl of porridge, I’ll send it in to try.’

The door to the study was left open, and Wei Hei stood in the doorway and knocked.
‘Mr Ruan, the porridge is ready, would you like to have a bowl?’
He was reading a document, his brows were heavily locked, he didn’t raise his head, ‘Put it there, go out.’
Wei Hei smiled and walked straight in. He looked up, saw it was her, and let out a light laugh, ‘So it’s you.’
‘Couldn’t even hear my voice, you really have been busy and dizzy.’ She placed the bowl on the table, ‘But even if you’re busy, man is iron and rice is steel, still eat more or less.’
Ruan Shao Nan leaned back and rubbed the corner of his forehead, ‘He got away.’
‘Lu Renxi.’
Wei Hei was suddenly stunned, even though so much time had passed, even though she was no longer the humble and helpless little girl she was back then, hearing that name so abruptly, the tip of her tongue could still savour the fear that was rooted in her heart back then.
‘My second brother? What happened to him?’
‘He made false accounts, bribed government officials, the construction company under his name jerry-built and built poor quality buildings that smashed people to death, and the evidence was already conclusive. I didn’t expect him to get wind of it and run away first.’
Wei Hei did not have much of an expression on his face, but just nodded his head, lifting the bowl up and handing it to the man, ‘He has always been very smart, and is considered to have learnt from Lu Zi Xu’s true legacy, so it makes sense that he could escape this time. Taking a step back, he has now become a lost dog, there is no threat to you and Yi Tian, why are you still annoyed?’
‘But I just want him to go to jail!’ Ruan Shao Nan only took a sip and put it aside.
Wei Hei sighed, ‘I don’t want you to be this unforgiving because of me. In fact, I’ve long forgotten about that incident. I only brought it up again that day because I wanted to piss you off. When you’re like this, I feel uneasy in my heart instead.’
He pulled her to sit on his lap, ‘But I can’t pretend that nothing happened, I can’t let the person who has hurt you get away with it. Before, it was fine if I didn’t know how you were doing. Now I know everything and I don’t do anything for you, is that even remotely fair?’
Wei Hei resisted the desire to sigh and wrapped her arms around the man’s neck, ‘I’m afraid you’ll hurt yourself. I don’t want you to risk your life for the sake of revenge and end up making a mess of yourself. Although in your circle, in order to defeat your opponents there are few good schemes and tactics, and you are facing some people like that. But you’ve also seen the Lu family’s previous experience, taking by force is certainly a shortcut, but it can’t last, doing business honestly is fundamental.’
Seeing the man’s expression soften slightly, Wei Hei picked up the bowl again and pinched the spoon to his lips, ‘There’s a saying in the marketplace that’s most appropriate here.’
Ruan Shao Nan opened his mouth and obediently took a sip, then asked, ‘What words?’
Wei Hei laughed a little and nudged his nose, ‘When you come out, you always have to pay back.’
The man laughed out loud, the haze between his brows swept away. Holding her arm tighter, he praised, ‘Eloquent, just look at your mouth, you look like a master negotiator. If I take you with me in future negotiations, won’t I be invincible?’
Wei Hei smiled, ‘That means you think I’m right. Then, is it possible for Mr Ruan to put down his business first and eat more?’
Ruan Shao Nan sighed, ‘I’m not just angry about this. The bank under E-Tian took over a merger project, who knew that Wang Dongyang even lost the materials and leaked the project. Now the other party is going to file a lawsuit against E-Ten, and I’m trying to figure out how to solve it.’
Wei Hei’s heart sank, ‘So it’s this serious, how do you plan to deal with it?’
‘The media will get involved in the lawsuit, and it will definitely damage the group’s image, so I’m going to settle with them privately and pay them money.’
‘A lot of money?’
‘Not a lot, about 3-4 million.’
Wei Hei said, ‘Oh,’ so the money is not a big deal, but Yi Tian’s loss of face is a big deal. She then asked, ‘What about Wang Dongyang? What did you do with him?’
‘I sent someone to check on him, he didn’t intentionally betray Yi Tian. But how can I feel comfortable continuing to keep such a careless person around? Of course I let him go.’
Ruan Shao Nan looked at Wei Hei’s thoughtful face and lifted her chin, ‘What? You don’t agree with what I’m doing?’
‘He doesn’t seem like such a careless person, maybe something happened recently. If you just fire him like this, the news will spread in the industry and other companies won’t want him. It’s better to give him another chance, he’ll be grateful.’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed a little, ‘You’re too soft-hearted, I just want him to know that there are some mistakes that can’t be made.’
‘You can punish him in a small way, he’s such a smart person, he will definitely not repeat his mistakes. He is your subordinate, not your enemy. You can be ruthless towards your enemies, but your subordinates are the ones who help you fight for the kingdom, so if you are more lenient towards them, they will miss your goodness. The human heart is a very magical thing, sometimes even money can not fight. For you, it’s just a show of hands. But to him, it may be the chance of a lifetime. The company is always going to lose money anyway, so if you cast a wide net now, you might gain more later.’
Ruan Shao Nan looked her over from top to bottom, making Wei Hei feel uncomfortable.
‘Max, I don’t want to think about it. If you hadn’t left the Lu family, you might be my most formidable opponent today.’
Wei Hei thought he was joking, ‘Being your enemy? Wouldn’t I have to die without a burial site? I don’t want to.’ As she said that, she was about to stand up, Ruan Shao Nan pulled her back, ‘If you’re my enemy, I can’t afford to let you die.’
‘What would you do then?’ Wei Hei simply leaned into his arms and cocked her little head to look at him.
‘I will ……’ he pressed against her ear, icy breath, pretending to be mysterious tone surprisingly has a kind of indescribable bizarre, ’let you beg for life, can not die … …’ he suddenly badgered the itchy flesh under her ribs, scratching while asking, ’Are you afraid, afraid?’
‘Hey, afraid, afraid of ……’ how did not think he would use this trick, she is the most afraid of tickling, immediately laughed out loud, tears are almost out.
The two of them laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and almost rolled to the floor. Wei Hei wrapped her arms around the man’s neck, her cheeks flushed red, and her smiling eyes were watery, like a lake on a moonlit night, reflecting the moonlight and clouds, and the wind blew over the moon, breaking the round moon, with a kind of beauty that stirred the hearts of the people.
Ruan Shao Nan couldn’t help but kiss her, but in just a second, he froze.
‘What’s wrong?’ Wei Hei turned her face sideways and looked at him a little strangely.
He traced the line of her lips with his thumb, and there was a very small bite mark on it, so small that the person in question hadn’t even noticed it himself. He scrutinised her for a moment, his voice low and deep, ‘Where were you this afternoon?’
Wei Hei was petrified, his heart seemed to miss a beat, stagnant for a long time before answering, ‘I went to see Ru Fei in the …… afternoon, what’s wrong?’
‘Yes?’ His smile was faint, just a slight tug on the corner of his lips. Dragging those two words out as if they were deliberately pulled apart.
‘So how’s she been?’
‘Still the same ……’ Her voice trailed off.
His face clouded over, and Unh’s heart fluttered with panic. She wasn’t naturally cut out for lying, or lying in front of him, which was too much for her. Her heart was beating fast and furious under his compelling gaze, and she didn’t dare to avoid him, only to feel her face drying up so much that her skin felt as if it was on fire.
‘It’s okay then.’ It was as if he had returned to his normal self, back to the deep emotion he had felt before.
‘The porridge is cold, I’ll go bring you another bowl.’ She turned around and stood up, and only when she brought the bowl did she feel weak, her fingers shivering a little.
‘No need, I don’t have much of an appetite. I’m going to be busy until late today, so get yourself to bed.’ After he said that, he went back to his business, with an air of refusal.
When Wei Hei walked to the door, he glanced back. His face was immersed in the shadows from the table lamp, the outline still distinct. Perhaps it was the background that made him look more and more like a starry-eyed man, but he was just too cold.

She retreated silently, returned to the bedroom, and closed the door. Lying down on Ruan Shao Nan’s bed, she looked up at the ceiling, her heart in a kind of indescribable chaos and complexity.
Thinking of the scene just now, Wei Hei subconsciously touched her lips. She knew he must have sensed something, he was like that sometimes, so perceptive that it was scary. He had said that he hated it when people lied to him, but she had done something he hated, so it was no wonder he was angry.
But how could she say it? She was not unaware of his vindictive temper, so she dared not say anything. But the way she stammered and hid it, she looked like a betrayer.
Sighing, she wrapped the blanket around her, not wanting to think about it any further, but then she remembered the silent face of the night in the golden afterglow.
When she thought of the afternoon’s events, she was still in a trance. Ji Mor’s embrace had a clean aura, as if Ruan Shao Nan when he was a teenager, the same warmth, the same steady and powerful heartbeat, being held tightly in his arms gave her the illusion of time flowing backwards. But that thrilling kiss had left her shocked and afraid.
After all these years, he had never treated her like that. He joked with her sometimes, but always with restraint. He had always treated her well, and she had always thought that he was just looking at Rufei’s feelings, or perhaps it was just the pity and sympathy of the strong for the weak.
Had she thought wrong?

Chapter 22 Baby, you’re shaking

Wei Hei did not sleep well for a few days in a row, the circles under his eyes are not the usual black, people are always listless.
When Ru Fei got up in the morning, he saw her busy alone and couldn’t help but ask her, ‘Why are you always leaning on me these two days? Did Ruan Shao Nan promise?’
Wei Hei was learning how to make sushi, ‘He’s been very busy lately, and I can’t see him when I go back. I’m alone with a house full of servants, like a fool.’
Rufei picked up a piece of ham and put it in his mouth, ‘What? A fight?’
Wei Hei sighed, ‘If only there was a fight, I’m like a concubine thrown into a cold palace, I can’t even see the emperor’s face.’
Rufei picked up another piece of ham and stuffed it into her mouth, ‘Come on, if you were a concubine, you would have been executed a hundred and eighty times by the emperor.’
Wei Hei slapped her hand and laughed and laughed, ‘Unconscionable, you make it sound as if I had it coming. I find that you are really biased, always speaking in his favour.’
Rufei glanced at her, ‘I’m speaking towards you. It’s not like I don’t know that temper of yours, you can squeeze people to death with just a few words. Ruan Shao Nan treats you well, doesn’t he always go along with everything? Don’t be so hard on him. If you piss him off, you’ll be the one who loses out in the end.’
Wei Hei laughed, ‘When you say it like that, it’s like I’m in a dragon’s den, ready to die at any moment.’
‘The real dragon’s den is your heart. Ask yourself if you can leave him. If you can’t leave him, then give yourself less trouble.’
Rufus poured himself a glass of milk for breakfast, ‘Anyway, what happened to you guys?’
Wei Hei was stunned for a moment and sighed, ‘It’s hard to say …… By the way, Ji Mo is leaving, do you know?’
The person who drank the milk half lying on the bed, flipping through the magazine while responding, ‘I know, I heard him say it a long time ago.’ She suddenly associated something and looked up to ask, ‘He looked for you?’
‘We ran into each other by chance on the street two days ago, and heard him say that.’ Max laid strips of ham, carrots, and cucumbers on the seaweed.
Rufus watched Unhei’s expression, ‘He …… didn’t do anything, did he?’
This is a very strange way of asking, Max looked at Ruifei in surprise, watching for a moment, ‘Did you already know something?’
‘I ……’ Ru Fei momentarily speechless, on the Maxi inquisitive gaze, heart know can not hide also have no intention to hide, simply confessed everything, ’Yes, I know. From the first day we met, I knew …… he liked you.’
Wei Hei almost suspected that she had heard, she was surprised to see Ru Fei not quiet expression, could not help but ask her, ‘Ru Fei, what do you think?’
Rufei smiled down, why does everyone ask her what she thinks?
‘Isn’t it very simple? I like him, he likes you. That night three years ago, the person he wanted to take away was actually you. But you wouldn’t go with him, and he knew it in his heart. But I would, and from the first moment I saw him, I liked him. Is it strange that I want to be with him?’
Unhei put the knife on the table and looked at her, ‘Does Ikimori know?’
Rufei lights a cigarette and takes a deep drag before saying, ‘I like him, but it’s my own business. Just like he likes you, he never wanted to tell you. Over the years, he has been silently helping us …… accurately say that he has helped you block a lot of things. Last time Ling Luchuan locked you in the box, he saw from the monitor, a moment of desperation pulled the fire alarm.VIP monitors are Wei Chengbao secretly installed, in addition to a few close friends no one knows. He understands in his own heart how much danger he is taking. If Wei Chengbao knows that he is using public money for personal gain, he may not even have a life. But he did it anyway, and even I was surprised.’
Wei Hei sat down dishevelled on the chair, shaking his head and smiling bitterly, ‘So, you are all people who understand, and I’m the only one who was kept in the dark.’
Ru Fei sighed, ‘That’s because you’ve had someone in your heart for a long time, and after all these years, you never graduated from Ruan Shao Nan, so naturally you’re blind to everything around you.’

You care about him, that’s why he shines so brightly. You don’t care about him, he’s nothing.
Wei Hei suddenly remembered Ji Mo’s words, only to feel his heart choke, and in front of her eyes appeared his forlorn expression in the setting sun, and that voice that was as light as the sea breeze.
‘As right side, how could you hide it for so long? And still act as if nothing happened?’
‘Are you angry?’
Wei Hei looked at this person who had shared her pain and suffering with her, who was closer than a biological sister, and said heartily, ‘I am feeling aggrieved on your behalf ……’
Ru Right Face shook her head and laughed softly, ‘It’s so strange, I don’t feel it at all. Just like you to Ruan Shao Nan, you silently obsessed for so many years, have you ever felt aggrieved?’
Hearing her mention Ruan Shao Nan, Wei Hei felt speechless. Perhaps the world’s infatuation with women have the same face, once clean and relaxed, only feel that they can look down on the world, all the love of the world has nothing to do with their own, but do not know, is not encountered in a previous life for you to bury the bones of the person.
When I think of this, not Hei suddenly flashed in front of the eyes of Ruan Shao Nan that pair of obscure and indistinguishable, that intentionally elongated words, the corner of the lips slightly moving cold smile, somehow the heart of the empty without landing, as if downstairs when stepping on the empty general.

When she returned to Ruan Shao Nan’s villa in the evening, she saw the light on in the study and shuddered in her heart for no reason. They hadn’t seen each other for many days, and she didn’t know if he was intentionally avoiding her, or if he was really too busy to do anything about it.
When she walked to the door of the study, her mood was still apprehensive, the door was hidden, she pushed the door to enter. But he is not in, the study inside only lit a lamp, the dim circle of light outside, obscure as if another world. The computer was on, and the case was buzzing.
Wei Hei thought it was strange, he would never be so careless as to leave the computer on without switching it off. As she approached, she saw a stack of photos on the desk from afar and picked them up to look at them in a moment of curiosity. But in the moment her eyes converged, she was struck by a painful blow, her eyes went black, and the photos in her hand fell down, just like her world at the moment, collapsing in a heap.
She stood for half a minute before kneeling on the carpet and picking up the photos one by one. Each picture was so familiar, each smiling face was so blinding, until she saw the one that she couldn’t identify, she felt like she had been cut with a sharp blade, and every inch of her skin was burning with a fine, hot pain.
Just as she was dazed, a pair of strong arms encircled her body. The man’s hot breath, mingled with the heavy odour of alcohol, sprayed over her bare neck and she couldn’t help but shiver.
‘Baby, you’re shivering ……,’ Ruan Shao Nan kissed her neck, the frivolity of a drunken man was so cloying that it sent chills down one’s spine.
His arm crossed over her chest, and his other hand took the photo in her hand. This photo was captured extremely well, the turquoise blue sea water, the orange sunset, a natural colour combination that was indescribably ingenious. She and Ji Mo sat side by side on the golden sandy beach, Ji Mo turned his face sideways and didn’t know what he was saying to her, she smiled and used her hand to block the afterglow of the setting sun.
He placed the photo in front of each other’s eyes and waved it around, smiling softly, ‘This one has you smiling so beautifully, I’ve never even seen it before.’
Wei Hei’s mind was empty, ‘You’ve been sending people to follow me?’
‘I was worried that the Lu family would jump over the wall, so I sent someone to protect you. But I didn’t think I’d get any surprises. My little wei xi, you can always give me surprises …… ‘ He ruthlessly said the last few words, suddenly bit on her neck.
Sharp stinging pain on her neck, Wei Hei’s heart tightened to the point of almost losing blood, ‘Can you listen to my explanation?’
‘Explain? Then you have to think about it word for word, you know, I hate it when people lie to me. Didn’t you say that I can let my enemies die without a burial?’
His hand was cold, his thumb jammed against her throat. She trembled her lips, unable to utter a word.
‘Scared?’ He wrenched her chin, his tone as light as ever, ‘You shouldn’t be afraid, the more you’re afraid, the faster he’ll die.’
This was Ruan Shao Nan, always able to use the flattest of tones to set off the shocking waves in someone’s heart; always able to put someone to death with just one sentence.
‘What exactly do you want from me? Want me to rip my heart out and show it to you? Or put a collar around my neck and chain me to your ankles? If you don’t even have the least bit of trust in me, why are we together?’
She turned her face to look at him, a heart like an ancient tomb, littered with wilderness. But Ruan Shao Nan, who had always been as clear-eyed as a torch, didn’t seem to understand the shallow meaning of her words.
‘What do I want?’ He shook his head with difficulty, trying to clear his head, his brilliant eyes clouded with a faint mist, and suddenly his centre of gravity faltered, and his whole body lurched forward.
Unh was pinned to the carpet, unable to move, he really had had too much to drink today, and was heavy as hell.
‘Shao Nan ……’ Wei Hei patted his face, but the man in her arms seemed to be asleep.
Only after a long time did he lift his face from the nape of her neck in a daze, smiled dementedly, and kissed her on the cheek, ‘Wei Hei, you’re back ……’
Wei Hei sighed in her heart, he really was drunk. Ruan Shao Nan’s ability to drink is not bad, but absolutely can not get drunk, once drunk, become upside down, God knows what.
I remember one time when he came back from a banquet, he got a little high and insisted on dragging her to the beach to watch the sunrise, and kept saying, ‘Hei? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! No. It’s too bad! It’s bad luck. Let’s go see it now.’
It was still the middle of the night, so there was no sunrise. He pestered her so much that she agreed. By the time she got dressed, he was sound asleep in his bed. The next day he asked him about it, and he himself laughed as he held up the bed, but it turned out that he didn’t even know it.
Wine is the poison that wears the intestines, since that drink hurt his stomach, he has rarely dipped into the wine. If he hadn’t been angry with her this time, he wouldn’t have been so drunk.
Thinking about this, Wei Hei felt a little guilty. In the end, she was the one who lied to him in the first place and hid it from him in the second. If she had made it clear to him at the time, why would he be in such a state today?
She wanted to explain to him, but the man in her arms was like a drunken cat, rubbing his face against hers like a twisted candy. If she wanted to say anything, she would have to wait for him to sober up.
But the two of them couldn’t keep spending time on the floor, Wei Hei tried to coax him, ‘Shao Nan, let go of me first.’
But Ruan Shao Nan frowned and looked at her closely, a tiger’s mighty look on his face, ‘Where do you want to go?’
Hei Wei Hei was so careful, ‘I’m not going anywhere, look, the ground is so cold, we’ll get sick if we stay here for a long time, let go of me first, okay?’
The man’s taut body relaxed a little, nodding vigorously, ‘That’s right, what are we doing lying on the floor? It’s hard and uncomfortable here, let’s go back to the room.’
Wei Hei had just breathed a sigh of relief, but her body was lightened, and she was picked up by him shakily. She was terrified that he would accidentally bump into something and send them both tumbling to the ground, or simply shake his hand and throw her straight down from the first floor.
Luckily, the study was not far from the bedroom, so he was quite familiar with it. Wei Hei broke out in a cold sweat when he placed her on the bed. Ruan Shao Nan was also lying on the bed, pulling his tie with difficulty, his mouth constantly chanting, ‘It’s so hot ……’
Wei Hei wanted to get a towel for him to wipe his face, but before she stood up, Ruan Shao Nan pushed her with a backhanded push, and pressed her underneath her body.
‘Where are you going again?’ He was clearly getting a little impatient.
‘Getting you a towel, didn’t you cry out for heat?’
Wei Hei raised his hand, wanted to help him wipe the sweat beads on the tip of his nose, but he was grabbed by a hand, hot lips savagely kissed down, and said: ‘I don’t want anything, I just want you, just you ……’
Wei Hei knew that he was drunk, naturally, softly and obediently to him, and only hoped that The first thing I want to do is to put him to sleep.
However, when the man on the strength of alcohol in three or two times to pull her clothes clean when, not晞才看到,那双在黑暗中紅得滴血似的眼睛。
She instinctively retreated, fear was only then overwhelming, but where could she escape from this square inch of land, with her hand raised?
Clang! The bedside table lamp was swept to the floor by him. That is her favourite ancient porcelain table lamp, blue and white background, exquisite craftsmanship, in an auction he bought with a high price, placed in the bedside exclusively for her to appreciate alone.
At the moment, that pricey gift was shattered before her.

Chapter 23 A Night of Pleasure

The night seemed like it could grow without end ……
Max felt like she was sinking in water, her body was heavy and she couldn’t use any strength to struggle. Her head was resting against the soft silk pillow, and she looked at the twisted ceiling as if she were looking at another world.
Torment? It was only at this moment that Max really understood the meaning of this word. It turned out to be the theory of relativity. Someone else’s minute is your day; someone else’s day is your year; someone else’s year is your century.
Her body was taut like a bow, and the whole process felt nothing but pain …… so distinct, so bone deep, so heartbreaking.
Did she cry and beg him to let her go? Do not remember.
Just vaguely know, I have a period of time to appear blank consciousness, should be the old disease committed. The whole sank in a soft cloud, and soon lost consciousness.
When I woke up, I saw myself like a sick child, helplessly sobbing in the crook of his arm. The glass of the floor-to-ceiling window reflected their naked intertwined figures.
His head was buried in her heavily-rimmed breasts, his hands pressed against her knees, and his strong waist swayed back and forth, endlessly and ferociously. The once sweet rhythm became more and more unbearable, and she couldn’t look away any longer, turning her face sideways, already in too much pain to speak, while his lips branded her white neck, leaving a trail of red and purple marks on that fragile skin.
It really hurt so much that she used all her strength to bite on his shoulder. The sudden pain on his shoulder caused the man to shudder, he looked down at her, smiling drunkenly, clasping her chin and kissing her heavily, speaking sticky love words under his breath, treating her struggling against death with all her strength as a love interest.
She shook her head painfully, her thin white hand helplessly against his chest, her palms covered in sweat, hoping that she could pull away from each other. This horrible, almost rapey predation was already too much for her to bear.
Feeling her resistance, he somewhat annoyingly clasped her lotus-root-like crisp white wrists, as if it was too much trouble, casually pulling over his own tie, confusedly tying those slender wrists to the bedside. Both hands pulled and tied a dead knot, painful and tight.
No! Unh called out in sadness, like a child. She knew he was drunk, but could he do this to her when he was drunk? Just because she had told him a lie, all the good things he had done to her in the past didn’t count anymore?
Max looked at him with tearful eyes, she had never been so weak before, mumbling in a small voice, a thin sob that showed how sad she was at the moment. She expected him to take her body into consideration, but the man on top of her kissed her tears, chewed on her pain, and continued to move like a madman, not caring.
She heard herself screaming underneath him, screaming broken and hoarse. But why couldn’t he hear her as she gnashed her silver teeth in pain?
What was he whispering in her ear? Apart from her own rapid and painful gasps, she couldn’t hear anything clearly. Only vaguely distinguish a few sentences, he repeated a number of times before she heard.
He said, ‘Give it to me, give it to me ……’
She listened vaguely in the darkness, and without realising it, cold tears had slipped from the corners of her eyes. City nights are always that long, waking up at midnight to face a despair colder than tears.
This is how long ago the bleak state of mind? It’s been so long that I can’t remember. Only the bend in the sky like a hook of the crescent moon, still hanging in the memory of the blue clouds, the hook with a chilly light gold, hooked out how many secrets of heartbreak?
Suddenly I remembered an old film from a long time ago, and vaguely remembered that it was a tragedy. The heroine finally cried and said to her former lover, ‘I’m sorry, I can’t give you anything anymore, my love has dried up.’
He finally collapsed on top of her in exhaustion, calmed his breathing, gazed at her jade-like face in the moonlight, sighed softly, and gave a delicate, lingering peck, which seemed to suggest that the man’s fondness for her was not yet over.
He still tied her hands, shivering like a snowball on him, she did not know what else he wanted? But there was nothing left for her to give him.
She didn’t dry up, she was just emptied by him ……

The next morning, Ruan Shao Nan unprecedentedly slept until the sun rose. He only felt dizzy, the veins on his forehead jumped and ached, looked around, even though he had always been as stable as a mountain, but also immediately frozen.
The chair fell down, the lamp was broken, a corner of the gauze tent was torn down, the curtains dragged on the carpet, full of broken glass, the large bedroom seems to have suffered a huge tornado, cluttered to a mess.
The bed was also a mess, the silk sheets were twisted into twists, the quilt was wrinkled together, Maxi’s skirt was torn in half ……
He frowned, grabbed the bedside phone to call Maxi’s mobile phone, but the music of Doraemon played in the house, which he had changed for her. He searched for it for half a day and finally turned it up under his pillow, next to her asthma medicine.
He looked at the blue pill bottle, and everything that happened last night became clear.
What a night of lust it was ……
Remember she fainted once in the middle, the result of an asthma attack. He hadn’t sent her to the hospital, something similar had happened before, and he always kept emergency potent medication in his bedroom bedside table, he knew what to do with it.
When she woke up, her whole body looked like it had been dipped in water all over again, the sheets on her body were soaked.
Yes, asthma doesn’t kill you, an attack is worse than death. He did not know what he was thinking, that body has obviously been too timid to withstand any little break, but how he could not let go. Holding that soft body, only want to dismantle the person in his arms into the abdomen, devour a clean.
In the heat of desire, he vaguely heard her open and close lips mumbling about pain, heard her begging him in such a pitiful tone, saying no in a loud voice. See her snow-white face in the moonlight, slightly frowning eyebrows, tear-stained eyes, tried to push back but was easily restrained by his wrists tied to the bed. Seeing himself ignoring her pleas and pain, again and again pushed hard into her body, crashing the entire bed trembling, like a rough sea, she is a powerless boat being swallowed by the huge waves.
He shouldn’t be like this, what was wrong with him?

He looked quietly at the pill bottle, at the slide-like pile and scene before his eyes, and his soul seemed to float to some lofty place, coldly looking at his other self.
The sitter at the foot of the bed did not hang up, and the music of the mobile phone kept ringing.
‘If you don’t even have a minimum of trust in me, why are we together?’
‘Why should we be together?’
‘Why should we be together?’
‘Together ……’
The maid outside heard movement inside the bedroom and knocked on the door in a low voice, ’Mr Ruan, are you up? Do you need to prepare breakfast?’
He suddenly grabbed Wei Hei’s mobile phone and slammed it hard on the door, like a flash flood, like angry thunder, like a wild beast letting out an earth-shattering roar.
The music stopped, the mobile phone was smashed to smithereens ……

hands picked up the drawing board, the world has nothing to do with me – this is about the most apt portrayal of Lu Wei Hei at this moment.
Under the morning light, she holds a painting knife in her hand and carefully scrapes and cuts the canvas as if the canvas in front of her is her most intimate lover. In her eyes and heart, there is nothing else but colour, light and dark, line and texture …….
It is the brightest time of the day ……
Ruifei woke up with a start and saw that Wei Hei was wearing a pair of tight jeans, a one-sided lace cut-out camisole vest – that is, there is no decoration on the front, but can be seen through the back of the cut-out pattern, vaguely see the whole back of the That kind. She also for the sake of convenience, a head of indigo-black green silk sharp up, more and more set off the people bee waist and narrow back, cut shoulders and white neck.
It was rare to see her wearing this kind of flattering clothes, so Ru Fei could not help but feel her eyes light up. Remember, this seems to be a few days ago, spent eight dollars from the stall. It was probably because it was so cheap that it was used as work clothes by Max.
Ruifei sighed angrily, really, people are beautiful, even wearing a piece of rags is more durable than others.
In two days, it will be New Year’s Day, and the streets will be full of peace and bustle. When Ru Fei brushed her teeth, she habitually looked out and saw Ruan Shao Nan’s silver grey Pagani, like a courteous gentleman guarding the downstairs.
She spat out the foam in her mouth and rinsed her mouth, then walked to the outer room and said to the beauty who was painting: ‘’It’s been a week, and you’re still letting him hang out outside? I said aunt, almost on the line, the New Year’s ……’
Wei Hei did not say anything, still concentrating on her own, seems to be such a result does not care. She had been working on the painting for a whole week, and now was the most critical time.
Ruifei shrugged her shoulders, even though she was as close as sisters, she was still an outsider when it came to her feelings, and if she didn’t want to talk about it, she couldn’t ask too many questions.

Rufei went downstairs to buy breakfast. The moment the door closed, the straight spine finally collapsed, like a student who had deserted, she was lost in her own painting.
The baroque style painting, the colour tone is strange and dark, the face of the cold face of the six-winged angel, spread wings soaring above the clouds, under the feet of the blazing fire, hand holding a long sword, but the sharp blade is pointing directly at the earth. He named the painting ‘The Wrath of Angels’.
Hei sighed and looked at the six-winged angel on the canvas. He couldn’t help but think that the world thought that angels were merciful, pure and beautiful, peaceful and generous. In fact, the world is wrong, angels are God’s warriors, good at fighting and killing, and hate human beings.
Is it true that all people and things have their own two sides, but there is no absolute boundary between the two sides? Just as there is a thin line between madness and normalcy; just as God’s right hand is loving and forgiving, while his left hand is crafty and violent?
She put down the painting knife and stood up, stretching her shoulders and neck, and involuntarily walked to the window, saw his car still parked there, her body could not help but tremble, her heart for a moment a thousand times, a moment of heaven and earth.
Thinking of that unspeakable night, after so long she still has palpitations. Those who have not experienced it cannot understand that a child who has been frozen in his childhood will feel cold all his life, and that some wounds will not heal for the rest of his life.
Wei Hei’s nose was sore and she felt hot and wanted to shed tears, so she hurriedly raised her face.
The winter in the south is light and bright, and the colour of the sky is also light, as if the face of a beautiful person who has been sick for a long time, with some kind of sadness. The fresh sunlight gently pressed against her face. Suddenly she remembered that seven days ago, when he came looking for her, it was also such a fine day.
She hadn’t seen him, and at that time she had been lying in bed with a fever throughout, faint and uncomfortable as if she had died. Every attack was followed by a high fever. This time, coupled with the aggravation of the night, the consumption of someone’s wanton indulgence, so the illness became even more severe. She was already a frail body with a congenital deficiency and a lack of conditioning later in life, and almost her heart would crossÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎ_ÌÎ_ÌÎ_ÌÎ_ÌÎ_ÌÎ_Ì´åÇ.
She did not know what Rufei said to him, and later heard that he stood at the door for a while and left without saying anything. Afterwards, he sent someone to send her usual things over, are her painting tools, a whole big box. She also sent the clothes, shoes, and purse she bought a few days ago, and also brought a new mobile phone.
Ru Fei looked at the new mobile phone and tsked in wonder, poking fun at her heartlessly, ‘You don’t have to change your mobile phone in a few days even if you love your girlfriend, right? Are you afraid you’ll lose it? Or are you afraid that people won’t know how generous he is?’
She sighed without saying anything, only she herself knows the reason. The mobile phone that she forgot in the villa, only to be afraid that he smashed again. And she understands in her heart, the …… most wanted to smash in his heart is actually her.
She once again went away without a word, which is equal to the taboo of him. Remember the last time she was unknown to touch his scales, he just silent, privately, but not moving to pinch her seven inches, all her retreats sealed a clean, and then gas fixed God bed looking at her, trapped beasts, as the mountain is at an end.
Now, he is still silent, only the time outside of work, spent in the car park downstairs, but did not look for her once again, not even a phone call.

As he was lost in thought, he suddenly heard someone call the door. Who could it be at this time of day if they didn’t have their own key?
The result was a look behind the door mirror, but it was Wang Dongyang. When Wei Hei opened the door, Assistant Wang still had that calm, business-like appearance. ‘Miss Lu ……,’ he said, ’Mr Ruan said that you haven’t eaten breakfast yet, and that he was afraid you’d hurt your stomach, so he asked me to bring these Huaiyang dim sum over.’
He handed her an antique food box and continued, ‘Mr Ruan also said that the day after tomorrow is the Chinese New Year, so he asked me to ask you what you would like to eat, and what’s still missing here, what’s missing. Tomorrow, he’ll have someone send it over. He also said that after today, he will no longer come, so that Miss Lu peace of mind, nothing when you can also go out for a walk, the old nested in the house is easy to bored out of their minds. Miss Lu does not like to be followed, all you do not like, he remembered, never again. There’s one more thing Mr Ruan asked me to pass on. Mr Ruan has asked me to tell you that your little sister, Max, has been taken from the Lu family and placed in a private nursing home. If Miss Lu becomes her guardian, Mr Ruan will find someone to take care of her for you. If you want to send her abroad for treatment, he can also arrange that, all at Miss Lu’s discretion.’
After Wang Dongyang finished speaking, he stood in the doorway, like a dutiful soldier waiting for the chief’s instructions.
He was bombarded by his ‘bombardment’, a moment to slow down, but also remembered that this person in front of me when we first met, how smart and mean, and now the ‘stupid loyalty’ is really very different, do not feel a smile.
‘Please tell Mr Ruan that I have taken note of what he said and will consider it carefully. There is no shortage of anything here, so he need not think about it.’
Wang Dongyang nodded his head in understanding, and when he was leaving, he looked back at Wei Hei again and finally said, ‘Miss Lu, originally I shouldn’t have said anything. However, I really can’t help it. Don’t be annoyed with Mr Ruan anymore, I’ve been with him for so long, I’ve never seen him so attached to anyone, heartbroken to this point, you should cherish your blessings …… to take a step back and say, he’s not a compassionate person, this you should know. Now he did not say anything, but after a long time, it is not guaranteed what will happen. In the end, you can not leave him, and why do you have to be strong with him? I’m only afraid that in the end, it’s you who will be hurt.’
After sending Wang Dongyang away, Wei Hei placed the food box on the table and stared at it blankly. The sunlight from the window poured over it like spilled glutinous rice porridge. She stroked the delicate filigree on the food box, and her heart was momentarily terrified, not knowing what to feel.
They have been in a cold war for so long, Ru Fei just think they are playing tricks, often advise her not to be too small sex, how people say is also a diamond bachelor, the most valuable bachelor, this year’s freshly baked top ten outstanding young people, can not help but to give a step down, each other are good-looking. Wang Dongyang needless to say, naturally put all the blame on her head.
Those who do not know only think that she is flying on the branch into a phoenix, once pleased, bullying and arrogance. But she was full of frustration and aggression, outsiders where know? Those that make her sad and afraid, difficult to talk about everything, to people as close as sisters can not speak, she has no one to rely on the orphaned girl and who can say?
Outsiders only know him as a legend in the world, and all they see is his glory, admiration, humility and respect. Only she knows the wounds behind those masks, the hatred under the glory, the blood in the halo. Only she personally experienced his occasional hideous horror, vicious and violent.
He had held her in his arms and whispered tenderly, heaven and earth, as if she were a treasure; he had also pinched her chin and threatened to warn without a trace of emotion. His silent eyes in the darkness, dark pupils, hidden beast; his eternal suspicion of human nature, distrust of the human heart, uncertainty; he hid under the Chu Chu clothing, so strong that people are sickening, naked lust ……
Thinking of this, not dawn one by one biting his fingers, heart a burst of weakness. She couldn’t be sure whether the man who had held her in his arms that night was the same warm, gentle, handsome young man from seven years ago.
Looking at the red lacquered food box, letter hand open, inside loaded naturally are her favourite food, all kinds of exquisite, pieces of thoughtful.
‘All you do not like, he remembered, never again ……’
Wei Hei of course understands that there is something else behind this sentence. But the more she did, the more scared she was. It was like a tiger swearing to her that it would never eat meat again.
But had anyone ever seen a tiger that didn’t eat meat?
And then she thought of her own little sister, Hei, who was in his hands right now. Wei Hei wondered what Ruan Shao Nan had in mind when he asked her to leave the Lu family. A threat? Appeasement? Apologise? Coaxing?
She was exhausted from guessing what he had in mind. But whatever he was thinking, it was a brilliant move. She couldn’t just sit back and do nothing when she thought of Max.
Ruan Shao Nan was really winning now, sitting on his hands. The ridiculous thing is the Lu family, so sold a weak daughter, so meticulously, and can be exchanged for a few days and nights of peace?
The dim sum in her hand suddenly fell to the ground, and the already fragrant and soft object naturally shattered.
Wei Hei cowered in the chair, staring blankly at its fragmented body, her head buried between her knees, at a loss for words.

Chapter 24: Reunion of Bones

Tomorrow is New Year’s Day, and when she saw that there was nothing in the house, she regretted why she had to save face yesterday by saying that there was no shortage of anything.
In fact, she and Rufei don’t really like New Year’s Eve, and neither do any of the orphans. Usually don’t feel different from others, every time to the festival, it shows the loneliness.
Her and Ruan Shao Nan’s New Year’s plan was to have a New Year’s dinner at his villa by the sea, where it was spacious and fireworks could be set off. Of course she had to invite Ru Fei to come, she hadn’t been there even once. It was a pity that neither of the two women knew how to cook, but it didn’t matter, the cook, Mrs Wang, was as good as a chef in a five-star hotel. She herself had learnt to cook a few small dishes, barely holding her own.
After New Year’s Eve, Ruan Shao Nan also had a few days of public holidays, so they could have a short trip. Ruan Shao Nan loved to see the sea, and had always said that he wanted to take Wei Hei to Tahiti, so that this future artist could see this legendary ‘place closest to paradise’ and enjoy the soft golden beaches and hot sunshine of the southern hemisphere.
Unfortunately, things changed overnight.

He decided to go out and buy some new year’s goods to celebrate the New Year.
The streets were as crowded as expected. When she went to the neighbourhood supermarket, the place was packed with people because of the New Year’s sales. She was sandwiched between a group of housewives, pushing and shoving because of the crowd, and ended up buying a few cooked food items, two bags of dumplings, a bottle of wine, and their favourite chestnut cake.
When I passed by the women’s products section, I saw that sanitary pads were also on sale, although I still have them at home, so I also made a big effort to carry two big bags.
As I walked out of the supermarket with my shopping bag, I was about to cross the street when a car rushed by. Wei Hei wanted to give way to it, but the car stopped in front of her.
Two men in black came down from the car, one took the bag in her hand, and the other said courteously, ‘Miss, the master wants to see you.’

The Lu family’s old mansion was built at the foot of the South Mountain, known as the ‘Fire Phoenix Habitat’, and is the ancestral property of the Lu family. The garden is full of Qing Dynasty buildings, all of which are small adobe buildings with green bricks and tiles, flying eaves and warped walls, and pavilions everywhere, making for an extremely peaceful environment.
Wei remembers that opposite the ancient garden is the most famous Danfeng Ridge in Nanshan Mountain, with a lake of blue water underneath. In autumn, the red maples cover the mountain range, the sun is there, no other colour, full of maple forests like fire, frost leaves like blood.
Two men in black respectfully led the way in front of them, and Wei Hei walked all the way, reminiscing all the way, as if returning from this life to the previous one.
‘Master, Miss has arrived.’
In the spacious hall of the old mansion, Wei Hei saw her father, who had been absent for seven years. But the man in front of her, sitting in a wheelchair with frosted temples and a waxy face, was a far cry from the unbeatable dictator in her memories.
And in the hall, apart from Lu Zi Xu, there were also two women who had never been seen before, both of them in their early thirties, with better looks, but only in haggard form. A five or six year old boy and a three or four year old girl sat beside the two women. Both children had a pair of big black and bright eyes, cute and adorable. At the moment, they just looked at her timidly, not daring to make a sound.
When she sat down in a chair, someone brought tea. He did not move, but looked at the beautiful woman and child in front of him, uncertain for a moment.
Lu Zixue was excited to see her and said, ‘You look so much like your mother.’
Wei Hei smiled, ‘After so many years, it’s hard for you to still remember.’
The man’s expression stiffened, and he sighed in the middle of the day, ‘I know that you’ve been holding a grudge against me for what happened back then ……’
Wei Hei couldn’t help but interrupt him, ‘Mr Lu, I don’t want to make small talk with you. If there’s something wrong, please get to the point. If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave after this cup of tea. After this cup of tea, I’ll take my leave, there are people waiting for me. If I go back late, I’m afraid someone will think too much.’
Wei Hei was implying that he should not act rashly. Although she knew in her heart that if Ruan Shao Nan really knew about her movements, she wouldn’t be sitting here right now. Ruan Shao Nan had taught her this trick, the key was not to change her face, the slightest hint of cowardice and she would be finished.
Lu Zi Xu was a bit embarrassed, coughed a few times before saying: ‘I should not be looking for you, but for the sake of your children in the brother and the second brother, in order to leave the last bit of blood for the Lu family, but also have to give up this face to beg you. Hei, take it as a sign of goodwill and give these two children a chance to live.’
Wei Hei sighed silently, she really didn’t understand why everyone thought she had the ability to change the sky and the earth, and to bring life to all the people in the world.
Wei Hei looked at him calmly, looking at her so-called father, and couldn’t help but faintly say, ‘I’m sorry, I’ve already said that there’s nothing I can do to help in this matter. I’ve never been the one to make the decisions, so it would be practical for you to beg him directly. But ……’ Here, she smiled, ’I think you’d better not beg, because he has said more than once that he will definitely drive out all the people. What you did to the Ruan family back then, they will do to you now, it’s fair.’
After Lu Zi Xu heard this, he was unexpectedly so excited that he burst into tears and said with regret, ‘This is all because of the sins I committed when I was young, and there was no semblance of humanity when I was in the limelight. Will people’s orphans and widows driven to extinction, and now it is his turn to old age without children to send to the end. Cough ……’ Before he finished his words, he shook his intestines and searched his lungs and coughed.
He raised his head and looked at his daughter with begging eyes, ‘Wei Hei, you should consider it a good deed. Ruan Shao Nan wants you to be his favourite, and he’s even asked for you. It shows how much he values you. At least give it a try. Even if it doesn’t work out, I’ll have done my part, and I’ll be able to close my eyes when I lie down in my coffin.’
The two children ran over to their grandfather and cried loudly around him, and the two beautiful women also cried with red eyes.
Wei Hei silently watched this tragic scene of sadness in front of her, and understood in her heart that the once so untouchable person, but if he had a way out, he wouldn’t be so lowly and obedient with her as an abandoned daughter.
The Lu family is really scattered, Lu Zi Xu’s era has long passed, now just the city’s history, not a piece of scenery. Thinking about what a mighty figure he was back then, now he has ended up in such a miserable state.
Not not pathetic ……
“So many years, I have a problem has been unable to figure out.’ Wei Hei looked at his own snotty father, slowly said ‘when she lay beside you to slit her wrists at the moment, what was she thinking? What kind of power made her mutilate herself to that extent and leave you? Every time I think about it, I toss and turn, sleepless nights. Maybe you know the answer, can you tell me?’
While Wei Hei’s tone was calm, Lu Zi Xiu looked at her with an almost pitiful look, as if she was silently begging her.
Hei was not aware of this, ‘Can you tell me, that morning when you woke up and saw your wife in a pool of blood, were you afraid? Did you ever dream of her? Did she ever talk to you in her dreams? Say anything to you?’
‘No, no …… don’t say anymore.’
‘You don’t want to say it, then let me tell you. She said to you that she died a horrible death. She asked you why you did this to her. She was covered in blood and handed her wrists, which were showing white bone, to you, saying that she missed you and wanted you to go down and stay with her. Mr Lu, am I right?’
‘No, I didn’t harm her.’ Lu Zi Xu shivered in horror, ‘It’s her who doesn’t love me, she won’t let me touch her, she’d rather die than stay by my side. However, I love her, she is the only woman I have ever loved in my life.’
‘Love?’ Wei Hei almost sneered, ‘So your love is to rape a woman by strangling her hands with a belt? Mr Lu, your love is really great.’
Lu Zi Xiu’s eyes widened in vain, a look of fear and disbelief on his face.
As Wei Hei looked at his surprised expression, she asked suspiciously, ‘Did you always think that no one knew about those unseen secrets of yours? Hehe, you really are too confident in yourself. How could there be secrets in the Lu family’s old mansion? Your maids, your housekeeper, those sons and daughters left behind by your ex-wife, which one of them is not a person with a heart? She’s your wife, and you let her live without any dignity in this huge home. In the end, even a little girl who serves tea and water dares to bully her. It was you and your Lu family who lynched her one by one, slowly cutting her alive. And now you’re telling me that her death has nothing to do with you? Mr Lu, this is perhaps the biggest joke I’ve ever heard in my life.’
Wei Hei said quietly, these words had been brooding in her heart for seven years, seven whole years.
These seven years, she did not know how many times she had simulated today’s scenario, every action, every look, every smile, every expression …… she thought she would cry, but the result was not a single tear, the calm tone of voice did not even have obvious ups and downs, as if an outsider, will be a piece of dusty past that has nothing to do with them to narrate.
Lu Zi Xu’s face was ashen, the two beautiful women looked at each other in disbelief, and the two children looked at everything with big, innocent eyes.
The little boy pulled the corner of his mother’s coat and asked in a small voice, ‘Mummy, what does rape mean?’
The woman immediately covered the child’s mouth. The child’s words were reckless, but they viciously stabbed at the adult’s heart, picking through the most untouchable abscess, splattering blood in all directions and stinking to high heaven.

Chapter 25 The Warmth of the Hibiscus Tent

Wei Hei was sitting on a bus stop seat, holding a cup of hot coffee in her hand, as if she were a statue standing still, alone, watching the people coming and going on the street.
When she left Lu’s house, Lu Zixu coughed and vomited a large mouthful of blood. I’m afraid he won’t be able to survive much longer.
I’m not going to be able to do that,’ he said. Already at this point, this old man, over half a hundred years old, is still just pleading for his grandchildren.
He brought his whole family to the battlefield today, playing a card of affection, perhaps thinking he had some chance of winning. But he didn’t expect to lose face in front of his juniors when he was attacked by Max.
‘Don’t be fooled by the illusion, the more cunning the opponent, the more they will pretend to be pitiful. Whoever is soft-hearted will die first.’ This was something he had whispered to all of his children before, he probably didn’t expect it, she still remembered it, right?
There are too many lies in this world, condensing the refined iron of the nine states, can’t refine half of the truth. Can not see through is always the truth, drunkenness has always been a lie.
Lu Zi Xu certainly deserved to be punished, but not intended to let him not in front of people, but she really do not understand, a love on the lips of the man, why can use such cruel means, to torture a woman he loves?
Is it because he’s superior? Because of the arrogance of the world? Because of an innate sense of masculinity? Because of primitive aggression? Or is it just the hormonal outbursts of male animals and the sense of superiority given by power?
As she thought about it, she suddenly saw a pair of lovers arguing not far away. The woman was asking the man where he had been yesterday.
He couldn’t help but shake his head, it’s another case that can’t be resolved, but he just felt sorry for the woman. The man had a lewd face, a flat head and small eyes, and a foul mouth and attitude.
A few words do not sound, the man cursed and turned away, the woman went to pull the man’s arm, the results of his backhand a slap her to the ground, not too much, and then kicked her stomach hard up.
The woman lay on the ground, covering her stomach like a pig crying, ‘Don’t hit, don’t hit, I’m still pregnant with your child.’
The man did not stop, full of ferocity, ‘Bitch, I hit is you!’
Pedestrians on the road either looked nonchalantly for a few moments or silently went around. A few good people watched, neither discouraging nor calling the police, neither helping nor dispersing.
As she looked at what was happening in front of her, she really didn’t understand.
The human race has gone from crawling to upright, from low to high, from animal to human, through countless vicissitudes of life, such a detailed and long process, why has it degenerated so much in one night?
The coldness of the human heart, under the world’s winds needless to say. But in this world, why are there so many men to bully the physical strength of women far less than them?
The animals still know how to shelter the females and protect the young and the old, but those men have degenerated to the point where they are worse than animals?
It’s impossible to imagine ……
Hei looked around and scored a construction site on the side of the road, she walked over and picked up a brick that she could hold, then walked through the crowd of onlookers and smashed it hard against the head of the beast that was fighting so hard ……

When Ruan Shao Nan found Wei Hei at the police station with his lawyer, she was sitting on a chair with her knees in her hands, and a policewoman was taking her statement. A policewoman was taking her statement. Opposite her, across a table, sat a man with a gauze wrapped around his head and his face covered in blood.
The man stood up and pointed at Wei Hei, cursing, ‘Big brother police, this is the bitch who beat me, I want to sue her!’
The young policeman was very young, and gave a stern voice, ‘Sit down! You’re hitting a woman in the middle of the street? This is a police station, not your home.’
Wei Hei raised her eyes and looked straight at him. The man’s mouth was still full of shit, ‘What are you looking at, bitch? Look again and I’ll gouge your eyes out.’
The little cop slapped the table and scolded, ‘Shut up! Scream again and you’ll be charged with public misbehaviour.’
Ruan Shao Nan frowned, Wei Hei turned her face and met his condensing gaze, she looked at him like that, but as if she hadn’t seen anything.
It was already eight o’clock at night when she came out of the police station. When Wei Hei walked out of the police station, she was in a daze. Ruan Shao Nan put her in the car and closed her eyes as soon as she got in. He thought she was in shock and didn’t ask much.
The lawyer came over and explained the case to him, ‘Someone proved that it was the man who hit the man in the street first, Miss Lu belonged to the righteousness, just the method was improper. Besides, he wasn’t seriously injured, so Miss Lu doesn’t need to go to court, private settlement is not a problem.’
Ruan Shao Nan picked his lips and smiled, lighting a cigarette, only after a long time did he leisurely open his mouth, ‘You’re Yi Tian’s newly hired legal advisor, if this kind of case has to be settled privately, why would I still hire you?’
The lawyer immediately understood, ‘I will contact the woman who was beaten and teach her to sue the man for intentional injury, causing the injured person to miscarry, which can result in a prison sentence of three to ten years.’
The corners of Ruan Shao Nan’s lips were slightly raised, smiling without saying anything. The lawyer thought briefly and continued, ‘Plus the hospital proved that the victim will be sterile for life, which is a case of causing injury, which can result in a heavy sentence of more than ten years.’
Ruan Shao Nan nodded, ‘Hard work.’ Adding, ‘Remember, Miss Lu can’t have a criminal record, we’re travelling abroad in a few days, I don’t want this to ruin her mood.’
‘I understand, Mr Ruan don’t worry, Miss Lu’s record is guaranteed to be cleaner than white paper.’
Ruan Shao Nan dismissed the lawyer and returned to the car, seeing that the person nestled in the car had opened her eyes, he asked her what she wanted to eat.
Wei Hei shook her head and simply said, ‘I’m tired and want to go home.’
Ruan Shao Nan said to the driver, ‘Go to Slanting Sun Lane.’ Turning his head again, he looked at the person beside him, ‘Their ice-sugar bird’s nest and three-headed abalone are well made, even if you’re tired you need to eat something before you go back, going to bed hungry is very harmful to your body.’
Wei Hei did not say anything else, the whole person tilted to the side, sinking into the shadow of the car, like an alabaster statue, not moving, not talking. The neon rainbow outside the window occasionally shone on her fair face, bright and dark, far and near.

It was about the fact that the bird’s nest here was really delicious, Wei Hei had never been used to eating it, feeling like she was gagging on someone else’s saliva, but this time she uncharacteristically drank a whole cup. Ruan Shao Nan ordered another bowl of abalone congee for her, she didn’t say anything, lowered her head and silently drank it all.
When she came out again, it was already late and the wind was greedy and cold. Ruan Shao Nan took off his coat and draped it over Wei Hei, then warmed her hands, realising that she was still shivering, he couldn’t help but chide her, ‘Why did you go out wearing so little? If you catch a cold or a fever, you’re not asking for trouble.’
Wei Hei had been feeling cold, but when she put on his coat and was hit by the heat, she sneezed. After the meal, she was sleepy, and after tossing and turning all afternoon, she gradually couldn’t keep her eyes open, so she fell asleep in the car.

Until the car stopped, her whole person is still in a dream, a heart of ignorance, and her head is also drowsy. Her nose smelled a familiar fragrance, and her body was picked up with a lightness.
The feeling of instant suspension in the air makes people fearful for no reason, she felt like floating on the clouds, and like sinking in the water, the whole person fell straight down, fell …… into the bottomless abyss.
In a trance, someone put her on the bed. The body is like being pressed by something very heavy, want to struggle but can not use the strength, she suddenly seems to have no hands and no feet, only a bare torso.
It was as if she had returned to that night of pain, the night that first belonged to him. She had been too tired to lift her hands, but he had lifted her waist, put pillows under her, raised her knees, and possessed her in such a direct and brutal way.
At that very moment, his eyes were so merciless, his expression so cold. She saw her own face reflected in the glazing of the ceiling, so pale and pained.
The mattress on top of her body creaked and squeaked, a familiar sound, but so horrible that she hated to die immediately. She wanted to cover her ears, but couldn’t move. Wanted to cry, but couldn’t make a sound.
The whole time there was nothing but pain. It hurt so much that it tore at her heart and soul, almost wanting to dump out her organs, wanting to turn herself into an empty shell. No soul, no flesh, no blood, no memories …… Like this, does it stop hurting?
Is it not?
It hurt so much that she seemed to have called Rufei, but she was too far away to hear her helpless pleas for help.
In a blur, she seemed to have called Ruan Shao Nan, but he was gone. That white-clothed, snowy young man left her behind without a word and disappeared forever, and this time he went away and never came back.

Chapter 26 The animal also has something that it wants to protect

When Wei Hei woke up in the morning, she looked at the beautiful ceiling and froze for a while, it was Ruan Shao Nan’s bedroom.
Then last night ……
Wei Hei looked around, there was no one around her, the silk pillowcase was crumpled and the sheets were crumpled. She was sitting naked alone on Ruan Shao Nan’s King Size bed, a cold, slippery piece underneath her, a blue asthma medicine habitually placed at the head of the bed, and the bedroom was filled with a fine, sweet aroma.
She was like a clueless child, foolishly surveying her surroundings, but the changes in her body, she was aware of.
It turned out that last night those were not dreams.
Wei Hei grabbed the quilt, like an angry daughter-in-law shrinking in the corner of the bed, an empty heart without a place to stay. At this moment, her fingers, hair is full of his flavour, legs are weak, no strength, even arms are. Maybe it’s been a while since she went through all this, her body aches, her head aches, and even her temples are throbbing. And last night with her do not know how many times the man, apparently also a long time out of love, in her body to leave the battle can be used ‘bruises’ to describe.
Hei hugged her arms and shivered.
But how did she get here?
Hei clutched her head and tried hard to recall, but as if she had dreamt it, she couldn’t remember much of it. Her whole person dazed, vaguely remembered that she left the Lu family’s old mansion, went to the public station to wait for the bus, and then …… then what happened?
Couldn’t recall, the memory seemed to have a gap of fragments.
Then, it was following Ruan Shao Nan to eat at the restaurant. Then in the car, he gave her his coat. But after that …… what happened after that?
She couldn’t remember, as if someone had taken a white eraser and erased those two memories.
Wei Hei bit his fingers as if he was angry, is she starting to get old? Why else would she be so forgetful in her early twenties?
Was sitting on the bed out of mind, the door suddenly opened, the bedroom owner walked in, looked just showered, body only surrounded by a bath towel, hair wet, still dripping water.
‘Yesterday felt like you had a bit of a fever, why did you wake up so early? Don’t you sleep more?’ Ruan Shao Nan put the cold medicine on the bedside and leaned down to kiss her as usual.
Wei Hei saw his naked chest, white bath towel, six well-trained diamond-shaped abs, and powerful arms …… She flinched in her heart and couldn’t help but turn her face sideways. Ruan Shao Nan’s lips were on her hair.
The man seemed a little surprised, stroking her hair and softly inquiring, ‘What’s wrong? Wasn’t it fine last night?’
‘Yesterday?’ Max looked at him quizzically, ‘All I remember is that the last time I left here was a week ago, and you were drunk that night, and I was sick for a long time after that, and I don’t remember anything else.’
Unh saw him stiffen, she expected him to be angry, but instead he wrapped his arms around her and pressed her whole body into his embrace.
‘My little Unearthly, you’re tormenting me like this on purpose, aren’t you?’ He sighed over her head, ‘I’m tempted to chalk up the events of the other night to drunkenness. But I know that’s not all. These days, I’ve been thinking about what happened between us, about how and why we got into this mess. I know that I should have given you more space. Even if you were hiding something from me, I shouldn’t have been angry with you. But that night, I really didn’t mean …… I can’t explain it to you, I just ……’ Said here, he a big man even flew red, stammered for half a day, finally just said. ‘I said these you understand?’
He said this is not clear, he wants to ask her to understand what?
Wei Hei has never seen him like this, like a young boy in the beginning of love like stammering, the heart does not feel a smile, even if there is a great aggression in the heart, but also alleviate a few points.
In fact, he didn’t say, Hei also knows, because she has asthma, when they are together, he often can’t have fun. He was a strong and energetic man, and was the decision maker of the group. He was under more pressure than others, and his needs in that area were stronger. If the woman sleeping next to him is also healthy, the fish and water of love is naturally a happy thing, but she is not.
On more than one occasion, she had heard him get up at night and go to the bathroom alone to take a cold shower. Wei Hei knew how hard it was for a man in his prime.
Seeing that she didn’t say anything, Ruan Shao Nan thought that she was still angry, and couldn’t help but say, ‘Wei Hei, yesterday you were willing to come back with me, and we were so intimate, I thought that you had forgiven me, but this morning, why did you change again?’
‘I …… really don’t remember.’ Wei Hei whispered in his arms.
Ruan Shao Nan sighed, ‘You still blame me, that day I was really drunk and out of character. In normal times, I’m not even like that, you should remember, shouldn’t you?’
This was true.
It was because he was thinking about her body, when he did that thing, he always couldn’t let go of his embrace and just tied his hands. When the force was large, he was afraid that she would be in pain; when it was light, it was hard for him to endure it himself. Not dare to let her sweat more, for fear that her physical exertion is too great. And can not be too intense, for fear that her heart rate is too fast. Even when kissing, he had to restrain himself so that she wouldn’t be able to breathe fresh air for too long. In the bedroom, he never dares to put flowers, aromatherapy and other things to help, for fear that she will smell allergies.
These asthma should pay attention to the place, no matter how troublesome and trivial, he all took care of, never complained a word. In fact, come to think of it, in ordinary days, whether in that matter or other things, as long as it was related to her, he was colourful and considerate in every way.
He had always done that well, if he only used that night’s drunken indiscretion to conclude that he didn’t cherish her, it would really be a bit unfair to him.
‘If you hadn’t been drunk that night, I could have actually explained to you. Ji Mo and I, it’s not what you think.’
He rubbed his chin against her forehead, ‘I know you guys are nothing, I just never figured out why you would tell lies to deceive me. You should know that in this world, you are the only one I trust. It doesn’t matter who lies to me, but you, I can’t stand it.’
Wei Hei shook his head and sighed, ‘Maybe I’m overthinking, always worrying that you’ll give him a hard time over this. He’s not a bad person, we’ve known each other for so long, and he’s always taken care of me, never acting in a frivolous manner. I don’t want you to harm everyone for nothing just because of his momentary impulses, I’ll feel guilty for the rest of my life.’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed and lifted Wei Hei’s face, ‘So in your mind, I’m the kind of person who would harm people for no reason.’
Wei Hei realised she had worded it badly and immediately explained, ‘Don’t get me wrong, that’s not what I meant.’
‘No need to explain, I understand.’
Ruan Shao Nan gave her a hug and comforted her, ‘Wei Hei, I know that you don’t agree with the way I’m doing things. However, I’m not a person who doesn’t know right from wrong or grudges.’
He took her hand and placed it on his chest, ‘I promise you, no matter what you do in the future, I will not hurt you. My hands, my person, my heart, my body, they will only protect you, love you, and respect you. You don’t have to be afraid of the money and status that I fought for with my life, they will only protect you from the wind and rain and make you the happiest woman in the world.’
He lowered his head and kissed her, and between his lips and teeth, he said, ‘Wei Hei, please you must believe that even beasts have things they want to protect.’
The two of them sat down in the dining room for breakfast, and Mrs Wang’s crab cakes and crystal shrimp dumplings were as authentic as ever. Wei Hei had always loved them, but unfortunately, after New Year’s Eve, she was also going home for the New Year, so the only way to eat anything more was to do it herself.
During the meal, Ruan Shao Nan told her about her beating yesterday, but Wei Hei looked confused.
Ruan Shao Nan laughed at her, ‘You beat his brains out, you can’t have forgotten.’
Wei Hei shook her head, ‘I really can’t remember, maybe I’ve been thinking too much lately, and I’ve become stupid.’
Ruan Shao Nan looked at her, ‘But you did surprise me, I really didn’t expect you to be so silent and ruthless.’
Wei Hei looks at him and says, ‘You forget that I grew up in an orphanage.’

After dinner, Wei Hei hugged his teacup and nestled on the sofa to watch TV. Ruan Shao Nan called to book a flight, and the two of them wanted to travel as planned after New Year’s Eve. Although it was a few days late, it didn’t matter.
Wei Hei was looking for her favourite programme with the remote control when she suddenly saw a piece of social news with a subtitle underneath: Lu Zi Xu of the Tai Huang Group has been confirmed to have terminal lung cancer.
A reporter stood in front of the hospital, pointing at the entrance while saying, ‘This is the hospital where Lu Zi Xu, the chairman of Tai Huang Group, was admitted yesterday.’
Then the camera flashed with the image of Lu Zi Xu being admitted to the hospital.
A group of reporters rushed up carrying weapons just as the group got out of the car, and all of a sudden, the limelight rose and fell.
‘Mr Lu, your eldest son Lu Zexu has been sentenced to death in the first trial, will you support his appeal? Has the Lu family given up on him?’
‘Mr Lu, rumour has it that your eldest daughter hanged herself because you wouldn’t take money out to cover the shortfall for her, may I ask if that’s true?’
‘Mr Luk, your youngest son, Luk Im Hei, is still at large. He built a house where a person died because of a quality problem. How will the Luk family compensate the victim’s family? Will you separate yourself from Lu Renax and take the blame?’
‘Mr Lu ……‘
’Mr Lu ……’
Lu Zi Xu sat in a wheelchair, wearing a mask, with a withered description. Lu family two daughters-in-law do not know where to go, just a small nanny accompanied him, and a few Pro hired people, power alone to avoid the reporter’s blocking and questioning.
These reporters, usually a pair of eyes like a mirror, treating the popular celebrities are still not generous, let alone these old and weak women and children. In this world, it’s really easier to add flowers than to send charcoal in the snow.

He put down the remote control and walked out onto the balcony to look at the scenery. Ruan Shao Nan put down the phone and brought over a scarf to drape over her shoulders.
She thought he would be like a parent pulling a disobedient child back to the house, but she didn’t expect him to just hug her from behind and ask, ‘What are you thinking about when you’re standing alone on the windy side of the house?’
Wei Hei laughed, know that he is afraid that she still remember the previous things, at the moment is everywhere to compensate for the careful, only said: ‘Nothing …… booked tickets?’
‘There is no suitable flight, simply ask Lu Chuan to borrow his private jet, anyway, he will stay in Beijing for the entire Spring Festival, and left there is also idle.’
Wei Hei was a bit hesitant, ‘We, really want to go?’
Ruan Shao Nan looked at her strangely, ‘Didn’t we agree?’
Wei Hei sighed, but finally decided to give it a try, ‘Yesterday, I went to the Lu family’s old mansion.’
‘Oh?’ Ruan Shao Nan just raised his eyebrows slightly.
Wei Hei had expected him to follow up with a question, but he didn’t say another word, so she only had to say stiffly, ‘I was there, and I saw my brothers’ two children, both very young, neither of them knowing anything yet ……‘
’So? ’
There was displeasure in his voice, she had already detected it. The Lu family, always a hidden problem between them. But the concern for the two children, and really can not not say, simply put the heart a cross, ‘You should have just heard, your enemy, he has been retributed. The Lu family is now broken, leaving only these two children. They are only three or four years old, just like young Max, they are no threat to you. Can you ……’
Ruan Shao Nan interrupted her, ’Wei Hei, who do you think you are?’
He sneered above her head, ‘Who do you think you are? Xi Shi? Diaochan? Or Wang Zhaojun? Why did you come back yesterday? You took your own body to negotiate with me for peace for the Lu family, didn’t you? You were so aggrieved, I coaxed you for a week, but you didn’t even give me any good colour. But yesterday, for the sake of those people, you gave in and spent the night with me? It’s really hard for you.’
He was able to speak so harshly. Wei Hei’s body shook like chaff, biting her lip but unable to say a single word.
Seeing that she was so eager to speak, Ruan Shao Nan’s anger intensified, turning her around and clamping down on her chin, ‘Aren’t you usually so eloquent? Why don’t you say anything now? If you’re not happy, just say so. Who do you think you’re looking at when you’re so nonchalant?’
Wei Hei took a deep breath and looked at him with cool eyes, ‘If I had any blood, I would have slapped you back for what I just said. But you’re right, you’re right, you’re right, you’re right, you’re right, you’re right, you’re right, you’re right, you’re right, you’re right, you’re right. Now I beg you, for the sake of me accompanying you for a night, let those two children go, and leave them orphans and widows a way to live. Don’t let them be trampled on like me, okay?’

Chapter 27 The Price of Reverse Dragon Scales

On New Year’s Eve, just after the clock struck twelve, some people started setting off fireworks. The gorgeous fireworks were like angry flowers, blooming one by one on the blue velvet canopy.
Wei Hei was sitting alone on the sofa in the lobby watching TV when Sister-in-law Wang came over to her and asked, ‘Miss Lu, would you like me to make you something for the evening?’
She shook her head, ‘No, it’s late, you go and rest.’
Sister-in-law Wang sighed, ‘Mr Ruan is also really, leaving you alone here in the cold on New Year’s Eve.’
Wei Hei smiled bitterly, ‘He’s probably busy with something, it’s fine, I’m fine on my own.’ Then she added, ‘Mrs Wang, your Huaiyang cuisine is really good, just like my mother’s.’
Sister-in-law Wang has always loved Wei Hei, and seeing her so understanding, her heart felt even more compassionate, and she said, ‘If you like it, Sister-in-law Wang will make it for you tomorrow. If Mr Ruan comes back, I’ll tell him to starve.’
Wei Hei was amused by this kind-hearted old man, and with a sour heart, she flung herself into her arms, ‘Sister-in-law Wang, you’re so good to me, just like my mother.’
Sister-in-law Wang couldn’t help but sigh, ‘Poor child, you’re all alone, no parents and no brothers to look after you. Mr Ruan usually treats us very well, I thought he was a stable person, unlike those rich male children who are frivolous and impetuous. I didn t expect …… Alas, such a heavenly fairy like good girl, such a cold and hot to treat you, how can he bear it?’
After twelve o’clock, the party became more boring, Wang’s wife after all, older, accompanied her to sit for a while and went back to sleep. Wei Hei watched for a while longer, then switched off the TV.
The room was instantly quiet, but she didn’t feel like sleeping. She lay down on the sofa with her clothes on, and looked through the tall floor-to-ceiling windows at the dark sky, with not a single star in sight.
Until this moment, a heart is only miserable, as if being hung on something, empty without a place to stay. In front of her eyes constantly floated his eyes when he left, his icy expression, the blue veins that burst on his forehead …… All of this seemed to warn her how angry he was.
Was she wrong? Thinking that he was that kind of a widowed and thin-skinned man who called the shots, but treating her so differently, he was really bullying her up? Thinking that she can say what others can’t? What others can’t do, she can do?
‘Wei Hei vaguely remembers that this is a story in Han Fei Zi, which means that the dragon’s throat has scales, and if it is touched, it will be angry. It was a story from the Han Fei Zi, which said that a dragon had a foot-long scale at the bottom of its throat, and that if you touched it, you would be hurt by it. The monarch also has inverted scales, so the person who lobbies and advises must not touch the inverted scales of the monarch. Otherwise, they will not only fail to achieve their goals, but also fail to protect their own lives.
Wei Hei sighed, it was obvious that she was not a good lobbyist. With just one sentence, she had pulled out the King’s ‘scales’.

Thinking about all this, she grew tired. She curled up on the sofa, and did not sleep soundly. In the middle of the night, she suddenly felt someone pulling on her arm, pulling her up.
She opened her sleepy eyes and met a pair of hot tiger eyes. Wei Hei was a little confused from her sleep, rubbing her eyes, she mumbled, ‘You’re back, the food is in the pot, it might be cold, I’ll go heat it up for you?’
Ruan Shao Nan didn’t say anything, gasping for breath while pulling his tie impatiently, as if he had drunk a lot again. At this moment, it was already close to the early morning, New Year’s Eve had already passed, the noise of the fireworks gradually faded, the villa and the inside and outside of a dark silence.
Unhei’s heart shrunk into a ball, leaning against the corner of the sofa to hold his breath, carefully surveyed, as if a fish kept in the pool, afraid of a single movement will startle someone, waiting for the fate of the open belly.
He was the one who drank last time, and this time? He was angry and drunk again, how would he treat her? Is it too late to run away?
Tick-tock! Tick-tock! It was the sound of his watch, and it was especially alarming to hear in the silence of the dark night.
‘It’s too dark isn’t it?’ Nervous, her throat dry, she licked her lips and said, ‘I’ll turn on the light ……’
Clang! The teacup on the table tumbled onto the carpet, splashing green tea all over the floor in an instant.
When the man pressed her down, he used the standard hungry tiger’s pounce, and Wei Hei felt her teeth chattering and her internal organs gripping together. In the midst of the crisis, she thought of Sister Wang. Unfortunately, her maid’s room was too far away to reach her.
At this moment, she really shouted through her throat, but no one heard her.
What did he say this morning? Even if she had been ungrateful and caused him to become angry, he shouldn’t have treated her like this.
The man’s teeth grinding the tender flesh of her neck, Wei Hei a heart pounding, somewhat resigned to close her eyes, did not struggle, struggle is only to make themselves more pain, more embarrassing.
But I did not expect ……
‘You won ……’ He suddenly lowered his voice, said hatefully in her ear.
Wei Hei suddenly stunned, but did not understand the meaning of these words. He said, she won? What did she win?
He didn’t say any more, but suddenly pulled at her clothes with a fierce fury, just a tyrannical impatience, ‘Forget it, I admit defeat, I admit defeat. Give it to me! Give it to me now! I’ll give you everything I have, my life too!’
Wei Hei was struck by lightning, shocked from beginning to end by the man’s crazy words, crazy speech, crazy behaviour and crazy eyes. Only to hear a dark hoarse low roar, as if from some kind of pouncing beast, not yet to look back, he has already pulled her up ……
Suddenly underneath the body shocked pain, not Hei violently raised his neck, was like a hellish ghost whipped broken heart and soul, the pain of the soul to fly away, God cried ghosts.
Sweat broke out on her forehead, her temples moistened, her eyes empty, she looked straight up at the high ceiling of the living room, watching the chic silhouette gradually distorting, and wondered in her heart, was this the legendary Nine Grave Hells?
Gripping his shoulders with both hands, she breathed in sharply, her nails almost embedded in his flesh. All the things she had endured in the past now added up to nothing compared to a tenth of this. Before and after only a short while, her fingers were paralysed, cold sweat beaded, but not even a single tear could fall.
What did he just say? And what did he promise her? It was about something very important, perhaps more important than life. But why was he so vicious? It was as if he was going to dismantle her and throw her bones to the ground.
Filled with warmth and softness, the man kissed her slightly opened and closed lips in fascination. Big hands clasped on her waist, with his own rhythm, up and down throwing her body. The person in his arms pitifully arched her back, her chin resting on his shoulder, like a mermaid that had been scraped and scaled, already too sore to speak. He suddenly remembered something, hurriedly braking, said in a daze, ‘By the way, I promised you, can not bully you, can not bully you ……’
The corner of Wei Hei’s mouth slightly raised, smiled a little bitter. Luckily, he was so drunk that he still remembered, but it was really hard for him. He didn’t bully her, he just tore her apart.
The man’s steel-like body suddenly softened, put her down on the carpet, and pushed up hard while kissing her softly, mumbling under his breath, ‘Wei Hei, you’re a good girl, so is it not hurt anymore? Doesn’t it?’
How could it not hurt? These little moments of tenderness were a drop in the bucket compared to the brutal plundering that was going on at the moment.
In a few minutes, the pain was so intense that she was sweating coldly and cowering in fear, unable to stretch, every inch of her skin becoming so sensitive that it tore at every turn.
Wei Hei through the sweaty eyelashes, forlornly looking at the man who pressed himself openly, he is still kissing her passionately, his mouth said let a person’s ear hot heart syrupy words of love, each sentence is pasted on the heart of her heart, soft and tender. But every time he moved, she hurt like torture. The two of them were in deep water, but his pleasure was immense.
Can’t stand it anymore, Wei Hei like an enraged kitten, clenched up her fists and smashed the man’s shoulders and back, but this is no use at all, just scratching his skin and tickling him. Thinking of the morning, he hugged her and swore, suddenly aggrieved to tears.
His chest was moist, the man’s body stiffened, lifted her chin, a pair of drunken eyes froze as he looked at her crying pearly face, and asked rather strangely, ‘I’ve kissed you, does it still hurt?’
Wei Hei couldn’t help but cry and laugh, shrinking in his arms, her mouth slightly open, her breath like silk, but she couldn’t say a word.
The man probed his hand, touched a layer of sweat on her forehead, even though drunkenness is upside down, but also heartbroken beyond words, so did not have fun, on the hasty cease and desist.
Wei Hei obviously suffered some shock, pulling the clothes that were torn to pieces by him, just want to retreat far away, but was his quick arm around him. She shrank in his arms and didn’t dare to move, fearing that if she disturbed him, she wouldn’t know what he would do.
His strength could be so strong, she realised that today. Her body, which was shaking with pain, couldn’t take much more.
‘Do I owe you from a previous life?’ He drunkenly kissed those reddish eyes and suddenly smiled sadly, ‘My little Maxine Wei, I will die by your hands sooner or later.’

Chapter 28 You still want to kill everyone

The next morning, Wang’s wife woke up, walked to the living room to see the two people sleeping on the carpet, ‘aiya’ screamed, hurriedly covered their eyes, mouth loudly recited: ‘Amitabha Buddha, Amitabha Buddha …’ The two people just slept on the carpet, and the two people were not able to see each other. …’
The two had just fallen asleep for a short while when she woke them up. Ruan Shao Nan sat up, only to feel a splitting headache, but he couldn’t remember much about last night’s drunkenness, rubbing his temples and blaming her, ‘Sister-in-law, what are you shouting about early in the morning?’
Wei Hei pulled his clothes and hid behind him, pushing him in some embarrassment. Ruan Shao Nan opened his eyes to see that his entire body was actually naked, not a stitch.
He immediately looked for something to cover up, ‘I’m sorry, sister-in-law Wang, we were …… yesterday’
The old man had long since turned his back and said with a smile, ‘It’s fine, it’s fine, I didn’t see anything. I will go home in a while, you youngsters close the door, love how crazy, how crazy, huh ……’
Before leaving also did not forget to look at Wei Hei a glance, as if to say: ’Good girl, this time can catch him.’

‘What’s wrong with Wang’s wife? Smiling so strangely.’ Ruan Shao Nan asked as he dressed.
Wei Hei glanced at him and said nonchalantly, ‘Probably laughing at the fact that when you’re not dressed, you don’t look as good as her little grandson.’
Ruan Shao Nan gritted his teeth in hatred and yanked the man over with a long arm.
‘Ouch!’ Wei Hei let out a low cry, lying in his arms, a layer of sweat breaking out on her forehead.
Ruan Shao Nan held her upright and looked at her nervously, ‘What’s wrong?’
Wei Hei shook his head, ‘Nothing ……’
“It hurts so much that sweat is coming out, and you’re still saying it’s nothing?’ Ruan Shao Nan pulled out a tissue and wiped her carefully, but suddenly thought of something, ‘Is …… there a tear?’
Wei Hei shook her head, ‘It shouldn’t be, it’s probably a soft tissue strain, just be careful and you’ll be fine.’
She pushed him away and tried to stand up on her own, but it hurt when she moved.
‘No, I’d better take you to the hospital.’ He said about to pick her up.
‘Hey ……’ It was fine if he didn’t move, she hurt more when he did. He is a big man standing there with his hands hanging down, but some of the hands and feet are at a loss.
Wei Hei endured the pain and said, ‘Really not, you sit down, quieter.’
He was still uneasy, ‘How do you know? What if it’s a serious injury and there’s a delay? Let’s go and have a look, okay?’
Wei Hei couldn’t help but sigh, ‘Mr Ruan, I’ve at least spent three years in “Jade”. I’ve never eaten pork, but I’ve seen pigs run. If there was a fissure, I would’ve already bled out, how could I have waited until now?’
Ruan Shao Nan then breathed a sigh of relief and leaned down to pick her up, ‘Then I’ll send you upstairs to rest, don’t move around today, stay well.’
Wei Hei nodded.
After setting her up in the bedroom, Ruan Shao Nan asked her, ‘What do you want for breakfast? I’ll go buy it. Crabmeat Xiao Long Bao, okay?’
She shook her head, ‘I have a headache, I want to sleep for a while.’
He stood up, reached out and pulled the heavy curtains closed, and in an instant, the bedroom was like dusk, with all the furniture and artefacts covered in a light layer of vermillion colour.
But he did not leave, just sat beside her, with thin calloused hands fondly touch her face, slightly itchy feeling, he has some small comfort, not hate.
Wei Hei opened her eyes and looked at him helplessly, ‘How do you want me to sleep when you harass me like this?’
He kissed her eyes and let out a long sigh, ‘I’ve already sent someone to inform Lu Zi Xiu yesterday that the acquisition of Tai Huang will not stop, Yi Tian’s annexation of Tai Huang is the general trend, Tai Huang must change ownership.’
The company’s business is still in a state of flux, and the company is still trying to kill everyone.
‘But the Lu family can keep the properties that they didn’t lose. I had the accountant account for their assets at home and abroad, including all movable and immovable property, and there’s about ten million left. This amount of money is not a big one, but I can’t let the Lu family hold on to it by themselves, that would be the same as leaving me with a future problem for myself. Therefore, I made a condition, as long as they transfer all of the Lu family’s property to your name, I will stop the pursuit, and from now on …… the previous events will not be counted.’
‘What?’ Wei Hei couldn’t believe his ears and carefully sat up, ‘You mean to say that you are willing to give those two children a way out?’
‘Yes, Lu Zi Xu has already agreed, as long as you can take care of those two children in the future, he is willing to take out the rest of the property. The lawyer will draw up the specifics of the handover today, so go to the office tomorrow to sign. From now on, the remaining assets of the Lu family will be at your full disposal, whoever you want to spare, whoever you want to take care of, whoever you want to promote, you can pick up the pieces yourself.’ He sighed long and hard, ‘This is the only thing I can think of that might work both ways.’
Wei Hei reached out and touched his face, ‘Thank you, I also thank you for those two children.’
Ruan Shao Nan grabbed her hand, ‘No need, just that you are holding this in your hand, you must have a plan in your heart in the future. The Lu family is to see you young, good heart, can not carry a few soft words, so again and again to find you. You now pity them lonely, they later once the ambition, may not miss you. I can’t keep an eye on you all the time, so don’t be fooled by their words and I’ll be relieved.’
Max said, ‘Don’t worry, I’m only looking after my two children. They are too young for me to sit back and watch. I think …… we might as well send the two children abroad, so that they won’t be influenced at home and be used by people with ulterior motives. There’s also Young Hei, I want to send her out as well, she can’t move or speak right now, she lives on a ventilator every day, I hope the high technology abroad can help her.’
Ruan Shao Nan nodded, ‘That’s not too bad.’ Then he sighed, ‘I hope we’re not raising a tiger.’
Wei Hei pressed her face against his shoulder and whispered, ‘I’m sorry, I know how hard it is for you to make such a decision. Don’t worry, when they grow up, I will teach them well and never let you regret your decision today.’
The man lifted her face and said softly, ‘Don’t talk about this with me, didn’t I say, as long as you’re happy, I’ll give you whatever you want ……’
The root of the last words was ambiguous in the lingering, passionate kiss, and Ruan Shao Nan wrapped one arm around Wei Hei, but it tugged at a strained area, and she She let out a soft gasp, her eyebrows knitting together in pain.
The man a beat, do not dare to make another move, gently embraced her body guiltily said: ‘I’m sorry, said not to bully you, but the result is ……’
“Do not say again, after all, I also have the wrong place. Knowing that you are angry, I shouldn’t take words to provoke you. Shao Nan, I don’t know what has happened to you since you left here. But I can feel that you’ve been harbouring a hostile aura in your heart, and even when you face me, you can’t control it.’
His body gently trembled, and he said in a low voice, ‘Wei Hei, I didn’t think of hurting you ……’
She nodded, ‘I understand, from the moment I decided to stay by your side, I knew that I would have to suffer for the family name that I couldn’t choose and the origin to bear what. Shao Nan, I just want to tell you that I love you, I have loved you since I was fourteen. I loved you in the past. And I love you even more for who you are now. It’s okay for you to make amends or whatever. I just hope that for my sake, you can forget about the harm that the Lu family has caused you. I don’t mind if I become a mill heart between you, but I worry about you. I’m worried that you’ll go further and further away, that you’ll be blinded by hatred and forget your once kind nature.’
She lifted her face to look at him, with that insistent gaze, as if she wanted to engrave the following words, deep in his heart, ‘I am such a woman, unable to live only for you, because living is not easy, and love alone cannot support the full gravity of life. But I can die for you, there is no doubt about it.’

Chapter 29: The City of Flowery Women

When it came time to sign the papers the next day, Ruan Shao Nan didn’t go, but only called Wang Dong Yang and a few experienced bodyguards, instructing them to accompany Wei Hei to the lawyer’s building to protect her and deal with related matters. He didn’t want to see the Lu family in case he changed his mind.
The property transfer process went smoothly, with both parties signing a pile of documents and leaving everything else to the lawyers.
Lu Zi Xu sat in his wheelchair coughing, but after not seeing him for a few days, he was suffering from illness and was haggard. How to look at him, he looks like he is about to die, and it is estimated that he is not far away from the end.
He didn’t look at him, but after the two teams signed the papers and exchanged pleasantries with the lawyer, they both went downstairs. At the door, they should have gone their separate ways, but Lu ZiXue suddenly held on to WeiXi’s hand and said with tears in his eyes, ‘WeiXi, those two children will be ……’
Before he finished his sentence, Wang DongYang gave him a wink, and a tall bodyguard blocked him from the road with a single arm.
Lu Zi Xu sat in the wheelchair and gasped for breath, the small nanny rummaged out of the bag to give him medicine to take, and only then slowly smooth out the breath.
Wei Hei could not stand to watch and said to Wang Dongyang, ‘Let’s go.’

Later, when Rufei heard about that day, he said with emotion, ‘It turns out that no matter how vicious and venomous a person is, he is just like that when his money is gone and his family is separated from him.’
Wei Hei sighed, ‘It is said that the world is all about profit, and the world is all about profit. It is only at this moment that I realise that the world is confused. Even though you were once a powerful man, in the end, you are just a lonely grave and a cup of yellow earth.’
Ru Fei coldly laughed, ‘At least he had a good end, the poor thing is the people who were killed by him, turned into lonely ghosts have no place to cry. By the way, what about the children left behind by your beastly brothers?’
‘I want to send them to study abroad, find a place with a better environment that doesn’t exclude Chinese.’
‘Ruan Shao Nan agrees?’
‘He nodded his head a long time ago, and he’s still helping me look for a school these days.’
Rufei touched his nose and said approvingly, ‘He’s really not bad, carrying a blood feud like that and still treating his enemy’s children and grandchildren so well. I can understand your thoughts, but for him to understand, it’s a bit difficult, after all, the position is different. Besides, no one can guarantee that the two children will not become the second Ruan Shao Nan, he is now like to leave himself a not too small hidden danger. The fact that he didn’t cut off the roots is entirely due to your face.’
Wei Hei nodded and sighed, ‘I know, that’s why I must take care of the Lu family’s affairs and educate those two children well, so I can’t leave him with half a bit of trouble. Otherwise, I really don’t have the face to see him.’
‘What are you going to do with the Lu Family’s estate?’
‘I’ll keep the Lu Family’s old mansion, my mother has always loved it, she’s been a couple with Lu Zi Xu for so long, that’s what she deserves. Other than that, I won’t touch a single cent. When those two children grow up, I will give it all to them.’
Rufei said, ‘Actually, I want to say to you, you don’t have to leave it all to them. You are also Lu Zi Xu’s daughter, and this is what you deserve. But I know that it’s useless to say it. You hate Lu Zi Xu so much that you won’t want his property, even if he is your father.’
Wei Hei smiled, ‘It’s good that you understand.’
‘The Lu family’s two daughters-in-law also followed the child out?’
Wei Hei sighed, ‘Just thinking about this makes me angry, those two women accompanied Lu Zi Xu to finish the love drama, seeing that I refused to help, and afraid of being implicated, they even left the two children and ran away by themselves.’
Ru Fei patted her shoulder and said, ‘Think about it, human nature is selfish, have you seen less of this in Lu Zi Xu?’
Thinking of that year’s incident, Wei Hei sneered, ‘Yes, I’ve seen enough. In terms of ruthlessness, who can beat him?’

On the first day of work after the seven-day New Year’s holiday, Yi Tian Group announced that Yi Tian had successfully acquired Tai Huang.
For a moment, public opinion was abuzz with enthusiasm, by no means less than when a major country changed its president. The reason for this is that everyone knows that Tai Huang is the leader of the financial sector, and all the great men and women in the industry look up to it. This news means that since then, the world has changed hands.
Ruan Shao Nan’s office, villa, wherever he can be found, all kinds of ‘congratulations’ people come and go.
He was originally a quiet person, and now he is naturally overwhelmed by the disturbance. Seeing that the matter of the Lu family has been settled, he simply took Max with him, and the two of them flew away to the ‘last paradise on earth’ for a holiday.
Instead of Tahiti in the South Pacific, they went to Lijiang, China’s most famous ancient city, located on the border of Yunnan and Sichuan.

When Ruan Shao Nan heard that Wei Hei wanted to go to Lijiang, he looked at her strangely, ‘It’s too close to home, what’s so interesting about it?’
Wei Hei didn’t think so, while preparing her luggage, she said: ‘It’s only fun at home, your own country, your own place, your own countrymen, it’s called “the water doesn’t flow into other people’s fields”. Why do you have to go abroad and let foreigners earn your dollars, are you rich?’
The man really cried and laughed, put his arm around her and said, ‘You’re not really trying to save me money, are you? It’s not necessary. Besides, our formalities are all done, it would be a shame not to go.’
‘Of course not, I heard from my classmates who have been there that it is the city of love affairs. Maybe I can meet a handsome guy who is more handsome than you, more gentle than you, and richer than you. At that time, I will dump you and let you cry alone.’
‘Damn girl!’ Ruan Shao Nan was so angry that he strangled her neck with his arm, ‘No wonder people say that women can’t be spoilt. Moving around and using words to pressure pie me, getting more and more lawless.’

They took an afternoon flight and stopped at Lijiang airport tonight. The two of them dragged their luggage into the ancient city, and it was already time for the lights to go on.
The entire ancient city was shrouded in a sea of orange-red lights, a clear colour of small Naxi buildings with white walls and black tiles, flying eaves and wooden doors. The red paper lanterns are hanging under the eaves of every house, as if the time has been reversed, ancient charm.
Everywhere on the street, there are people dressed in colourful clothes, leisurely look, three or two rows, beautiful women like clouds, only to see people dazzled, do not know who is who’s scenery.
Ruan Shao Nan couldn’t help but sigh tersely, ‘No wonder you had to come here, so this is a “women’s city”, so flamboyant.’

They stayed in the ancient city for a few days, strolling through the four-square street, soaking in the street bar, releasing the river lanterns, eating the black goat hot pot and preserved pork ribs, the city was almost finished, so they thought of going to the surrounding scenic spots for a walk.
Ruan Shao Nan wanted to charter a car to go, but Wei Hei said: ‘just the two of us is too monotonous, completely unable to feel the fun of travelling. The natural scenery is more interesting when you’re travelling with like-minded people on a ‘civilian tour’.’
Ruan Shao Nan couldn’t argue with her and had to agree. So they contacted a very famous local car boss and decided to follow his car.
Car boss named Shen Wei, known as the first Lijiang car driver, this road has been running for more than ten years, transported countless guests from the north to the south, experienced, well-liked. He has a big body, a face of flesh, but is a milk daddy type of character, the whole car more than a dozen tourists regardless of men and women are the same, each take care of everything. Wei Hei was very much in love with him, and she always liked to pester him to tell her the sad stories of his many years of service as a coachman, which made her sigh in admiration and admiration.
‘Listen to me, this morning, I woke up in a very excited mood. See you all happy, in fact, my heart ……’
This is the Shen boss every morning must say the opening speech, he a mouthful of Fujian accent, speak abet, but also always like to put the last word of the end of the tone pulled a long time, listening to the whine, always reminiscent of Stephen Chow’s film dialogues.
Sitting at the back of the room, Wei Hei covered her mouth with laughter, picked up her camera, set it to the camera position, and started to take pictures. Ruan Shao Nan, sitting next to her, pushed her, ‘What are you doing?’
‘Shush ……’ Wei Hei tapped his lips and whispered, ’Take a picture of him. If he doesn’t come to dinner, we’ll put it on the internet and expose him.’
Ruan Shao Nan was amused by her, pinched her face and scolded, ‘Little girl, you’re bad, beware of retribution in the future.’

In the days that followed, their group paid homage to the magnificent Meili Snow Mountain, worshipped the sacred Dongzhulin Temple, hiked up the treacherous Tiger Leaping Gorge, and rode a horse to visit the beautiful Rain Falls Village.
Also took eight hours by car, to have ‘the last daughter of the garden’ known as the Lugu Lake. They swing boat on the lake, the boatwoman sang simple mountain songs, the lake in front of them like a sprinkling of golden sugar apple jelly, clear green, fresh and lovely.
The last stop, they went to the ‘heavenly world’ reputation of Shangri-La.
Standing on the grassland of Shangri-La plateau, looking at the sky full of colourful clouds, the mountains and canyons layer by layer quenching, people and the sky so close, as if the breath into one.
Boss Shen sighed, ‘It’s a pity that it’s not the right time for you to come. In July and August, the pasture here is the most beautiful, golden oil wheat flowers, purple potato flowers, a glance can not see the end. In October, the mountains are filled with wolfsbane flowers, red as blood, that kind of scenery, really rare on earth.’
When he said this, Wei Hei felt remorse in her heart and said regretfully, ‘We should have come at another time, it’s a pity that we missed the ultimate beauty on earth.’
Ruan Shao Nan smiled, ‘Silly girl, if you like it, we’ll just come back later. The beauty is there, it can’t run away, no need to feel pity.’
After returning from Shangri-La, their long holiday came to an end. Ruan Shao Nan booked a return flight, and they returned home fully loaded with several large bags of souvenirs they had bought in the ancient city.

‘Pain is so long-lasting, like a snail moving with patience. Happiness is so short-lived, like a rabbit’s tail sweeping across the autumn grassland ……’

Wei Hei vaguely remembers that this is the “World War II” period, the Soviet sniper heroine Lyudmila’s favourite poem.
I don’t know why, but sitting on the plane, I remembered this line.
She turned her face and looked at Ruan Shao Nan, who was concentrating on his work. He had changed again, yesterday he was laughing like a child without a heart, today he changed back to that beast made of steel and concrete, a predator of money and wealth.
Sometimes I really admire him, in the twinkling of an eye, he can become so fast, so complete. No wonder he can stand at the top of the city’s ‘food chain’, not without reason.
‘By the way, when do you start school?’ The man asked her through a gap in his coffee.
‘Early March.’
Ruan Shao Nan nodded, ‘The twenty-eighth of this month ……’
“is your birthday.’ Wei Hei picked up, ‘I’ll be sure to free up all my time on that day to specifically wait for your call, Mr Ruan.’
Ruan Shao Nan smiled and touched her face, ‘I haven’t had a decent birthday in years, I’ll be sure to celebrate it this time.’
‘What kind of present do you want?’
He pasted over and bit her earlobe, his voice ambiguous, ‘knowingly asking ……’

off the plane, Ruan Shao Nan went straight back to the company. Wei Hei returned to the villa, sorted out the two people’s luggage, brought the gifts bought for Ru Fei, and went to her place without bothering to rest.
‘I say, are you sure, you didn’t move the whole of Lijiang back?’ Rufei looked at the small mountain of gifts and couldn’t help but ask.
‘Ugh, I wanted to buy a little bit of everything I saw, and without realising it, I piled up so much.’ Wei Hei also regretted her extravagant behaviour.
Rufei began to open the presents, asking as he did so, ‘How’s it going? Was it fun over there?’
As she lay on the bed, she reminisced, ‘Heaven and earth, it’s breathtaking.’ She suddenly remembered something, sat up and said, ‘I should go, the 28th is his birthday, I need to prepare a gift for him.’
Rufei spat, ‘He doesn’t lack anything, he still needs you to give it to him?’
‘How is this the same? In the past, he used to give himself presents, I feel so sorry for him now that I think about it.’
Ruifei picked up a green peacock dress and compared it to the mirror, and asked, ‘Then have you thought of what to give?’
Speaking of this, Wei Hei was filled with sadness, ‘Before we travelled, he spotted a Saturn lighter by Vivienne Westwood in a boutique. He said he’d always wanted one before, but unfortunately the silver colour he wanted at the time was out of stock. I just called the shop owner and he said it’s already here and told me I’d better go over and pick it up today, that version is very much in demand and he won’t keep it for long.’
Ru Fei yesterday tongue, ‘How come everything your family one likes is limited edition? Only five hundred of those lighters were produced worldwide, and they’ve been speculated on the internet to be more than 20,000, so the ground price is even more expensive, isn’t it? Can you afford it yourself?’
‘I made some money repairing paintings a few days ago, but unfortunately I’m still a thousand dollars short.’
Ru Fei picked up another turquoise necklace, which was just right for the skirt, ‘Anyway, it’s just a thousand short, he won’t know if you pay for it from somewhere else.’
‘God knows, you know, I know. Who says no one knows?’
Rufei gave her an idea, ‘Either send something else, as long as it’s from you, he’ll like it.’
‘Of course he will like it, but that’s not what he wants the most. He always gives me the best things, of course I have to give him the best too.’
Rufus sort of convinced her, ‘Auntie, what do you suggest then?’
‘Rather, there is a way ……,’ Wei Hei wanted to say.
‘What is it?’
Hei glanced at her, ‘I won’t tell you. I’m leaving, those are yours, take your time to unwrap them.’
Ru Fei spun around in front of the mirror in her peacock dress, satisfied, and made a face at her back, ‘Don’t say it and pull it down, the guy who forgets his friends when he sees the colour.’

Chapter 30 The Truth Comes Out

When Ruan Shao Nan returned from work in the evening, he heard the maid say that Wei Hei was in the kitchen learning to cook with Wang Sister-in-Law and couldn’t help but come over to take a look at her. Seeing that she was tying her apron and mixing the sauces, he laughed and said ‘Sister-in-Law, you’d better not let her touch your things, so watch out for the sauces that she’ll take for her precious sauces and use them as pigments.’
Wei Hei was so angry that she turned around to hit him, and was grabbed by him and kissed him as he lowered his head.
‘Yoo-hoo, you two go out and make trouble, don’t make trouble here.’
The two of them were blown out of the house with a spatula by Mrs Wang.
Max complained to him, ‘It’s your fault that I can’t learn from you. If you say I don’t know how to cook, no one will care.’
Ruan Shao Nan smiled and said, ‘If you don’t know how to cook, then you don’t know how to cook, I have something to show you.’ Saying this, he grabbed her arm and pulled it upstairs.
‘Sizzle ……,’ Wei Hei struggled gently.
Ruan Shao Nan looked at her, ‘What happened to your arm?’
Wei Hei pulled back her arm and rubbed it, ‘Nothing, I probably strained it when I was carrying something today. It’s not serious, it’ll heal in a few days.’
Ruan Shao Nan pinched her chin and joked, ‘Paper thin.’

The two walked into the study, Ruan Shao Nan took out a stack of documents and handed them to her, ‘Before we went travelling, didn’t you look into a Canadian boarding school for those two children? The application has been approved, so you can sign these documents and go through the enrolment procedures.’
‘So soon? I thought it would take a long time.’ Unh took the stack of papers and looked at them, they were all in English. She took a general look at them, one of them was the school’s admission consent form, the others were the documents required by the Immigration Department such as proof of the guardian’s innocence and proof of property.
Ruan Shao Nan said, ‘I’ve asked someone to do this. If I don’t get them settled, you won’t feel at ease, and I won’t feel comfortable, so I’ll just send them away early.’
Wei Hei naturally understands what he has in mind. The man said he would not take the past into account, but he was afraid that he would not be able to get over it. If he sends the two children away early, he will be able to see the truth.
She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him, ‘Thank you.’
Ruan Shao Nan pulled out a chair for her and instructed, ‘Sit down and read slowly, don’t rush.’
Wei Hei’s English wasn’t very good, especially since there was a lot of jargon in it, so it was very hard for her to read, and she couldn’t understand some of the content without a professional’s guidance.
At this very moment, Sister-in-law Wang stood at the door and told them that dinner was ready, and that she had made Max’s favourite dishes, the mandarin duck snowflake rolls and the squirrel Mandarin fish.
If she didn’t say anything, it made Wei Hei feel even more hungry. She looked at Ruan Shao Nan, who was concentrating on his computer, and asked, ‘You’ve read all these documents, haven’t you?’
Ruan Shao Nan didn’t have time to pay attention to her, he just nodded, ‘Yes, I’ve read them all.’
‘That’s fine.’ She said, picking up a pen and signing her name from sheet to sheet.
Ruan Shao Nan shook his head as he watched, ‘Silly girl, that’s not how you sign documents. Don’t do that in the future, or you’ll be sold without even knowing it.’
Wei Hei spat her tongue at him, ‘Then you can buy me back again, can’t you?’
The man laughed and cried, pulling her up and twisting her nose, ‘I don’t know who owes who from our past lives. Let’s go, little greedy cat, let’s go downstairs to eat.’

The next morning, Wei Hei woke up early and prepared breakfast with Mrs Wang. Ruan Shao Nan ate it, hugged and kissed her, and left for work.
After eating breakfast, Wei Hei searched for the painting ‘Angel’s Rage’ that she drew last time, intending to take a picture of it with her camera and store it in her computer.
She turned on the computer and input the pictures she took. By the way, she sorted through the photos of them in Lijiang, looking at them and laughing at them, the two of them in a colourful shawl shop, sticking their tongues out at the camera like two overgrown children, it was silly to look at.
She picked a few of the best ones and used software to make an electronic photo album with music, intending to show it to Ruan Shao Nan when he came back from work.
Who knew that the file was a bit big and the computer got stuck. It took her half a day to get it back to normal, but she inadvertently opened an email on her desktop, the content of which was all in English. When she glanced at it, she saw that the subject of the letter was: Rejection of Application for Admission.
She was shocked and read the letter carefully, and was sure that it was indeed from the Canadian boarding school.
Her mind went blank, and gradually, an unspeakable panic filled her body. She picked up the phone and called Ruan Shao Nan’s mobile phone, but it was switched off, and she panicked even more.
When she called Wang Dongyang, he said, ‘Mr Ruan is in a meeting, is there something wrong with Miss Lu?’
Naturally, mobile phones have to be switched off during meetings, Wei Hei stabilised herself a little and said, ‘It’s nothing much, when Mr Ruan finishes the meeting, please tell him to give me a call back.’
Unh put the phone down and read the letter again, noting that the rebuttal letter was dated before the trip. Guessing that maybe the first application hadn’t worked and he’d applied again, just without telling her.
Thinking this way, she felt that she was really in the weeds, and couldn’t help but laugh at herself for being paranoid.
The morning passed, and Wei Hei waited for Ruan Shao Nan’s call, but didn’t get it. After lunch, she felt a little uneasy again for some reason. She wanted to call him again, but she was afraid that it would delay his work and make him feel that she was being suspicious like an ignorant housewife.
She had no choice but to hold back.
Throughout the afternoon, Wei Hei was always a little fidgety, her heart fluctuating up and down, loosening and tightening. She had a lot of thoughts, but she didn’t know what to do. It was not until the evening that Ruan Shao Nan’s secretary made a phone call, saying that he would not be coming back for dinner because he had a dinner party tonight.
The person who answered the phone was Mrs Wang, who looked at Wei Hei’s disappointed expression and comforted her with the words, ‘A man’s got to do something big, so don’t take it personally.’

Hei slept very uneasily that night, and had some strange dreams, all mixed up in one. One moment was her mother’s desperate but beautiful face, another moment was Lu Zixu’s last look at her as if she was a lifesaver at the lawyer’s building, then the two children’s big innocent eyes, and finally the last was fixed on Ruan Shao Nan’s thin lips slightly lifted in that inscrutable smile.
She woke up a few times in the middle, and then sank back into the dream. It seemed like someone had returned in the dream, yet it was only a dream after all. No one came to wake her or return to embrace her. She spent the rest of the night alone, curled up in the cold bed, unconscious and unaware.
Finally, the next morning, she woke up alone, the pillows around her were flat, the covers were cold, and no one had come back. Wei Hei really can not help it, called him again, but still off. She called Wang Dongyang’s phone again, and surprisingly, it was also off. She called his secretary, who asked for her name and, after a few minutes, told her that Mr Ruan hadn’t come to work today.
Wei Hei realised that something was starting to go wrong ……
She opened the door to the study and turned on his computer, and found that there was nothing else in there except a few photos, the electronic photo album she had made, and the English letter. He moved all the files in there that he normally used for work, what did that mean?
She simply opened all the drawers and cabinets, and rummaged through the contents in one breath. Her heart was pounding like a drum and she breathed in sharply, realising that she seemed to be getting closer and closer to the truth that was looking over her shoulder with fear.
In a panic, a pile of photographs fell out of the drawer, scattering like snowflakes on the carpet. She picked them up one by one, and then, like a pale statue, she was frozen in the moment.
A whole pile of them, all pictures of Ruan Shao Nan and another woman. And that woman, was the Gu Yongling that she had seen in the hospital. The time shown on the photos was, after all, taken two years ago, and the backgrounds were all over the world, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand …… It turned out that they had been good for a long time. Then why did he come to her again?
The answer that cried out.
With trembling hands, Wei Hei went back to pick up the other things, if her guess was true, then there must be traces left behind.
She found a few more bank deposit slips, all for clothes and jewellery, expensive, and looked at the time, they were signed during the time of their cold war.
She sat paralysed on the ground ……
before her eyes all kinds of as a nightmare that can not wake up, and the person in the dream is still ignorant. Tears fall drop by drop on those photos and bills, she actually know nothing.
This period of time, the words they said, did things, his child-like satisfied smile, his blushing expression, stammered words, his strong embrace, almost shaking her passion …… All of this everything, like a fast-motion replay, appeared in front of her eyes.
What is true? What is false? Why until today, what she saw was not all of him? This cheat her, what does he really want to do?

The phone rang for half a day before she came back to her senses and picked it up in a daze.
It was the voice of Ruan Shao Nan, who said, ‘Wei Hei ……’.
Wei Hei’s tears suddenly fell, like an open flood gushing out.
‘I’m sorry, I had a dinner party last night and had a few more drinks, so I slept in the hotel room. I just woke up now, you didn’t blame me, right?’
Wei Hei held back his choking and said with difficulty, ‘No ……’
The person over there seemed to breathe a heavy sigh of relief, then said in a light voice, ‘Let’s eat together at noon, I’ll go back to pick you up?’
‘Good ……’
After putting down the phone, she put those photos and bills into a bag and put it into her purse. Then she went to the bathroom to wash her face and change into a set of clothes.
After everything was ready, Ruan Shao Nan’s car arrived at the entrance of the villa.
When Wei Hei sat in the car with her purse, Ruan Shao Nan leaned over and kissed her as usual. When she struggled a little, he smiled and stepped back.
The two of them didn’t speak on the way, and she felt like a cat in her heart, scratching her heart and lungs.
Unconsciously, the place to eat arrived, is the first time they came to the Huaiyang cuisine restaurant. At noon, not many people, or that box.
Ruan Shao Nan ordered a few small dishes, and asked someone to make a pot of jasmine incense, full of tea. Guzheng music is still long and lingering, like a real pillow water Jiangnan, here is nothing has changed.
‘Why so quiet today? You’re not really angry, are you?’ Ruan Shao Nan pushed the cup of tea in front of her, seeing that she had no intention of doing so, he picked up a cup and sipped it.
Wei Hei’s heart was pounding as if she was the one lying. She tried her best to steady herself, then took out the pocket from her bag and placed it on the table to see his reaction.
Ruan Shao Nan did not know why, picked up and opened it, then laughed, ‘I said why all the way to the tense face, so it is for this, I can explain ……’
Wei Hei hanging a heart is only slightly landed, just about to speak, the phone is ringing, it is Ru Fei.
‘Max, have you seen the news?’
He was distracted, ‘Ru Fei, I’m talking to Shao Nan about something, you’ll have to come back later ……’
“The two children from the Lu family were strangled to death last night, and their bodies were dumped in front of the Lu family’s old mansion. ’
Wei Hei’s eyes widened in vain, holding the phone, looking at the man across the table in horror. The man, however, did not look at her, sipping his tea carelessly, casually looking out the window at the tall magnolia.
‘The police suspected kidnapping, but the Lu family didn’t have the money to pay the ransom, so the kidnappers tore the ticket. Your father went crazy when he heard about it, and jumped from the hospital building, and has died ……’
The phone fell to the ground, but it didn’t break, and Rufei’s voice came out of the microphone, vibrating in the narrow space.
‘Max, Max, what’s wrong? Are you still there?’
Ruan Shao Nan leaned down to pick it up, looked at Wei Hei’s pale face with a big smile, and said slowly into the microphone, ‘She already knows, you don’t have to call back.’

Chapter 31: Do You Think You’re Worth It

“Did you do this?’
Ruan Shao Nan leaned back against the back of his chair, his long slender fingers folded as he looked at her calmly, ‘Do you want me to say yes or no?’
‘I hair to hear the truth!’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed, ‘Of course not, what makes you think so? Remember when I told you that there is a principle of scoring in high society, that is to never get your hands on blood, not even a fishy odour. Of course I won’t do this kind of thing myself, as long as I find the right person and put some information out in a special channel, naturally someone will be desperate for money. For the rest, just sit back and watch the show. Why do it yourself?’
Wei Hei’s lips trembled, ‘Why didn’t the Lu family look for me after such a big incident?’
‘Maybe they did, but we were in Lijiang at the time. I was afraid that they would harass you, so I put the Lu family’s calls in your mobile phone, and set it to refuse to receive. I think you wouldn’t blame me, would you?’
Wei Hei’s eyes went black, half a day before she slowed down, spoke arduously, ‘Why? You promised me ……’
Ruan Shao Nan was dumbfounded, a pair of beautiful black eyes, looking at her with amusement, like watching a joke, ’Who do you think you are?’
‘Do you really think I would give up revenge for you? Spare you Lu family members and send Lu Zi Xu’s children and grandchildren to study abroad? Oh ……’ he laughed uncontrollably, ’You don’t really think of yourself as Wang Zhaojun, do you? Can’t you see from beginning to end that I’m using you?’
He looked at the photos on the table and laughed again, ‘It seems that you really don’t see it, and even took these photos and ran to find me to raise an offence.’ Saying that, he casually picked up one and pointed at the flowery face on it, ‘She’s the one who’s my fiancée, we’ve been engaged for two years already. However, you do not need to be sad, you are not considered a third party, because …… I have never loved you.’
She stared at him blankly, ‘What did you say?’
He stood up, ruffled the broken hair on her cheek, and said cruelly, word by word, and clearly, ‘I said, I never loved you.’
The successive blows shook her out of her senses, and she shook a little, repeating his words like a fool, ‘You say …… you never loved me?’
‘Think about it, have I ever said ‘I love you’ to you once in all these days? You’re the one who thinks I’m in love with you. It’s true that you’re a little girl, when a man gives a few colours, you take it seriously. You’re not stupid, just foolish. You forget that I’m a businessman who seeks value for money and is only interested in goods of value. After all the time and effort I’ve spent on you, what do you think I want?’
He looked her up and down like an object and laughed, ‘Your body? Or your feelings? Do you think you’re worth it? Do you really think that I’m still thinking about the few jokes I said as a child? There’s only one reason why I would come to you.’
‘Because …… my last name is Lu.’ She shuddered as she uttered that taken-for-granted answer herself.
‘Ever since you met me at the ‘Absolute Colour Pouring City’, from the beginning to the end, it was all a set up by you. You created a false impression so that everyone would think that you were in love with me, and the Lu family would naturally seek me out. And you used me to cheat the Lu family out of all their money. In the document I signed that day, I should have clipped a property transfer agreement, and I’ve transferred all the remaining assets of the Luk family to you. Mr Ruan, am I right?’
Ruan Shao Nan just laughed, ‘After all, you grew up in the Lu family, you’re not quite drug-free. In fact, I already reminded you the other day, ‘look closer, don’t sell yourself short’. It’s you who didn’t listen ……’
Yes, he did say that day that it was her who was ghostly. Even though she had thought her head off and emptied her heart, she could not have imagined that he would deceive her and use her in this way.
She was a complete fool, being played by him. Such a poisonous scheme! Such a roundabout mind! Such a sinister heart!
She really doubted if he was the same person as the Ruan Shao Nan she knew when she was a child. He once promised that he would never hurt her. But even that promise was a lie. What else was true about him?
Tears fell from her eyes, and she bit her lips tightly, telling herself not to cry! Don’t cry! What’s the point of crying? But she couldn’t control her tears, not even a single drop.
She wiped away the tears with her fingers and choked, ‘You’ve already won, that money is nothing to you. Even without me, you are still winning. Why …… why do you still want to use me?’
He lifted her chin and laughed softly, ‘Because I’m bad, I like to see others full of hope and then despair. You don’t have to look at me like that, it’s all your father’s fault, did he tell you all about his great achievements back then?’
Wei Hei couldn’t help his wariness, he smiled coldly, his sharp gaze was like a torture instrument forcing him, ‘He said it, didn’t he? Although you have always been very careful in front of me, never saying more than a word. But I know that you know everything that happened back then. He went into business with my father and not only cheated him out of all his possessions, but also put him in debt and coaxed him into borrowing from loan sharks. When my father was desperate, he commandeered his company on the condition that he would help him pay back the money. Finally, when my father was full of expectations that he, his best friend, could help him tide over his difficulties, he even forced him to jump off a building. Don’t you feel that everything that happened in the Lu family today is déjà vu?’
Wei Hei’s eyes widened abruptly as Ruan Shao Nan tugged on her arm, his face so fierce that it was almost twisted, ‘That’s right! I learnt it from your father, he was truly a good teacher, I was his most qualified student, I learnt it better and more thoroughly than any of your Lu family children. Back then, when my mother and I saw that falling corpse in the morgue, do you know what I was like? I threw up my entire breakfast, and that was my father!’
He looked at Good, gritting his teeth, as if he was looking through her, at his most hated enemy, ‘Lu Zi Xiu, he’s old, and with my present day, it’s too easy for me to win against him. But that’s not what I want! I want him to go through all the pain that our family went through in the first place. I want him to watch his favourite people, one by one, suffer and die in despair. I want him to wait with hope, only to be destroyed at the hands of his own daughter, and die without peace!’ Wei Hei was in pain from his grip, and said tearfully, ‘Because of this, you lied to me and used me? And those two children, they are still so young. How can you be so horrible, so cold-blooded?’
‘Who doesn’t use you? What kind of person am I, Lu Zi Xu has been shrewd and worldly for so many years, would he not be able to see that? But he still pushed you on me in exchange for money, life, and the safety of his children and grandchildren. Does he really treat you like a daughter? You Lu family members are also really interesting, the same sons and daughters are divided into three, six, nine classes, which one takes you into consideration? Who doesn’t betray you?’
Wei Hei curled up a little, biting her lips so tightly that she bit out blood, but her eyes fell even more fiercely.
He grabbed her hair and laughed coldly, ‘Do you feel sorry for yourself? You’re not pathetic enough. I really should take you to see my mum, so you know what it means to be pitiful! What is called madness! However, don’t be afraid when you see it, she lives in that madhouse on the west side of the city, she has to take a bath ten times a day, she hates to rub her body with lime, and she screams like a ghost night after night ……’
Wei Hei was almost driven mad by him, the ghosts demanding her life was just like that, she struggled randomly with tears streaming down her face. ‘Let go of me! Let go!’
Ruan Shao Nan shook her off with such force that Wei Hei fell into a chair. She looked at the wine and food in front of her and asked in despair, ‘So now, I’m the only one the Lu family can move, what do you want?’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed and sneered, ‘What do you think I would do? I don’t love you, but I don’t hate you either. Come to think of it, you’re quite pitiful. There’s no need for me to deal with someone that the Lu family doesn’t even treat well. You’re like that paper cup to me, after you’ve used it, it has no value. And I have never wasted my time on things that have no value ……’
He looked at his watch and then said, ’This place is the first time we have come here, and these things are the first time I have ordered them for you, so let’s get along. If you have time, go back to the villa and collect your things. I’ve already sold there, and someone will come to collect the house in a few days.’
He walked towards the door and suddenly remembered something, so he said, ‘By the way, your sister Lu You Hei, died a few days ago, I forgot to tell you. I forgot to tell you. The hospital said the nurse didn’t insert the oxygen tube properly. It’s a pity that you don’t even have a last relative.’

It was only when it was getting dark that Wei Hei came out of the box in a trance. Walking straight down the tall, narrow wooden stairs, she narrowly missed a step on the way down, and fell four steps down.
The clerk came over immediately, helped her up, and saw that she had bruises on her arms and legs. Especially the legs, rubbing off a piece of skin, revealing red flesh, bloody.
‘Miss, you’re badly hurt, should I send you to the hospital?’
Wei Hei pushed everyone away and staggered to his feet, opening a pair of straight eyes and walking outside as if possessed.
This restaurant was built halfway up the mountain, and all the people who ate there came by car, and now that it was dark again, there was not a single pedestrian on the mountain road. She was the only one, like a walking corpse without a heart, lost in thought all the way.

‘She’s the one who’s my fiancée, we’ve been engaged for two years now. But you don’t have to be sad because you’re not the third party, I never loved you.
‘Have I ever said ‘I love you’ to you once? You’re the one who thought I was in love with you. Sure enough, you’re a little girl, a man gives a few colours and you take it seriously.
‘I’ve spent so much time, money and energy on you, what do you think I want? Your body? Or your feelings? Do you think you’re worth it?’

Unhail covered her ears tightly, her feet went limp, and she planted her whole body on the grass by the roadside. She curled herself into a ball like a mouse after a robbery.
‘It’s okay, it must be okay.’ Tears fell like rain as she kept telling herself, ‘I’ll be fine when I wake up from my nap, I’ll be fine when it’s light out. Any longer night will pass, as long as I open my eyes, it’s a new day. Rufei is still waiting for me, we have so many things to do, I still have to paint, I can’t fall down, I can’t fall down ……’
Wei Hei struggled to get up, and it was then that she realised that her hands and legs were injured. Trying to call Rufei, she realised that she hadn’t brought it out with her when she left the hotel, and it was already late in the day.
A passing man, seeing her in such a sorry state, came over and asked, ‘Miss, do you need help?’
‘Sir, can I borrow the phone?’ Wei Hei looked up and saw that the man was wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap, with a mask covering most of his face.
The man pulled out his mobile phone and asked, ‘Who are you calling?’
‘My friend, I want her to pick me up.’ Unhappy suddenly felt as if he had seen this man somewhere before.
The man smiled, ‘Then it’s better not to call, because ……’ he took off his sunglasses, ‘you can’t go back.’

Chapter 32: Killing with a Borrowed Knife

When Lu Nong’er placed the call, Ruan Shao Nan was sitting in his office on the top floor of Yi Tian, sipping on a newly opened bottle of eighty-two year old Lafite.
‘I’m surprised that you would even call me.’
The person on the other end of the phone was a bit furious, ‘Ruan Shao Nan, don’t come with me on this. The son of a bitch who crossed the river and broke up the bridge, you should know that I will come after you sooner or later.’
Ruan Shao Nan shook his wine glass and said carelessly, ‘How can I say that you are also a son of a family, please pay attention to your cultivation. Besides, did I promise you anything? What contract have we signed between us? What agreement did we have? Even if I have crossed the river and torn down the bridge, I am still better than some people who have been stealing from themselves and whimsically think that by betraying their own old man, they can get back their own peace and glory. You must not have been a good reader when you were a child, ‘no egg is left intact under the nest’, how come you haven’t heard of this saying?’
Lu Ren Hei laughed back in anger, ‘I admit, in terms of viciousness I’m not as good as you, this time I planted, but ……’ he gritted his teeth fiercely, ‘you don’t have to be complacent! Ruan Shao Nan, your woman, is now in my hands.’
Ruan Shao Nan was surprised, ‘You arrested Wei Hei?’
Lu Ren Hei sneered, ‘So you’d better be smart, or I’ll chop off her fingers one by one.’
‘What do you want?’
‘Twenty million, I want cash, you bring it here alone tomorrow morning, no tricks!’
There was a moment of silence over there first, after a long time, Ruan Shao Nan smiled and said, ‘Twenty million? Young Master Lu, did I hear wrong? You’re asking me, the enemy of the Lu family, to bring 20 million to you to ransom your own sister?’
Lu Yunxie’s tone was a bit unsteady, ‘What do you mean?’
‘I think, I’m your family affairs, I’m an outsider can’t ask more questions, and even more reason to take out the money to ransom your sister for nothing, to stay or let go, to kill or die, you decide it yourself.’
Hearing him say this, Lu Renxie sneered, ‘Ruan Shao Nan, you think I’ll believe you if you say that? I’ve been following you guys for more than a day or two, and I can see exactly how you treat her. I’ll tell you, if I can’t see the money …… I’ll kill her alive!’
Ruan Shao Nan pondered for a moment and asked, ‘How do I know the person is really in your hands, you let her speak to me.’
The dull sound of flesh colliding came from the other end of the phone, followed by a fit of coughing as a person gasped for air.
Ruan Shao Nan asked in a low voice, ‘Wei Hei, is that you?’
‘It’s ……’ Wei Hei held the phone, tears streaming out at once, mixing with the blood and dirt on his face.
Ruan Shao Nan sighed, ‘I’ve told you to be careful when you go out, we just cheated the Lu family of all their money, and killed two children, how could Lu Renax let you go?’
Wei Hei’s liver and guts cracked as she asked in a shaky voice, ‘What did you say?’
He grabbed the phone and screamed like a ghost, ‘So it’s you two inhuman dogs!’ Back to the hand is a slap, Wei Hei fell to the ground, half of his face immediately swollen. Before she could catch her breath, the man kicked her again, right in the ribs, and she spat out a mouthful of blood, cracking up inside and out, as if her heart had been cut up by a thousand knives, leaving her with nothing but despair.
Ruan Shao Nan on the other side of the quiet listening, Lu Yong Hei grabbed Wei Hei’s hair, shouting into the phone: ‘I now want 40 million! If you give it or not, you’ll have to wait for your corpse!’
Ruan Shao Nan slowly said, ‘I advise you not to act rashly, my phone is equipped with a signal tracking system, and the police have been automatically alerted. If you let her go now and surrender to the police, you can still get a few years less in prison.’
‘Son of a bitch!’
The phone was instantly disconnected, Ruan Shao Nan slowly put it back on the table, picked up his wine glass again, and sipped lightly and slowly at the bustling night scene.
Ling Luchuan, who had been sitting opposite him, shook his head and put down his wine glass and sighed, ‘It’s already pathetic for someone to be a good girl and be toyed with by you to this extent. Why do you need to fall on your sword? If you say that, I guess she won’t see tomorrow’s sun.’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed softly, ‘I didn’t fall down a well, I borrowed a knife to kill someone. I don’t want to be the second Lu Zi Xiu, the opportunity that was sent to my door, naturally I have to cut off the roots.’
Ling Luchuan just shook his head, ‘After all, it was a good fight, why don’t you have any compassion? Lu Rongxie is now a mad dog without humanity, and will not let her die easily without torturing her enough.’
‘So I called the police, he doesn’t have much time. It’s a death after all, and I’ve done right by her.’
‘Harming someone and still saying it in such a cloudy manner, you’re really ruthless!’
Ruan Shao Nan wasn’t annoyed and raised his glass at him, as if celebrating their common victory, ‘Likewise with each other, the person was tricked back for me by you, the idea was also yours, we are accomplices.’
Ling Luchuan held his forehead and laughed, ‘Oh, if you didn’t say it, I forgot. Yes, I am your accomplice.’
He leaned on his chin with one hand and looked at his best friend across the table, playing with the flavour, ‘However, it really surprised me that you would do this. For a moment I thought you were really in love with her, and that you’d better at least leave her alive.’
‘How could that old fox not take the bait by not letting the world think I was in love with her to death? That was his last capital, when we forced his eldest daughter to hang herself, he wouldn’t even take it out to save her. If he didn’t want to give his grandson a way out before he died, do you think he would be so generous?’
Ling Lu Chuan was a bit curious, ‘How did he know that Lu Wei Hei would definitely take care of those two children? Wasn’t he afraid that she would keep the money for herself?’
‘Because he’s as cunning as I am, and knows his daughter as well as I do. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know me well enough. Character determines destiny, and from the moment she opened her mouth and begged me to let Lu Youxiao go, I knew that she would give me a big surprise. And that’s exactly what happened, as soon as the Lu family begged for mercy, she softened her heart and ran to beg me.’ Ruan Shao Nan mockingly laughed, ‘And a look of trepidation and a low voice ……’
“Only she didn’t know that you were furious on your face, but in your heart you were already happy.’ Ling Luchuan smiled and put down his wine glass.
He padded his hands behind his head, looked at the bustling scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and let out a long sigh, ‘Alas, it’s all been counted into your bones……. What do you think, what is she thinking now?’
Ruan Shao Nan let out a light laugh, ‘She is thinking that in her next life …… never meet me again.’
With his wine glass in hand, he picked up the photo frame with a picture of Wei Hei embedded in it on the table and threw it into the rubbish bin next to him. The vivid face on the photo was buried in the dirty soot and confetti.
Ruan Shao Nan looked down at her and said to himself, ‘God’s will, don’t blame me. You said that you couldn’t live for me alone, yet you were willing to die for me. Then you, go to hell ……’

Chapter 33 Purgatory, but also so

After that night, no one mentioned Lu Wei Hei anymore. It seemed that as the dust settled from the ‘war of annihilation’, she disappeared from the hearts of the two men who owned the world. Just like the dust of summer, a rainstorm washed away the dust, leaving no trace.
Ruan Shao Nan was naturally happy with the scenery, Gu Yong Ling heard that he had finished his business and flew over from Singapore to celebrate his birthday. He gave himself a few days off and accompanied his fiancée to tour the scenic spots on the outskirts of the city, and the two of them were like glue, and had already begun to plan their wedding date.
Ling Luchuan used to days of leisure, see the Lu family affairs have been completed, his ‘Dynasty’ also from the acquisition of the war in the profit a lot, simply bought a single flight ticket to Hawaii, intends to give himself a long holiday.
Sitting on the plane out of the country, he casually flipped through the newspaper, inadvertently saw a piece of news. It turned out that Lu Renaxi had already been caught, and the court finally sentenced him to death, without mentioning anything else.
He remembered the first time he saw Max in the ‘City of Colours’, like a lotus flower in full bloom in the lotus pond in early summer, with the evening breeze blowing past, graceful and elegant. The small vermillion mole on her brow was like a totem that had been hidden in her eyes at a glance.
He turned his face and looked at the scenery of the city outside the window. The tall buildings lined up, the gilded mansions, the tens of millions of people, as if the magician instantly changed the miracle of the earth. Finally, the land disappeared, and in front of him were misty white clouds.
Lu Wei Hei’s appearance in his heart gently floated past, like the beautiful plume of a dove falling under the slanting sunlight, like a wordless song that can never be resisted in the bleak destiny.
But in the end, it is just floating through, like the remnants of flowers falling into the water in the springtime, creating beautiful ripples, and after the spring, there are no traces.
He put down the newspaper and gently closed his eyes.

Half a year later ……
In the city in August, it was the plum rainy season, and the rain was heavy. Dense diagonally woven ox hair rain, a one time is a day, rare a sunny day, and hot people can not breathe.
Ling Luchuan sat in the car, looking out the window at the street scene. But half a year, the city’s streets and alleys have changed so much, everywhere is demolished and built, built and demolished. The prosperity and bustle had reached such a bad point that it was unavoidable for people to feel uninterested.
The car entered the business district, slowed down in the tide of traffic. Ling Luchuan looked out the window in a dispensable manner.
Suddenly, a slender back under the shade of a tree attracted his attention, a strapless white dress, slender, a very familiar feeling, but somewhat different from his memory. He was puzzled in his heart and asked the driver to slow down.
She walked slowly, hesitantly looking around, as if looking for something. Ling Luchuan was a little unsure, and only let the car follow behind. The cars behind her couldn’t pick up speed and were so anxious that they all honked their horns, and for a while, the earth-shattering sound of the horns resounded throughout the street.
She heard the commotion behind her and looked back. Only then did Ling Luchuan realise: yes, it really was Lu Wei Hei! It turned out that she had cut her hair short, now only long enough for her shoulders, and used a silk scarf to cover most of her face, but the small vermilion sand mole on her brow hadn’t changed, and he remembered it.
Ling Luchuan’s heart could not help but move, letting the driver park the car casually on the side of the road, and walking down himself.
Wei Hei also stood still, holding a small book in his hand, looking around with a face full of anxiety.
‘Unhei ……’ he called her name from behind him.
The person in front of him turned back suspiciously, and in this instant of looking back, Ling Luchuan was like being struck by a bolt of lightning, and was really startled. Just now, he was far away, he did not see clearly, and now he is close to see.
His hand involuntarily touched it, and he saw that his hand was shaking, ‘How did you get it like this?’
Wei Hei lost her colour and took a big step back, looking at him as if she was looking at a stranger.
Ling Luchuan looked at her in surprise, ‘Don’t you recognise me?’
Wei Hei tilted her head, like a lost child, staring blankly at the man in front of her in all his splendour, and didn’t say anything. After a long time, she used a pen to write a line on a small notebook, then tore off the page and handed it to him.
Ling Luchuan looked down and saw that the paper read, I’m sorry, who are you? Do we know each other?
He crumpled the paper into a ball and grabbed her shoulders, ‘What happened to your voice?’
Before Wei Hei could answer, she only heard a sharp, angry scolding.
‘Ling Luchuan! What are you doing!’
Both of them were startled, and Rufei hurried over from somewhere, pushing him away with all his might and snatching up Wei Hei, nervously hiding her behind him.
Unhei seemed very confused by Rufei’s behaviour and tapped her on the shoulder as Rufei turned around.
Then the man saw the last thing he expected to see: not with her mouth, but with her hands, Unhail was speaking to Rufus. She was using sign language, the girl who used to sound like a warbler, she was really mute.
Rufei spoke to her, also in sign language. They used sign language to communicate, Ling Luchuan stood there, like looking at two aliens, could not understand a word.
I don’t know what Ru Fei said to Wei Hei, but she nodded her head as if she didn’t understand, and then smiled slightly at Ling Lu Chuan before being pulled away by Ru Fei.
Everything in front of him was too shocking, too strange. He wanted to go up and ask for clarification, but Rufei turned back and warned him in a very low voice, fiercely, ‘If you follow me again and scare her, I’ll call the police!’
He really did not follow the past, seems to have not recovered from the shock just now, a person standing under the sun, watched them leave.

That afternoon, he asked someone from the police station’s archives to find out the case file of Lu Renaxi, and the photo of Wei Hei when she was rescued. He also found the media reporter who knew about the case, and finally found out why there was no mention of the case in the newspaper.
Then he found the hospital’s injury report and Max’s medical records.
He spent the whole afternoon with them, not leaving his room. He stood up and sat down countless times. His fists clenched and unclenched again and again.
He read the medical records, the injury report, and Lu Rongxi’s statement over and over again as if he was torturing himself, as if he was questioning and flogging his soul. The only thing was those photos, which were so tragic that even he couldn’t bear to look at them again even though he had seen them once.
Until the early lights, he stood in his own ‘dynasty’, overlooking the masses of people below, his heart is still a burst of shock waves.
Everything that had happened in the past was like a slow-motion film, playing the changes of the wind and clouds that only belonged to her alone, frame by frame.
In front of his eyes, one moment is the first time they met in the ‘stunning city’ was amazing; one moment is he in the school reprimanded her when the poor; one moment is she stood in the side of Ruan Shao Nan, happy and quiet smile; the last all of the footage is fixed on those miserable photos.
I once thought that I was just a pusher in this cruel game of power disparity, only responsible for watching the fire from the other side of the shore and pushing the waves. And they personally have their own personal destiny, she came to this point, no one to blame, and no one to blame.
But at this moment, his heart could not be calm. There was something that shook him deeply and condemned him silently.
He suddenly realised that he and Ruan Shao Nan, had cruelly robbed an innocent girl of all she had, contemptuously destroying her life in a way that bordered on rape. He couldn’t imagine how he had let this happen in the first place, allowing them to push her step by step into this situation.
He can’t even imagine how Wei Hei, who is so weak, escaped from Lu Renaxi’s side in the first place.
Purgatory, it’s just like that ……

In the evening, when he was having dinner with Ruan Shao Nan, Ling Luochuan was still thinking about what happened in the afternoon, and was wan and absent-minded the whole evening.
After dinner, they sat in the living room drinking tea.
‘What’s wrong? The beauty and scenery of Hawaii didn’t serve you well? All night long you were listless.’ Ruan Shao Nan used the computer to watch the European stock market.
‘Nothing ……’ Ling Luchuan picked up the kazoos on the table and casually played with them, looked at Gu Yongling who had just stepped out of the swimming pool, a black bikini under the moonlight, lining her pretty figure, and casually asked, ’When are you guys plan to get married when?’
‘Some more days, the financial crisis has been a big deal lately, we’re all busy.’ Ruan Shao Nan looked up and said with a smile, ‘You playboy, when did you care about my marriage? It’s really rare.’
Ling Luchuan just laughed, pulling out the ancient styled Tibetan knife, the sharp blade was a cold ghostly blue in the light. He was a lover of knives and couldn’t help but sigh lightly, so he put it back and asked abruptly, ‘Have you seen Lu Wei Hei recently?’
Ruan Shao Nan shook his head, no half ripples on his unperturbed face, picked up his teacup and said, ‘I haven’t seen her, Mo Rufei did come to “Ease of Heaven” a few times to make a scene, and was whisked away by the security guards.’
‘Then she said nothing?’
‘I haven’t seen her, not really sure.’
Seeing Ruan Shao Nan’s nonchalant look, Ling Luchuan questioned, ‘When Lu Nong Hei was arrested, the news didn’t say a word about her, you suppressed the media from reporting it, right? You couldn’t possibly not know anything about her condition at the time, could you?’
Ruan Shao Nan smiled, ‘I suppressed the media because I was afraid that someone around her would talk nonsense and affect the image of “Yi Tian”. I only know that she’s not dead, as for the rest, do you think I need to care?’
Ling Luchuan raised his lips and smiled, undeniably, ‘I asked someone to find out the dossier from that time this afternoon, and it was said that at that time, Lu Renxie thought she was dead, and it was she herself who climbed out of that abandoned glass factory. It’s a miracle she survived.’
‘Oh?’ Ruan Shao Nan raised an eyebrow, ‘So what was she like then?’
Ling Luchuan remembered the photos he saw in the afternoon, a chill bubbled up between his chest and lungs again, looking into Ruan Shao Nan’s eyes, he said, ‘You don’t want to know.’
Ling Luchuan deliberately sold a secret, but Ruan Shao Nan didn’t ask one more question, put the teacup aside and changed his words, ‘Why are you suddenly so interested in this matter?’
Ling Luchuan threw away the knife in his hand and leaned back against the sofa, ‘It’s nothing, I saw her on the street in the afternoon, she’s changed so much that I barely recognised her. A moment of curiosity, so I went to check.’
‘So that’s how it is.’ Ruan Shao Nan nodded, ‘What, is this considered a new target? The model you met in Hawaii last month was quite good, getting bored so quickly?’
Ling Luchuan sat up straight, sizing up the man with studied eyes. The man in front of her had no mood swings at all, and even after he hinted at what had happened to her, he still didn’t change his colour, talking and laughing, with an indifferent expression, as if the person they were talking about had never had anything to do with him.
He can be so desperate, if he is not too self-control, too much perseverance, that is really no feelings for her.
He asked with some curiosity, ‘Do you really not care?’
Shao Nan seemed a bit disinterested in this topic, and made a gentlemanly gesture of invitation, ‘Make yourself at home.’
Ling Luchuan stood up, picked up his own jacket, and patted him on the shoulder, ‘Then I won’t be polite. You know, I’ve actually always quite liked her.’
‘That’s true.’ Ruan Shao Nan stared at the stock market and said, ‘But you can remember to be merciful, that girl’s body is weak, she can’t handle the tossing and turning. Don’t play with the fire yourself, it’s not easy to clean up at that time.’
‘What’s not easy to clean up?’ Gu Yongling came in with a bath towel and gave Ruan Shao Nan a peck on the cheek like a bird.
Ruan Shao Nan smiled and patted her face, pulling her to sit down beside him, ‘It’s not Luochuan, changing the painting again.’
Gu Yongling looked at Ling Luchuan’s excessively beautiful face and urged, ‘You’d better spare the girl, knowing you for so long, I’ve never seen you serious. It’s a heavenly fairy for you, I’m afraid that in three days, you’ll see it as a stable breeze and forget about it behind your neck.’
Ling Luchuan put his jacket on his shoulder and walked towards the door while saying, ‘It’s better than some people, who spoil people to the sky for a while, as if the world is unmatched. Once bad, hate to step on the bottom of the foot, never turn over. Be the woman beside him, seek your own happiness ……’

Chapter 34 When you are well, we change the way of life

When Chi Mo came back at night, he heard a movement in the bathroom and met Rufei who was about to go to work. He puts down his backpack and asks, ‘Is she still in there?’
Rufei sighs, ‘Yes, locked herself in for almost a night.’
‘What’s wrong with her today?’
Rufei gritted her teeth in hatred, ‘What bad luck, originally, I went out today because I wanted to buy her some painting tools for the start of the school year. Who knows, on the street I saw Ruan Shao Nan sitting in a public service announcement. I was afraid that she would get confused and watched her for half a day, but I got separated. Who knows, I ran into Ling Luchuan on the street again, and when I found her, he was pulling her to talk.’
Chi Mo looked at the bathroom somewhat nervously, ‘Did she recognise him at that time?’
‘I didn’t recognise him at that time, but this moment, she remembered again, and even hooked up with that person, otherwise why would she be like this.’ She looked at Ji Mo’s face, ‘How come you’re hung up again? Did you hurt your eyes?’
Ji Mo shook his head, ‘A small injury, it’s fine. Be careful when you go out to work.’
Rufei nodded and put on his shoes and left.

Ji Mor hung up his gloves and took off his jacket. Even though it was nighttime, the tin house was still sweltering hot enough for people to breathe.
He took off his vest and trousers, wiped his sweaty body with the cool water from the basin, and, naked and without covering himself with anything, fell headlong onto the bed and, like an exhausted and weary beast, quickly fell asleep.
In the drowsiness, I felt a coolness on my face. Opened his eyes to see, it was Wei Hei holding ice, helping him to apply medicine.
Chi Mo smiled, held her hand and said, ‘I’ll do it myself.’
Wei Hei shook her head and removed the ice, carefully wiping away the blood around the wound before picking up a small cotton swab and delicately applying the potion to him.
The potion was so strong that it hurt when it hit the wound. Ji Mo couldn’t help but let out a sizzling sound, and Wei Hei could only slow down and lighten up a bit more, rubbing the medicine while breathing on him, as if this could ease his pain, but his tears crackled down at some point.
Ji Mo sighed and wiped his tears with his calloused fingers, ‘Silly girl, why are you crying? I’m fine, aren’t I?’
Wei He held Chi Mor’s hand, shook his head, and said to him in sign language, ‘Don’t you care about me anymore, I’ve already dragged you down too much ……’
Chi Mor held that pair of cold little hands and didn’t let her go on, touched the shocking injuries on her neck, and said with heartache: ‘So difficult you have survived, it’s not like it can’t be cured, how can I not care about you? In a few days the school will start, go to your classes, tuition fees you do not have to worry about. How many people you begged before the school agreed to keep your school registration. As long as you can finish your studies, and as long as I can cure your voice, anything I do will be worth it.’
Wei Hei’s tears fell even more fiercely, hugging the man’s strong but scarred body, sobbing uncontrollably. How many wounds on this body were suffered for her, she had lost count. Just thinking about it made her heart ache like a knife twisting.
It was she who was useless, failing as a human being to this extent. It was not even enough that she herself had been cheated and played to the bone, but she had even dragged them into suffering after her.
If it wasn’t for her medical treatment, Ru Fei wouldn’t have spent all his savings, and Ji Mor wouldn’t have agreed to Wei Cheng Bao, fight black market boxing for him, and come back every day with a bruise. He was once such a proud man, but now he has to use his life and dignity to entertain those inhuman spectators.
‘I’m sorry ……,’ Wei Hei’s hand stopped in mid-air, apart from this, she didn’t know what else she could say to him with her hands.
However, her unfinished apology made his heart ache even harder. He took her hands and said heartbreakingly, ‘Don’t apologise to me, or to anyone else. You are not at fault, from beginning to end, the fault is not yours. No matter what kind of hurt we had been in, yet, loving someone’s heart can never be wrong, can never be meaningless.’
He kissed her forehead, ‘Unh, trust me, everything will be fine. When you’re better, we’ll live differently.’

Everything will be fine ……
Ruifei was still thinking about it in her mind as she went to work. School would start soon, and when she went back to school, Wei Hei would definitely get better. When she and Chi Mor saved up enough money for Wei Hei to get her voice fixed, she would definitely be even better. By then, they must live differently.
Yes, there is hope when one lives. As long as there is hope, everything is worth it.
Including right now, everything she was enduring.

While thinking like this, Rufus was pouring wine for the guests. Not sitting, but kneeling.
She wasn’t the only one, but this nightclub she was currently working at, all the waiters in the boxes were like this.
Kneeling service, an imported product learnt from the East. Exclusively for the rich, especially men, to enjoy the pleasure of money supremacy and the innate sense of superiority given to them by the hegemony in gender.
I just don’t understand why some people’s sense of superiority has to be based on trampling on other people’s self-respect.
All the waiters are women, and they all have to wear a uniform style of tight cheongsam, and when they kneel down, the bottoms inside are inevitably exposed to the carnal, lewd, or disdainful gazes of the men, which is considered an extra benefit.
Ruofei is a standard S body, curvy, slender waist and neck, wearing cheongsam is especially beautiful. The men in the box almost didn’t look at the lady next to them, unanimously staring at the scenery under her skirt.
Except for only one person.
Ling Luchuan shook his wine glass, the transparent liquid flowing with amber-like light under the surly light. A pair of beautiful danfeng eyes looked thoughtfully at the person kneeling on the floor to serve them. He really didn’t expect that he would actually run into Mo Rufei here.
As the saying goes, one does not meet anywhere in life.
He smiled and drank the wine in his cup in one go.

When the phone rang, Ji Mo was already sound asleep. Wei Hei sat up from beside him, afraid of waking him up, and went outside to answer it himself. As a result, she looked down and saw that it was Rufei’s number.
She picks it up and taps on the microphone, and when she hears this, Rufei understands that it’s her answering the phone. However, it was a man’s voice that came out of it.
She listened in silence, and when she put down the phone, her face was already white.

The ‘Night Beauty’ is a new nightclub in the city, which is considered to be a newcomer in the moonshine circle. The scale, the row, the momentum naturally with the ‘stunning city’ can not be compared, but the victory in its own characteristics.
Luxurious box in a colourful beauty kneeling service is a since, but is not fresh. Here is the most unique, actually recruited some of the student girls in school to run the scene guest. Boss and cunning, someone to check only said that the little sister followed their own guests, and the nightclub has nothing to do. So, sitting on the table became ‘aid sex’, the nightclub earned enough money for drinks, but can be skimmed off the top.
And these children’s guts than adults, open a pair of uninitiated, innocent eyes, in order to a brand-name purse, a bottle of perfume, dare to try anything, nothing cares. But there are people who are good at it, who think they can do anything because they have a few bucks, and who reach out with their claws to the tender breasts of young girls who could almost be their own daughters.
If you come to work here is also a helpless move, she ran to Yi Tian to find Ruan Shao Nan theory, the culprit ended up unharmed, she not only fell and hurt her leg, but also because of this lost their jobs.
When I first came here, I was wronged and suffered losses, needless to say. The reality of the situation has made her more and more submissive.
When she arrived at the ‘Night Beauty’, there were already bodyguards in black guarding the door.
‘Miss Lu?’
Hei nodded.
‘Please follow me.’
The man respectfully led her all the way to the box area, but she saw a figure in the doorway anxiously round and round, a closer look, it turned out to be Lili sister.
She used to be the mother’s daughter of the ‘City of Colours’, and had taken care of Ru Fei. Because of offending the guests, only to turn to this place to make a living. She’s from the north, and she’s very chivalrous. She’s on good terms with Ru Fei, and the two of them have always looked after each other.
When she saw Wei Hei arrive, Lili first stared blankly, then hurriedly pulled her back, ‘Why are you here if you’re not staying at home?’
Wei Hei looked at the man in black, who was gentlemanly enough to keep to the side and not rush her. So she took out the small notebook she had with her and wrote on a piece of paper, ‘What’s going on inside?’
Only then did Lili give an ‘oops’ and tell the whole story to Max.
It turned out that Ling Luchuan saw Rufei in the box and asked about Max’s recent situation. Rufei, who already hated him, patiently replied. But she didn’t realise that the young master wanted to get to the bottom of the matter.
She couldn’t hold back for a moment and laughed coldly, ‘If you want to know something, you, Ling Shao, are so capable, why don’t you find out for yourself? You want to expose other people’s scars here. Is it possible that a sister in your family has been abused, and you still want to ask her if she had any pleasure?’
The moment these words came out, the entire seat was shocked! The level of shock could be imagined.
Ling Luchuan was a man who had been spoiled by the crowd, and even though he felt sorry for Wei Hei, he wouldn’t let anyone get under his skin. He did not immediately attack, only a cold laugh, a pair of eyes coolly looked at her, full of laughter and non-smile. Seeing this scene, no Hu people not for Ru Fei pinch cold sweat.
The young lady in the room was so nervous that she couldn’t speak, and the people who were usually so delicate didn’t dare to come out to round up the situation.
Soon, all the other girls were kicked out, and Rufei was the only one left in the room, and her fate was uncertain at the moment.
As she walked to the door of the box, her heart was in a state of turmoil, as if she was about to be sent into the mouth of a tiger. The horror of the situation came to her at that moment. When she thought about the relationship between the person inside and that person, she had to exert a lot of effort to restrain herself from the urge to run away.
She was no longer the same Lu Wei Hei whose heart was as simple as simple, and who could deal with sudden humiliation with ease. Over the past six months, sometimes she was clear, sometimes she was confused, she always remembered things sporadically, often lost things, and her mind became dumber and dumber. She has lost the confidence and calmness she was so proud of, and has become more and more timid.
Wei Hei stood in the doorway, breathing deeply, she did not know Ling Luchuan single called her out, what exactly to do?
However, she knew that it would not be a good thing. These people are the ancestors of the word ‘play’, masters of playing tricks on people. They don’t have to do it themselves, and they love nothing more than to watch them, who are like ants, belittle themselves.
Max bit his lip, his palms sweating, his heart beating like a drum. But if she wasn’t in there, she’d have to jump in even if there was hell ahead.

Chapter 35: In Havoc

At noon, Ruan Shao Nan sat alone in the restaurant near the floor-to-ceiling windows and drank coffee. Although it was noon, there weren’t many people in the restaurant because of the poisonous sun outside and the sweltering sauna weather.
He looked down at his watch, this was the first time Gu Yongling was late. She was a very punctual person, never like some women who made being late a patent.
Perhaps something had come up.
Just as he was thinking about it, the person walked up. Gu Yongling a decent and cool Prada summer dress, swaying over, even if it is such an elegant western restaurant, with her presence, there is a kind of fluffy feeling.
The waiter next to her immediately pulled open the seat for her, Gu Yongling sat down, smiling, ‘Sorry, the company has something delayed a little, and then ran into a traffic jam.’
Ruan Shao Nan nodded slightly and said nothing more. Gu Yongling also made no more noise, and the waiter brought the menu.
During the meal, Ruan Shao Nan suddenly asked, ‘I heard that the branch you manage has had financial problems recently, do you need my help?’
Gu Yongling smiled elegantly, ‘No need, I can take care of it myself.’
Ruan Shao Nan nodded, appreciation showing in his gaze. He just liked Gu Yongling’s composure and competence, and her ability to advance and retreat. Unlike the usual rich girl, who was arrogant and pompous, and clearly knew nothing, but liked to think she knew it all.
It is said that smart men like stupid women, in fact, that is just a useless woman to deceive themselves and others.
The more intelligent men, the more like smart women. Love is like playing chess, only an even match can keep the fun going.

After dessert, the music in the restaurant seemed to be more soothing, and the two people sat comfortably on the sofa blowing on the air conditioning, both a little misty-eyed.
Ruan Shao Nan didn’t eat much, he had been having headaches lately, but he drank a lot of coffee, chatting with Gu Yong Ling while looking out at the scenery.
Across the street from the restaurant was the central square, and at two o’clock in the afternoon, it was the hottest time of the day, and as far as the eye could see, there was white sunlight everywhere. But there is a person, standing under the sun, looking around, as if waiting for someone, pretty middle-length hair, thin figure, in that empty square seems to be very abrupt.
Ruan Shao Nan’s expression did not move, drinking coffee while watching. But a few moments of work, a man walked over, that handsome and unforgettable face, they had a one-sided relationship in the hospital, and then see each other again after that, it was in the photo.
Ruan Shao Nan quietly watched, watched her standing under the hot sun with her food box, like a little bird fluttering into another man’s arms, watched her sunburnt little face, watched that man affectionately pinch her pointed chin.
Then the two sat down intimately on a bench in the shade. She was sweating profusely, but still busy, laying a newspaper on the chair before opening the food box layer by layer, the black one was sushi, the red one was grilled chicken wings, red and black, the colours were lovely.
Ruan Shao Nan remembered the flavour of the food, it used to be his midnight snack when he worked overtime, she learnt how to make it for him. Wei Hei used to bring it in that food box every time, put it in the microwave in the pantry, and the aroma of rice, ham, seaweed, and chicken wings filled the whole room.
Now, the woman who used to cook for him as a late-night snack, picked up a piece of sushi with her chopsticks and sent it into another man’s mouth, and took out juice from her bag to give him a drink.
That man also contentedly wrapped his arm around her shoulder and turned his face to speak to her, leaving the beholder with only a handsome, captivating side view.
Blue sky, white clouds, wind and sunshine, golden square, white cool chairs, affectionate couples …… very warm and romantic picture, no wonder it attracted passersby to look sideways.

‘Shao Nan, it’s almost time, my company still has a meeting in the afternoon.’ Gu Yongling looked at her watch and reminded the man opposite her. Ruan Shao Nan withdrew his gaze and said, ‘I’ll see you off.’
As they got up, Ruan Shao Nan realised that he wasn’t actually full. He looked in the direction of the plaza again, where Wei Hei had pulled out a white handkerchief and was wiping Ji Mor’s sweat.
‘What’s the plan for the evening?’ Ruan Shao Nan asked his fiancée as he picked up his car.
‘Nothing much.’
He started the engine, ‘Then go to my house.’

After five in the afternoon, it was the peak time to get off work, the heat was dissipating, the hustle and bustle had not yet vanished, people were coming and going in the afterglow of the twilight, the city’s twilight was as busy and lonely as ever.

On last year’s New Year’s Eve, the flower market was lit up like daytime. The moon was over the willow, and people were about to meet after dusk.

Hei wrote these lines on the back of the paper and handed the finished work to an elderly couple.
The old couple took a look at the painting and nodded their heads in satisfaction as the couple’s faces appeared on the paper with just a few brushstrokes.
The old man then looked at the writing on the back, which was beautiful and neat without losing its strength, and couldn’t help but give a thumbs up and say, ‘Young lady, what a handsome writing.’
Wei Hei smiled and wrote in his own little notebook, ‘As long as you two are satisfied.’
The old man stroked his moustache and smiled, ‘Although Ouyang Xiu’s famous lines are many, I love this one alone. Do you know the second half of the song?’
Wei Hei pondered for a moment and wrote on his notebook:

On this year’s New Year’s Eve, the moon and the lamps remain the same. The moon and the lamps are still lit. I don’t see the person I met last year, and my sleeves are full of tears.

After thinking about it, he also wrote:

Li Qingzhao has a song, the mood of the song is similar: wind to the dust and fragrance of the flowers have been exhausted, the day evening tired of combing hair. Things are not what they used to be, want to talk about tears first.

The old man nodded his head as he read it, ‘It’s better to use these lines of Yi An Ju Shi’s, girl, well written.’
Wei Hei smiled and wrote, ‘I specialise in Western oil painting, I don’t know much about classical Chinese poetry, so I was just fooling around on the spur of the moment, I’m sorry to make you laugh.’
The old man couldn’t help but sigh in admiration, ‘Such a beautiful child, such a good talent, it’s a pity ……’

Time was almost up, Wei Hei counted today’s income, it was the best in the past few days. She put the money close to her body and set about packing up her painting equipment. Just then, however, there was the pleasant sound of singing coming from not far away.
She turned back to look, and it turned out to be a girl holding a guitar singing. This girl came here every day, comforting the tired passers-by with her sweet song.
Today’s song is more melodious than usual, attracting many off-duty passers-by to stop and watch, and occasionally someone throws a few coins into the girl’s guitar case.
The same is the end of the world. I vaguely remember someone said, drifting place, called far; can not go back to the place, called home. And how many people in this city are precarious and displaced, lost in the hustle and bustle of the day and the glamour of the night?
And she was singing softly:

I believe you’re still here
Never left
My love is like an angel guarding you
If life only goes so far
There’s no me from here on out
I’ll find an angel to love you for me

It’s a mouthful that’s been chewed up by people, but for some reason, when she heard these lines, she unknowingly burst into tears.
The sun was setting and the birds were returning to their nests. Standing in the deepest part of the city was like standing in a vast wilderness, and the future had become an endless wilderness.
She gently closed her eyes against the afterglow of twilight.
Later, Wei Hei painted the scene that appeared in her mind that day into a green oil painting. The barren sky and earth, the strong wind, the broken wings of the bird flying against the wind …… everything that once came to mind, like a brave tide, with infinite dreams and strong vitality on the canvas erupted.
She named the painting ‘Against the Wind’ and wrote this sentence next to it:

The future is a boundless wilderness, I broke my wings and flew ……

The deep sound of footsteps came from behind her, fluttering …… and startling countless pigeons. Wei Hei put away the painting tools, in the golden afterglow and the sound of pigeon wings flapping suddenly turned around, so, inevitably, with a pair of beautiful eyes four eyes.
Years later, whenever Ling Luchuan thought of that day, of this glimpse in the city’s dusk, of the doves fluttering in the red sky, of those beautiful, sad eyes in the golden sunset, he always felt that it was like a dream.
Because such a scene is too beautiful, does not belong to the hustle and bustle of the world, only in dreams.
However, everything is like destiny. Just like life has countless intersections, there are countless choices, there are countless people once tried to break into his world, scrambling to be the first, only she desperately backed away, but only she, only to make his heart miss.
And this thought is actually a lifetime.

Wei Hei took a step back in fear, knocking over the easel and losing her own centre of gravity. Luckily, Ling Luchuan was well-trained and quick to pull her back, and with the inertia, she involuntarily fell into his arms.
‘Do you count this as throwing yourself into his arms?’ The man seemed to be in a good mood, and managed to laugh when her arm hit his stomach.
Wei Hei wasn’t in such a good mood as he was, and struggled a few times in his arms, but she couldn’t break away horizontally.
Ling Luchuan looked at her and laughed, ‘You’d better save your strength, if you escape, I’ll have wasted my days at the Army Academy.’ He said and pulled her arm and dragged her towards the car, ‘Let’s go, let’s eat. You promised me yesterday that the time after this would be mine.’
Wei Hei was stuffed into the passenger seat by him, and before she could sit still, Ling Luchuan instructed, ‘Stay well, don’t run away while I’m getting my stuff, or else ……’ He hooked her chin with his finger, ‘You know the consequences. ’
Unhei saw him pick up her easel with one hand, her drawing board and the backpack that was on the floor with the other, and then throw it into the boot of the car with a wave of annoyance.
‘What do you want to eat?’ Ling Luchuan asked her cheerfully as he sat in the driver’s seat.
Wei Hei’s eyes widened, like a deer caught by a hunter, her face full of dazed and panicked, Ling Luchuan looked at her with a smile on his face, ‘Have you forgotten me again, or are you determined to pretend you don’t remember? The poor play this trick to me can not be used, you know, I always do not understand the ‘pity’’.
He took out a small notebook and wrote, ‘I have intermittent memory loss, not permanent memory loss, I remember what I promised you and I remember your relationship with him. I don’t know what you want to do, but you are both decent people with status, the two horses are still not the same trough, please save some face for each. What I promised you last night was just a meal, after accompanying you for this meal, we’ll go our separate ways.’
Ling Luchuan kneaded the piece of paper into a ball again and let out a cold laugh, ‘Cursing without dirty words, and condescending like what, I really kinda miss your eloquent teeth. Why do you need to be so polite and obscure? Wouldn’t you be more relieved if you directly called us shameless and worse than beasts? You think you can save yourself by nudging me a few times? If I tell you ……‘ he deliberately paused and looked at her obliquely from the corner of his long, showy eyes, “that he not only doesn’t care about ”two horses in the same trough,’ but also very generously lets me do as I please, will you be Wouldn’t you be devastated?’
Wei Hei almost sucked in a breath and stared at him with wide, dazed eyes.
Ling Luchuan bullishly insulted as if biting his lips, a tearful, dark expression, spare to harden the heart again, at this moment also turned into a softness of the fingers, some guilt said: ‘Just kidding, you do not care. But …… you don’t need to remind me again and again about the relationship between the three of us.’
He looked at her and smiled coolly, with an unconcerned and cruel tone, ‘If I really want it, the heavenly kings and goddesses can’t save you.’

Fragrant wine, angry roses, dim light, the woman who politely accepts pleasure. Another beautiful and boring night ……
Ruan Shao Nan rolled over and got up somewhat tastelessly, put on his pyjamas and sat on the bed to light a cigarette.
The woman wriggled her beautiful and delicate body, suddenly a little overwhelmed, supporting her arms and softly asked, ‘What’s wrong?’
He casually flicked the ashes of the cigarette, ‘Change of perfume?’
‘Guilty, you don’t like it?’ Gu Yongling was a little puzzled, lilac and geranium, adorned with sweet peach fragrance, full of feminine provocation and deadly seductiveness, a man should like it.
Ruan Shao Nan laughed softly and didn’t say anything. Plucking his fiancée’s hand away, he said with disinterest, ‘You go to sleep first, I still have some work to take care of.’
Pouring himself a cup of coffee, he didn’t switch on the light. The man sat in the chair in the study, the city of fireworks and night in front of him, even at night, still flamboyant as a street solicitor’s whore, sparing no effort to sell their cheap smiles and tacky bodies to the passing passers-by.
This is the city he lives in, the city he is trampling under his feet at the moment, the cold rolling red dust, the prosperous and rotten concrete forest. At the moment, he stood at the highest point of the city, looking down at the ten thousand lights under his feet, always feeling that the city was the most beautiful from this angle.
A life of admiration, a life of wealth and honour for outsiders, a life of prominence for Dahong. The whole thing that he has got from all his calculations and efforts is really very beautiful. The moment he stood on top of ten thousand feet almost made his heart intoxicated and dazzled.
However, this pleasure did not last long. Everything was still beautiful, but it just gradually became very ordinary and commonplace. In the future …… perhaps it will be even more ordinary, even more ordinary.
Just like the recognition of the scene in front of us, the rotten neon, the forest of jade buildings, the world of the well-dressed, the background of the joyful, as well as those flies and dogs, mediocre higher animals.
After seeing too much, I can’t help but get bored. Life seems to have become a middle-aged couple sex, no excitement, no passion, no orgasm, only day after day of the four flat, better than nothing.

Cigarettes burned out, he opened the drawer to look for cigarettes, but found a bottle of blue asthma medicine in the corner. He took the bottle out, put it on his nose and sniffed it lightly, and the familiar scent of the medicine filled his entire chest and lungs.
He remembered that confusing and indulgent night with the same kind of downward moon. She was in his arms, her willowy brows furrowed, her sweat slightly cold, her cold fingers against his hot chest, sobbing in the midst of his ferocious desire, her pained expression so powerless.
He remembered her open and closed lips, her watery eyes, her slender legs, her smooth skin, her bright body.
The whole night, he was like a ferocious gourmand, greedy and insatiable. She had been in poor health, and he was never like that before. She was Lu Zixu’s daughter, and he had no feelings for her. But he didn’t want to scare her away until his revenge plan was complete.
But that night he completely lost control, he didn’t remember how many times he wanted her, he only remembered that he had tied her hands, one at a time, possessing her without a care, devouring her, hating that he couldn’t swallow her into his stomach, hiding her in his lungs, tucked away in that place where he couldn’t see the sun.
He sank madly into her body with that wickedness, that terrible passion. It wasn’t earthly, it was an incomprehensible paradise, a fiery hell.
By the time he came to his senses, she was soaking the sheets with sweat ……
Why would he do that to her? Why did he lose control like that, losing almost all composure and rationality?
I vaguely remember that it was because of a photo. A photo, of her being forcibly kissed by another man. It wasn’t really her fault, her fault was that she was being bullied and yet she covered up for him.
What did that say about her?

Ruan Shao Nan heard his own heavy breathing, sharp and disordered in the silent darkness, under the cool moonlight.
This summer night was too stifling, and opening the window was not soothing. He leaned against the back of the chair, sweat beaded on his forehead, his temples still hurt. Half asleep, vaguely a pair of gentle hands, gently pushing and kneading on his acupoints of excruciating pain.
It was a familiar feeling, as if he was back in the old days, when he was sitting alone in his study with his eyes closed, and she would pour him a cup of tea, and the room was filled with the faint aroma of tea in the shadows of the lamp.
Sometimes when he worked late, she stayed with him in the study. He worked on this side and she watched soap operas on the computer there. As soon as he looked up, he could see her hugging her knees, with a big headset on her head, shrinking in the chair like a chicken pecking drowsy, noticing his gaze, immediately tilted her little head and smiled at him, and then forced herself to continue to watch.
Exhausted like that, all for the sake of accompanying him, in order to be able to let him raise his head when a glance to see him.
He laughed softly in the darkness, stood up, threw the bottle of asthma medicine into the rubbish bin, closed the window of the study, went back to the bathroom to take a shower, and then lay down on the bed to sleep.
One Night Without Dreams ……

Chapter 36 A Smile for the City

People say, ‘July flows with fire, September grants clothes.’ After the start of autumn, it should have been high and refreshing weather, but this year’s summer seems to be longer than previous years. Already in September, the coastal city is still hot, the tiger’s residual power is still there, so that people travelling a little action, as if in the bathroom steamed Sangnan.
Ruan Shao Nan came back from a business trip and just opened his mobile phone, someone called to invite him. Although a long flight, but did not feel very tired, the other party is three times, generous, so from the airport directly to the hotel to go to this meal.
The host to see him so give face, naturally, wine and food, can not help but be happy. Seated with the characters are also on the scene, and a few two or three line of small stars, each eight-faced, beautiful to eat. After three rounds of wine, he could not help but some ear heat, so avoid the crowd, a person into the washroom.
When washing his face, two more people came in, both drank red, only to hear one of them said: ‘How come I haven’t seen Ling Shao out lately?’
The other smiled and said, ‘Don’t you know? I heard that he has recently met a student from the Academy of Fine Arts, and the two of them are dry-humping each other and getting hot!’
‘A female college student? What does she look like?’
‘I don’t know, a few of my buddies have never seen it. He did a good job of keeping it a secret this time, hiding that girl from the world, and never bringing her out once. We all said, I’m afraid it’s just a night and day, so I can’t afford to come out.’
‘Heh ……’ The two men looked at each other and laughed, their voices piercing.
‘But this is also strange, can put a ‘group of flowers in the bushes over, a piece of leaf does not touch the body’ character, make the soul, half a moment not to leave the body, it is difficult to not that girl has three heads and six arms?’
‘What can tie down Ling Luchuan, is no less than a fox charming youngest moth. Haven’t you heard? The most alluring time for a woman is not the pure jade girl, nor the beautiful mature girl, but the process of changing from a jade girl to a mature girl in your hand. The benefits of this, you and I who haven’t tried it, naturally don’t know ……’
A burst of ambiguous laughter, Ruan Shao Nan drew out a piece of paper, dried his hands, and walked out.

At eight or nine o’clock in the night, it suddenly rained, pattering, cool through the curtain. When Wei Hei opened the window of the car, the night breeze with water vapour pounced on his face, with a bit of earthy fragrance.
She had just eaten the hot and mellow spiced meat hot pot and was feeling hot and dry, but now the wind was blowing and it was refreshing to her body. She leaned against the window of the car, actually a little drowsy.
‘To ask you to come out to eat with me once is simply harder than climbing up to heaven. As if I’m going to poison you, which time isn’t good?’ Ling Luchuan drove while counting, ‘This time, the ground sheep hot pot is good, right? You should eat more meat, eat those nutrient-poor things all day long, if you were in Beijing, a gust of wind could blow you away.’
From the corner of her eye, Wei Hei took a look at this chattering man. Then she told herself for the nth time that she would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than to trust Ling Luchuan’s mouth.
In the beginning, it was agreed to be a meal, but in the end, after one meal, there was another meal. After this meal, there is the next meal. Every time he lied to her that it was the last time, but after every ‘last time’, he always came up with all sorts of strange and weird ways to force her to give in.
In the end, he simply touched her soft underbelly, do not need to spend more brain power, as long as the classroom in front of her classroom stop, afraid of being the classmates of the side of the eye, only to obediently go with him.
Ling Luchuan is a northerner with a strong taste for spicy Korean food, raw Japanese food, and savoury Lu cuisine. He is also a pure carnivore, a meal is meatless. Most of the dishes ordered are not accustomed to eating in the plain, he did not care, not to mention humble, as long as she sat next to him to eat on the line, she ate or not, he did not care.
Wei Hei is really bitter, and can not always be hungry to stand on the side, only to watch him feast, and finally he was ‘forced’, completely assimilated. After trying, but also delicious. Especially just now that ‘ground sheep hot pot’, soup fresh meat tender, but not greasy, but is a nourishing product.
‘Talking to you? Don’t be so rude.’ Ling Luchuan said and pushed her.
Wei Hei almost pressed herself against the windowpane, this young master always thought that other people could withstand the same kind of beating as he could, and never had a light hand. She picked herself up and spoke directly back to him in sign language, ‘You say it, I’m listening.’
After all, the two had been together for some days, and Ling Luchuan was an extremely intelligent person, simple sign language he could now understand.
Ling Luchuan was very dissatisfied and yelled in a subdued manner, ‘Little Auntie, how many times have I said this, where is this all listening to? You’re deliberately making fun of me, making my liver quiver, so you can be happy all by yourself, aren’t you?’
Wei Hei couldn’t help but laugh and quickly turned her face away. It was only after getting along that he realised that whenever he was in a hurry, he would always come up with one or two lines of ‘Peking Opera’, a soft language, without a voice, and with a heavy paediatric accent, which was much lovelier than his usual mannerisms.
And this person is not ruthless time, handsome and gold, not to mention, coaxing people’s tricks have a basket of tricks, really is a role of cheating death.
No wonder there are so many beauties who stick to him all day like bees to honey.
Ling Luchuan saw Wei Hei looking out the window and thought that she was not willing to take care of him, very indignant, ‘I knew it, you just don’t want to see me. You like the one who wears a boxing suit all day long. Tell me, what is it about me that is not as good as him? Am I not as good as him, or not as good as him? Do you like that he can fight? I’m not so bad. I’ve had proper training. I’m better than him at boxing. Don’t believe me? One day to pull out to try, to really trainers, let’s see the real chapter on the field ……’
Wei Hei heard Ling Luchuan suddenly mentioned Ji Mo, heart can not help but a burst of shame, and a burst of pain, just some of the emotions of the clearing swept away, the person also darkened down.
Ling Luchuan was really drunk, but he didn’t let up, ‘You’d better speak up, what makes him better than me?’
Wei Hei rolled her eyes, realising that she had really met a ghost today, as they say, the king of hell is easy to see, but the little ghosts are difficult to deal with. This young master is even more difficult than a ghost.
She took out her notebook and wrote four words without any goodwill, adding another exclamation mark, ‘He’s more handsome than you!’ And purposely waved it in front of his eyes.
Ling Luchuan how did not expect to be this result, and not good to attack, angry teeth, hate spit out two words: ‘Shallow!’ And no longer make a sound.
All the way to peace without words ……

The car is parked downstairs, surrounded by crowded, towering pigeonhole buildings, narrow buildings between, is an equally narrow sky. Standing on the street and looking up, you can’t see the stars or the moon, only tacky signboards and ambiguous neon lights.
A few stragglers on the street lazily leaned against the door, flirtatiously sizing up the passers-by with balking gazes, and a few bold ones even aimed a pair of seductive eyes at Ling Luchuan’s face, and then shrank back when they were flinched by his eyes. Occasionally there are a few men in the form of obscene up to accost, or hit it off, or not happy, the price determines everything.
Ling Luchuan pulled open the car door for her, ‘Tomorrow is the weekend, remember to free up your time for me and take you to a place.’
‘Where to?’ Wei Hei asked him in sign language.
‘You’ll know when you get there. Hurry up and get up there, you’re sleepy like that, don’t stand in the wind, you’ll catch cold.’
Unh looked at him and turned to go.
‘He suddenly called out to her.
Max looked back again, but saw his hands in his trouser pockets, leaning against the door of the car, standing between the bleak buildings of the slum street, behind the decadent streets, drunken neon, his beautiful black eyes glittering in the light, in the midst of this dismal ruins, smiling at her.
This smile, like a broken tiles on the decaying walls of a morning sun, even though the years have passed, still gentle time, stunning the years.
Wei Hei’s heart moved, I knew that he is a natural flirt, is a sharp, handsome and peerless characters, but I did not expect, even can be ‘evil’ to the point of a smile to the city. I can not help but sigh, this kind of life is born to make a woman’s liver, pain.
But he stood there, seven points of dissatisfaction, three points of uneasiness, told her, ‘Remember to think more about me at night when you’re alone, although you live under one roof, but also can not be guilty of thinking about him all the time. Think more and you will find out, in fact …… I am also quite handsome.’

When Max went into the house, Ji Mo had not yet come back. Ru Fei was on her way to work when she saw Wei Hei’s red face and knew that Young Master Ling had dragged her out to eat those strange things again.
Ru Fei hurriedly took her by the hand and asked her if the young man had done anything untoward. Wei Hei told her the truth, and only when she knew that the man hadn’t done anything untoward, or taken anything by trickery, did Ru Fei feel a little relieved. However, she was still worried, and complained that she should not have offended him in the first place, and let him seize the opportunity to pester her endlessly.
Wei Hei could only reassure her that it was just an excuse, and that if he really made up his mind, it would be the same with or without him.
While she was talking, half the day passed, and Rufei left for work. Wei Hei was really a bit tired after a long day of classes and spending the middle of the night with a mongrel.
She opened the window, and if she didn’t hang the curtains, she could see the bedroom across the street clearly just by standing here. Unhei knew that there was a prostitute living across the street who brought a different man home every day. When she was doing business, she never drew the curtains. When she was home alone, she kept the curtains drawn.
Venting? An accusation? Or just a fit of exhibitionism?
Unexplainable ……
Most of the people who live in this kind of place are living a life that has no reasoning behind every action.
Max took a shower in the bathroom, changed into her pajamas and was about to rest when her mobile phone rang. There was only one other person who knew her new number, apart from Ji Mor and Rufei.
Wei Hei picked it up and saw that it was really Ling Luchuan.
He had called her in the middle of the night before, talking about something or other, and she hadn’t cared. The first time, I don’t know whether he was intentional, or drunk, just said a few sentences without end, I heard the other side of the warbling, anger and love, it turned out that the young master of the family is in the thick of it, and halfway to the coexistence, even with her chatting up gossip.
Wei Hei simply can’t help but laugh and cry, not waiting for her to come back to her senses, the other side of the words did not finish, it clicked off.
Now what, it’s already so late, what’s the matter again?
She was puzzled and picked up the phone, but this time there was no complaint from the beauty, it was quiet, and she could only hear the sound of the wind.
Wei Hei was a bit strange, knocked on the microphone, and heard someone say, ‘Wei Hei, long time no see.’
This sound made her like a bird pierced by a barbed arrow, nailed alive to the trunk of a tree and bleeding.
The whole world was instantly dark, all the voices were far away like mountains and rivers, there was no more sky light and clouds, no more mist and rainbows, there was only the underworld of a fishy black and scorched earth, huge.
Seeing that she did not respond, the person over there then said: ‘I heard Lu Chuan say, you were cut by Lu Renaxi vocal cords, now can not speak. It doesn’t matter, just listen if you can’t speak. We just got separated and he left his mobile phone with me. I hear you’ve been getting along well lately. Maybe we can get together sometime. My number hasn’t changed. You should remember it. Let’s call it a day and find some time, we’ll talk properly. And ……’ he paused, ’I miss you.’
The phone disconnected and all that could be heard was a beeping busy signal. She sat dumbfounded for a long time and suddenly threw away the phone, like throwing away a time bomb that would bite.
Like she had seen a ghost, she shrank to the corner of the bed by the quilt and trembled against the darkness that filled the room, as if what she had just answered was not a phone call, but a death wish from the underworld.
She was in a trance, mumbling under her breath, but she didn’t know what she was saying. All the peace, all the joy, all the perception, as if by a big brutal hand, instantly wiped clean.
She suddenly clutched her head and, as if possessed, hit the cold wall one by one.
Forget it, let her forget it. She don’t want to think about it again, every word he said to her, every expression, every ridicule ……
She really don’t understand, she tried so hard for so long, almost used up all her strength, a few times of trials and tribulations, only to re-mend a seemingly complete self. And that person only said a few words, only those few short words, and knocked her back to her original form. The man who had once made her love him more than her life had easily robbed her of all that she had in a way that bordered on contempt.
She was in agony beyond words, and like a raging paranoid maniac, and like a complete lunatic, she banged her head hard in an almost self-inflicted manner, trying to drive the look of that man, those horrible voices, that blood soaked, unbearable everything, out of her memory.
But she couldn’t do it. She had banged herself over the head, tortured herself, and she just couldn’t get it out of her head.
I don’t know how long it had been, but like a man possessed, she lost her mind and walked to the window, half of her body peeking out. This was the eighteenth floor, and at her feet were narrow streets and vile neon, like a hell of light. Someone below was beckoning to her, calling to her in a pale, long voice:
‘Come, come ……’
She put her hand on the dusty window pane, her feet stepped on the narrow window sill, and the night breeze blew head-on, carrying the freshness of the rain. The market beneath her feet was also after the rain, just the way she liked it, a world of lights and cleanliness.
It was really easy to take a leap of faith. A step forward was relief. The hard part was, how to live?
She smiled, closed her eyes, and fell headlong ……

Chapter 37 I feel sick just thinking about it

Less than eight o’clock, Ling Luchuan drove the car to that pigeonhole street and waited for Wei Hei to come down. But he waited and waited and waited, but there was no sign of her.
He was about to go up to look for her when he saw Wei Hei walking down the street in her pajamas with a rubbish bag in her hand, slippers on, and her hair in disarray.
He thought she was up late and walked over to her, complaining, ‘What time is it, little ancestor, and why haven’t you changed your clothes?’
Wei Hei twisted her face, some bruises on her left forehead, and looked at him with a puzzled expression.
Ling Luchuan’s heart sank, this wasn’t the first time. As long as she dabbled or touched something related to Ruan Shao Nan, she would experience intermittent selective memory. The duration of the memory loss could be long or short, short ones were just a few hours, long ones would take a few days, sometimes even a week. And during this period of time, she didn’t know anyone except Mo Rufei and Chi Mo. The other people and things were like erasers in her mind, automatically erased.
He hurriedly pulled her back, first looked at her forehead, luckily it wasn’t a major injury, then reached out and waved his hand in front of her, nervously saying: ‘’Wei Hei, don’t scare me. You were fine last night, weren’t you? How come you’re like this after a night’s sleep?’
She drew back her hand and said something in sign language, but the words were too long for Ling Luchuan to understand.
Wei Hei looked down to find her small notebook, only to realise that she had actually left the house in her pyjamas, without a single pocket on her body.
Ling Luchuan frowned at her, ‘Is there no one at home? Where are your keys?’
Wei Hei then remembered that Ru Fei and Ji Mo seemed to have said something to her yesterday, but she couldn’t remember a word of it. There was no one home at the moment, and she had nothing with her except for the rubbish bag in her hand.
Ling Luchuan looked at her anxious and embarrassed look, and couldn’t help but sigh, asking, ‘Then do you still remember me?’
Wei Hei looked at him and nodded.
Ling Luchuan then breathed a sigh of relief, which was much better.
He pulled her into the car and took her to a boutique first. He told her to wait in the car, and got out to buy her a dress, and asked the clerk to match her shoes. Then he went back to the shopping complex and bought her new underwear and toiletries. Think about it does not seem to be anything less, before bringing her back to their own place, let her pick up a good pick up.
Ling Luchuan like lively, do not like to live in the suburbs, so bought a house in the city’s villa area, the location belongs to the quiet. Although it is not in the suburbs, but the greenery is very good. The district planted inverted weeping willows, paved cobblestone paths, but also dug an artificial lake. Each villa is a small two-storey building, imitating the European idyllic style, with a small garden in front and an artificial island with the back. So the area is not big, but it is sold at a sky-high price.
He is used to living alone, usually only hired a bellhop to clean regularly, meals are eaten outside, most people also hang out. So the two-storey villa, resident only those grand Italian furniture, cleaned up the windows, but not half a bit of human smoke.
When the two of them entered the house, he pushed Wei Hei into the bathroom on the first floor, and then threw in the things he had bought for her.
‘I didn’t know your size, so I asked for the smallest size. Try it on. If it doesn’t fit, I’ll exchange it. The bath soap inside is all unopened, and I don’t know what brand you usually use, so I bought a random kind, so you can make do for a while. Hurry up and wash it, I’m ordering takeaway now, we’ll finish dinner later, there’s still something important to do.’
He pulled the bathroom door closed and started to call.
Wei Hei stood in the bathroom, holding a pile of bags for a while, only to feel empty inside the head, all the memories only to last night, Ling Luchuan sent her home that page, and then came to an abrupt end.
Later, she seemed to have received a phone call, whose call was it?
Well turned around and looked at herself in the mirror. There was a bruise on her forehead, and when she touched it with her hand, it was raw and painful.
She immediately shrank her hand as if it had been burned by a blazing fire. Holding a pile of things, standing in the bathroom in a daze. There was no light on in the bathroom, and the person was in the mirror miserably white face, like a ghost.
‘Is it that the water heater doesn’t work? Do you want me to help you get it working first, then you can wash it?’ The man outside didn’t hear the sound of water for half a day and just assumed that she was in trouble inside.
Wei Hei came back to his senses and knocked on the glass wall twice, then turned on the tap of the bath tub. When Ling Luchuan heard the sound of water, he couldn’t be bothered to stay here, so he went downstairs.
Wei Hei took off his pyjamas and took a hot bath. When she dried herself and dressed, she found that her underwear was two sizes too small. The skirt was a good fit, but the back was too low, making it a backless dress. The underwear is impossible to wear, fortunately, the skirt has a built-in bra pad, not to wear it is not naked. Shoes fit very well, just …… not Hei measured the root of the shoe with his hand, God, a full twelve centimetres, wearing it, really is a weak willow to help the wind, swaying.
Finally in the bag to find a silk scarf, not Hei stunned, touched the hideous scars on the neck, the heart can not help but a dark.
A person’s history, like a country’s history, always has someone to help you remember it.

By the time she packed up and came down from upstairs, the takeaway had also arrived. Ling Luchuan sat on the sofa, looked up and whistled rather immodestly, his showy bright danfeng eyes looking up and down, shaking his head repeatedly.
‘In the future it’s better not to buy clothes for you, making me not want to take you out.’
With that, he pulled the person staggering over and pressed him to the dining table, pointing to the food on the table and said, ‘Hurry up and eat, we’re already late.’
Unh was so rushed by him that she sat down on a chair and asked the man across from her in sign language, ‘Where to?’
The man was too busy to look at her and eat while he had to talk, ‘You’ll know when we get there, don’t worry, I can’t sell you.’

Wei Hei sat in the hospital office, drinking tea and blowing cold air. Ling Luchuan was holding her medical records and was discussing her condition with several experts. Neurology, dermatoplasty, brain, psychological counsellors, all kinds of elites, gathered together.
Throughout the afternoon, they discussed feverishly. Finally when the sun was about to go down, a preliminary set of treatment plans was determined.
Ling Luchuan shook hands with those experts one by one, then pulled up the person sitting on the sofa and headed towards the front door.
On the way back, he said as he drove, ‘The doctor said that your voice is only partially severed from the vocal cord nerves, and if the surgery is done properly, although you can’t completely restore your previous voice, you’ll basically have no problem speaking.’
Unharted turned his face away and just looked out the window.
‘And what’s wrong with that? Aren’t you happy to be able to talk?’
Wei Hei looked at him, and on the book he gave him, he wrote, ‘I don’t have the money for the surgery.’
Ling Luchuan said, ‘I’ll take care of all the expenses to the end, you don’t have to worry, just get well and cooperate with the treatment.’
‘The cost is not small, no merit, I have no reason to ask for your money.’
Ling Luchuan slapped the steering wheel and said with some annoyance, ‘Just take …… me to compensate you well. After all, I’m also responsible for you getting into this mess.’
Wei Hei looked at him and wrote, ‘This is considered an apology?’
Ling Luchuan frowned and shook his head with a cold smile, ‘I never apologise to anyone, and I don’t think I’m at fault either. The trap was laid by us, but the road was your own, who do you blame? If you think that I am atoning for my sins during this time, then you are ridiculously naive. I’m a man who will pay back any revenge, not to mention atone for my sins. I’m not pitying you either, there are many people in the world who are more pitiful than you, I’m not running a charity shop. I want to cure you, just because we know each other for a while, you now get like this, I can’t bear to look at it. Don’t think too much.’
As soon as the words left his mouth, Ling Luchuan regretted it. In her heart, she complained that she was usually bossy and didn’t understand what she was saying. She is also a person who likes to drill the tip to be strong, it is inevitable that it will be difficult to hear it again.
Who knows, the small woman beside her but coolly smiled, lowered her head and wrote methodically on the paper: ‘In the heart? When the two of you sang a double act in ‘Absolute Colour’ a black and a white, you held back; when you were righteous and lied at school, you held back; when the two children of the Lu family were abandoned on the street, you held back; when he borrowed a knife to kill me and put me to death, you held back; when one of you fell into a well, and when one of you saw someone else die and live, you held back; when one of you fell into a well, and when one of you saw someone else die and live, you held back. When others died and lived, you two good partners raised a glass to celebrate, you endured all these. And now you’re just ‘not putting up with it’? Young Ling, don’t you think it’s a bit late? You guys can say that you’re right, that you’ve become kings and you’re losers, and that you can remain this arrogant and indifferent as long as you don’t fail for a single day. But you’re men, you’re reigning figures, but you want a woman to be your cushion, stepping on her flesh and blood to stand tall, can you sleep?’
Wei Hei saw her hands shaking, she tried to restrain herself and continued to write, ‘I understand, you are businessmen, you won’t give people favours for nothing. What he saw in the first place was my identity, and you, on the other hand, are trying to find comfort from a crippled woman like me. Ling Luchuan, don’t think you can buy back your lost conscience by spending a few dollars. What’s even more offensive than sympathy is fake sympathy. If Ruan Shao Nan is a true villain who is good at pretending, then you, you are more like a moralistic hypocrite. Both of you, I feel disgusted just thinking about it ……’
Ling Luchuan parked her car on the highway barrier and read it through word by word, sentence by whipping sentence, word by resounding word. She was itching to turn the words into knives and cut him alive one by one.
He finished reading it, rubbed the piece of paper full of words, crumpled it, tore it up, threw it out the window like a snowflake, and then again on the motorway, in the hot sun, said to the woman beside him wearing twelve-centimetre heels that made him hate to strangle at once, and too tender to just lay his hands on her, ‘Get off the car!’

Chapter 38 – Killing Without Blood

This is a private villa, by the mountains and the sea, the environment is quiet, was transformed by the owner into a small club, only entertain members, never open to the public. Most of the people who could come here were dignitaries, not rich or noble. Since it is a private club, there are naturally a lot of fun hooks inside that can’t be seen on the stage, and can’t be disclosed to the public.
Ling Luchuan has long heard that the sounds and colours here are different from other places, but it is the first time that he has come here to spend his time. There are two reasons, one is that he usually do not like to follow the trend of hunting. Other people say good, he is boring. The second is that he is certainly flirtatious, but not nasty.
However, today, he was really bored.
At the moment, he was sitting on the sofa in boredom, shaking the red wine in his glass against the light, and looking at the line of loose men and women on the dance floor with a dispensable look of impatience.
The person who invited the guests saw that the protagonist was unhappy and passed a wink, and several flowery beauties, who were usually well-behaved and clever characters, at this moment shrank like ostriches, none of them dared to come forward.
Ling Luchuan’s temperament, people in the circle know, most is a temperamental, mean and unforgiving ruthless character. Accompanying the king like a tiger, he was happy when it was good, unhappy, you make a fool of yourself, not to mention, half a point is not right, I’m afraid that even how to die do not know.
He put down the wine glass, closed his eyes to recuperate. The ears of the warbler cry chirping, turning into a rhyme, waves of sound and colourful language, pretentious. Are usually used to listening to the wanton desire and indiscriminate love, at the moment lingering in the ears, only feel tasteless in the mouth, the heart of boredom.
Ear ringing psychedelic music, as if the love chanting, urging people to lust. Open your eyes, only to see a room full of men and women, no matter who is whose man, who is whose woman, has long been messed up in one place.
‘Two horses are still different troughs, you are all decent people, but please give each a little face.’
Suddenly remembering these words written on a piece of paper by Wei Hei, Ling Luchuan looked at the shapes and colours in front of him and felt more and more ironic and ridiculous.
This is an era where it is easier to open your legs than to open your arms, where men have money and treat women as contraptions, and women simply treat themselves as commodities. The photos are all over the place, and men and women are breeding everywhere.
Who played who, who teased who, who sold who, who bought who. Who can tell? When you tease the cat, the cat teases you. You are not a cat, how do you know it is not as happy as you?
Ling Luchuan was already resentful and wan, and when he thought of this, he was even more emotionless. A pair of small hands as fine as bone-less, but at this time do not know how to stick over. The fire in his heart jumped up, also looked over obliquely, but on a pair of black like paint shear water eyes, feel a little familiar, like where have seen.
That girl is just in her early twenties, looking willow eyebrows and almond eyes, white and clean. I don’t know what kind of drug was instilled, pounced in his arms, half crazy, half crazy, crying and laughing.
Ling Luchuan looked down at her, suddenly found that her eyebrows and eyes with someone so similar, can not help but heart surging. He was already seven points drunk, but at this moment, it turned into ten points.
He pressed the person on the sofa, and his mouth was still counting, ‘I just casually said a few words, and you wrote a car full of words to suppress me. Even if I have wronged you in the past, are these days not enough to make up for it? The whole day for you to worry about the broken heart, you are good, do not thank even if, every day to prevent me like a thief. You also do not think, if I really want to force to come, need to wait until today?’
Poor people a girl, was kissed by him seven meat and eight, asked dizzy, but do not know where the trouble comes from. A small head, scared to rattle the Peng like left to avoid, just think he is the reincarnation of the Devil King, chaos in the fear, fear in the courage, just refused to give in.
Who knows, even caused young master Ling anger from the heart, evil to the side of the gall, pinching people’s chin to let out harsh words, ‘I know, you just do not treat me. What’s so good about that black boxer? Not to mention the fact that he lives under the same roof, but he also goes out in pairs and makes out with each other every day. How many times have I hinted to you, but you just pretend you don’t know. You’re just trying to get in my way, so I can’t sleep well, aren’t you? Let me tell you, I can kill him with just one word! Sooner or later, I’ll kill him first, then find a rope to strangle you, and we’ll all be clean!’
Said on the vicious bite on the mouth of the girl, the daughter of the daughter was wailing and crying, mouth expectant voice, very pitiful.
This cry is like pouring oil on the fire, the man pinched her chin and said fiercely: ‘Do not cry! You know how to play poor with me. Where are you pitiful? Whenever there is a chance, you would hate to kill us immediately. You think I don’t know!’
The girl was so scared by him that she didn’t dare to say a word, shrank under him and shivered so much that she didn’t dare to cry out loud.
Ling Luchuan saw that she was really pitifully scared, and his anger disappeared without a trace. So, pity and love kissed the teardrops, patiently, softly coaxing, ‘Don’t cry, don’t cry ah. When you cry, I hurt …… here,’ he pointed to his heart and pulled up the girl’s hand and put it on it, ’If you don’t believe me, you touch it.’
The girl stopped crying and just looked at him in a daze.
Ling Luchuan looked at the pair of watery eyes, peach heart shaped small face, the tip of the eyebrows if knit …… alive, is the appearance of that person.
So hold the arms of the ‘scapegoat’, murmured in a low voice, low back tone, in this obscene and chaotic atmosphere, there is a kind of indescribable sadness.
He said: ‘I am not heaven, not God, even if I am heaven and God, what has happened, I can not undo. But, Max, you know what? If I can turn back time, even if I have to take my life in exchange, I am willing to ……’

Ling Luchuan woke up with a start, it was already close to the early morning. Looking at the unclothed person underneath him, he pulled over a piece of clothing and casually covered it. The girl gave a cry and rolled over to sleep again.
As he dressed, he looked out over the carpet, the sofa, the tables, the dance floor, and across the room lay a number of naked men and women embracing each other. Normally these well-dressed figures were just piles of white, rotten flesh under the dim light.
Once he was fully dressed, he pulled out his wallet, emptied the compartment of all the cash, threw it beside the girl, and walked out.
The man walked outside, found his car, and leaned against the door to light a cigarette and smoke it slowly.
Summer days are long and nights are short, but at three or four o’clock, the east is not yet bright, but the morning sun is already slightly exposed, between the fish scale-like morning clouds, is the point of red sunshine of the clouds, as to the ink-black sky torn open a tragic wound.
Just watching, until the cigarette burned out, he fixed his mind, turned around and took out the key, was about to open the car door ……
hands shaking so much, can you still drive?’ A person walked out from the shadows.
Ling Luchuan turned to see that it was Ruan Shao Nan, and couldn’t help but be a little surprised, ‘When did you come?’
‘A bit earlier than you, been in the single room on the first floor, let’s go together.’
Ruan Shao Nan drove the car, Ling Luchuan sat on the co-pilot, fiddling with his watch in a bored manner.
Ruan Shao Nan looked at him and laughed, ‘Bored lately? That girl is better looking, but she even comes to this kind of hall meeting, she’s just a high-class prostitute, do you need to be so serious? Those who don’t know, would think you’re going to eat her.’
Ling Luchuan yawned and slowly responded, ‘It is boring. Aren’t you still the same? What’s the matter, your fiancée at home with her thousands of pampered wives can’t satisfy you? Running here to amuse yourself is not your style.’
Ruan Shao Nan let out a light laugh, ‘I didn’t offend you, did I, to be so sarcastic. We’re all men, you should understand without me saying it.’
Ling Luchuan also felt that he was a little out of character, for some reason, when he saw Ruan Shao Nan these days, he was uncomfortable. But where exactly was he uncomfortable, it seemed impossible to say in a sentence or two.
Ruan Shao Nan is a person who is good at observing words and colours, his mind is deeper than Ling Lu Chuan’s, he naturally knows why he is uncomfortable.
Ruan Shao Nan had one principle: never make enemies with people stronger than yourself, but choose to co-operate with them and gradually make them work for me.
This is exactly where he is smart.
Was Ling Lucchuan stronger than him? For the time being, he could not tell. But it was undeniable that this rather backgrounded son, with a playful attitude, without relying on his family’s power, had gained a position almost comparable to his, which had to make the always cautious Ruan Shao Nan wary of him.
‘Lok Chuan, I don’t have any siblings or relatives. We’ve known each other for so long, and I’ve always treated you as my own brother. If you have any dissatisfaction with me in your heart, just say so. If I’m wrong, I’ll just make amends to you. And lest outsiders take the opportunity to use the issue to play up and alienate our relationship for so many years.’
When Ruan Shao Nan said this, Ling Lu Chuan had nothing to say. In the end, what could he blame him for? The Lu family affair, the whole plan, from start to finish, he had watched, including the final killing of her.
Just as Wei Hei said, so many bloody accidents happened in front of his eyes, he was clear and understandable. Those killing invisible tricks, those cold-blooded and ruthless means, those bloodshed consequences, he ‘endured’, but only at this moment ‘not to endure’? It’s ridiculous to be so pretentious.
He also thought of his brotherhood with Ruan Shao Nan for many years, and at the moment is a business partner, which has a thousand interests entangled, he is a smart person, of course, he understands that Ruan Shao Nan another layer of meaning of these words. He is an excellent businessman, and businessmen know how to weigh the pros and cons.
In the end, he is a pragmatist who puts profit before everything else, he will not offend such a scary character just for the sake of a woman who is still out of touch, it’s not necessary, and it’s not worth it.
Then he thought, Ruan Shao Nan so smart person, must have guessed seven or eight points, so why not openly say, we are clear, better than each other to keep suspicions.
So lightly laughed, said: ‘You worry too much, I just some things do not understand. I want to ask you, but I don’t know where to start.’
Ruan Shao Nan was a little curious, ‘What do you want to ask?’
Ling Luchuan pondered slightly and asked somewhat grimly, ‘How did you …… do it in the first place?’
‘What?’ Ruan Shao Nan did not understand what he meant.
Ling Luchuan looked at his watch and suddenly said without a clue, ‘Six days, eighteen hours and thirty-two minutes.’
Ruan Shao Nan was confused and didn’t understand even more.
‘I haven’t seen her for six days, eighteen hours and thirty-two minutes. It feels like rehab, looking at my watch every day for the rest of my life. I really don’t understand how you can stand it?’
Ruan Shao Nan raised his lips in a smile and said, ‘So that’s what this is all about. It’s strange that a person like you still has times when you’re so confused. If you miss her, you go straight to her. Hugging a woman who looks like her and flipping the bird, you don’t want to?’
Ling Luchuan simply faded the watch from his wrist and threw it out of the window, ‘Her temper, others don’t know, don’t you know? Usually look at the low brow obedient, once forced to rush, is a dare to fight for the Lord. This kind of thing, you have to be willing to have fun. Do you want a girl to bleed on your bed? Even if you get it, what’s the point? It’s better to buy an inflatable doll to cuddle at home and save some effort.’
Ruan Shao Nan couldn’t help but shake his head and sneered, ‘How come things become so bloody when it comes to you?’
Ling Luchuan smiled coldly against the wind, ‘You’re not bloody, you just kill without blood.’
Ruan Shao Nan looked at the road ahead and asked him with a smile, ‘Ever seen a black market boxing match?’
Ling Luchuan thought of Chi Mo at once, but didn’t show it on his face, only saying, ‘How did you digress here?’
‘I just suddenly remembered that I once saw a local black market boxing match in Cambodia. A piece of mud, surrounded by a few metres of barbed wire, lock the door. High voltage electricity was turned on. Anyone who touched it would be roasted in just a few seconds. Into the field are some of the parents sold to the children there, the small but twelve or thirteen years old, the eldest is only fifteen or sixteen years old. All of them were as thin as wood, but once they fought, they could not even be described as ‘wild beasts’, and their methods were so cruel that you could not even imagine them. They don’t regard themselves as human beings, and they don’t regard others as human beings, and life is just a bowl of gruel or a steamed bun in their eyes. ‘
Ling Luchuan listened quietly, intuiting that the latter was the point.
Sure enough, Ruan Shao Nan continued, ‘In order to live, they have no choice. Similarly, in this field of fame and fortune where killing is invisible, we also have no choice. Therefore, I have always used only the most effective methods to achieve the best results. No matter who she is, as long as she has what I want in her, I will only ask for it. Only looking at the results, not scrupulous about the process, that’s my principle.’
Ling Luchuan let out a light laugh, playing with the flavour, ‘Good one, only ask her for it. I would like to know, if people are determined not to fulfil your wishes, how do you ask for it?’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed and said meaningfully, ‘Black market fists are not only found in places that are not controlled by the three. What I mean, you understand.’
Ling Luchuan glanced at Ruan Shao Nan, so, he knew everything. It was just that the person who said he didn’t care, until today, was still so concerned about her every move, what did that tell him?
Ruan Shao Nan continued, ‘’In this world, money makes the devil work. And they are exactly at the moment when they are short of money, as long as they find someone to say to him that if he is willing to fight a fake boxing match, he will be paid ten times more than if he wins the fight, do you think he will agree? Once he is in the ring, he can live or die, it’s all up to you. And over here, just bring the person to your territory and play the live broadcast for her to see. Seeing that person’s blood splatter in the ring, what do you want that she won’t give you?’
Ling Luchuan shook his head and laughed lightly, ‘That’s not necessarily true. If the person’s heart is crossed, whether it is life or death is up to you to go, so she accompanies it. In the end, it will be a broken heart, broken jade and missing flowers, is it not a basket of water and nothing?’
Ruan Shao Nan leisurely long sigh, ‘If that’s the case, only let go, let her die. If you can’t keep a woman, it’s useless to think about her. From now on, you will not have to think about a woman anymore, and you will be able to get down to earth.’
Ling Luchuan turned his face, facing the bright sunlight, looking at Ruan Shao Nan, who did not look at him with an unblinking eye and an unchanged face, and who was talking to him so eloquently, he did not know if the words spoken by this person in front of him were true, or a joke.
Even if it was a joke, it was already chilling. If it was true, then the closeness of his mind, the depth of his city, the coldness of his temperament, and the poisonousness of his methods had already reached the point of being outrageous.
Ling Luchuan can’t help but sigh, ‘You’re too ruthless, courting also made like revenge. She is a weak and delicate girl, there is no need to force her to death.’
Ruan Shao Nan let out a light laugh, ‘Who said anything about loving her? I’m just discussing with you how to get a woman you want without bloodshed. You think she’s a weak woman, my view is the opposite of yours. I remember that time at the top floor of Yi Tian, the person was pressed by me and bled all over the place, but still dared to straighten her neck and keep a stiff upper lip. If you hadn’t reminded me later that it might have been a bitter trick for her to fight back, I would have almost been fooled by her. In order to achieve the goal, even dare to go out of their own way, look at the world, how many people can there be? Such a person tends to look gentle and docile and pathetic, but as long as she is given a suitable opportunity, I’m only afraid that she is more ruthless than anyone else.’
As he spoke, the sky was already bright. Between the buildings of the city, there was a scarlet sunset and a clear blue sky.
Ling Luchuan did not say anything else, and looked at the soundless distance across a few feet of morning sunlight, and in front of him was a labyrinthine city, narrow skies, and indifferent crowds …… then imagined that if there was a pair of eyes in the sky that looked down, the view of the city should be like a canvas embedded in a wooden frame, which had experienced a thousand years and was unchanged for a long time. The same prosperity, the same crowd, the same hooks and lust.
He was so tired that he was already too lazy to examine Ruan Shao Nan’s true purpose in saying these words. But undeniably, he had uncovered a sore, a hidden disease that he had been unwilling to face for a long time.
He was the same as Ruan Shao Nan. In her heart, Wei Hei had long ago made a stroke of the pen and classified them as the same kind of people, the same cold-blooded selfishness, the same ‘disgusting’. So how much she hated Ruan Shao Nan, how much she hated herself.
That means, he is for her, either let go, or destroy, just can not wither the wood to spring, flowers and moonlight.
It turns out that the saddest thing in life is not life without luck, but when you wake up for what you do, but found that everything has long been water, dust settled.
Any you look at the end of the world, and then there is no possibility of turning back ……

‘Perhaps one day, we will all find ……’ Ling Luchuan leaned back in the seat, closed his eyes in the warm and wind, half dreaming, half awake said, ‘Everything we’ve worked so hard to get is actually not important at all. And the things we want the most, we can never get.’
Ruan Shao Nan’s hand holding the steering wheel trembled slightly, a very light tremor, so light that he didn’t even know it. He turned his face and looked at Ling Luchuan who was already sound asleep.
He suddenly remembered that half a year ago, on that night when the stars were dim and the autumn leaves were falling, that person was also like this, falling asleep defenselessly in his car. He looked at her quietly like that, as if he was looking at another kind of life in another world. A …… life he knew nothing about and could do nothing about.
At that moment, he knew that the emotion that swarmed in his heart was not hatred, but excitement. A freshness and curiosity that had never existed before, that could not be put into words.

He turned his face again and glanced at Ling Lucchuan, thinking to himself, these two people really do have something in common.
Ruan Shao Nan laughed softly into the reverse mirror, and at this moment, he was a little envious of them. Ever since he became an adult, he hadn’t been so bold as to fall asleep in front of others.
It was also his principle to never entrust his life in the hands of another person.
He knew that what he had said today had scratched a not-so-deep and not-so-shallow mark in this close friend’s heart, just as he knew that the phone call he had made that night would inevitably deal a fatal blow to someone.
He didn’t feel that he had any faults, the trap was laid by him, but it was up to them to take the bait or not. He wasn’t Ling Lu Chuan, he didn’t have that much regret, guilt, loss, or sadness. He was an absolute egoist, sharply dividing the world into two walled-off categories: what he wanted and what he didn’t want.
Ruan Shao Nan met the flaming sunrise, moved his lips slightly, and smiled faintly.
It was the smile that Wei Hei feared the most, as if he were a towering predator, surveying his prey with a look of imperative but contemptuous disdain.
Then, with a smile, he approached her calmly and ended her life.

Chapter 39: The ‘Hero’ Saves the Day

“Every world has its own devil, and as long as you stay in your own world, you know who the devil is. However, once you cross the border, you don’t know who’s an angel and who’s a devil. However, it doesn’t matter. If the world judges you in an unjust way, you can also judge the world in your own …… way.’

On the back of his notebook, Unhappy wrote this sentence, then raised his head and continued to look at the big screen in the staircase classroom.
The professor pushed up his glasses and pointed to a brightly coloured fresco on the screen, ‘This is Michelangelo, who spent six years creating an heirloom masterpiece for the Sistine Chapel – The Last Judgement. So named because of the inspiration drawn from the hymn The Last Judgement Day and Dante’s Inferno ……’
A student raises his hand to ask a question, ’Professor, I’ve heard that when Michelangelo created this fresco back in the day, the 400 or so people on the painting were all naked. How is it that on this fresco, everyone has a crotch cloth around their waist that looks like a ‘nappy’? Could it be that this master added it because he was afraid that they would get scared and urinate incontinence in front of God?’
The group froze for a second, then laughed as the old professor shook his head and sighed, ‘Son, that’s called a loincloth. You don’t have knowledge, you should also have some common sense; no common sense, you should also have some insight; no insight, at least you should know how to cover up. When this masterpiece was unveiled, it attracted a lot of controversy, and some people thought it was blasphemous. So soon after Michelangelo’s death, the Pope ordered that all nude figures be painted with loincloths or garments. And those painters who were ordered to do so were jokingly referred to as ‘panty makers’ by later generations.’
Everyone came to a sudden realisation, and the professor continued, ‘The central theme of this fresco is the drama of life, that is to say, man is destined to continually turn his back on God, to sin deeply, but to be saved in the end ……’
The bell rang, and the professor, having set his homework, clutched a pile of The bell rang, the professor assigned the homework, and left with a pile of thick materials in his arms.
Max collected his notes and was about to put them in his backpack when he was unexpectedly jerked away by a pair of deft hands. When she looked up, it was Zhou Xiaofan.
She was all smiles, ‘Beautiful girl, lend me your notes, I’ll never forget your kindness.’
When Wei Hei saw the redness of her eyes, she knew that Miss Zhou had just gone to meet the Duke of Zhou again. So she sighed and took out a small notebook and wrote: ‘It’s almost time for the exams, and you’re still mixing it up? This Professor Wu is famous for his thousand kills, aren’t you afraid of being pawned off by him?’
Zhou Xiaofan made a face at her, put the notes into her bag and laughed, ‘I know you are a good student, you only care about your studies, so good boyfriends are basking on the side. I can’t do that, our one is uncomfortable if he doesn’t see me for a day.’
The ‘good boyfriend’ Zhou Xiaofan was referring to was Ling Luchuan, and Wei Hei had explained this to her many times. But she just didn’t believe her, and in the end, Wei Hei didn’t bother to say anything else.
Zhou Xiaofan, on the other hand, has recently met a rich young man, who, according to her, is of a simple character and definitely not a fop. The two of them are very much in love, but after knowing each other for a month, they have sworn an oath of marriage, and have been fighting for a long time.
Wei is in the circle of fame and fortune experienced wrestling people, know that all is a bit of status background of the ‘princes, grandchildren and dukes’, like to provoke one or two beautiful female students of the famous school of film and art to fill the facade, the right to treat themselves as the Qinhuai flower place of the talent of the guest, self-appointed amorous and elegant, the flow of endless.
But she has not seen Zhou Xiaofan’s boyfriend, it is not good to jump to conclusions, but also can not persuade. So wrote on the paper: ‘You have to have a measurement in mind, he is a family man, there is always something in the future. You are now so all-night play with him, he does not matter, if you delay your studies, it is not worth it.’
Who knows, Zhou Xiaofan is a silly girl who has no calculation, and is only happy, ‘What can I do if I delay it? Haven’t you heard? A woman who does well is not as good as a woman who marries well. It’s not easy for me to meet a ‘new man’ with a house, car and style, so why not take the opportunity to hold on to him? As long as I can marry him, then what do I have to worry about in the future, I’ll be happy to be a young granny, free and worry-free.’
When she heard this, she just sighed and thought to herself, ‘How can it be that easy? Nowadays, men are getting more and more cunning, unwilling to take one more step, unwilling to say one more word, counting the gains and losses, afraid to undertake. You estimate him, he also estimates you. There is no intelligent man, willing to marry a woman who only wants to be a parasite as a wife, the more you feel your mind, the more from the bottom of the heart despise you. Take a step back, even if he is willing to let you depend on him, but every day looking at other people’s eyebrows high and low days, is not so easy?
Women, the more vulnerable, the more to rely on themselves. Only self-respect and self-esteem, others will find you lovely and respectable. This is a very simple truth, but the more progressive society, the more confused values.
Men have money on the pretentious, women also have their own price, morality and shame is declining, people are accustomed to not strange, and gradually agreed to custom, and even think that the world should be so. So, even Zhou Xiaofan such a simple and honest girl, are thinking of marrying a rich man, thinking that a lifetime of peace of mind, food and clothing.
The two walked out of the classroom, and Zhou Xiaofan chirped and talked all the way. She is a warm-hearted person, and has been very good with Wei Hei before, and now she cares for her because she was ‘robbed’ half a year ago, and even though she escaped from death, she has been left with a handicap of not being able to speak, so she cares more and more about her. The two often went in and out of school together, almost inseparable.
When she walked out of the school, she saw Zhou Xiaofan’s boyfriend sitting in a car waiting for her.
It was the first time she had seen him, and he was a decent-looking man in an expensive suit, but his eyes were disgusting, especially when he was looking at you.
‘Xiaofan, don’t you want to introduce me to this beautiful woman?’ The man said with a big smile as he put his hand on his girlfriend’s shoulder.
‘Wei Hei, this is my friend, Xue Kai ……’
Before Zhou Xiaofan could finish his introduction, the man snaps, ’So you’re Lu Wei Hei, Xiaofan often mentions you. He said that you are smart, beautiful, and a famous talent in your department. Today, it’s really better to see you than to hear you.’
He smiled wanly, but in his heart he said, ‘Your reputation is not as good as your face. This person is a frivolous person, how come Xiaofan didn’t see it?
‘An invitation is better than a chance encounter, let me be the host today, let’s find a quiet place to eat and drink tea?’
Zhou Xiaofan was naturally very happy to go, but she didn’t want to go, but Xue Kai insisted on inviting her. He couldn’t bear to spoil Xiaofan’s fun, so he had to go along.

Xue Kai took them to the most luxurious place in the city, the ‘Coiling Dragon Heavenly Mansion’, which was the first time that she had been to this place, even though she had seen some of the city’s most glamorous venues. It was said that the most prestigious people in the city liked to gather here for dinner. The place was extravagant and luxurious, and the atmosphere of the place was nothing to write home about.
She couldn’t help but wonder a little in her heart, just three people eating, is there a need to be so grand?
They entered the private room, and saw that there was a room full of people, both male and female, all in their twenties and thirties. The male suits, the female flow elegant, actually are extraordinary characters of the atmosphere.
Zhou Xiaofan looked at her boyfriend suspiciously, Xue Kai smiled, put his arm around her and comforted her, ‘Don’t be afraid, they are all my friends. We all agreed to bring our respective girlfriends and just got together for a get-together.’
Since they were Xue Kai’s friends, they were all naturally some of the children of the world’s families. Zhou Xiaofan had never seen such a scene before, and had long since been scared half to death, and then heard her boyfriend whispering in her ear, ‘I brought you here because I think highly of you. You can be generous, don’t make me lose face.’
She nodded her head and took her seat. A cute-looking girl at the next seat eagerly chatted with them, pouring them full glasses of red wine as they talked.
Xue Kai introduced them to the various people at the table, and after exchanging pleasantries, the men toasted them one by one.
Zhou Xiaofan immediately said, ‘She has asthma, she can’t drink, I’ll take her place.’
The moment these words came out, all the wine fronts were pointed at her. Poor Xiaofan, a girl not yet out of school, where is their opponent, can not be pushed off, and have to dare to offend. However, in a few rounds, they were dunked by these people to the point of redness, unable to fight.
Xue Kai at this time but do not care, stilted legs, and the neighbouring seat of a girl with a hot body next to the face and ear, talking and laughing. Other men and women were also laughing and joking with each other.
Wei Hei had long sensed that something was wrong, looking at these people’s voices and behaviour, not like a party of friends, but like a church. She tugged at Zhou Xiaofan under the table, but the silly girl was too busy trying to impress Xue Kai to pay any attention to her.
Wei Hei pretended to go to the toilet, and just as she stood up, she was held down by Xue Kai.
‘Beauty, there’s a bathroom right here in the box, there’s no need to go outside.’ Xue Kai pointed to a door on the side of the box.
Wei Hei smiled, picked up her own bag and walked over, going inside and locking the door on the outside. Then she opened her own bag and pulled her mobile phone out of it, trying to find someone to call for help.
But there was no signal. Wei Hei was a bit panicked, and stayed inside, turning back and forth with her mobile phone.
Someone knocked on the door with a sweet voice, ‘Miss Lu, are you alright? Young Master Xue’s girlfriend seems to have had too much to drink and is making a scene looking for you.’
Wei Hei was worried about Xiaofan, and as a friend, she couldn’t leave her alone outside. So she settled down, turned on the tap and washed her hands, then turned and opened the door.
The girl enthusiastically dragged her back to the table, where she poured her a glass of juice and said with a smile, ‘Miss Lu, if you can’t drink, have some juice.’
Wei Hei noticed that the bottle she poured was opened, and knew that most of these ‘second-generation’ people were lawless and used to playing ‘sugar-coated bombs’ and spiking their drinks.
And look at the girl let tight, then end up drinking a mouthful, but did not swallow, only in the mouth, when people do not pay attention, pretend to wipe his mouth quietly spit on the napkin.
This side of Zhou Xiaofan has been drunk on the chair, face like peach blossoms, drunken eyes, only bowing and begging for mercy. But those people where willing to let go of good, still pouring to death. Xue Kai was sitting on the sofa with his arm around a beautiful woman, looking at her and laughing.
Wei Hei’s heart was half cold, what male and female friends, this animal is just bored, just take the silly Xiaofan to tease for fun. Now that he’s tired of playing the innocent scene, he tricked her into coming here and handed her over to this group of friends as a pastime.
But it’s useless to just get angry, the problem now is how she can take this silly girl and retreat in one piece. When she was thinking left and right and had no solution, a pair of Lushan’s claws from the neighbouring seat was actually placed on her shoulder.
‘Beauty, don’t be so formal. Come, have a drink with me.’ The man said and pressed a drunken face to her.
When Wei Hei blocked it with her hand, half of the cup full of bright red juice spilled on the man’s noble suit trousers. The man immediately changed his face and wiped the water stains on his crotch, shouting, ‘Spilled my trousers, what’s wrong with you?’
Someone next to him joked, ‘Why are you so fierce? Don’t scare the little sister.’ After saying this, he gave a wink.
The man immediately understood, and with a salivating face, he came back up and put his arm around Wei Hei, insisting that she drink all the wine in the cup to make up for her mistake.
He pushed and shoved her several times, but the other party not only did not stop, but even pinched her chin and forced her to drink. At that moment, a loud bang was heard, and the door of the private room was kicked open.
The person on the first seat stood up in a flurry and was about to have a seizure when he saw the visitor. But he was instantly frozen. Then, the room was filled with people who looked open-mouthed, and without being reminded, collectively stood up in unison.
There were only two people excepted, one so drunk that he didn’t know what he was doing, and one so frightened that he was in a state of shock.
The person on the first seat had long since changed to another face, and said with a smile on his face, ‘Uncle Ling, so you’re here.’
Ling Luchuan glanced at Wei Hei, and the person accompanying him immediately understood and pulled out the chair next to her. He took a seat without saying a word, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and someone immediately offered him a lighter and lit it for him.
A moment of smoke, Ling Luchuan leaned back in the chair and slowly inhaled, also ignored the others, also ignored Max, and did not allow the crowd to sit down. A room full of well-dressed, bejewelled red men and women, standing there you look at me, I look at you, do not dare to say a word.
I’ve only heard of the ‘Posse’, but today I’ve seen it for myself. He thought, this Ling Luchuan than Ruan Shao Nan is a few years younger than, less than a year, how to give these people to do up the elders to come?
Is it true that the sun is not as high as the mountains? Money and power is not enough, there must be a background of identity that people can look forward to, in order to press people everywhere?
A cigarette burned halfway, Ling Luchuan turned his face and saw that half of the juice in the cup was still left, so he leisurely picked it up and was about to drink it.
Some people are afraid of accidents, immediately shouted: ‘Ling uncle ……’
Ling Luchuan immediately understood, put the cup on the side, a long and narrow phoenix eyes, smiled more and more brilliant. Then a long arm stretch, will be beside the person into the arms, smiling and asked: ‘Little baby, how to come here, also do not tell me a word?’
When these words came out, Xue Kai was so scared that he almost sat on the ground.
Wei Hei looked at him, knowing that this man was a pot of fire on the face and a knife in the back, a master with no sand in his eyes, and the happier he laughed, the more powerful the means to fix people. She didn’t dare to get too involved with him, but now, he was the only straw that saved her and Xiaofan’s lives, and she naturally had to put on a show.
So, guffawing at the man was enough. The man who had just pulled her to pour the wine felt that both his legs were not his own, shivering terribly.
A look at two people like this scene, the first seat of the first seat immediately flattered: ‘So Miss Lu is Uncle Ling’s friend, Uncle Ling is really good eyesight, and only Miss Lu such a beautiful and dignified, extraordinary temperament of the girl, is worthy of Uncle Ling such a noble ……’
Who knows that Ling Luchuan hear After hearing these words, he instead sunk his face and laughed coldly, ‘I haven’t even asked you yet, but you’re the one who first gave me the lovebirds. Let my people drink with you, heh, what a big face. The dirty things underneath you, think I don’t know?’
These ‘second generation’, usually yells five and six, unrivalled, in the end is only some have not seen the world ‘embroidered pillow’. When it comes to really powerful masters, there is not even a single loud word out of their mouths. A room of people cold sweat, stood there silent, in addition to Zhou Xiaofan’s snoring, but not half a bit of movement.
The accompanying person called the waiter to change a new cup, pouring drinks. Ling Luchuan, however, lost interest and put it aside again, turning his face to look at the person in his arms and asked, ‘Did you drink the drink in that cup?’
Wei Hei shook his head and wrote on the paper, ‘It was splashed by me.’
Ling Luchuan was relieved, turned his face, narrowed a pair of stern danfeng eyes, balked at a group of people, and then smiled, ‘You don’t have to be afraid, I’m only asking two things. If you guys make it clear, it’s just for today. If you can’t say it clearly, then there’s no need to say it, I’m only talking to your old man!’
Once the people standing heard this, how could they not nod their heads? Immediately, they responded obediently, ‘Uncle Ling, you asked. We just don’t dare to hide anything from you even if we have the guts.’
Ling Luchuan smiled, pinching Wei Hei’s chin, a kiss on her cheeks, before saying, ‘The first piece, who brought her here? The second piece ……’ the man turned his face, sharp-edged general gaze, has not half a smile, ’the cup of things, who put?’

Chapter 40 Only out of the tiger’s den, and into the wolf’s den

The two men took Zhou Xiaofan and were escorted out of the hotel. Ling Luchuan instructed his entourage to send the silly girl home, and then shoved Wei Hei into his car.
Wei Hei took out a handkerchief from her bag and wiped it on her face, then wiped it again. Ling Luchuan, who was sitting next to her, grabbed her hand and shouted, ‘I say, little auntie, have you had enough? From going out and rubbing until now, aren’t you afraid of rubbing off your skin?’
The driver knowingly closed the black window, Ling Luchuan froze for a moment, and then sighed, ‘People heroes save the beauty, I also heroes save the beauty. People then embraced the beauty, I just kissed it, and I was so disliked that even my own driver couldn’t bear to witness it.’ He said it as if it was true.
Wei Hei couldn’t help but laugh out loud, pulling back his hand that was painfully held by him, and writing in his little notebook, ‘I think, while this place is close to the city, you’d better drop me off in the front. I don’t want to be like last time, wearing twelve guild heels, in the sun, walking alone from the suburbs until my feet have worn off the skin and made a bloody mess before walking back.’
Ling Luchuan simply wanted to let out a silent wail into the long sky and sighed, ‘You’re really powerful, in just a few words, not only did you overrule all of my credits, but you also made me feel guilty as hell. What? Is it that hard to say ‘thank you’ to me?’
Unhail looked at him and wrote in his notebook, ‘Thank you! Please let me off.’
Ling Luchuan hated to strangle her immediately! No, he should have strangled her the first time he met her! And save himself the trouble of following her around in bits and pieces now.
He smiled back in anger and laughed coldly, ‘I just won’t let you get off, what’s wrong with you? Today, I want to see who’s behind you, letting you be so righteous with me? Do you know what it means to give your life in return for nothing? If you don’t, I’ll teach you.’
Wei Hei was stunned at first, looking at Ling Luchuan’s unsuspecting face, she thought she had just got out of the wolf’s den and into the tiger’s lair, and desperately tried to pull on the car door, but the door had already been locked, so how could she open it? She was anxious and angry, simply the whole body hit the past ……
Ling Luchuan where thought, but a joke caused her so desperate, hurriedly hold people, and angry and laugh, ‘Baby, do not make a scene! You’re just going to kill yourself, and you won’t be able to open this door.’
When Wei Hei heard this, she became more and more anxious and struggled even more.
Ling Luchuan was so anxious that he forgot to be angry and repeated, ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, okay?’
When Wei Hei heard these words, she was stunned for a moment. She didn’t make a fuss, but wondered if she had heard wrong.
Ling Luchuan apologised to her? This high-flying, unbeatable Young Master Ling apologised to her? I’m kidding! Even if the heavens fall apart, mountain torrents and tsunamis, the end of the world, the destruction of the earth …… he will never admit fault to her, she must have heard wrong.
Ling Luchuan saw that she was finally honest, sighed, helped her lift the broken hair next to her face to one side, shook his head and laughed softly, ‘If I had known that these three words are so good, I would have said it earlier not to be done, and save you from earning your life with me.’

The car stopped at the entrance of an alley, Wei Hei looked outside and asked the person beside him in sign language, ‘What are you doing here?’
Ling Luchuan opened the car door, pulled her out of the car, and said, ‘I had a good meal, and it was spoiled by you, so if you don’t give other benefits, you should treat me to a meal.’
When Wei Hei heard this, she immediately withdrew her hand and gesticulated somewhat awkwardly, ‘Some other day, I don’t have the cure to bring that much money today.’
Ling Luchuan was happy, pushing the person inside while saying, ‘Don’t worry, it won’t cost you much.’

Two people walked to the depths of the alley, before finding a shop with a very small front, black wooden door, green stone steps, the original wooden signboard is written with four big black characters – Yu love is not over.
Ling Luchuan, who drove a multi-million dollar sports car and was a noble and discerning man, would actually come to such a small place to eat, which was really unexpected.
Walking in, only to see a sky-high sycamore tree, scattered with a few lacquered wooden round tables. This is a small shop in a deep alley, and most of the customers are familiar with the business. There were not many customers at this time, and everyone was very casual.
Ling Luchuan was a regular customer, and he knew the place well, ordering his food without even looking at the list. Wei Hei pinched her wallet, her heart still anxious, afraid that she could not afford to pay the bill, and be laughed at by him again.
Ling Luchuan naturally knew what she was thinking, and didn’t care about her, only lowered his head and blew on the tea, muttering to himself, ‘I haven’t eaten since this morning, so it’s not easy for someone to treat me to a meal, so I’ll be able to open my stomach and eat more later on.’
When Wei Hei heard this, her face turned white with fear. When she looked up, she saw the shop’s rules, written on bright yellow paper by the owner, posted on a tree: ‘Take by trickery, not by force; seek wealth, not to harm life.
Wei Hei knew that he had tricked her into falling for him today. What did she say? ‘I’d rather believe in ghosts than in Ling Luchuan’s mouth’.
Looking at the regretful, uneasy Hei, Ling Luchuan leisurely drinking iced chrysanthemum tea, but the heart is happy, said: dead girl, you also have today.
Ling Luchuan ordered spicy hot pot and charcoal grilled fish, very common food, but the taste is very outstanding. Wei Hei had asthma and didn’t dare to eat too much, but she was also full of praise. Ling Luchuan is really hungry, eat the mouth and mouth, spicy red, and called out addictive.
The main course came up, and it was actually the black sesame dumplings that Wei Hei loved so much. Of course, it wasn’t specially ordered for her, because every time she came out to eat, Young Master Ling would only order what he liked to eat.
Wei Hei took a bite out of the dumpling and carefully sucked on the black sesame seeds that dripped out of the skin, eating it with a sweet and savoury taste. When she turned her face, she saw Young Master Ling with a porcelain bowl in his hand, anxious as anything, but she didn’t dare to put her mouth on it. I knew that he had eaten too much chilli just now, and now it was hot, sticky and scalded, so I was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to eat it.
Wei Hei shook her head, somehow motherly love overflowed and she only treated him as a child. So she took the bowl from him and used a small spoon to put the food into another empty bowl, repeating this many times to see that the heat had almost dissipated before she gave it to him. And seeing that the man’s mouth was even stained with a piece of chilli, he couldn’t help but purse his lips and smile, taking out his own handkerchief for him to wipe his mouth.
Ling Luchuan took it and wiped it a few times without wiping it off. Wei Hei couldn’t look away and took the handkerchief and helped him wipe it off. The man froze, then turned his head and laughed. She didn’t understand what he was laughing at, but suddenly remembered what she had done just now, forgetting her own feelings for a moment, and seemed to have gone a little too far in her casualness, and her face instantly ripened up. She didn’t look at him again. Lowered her head and ate her own. Ling Luchuan also became particularly quiet, but smiled as he ate, suddenly feeling that the soup dumplings here were even sweeter than usual.

The two ate quite a lot of things, and when they settled the bill, it was less than a hundred yuan. Wei Hei took out his wallet and hurriedly paid the bill, which was a relief.
After a meal, the two people out of the alley, the autumn night sky is so far away, the Milky Way lagoon shadow, the jade is dustless, in the blue clouds and ink sky above, is a round of the top of the moon.
‘Walk with me, okay?’ Ling Luchuan said.
Wei Hei looked down and thought for a moment, and nodded.
This is the old city, stone road, green grey walls, wisteria arbor …… are the old marks left by time. At this moment, the daytime heat has long since receded, the night wind gusts, with the moisture of the leaves and flowers and grasses of the light fragrance, it is a good time to wind clear and refreshing, refreshing and relaxing.
The two were walking side by side, with the driver in his car, following far behind. From the corner of her eye, Wei Hei looked at the man beside her. He had been silent all the way, as if he was full of worries, a far cry from his previous domineering behaviour.
She was secretly pondering, suddenly saw the street on both sides, stands two flowers red like fire, the mirror of the phoenix tree.
The night breeze, blowing through the ears, the wind over the fall of red into a formation, Jin heavy petals like a red flying snow, in the horizontal moonlight, fluttering, flowers flying all over the sky.
Two people are looking a little obsessed, can not help but stop, watching the red flowers rain, curtain sky falling down, fell all over their head and body. They bathed in the colourful red rain, as walking in a miserable dream.
Usually, we only know that the flowers bloom in full bloom, but we don’t know that the flowers are so sad when they fall.
As he stretched out his hand to catch the scarlet petals, he suddenly remembered the cherry blossoms in Japan described by Ji Mo, and wondered if they were as poignant when in full bloom, with the wind blowing 10,000 points of red, and the blossoms falling silently.
I also remembered that Xiao Wen once said that she wanted to see the Great Wall of Beijing and the cherry blossoms of Japan, and now I see that the red flowers are all over the ground, falling into the mud, I can’t help but feel sad.
Ling Luchuan, who was standing by the side, saw the beauty of the scenery in front of her, but there was a light sadness between her eyebrows, and couldn’t help but ask her, ‘What’s wrong with you?’
Wei Hei shook her head and wrote on a piece of paper, ‘Nothing, I suddenly remembered a friend and felt a little sad.’
Ling Luchuan thought that she was thinking of Ji Mo, so her heart was a little sad, so he asked, ‘What kind of friend? Male female?’
‘Good friend, female, went to a very far place half a year ago.’
Ling Luchuan was a little curious, ‘Where did she go?’
Wei Hei looked at him and wrote two words on the paper, ‘Hell.’
Ling Luchuan froze when he saw those two black and gloomy words. Wei Hei ignored him and walked forward alone.
In front of him was the old city’s lotus pond. It was early autumn in September, and the red lilies in the pond were in full bloom, just as the green lotus covered the green water, and the hibiscus was red and fresh. As far as the eye could see, there was clear water, mist around the weeping willows, and underneath the crowded lotus leaves, a clear blue wave reflected the stars in the sky.
Wei Hei was a little tired and sat down on a rock on the bank, looking at the lotus pond under the moonlight.
Ling Luchuan sat next to her, still haunted by the conversation, and asked, ‘Is she dead?’
Wei Hei nodded, not understanding how Young Master Ling was so interested in this matter.
Who knows, he laughed when he heard it and said, ‘Then she’s not necessarily in hell, maybe she’s in heaven.’
Wei Hei pointed to the top of his head in confusion, ‘Heaven?’
‘Yes, one person on earth, one star in the sky. I read in a book, it said that dead people turn into stars in the sky. Because someone misses them, they don’t die and live forever in your heart.’
Unhei laughed and wrote on a piece of paper, ‘Don’t try to coax me with words like that, it’s long outdated. If all the dead people run away to the sky, where can they fit?’
Seeing her smile again, Ling Lu-chuan was so happy that he didn’t care about the other things and just followed her words and asked, ‘If the dead don’t live in the sky, what should they live in?’
Wei Hei smiled and wrote: ‘The immortals live there, so don’t do anything bad, there are gods in the sky, they are watching us from the sky.’
‘Do they know everything?’
Ling Luchuan turned his face, looked at a pool of red lotus blooming in the wind under the moonlight, and said in a low voice: ‘Then do they know …… how much I like you?’

Chapter 41 The Fate of the Great Foul

When Wei Hei returned home, it was almost dawn, and she saw a note sitting on the table that Chi Mo had left for her. She saw a note on the table that Chi Mo had left for her. The general idea was that he was going away for a few days, and asked her to take care of herself, talk to Rufei about things, and leave money and an emergency phone number for them.
Wei Hei put down the note and sighed, this wasn’t the first time. This was not the first time. Every time he helped Wei Chengbao with an errand, he would go out and hide for a few days, only to come back after the storm had passed.
Every time he went out, she was worried sick, but she had no way. Chi Mo lack of money, the whole red light district people know. Wei Chengbao is to see this, every time there is a dangerous thing, it will be given to him.
Rich people take money to buy their lives, and those who don’t have money take money to sell their lives. The more noble people are, the less blood is on their hands, and they don’t even smell of blood. The world is sometimes so simple and so unjust.
Wei Hei poured himself a glass of milk and stood on the balcony, looking out across the remaining sun. The afterglow of the rising sun was reflected on the glass windows of the opposite building through the gaps between the buildings, like a splash of bright red blood, which was the only morning sun she could see.
It is said that God is fair, but those who live in the pigeon buildings have even less chance to enjoy the sunlight than others.
Some people are born with a golden key, and all they see when they open their eyes is a clear and bright river and mountains. Some people are born with nothing, and even if they open their eyes wide, there is still darkness.
Poverty is not sad, the sad thing is that when you try to do everything right, those who don’t even need to work hard can ruin everything for you with just a word, a gesture, or even a move of the eyebrows.
‘Raise your head three feet and there’s a god’, that’s what she said to Ling Luchuan a few hours ago. Wei Hei lifted her head and looked at the narrow line of sky above the city, such a small gap, people are like ants caught in a rock mettlesome, no wonder God can’t see it.
She drank the milk out of her glass, returned to bed, and soon fell asleep.
In her dream, at one time, the falling red was in a formation, and the remnants of the fragrance were all over the ground. At one moment, the fragrance of the lotus and the blue traces of the moon were as white as a train. In the end, the eyes are full of light dance, the snowflakes, red snowflakes, cold and bleak, like the red plasma bursting out of the veins.
Mountains, rivers, trees, everything in the world has turned into a colour, as bright red as blood.

Three days later, Rufei asked Wei Hei, who was painting on the balcony, ‘What did you say to Ling Luchuan?’
Wei Hei stopped her work and looked at her quizzically, gesturing, ‘What do you mean?’
‘People in the circle say that he has recently become obsessed with a female student at the Academy of Fine Arts, and has already declared to the public that he will never again set foot in any of the pleasure grounds. He also said something about how he would only take a dipper of water out of the three thousand weak waters. He said that he would only take one scoop of water out of the three thousand. He said that he would give up the six palaces and favour one person. I said, auntie, this is not a joke, you’d better explain to me.’
‘He said it at the time, I thought it was a joke, who knew he took it seriously.’
Rufei rolled her eyes, ‘Auntie, then what exactly did you promise him that made him so excited plus high profile?’
Wei Hei could only put her brush aside again and explained, ‘I didn’t promise him anything. He told me at the lotus pond that he liked me very much. But I had already told him very clearly that it was impossible for us. He asked again, then is it okay to be an ordinary friend? I said, ‘If you know each other, you are already friends. That’s all ……’
Ru Fei looked at her with a suspicious face and asked, ’Is that really all?’
Wei Hei thought for a moment and replied, ‘Also, he asked me if I hated him. I said no. He asked me why not. I said, ‘You and Ruan Shao Nan are friends in need, but I’m just a casual acquaintance. You’re partners, I have nothing to do with you. In public, in private, in reason, of course you’ll side with him. I won’t just take it out on others just because I’ve suffered misfortune. Injustice has a head, debt has a head, even if I want to hate, that person is not you.’ She thought carefully again and gestured, ‘It seems like that’s all, nothing more.’
Rufei looked dumbfounded, stayed for a long time, and said furiously, ‘You, you …… you can really make me speechless.’
‘Then don’t say it, I guess he Ling young master is just fresh for a few days, after some days will forget the back of the neck.’
‘My god, what kind of person is he, Ling Luchuan, don’t you know? Overbearing and petty, and vindictive. A perverse and unpredictable master. It’s good that he has forgotten, but if he doesn’t, what do you do? Are you really going to be friends with him? He clearly has no good intentions. Can he treat you in a proper manner? When the time comes, a wish is not fulfilled, there is no guarantee that he will not use some dirty tricks. What will you do then?’
Wei Hei thought for a moment and stood in sign language, ‘He said that if I’m willing to be his friend, he can guarantee two things: firstly, he won’t lie to me any more; secondly, he will do his best to prevent me from getting hurt under any circumstances. After spending some time together recently, I think he’s actually not as bad as you think. Besides, it’s just being a normal friend, I have no reason to reject him.’
Ru Fei took one look and simply went crazy, shouting with hatred, ‘Wei Hei, don’t be fooled by his flowery words. Haven’t you suffered enough from people like them?’
If it wasn’t for the concern, the speaker had no intention of saying anything. But Max was listening to the words. These words were like a knife, plunging straight into her heart. This good sister’s unintentional action was even more unbearable than the intentional action.
Wei Hei lowered her head and stared blankly at the mess of paint on the floor, then turned around and continued to paint her own.
Rufei, who was in a state of anxiety, did not even realise it and kept on saying, ‘Even if he can behave himself, what about you? Can you really let go of the past? He is so close to that person, what will you do if he meets that beast? What will happen if Chi Mo finds out? He’s just gone out for a few days, and I’m looking after you like this. When he comes back, what will I tell him? Goodness, I just don’t dare to think about it.’
Ru Fei was like an ant on a hot pan, spinning around the room. In the end, the whole person sat down on the chair in a dishevelled state, at a loss. In the middle of the day, she suddenly thought of something. She was startled by her own thoughts, but this bright flash of thought was like a terrifying viper that wrapped around her heart.
She raised her head, looked at the backlight in the back to her back to draw Hei Hei, swallowed and asked: ‘Hei Hei …… you should not be ……’

An expert statistics, the temperature rises every 2 degrees, the national Rape rates rise by 1 per cent for every 2 degrees rise in temperature. So should a woman travelling at night be given a dagger or a condom? That, my friends, is the topic of our discussion today. When you hear this topic, you’re probably thinking, ‘Of course it’s a dagger. Of course it’s a dagger. China’s thousands of years of traditional concepts, is not the woman’s chastity is more important than life on the position? What I’d like to tell you,介理, is that there is a husband in Chicago who puts a condom in his wife’s bag every time she leaves the house. His explanation was that they lived in a neighbourhood with a high incidence of violent crime and a lot of drug addicts with AIDS. He currently could not afford to let his wife live in a safer place, at least he could let her use the safest method to protect herself ……

Ling Luchuan smiled, he never listened to the radio when he was driving, today on a whim he happened to open it, but found that the topic was very much to his liking, so he turned up the volume again.

I wonder what the husbands and boyfriends in front of the radio think at this moment? Maybe you think the husband is crazy, maybe even the women in front of the radio, think it is incredible. However, have you ever thought that carrying a dagger will always save you from harm? The answer, naturally, is no. So does carrying a condom necessarily mean submitting to pandering? The answer is also no. On the contrary, it is just a weak woman in the inevitable, love themselves, cherish themselves, a way to protect themselves. Women, in front of men are vulnerable. In front of society, but to assume the same responsibility as men ……

florist arrived, Ling Luchuan some reluctance to turn off the radio, decided that after this host of the programme to catch up to listen to, such insightful and bold hosts, it is rare.
Walked into the flower shop, saw the eyes full of beautiful flowers. Ling Luchuan smiled, this is the first time he came to this kind of place, a moment of some dazzling, do not know where to start.
The owner of the flower shop walked over and asked with a smile, ‘Sir, buying flowers for your girlfriend?’
Ling Luchuan turned around and looked, the shop owner was around thirty years old, with big wavy curly hair and a long fiery red bohemian dress, like a living beauty.
‘First time sending flowers, I don’t know what she likes.’
‘Birthday flowers then, no woman doesn’t like her birthday flowers.’
‘Birthday flowers?’
‘Yes, every zodiac sign has its own birthday flower. I wonder what sign your girlfriend is? I have a constellation flower catalogue here, I can help you pick the right birthday flower for her.’
Ling Luchuan looked down and thought, ‘I don’t know about the constellations, but I remember that she was born on the 25th of October.’
The beautiful shopkeeper smiled mysteriously, ‘So it’s Scorpio, no wonder she has such an outstanding boyfriend like you. Scorpio girls are seductive and deadly like poison. Purple hyacinth suits her best, yet elegant, sexy and mysterious. Take a look, that kind is.’
She pointed out a bouquet of flowers in a crystal bottle to him, the shy flowers saved up in a bunch, bright and lovely, with dewdrops on the petals, and with the tender green leaves, it was delightful.
Ling Luchuan looked at the way it stood in the midst of all the flowers, and felt that it was quite a match for Wei Hei, so he couldn’t help but smile and say, ‘She’s skinny and thin, so she’s quite similar to this flower, so it’s this kind of good.’
The shopkeeper nodded, and while helping him wrap the flower, he said, ‘Even though she’s skinny, I’m sure she’s an extremely attractive girl. Scorpio girls have such qualities, they don’t need to be too voluptuous, or even too pretty, but with a single knit of their brows and a smile, they can evoke the primal desire of the opposite sex. Some people say that Scorpio girls are like a dose of drugs, once dabbled in there are only two endings, either quit or die.’
Ling Luchuan laughed, unimpressed, ‘No way, so scary?’
The beautiful shopkeeper also smiled, explaining, ‘This is of course sensationalism. However, sir, you must remember that the Scorpion Woman’s heart of revenge is very strong. Once you have offended her, she will not get angry, but will simply retaliate. The scariest thing is that they are vengeful, and when they take revenge, they tend to be more calm and self-controlled than usual, and they don’t even care about burning the jade with stones. If you have wronged her, then you can be careful.’
When Ling Luchuan heard this, his heart suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. The original high blazing emotions also dropped by seven or eight points.
The shopkeeper wrapped the flower and sprayed some water on it before handing it over to him. Ling Luchuan took out his wallet to settle the bill, the shopkeeper saw that he looked unhappy, immediately understood, only to be afraid that his own jokes just now made people’s hearts unhappy.
So he smiled and said: ‘Sir, the constellation is just a rumour, you can’t believe it all. As the saying goes, there is no unsuitable constellation, only unsuitable people. If you don’t mind, can you tell me the exact hour of your girlfriend’s birth, I’ll help you project it, maybe it will be beneficial later.’
‘This is a flower shop, and I’m giving you fortune telling and divination?’
‘I won’t lie to you, our family has been fortune tellers for generations. But while my grandfather and his family used the I Ching Bagua, I prefer astrological divination, which is in line with the tastes of young people. I used to be a professional fortune teller and have travelled to many countries. Most people in our profession have short lives. My grandfather and my father died before the age of fifty, I didn’t want to be like them, so I went back to China and opened this flower shop.’
Ling Luchuan heard her speak so metaphysically, he was originally a person with no inhibitions, he couldn’t help but be a little curious, ‘Is it really that accurate?’
The shopkeeper smiled, ‘I can only say that numerology is really amazing, when supernatural phenomena happen right in front of your eyes, there’s no way you can’t believe it. Before it happens, all speculations are false. If you’re interested, I’ll do some calculations for you, it’s always good to listen, believe it or not is up to you.’
Ling Luchuan recalled the date of birth on Wei Hei’s medical record that he had read and said, ‘She was born in 1988, I don’t know the exact time.’
The shopkeeper read it silently, lowered off her head and contemplated for a moment, smiled and asked, ‘I wonder if it’s convenient for you, sir, to write down your girlfriend’s name?’
Ling Luchuan thought, anyway, the flowers are going to be sent to the school, the name is always going to stay, and there is no need to avoid it, so he wrote it down on the paper.
Who knows, the shopkeeper’s face instantly changed when she saw those three words, but she lowered her head, so Ling Luchuan didn’t see it.
After a long time, she raised her head and said with a smile, ‘’Sir, from the birth date, her eight characters are not very good, so she was born weak and sickly. In terms of horoscope, her ruling planet is Pluto, but Pluto is the main yin, and yin and yin are mutually exclusive, so it is not good in the main luck. Therefore, your girlfriend is a fate of many Jie’s bitter people, only afraid of a life of much labour, much suffering, much disaster …… You do not rush first, from your face, you are a blessed person. So as long as you guard her at all times, even if she has a calamity, with your shade, she will inevitably be blessed with good fortune in distress and turn misfortune into good fortune.’
Ling Luchuan was then slightly relieved, and heard that he was Wei Hei’s guardian, so weren’t they a natural pair? So he didn’t ask any more questions, left his address, asked the shopkeeper to help him deliver it to the school, and left happily.
After Ling Luchuan left, the shopkeeper instructed the flower delivery boy to deliver the flowers immediately, and also urged that this customer is not rich or expensive, must not be neglected. Then she sat down, found her own fortune-telling book, turned to a new page, and wrote on it with a vermilion brush:

Hei is born at dawn. Hei is born before dawn. The eight characters, Wuchen, Nixu, Nongzi, Nongyin; the five elements of water are strong, but fire and gold are lacking.
The seven killers are in the palace, and the tiger sleeps in his arms. His family is weak, his six relatives are in conflict with each other, and he digs a well without a spring, so he has no one to depend on. Keg father, Keg mother, Keg friend, Keg husband, Keg self, the life of the great evil.

The shopkeeper closed the book, thinking that this girl is a seven kill fate, but also the fate of peach blossom. Such a woman often has an unimaginable allure to men who reign over the world, but is destined to be bullied by such men for the rest of her life. Also remembered that she is a Scorpio, the zodiac sign that likes to hold grudges the most and is the most adept at revenge.
So, can’t help but sigh, such luck, such characters, fortunately was born in the era of peace, not to wreak havoc on the country and harm the people. If it is born in the chaotic world, I am afraid that it is necessary to pour the family, pour the city, pour the country, pour the world ……

Ling Luchuan from the flower shop back to the company, all the way to the heart, a thousand things, always without a landing. So he had his secretary put off a few meetings and evening business engagements, and drove alone to Wei Hei’s school. After arriving at the school, he saw that the time was still early, so he drove the car and skipped around on the nearby road.
He parked the car in front of the school and waited for Max to arrive.
After the bell rang, students came out in groups.
It was a famous art school for over a hundred years, and the students were different from other schools in that there were so many outstanding and talented people here. I don’t know whether it is the broad and mellow art atmosphere here that has infected them, or whether they have added a different kind of lustre to this traditional art hall. Especially those girls carrying drawing boards, just standing there looking at them, there is a kind of pleasing to the eye, like a spring breeze feeling.
It was only after a quarter of an hour’s wait that Ling Luchuan saw Wei Hei and Zhou Xiaofan walk out side by side. He could see her at a glance even in the crowd of outstanding beauties. From the very first time they met, he had sensed that this girl had a sense of presence that was beyond imagination. Even standing in the midst of ten thousand people, she could not be ignored.
Wei Hei was wearing a small pink skirt today, carrying a school bag and holding a stack of books in her hands. Zhou Xiaofan was holding the bouquet of purple hyacinths he had given her, and seemed to be talking to her about something, and Wei Hei was listening intently with her face turned sideways.
In fact, compared to her exquisite front, he preferred her side face, like the first time in the ‘stunning colours of the city’ of the glimpse, straight to the other people’s hearts, but she was unaware of it.
Ling Luchuan greeted her and put the iced lemon tea he had just bought into her hand, then took her book with one hand, and with the other hand removed her backpack and hung it on his arm. All of the actions in a flow, a breath of fresh air, see Wei Hei dumbfounded, not waiting for her to react, her own things have been put into the car by him.
Zhou Xiaofan, who was standing on the side, laughed so hard that she couldn’t straighten up, and when she saw Ling Luchuan walking back, she hurriedly stood up straight and said in a serious manner, ‘Young Master Ling, where’s mine? You won’t just remember Wei Hei and forget about me.’
Who knows that he even trick like, from behind and take out a can on the hands of Xiaofan, and then smiled and bent a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, elegantly said: ‘How will I slow down Xiaofan so lovely girl ……’ words did not finish, suddenly leaned over in Xiaofan ear The volume was lowered to help make ambiguous, ‘find an opportunity for us to go out alone to play, not with her, you say good?’
Zhou Xiaofan was so happy that she said to Wei Hei, who was standing on the side, ‘I say, do you want this man or not? If you don’t hide him properly, I’m going to grab him.’ Then he turned to Ling Luchuan and said, ‘Young Master Ling, I’ll take the drink, but I can’t give you this flower. Wei Hei has asthma and is allergic to pollen. The hyacinth’s fragrance is particularly strong, so it’s easy for her to get sick if she smells it in your car. I think I’ll take it as a bargain.’
Ling Luchuan then thought that he had been careless, but said with a serious face, ‘In fact, it was originally bought for Xiaofan, and I was afraid that you would not accept it, so I had to give it to you in the name of Wei Hei. Feel free to accept it, as long as you understand my painstaking efforts.’
Xiaofan laughed even more happily, ‘Young Master Ling, if you say that again, I’m going to take it seriously. Alright, I’m done with this light bulb, I won’t disturb your two-person world anymore.’
Ling Luchuan smiled and said, ‘Let’s send you back first.’
Xiaofan waved his hand and laughed, ‘I know you love the house, but I can’t be so blinkered. You guys just leave me alone, I’ll take the bus back, it’s very convenient.’

Only after Xiaofan left did Wei Hei have time to write on a piece of paper, ‘Didn’t you say you had a dinner party tonight? Why are you here all of a sudden?’
‘I didn’t see you all afternoon, and I was feeling panicky. What do you want to do tonight?’
Wei Hei thought for a moment and wrote, ‘I haven’t finished the homework the professor left me.’
‘Then have dinner with me, and I’ll send you home without taking up more than a minute of your time, okay?’
Wei Hei looked at this man who smiled in a very normal way, but made her clearly feel that it was not normal, and nodded.
After getting into the car, Ling Luchuan asked Wei Hei, who was fastening her seatbelt, ‘Where are we going to eat?’
Wei Hei looked at him and asked in sign language, ‘You’re fine, right?’
Ling Luchuan froze for a moment, then smiled and said, ‘Why do you ask?’
Wei Hei took out her notebook and wrote, ‘You always eat whatever you say, you’ve never asked me that before. Something’s been wrong since just now, what’s wrong with you?’
The man laughed and said, ‘Being gentle with you, you say I’m not right instead, it’s better to be mean in the future. If you don’t say anything, then let’s go eat Thai food, I know a restaurant that’s quite good.’
Hei did not say anything else, Ling Luchuan lowered his head to start the engine, the car is like a wind, in the dusk of the city, the dust and go ……

Chapter 42 Flesh Lust

Perhaps to sour and spicy Thai food is really unappetising, or perhaps the exotic atmosphere baked with Thai music, tube skirts, fingernail dance is too ostentatious, or perhaps it is the mood of the day is really not good, in short, has always been extremely appetising. In short, Ling Luchuan, who has always had an excellent appetite, lost his usual standard and put down his chopsticks after only a few mouthfuls. A person staring at the stage, a worried look, I do not know what he was thinking.
Wei Hei originally did not like the taste of Thai food, see Ling Luchuan meaningless, he is also more intercontinental missiles emotionally unsettled. Looking at the opposite man quietly looked for a while, finally could not help but probe his hand in front of his eyes shook, asked in sign language: ‘What’s wrong with you?’
Ling Luchuan turned his face, a pair of beautiful and clear eyes, just like that stark and worried looking at her. It was only then that Wei Hei realised that this man had a pair of eyes that could talk. Like this moment, he obviously did not say anything, but those eyes in the look between, as if she said a lot of words. Those eyes were so pure, so clean that even she, who was like a scared bird, could not feel a trace of malice.
Experienced so much hurt and pain, several times life and death, life’s ups and downs are like a sea of change, she did not know why she still have such a feeling? Sitting in front of her is obviously a man who does as he pleases and regards all the rules of the world as if they were dung. However, she just felt that he was a dark hero who could bring her out of the tragedy and let her trust him with everything. Do not worry, as long as you give everything to him ……
Wei Hei moved his eyes away, a heart is like a deer, jumping and banging around, making a lot of noise in his chest cavity. Ling Luchuan shook his head and teased, ‘You should not look at me like this in the future, like a shy little rabbit. If you let me misunderstand that you’ve fallen for me, and I can’t hold back and swallow you in one bite, don’t blame me.’
Wei Hei giggled, thinking: this is what Ling Lu Chuan is like, even if he does something that is harmful to heaven and earth, he has the ability to shrug it off.
The man on the other side of the table, however, let out a long sigh and said, ‘You can even laugh at this, I found that you are really getting more and more unafraid of me.’
At those words, Wei Hei could not help but be stunned. It was only after he said this that she realised that she really wasn’t afraid of him at all anymore. Why was that?
This feeling of peace of mind, she had never gotten from Ruan Shao Nan.
When the two of them were facing each other night and day, when he swore to her, when his lips were entwined, even at the moment when their bodies were overlapping, when the water and milk pressed against each other, she knew that somewhere in her heart, she had always been afraid of him.
Was it a deep-seated fear that came from the heart? Or was it a sixth sense warning of disaster?
Unfortunately, at the time, she was too confused by the memories of her teenage years to hear or see anything.
She smiled and wrote on the paper, ‘Why must I be afraid of you? You were the one who said that we should all be friends. Of course friends should sit on an equal footing, do they have to be divided into high and low?’
Ling Luchuan raised his eyes to look at her, ‘But I am getting more and more afraid of you, and I am still scared to death.’
‘What are you afraid of me?’
The man looked at her and said seriously, ‘I’m afraid of you being sad, I’m afraid of you being sad, I’m afraid of you being bullied, I’m afraid of you being bullied by me. I’m afraid that you will be hurt by the past, I’m afraid that you will be hurt by the future, I’m afraid that I will deliver an empty heart with a fist, but it’s best to end up with a broken heart. The more I touch you, the more I fear. The deeper my fascination with you, the more afraid I am. But what I’m most afraid of, is myself.’
Meeting the man’s focussed gaze, Wei Hei involuntarily trembled, and Ling Luchuan smiled and continued, ‘You are not a man, you are not me. So you won’t know what kind of greedy and terrible desires, what kind of vile and shameless thoughts this man sitting in front of you at this moment holds for you. Do you think Ruan Shao Nan is scary? In fact, I can be even more desperate and terrible than he is. But, Max, I can’t. Because I’m not him, I can’t choose the rules over humanity like he did, in front of humanity and the rules of the game. He gave up all his morals and conscience and chose the easy way out, no guilt, no mercy. But I can’t go. I can’t push you to the brink and watch myself stand by like a stranger, watching you in a bloody mess with cold eyes. Because it wasn’t anyone else, it was you, the one I held and thought about every day. I suffered so much for it that I hugged every woman who looked like you, quenched my thirst and drew a blank. But I’m so tired of this spacing out that the women are starting to make me sick. Sometimes I hate to let you die again, you made me weak. Only when you’re dead can I have peace. Only if you turn into ashes can I die. This feeling of love and hate and shock and fear, do you understand?’
The man’s posture was elegant, his voice calm, like a true gentleman narrating, only the unspeakable madness in the bottom of his eyes gave away his emotions.
Wei Hei’s heart beat wildly, she lowered her head and wrote on the paper with her shaking hand, ‘I believe you, you won’t hurt me, won’t you?’
Ling Luchuan raised his lips and smiled, ‘You trust me? You still don’t know, what exactly I want to do to you, and you’re saying you trust me?’
He reached out his hand in the dim light, stroking her cheek, and gently closed his eyes. The deep, heavy breathing and hushed tone of his voice held immeasurable fervour and carnal desire.
‘I want to lock you up, lock you in a place out of sight so that no man can see you. I want to hold you day and night, as if I were holding the morning air. I want to feast on you like a feast of great beauty. I will possess you as if you were an exclusive sacrifice. I’ll flay you alive, like a lovely and mischievous mermaid. Your hair, your lips, your beautiful limbs, your soft body, every inch of your skin, all of you ……’ His long fingers suddenly clamped tightly on her chin, his breath coming in sharp gasps, ’Mine, all mine. You don’t need to think, you don’t need to feel, you don’t need to reason, you don’t even need to be awake. Because as soon as you open your eyes, you will hate me to the point of bloodlust. Don’t expect there will be anyone to save you, the person who stands in front of me, I will let him die without a burial here ……’
His breath was hot, but his fingers were cold as ice, Wei Hei shivered under his fingers, and the horror of the atmosphere sent chills down her spine.
Feeling her bone-knocking fear, the man opened his eyes and cocked his head, looking at her with fascination, like looking at a piece of privately owned art, his slender fingers slid down from his cheek to her neck, his thumb stroking the once bloody scar back and forth, and he said softly, ‘You’d better believe that not only do I have the ability to do this, but I also have the ambition to do it. But you don’t have to be afraid, I won’t make the pain unbearable. Because even if you are in pain, it won’t be any more painful than I am. Every time I look at you like this, I’m like a starving man sitting in a restaurant, facing the food but not being able to lay my hands on it, and the feeling almost drives me crazy. So every day that I have you, I’m going to make you enjoy the same madness that I do. I will caress you, devour you, torture you, tear you apart. I will make you cry, make you hurt, make you hiss and scream …… Oh yeah, you can’t scream. But I will make you want to live and be powerless, want to die, make you forget everything in the world, and make you beg me to let you go ……’
The man said this, carefully examined the woman he held in his hand, and softly asked, ’Baby, how come you’re so scared that your face is white? ’
See not Hei looked straight at him, wide-eyed, breath do not dare to gasp, which then laughed, back and forth patting the table, ‘I’m just kidding, you will not take it seriously, right?’
After laughing for a while, saw that Max didn’t react, still staring at him in a daze, Ling Luchuan raised his hand and shook it in front of her eyes, ‘Hey, I said Max, let’s not make a scene, don’t scare me.’
Seeing that she still did not respond, he was a bit anxious, stood up and pinched her shoulders, rocking back and forth, ‘Little Auntie, you answer me, okay?’
Wei Hei returned to her senses, looked at him for a while, and drew back her hand to write on a piece of paper, ‘If there really is such a time, I only hope that that person is not you.’
Ling Luchuan was surprised, ‘Why?’
Wei Hei looked at him and continued to write, ‘The night we were at the lotus pond, I told you that I would rather die than let someone I don’t love kiss me. I’d rather die than make love to someone I don’t love. If God prefers me to end up in that situation, then I have no choice but to die. You just said that you wouldn’t push me to the brink because you couldn’t bear it. After experiencing those things half a year ago, I told myself that God has no eyes, the gods are long dead, I no longer have any faith, and only rely on myself to fight against fate. However, at this moment, such a me is willing to believe in you. So, if there really is such a day, I’m going to fall into hell, and have no other thought but to hope that the one who puts me to death, is not you.’
Ling Luchuan looked at it and grunted, lifted her hand and kissed it gently, laughing, ‘Cunning girl, I was going to take this opportunity to have an animalistic outburst, but being pressed down by such a high hat from you, I had to endure it.’
Shaking her head, Unhail wrote, ‘I won’t show my cleverness in front of you, because it’s not even on the same level as you. I bet my life and family on your conscience.’

Chapter 43 – The Darkness of the Willow

Ling Luchuan was very faithful this time, and after dinner, before eight o’clock, he sent Wei Hei back.
‘The food in this restaurant is getting worse and worse, next time we’ll change it.’
Wei Hei smiled and said in sign language, ‘Drive carefully on the road.’ Grabbing his things, he prepared to go upstairs.
‘Right, almost forgot.’ Ling Luchuan pulled her back, ‘Originally, I asked you out today because I have something for you.’
Wei Hei glanced back and he immediately obediently let go of her hand before pulling out a key and placing it in her hand, ‘This is the key to my home, the place you went to last time. In the future, if you can’t go home without the key, go to my place, don’t wander the streets alone in your pyjamas. There’s also this ……’ He pulled out another tiny embroidered bag, took a note out of it and handed it to her.
Wei Hei looked down and saw that on it was written Ling Luchuan’s company address, villa address, as well as his mobile phone number, landline number, and company phone number …… All the contact information that he could think of, he had written on it. In addition, the following surprisingly also wrote a line of small words: this woman is forgetful, easy to get lost. If you find it, please return it quickly, the owner will be grateful. But if there is the slightest damage, the owner will pursue to the end, hopefully at your own discretion.
Hei smiled, Ling Luchuan put the note back into the embroidery bag and hung it around Hei’s neck, telling him: ‘I have sealed the note, so I’m not afraid of the rain, so I’ll wear it every day. When you’re out on the street, if you get sick, just look down. Even if no one picks you up, you’ll still be able to find me, so you won’t lose yourself.’
Wei Hei looked at the delicately embroidered bag and asked in sign language, ‘How did you come up with this?’
‘This is a coincidence, the other day I watched a film, the hero is even worse than you, can only remember what happened within fifteen minutes, he carried a lot of small notes, but also the name of the love of his life texted on the body. I couldn’t put those on you, it hurt and was ugly, so I made you wear them.’
Wei Hei was a little curious and asked in sign language, ‘Love film?’
Ling Luchuan didn’t understand, and when she remembered that there wasn’t much sign language that he could read, she wrote it again on the paper.
The man smiled after reading it and said, ‘It’s a revenge film.’
Unhappy shook his head and wrote on the paper, ‘That’s a shame, I thought the Lord thought it would be a nice love story. It’s already late, if it’s okay, I’ll go up.’
Ling Luchuan nodded, and Wei Hei picked up her own books and backpack and was about to open the car door ……
‘Wei Hei ……’ Ling Luchuan suddenly called out to her.
Wei Hei looked back and gestured with one hand, ‘Is there something else?’
‘You just said that you’re betting on my conscience. If I don’t have one at all, aren’t you afraid you’ll lose your blood?’
Unhei looked at him with some surprise, shook his head, and wrote, ‘I didn’t think about it that much. It just seems that if you wanted to do something, you would have done it long ago and wouldn’t have waited until today.’
‘Heh ……’ the man laughed as he looked at the neon lights in the distance, ’I only realised today that the simple mind is the most terrifying weapon in this world.’
He turned his face and looked at her with complicated and tangled eyes, ‘It’s strange that sometime, I actually wished that you were me to the bone, that everything you said to me was a lie. I even wished you were a woman with evil intentions, full of hate. That everything you did was to use me to get back at him. If that were the case, it would be easier for me, I could let go and do whatever I wanted to you. Unfortunately, you’re not. Lovely girl, you don’t even leave me half a crown of reasons ……’
He reached out his hand as if to caress her beautiful side face under the light. She didn’t move, yet the hand stopped in mid-air, and he smiled, ‘I will keep my promise to you, find my conscience that has been lost, and be a modest gentleman. So you don’t have to worry that you’ll lose everything.’
Wei Hei looked at him and wrote down, ‘In this world, there aren’t just two paths.’
Ling Luchuan didn’t understand what he meant for a moment, ‘What do you mean?’
‘In a few days, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival. I miss the lotus pond in the old town and the spicy pots from that Sichuan restaurant. If you have time that night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, perhaps, we can go back together to take a look?’
Ling Luchuan looked at the note, then at Wei Hei, turned his face to look at the brightly lit market in front of him again, and lowered his head again, before he laughed out loud, ‘You’re inviting me?’
‘You can use your imagination all you want, but I’ll just take it as an invitation back to thank you for taking care of me all these days.’
Wei Hei suddenly remembers something, opens his own backpack, takes out a leave sheet and gives it to him, then writes, ‘This year’s Mid-Autumn and National Day long holiday is very spread out, this is the leave sheet I drew myself, so I’ll give you one as a return gift for this purse.’
Ling Luchuan looked down and saw that it was actually a paper full of grey wolves, with all the rest dates drawn as silly smiley faces, and the dates for work as it was beaten to death.
This was the first time Wei Hei had invited him and given him a gift. For Ling Luchuan, it was a joyous occasion in heaven and on earth, the first of its kind in all of history. His face was calm, but his heart was dancing with joy.
When Wei Hei saw that he was only smiling with his head down, she wrote on a piece of paper, ‘If it’s okay, I really have to go up.’
But the man grabbed her hands, ‘Wei Hei, tell me, what is the third way? I’m afraid I won’t be able to sleep if you don’t make it clear.’
Wei Hei looked at her hands and Ling Luchuan immediately let go. Wei Hei wrote four words on a piece of paper, tore the note off and placed it in his hand.
He looked down and saw that the four words were nothing else. The words were ‘dark flowers, bright flowers’.
Liu dark flowers bright, Liu dark flowers bright …… Ling Luchuan repeatedly read these four words, and then the corners of his mouth slowly lifted up, smiled greatly, really happy beyond description.
These four words are really too important to him, too important. It was as if he saw the goddess of dawn beckoning to him, the mountains and rivers were clear, the sun shone brightly, and all the tigers in the world turned into butter.
Wei Hei saw the man beside him pinching the note, smiling and laughing endlessly to himself. So quietly, grabbed his things, opened the car door and slipped away.
But not yet out of half a metre away, heard someone behind her shouted: ‘Wei Hei ……’
She subconsciously turned back, before she could see, was a pair of strong arms pulled, the whole person into his warm arms.
The bustling world instantly darkened, all the light disappeared, she stood there with her hands hanging down, the backpack on her shoulders fell off, and the books in her hands were scattered all over the place. She was in his arms and had seen almost half of her life.
What is there in the past, what is there in the future, those once pain, tribulation, bruises, blood and rain …… then, all of them gradually blurred, and slowly clear, and finally in the wind mouth of the years as the sky fluttering flower petals, with the wind, never to return.

Seeing the surprised eyes of passers-by, the person in his arms struggled a little, Ling Luchuan then reluctantly let go of his hand, bent down to pick up her backpack and books.
‘I’ll send you up?’
Wei Hei shook his head, retrieving his things and turning to go up the stairs. Almost at the entrance, he was still shouting from behind her, ‘Hey, pretty girl, don’t let me walk you up, or you’ll meet a pervert.’
Wei Hei turned around and gestured, ‘Aren’t you the biggest pervert?’
Ling Luchuan leaned against the car door and shook his head with a smile, ‘I can’t read it, but I know that you must be cursing me.’
Wei Hei smiled down, then raised her watery eyes to look at him and made a phone call gesture, ‘Phone contact.’
Ling Luchuan kept watching her go up the stairs, looking at the stairway and smiling for a while, then smiling at the streetlight for a while, oblivious to the surprised eyes of passersby. Then dashing round, back to the car, saw the note, picked up and read it again.
Looked and smiled, looked and smiled again, and realised how beautifully the four words were written. Raising his head to look at the line of night sky in the ghetto, he again felt that today’s moon was really lovely, and the night sky was really beautiful.
The mobile phone rang, Ling Luchuan thought it was from Wei Hei, pressed the headset, heard his secretary’s voice, couldn’t help but smile again, said in a voice that was unknown how many times gentler than usual, ‘What is it?’
The person on the other end of the phone was a little surprised, and stayed for half a second before saying, ‘Mr Ling, Mr Lu’s secretary said that because the Weather Forecast said that there will be a typhoon making landfall in the near future, they are afraid of being stranded here for too long, and would like to talk to you about the co-operation plan this evening. I’ve already told them that you don’t talk about official business after eight o’clock, but they’ve requested it again and again, so ……‘
’That’s fine, let’s talk about it then. In a few days it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival, so we can’t let people not be able to return home on the big day.’
The secretary was surprised a handful of times again, a bit suspicious if this person was his boss, ‘If it’s okay with you, I’ll inform them. In addition, I just listened to them, it seems that they want us to let another five percentage points. I’ve already declined …… according to your meaning‘
’Five percentage points only, let let let let, it doesn’t matter.’ Ling Luchuan, while talking on the phone, put the leave form given to him by Wei Hei on the most conspicuous place in the car, the more you look at it, the cuter it gets.
The secretary suspected that she hadn’t made herself clear, so she repeated, ‘Mr Ling, they’re asking us to let them have another five percentage points, which is equivalent to several million less revenue, do we really have to let them have it?’
‘It’s just a few million, it’s not a big amount. It’s not easy for people’s small companies, and besides, it’s just a holiday, so we’re all happy.’
The secretary almost suspected that he was possessed, having followed him for so many years, he had always known that Ling Luchuan was the most tricky in the business world, and had never seen him so humane.
‘Alright, it’s settled. You tell them to wait for me at the hotel, I’ll go over now.’
The secretary put down her mobile phone and checked the number again before she dared to be sure that she hadn’t made a wrong call.

Ling Luchuan turned on the radio and tuned it to a music channel, started the engine sharply, and the car sped through the neon lights of the city.
The radio is playing a melodious English song, is Alex Band’s Only one, Ling Luchuan pressed down the window, let the cool night breeze blowing in, as if to see the sky full of stars, and the melody in the ear together dance.

One love to give
One chance to keep from falling
One heart to break
One soul to take us
Not to forsake us
Only One
Only One

“Listeners, this week’s hit song is the episode of the hit TV series “The Vampire Diaries” that is currently airing in the United States. This week’s hit song is Only One from the hit TV series The Vampire Diaries, which is currently airing in the U.S. Following the box office success of the Twilight series, films and TV shows featuring vampire-human romance have become hugely popular with young people in the U.S. Perhaps we can understand this phenomenon. For this phenomenon, perhaps we can understand that people’s desire for true love has surpassed the value of life. When the desire for love is the strongest, it is also when life is the most dangerous. Friends, when the beloved stands in front of you, love under desire, destroy and guard, what will you choose? Or you will say, no need to choose, let everything to fate, only because true love is like blood ……’

Ling Luchuan shook his head and laughed softly, suddenly found himself old, already not used to the young people’s contraptions, and then savour its lyrics, and violently found that, surprisingly, with their own mood at this time is so compatible.

A lifetime of life, a lifetime of giving, a lifetime of falling, a lifetime of heartbreak, a lifetime of soul, it seizes you and me, never leave, this is the only ……

He turned his face and looked at the city’s misty lights, and he expected true love to be like blood, but at this moment, the feelings that are raging in his heart are not possessions and desires, but the willowy Hope and endless thoughts.

Chapter 44 Rape

If not another night shift, after taking a bath, Wei Hei lit the balcony light and set up the drawing board, ready to finish the unformed work. While she was busy, her mobile phone rang. She thought it was Ling Luchuan calling and picked it up without even looking.
‘It’s me ……’
The paint box in her hand fell to the ground, spilling colourfully all over the place.
The voice continued, ‘I’m waiting for you in the car, after ten minutes, you come down, or I’ll go up.’
The only sound left in his ears was a busy tone. He held the phone in the same position as before, as if he could not see, and his eyes were a horrible white. After an indeterminate amount of time, perhaps ten minutes, perhaps a century, there were footsteps at the door, followed by a knock.
Max turned his head in panic, looked at the door with a look of fear, and trembled like a chaff. She didn’t want to see him! She didn’t want to see him! But that terrible knocking sound was like a ghost demanding her life, and it wouldn’t stop.
Knock, knock, knock, knock, each time like a smash on her heart, smashed her liver and gall. She desperately covered her ears, just wanting to hide herself far away from all this horror, but in her panic, she tripped over a chair, and her whole body fell to the floor, skinning her arms and knees.
She couldn’t care less about the scrapes or the pain, and clutched her knees, cowering in the corner like a frightened little mole, cowering and thrashing about.
When the knocking finally stopped, she slowly lifted her head from between her knees, but her mobile phone, which had fallen to the floor, rang.
A voice said through the door, ‘Max, I know you’re in there. Open the door, or I’ll have someone invite Miss Mo back, you don’t want to alarm her, do you?’
Her complexion flinched, and with a pair of horrified and empty eyes, she looked helplessly at the doorway, unable to do anything ……

Ruan Shao Nan stood at the doorway, and the entire room could be seen in one glance.
A space of less than ten square metres, apart from the bathroom, there was only one room. A double bed and a chair were all the furniture in the house. It was cleanly packed, only the siding on the roof was damp and peeling off, and the simplicity was not as bad as the cheapest clock hotel.
He found another folded-up bed-spring in a corner, and a wire for hanging curtains hung in the middle of the room, so it was possible to guess how they, two women and a man, had arranged their accommodation in this space where there was only standing room.
‘You don’t seem to have changed much except for your hair being cut short and an extra scar on your neck?’ Ruan Shao Nan sat on a chair, looking up and down at Wei Hei, who was cowering in the corner of the bed, and added, ‘I almost forgot, you can’t talk.’
Wei Hei listened to him speak, each sentence carrying an echo, as if it was very close, but also seemed very far away. But after not seeing each other for half a year, the two people who used to be close to each other were as if they were separated by a world.
She hugged her knees, her entire body shrinking into a ball.
‘How did you guys end up living with Chi Mo?’ Ruan Shao Nan asked.
Wei Hei looked at him dumbfounded, only half a day later did she respond, taking out a pen and writing in her notebook, ‘I was hospitalised and spent all of our savings, and the landlord threw out all of our things. We had nowhere to go and borrowed from loan sharks, so he took us in to live here.’
Ruan Shao Nan remembered that half a year ago, Mo Rufei had come to him a few times, so that was what happened.
Wei Hei then wrote, ‘What do you want to see me about?’
Ruan Shao Nan smiled, ‘I told you, I miss you.’
When she thought of the past, Wei Hei couldn’t help but shiver. With trembling fingers, she tried to write, ‘Mr Ruan, please get to the point.’
Ruan Shao Nan hooked his lips and smiled, so faint that it seemed like nothing, and Wei Hei’s heart curled up into a tiny ball along with that icy smile.
‘Well then, I don’t like to beat around the bush either. I just want to tell you, don’t try to use one man against another, especially an uneducated little girl like you. That kind of self-righteousness is so stupid it borders on the ludicrous.’
Unh looked at him and wrote, ‘You think I’m with him to get back at you?’
‘Revenge?’ The corner of Ruan Shao Nan’s mouth smiled, ‘I’m well aware of Lok Chuan’s temperament, if we’re talking about ruthlessness and cunning, I’d have to give him three points. If you want to play tricks in front of him, you don’t have that skill yet. I’m just worried about you, afraid that if you see him treating you now, you’ll forget for a moment. Killing is the nature of wolves, have you ever seen a wolf that doesn’t eat meat?’
He deliberately slowed down his speech and said meaningfully, ‘It’s not easy for you to keep this life and still continue to finish your studies. I would cherish it if I were you.’
Ruan Shao Nan looked at his watch and surveyed the room once more, and said faintly, ‘Let’s leave it at that for today, if you need money, you can come and find me. I actually kinda miss it, the days we used to be together. I’ve always kept your asthma medicine.’
He stood up, leaned in close, touched the side of her cold face, and smiled, ‘You know what I mean.’
Unh’s watery eyes opened and she looked straight at him. It was like looking at a stranger she didn’t know.
At this moment, what tumbled out in her heart was not fear, but sadness. She felt sad for her own once a piece of infatuation; felt sad for the young Ruan Shao Nan; felt sad for their lost, once let her love and cherish the memories …… like life.
Had he ever loved her? Did he ever regret it?
The answer was no, he hadn’t.
But where there was any semblance of love or remorse, he would not have appeared before her in such a manner, with such a gesture, with such an expression. There was no guilt, no shame, no hesitation, no apology, there was only the mockery and indifference of the winner to the loser, the contempt and arrogance of the strong to the weak.
Over these past six months, she had been asking herself what she had done wrong, why did he treat her like this? Didn’t they all say to put your heart in the right place? Why is it that he just doesn’t love her when she tries so hard?
Now that she saw him like this and heard these words, the doubts in her heart that she had been having all along were finally answered.
This heaven and earth absolutely selfish man, his inside is empty, in addition to a beautiful body, he has nothing.
Wei Hei gazed into the man’s eyes, his lips opened and closed, and said wordlessly, ‘I love you, you shine so brightly in my eyes. If I don’t love you, you’re nothing.’
Ruan Shao Nan did not look away, but was firmly taken in by those eyes that were like deep pools. He clasped the side of her face and lowered his head to kiss her. Wei Hei snapped back to her senses and bit down hard on his lips.
She bit him hard on the lips, but the man didn’t let go, instead, he grabbed her by the neck and slammed her against the cold wall.
The back of her head hit the wall, and her bones ached from his impact, and her eyes were first red and white, and then only darkness, an endless black wilderness, remained in front of her.

The unconsciousness seemed to last only a moment, and when she opened her eyes again, she saw the mould on the ceiling, the swaying lamps, the darkness of the room, and the coldness spreading everywhere, as if it were a scene from a thriller.
She thought that Ruan Shao Nan had already left, and turned her face sideways to realise that he hadn’t, and was standing at the foot of the bed. It was hard to see his face in the darkness, only vaguely seeing him carelessly unbuttoning his buttons and taking off his shirt, revealing his firm muscles.
Soldier! The sound of a snap coming off, him pulling his belt out and tossing it aside, undressing in a gesture so cold, ruthless, and superior that she looked at him with fear, five inwardly.
She knew what he was going to do, knew what he would do. He would tear her alive with his cold fangs. Even if she bled and wept, even if she pleaded in pain, he would just take her by force, with no semblance of mercy.
The impending disaster made her fear to the extreme, ignoring her body that was falling apart in pain, she supported her arms in fear, and rolled off the bed with a flip, the door was just half a metre away, as long as she could climb out ……
He laughed, and like an experienced hunter pulling the ankles of his prey, he dragged her back. Wei Hei was like a cat being dragged towards the board, ten fingers digging into the floor as if clutching at her life, her thin, brittle nails scratching out a harsh, metallic friction, the nail of her pinky splintering off in half, drawing a thin line of blood.
He took her by the arm, yanked her roughly to her feet and pushed her down onto the bed, his icy eyes full of mockery as he sharply unbuttoned his trousers and covered them.
Wei Hei was like a mouse being branded, struggling like crazy, her hands pounding on his shoulders, and her legs kicking randomly, and in the confusion, she even kicked the man in the small of his back.
Ruan Shao Nan bowed in pain, backhanded a slap, mercilessly thrown in her face. The back of Wei Hei’s head hit the bed board, and her eyes sank as the man’s strong body pressed down again.
The left side of her face was swollen, aching and hot, ignoring the pain in her body, struggling and resisting with all her strength. Eyes looking at the door, cracked voice let out a whimpering plea for help, voice blurred and broken, a few inaudible, miserable and desperate.
Ruan Shao Nan was so disturbed by her that he pulled over the belt and pinched her chin with one hand, sneering against her ear, ‘If you’re not honest again, I don’t mind tying you up once more!’
A feeling of horror swept through her body, remembering that terrible night, Wei Hei shivered with horror. She looked desperately into his eyes in the darkness, and her terrified tears were like beads on a broken string, breaking one by one in the cold air.
Seeing the retreat and weakness in her eyes, the man licked her earlobe and smiled, ‘Wei Hei, be good, you still want to continue school, don’t you? Don’t let me tear you apart!’
His icy breath pierced straight through her eardrums, she couldn’t take it anymore, and seemed to actually admit defeat, closing her tear-darkened eyes, her trembling hands sliding down his shoulders, her fingertips inadvertently touching the red spot on his chest, and a shudder ran through the man.
With a low gasp, he tore at her nightgown, clasping the side of her face in his large hands and kissing her hard. The line of her neck was as soft and quiet as ever, and her slightly trembling breasts were like a shy invitation. He bit the tip of her pink nipple, nibbling at her perfect flesh, his long fingers ravaging her thighs powerfully, as if he were a hell-hungry ghost facing a feast of absolute beauty.
His breath was blazing, his nostrils flaring, and his ragged panting showed how much he was enjoying himself, how much pleasure he was taking. As for the person under him, her slender ten fingers tightly gripped the worn pillowcase, as if she was enduring a great pain, like a fearful patient facing the doctor’s scalpel, a drowning person gripping the last straw to save her life.
Satisfied, he gripped her waist, parted her thin white legs, his strong waist was buried between her legs, the desire underneath him was like a ferocious beast, hot with lust. He hated the fresh flesh before him, the body of his enemy’s daughter, with its slight weakness and wretched beauty.
He did not love her! He had told himself this countless times. But he didn’t understand why he just couldn’t stop himself from her, even if he used such dirty tricks, he still wanted to possess her. No! He simply wanted to tear her apart, when she smiled at another man, when she quietly hid in the crook of his arm looking up at the stars.
He heard the voice of his heart: go to hell! You go to hell!
He grabbed her hair violently and ripped her bottoms with a sizzling sound, the shattered cloth hanging pathetically from her bruised thighs.
Unh’s eyes raged as his hands pushed harder and she was forced to look up at him with tears in her eyes. This was the way he liked it, he just wanted her to watch, to possess her every second of the day, he wanted her to watch. No ignoring allowed! No escaping allowed!
But just for a moment, she was so soft and quiet, such gentleness that she almost drowned him again. He looked at her watery eyes with fascination, so clear, so beautiful.
His fingers gently stroked her, gently soothing her with that primitive rhythm, forcibly possessing her. It seemed as if he wanted to do it in such a way that she would be just as involved, just as happy, just as passionate as he was. The moment he was about to invade, he kissed her on the lips, with a crazy voice overbearingly proclaimed: ‘You are mine, Maxine, you are mine ……’

Maxine looked at the ceiling in the darkness, quietly listening to such a brutal process, she had endured in silence, it seems to be She’d waited for this moment.
Just for this moment!
She used her empty hand to reach under the pillow, where the dagger Chi Mo had left for her and Rufei to defend themselves was placed. She touched the sharp blade, then the handle wrapped in rubber, the frank feeling, held it in her hand, drew it out, and violently stabbed it towards his neck ……
Boom! A loud thunder exploded outside the window, the silver-white lightning was like a sharp sword, piercing the night sky, the pouring rain poured down, the people on the streets were caught off guard and ran in all directions.
The murder weapon in his hand fell in response, followed by the sound of dislocated tendons and bones, Wei Hei arched his body, panting heavily, the sweat of the excruciating pain instantly blurred his vision, his eyes were straight and empty as he looked into the man’s furious eyes, and the whole world was deathly silent.
Ruan Shao Nan opened his bloodshot eyes, unbelievably looking at the woman he had squeezed in his hand, she had once loved him so desperately, loved him so much that she whispered. But now, the hand that stabbed at his neck carried a jade and stone ruthlessness, showing no mercy.
He couldn’t believe it, what was she made of? Her body was so weak and vulnerable that any strong man could bully her at will. But the spirit that hid in that body was stubborn to the point of being chilling.
He twisted her shaking hands, like a wounded beast, and pressed against her ear with a cold sneer, ‘You like this don’t you? Then tonight, let’s have a good time.’
‘No ……’ The person underneath trembled, her lips opened and closed, and her broken vocal cords sent out a silent hiss, and the miserable intensity seemed to be able to shake the black night. But soon, the bawling rain and bursts of loud thunder drowned out everything, and nothing was left ……

Chapter 45 Dynasty Shadow

Ling Luchuan was woken up by his own alarm clock, and when he opened his eyes, it was already eight o’clock in the morning. After talking business last night, I drank two more glasses with that Taiwanese. At this moment, his head felt like it was stuffed with lead, and it hurt like hell.
The rain outside the window had been falling since midnight and had not stopped. He rubbed his temples, sat up, and lifted the quilt ……
“Wei Hei?’
Seeing the person who was shrinking like a small shrimp under his quilt, Ling Luchuan was really startled, ‘When did you come?’
He lifted her face and looked at it, she was sleeping very well, her hair and clothes were still wet, it was obvious that she had been drenched in the rain. Seeing again that her cheeks were scarlet, he touched her forehead, there was some low-grade fever. Lifting up her arm again, he found that there were abrasions at her elbow, and couldn’t help but sigh.
Ling Luchuan was used to sleeping naked, and now that he was lying naked in his own home, this little girl climbed into his bed while he was asleep, who was taking advantage of whom?
He found a pair of black pyjama trousers and casually put them on. He got out of bed and found the medicine box, and took out the plasters and fever-reducing pills for trauma from it. When feeding her the medicine, he found that her clothes were still wet, which is to fall sick after wearing it for a long time.
So he said to the person in his arms, ‘It’s not that I want to take advantage of you, who asked you to sleep without knowing, and drenched like a drowned chicken, condescend to it.’
He helped her undress, first the skirt, then the underwear ……
Ling Luchuan felt that his hands were a little out of order, and his eyes were getting more and more disobedient. Previously only heard of ‘autumn water for the muscle, jade for the bone’, this moment really feel. This girl is like a snow pile out, white and bright incredible.
The wet clothes were stripped off, and Wei Hei shivered, instinctively sticking to the warmth. By the time he was done, she was already like a naked kitten, nestling into his arms.
Ling Luchuan screamed in agony, this was like a sweet trap. Solely put his heart, a rolled over and pressed the person under his body. The heart said: love whoever it is. First comfortable and then say. The big deal is to apologise afterwards, and just beat and scold at will.

Ling Luchuan shook his head and laughed lightly, he thought he was not what kind of good faith woman, stirring up the fire, backstabbing, falling down the well, bullying men and women in the shopping mall of unethical things have not done less.
But this moment, he held the person in his arms and looked carefully, she slept so frankly, so sweet, so at ease. She is with injuries braving the rain to find himself, perhaps met a difficult thing.
He also saw the scar on her neck and remembered that when she was tortured by Lu Renxie, he was laughing and joking with Ruan Shao Nan, drinking happily for their success.
When he thought about it, he couldn’t do anything else.
Touching the scar, he muttered to himself in some confusion, ‘How could he bear it in the first place, to leave you to that beast?’ Lowering his head and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, he said heartily, ‘How could I bear it, why didn’t I save you in the first place?’
He got up and went to the bathroom to get a dry towel, wanting to help her dry her hair and body. It was only when he was quiet at this moment that he realised that there were multiple bruises and abrasions on her legs, even on her thighs, and the little thumb of her right hand had lost a piece of its nail, exposing the tender pink flesh.
He couldn’t help but wonder a little, had she rolled down the stairs? How could she be injured like this? If she had accidentally rolled down the stairs, then how come there was no injury on her forehead?
But the mobile phone rang at this time, he was afraid of waking her up and immediately picked it up.
His secretary said, ‘Mr Ling, the meeting will start in half an hour ……’
Ling Luchuan froze for a moment before he remembered that he still had a bunch of work left to deal with today. He twisted his head to look at the person on the bed and said, ‘I’m going to take a day off today, inform them to reschedule it.’
‘Reschedule?’ The secretary repeated in surprise, then said good-naturedly, ‘Okay, I’ll inform them.’
Ling Luchuan hung up the phone and returned to the bed to tuck in the covers for Wei Hei. Rubbing his temples, his head still hurt badly. Finding a painkiller in the medicine box, he ate it and lay back on the bed again, wanting to sleep.
Ling Luchuan likes silk bedding, this kind of material is soft and comfortable, but slightly cool to the touch. Wei Hei already had a low fever and was afraid of the cold, and now that she was covered with this, she felt even colder. So instinctively towards the only warm thing in the quilt – the man’s chest, pasted, and pasted ……
Seeing this scene, Ling Luchuan cried and laughed, lowered his head to hold her cold little hand, sighed: ‘You can really test me! ……’ and lifted her chin, bad smile, ’do not do anything else, a kiss can always right? Anyway, you are quiet like a bouncy doll at this moment, swallowed you do not know.’
But in the end, he didn’t do it, but turned on his side and embraced her, yawning and falling asleep.

The two of them slept in the bedroom with the curtains closed until near dusk, when Wei Hei suddenly had a nightmare. Her whole body was caught up in this terrible nightmare, like a ghost pressing down on the bed, want to scream can not scream, want to cry but can not cry, want to wake up, but how to open the eyes, shortness of breath, drenched in sweat.
I do not know how, she suddenly sat up, a pair of eyes fearfully looking ahead, breathing heavily, people wake up, but the soul is still in the dream.
With such a toss, Ling Luchuan who was sleeping next to her also woke up, naked, looked at the alarm clock on the bedside, and said, ‘Damn, how did I sleep until now?’
And saw the person beside him who was stripped naked by him, grabbing the quilt, a pair of watery eyes looking at him in confusion, couldn’t help but want to bully her.
So he lifted up the person’s slender jade finger, kissed it, and said in a very gentlemanly manner, ‘Baby, do you think we should eat first, or take a bath first? I see, it is better to take a bath first, last night sweated so much ……’
Wei Hei drew back her hand as if she was electrocuted, grabbed the quilt and retreated all the way to the corner of the bed, and curled herself up into a snowball, shivering.
Ling Luchuan did not expect her to be scared like this, raised his hands and said with a smile, ‘I’m just kidding, from last night to now, I have done nothing, you should feel, is not it?’
But the person shrinking in the corner of the bed, as if she didn’t hear his words, still shrinking like a poor little hedgehog, only without the thorns.
Ling Luchuan felt something was wrong, forcefully pulling her over even with the quilt, grabbing her shoulders and nervously asking, ‘Little Ancestor, don’t scare me, you won’t forget again, right? What about last night? What about the words you wrote to me? You don’t remember all of them, do you?’
The man felt like he was going crazy, if she really said she didn’t remember, he was happy for nothing, not to mention that he would have to zero out all his previous efforts and start all over again.
Wei Hei was carried throughout by him, looking at him timidly for a moment like a small rabbit, looking around as if she was looking for something.
Ling Luchuan immediately understood and brought her paper and a pen. Wei Hei wrote on the paper, ‘I remember everything I wrote to you last night. I know you didn’t do anything, I was the one who ran here, I’m sorry for causing you trouble.’
Ling Luchuan then put his heart down, ‘What are you saying sorry for, I was anxious for you to come in the day. It’s you, why did you run over so late in the rain? How did you get the injury on your body, do you still remember?’
Wei Hei shivered as if she was afraid of the cold, holding her arms and looking straight at her legs, her expression stagnant, her mind in a trance.
‘Wei Hei?’ Ling Luchuan worriedly looked at her, her reaction today is too unusual, not like amnesia, but like a great shock, the whole person is demented, the former aura disappeared into thin air.
‘I don’t remember ……’ Wei Hei made a gesture like this and stopped moving.
Ling Luchuan looked at her, she was lying, he could tell at a glance. But he couldn’t expose her, she had something on her mind but didn’t tell him, which meant that she didn’t trust him with her whole heart, and this knowledge made him more or less sad.
Looking at Wei Hei’s detached expression, Ling Lu Chuan was puzzled. Yesterday, he had felt that she was close to him, but how could she have run away again after just one night?
Wei Hei looked at the clothes he had thrown on the floor and wrote on the paper, ‘You took them off for me?’
He looked at her with raised eyebrows, ‘Is there another person in this room?’
Wei Hei hung her head, like a little girl who had been bullied and had nowhere to complain, hugging her knees and not arguing another word.
Seeing her resigned expression, the man was no longer in a joking mood. Getting up and out of bed, he pulled open the curtains.
His bedroom was designed to be separated from the water, and outside the window was an artificial lake that was flat as a mirror, and as the sun set, the clear water of the lake reflected the sunset, as if it was a burning ocean.
Suddenly felt that today’s dusk is particularly beautiful, the shadow of the sunset is like a veil, the distant mountains like Diane, the omnipresent red colour in heaven and earth, which makes people’s heart broad.
He opened the window and stood looking at the lake in the distance. Wei Hei raised her head and looked at him imprinted in the slanting evening sun, seeing the flower tattoos on his body that stretched from his left shoulder all the way to his back, and for a moment, she actually forgot about her fear and dread.
How could she not have thought that a nobleman like Ling Lu Chuan would have a tattoo? He couldn’t see it with his clothes on before, but now when she looked at it against the evening sun, the red flowers on her shoulder were even more enchanting, and the black branches and vines were like the tentacles of a goblin, wrapping her eyes and her heart tightly around them.
This unbelievable pattern, with his male body full of strength and natural nobility combined so perfectly, as if it was a totem exclusive to him alone.
She didn’t know how to describe the scene in front of her, all the words seemed to be too shallow to describe it, and any better praise would just be chiselled.
Ling Luchuan looked back in the backlight and saw her still sitting wrapped in the quilt, and thinking that underneath the quilt she was still naked, he couldn’t help but ask, ‘Are you cold?’
Wei Hei shook her head and then sneezed. Ling Luchuan closed the window and walked to the cloakroom to find a thin, smoky grey jumper, returning to the bedroom and handing it to her, saying, ‘Wear this first, your clothes were drenched by the rain and need to be washed before you can wear them.’
Wei Hei took the clothes and, unable to resist her curiosity, wrote on a piece of paper, ‘Why do you have a tattoo?’
Ling Luchuan then remembered and pointed to his shoulder, ‘You mean this? Did you get it when you were in military school?’
Wei Hei was a little surprised and wrote, ‘Military school allowed it?’
Ling Luchuan smiled, ‘It’s just that it wasn’t allowed before I wrote it, and then I was kicked out without any problems. After our family master knew about it, he broke one of my ribs, right here ……’
He took her hand and stuck it on his angular abs, a rigid and raw touch, like an iron plate wrapped in cotton.
Wei Hei brushed her face red and hurriedly withdrew her hand, writing on the paper, ‘Did you do it on purpose to make him angry?’
The man laughed and pinched her chin, ‘As long as I can make him jump out of his skin, I’m willing to die. Well, let’s not talk about that. Are you hungry, let’s order some food?’
But Wei Hei’s mind was still on his Man, looking at the enchanting and gorgeous pattern, her lips opened and closed, silently mumbling two words.
Ling Luchuan saw her lips moving and asked curiously, ‘What did you say?’
‘Chao Ying, the name of this flower, is one of the most beautiful varieties of dahlias.’ Wei Hei wrote on the paper.
Ling Luchuan looked down at it, ‘I didn’t even know it was so prestigious, when I first pointed out a random pattern, I let the master place the needle. Do you like it?’
Wei Hei nodded and said in sign language, ‘It’s beautiful.’ After thinking about it, he wrote on the paper again, ‘Can I paint you? I’d like to use this painting as a graduation piece, and it won’t take up too much of your time, is that okay?’
Ling Luchuan immediately became interested and asked her smilingly, ‘Full nudity? As long as it’s you, I’ll give unconditionally.’
‘No need to be completely naked, the upper half of the body is fine.’
Ling Luchuan smiled wickedly, ‘Are you sure? I’m actually more attractive down there than up there.’
Wei Hei shook her head and wrote, ‘I only paint flowers, I’m not interested in earthworms.’

Chapter 46 – The Nature of Wolves

‘You’re resisting me like this, yet you’re going with him, what do you think he is? Let me tell you, what Ling Luchuan likes, there is never a reason to put it aside and not touch it. Once he gets it, how long do you think he can keep it fresh? A month? Or a year? You have no status, no position, no money, no background, talking about love with a playboy, can you afford to play?’
‘You’re not destined to escape in this life, I’m the best choice for you. I don’t need you to love me, and I’m not going to love you. But I can give you a much superior life than now, life is short, living painfully is the most important thing. You do not want to, today I will let you off, think about it ……’

The brush in his hand unconsciously stopped, Wei Hei lost his concentration and looked at his drawing board, on which only a few strokes were drawn.
At that time, Ruan Shao Nan sprained her wrist, pinched her chin and said these words, then left her shivering in pain, dressed himself and left. And she lay alone on the cold bed, to a room of darkness, horrified, sobbing uncontrollably.
She didn’t want Rufei to see her like this, and after getting dressed, she didn’t know where she should go.
Alone, she walked for a long, long time in the pouring rain, in the dark and cold streets, freezing, shivering, sleepy and tired.
Only remembering that she finally ended up in a very warm place, clean and not raining. She was so tired that she found a soft cushion, lay down on it and fell asleep.
In her heart, she also thought, the dark night of this city is too long, tomorrow if it is sunny, it will be good ……
When she woke up, the sky was really clear. Seeing the sleeping person beside her, she remembered that she had unknowingly walked to Ling Luchuan’s villa, opened the door with the key he had given her, climbed into someone’s bed in a daze, and slept until the dawn.

‘Isn’t it too tired? Do you want to take a rest?’ Ling Luchuan, who was sitting on a chair as a model, saw that she was sometimes in a trance and sometimes lost in thought at the drawing board, thinking that she didn’t rest well yesterday.
Wei Hei didn’t reply, her head was lowered, her hands hanging down, sitting on the high painting chair, looking more and more like a person with shrunken shoulders and arched back, so pitiful.
He walked over to her and lifted her chin, ‘Don’t keep your head down all the time, it’s easy to get wrinkles on your neck.’
Wei Hei subconsciously touched her neck, he smiled and said, ‘It’s not that soon, if you’re scared, just hold your head up more. I like to see you with your head held high, the first time I saw you, you looked like that, like a deer listening in the wind, so fascinating that I couldn’t take my eyes off you.’
Ling Luchuan remembered the first time they met, this silly child, he was obviously too weak to be hit, but he liked to stand in front of others.
‘First meeting? You’re talking about the time you pinned me down on the sofa and bullied me at ‘Absolute Colour Pouring City’?’ Wei Hei took out a small notebook and wrote on a piece of paper.
Ling Luchuan was so angry that he ground his teeth, ‘Damn girl, didn’t I apologise to you? She’s still so vindictive. Otherwise, here is the sofa, you also press me up, like I bullied you bully me once, we are even, okay?’
As he said that, he was about to pull her towards the sofa, Wei Hei knew that he was trying to make her happy, but she really couldn’t laugh.
She drew back her hand and tugged at the corner of her mouth to laugh.
Seeing her with such a depressed expression, Ling Luchuan frowned and leaned over to look into her eyes and asked, ‘Did he bully you?’
A flash of panic flashed through Wei Hei’s eyes, and Ling Lu Chuan gritted his teeth, ‘I knew it, how could that black boxer know how to show mercy? You other, I’ll give you revenge.’
Wei Hei couldn’t help but laugh, took out his notebook and wrote, ‘Don’t use this as an excuse to find someone else in trouble, it’s not what you think between us, he’s a very good person, he didn’t bully me, it’s me who owes him too much.’
Ling Luchuan bristled, fiddling with Wei Hei’s easel, and said disdainfully, ‘Yes, he’s been made a good person. He deserves to be immortalised on the Eternal Life Plaque, and all of us bad guys deserve to go to the 18th floor of hell.’
Wei Hei realised that when it came to Ji Mo, he was like a hairy cat, full of hostility.
‘I didn’t say you were a bad person, so what’s your hurry? Your head is covered in sweat and your tendons are bursting out.’ After writing this sentence, Wei Hei took out a handkerchief and handed it to him so that he could wipe off his sweat.
‘Who said I was a hypocrite in the first place, I can remember that.’
Ling Luchuan didn’t take it, but instead put a handsome face over and said, ‘My hands aren’t clean, so don’t make them dirty for you, help me wipe them off.’
Wei Hei ignored him and shoved the handkerchief into his hand before writing on the paper, ‘Weren’t we quarrelling at that time? Of course we didn’t say anything nice when we were quarrelling. I’ve forgotten what you said at the time. You do remember clearly?’
After Ling Luchuan read it, his heart was happy and warm. This sentence had too many meanings. Firstly, she didn’t mean any of the words she scolded him with at the time. Second, she didn’t hold a grudge. Third, she didn’t treat him as an outsider, the kids were just arguing.
He wiped his sweat with Wei Hei’s fragrant handkerchief, then slipped around behind her and said in her ear, ‘It’s easy to forget this, but that allusion to earthworms, I’ll remember it for the rest of my life …… ’ Suddenly kissed her on the cheek, and threatened her after taking advantage of the fire. I’m going to try to wipe it off. If you do, you’ll lose your graduation work, and you’ve just made a start.’
Wei Hei looked down and thought about it, and wrote, ‘Then I won’t rub it, I’ll just think of it as being bitten by a puppy.’
Ling Luchuan laughed instead of being angry, ‘Then why don’t you just let me bite it enough.’
He wrapped his arm around her waist, Wei Hei was so scared that she dodged to the side, and as a result, her feet stepped out of the air and her whole body fell off the chair. Ling Luchuan was unable to pull her back in the confusion, and was brought down by inertia himself.
Then, the easel, drawing board, water cups, paint tray …… all the things that can fall down crackled down, the carpet was a mess.
Ling Luchuan didn’t care about the paint he was covered in, and pulled Wei Hei up from the pile of mess, asking anxiously, ‘Are you hurt?’
Wei Hei shook his head and looked back, pitying a good carpet, and then turned his face to look at the colourful men, almost collapsing on the floor, laughing so hard that he almost went out of breath.
‘Still have the strength to laugh like this, then it’s fine.’ Ling Luchuan picked her up and placed her on the sofa, ‘That fall just now wasn’t light, if you feel any pain anywhere, let’s go to the hospital right away, don’t hold back.’
Wei Hei said to him in sign language, ‘It’s really okay.’
It was comical to see him with red paint on the tip of his nose, like a red-nosed moose. So she tilted her little head, smiled, and reached out her hand to help him wipe it off.
Ling Luchuan grabbed her hand with a burning gaze. She was still wearing his jumper, which still had his smell on it. The loose men’s jumper covered her graceful and delicate body, did she not know how much of a temptation this look of her was to him?


The man clasped her neck, his thumb pushed up against her chin, and couldn’t wait to kiss his way through, like a hungry wolf.

‘Killing is the nature of wolves, have you ever seen a wolf that doesn’t eat meat?’

Ruan Shao Nan’s words drilled into her ears like a poisonous snake. Wei Hei’s entire body froze, but the man holding her was oblivious, taking her fear as tacit approval. He scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom, clicking the door and casually dropping the lock.
He stripped off her jumper and pressed her down onto the large white bed, removing his own pyjama bottoms in annoyance and leaning down to press them. It was only then that she realised that his strong, naked body, with the enchanting floral tattoo on his shoulder, was like a horrible vision that horrified her.
She was like a fearful child, struggling up, but Ling Luchuan, as if possessed, clasped her hands above her head, forcefully breaking her legs, pulling that fine white provocative limb higher, ringing it around his own waistband that was ready to go.
Her legs were pressed against the side of his waist, shivering as if she was afraid of the cold. Her wrists were already sprained, and it tore at her heart to have him press them like this. The abrasions on her knees and elbows were all cracked, exposing red flesh. His rough movements made her ache so much that she wanted to tell him to stop, but her ruptured vocal cords couldn’t make a sound.
She shouldn’t have smiled at him like that, it was too much of a killjoy for him. He didn’t want to care about anything else, just wanted to take her without a second thought, to make her moan and quake and break her apart, to go mad with wanting to, only to find her tightening and trembling just as he was about to push up and enter.
Every piece of flesh and blood on her body shrank together like a tightly closed mussel, thin, brittle shell, fresh flesh, and to possess it, he would have to pry her open alive with her flesh and blood. He didn’t dare to enter with brute force, for fear that he would tear her alive, but the arrow was on the string, and he was driven red by his raging desire.
‘Wei Hei, Wei Hei ……’ He rolled over to her ear, his fingers forcefully invaded her trembling body, hot lips and teeth biting her earlobe, said urgently and annoyed, ’God, be good, be good, OK? Give it to me, give it to me ……’
Instead, her tears cascaded out, moistening his face. He knew she was crying, but he couldn’t help it. He stared into her tearful eyes, unwilling to look any further. Even ignoring her pain, he ruthlessly rolled over her and buried her face in the expensive silk pillowcase.
His solid chest pressed against her back, clipping her hands behind her back that just refused to be honest, his thick and powerful thighs don’t spread her tightly gathered legs, the woman underneath him was like a small, tied-up province, at the mercy of others, miserable.
He wanted to send himself in like this, but he couldn’t get off with his arms around her body that was trembling with pain. He let go of her hand and crossed his arm over her breasts, his broad palms gripping her voluptuousness and kneading it hard, moaning, burning passionate kisses on her shoulders, panting, ‘My God, you’re driving me crazy. Max, do as you’re told and let me in, okay? I don’t want to tear you apart ……’
Hei clutched the sheets beneath her, sobbed helplessly with her face pressed against the pillowcase, and closed her eyes in resignation. This time she is really admitted, she no longer have the strength to resist anything, every struggle, but also just make themselves more painful, the first time to resist, but also just make themselves more desperate.
It was just that in her heart she really didn’t understand, he had clearly promised her. He said that he would never lie to her again. He had said that he would do his best to keep her from being hurt.
She remembered, that night by that beautiful pond, that’s what he had said.
The curtains were closed in the bedroom, and it was so dark that it seemed like another world, a world without pity, without mercy, without sympathy.
Half a year ago, she was the one who had a death grip on the past and refused to let it go, and she had no complaints when she was deceived and used. What about half a year later? She even repeated the same mistake and was completely cheated by this man again?
Yes, they were the ones sitting on the world and doing whatever they wanted. So she was stupid, really.
What’s the point of escaping here? Ruan Shao Nan had been right to mock her, she had actually thought he would be different, but it turned out that at the end of the road, it was just the same path.
The moment the pain came, she bit her lips tightly, choking silently, telling herself over and over again: this is your retribution, retribution for your loyal words, eyes without a pearl, not recognising people clearly. Bear with it, bear with it and it will pass. Endure this time, you can completely dead heart ……

‘Alas ……’
man in the darkness, a long sigh, lit a bedside lamp, through the orange-red light, confusedly looked at the woman who was being himself pressed on the bed of the woman.
He likes white, a should bedding are white. At this moment, the coverlet looks like snow, the brocade quilt is like waves. Her bright body reflected in the snow-white silk, even more white than spring snow. Like a holy snow lotus flower, with almost pathos of beauty.
Just too beautiful, so that people can not help but want to pollute, want to poison, want to hunt, want to leave their own mark on this white.
Was it possible to see this cruel plundering through to the end without seeing her tears, her pain?
His kisses branded on her smooth back, feeling like he had been hit by a cup, she was in his hand, weak and beautiful, alone, seemingly within reach, but could not be obtained in this way.
Take a few deep breaths, trying to restrain himself, he turned her trembling body, kissed her crying red eyes, sighed: ‘You must be in the heart again scolded me, is not it? I’m sorry, it’s me who has been abrupt with you. It was I who fainted and took your speechlessness as tacit approval, and even forgot ……’ His fingers brushed her lips, ’You can’t speak, even if you don’t want to, you can’t say anything. But Max, you really confuse me. If it were any other woman, I would have thought it was a trick she was playing to get her way. But I know you’re not. Max, can you tell me what you’re thinking? Sometimes I think you’re close, but then you’re far away. I’m an impatient person, even if I want to understand you and feel sorry for you, but if you treat me like this, I really don’t dare to guarantee that the next time, I won’t be able to hold on.’
Seeing her head down, just do not answer, the man forcefully lifted her chin, anxious eyes on her panic, ‘You are not no feelings for me, is not it? Max, tell me, is all this my own wishful thinking or not? If you say yes, then at least let me cure you, let me see you well, then I can feel at ease, I can completely put you down, continue to live my life of indulgence. If you say, you have feelings for me, even if only a little, I am willing to continue to wait for you. Waiting for you to untie the knot in your heart, waiting for you to fall in love with me, waiting for you to be willing to let me touch you. Until then, I won’t do anything.’
After Ling Luchuan finished speaking, he kissed her forehead, pulled the thin quilt next to him, covered her, and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.
Wrapped in the quilt, Wei Hei sat on his bed, listening to the sound of rushing water in the bathroom. Half an hour later, the sound of water stopped, he walked out, wearing a basalt-coloured bathrobe, his wet black hair still hanging water droplets.
He poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to her, ‘This is lavender tea, it can suppress shock and calm the mind, after drinking it, you can have a good night’s sleep.’
Wei Hei reached out to take it, and Ling Luchuan saw a circle of red fingerprints on her wrist, some of which were already purple, only to be worse tomorrow. Also see her elbow bruise place seeping blood, neck, shoulder …… where the skin exposed outside the quilt, everywhere visible red purple purple marks, the quilt underneath needless to say, naturally not good. His heart is like a bottle of five flavours, and pain and regret and hate and annoyed.
Pain her mouth, helpless and weak; regret that he should not wantonly violent, like a beast; hate is empty will be delivered with all sincerity, this person is a thousand pushed a million refused; annoyed is clearly loaded in the heart of a thousand pity, do out of the opposite.
A moment of mixed feelings, and do not dare to be alone against her for too long, so pull up her hands, in that red mark stained wrist gently kiss, said: ‘today sleep well, what we say tomorrow. I’m going to sleep in another room, when I leave, you can plug the door in and don’t have to worry about being harassed by me.’
Ling Luchuan put the cup aside for her and carefully helped her lie down, knowing that she was afraid of the dark, he left a wall lamp for her. Then he stood up, intending to go to the study to spend the night.
But Wei Hei turned around as he did, and took his hand.
The man looked down, ‘What is the meaning of this?’
Unh pulled the covers back and sat up, seeing a pen and note pad at the foot of the bed, he picked them up and wrote, ‘I’m scared, can you please not leave?’
‘Huh?’ Ling Luchuan almost stiffened and touched her face, ‘Do you know what you’re saying?’
Wei Hei shook her head and wrote again, ‘Just sleep next to me and do nothing, is that okay? I’m scared, so scared, I don’t dare to close my eyes alone when you’re gone.’
Ling Luchuan looked at her curiously, ‘Wei Hei, don’t you think that this request is too much, a bit of an inch to a mile?’
Wei Hei hung her head powerlessly and wrote, ‘I’m sorry, I ……’ and could not write any more.
The man looked at her helplessly, touched her face, and sighed: ‘Really lost to you. However, don’t say I didn’t remind you, I’m not Liu Xiahui, halfway through the sleep if I get beastly, you can’t blame me.’

Chapter 47: How Much She Hates Me, How Much She Hates You

The night was peaceful and uneventful. The next morning, straight to sleep until the light of day, the two people only get up.
When it was time to eat breakfast, Ling Luchuan couldn’t help himself and asked the person sitting across from him, who was drinking milk and reading the newspaper, ‘Wei Hei, do you like me or not?’
Wei Hei raised her head, looked at him, nodded, and returned her gaze to the newspaper.
Ling Luchuan froze, thinking, ‘That’s it?
So he walked over to Wei Hei, took her hand and said, ‘Little Auntie, can you make it clearer? In the end, how do you like it? How much do you like it? I say, stop looking and drink the milk later!’
Ling Luchuan snatched her newspaper and took away her milk cup, then domineeringly shoved the pen and paper into her hand.
Wei Hei looked at him and then at the things in her hand and said in sign language, ‘What’s your hurry?’
Ling Luchuan pulled her up and dragged her to the sofa, saying, ‘Can I not be in a hurry? This can be related to my happiness for the rest of my life.’
Wei Hei’s heart warmed, instantly forgetting everything, as well as another man’s threats, warnings, hurt and ridicule. Lowering her head and smiling, she wrote on the paper, ‘Last night, I was actually very sad ……’
Ling Luchuan immediately interrupted her sharply, ‘Last night’s incident, it was my fault. Didn’t I apologise to you? Don’t you be afraid of me and reject me just because of this incident.’
Wei Hei shook her head and then wrote, ‘I’m sad not because I’m afraid, but because what you promised me, you didn’t do. I actually knew early on that I had feelings for you. This feeling is comfortable, dangerous, special, and strong. If it was half a year ago, I would not hesitate to say to you that I like you. But now ……’
Wei Hei stopped for a moment, Ling Luchuan felt like his heart was going to jump out, and asked anxiously, ’How is it now?’
‘Now, after going through so many things, there is a person, I can never face him normally. You should know who I’m talking about. You guys are so close, and there are a lot of things that I don’t want to talk about. Because I didn’t want you to think that I was using you to get back at him. I also don’t want you to suspect that I have ulterior motives because I whispered a few bad words about him in your ear. You are a person who can’t bear to be humiliated or treated badly. Even if it is your favourite person, you will not forgive her for using and cheating. I don’t want to say anything more about him as a person. But I don’t know if you can understand, I really can’t wait for you to go home alone when you are having a good time with him. I don’t want to see him again on any occasion. And even if I could live with him peacefully, what would I do if one day he encouraged you to suspect me and hurt me? So, I’m scared. The more I feel that I might like you, the more I am afraid. This feeling, do you understand?’
Seeing this, Ling Luchuan’s heart ached with pain and shame, hugged her tightly and said in a low voice, ‘I’m sorry, it’s me who was negligent and didn’t sympathise with your feelings earlier. There are many things that I should have thought of a long time ago, I was too careless. Don’t worry, I will take care of everything.’
Wei Hei felt that his words were otherwise mysterious, and wrote on the paper, ‘How will you handle it?’
Ling Luchuan kissed her forehead and smiled, ‘Don’t worry about it, just take your classes and paint your pictures. Leave the rest to me, you don’t have to worry about anything.’

Ruan Shao Nan, in his own villa, picked up the termination letter that was placed on the coffee table, looked at it carefully and laughed, ‘You’re not joking with me, right? If you terminate the contract with me, your Dynasty will have to lose a lot of money, have you considered it?’
Ling Luchuan shrugged, ‘It doesn’t matter, firstly, I can afford to lose money. Secondly, I’ve never considered making money as the greatest pleasure in life.’
Ruan Shao Nan shook his head and laughed lightly, throwing the pile of papers back onto the table, ‘I know, you have always acted with panache. However, I’m afraid that you can’t take charge of this matter yourself, do those old guys on the board of directors agree?’
‘Those are the old servants who have followed my grandfather, I’ve let them earn a lot over the years. Besides, every one of them has a handle on me, do you think, will they agree?’
‘Hehe, I’m kind of convinced. That means that there is absolutely no room for turning things around?’
Ling Luchuan picked up the hidden knife on the table, drew it out, looked at its cold and chilly blade through the light, and smiled, ‘If you hadn’t gone to her, there might have been. But now, I have to draw a line with you.’
Ruan Shao Nan was not surprised and poured himself a glass of red wine, ‘She told you that? I had thought that although you are ridiculous in the world of the moon, you are by no means the kind of man who would lose his head over lust. It seems that I have overestimated you.’
‘She didn’t say anything. That silly girl is just too cautious and careful, so when she is bullied, she doesn’t dare to tell me. But as long as one pays more attention, one can still detect it. Ever since that incident half a year ago, as long as she encounters something related to you, she will be out of sorts. This, you wouldn’t be unaware of, right?’
Ruan Shao Nan was very surprised and said, ‘Really? It turns out that I caused her so much trouble. I’m sorry, I really didn’t know.’
Ling Luchuan looked at his expression of feigned surprise and smiled coldly, ‘The night before last, she came to me in the middle of the night in the pouring rain. I should have guessed that it was you who had gone to look for her. I don’t know what you said to her, but it seems that it was those words that made her finally willing to face up to her feelings for me. In that sense, I should be thanking you. But remember, don’t let there be a next time!’
Ling Luchuan stood up, picking up the hidden knife on the table in his hand and waving it at Ruan Shao Nan, ‘I’ll take this away, you’re not a knife lover, I’m sure you won’t mind. Also, if there’s nothing special, I think, let’s meet less often. You know, Wei Hei doesn’t really like to see that face of yours.’
Looking at Ling Lucchuan’s back, Ruan Shao Nan shook his head and laughed coldly, ‘That woman, do you really think you understand her completely?’
Ling Lucchuan stopped and turned to ask, ‘What do you mean?’
‘A few days ago, I refurbished the Lu Family’s old mansion, and their old housekeeper told me something very interesting. It turns out that back then, their family’s second young miss, didn’t run away from home on her own, but was driven out by Lu Zi Xu.’
‘What did you say?’
‘I reacted at the time, just like you are now. But the reason why she was kicked out of the house was even more surprising. You should remember that the Lu family had a paralysed daughter called Lu You Hei. It turns out that back then, this little sister of hers was pushed down the stairs by her. At that time, she broke her cervical vertebrae, and because she was rescued in time, her life was saved, but from then on, she became a paraplegic invalid, and had to lie in bed for the rest of her life.’
Ling Luchuan frowned, a pair of sharp eyes staring intently at him, Ruan Shao Nan smiled and said, ‘If you don’t believe me, you can check it out for yourself, and you’ll know that what I’m saying is true. It’s really horrible to think about, she was only thirteen or fourteen years old at that time, and she was able to inflict such poison on her own sister. And now, without her saying a word, you’re going through fire for her. She didn’t say anything, but achieved an even better effect than ‘saying’. Would you dare to let a woman like that sleep in your bed?’

‘Scorpion women’s vengeance is very strong, and the most frightening thing is that they are vengeful, and when they take revenge, they tend to be more calm and self-controlled than usual, and they don’t even care about burning the jade to the ground.’

‘Rokawa, if I were you, I would first find out if she’s coming after my people or something else. I think you should remember who tricked her into coming back to me in the first place. Don’t forget that I was the main culprit and you were the accomplice in everything that happened back then. How much she hates me, how much she hates you.’
Ruan Shao Nan stood up and put that termination letter into the wine cooler, ‘This termination letter, I’ll put it away for now, when you find out everything, it’s not too late for us to sign it.’
Ling Luchuan looked at this former best friend and said expressionlessly, ‘If I were you, hearing those words just now would be enough to sentence her to death. Unfortunately, I’m not you, I believe her. Taking a step back, even if she really used me, so what? As long as she is willing to stay by my side, as long as I can make her happy, I will meet God to kill God, meet Buddha to kill Buddha ……’ said here, he smiled, ’including you! So, in the future, don’t say another word to discredit her in front of me. Otherwise, don’t blame me for disregarding years of brotherly love. You know, I have the means and the ability.’
Ling Luchuan turned towards the door, and when he was almost out the door, he suddenly remembered something and said, ‘Right, I almost forgot to tell you. That reclamation plan of the government, you Yi Tian also participated in the bidding, didn’t you? I’m really sorry, that plan has been internally decided to be done by our Dynasty. On the basis of many years of friends, I’ll give you a piece of advice, in the future, wherever the Dynasty is involved in the bidding, YiTian is still better to avoid it. You can’t win against me in this regard.’

Ling Luchuan left, Gu Yongling came down from upstairs, saw Ruan Shao Nan sitting alone in the living room drinking, walked over and sat next to him and asked, ‘Why did he leave so quickly? Did you guys have a fight?’
Ruan Shao Nan turned his face, stroked the woman’s long soft hair and laughed, ‘The little friend didn’t listen, it’s time to teach him a lesson.’
Gu Yongling smiled elegantly and leaned into the man’s arms and said softly, ‘What about me? If one day, it’s me who offends you, will you teach me a lesson too?’
Ruan Shao Nan lifted her chin and laughed, ‘How is that the same? You’re my future wife, who can compare to you?’
The woman snuggled up to him contentedly, sighing softly, ‘Shao Nan, you’re so good to me.’
Ruan Shao Nan had a charming smile on his lips, his person was here, but his heart had long since flown out of the villa, across the streets, through the neon, with a strong desire and absolute purpose, to that mouldy pigeon coop house in the slums.
The sound of that night’s rain rang in his ears, and her sharp, sweet breath. She gazed into his eyes in the darkness, tears of despair and pain, silent hisses and resistance.
Ruan Shao Nan picked his fiancée up and returned to the bedroom. The entire room was curtained shut and so dark that he couldn’t see a finger, but he didn’t switch on the lights.

At midnight, Ruan Shao Nan lit the wall lamp, the woman beside him sleeping soundly. He wanted to smoke, put it on his lips and suddenly remembered that she had asthma and could not smoke in a closed bedroom.
He took the cigarette down, turned his face to look, saw Gu Yongling’s soft face under the light, and could not help but freeze for a moment. Re put the cigarette back to his lips, after lighting it, he took a few deep breaths …… but still not satisfied, how can not be satisfied, the heart is like a black hole that can never be filled.
He put on his pajamas and went into the study, opened the computer, clicked on a sealed folder, there is only one file inside. It was an electronic photo album with music, the photos taken in Yunnan at the beginning, it was the only thing she left for him.
He thought of the sold villa again, they had been together for so long, yet she had left empty-handed, except for her love for him, she had taken nothing with her.
Ruan Shao Nan leaned back in his chair and watched alone in silence, suddenly remembering what Ling Luchuan said.

‘I’m not you, I believe her. Taking a step back, even if she did use me, so what? As long as she is willing to stay by my side, as long as I can make her happy, I will meet God to kill God, meet Buddha to kill Buddha …… including you.’

Ruan Shao Nan closed his eyes and smiled at the empty room, whispering, ‘In this world, the person who knows her best and believes in her …… is me, not you. So, you can’t.’

Chapter 48 Tearing up the Heart

Mid-autumn is approaching, and the festive atmosphere of the city is getting thicker and thicker. The heavens seemed to feel the earth’s heart of expectation for a good time, and for several days in a row, no drops of rain fell, and it was all sunny.
The quiet lake reflected the golden sunlight, illuminating people drowsy.
Sitting on a bamboo chair, the bare upper body of Ling Luchuan, looking at the person who is single-mindedly painting, suddenly found that the way she holds the brush is really beautiful.
The slanting sun was shining at sunset, clear waves and blue water, the person in front of her had snowy skin and indigo hair. When there was a breeze, the light tresses were like a naughty little brush, drifting over and over on that arc of tantalising curves in her shoulders.
Who said that only men who concentrate on their work are the sexiest, it turns out that women who concentrate on their work are equally seductive.
The man couldn’t help but walk over and hug her from behind, never wanting to let go. Wei Hei laughed and rubbed her paint-stained face against his, writing on the paper, ‘Models should sit on chairs.’
Ling Luchuan rocked her from side to side in his arms and laughed, ‘I know, but you always have to charge me up a bit so I can continue to be your free labourer.’
Wei Hei turned her face and asked in sign language, ‘Are you hungry? I’ll go make something to eat?’
The man smiled impishly and said, ‘Yeah, I’m hungry.’
He said that he was about to kiss her, but Unhappy blocked it with his hand, and he put his arm around her and smiled, so he stopped.
‘By the way, I have something to show you, let’s go inside first.’ He grabbed his shirt and threw it on, leaving it unbuttoned, and took Max’s hand in his, dragging her towards the house.
He held her hand and dragged her towards the house. He pulled her back and pointed with his finger, ‘What about my painting?’
‘It doesn’t matter. The island is connected to the villa, there’s no other entrance, so it can’t be lost.’
He pulled her into the study, where she saw him take a navy blue embroidery box from the bookshelf, wipe the dust off of it, and put it in her hand.
When she didn’t know what to make of it, the man gestured for her to open it. When she opened it, she saw that it contained a jade unicorn carved from the finest sheepskin jade.
The texture of the jade was translucent and warm, with a pinkish haze under the light, and there was no hint of colour. The unicorn’s form was also chicly carved, as if it were alive.
Wei Hei asked in sign language, ‘Is this for me?’
Ling Luchuan nodded, ‘This was left to me by Grandpa, I heard that it was passed down from my ancestors, it seems to have a very long history, but it’s all old palms, I can’t remember.’
He took the unicorn out of the box and hung it around Wei Hei’s neck.
When she saw the strange look in the man’s eyes, she lowered her head and wrote on a piece of paper, ‘It’s too precious, I can’t have it. I can’t take it. Besides, you’re the son of Lin and the phoenix, so it’s a perfect match for you. I’m a small person with little fortune, I’m just afraid I can’t hold it down.’
Ling Luchuan looked happy, pinched her chin, laughed: ‘You this girl, send you something and then a thousand pushes a thousand refuses, I can still ask you for interest not? I know you are noble, if this is ordinary jewellery and jade, I will not send you. But this one is different. The Qilin is a precious animal that can ward off evil spirits and drive away demons, so wear it well from now on.
Wei Hei lowered her head and smiled, Ling Lu Chuan saw that she was no longer excusing herself, so she obediently wore it around her neck. The red silk threads against her icy, austere complexion were like the morning sun reflecting the snow.
The man couldn’t help himself, and kissed her on the neck, laughing: ‘This is the right thing for a beautiful woman like you, and it would be a waste to give it to me.’
Wei Hei laughed happily, wrote on the paper: ‘People say, modest gentleman, gentle as jade. Aren’t you determined to be a gentleman? A gentleman should naturally have beautiful jade to match.’
Ling Luchuan moved closer to Wei Hei, confining her between himself and the bookcase, his firm chest pressed against her, his voice hoarse, ‘But I don’t want to be a gentleman now, I just want to be a villain who takes advantage of people’s danger, what should I do?’
Wei Hei lifted her face and looked at his face that was confusing enough to make people’s hearts melt, and it was only then that she realised that he really hadn’t made a mistake with his name.
Falling River, rain falling down the river. The light in his eyes, like the raindrops that flew down under the eaves of the Lu family’s old mansion that she had seen when she was a child, always evoked ten thousand kinds of sadness in her heart, such as looking at the kite floating high with no strings, and listening to the ancient spiritual sound of the broken strings.
Beautiful things have always been easy to pass away, throughout the ages, largely so.
Ling Luchuan looked at her incredulously, ‘I just talk about it, you don’t have to be sad like this, right?’ Lowered his head and kissed her eyes, sighed, ‘Poor see, will never scare you again. Look at you, your tears are almost falling.’
Maxine pressed her face into his naked chest and wrapped her arms around his waist, for some reason, at this moment, she was so afraid of losing him. So afraid of being very close, so afraid that her entire body and heart shrank together.
Ling Luchuan lifted her chin and asked, ‘’What’s wrong? Suddenly looking like this, making my heart sour.’
Wei Hei didn’t say anything, she just tilted her face up, stood on her tiptoes, and placed a gentle kiss on the man’s beautifully shaped lips.
The kiss was so shocking that Ling Luchuan touched his lips and looked at her in fascination. Her face flew red and she turned around. But before she could take half a step, she was dragged back by his arm.
With a clatter, the books on the table were swept down by him, and he somewhat rudely pushed her down onto the spacious desk.
The desk was hard and uncomfortable, and it hurt her a little. Unh tried to brace herself, but he pressed her back down again with his shoulders. With a tug of his hands, he removed half of her shirt, revealing her black bra and icy skin.
Before she could react, his hands were already behind her, impatiently unbuttoning her corset, pulling it down and tossing it aside, his large, thick hands kneading her tender, full breasts, but not yet satisfied, he lowered his head, and his snow-white teeth simply bit into it.
Wei Hei felt as if she was electrocuted, from head to toe, the current of pleasure went to all limbs, with an almost warlike pleasure. His passionate, sweet bite was like a fire inside her, making her eyes watery and confused.
She craned her neck to give a soft gasp, her fingers tightening around his shirt as her body arched into a beautiful arc to meet his body, a body as passionate as hers.
He nibbled and rubbed at her breasts without a care in the world, like a greedy child, the slightest pain felt, full of tenderness. She was dizzy with him, biting her lip and holding his head tenderly. A small, soft, boneless hand rubbed his neck hair, stroked his beautiful tattoos, his strong shoulders and neck, and bit by bit, pulled down the shirt that hung over his shoulders.
Such a move bordered on teasing, and as soon as the man lifted her chin, his bloodshot eyes looked at her incredulously, ‘Jesus, you’re seducing me?’
Yes, she was seducing him, and she knew she was.
She had never been this bold, never been this wanton, but she heard the voice inside her: she wanted him! She really wanted him! There was no threat, no fear, no dread. Just a woman simply wanting a man she loved, that’s how much she wanted him!
She was breathing heavily, her half-naked body pressed against his charming chest, her slightly cool lips kissing on his strong skin, her fine white teeth nipping at the red spot on his chest, just as he had done to her, using her pink tongue, her slender fingers, her supple body, sparing no effort to …… seduce him.
The man clasped the side of her neck and, with a thud, pressed her back against the cool, hard desk.
Jesus! Unh heard her spine wail on the desk. This young master, couldn’t he take it easy?
He propped up his arm and looked down at the little woman who had tortured him like some kind of beast of prey, gasping a dark, raspy breath and glued his eyes to her confused gaze as he pinched her chin and said fiercely, ‘Think it over, and then call it quits in the middle of a session, and I’ll say no!’
Wei Hei leaned in slightly and took the initiative to kiss her, so she didn’t have to say anything else.
Ling Luchuan casually waved his hand, the desk was empty and full of wolves. He pulled over the cushion on the chair and padded it on the desk, picked her up high, placed her on top, and sharply took off her skirt, revealing her beautifully slender legs. As if he were a ravenous madman, blazing kisses branded her inner thighs one by one, drawing fire to her cheeks and sending shivers down her body.
Soldiering! The sound of a snap coming off, the man impatiently pulling out his belt and removing his trousers, his thick arms bracing her legs, dragging this living body to himself, his swollen desire rubbing against her tenderness, itching to penetrate her hard, rubbing her up, tightening her in his arms, nestling her into his body.
But at this very moment, it was this metallic crunching sound, and when Wei Hei heard this familiar sound, it was as if she had returned to that horrible rainy night, to that mouldy hut.
The person in front of her eyes also turned into a different look, a look that made her liver and guts crack and burn inside when she saw it.
Her lips were white, her body was cold, as if she had fallen into the ice cellar in the ninth day of the third month, all the blood, all the passion, all the joy flowed back against the current.
She could feel his thick arms, hooping her body; she could feel her hands, being hung around his neck; she could feel his nimble fingers, flicking her panties to one side, gently probing into her lower body, soothing her tightness.
But she couldn’t move, not even with all the tenderness of the man holding her.
But the passionate man could wait no longer. In this position, this movement, the moment her body hung in the air, realising what he was going to do, Wei Hei tensed and shivered, her teeth chattering, and looked at him almost sadly. She wanted to open her mouth and beg him to let her go, but she couldn’t make a sound.
The most painful moment would come anyway.
Her nails were almost embedded in his flesh as he pushed in, and her whole body, taut as a thousand-year-old fossil, craned her neck up as if she were a swan quoting a word, uttering a silent lament to the sky.
But all this horrible, this unbearable pain, the man who was blinded by lust didn’t notice it at all.
He let out a comfortable low gasp in her ear, rubbed her pale face, bit her chin, and tenderly murmured, ‘Wei Hei, you’re mine, you’re mine ……’
Clang! As if on the verge of shattering before the last blow, she like a cat pressed in the water, madly struggling up.
The man, who had just been immersed in joy, looked in astonishment at her face, almost distorted with pain, as her fists rained down on his back, and her legs, which he had braced, kicked and spasmed helplessly.
He didn’t dare to move any further, and couldn’t just come out like that. He clipped her hands, which were pounding randomly, behind her back, and tightened his arms around her body, holding the tips of her nipples, and elevating her thighs, repressing the desire for violent stimulation, and slowly pumping and slowing down the movement little by little.
Wei Hei saw her taut lower body, one by one, hit the man’s rigid belly, actually knife stabbing pain. The place that was connected to him was as if it had been split open by a human being, and the pain was so excruciating that it tore at her heart. She struggled desperately, but the arms holding her were like a cage made of steel. She was in immense pain, but she couldn’t make a sound, spasmodically biting her lips tightly, before and after only a few seconds, blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.
The scene in front of him made Ling Luchuan really startled, he hurriedly withdrew, and as soon as his hand was loosened, she was like a puppet that had been broken, and she collapsed senselessly on the desk behind her.
He wanted to see if she was okay, but it was as if she didn’t dare to look at his strong naked body anymore, tightly covering her face, curled up on the desk, like a small animal that had been skinned, the whole person drew into a ball.
Ling Luchuan thought that his copulation action was too wild and rough, scared her, immediately wrapped his arm around her shoulders, face to face softly caressing, ‘Well, well, wei Hei, we don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t be afraid of …… don’t be afraid of… …’
I don’t know how long it took before she slowed down little by little, like a terrified bird, wrapped her arms around his neck, calling and crying.
Ling Luchuan sighed and kissed her forehead, ‘I really let you scare the hell out of me, if you can’t do it, don’t force yourself, if you suffer on your own, it’s hard for others to follow.’
Wei Hei knew that she was out of line, out of line beyond reason, but she couldn’t control herself. Even if she was facing him, even if her heart was full of happiness and anticipation when he embraced her, she couldn’t control it. The impact that Ruan Shao Nan had brought to her was so profound that it was almost connected to her bones and blood, and if she wanted to detach herself, she would have to be torn away from her skin in a raw manner.
She slowly raised her head in his arms, shedding tears, and said to him over and over again in sign language, ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry ……’
He held her hand and sighed, ‘Silly girl, no need to apologise to me. You forgot that I said to you that I am willing to wait for you. As long as you have me in your heart, how long I will wait. It doesn’t matter, we’ll have a long time to come.’
Wei Hei wrapped her arms around the man’s waist and threw her whole self into his arms, feeling her cold body warming up little by little in his arms. She found herself like a sunflower blooming in the darkness, craving more and more for this warmth, for his embrace.
Ling Luchuan, however, very uncooperatively patted her shoulder and said with a bit of embarrassment, ‘Wei Hei, you’d better let go of me now, I feel …… like I need to go take a cold shower.’
Max broke into laughter as she wrapped her arms around him and said to him in sign language, ‘Then take your time washing up, I’ll cook for you.’
Wei Hei’s cooking skills were really hard to praise, Ling Lucchuan looked at the piece of fried black stuff, really couldn’t recognise that it was the juicy and thick steak in his fridge.
Wei Hei only ate a bite, but couldn’t swallow it, gesturing somewhat apologetically, ‘I think, we’d better order takeaway.’
Ling Luchuan elegantly sipped a mouthful of red wine, slowly returned, ‘You pay for the takeaway, who let you waste a piece of my fine steak. Of course, if you want to pay for your money debt, I have no objection.’
Wei Hei glanced at him with hatred, this young master, really doesn’t suffer at all.

Since Wei Hei was the one who paid the bill, the two of them ordered a simple wonton noodle dish with the signature small dishes.
After dinner, the two of them nestled on the sofa, watching TV and eating ice-cream. Wei Hei took a small spoon, one for herself and one for the man holding her.
The TV was broadcasting a corny Taiwanese film, with the woman hugging the man’s thighs, crying miserably, ‘Don’t leave me, don’t leave me ……’
While Wei Hei was numb from watching it, Ling Luchuan watched it with great interest, cradling the little woman in his arms and saying: ‘Look at people, when are you ……’
Before he finished his words, Wei Hei used the ice-cream in the spoon and blocked his mouth. The ice-cream melted and got all over his chin. He put down the cup of ice-cream and smiled as he pulled out a paper towel, wanting to wipe it off for him.
Who knew that with a backhanded snap, he pressed her onto the sofa, slightly narrowing his eyes, smiling slyly, ‘Remember how I bullied you the first time we met? After that, I couldn’t sleep well for days. Now I really want to do it again ……’
He said and lowered his head, rubbing her face with his chin. The ice-cream juice was sticky and sweet, and while Max laughed and was busy avoiding him, he got more and more addicted, and slowly the game changed its flavour.
But then her mobile phone rang at the same time.
Her mobile phone number is not known to many people, except for the harassing calls from Young Master Ling, which are mostly urgent. Wei Hei didn’t dare to be slow, and pulled it out of her pocket, but she was pressed to the sofa with his wrist.
He lowered his head and was about to kiss down, she smiled and dodged, pointing her empty finger at his lips, and pointing at the thing that was screaming endlessly, meaning, ‘Let me take a call first.’
The man released her helplessly, but refused to leave, kissing her neck lingeringly, making it numb and itchy.
Wei Hei stifled a smile and picked up the phone, and Ji Mo’s voice, clear and cool, came out of the microphone and landed on the eardrums of the two people.
‘Wei Hei, I’m back.’

Ling Luchuan was sitting on the sofa watching the TV as if nothing was wrong, but had no idea what he was watching. Wei Hei walked over, bent down in front of him, and said in sign language, ‘I’m leaving first?’
Ling Luchuan turned his face and body to the other side, pretending not to see.
Wei Hei deliberately blocked his eyes and said in sign language, ‘You’re not seeing me off?’
The man stood up, grabbed her by the shoulders, and moved her to the side, continuing to look at his own.
Wei Hei thought for a moment, wrote a few words on a piece of paper, stuck it on his back, turned around and left.
Ling Luchuan watched him go out the door, pulled the note off his back and read, ‘Cheap bastard, it’s dark outside, you’re not seeing me off? If I meet a pervert, I’ll hate you for the rest of my life.’
The man crumpled the note into a ball, picked up his jacket on the sofa, and hurriedly chased him out.

On the way back, Ling Luchuan saw Wei Hei’s eager expression in the rear view mirror and said with some surprise, ‘What’s the hurry? It’s not like he’s dying. He’s back in one piece.’
Wei Hei looked at his uncertain face and wrote in her notebook, ‘He was in a hurry when he left, and I just wanted to make sure that he was really safe and sound. Are you angry?’
Being asked by her, he couldn’t say anything, and only said, ‘I’m not angry, just unconvinced in my heart. He was raised by the same parents, why is he so precious?’
Wei Hei was amused by him and wrote, ‘You’re still saying you’re not angry, but you can’t even speak. How can he compare to you? You’ve been loved by so many people since you were born, and now you’re also loved by thousands of people. But he doesn’t have any relatives, we are both orphans, naturally we have to support each other. If you’re even angry about this, then I really have nothing to say.’
Ling Luchuan looked at the road ahead and sighed, ‘Actually, I am worried. I know that he would go into black boxing all for you. A man can do this for a woman to such an extent, what kind of thoughts he holds, I am a man, I can tell at a glance.

He suddenly turned his face and asked in all seriousness, ‘If one day he and I fall into the water together, who will you save?’
Hearing this question, Wei Hei was simply mad at him, glanced at him, lowered his head and wrote on a piece of paper, ‘Whoever handsome I save.’
The man looked at it and was dumbfounded, quiet all the way.

Ling Luchuan’s sports car parked under the pigeonhole building, Wei Hei opened the door, turned around and saw the man’s sullen appearance, couldn’t help but smile a little, wrote on the paper, ‘You really think too much, we’re not in that kind of relationship, wait until we have the time to come here, I’ll explain it to you properly. Good night, drive carefully on the road.’
Ling Luchuan nodded, looked upwards and said, ‘Wait for me after school tomorrow, I’ll pick you up.’
Wei Hei nodded and got out of the car, then watched his car’s taillights disappear into the intersection before turning up herself.

Chapter 49: Taking by Force

Nights in the slums were always colourful, filled with cheap pleasures and low-life fun, though crude and primitive, they were better than being dry and direct.
Ji Mor stood on the balcony, drinking a beer and looking at the cheesy neon lights on the street. Wei Hei watched his back a little nervously and walked over to him and asked in sign language, ‘Are you angry?’
Ji Mo shook his head, ‘I’m not angry, I’m just worried about you, I’m afraid that you’ll be entrusted to someone else, and you’ll be the one to suffer in the end.’
Wei Hei remembered the scene during the day and couldn’t help but smile, saying in sign language, ‘It won’t happen, I have faith in him.’
Ji Mor laughed helplessly and tipped her forehead, ‘I know, you’ve always been smart. But I’m afraid that you’re too simple and can’t read people correctly, and end up misleading yourself. He is not a simple character, his family, status, and background are all very comparable to others. Anyway, you should pay more attention to yourself.’
Wei Hei’s heart warmed and said in sign language, ‘I’m sorry for always making you worry about me.’
Ji Mo smiled and placed a kiss on the good forehead, ‘Yes, I owed you in my previous life.’
‘Wei Cheng Bao’s side of the boxing match, you should not go anymore. He said that he would cover the cost of my treatment. Don’t risk your life anymore, I’m worried.’
Chi Mo sighed, ‘As the saying goes, it’s easy to go up the mountain but hard to come down. This kind of thing, it’s not something that can be stopped just because I tell it to stop.’
Hearing Ji Mor say that, Wei Hei was anxious, ‘Then what?’
Ji Mo touched her red face and comforted her, ‘Don’t worry, I’ve got it under control. Besides, I want to save more money for my future life, I can’t do this for the rest of my life.’
‘I’m sorry, if it wasn’t for me ……’
Ji Mo put his arm around her shoulders and laughed, ’Silly girl, don’t take all the responsibility on yourself. I said to you, no matter what kind of hurt, the heart that loves a person will never be without meaning. I’ve done all this for you willingly, and if it becomes a burden to you instead, it would be a waste of my hard work, and not to mention that it wouldn’t be beneficial to me either.’
Wei Hei was speechless, hugging the man’s bruised body, and couldn’t help but cry when she thought of his goodness in her heart.
Perhaps, in this world, there are always so many people, is your life is destined to escape the debt.

At night in the villa area, the artificial lake is quiet, and the sky is full of stars falling into the water. The blue quiet night is clear, the ink clouds are like fluff, and the distant mountains on both sides are like running beasts.
CD player playing melodious piano music, Ling Luchuan sitting in the daytime on a bamboo chair, quietly looking at the easel in front.
This kind of night, this kind of quiet thoughts of a person’s feeling, really very beautiful.
He stood up, walked over to the easel, touched his own face on the drawing paper, recalled the scene in the daytime, and said tenderly, ‘Wei Hei, do you know? Your smile in the sunlight is my heaven. I’ll leave this heart of mine with you, and I hope you’ll keep it safe for me. Don’t break it. If it breaks, I won’t be able to live. ……’

The next day in class, Zhou Xiaofan noticed that Wei Hei always looked down at her watch.
‘What? He’s coming to pick you up later?’
Wei Hei looked at the big screen and nodded, casually writing on a piece of paper, ‘The days are like years …… I finally understand how you felt in the beginning.’
Zhou Xiaofan covered her mouth and laughed, nervously bumping into her and whispering, ‘You, the one who doesn’t eat the fire of the world, has finally got the hang of it too.’
Wei Hei laughed, pulled up her sleeve to cover her hand feelings, and continued to listen to the class.

After class, Zhou Xiaofan was called away by the head of the department, and Wei Hei walked out alone, looking around at the entrance of the school, and didn’t see Ling Luchuan’s car.
She wanted to give him a call, but thought he might be doing something, so she didn’t do it after all. It wasn’t the first time he had stood her up, sometimes he was busy and forgot, and didn’t remember that he had asked her out.
Waiting at the door for a while, I saw that the students were almost dispersed. When she was hesitating to go home, the phone rang, and it was Ling Luchuan.
When she picked it up, Young Master Ling’s voice came out in a fiery voice, ‘I’m sorry, Max, I’m going to miss my appointment today. There’s been an accident with the company’s computer, so can you go home by yourself?’
Wei Hei hurriedly nodded, then remembered that he couldn’t see, so he tapped the microphone twice, meaning, ‘Yes.’
‘Then I’ll call you when I’m done?’
Unhealthy tapped it again, meaning, ‘Okay.’
Only to hear someone over there say, ‘Mr Ling, the computer engineer’s contingency measures have come out, you see ……’
Ling Luchuan answered, and then said to Wei Hei, ‘Sorry, I’m really busy right now, I won’t talk to you more, wait for my phone call.’ Then he hung up the phone.
As she listened to the busy beeping sound, Wei Hei felt a little lost in her heart. But men, especially those like him, always have to put their careers first.
So he shrugged his shoulders, carried his own bag, and skipped towards the bus stop.
The school is in the suburbs, the road is less crowded. The late autumn sun was warm but not violent. Max raised his hand to block the sunlight leaking from the leaves of the trees, and walked along the tree-lined road, looking at the road all the way.
I don’t know why, but I was suddenly in the mood to enjoy the scenery. Perhaps it was because of his presence.
Couldn’t help but smile down.

‘Don’t always keep your head down, it’s easy to get wrinkles on your neck.’

‘I like to see you with your head held high, like a deer listening in the wind.’

Unhei lifted her head, smiled at the sunlight on the leaves, and continued on her way. Oblivious to the fact that a silver grey car behind her had silently followed her all the way.

Ruan Shao Nan sat in the car, always facing a smile looking at her, really so happy? I’m just afraid, it’s the joy that makes you sad ……
“Mr Ruan, Miss Lu has already left, do we need to follow her?’ The driver turned his head to ask his boss.
Ruan Shao Nan closed his eyes and shook his head, ‘No need, let’s go back.’
The phone rang, he picked it up and listened for a moment before saying, ‘You arranged it well. Listen, there must not be a single mistake in today’s matter. Otherwise, I’ll rip your skin off!’

When Wei Hei returned home, Rufei happened to be there as well, and seeing that she was back so early, she asked with some surprise, ‘Didn’t you have an appointment with him today? Why are you back so early?’
Wei Hei put her backpack away and said in sign language, ‘He had something to do at work.’ Looking around, he asked again, ‘Chi Mo went out again?’
Rufei nodded, ‘I heard there’s a big boss coming to place a big bet today, and Wei seems to be taking it pretty seriously, so he called him in early.’
Wei had a bad feeling, ‘Did he say who it was?’
Rufei shook his head, ‘I’m afraid he doesn’t know either. Those bosses are all dignitaries, and when they go to watch a match like that, they naturally want to find a place where no one else can see them, and take their time to enjoy it alone. Watching other people’s blood and flesh flying around, they are happy as hell. Ugh! One is more perverted than the other.’
He panicked in his heart, Ru Fei saw that her face was white, and comforted her, ‘His fists and feet have always been powerful, and if you want to put him down, ordinary people don’t have that ability, so don’t worry about it too much.’
Rufei comforted Wei Hei for a while and left for work. After taking a shower, she sat on the bed alone and looked at her tangled fingers, her heart was in a state of flux and she couldn’t calm down.
She looked at her mobile phone at the foot of her bed, feeling that it would ring at some point and bring her some bad news.
It wasn’t long before it did.
Unhei pressed her heart and nervously picked it up, her breath almost froze as she looked ahead in surprise at the sound of the other person’s voice. A pair of dark and bright eyes instantly turned into an empty ruin.
The darkness is boundless ……

Ruan Shao Nan sat in the living room on the top floor of Yi Tian, alone, looking at the big screen in the living room, idly shaking the wine glass in his hand.
Wei Hei was pushed into the room by the person leading the way, Ruan Shao Nan’s back to her, while on the screen in front of her, a brutal to the core black market boxing match was being broadcast live.
A familiar figure appeared in front of her, and she barely recognised him. His face was covered in blood, and his left eye was swollen to a slit. He narrowly avoids his opponent’s ferocious high sweep, but is met with a sweeping kick from underneath that sends him down to the ring.
If Wei Hei could speak, if her voice could still shout, she would have lost her voice in shock. But she couldn’t shout, she could only watch and see the man who had taken a life for himself bleeding out in the ring.
Ruan Shao Nan sat on the sofa and tsked, ‘’After giving him the drug, he can still hold out until now. This Chi Mo, is really something.’
Wei Hei was struck by lightning, her heart and mind scattered as she listened. She simply couldn’t imagine how someone could be so cold-blooded to such an extent. When she thought that the man in front of her was already cruel and cold-blooded enough, he could always do something even more cruel and cold-blooded to break her bottom line.
Ruan Shao Nan stood up and saw Wei Hei looking at himself in fear and abnormality, he smiled gentlemanly, ‘How about the other black market boxer, the champion I specially invited from Cambodia? Is it good?’
Cheers thundered around him, Ji Mor’s eyes were godless, his feet were like sheep. His opponent held his head, and his knee came down like a big axe. Ikimori shielded his head with his gloves, barely fending off the almost desperate attack.
‘Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. In Cambodian black market boxing matches, there is an unwritten rule: no death without stopping! In your opinion, how much longer can Chi Mor last?’
Wei Hei almost collapsed, she stretched out her trembling hands and said to him, ‘What the hell do you want?’
Ruan Shao Nan didn’t look away, and Wei Hei remembered that he wasn’t Ling Lu Chuan. With trembling hands, she pulled out her own small notebook and wrote again on the paper.
Ruan Shao Nan shook his head and laughed softly, signalling for the others to exit, walking over to Wei Hei and whispering in her ear, ‘What do I want, don’t you know?’
Wei Hei’s lips quivered and she fumbled to pull out her mobile phone.
Ruan Shao Nan knew who she was going to call, not only did he not stop her, but instead, he wrapped his hands around his chest and looked at her with a good-natured, inscrutable smile, ‘Feel free to call him, and when you get through, and he rushes over here, and you explain it to him word for word, the people on the stage will be almost dead. You should know that in the ring of a black market boxing match, one minute can decide whether a person lives or dies.’
Wei Hei froze for a moment, looking at the blood-soaked Ji Mo in the ring, tears like broken beads, falling uncontrollably down his cheeks.
‘Why do you need to go so far away? As long as you beg me, will I still not oblige you?’ Ruan Shao Nan wrapped his arm around her cold and shivering body and pressed it against her ear, coaxing her with a gentle voice, ‘You have to make a decision as soon as possible, if you think about it for one more minute, he’ll have to suffer for one more minute.’
Wei Hei turned her face and looked at this man she once loved with her life with tears in her eyes, she really did not understand, what is his heart made of? How could he come up with such a cruel, despicable and shameless act? How could he do it?
Ruan Shao Nan wiped away the tears on her face with his fingers and sighed, ‘’Seeing you cry like this, I can’t even bear it. But if I spare you today, won’t I have to suffer the pain of longing again? Wei Hei, I only need one word from you.’
Grabbing her by the hair, he sneered at her from above, ‘To give or not to give?’
She was forced to look up at him, the teardrops on her eyelashes, like glistening crystals, smashed down her cheeks, drop by drop, onto his hand. Over his shoulder, she saw Ji Mor on the screen resting in a chair, one arm no longer able to move, his entire face deformed. Kai Yang’s rattles rang again, sounding like a death knell to her ears.
She closed her eyes, instantly tears fell like rain, nodded her head, wordlessly said a word: ‘Give ……’
The man laughed, satisfied, kissed the eyelashes wet by her tears, praised: ‘This is the good behaviour. ’ Hugged her again, and let out a long sigh, ‘Wei Hei, you don’t know, how much I want you, how much I want …… to ruthlessly tear you apart.’
Wei Hei’s teeth were chattering, shivering, like a bird plucked by a tiger, dying in the tiger’s mouth, but life is worse than death.
‘Mr Ling, you can’t go in, Mr Ling ……’
Ling Luchuan kicked the door open, striding into the room, looking at the picture of the bloody fight on the big screen, and then looking at the tear-stained face of Wei Hei, instantly understanding everything.
He walked over, pulled Wei Hei behind him, looked at Ruan Shao Nan and smiled coldly, ‘It seems you didn’t understand what I meant. It’s okay, we’ll see each other in the future.’
Then he turned to the woman beside him and said, ‘Let’s go!’
However, Wei Hei pulled him back, looking at the big screen and then at Ling Lu Chuan, as if she was holding onto a life-saving straw.
Ruan Shao Nan, however, was sitting on the sofa, watching all of this with eyes of a theatre.
This was like pouring oil on the fire, Ling Luchuan couldn’t help but feel angry, looking at her, throwing his voice one word at a time, ‘Come with me! Don’t make me say it again!’
Wei Hei was stunned by his ferocious tone, and at this moment, on the big screen, Ji Mo was once again swept down to the ring by his opponent, and thunderous shouts of approval rang out from all around.
That Cambodian fighter had reptilian cold eyes that looked mercilessly at his fallen opponent, ready to take his life at any moment.
So much for the lynching.
She couldn’t take it anymore, her knees went soft, and she knelt down in front of Ling Luchuan, pulling at the corner of his coat, her tear-filled eyes looking up at him sadly, pleading with him wordlessly, as if saying, ‘Please, please ……’
Ruan Shao Nan, who was sitting on the sofa and watching the scene with cold eyes, finally laughed out.
Looking down at this woman who was kneeling on the ground and begging him bitterly, Ling Luchuan hated her to the extreme, took a deep breath, shook off her hand, took out his mobile phone and pulled out Wei Chengbao’s phone.
The other side just called out ‘Ling Shao’, then he scolded fiercely into the microphone: ‘Immediately stop the boxing match to me, one minute late, I will fucking let you eat a pocket!’
Then he put down the phone, looked at Ruan Shao Nan on the sofa, and let out a cold smile, ‘Saw what you wanted to see, now you’re satisfied.’

Chapter 50 If you don’t give me your heart, give me your people

The live broadcast ended and the good show broke up, Ruan Shao Nan switched off the TV and picked up his wine glass to pour himself a drink. The phone rang, he picked it up smoothly, listened for a while, smiled, ‘No early, he came up at the right time, timed it just right. Hard work ……’
Ruan Shao Nan put down the phone, stood up and walked to the window overlooking the city, last time it was here that Wei Hei almost made a mess with him to the point of bloodshed. He remembered that she said at that time, ‘You want me to fall in love with you, is it possible?’
Everything was fake at that time, only the anger at that time was real. When he heard those words, he wanted to tear her to pieces. NOT! The fragments still had form, he hated to crush her into powder, to thwart her into flying dust, so that he could be grounded, comfortable, and at peace.
Ruan Shao Nan breathed deeply, as if the tip of his nose could still smell her scent, the scent of tears.
He let out a soft laugh, ‘’You said that you would love me forever, until death. But you’re still alive, and you’ve even fallen in love with someone else. At first, I thought I’d let go of you when you died, but then you didn’t die. What do you want me to do?’
Thinking back to her kneeling at Ling Luchuan’s feet, looking up at him, that pitiful and expectant look in her eyes; thinking back to her hopeful, thinking she could escape with her life expression when she saw him rushing into the house ……
He sat back in his reclining chair, closing his eyes in a cold smile, ‘Do you really think that all proud, high eyed You really think that proud and arrogant young master can be relied on? Then open your eyes and take a good look ……’ Touching the blood scab on his lips, he said gently into the air, ’When you see it clearly, you will know that in this world, the person you can rely on… . only me.’

Hei called Ru Fei, Ji Mor has been sent to the hospital, although the injury is serious, but his body base is good, coupled with rich experience in combat, know how to protect themselves, in addition to the fracture of the left forearm, there are no other major injuries.
Wei Hei was relieved, Ru Fei said she had to stay in the hospital to take care of Ji Mor, and hung up the phone.
Wei Hei put down the phone and looked at the man beside her who was as silent as the night, walked over to him and said in sign language, ‘Thank you.’
Ling Luchuan didn’t say anything, Wei Hei knew that he was still angry, what she did today not only made him lose face in front of Ruan Shao Nan, but also seriously hurt his heart.
Wei Hei wanted to say something to him, but she could tell by looking at his cold expression. At the moment, he couldn’t listen to anything.
Max leaned down and said in sign language, ‘I’m sorry, I’ll go now.’
Unhei straightened up and headed for the door. The man who had been silent, however, took her hand, ‘What’s the rush? Didn’t we not score to finish what we were going to do yesterday?’
Wei Hei pushed him away and looked at his cloudy face, sighed and took out a small notebook to write, ‘I’m really sorry for making you lose face over today’s events. You’re in a bad mood today, so let’s talk about it some other time. If, that is, you’re still willing to listen to me.’
Wei Hei handed him the note, took a step back, bowed slightly, and said to him in sign language, ‘Thank you for saving him, I really appreciate it.’
When Wei Hei turned to leave, Ling Luchuan dragged her back and dumped her unceremoniously on the sofa, ‘Don’t be in a hurry, I’ve got something to say, and when I’m done, it’s not too late for you to go back and see him again.’
Wei Hei knew that there was no escaping today, the man had calculated it all, there was always a wild storm waiting for her. So she nodded and said to him in sign language, ‘Go ahead, I’ll listen.’
Ling Luchuan took a seat on the opposite side of the coffee table and gazed at her. It was only when she got closer that Wei Hei realised that the veins on his forehead were popping out and jutting. He was furious to the extreme, but he was trying his best to suppress himself so that he didn’t explode.
Even so, Wei Hei felt nervous, as if she was not facing a man who loved her deeply, but an angry panther, ready to use his sharp fangs to tear her throat out.
Seeing her fear, Ling Luchuan smiled and reached out his hand to touch her cold side, ‘There is no ghost in your heart, what are you afraid of? Could it be that everything you said to me was a lie? From the beginning, you only wanted to use me? Have you never been true to me? Tell me, Max, is that what you are?’
His eyes locked on hers, Wei Hei met his man-eating gaze and shook her head, ‘No.’
Ling Luchuan nodded, ‘Good, I believe you. Now, go back to see him, don’t worry, he can’t die for a while. But …… it’s hard to say after that.’
Wei Hei panicked at once. Wanted to say something, but Ling Luchuan grabbed her hand, ‘You should have thought of this when you knelt on the ground and begged me today. You’re the one who never begs, yet you can go this far for him. You value him so much, even more than your dignity. I, on the other hand, touch you and you feel sick to your stomach, and it’s all too much to bear. How could I possibly keep someone so dangerous? ‘How can I allow others to sleep peacefully on the side of the sleeping couch’, how come you don’t understand this principle?’
Wei Hei looked at him with trepidation, he had a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his beautiful eyes seemed to be frozen. She tried to say something to him with her hand or pen, but he didn’t give her a chance to tell the difference.
He cupped her chin and smiled coldly, ‘You can’t speak now, and even if you could, I don’t want to hear it. I just want to tell you that he’s dead. Ruan Shao Nan doesn’t want him dead, and I won’t let him go. You’re the one who got him killed, and you’re the one who got him killed because you were smart. My poor Max, why did you lie to me? I’ve been dancing around all day for you. But it’s all in vain. It’s my fault! It’s my fault. I should have told you earlier what happens to people who cheat me, shouldn’t I?’

‘I’m well aware of Lok Chuan’s temperament, if we’re talking about ruthlessness and cunning, I’d even let him down three times.’

Thinking of Ruan Shao Nan’s words, she subconsciously resisted the man clamping down on her. Instead, he grabbed her shoulders and lifted her up, slamming her against the backrest of the sofa.
The backrest was soft, but it still made her dizzy. Wei Hei gasped for breath, but Ling Luchuan caught her throat and looked at her with amusement, ‘What are you afraid of? I won’t do anything to you. Who made me love you so much, so much that I was delirious, so much that I couldn’t help myself, so much that everyone was waiting to see my joke. As a result, he really saw it, are you satisfied?’
Wei Hei looked at him, a heart that had long been cracked, knocked into pieces by his cold and icy words.
She didn’t want to cry, she had already cried too much, but she couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Her lips parted, how she wished she could speak at this moment, but she couldn’t. Perhaps it would be useless to speak.
This smiling man in front of her, his heart was filled with suspicion and anger towards him, he simply did not want to listen to her explanation. Even if he listened, he would not believe, he only believe in what he saw.
Ruan Shao Nan, Wei Hei had to admit, he understood Ling Lu Chuan and her too well. He knew where their soft underbelly was, and even more so, he knew what to do that could completely ruin her.
‘All he did today was to see us like this, why don’t you just get it?’
Unh spoke the sentence wordlessly, but unfortunately the man pinching her didn’t want to see it, nor could he understand it.
He sighed, ‘As much as I love the way you cry, it’s always so poignant, and as long as I can get a smile out of you, I’d hate to die for you. But that trick doesn’t work if you use it too much.’
He pressed against her forehead, his low tone containing desire, ‘You don’t want him to die, do you? You don’t have to get down on your knees, you have something better than that. You know how I’ve pined for it, day and night. You know how much I want it. If you don’t give me your heart, give me your person. You said you wouldn’t make love to someone you don’t love even if you died. But you’d do anything for him, wouldn’t you?’
He picked Wei Hei up, looked at the tearful face and sneered, ‘Don’t act all pathetic with me, now you’re aggrieved as hell, didn’t you still want to sleep with me yesterday? It’s not your first time, I don’t think I need to be too polite, you can stand it.’
After entering the bedroom, he turned on the CD and cranked it up to the maximum volume. Bursting dance music resounded throughout the entire villa, shaking the dark night, shattering the starlight, but also a person’s heart, shocked to bits and pieces, dust and ashes ……

Chapter 51 Lu Chuan, goodbye

The next morning, Ling Lu Chuan woke up in his own bedroom, there was no one else beside him, only a piece of paper filled with words.
The beautiful handwriting on it looked messy, and it was not hard to see that the person who wrote it was in what kind of complicated and chaotic state.
That in the morning, he read it for a long, long time, word by word, back and forth, silent contemplation, a thousand times. Finally, he kneaded the thin piece of paper into a ball and held it tightly in his hand, unable to let go for a long time.

I am sorry, I have no way to wait for you to wake up, face to face, tell me all this. I don’t have the strength left, and last night, I spent the night shedding tears beside you. But I know that you don’t care anymore. The fact that we would come to this point is really very different from what I initially thought. Now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn’t blame you. I was too naive to think that two people with such different identities, statuses, origins, experiences, and backgrounds could stay together without distractions. You are a person who is too proud, your life is too complete, you have not experienced real adversity and frustration, so you will never understand what kind of world people like us have to face every day. You will also never be able to understand the kind of feelings that Chi Mo and I have that transcend friendship, love, affection, and even life and death. You haven’t experienced it, so you won’t understand.

When Ling Luchuan saw this, he raised his head and looked out the window at the sunshine, the weather was fine.
But when Wei Hei left, it was before dawn, when the east was not yet clear. On her way to the station, she saw a plastic mannequin abandoned in a rubbish corner, naked, limbs separated, head side down on the ground, eyes looking straight at her. She went over to the lifeless mannequin, put it back together again, bit by bit, and put her own silk scarf, around her neck.
At that very moment, the sun came out, and the warmth of the sun lit up their faces. Wei Hei looked at her, smiling, but slowly red eyes, she said to her in sign language, ‘You are very beautiful, don’t be sad ……’

In fact, even if the world is the same as our love for men and women is roughly the same, we can not let the tragedy repeat. Unfortunately, you still hurt me, hurt very, very deeply. Perhaps, from the beginning until now, the god of fate has never really favoured us. Just like our first encounter, you came with a purpose,, leaving me to suffer from bullying. So the gods then decided to let us have fate but no luck in this life.

With a clang, Ling Luchuan smashed the cup in his hand on the floor window. The floor-to-ceiling window cracked out messy patterns, just like his divided heart.

No matter what, I still want to thank you for saving his life. He is really important, more important than my life. In fact, for him, for what I’ve been through in the past six months, for the world I’ve been living in, I would have had many, many things to say to you. But now, it’s better not to say anything. If you only believe what you are willing to believe, even if I say more, what is the point? I only hope that you can look at the little bit of guilt you once felt for me and spare him, spare me, and spare yourself.
‘Some say that the hearts of this city have festered, but I still hold out hope for it. As I have always believed, there are many paths in this world, some look simple, but there is no return to the road of no return. Some look difficult, but after walking through the thorns, it is a straight road. Ruan Shao Nan has chosen an easy path to walk, in him, I can no longer see half of humanity, except a shell, nothing. But I truly hope you won’t be like that. I have always believed that underneath your cold, gorgeous exterior, you still have an undiminished heart of goodness and love. If, again, this is my naive self-righteousness, then I have nothing to say. But please remember what I said to you in the Thai restaurant. If one day, it really comes to the point where I can’t help myself, I will not cherish my life.

Ling Luchuan still laughed out, almost laughed out of tears, his mouth kept saying, ‘Hello, you are so good ……’

In this world, there are too many people, without thinking to say goodbye, will really never see again. There are too many injuries that appear without thinking, but bring irreparable mistakes. The last thing I want to say to you is that everything that happened last night will be remembered for the rest of my life. So, Rakuchuan, goodbye ……

“Hey girl, wake up, the bus is arriving at the station.’ Someone pushed Wei Hei.
Wei Hei opened her eyes and saw that the car had arrived at the station, she had actually fallen asleep, it seemed that she had a long, long dream, and now, the dream woke up ……
She got off the car and found a pharmacy nearby and walked in. The clerk asked her what she was buying, and she wrote on a piece of paper, ‘Birth control pills, after the fact.’
She clutched the corner of her coat, her face as pale as snow.
The shop assistant looked at her and brought it to her. After she paid for it, Undine walked out with the pill and bought another hot cup of coffee from the supermarket next door.
She knew that coffee couldn’t deliver medicine. But at this moment, she really didn’t want to drink something cold. The sun was shining in the whole city, but she was as cold as ice.
Sitting on a chair at the bus stop, silently facing the endless street, Wei Hei threw the pills into the coffee one by one. There was no sugar in the coffee, but she didn’t find it bitter. Perhaps, having experienced too much, her nerves were on the verge of numbness.
He was a man who would stop at nothing, and she couldn’t leave herself open to the possibility of a half-hearted attempt.
Thinking back to half a year ago, the paper cup in her hand was pinched and deformed, she told herself: you were right, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely not to make the same mistake again.
She tilted her face up and smiled at the sky, suddenly feeling really ridiculous. It was said that it was impossible for a person to trip over a rope twice at the same time, and she had already fallen countless times, still not turning back until she hit the south wall.
She remembered that night, when Ling Luchuan sent her back, she wrote to him those four words: willow darkness.
I thought that was the hope of rebirth. Who knew that at the end of the road, it was reincarnation. A different beginning, the same ending, so just.
Coffee drink up, but the pills sank to the bottom of the cup, she will pick out the pills, swallowed, suddenly remembered that the neck is still wearing the jade unicorn he sent, when she left, but forgot to return to him.

The unicorn is a precious beast, it has the effect of warding off evil spirits and repelling Chong, you should wear it well in the future, even if I am not by your side, I can feel at ease with it protecting you.

Don’t pretend to be pathetic with me, now you are aggrieved like what, didn’t you want to sleep with me yesterday? It’s not your first time, I don’t think I need to be too polite, you can stand it.

I’ve decided not to cry anymore, what’s the use of crying? It’s just annoying, but the tears still can’t stop flowing down.
She put her legs, which had already lost consciousness, on a chair, tightly encircling her body, shrinking into a tiny ball, her mouth hypnotised as if, constantly reciting: ‘I’m not in pain, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt at all ……’

Ruan Shao Nan sat in the car, watching from afar, from the time she left the Ling Luchuan’s villa, he had followed her all the way.
‘Mr Ruan, should we go over to see, I am afraid that Miss Lu she ……’ The driver all felt that the girl in front of him was too pitiful, and could not help but ask his boss.
Ruan Shao Nan indifferently glanced that way, turned his face to look ahead and said flatly, ‘No need, let’s go.’

Chapter 52 Winning everything, but losing the world

Ji Mo’s body recovered quickly, if not laugh at him is simply a wild animal, born and bred, even without medicine, he can recover by himself.
Wei Hei has become even more silent at school than before, she is speech impaired and has few friends, plus Xiaofan is busy studying abroad, making her even more of a loner.
But at the moment, that’s exactly what she wants. During this time, in addition to taking care of Ji Mor in the hospital, she went to the square to paint after school.
Ling Luchuan didn’t come looking for her again, perhaps, he had simply forgotten about a character like her. After all, the great world is full of beautiful flowers and flowers. There are so many beauties waiting for him to fall in love with, and she is just one of the most unsatisfactory among all the flowers. Forget it, it’s no big deal.
Away from those people and things, her heart gradually calmed down. She did not have the time, nor the qualification to indulge in her own children’s love into the camp, sad spring and autumn. Graduation is imminent, she only has to fight every second.
Chi Mor said, survival itself, is a kind of victory.
Although this kind of statement is a little self-congratulatory flavour, but at this time she is the biggest motivation. She was still alive, wasn’t she? Although she had suffered so many humiliations, injuries, blows, and ridicule. However, she was still alive, and that was enough.
Ji Mo is very worried about her, although not Hei went to the hospital to see him, neck and wrists are rubbed thick concealer cream, still can not escape his sharp eyes.
However, she was reluctant to talk about it. Ji Mo, who knew her nature, how could he make things difficult for her? This matter can only be treated as a stone in the heart.

Time flies, unknowingly, only one day short of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Although Chi Mo’s broken bones were not healed, it was just as well for him to go home and recuperate. In order to go home for the festival, he decided to leave the hospital early this morning.
He didn’t come to pick him up because he had class. Ru Fei went to go through the discharge procedures, but when she finished everything, she came back to the ward to look for him. When she returned to the ward to look for him, Ji Mo, whose fracture had not yet healed, had already disappeared.

This is a French restaurant, usually have to wait in line for a long time to get a place. And today, there was nothing but a table of guests here. There was no other reason for this, that dinner guest had wrapped up the entire restaurant.
Ruan Shao Nan looked at the man sitting across from him with a plaster on his arm and smiled, ‘It seems that you’re recovering well.’
Chi Mo looked at the glowing Ruan Shao Nan with cold eyes, remembering that he was clearly still in the hospital room just now, but when he opened his eyes again, he was already here.
This was not the way a proper businessman should be, he couldn’t help but be alarmed, the man across from him was like a deep pool, and this pool was so deep that it was simply unfathomable.
‘Mr Ruan got me here, not to pick me up, right?’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed lightly, putting a piece of beef steak into his mouth, chewing lightly and swallowing slowly before he elegantly wiped his mouth, ‘Of course not, I want to do a business with Mr Chi.’
Ji Mo couldn’t help but laugh out, ‘What does Mr Ruan want to buy from me? Wei Hei? I’m sorry, but she and I don’t have that kind of relationship. She only belongs to herself, you’ve got the wrong idea.’
Ruan Shao Nan lifted his wine glass and shook his head as he looked at him, ‘Of course I know that you are not that kind of relationship. If it was, do you think you still have the life to sit here?’
Ji Mo’s expression flinched as Ruan Shao Nan continued, ‘What I want to buy, is quiet. Wei Hei needs a quiet environment to think things through. I don’t want anyone to interfere with her, and I’ll give you a sum of money, enough to last you a lifetime. I’ll give you enough money to spend for the rest of your life. Go as far away as you can, and don’t come back to bother her again. You should know that you’re not always so lucky that someone kneels down and pleads for you. Nor is it every time that her kneeling is useful, it depends on who she’s kneeling for.’
Chi Mo suddenly understood everything, the fists of his right hand clenched together. Ruan Shao Nan couldn’t help but smile when he saw the tendons on his forehead burst out.
‘Mr Chi, if I were you, I wouldn’t act rashly. You’re not the only one who’s been a black market fighter. That being said, to deal with you, there’s no need for me to do it myself.’
Chi Mo looked at that towering, winning face and smiled, ‘Mr Ruan, I’ve actually always been curious about you. The more I get to know Wei Hei, the more curious I am about you. I’ve always wondered what kind of person could do that to her. He himself, who sold millions of dollars at an auction to save face, could watch his own woman, who had no money for medical treatment, end up borrowing from loan sharks, and end up on the street. He himself every meal mountain food, but she did not even have the money to buy painkillers. Seeing you today, I finally understand. You’re a monster with a heart of gold. I feel sorry for Max. She gave up the chance to study abroad for nothing because of a lie you made up, and then she knelt from the foot of the mountain to the Sifang Temple to pray for your blessing. Can you imagine? Nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, it was still winter, it was snowing heavily, and she almost fainted to death on those damn steps. In order to give you a satisfactory birthday gift, do not want to ask you for money, but also to coax you happy, she will be her hard-earned money out, the last is still short of a thousand, ‘Ji Mo paused, viciously spit out a few words,’ that is the money she sold her blood …… ‘
Suddenly picked up the table full of wine cups, casually raised, all splashed on Ruan Shao Nan’s stunned face, viciously scolded: ‘Your fucking conscience let the dog eat?!’
The people standing on either side of the attendant were just about to make a move when Ruan Shao Nan raised his hand to stop them, the crimson liquid running down his cheeks like two lines of red tears.
However, Chi Mo hadn’t finished yet, as he looked at the rich, brocaded, meticulous man across from him and sneered, ‘’You’re even worse than those prostitutes standing on the street in the red light district. What the prostitutes sell is themselves, while what you sell is a woman who is willing to live for you, die for you, and disregard everything for you. When you are holding on to her, have you ever thought about what kind of abuse she has suffered? When you were in the limelight, did you ever think that you were stepping on her bones under your feet? What? Do you regret it now? Do you think she’ll come back to you if you get rid of all the people around her? Stop dreaming! People are doing it, God is watching! You’ve done so many things that hurt the heavens and the earth, there will definitely be retribution, I’m just waiting for that day!’
Ji Mo stood up and walked away, the people on both sides of him looked at his boss, only to see him slowly wiping the wine from his face with a napkin and waving his hand expressionlessly, ‘Let him go.’
Chi Mo did not look at him again and turned to leave.
Ruan Shao Nan turned his face and looked out the window, the city streets were still busy and bustling, people coming and going in a hurry. For the first time, he realised that this was a city full of sadness, the people in the city were pawns who had crossed the river, there was no going back, pulverised, there was just no turning back.

Maybe one day we’ll all find out. Everything we’ve worked so hard to get doesn’t matter at all. And that the things we want most are no longer available to us ……

He closed his eyes and felt himself exiled from the darkness to the light, unable to see past or future.
If you close your eyes and can’t see the city, how can you tell what’s real and what’s not? If you close your mind and can’t see the future, where is hope?
Just as he had seen his love for her years ago, he just didn’t know how strong that love was back then. He thought that desire and hatred could turn the whole world upside down, but he forgot that the world was made for her.
She was the world for him, he won everything but lost the world.

Back in the office in the afternoon, Ruan Shao Nan continued to work as if nothing had happened. The intercom rang and the secretary said, ‘Mr Ruan, Miss Gu is here.’
He frowned and said, ‘Let her in.’
A short while later, Gu Yongling walked in with style on her high heels. Ruan Shao Nan stood up gentlemanly and greeted her with a smile.
Gu Yongling smiled warmly and said, ‘Mr Ruan, am I disturbing you?’
‘No, please.’ Ruan Shao Nan pulled her to sit down, and the secretary poured the tea and retreated.
‘What, looking for me for something?’
‘Yeah, tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, wanted to ask you, do you have any arrangements?’
‘Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival?’ Ruan Shao Nan looked at the calendar board and nodded, ‘It really is.’
‘Yes, a rare reunion festival once a year, you’re such a busy man that you even forgot about such an important festival.’
Ruan Shao Nan smiled and said, ‘It’s been a bit chaotic lately.’
Gu Yongling asked tentatively, ‘Something happened at the company?’
Ruan Shao Nan put his arm around his fiancée’s shoulders and said gently, ‘Don’t worry, I can handle it. It’s just a pity that I won’t be able to accompany you tomorrow.’
‘That’s fine, you’re busy with your own business, I’ll just find my own programme.’
Gu Rongling turned to leave, Ruan Shao Nan suddenly called out to her, ‘By the way, Rongling, when we travelled to Japan last time, the DV that we bought, do you remember where you put it?’
‘In the cabinet in the study, why?’
Ruan Shao Nan kissed her forehead and said, ‘Nothing. Thank you, Rong Ling, I wish you a happy holiday in advance, tomorrow …… must be a pleasant day.’

After Gu Rongling left, Ruan Shao Nan sat on a chair and looked at the calendar board. Tomorrow was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and if the human and the moon could be reunited, even if it couldn’t be perfect, there would be no regrets.
The phone rang again, it was Wang Dongyang.
‘Mr Ruan, the things you asked me to look into have been found out. Miss Gu has indeed lost a lot of money in stocks and futures lately, I’m afraid it won’t last long, and sooner or later, the Fu Huang head office will hold her accountable.’
Ruan Shao Nan looked at his computer and asked, ‘What else?’
‘She recently met with Donghua’s boss, Nie Donghua.’
Ruan Shao Nan smiled and said, ‘You’ve done a good job, continue to put out fake news to her until our bidding with Donghua ends tomorrow.’
‘Okay, Mr Ruan, I know what to do. Then what about Miss Gu after the bidding is over?’
Ruan Shao Nan took out the newly purchased asthma medicine and looked at it carefully under the sunlight, and said indifferently, ‘There’s no need for us to do anything, if she sells false information to Donghua and takes people’s money but causes them to lose a large amount of business, Nie Donghua won’t let her go.’
‘I understand.’
Ruan Shao Nan put down the phone and then told his secretary, ‘In the future, don’t take Miss Gu’s calls in. Also, tell the doorman downstairs not to let her come up again.’
After taking care of all the trivial matters, Ruan Shao Nan stood up, overlooking the bustling market at his feet, Gu Yongling’s betrayal did not affect his good mood in welcoming the festive season in the slightest.
He turned around, found the gift he had left at the villa that he hadn’t even unwrapped from the drawer that Wei Hei had left at the villa, and opened it. The silver-white lighter, glowing with a flood of white light in the sunlight, was so bright that it blanked out before his eyes.
He looked at it, his heart is sour and painful, this silly girl, he was casually said a joke, she even took it seriously.
He held that Saturn fire engine in the palm of his hand, as holding the whole world, a world that only belongs to him.
He walked all the way in this filthy human world, to silt for food, with the wild beasts for companionship, thought he had already developed a copper skin and iron bones, every scale on the body into a blade, will not be merciful to any person soft, faltering to stay in love.
But until today he didn’t know: in this world, there will be that one person, it is you who betrayed all of her, it is you who failed her deep love, it is you who owed her everything, but all of these are no match for the fact that you are no longer the only one for her.
Giving a soft kiss on that meaningful gift, he pressed it against his chest and said dully, ‘Wei Hei, the only person in this world who can break my heart is you. So, you must come back!’

Chapter 53: The Killing Chance

The next day was a holiday, and Ru Fei and Wei Hei took their simple luggage and moved to a dilapidated bungalow on the outskirts of the city near the foot of the mountain. The house was borrowed from a friend of Ji Mo’s, and was left behind by his grandmother, considered an ancestral property. The surrounding area was sparsely populated, with a raised mound on the hill, hidden vaguely in the bushes.
‘Did Chi Mor say why we’re moving?’ Wei Hei put down the phone and asked Rufei in sign language.
As Rufus made the bed, he said, ‘A woman in the red light district should know when to ask questions and when to shut up. I think it’s time for us to shut up and support him silently. Don’t you think so?’
Unhappy smiled and didn’t ask any more questions. The two packed up their things, already tired and sweaty.
Rufei said, ‘Are you hungry? I’ll go buy some food, and I reckon he’ll be back in a little while.’
‘Will he be alright?’
‘Just looking for a friend to borrow some money, nothing will happen, don’t worry.’

When Rufei was leaving, she checked the door lock again before leaving. She walked quickly and always felt that someone was following her behind. Stopping to look back, not a single suspicious person could be seen.
One was too nervous, I guess.
This place was so desolate and hidden, Ruan Shao Nan couldn’t have found it so quickly. But Rufei had to wonder, if Ruan Shao Nan was really so clever, how long could they hide Max like this?
Hei didn’t know anything yet, but after the holidays, she would have to go back to school, and then how could they protect her?
Rufei almost wanted to sigh to the heavens. The Mid-Autumn Festival had been a waste of a good day, but it had been wasted on moving as if they were running for their lives. It was a battle of strengths, and they were already exhausted from staying up before the official opening.
Ru Fei sold mineral water, instant noodles and ham sausages at the village kiosk and walked back with the bags. A black car drove up on his way, and the dirt road was dusty.
Rufei stepped aside and brushed past the car.
For some reason, she suddenly felt panic. Subconsciously looking back, except for the dust and the black rear window, she saw nothing.

Ruan Shao Nan was sitting in his villa, drinking to himself over the table full of fine wine and food. The exquisite Huaiyang dishes on the table were all of Wei Hei’s favourites. There was also the aged Daughter’s Red, which he remembered was the soft Shaoxing wine that Max loved. Last time, she only drank a small cup, and her face was as red as a child’s, but her eyes were bright, which made her bright-eyed and white, and her face was even more pitiful and lovely than usual.
Tonight’s moonlight is so beautiful, as if the soft thin veil, and like a cup of wine, slightly drunken feeling, so that the heart is peaceful, faint and want to get drunk.
The man held his glass of wine and looked at the person sleeping like a kitten on the sofa, smiling openly and freely. He stands up, walks over, scoops up the person on the sofa and carries her into his arms, letting her white face press against his chest, and says in a low voice, ‘My little Ru Xi, you’re finally back.’

Ru Fei followed Ji Mo, sneaked into the ‘stunning city’ through the back door. After entering, she rushed towards the VIP box in a frenzy.
Chi Mo pulled her back and said, ‘You can’t do this, there are people guarding the outside of the box area, so I’m afraid you’ll be whisked out before you can touch him.’
Ru Fei was so anxious that her tears were about to fall, pulling on Chi Mo’s hand and saying, ‘What then? It’s all my fault for going out to buy something. If she has a good or bad day, it would be better for me to die.’
Ji Mo took a deep breath and told himself that he couldn’t be in a hurry, he couldn’t be in a hurry, he could always come up with a solution.
‘How about this, the drinks in Ling Luchuan’s box have always been Yoyo’s responsibility, that girl used to be on good terms with you guys, let’s find her to help. I’ll go over now and try to find a way to call her out. You first go to the dressing room to guard, wait for me to bring her over, you guys change clothes, you go in for her. Don’t be in a hurry when you see him. Find a chance to make things clear. Even if he doesn’t help, at least tell us where Ruan Shao Nan can take Wei Hei.’
Ru Fei hurriedly nodded, then remembered something, busy pulling him back and said, ‘You don’t go to call her, entrust someone else to go there. Don’t let him see you, he’ll be furious when he sees you, and then he’ll be even more reluctant to help.’
Chi Mor understood in his heart, nodded and left.
Rufei took advantage of the fact that no one was there to touch into the locker room, and while turning around, he said to himself, ‘Wei Hei, you must wait for me. I’m coming to get you, you mustn’t be hurt, you mustn’t be hurt, you mustn’t be hurt, you mustn’t be hurt!’

Wei Hei sat in a chair, looking across the table full of food, despairingly at the man across from her, with a sense of being in the thick of things.
She really didn’t understand, he had already messed up her life, why did he just refuse to let her go? Why was he still telling her things like making amends, being in love, not being able to do without her, and so on?
Did he not know about the suffering she had endured half a year ago, the life-is-better-than-death encounters?
Even if he didn’t know, the pain he had inflicted on her, he knew it clearly. How could he still sit in front of her like this as if nothing had happened, and speak and swear to her like this?
Unable to think ……
Ruan Shao Nan still smiled elegantly and decently, he was such a person, even when he dismantled his prey into his belly, he would not let the corner of his mouth get half a drop of blood.
Thinking of this, Wei Hei fought the cold out of his heart and lowered his head to write on a piece of paper, ‘Mr Ruan, I think I’ve made myself clear enough, please let me go.’
Ruan Shao Nan wiped his mouth with a napkin, looked at the dishes in front of Wei Hei, and softly said, ‘You haven’t eaten anything yet! These are all your favourites from before, I specially invited Sister Wang back to make them for you, don’t you want to try them?’
The man in front of her was as soft as water, and seemed to be a different person from that horrible rainy night, but it still made her heart tremble.
Wei Hei fixed her mind and wrote on the paper, ‘What I liked in the past, I may not like now. Mr Ruan, my tastes have changed a lot since I was injured half a year ago, and these are no longer to my liking. If you’ve finished what you wanted to say, please let me go.’
Ruan Shao Nan smiled, something flickered in his eyes like a shooting star across the dark night, passing by in an instant. He didn’t know how many times he had genuinely cried in his life, but this time he knew: if he cried, the tears must be real.
But did she believe it?
She didn’t believe it, just look at her eyes.
When I was a child, I heard stories, myths say that the human body fish tail ice shark, can weave the water as raw silk, falling tears into beads. He’s not a shark, he can’t turn his tears into pearls and make her believe that it’s true.
He was just the child in the fable who cried ‘wolf’, and the child lost his life. Liars always get their comeuppance, and his comeuppance came.
He lost something bigger than his life. He lost her, and he can never get her back.
When you get it, you don’t treasure it; when you treasure it, you can no longer get it.
This was his retribution.

He folded his hands on the dining table and looked at her, trying to make a final struggle, ‘Wei Hei, can you give me another chance, just one more time.’
Looking at the man’s seemingly sincere expression, Wei Hei shook her head and wrote on a piece of paper, ‘Give you another chance? Mr Ruan, what am I going to do then? You’ve taken your revenge, you’ve killed the people you wanted to kill, you’ve seen enough of the theatre you wanted to see, you’ve got everything you wanted, you’re satisfied. But what about me? Who will give me justice? Who will give justice to those two children of the Lu family? Mr Ruan, you owe me a voice and two lives. You haven’t paid it back yet, how do you expect me to give you a chance?’
The man was silent for a moment, staring, ‘I can make it up to you, with my whole life, as long as you believe, Wei Hei, trust me one more time, just one more time, okay?’
He looked at him and then wrote, ‘I’m sorry, I really can’t do it. You’re too smart, too unpredictable, I can’t tell when you’re real and when you’re not. Mr Ruan, I’m really scared of you. I don’t want to live the rest of my life in fear, living every day in a lie of truth and falsehood, and I don’t want to spend my days in fear. If you really still care about our past friendship, please let me go and let me live my own life.’
Ruan Shao Nan looked at this and raised his eyebrows while smiling, he lowered his head and pondered for a long time before he coldly said, ‘What about Ling Luchuan, what’s the difference between him and me? Why can you accept him but not me again?’
How are they different? This was a good question.
‘Actually, you guys are really similar, the same strong and overbearing, basically grassing people up. The difference is that he’ll feel guilty, he’ll be intolerant, he’ll admit he’s wrong, he’ll reflect on himself. Though after the damage is done, those are just mending the wound. If I really want to say there’s something different, perhaps it’s that he told me ‘I’m sorry’.’
Ruan Shao Nan put down his napkin and stood up, walking over to Wei Hei, bending down to look at her from an equal angle, ‘If that’s all it was, I’d ……’
“There’s also the fact that he wouldn’t use a knife to kill a man, much less to achieve his goal of provoking another man to torture and bully me.’
Looking at his astonished eyes, Wei Hei took a deep breath and wrote with a trembling voice: ‘I know that you never thought that I would retaliate against you, and that night you deliberately laid out a plan to make him suspect me. I also guessed that you had anticipated what he would do to me. You just wanted me to hate him, to detest him, to stay away from him for the rest of my life. Maybe you preferred that he hate me, detest me, and never want to see me for the rest of his life. The truth is, you succeeded. He suspected me and said a lot of nasty things to me. You know us too well, and you’ve counted every step into your bones. It’s a pity that all your calculations were wrong. You’ve miscalculated one step after all, which is the human heart.’
Wei Hei wrote another paragraph, and after Ruan Shao Nan read it, he rubbed it into a ball and stomped on it.
She wrote, ‘That night, he did nothing. When he saw me crying, he couldn’t bear it, and he was provoked into anger by you, and spent the whole night, alone in his bedroom, losing his temper. He smashed everything in the house that he could, except me. Later, he smashed the wall sconce with a vase, and I was under it, and he stuck his back with so much broken glass as he held me back with his own body. We went to the hospital and after pulling out the shards, he didn’t want to stay there. We went back to the cottage, and when we got back he kept drinking, and when he got drunk enough to understand he fell head over heels in bed and never woke up. We were like that, for the rest of the night. He’d rather hurt himself than me. So it’s a shame, Mr Ruan, you’ve been a villain in vain this time. For his suspicions, I am indeed somewhat disappointed, but for you, I am left with nothing but despair.’
Ruan Shao Nan lifted his eyes to gaze at her for a moment, and smiled coldly, ‘That morning, you knew that I was following you, so you put the trick halfway through, deliberately buying the medicine for me to eat, and purposely putting on a pitiful appearance. I was actually fooled by you, you are really something.’
He suddenly grabbed her by the lapels of her coat and dragged her whole, ‘What I want to know now is, if you talked him up so well, why did you leave him? Are you really disappointed in him, or do you know in your heart that he can’t fight me and you want to protect him?’
Seeing her frightened and uncertain eyes, Ruan Shao Nan smiled coldly, ‘You were trying to protect him.’
He grabbed her by the throat, his icy eyes without a trace of emotion, ‘You shouldn’t be so stubborn, you shouldn’t know me so well. I’m also desperate for you, like you said, I’m smart enough to do everything even if it means killing and setting fire. So even if you die here today, no one can save you.’
He pressed against her ear and laughed icily and sardonically, ‘I can kill you right now, unknowingly, do you believe me?’
Wei Hei was almost suffocated by his stranglehold, looking at him with difficulty, her open and closed lips let out silent words, ‘I believe! But even if you dig out my heart …… there’s no you in it!’

Chapter 54: Water in the depths

Ru Fei changed into his yo-yo clothes, lowered his head, held the wine tray, and walked into Ling Luchuan’s box.
Inside, as always, the music was ear-splitting, the light was dim, and the smell was vile. After Ru Fei went in, she looked around and saw that the person she was looking for was sitting in the middle of the room, flirting with the lady beside her.
Ru Fei was anxious and confused, but did not dare to make a move easily. Just as someone asked for a drink, she walked over to fill up from cup to cup, and when she walked to Ling Luchuan’s side, she smelled the pungent odour of wine, and he had already drank quite a lot.
Ru Fei really can not help it, half kneeling body whispered: ‘Ling Shao ……’
Yi red snuggling Ling Luchuan turned his face, looked at her, laughed: ‘How is it you?’
‘Ling Shao, I ……’
Ru Fei just wanted to say something, but someone immediately recognised her and laughed, ’Isn’t this Ru Fei? How long has it been since we’ve seen each other, I’ve been thinking about you.’
Ru Fei secretly screamed that it was not good, and sure enough, a young lady went out with a cat’s back. Ru Fei knew that she had gone to find the guards.
As time was running out, she pulled on Ling Luchuan’s coat and said loudly, ‘Young Ling, please save Wei Hei.’
Ling Luchuan held his wine glass, squinted his eyes and also slanted a glance at her, absently asking, ‘What’s wrong with her?’
‘Ruan Shao Nan ……’ Ru Fei didn’t finish her words before she was grabbed by a strong man and dragged outside without saying a word.
As she struggled, she shouted, ‘Ling Luchuan, Ruan Shao Nan has taken Wei Hei, if you don’t save her, she will die.’
The music was so loud that Ling Lu Chuan could only vaguely hear a few sentences, and when he heard the word ‘Wei Hei’, it was a taboo that he couldn’t even mention.
Only to hear a clanging sound, he threw the wine glass vigorously on the screen, roared: ‘She died or not, what’s it got to do with me?’
Ling Luchuan waved his hand impatiently, and the guards set up Rufei’s arm, dragged him up and left.
Ru Fei screamed undyingly, crying with tears in her eyes, ‘Young Ling, please, save her. Ruan Shao Nan won’t let her go, if you don’t save her, she will really die. Don’t you like her very much? Just think of it as you doing a good deed, Shao Ling, Shao Ling ……’
She was like a prisoner being sent to the torture chamber, a cry that screamed out. The men sitting with her next to her, however, had their icy gazes glued to her pretty face and exquisite curves.
Someone leaned over and stuck to Ling Luchuan’s ear and laughed playfully, ‘’Ling Shao, this girl used to be like a prickly rose here, able to be seen but not touched. Now that she is crying in such a low voice, I feel sorry for her, why don’t you stay and let’s have some fun?’
Ling Luchuan was holding a glass of wine, already drunk to the point of rationing his eyes and ears, his arm resting on the backrest of the sofa, not even looking at it, and casually answered, ‘You guys make yourselves at home.’

Ruan Shao Nan looked at the woman he had squeezed in his hand, looked at her eyes as if she was dying, smiled, and slowly let go of his hand.
Such a beautiful day, but the moon is full and the people are short. This shows that life is not as good as nine out of ten things.
He released a smile, poured her a small cup of amber-coloured daughter red, said: ‘This is the cellar eighteen years of treasures, I remember the first time we dined, you liked it very much. After drinking this cup, we’ll go our separate ways from now on.’
When Wei Hei looked at him and didn’t move, Ruan Shao Nan shook his head and laughed softly, saying, ‘I understand the reasoning behind what can’t be reversed, but I still say, let’s get along well. From now on, we’ll have nothing to do with each other. Isn’t that what you want?’
Ruan Shao Nan filled his own glass and raised it to her, ‘Wei Hei, I wish you happiness.’
Wei Hei saw him finish his drink before she picked up her own glass and drank from it. Then she puts down her glass and writes on a piece of paper, ‘Thank you for dinner.’
Ruan Shao Nan nodded and Wei Hei turned towards the door. Ruan Shao Nan poured himself another glass and, with an incredibly gentle look, smiled and watched her leave.

Wei Hei held onto the handles of the stairs and shook her head, the stairs in front of her eyes all twisted into coloured lines, as if an endless abyss. She looked at the ceiling above her in despair, the sky spinning.
She leaned against the wall and slowly slid down to the floor, watching the man close in on her face bit by bit. With a sweaty face, she scribbled crookedly in the little notebook she had with her, ‘What did you give me to drink?’
‘Ketamine, an anaesthetic invented in the US in the 1970s and 1980s and once used in the Vietnam War. However, people nowadays prefer to call it ketamine. Its characteristics are that it is colourless, odourless and easily soluble in water, and it can paralyse your body in a very short period of time. I know, you are a careful person. Without seeing me drink it, you would never drink it, so I smeared it on your cup.’
Wei Hei looked at him in shock, her heart pounding like a drum, trembling as she wrote on the paper, ‘What do you want?’
Ruan Shao Nan lifted her chin and placed a gentle kiss on those trembling lips, ‘What do you think?’
Wei Hei waved his hand away with difficulty and wrote, ‘Don’t dream about it, I’ll just take it as a dog bite.’
Ruan Shao Nan lifted her face, ‘Of course it won’t work just like that. But if I record the process of our lovemaking and put it on the internet, what do you think?’
Wei Hei looked at him incredulously, her teeth fighting and her body trembling with horror at this evil plot. With the last of her strength, she wrote on the paper, ‘Don’t forget, you’re in on it too. I’m a small person, but you’re a man of honour, and spreading this kind of scandal won’t make your life any easier.’
Ruan Shao Nan looked at her with amusement and pinched her chin, ‘Silly girl, how can you compare to me? I’m a man and have power and influence. If I tell the media to say something, they’ll say it, and if I tell them to say something, they’ll say it. All I have to do is say to the outside world that you took the initiative to seduce me, and you won’t be able to say anything even if you have a hundred mouths. Besides, I’ve always had a good public-spirited image, so even if I have one more affair, people will soon forget about it.’
He lowered the volume of his voice and pressed against her ear, ‘But what about you? You’ll get a thousand fingers and a million curses! Do you still want to graduate? Still want to get a foothold in this city? You want to be with him? Don’t even think about it, how can a family like his tolerate you. This stain will always follow you, making you unable to raise your head for the rest of your life.’
He pulled her hair fiercely and sneered, ‘Unless you die, I’ll make sure you can’t forget me for the rest of your life!’
Snap! With all her might, Wei Hei slapped her across the face, but he caught her easily. He tried to pick her up, and when Wei Hei struggled, her nails scratched into his face. Ruan Shao Nan didn’t realise she had any strength left, so he let go of her hand and she tumbled down the stairs like a white snowball.
The back of her head hit the ground, the corner of her forehead bleeding on the steps, blood dripping down her cheeks, her eyes blurring.
Footsteps came to her ears, louder and closer. She tried to move, her fingers tapping on the cold floor, unable to use her strength. Like a bird with broken wings, she was scooped up by a pair of large hands.
She heard him laughing, smugly. She didn’t know what he was laughing at, and she couldn’t hear what he was saying, she could only feel him unbuttoning her coat, and then there was a coldness on her neck, and her whole body was plunged into a sea of blackness, and the coldness drowned out everything, and she didn’t know anything else.

Ru Fei stood in the middle of the box, shivering, like a lamb standing among wolves. Her hands were clenched into fists like her own clenched heart.
Someone started to get impatient, urging, ‘Take it off, if you do, we’ll help you plead for mercy, do you hear me?’
Ling Luchuan shook his wine glass and looked at Rufei as if he was looking at a stranger. He didn’t care about what was happening in front of him and listened to it.
He sized her up maliciously, his burning gaze, flickering icily in the dim light, remembering Ru Fei’s relationship with Wei Hei, and seeing their same eyes, same expression, he couldn’t help but be enraged.
‘What? That’s what’s wrong with you? Begging should be treated like begging. Didn’t you say that you feel sick at the sight of us? Then today, you let us see us clearly from top to bottom. Let us see where exactly you are noble.’
Ru Fei raised her head and looked at the seat full of jinhua clothes, nodded her head and said, ‘Fine, I’ll take it off. Don’t you all just want to gloat and watch? I’ll satisfy you all is all.’
He also looked at Ling Luchuan, ‘Don’t forget what you just said, after I strip naked and let you have a good look, you will go and save her. However, even if you go back on your word, I won’t be surprised. When I’m dead too, I’ll go down and tell her, Lu Wei Hei, you deserved what happened to you today! Who made you blind to believe in a heartless beast.’
Ling Luchuan was jolted, as if he was pricked by a needle.
Ru Fei shook her hands, unbuttoning her coat one by one, ripping off her tunic, revealing her tight black halter, her slender waist and soft silhouette hidden in the dim light, her tears crackling down, ‘I told her that he doesn’t care about you at all, and can’t wait for you to die right away. You shed tears of sadness for him, and when you die, does he feel sorry for you?’
Ling Luchuan was a bit unable to hold back, ‘Alright, no need to take it off anymore.’
Ru Fei lifted her chin, the light clothing and tears fell together on the scarlet carpet, ‘I’ll tell her, he knows that you are suffering, he knows that you are worse than death for a while, but he just doesn’t care about you, and he’s making fun of me ……’
‘I said enough!’
Ling Luchuan was furious, standing up and pressing down on Rufei’s hand that was wide open. She looked at him indignantly, the tears in her eyes smashing on his tiger’s mouth, ‘I’ll just tell her, Lu Wei Hei, I pity you for you. Why do you still miss him? For a man like that, is it worth it?’

Chapter 55 Deadly Enemy

When Ling Luchuan rushed to Ruan Shao Nan’s villa with an anxious Ru Fei, everything was already over.
Ruan Shao Nan sat neatly on his own sofa, through the light, carrying the jade qilin that he had ripped off from Un Hei’s neck, scrutinising it.
Ling Luchuan walked over and grabbed him, asking, ‘Where is everyone?’
Ruan Shao Nan smiled meaningfully, ‘Of course the person is in my bedroom, I thought you would come a little earlier, but unfortunately …… too late.’
Ling Luchuan swung his hand and punched him, shaking with anger, thinking of Wei Hei and his heart in turmoil. Letting go of him, he took Ru Fei and ran to the bedroom on the first floor, pushing open the door.
Ru Fei hands over his mouth, a moment on the cry out, ‘Wei Hei ……’
Ruan Shao Nan is right, really too late, everything …… is too late.
The person they want to save is draped in hair, embracing the quilt, sitting in a trance on Ruan Shao Nan’s bed, half of the snow-white body exposed outside, purple and blue forehead is still overflowing with blood, a pair of eyes looking straight ahead, stagnant and lax eyes, lifeless, unfocussed, inside a barren, nothing is left.
Rufei picked up the clothes on the ground and wanted to drape them over her shoulders. But she shrank to the side in fear, her eyes looked at a certain place timidly, and her mouth read silently, ‘Don’t touch me ……’
Ru Fei cried uncontrollably, and Ling Luchuan’s eyes were dark. He held on to the bed frame, braced himself, walked over, pulled Wei Hei out of the corner, wrapped in the quilt and picked her up.
He wanted to take her away! Take her away from all this creepy stuff. He wanted to kill himself! He wanted to kill the world!
‘My God! What’s wrong with you, Max?’ Rufus cried out in shock as he looked at the quilt wrapped around Un-Hei, she looked back at the snow white bed and almost collapsed on the floor.
Blood! There was blood everywhere, crimson blood. On the quilt, on the sheets, on the carpet, on Wei Hei’s legs, and on Ling Luchuan’s hands, all of it was blood!
‘Wei Hei, Wei Hei ……’ Rufei shouted at her like crazy, shaking her, ’What’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with you?’ However, the person who is bleeding more than, but to the eyes and ears of everything in front of the eyes, as if a score no life of the inflatable doll, by the eyes of the blood red man in the arms of the tightly.
The viscous liquid had already stained his front lapel red, and drop by drop it fell on the carpet, yet it was still flowing. Ling Luchuan was so horrified by the sight in front of him that he was breathing hard and dizzy. He strides out of the bedroom with the delirious Wei Hei in his arms, and when he sees Ruan Shao Nan sitting in the living room, fire almost erupts from the bottom of his eyes.
Ru Xi saw him standing still. Crying, she shouted, ‘’What were you doing earlier? Quickly forget about him, first send Wei Hei to the hospital.’
After getting into the car, Max suddenly shook with fear and burst into tears, gesturing quickly and chaotically with his hands in the air.
Rufei was dumbfounded, and Ling Luchuan asked anxiously, ‘What did she say?’
Rufei looked at Ling Luchuan and said incredulously, ‘She said that she can’t go.’
‘Why can’t she go?’
‘She said …… that he recorded it.’
With a snap, Ling Luchuan’s fist slammed hard on the steering wheel, the sharp car roar tore through the heavy black night, but it could not tear through the man’s destructive anger and endless grief.
His eyes were as red as blood as he took a deep breath, ‘Send her to the hospital first, I’ll handle the rest.’

Ling Luchuan ran into the emergency room with her in his arms, the nurse and doctor were also startled to see the red-stained quilt corner, hurriedly placing her on the emergency bed and pulling the curtain closed with a brush.
The doctor inside instructed the nurse, ‘It’s a haemorrhage, first give her a haemostatic injection, then send her for an X-ray.’
Ten minutes later, the doctor looked at the X-ray and said to them, ‘A tear in the posterior vaginal fornix, a two-centimetre-deep, seven to eight-centimetre-long fissure just below the opening of the cervix, and it needs to be stitched up right away, or the bleeding will be dangerous. Which one of you is a family member? The surgery requires a family member’s signature.’
Ling Luchuan said, ‘I’ll do it.’
After Ling Lu Chuan signed, the doctor looked at him and shook his head, sighing, ‘How can a young man do things so recklessly? With such a long gash, how much this girl has to suffer.’

Outside the operating theatre, Ru Fei sat in a chair with a blank stare, not knowing what to do.
Ling Luchuan leaned his head down against the wall, his black hair covering his eyes. He slowly loosened his clenched fists, looked at Ru Fei who wanted to cry without tears, his throat twitched, and only after a long time did he say three words in a low voice: ‘I’m sorry.’
Ru Fei, as if waking up from a dream, rushed up and slapped him, grabbed his blood-stained lapel and cried and fussed, ‘I told you a long time ago, she will die, she will die! Why didn’t you listen? Why didn’t you listen? You bastards, inhuman animals! Haven’t you done enough to her? Why won’t you let her go? Why?
Ru Fei cried as she fell to her knees on the ground, and Ling Luchuan was gripped by her, his legs weakened and he followed suit.
A small nurse ran over and looked at the two people who fell to the ground and admonished, ‘This is an operating theatre, you can’t make a lot of noise. If you guys want to cry or make a scene, please get out.’
Ru Fei covered her mouth, stood up and sat on the chair whimpering in pain.
Ling Luchuan sat next to her and looked at his blood-stained hands, speaking upside down, ‘I thought she was lying to me, I thought she was using me, I was going crazy, I was drunk and confused, I didn’t listen clearly, I didn’t think it would be this serious.’
Rufus asked tearfully, ‘She couldn’t even speak, what could she have lied to you about?’
‘She got down on her knees and begged me for him.’ Ling Luchuan turned his face, a smear of blood rubbed on his face, his blood-filled eyes staring at her in a misplaced and confused manner, ‘Didn’t she like him? Then why say those words to me? Why even give me hope? I don’t get it, I really don’t.’

‘Because of that?’ Ru Fei almost laughed on her back, pulling out her own phone and pointing to the picture on the screensaver.
‘Ji Mor is my man, we’ve been together since half a year ago. He used to like Wei Hei, but I’m the one he loves now. Wei Hei only treats him as her brother, she never loved him.’
Ling Luchuan looked at her in surprise, looking at the photo on his mobile phone.
‘Why did she ……’
Ling Lu Chuan wanted to say, why didn’t Wei Hei tell him?
But did she really not say it? She had said, she had said more than once, that she wasn’t in that kind of relationship with Ji Mo. He was the one who didn’t want to believe her, who was blinded by the ‘facts’ in front of him, who was full of conspiracies and calculations.
Ru Fei helplessly looked at the man in front of her who regretted so much, ‘Are we crazy, or are you crazy? She pleaded for him, he fought for her, so there has to be something between them? People are always exchanging interests with each other, without any real love, is this your logic? Max is so stupid. So stupid. How can a cockney like you really understand her? Letting her dream for nothing, only to end up like this at best.’

If you only believe, what you want to believe. Even if I say more, what’s the point?

He stared blankly at the ground beneath him, remorse and guilt almost drowning him. Unhei was right, he was just a spoiled cockney boy, he hadn’t endured any real setbacks or injuries. They were both orphans, and he had never experienced the kind of feelings between them that he would never understand if they had to share their lives.
Even if Wei Hei had told him that Ruifu was with Ji Mor, he would still doubt her. He is only willing to believe what he sees, and only sees things from his own point of view, and he has become accustomed to thinking the worst of the human heart.
It turns out that the so-called truth is only the truth if you are willing to believe it.
Ru Fei said something else, Ling Luchuan watched her lips open and close up and down, dumbfounded for a long time, but he didn’t hear a single word. His mind quickly turned over the recent events in his mind, and suddenly he thought of something, stood up and said, ‘You stay here and watch her.’
He dropped these words and disappeared into the end of the dark night.

Ruan Shao Nan sat in his living room, playing with the jade qilin in his hand, smiling sarcastically, ‘He even gave you this, if it had protected you, you wouldn’t be here today.’
As he was watching, Ling Luchuan had already rushed in with great strides, grabbing him by the shirt, ‘You knew it all along didn’t you?’
‘What are you referring to? That Mo Rufei was with Ji Mo? Or did Wei Hei never use you or cheat you?’ Ruan Shao Nan laughed and mocked, ‘I know, and there are so many things you don’t know. Which one do you want me to say?’
Ling Luchuan looked incredulously at his as if nothing had happened face and gritted his teeth, ‘Then let’s talk slowly one by one, just how many things are you hiding from me?’
Ruan Shao Nan pushed him away, straightened his clothes and sat back on the sofa, ‘I don’t know more than you, I just know her better than you do. That girl is a deadbeat and overwhelmingly noble. If she really wanted revenge, she wouldn’t have seduced you, she would have come straight to me. Use you? She doesn’t care to do that. She is with you for only one reason ……’
He looked at this furious former friend and gritted his teeth, ’She likes you. She really likes you, even though you lied to her about it, but he liked you. And you doubt her because she likes you? That’s pretty ridiculous.’
‘Because of that? Because of that, you treat her like that? Are you out of your fucking mind!’ Ling Luchuan kicked over the coffee table and grabbed his clothes and ferociously scolded, ‘Are you still a human being or not? Even if you don’t know her, even to a stranger, you shouldn’t lay such a poisonous hand on her. Not to mention a woman who once loved you so much, how can you trample on her like this? How can you do something so inhuman!’
Ling Luchuan punched him in the face, Ruan Shao Nan didn’t dodge or avoid it, and took it hard next. He collapsed on the sofa, spat out the blood in his mouth, tilted his face up and asked, ‘Is she dead?’
‘What did you say?’
‘I’m asking you, is she dead? If she’s not dead, then listen, she’s mine, through and through, in life and in death. You know what I have in my hands, you better let her come back, otherwise, you should know the consequences.’
Ling Luchuan’s eyes widened, unable to believe his ears, ‘You are truly incorrigible! You’re going crazy aren’t you? Then I’ll accompany you in your madness! I’m telling you, I’m not Wei Hei, so don’t try to bluff me with that kind of dirty trick. If you have the guts, put it out there for everyone to see what kind of face they have behind the big philanthropist, the celebrity gentleman. You think I don’t know you? You won’t do something like this to lose money by hurting the enemy. So, you don’t come with me on this.’
Ruan Shao Nan wiped off the blood at the corner of his mouth and laughed coldly, ‘Then try it and see if I dare.’
Ling Luchuan waved his hand and punched again, one of Ruan Shao Nan’s left teeth was a little loose, he spat out the blood foam in his mouth and mockingly looked at the man with bloodshot eyes and clenched fists, ‘That’s it? I thought you were going to kill me. Just don’t forget to fix yourself after you kill me. Like Mo Rufei said, what did you do long ago? For such a long time, but if you had been more trusting and tolerant of her, I wouldn’t have stood a chance. You just think about your own bit of aggression, a good bit less than ideal. It was you who personally gave her to me, and for her to end up in this situation today, you are as much a murderer as I am.’
Ling Luchuan was speechless, he sat dishevelled on the sofa, looking at his blood-stained hands. Everything in front of him was like history repeating itself, but in a different form, in a different state of mind, but with the same ending.
‘But there is one thing, I didn’t lie to you.’ Ruan Shao Nan straightened his tie, ‘She was indeed kicked out by Lu Zi, the reason was that she pushed her own sister down the stairs, that’s what the Lu family’s housekeeper told me.’
Ling Luchuan raised his eyes as Ruan Shao Nan continued, ‘But then I found out that the truth of the story had been twisted. Lu You Hei is not Lu Zi Xu’s biological daughter, she was born to Wei Hei’s mother with another man. From this, it’s easy to deduce that Lu Zi Xu pushed his daughter, who was not related to him, down the stairs after he forced his wife to die, and was seen by Max. Therefore, he framed this daughter, whom he had never liked, and kicked her out.’
Ruan Shao Nan sneered, ‘Of course, the truth no longer means anything to you. The point is, when you heard about that incident, you chose to run away, while I will investigate to the end. You really don’t know her as well as I do, and rightly so, you’ve only known each other for how long, while I …… have known her for seven years.’
There was a silence in the living room, only the breathing of the two people could be heard, like the sea after a storm, undulating and gasping.
‘So what?’ Ling Luchuan suddenly raised his bloodshot eyes and looked straight at him, ‘Even if you’ve known her all your life, so what? Just because you know her, you know me, you know all of our weaknesses, you can hurt us without fear, can’t you?’
Ling Luchuan laughed sadly, ‘Wei Hei is right, you have nothing left except for a human skin, which is empty inside. Ruan Shao Nan, you always think you’re the smartest and always treat others as fools! Do you think that I’m seriously not aware of those unseemly collusions you have with the Southeast Asian mob?’
Ruan Shao Nan’s left hand jumped a little, a very subtle change that was still captured by him.
Ling Luchuan laughed coldly, ‘So you also have times when you are afraid. You are very capable of being airtight, but not untraceable. After you left the United States, your old stories in Southeast Asia, including your untold history of wealth, do you think the Han people know about it? I’ve always treated you as a friend, even if you’re out there killing and setting fire to people, remembering that it hasn’t been easy for you to go all this way, I’d just pretend I didn’t know. But now, I’m no longer your friend, and I’m no match for you, I’m your mortal enemy.’
He stood up and pointed at him, word for word, ‘That DV, keep it for yourself if you like. Remember, if one second of it gets out, I won’t kill you, I’ll slowly screw you over.’

Chapter 56 Lynching

“You want to protect him, but who will save you today? Don’t be afraid, I won’t show it to anyone. As long as you don’t leave me, as long as you stay by my side. Max, you don’t know how much I miss you. I want to hold you, I want to kiss you, I want to listen to you, I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You’re mine. You’ll always be mine. You are my woman, and in the future you will still be my wife and the mother of my children. Let’s never be separated for the rest of our lives, never again, okay?’

She covered her ears like crazy, tears blurring everything.
Where was she? And where was he?
She saw a girl, lying in fear on a gorgeous vintage bed. Both eyes rolled straight out, looking at the photo above the bed. And the man who was smiling broadly with his arms around her in the photo was now on top of her, tearing her alive with his own sharp claws and teeth.
Her limbs went limp, tears fell like rain, and she wanted to live and die. She heard her soul crying and wailing in pain from the ceiling while the man poured into her ears, enjoying and gasping, endlessly torturing and violating her.
He was not a man, he was a beast, an insatiable, bloodless, tearless beast.
She cried out, her cracked voice unable to make a sound. She struggled to keep her eyes open, looking at him through cold tears, the corners of her eyes almost bleeding in pain.
This wasn’t sex, this was lynching, picking her skin, her flesh, her flesh and blood, piece by piece from her bones! Torture worse than death, is the heart-breaking pain, is the darkness of despair.
Who was the person lying on the bed? And who was the one who pressed on her? She blurred, confused, confused ……
That is her own, that is clearly her own!

She cried and woke up from her dream. Someone beside her kept shaking her, shouting, ‘Max, Max ……’
It was Rufei’s voice, her voice.
Wei Hei cried silently, pressed her head into Rufei’s arms, and said in sign language, over and over again, ‘It’s cold, Rufei, I’m so cold, I’m so cold. ……’
Rufei held her tightly and choked on his sobs, saying, ‘I’m holding you, I’m holding you, it’s all right, it’s okay. I’m holding you, it’s all right, it’s all right ……’
After a while, Max gradually calmed down. Rufei wiped away her tears and asked her, ‘Do you want to eat something? You haven’t eaten for two days.’
Wei Hei sat up and leaned against the bed, her eyes looking in one place, and asked in sign language, ‘Why don’t you turn on the light?’
Clang! Rufei dropped the food box in her hand on the floor, she looked up at the bright sunlight outside the window, covered her mouth, and cried out tearfully, ‘Wei Hei, your eyes, your eyes ……’

The doctor put the picture of the brain CT in front of the fluorescent light, pointed at the above A small black shadow said, ‘Traumatic brain injury caused intracranial haemorrhage, compressing the optic nerve. To restore your vision, you must have a craniotomy to clear out the bruises inside.’
‘Craniotomy? Will it be dangerous?’
‘Any surgery can be dangerous, and her case is more serious. She had an old injury to her brain that wasn’t treated thoroughly at the time. This time, a new injury on top of the old one will make the surgery more difficult.’
Ling Luchuan looked at the pictures, his two eye sockets had sunk deep, and asked in a trance, ‘If we do a craniotomy, what are the chances of recovery?’
‘To be precise, the chance of recovery is only ten per cent.’
‘That low?’
‘The human brain is the most complex organ in the body, anything can happen. The location of her bruise is bad, and the slightest mistake could result in permanent blindness or other injuries. That’s why I said the chances of recovery, are only ten per cent.’
‘Other injuries?’
‘Such as loss of consciousness, hemiparesis, delirium, loss of control of behaviour, loss of memory, and it is also possible …… to never wake up.’
Ling Luchuan drew a mouthful of cold air, and the last touch of blood on his face disappeared, ‘Is it okay to …… not do it then? Will it be life threatening?’
The doctor sighed, ‘Mr Ling, I understand your feelings very well. But from a doctor’s point of view, I’m not in favour of doing this. If we don’t operate, it’s like leaving a time bomb in the patient’s brain. In a short period of time, there might not be a problem. But after a long day, the result will be the same. However, with Miss Lu’s current condition, I suggest, it’s better to send her to a mental rehabilitation centre first ……’
Ling Luchuan’s face was full of resistance, ’No, she’s not crazy, I can’t send her to a place like that, absolutely not!’
The doctor shook his head, ‘Trust me, this is the best way. Acute mental disorders can destroy a person more easily than a bruise in the head. I once had a patient who was travelling with her husband when she was attacked by a few roving criminals …… The case was never solved. She recuperated at home for six months, and her family thought it was fine. I didn’t expect her to go out to work for but a week, and then she committed suicide by lying down. During this period of time you had better watch her twenty four hours, do not let her make self killing behaviour. Otherwise, it will be a lifetime of regret.’

Ling Luchuan didn’t know how he managed to walk back to the ward, and when he pushed open the door, he saw Wei Hei sitting on the bed like an exquisite plastic model.
It was as if he was blind, with an endless black wilderness in front of him.
Rufus grabbed him and asked, ‘What did the doctor say?’
He came over, sat on the edge of the bed, and said, somewhat woodenly, ‘The doctor said he’s going to do a craniotomy. I’m planning to send Wei Hei to the United States, the conditions there are better.’
Ru Fei still wants to ask something, Ji Mor pulls her back, ‘Let’s go out and turn around, leave them alone for a while.’
Ru Fei pushes Chi Mo’s hand away and angrily points at the man sitting frozen by the bed, ‘This man, you still trust him? If it wasn’t for him seeing death, how would Wei Hei have become like this? Who is he to sit here? Putting on a cat-crying expression makes me sick just looking at him.’
Ji Mo sighed and looked at Ling Lu Chuan who was full of pathos and said, ‘He didn’t cry cat and mouse, he was really sad. He only did a step wrong, is God arranged for him a few steps behind. You as pity him or not, let them stay alone for a while, he must have a lot of things he wants to say to her.’
Ru Fei wanted to say something else, Ji Mo took her by the shoulders and dragged her out.

In the courtyard of the hospital, there were a few tall sycamore trees, with early morning dewdrops still hanging on their bright green leaves, and a cloudless sky overhead.
They sat on the cool chairs under the trees, Ru Fei looked at the fresh and lovely world in front of her and couldn’t help but burst into tears, ‘I’m sorry, I’m the one who caused her harm.’
Chi Mor looks at her in surprise, ‘How do you say that?’
‘Half a year ago, I shouldn’t have persuaded her to be with Ruan Shao Nan. Half a year later, I shouldn’t have left her alone. All of Wei Hei’s tragedies were caused by me. I’m a bad woman, I deserve to go to eighteen layers of hell.’
‘Did you do it on purpose?’
‘Do you think I did it on purpose?’
Ji Mo shook his head, ‘I never thought so, even if all the people in the world would think so, I would not think so. Because I know that in this world, if there is anyone who is unrequitedly devoted to Wei Hei, that person must be you. For so many years, you have been looking up to her, willingly being her shadow, suffering her pain and taking her pleasure. Looking at you like this, other than being heartbroken, I don’t know what else I can say.’
Ru Fei buried her face into Ji Mo’s arms, crying uncontrollably, ‘Ji Mo, what should I do?’
Ji Mor wrapped his arms around her shivering body and said heartily, ‘Trust me, everything will be fine. You’re all good women, and God will return the favour.’

Ling Luzhu touched Wei Hei’s face with his slender fingers, the corners of his eyes flashed with crystals suspected to be tears, and he said in a trance, ‘I’ve only been gone for a while, just a little while, how did you become like this?’
The person on the bed was unresponsive, like a frozen plaster statue.
He gently hugged her, tears falling drop by drop into the nape of her neck. He lifted his head and saw the sunlight in the ward blooming violently like a flower, and suddenly smiled, ‘Wei Hei, I want you to live, but I can’t let you live like this. Let’s die together, let’s die together, okay? When I see you like this, I’ve lost all hope, and I’d rather die than live. This world has no meaning at all, even you have given up, why do I still want to stay in it?’
He helped her lie on the bed and said in her ear, ‘But before that, there is something I must do. Those who have wronged you, I will let them die without mercy. I won’t spare a single one of them. You wait for me ……’

Chapter 57 Lighting up the Darkness

During the “eleven” holiday, Ruan Shao Nan sat in his villa, eating breakfast while watching the morning news.
‘Yesterday night around eleven o’clock, Gu Yongling, the head of the branch office of Singapore’s Fuhuang Group, was attacked by thugs on her way back. The two thugs threw a large amount of corrosive liquid out of her face, resulting in extensive deep third-degree burns on Miss Gu’s face, neck and limbs, and damage to the corneas of both eyes. Doctors said permanent blindness could result. Police suspect that the attack is linked to Tung Wah Group Chairman Nie Donghua. The case is currently under further investigation.’
Ruan Shao Nan gave a dispensable glance and continued to eat his breakfast.
The phone rang, it was Wang Dongyang.
‘Mr Ruan, Miss Lu has finished her suture surgery and her condition is stable. It’s just that ……’
Ruan Shao Nan was playing with that Saturn lighter, and hearing the other party hesitate, he pressed, ’Just what?’
‘She’s blind, the traumatic brain injury caused an intracranial haemorrhage that compressed the optic nerve.’
After Wang Dongyang finished speaking, there was a long silence on the other end of the phone, and he couldn’t help but ask, ‘Mr Ruan?’
‘Where is she now?’
‘After that accident, she got a psychosomatic mental disorder, she was sent to a mental sanatorium by them and is receiving treatment.’
‘Where’s Ling Luchuan?’
‘He has been guarding Miss Lu, almost not moving an inch, and when he occasionally goes out, he also arranges for bodyguards to stay at the sanatorium. He has already handed over all the company’s affairs to his subordinates, but I heard from the people of the Imperial Dynasty that he is now terribly silent, almost becoming another person, and even the nearest subordinates are unwilling to go near him. Mr Ruan, do you think that we need to send more manpower to protect your safety?’
‘It’s not necessary, that’s all. ……’
Ruan Shao Nan hung up the phone after saying this. He placed his hand on the table and slowly clenched it into a fist, suddenly raising his hand and flinging it, the coffee cup flew out and crashed against the wall.
He looked at the shards and calmed down after a long time, looking at the lighter on the table and thinking for a while before dialling another number.
When the call was answered, he said in Southeast Asian, ‘Godfather, how’s your health these days?’
After exchanging pleasantries, he went straight to the point, ‘Get me two men with good hands over here, I have an urgent need.’
After putting the phone down, he propped his hand on his forehead, feeling a headache coming on. He stood up and found a painkiller and took it. Then walked to his study, took a disc out of a drawer and put it in his computer.
He leaned backward in his chair, admiring the ear-splitting images on the screen, and let out a cold laugh, ‘I’d like to see which one of us dies first.’

Ling Luchuan arranged this private sanatorium for Wei Hei, and the advanced ward areas were all single-family, villa-like small buildings with an extremely tranquil environment.
In the garden there were several tall moon trees, which bloomed most profusely after the mid-autumn festival, and the flowers were fragrant.
Ling Luchuan has chartered the ward next to Wei Hei’s and is staying there himself. The bed in Wei Hei’s room is reserved for Ru Fei. Chi Mo came over every day to check on his progress and to cheer Ru Fei up.
Ling Luchuan had hired the best doctors, provided her with the best environment, and spared no effort, but no one knew when she would get better.
This battle seems to be so long that you can’t see the end of it, and the never-ending wait is so difficult that it’s desperate.
When the weather was good, Ling Luchuan pushed Wei Hei into the garden to soak up the sun. As usual, she doesn’t move, doesn’t listen, doesn’t say a word, isolating herself from the world at a safe distance, a distance where she won’t be harmed, but no one can cross it.
The psychiatrist said it was a form of PTSD, when a person suffers a blow that exceeds her load, she closes herself off in a space she considers harmless, unwilling to face reality.
Ling Luchuan didn’t know exactly what that harmless world of Wei Hei’s was like. But he knew that he must not be in it. He didn’t know if she was as happy as he thought she was, but he knew that she must not be as miserable as others thought she was.
He sat back in his chair and looked at the world from an unhealed perspective. Suddenly, he realised that by lowering himself a little, he would see a better view.
He was more and more open to what was in front of him, and he didn’t even want her to come out of that world as much as he did before. Because he knew that she was happy there. And that happiness was something he had never given her.
He used to take her hand and talk to her. He could sit all day and talk to her endlessly. Or he could stay with her day and night and be silent together.
At first, everyone thought he was overly sad. As the days passed, even Rufei sensed something was wrong.
One day at dusk, she saw Ling Luchuan accompanying Wei Hei to listen to the cicadas under the shade of a tree, and couldn’t help but say to Chi Mo, ‘Why do I see that something is wrong with him lately?’
Chi Mor nodded, ‘I can see it too, he’s like a human bomb, as if he’s going to explode at any moment.’
Rufei nervously asks, ‘Will he hurt her?’
Ji Mor shook his head, ‘No. He was more upset than any of us when Wei Hei got like this, how could he want to hurt her?’
Rufei sighed and said, ‘That’s true, he used to be such an arrogant, bossy, smart and sharp person, but now he’s so demented every day, his eyes aren’t as sharp as they used to be, and his reactions aren’t as fast as they used to be. Sometimes say a sentence to him, to three or four times to react, become more and more slow and mute ……’
Ru Fei suddenly thought of something, said: ’Will he want to commit suicide? Shouldn’t we think of a way to notify his family and put him seem?’
Chi Mor smiled helplessly and bitterly, ‘Even if you lock him up, if he is bent on death, you can’t do anything to help him. But I think, he doesn’t want to die, but he wants to enter Wei Hei’s world, he wants to go in and accompany her.’
Ru Fei looked at the two people quietly snuggling in the garden and suddenly realised that their demeanours were getting closer and their expressions were getting more and more similar.
Her heart jumped as she watched, and thinking of the mean things she had said to Ling Luchuan in the beginning, she couldn’t help but blame herself, ‘Was what I said in the beginning too heavy? Wei Hei was right, relocating anger is terrible. In fact, I don’t really hate him, but I don’t know why, those words ran out uncontrollably.’
Ji Mo laughed, ‘People are emotional creatures, it’s only scary if you’re indifferent to it. Don’t worry, he won’t take your words to heart. The only person who can touch his emotions now is Wei Hei. Only she can save him.’
Rufei shook his head as he listened, ‘But I still feel guilty, the way he is right now, it’s hard for people to look at him. If only I could be like you, so steady and rational.’
Chi Mo puts down the vase in his hand and gazes at Ru Fei who is setting up the meal, ‘Actually, I’m not steady and rational at all. If one day, you become like Wei Hei, I will also become like Ling Luchuan. Do you believe me?’
Ru Fei turns her face to look straight into his eyes and nods, ‘I believe.’
Chi Mo smiled down and looked at Ling Luchuan who was arranging Wei Hei’s hair in the garden, shook his head and sighed, ‘He can’t be like this, I’m only afraid that in the end, he’ll push both people to the brink of extinction.’

After dinner, Wei Hei rested in her room. Ling Luchuan sits alone on a chair outside the ward, pondering at the sky.
Chi Mo walked over and handed him a can of beer, ‘Do you want to drink some?’
Ling Luchuan shook his head, ‘Thanks, I’ve already quit.’
Ji Mor nodded, leaning on the wooden railing opposite him, ‘It’s good to quit, drinking does misuse things, and can even cause irreversible mistakes. But that’s not scary, what’s scary is that when you’re sober, you realise that everything has long since been too late to regret.’
Ling Luchuan looked at him and said in a low voice, ‘I’m sorry.’
Chi Mo was a little surprised, ‘Why?’
‘What happened that day at ‘Absolute Colour Pouring City’, Rufei should have said it to you. I’m sorry, I was drunk at the time. No! I should say, since never Hei left, I’ve been crazy, crazy for a long, long time, and I’ve never come to my senses.’
Ji Mor watched him for a moment and said, ‘Actually, I should have beaten you up badly, not only for Rufus, but also for Hei. But seeing the way you are now, I don’t think it’s necessary anymore. No one would feel worse than you with this outcome.’
Ling Luchuan nodded and continued to look at the sky in a daze.
Ji Mor took a sip of beer and suddenly said somewhat abruptly, ‘Then you should also know that I used to like Wei Hei. No, I should say that I was very infatuated with her. She’s very pretty, but it wasn’t her looks that fascinated me, it was the fact that there was something …… about her,’ he looked at his beer can in thought, ’something that made it impossible to tell, something akin to hope. It’s like a person walking along a dark road, you’re looking forward to seeing something, and Wei Hei is that little shimmering light in the darkness, lighting up the darkness for you.’
Ling Luchuan muttered and repeated, ‘Hope? Is it important to you?’
‘Once it was worthless, when you are faced with a world where violence is used to fight violence, you have no idea what hope is. However, when you see a beautiful and pure girl, sitting beside you, shedding trusting glances at you, even if you’re scum, you’ll be moved.’
Ling Luchuan’s left cheek twitched slightly as Chi Mor took a sip of his beer and continued, ‘Most of us “World War II” orphans are derived from hatred, and our hearts are filled with malice as soon as we leave our mother’s wombs. I never thought of myself as a good person, but Max always said I was good, and after she said it so much, I thought I might actually be a good person. And then realised that actually being a good person is also very good, at least it’s much more down to earth than being a bad person.’
Ling Luchuan looked at the ground, his deep-set eyes like a pool of stagnant water, ‘She also once trusted me in this way, but unfortunately, she believed in the wrong me. If not right, how do I have the face to sit in front of Wei Hei? Where was I when she needed me most? I was having fun with a whore. Rufei came to beg me, I even saw death, I even told her, you let her go to death ……’
He suddenly raised his head, bloodshot eyes biting Ji Mo to death, upside down, ’I even let the woman I love the most go to death, can you imagine? The damned one is me, I should have died, I should have died with that person. I should have done it a long time ago, I should have let all the people who wronged her die, only then she would have been better. Yes, that’s the way it should be ……’
Ling Luchuan became more and more agitated as he spoke, Ji Mo looked out of place and walked over to forcefully press him into a chair, saying loudly, ’Calm down a little bit, you’re killing yourself right now, and killing everyone else, it’s not going to help. Haven’t you ever wondered why she doesn’t want to face reality? She was hurt so badly half a year ago and survived. She’s not someone who can’t handle the pressure, so why did she choose to escape this time?’
Ling Luchuan raised her head, her dark eyes full of confusion, ‘Because she hates me, because she doesn’t want to see me, isn’t it?’ The confusion suddenly turned into fear, he slightly tilted his head sideways and asked in a trembling voice, ‘She really doesn’t want to see me? But I can’t leave her, she can let me die, she can let me do anything. But she can’t let me not see her, she can’t be like this, she can’t be like this ……’
Ji Mor sighed, Ru Fei was right, this man, he was driving himself crazy.
‘Have you ever thought about that? Perhaps, the situation is just the opposite.’
Ling Luchuan looked at him in a trance and repeated numbly, ‘The opposite?’
‘Perhaps, it’s not that she doesn’t want to see you, but she doesn’t know how to face you. She thinks that if she hadn’t left you in the first place, she wouldn’t have got into this mess, that it was her own fault for causing this terrible consequence, so she blames herself. And what Ruan Shao Nan had in his hands made it impossible for her to face not only you, but also your proud origins, your family, and the pressure of public opinion. She didn’t even know if she could still be a normal person in the future. Perhaps …… she still wants to protect you.’
Ling Luchuan looked at him incredulously, ‘Really? Is that really what she thinks?’
‘I believe so, Wei Hei is the same as Rufei, the kind of woman who would give everything for the one she loves. Once they fall in love with someone, they put themselves so low, so low, that they forget themselves. Survival itself is a victory, that’s what I said to Wei Hei, but it was she who made me realise this.’
Ji Mo sat down next to Ling Lu Chuan and looked into his eyes as he rekindled hope, ‘If you’re a man, if you’re really willing to take on all the pressure for her, you’ll go and tell her. Tell her that everything that animal did to her is not a stain on her; tell her that you don’t care; tell her that you will face it with her; tell her that you won’t bow down to anyone, and that you want her to stick it out, to stick it out for you.’

After Ling Luchuan enters the ward, Rufei shakes his head and walks over, ‘Are you really sure that Wei Hei thinks that way?’
Ji Mo sighed and draped his own jacket over Ru Fei’s shoulders, ‘I don’t know …… if the dead horse is a live horse.’
Rufei looked at him, ‘Chi Mor, I know you really want to help them, but have you thought about it? If you guess wrong, in his current state, he really will go crazy.’

Chapter 58 The Mountain is Endless

It was already late autumn, the season of the western wind and falling leaves. The whole city was immersed in a warm golden colour, as if it was a frame of deliberately aged film footage, warm and hazy beautiful.
Ling Luchuan pushed Wei Hei to the laurel tree in the garden. The slanting sun was warm, and the fragrance of the laurel drifted, not seeing the depression, but only smelling the fragrance.
He pulled the blanket around Wei Hei’s body and put his own scarf around her neck, then sat down on a stone chair under the tree and said to her, ‘Wei Hei, I’ve talked to you a lot these days. But I don’t think I’ve told you anything about my childhood.’
He turned his face to look at her, and Wei Hei still had that impassive look. Ling Luchuan held her hand, gazed tenderly at her unchanging face, and in the softest of voices, narrated.
‘You may not be able to imagine, but I was actually very well behaved when I was a child. My father was still working in the army at that time, and he educated us children just as he educated his soldiers in the army. As far as I can remember, he never seemed to hug me. So growing up, my siblings and I had no idea that our father was any different from an instructor. People outside think that we were born with a golden key, but being born into such a family, the pain in our hearts, only we know.’
Wei Hei quietly looked at a place in the distance, his eyes unfocussed, like an empty desert.
Ling Luchuan looked at her with sadness in his eyes and continued, ‘But this is nothing, what I can’t stand is that he even left his sick wife behind for the sake of his work. I was only eight years old at the time, and watched as my mother shed tears while lying on the hospital bed and calling out his name. When he rushed to the hospital, the body was cold …… From then on, I hated him, very, very much. But what chilled me the most was the year I was twelve. I was kidnapped, the other party asked to exchange me for a secret agent in his hands. My father, he didn’t hesitate to refuse, and even blocked all news to the outside world ……’
Speaking here, his voice was a little hoarse, and he pulled up Wei Hei’s hand and pressed it against his own face before continuing, ’In order to cut his losses, he gave me up. The men locked me in the house with handcuffs, sprinkled petrol all over it, threw a match and left. I broke my own thumb before slipping my wrist free, then smashed the gas window with a chair and climbed out of the fire myself. I’ve despaired of him completely ever since. If even your own father can abandon you and betray you, I don’t know who else I can trust in this world. After that incident, Grandpa took me to America. I lived by his side for many years, and he loved me very much, always saying that of all the children I was the most like my mother. However, none of this could make up for the damage the fire had done to me, and I became more and more temperamental and violent. When Grandpa passed away, he handed over his entire family business to me.’
Speaking of this, Ling Luchuan shook his head, looked into Wei Hei’s eyes, and said sincerely, ‘But none of this was what I wanted. Because when you realise that one of your decisions is going to affect the interests of thousands of people, that kind of pressure can’t be described in words. I spent years in military school, and the military and business paths are not a set of paths at all. Halfway out of the embarrassment let me the first few years of life is very difficult, I do not know how many losses, how many jokes. Also let me slowly learn, what is called no business, killing without blood. At that time, I felt that the whole world is sorry for me, I should be hit back. Until I met you, only then let me know ……’ he smiled self-deprecatingly, ’his own so-called disaster, compared to what you have endured, in the end how ridiculous.’
He held her hand tightly and looked at her sadly, ‘When I was a child, Grandpa said to me that each of us, every single day, lives wearing a false mask. After wearing the mask for a long time, we will forget our original face. But if you’re lucky, you’ll meet someone. This person will show you what kind of person you need to be, what kind of person you should be.’
He pressed his face, into her warm hands, ‘Unh, I don’t dare to pray for your forgiveness. I just want to tell you: it was you who showed me what kind of person I should be. I didn’t dare ask you to come back because the world has never been kind to you. I used to think for a while that even if the things we had gone through were no more unbearable, we shouldn’t choose to run away. But if there is anyone in this world who is qualified to be a deserter of memories, it is only you, only you who is qualified to forget this terrible thing. But ……’
He buried his face in her shoulder and choked, ’Wei Hei, even so, I still want you to come back. Even though this world has let you down again and again, but …… can you be strong again, for me, for me? Think of it as for me, for me, okay? OK?’
The person in his arms was still impassive, he looked through the gaps in the leaves and looked at a blue sky in late autumn, the sky was high, the geese flew in, autumn had gone.
The whole world was peaceful, silent, and all was quiet. Occasionally, I hear the wind blowing the leaves, making a rustling sound. Golden autumn leaves drifted down, shook and fell on his face.
He lowered his head and crouched on her shoulder, he didn’t cry, but the smile on his face was harder to bear than the tears. He shivered like a child afraid of the cold, smiled, and said sadly, feebly, ‘I knew that he was lying to me. I knew that you wouldn’t wake up for me, I knew ……’
He still cried, hot tears moistened her temples, he sobbed like a child, he couldn’t control it, he couldn’t do anything about it.
‘Tell me, Unh, what can I do? There’s nothing I can do, there’s really nothing I can do ……’
The great sheets of autumn leaves drifted down noiselessly, just like the poignant shower of flowers the two had seen that night. The red petals flying in the sky were so poignant and beautiful, like a sad love song, like a dream that could not be awakened.
That night, he looked at the pool full of beautiful red lotus and said to her, ‘Do they know how much I like you?’
The four silent, she bowed her head, she could not see the expression on his face, green and green teenager-like anticipatory anxiety. At that time she did not answer him, only wrote him four words: willow darkness.
Willow darkness, willow darkness …… Ling Luchuan repeatedly chewed these four words in his heart, at that time he thought he saw a rekindled hope. Now the line to the end of the road, he only know, the original from beginning to end, is the end of the road, the end of the mountain ……

After the long holiday, people have not yet recovered from the festive atmosphere, an explosive news shocked the whole city.
An indecent video has been circulating on the internet, which is said to be a bedtime affair between a college student and a financial magnate. Although the circulation time is not long, the film is also very short, still make people who have seen it yesterday tongue amazed.
There is no other reason, just because this indecent video of the male protagonist, is the financial sector of a man of the moment, the status is important.
Such shocking news, as to the entertainment media a shot in the arm. The paparazzi, carrying their own food, came towards the nursing home as if they were mad dogs out of the gate.
Ling Luchuan was afraid that Max would be affected, so he doubled the number of bodyguards and surrounded the entire high-level ward as if it were a brick wall. But even so, there were still reporters trying to cross the border, even calling the hospital wards.
Ling Luchuan, who was furious, sued the reporters from those newspapers and TV stations in the name of invasion of personal privacy. Although it played a deterrent role, but at the same time also make the already over-exuberant media public, the attention to this matter, almost reached the point of madness.
Naturally, there is no shortage of unethical gossip tabloids to take out of context, adding vinegar, sharp words almost word for word, more extreme laughter, sarcasm and sarcasm of the ability to have not put people to death, will not stop the momentum.
Ling Luchuan wanted to let Wei Hei go home to recuperate, but there were always reporters outside guarding the house day and night. As soon as they appeared, they poured in from all directions like hornets in a nest. Considering how frightened she might be, Ling Luchuan had no choice but to give up on the idea.
In order to protect Wei Hei from harassment, Ru Fei and Ji Mo worked 24-hour shifts to guard her, and the bodyguards outside were also on the alert.
Ling Luchuan was disturbed by this matter, but after all, he is a person who has experienced, the more critical it is, the more careful and calm.
This video is who put out, he did not have to think all know, naturally know, do this thing of people’s purpose is to want him to mess up, by the way, with the help of the power of the media let him everywhere constraints.
When Rufei saw the not-so-clear video on Ling Luchuan’s laptop, he asked him in confusion, ‘I thought he would release the video with Wei Hei, why is it yours?’
Ling Luchuan rubbed his forehead, ‘He never wanted to put himself at the centre of public opinion, perhaps, he didn’t record it at all that day. It was just a DV put there for show. On the one hand, he spent a lot of money to get a good image, he won’t destroy it himself; on the other hand, he just wanted to get Max, not really want to force her to die. Although Ruan Shao Nan acts viciously, I have to admit that he’s still a little different towards her.’
Hearing him say that, Rufei let out a cold laugh, ‘That bastard, I don’t believe for a second that he’s thinking of Wei Hei. He’s already hurt like that, and he’s still capable of doing something worse than a beast to her. Who else could he have in his heart but himself?’
Ling Luchuan’s eyebrows were pulled together, and this was what made him feel the most incomprehensible. He knew that Ruan Shao Nan had always treated himself as a hunter, standing at the top of the food chain. But when a hunter hunted, he would not look into the eyes of his prey because he would be unable to do so due to sympathy.
However, Ruan Shao Nan was different, he liked to look at his prey’s expression of despair, like a cat playing with mice, he liked to get pleasure from other people’s pain. Even when it comes to the people he loves, he won’t be merciful until he achieves his goal.
For the sake of success, he could forget his love and abandon it. Now in order to get a woman, he does not hesitate to hurt people with his capital. This kind of ruthlessness that wouldn’t stop until he reached his goal made even a person like Ling Luchuan, who had no inhibitions, marvel in amazement.
Was he like this by nature, or was it created by his environment?
Ling Lu Chuan recalled that morning, when Ruan Shao Nan sent him home from his villa at the top of the hill, he had once given him a description of a black market boxing scene in Cambodia.
Was that something he had seen, or had he experienced it himself?
Either way, one thing was certain: he had learnt to treat everyone and everything with ‘no matter what, no matter what, no matter what, no matter what’.
Ling Luchuan thought for a moment and said to Rufei, ‘You and Ji Mo must be careful when you go in and out of the city. It’s obvious that he’s coming for the people around Wei Hei.’
Rufei nodded, ‘You yourself as well. But, then again, how did he get his hands on this video? You wouldn’t be such a careless person.’
Ling Luchuan framed the background of the video, zoomed in, and analysed, ‘It’s a private villa, and I remember that I was drunk at the time and mistook a girl beside me for Wei Hei. When I came to my senses, I realised that Ruan Shao Nan was there that night. This film should have been taken at that time, there should be more than this film, I guess I was afraid of angering our old man, so I only put this much.’
Ru Fei looked at him strangely, ‘You have a good capacity for alcohol, how could you be so drunk that you would treat others as if they were unhei, or even be filmed with this kind of stuff and still be unaware of it?’
Being woken up by her words, Ling Luchuan lowered his head and pondered for a moment before saying, ‘There can only be one explanation, I fell into his trap. I had a fight with Wei Hei, I was in a bad mood, and I met a girl who looked like her there, and I was so excited that I couldn’t hold myself back. At the time, I thought it was a coincidence, but now I realise that the whole thing was a premeditated trap, and that he had been planning me from that moment on. When I left that night, my hands were shaking so much that I couldn’t even drive the car, it should be because the wine I drank was spiked with something.’
Ru Fei sat in a trance on the chair and muttered to himself, ‘He’s too scary, what are we going to do ……’
Ling Luchuan was just about to say something when his mobile phone suddenly rang.
He saw the caller ID and picked it up with some annoyance, ‘Sister, you don’t have to say anymore, I won’t go back. If he has to let me go back, you tell him to simply send an army to capture me …… What? Heart attack?!’
Ling Luchuan put down the phone, Rufei asked with some concern, ‘Your father is sick? Does it matter?’
He sighed, ‘The situation is not good, I need to go back to Beijing.’
‘Then this side ……‘
’Don’t worry, I will leave someone here. And I can ask my brother for a small favour on the way back this time.’
Ling Luchuan turned his face, looked at the autumn leaves falling outside the window, and muttered to himself, ‘It’s time to bring this damn thing to an end.’

Chapter 59: In This Life, We Can’t See Each Other

Ling Luchuan walked into the ward, she hadn’t woken up yet, Ji Mo was guarding her side, nodded to him and went out.
He sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand, ‘Wei Hei, I have to go, my father had a heart attack and is in intensive care. My sister said that he may not be able to drag it out for more than a few days.’
Speaking of this, his eyes overflowed with sadness, and he smiled, ‘I always thought he was undefeatable, but I never thought that such a tough guy would be so angry with me. I’m sorry, I’m going to leave you here for a while, the bodyguards here will take care of your safety, Chi Mor and Rufei will take good care of you.’
He leaned down and whispered some more words in her ear, then placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and whispered, ‘Take care of yourself ……’
He was almost out of the doorway when he seemed to vaguely hear some kind of voice behind him, as if some kind of voice was retaining him, and the feeling was so strong and So poignant, so sad.
It was as if this farewell was eternity. In this life, there is no time to see each other.
He slowly turned back to his head, wondering if he had heard wrong, and saw the person on the bed quietly lying there, sleeping deeply, the whole ward in addition to her subtle breathing, can only hear the sound of the wind blowing the leaves outside the window.
He knew that he really heard wrong.
He smiled forlornly, turned back and gave her another deep look, then closed the door and left.
After walking out of the ward, he looked back again before turning to leave.
Along the way, he listened to his footsteps and the sound of leaves and sand under his feet. Not far from him, there was a mother with a little girl, picking up the fallen ground.
The little girl’s big eyes were full of infinite curiosity about autumn. She looked at the man standing under the laurel tree and saw his beautiful black eyes. He was facing the sunset sunset, behind him was a rose purple sky, beautiful white pigeons circled in the air, and ginger autumn leaves fluttered down silently ……
She pulled her mother’s hand, and asked in a childish voice, ‘Mom, look, why is that brother crying?’

A few hours later, Ling Luchuan sat on a red-eye flight directly to Beijing, feeling his heart tighten little by little with the altitude. He turned his face to look out the window, the city was slowly getting smaller, and so was the land, eventually disappearing into a dark night.
He lowered his head, feeling as if he should do something or the sadness in his heart was going to be too much to contain.
He asked the stewardess for a piece of white paper and held the pen in his hand for a long time before he wrote:

Wei Hei, at this moment when I boarded the plane, I always think of you in the past. I think of the first time we met in the ‘stunning city’, think of your painting in the square, think of the girl who played the guitar and sang, think of the twilight of the city behind you, think of the doves flying around us on that day……. I think of so much, so much more. But every picture that comes to mind is so sad. I used to hear people say that there is a kind of shedding tears, called sadness. It was only then that I remembered that when you smile, the corners of your eyes are all in tears and sadness. Why didn’t I see that before?
I’ve been wondering when exactly I fell in love with you. But I really can’t remember. It seems short, and it seems long. It seems like it was in this life, and it seems like it was in a previous life. Perhaps, it’s because the story of our previous life was too sad and the ending was too desolate. So, I forgot about you and you left me behind.

A piece of music, a sad Mandarin song, sounded on the radio. The ghostly female voice echoed quietly in his ears, and he turned his face to look out of the window at the thick black fog, his eyes blurred as if separated by a layer of hairy glass.

Max, from the beginning to now, our story is not beautiful. But the most beautiful scene in my life is when I met you. I have gazed at you silently in a sea of people, I have breathed the same sky with you, I have seen the most beautiful scenery in the world, shoulder to shoulder with you.
It is you who let me understand: the original love, not a mountain alliance, not the sea withered, but a commitment to a promise from the beginning to the end, as always, no conditions, no bottom line, no constraints, to fight to the best of their ability.
Remember the song sung by the girl playing the guitar in the square? That day, I saw you listening to her sing and heard her cry. I still remember the lyrics of that song and its beautiful and sad melody.
I always remember the promise I made to you. I’m going to be your guardian. I’m going to fight with everything I have in this life to watch over you. Until the end of my life, I wish my heart could touch the heavens, and my love could be transformed into a beautiful angel, to love you for me. ……
The rain falls on the river, and the white dew is not yet dry. ……
The rain falls on the river, and the white dew is not yet dry…. …
I recite our names in my heart as a code word for our meeting in the afterlife.
Wei Hei, if there really is an afterlife, if we can still meet you in the next life, will we ……

Three years later ……
Ruan Shao Nan sat at the head of the conference room in the Yi Tian Building, listening to his subordinate give a report on his duties. The global financial turmoil had passed, but this year’s performance wasn’t much better than previous years, so naturally his face didn’t look good.
Heads of various departments see his face cold, all below can not help but pinch a cold sweat for themselves, speakers feel the condensed atmosphere, the report with a tremor.
Halfway through the meeting, Ruan Shao Nan’s phone rang. He had always carried two mobile phones with him for the past two years, only one of which remained switched off twenty-four hours a day, even during meetings. There was only one person who knew this mobile phone number.
Ruan Shao Nan immediately picked up the phone and asked gently, ‘Up? Have you eaten?’ While signalling with his eyes for his subordinates to pause the report.
A room full of people walked out silently, the two just arrived were unsure of what was going on, so while walking, they asked the other few more qualified seniors, ‘Whose call is this? Mr Ruan is taking it so seriously, so nervous that his face has changed.’
One of them whispered, ‘Of course it’s Mrs Ruan, Mr Ruan’s baby, Mr Ruan is known for loving his wife. This call from her came at the right time, saving us all.’
‘Mrs Ruan? I heard that she has brain problems, is that true?’
‘It’s true, it seems to be caused by an accident, her head is bruised and her whole body is crazy. When they first got married, she made several suicides alone, luckily she couldn’t see, otherwise I don’t know what would have happened. Later, I heard that she stabbed Mr Ruan. She couldn’t speak at the time, so no one knew what she really wanted. But Mr Ruan not only did not mind her, but also sent her to the United States for treatment, treatment for more than a year before coming back, her eyes are also good, and can also speak, but just forget all the previous events. So now Mr Ruan can only take care of her like a child, and he’s so busy with his own work that he doesn’t know how hard it is.’
The two newcomers tsked and marvelled as they listened, saying, ‘I can’t believe Mr Ruan is so affectionate, this woman is truly blessed.’
‘Isn’t she? I don’t know how many lifetimes it took to meet such a handsome, golden and affectionate man. Mr Ruan doesn’t go anywhere after work nowadays, he spends all his time with his wife, and he avoids socialising whenever he can, a standard model husband.’
A female colleague sighed to the sky, ‘Alas, why can’t I meet such a good man?’
The others laughed and said, ‘You’ve got it, but unfortunately, you’re not the cup of tea. In your next life,……’

Ruan Shao Nan drove home, passed a cake shop, bought Wei Hei’s favourite chestnut cake, and returned to the car. On the way, he passed by an electrical appliance shop, and the LCD TV on the stand was broadcasting a news story.
‘Three years ago today, a GH Airlines night flight suddenly exploded in mid-flight, killing all 103 passengers on board. Although three years have passed since the disaster, the impact it caused in people’s hearts has continued to this day. Now, let us honour the victims of the mega air disaster three years ago with our most sorrowful condolences ……’
Ruan Shao Nan turned his face to look at the host’s face as it flickered before his eyes. He closed the car window and sped up.
When he arrived home, he handed the car to his own driver to park it. He walked into the house carrying the cake, and when he didn’t see her in the living room, he asked the maid, ‘Where’s madam?’
‘Madam is in the bedroom.’
Ruan Shao Nan nodded, walked up to the first floor and pushed open the bedroom door …… He instantly stiffened and was scared out of his wits by the sight in front of him. He stood in the doorway, not daring to move, and nervously asked, ‘Wei Hei, what are you doing?’
The person standing on the window sill looked at his bristling face suspiciously and replied, ‘The curtains fell off a corner, I want to hang it up ……’
Her voice was a little hoarse, and her damaged vocal cords, although they had regained their vocalisations under expensive treatments, could never return to their former voice.
Ruan Shao Nan heaved a sigh of relief and walked over, carrying her, still in her pyjamas, down from the window sill, instructing, ‘In the future, leave this kind of thing to the maid, you’re not handy, what if there’s an accident?’
Wei Hei wrapped her arms around the man’s neck, looked at her hands, and said, ‘Didn’t you say that I need to exercise my left hand more to hold things more and more steadily?’
Ruan Shao Nan froze for a moment, then smiled and said, ‘Physiotherapy should be done slowly, didn’t the doctor tell you to practice picking up a ball first?’
The person in his arms pouted and said somewhat deflatedly, ‘I’ve been practising for over a year now, but there’s no progress at all. My left hand still has no strength, is it never going to get better? And this red spot on my wrist, and on my neck, it’s ugly as hell, where did they come from?’
Those were left over from the scar revision surgery, her scars were so deep and hideous that the most advanced surgery could only do so much.
But he couldn’t say that to her.
Ruan Shao Nan frowned and said, ‘Didn’t I tell you, those are just a reaction to the medication, and will slowly fade in the future. The doctor has told you not to be anxious, it will get better in the future, why don’t you just listen?’
The person who was full of impatience just a moment ago, immediately looked at him nervously and asked in a small voice, ‘Are you angry?’
Ruan Shao Nan shook his head, put her on the bed, ran his hand through her short shoulder length hair and said in a low voice, ‘I’m not angry, just a little tired. Something happened in the company recently, and I’m not in a good mood.’
Unhei looked at him carefully, ‘I’ve disturbed you from doing your work today, haven’t I? I didn’t mean to, I had a nightmare and you weren’t with me, I was a little scared.’
‘No, it has nothing to do with you.’ Ruan Shao Nan covered the quilt for her, ‘What did you dream about today?’
‘Don’t remember too well, a very scary and sad dream. There was a man in the dream, I couldn’t see his face, only that he was covered in blood. He took my hand and said a lot of things to me, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but when he spoke, I fell into tears and kept crying and crying in the dream, and then I woke up crying. It was so strange, why did I cry? It must have been because he scared me, it must have been.’
Wei Hei tilted her little head and finished, poking her finger at the dazed man, ‘Hey, what are you thinking about?’
Ruan Shao Nan woke up as if he had been pricked by a needle, looking at Wei Hei’s puzzled little face, he smiled awkwardly, ‘You must not have taken your medication on time, that’s why you had such a dream, did you take your medication today?’
Wei Hei shook her head and said, ‘The maid wanted to feed me, I said I’d wait for you to come back before I ate.’
Ruan Shao Nan pinched her chin and said, ‘You’re getting more and more capricious, I really can’t spoil you too much in the future.’
Wei Hei smiled and buried her face in the man’s arms. Ruan Shao Nan took out the pill box in the bedside table and took out today’s dose from one of the compartments, then picked up the cup of water on the cabinet and put the handful of pills into Wei Hei’s hand, watching her tilt her head back to take it, and then handed her the cup of water again.
‘When will I remember what happened before?’ Wei Hei asked as she drank the water.
Ruan Shao Nan helped her lie down, ‘As long as you take your medicine on time, you’ll remember soon.’
Wei Hei nodded and asked again, ‘Shao Nan, what does forbidden mean?’
Ruan Shao Nan froze and said, ‘Who taught you that word?’
‘I saw it today when I was reading a novel online, that male protagonist locked the female protagonist up in his house every day, forbidding her to go out, meet strangers, or talk to strangers. She then said that she was his forbidden property. Why do I think she’s similar to what I’m dealing with right now?’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed helplessly and said, ‘Silly girl, how can this be the same? You are my wife. Don’t read such messy books in the future, it’s all taught you bad.’
‘Oh, wife ……,’ Wei Hei nodded and yawned, ’So when can I go out? I’ve been at home for ages, I’ll get dumber if I stay any longer.’
Ruan Shao Nan smiled and kissed her forehead, ‘You’re not stupid at all, you can go out now, tomorrow is a double holiday, let’s go out and shop, you can buy whatever you want. We’ll go wherever you want.’
Max opened his sleepy eyes and said excitedly, ‘Really? Then will it be like this from now on?’
Ruan Shao Nan kissed her eyes painfully and said in a low voice, ‘Yes, it will always be like this. You can do whatever you want. You are my Ruan Shao Nan’s wife, there’s nothing you can’t do, everything I have is yours, even I am yours.’
Wei Hei closed her eyes contentedly and said hazily, ‘Shao Nan, you’re so good to me ……’
Ruan Shao Nan watched her close her eyes and heard her breathing evenly, he touched her face and said gently, ‘No, I’m not good enough . In the future, I’m going to be twice as good to you, I’m going to make you the happiest woman in the world, Wei Hei, my baby ……’
He leaned down and gently pressed against her clueless face.
Three years, he had hidden her for three whole years, but he couldn’t hide her for the rest of his life. All the damned people, are dead. All the dangers, have been lifted. She was his now, had been his forever, no one could take her away from him, no one.
He had such confidence that he could control all situations. So there was no need to keep her locked up anymore. She was his wife, she needed to enjoy life, she needed to share his success with him. He was going to hold everything that was the best in the world in front of her, just like in the beginning, when she always left him with all the best things.

Ruan Shao Nan saw that Wei Hei was asleep, so he quietly walked out and went to the study alone. At twilight, the furniture in the study was shadowed and suffused with a purple bleakness that had a morose feel to it. Without switching on the light, he sat alone in a chair and lit a cigarette.
Alone, he watched the smoke gradually fill and dissipate, picked up the mobile phone on his desk and dialled a number.
‘Dr Wu, this is Ruan Shao Nan.’
‘Mr Ruan, what are your orders?’
‘I want to ask, my wife’s hand, is it not going to get better in the future?’
Dr Wu sighed and said, ‘Mr Ruan, that’s for sure. She had worn down several important meridians at the time, and it’s simply impossible for her to return to her former self.’
Ruan Shao Nan paused for a moment before saying, ‘Then, will she still remember what happened before?’
‘Your wife lost her memory because the craniotomy damaged the memory area, and from a medical point of view, in the case of external stimulation, she might be able to recall some bits and pieces. But the chances of recovering all of them are almost zero.’
Ruan Shao Nan asked, ‘No chance at all?’
‘If she didn’t need to take that anti-depressant, a miracle might happen. But right now, let’s just say there’s no chance at all. Mr Ruan, I need to remind you that although that drug has the smallest side effects of all the drugs of its kind. But if you take it for a long period of time, it is prone to cause damage to the heart, lungs and liver, as well as potentially destroying the nervous system and bringing about long-lasting damage. If your wife’s depression has improved, I suggest that she can stop taking the medication for the time being.’
‘Okay, I understand, thank you.’
Ruan Shao Nan put down the phone and folded his hands on the desk, pondering for a long time. It wasn’t until the maid came to tell him that dinner was ready that he stood up and left the study.

Chapter 60: Life is worse than death

After dinner, Ruan Shao Nan wrapped his arms around Wei Hei as usual and nestled on the sofa in the living room to watch TV. Max had a chestnut cake in one hand and a small fork in the other, and was watching it with great interest.
When she looked up and saw Ruan Shao Nan’s frown on his face, she stretched out her hand and ironed it for him, then picked up a small bite of the cake and fed it into his mouth.
Ruan Shao Nan swallowed the cake and lowered his head to kiss her, and couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her cream-stained little face. Taking the cake from her hand and setting it aside, he picked her up in his arms.
From the crook of the man’s arm, Wei Hei stretched out a hand, pointing at the cake that had been left out in the cold, and called out in dissatisfaction, ‘My cake, I haven’t finished it yet?’
The man’s hot lips kissed her collarbone exposed outside the pajamas, his voice hoarse, ‘a moment to eat ……’

The starlight tonight is so beautiful, as many years ago that maple leaves like fire, the autumn breeze of the night, he sat on the swing of the Lu family’s old mansion with Max, counting the He was sitting on the swing at the old Lu mansion with Max on it, counting the autumn leaves and watching the stars fill the sky. The night was quiet, and the only sound was the pounding of his heart. She buried her face in his chest, eyes closed, the corners of her mouth hung with a moving smile.
He smiled and asked her what she heard, and she said she heard a world.
He kissed her fondly, while asking himself if he was really getting old. Recently became more and more sentimental, more and more like to remember the past. No, not just reminiscing. He wished to turn back time, to reverse the years.
If God allowed it, if the gods agreed, he was willing to take all he had in exchange for the pure white Ruan Shao Nan, for the simple and happy Lu Wei Hei.
He lifted up her face and gazed at her beautiful flower-like face in the darkness, the tears at the corners of his eyes scattered under the endless night, more brilliant than the stars in the sky.
Exhausted, he collapsed onto it, breathing deeply, covered in sticky sweat. He moved away from his wet body, as if afraid of soiling her, and in the darkness, carefully touched her face, which was cold.
Sure enough, again, still so ……
The body that was hot just now, suddenly cold. Like a cold Christmas landing on a glamorous feast, like the December snow drifting down on the June day.
He lit the lamp, and the warm light drove away the darkness of silence. Wei Hei bit the corner of the quilt, her face full of cold tears, crying so hard that her eyelashes were stuck together.
Ruan Shao Nan sighed and wrapped his arms around her painfully, ‘Don’t cry, next time if you don’t like it, just say so and we won’t do it.’
Wei Hei lifted her misty eyes and looked at him miserably, ‘But, I am your wife, aren’t I? Shouldn’t I love you so much that I would marry you? But why is it that every time you hold me and we bond together, it hurts so much here, like being plucked out?’
Wei Hei pointed to her heart and cried, ‘Shouldn’t it feel happy? Why does it hurt so much? It hurts so …… Shao Nan, what should I do? What should I do? I hurt so much, it really hurts, I can’t breathe from the pain ……’
Ruan Shao Nan hugged her tightly and looked at the high ceiling. He didn’t dare to lower his head because he knew that as long as he lowered his head, tears would come pouring out.
After a long time, he was able to restrain himself and said gently, ‘It’s okay, it will be okay in the future, it will definitely be okay. Even if it’s not good, it doesn’t matter, I’ll always be waiting for you.’
Wei Hei buried his face into the man’s arms, spilling his tears into his solid chest, ‘I’m sorry, I always give you trouble, I’m not a good wife, you must hate me, don’t you?’
‘No, no ……’
His tears still fell, Wei Hei once said that he owed her a “sorry”. However, even if he said 10,000 words of ‘sorry’ to her, it wouldn’t help.

Wei Hei cried herself to sleep. Ruan Shao Nan coaxed her to sleep for a long time before she closed her eyes with a start. Ruan Shao Nan watched her sleep, covered her up, and leaned back in his chair, staring into the darkness of the room.
Why was she like this? Of course he knew, only he knew. Because he had simply caused all of this. Even if the memories were gone, the feelings were still there, that pain was still there, the despair was still there, it would never change.
What happened three years ago, those tragic scenes, those blood soaked fragments …… He felt his throat itchy and dry, as if something was going to be vomited out of it. He was like a wounded eater, as if he wanted to pour out all his fears and sorrows from his stomach.
Three years ago ……
he was mad then, must have been mad, driven mad by her despair and hatred. She couldn’t see or speak, but her unfocussed eyes were filled with icy hatred, and he could see it clearly.
He dared not let her touch any metal object, not a needle, not a screw. He sent someone to watch her twenty-four hours a day, non-stop. Even so, she was still able to think of countless ways to leave him, to leave him in a most tragic and irreparable way.
Simply because he told her that Ling Luchuan was dead and that he would never come back.
The woman he had been so vicious and had used every means to get back, was bent on death for another man.
His life is pale, his hope is slim, his love is barren, and his faith is destroyed. The future was like a frozen corpse, dragged out into the fierce sunlight, emitting the stench of corruption. He couldn’t stand it any longer. Everything around him was like a black vortex that wiped out his sanity.
He became an incomprehensible tyrant, inhuman and irrational. She was his wife, her heart was dead, but her body was still his.
She couldn’t see, she couldn’t speak, her sign language was rarely understood, and even among ten thousand people, no one knew what she had suffered, no one understood her pain, no one knew what her well-dressed and gentle husband beside her had done to her.
Her body was unscarred; only he knew that the soul, hidden beneath the splendour of her dress, had been bullied into a thousand holes by him with near-rape.
Then she gave in, he really thought she did. She no longer hated him, but just lay in bed and silently shed tears. But even so, what could be done? She could not resist him like this for the rest of her life, so he consoled himself.
She would one day understand him and forgive him, just as he understood her.
Then came a rainy night. He could never forget that night for the rest of his life.
He was cold, and she was the only one who could warm his empty body. Even if she couldn’t see him, or if she did it was as if she were against a room full of air, he still needed her. This villa, this bedroom, felt like home because of her presence, not a cold ruin.
He lingered on her warm body, feeling a softness and quietness unlike anything he’d ever felt before, and he was so full of joy that he held her and said so many things, all of them visions of their bright future, and then buried his face in the crook of her neck and wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep contentedly.
Somehow he had a nightmare of a woman, holding up her white bony hand to him. He woke up from the dream with the person beside him still sleeping heavily, her face turned in the other direction and a smile on the corner of her mouth.
For the first time he saw her sleeping so quietly, so sweetly. He kissed on her dry lips, only to realise that her lips were as cold as ice.
He suddenly thought of something, and as soon as he uncovered the quilt ……
blood! The bed was full of bright red blood!
He panicked, and his entire body froze there, overwhelmed like a child who didn’t know any better. He didn’t know how she did it, there was no way she could have got the blade, she couldn’t even touch the wooden slice, but her wrists were drenched in crimson liquid, blood and flesh in one piece.
He held her blood-stained body, the naked, lifeless body, and roared with rage like a frightened beast.
She’d done it! She could finally leave him forever, and there was nothing more he could do, nothing at all!
He thought she was dead, and hugged her and cried and laughed like a lone male wolf who has lost his dependent mate and wailed endlessly into the dark night sky.
He went mad! It was at this moment that he realised that he had lost, completely! He had lost the world, won everything, but lost another world, a world for her!
She finally went with him, and even if he died, he got her. He won! Ling Luchuan had won! But in a matter of moments, he had easily subverted all that he had.
Luckily, the servants found her early and called for an ambulance in time. She lost a lot of blood, but she didn’t die.
On the chair in the hospital corridor, he sat barefoot and trembling, covered in blood. He looked at his hands, his eyes staring blankly, his vision unclear. At that moment, he still wasn’t sure what had happened.
Until the doctor and the police came and told him that she was the one who had ground her wrists against the cross iron of the vintage bed, grinding and grinding until her skin broke. Then she snapped her artery with her teeth ……
The whole thing was almost too painful and difficult for anyone to imagine, but she just did it. If it wasn’t for that dream, she almost made it.
The moment he heard the news, he was dumbfounded like a fool, he couldn’t believe his ears.
Everyone who knew about it said, ‘What kind of person commits suicide like that? Only someone with an abnormal nerve would do that, she must be crazy.
Only he knew that she wasn’t crazy, no one was more calm and objective and well-planned than her. She had long since seen through what kind of person he was, even if he whispered more sweet words in her ear, even if the means he inflicted on that fragile body were no more ferocious and violent. She was going to leave him, and she was going to do everything she could to get away from him. Staying with him was worse than death for her.
He sat in front of the hospital bed, looking at her pale bloodless face, his heart a thousand times, surging out of ten thousand kinds of feelings, there is sadness, there is sourness, there is love and pity, and ……
He picked up an apple, while peeling the skin, while the not yet sober person, said: ‘All the people say you’re crazy, only I know you’re in the thinking about. You want to go and stay with him, don’t you? But you can’t find him. The plane he was on was blown up into three pieces. Not to mention the body, there’s not even a scrap left, it’s turned into dust. Where can you find him? Even if you find him, what can you do? You are my wife, when you die, the tombstone will also be crowned with my surname. So ……’
his cold fingers pressed against her neck, leaning down to her ear, devilishly laughing, ’You are my person in life, and you are my ghost in death. I want you to die without being able to be together!’

Chapter 61: Trepidation

Ruan Shao Nan opened his eyes violently and saw the piercing sunlight, it was dawn.
He stared at everything around him in a daze, as if he had returned to heaven from hell, this was his study, spacious and bright, there was no infinite darkness, there was no rain outside the window.
Standing up, he stretched his shoulders and neck. A servant knocked on the door outside, ‘Sir, madam is awake.’
He immediately perked up, he had promised Wei Hei yesterday that he would take her out. She had been looking forward to it for a long time, so he couldn’t go back on his word even if he was tired.

The streets were still busy, and since it was a holiday, there were a lot of people. No matter how mediocre and busy their lives were, on a day like this, people still looked happy.
Wei Hei was as excited as a child, feeling mermaid and curious about everything outside. Ruan Shao Nan watched as she pressed her whole self against the window, and when she found something interesting, she pulled on his sleeve and pointed out the window, exclaiming, ‘Shao Nan, look! Look!’
It was a long way down the road, and he found it much more interesting to look at her than the scenery.
They went to the biggest amusement park in the city, rode the antique-style train around the park, played the space shuttle, rode the drift boat, went into the haunted house, and watched the four-dimensional film. All the new, exciting, thrilling, and fun games, Wei Hei dragged him through.
Ruan Shao Nan felt like a father with his ungrown daughter. Looking at her with a happy, innocent smile, he suddenly felt that all the pain was worth it.
Didn’t he just want her to stay by his side? For a lifetime, never leaving her.
Even if he had to lie to her for the rest of his life, even if he had to carry this secret and live the rest of his life as if he were living on a high voltage line, he was willing to live like this.
While he was thinking this way, the two of them were sitting in an artisanal ice-cream shop. Wei Hei ran up to the counter alone and bought two extra large cups of ice cream.
Ruan Shao Nan looked at the cup in front of him and pinched her chin, ‘Where can I eat so much?’
Wei Hei bit into her spoon and looked at him, ‘I didn’t know what flavours you like, so I just asked for some of each, and it ended up like this.’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed and picked up the spoon and took a big bite.
Wei Hei looked at him and asked in a small voice, ‘Shao Nan, did I treat you badly in the past?’
Ruan Shao Nan almost choked and hurriedly took a sip of juice, asking in return, ‘Why do you ask?’
‘Because every time I treated you a little bit better, you looked like you were so happy and pleased, as if it was rare. So I thought, I must have treated you badly in the past, or else why would you be like this?’
Ruan Shao Nan stretched out his hand and touched her sunny face, and said with some sadness, ‘You’ve been good to me, always good. It’s me who didn’t cherish my own blessings, I didn’t know to cherish you before.’
Wei Hei tilted her little head to look at him and asked in confusion, ‘What were we like before?’
Ruan Shao Nan froze for a moment, then smiled and said, ‘Didn’t I tell you? Our two families are family friends, and we’ve known each other since we were young. Then your father married you to me, it was just unfortunate that not long after you married me, you accompanied your parents on a car trip and had a car accident on the way. They both sadly passed away, and it took a hard blow to your head for you to not be able to remember the past.’
‘I don’t have any other siblings?’
Ruan Shao Nan shook his head as he watched his ice cream slowly melt in the sun, ‘No, you’re an only child.’
Wei Hei nodded, took a sip of her juice and added, ‘Then it must be hard for you to take care of me all by yourself.’
‘It’s not hard at all, I just hate myself for not being able to bear the pain for you.’
Wei Hei smiled happily as she bit into the spoon and said vaguely, ‘Shao Nan, you’re so good to me.’
Ruan Shao Nan smiled and pinched her nose, ‘Silly girl, are you satisfied with that?’
‘If you can be happier in the future, I’ll be even more satisfied.’
Ruan Shao Nan was suddenly stunned and asked, ‘Where am I unhappy?’
Wei Hei reached out and pointed at his well-defined features, saying, ‘Here, here, and here, they’re all telling me that you’re unhappy. Even when you smile, sadness is written on your face ……’
Ruan Shao Nan grabbed her hand and laughed, ’It’s just you who loves to think blindly, well, let’s not talk about it. Think about it, what do you want to eat for dinner?’
Speaking of this, Wei Hei was happy again, ‘I want to eat ……’
A very old Chinese song came from outside, and when she heard the melody of the prelude, she paused for a moment, as if she had been put under a fixation spell by a magician.
Ruan Shao Nan looked at her strangely, ‘What’s wrong?’
She suddenly stood up and ran out without saying anything.
Ruan Shao Nan immediately changed his face and followed after her. Next to it was a video shop, and the sound of the song was coming from the shop.
He saw Wei Hei standing in front of the video shop, standing in the bright sunlight, standing in the endless stream of people, listening to the song in a daze, listening to tears.
He walked over to her, took her hand and asked, ‘What’s wrong with you, Max?’
She raised her clear and bright eyes, looked at him through her tears, pointed to her heart, and choked, ‘Shao Nan, I …… hurt here, it hurts, it hurts …… what should I do?’
She covered her ears tightly with her hands and fell to her knees in the streaming street. The song was still being sung languidly, a mournful melody that echoed endlessly in the distant sky of autumn.

If life is only up to here
there is no me from now on
I’ll find an angel to love you for me ……

The Hei returned to the villa, the whole person in a trance. After dinner, she went upstairs to rest. Ruan Shao Nan was uneasy about her and pushed open the bedroom door to find her sitting alone on the bed, staring blankly.
He walked over and touched her forehead, ‘Wei Hei, are you okay?’
She grabbed his hand sharply, ‘Shao Nan, I seem to have remembered something.’
Ruan Shao Nan’s nerves suddenly tensed, like a silk thread about to snap. His face did not move at all, only asking gently, ‘What did you remember?’
‘It’s all bits and pieces, like riding a roller coaster, flashing too fast for me to see clearly. Shao Nan, am I almost done?’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed, and while taking out the pill box from the drawer, he said, ‘Maybe, that’s why it’s all the more important for you to take your medication on time, so you can get better faster.’
Wei Hei nodded heavily and put a handful of pills into her mouth. Ruan Shao Nan brought her a glass of water. She obediently swallowed it.
‘What about another frame?’ Ruan Shao Nan pulled her back and pointed to the pill box.
Wei Hei looked at her husband in confusion, ‘Isn’t it only one gram at a time?’
‘Then do you want to get better faster?’
‘Of course I do.’
‘Then take one more gram, with a higher dose, the effect will naturally be better, and you’ll be able to recover a little faster.’
‘Yes, then I’ll take an extra gram every day from now on.’
Ruan Shao Nan had a warm and charming smile on his face as he watched his little wife, happily swallowing those bitter pills into her stomach. He knew that his heart could be put back in his stomach as well.
Wei Hei yawned after taking the pills, and Ruan Shao Nan asked, ‘Are you sleepy?’
‘Well ……,’ Wei Hei rested her head on his broad shoulder.
‘Then go to sleep.’
Wei Hei wrapped her arms around his back and said vaguely, ‘But I haven’t watched the drama yet?’
‘I’ll record it for you.’
Wei Hei nodded, ‘Alright then ……’
Ruan Shao Nan helped her lie down, she pressed her face into his hand and said happily, ‘Shao Nan, when I get better, I’ll be able to remember the happy days we used to have, and I’ll be able to be a good wife now, won’t I?’
He stroked her hair compassionately, ‘Yes, you can.’
‘I wish that day would come …… soon,’ she finished the sentence vaguely, and fell into a deep sleep.
‘I wish …… too,’ he murmured as he kissed her on the lips, ’I wish that day would never come, ever …… ‘

The next few days in a row, Undine took more and more pills and was awake less and less. She didn’t want to eat, and every day she shut herself up in her bedroom with the curtains closed and slept without knowing what was going on.
The housekeeper noticed that something was wrong with her and said to Ruan Shao Nan, ‘Mr Ruan, madam has been complaining of stomach pains lately, do you think we should ask a doctor to come and take a look?’
The man who was sorting out the information stopped for a second, looked up and asked, ‘Did she say where it hurts?’
‘She said that the right side of her ribs hurt underneath, I think, may be the liver. This woman is afraid of hurting her liver, man is afraid of hurting his kidney, if it drags on, it’s a life-threatening disease.’
Ruan Shao Nan put the information aside and said, ‘I know, you go down first.’
The butler retreated, Ruan Shao Nan locked the information into a drawer, his heart was like a heavy dark cloud pressing down on him, he just felt unable to breathe.
He left the study and walked into the bedroom, but there was no one in the bedroom.
‘Where’s Madam?’
‘In the flower room painting.’

Perhaps it was her nature, since she recovered from her illness, Wei Hei was like a newborn baby, forgetting all about the past except for some basic skills, but her interest in painting remained the same. But her interest in drawing has not changed. It’s just that her technique is so young that she can only draw simple sketches, and she has forgotten all the other ways of drawing.
So Ruan Shao Nan cleared out all the flowers in the glass flower room and turned it into a drawing room for her. It was sunny and spring-like, and with a CD player and some light music, it was a good place to sleep and laze around.
So when Ruan Shao Nan wasn’t home, she spent most of her time here. She drew, dazed, and napped on the cushions of the soft couch, like a cat whose master was not at home, at ease and free.
Ruan Shao Nan walked into the flower room and saw his little wife sleeping on the soft couch, covered with a white blanket, wearing white pajamas, with white earmuffs on her ears, like a white fox, and like a cute little white cat.
Drawing paper was thrown all over the place, some in sheets and some crumpled into balls. After she lost her memory, Wei Hei always threw things around like this, just like a child who hadn’t grown up.
Ruan Shao Nan walked over and inadvertently saw the painting on the easel, a simple landscape sketch, an empty square, flying pigeons, and a pair of men and women standing on the square, looking at each other across several beams of slanting sunlight.
The painting was simple, but very beautiful and romantic, as if it was some carefully set up, elongated film footage from above.
He couldn’t help but smile, thinking that this girl was exceptionally gifted, and whatever she drew was imbued with an aura. And remembering how she used to paint without sleep, he couldn’t help but feel a little sad again.
He walked over and quietly looked at her face, every part of this woman’s body is what he loves and loves deeply. He was deeply infatuated with her, and the longer he lived, the deeper his infatuation grew, and the happier he lived, the more fearful his infatuation became, to the point of being torn to pieces and unable to extricate himself from it.
He uncovered the blanket and caressed her beautiful body through the thin nightgown. This body had been with him for three years, three whole years, and it was more than just sex to him. It was like a clear pool that cleansed him of all his filth and dirt, bringing him angelic holiness and purity.
What a happy man he used to be, he used to have all of this woman’s body and mind, no need for lies, no need for deceit, no need for drugs or false memories. All that was needed was to let go of his obsession, to let go of his hatred, and he could have her whole and complete.
She once waited for him for seven years, seven monstrous years, she was alone in this desolate world as a devout believer, alone to hold fast to their original portion of innocence and faith.
However, all the down-to-earth happiness was easily squandered by him, in addition to the heart full of remorse and trembling, fleeting happiness, once the beauty of the past has become a cloud of smoke.
He should have done her justice, shouldn’t he? What he owed her was more than just that one sentence of ‘I’m sorry’?
Wei Hei rubbed her itchy eyelashes and slowly opened her eyes, looking at her husband with sleepy eyes and asking, ‘Shao Nan, why are you crying?’
Ruan Shao Nan wiped away his tears and laughed, ‘I’m not crying, it’s sand that got into my eyes.’
‘Liar! Tears are dripping onto my face and you’re still saying you’re not crying?’
‘That was your saliva.’
‘Oh ……’ Wei Hei nodded, ’So saliva is salty.’
Ruan Shao Nan laughed indifferently, wrapping the person into his arms and asking, ‘Have you been suffering from stomach aches lately?’
‘Well, over here.’ Wei Hei touched the lower right side of her ribs, ‘It hurts when I touch it, and I also feel dizzy and nauseous and want to vomit, am I having a baby?’
Ruan Shao Nan’s body stiffened and looked down at her, ‘How do you know you’re having a baby?’
‘It’s on TV, don’t all women get dizzy, nauseous and have stomach pains when they have a baby?’
‘Isn’t that something you have to check to know, tomorrow I’ll take you to the hospital for a checkup, okay?’
Wei Hei wrapped her arms around his neck and shook her head, ‘I don’t want to go to the hospital, it’s eerie and scary there.’
Ruan Shao Nan patiently coaxed her, ‘But if you don’t go to the hospital, how will you know if you’re pregnant? Don’t be afraid, I will always be with you.’
‘Alright then, I’ll listen to you.’
Wei Hei pressed her face into her husband’s arms and asked in a low voice, ‘Shao Nan, if I really have a baby, won’t I be more of a good wife?’
Ruan Shao Nan looked at her expectant eyes and said somewhat sadly, ‘You were already a good wife.’
‘But I always make you unhappy.’
‘I’m not unhappy, I just …… feel scared.’
‘What are you afraid of?’
‘So many, so many, and the one I’m most afraid of is you leaving me.’
Wei Hei looked at him, smiled sweetly and said with great certainty, ‘I won’t leave you unless I die ……’
He covered her mouth at once and said nervously, ‘Don’t talk nonsense!’
Wei Hei obediently shut up, suddenly remembered something, took out a freshly painted picture from under the soft couch, pointed to the person painted on it and said, ‘This is what I painted today, this person, do I know him?’
Ruan Shao Nan’s eyes widened in horror, the thread that had been taut snapped, the scream of the silk thread snapping echoed in his head.
He pulled the drawing paper with one hand and grabbed her by the shoulders in a near grimace, ‘Where did you see that? Who told you?!’
Wei Hei looked at him in panic and stammered, ‘I …… didn’t, today his appearance suddenly flashed in my mind, I …… drew it down. And I can not remember who he is, so I want to ask you. Why are you …… so angry?’
The man was full of gloom, the expression on his face was not anger, but an emotion that was even more terrible and gloomy than anger. Wei Hei shrank his neck and looked at him pitifully, like a little white rabbit pounced on the ground by a lion.
After a long time, he softened his expression and said to her, ‘He is not a good person, he has harmed you in the past. I don’t want you to remember those unhappy things in the past, that’s why I’m so nervous.’
Wei Hei looked at the picture in confusion, ‘How did he hurt me before? Why don’t I have any memory of it?’
Ruan Shao Nan picked her up and walked towards the house, ‘Because you have amnesia, you don’t remember anything that happened in the past.’
Back in the bedroom, Wei Hei lies on the bed still unable to let go of her thoughts, she looks at the man who is broadly clothed over her body and asks suspiciously, ‘If he has harmed me, then shouldn’t I hate him very much? Why is it that when I look at his face, I feel so sad, so attached, so eager to shed tears? It’s like seeing a long lost friend, isn’t that strange?’
Ruan Shao Nan’s arm was propped up on the side of her face, kissing her fine eyelashes, ‘He was your first love, but he lied to you and broke your heart. So this isn’t nostalgia, it’s pain and humiliation.’
She tilted her face up and looked at her husband, ‘Really? Really?’
‘Really, don’t you believe me?’
‘I believe you, but ……‘
’No buts.’ He bit her chin and threatened, ‘If you don’t listen again, I won’t watch TV with you from now on.’
Wei Hei hurriedly shook her head and hugged the man’s strong back, ‘I’ll be obedient, I’ll never ask again.’
Ruan Shao Nan nodded, hugging her slightly shivering body, just about to get into the mood, when Wei Hei poked his waist and eyes with her finger, a tingling pain.
He grabbed her hand with some annoyance and asked impatiently, ‘What’s wrong again?’
‘Shao Nan, I haven’t taken my medicine today, I’m afraid I’ll forget it later.’
He was stunned for a moment, slowly letting go of his hand, his cold and captivating face, obscure in the shadow of the curtains.
After a long time, he said, ‘Then you eat.’
Then, he watched her take out the pill box from the bedside table, take out two compartments of medicine and swallow it on the water, and then watched her put the pill box away and turn her face to him with a childlike innocent smile, ‘Okay, I’m done eating.’
He pressed himself against her and casually switched off the wall light.
The bedroom was dark as if it were the night of the underworld. He heard her stifled gasps in his ear, silent sobs, and he felt her body quivering with endurance.
She and her flesh and blood strained against her bones, her nerves were made fragile by his proximity, her lips opened and closed helplessly, her nails were frail and feeble, and her dismal tears spilled down his arms like the cool, penetrating, chilly rain of twilight autumn, a little bit of disillusionment and hurt.
He knew that he was lynching her in his own way, and she was lynching him back in the same way, they were both so cruel that they could torture each other into holding on.
I don’t know how long it took, but Ruan Shao Nan heard his little wife whisper underneath him, ‘Shao Nan, I won’t cry anymore.’
‘Well ……,’ he touched her face, and sure enough, there were no more tears.
She bit her lip and said carefully, ‘Then can you be a little lighter? I’m afraid of hurting the baby.’
Ruan Shao Nan looked at her bright face in the darkness, he wanted to say something to her, he should have said something to her a long time ago, but he couldn’t.
He kissed her eyelashes that still had teardrops on them and sighed, ‘Okay, I’ll be gentle.’
‘Shao Nan, do you think our child will be a boy, or a girl?’
‘I like both.’
‘Then what would be a good name for our child?’
‘You decide.’
‘Then the boy will be called ……’

It’s raining ……
Ruan Shao Nan sat in his study, looking at the sketch that Wei Hei had drawn during the day. The man’s eyes were facing him, a handsome face with a contemptuous gaze and light lips with a disdainful air.
He took out a lighter and lit the drawing paper on fire, threw it into the ashtray, and watched the man’s face slowly tumble into ash in the bright firelight, which was dispersed by the wind that blew in through the window.
He threw the lighter down on the table and turned to the coldness that filled the room, and in the darkness it was as if he saw countless ghosts coming towards him, with hideous faces and limbs covered in blood. They climbed up from the fiery hell and demanded their lives from him!
He warily covered his face and yelled down in a tearful voice at the ashes that covered the ground, ‘What do you want? You think I’m comfortable now? You think I’m not in pain? You’re already dead, already dead! You leave her alone! Haven’t we made her suffer enough? She’s already very poor ……’
Said at the end, already sobbing uncontrollably, ’If you really love her, please, let her go, please ……’

Chapter 62: A Dream of Nanke

Early the next morning, Ruan Shao Nan took Wei Hei to the hospital for a checkup. Wei Hei had always disliked the atmosphere of hospitals, but this time, her distaste was tinged with a bit of excitement. She tilted her head and fantasised about the baby, talking non-stop on the way.
Ruan Shao Nan drove and listened silently, sometimes answering her, but most of the time he didn’t say a word, looking worried.
After arriving at the hospital, Dr Wu arranged for a full body checkup for Wei Hei.
He asked, ‘Isn’t this just an obstetrics and gynaecology check to see if I have a baby?’
Dr Wu froze for a moment, glanced at Ruan Shao Nan, and smiled, ‘It’s best to do a full body checkup, to be on the safe side.’
Wei Hei was still uneasy, shaking her head like a rattle, ‘What if I hurt the baby? I’m not going!’
Ruan Shao Nan looked down at her and said softly, ‘Don’t worry, these tests are very safe. Listen to the doctor and I’ll take you out after the tests.’
Only then did Wei Hei reluctantly let go of her husband’s hand and followed the nurse.
As the two men watched her leave, Dr Wu looked at the haggardly described man in front of him suspiciously and asked, ‘Mr Ruan, does your wife still not know that she is no longer fertile?’
Ruan Shao Nan shook his head, ‘I didn’t tell her, she’s always wanted a child, I’m afraid she can’t take the shock.’
Dr Wu sighed, ‘But it’s not a solution for you to hide it from her like this, sooner or later she will know.’
‘Let’s talk about this later, I’m more worried about her body right now. She has been saying lately that her lower right side of her ribs hurts, and that she is nauseous and wants to vomit, could there be a problem?’
Dr Wu thought for a moment, ‘Below the right rib, it should be the liver. The antidepressant she’s taking contains ingredients that damage the liver, but it shouldn’t be too serious. The specifics will have to wait for the test results to come out.’
‘When will the test results come out?’
‘Tomorrow, I’ll let you know by phone.’
‘Thanks ……’

After checking her body, Wei Hei said she was tired. Ruan Shao Nan saw that she didn’t have much energy, so the two of them went straight home without going anywhere.
After returning home, Wei Hei took a shower and went to bed early. Ruan Shao Nan worked in his study until late at night before returning to his room.
It was a calm night, the jade was dustless, the mountains and rivers were clear, the two people snuggled together like newborn babies, nothing was said or done, the world was as peaceful and tranquil as a prehistoric paradise.
Ruan Shao Nan had a dream, an incomparably sweet dream. He couldn’t remember the content of the dream, but only vaguely remembered that he and Wei Hei went back to the distant past, when they were both teenagers, when the sky was as blue as the sea, and he dragged her to see the maple trees on the south mountain, the red maple leaves seemed to be a piece of the big burning less, and the colourful sunshine in the sky connected together, gorgeous and incomparable.
Wei Hei’s body is very weak, every time she climbed to the top of the mountain, always want him to carry down. Her small hands trustingly wrapped around his neck, her lips pressed against his ear to confide a small secret, her long hair draped over his shoulders, as beautiful as the moonlight. Below the mountain is a large yellow oil wheat flowers, an endless sea of flowers undulating in the autumn monsoon, beautiful as if a paradise ……
He laughed and cried in his dream, it was the most beautiful scenery of his life, forgotten by him in the cramped reality. He wanted to recover all this beauty, but there would be no more. He tainted happiness and beauty with his endless desires, and they abandoned her forever. He prostrated himself before fate and begged for God’s mercy, but God said that the way to heaven had long been closed, and the gates of hell were open, and that was the permanent abode of sin.
He cried, really cried, cried hoarse in his dreams. He wanted to go back, back to that happy dream, back to that beautiful memory, back to that clean Ruan Shao Nan. But he could never go back. No one could save him, no one could help him. He was stained with too much human blood, he couldn’t wash it clean, he could never wash it clean ……
‘Shao Nan, Shao Nan ……’
Someone was pushing him, he opened his eyes violently, and in the darkness, he saw Uni’s frightened eyes. He touched his face and it was cold.
He touched his face, which was cold. Wei Hei nervously hugged him, ‘What’s wrong with you? You were crying and screaming, you scared me to death.’
‘Nothing, I had a nightmare.’
Wei Hei lifted her little face and looked at him in confusion, ‘Shao Nan, are you leaving?’
‘You just kept saying that I want to go back. Where do you want to go back to?’
Ruan Shao Nan wiped the sweat from his forehead, rubbed her shoulders and said, ‘I want to take you back to the Lu Family’s old mansion to take a look, that’s where we met.’
‘Does our family still have a mansion?’
‘Of course it does, your parents left it to me. I’ve renovated it, it’s under the maple forest on the south mountain, and there’s a blue water lake in front of the mansion. The garden is ancient and very elegant and beautiful. If you like it, we’ll live there from now on. It’s quiet there, suitable for you to recuperate.’
‘A maple tree? It must be beautiful.’ Wei Hei pressed her face against his chest and said happily, ‘I’ll love it. In autumn we can go to the mountains together to see the maple leaves, and in summer we can go boating in the lake. I’m going to put a swing in the garden, and at night we can sit under it together and look at the stars. During the day I can set up my easel in the garden directly opposite the gate and paint while waiting for you to come home.’
A sweet smile hung at the corner of her mouth as she slowly closed her eyes, ‘I can grow my hair long while waiting for our baby to be born. Shao Nan, don’t you like to see me with long hair the most? You must wait ……’
He listened quietly in the darkness, listening to her voice getting smaller and smaller, silent tears had already clouded the corners of his eyes. His fingers gripped her as tightly as he gripped his own life and fleeting happiness.
The grief and pain seemed to stretch indefinitely, and as long as he stayed by her side for one day, it would never stop, and she would torture him into living with her hapless naivety and good-natured ignorance.
But he couldn’t let go, and he couldn’t let go. He had gone so far, so far, that he could no longer tell the line between pleasure and pain.
The world was sometimes so ironic and absurd. The bitter fruits he had brewed with his own hands, he now tasted alone.
The happiness in front of him could last forever, or disappear in an instant. But this is not the most terrible, the most terrible is that she is a matter of life and death for you, and you do not know, when you will lose her everything.

The next morning, Ruan Shao Nan woke up and noticed that Wei Hei was not in good spirits, so he called Wang Dong Yang and cancelled all his business appointments. This kind of situation has been happening for the past two years, and Wang Dongyang is used to it, and is more than familiar with handling his boss’s affairs.
So when Dr Wu’s call came, Wei Hei was sleeping, and Ruan Shao Nan, afraid of disturbing her, walked alone to the study to answer the phone.
‘Mr Ruan ……’ Dr Wu sighed, ’I hope you can stay calm when you hear this news. I don’t know how to explain this to you, it’s just too unbelievable. From the test results, Mrs Ruan’s liver is mostly necrotic, she should have been in pain for a long time, but why did she only tell you now? I ……’ he held up his glasses, ’I don’t know what to say to you. I can only say that I’m really sorry to see such a result.’
Dr Wu finished in one breath, and the air was deathly silent.
‘Mr Ruan? Are you alright? Mr Ruan?’
The person on the other end of the phone, said woodenly, ‘What else can I do now?’
Dr Wu was silent for a moment, ‘There’s no need to do anything, just stay with her. If you can, I suggest that you bring me the medication she is taking. I really can’t think of any other possibilities other than the problem with the medicine.’
Ruan Shao Nan put down the phone and suddenly felt chills all over his body, followed by a mountain of nausea. He fell out of his chair and knelt on the floor, dry-heaving as if he wanted to vomit out all his organs.
As his vision blurred, he wiped his eyes with his hands and tried to get up, but his legs were as sore and weak as if he had stepped on a cloud. Like a drunk, he propped his hands on the ground, stood up, fell down, stood up, and fell down again. This was repeated countless times, and in the end, he lay on the cold floor and never got up ……

Opening his eyes again, it was already dusk. Feeling cold as a corpse, he stood up, walked out of the study, and took a shower in the guest room’s bathroom, changing his clothes before walking out.
The maid came over and asked him what he needed to prepare for dinner.
He told the maid that nothing needed to be prepared.
He walked into the bedroom and saw that all the curtains were drawn, and the warm sunlight shone in obliquely, like a flower in full bloom, like a young and vibrant life, warm and unrestrained.
He was sitting upright on the bed, holding a drawing board in his hand and a paintbrush in his right hand. On the bedside table was the white pill box, which was empty.
There were countless sheets of paper scattered on the floor, as if they were Christmas snowflakes. Each one was a sketch of a person, different angles, different expressions, but they were all the same face, the face that made him tremble with fear.
Suddenly he understood everything. No! In fact, he had understood it long ago, from that horrible phone call in the morning, perhaps even earlier than that, only he didn’t want to admit it, didn’t dare to admit it, didn’t want to admit it.
Standing in the sunlight at the moment, he felt cold in his hands and feet, like a dying animal, and all the blood in his body flowed backwards through his blue veins to protect his ungrateful heart.
He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the woman who had nearly destroyed everything for him, the fountainhead of all his madness and pain.
‘You got your memory back a long time ago, didn’t you?’
She put down her drawing-board and turned her face to look at him, her pale face without the slightest alarm, like a still lake, but her eyes with a queer expectancy, as if it were the moment before a condemned man’s execution, of unaccountable relief and deliverance.
She said, ‘I never lost my memory.’
He shook his head incredulously and murmured, ‘How can that be? I clearly hired a ……’
She smiled and looked into his eyes, ’That’s the truth, I lied to you, for two whole years. The lie detector expert you hired from the United States also failed to identify me, thanks to you, a good teacher, let me know that the truest lie must be interpreted with the truest feelings, in order to be invincible forever, the so-called theatre of falsehood is roughly this truth.’
‘So, you’ve been acting on me for the past two years.’ He shook his head and laughed softly, ‘You really are a good actor, your performance is perfect, the real and the fake mixed together, I can’t believe I’ve been fooled by you until now.’
He took a deep breath and asked in a shaky voice, ‘Those drugs, you switched them. You came to hurt yourself like this to get back at me?’
She looked at him calmly, ‘Is there any other answer, do you think?’
‘Is it worth it?’ With a trembling hand, he touched her rippling face, ‘If I didn’t love you, if I didn’t care about you at all, I wouldn’t shed a single tear for you even if you died. You lost your life, but I was unharmed, is there any meaning in such a revenge?’
She still looked at him as quietly as before and smiled weakly, ‘It doesn’t matter, I can’t stay up any longer. For the past two years, every night I have to lie in your bed like a dutiful wife, be held in your arms, smile at you, accept your favour, and then relive what you have done to me in my heart every day, all of this makes me so miserable that I can’t die right away. I can no longer tell whether I am torturing you or myself. I can’t live like this anymore, it’s time to end it.’
She looked down at her panel, gently stroking the beautiful eyes of the man in the painting, and smiled in peaceful knowledge, ‘Right now, I just want to be with him.’
He couldn’t control himself any longer, his hands tightened around her like iron jaws, shouting at the top of his lungs, ‘Why can’t you just forget about all my damn mistakes, why can’t you give me another chance, you should know what you mean to me, you should know how much I love you, why do you have to ruin all of this for you to be happy? Why?!’
He grabbed her arm and looked at her sadly, ‘He’s dead, been dead for three years. He’s not coming back, it’s time for your dreams to wake up. Haven’t I tried hard enough these days? Have I not been good enough to you? Why can’t you just forget about him? What do you want? Let me die in front of you? Will you feel better if I die? Isn’t that it? You tell me!’
He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her down on the bed, fierce as if dealing with his most hated enemy. The gazes of the two men met in the air as if they were weapons clashing in flames.
‘What do I want? Perhaps it’s time for me to ask you that instead.’ She looked at him across the golden sunset, her clear eyes flowing with water-like light, ‘Mr Ruan, it’s not that I haven’t loved you before. You know better than anyone else what kind of heart I initially held to love you in a low voice. Even when I knew that you tortured me with the strength of alcohol, even how much you did to me, I never thought of leaving you ……’
She paused for a moment and laughed self-deprecatingly, ’It was you who easily squandered all of my feelings, it was you who threw me to Lu Rongxie and borrowed It was you who threw me to Lu Renaxi and used his hand to kill me. You threw it away so easily, just like throwing away a useless paper cup, an eye-sore old coat. How can you ask me to stand in front of you as if nothing had happened, to tell you of my loyalty and love? I can’t do it; no one can.’
He looked at her disconsolately, slowly loosening his arms around her tightly, speechless with the naked truth, the bloody past.
‘I came back from the dead at the hands of that brute, and you left me to my own devices. I tried to live, tried to finish school, tried to be myself. Then, Ling Luchuan came, he was different from you, and my heart fluttered for him. I never wanted to get back at you, I just wanted to be with him. But even that you wouldn’t allow. I know you better than Lok Chuan, and I know that he’s no match for you. He’s not as cold-blooded and ruthless as you. I don’t want a man who truly loves me to suffer because of me. So, I surrendered, I gave up on a man who would rather hurt himself than me, and seriously broke his heart. But even after all that, you still refused to let me go.’
She slipped out of his grip and sat back down against the bed, cradling her drawing pad as if the man in the painting could give her courage and strength.
‘I always remember the day I rolled down the stairs with my head still bleeding and you threw me on your bed without even looking at me.’
She looked around and smiled mockingly, ‘Yes, this is the room, this bed. I woke up on it in pain, unable to move my body, no strength in my arms and legs, but growing conscious. I was in tears, staring at the dark camera. You were on top of me, violating me over and over again, endlessly, do you know what I was feeling? I hurt so much that I wanted to die! I really wanted to die, but I couldn’t. You can make someone suffer as much as they want to die, but you don’t even leave her the right to cut herself off, is this the way you love people?’
She spoke woodenly, her eyes looking ahead, but her soul was not here, as if it had detached itself from her body and drifted to another time to experience that cruel atrocity once more for herself.
‘After that, I had mouths to feed, eyes to see, and I closed myself off. I didn’t have the courage to face anyone, especially Rokawa. Because I was afraid of you, I was scared to death that you would hurt him. Listening to his desolate voice, listening to him chastise himself like that, feeling him slowly emaciated and slowly shrivelling around me. I don’t even dare to cry, I can only put on an insensitive face every day, don’t care, don’t ask, don’t listen. But even so, you didn’t let me go ……’
She looked into his eyes and laughed ruefully, ’Ruan Shao Nan is Ruan Shao Nan, driving out the whole world is what you’re good at. Even if you have to lose so many innocent lives, in order to achieve your goal, you won’t even blink an eye. An entire aeroplane, one hundred and three lives, how could you do that?’
He looked at her silently, his sharp eyes dead silent at the moment, the knot in his throat sliding up and down before he said half-heartedly, ‘How do you know I did it?’
‘You may have forgotten that when I committed suicide for the last time, you said something to me, you said ‘the plane he was on was blown up into three pieces’, the cause of that crash has never been found out, yet you said it was blown up without even thinking about it. Do you need me to go on, Mr Nguyen?’
‘No need.’ He looked at his hand on his knee and asked again, ‘Is that when you decided to stay by my side for your big revenge plan?’
‘The man I loved died, and I was forced to stay by the side of a man I didn’t love night after night of pleasure. One more day of this torment was agony. I’m so despondent and in so much pain that I just want to die. But you wouldn’t let me die, no matter what method I used, you always dragged me back and made me suffer more than death. Until one day, you told me that you would let us die without being able to be together. I finally realised, why should I die? The one who deserves to die is you. You’re the one who started all this tragedy. When Lok Chuan was on his way out, he once told me that he suspected you of using Yi Tian to help launder money for the gangsters in Southeast Asia. He wanted to take the opportunity of returning to Beijing to ask his brother to help investigate you. Unfortunately, he could never return home. Since then, I decided to stay by your side.’
She turned her face and looked at the man in front of her, who was so desolate that it seemed as if he had lost the whole world, and said, ‘Unfortunately, you were just too cautious. I searched for a whole year and found nothing. I once cracked the password of your computer and peeked at the files you locked in the drawer, and still found nothing. In the end, I was desperate. I knew that I could only find another way to get revenge. My father once said that the best way to take revenge on a person is not to put him to death, but to destroy the things he values most, which will make his life worse than death. Besides power and position, money and revenge, what is the most important thing to you? I can’t think of an answer other than myself. You have spent so much time, money, manpower, material resources, used so many means, and sacrificed the lives of so many people just to get me – this woman who has long since ceased to belong to you. Since that’s the case, I’ll simply let you get nothing.’
He looked at her with reddened eyes and shook his head sadly, ‘It’s not that I’m cautious, but after you got well, I didn’t want to have any more involvement with them, and only wanted to live a good life with you, so …… I’ve been doing serious business for the past two years.’
She looked at him, shook her head and laughed lightly, ‘So that’s how it is, I almost forgot, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge is also your speciality.’
Unconsciously, it was already dark, and the bedroom was obscurely dark, as if drawing a grey rest for a once beautiful life. The birth of a life, whether splendid, or pale, whether noble, or lowly, are all equally sad and inexorable when they terminate.
‘In fact, you don’t have to be like this, really don’t have to be like this ……’ The person who hadn’t spoken for a long time finally opened his mouth, but every note that came out of his mouth contained sadness, ’You only have to say one sentence, you don’t want to see me again, just say one sentence that I will ……‘
’Will you let me go?’ She interrupted him, ‘You wouldn’t. From beginning to end, you have no idea how to love people, and perhaps, you don’t know how to love yourself. For the past two years, I’ve tried to see the world from your point of view, with your mind, and I thought I could enjoy the thrill of revenge like you, but it turned out to be a rim job. It’s been hard for me, and I’m not happy at all. The suffering we once suffered cannot be a reason for us to hurt others, this truth we should have learnt a long time ago, shouldn’t we?’
‘Yes ……’ he nodded gently.
‘Unfortunately, we’ve come too far.’ She stretched out her yellowish fingers and gently stroked his bloodless face, ‘You just said that you don’t care about me at all, and that you wouldn’t shed a single tear if I died. I hope that’s true, if that’s the case, my revenge won’t be considered a success, and I’ll be able to go away clean. If you’re innocent in life, you’ll be at peace in death. Living is hard enough, I don’t want to die without peace.’
He looked at her pale but placid face and watched her greet death with openness. He did not know what he should say, what more he could do. What was in front of him was out of his control, she was right in front of him but a nightmare he could never control.
He took her hand in his and held her chin up with one hand, ‘You’re right, you’re still my wife now, and I won’t let you leave me. I told you that even if you die, you will have my last name engraved on your tombstone. So don’t you think of avoiding me at the end of the day, hugging his portrait alone and finding a deserted place to die secretly, I won’t allow it.’
She slowly drew her hand back from his and set the panel aside, lying back slowly and saying with some weariness, ‘If that is what you wish for, then so be it. I’m too tired to last any longer. In fact, I should have died a long time ago ……’
Her eyes looked at the ceiling in a daze, tears blurring her vision, ’Back then, when I was thrown in that abandoned glass factory by Lu Renxie, I should have died. But I refused to accept my fate, he cut my throat with broken glass, not completely cutting the arteries in my neck, he didn’t want me to die too fast and too comfortably, but he didn’t expect that I would crawl out on my own.’
‘Because that’s you, you’ve always been resigned to your fate.’
She slowly closed her eyes and murmured, ‘Forty minutes ……’
‘From the time he put the phone down to the time he heard the sirens, it took exactly forty minutes. But to me, it was like four days, four months …… No, it should have been four centuries. He used an iron pliers and pulled out my nails one by one ……’
He covered her mouth, tears falling on her face one by one, and choked, ’Don’t say anymore, he’s already dead.’
Wei Hei pulled away from his cold hand and shook her head, misty with tears, and said in a trance, ‘Is he dead? He’s not, he lives in my heart. The things he did to me, I tremble with fear every time I think about them. The wounds and humiliations he has inflicted across my body, I cannot forget till the day I die. As soon as I was idle, as soon as my mind stopped functioning, that deep-rooted fear would worm its way into my brain and give me no peace. The good thing is, it’s all over. I can finally be relieved ……’
His kiss landed on her parched lips, and she opened her eyes, looked into his tear-filled eyes, and said to him, ’The child that you aborted three years ago, was yours. Falling River and I, we didn’t do it completely. This is my second child with you, the first one was killed by Lu Renxie, it turned into a ball of blood and died in my stomach.’
He violently closed his eyes, the sky and the earth ……
was dark for a few minutes, and then opened them again, saw her quiet eyes, he kissed her forehead, and said hoarsely, ‘I know. Sleep well, when you wake up, it’s all over.’

Chapter 63 No More You

Ruan Shao Nan walked into his study and locked the door. Then sat down on a chair and looked at the empty pill box in his hand. He had had the chance to call it off. But he didn’t. He selfishly thought that if she forgot everything, they would have a chance to start over, but he forgot that there is a God in the sky who has laid a dragnet for him, and there is no way for him to escape.
She finally died on these drugs, and he witnessed her zero, but did not know.
It tore at his heart and lungs! Not wanting to think about it any longer, he pulled open a drawer and pulled out a shiny pistol. He looked at the murder weapon and smiled a smile as quiet as Unh’s as his soul flew out of his body and back to a distant, veiled in warm golden muslin, past.
The clear sky, the maple trees of the southern mountains, the refreshing autumn breeze blowing quietly through the twilight courtyard. He wore a white shirt, facing the slanting sun of twilight autumn to look at her from afar, watching her get smaller and smaller, changing back to fourteen years old, the way she was when they first met.
She was wearing a white cloth skirt, her long dark hair like pouring moonlight, holding an injured puppy, looking at him with tears streaming down her face, ‘Hachi is dying, can you help me save him?’
He leaned down and looked into her crystal eyes, but for a moment, they were destined for a lifetime of indulgence.

He picked up the pistol and pointed it at his temple, tilted his face up and looked at the dark ceiling. The world was so quiet before his death, and the sadness in his heart gradually ceased, just like the waves of the tide, with the sun, moon and stars brightly ebbing and flowing, and finally returned to peace.
The darkness around him gradually dispersed, he closed his eyes, heard the years change, white colt, saw the beautiful face of the fourteen year old Wei Hei, she was holding Xiaohachi, with a sweet smile gently waving to him. Then turned around and disappeared in a golden haze.
At the last moment he still wondered, if everything had started from the beginning, would they have had a different ending?
The answer was no, it wouldn’t. Because he was Ruan Shao Nan, by nature, he had no choice, just like he could never give up his obsession with her, it was his instinct, his destiny.
A tear slipped silently in the darkness as he said, ‘I can’t make you leave me, I can only do this to relieve your pain, to relieve my own. So, Max, take me away ……’

The mournful sound of gunfire tore through the silent night, like a violent fist smashing into people’s frightened and misplaced hearts, drifting under the busy and noisy neon lights, stinging in the long and misty night.
Wei Hei opened her eyes in the darkness, heard the maid’s terrified screams, overlapping footsteps, the butler’s panicked tapping on the door, the urgent siren …… all the sounds in her ears alternately, like the tide of the dark night gradually came to her, and then slowly recede.
She touched the drawing board in her hand, and cold tears flowed out along the corner of her eyes, falling on the face of the man in the painting who was as beautiful as a statue, and falling on his beautiful flower text.
Chao Ying, the most beautiful and bewitching dahlia, symbolises eternal happiness and hope, yet carries a deadly allure.
Once you step into it, you will never be able to return. The distance between heaven and hell is so close, so close that you can’t tell the line, like the feeling of revenge, painful and sweet.
All the way, all the way desolate, travelling to the end of the water, lost is themselves.

After Ruan Shao Nan’s death, Wei Hei buried him in a cemetery in Nanshan. The grave is surrounded by tall maple trees, with lush foliage and evergreen cover. However, when autumn arrived, the forest was full of colour and the maple leaves were like fire, like being in a golden dreamland, warm and genial.
She knew that he would have loved it.
A grand funeral was held for him, with famous families giving tearful speeches in the church, the choir singing a mournful requiem for him, and the priest praying sincerely for his soul to ascend to heaven and rest in peace.
People gathered at his grave with flowers, sprinkled the petals with the earth, and wept and sobbed in silence. But they wondered why his widow, his only relative in the world, behaved so silently and quietly.
Because they do not know how many stories, how many tragedies, how many heartbreaking secrets are hidden behind this tragedy.
They know even less, behind this tragic death, is a legend of the pouring city ……
Only she knows all the secrets, and only she knows that the deepest mourning, not on the face, not in the meaningless tears of the spectators, but in the heart.

Wei Hei inherited all of Ruan Shao Nan’s estate, including the Lu family’s property that he had swindled away from her back then. Accompanied by Wang Dongyang, she sat in the lawyer’s building and listened to Ruan Shao Nan’s lawyer explain his property to her one by one.
He listened woodenly to the astonishing string of figures, his heart unable to send the slightest ripple.
Everyone comes into this world empty-handed and leaves without taking anything with them. However, this does not mean that the dead will not leave behind pain and regret for the living, as well as blood debts that cannot be repaid.
When he left the law firm, Wang Dongyang told Wei Hei that Ru Fei and Ji Mo were not dead. At the time, Chi Mo had suffered a serious head injury trying to protect her, and Ruan Shao Nan had hidden them in a sanatorium and kept them under house arrest.
However, Wei Hei told him that she knew this already. She and Ruan Shao Nan have been a couple for three years, and it’s hard to keep secrets from each other.
Wang Dongyang was surprised by the calmness and unperturbed nature of the woman in front of him. He suddenly realised that perhaps everything had been in her grasp all along, including when his dead boss would die and in what way he should die.
And what happens next moves the entire city.
Ruan Shao Nan’s widow donated most of his estate, in his name, to the families of the victims of the plane crash three years ago. The shares of Yi Tian were sold to Gu Yongling of the Fu Huang Group for a nominal price.
This poor woman is still regretting her betrayal, but does not yet know that the real murderer of her disfigurement and disability is her so-called fiancé.
The rest of the property was donated to the World Children’s Fund.
Only the Lu family’s old mansion, which Wei Hei left to Ji Mor and Rufei, belonged to her mother’s estate.
When the dust settled, she picked a sunny, cloudless day to pay her respects to her late husband, the man she had loved as her life, the man who had eaten her flesh and thirsted for blood.
She sat on the grass, leaning against his tombstone, just like when she was a child on a swing, nestled in his arms.
She looked up at the clear blue sky and said to him, ‘I gave all your possessions to those you had hurt in the hope that it would give you peace in death. You once said that you would not allow me to hold his portrait and hide in no one’s place to secretly die. But at this moment, it’s what I want to do the most. I love him as much as I loved you as a teenager. But I never even said ‘I love you’, to him. Can you understand this cone of regret?’
She turned her face, wiped the picture on the tombstone with her sleeve, and said in a low voice, ‘Shao Nan, goodbye forever. If there is an afterlife, I will beg God to let me turn into a tiny fish and chase and play with him in the narrow fish tank. If there is an afterlife, I would rather suffer from war, hunger, poverty, and flooding, but I also hope that in my life, there will be no more you ……’

Chapter 64 – Rain Falling Under the River, White Dew Not Yet Dried

It was already the spring of the following year when Ru Fei received the notice of death from Wei Hei. In the late spring of May, when the flowers were in full bloom, she found her body and the things she had used during her life in a remote but scenic town in the south.
Simple luggage, paints, drawing boards, but there is still an oil painting called ‘Dynasty Shadow’, Ling Luchuan’s appearance on the painting vivid, like a dark hero to bring people out of the tragedy, this is the last work of the life of Hei Wei.
Rufei sat in the cold and damp hut where she had lived, looked at the things she had used, looked at the simple things, and instantly burst into tears.
She had always thought she was alive, but had no idea what world she lived in. At this moment, she knew she was dead, but did not know if she was happy before she died.
Ling Luchuan left with regrets, he never knew if Wei Hei had forgiven her and if she really loved him. Looking at the painting at the moment, Ru Fei knew that Wei Hei loved him, deeply and profoundly.
Unfortunately, he would never know.

Rufei took Maxi’s ashes and her belongings back to the city where they had tried to live, a city that had brought together all their joys, sorrows, pains and memories.
Following Max’s wishes, Rufei did not bury her in the ground, but stood at the top of a hill on a sunny morning with the dew dripping down and scattered her ashes and the painting called ‘The Shadow of the Morning’ into the wind.
She was born in a different bed, and died in the same hole. This was the last wish of Max’s life, and it was fulfilled by her sisters and relatives, as a consolation for her life of trials and tribulations.
At this moment, Rufei, who was in pain, still could not understand why God, who said that God cares for those who work hard and strive for self-improvement, had to give such an ending to Max, who had always tried to live a good life.
As she watched Max’s white ashes dissipate in the wind, she finally realised that perhaps this was exactly the ending Max had hoped for, to be with the one he loved for the rest of his life, until death do us part.

Ten years later, Rufei and Ji Mor opened a small flower shop and became the most ordinary couple in the world. Their life was simple but peaceful. Like all couples in the world, they argued over small things and bickered over trivialities, but they never thought of separating.
Every year during the Ching Ming Festival, they would go to the cemetery in Nanshan Mountain to sweep the grave of a departed friend, even though he had once tried to put them to death.
Ten years later, they once again looked back at everything that happened back then and found that what was once a thousand times and amazing was just a faded memory.
Human beings are such thin-skinned and forgetful creatures.
In this city, no one remembers Ruan Shao Nan, Ling Lu Chuan, and even less remembers Lu Wei Hei. These once glorious names, buried in the sands of time, have become an eternal, unknown secret, a legend that pains everyone who hears it.
However, every year in the late spring and May, Rufei would bring her and Max’s favourite chestnut cake, stepping on the soft grass in the late spring, to the place where the three of them had lived together, to mourn that beautiful and desolate soul, and to trace the beautiful and difficult memories of that period.
This year is still the same ……
Ru Fei, after the florist closed, with the chestnut cake that she had bought long ago, went to the front of the building that had been converted into a youth flat, intending to sit alone in the street garden across the street, remembering the deceased, remembering the past.
However, as she slowly approached with the cake in her hand, she was surprised to see a figure that should not have appeared at this time and place in any case.
The cake in her hand fell to the ground, and she rubbed her eyes until they were raw, unable to believe what she saw in front of her.
She strides over and looks at the man sitting in the wheelchair, excitedly grabbing his hand, ‘Ling Luchuan, you didn’t die?’
The man, however, looked at her in a daze, his beautiful eyes, long eyelashes, revealing a childlike ignorance and confusion.
She looked flabbergasted and held his hand tightly, saying in surprise, ‘Don’t you recognise me?’
‘I’m sorry, Miss, I’m his sister, may I ask who you are ……’
Ru Fei raised her head, looked at the beautiful woman with hot coffee and elegant smile in front of her in a trance, and stammered, ’I’m …… I’m a friend of his, didn’t he crash and die? How did it come to this?’
The beauty looked at her brother with some sadness, ‘In the plane crash back then, our families thought he was dead. Unexpectedly, but we found him during the last search and rescue. Considering his safety, we didn’t let the media report the news out. He was the only survivor of that plane crash, but unfortunately, he suffered a severe impact on his brain during the crash and never woke up. Doctors said it was hopeless until half a year ago, when he miraculously woke up. But after waking up, his whole personality changed. The doctor said that it was the impact that damaged the brain cells, and he is now like a small child.’
Ru Fei looked at the man in front of her in despair, unfamiliar feelings welling up in her heart, making it impossible for her to reunite him with the Ling Luchuan in her memories.
‘Does he still have a chance to recover?’
The beauty shook her head, placing the coffee into Ling Luchuan’s hand and arranging the broken hair in front of his forehead for him, ‘It won’t get better for the rest of his life. But for some reason, ever since he woke up, he has been clamouring to come here. I think he might have to come here to wait for a very important woman, he has been waiting for half a year. Miss, do you know who my brother is waiting for? If you know, can you inform her so that she can come and see him and stop making this poor brother of mine wait foolishly?’
Ru Fei tilted her face up and looked at the sky of the city as if she were looking into a white abyss with white birds flying by and a clear sky.
She held back the tears in her eyes, leaned down, looked at his eyes that were as clear as water, and choked, ‘Lok Chuan, you don’t have to wait any longer, she’s already ……’
Before she finished her words, his lips trembled, and his eyes revealed deep fear, as if begging her, begging her not to say any more, begging her not to extinguish the last ray of hope, the last ray of light in his heart.
She closed her eyes violently and did not say any more after all. When she opened them again, with tears in her eyes, she smiled at him and said, ‘Well, if you want to wait, then wait ……’
She straightened up, left the siblings behind, and walked away without saying anything.
She crossed the street and made her way through the crowds, her panicked tears blurring her vision, and with everything in front of her like a layer of hairy glass, she didn’t know where she was supposed to go.
She did not know how long the man would wait, a year, ten years, twenty years, or a lifetime …… She did not want to think about it.
Miserable grief ripped her chest raw, she bled profusely, she couldn’t breathe.
She stood at the crossroads of the city and heard a wind gently sweeping across the city s street corners, heard flowers blooming silently, heard the sun rising and the moon moving, the grasses and trees glorifying and withering, heard the spring depths like the sea, and the begonias piling up ……
ten years pale, and those who had once cherished each other with their lives walked away alone, leaving them to be like orphans to reacquaint themselves with life.
She gently closed her eyes and heard a voice, as if floating in the sky, looking down on the earth, that voice like a miracle kept saying, ‘The rain falls down the river, and the white dew is not yet dry ……’

The rain falls down the river, and the white dew is not yet dry … …


Tears fell like rain on those who listened, murmuring silently to the sky:

Remember, survival itself is a victory, I’m waiting for you here ……