My ex-boyfriend has been reincarnated as a prince.

Cao Wanqiao: Are we having dinner later?
Ex-boyfriend: Yes.
Cao Wanqiao: Are you doing anything this weekend?
Ex-boyfriend: Yes.
Cao Wanqiao: Are you busy?
Ex-boyfriend: Yes.
Then Cao Wanqiao decided to split up with this cold and taciturn male god.

One unfortunate day, Cao Wanjiao was pushed to go to the imperial examination to replace the fourth daughter of her third cousin in the capital, due to her weak parents and the heartlessness of her family.
Even more unfortunate, she was intercepted by the King of Jing in the middle of the way, just to slap the emperor in the face.
I heard that the King of Jing is domineering and fierce, and he treats human lives like trash. The former queen died an unclear death.

Cao Wanjiao: Would the king like some tea?
King of Jing: Yes.
Cao Wanqiao: Your Highness, if you have something to do, just go ahead.
Jing Wang: I’m not busy.
Cao Wanqiao: Your Highness, are you settled?
Jing Wang: Yes, I’ll be right there.
Then Cao Wanqiao decided to split it…no, she couldn’t. T_T
*This article is relatively mundane, so angels who mind it should enter with caution~
*Cold, aloof bookish male lead X soft, cute, slow female lead.
*The whole story is fictional, the author’s mind is even more empty, don’t be pedantic.
*The author is the heroine’s biological mother, so please feel free to jump in.
Content tags: court marquis, time travel, sweet story
Search keywords: main character: Cao Wanqiao, Chu Anzhou ┃ supporting character: ┃ other:

Chapter 1
It has been a year since Cao Wanqiao travelled back in time to this era.
It was still the Caos who celebrated her birthday for her to realise that she has been living in this dynasty she does not know for a whole year.
Cao Daniu, her cheap father in this life, smiled particularly honestly and handed her a bulging red cloth bag, saying that it was to celebrate her sixteenth birthday and give her pocket money.
When Cao Wanjiao felt it, she found that it was full of copper coins. Regardless of whether it is modern or ancient, having money makes things easier. Cao Wanjiao sweetly said to Cao Daniu, ‘Thank you, Dad!’
Cao Daniu was a little surprised. His eldest daughter, who had always been sad and quiet, and had only recently started living life to the fullest in the past year, had actually smiled so sweetly at him. Cao Daniu was especially happy and took out two pieces of silver from his waist pocket and gave them to Cao Wanjiao.
Cao Wanqiao smiled even more sweetly.
This lifetime’s cheap mother, Tao, stood up and limped towards her. Cao Wanqiao quickly helped her over, and Tao tenderly took her hand and put a pair of silver bangles on her wrists.
“Your father just doesn’t understand the thoughts of a girl. Who gives money on their daughter’s birthday? Qiaoqiao, don’t you dislike your father?’
No, who doesn’t like money? Cao Wanjiao looked at the silver bangles on her hands. The workmanship was not exquisite, and they were light in weight, but they were enough to make a clinking sound in her head. She was especially moved and helped Mrs. Tao sit down.
‘My daughter doesn’t mind, and you are so good to her.’
Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao were full of joy. They looked at their eldest daughter. Although she was thin and had a naturally melancholy expression, she had at least grown up to be 16 years old.
‘I’ll eat this chicken leg!‘
’This chicken leg is for your sister, you can’t eat it!‘
’I wonder if my sister will let me eat it…”
The noise from the table next to them disrupted this heartwarming scene. The three Cao boys, Cao Dapi (7), Cao Ershu (5) and Cao Sanmo (3), were all drooling over the birthday feast prepared for Cao Wanqiao.
Cao Wanqiao sighed a little, thinking back to when she first came over, she always had a headache when she saw these three brats. Now, well, they are still brats!
She ignored her three younger brothers and walked over to the side. Cao Xiaobao, the Cao family’s two-year-old youngest daughter, was playing by herself in the corner, twirling around. As soon as Cao Wanqiao saw the chubby, smiling little face, her heart melted. She picked up her little sister and announced to everyone, ‘My drumstick is for Xiaobao to eat!’
The three mischievous children wailed, and Cao Xiaobao gave Cao Wanqiao a kiss on the cheek.
‘Sister, I like it!”
Cao Daniu and Tao Shi both laughed when they saw this.
Cao Wanqiao especially doted on this little sister. As soon as she arrived in the past, Cao Xiaobao didn’t know how to walk yet. Seeing her lying on the bed half dead, she staggered over, patted her chest with her chubby hands, as if to comfort her. Cao Wanqiao immediately burst into tears, and from then on, she was the one who liked Cao Xiaobao the most in the Cao family.
The Cao family was just a small family, and the so-called birthday banquet was just a time for everyone to get together and eat a lot. When it was time to go to sleep, they would go to sleep. Cao Wanqiao, wearing a silver bracelet on her hand and holding a big red money bag, slowly walked back to her room.
In the Cao family, there were three large rooms and three small rooms, all of which were adjacent to each other, but not according to generation. The main room was for Cao Daniu and his wife, and Cao Xiaobao slept with them. The next door large room was where the three younger brothers slept together. Originally, the other large room was supposed to be Cao Wanjiao’s residence, but the original Cao Wanjiao was a loner with a strange personality, and she stubbornly chose the small room, which was farthest away from the rest of the family.
When she first came over, Cao Wanjiao was afraid of being exposed, so she stayed in this small room the whole time. Now that she’s used to it, she’s too lazy to move, and she actually likes having some privacy.
Although the room is small, it has everything a girl needs, including a dressing table and a wooden screen. Cao Wanjiao originally had no concept of ancient life, and thought that this was at least the bedroom of a well-off family’s daughter.
Later, after a few days of headaches and after sorting out her memories, Cao Wanjiao realised that the Cao family was not really rich. After all, Cao Daniu was only a butcher, and the lame Tao family usually did housework and took care of the children at home, without any extra income.
Fortunately, being born into a butcher’s family, it was easier to eat meat and rice than in other families. They have raised five children, all of whom are healthy and strong. Oh, except for Cao Wanjiao’s original body, which is weak and delicate, and it is considered good if she is willing to eat one meal a day. However, she did it herself.
Cao Wanjiao went back to her room, took out a clay pot from under the bed, and laid out the money she had earned today. After counting it, she put it all in the clay pot, along with the two pieces of silver that Cao Daniu had given her out of the blue.
She had never had the habit of saving money. Although Cao Wanqiao usually had no place to spend money and had no idea what kind of expenses she would have in the future, it was always a good idea to save some. After a year of saving, she had at least five taels of silver. Having money in her hand made her feel at ease.
Cao Wanqiao freshened up, opened the window, which faced the courtyard, and looked up just in time to see the crescent yellow moon.
Although she had travelled to a time and space she had never known, the moon was probably the same. Cao Wanjiao thought to herself, and perhaps even heaven could see the moon. Her father might be looking at the moon right now, thinking of her.
She had no other relatives from her previous life, and had lived with her father ever since she was born. But even her father had left her forever when she was twenty years old.
Cao Wanjiao came over at the age of 23. She was walking on the sidewalk when she was hit from behind by a car. When she came to her senses, it was too late. She could only hear the exclamations of the passers-by, and vaguely heard someone rushing over to save her. She didn’t even feel any pain. When she opened her eyes again, she was already in this small room.
She often comforts herself by thinking that at least her previous incarnation was trouble-free.
It’s just that she had just crossed over, and it was especially tragic.
The original Cao Wanqiao happened to have the same name, and perhaps fate was really a bit unfavourable, causing her to sigh and grumble all the time, hiding in her own little world, with no friends and no closeness with her family.
When Cao Wanqiao crossed over, the original body had already hanged herself three times.
The first time, her eighth great-uncle, who ran a pig farm in the clan, had arranged a marriage for her with the stupid son of a landlord who had already died three wives.
The original body was not stupid. If someone is stupid, they can’t have died three wives. Can you marry someone like that? But Eighth Uncle was running the pig farm, and if the family didn’t do what Eighth Uncle said, they would run out of meat, which would mean the family would lose their livelihood. The original body got more and more scared, so she simply hanged herself.
However, the family knew that she was upset about her marriage prospects and kept a close eye on her. She was quickly rescued. When Eighth Uncle heard about it, he was very upset. He really drove her to her death. If word got out, he would be spat at and drowned! So he gave up the idea of marrying the son of a wealthy landowner.
The second time, it was again Eighth Uncle who wanted to make friends with a wealthy family. This time, he was introduced to the wealthiest man in the county, who was looking for a 12th concubine.
It is said that this Eighth Uncle, who owns a pig farm, has money, but those wealthy families don’t like to associate with him. He is still determined to climb up to those powerful families, but he is short of connections. By chance, he learned that the eldest daughter of the Cao Daniu family is quite attractive. Previously, it was the landlord’s family who took the initiative to approach them. Eighth Uncle therefore came up with the crooked idea of a marriage alliance. He only has one son, so he is eyeing someone else’s daughter.
Cao Daniu relies on him to sell meat, so who else would he manipulate if not him?
Second concubine, no need for more explanation, Cao Wanjiao’s original body hung itself again.
Naturally, it didn’t work, and this time, Eighth Uncle didn’t take it seriously. As long as someone is alive, they can be carried into the richest family’s house. It was Cao Daniu who mustered the courage to go to the richest family’s house and say that he would not marry his daughter. The richest family was not happy, and they didn’t care about this second concubine, so they simply let it go.
This time, the Eighth Uncle was angry and simply cut off Cao Daniu’s supply. The Cao family suffered terribly during that period. They could not save up any money, and even if they saved and scrimped, it would soon be used up.
Cao Daniu had to resort to odd jobs like before he became a butcher, but in the end, he was too old to work quickly and was often rejected. With the family eating less and less, he had no choice but to go to Eighth Uncle Gong and beg. With the help of a few elders in the clan, Eighth Uncle Gong reluctantly began to provide Cao Daniu with a living again.
But the Cao family knew in their hearts that they could not afford to offend Eighth Uncle Gong again.
Finally, there was a third time. This time, the match that Eighth Uncle Gong introduced was at least more reliable than the previous ones. The county magistrate had no son and planned to marry his second wife to carry on the family line.
Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao were a little swayed. Marrying into the official family was something that a commoner woman could never ask for. It wasn’t a concubine who served the man for his pleasure, either. It was a wife who would bear sons and had a much higher status than a concubine.
This time, Cao Wanqiao sensed her parents’ thoughts and stopped crying. In her small room, she tore her clothes in silence and threw them over the beam as a rope.
This was the time when Cao Wanjiao made it through.
She lay on the ground, next to the broken length of cloth, and was immediately flooded with memories of her previous life.
With her head throbbing, she groped her way to the bed and lay down. Tao’s wife, however, came in, crying and laughing, and took her hand, saying, ‘My dear, you needn’t worry. The county magistrate and his wife are pregnant. They said they’ll wait and if they have a son, they won’t take a second wife!’
Cao Wanjiao didn’t understand a word, and when she saw her hugging her head and tossing, Tao Shi thought she had caught a cold and hurriedly asked Cao Daniu to call a doctor. Cao Wanjiao took her medicine every day on time, and it was only after a few days that she sorted out her memories of her previous life and the fact that she had travelled through time.
From then on, she gave up her previous bad habits and became sensible and eager to improve… No!
Cao Wanjiao was both afraid and sympathetic towards her original body’s situation. She could not bear to be unable to control her own marriage and live a life of dependence on others, which was a world of difference from her previous life.
She really wanted to live a life of laziness and idleness. Although her original body was weak-willed and reckless, she could understand the reason why she had tried to commit suicide.
After all, the marriage she had hoped for would have been a proper marriage between two families of similar status.
But what she saw in her original body was that she didn’t even stand a chance.
When Cao Wanjiao was able to get up, the first thing she did was move a stool and take a long piece of cloth, thinking that she could hang herself!
Maybe she could still put it back on?
She got on the stool and looked down. Oh, it’s so high, I’m dizzy.
For a moment, she forgot that she was afraid of heights, and she trembled slightly just a few dozen centimetres off the ground.
Cao Wanjiao trembled as she slowly climbed down, let out a breath, and said, ‘Let’s see what happens.’
She was so reluctant to die or live, and she had spent this year cautiously living this life, gradually becoming accustomed to it.
I don’t know if it was Cao Wanjiao’s luck, but the county magistrate’s wife later gave birth to a son, and Eighth Uncle didn’t continue to introduce her to any more marriage prospects that year.
Cao Wanjiao, who had the same name, had just crossed over to live for a year. It was a pity that the night the original body disappeared a year ago happened to be the original body’s birthday.
For Cao Wanjiao, it was the anniversary of her death in her previous life.
Cao Wanjiao folded her hands, closed her eyes and bowed to the moon.
May the original body, that little girl who was prone to melancholy, be able to smile happily somewhere.
After bowing for a while, she suddenly thought that before she died in her previous life, she seemed to have caught a glimpse of a particularly brave passer-by in the corner of her eye, who had rushed over to try to save her. However, everything happened too quickly, and she could only tell that he was a tall man. She also wondered if the passer-by had been safe. Maybe the unlucky man had also been hit by a car and killed…
Alas, I pray to the moon that the kind passer-by can rest in peace in heaven.
The author has something to say:
Someone: I’m still alive, okay…
New article, please support and read it~
The little angels who have bookmarked it are all heavenly beings, peerless in beauty!
This article is in a more relaxed tone, so you can read it while relaxing.
I also recommend that you read my completed ancient novel ‘The Happy Life of the First-Class Lady’. The main text has ended, and the four extra chapters will be finished soon!
The sequel ‘Your Smile, Empress’ is available for pre-order. Little angels who are interested can bookmark it in the column and collect it~
When the seventh prince, Meng Chen, was thirteen years old, he got into a fight with his brother and was seriously injured and bedridden.
His best friend came to visit him with his five-year-old sister, Shi Wei.
He couldn’t help but pinch her rosy cheeks.
‘This fat girl doesn’t even smile when visiting a sick person.’
Shi Wei looked at him expressionlessly.
‘Your Highness was injured like this, so you’re obviously not good at fighting. You should stop in the future.’
Several years later, Meng Chen, who had been exiled to guard the imperial tomb,
returned to the capital with a murderous aura and war exploits.
He robbed Shi Wei’s bridal palanquin and lifted the curtain to take a look.
He saw the little pink girl from back then had blossomed into a stunning beauty.
She sat inside expressionless, holding a dagger.
Meng Chen smiled and said, ‘Put the knife down. No matter what, you can’t beat me.’

Chapter 2
Cao Wanjiao’s original body was that of a young girl who liked to hide in her room. No one could figure out what she was thinking, and she rarely went out and about. After Cao Wanjiao came back, she was afraid of being found out, so she was even more afraid to say or do anything.
However, as time passed, her true nature gradually came out a little. At least she had more contact with her family in this life. Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao were very happy about this, as they were always afraid that their eldest daughter would be bored to death.
Cao Wanjiao always felt a little guilty for taking the place of someone else’s daughter. She would often help with the daily household chores, but daily life in ancient times was different from her previous life. It took Cao Wanjiao a long time to figure out how to use the stove to cook rice and the like. Fortunately, the original body had never touched the stove, so she was clumsy at first, and Tao’s family took it for granted.
After Cao Wanjiao figured out the situation in this family, more than half a year had passed. In her observation, the main reason why the original body was played with by Uncle Ba’s marriage was that the livelihood of the whole family depended on Uncle Ba. Although Cao Wanjiao was not confident in her intelligence, she at least knew that if she could change things, it would be necessary to start with the economic situation.
She tentatively suggested other ways to make money to Tao’s, but she never imagined that Cao Daniu and Tao’s had already thought of this. Tao’s said with a bitter smile, ‘It’s all because of me that your father is in trouble. At the beginning, I spent a lot of money on medical treatment for my leg, and it cost us all the family fields. Otherwise, our family would still have fields to rely on today.’
It turned out that Cao Daniu originally lived outside Pinghan City. After his parents died, they left him a field. Fortunately, before they died, they had arranged a marriage for him, with the daughter of the Tao family in the next village. After Tao’s marriage, there were no elders in the family, and they were a young couple. Life was sweet. Every day at noon, Tao would cook lunch and walk to the fields to give it to Cao Daniu, wipe his sweat, and watch him finish eating before going home.
The eldest daughter was born. The young couple still had some savings at this time, and they were especially fond of their first child. Cao Daniu took the money to the schoolmaster to choose a name. The schoolmaster looked up the ancient books and predicted the fortune, and the name Wanqiao was given. Cao Daniu was very happy, thinking that his daughter had such an elegant name and her future would certainly be extraordinary.
But fate was fickle. One day, Mrs. Tao left her daughter at her neighbour’s house and went to deliver Cao Daniu’s meal as usual. On the way, she was suddenly frightened by a snake and fell into a deep pit. When she was found, she was already dying.
Cao Daniu was so worried that he called the village doctor, who said that she was dying after just one look. Cao Daniu was furious and went to the city that night. As soon as the city gates opened in the morning, he went to the most famous doctor and sold his land and belongings to pay for the medicine, saving Tao’s life.
However, Tao also lost the use of one leg and had to rest for a long time.
With no land left in the family, Cao Daniu went to work as a farmhand and did odd jobs here and there. The villagers didn’t stop talking about how Tao’s husband had killed his wife. Tao could only stay at home and cry while taking care of their child.
When Tao finally recovered, the couple welcomed their second child. This time, they didn’t have the money to hire someone to name the baby, but Cao Daniu insisted that the name had to sound scholarly, so they settled on Daxian, which means ‘big pen’.
After the birth of their son, Mrs. Tao was relieved, but the family’s financial situation became increasingly difficult. Cao Daniu thought that this was not going to work, and after much consideration, he gritted his teeth and went to apprentice with the butcher.
Because butchers kill many lives, it makes people feel that they have a heavy karma. Generally, if a family has land, they will not go into this trade. Even Cao Daniu felt that he would not live long.
But for the sake of his family, Cao Daniu still plucked up the courage to learn and do it. Fortunately, the eighth uncle in the clan openly ran a pig farm, and since they were all relatives, the eighth uncle was also able to find an extra place to sell his goods, and they began to cooperate.
As a result, their lives gradually became more comfortable. Cao Daniu thought that since they didn’t have a field in the village, and their customer base was limited, they planned to move the whole family into the city.
Of course, the ancestral home could not be sold, and it only had a few rooms. Cao Daniu rented it to the villagers and collected the rent for ten years at a time, finally saving up enough money to rent a place in the city. Eighth Uncle had a wide range of contacts in the city, and after renting a stall and paying the protection fee, Cao Daniu settled down in the city.
This is why Cao Daniu and his wife dared not disobey Eighth Uncle, who had been so domineering in meddling in Cao Wanqiao’s marriage. Eighth Uncle had really been kind to their family.
As the years passed, Cao Daniu made money, and the first thing he did was buy a house for his family. It was because they had more and more children, and they could no longer live in the rented house. The new place they bought was in the market area, which had a strong smell and was complicated to get in and out of. However, the price was affordable, and Cao Daniu could do business there conveniently. After living there for a while, they got used to it.
After saving for so many years, they had their own house, and the family was very happy to live there with peace of mind.
As for the family’s efforts to find new sources of income, Cao Daniu had no intention of letting his sons inherit the butcher’s business. He also wanted to take on the killing himself, and his sons should find proper jobs.
Moreover, he also wanted to buy back the ancestral fields, so he had already contacted the village. In two or three years, Cao Dabi would be able to work in the fields, and he planned to send him to the countryside to help with the farming.
After learning this, Cao Wanqiao felt a little anxious. Cao Dapi will not be able to earn money for the family for another two or three years, and she fears that he will not be able to earn much money in the short term. If Eighth Uncle comes again, she will have to become someone’s concubine.
But Cao Wanqiao herself doesn’t know how to do anything. The clerical work she did in her previous life is useless here. The characters she recognizes are all different, and she is a young woman, where can she find clerical work?
Besides, the original body had never been to school and could barely read or write. If she were to stand up and say that she could read and write, she would probably be immediately treated like a stray ghost and thrown into the temple.
She remembered reading some novels in the past, and while she had no way of inventing things, sewing was more reliable for getting rich, so she proposed it to the Tao family.
Tao’s wife thought she was joking. ‘Silly child, how much can a handkerchief cost? If we work on it, we won’t even be able to buy a few grains of rice with the money we make.’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback. After asking carefully, she realised that in families like theirs, the powder used on handkerchiefs was not expensive, and that embroidering a few flowers on clothes yourself was still acceptable. If you sold it, the shopkeeper would definitely not appreciate it.
First, you need to prepare the fabric and silk thread, and then you can aim for a high price.
But Cao Wanqiao could not think of any other way. She embroidered quietly in her room. Not to mention the fact that she had no experience at all, her needlework was unbearable to look at, and it was also harmful to her eyes. Embroidering at night also wasted oil, and the money for oil was enough to buy a few handkerchiefs.
She observed that Mrs. Tao’s craftsmanship was also ordinary. It was okay for her to mend clothes for her family, but for embroidery and other things, the Tao family was too busy with household matters to bother with it.
But Cao Wanjiao didn’t expect that her proposal to earn extra income would give Mrs. Tao inspiration.
Doesn’t your family sell meat? Tao’s family sells meat. So Tao kept a few catties of meat at home, and she still knew how to make dried and smoked meat. She tried making some and her family thought it tasted good. Cao Daniu asked her to make more, and they sold it together at the stall.
They had a source of meat, which saved a lot of costs. The family did earn some extra money. Tao became more diligent in making dried meat, and Cao Wanqiao also helped.
From preparing the ingredients to cooking the meat and then smoking it, the three kids also helped out together, which made the process go much faster. Tao was not stingy, and the children who helped out were given pocket money out of the profits as wages. Cao Wanjiao was older and put in more effort, and saved up the wages she received to save up the five taels of silver.
Cao Wanjiao still only had a vague idea of the concept of prices here, but five taels of silver was still not enough for anything useful. She knew this herself, but she didn’t have a golden finger, so she could only help out by drying meat.
Even when she was standing in the kitchen, enduring the heat while cooking the meat, she would drift off and think about her past life, and feel that the present moment was very unreal.
In her previous life, her father had raised her alone, spoiling her rotten. The father and daughter had a good relationship, and her father often told her that she could only have a boyfriend after she graduated from university. Cao Wanjiao complained sweetly, but in her heart she still planned to listen to her father. She rejected any possibility of early love.
However, she never expected that her father would pass away before she graduated from university.
Cao Wanjiao didn’t know how to spend those two years. She woke up crying every day. If it wasn’t for her father’s wish for her to successfully complete university, she simply wouldn’t have wanted to go to class.
Her father left behind an inheritance that was enough to support her for a few years of study, as well as a house, so she had no worries about her livelihood for the time being. However, she felt like a walking corpse every day, suddenly without a purpose in life. Her friends were worried about her, but she just wanted to hide away, remembering the bits and pieces of her life with her father every day.
She barely graduated and got an unremarkable clerical job. After all, she was living under someone else’s roof and making a living, so Cao Wanjiao picked herself up and led a regular life as an ordinary white-collar worker.
Boyfriends and the like have not crossed her mind since her father died.
It was her friends who couldn’t bear to see her like that any longer and introduced her to someone. They said he was a senior at the same university as her who was doing a PhD. They sent Cao Wanjiao a photo, and she liked the face, which had a particularly nice complexion, with a pair of single eyelids on a white face, a straight nose and a pair of gold-rimmed, thin-framed glasses.
He just didn’t seem to smile very often, and looked like he was focused on his studies.
Cao Wanjiao thought that her friend had been so considerate, and she liked the look of his face, so she gave it a try.
When they met, she realised that he really was just as she had imagined: serious and focused on his studies.
He was still studying physics, and Cao Wanjiao still couldn’t remember what they had talked about during their first meeting. Later, she found out that he was a famous university hunk, the ‘flower of Gaoling’, and she was particularly shocked. How could he want to go out with her?
She asked her friends about it and found out that he had also seen her photos and agreed to meet her because she might meet his aesthetic standards.
Cao Wanjiao doesn’t consider herself a beautiful woman. She has a round face and round eyes, and she is short. She just often hears people say that she looks comfortable, which is a plus. She never imagined that this was the type of person the male god liked.
At least he likes her face, so Cao Wanjiao, with a big heart, continued to meet him a few times. Although the male god is less talkative, he is quite generous and kind-hearted… I guess he is kind? Mainly because Cao Wanjiao finds his face pleasing to the eye, so when the male god asked her to be his girlfriend, Cao Wanjiao only hesitated for one night before agreeing.
Later… Cao Wanjiao felt that there was nothing particularly memorable about it. Anyway, they broke up, so she just put it behind her.
Hey, when I think about it, I was able to have a relationship in my past life, but in this life, my marriage prospects are still hanging over my head like a sword.
She is sixteen years old, and in ancient times, she could definitely marry and have children. Not to mention her great-uncle, shouldn’t she actively plan for her marriage?
The author has something to say:
Someone: You should continue to reminisce about your relationship!

Chapter 3
Since she had to plan her own marriage, Cao Wanqiao finished cooking the meat and went over to Tao’s side. Tao was preparing the ingredients, and Cao Wanqiao washed her hands and helped.
She asked seemingly innocently, ‘Mother, at what age did you marry our father?’
Tao answered offhandedly, ‘Sixteen or seventeen.’
You really got married so young? Cao Wanqiao made a sad face. ‘I’m the same age as her now.’
Tao Shi looked up and saw her daughter’s expression, and said with a smile, ‘That was in the countryside. In Pinghan City, there were many girls who didn’t get married until they were 18.’
So there were still two years to go. Cao Wanqiao let out a small sigh of relief, and she asked tentatively, ‘I’m a little afraid that Eighth Uncle will come again to arrange a marriage for me. Does you have anyone in mind, someone suitable for your daughter?’
The Tsao family was not a wealthy family, and young girls were not scolded for talking about these things. Mrs. Tao had not avoided the topic of marriage when they had previously chatted, so naturally Tsao Wanqiao asked about it.
Unexpectedly, when it came to the topic of her own match, Mrs. Tao’s tone became serious. ‘Although I don’t like the matchmaking your eighth uncle mentioned either, don’t pry into these matters with me. I know you’re still pining for your cousin from the Tsao family!’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback. What? Cousin Tao?
‘Put these in the pot for me.’
Cao Wanqiao was about to ask again, but Mrs. Tao changed the subject. She had no choice but to help Mrs. Tao put the chopped ingredients into the cauldron.
But she was still thinking about it, shocked that the original body actually had a sweetheart.
Cousin Tao, that is, someone from Tao’s family. Presumably, the original body had previously revealed feelings for this cousin Tao, which made Tao discover that she was very fond of her daughter and would oppose this marriage. It must be because of her family.
Cao Wanjiao felt that her reasoning was not bad, but when searching the original body’s memories, a dark and honest face vaguely emerged. But she didn’t feel that the original body had other thoughts.
She was racking her brain trying to figure out what was going on with the Tao family cousin. She couldn’t ask the Tao family again, so she thought about it for a while. This family was so small, maybe the naughty child would know?
She picked the eldest son, Cao Dabin, and without saying anything else, asked, ‘Have you spoken to your cousin recently?’
Cao Dabin was in the courtyard helping to chop wood. He said that the wood, which was already half-cut by Cao Daniu, was for Cao Dabin to finish cutting. He listened to this and looked at Cao Wanqiao warily. ‘Sister, you’re thinking about your cousin again?’
It’s true that there are quite a few people in this family who know about it. Cao Wanqiao pretended to be sad and said, ‘I’m just concerned about my relatives, what are you thinking?’
Cao Dabin didn’t believe it at all, and while continuing to chop wood, he said, ‘Grandpa’s family dislikes us so much for being butchers, and every time we go back for the New Year, they look down on my mother and us the most. Big sister, don’t think about your cousin anymore, grandpa and grandma won’t agree to you marrying back there in the first place.’
I see. Cao Wanjiao then deeply felt the difference between having a farm and not having one. In her opinion, butchers can make money and eat meat, which is very beneficial, but they are still looked down upon by farmers. She herself doesn’t care, but Tao’s family is so pitiful, they are despised by their own parents just because their husband is a butcher.
‘Fine, I don’t care about these kind of relatives.’ Cao Wanjiao then put her cousin behind her and left after saying this.
Cao Dabi was puzzled when he heard her give such a curt reply.
In fact, Cao Wanjiao didn’t want to get married either. In her opinion, at sixteen, she was still a child. In her previous life, at sixteen, she only worried about her daily studies and what clothes to wear when going out with friends the next day, and other such trivial worries. But here, in order to avoid being treated as a concubine, she actually had to find a way to marry someone.
Alas, it would be so much better to stay at home. In fact, the Cao family lives in such a comfortable environment, and they are not constantly being called in by their superiors to be scolded, as they were in their previous life.
In order to find out more about what other options she might have, Cao Wanjiao began to go shopping with Mrs. Tao.
Tao’s legs and feet were not very convenient, and Cao Daniu was busy with his business, so he had a regular delivery service from the familiar vegetable sellers. Occasionally, Tao would still go out to the street to see what was available. In the past, Cao Wanjiao rarely accompanied her mother out, but after the time travel, Cao Wanjiao was afraid to go out easily. Only once or twice did she go out with the whole family on holidays when she was very curious.
Cao Wanqiao helped Tao Shi get to the street and then quietly acted as her silent young girl. Tao Shi bought a few random things, and Cao Wanqiao didn’t see any young men from the neighbourhood along the way. They were all rough and unsophisticated, or picking their teeth with their bare feet. The hygiene habits were really unbearable to her.
When she finally saw someone she heard was the same age as her, Cao Wanqiao suddenly realised that this was really too young for her, whose psychological age was already in her twenties!
Cao Wanjiao was disheartened, but Tao didn’t notice. She took her daughter’s hand and went to the fabric shop, planning to buy some fabric for the family to make clothes.
The shopkeeper knew her, so they struck up a conversation. ‘Do you know, madam, that the county magistrate’s daughter is going to be selected to enter the palace, so we have been asked to prepare some fine fabrics. I hear she has also ordered many pieces of jewellery from Baibao House, all for her to wear when she is selected.’
This was the first time Mrs Tao had heard of this, and as she picked out the fabric she asked, ‘The emperor is going to hold a selection? If the county magistrate’s daughter is selected, will she become a concubine? Then the county magistrate will become the concubine’s father?’
The cloth merchant’s boss, however, gave a subtle expression. ‘I have seen the girl from the county magistrate’s family… Well, I can only say that there are so many people entering the imperial examinations, and it is not certain that they will be selected. Looking at what the county magistrate has prepared for his daughter, I feel that the gentleman really hopes that his daughter will enter the palace.’
Cao Wanjiao was a little puzzled. In the TV dramas she watched in her previous life, weren’t the concubines and empresses all the daughters of heroes and noblewomen? She then asked, ‘If the county magistrate’s daughter has to take the imperial examination, then there are so many officials in the imperial court, so many people will have to take the imperial examination, won’t they?’
Since the Tao family rarely took their daughter out, the manager of the cloth shop thought that Cao Wanjiao was just a gossip and answered enthusiastically, ‘This imperial examination stipulates that all daughters of officials below the sixth rank, between the ages of fifteen and eighteen, must take the imperial examination. There are many people, but those who have already been promised in marriage or are already married will be eliminated, and only the rest will enter the palace to take the imperial examination!’
Cao Wanjiao finally understood. She was a simple-minded person, and guessed that it might not be appropriate for the daughters of high-ranking officials to be rejected. However, if they were relatively attractive and were forced to enter the palace, the emperor himself would suffer. It would be better to only accept those below the sixth rank, and only the pretty ones would be selected.
“In fact, if the county magistrate had gone to beg the Prince Jing, he could have exempted his daughter from the selection. But he didn’t, and even prepared all these gold and silver jewellery. It can be seen that our county magistrate has quite high aspirations!’
The manager of the cloth shop smiled mysteriously, and Tao Xiyi came to understand and agreed: ‘If I were to say, the county magistrate’s daughter will definitely marry well, and if she has to compete for the favour of others, it will be too much trouble.’
Cao Wanjiao heard that there was also a way to avoid the imperial examination, and she remembered that since she had travelled back in time, the most common thing she had heard people talking about was the Prince Jing, whose fiefdom was here in Songzhou. In her original body’s memories, Prince Jing was not the son of the current emperor, but had been in the family for several generations. The emperor seemed to have no sense of presence in this Dajin Dynasty. At least they were far away from the emperor, and when it came to the most respected figure, they would only mention Prince Jing.
For example, as the cloth merchant said, the emperor ordered the selection, but it seems that as long as the Prince Jing blocks it, the women in the state do not need to participate in the selection, and they do not have to worry about offending the emperor. The Prince Jing is such a powerful figure.
However, not many people in Pinghan City know about the Prince Jing. They only know that he is the top boss. No matter how mighty and powerful he is, they don’t know him. After all, the Prince Jing’s residence is in Hangyi, the state capital of Songzhou, which is far away from here. Pinghan County is just a remote small county.
In fact, Tao had already finished selecting the fabric, but she chatted with the shopkeeper until it was time to prepare dinner. Tao paid and asked the shopkeeper to send the cloth to her home with an assistant before reluctantly leaving.
As for the gossip, she just listened to it, but Cao Wanjiao only felt that it was very far away from her.
Who knew that a few days later she would become involved in the selection of candidates?
This also involved the obnoxious Eighth Uncle, who paid another visit. The Cao family had learned their lesson and received him with particular caution. Eighth Uncle was a small, thin old man with long, narrow eyes that looked at people with particular harshness. His sparse white beard hung down to his chin and swayed with the wind whenever he spoke, so that people could not help but pay attention to it.
However, it seemed that Eighth Uncle was just there to chat, rambling on about this and that, and Caodaniu would respond with a few words, unable to figure out Eighth Uncle’s intentions.
Later, Eighth Uncle suddenly looked over at Cao Wanqiao, who was standing nearby, and looked her up and down. Cao Wanqiao felt very uncomfortable and turned away with a frown, disgusted. Only then did Eighth Uncle say, ‘Danniu, do you remember your third cousin? He works as a clerk in the Imperial Sacrificial Rites Bureau in the capital, and his family has three sons and four daughters.’
Cao Danniu was stunned, and nodded, ‘I remember, third cousin is very fertile!’
Uncle Cao was speechless. You yourself have five children, right? They just have two more than you!
‘Actually, their family has recently encountered a bit of trouble. There is only one fourth child left who has not married. Your third elder brother is the seventh-ranking official, and according to the regulations, her fourth child must participate in the imperial examination.’
After Cao Daniu heard this, his expression was full of surprise, and he hurriedly asked, ‘The daughter of the third elder brother’s family is going to participate in the imperial examination? Is our clan going to produce a concubine?’
Cao Wanqiao almost laughed out loud. Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao were a perfect match as a couple, and their reaction was just like each other’s.
However, Eighth Uncle couldn’t laugh. He was speechless again, and sighed deliberately, ‘Is it a good thing if you get selected for the audition? The emperor is over fifty years old now, and he’s not as young and brave as our Lord Jing. What if you get selected as an imperial concubine? The emperor still has to look at the faces of the various princes, doesn’t he? I would say that it’s better to go to the Jing Prince’s mansion and become a foot maid there. That way, you have a future!’
Cao Daniu was confused. Anyway, Eighth Uncle seemed to have a point, so he agreed with him.
Cao Wanqiao’s heart was stirred. Could it be that the power of the feudal lords was so great that the emperor had to look to them for approval? Even ordinary people felt that a future in the feudal lords’ courts was more promising than a future in the palace. It seemed that she didn’t know enough about the imperial power and the forces of separatism in the Da Jin dynasty.
But she just listened and let it go. After all, it wasn’t her business as a commoner.
However, Tao, who had been quietly refilling the tea and passing around fruit while listening to the men’s conversation, looked unhappy when she thought of something.
The author has something to say:
In fact, rough men are also very attractive, hahaha, but our Qiao Qiao likes the clean and handsome male god type~
The author’s other article, ‘The Happy Life of a First-Class Lady,’ is already completely over, so the fattened little angels can start reading it if they’re interested!

Chapter 4
After saying what he wanted to say, Eighth Uncle left. Before he left, he looked at Cao Wanqiao twice. Cao Wanqiao was puzzled by his meaning and suppressed the urge to roll her eyes.
Cao Daniu yawned and muttered, ‘I heard that in the past, as soon as Third Brother was promoted, Eighth Uncle was particularly eager to befriend him and fawned on him in every way, but Third Brother ignored him. Eighth Uncle’s face was lost, and he even said that he didn’t want Third Brother to beg him for help! Why are you talking about Third Brother now? His fourth son is going to the imperial examinations, so what? Is Eighth Uncle gloating over misfortune?”
Cao Wanjiao spoke up to remind him, “Father, it’s gloating over misfortune.”
Cao Daniu slapped his hands together. ’Yes, yes, gloating over misfortune! Hey, our daughter really is insightful!’
Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but gently cover her mouth, almost forgetting that she was supposed to be ‘illiterate’.
Cao Daniu, however, didn’t notice anything unusual. He scratched his head and prepared to doze off. Tao, who was standing nearby, didn’t know what she was thinking and didn’t notice Cao Wanqiao’s words either. She just frowned deeply and called out to Cao Wanqiao when she was about to go back to her room.
‘Qiaoqiao, tomorrow you will go back to my parents’ house with me.’
Cao Wanjiao was stunned, not understanding why Mrs Tao had suddenly thought to take her back to the Tao family.
Mrs Tao, however, said nothing more and slowly walked towards the kitchen. Without explanation, Cao Wanjiao thought she would ask on the way tomorrow.
On second thought, she had never been to the Tao family’s home since her time travel. From what Cao Daniu had said, she should have gone back there during the Chinese New Year and other holidays in the past. It was probably because the Tao family disliked them as butchers and Mrs Tao didn’t want to go back and face their cold faces, so over time they simply stopped going back.
Cao Wanjiao remembered that on the second day of the New Year this year, only Cao Daniu and Tao went back to the countryside together. She didn’t know if they had also gone back to her mother’s house, but they soon returned to the city.
The next morning, Tao came to call Cao Wanjiao, and she made her put on her best clothes and wear the pair of silver bangles she had given her on her birthday. Tao took out a pair of pearl earrings and let Cao Wanjiao wear them.
The pearls were very small and the colour was not good. Tao said, ‘These were left by your grandmother for her daughter-in-law. I can’t bear to wear them. Fortunately, those in the Tao family have never seen these earrings. Hey, Qiaoqiao looks really good in them. If it wasn’t for your father saying that they have to be passed down to the daughter-in-law of the family, I would have given them to you.’
Cao Wanjiao still didn’t understand the meaning of Mrs. Tao’s words. Mrs. Tao touched her earlobe and said, ‘Well, what does it matter? I’m going to give them to my daughter, and see what your father has to say about it.’
Although Cao Wanjiao didn’t understand why, she laughed when she heard this, and Mrs. Tao smiled along with her.
So Cao Wanjiao dressed up even more beautifully than usual, and Mrs. Tao took a few packs of dried meat and walked her to the door. Cao Wanjiao was shocked to see that Mrs. Tao had even hired a carriage!
She helped Mrs. Tao into the carriage together, and the hired driver drove off at the front.
If she was taking her daughter back to her parents’ home to show off her wealth, Cao Wanqiao could understand, but Mrs. Tao’s expression was very serious, and she didn’t know what she was thinking about. Even Cao Wanqiao felt uneasy.
It was okay on the public road, but it was Cao Wanqiao’s first time riding in a carriage, and she almost dozed off. When they turned onto the small path in the fields, it bumped up and down. Cao Wanqiao quickly lifted the curtain to breathe in some fresh air, for fear that she would vomit.
After all this, they finally arrived at the Tao family. As soon as they got off the carriage, the Tao family looked similar to Cao Wanjiao’s original memory. It was considered a big house in the countryside, with a courtyard in front, but it was much more crowded. When they saw the carriage stop in front of the house, all the neighbours came out to see.
As soon as they saw it was the Tao family and her daughter, they all looked at each other. An old couple came out, and Mrs. Tao shouted, ‘Father, mother!’
Cao Wanjiao quickly followed suit and whispered, ‘Grandpa, Grandma!’
The old man frowned and asked with a face full of displeasure, ‘Why did you come back without giving us a heads up? Did something happen?’
This tone was not one of concern. Cao Wanjiao took Mrs. Tao’s hand and held it tighter. A negative impression automatically emerged in her mind. It seemed that the original body did not like this grandfather either.
The old woman next to them looked up and down at the people and carriage, and after rolling her eyes, said, ‘The girls are here, let’s go inside and talk.’
Tao Shi then led Cao Wanjiao inside. When they got to the house, only a few plump women followed, who were Cao Wanjiao’s aunts. The rest of the idle people just looked on curiously from the outside.
Cao Wanjiao looked up and around, and suddenly saw a face that looked disgusted with her. She remembered that it was her eldest aunt, and that the cousin in her impression was her son.
Cao Wanjiao then had a flash of inspiration. In her original body’s memory, that cousin had stopped her alone and talked to her for a while. Later, when the Tao family saw them, there were children nearby who didn’t know any better and said some nonsense and made fun of them. When the Tao family found out, they didn’t look very happy, and they hurriedly took her home.
Did everyone misunderstand her and her cousin that way? Could it be that the rumours spread and turned into her having feelings for her cousin? It was clearly the other person who called her over, wasn’t it?
Cao Wanqiao was also at a loss for words at the original body’s stupidity. The original body probably didn’t have the slightest idea about this cousin. Since she didn’t chat with people much, she didn’t know what she was rumoured to be like, so there was basically no existence of this cousin in her memory!
Wasn’t it natural for cousins to marry in ancient times? But looking at the expression on her sister-in-law’s face, she was sure she didn’t like her very much. No wonder Tao’s family opposed her marrying into their family.
Tao’s family put the dried meat they had brought on the table. Outside, a few children smelled the faint meaty aroma and their mouths watered. They leaned against the door and started to stir. Tao said indifferently, ‘It’s homemade, and the meat is cheap anyway, so I made some extra for the kids to snack on.’
When Tao’s family heard this, they thought it was downright rude!
The Tao family was not poor, they had several acres of land, but they could not support the large family, and they all lived under one roof. It was rare to have a meal with meat every three days, and they had to share it among the group, so how could they eat enough?
Now that Tao described the precious dried meat as snacks for the children, even the elderly Tao couple looked hesitant. The eldest auntie looked at the children and almost wanted to rush in, so she quickly went up and gathered all the dried meat.
‘My sister-in-law is so thoughtful. Jerky is such an expensive thing, how could I let those rascals eat it? I’ll collect it for my parents. My parents can eat it to nourish their bodies.”
The old Tao couple’s faces looked much better. Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but feel indignant. In their family, the Cao family, they would get tired of eating jerky at every meal, but the Tao family treats it like a tonic? With such a tight economy, they can’t even let go of their pride and dislike their son-in-law for becoming a butcher. It turns out that they are just a bunch of confused people.
The other aunts saw their eldest aunt putting away the dried meat and gave her an expression of disapproval. However, they couldn’t argue with her claim that she was doing it on behalf of their parents-in-law, so they just kept their thoughts to themselves.
“I haven’t been back to see my parents for a long time, and I just wanted to see how you two are doing. Now that I’ve seen that you’re both quite healthy, I feel at ease.’
Mrs Tao chatted idly, as if unintentionally, and touched Cao Wanqiao’s wrist, where she was wearing a silver bracelet. Everyone’s attention was drawn to the bracelet, which glistened white.
While chatting, Mrs Tao also touched Cao Wanqiao’s pearl earrings, and everyone’s gaze became even more fixed, to the point where they could no longer hear what Mrs Tao was saying.
The old lady Tao looked at her granddaughter Cao Wanqiao in a purple dress, and she couldn’t help but say, ‘Ahem, Qiaoqiao is blossoming more and more.’
Tao’s eyes flashed with a gleam, and she smiled, ‘Mother also knows that I love Qiaoqiao the most, and I always give her the best things. Qiaoqiao has it, but those brats don’t even have it yet.’
The old Tao couple exchanged glances with their eldest aunt, not knowing what they were plotting.
Cao Wanqiao looked at Tao’s determined expression and then at the faces of the Tao family members. She let her eyes drop sadly and sighed to herself.
Tao said to her parents, ‘Parents, there is something I want to discuss with you. Shall we go to your room?’
The old Tao couple looked at each other and the old woman said, ‘Hey, let’s go inside and talk.’
The two elders then got up and led Tao Shi to the back of the house.
Tao Shi gave Cao Wanqiao a reassuring look, and Cao Wanqiao had to sit where she was, not knowing what to do.
The women in the house all made excuses to leave, and the eldest auntie, after inspecting Cao Wanqiao’s outfit for a while, went up to her and poured her a cup of tea, saying, ‘Qiaoqiao is really loved by your younger sister, and your younger brothers and sisters are not jealous of you, are they?’
Cao Wanjiao did not look up at her, pretended to be shy, shook her head, and whispered, ‘No way.’
This is usually the case. Her great-aunt asked her some more questions, but Cao Wanjiao was not budging. Her great-aunt saw that she couldn’t find out anything, and her face turned pale. ‘I still have things to do, so you can sit here for now.’
Cao Wanjiao nodded, and let out a small breath of relief when her great-aunt had gone.
The children outside the door cautiously walked in. One of Cao Wanjiao’s young cousins looked at her clothes with envy, wanting to touch them but afraid to do so. She said, ‘Grandpa also said that my aunt was ill-bred and went to work in the slaughterhouse because she was crazy for money. But it turns out that you can wear such nice clothes when you work in the slaughterhouse, and there’s so much dried meat to eat! Then I’ll tell my dad to go work in the slaughterhouse too!’
Cao Wanjiao’s eyes grew displeased. So this was how her grandparents criticized Cao Daniu at home. Although she knew that this was a stereotypical image of a butcher here, was it necessary to treat her own daughter like dirt? What’s wrong with being a butcher? It’s not like they’re murderers or arsonists. It’s such a legitimate occupation, and yet it’s spoken of as if it’s unforgivable. Cao Wanjiao especially couldn’t understand it.
No wonder Mrs. Tao herself didn’t want to come back to her parents’ home.
Cao Wanjiao felt heavy-hearted when she thought about what Mrs. Tao had just done. Did Mrs. Tao still want her to marry into the Tao family? Why?
She even showed off her wealth, making Cao Wanjiao seem like a spoiled girl from the Cao family.
Cao Wanjiao remembered that Mrs. Tao had suddenly decided to take her back to the Tao family after Eighth Uncle came to the house. Could it be that Mrs. Tao had heard something else in Eighth Uncle’s words?
After waiting for a while, Mrs. Tao and the old Tao couple came out. Mrs. Tao’s face did not look good, but the old Tao couple had a look of smugness on their faces.
“Qiaoqiao, we’ve visited your grandparents, so we should go home now,’
Upon hearing this, Cao Wanqiao went up to help Tao Shi, when suddenly she heard the old woman say, ‘Daughter, think about what I told your father. After all, it’s not much for your family, right? You have to understand that this is for…’
Tao Shi glared at her mother, and the old woman shut up, only giving Cao Wanqiao a few more looks.
‘I will discuss it with Dabu when I get home, so you two don’t need to worry.”
After Tao finished speaking, she led Cao Wanjiao outside and into the carriage.
Cao Wanjiao lifted the curtain and looked at the crowd of old and young standing in front of the Tao family courtyard. She couldn’t help but bite her lip. No matter how you look at it, this is a fire pit.
The author has something to say:
The synopsis is full of spoilers, so don’t worry that the heroine will marry into this strange family~

Chapter 5
Cao Wanjiao saw Cao Wanshou frown lightly on the way back, and she was curious about what Cao Wanshou had said to the old couple in the room.
Seeing that Cao Wanshou’s face did not look good, she did not dare to ask more, and she just walked all the way back to the front door of the house in the city. Cao Wanshou paid the driver for today’s wages and let Cao Wanjiao help her get off the cart.
The Cao family stall faced the vegetable market, but the front door was at the back. As soon as they entered, they heard the plaintive cry of a baby. Cao Wanqiao knew immediately that it was the voice of Cao Xiaobao. She was shocked and feared that something had happened. She said to Mrs. Tao, ‘Mother, I’ll go and take a look first. You take your time.’
Tao was also worried about her youngest daughter and quickly said, ‘You go quickly.’
Cao Wanjiao took the lead, listening to the source of the sound, and walked to the main room of Cao Daniu and Tao. She saw three rascals flustered around Cao Xiaobao, who was crying miserably on the bed. Her little face was red with anger, and Cao Wanjiao felt distressed at the sight. She quickly walked up and asked, ‘What’s wrong? Why is Xiaobao crying like this?’
Cao Dabin saw his sister come back and let out a sigh of relief, then looked guilty. ‘Xiao Bao fell in the courtyard and scraped her knee. We wanted to put medicine on it, but when we touched her, she started crying. I don’t know what to do…’
‘Why didn’t you go and find Dad?’ Cao Wanqiao examined Cao Xiaobao’s knee, but it was only a small, gently scraped skin wound, a little red and swollen, not even bleeding. After a moment’s hesitation, she saw Cao Xiaobao extend her hands and cry for a hug: ‘I want it, sister! I want to, Mum!”
Cao Wanqiao picked up Cao Xiaobao from behind, and Cao Dabi rubbed his hands together as he said, “I was going to look for Dad, but it just so happened that my eldest sister came back…”
At this time, Tao also limped in. Cao Xiaobao had already stopped crying when Cao Wanqiao picked him up, but he could not stop sobbing. His little face looked particularly aggrieved, and Tao was relieved and asked what had happened.
Cao Dabin repeated what had happened, and the three brothers all looked apprehensive, fearing a scolding. Cao Wanqiao then said soothingly, ‘I think it’s because Baobao didn’t see me and Mum that he’s crying. I’ve looked, and it’s only a small scratch. Dabin, get a clean cloth and some boiled water, and I’ll clean Baobao’s wound. We’ll put some medicine on it later, and he should be fine.’
Hearing what his eldest sister had said, Cao Dabin rushed out to fetch a cloth and water, while Ershu and Sangenmo followed to help. Mrs. Tao went over to the bed and sat down. Just now, Xiaobao had said that he missed his mother, but now that he was being held by his sister, he didn’t look for his mother anymore. He was being spoiled and nestled in Cao Wanjiao’s arms.
At home, Cao Xiaobao is most attached to Tao Shi and Cao Wanqiao. If the two of them are not at home, she will let the three brothers help to entertain her. Cao Daniu is also at the front stall, so the mother and daughter can go out with confidence. There were no problems the previous few times, but this time, it is estimated that she fell and could not find the people she usually relies on, so she cried so much.
The three Cao brothers brought the things over, and after Tao’s wife applied medicine to her younger daughter’s wound, Cao Xiaobao stopped crying. Cao Wanqiao coaxed her, saying, ‘Our Xiaobao is the bravest, isn’t she amazing!’
Cao Xiaobao’s plump, rosy face broke into a shy smile, and before long she fell asleep in Cao Wanqiao’s arms. Tao’s wife was surprised and said, ‘I remember when Xiaobao was born, she was the least attached to you, but now she’s looking for you instead of me.’
Cao Wanqiao felt a little guilty and patted Cao Baobao’s back, saying, ‘I just feel that Baobao is getting more and more cute and lovable, so I love her more and more.’
Tao nodded. ‘You are the only two daughters in the family, so it is only natural that you have a good relationship.’
Cao Wanjiao also finds it amazing. She never had any siblings in her previous life, and in this life, she feels awkward calling those three rascals her younger brothers. But she loves Cao Xiaobao very much. If she had such relatives in her previous life, she wouldn’t have felt so bored in the world after her father passed away, would she?
In the evening, after the family had eaten, Tao, contrary to her usual behaviour, urged the children to go to bed early. Cao Daniu was delighted to hear this, thinking that his wife was taking the initiative to be intimate with him, but he never expected that Tao would tell him about her visit to her parents’ home today with a sad face.
Afterwards, even Cao Daniu became depressed, but he pretended to be fine in front of the children.
A few days later, Uncle Bao suddenly came to visit again. This time, Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao seemed to be mentally prepared, and they did not let the children stay, all rushing back to their rooms.
Cao Wanqiao had a bad feeling in her heart. As soon as Uncle Bao entered the door, he looked at her. She told her three younger brothers to take care of Cao Xiaobao, and she quietly went to the front hall, standing under the porch and looking in through the window lattice.
She saw that this time, Eighth Uncle had a particularly kind face. He sat at the table with Caoniu and Mrs Tao, took a sip of tea, and then said, ‘I’ve heard that you’ve been selling a lot of dried meat recently, and that business is quite good, is that right?’
Although Mrs Tao felt as if she were facing a major enemy, she still took out the dried meat she had made when she heard this. ‘Eighth Uncle, if you don’t mind, please try some.’
The eighth uncle really ate it and his eyes lit up. ‘Danniu’s daughter-in-law really has a good skill!’
But Mrs. Tao simply thanked him lightly, ‘You’re too kind, eighth uncle.’
The eighth uncle didn’t notice any difference in Mrs. Tao’s attitude, and his tone changed, ‘But if you ask me, it’s just a few extra coins. Your family is still doing well, but when the three boys get married, where will the bride price come from? You should still make plans early!’
Cao Daniu said sullenly, ‘Da Bi is only seven years old, there’s no rush. When they grow up, they will naturally save up money.’
Eighth Uncle lowered his eyebrows and said unhappily, ‘You young people just don’t know how to think about the future. Who knows what the future will hold? It’s best to have money in your hands!’ He pretended to suddenly remember something and said, ‘Last time I mentioned your third brother, who is a clerk in the capital. Isn’t the fourth child in his family going to take part in the imperial examination? It turns out that the fourth child in his family has already exchanged betrothal gifts with someone, but they have not yet been engaged. On the surface, they still have to take the imperial examination. Your third brother has tried every possible way in the capital, but it’s useless. He just has to send his daughter to the palace. Your third brother is really worried!’
Upon hearing this, Mr. and Mrs. Cao Daniu did not show any signs of surprise. Mrs. Tao, looking innocent, asked, ‘Third brother is a government official in the capital, working for the emperor. Since their daughter meets the qualifications for the selection, just send her in! I think the family that exchanged the betrothal gift will understand.’
Uncle Ba was momentarily at a loss for words, stammering, ‘The family also feels pain for their daughter…’
Mrs. Tao quickly agreed, ‘That’s only natural, who wouldn’t feel pain for their daughter?’
The eighth uncle-in-law was even more exasperated, but he was born with a thick skin and continued to say, ‘If they hadn’t told anyone about the marriage, then it would be fine to go to the palace, but they have been seeing each other for a long time, so it would be a pity to give it up. It’s like this, Daaniu, if more than two people in a family can participate in the selection, only one person needs to go. So your third brother wants to choose a girl from the clan who is the right age to participate in the selection, let him adopt her and let this girl go to the palace!’
Unexpectedly, Cao Daniu replied stubbornly, ‘Isn’t this cheating the emperor? If you’re only taking someone in as an adopted daughter now, no outsider will be fooled, will they?’
Eighth Uncle quickly said, ‘Where’s the problem? We’re all relatives. Just let the clan know the date of the adoption, and it can be easily changed. Daniu, I’ll be honest with you. When your third brother sent a letter back to tell me about this, I thought of your eldest daughter. I’ve already sent a reply.’
The faces of Mr and Mrs Cao Daniu both changed. Mrs Tao held Mr Cao Daniu’s hand under the table to stop him jumping up, and pretended to be very surprised. ‘Oh dear! Why did you reply first, Uncle? You didn’t even ask us?’
But Uncle Cao didn’t seem to mind, and said matter-of-factly, ‘Isn’t this great news? I was afraid your third brother would object. I waited until I heard from him that he agreed before I told you. Your third brother said that he wants to let your eldest daughter go to the capital and give your family 100 taels of silver. Listen to this: with 100 taels of silver, you can pay the betrothal gifts for all three sons and still have enough to marry the best!
Mrs. Tao clenched her fists in her other hand, but her face showed her deep embarrassment. ‘You really should have discussed this with us first, Eighth Uncle. You don’t know, but my husband and I have already spoken to Qiaoqiao about her marriage.’
The uncle was taken aback and asked incredulously, ‘Why have I never heard of this? Which family is it?’
Cao Daniu immediately replied, ‘It’s my wife’s maternal cousin!’
Seeing that Cao Daniu had answered without thinking, the uncle thought that it wasn’t an excuse made up at the last minute. He frowned and was about to ask again when Mrs. Tao added, ‘Since it’s a marriage back to my family, the matter has just been settled, and there’s no time to inform the clan of the good news.’
Eighth Uncle hesitated. He had indeed not thought about Cao Wanjiao’s marriage for a long time. Upon thinking about it, Cao Wanjiao was already sixteen years old, and it was only natural that she would be engaged.
However, he still refused to give up and persuaded, ‘Since it is the family of Dayu’s wife, it is easy to say. After all, this is a great opportunity for your eldest daughter. If she is really chosen, she will become a concubine in the palace. Even if she is not chosen, she will still have the household registration of a noble family daughter. No matter how you calculate it, she will not lose out. If you’re embarrassed to refuse the Tao family, I can talk to them!”
Tao didn’t expect Eighth Uncle to be so persistent, and finally couldn’t help but retort, ’The fourth daughter of the Third Brother’s family may not necessarily be chosen. It’s perfectly possible to wait until she’s rejected and then marry her off to a family that has exchanged betrothal gifts.’
Eighth Uncle-in-law was not happy to hear this. The letter he had written to his third nephew in the capital had given him his assurance. How could he easily give up when he had finally had the opportunity to forge a relationship? ‘Anyway, I’m only looking out for your best interests. How long will it take you to earn 100 taels of silver? None of the matches I arranged for your eldest daughter in the past worked out. How can you possibly marry her off to a good family? If the Tao family knew that she had even hung herself, what would they think? You should reconsider my proposal, and I will come back in a few days!”
Tao didn’t expect that Eighth Uncle would threaten them with Cao Wanjiao’s hanging. Her hands trembled slightly. Cao Daniu knew that his daughter-in-law was furious, so he hurriedly said to Eighth Uncle, ’Eighth Uncle, please don’t tell anyone about that. My wife and I will discuss it. I will come back to see you in a few days!’
Cao Wanqiao saw her uncle get up and leave from outside the door, and quickly hid herself quietly. Watching her uncle leave angrily, she felt as if a thousand pounds had been placed on her heart.
She had already guessed that Mrs. Tao had wanted to form a marriage alliance by taking her back to her parents’ home, but now she realised that Mrs. Tao had only made the decision at the last minute after hearing that her uncle intended to let her replace the fourth daughter of her husband’s younger brother to compete in the imperial examinations.
Now that Mrs Tao has told Eighth Uncle that her marriage has been decided, but Cao Wanqiao knows that it has not been decided at all. Mrs Tao obviously could not come to terms with the old Mr and Mrs Tao that day.
Now she has two paths before her: to become someone’s adopted daughter and go to the imperial examination, or to marry into the Tao family, who harbour ill will towards her.
She is at a loss, with two equally dark paths, how can she choose?
Moreover, she might not be able to choose at all.
Just when things were bad enough, two days after Uncle Bao’s death, the Tao parents suddenly came from the countryside to the city.
The author has something to say:
The Tao family could afford to show their parents the door, but not the husband’s parents, so there was no way they could rise up and scold Uncle Bao.

Chapter 6
The Taus were taken aback when they saw their parents suddenly arrive at their door. The old Taus rode in on the donkey cart of their neighbour, who had come to the city to deliver goods and had promised to come back for the Taus after they had finished.
This was the first time the Taos had visited the Caos’ house in the capital, and they couldn’t help but look around. The house was not as big as the one in the countryside, but it was built of bricks and tiles, and the courtyard was paved with stone slabs, which kept the dust down. Although Mrs. Tao had difficulty moving around, she kept the house clean and bright, unlike the houses in the countryside, which were always dusty. And since it was in the city, the conditions were several times better than in the countryside.
After observing the situation, the old couple exchanged glances, their expressions becoming even more determined.
Tao told his parents to sit down, and Cao Wanqiao brought in tea and fruit. The old couple couldn’t hide their scrutiny of her. Cao Wanqiao was speechless. Lately, all the guests who came to the house kept looking at her. Was she some kind of rare animal?
Usually when relatives come to visit, they bring something with them. Even an octogenarian will bring his wife’s pickles and other things before starting to chat. The Taos, as the grandparents, are used to seeing their five grandchildren with empty hands. Fortunately, the children of the Tsaos are also used to the stinginess of their grandparents. The three boys took Tsao Xiaobao aside to play by themselves and never came up to beg for things.
Tao sighed to herself and asked, ‘Why did Mum and Dad suddenly come? They didn’t even say hello first.’
But the old man didn’t answer, frowning and questioning, ‘When your in-laws come to visit, why doesn’t your son-in-law come out?’
Tao Shifu replied unhappily, ‘He’s doing business up front. If there’s really an emergency, I’ll call him, otherwise I’ll leave the stall to the children to look after?’
It was only then that the old man remembered that his son-in-law sold pork at the stall, and his mood became even worse. However, seeing that his son-in-law’s house was much nicer than he had imagined, he didn’t continue to nag as he had in the past. The old woman was busy saying by the side, ‘Of course we can’t leave it to the children, it’s important for my son-in-law to make money.’
Tao and Cao Wanjiao listened to this with a strange feeling. The old Tao couple, who had always looked down on Cao Daniu as a butcher, were so ‘considerate’. There must be something strange going on. The hearts of Tao and Cao Wanjiao were on edge.
The old woman opened her mouth and said, ‘Daughter, about the dowry you mentioned last time…’
Tao took a breath and interrupted her mother, saying to the children, ‘Qiaoqiao, take your younger siblings into the room to play.’
Cao Wanqiao’s heart was pounding, and she lowered her head. She walked over, picked up Cao Xiaobao, and said softly to her younger siblings, ‘Come, don’t disturb your grandparents and mother when they are talking.’
The room of Cao Wanqiao’s three younger brothers had the most toys. Cao Wanqiao took a rattle for Cao Xiaobao to play with and told Cao Dabin, ‘Keep an eye on them, I’ll be right back.’
Cao Dabin looked worried. ‘Big sister, when Grandma talks about dowry, is she talking about you?’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback and couldn’t help asking, ‘How did you guess? Grandma hasn’t even mentioned me.’
Cao Dabin scratched his head and answered, ‘I heard Dad mutter once that your dowry would cost 20 taels of silver, and you would also need a good piece of land as a gift, so I don’t know how to scrape together that kind of money.’
Cao Wanjiao was shocked. Did the Tao parents want the Tao family to prepare this dowry for her? She could still scrape together 20 taels of silver, but even Cao Wanjiao, who had travelled back in time, knew that it was not easy to buy a good piece of land. Otherwise, Cao Daniu would not still be unable to buy back the ancestral land.
No wonder the Tao woman looked unhappy when she left the Tao household last time.
Cao Wanjiao frowned and pondered, and Cao Dabian added, ‘It was only when Grandma mentioned the dowry that I thought of this. Is Big Sister going to marry into Grandma’s family? That would be too bad for you, Big Sister. Grandma and Grandpa are so stingy, and since Big Sister was seen talking to your cousin last time, they don’t like you very much. You’ll definitely have no good things happen to you if you marry over there.’
Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but freeze up when she heard this. Even Cao Dabian, who was only seven years old, knew that she would not have a good life if she married into the Tao family, so it was clear how obvious the old Tao couple’s behaviour was.
However, if she didn’t go through with this marriage, she would have to go through the imperial examinations. If she was selected, how could she survive in the back palace, where people ate each other alive, with her IQ?
Cao Wanqiao bit her lower lip and simply told Cao Dabian, ‘You stay here and watch your younger siblings, I’ll go eavesdrop.’
Cao Dapi also nodded seriously, after all, she was his sister, and he didn’t want her to marry into the annoying in-laws.
Cao Wanqiao went to the front hall and looked in through the window as usual. She saw Mrs. Tao frowning and saying, ‘Fifty taels of silver! Do my parents think our family sells gold and not pork? What country family asks for fifty taels of silver for a daughter’s dowry? This is too much!’
But the old Tao woman just laughed and said, ‘Aren’t you the one who spoils your daughter the most? Just look at this house of yours, you must be making a lot of money. The other day I saw what Qiaoqiao was wearing and it cost a few taels of silver. That’s half a year’s food budget for our family. If you love her so much, you should spend more time with her after she marries into our family, otherwise how can we afford it?’
Tao didn’t expect that dressing up Cao Wanjiao to give her an advantage would make the Tao family even more greedy. Tao softened her tone: ‘Marry a chicken and follow its ways, marry a dog and follow its ways. No matter what happens at home, Qiaoqiao will naturally have to follow the customs at her new home. Qiaoqiao often helps with the housework at home, she’s not a lazy girl.’
But Lao Tao grunted. ‘My dear, don’t try to put it off. Ever since you came back, my eldest daughter-in-law has been asking people in the city to find out about your family. Her husband’s family has an uncle who has been telling people for the past few days that your eldest daughter is going to be selected to join the imperial court. Everyone else thinks it’s a stroke of luck, but I know you better than that. I’m sure that’s why they’re so eager to get Qiaoqiao married off. In that case, you should show more sincerity for Qiaoqiao’s sake!’
Tao Shi was stunned. Uncle Ba was fine with saying that Qiaoqiao might replace someone else to go to the audition, but her own parents were actually holding this matter hostage to raise the dowry. She was furious and her chest was heaving.
When Cao Wanqiao heard this, she gritted her teeth and walked into the room, startling the three people inside.
“Grandparents, don’t bother. I really am going to the audition, I’m not getting married.’
The old Tao couple changed colour. Hearing this, Mrs Tao was full of anxiety and scolded her, ‘Qiaoqiao, what are you talking about? You’re just a child, don’t interrupt when adults are talking! Go downstairs now!’
But Cao Wanqiao walked over to Mrs Tao, took her hand, shook her head, and Mrs Tao, looking into Cao Wanqiao’s determined eyes, couldn’t help but choke on her words.
Cao Wanjiao turned to the old Tao couple and said, ‘Grandparents, you don’t know. There is an official in the Cao family in the capital, and for some reason they want to adopt me. In fact, going to the imperial examination is not a bad thing. My parents were worried that if I went to the capital, the distance would be too great to keep in touch, so they hesitated. But the other day, my eighth great-uncle came here, and our family has already decided on this matter, so grandparents don’t have to mention anything about the dowry anymore. No matter how much it is, it’s none of the Tao family’s business.’
The old Tao couple were angry with Cao Wanjiao’s attitude. No matter what, the most important silver and fields, which they thought were already in their pockets, had flown away. How could they not be anxious?
The old Tao man was so angry that he could not speak. The old Tao woman said anxiously, ‘Your mother promised that we would give you a dowry, so how can she go back on her word?’
Tao knew that when her daughter said this, she meant that she didn’t want to marry into the Tao family. Her heart was full of mixed emotions, but when she heard her mother’s words, she couldn’t help but retort, ‘Who knew that my parents would say such an outrageous amount? I only said that I would give a dowry, but that is also something our family can afford. Fifty taels of silver, can my parents guarantee that Qiaoqiao won’t ask her for this money after she marries over there?’
Old Tao was red with embarrassment. He was proud and did not reply to Mrs Tao’s words, but only angrily rebuked Cao Wanqiao: ‘What do you know? Is picking a bride that easy? You’ll be going to someone else’s house to be their daughter. At least our two families are related, so it won’t be a disaster for you, will it?’
Cao Wanqiao, however, was not afraid of his rebuke and disagreed, saying, ‘My third uncle in the capital is not a relative? At least I know that if I am adopted by my third uncle, I will become a noblewoman. The Cao family has a relative who is an official, but does the Tao family have one?’
She knew that this sounded vain, but when the old Tao couple heard it, they really couldn’t refute it, and they were so angry that their teeth ached. They had thought that they had the upper hand and could make a big profit, but their family was indeed not as good as the family of the official, so it was no wonder that Cao Wanjiao refused to marry.
The old Tao suddenly stood up, pointed at Cao Wanjiao and scolded, ‘Don’t come back crying in the future. No matter how much silver you give us, our family won’t want a daughter-in-law like you!’
After saying this, he walked out on his own, without waiting for the old woman Tao. The old woman Tao was at a loss as to what to do. Seeing the stubborn look on her daughter Tao’s face, she sighed and hurriedly followed her husband’s footsteps.
After Cao Wanqiao had said these words, she felt much better, and she also said to Tao’s wife, ‘Mother, I’ll see the guests out!’
Tao Shi froze for a moment, not knowing whether to laugh or not, but the anger she felt towards her own parents suddenly dissipated.
Cao Wanjiao followed her over. Although the old Tao couple had come in the neighbour’s donkey cart, the old man, who was concerned about face, did not want to wait at his son-in-law’s doorstep and went straight to the street. The old woman had no choice but to follow. Cao Wanjiao, of course, had no intention of persuading her. Once the people had gone, she closed the door.
When she returned, there was no one in the hall. She went to Cao Daniu and Tao’s room, only to find Tao lying on her side on the bed, her face full of worry. Cao Wanjiao sat down by the bed and rubbed her shoulders.
‘Mother, were you afraid that I would be sent to the capital to join the imperial harem, and that’s why you hurriedly arranged a marriage for me with my cousin?’
Tao let out a long breath. ‘When I heard your eighth great-uncle’s words, I knew something was wrong. He said nothing about the fourth son of your third cousin being selected for the imperial examination. But then I thought, since you have a crush on your cousin, and you helped to arrange the marriage, at least you are happy…”
Cao Wanqiao hastened to correct her: “Mother, you’ve got it all wrong! I have no interest in my cousin at all!”
Tao’s wife was taken aback. “But you were talking to him…”
Cao Wanqiao shook her head repeatedly. ‘No, it’s not true. It was my cousin who came to talk to me, but we didn’t say much. I’ve forgotten what we talked about. Those kids just saw us and started talking nonsense. You told me a few days ago about your cousin, but I was confused.”
Tao’s face turned red as she sat up and said, ’I didn’t hear it from your cousins, but from your aunt. She said she asked her son, and you were the one who spoke to him first, and you even said you liked him…’
Cao Wanqiao’s eyes widened in shock for a moment.
Oh my god, is there really someone who can turn black and white upside down like this? In the original body’s memory, that cousin seemed quite honest!
She couldn’t help but feel scared, and goosebumps rose on her skin. If she had made a wrong decision and married into the Tao family in order to avoid the selection, she wouldn’t know what kind of disgusting person she would have married!
The author has something to say:
Our heroine, who looks confused,

Chapter 7
Tao explained, ‘I was afraid that you were thin-skinned and didn’t ask you. And your great-aunt’s words and actions made it clear that she didn’t want you to get close to her son. I was so angry at the time, and I was afraid that it would hurt your feelings, so I thought I’d just let it go. I never thought it wasn’t true!’
Cao Wanjiao puffed up with anger and complained, ‘How could my cousin lie? What good did it do him?’
Now that I think about it, I can analyse it: Could it be that your cousin had a crush on you and was afraid to tell his mother the truth, so he just made it up? Little did he know that he had miscalculated. Your auntie thought that you were actively courting her son and was very unhappy, and she didn’t like you as a daughter-in-law.
As Cao Wanjiao listened, she found such a mother-in-law’s family truly terrifying. She took Tao’s hand and comforted her, saying, ‘I didn’t want to marry into that family when I saw how my grandparents were like, and now that I know my cousin is such a coward, I’m sure I won’t have an easy time there. It’s better to go to the imperial examination.’
Although it was her own family, Tao couldn’t argue with her, but she was still full of worry. ‘If you are adopted by your third uncle, you will be part of his family from now on, and you have to go to the capital, which is so far away. If you are selected, we may not be able to see each other for the rest of our lives…’
As Tao spoke, her eyes welled up with tears. Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but freeze. She was only thinking about her own fate, but she had neglected Tao’s love for her daughter.
Especially when she thought about Tao’s biological daughter, who had actually passed away, it made her feel even worse.
“Mother…you don’t need to worry too much. I may not even be chosen. Look at my small body, and my face is not a supermodel’s. Why would anyone choose me? Just think of it as going to the palace for that fourth girl. Once I’m not chosen, I’ll beg my third uncle to let me go back to Pinghan City and stay by your side.’
Tao heard her daughter’s lighthearted words of comfort and patted her hand, but she didn’t believe her. ‘If it was really that easy to be rejected, why didn’t the fourth girl go herself? She could pretend to do badly and go home to get married.’
Cao Wanjiao thought about the palace fighting TV series she had watched in her previous life, and a flash of inspiration came to her. She said, ‘She must be afraid of being rejected and losing face! The family she secretly spoke to about marriage may not want a girl who is eliminated in the selection, but I’m not afraid! If I’m eliminated, I’ll leave the capital, and I’m not afraid of the gossip.”
Tao’s expression finally loosened a bit. Thinking that she would not never see her daughter again, she would let her go through with it, which was better than marrying back to her family.
Although Cao Wanjiao said this, she was a little worried in her heart. She didn’t know what kind of person Uncle San was, and if she became his adopted daughter, if she lost face in the palace, she was afraid it would also implicate her family’s daughter’s reputation, and maybe they wouldn’t let her off lightly?
Moreover, she didn’t know what level the girls selected for the palace were. If she really became the top of the short list and became a little promise in the harem, then she really didn’t know what the future would hold.
Well, no, the rank of ‘promise’ seems to be from the Qing Dynasty, but this dynasty is obviously not the Qing Dynasty, but a time she has never heard of.
If the purpose of her time travel is to embark on a path of palace intrigue, then how can she survive with her barren knowledge of the harem?
Cao Wanjiao wanted to cry in her heart, but in front of the Taus, she pretended to be relaxed.
Since she had already told the old couple that she was going to the selection, when the family gathered together in the evening, Mrs. Tao mentioned this matter. Cao Daniu, a rough and tumble man with muscles all over, suddenly burst into tears, which took the family by surprise.
‘I… I won’t be able to see my Qiao Qiao anymore. What… what should I do…’
Cao Daniu sniffed and sniffled, choking back his sobs.
When Cao Xiaobao’s three younger brothers saw that their father was crying, they didn’t understand the situation and also started to cry. The whole house was suddenly filled with crying.
Tao was at a loss for words, took a handkerchief and wiped Cao Daniu’s face, then repeated what Cao Wanqiao had said to her. Cao Daniu stopped crying and asked repeatedly with a hiccup, ‘If I don’t get selected, I can come back? Really?’
Cao Wanqiao, holding Cao Xiaobao, concealed her unease and said with a light heart, ‘That’s right. I think the fourth young lady in my uncle’s family was pampered and brought up and is a beauty. She was afraid that she would be chosen, but I’m short and dumpy, and my face is so round, how could the emperor like me?’
Cao Daniu disagreed, frowning and saying, ‘I think my daughter is very pretty. Her face is the size of a palm, but what’s wrong with being round? Doesn’t that mean she’s blessed? Her eyes are also very round and dark. When I carried Qiaoqiao out as a child, everyone said she looked like a doll in a New Year’s picture. If the emperor has good taste, he’ll like my daughter!’
Tao gave him a glare. ‘Idiot, do you still hope that the emperor will choose your daughter?’
Cao Daniu covered his mouth after the event and slapped himself. ‘Oh dear, it’s best if he doesn’t look at her, and she comes home!’
Now that it had come to this, the whole family seemed to have a consensus. Cao Daniu had been depressed for a few days, worrying about the dowry amount that the old Tao couple had set. Since his daughter didn’t want to get married, there was no need to consider it.
He went to see Eighth Uncle the next day to tell him about it. Eighth Uncle thought that Caoniu was going to refuse again, so he was overjoyed when he heard that he had agreed. He patted Caoniu on the shoulder and said, ‘I told you, this is a good thing! Now that you’ve decided, get ready to go to the capital as soon as possible, so you don’t miss the date of the imperial examination.’
Caoniu looked hesitant. ‘So soon? I want to keep Qiaoqiao at home for a little longer…’
The eighth uncle was impatient, but the Cao family had finally agreed, and he was afraid that if he pushed too hard, things would change again. He had no choice but to count the days and promise to let Cao Wanqiao stay in Pinghan City until the last moment before setting off.
After a year of living a comfortable life in the Cao family, Cao Wanqiao had a lot of reluctance. Going to the capital, she didn’t know what the future held. It was as if she had returned to the days when she first travelled through time, and she was anxious every day.
Since deciding to go to the capital, Mrs Tao has slept with her daughter almost every night. Lying in bed that day, she muttered, ‘I felt that you had become much more sensible recently, probably because you’ve grown up. But then suddenly I wish you were like you used to be. Call it being wilful, but children should rely on their parents. Now it’s like you’re shouldering it all.’
If it had been the previous Cao Wanqiao, she would have been afraid of being exposed after hearing this, but since she was going to leave home anyway and didn’t know if there was any way to come back, she said, ‘My daughter has indeed grown up. In the past, I felt that Eighth Uncle was too bad, always telling me to become someone’s concubine, and blaming my parents for not refusing for me directly, and I was stupid enough to want to die. But after the illness a year ago, my daughter understood that her parents also had their own difficulties. If Eighth Uncle cut off my father’s supply, how could the family live? In the past, those arranged marriages for concubines were all bad. At least I know what I want when it comes to choosing a husband. Let’s see what happens after I enter the palace!”
What she said was actually the thoughts of the original body before she hanged herself for the last time. The original body had complained to her parents in her heart. She hoped so much that she could marry into a wealthy family with a gentle and honest husband, but reality repeatedly hit her.
It was also the marriage proposal from the second wife of the county magistrate that finally made her understand many things. She realised how difficult it was to find a husband who met her ideals given her family’s circumstances, and how unwise it was to offend Eighth Uncle. She just couldn’t bear the idea of becoming someone’s concubine, so she quietly hanged herself.
Now that she has been replaced by Cao Wanqiao, she can’t bring herself to die, so she has no choice but to go on living.
This time, the Eighth Uncle-in-law has been appeased, and the Cao family can live in peace. As for Cao Wanqiao herself, let’s see where fate takes her.
After sleeping and chatting with Mrs. Tao for many nights, Cao Wanqiao felt very strange. In her previous life, her mother died young, and she didn’t understand what mother-daughter love was. Seeing Mrs. Tao’s reluctant attitude towards her two daughters, she was truly moved. Having this gentle but strong mother from the past has allowed her to experience at least some of the motherly love she didn’t have in her previous life.
But the good times didn’t last long. Before the deadline set by Eighth Uncle Gong, someone from the capital arrived. It was a long-time servant of Third Uncle, named Lin Li. He was tall and strong, with prominent cheekbones and snake-like pupils that silently watched people without saying a word, making people feel uneasy.
Eighth great-uncle took him to the Cao family’s door, where only Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao were present. Lin Li took out a package and said to Cao Daniu, ‘My master says that 30 taels will be given to your family as an advance, and I will give the remaining 70 taels to you on the day of Fifth Miss’s departure.’
Cao Daniu couldn’t tell, but Mrs. Tao was displeased. The 30 taels seemed like a deposit. They weren’t doing this just for the sake of 100 taels of silver. But her third uncle in the capital was a government official, and she didn’t dare offend him. So she said, ‘I heard that the county magistrate had to buy a lot of things for his daughter to be selected for the imperial examination. It just so happens that the 30 taels of silver can be used to buy some clothes and jewellery for Qiaoqiao…’
‘My husband has already prepared all the necessary items in the capital, so you two need not worry. However, the original departure date has been delayed a bit, and it needs to be brought forward a few days. My husband is afraid that the long journey will be a hindrance, so he has specially instructed me to escort Fifth Miss to the capital.’
Lin Li kept calling her ‘Fifth Young Lady’, as if the family tree had not been changed. It sounded as if Cao Wanjiao had already become his adopted daughter. Cao Daniu’s face turned gloomy again, and Mrs Tao could hear the unspoken meaning in his words: Is Third Uncle in the capital afraid that Cao Wanjiao will run away? He has to make someone keep an eye on her the whole way?
It’s not surprising that Tao would think this much. Lin Li’s words were polite, but his attitude was very firm, not allowing anyone to argue. His eyes even hid a sense of superiority, which was annoying.
Naturally, Cao Wanqiao hid outside the hall to eavesdrop again. After all, this concerned her lifelong matter.
Hearing that she must go to the capital soon, she felt resentment in her heart. Did they really think that the Cao family valued the 100 taels of silver? If it wasn’t for Eighth Uncle wanting to use her to curry favour with the powerful, who would care about Third Uncle and Fourth Uncle?
Especially when they sent such a person to supervise her trip to the capital, Cao Wanqiao sighed inwardly. It seems that Third Uncle not only doesn’t want his fourth daughter to be selected in the imperial examinations, but he himself is probably not a nice person.
Lin Li left after keeping 30 taels of silver and then left with Eighth Uncle. The Cao family still had a hard time letting go of Cao Wanqiao. After all, it was only two days earlier, and they finally packed up and prepared to follow Lin Li’s caravan to the capital.
On the day of their parting, the Cao family members couldn’t stop talking about their separation. Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help wiping her tears with her handkerchief, and Lin Li couldn’t help showing an impatient expression on his face. He spoke stiffly, ‘Fifth young lady, it’s getting late, you should get on the carriage, otherwise, there’s no way I can hand over the 70 taels of silver in my hands to your family.’
When Cao Wanqiao heard this, anger welled up in her heart. Before she could respond, Mrs. Tao suddenly snapped, ‘What are you rushing for? Otherwise, I’ll return the 30 taels of silver to you, and you can stop calling Qiaoqiao Fifth Young Lady and go back to the capital by yourself!’
The author has something to say:
Although Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao are not strong enough, they are not people who sell their daughters for glory~
They want the heroine to have a warm family after becoming a princess!

Chapter 8
Lin Li changed his expression, and then he stammered and dared not say anything more.
Eighth Uncle knew that Caoniu’s family had some stubbornness, so he came out to smooth things over: ‘I know that you two can’t bear to leave your daughter, but it’s also not good to set off too late. What if it gets dark and you can’t find an inn on the way? Don’t worry, I’m going to the capital with you, too. I’ll definitely watch over Qiaoqiao and make sure she doesn’t suffer.’
Eighth Uncle is only pushing Cao Wanqiao out of the way to get closer to the third son of the capital, so of course he wants to take this opportunity to go to the capital with him.
Although Eighth Uncle is annoying, Cao Wanqiao is relieved to know that he will also go with them. After all, Eighth Uncle seems like a familiar person to her. Otherwise, she would have to travel with Lin Li, who always looks so gloomy, and she is afraid that she would suffocate!
After listening to Eighth Uncle’s persuasion, the Cao family members were afraid that if they set off too late, they would be delayed on the road, so they let Cao Wanqiao get into the carriage. However, the two-year-old Cao Xiaobao also knew that his eldest sister was leaving, and he cried so miserably that Cao Wanqiao’s heart was tangled up by his crying. She lifted the curtain of the carriage and saw Cao Xiaobao’s round, round face, and she blurted out, ‘Father and Mother, of the 100 taels of silver, please save some for Xiaobao’s dowry!’
The Tao family was stunned. They felt that Cao Wanqiao’s words sounded like she would never return. Holding their youngest daughter, they nodded repeatedly, choking with emotion and unable to speak. Cao Daniu, who was standing nearby, hurriedly said, ‘Yes, yes, we will leave it all to Xiaobao!’
The carriage had already started moving. Cao Wanqiao looked at her three rambunctious children and couldn’t help but stick her head out the window and shout, ‘It’s okay to give some to your brothers to buy chicken legs, but you parents should also use that money to treat yourselves a little better!’
The Cao family could not help but follow the carriage for a few steps, but eventually they could not keep up with the speed of the carriage. Cao Wanqiao looked at the family members who had lived together for a year in this life, those figures that looked particularly desolate, and her tears welled up.
She drew her head back, lowered the curtain, and vowed secretly that if fate really made her go through palace intrigues, she would definitely not let Uncle San and Uncle Ba go when she gained power!
“Girl, you’re so silly. You should have just tricked them into giving you the money and kept it for yourself.’
Suddenly someone’s voice rang out in the carriage, and Cao Wanqiao was startled. She pressed herself against the wall and opened her tear-filled eyes wide, only to realise that there was another girl in the carriage.
The girl looked no more than fourteen or fifteen years old, dressed in a white outfit that had been washed until it was pale. Her thin waist was tightly cinched, and she had applied rouge to her face. Although her eyebrows and eyes were childish, her appearance was somewhat charming.
‘Who are you?’ Cao Wanjiao asked, stunned.
The girl said helplessly, “My name is Bi’er. Brother Lin bought me to serve you. Didn’t you see me when you got in the carriage just now?”
Cao Wanjiao thought about it for a moment. As soon as she got in the carriage, she hurriedly lifted the curtain, not paying any attention to whether there was anyone in the carriage. She was really startled by this Bi’er.
‘When did Lin Li buy you? I didn’t even know,’ Cao Wanqiao asked curiously.
Bi’er was sitting on one side of the carriage, holding a bundle of clothes, presumably her own luggage. She also produced a round fan out of nowhere and gently fanned Cao Wanqiao to cool her down.
‘It was only two days ago, or perhaps even today, that I was told to come directly from the dentist’s office and take the bus. Only then did I realize that you were going to the imperial examination in the capital.”
Cao Wanjiao did not expect Lin Li to buy a maid for her. Having travelled back in time to ancient times, she came from a small family and had never considered the institution of domestic servants. She never imagined that she would have a maid, and felt a little strange about it.
‘I really am going to the capital to take part in the imperial examinations. It seems that Lin Li didn’t explain much to you?”
When she heard Cao Wanqiao ask, Bi’er’s face showed some resentment. ’Exactly, Lin Li only said that he wanted to buy a maid for his fifth daughter. It was only when I asked the young men accompanying me on this trip that I found out more about it. But now that I see how you feel, I don’t know if your family has arranged for you to have a maid.’
Cao Wanqiao heard the word ‘family’ and knew it referred to her third uncle’s family. She didn’t feel a sense of belonging. Seeing that Bi’er, although dressed more conspicuously than her as the master, had a servile attitude, she explained to her. Bi’er’s eyes flickered slightly when she heard that she was an adopted daughter, but after carefully examining Cao Wanqiao, she still smiled and said, ‘With your beauty, you might really be chosen. By that time, I will need you to help me.’
Beauty? Cao Wanjiao touched her face. She was quite pleased to be praised. She observed that Bi’er was young, but her words and actions were quite disciplined. Is the quality of the temporary maid so high? She asked, ‘Were you sold by your parents to an agent?’
Bi’er was taken aback and shook her head, saying, ‘I was sold to Magistrate Guo’s family when I was young to serve his daughter.’ Bi’er paused before continuing, ‘I was sold because I offended my master by committing some minor offence. I never thought that I would meet you and be able to go to the capital with you to take part in the imperial examination. If my former girlfriends knew, they would definitely be very envious!’
Cao Wanqiao heard that Bi’er had once served in the magistrate’s household, and thinking that she had almost become the second wife of the magistrate, she sighed at the vagaries of fate. She then asked her, ‘What crime did you commit that you had to be sold?’
Bi’er’s face turned red with embarrassment, and she stammered, ‘It’s just that the magistrate’s wife was a bit unhappy…’
Cao Wanqiao looked at Bi’er, who was young but already acting all dignified, and intuitively asked, ‘Are you trying to become the second wife of the magistrate?’
Bi’er turned pale and asked in a stammering voice, ‘How did you know?’
Cao Wanjiao had guessed blindly. After thinking for a moment, she decided to put on an inscrutable look. ‘I deduced it naturally.’
The county magistrate had been looking for a young second wife before, and there was probably movement in the family as well. She guessed that Bi’er had a mind to take advantage of the situation and move up the social ladder, and she was right.
Bi’er thought that she had been found out by her words just now, and she had a much better impression of her new master, Cao Wanjiao, and her expression became more cautious.
“In the past, I was ignorant and only wanted to please Master, offending Madam and the young lady. Now that I know I was wrong, I will definitely respect you and dare not disobey my master!’
Bi’er swore to the heavens, but Cao Wanjiao was not quite convinced. After all, she had the nerve to seduce the master of the house at such a young age, and her mind was too agile. Just thinking about her future life, she was not afraid of her shortcomings.
Third Uncle refused to even assign a skilled maid from home to her. It seems that he only wants to make a face for her in the capital. Bringing Bi’er, the troublemaker, with him might even stir up some waves in Third Uncle’s family. She simply waited to watch the show!
The master and servant seemed to get along well. Bi’er was busy serving tea and passing fruit along the way, not daring to neglect her duties. It seemed that she was hoping that if Cao Wanjiao had a future in the imperial examinations, she could also rise with her.
Cao Wanjiao was served by her maid for the first time, and it was indeed very comfortable. Such a system of slavery really makes people sink. Sin, sin!
But it was a great coincidence that they met the county magistrate’s daughter’s carriage on the way.
Bi’er hid himself in a corner, looking guilty. Lin Li sent a young servant to say, ‘Brother Lin said that the magistrate’s daughter is also going to the capital today to prepare for the imperial examination, and he has already agreed to let us follow behind in case there are too many carriages and it is safer.’
Cao Wanqiao said she understood and dismissed the young servant.
Although it was a coincidence, it was not too surprising. There were only a few lucky days for travel recently, and all of them were for the imperial examinations in the capital. It was possible that the same day would be chosen. After all, they were just following behind the others, and Lin Li had taken care of everything, so Cao Wanqiao didn’t care too much.
After travelling for a day, it was already dusk. Pinghan City was located in a remote area of Songzhou, and they had not even reached the halfway point to Songzhou. They had to find an inn to rest first.
Cao Wanqiao was used to showing her face, so she let Bi’er help her get off the carriage in front of the inn. Lin Li didn’t care much about it either. They saw that the carriage of the county magistrate’s daughter went directly to the back of the inn, with much stricter rules than theirs.
Cao Wanqiao and Bi’er entered the room, took a short break, and suddenly a female voice came from the door: ‘Are you the Cao girl? I am the maid of the magistrate Guo’s daughter. Our young mistress would like to meet you. Could you come?”
Cao Wanjiao frowned. The tone was not respectful at all, not much different from Lin Li’s. She looked at Bi’er, who was a little panicked. She whispered to her, ’It’s Sister Huan, who is by the young mistress’s side.’
It turned out that the county magistrate’s daughter was named Yufeng. Guo Yufeng really wanted to meet her. There was another voice at the door, but Cao Wanjiao remained motionless. Bi’er was afraid that she would be discovered and came to Cao Wanjiao’s side to serve her, but dared not make a sound.
The voice outside became impatient and said again, ‘Miss Cao, our young lady is the county magistrate’s daughter, and you are only the daughter of a butcher…’
“I also ask Miss Guo’s maid to be careful with her words!’
It was Lin Li’s voice. I think he heard Na Huan’er shouting at Cao Wanqiao like a madman, so he came out.
‘This Lin brother, my girl is just curious about Miss Cao and wants to meet…’
“Miss Cao is no longer the daughter of a butcher, but the daughter of my master’s bookkeeper. Magistrate Guo is on the same level as my master, and I have never heard that the daughter of an official can summon the daughter of another colleague at will. Magistrate Guo’s family’s upbringing is really something I dare not appreciate.’
Lin Li’s response was very firm, and Na Huan’er’s voice weakened: ‘What summoning… My girl just…’
“Although I have asked for the carriages of the daughter of Lord Guo to follow ours, if Miss Guo uses this as a reason to summon my girl at will, we will part ways tomorrow!’
Cao Wanquan heard the maid stamping her foot in anger and turning to leave. Lin Li didn’t care what happened in the room and turned his back on the maid after scolding her.
Bi’er then patted her chest and let out a sigh of relief, saying, ‘I often heard at the Guo residence that officials like the magistrate who don’t curry favour with the feudal lords are inferior to officials in the capital. As expected, did you hear what Brother Lin said? The rank of the clerk is the same as the magistrate. Brother Lin still dared to reply like that. It is true that officials in the capital are one rank above officials outside the capital.”
Cao Wanqiao suddenly understood. Lin Li probably didn’t take Magistrate Guo in his eyes, and was only travelling with them for convenience’s sake. Who knew that Guo Yufeng might have heard that she was from a butcher’s family and wanted to take part in the imperial examinations, so she wanted to summon her to the palace, but Lin Li had directly slapped her in the face.
‘You know the reason for this, don’t you, young lady? No wonder you can sit there so calmly!’ Bi’er looked at Cao Wanqiao admiringly.
Cao Wanqiao smiled mysteriously again, pretending to be confident.
Can she say that she just sat in the carriage for a long time, her feet are numb and she can’t stand up for a while?
The author has something to say:
Tomorrow is going to be robbed

Chapter 9
After dinner, Uncle Eight came over to chat, praising Uncle Three to the skies.
“Hey, having an official position really gives you confidence, even when dealing with the magistrate’s daughter. I asked Lin Li about it, and he said he’s not afraid of someone of the magistrate’s rank at all. Uncle Three is at the foot of the emperor, and he knows the ways of the capital better than Magistrate Guo!’
Eighth Uncle had always been keen to curry favour with the powerful and the wealthy. Knowing what had happened today, he was even more pleased with the idea of pushing Cao Wanqiao onto Cao Lao San. Cao Wanqiao was speechless, just tired from a long day and unable to argue back.
After seeing off Eighth Uncle, Cao Wanqiao enjoyed a moment of being served and groomed by Bi’er and fell asleep sweetly.
In the morning, Cao Wanqiao was still groggy. Bi’er wiped her face for her and took the powder and rouge to apply makeup on her, but Cao Wanqiao suddenly woke up and pushed her hand away.
‘We’ll be on the bus all day again today, so what’s the point of wearing makeup?”
But Bi’er said with a hint of exasperation, ’Yesterday, Miss Yufeng gave you such a hard time. You don’t know it, but you’re a hundred times prettier than Miss Yufeng. She just assumed she would be chosen, but if she saw your face, she would definitely want to turn around and go home right away!’
Cao Wanjiao thought back to when she went to the cloth shop, the shopkeeper mentioned that the magistrate’s daughter was also hard to describe. Could she really be that bad? ‘I don’t think so. Could it be that Lord Guo doesn’t know his daughter’s appearance, and is buying all these things just so she can be selected in the imperial examination?’
Bi’er shook her head and said, ‘Lord Guo knows full well that even if Mrs. Guo and Miss Yufeng have any ambitions, there are many wealthy families in Pinghan City who have come to propose marriage, but they have all been rejected. They are just waiting to be chosen to enter the palace as concubines, and Lord Guo can only let them go.’
No wonder yesterday Guo Yufeng wanted to summon her for an audience. She could not help thinking that before the selection, she wanted to show her authority. It turns out that there are actually such women who want to participate in the selection. Cao Wanqiao expressed that she could not understand.
Cao Wanqiao also knows that Bi’er is emboldened by Lin Li’s tough attitude and wants to take advantage of her to show off in front of her former master. Cao Wanqiao, however, does not want to cause any more trouble and still refuses to wear makeup. ‘I don’t usually wear makeup, and if I suddenly put on makeup today, I’m afraid it will be awkward.’
Bi’er had no choice but to put her things away and help Cao Wanqiao get dressed.
Cao Wanqiao was actually a little curious about Guo Yufeng’s appearance. If it was really like Bi’er said, and she was afraid that most of the women selected for the imperial examinations looked like that, then she might really be chosen by the emperor. After all, this face was often praised as cute and pleasing.
She got into the carriage with an unpleasant mood. Guo Yufeng and the others still got into the carriage at the back of the inn, and the two sides did not meet.
Lin Li said they would go their separate ways, but there was only one road, so the two parties continued to travel together, one in front of the other, just not greeting each other anymore.
Cao Wanqiao was about to fall asleep in the carriage when she suddenly heard the horses neighing, and the carriage came to an unexpected stop. She fell forward due to inertia, but Bi’er was alert and grabbed the door frame to stop her, so Cao Wanqiao didn’t fall out of the carriage.
‘What? What?”
Cao Wanjiao was unsure what had happened and a little nervous, clutching Bi’er’s sleeve. Bi’er was also startled and, scared, lifted a corner of the curtain, and the two of them squeezed their heads together to peek out.
Lin Li and the two carriages of the eighth uncle were in the lead, and even further ahead was Guo Yufeng and his entourage, but they were both surrounded by dozens of men who looked like soldiers and guards. Those men had fierce faces and were strong and burly. The coachman and the bodyguard on their side looked like young children compared to them, all full of fear.
The soldiers stared at them as if they were trapped, afraid that they would pounce at the slightest movement.
Cao Wanqiao saw Lin Li get out of the carriage, looking uncomfortable as he talked to a pale-faced beardless man. Eight Shugong also got out, standing timidly next to his carriage and looking around.
‘The Prince’s Mansion has heard that several young ladies are preparing to go to the capital to participate in the imperial examinations in the coming days. Our Prince is the nephew of the Emperor, and he wants to help the Emperor select the best young ladies from Songzhou. He would like to ask the young ladies in the carriage to accompany us to the Prince’s Mansion!”
The man’s voice was thin and he spoke imperiously to Lin Li, with an attitude of superiority that didn’t take Lin Li seriously.
When Bi heard him mention the Prince’s Mansion, her face turned white, and she whispered, ’Could it be the eunuch from the Prince’s Mansion?’
Cao Wanjiao was still confused and at a loss. The man looked different from the other soldiers, wearing some kind of official uniform that was more refined. Hearing Bi’er say this, Cao Wanjiao also only knew that the Jingwang Mansion was the fief of their Songzhou feudal king, and did not understand why someone from the Jingwang Mansion stopped them.
Lin Li seemed to hold his breath and forced a smile, ‘So it was the order of the Prince of Jing. I’m sorry for not welcoming you. It’s just that the date of the selection is tight, and I’m afraid that if you go to the palace, it will delay the date of the selection…’
The eunuch of the Jing Palace raised his eyebrows and said unhappily, ‘What are you? The Prince said he would invite a few girls as guests, so it’s none of your business. Go away!’
As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and several soldiers and guardsmen suddenly surged forward, surrounding Lin Li. Before Lin Li could say anything, he was knocked to the ground by several pairs of fists.
Cao Wanqiao and Bi’er saw this and almost let out a cry of surprise. They covered their mouths, and Eighth Uncle Gong was so scared that he sat down on the ground, shaking all over.
The eunuch from the Prince Jing’s mansion looked over at Cao Wanqiao’s carriage. Cao Wanqiao’s expression hardened, and Bi’er almost burst into tears.
The eunuch walked slowly towards them, and in a high-pitched voice said, ‘This young lady should get out of the carriage, is she the daughter of the Pinghan County magistrate or some kind of official…’
Cao Wanqiao gritted her teeth, as she knew there was no way to avoid this, so she lifted the curtain and whispered, ‘I am the fifth daughter of the Caos, the official of the Taichang Temple.’
The eunuch seemed satisfied with her quick wit and looked her up and down, nodding slightly before saying, ‘Miss Cao, don’t be afraid. The Prince’s Mansion has prepared a magnificent carriage and horses for you.’
Cao Wanjiao got out of the carriage silently. This Jing Prince’s Mansion had obviously kidnapped someone. Although her mind was still a mess, she knew that the Jing Prince’s Mansion was all-powerful in Songzhou.
Without asking Lin Li’s identity, he beat him up without saying a word. Cao Wanqiao believed that she was not tough enough to go against the Jingwangfu.
The eunuch casually glanced at Bi’er and said, ‘Miss Cao can bring her maid into the palace to serve.’
Bi’er was already in tears, and she trembled even more when she heard this. Cao Wanqiao sighed and said to her, ‘I can go by myself.’
Bi’er froze for a moment, and suddenly saw Guo Yufeng and Huan’er not far away. They were being urged by another eunuch to get off the carriage, looking extremely embarrassed. She convinced herself in her heart that if Miss Cao could not enter the palace as a concubine, she could at least attract the attention of the Prince of Jing. It would be a blessing, not a curse. She wiped away her tears and leaned over to support Cao Wanquan. ‘I will go with you, my lady.’
Cao Wanjiao was actually very scared, but Bi’er’s willingness to accompany her to the Prince Jing’s mansion did calm her down a little. No matter what Bi’er was thinking, it was better than her being alone.
The eunuch in front of them also saw Guo Yufeng get off the carriage and walked over to take a look, but frowned, looking greatly disappointed.
Cao Wanqiao had just met Guo Yufeng for the first time, and really couldn’t say she was beautiful with a clear conscience. She had a big, flat face, small eyes and a flat nose, and she was wearing a thick layer of rouge. In particular, due to the shock, two lines of tears had washed across her face, leaving two white marks, which was a little hard to bear.
The two eunuchs were both disappointed, and they walked together towards Cao Wanqiao. She vaguely heard them say as they walked, ‘We can let this Miss Guo go to the selection.’ ‘That’s not certain. His Royal Highness’s temperament has become even more eccentric over the past year, and it’s hard to say whether he’ll have a different view of women. Let’s bring more people of all kinds into the palace for His Royal Highness to choose from.’ ‘That makes sense. If His Royal Highness doesn’t like them anyway, just let them go.’
The two eunuchs gave orders and two gorgeously decorated carriages were indeed brought, emblazoned with the Jingwei family crest. Guo Yufeng spotted Cao Wanjiao and stared at her, forgetting to cry for a moment. Bi’er, on the other hand, helped Cao Wanjiao onto one of the carriages with all the secrecy she could muster.
Before getting into the carriage, Cao Wanjiao looked back and saw Lin Li lying on the ground, barely breathing, too angry to speak, glaring at her with those snake eyes. Uncle Ba was so scared that he was still shaking. There was a puddle of liquid on the ground behind him. Cao Wanjiao frowned and turned her head away from him.
She got into the carriage, feeling the soft, thick felt blanket under her bottom. The walls of the carriage were made of high-quality wood and gave off a pleasant aroma. Cao Wanqiao’s heart was racing. She had barely left Songzhou before something terrible happened. She really wanted to scream and run away without looking back.
The king of Jing would surely not be a good guy if he would rob and kill a woman on her way to the capital.
She was afraid that if she entered the Jing Prince’s Mansion, she would probably meet a bad end.
But behind her, there is Cao Daniu’s family. The original body has abandoned them far away, but she cannot.
Now she is most worried about the reaction of Tao Shi and others. She just hopes that Eighth Uncle Gong will not exaggerate when he goes back.
Even if he doesn’t exaggerate, what happened is still very scary.
Guo Yufeng also got Huan’er in the other carriage. The two girls thus changed course and slowly moved forward, heading in the opposite direction of the originally expected path of destiny.
Cao Wanjiao and Bi’er were silent the whole way, and when they heard the sound of Guo Yufeng and Huan’er sobbing from the other carriage, the eunuch riding on the horse said in a neutral tone, ‘I advise Miss Guo to save her tears. If you really don’t want to go to the palace, that’s fine, I’ll just let you out of the carriage.’
Guo Yufeng and Huan’er stopped crying instantly. They had never left the palace, so who knew which way they were going? The two girls were being left here, and they didn’t know if they would be able to return to Pinghan City alive.
Threatened like this, the other side relented. Bi’er sat down next to Cao Wanjiao. She was allowed to bring her belongings, and Bi’er took out a water bag from it and handed it to Cao Wanjiao. ‘If you’re thirsty, use some,’
Cao Wanjiao was about to take it and drink, but then shook her head when she thought about it. ‘If I want to urinate later, I don’t know if I’ll be allowed to.’
Bi’er’s face turned pale again, and she stammered, ‘It’s not like they won’t let you urinate…’
But in the end, she put away the water bag. Neither Cao Wanjiao nor Bi’er knew how far it was from the original official road to Hangyi, the state capital where the Prince of Jing’s residence was located. They were afraid to ask, so they had to bear it.
Bie’er lowered her voice and said with a worried face to Cao Wanqiao, ‘I heard before that the royal palace had taken the girls who had been selected for the imperial examinations. I only took it as a rumour and forgot that it happened. I never thought it was true.’
Cao Wanqiao asked in surprise, ‘Isn’t this the first time the royal palace has taken someone?’
The author has something to say:
Someone: I didn’t take it.

Chapter 10
“I’m not from Songzhou, but I came with Lord Guo’s family. When Miss Yufeng was going to the imperial examination, the whole household was busy. I went to the Baibao Building to hurry up the delivery, and I overheard some employees talking about the past. Ten years ago, during the imperial examination, the Prince Jing, who had just inherited the kingdom, snatched the local girls who were going to the capital to participate in the imperial examination. He kept the pretty ones in the palace and let the ugly ones go, regardless of whether they wanted to participate in the imperial examination or not.’
Bi’er said, ‘Cao Wanjiao asked, “You heard it, so why didn’t you warn Lord Guo?
”I grew up in the countryside and never heard of any imperial examinations. When I came to Songzhou with Lord Guo, I thought that the feudal prince wouldn’t be so bold as to steal people. And the whole Guo family was so excited about preparing for the imperial examination, so if I poured cold water on it, I would be scolded by the stewards. How dare I say anything?’
Bi’er explained helplessly, ‘At this point, Cao Wanjiao doesn’t blame her for not taking this seriously. But since this kind of thing has happened and it seems that many people know about it, an old man like Eighth Uncle Gong should have heard about it too. Didn’t Eighth Uncle Gong ever think that they might encounter the Prince of Jing on the way and be robbed?
If he took a chance and didn’t warn Lin Li and Cao Daniu’s family, then Eighth Uncle would really be very hateful!
But at this time, it was useless to blame Eighth Uncle no matter what. Cao Wanjiao just felt that the future was uncertain. In her original body’s memories, she had almost no impression of this King Jing. She only knew that the current dynasty’s feudal lords were very powerful, like local tyrants. In the end, the identities were so different that she had never thought that they would be related.
‘Bi’er, you serve in the magistrate’s household, but have you heard anything else about the King of Jing?”
Hearing Cao Wanqiao’s question, Bi’er perked up. She guessed that Cao Wanqiao wanted to find out more about the King of Jing so that she could respond appropriately when she entered the palace. Bi’er couldn’t wait to tell her everything she knew: ’I’ve heard that the current emperor is already in his years old. In the past, the girls selected in the imperial examinations were already quite old, so the magistrate’s wife and Miss Yufeng both think that this is a great opportunity for the young girls to get the emperor’s attention. Lord Guo often talks about his mentor, who is a high-ranking official in the capital, so he is a bit dissatisfied that the Prince of Jing has so much power in Songzhou. However, the Prince of Jing is after all a feudal prince, so Lord Guo dares not say anything bad.’
After listening to this, Cao Wanjiao couldn’t help but raise her hand to her forehead. What Bi’er had said was useless. She asked again, ‘Now that Lord Guo is the local official in the King of Jing’s fiefdom, doesn’t he need to deal with the King of Jing?’
Bi’er then remembered and said, ‘The magistrate’s wife did want to send gifts to the princess consort, but at that time, the palace did not reply to the invitation, so the magistrate’s wife could not just go directly to the palace. She once asked the wife of the prefect above, who said that there was no need to send another invitation, because the princess consort of Jing didn’t like dealing with officials anyway. However, she heard something about it because of this. The princess consort died a year ago, and it was heard that there were some suspicious circumstances surrounding her death, but who would dare to investigate? Even if the princess was betrothed to the Prince of Jing by the emperor, and even if she died in suspicious circumstances, no one dares to pursue it.”
Cao Wanqiao was shocked and asked anxiously, “Could it be that the Prince of Jing himself is suspicious?”
Bi’er frowned and said, ’Even the wife of the magistrate dares not ask about this, and I don’t know either.’
After saying this, the master and servant became even more afraid. This Jing Wang might even kill the empress that the emperor had appointed. These women who were preparing to be selected for the imperial harem would definitely not fare well.
At nightfall, the two eunuchs in charge did book rooms at the inn, one for Guo Yufeng and one for Cao Wanquan. In Songzhou, they rode in a carriage bearing the insignia of the Jing Wang Mansion. The merchants received them with trepidation, and the rooms and supplies were much finer than the previous night.
But how could Cao Wanqiao sleep peacefully? She asked Bi’er to share the bed with her, and the two of them snuggled up together, barely able to sleep.
In the middle of the night, when it was quiet, Cao Wanqiao thought she heard someone talking outside. She listened carefully, but it was the voices of the two eunuchs: ‘This time in Songzhou, there are five or six girls who want to be selected to go to the royal palace. That’s less than ten years ago. “ ”I guess the emperor is getting old, and many families are avoiding the selection.’ ‘I heard that the An Prince’s Mansion in Meizhou found more than ten girls, but our Prince only got five or six. Isn’t that embarrassing?’ “How do you know the An Prince’s Mansion got more than ten girls?” “One of my old hometown brothers is in the An Prince’s Mansion. He sent a special message to De Se.”
The two eunuchs chatted for a while on the porch before leaving. Cao Wanqiao felt even more heavy-hearted. Are these women of the court now the objects of competition among the princes? She still remembered what the eunuch said about letting the Prince Jing choose. She could only pray that she would not be chosen by the Prince Jing…
There is still a chance of survival in palace intrigues, but if she has to serve a prince who dares to kill his own wife, she fears that her life will not be enough to serve as a side dish for the Prince Jing.
The next morning, Cao Wanjiao and Bi’er got up before anyone called. Naturally, Bi’er did not persuade Cao Wanjiao to put on makeup as she had done the previous day. She simply washed her face and the two of them waited until the eunuch came to call. They immediately opened the door. The eunuch was taken aback and, seeing that they had washed and were clean, he looked satisfied and said with a smile, ‘Miss Cao is really diligent. There’s no rush. Have some breakfast before you set off again.’
Then he told the innkeeper behind him to serve some breakfast. The eunuch from the royal palace was about to leave when he looked out the door and saw Guo Yufeng and her servant walking towards Cao Wanjiao’s room with sad faces. The eunuch frowned and asked, ‘Why is Miss Guo leaving her room for no reason?’
Guo Yufeng was shocked and unable to speak. Huan’er still supported her master and said, ‘Our young lady wants to talk to Miss Cao for a while.’
The eunuch looked up and down at Guo Yufeng, observing that although she looked nervous, she was still painted white and had red lips. She was not as good-looking as Cao Wanjiao, who was wearing no makeup. The eunuch had a plan in mind, and said in a bad mood, ‘There is no need for this. Miss Guo, you’d better go back to your room and have your breakfast quickly. You will be leaving soon.’
Guo Yufeng and her servant did not dare to argue, so they went back as she said. Cao Wanqiao and Bi’er heard it in the room. There was anticipation on Bi’er’s face as she said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘Young lady, the eunuch spoke to you in a relatively polite manner, does that mean he thinks more highly of you?’
What’s so good about being thought highly of? Cao Wanqiao was speechless.
“That’s compared to Miss Guo. When we get to the royal palace, the other girls will look better than me, and I guess we’ll get scolded too.’
Bi’er was at a loss for words, and her face once again fell.
They set off early after breakfast. The carriage at the prince’s mansion was much more comfortable. There was nothing along the way, and Cao Wanqiao couldn’t hold back and dozed off after all. It was still early evening outside, and they seemed to have arrived at the Prince Jing’s mansion,’ Bi’er whispered, shaking her awake.
Cao Wanjiao quickly came back to her senses. Sure enough, the carriage had stopped. She heard the eunuchs in front talking as if they had stopped in front of the Prince Jing’s Mansion and were preparing to go in.
Later, the carriage drove again and went straight into the Prince’s Mansion. When it stopped, she heard the eunuch outside say, ‘Miss Cao, please get off the carriage.’
Cao Wanqiao asked Bi’er to help her down. She was first greeted by the fragrance of flowers, and when she looked around, she saw that she had alighted in a garden with lush flowers and trees. Looking back, she saw a stretch of white walls and golden tiles, with carved buildings and painted rafters. It was so rich and overwhelming that it made her eyes grow dizzy.
However, in front of them was a moon gate. Several servant girls dressed as maids were standing in front of the moon gate, looking at her and whispering to each other from time to time.
Although they were dressed as servants, they were wearing silk clothes and silver hairpins, and their attire was not shabby, which made Cao Wanjiao exclaim that this was indeed the manner of the royal court.
Guo Yufeng also got off the carriage. The servants looked at her and frowned, then whispered to each other before smiling and coming up to her. They said to Cao Wanjiao, ‘This is Miss Cao, the fifth daughter of the family of the head of the Imperial Sacrificial Rites? Please follow me, I have prepared a place for you to stay.’
Cao Wanqiao was flattered by the servants’ kind attitude towards her. She thought that she had been kidnapped like a prisoner and would be thrown into the wood-shed or something.
The group of maidservants surrounded her as they crossed the moon gate. Cao Wanqiao turned her head and looked back, but she saw Guo Yufeng and Huaner showing signs of humiliation. Since no one was serving them and the eunuchs were urging them to go forward, they had no choice but to follow behind.
When Huan’er saw Bi’er supporting Cao Wanjiao, her face was full of confusion, but Bi’er had made up her mind to ignore her and just concentrate on serving Cao Wanjiao.
The two eunuchs, however, did not cross the moon gate and said to Cao Wanjiao and Guo Yufeng, ‘It’s getting late, so we will report to the prince and invite you to see him tomorrow.’
After seeing the two girls off, they walked towards the opposite direction.
The two eunuchs were originally named Shunfu and Changfu. Shunfu laughed as he walked, saying, ‘Even Madam Wu and the others all fancy that Cao girl. If we had known, we should have let the daughter of Magistrate Guo go and not wasted the food rations.’
Changfu lowered his mouth corners and said disapprovingly, ‘What if the prince takes a fancy to her? The prince hasn’t set foot in the back courtyard for a year, and I don’t know what’s changed in his mind. I even went to find some clean young boys, but it’s still no use. Can it be that Miss Guo has struck great luck and caught the prince’s eye?’
‘If the Prince really does fancy Miss Guo, won’t that take everyone by surprise?’ Shunfu laughed, but when he thought about the Prince’s recent unreadable mood, he became confused again.
When they arrived at the study in the front courtyard, Shunfu asked the head eunuch, Liu Fu, to report to the Prince. Liu Fu entered the study and saw the Prince sitting at the desk, flipping through a book.
The King of Jing was thirty years old, tall and slender, with a beard that covered half his face. His single eyelids gave his eyes a sharp, penetrating look, and the black and white beard made him look older than he was. Liu Fu knew that in the past, the King of Jing would deliberately go out in the sun from time to time to tan his skin and add to his masculine charm.
In the past year, he has been spending more time reading in his study, and his complexion has become much fairer, although it is hidden by the beard.
Liú Fú has served the Prince Jing since childhood and knows that his character was originally eccentric. In the past year, he has become even more unpredictable. He walks forward with light steps and whispers, ‘Your Highness, this year there are six women from Songzhou who have been selected to enter the palace. They have all entered the palace today. When would Your Highness like to summon them to see you?’
The Prince of Jing paused for a moment, and a flash of surprise crossed his eyes as he stared at the scroll. After listening to this, he raised his gaze from the scroll and pondered for a moment before speaking: ‘Tell them all to leave.’
Liú Fú froze. ‘All of them?
The Prince of Jing then returned his gaze to the scroll. “Yes, all of them. No need to see them.”
The author has something to say:
The beard will come off, and our male lead is a god!

Chapter 11
Liú Fú was not convinced and earnestly persuaded, ‘Your Highness, would you at least meet with them? There are quite a few beautiful ones among them, and Your Highness has not entered the back garden for a long time…’
‘No need,’ said the King of Jing, turning away, obviously not wanting to hear anymore, and adding, ‘If there is another selection in the future, don’t steal anyone.’
Liú Fú was full of doubts and asked anxiously, ‘All the other feudal lords are doing this, if we don’t, won’t it seem like we’re siding with the emperor? And Your Highness also said before that you wanted to go against the emperor’s wishes, so why don’t you want to grab people now?’
The Prince of Jing didn’t even raise an eyebrow and said indifferently, ‘Others have nothing to do with me.’
Liú Fú was anxious and thought of something, so he asked carefully, ‘Is Your Highness still upset with the princess…’
He didn’t dare finish his sentence, but the Prince didn’t ask him, and didn’t answer, as if he hadn’t heard.
Liufu tried to persuade him some more, but the Prince had already switched to ignore mode, unwavering. Liufu had no choice but to sigh, walk outside, and find Shunfu and Changfu waiting. Liufu didn’t want them to know that his persuasion had been in vain, so he pretended to be calm and collected and said, ‘Tell the girls to dress up brightly tomorrow.’
Shunfu and Changfu’s eyes lit up, thinking that the Prince had agreed to summon the girls and that they had done something. They went up to praise Liu Fu and then dispersed.
Liu Fu was miserable. He thought that he would definitely have to find a way to let the Prince see the girls tomorrow, or the Prince might change his mind.
He made up his mind, and the next morning, while he was thinking of how to convince the Prince of Peace, he heard the young eunuch on night duty reporting that the Prince of Peace had gone to the Garden of Fragrance and Beauty. Liú Fú woke up in shock, quickly dressed and ran.
The Garden of Fragrance and Beauty was where the Princess of Peace lived. After the Princess of Peace died, the Prince of Peace ordered that the object be stored in ice and locked away in the garden, and no one was allowed to enter.
Liú Fú pondered that he had probably mentioned the princess yesterday, which reminded the king of this matter, and he went to take a look again. He remembered that when the princess had just died, the king had gone to see her almost every day, which had scared Liú Fú and caused him to have nightmares every night.
He also wondered how the king was not afraid, and could spend half an hour looking at that thing.
When Liú Fú arrived at Fangfei Garden, King Jing had already come out. Liú Fú was taken aback and asked, ‘Why did the king want to come here again?’
The King’s face was normal, as if he had just taken a morning walk. He replied, ‘I still can’t figure it out.’
Liufu glanced at Fangfei Garden and shuddered. He always felt that the place was eerie and didn’t dare to look again. He followed the King and said, ‘If the King can’t figure it out, just forget about it. In my humble opinion, it would be best for the Queen to move out as soon as possible…’
As usual, the King of Jing did not say a word, continuing on as if he hadn’t heard, but halfway through the walk, Liu Fu suddenly remembered something and pointed in another direction, saying hurriedly, ‘Your Highness, today you’ll take a slightly longer route. Let’s go this way!’
The Prince of Jing stopped in his tracks and glanced back at him. ‘When I came here, I took this path.’
Liú Fú pretended to be at a loss and said, ‘I just told the servants to pick up the stones along this path, but I’m afraid they’re still busy. Please follow me, Your Highness.’
The Prince of Jing didn’t really have a choice, so Liú Fú walked in front of him and chose another path.
When they got closer to a courtyard, they suddenly heard the sound of birds singing. Liu Fu then clapped his hands and said, ‘I forgot that this is where the girls who have been selected to be imperial concubines live. I have disturbed Your Highness’s peace. This is my fault!’
The Prince of Jing just looked at him silently, making Liu Fu feel awkward. He smiled sheepishly and said, ‘Your Highness is already here, why don’t you come in and take a look at this place?’
The Prince of Jing did not move, and finally asked, ‘Why haven’t they left yet?’
Liú Fú slowly put away his smile and muttered, ‘If they go out, they don’t know if they will survive, but if they stay here, they will live a few more days.’
The Prince of Jing paused, narrowed his eyes, and asked in a stern voice, ‘What do you mean?’
Liú Fú’s heart tightened at the sound of the Prince’s voice, but he could not tell from the Prince’s face whether he was happy or angry. Liú Fú could only stammer an explanation, ‘Isn’t that right? If you continue to go to the capital to take the imperial examinations, if people find out that you have stayed in the prince’s mansion, will the palace allow it? Let’s send her home. Some people are so pedantic about chastity that they would be happy to send her to the family temple.”
Of course, Liu Fu didn’t say that in the current dynasty, due to the powerful warlords, many rules had loosened up, and it was not as strict as the previous dynasty. The prince had never asked about these matters before, so if this could attract the prince’s attention, Liu Fu would be happy to exaggerate.
The Prince of Jing pondered for a while before saying, ‘Ten years ago, it seems that only a few were left…’
Liufu hurriedly nodded in agreement, ‘Yes, yes, a few were left, Your Highness, you’ve forgotten? Concubine Lan was supposed to go to the capital to be selected as a candidate.’
The Prince of Jing then said, ‘If it will harm their reputation, then keep them, like Concubine Lan…’ He frowned slightly, paused for a long while, and then said, ‘I’ve forgotten Concubine Lan’s name, so she can just stay here and be considered an extra mouth to feed.’
Liu Fu almost fell to the ground. No way? After all, Concubine Lan was considered favoured in the back courtyard. How could the Prince not even remember her name? And he even treated her like an extra mouth to feed?
‘Concubine Lan’s maiden name was Xiao Xiao…’
Liu Fu was just saying this when he heard a burst of laughter coming from the Peacock Listening Courtyard. He listened carefully, and it sounded like Concubine Lan’s laughter.
“Why do I hear it like Concubine Lan is in the courtyard?’ Liu Fu blurted out, and then remembered, Could it be that Lan Xiao Xiao had come to show off to the newlyweds?
King Jing had no intention of going over to listen, but Lan Xiao Xiao’s voice was not small, and it carried again: ‘You said your name was Wan Qiao, right? You are worse off than me. At least I have a real father who is a small county magistrate, but you were adopted. You are just going straight to the capital!’
Liú Fú saw that when the Prince Jing heard this, his eyes momentarily widened in shock, and then he walked towards the Que Ling Yuan. He thought to himself, ‘Is the Prince planning to go in and lecture Concubine Lan?’
He hurriedly followed the Prince’s footsteps and entered. He turned the screen wall, but unexpectedly saw a stone table in the centre of the small garden in the Que Ling Yuan. Lan Xiaoxiao was sitting facing the entrance to the courtyard. In front of her were six women, either standing or sitting. On the table were a plate of melon seeds and a jug of wine. Lan Xiaoxiao was munching on the melon seeds and chatting idly.
Lan Xiaoxiao was originally a mature woman with attractive features, but the act of munching on melon seeds and sipping wine ruined the painting.
‘Back then, when I first entered the royal palace…”
Halfway through her sentence, Lan Xiaoxiao saw the Prince of Jing walk in, and almost spat out the melon seeds. She stood up hastily, lost for words, and exclaimed, “Why has the Prince come?”
The other women also turned around. Before the Prince of Jing could see clearly, he saw them fall to their knees in unison, shouting, ’We greet the Prince.’
Lan Xiaoxiao was still slow to react. She secretly resented these young women for forgetting their elders in favour of the handsome young man. They should have called out to her first before kneeling, leaving her standing out like a sore thumb.
After all, she was an old hand at the palace. Lan Xiaoxiao quickly came back to her senses. She raised her eyebrows, tilted her lips, and instantly assumed the appearance of a delicate and beautiful young woman, leaning over towards Jing Wang.
‘Luckily, I came here to find new sisters to talk to, otherwise I wouldn’t know that Your Highness was in a hurry to come see the young ladies so early in the morning.”
The casualness in her words made people feel that Lan Xiaoxiao must be very favoured in front of the Prince Jing. The young ladies didn’t dare to look up, but they didn’t know that the Prince Jing ignored Lan Xiaoxiao and just stared at the row of kneeling women below.
Lan Xiaoxiao was embarrassed when she saw that the King of Jing didn’t even glance her way. She secretly resented the saying that ‘new love makes the old forget’, but she understood the King of Jing’s character and knew that he didn’t like people to cling to him. So she simply shut up and watched what the King of Jing saw in those girls.
‘Raise your heads.”
The King’s voice sounded deep and resonant, and the several teenage girls all trembled, slowly raising their heads.
Their appearances ranged from tall to short, their dress from flashy to simple, and their makeup from heavy to light. However, the King’s gaze was fixed directly on the plain face of the one who looked frightened and uneasy. Those round eyes were full of nervousness, and when they met the King’s gaze, her whole body trembled.
‘……Qiao Qiao.”
Everyone was taken aback, and there was silence in the hall.
It took a moment for them to react, and they wondered if that was really the King’s voice.
Cao Wan Qiao was even more confused and panicked, her little round face tensing up. Suddenly, she felt various looks of jealousy, curiosity, and sympathy shooting at her from all sides. Cao Wan Qiao didn’t dare to look at the King again, but she also didn’t dare to lower her head, so she hung her head and gritted her teeth.
Still, Liu Fu broke the silence by asking, ’Which girl is this?’
Cao Wanqiao, however, looked around with her eyes, without answering. Only then did Liu Fu realise that the girl didn’t even know that she was asking her a question!
Lan Xiaoxiao’s heart was filled with mixed emotions, but she forced a smile and walked over to help Cao Wanqiao up, laughing, ‘Sister, Head Butler Liu Fu is asking you a question. I think it’s your first time meeting the king, so you’re afraid to speak, so I’ll speak for you.’ Then she turned to Jing Wang and said, ‘Your Highness, my younger sister is the fifth daughter of the Cao family, the head of the Imperial Household Department. Her maiden name is Wan Qiao. She was just saying that her family calls her Qiaoqiao. Your Highness is truly a man of insight, calling her by her nickname.’
Jing Wang looked Cao Wan Qiao up and down at this point, suddenly looking puzzled, and asked her, ‘How old are you…?’
Lan Xiaoxiao did not answer for her, but gave her a wink and whispered, ‘The prince is asking you.’
Cao Wanqiao had no choice but looked at the bearded prince in front of her, who was superior to her, and timidly said, ‘I… I am sixteen years old.’
When the Jingwang heard this answer, he was stunned for a long time. Everyone gradually sensed that something was wrong. If you say that the Jingwang likes Cao Wanqiao, what is the matter with this situation where they are looking at each other with no words to say? If it’s said that the King doesn’t fancy her, he hasn’t taken his eyes off Cao Wanqiao since entering the Queying Hall, as if the others didn’t exist.
‘When did you arrive?’
The King asked after a long while, and everyone’s attention turned to Cao Wanqiao again. She looked hesitant and stammered, ‘Yesterday…’
The King of Jing was stunned. Liu Fu stepped forward and added, ‘Yes, Your Highness, you’ve forgotten. I only mentioned it to you last night.’
The King of Jing glanced at Liu Fu, frowned, glanced around the room, and finally fixed his gaze on Cao Wanqiao.
‘You,’ the King of Jing pointed at Cao Wanqiao. ‘Come with me.’
He waved his large palm at her, and Cao Wanqiao, with eyes that wanted to cry but dared not, stood up with a slight tremor. She looked back and saw Bi’er kneeling on the side, the other party showing an encouraging expression. Cao Wanqiao looked at Lan Xiaoxiao next to her again, the other party disdainfully surveying her small frame. Cao Wanqiao had the intuitive feeling that she was being disliked.
King Jing turned around and was about to leave, but he kept staring at her until Cao Wanqiao took a step, and then King Jing continued walking out.
Cao Wanqiao passed by Liu Fu and heard him whisper to himself, ‘Buddha bless, finally I’ve found one!’
The author has something to say:
The supporting characters in this article are not as crazy as the author’s last book. Well, um, idiots and jokers are allowed!

Chapter 12
Speaking of Lan Xiaoxiao, ten years ago her father was a minor county magistrate. Unlike Lord Guo, her father had studied hard and finally passed the imperial examinations. However, he had no connections in the capital and was immediately assigned to a remote minor county. Lan Xiaoxiao and her mother were both in Songzhou before they could go and join her father, they received a letter from home saying that the emperor had announced a selection of beauties, and that all daughters of officials below the sixth rank were required to participate. Lan Xiaoxiao had never been to the county government office before, but she immediately packed her bags and followed her mother to the capital.
At that time, they still relied on the local governor of Songzhou for support, and only with his help were they able to hire a carriage. They had not gone far before they were captured and taken to the Prince Jing’s residence.
Lan Xiaoxiao was just a country girl, but fortunately she had a pretty face, so the Prince of Jing took a fancy to her and let her stay. Unlike the other women who had been abducted and were panicking, Lan Xiaoxiao quickly decided that she wanted to earn a place in the palace.
Because of this, Lan Xiaoxiao actively tried to please the Prince of Jing, and the Prince of Jing did indeed spend more time in her courtyard.
Especially after learning the King’s ‘secret’, she got the position of a concubine as she wished.
But just a year ago, the Queen suddenly died suddenly, and after that, the King never set foot in the back courtyard again.
Of course, if everyone is like this, Lan Xiaoxiao doesn’t feel that she has fallen out of favour. But at this time, she heard that there were a few more girls who had been snatched away in the selection, and she hadn’t fought with anyone for a long time. She had to hurry up and find out about her opponents!
So she went to the Bird Listening Court, intending to intimidate these girls. But looking at the bewildered and confused expressions on the faces of these young girls, she was reminded of the days when she had just been snatched away to the palace. She couldn’t help but ask about their backgrounds, and then she had melon seeds and wine set out, and they really did have a long chat.
The prettiest one was Yang Han, the daughter of the chief clerk of a county government. She had willowy eyebrows and phoenix eyes, fair skin and red lips. Lan Xiaoxiao first took her as an offering to the heavens, scolding her mercilessly. Yang Han blushed and burst into tears, frightening the other girls present. Sure enough, all the girls were trembling with fear and did not dare to retort.
When Lan Xiaoxiao saw Cao Wanqiao again, she was pleasantly cute, but with a lost look on her face, as if she were asking, ‘Where am I? Where am I? Where is this place? ‘ The look of a little lost girl. Lan Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but be curious, and after asking, she realized that she had actually been selected by her clan to replace her older sister in the imperial selection.
As soon as she said this, she immediately won the sympathy of everyone present. She was a young girl from a small family who was living a good life, and she had not yet tasted the taste of being an official’s daughter. First, she was selected, and then she was robbed. Could there be any more bad luck?
That’s why Lan Xiaoxiao said those emotional words, and Jing Wang heard them.
Not to mention Lan Xiaoxiao, at the moment, Cao Wanqiao, who was following Jing Wang, was baffled. Yang Han was much prettier than herself, and Lan Xiaoxiao was even more charming, so why did Jing Wang single her out? And when he spoke, he even called her by her nickname. People who didn’t know them would think that they knew each other!
Cao Wanqiao looked at the back of the Jing Wang in front of her, full of wild thoughts. What did Jing Wang want to do to her? Why did he just tell her to follow him?
This Jing Wang is tall and strong, with a beard. She didn’t dare to look closely at his eyebrows and eyes just now, and she just felt that this person had a fierce appearance. She heard Eighth Uncle say that Jing Wang was young, but when she saw him with her own eyes, could this be called young? In her impression, people who grow a big beard are generally not young.
If this prince were young and handsome, she would feel more at ease, but he looks like this. And since she arrived yesterday, she heard the maidservants say that the girls who were taken to the palace before her and Guo Yufeng were all rejected by the prince. She didn’t dare to ask more, but did ‘reject’ mean ‘physically reject’? Could it be that the girls had already been favoured by the prince? Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but think of unspeakable scenes.
She didn’t realise that her mind was dirty and she had completely gone in the wrong direction. At the moment, she had seen the Prince Jing in person, and he didn’t look kind at all. The more Cao Wanjiao thought about it, the more scared she became. The Prince Jing was so tall, and his footsteps were so wide that when he walked quickly, she had to run slightly to keep up with him, and she couldn’t help but stumble a little.
She couldn’t help feeling aggrieved, so the King, who was in front of her, suddenly heard intermittent sobs coming from behind him. He stopped in his tracks and turned around to see Cao Wanqiao, who looked pitiful with reddened eyes, her lips pursed tightly, and tears falling. She was startled to see him suddenly turn around and immediately wanted to kneel down.
The King of Jing was quick and deft, supporting her arm and pulling her up with him. Cao Wanqiao was confused, and when she came to her senses, she realised that she was only a step away from the King of Jing. She looked up and saw the dark pupils of his eyes.
The King of Jing…has single eyelids?
‘Why are you crying?’
Cao Wanqiao was still in a daze, and it took her a while to realise that the King of Jing was asking her.
She couldn’t help but tremble, blinked away the tears, and whispered in a weak voice, ‘I…I…I have sand in my eyes…’
She didn’t dare say that she was afraid of the King, so she had to make up an excuse. However, as soon as she finished speaking, a shadow fell over her. Cao Wanqiao didn’t know what was happening, and the King’s face was right in front of her.
‘Let me take a look.”
As soon as the King of Jing finished speaking, Cao Wanqiao noticed that his large hand had gently lifted her chin, causing her to raise her face.
Oh my, she just said that casually, but the King of Jing took it seriously!
She couldn’t help but panic and blinked several times. The King of Jing was silent for a while before saying, “Don’t blink, let me take a look.”
Cao Wanqiao immediately didn’t dare to blink again, her eyes wide open, her whole body tense and stiff.
In her two lives, she had only been this close to a man with her father and her ex-boyfriend. Now that Jing Wang had come onto her, she was filled with anger and fear, because the hated class system prevented her from resisting.
Come to think of it, her ex-boyfriend also had single eyelids…
Just as she thought that, she felt a gust of wind on her eyes, and she couldn’t help but close them.
‘More sand?‘
Cao Wanjiao only realised belatedly that it was the Prince Jing who had blown wind into her eyes. If she had known, she would not have said anything about sand getting into her eyes. Hearing the Prince Jing ask, Cao Wanjiao hurriedly shook her head.
The Prince Jing, however, stared at her fixedly, making Cao Wanjiao want to lower her head, but her jaw was still being held by him, so she had to avert her eyes and dare not look at him.
’You’re not crying because sand got into your eyes, you’re afraid of me.’
Hearing the King of Jing suddenly ask her this, Cao Wanqiao froze. She instinctively wanted to shake her head, but after hesitating for a moment, she wondered if the King of Jing, who was blowing the dust out of her eyes, was being lecherous or kind. Should she tell the truth?
Before she could think of an answer, she heard the King of Jing ask again, ‘You don’t know who I am?’
Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but look up at the King of Jing, slightly frowning, and timidly said, ‘I know, I know, you are the King of Jing…’
Upon hearing this, the king’s hand holding her chin paused, his eyes flashing with doubt. Suddenly, he let go of her and took two steps back to put some distance between them.
‘Follow me.’
It was as if the king’s aura suddenly turned cold. Although he let go of Cao Wanqiao, he made her feel even more at a loss.
She had no choice but to follow the King all the way. Only then did Liu Fu see the King raise Cao Wanjiao’s chin, and he dared not look, for fear of interrupting his master’s good deed.
The King led Cao Wanjiao to his study. His outer courtyard was guarded and attended only by eunuchs and guards. Upon seeing the King, they all bowed and knelt.
The King entered the room first, and Cao Wanqiao entered slowly, but she only dared to stand in the doorway. Liu Fu caught up with her, but instead of going in, he shut the door smartly and stood guard outside.
Cao Wanqiao saw the door shut, and she had no tears when she wanted to cry. Standing by the door, she stared at the King, afraid that he might suddenly make a move. She saw the King himself grinding the ink, without looking up, and then he said, ‘Come here.’
She bit her lip and slowly walked over step by step. Several books were placed on the desk in a haphazard manner, with ink, paper, brush and inkstone placed in the centre, presumably for the King’s daily use.
The King had finished grinding the ink and dipped the brush in it slightly before handing it to her. ‘Write a few characters for me to see.’
What was this? Cao Wanqiao was at a loss for words. She had expected the King to do all sorts of things to her as soon as he entered the room, but instead he told her to write?
Cao Wanjiao subconsciously wanted to reach out and take the pen, but her fingers lifted a small arc and then retracted.
‘Your Highness, I am illiterate and cannot write.’
Fortunately, she had not forgotten her identity as the daughter of a butcher in this life. She had not gone to school, so how would she know how to write? Anyway, she would never want to learn to write like some time-travelling women who would write a bunch of amazing ancient poems as soon as they arrived to attract the attention of the world.
However, she had forgotten most of those poems and could not remember them all.
Hearing her say this, the King of Jing was stunned. They were silent for a while, and then the King of Jing silently put down his brush and said, ‘Tell me about your family.’
Although Cao Wanjiao did not understand the series of actions of the King of Jing, he did not extend his claws to her after all, so she obediently replied, ‘My surname is Cao, I am from Pinghan County. My father is a butcher. Since there is a third uncle in the clan who is the Taichang Temple Records, and the fourth daughter of his family was supposed to be on the list for the selection, but she had secretly agreed to marry someone else early on. She didn’t want to enter the palace for the selection, so she wanted to find someone in the clan to replace her. The young woman was pushed forward by the eighth uncle, and she was going to go to the capital to be selected for the selection instead of this fourth young lady.”
Yes, Cao Wanqiao was so unfaithful. She was pushed forward by the clan for the selection, and she was snatched by King Jing. She guessed that the selection would definitely fail, and she didn’t know what her future held. Of course, she wouldn’t protect the third uncle and the eighth uncle.
They were originally conspiring against the emperor, and this Jing Wang…is not the emperor, so it should be okay to tell the truth, right?
And the fact that he would take them, girls who should be participating in the imperial examination, shows that he doesn’t care about the emperor. His actions with the family and clan should not upset the Jing Wang…right?
Cao Wanqiao’s clever mind filled in the blanks, but she was still waiting anxiously for the Jing Wang’s reaction.
After a while, the King of Jing said, ‘Your name is Cao Wanqiao, you are sixteen years old, the daughter of a butcher, and you cannot read.’
Huh? Cao Wanqiao took a while to digest what the King of Jing had said, her head full of questions. She had spoken at such length, and the King of Jing had summarised it like that?
To avoid an awkward situation, she answered with a stiff upper lip, ‘Yes, yes.’
However, the King of Jing revealed a look of unyielding determination and asked again, ‘You don’t know who I am?’
Cao Wanqiao rolled her eyes. This King of Jing…is there something wrong with his head? Didn’t he ask her already?
‘It’s the King of Jing…’
She had to reply like this. This time, the King of Jing furrowed his brows completely, exuding an icy aura. Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but shrink.
Seeing that she was afraid, the King of Jing let out a soft breath and whispered as if speaking to himself, ‘Did she not come?’
The author has something to say:
Female protagonist: It’s your own fault for not shaving.

Chapter 13
The King of Jing finished speaking to himself and then fell silent. Cao Wanqiao stood there, almost in a daze, reminding herself to focus. Although the King of Jing didn’t seem like he was about to pounce on her, she still couldn’t be careless!
It was a long time before the King looked up, and his gaze was not as full of curiosity as before. He asked, ‘Do you get along well with your family?’
Cao Wanjiao didn’t understand why he suddenly asked this, but thinking of Cao Daniu and Tao’s kindness to her, and the innocence and cuteness of her younger brothers and sisters, she nodded emphatically. ‘Yes!’ Then she remembered that her answer was too casual, and she slowed down her tone and said, ‘Yes.’
The King of Jing nodded to indicate that he understood, but then said, ‘I want you to stay at the palace. I will have someone go tell your family.’
Cao Wanqiao felt as if she had been struck by lightning. What did this mean? Had the King of Jing taken a fancy to her?
‘Your Majesty…do I…do I have to stay at the palace?’ Cao Wanqiao asked, her last shred of resistance faltering slightly.
The King of Jing just nodded, adding, ‘Let me figure it out.’
Cao Wanqiao froze, and the tears that she almost forced out were swallowed back. What did this mean?
Before she could ask, the Prince of Jing had already moved to the door and suddenly opened it. Liu Fu froze in his position, awkwardly straightening up as he kept eavesdropping against the door. ‘Ahem, Your Highness…so soon?’
The Prince of Jing did not answer him, but pointed at Cao Wanqiao and said to Liu Fu, ‘Prepare a courtyard for Miss Cao.’
Hearing this, Liu Fu was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly. ‘Congratulations to Your Highness on your new love! I will prepare a courtyard for Miss Cao right away. How about Fengting Building?’
The Prince Jing glanced at Cao Wanqiao and said in a very natural tone, ‘The tall one is not suitable. I will give her the Xu Yard next to my study.’ He then said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘You go back to Queying Yard to pack your things.’
Liú Fú didn’t ask any questions, just assuming that the King wanted Cao Wānqiáo to live closer. Even though it was against the rules to place the maids‘ quarters in the front courtyard, the King hadn’t been in the back courtyard for a year, and he would have celebrated if he could have set off firecrackers just to see the maid Liú Fú. He quickly went up to Cao Wānqiáo and led her out.
’Congratulations, Miss Cao!’ While guiding Cao Wanqiao, Liu Fu whispered, ‘When you become successful in the future, don’t forget to help me along! I wish you many sons and blessings!’
Cao Wanqiao smiled stiffly, speechless. She hadn’t learned how to bow after meeting the prince, so she just kept walking while glancing back at Jing Wang. She saw him standing by the door, staring straight at her with an expressionless expression.
For some reason, Cao Wanqiao always felt that although the Prince Jing was looking at her, he seemed to be looking through her at someone else.
On the way back to Queerlingyuan, Cao Wanqiao kept convincing herself that it was no big deal to be noticed by the Prince Jing. Originally, she was going to participate in the imperial examination to become an imperial concubine, but now she would become the concubine of the Prince Jing instead.
But now she was going to become a member of the Jingwang’s harem, which was pretty much the same thing.
No matter how much she tried to convince herself, Cao Wanqiao still couldn’t help feeling down. Liu Fu, however, was beaming with joy as he led her back to Queer Court. When they arrived, they saw Lan Xiaoxiao and the other girls still chatting idly. Lan Xiaoxiao was stunned when she saw them return and blurted out, ‘So soon?’
Hey, how come this concubine Lan has the same idea as I do? Liu Fu coughed awkwardly twice, but looked around and said, ‘Miss Cao was given the honour of living in the officer’s quarters by His Highness. We’ll go after we collect our luggage.’
When he said this, there was silence in the Que Ling Yuan. But Bi’er was the first to go forward, beaming with joy, and said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘I congratulate you, my lady!’
Cao Wanqiao smiled bitterly and didn’t say anything.
It is estimated that Bi’er’s obviously proud face had infected everyone present, and Cao Wanjiao’s being noticed by the Prince of Jing seemed like a great joy. Guo Yufeng and Huan’er on the side had already questioned Bi’er and knew that Bi’er had been bought to serve Cao Wanjiao, and they also felt disgust towards Cao Wanjiao. Coupled with the fact that they had been treated differently on the way to the palace, they were all resentful that Cao Wanjiao had suddenly become the Prince of Jing’s person.
Guo Yufeng, with a handkerchief in her hands, plucked up the courage to ask Liu Fu, ‘Eunuch, may I ask when it will be our turn to meet with the Prince of Jing?’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback. Had Guo Yufeng forgotten that she was supposed to go to the capital to take the imperial examinations? And was she still worrying about the order in which they would meet with the Prince of Jing?
Liu Fu didn’t really expect much from Guo Yufeng, so he said indifferently, ‘It depends on the prince’s interest. There are so many people in the back garden, and some people have been waiting for years without seeing the prince.’
Guo Yufeng and Huan’er both turned pale. Guo Yufeng pouted and questioned, ‘Isn’t that too unfair?’
Liu Fu heard this and said with a fake smile, ‘Miss Guo, do you think that if you go to the capital to be selected, you will definitely be able to meet the emperor? Even if you do, you don’t know if you’ll have the same fortune as Miss Cao.”
Guo Yufeng was ashamed and angry when she heard these implied derogatory words. She didn’t dare to retort to the eunuch manager Liu Fu, but she gave Cao Wanqiao a fierce glare.
Cao Wanqiao sighed inwardly. Liu Fu’s words were basically drawing hatred for her. Should she say that fortunately she was going to move elsewhere soon and not live in this Queying Courtyard anymore?
Liú Fú then turned to Cao Wánqiáo and said, ‘Miss Cao, please pack some of your belongings. I will go and tell someone to decorate the courtyard.’
Lan Xiaoxiao hurriedly followed Liú Fú’s footsteps, busy asking what had just happened. She also smiled at Cao Wánqiáo and said, ‘Miss Cao, you are so lucky, we will be sisters from now on!’
She immediately changed her attitude, unlike before when she treated Cao Wanqiao like an inferior. This kind of person who knows how to adapt to circumstances really impressed Cao Wanqiao.
After Liu Fu and Lan Xiaoxiao had left, the six women from the Bird Listening Courtyard looked at each other in confusion. After all, they had only just started living together yesterday, and they hadn’t had time to develop any feelings for each other. Cao Wanqiao couldn’t care less what each of them was thinking. She said to Bi’er, ‘Pack up all the things we brought with us.’
‘Yes!’ Bi’er asked with excitement, “Miss, is the prince treating you well?”
Cao Wanjiao did not have time to answer, and she only heard a grunt next to her. Guo Yufeng looked at her with disdain and said, ’She’s just the daughter of a butcher. She’s so arrogant just because the prince is interested in her!’
Cao Wanjiao was speechless. She had not spoken a word since entering the Queering Court. Guo Yufeng was the one who was arrogant and conceited. She really should have been allowed to participate in the selection of imperial concubines. Her fighting spirit was so high, and she was a natural born master of palace intrigues.
Bi’er knew that it was because she was serving Cao Wanjiao that Guo Yufeng and Huan’er had formed a prejudice against Cao Wanjiao. She stopped smiling, dared not ask any more questions, and went inside to help Cao Wanjiao pack her things.
The others were not as explosive as Guo Yufeng, and just watched her speechlessly. Cao Wanjiao was very confused herself, and planned to go into the room and sit for a while. As she passed Yang Han, she heard her say coldly, ‘The King of Jing is cruel and likes to kill. Please be careful, Miss Cao.’
Cao Wanjiao froze, and looked over at Yang Han, but saw that she had already turned around and walked towards her own room, leaving a cold and graceful back figure.
The author has something to say:
There is no palace intrigue, but there is house intrigue.
However…there is not much house intrigue either. The male protagonist can only see the female protagonist, so there is nothing to fight about, OK?

Chapter 14
Cao Wanqiao’s impression of the King of Jing was all she had heard from others. How could Yang Han make her not be afraid after dropping such a warning?
It was clear that the King of Jing, who had just spoken to her in the study, had a rather normal attitude, except that he had easily let her stay, which made her feel uncertain…
Yang Han is the daughter of the county magistrate, and Cao Wanqiao was worried that she might know something about the Prince Jing, so she spoke to warn her. But why didn’t you finish what you were saying? This has made her even more uneasy!
There have been so many things happening in the past two days that Cao Wanqiao is exhausted. She goes into her own room, where Bi’er has already packed most of her things. She now comes over and curiously asks, ‘Miss, is the king easy to serve? Why did he only ask you to go over, and not anyone else?’
Cao Wanqiao shakes her head and says, ‘I don’t know.’
After that, she looks at Bi’er for a moment. She understands Bi’er’s desire to climb the social ladder. If she becomes the concubine of the king, would it be good or bad to keep Bi’er by her side?
However, she is now alone and the situation will be even more difficult. She can only take things one step at a time.
Seeing that she is really not in the mood, Bi’er can’t help but imagine what the Prince Jing has taken Cao Wanqiao to do, and she is eager to know what rank Cao Wanqiao will be given. For example, the blue concubine’s attire is quite good. The more Bi’er thinks about it, the happier she becomes. Leaving the Guo family and being able to climb up to such a master will definitely make Huan’er that hoof jealous.
Cao Wanjiao was a little dazed for a moment, but then Liu Fu came over again to get her attention. He said that the Xu Yuan was ready and that they, the master and servant, should go over there.
Bi’er had planned to carry the bundle and other things herself, but Liufu brought two young maids to say that they were at Cao Wanjiao’s service first, and that there were other maids and old women waiting at the courtyard. The two young maids respectfully took the luggage from Bi’er’s hands, a move that made both Cao Wanjiao and Bi’er feel that their treatment had suddenly been raised a notch.
The several people walked out of Cao Wanjiao’s house in an orderly manner, and the other girls were all inside the house, staring at their every move through the windows, making Cao Wanjiao feel like thorns in her back.
Liu Fu led them to the Jiangxu Courtyard, which had white walls and black tiles, quite simple and unadorned, unlike the exquisite and delicate Queying Courtyard, which was clearly a place for women. Cao Wanjiao remembered the way here, and indeed this place was adjacent to the study of the Prince of Jing. Bi’er was even more observant, whispering in her ear, ‘It seems that the Prince of Jing really likes you. He even let you live in the front courtyard, so it’s much more convenient for him to see you.’
Cao Wanjiao felt that Bi’er’s expectations were getting higher and higher, and her disappointment was getting greater and greater. From the way she had just spent time with the King of Jing, she simply couldn’t tell how much the King loved her.
And Liu Fu, who was eager to show Cao Wanjiao around the harem, actually didn’t need to make such a big fuss when a new concubine usually arrived. It was really because the King of Jing hadn’t entered the back courtyard for a long time that Liu Fu was very anxious and worried. Fortunately, the King of Jing took the initiative to keep Cao Wanjiao, so naturally he wanted to treat her well.
And thinking that one should strike while the iron is hot, lest the King change his mind at any time, Liu Fu said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘Miss Cao, please rest for a while. I will have someone bring a fragrant flower bath tub, so that you can freshen up and serve the King at night.’
Cao Wanqiao was in a daze after hearing this. Was she going to sleep with the King so soon?
She didn’t have any time to prepare!
Liu Fu, however, did not notice her expression and walked out with a happy smile. Bi’er first looked at her happily, but then she noticed that Cao Wanqiao’s mood was really not right, so she asked worriedly, ‘Are you not feeling well, my lady?’
Cao Wanqiao, however, had an inspiration and grabbed Bi’er’s wrist, asking anxiously, ‘If I’m not feeling well, can I not serve the prince for the time being?’
Bi’er froze for a moment, her eyes full of curiosity as she asked, ‘My lady, do you not want to serve the prince? If so, I can do it for you…”
Cao Wanjiao, who saw the red mist rising on Bi’er’s cheeks, was instantly speechless. This Bi’er may be ambitious, but she has no patience. She has revealed a slight flaw, and Bi’er can’t wait to take her place. Alas, with their intelligence, how can they compete with a group of concubines?
Cao Wanjiao forced a smile and said, ’How could I not want to serve the prince? It’s just that I’ve been on the road for the past two days and I’m a bit tired. I’ll probably feel better after a bath.”
Bi’er looked disappointed. Cao Wanquiao was not stupid. She was already in the Jingwang Mansion, and no matter how much she didn’t want to sleep with the Jingwang, she couldn’t just give up her chance to a maid she’d only known for a few days.
Intellectually, she told herself that, but emotionally, Cao Wanquiao really wanted to avoid it. She felt like she was going to split into two.
After dinner, Cao Wanqiao took a little food to settle her stomach. The maids brought in a bathtub, poured in hot water, and sprinkled it with fragrant flowers. Cao Wanqiao took a comfortable bath. Coming from the modern era, she had not bathed properly for two or three days, and it was really uncomfortable.
But after the bath, looking at the clothes that Liu Fu had asked someone to bring over, Cao Wanqiao was dumbfounded.
The top was a peach-coloured embroidered halter top, the bottom a pleated pink skirt with gold thread, and on top of that a transparent veil. No matter how unworldly Cao Wanjiao was, she knew that this was the ancient version of sexy lingerie, right?
She had never slept with a man in either of her past lives, and this time she had a real feeling about it. She let the maidservants help her get dressed as if she had lost her parents, and she couldn’t help but tremble slightly after putting it on.
Bi’er looked at her with envy. ‘This dress is really beautiful, the Prince will definitely like it when he sees you.’
Cao Wanjiao couldn’t hear what Bi’er was saying anymore. Liu Fu still had that same happy face as if it were New Year’s Eve, leading the way. He just told Cao Wanjiao to go over there, and the maidservants would not go with her. Bi’er reluctantly saw her off.
At least Liu Fu made Cao Wanjiao put on another felt coat on the way. He said as they walked, ‘The Prince is still reading in his study and doesn’t want to be disturbed at this hour, so I’ll take you to the main courtyard to wait in his bedroom.’
Cao Wanjiao’s heart was beating faster and faster, and she felt as if her feet were floating. She grasped the collar of her coat with both hands. It was a warm spring night, but she felt as if she were cold.
Seeing that she was not speaking, Liu Fu thought she was nervous, but he did not care. He quickly led her to the main courtyard. Cao Wanqiao looked up and saw a magnificent plaque with the vigorous and powerful Chinese characters Ping Tian Yuan written in black ink.
She thought, confused, that the King of Jing was really arrogant to name his main courtyard such a name.
Liú Fú led her directly to the inner room. As soon as Cao Wánqiú entered, she was startled by a tiger skin on the wall. She sighed, ‘What a strange taste the Prince has!
The other crystal cave decorations, the seven-coloured streamer cornucopia, the large screen with gold-woven embroidered Buddha, everything is so rich and luxurious. Cao Wánqiú couldn’t help but think, ’It’s perfectly normal to go to the Prince’s study to decorate in broad daylight, isn’t it?’
As if knowing what she was thinking, Liu Fu said awkwardly, ‘His Royal Highness has always liked these things, but recently he only likes to stay in his study and come back to bed.’
After saying this, Liu Fu instructed the two maids in the inner room to serve him, and then stepped back to stand guard outside. So when His Royal Highness returned to his quarters late at night, what he saw was Liu Fu winking and smirking.
‘What’s wrong with your face?‘ Jing Wang asked him calmly.
’Ahem!’ Liu Fu smiled ambiguously, “It’s late, please rest early.”
Jing Wang only felt that his attitude was a bit strange, but he still walked into the inner room.
When he saw Cao Wanqiao standing by the bed, dressed in a cool and hazy outfit, Jing Wang couldn’t help but be stunned.
The author has something to say:
Someone: I didn’t have this kind of benefit in my past life!

Chapter 15
Cao Wanjiao had her outer garment removed by the maidens as soon as she entered the inner chamber, so that now her white, smooth shoulders and neck were faintly visible through the gauze.
The maids in the inner chamber silently withdrew after seeing King Jing enter, leaving him and Cao Wanjiao to look at each other speechlessly. Cao Wanjiao, stiff with fear, slowly knelt down and bowed. ‘Greeting, Your Highness,’
The Prince Jing paced up to her, and Cao Wanqiao bowed low, unable to see what the Prince Jing saw in her attire. She could only hear the Prince Jing’s deep, mellow voice say, ‘Rise.’
Cao Wanqiao rose, but then heard the Prince Jing ask, ‘What are you doing here?’
She was taken aback, and instinctively looked up to meet the Prince Jing’s gaze. She said awkwardly, ‘It was Eunuch Liu Fu who told me to… come serve you.’
The King of Jing shifted his gaze away from her, so Cao Wanqiao did not notice that he looked a little uncomfortable. ‘Hey, I didn’t order him to do that.’
Cao Wanqiao was slightly trembling, and when she heard this, she was stunned for a moment and couldn’t help but blurt out, ‘Does Your Highness not want me to serve you?’
The King of Jing pointed at the felt coat hanging on the screen and said, ‘Put it on.’
Although the Prince didn’t say that she didn’t need to serve him, this meant that he didn’t want to sleep with her, at least. Cao Wanjiao felt relieved and forgot to thank him. She walked straight up to the screen, put on the overcoat, and then saw the Prince walking towards her. The tall shadow enveloped the petite her. Cao Wanjiao looked up and saw the Prince frowning slightly, saying, ‘Why are you crying again?’
Cao Wanqiao was surprised and touched her face with her hand, only to realise that she was indeed full of tears. Only then did she realise that she did not have to share a bed with this man she had just met today. Her tense emotions relaxed, and she couldn’t help crying, without even realising it herself.
‘Am I that scary?’
Cao Wanqiao quickly wiped away the tears with the back of her hand and whispered with her head bowed, ‘Your Majesty, you are not scary…it’s just that I am too nervous…’
The Prince of Jing turned around, walked over to the table, sat down, and looked at her quietly for a while before speaking: ‘If you are nervous around me, what will you do when you meet the emperor at the imperial examination?’
Cao Wanqiao was at a loss for words. At this point, there was no need to hide her thoughts, so she said honestly, ‘I never thought I would go to the imperial examination in the first place. Since I was chosen by my clan, I thought that if I didn’t get selected, I could go home.’
The Prince of Jing, however, hit the nail on the head: ‘There is no limit to the number of candidates for the imperial examinations, and anyone with a modicum of beauty will be accepted into the palace. If there is any misconduct in front of the emperor, it may implicate one’s family.’
Hearing the Prince of Jing say this, Cao Wanqiao felt a sense of fear, and she was a little unsure of the meaning behind his words. She said with a depressed face, ‘I will not cry anymore.’
The Prince of Jing, however, glanced at her and simply said, ‘You don’t need to address me as “concubine” in front of me, I’m not used to it.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned for a moment. In fact, she always reminded herself to speak like an ancient person, especially with all the various etiquette that she was not used to, and she stumbled to memorise these words. She did not expect the King of Jing to be so easygoing, and she also went with the flow and said, ‘Yes.’ She then added, ‘I understand.’
The King of Jing poured himself a cup of tea and pretended to ask innocently, ‘You are sixteen years old this year, and you have not previously been engaged?’
Although the King didn’t seem to want to sleep with her, he seemed to want to chat with her for a while, so Cao Wanjiao obediently replied, ‘My eighth great-uncle in the clan has introduced me to several marriage prospects.’
She had wanted to mention the marriage proposal from the cousin of the Tao family, but she thought better of it and decided not to go into too much detail. After all, she was someone in the King’s backyard, and it would not do to implicate the Tao family.
The King asked again, ‘What kind of marriage prospects?’
Cao Wanjiao explained again in detail, of course omitting the process of her hanging herself several times. The more the King of Jing heard, the tighter his brows became. In the end, he said without a beginning or an end, ‘Sixteen is still young.’
Cao Wanjiao was at a loss. Could it be that the King of Jing didn’t need her to serve in bed because she was young? In that case, this could be considered good news for her!
The King of Jing also looked her up and down, and commented, ‘Not to mention that she doesn’t even look sixteen.’
Eh? Cao Wanjiao’s face froze. Did she look that young? Then why did King Jing still want her to stay?
King Jing asked Cao Wanjiao some more about her family, such as how her family was doing and how many people were in her family. Cao Wanjiao answered each question. She felt that King Jing wasn’t asking these questions because he was interested in her, but rather it was like interrogating a prisoner. She didn’t dare to disobey and answered properly.
The King hesitated for a moment before finally asking, ‘A year ago…in recent years, have you had any accidents?’
Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but look at herself. Did she look like she had been in an accident? She didn’t even think about the car accident before the time travel, and she shook her head and said, ‘I stay at home most of the time, rarely go out, and I haven’t had any accidents.’
The King was silent after hearing this, and didn’t look at her, just staring into the distance. After a while, he said, ‘You may go back and rest.’
Cao Wanqiao felt a great sense of relief. This time, she remembered to bow and say goodbye. As she was about to bend her knees, the King casually asked, ‘Where does your name come from?’
Cao Wanqiao had already relaxed quite a bit. In her previous life, she had often introduced herself to others and had said the same thing dozens of times, so she answered as a matter of course: ‘Wan from “Wan in the middle of the water”. Qiao from “Qiao from the secluded valley, moved to the tall trees”.’
Her father had told her that he had won her heart by reciting love poems from the Book of Songs when they were young, so he had named her after the Book of Songs, and she remembered it well and said so every time she introduced herself to someone.
King Jing quickly glanced at her, stood up, walked over to a bookshelf and took down a scroll, handing it to her. ‘But it’s from the Book of Songs?’
Cao Wanjiao nodded and took it, and Jing Wang tapped it in the air. ‘Show me.’
She instinctively opened it to find it, but then her hand froze for a moment, revealing a shy expression, as she said, ‘I can’t read. My parents just told me that they got it from a teacher, and the name came from the Book of Songs.’
The King of Jing looked condescendingly at the page Cao Wanqiao had turned open in the book, which happened to be the location of the Qin Feng. He looked at Cao Wanqiao fixedly. She was oppressed by this gaze and couldn’t help but lower her head, silently closing the book.
The King of Jing slowly withdrew the Book of Songs from her hands. When he looked at her again, his eyes were mixed with emotions, with a hint of excitement that Cao Wanqiao didn’t see because she was bowing her head.
‘I understand. You may go back and rest.‘
Cao Wanqiao then dared to cautiously raise her eyes to Jing Wang. For some reason, the atmosphere around Jing Wang seemed to have softened considerably.
She didn’t expect Jing Wang to personally escort her back to the military officers’ quarters. Liu Fubin was originally expecting her to come out so early, and his expression was one of shock and disappointment. However, he was secretly delighted at Jing Wang’s gesture of escorting her back. In any case, he always had his eye on Cao Wanqiao, and there was still plenty of time to come.
The Prince Jing escorted her back, and Liu Fu followed the Prince Jing on the way back to Pingtianyuan. He touched his beard and said, ‘Should I shave it off?’
Liu Fu was taken aback and replied, ‘Your Highness, didn’t you say that a beard makes a man more manly?’
The Prince Jing put down his hand that was touching his beard and thought, ‘I couldn’t keep her in my previous life, so I have to find another way to bring her into my circle in this life.
’Forget it, I won’t shave it off for now.’
The author has something to say:
Our heroine never thought that anyone else would also time travel…

Chapter 16
The next morning, people in the back garden of the Prince of Jing were discreetly asking around what had happened when the newcomer, Miss Cao, had served the Prince of Jing’s first night.
Lan Xiaoxiao naturally was also curious. The backyard was not allowed to enter and leave the front yard at will, but fortunately, her rank was now higher than anyone in the backyard, so she first asked someone to go find Liu Fu and said that she wanted Miss Cao to go to her courtyard to chat. Liu Fu reported it. Cao Wanjiao was a little worried, but she still did not have a rank, so it was better not to offend Lan Xiaoxiao. She asked Bi’er to change her clothes for her, and the two of them, master and servant, went to the backyard.
In the past, Liú Fú also tried to please Lán Xiǎoxiǎo. She had a high status in the backyard, was quite favoured by the Prince of Jing, and was sensible. Although her words and deeds were not always in line with the rules, she had never made any major mistakes. Liú Fú therefore just reminded Cao Wánjiāo to pay attention to etiquette.
Cao Wanqiao listened carefully and took Bi’er to Lan Xiaoxiao’s residence, the Peony Pavilion. Sure enough, Lan Xiaoxiao’s attitude towards her was not as condescending as it had been when she first arrived at the Prince of Jing’s residence. Tea and fruit were prepared to entertain her, and after exchanging greetings, Lan Xiaoxiao asked her to sit down and smiled with a questioning look in her eyes, ‘I heard that you didn’t spend the night in the main courtyard yesterday, but you are still unfamiliar with the Prince’s rules, so he was annoyed?’
Cao Wanjiao’s heart lifted. Concubine Lan was indeed an old hand in the Jingwang Mansion, and she was even informed of matters in the front courtyard. Cao Wanjiao said half-jokingly, ‘The king just asked me a few questions and then let me go back. I don’t know if I angered the king.’
Upon hearing this, Lan Xiaoxiao did not show any expression of surprise, and casually said, ‘The king’s temperament is a bit special.’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback. Shouldn’t she have mocked her for not having the charm to win the King’s favour, or continued to ask why she hadn’t been allowed to serve in his bed? Perhaps she didn’t understand the rules of the palace’s backroom politics!
Lan Xiaoxiao seemed to be merely confirming whether she had succeeded in serving in his bed, and then turned the conversation to other matters: ‘My sister has been allowed to reside in the palace’s maids’ quarters, which shows that the King still values you. I just don’t know which of the new maids the King will summon next. What do you think?’
Cao Wanqiao didn’t know if this was idle chatter or a trap, but it was always safe to play it safe, so she replied, ‘Miss Yang is beautiful as a flower, so I think the Prince will meet her.’
Lan Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment, took a bite of pastry, and then said, ‘Of the six of you, she is indeed the most outstanding, but she is a bit stubborn. The Prince is a person who needs to be appeased, so I’m afraid Miss Yang won’t do well. But men, after all, like the ones who are delicate and soft.’
After she finished speaking, she winked ambiguously at Cao Wanqiao. Cao Wanqiao heard the unspoken meaning and blushed. She didn’t reply, and Lan Xiaoxiao laughed and said, ‘Sure enough, she’s still a young girl and can’t handle coarse talk!’
Cao Wanqiao saw that Lan Xiaoxiao was at least outwardly cheerful, so she took the opportunity to ask, ‘If you don’t mind, sister, can you speak for your younger sister in the prince’s backyard? Your younger sister is afraid of offending people.’
Lan Xiaoxiao felt that this was a perfectly normal question. She was also very worried when she first came in. The Prince of Jing had not entered the backyard for a year. It seemed beneficial to establish a good relationship with Cao Wanqiao, at least for the time being. She explained, ‘The Queen passed away a year ago. Now there are only me and Concubine Fang as the side wives. Both Concubine Fang and the Queen were married by the Emperor. The two are still cousins. However, Concubine Fang is not in good health and has not served the Prince for long. The rest of the harem are quite a few people, such as those who came in by ‘chance’, like you and me, and those presented by some officials from Songzhou, as well as courtesans and other entertainers sent by other feudal kings. Although there are many people, there are not many who have actually served the prince. Most of them are just getting by. This year, the prince has even given some of the singers and dancers to other feudal kings or subordinates. I think it’s hard to find someone to talk to or play cards with.’
Cao Wanqiao could tell that no matter how calculating Lan Xiaoxiao was, she loved to drink and talk. She even spoke disparagingly about the prince’s decision to let people go, so she really had a good attitude.
Lan Xiaoxiao added, ‘If you all come, the backyard will be lively again.’
Cao Wanqiao was curious and said, ‘Aren’t the six of us staying? What do you mean, sister? Is there still a change?’
Lan Xiaoxiao said with a teasing smile, ‘The Pinghan County Magistrate, Guo’s father, heard that he sent a letter to inquire about his daughter’s situation. I would say that even if she passes the imperial examinations, she is unlikely to be chosen by our prince. This Pinghan County Magistrate dares not ask for her hand in marriage, so I don’t know what the prince plans to do.’
Cao Wanqiao and Bi’er exchanged a glance. Bi’er had said that Pinghan County Magistrate’s mentor was from the Emperor’s faction, and that his daughter had been snatched by the feudal prince, so he could not just pretend that nothing had happened. Sure enough, he has come to seek an explanation.
They were gossiping about Guo Yufeng here, but who knew that Lan Xiaoxiao’s maid would come and report that Guo Yufeng was seeking an audience. Lan Xiaoxiao and Cao Wanqiao were both taken aback.
Both the Queer Ling Hall and the Peony Pavilion are in the back garden. The King of Jing has not restricted the movements of the six women who were plundered during the imperial examinations. Guo Yufeng’s request to see Lan Xiaoxiao is in line with the rules, but it is surprising. After all, the King of Jing has not summoned her yet, and she is boldly walking around in the back garden, which is a bit bold.
Guo Yufeng waited with Huan’er outside the Peony Pavilion for word. The more Guo Yufeng thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved. She had ambitions to rise high in the world, and although she had been abducted by the King of Jing, after pondering the situation for the past two days, she knew her situation. It was impossible to go to the capital to take the imperial examinations again, so it was better to fight for her life in the King of Jing’s backyard.
Isn’t Lan Xiaoxiao the daughter of the magistrate? Her status is not that different from hers, and she might even be able to become a secondary concubine. This result is not bad at all, but what makes Guo Yufeng unhappy is that Cao Wanjiao is only the daughter of a commoner from a butcher’s family under her father’s rule, but she got the Jing Wang’s attention earlier than she did. It makes her feel like her pride has been trampled on, and it’s extremely difficult for her.
The rules in the back courtyard of the palace were much more relaxed, and Guo Yufeng was also very concerned about the result of Cao Wanjiao’s attendance yesterday. She had no other way to find out the news, and when she heard that Cao Wanjiao had come to the Peony Pavilion, she hurried over.
Lan Xiaoxiao let Guo Yufeng in with the mood of watching a show. Before Guo Yufeng was allowed to stay by the Jing Wang’s consent, she just said, ‘Miss Guo is in a good mood, but did you come to chat with this concubine?’
Guo Yufeng was after all from a noble family, and with the knowledge she had acquired at home before the selection, she performed the etiquette of meeting the king’s concubine better than Cao Wanjiao. Lan Xiaoxiao accepted and also invited her to sit down.
Guo Yufeng was also heavily made up today. After sitting down, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Cao Wanjiao, saying, ‘Forgive me for not knowing what kind of etiquette to perform to Miss Cao. Has the king already conferred a rank on Miss Cao?’
Cao Wanqiao was speechless. She had been feeling sympathetic towards her for asking for news but now she was really impatient to deal with her. She said, ‘His Royal Highness has not yet given any orders.’
Guo Yufeng flashed a surprised look, her mouth unconsciously lifting up as she asked curiously, ‘A feudal king has one main consort and four secondary consorts, and there are countless other concubines and maidservants. What rank does Miss Cao think she will be?’
Cao Wanqiao pretended to be weak and waved her hands, saying, ‘No matter what rank the prince wants to confer, I will naturally have no choice but to accept it.’
Lan Xiaoxiao watched them talk without interrupting, and signalled with her eyes for the maidservants to quickly bring the wine. After such a long period of calm in the backyard, the show is finally about to begin!
The author has something to say:
The rank of the king’s backyard is a fictional setting by me. In theory, there should not be so many concubines, but the king is very powerful in this article, so there are more concubine positions to fight for. But everyone who has read the first draft of the manuscript should know what position the heroine will be in next! Hahaha~

Chapter 17
Guo Yufeng really looked down on Cao Wanjiao’s status. She couldn’t see how such a small and delicate woman like Cao Wanjiao could be summoned by the King of Jing first, so she let out a little sigh of relief. ‘I think, given Miss Cao’s background, she can be a concubine, or if not, a maid.’
Lan Xiaoxiao, upon hearing this, eagerly gulped down a mouthful of wine. Cao Wanqiao was embarrassed to hear this, but she was relieved that she had not been the first to catch the attention of the King of Jing, which would have caused others to look askance at her. Guo Yufeng really is a pushover!
Cao Wanqiao said with a smile that ‘Miss Guo is right. Given my background, it is already very good to be able to enter the Prince Jing’s palace. How dare I think about the position of a concubine? Even if it is already written in the family tree that I am the daughter of my third uncle’s chief clerk in the Imperial Sacrificial Rites Bureau, I don’t think it will have any impact on the Prince.’
Lan Xiaoxiao wanted to applaud for Cao Wanqiao. She thought that this little girl who looked delicate and soft actually had a temper!
Sure enough, when Guo Yufeng heard this, the corner of her mouth twitched. She still had the impression that a Beijing official was greater than an official from outside the capital. Only then did she realise belatedly that Cao Wanqiao’s current official status was higher than her own. Her heart felt like it had been overturned in a bottle of vinegar, and she was extremely sour.
But she still stubbornly said, ‘But everyone knows exactly what Miss Cao’s position is…’
‘Greet the prince!’
Suddenly there was a chorus of greetings from outside, and the women inside were startled. Before they could recover, they saw Prince Jing striding in, followed by Fu.
The women immediately knelt down and greeted him, but unexpectedly, Prince Jing walked straight up to Cao Wanqiao, took her arm and pulled her up.
Lan Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but feel a little jealous when she saw this. She didn’t want to be left behind Cao Wanjiao, so she pretended to be very natural as she stood up while covering her mouth with her handkerchief and smiling, saying, ‘Your Highness really loves the new sister very much, and you can’t bear to let your knees touch the ground even a little!’
She knew that Your Highness wouldn’t be angry when he heard these half-joking words, and indeed Your Highness didn’t react much, just looking at Cao Wanjiao as if to make sure she was okay.
Lan Xiaoxiao’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the prince thought that she had called Cao Wanqiao here to make things difficult for her?
Guo Yufeng saw that the other two had both stood up, and she felt really resentful that she was still kneeling. However, the prince had not told her to get up, so she did not dare to move. She could only hear the prince’s deep voice from above, ‘Is this the daughter of the Pinghan County Magistrate?’
Guo Yufeng felt a surge of joy in her heart, thinking that she had attracted the attention of the King of Jing. She looked up coyly, but she didn’t know that the King of Jing was asking about Liu Fu and hadn’t looked at her. Liu Fu replied, ‘Yes, it is the daughter of the Pinghan County Magistrate who sent someone to ask the King of Jing what he plans to do with his daughter. It is the daughter of the honorable Guo.’
The King finally turned his attention to Guo Yufeng, his face expressionless, and said indifferently, ‘Since Lord Guo is concerned about his daughter, let Miss Guo pack her bags and go home.’
The audience fell silent at these words.
Guo Yufeng felt as if she had been struck by lightning.
‘How can I go home when I have already entered the Prince of Jing’s palace?’ Guo Yufeng asked in a panic. She thought that sooner or later the Prince of Jing would arrange a position for her in the harem, but who knew that he would tell her to pack her bags with just a few words?
The Prince of Jing ignored her, and after helping Cao Wanqiao to her feet, he took her hand in his. Cao Wanqiao froze, staring at the place where their hands met.
Only then did Liu Fu step forward and say to Guo Yufeng in an official tone, ‘Miss Guo, you are being too serious. Our palace only wanted to help the emperor screen the women for the imperial examinations, so we invited Miss Guo to the palace as a guest for two days. Now that Lord Guo has taken the initiative to write to us asking the palace to send you home, the prince naturally will do as he is told. Miss Guo, you need not be too concerned about trifles.’
Guo Yufeng was half-believing when she heard her father ask the Prince Jing to let her go home, but she didn’t dare to argue. It was impossible. The Prince Jing’s promise to let her go home really wasn’t something to question. She held onto her handkerchief and said, ‘If I go home, my reputation will be damaged…’
Liufu frowned and said sternly, ‘What are you talking about, Miss Guo? The palace has only let you stay for two nights, and if Lord Guo doesn’t spread the word, no one will know about it. We advise Miss Guo to be careful with what she says after you go home, so as not to tarnish the reputation of His Royal Highness!’
As soon as Liufu said this, not only Guo Yufeng, but also Lan Xiaoxiao and Cao Wanjiao were dumbfounded. Did the Prince of Jing even fear that Guo Yufeng would tarnish his reputation?
Lan Xiaoxiao saw the situation was at a standstill, and Guo Yufeng was still kneeling on the ground, so she smiled and went over to help her up, saying, ‘Miss Guo, don’t worry. Eunuch Liu Fu is right. You’ve only been on the road to the capital for a few days. Even if you don’t say anything, no one will know you’ve been to the palace. If you’re afraid of people knowing, just say that I, the secondary consort of the palace, summoned you here as a guest. Who else would dare say anything?’
Guo Yufeng was so confused by Lan Xiaoxiao’s ruse that she completely shifted her focus to her reputation. It sounded like it really wasn’t a big deal, and for a moment she didn’t know how to continue fighting to stay. After all, she was an unmarried girl, and she couldn’t say that she wanted to become the concubine of the prince!
Guo Yufeng was still struggling with her decision, but the Prince Jing took Cao Wanqiao’s hand and walked outside.
Bi’er wanted to follow them, but was stopped by Liu Fu, who said to her, ‘The Prince is talking to Miss Cao, so be sensible and don’t follow them.’
Bi’er blushed, and when she heard Liu Fu say that, she didn’t dare to move, and watched as the Prince Jing and Cao Wanqiao walked out.
Lan Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, saw that the King of Jing had left with his men, so she stopped smiling, sat down uninterestedly, and ignored Guo Yufeng, as she had only wanted to curry favour with the King of Jing by persuading Guo Yufeng to do so.
Guo Yufeng, however, kept pestering Lan Xiaoxiao, asking her to repeatedly assure her that she would come out to prove her innocence, which made Lan Xiaoxiao extremely annoyed.
Let’s talk about Cao Wanqiao. From the moment Jing Wang took her hand, she was completely flustered. Why did Jing Wang treat her like that in public, as if they were deeply in love?
It was clear that everything had been normal last night. She had worn such a revealing outfit, and Jing Wang had not even batted an eyelid!
Jing Wang did not stop walking until they had reached the Peony Pavilion, and then he turned back to look at her. ‘I heard from Liu Fu that you were called by Concubine Lan.’
Cao Wanqiao stared at the hands that were still clasped and replied with a slight frown: ‘Yes.’
‘Did she give you any trouble?’
Cao Wanqiao then looked up at the King, but unexpectedly, she met a pair of worried eyes. She was stunned for a moment before slowly saying, ‘Concubine Lan? No, we just talked.’
The King of Jing let out a barely audible breath, and after a moment of pondering, he said, ‘I just heard you talking about rank, and actually, there is some truth in what you said.’
What? What truth? Cao Wanqiao felt a strange sense of familiarity. The King of Jing was usually quiet and often left his sentences hanging in the air. She had been in contact with him like that for a short period of time before…
‘I will give you a title, and it would be best if you went home for the time being.”
Hearing the King of Jing say this, Cao Wanqiao couldn’t believe what she had heard for a moment. She, she could still go home?
The King of Jing added, “So that you won’t be summoned to keep him company again.”
The author has something to say:
Lan Xiaoxiao: This is going home? I haven’t even asked her to play cards yet!

Chapter 18
Cao Wanjiao thought she was already Jing Wang’s woman, so why would she have to go home first before being given her title? She didn’t really understand how ancient feudal lords took concubines and side wives, and she was really confused.
But the thought of being able to go home made her really happy, and she couldn’t help but lift the corners of her mouth and confirm with Jing Wang, ‘Are you serious, Your Highness? I can go back to Pinghan City?’
The Prince of Jing saw her smile and a faint smile appeared in his eyes. ‘Once everything is settled, I will go and marry you.’
After all, Cao Wanqiao was not an ancient person and did not know that wives were married and concubines were taken. Therefore, she could not hear the hint from the Prince of Jing. She was so happy that she asked again, ‘So when can I go back?’
Seeing her impatience, the king’s smile faded and he said with a sigh, ‘I’ll have someone make the arrangements today, but you won’t be home for long. I’ll come and fetch you soon.’
Cao Wanqiao then realised that she had been too hasty. To prevent the king from changing his mind, she gave a sweet smile. ‘Thank you, Your Highness.’
The king looked at the smile and only then let out a ‘hmm.’
‘I’ll escort you back to the officers’ quarters.’ The King of Jing thus took her hand and walked all the way from the backyard to the front yard, an action that caught the attention of many people.
Cao Wanqiao was happily preparing to go home, while the King of Jing returned to his study. After returning from the Peony Pavilion, Liu Fu learned about this matter and asked him in shock, ‘If Your Highness particularly likes Miss Cao and wants to give her the position of a secondary consort, there is no need to let Miss Cao go home first! The secondary consort Lan did not go home at that time either, and she was directly conferred the title of secondary consort!’
The Prince Jing looked through a copy of the Dajin Rites and said without looking up, ‘I don’t want her to follow me without knowing the truth. Besides, if I let the Cao family change the family tree, she will be the daughter of a butcher, not the daughter of the Chief Archivist of the Imperial Sacrificial Rites.’
Hearing this, Liu Fu suddenly understood. He instantly filled his mind with a whole bunch of thoughts about the Prince Jing, such as the Chief Archivist of the Imperial Sacrificial Rites might have some skeletons in the closet, which the Prince Jing dislikes. Doing this would slap the face of those in the capital, and so on.
But no matter what the Prince Jing wanted to do, Liu Fu had no say in the matter. It wasn’t too strange for Cao Wanqiao to go home first and then enter the mansion again. Just as Lan Xiaoxiao said, the girls came to the prince’s mansion as guests for two days and still returned home clean. The prince took a fancy to Miss Cao and took her in, and that was the procedure.
Liú Fú then asked, ‘What does His Royal Highness plan to do with the other four girls?’
The Prince of Jing casually said, ‘Tell their families. Those who care about their reputation can stay and be given a place to live, and the others can do whatever they want.’
Liú Fú went to deal with the girls as instructed. Bi’er learned that the Prince of Jing had let Cao Wánqiáo go home first before entering the palace, and she also thought that this was a sign that the Prince of Jing valued Cao Wánqiáo. She said enviously, ‘The girl is really blessed. The Prince must really like her a lot!’
Cao Wanjiao, who was full of excitement and couldn’t help but pack her own luggage, heard this and paused in her actions, feeling particularly guilty.
This series of actions by the Prince seemed to really show his love for her, but the Prince always had that expressionless look on his face, so she didn’t really feel it. Did this person really like her that much?
However, for her situation, it is always good to get the attention of the King of Jing. She believes that no one in the clan will dare to bully her family after this trip home.
She was right. The King of Jing not only arranged for her to return to Pinghan, but also made a big deal about it, so much so that she was unable to depart until the next day.
There were carriages and horses to escort her, gifts of gold and silver, and everything else. In particular, the number of escorts was comparable to that of a feudal prince’s entourage, and they still had to protect her all the way home, until she entered the royal palace again.
The Prince Jing wanted to see her off himself, but the entire palace strongly opposed it. The dangers of travelling for a feudal prince were considerable. Apart from the possibility of the emperor having spies here, other feudal princes might also have ulterior motives. In the end, the Prince Jing gave up the idea, not for his own safety, but for fear of implicating the Cao Wanjiao family.
Cao Wanjiao didn’t know any of this. Before he left, the Prince Jing patted her on the head and said, ‘I’ll bring you back soon.’
Cao Wanjiao touched the top of her head and nodded. After a moment’s thought, she said, ‘Your Highness, take care of yourself.’
The King of Jing was stunned for a moment, and then he nodded lightly and said, ‘Mmm.’
In the eyes of others, the two seemed to be really in love.
When Lan Xiaoxiao and the others in the backyard heard about this, although they were not allowed to go and see for themselves, they were all full of envy. Lan Xiaoxiao also became aware of the crisis, guessing that Cao Wanqiao’s return was most likely to be the position of a concubine. The fact that she was welcomed back with such fanfare after going home first showed that she was much higher in status than herself.
In addition to Lan Xiaoxiao’s sense of injustice, Guo Yufeng was even more aggrieved. She also left the palace the next day and walked out the back corner gate. Since Magistrate Guo was not allowed to leave his post without permission, it was Mrs. Guo who came to greet him with a crowd of servants. there was a lot of weeping and tears, but Guo Yufeng had also heard about the grand occasion of Cao Wanjiao leaving the mansion in the front courtyard. She was jealous and resentful, thinking that this butcher’s daughter would become the side consort of the royal palace in the future, and her own future was uncertain. How could she be willing?
Of the six women who were originally taken by force, apart from Guo Yufeng and Cao Wanqiao, the rest were also notified by their families to come and collect them. Three of them were willing to be taken back. In the case of Yang Han’s family, their reputation had been damaged by entering the palace. If they wanted to go home, they would be sent to the family temple. After hearing this, Liu Shoufu did not report to King Jing. He thought that it was better to let Yang Han have a way out than to let her be a nun for the rest of her life at such a young age, so he had a change of heart and let her stay.
The route for the few selected women was more or less set. Cao Wanjiao rode in the royal carriage, enjoying the scenery all the way back to Pinghan City. It was indeed a lot easier going home than going to the capital with a gloomy mood in the beginning.
When they arrived at Cao Daniu’s house, they stopped at the back door because the front door opened onto the vegetable market. The long convoy of cars and horses filled the alley to capacity. Changfu and Shunfu, the two eunuchs who had originally taken Cao Wanqiao back to the royal palace, were ordered to serve her on her way home. They hunched over, carefully surrounding the carriage, protecting Bi’er as they helped Cao Wanqiao get out of the carriage.
As soon as Cao Wanqiao got off the carriage, she saw Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao standing in front of the door, holding their three younger brothers and Cao Xiaobao, looking at the scene in front of them with surprise. They had already received the news from the palace and were waiting at the door.
When Cao Daniu and his wife saw Cao Wanqiao, they saw that although she was not obviously rich and luxurious, she was also dressed in silks and satins, and was truly exquisite and beautiful. They wondered if it was the clothes that made her look this way, or if it was just that she had not been seen for three days, but she seemed like a different person, radiant and glowing.
The couple were a little timid and did not dare to go up to her, but Cao Xiaobao did not care so much. When she saw her sister, she squealed in a baby voice, ‘Sister! Give me a hug!’
Then he held out his hand, and Cao Wanqiao, as usual, smiled and hugged her younger sister, squeezing her little face. Only then did Cao Daniu and his wife breathe a sigh of relief.
‘Qiaoqiao should only be staying with the clan for the time being. How can there be so many people here in such a small place?”
An ill-timed voice suddenly interrupted. Cao Wanjiao looked over and realised that Eighth Uncle had also arrived. He was standing on the side, smiling flattery and saying such things. Cao Wanjiao frowned. Before she could say anything, Changfu and Shunfu, both of whom were astute individuals, saw that Cao Wanjiao did not like this person and so they confronted Eighth Uncle and rebuked him, ’How dare you! Who gave you permission to casually call Cao’s name? Cao’s family is here, why do you want to live somewhere else? Although the prince assigned many of us, we will make our own plans, so there is no need for you to speak nonsense!”
Eighth Uncle Gong was shocked. He remembered the scene of the people being abducted from the palace that day, and his body shrank and he trembled. However, seeing Cao Wanqiao’s extraordinary appearance, he mustered his courage and said, ’I am her Eighth Uncle…’
‘Eighth Uncle, don’t say anymore. I want to live at home. The Prince said he would come for me soon anyway, so there’s no need to bother the clan.”
Cao Wanqiao said indifferently, leaving Eighth Uncle speechless. With the backing of the Prince’s Mansion, Cao Wanqiao spoke with much more confidence, and Eighth Uncle cowered.
Tao Shi didn’t want to get entangled with Eighth Uncle anymore, and smiled at Cao Wanqiao, ’Let’s go inside and talk. My daughter must be tired from the journey.’
The group of people then planned to go inside, but unexpectedly a tall and strong man rushed out from the side. It was Lin Li, the third uncle’s long-time attendant, who shouted with a gloomy face, ‘Cao Dajie is already the fifth daughter of our master, not the daughter of this Cao Daniu!’
The author has something to say:
This is one thing and that is another

Chapter 19
Hearing Lin Li say this, the eighth uncle was the first to turn pale, pointing at Lin Li and spitting out curses, ‘What are you talking nonsense about? I watched Qiao…Caoniu’s daughter grow up, and she is not the third eldest’s daughter!”
This Eighth Uncle was even more anxious than the Cao family. After all, he owed Cao Daniu a favour. When Cao Wanqiao entered the Prince Jing’s household, he felt as if his own daughter had married into a good family. He was not willing to see such a good thing fall to the old and cunning Third Eldest!
Lin Li snorted, ‘Before Miss Cao came to the capital, she had her family tree changed. No matter where she grew up, she is now my master’s daughter. If the Prince of Jing wants to take Miss Cao into his household, he should ask my master for her hand in marriage…’
Before he could finish, Chang Fu and Shun Fu, who had already been instructed by the Prince of Jing, carelessly spoke up, ‘We have heard about this, and it’s no big deal. We can just change the family tree back tomorrow.’
Lin Li was shocked and stuttered in defence: ‘How can this be treated like a joke? If my master suffers this loss, he can file a complaint with the government…’
As soon as these words were uttered, not only the people from the Jingwangfu, but also the Cao Daniu family and Uncle Ba showed strange smiles. Hey, it turns out that Lin Li, who has become a follower of a Beijing official, has developed a sense of superiority and has lost his mind.
Chang Fu raised an eyebrow and asked him, ‘Who is your master going to sue in the government office?’
Lin Li gritted his teeth and continued to blackmail, ‘Naturally…the Cao clan, having already changed the family tree, how can they change it back like a game?’
Shun Fu laughed twice. ‘No matter which government office you sue to, even if you go to the emperor, just say that our prince had the family tree changed, and what do you want to do with the prince?’
Lin Li was speechless. This trip south had only just revealed how arrogant and powerful the prince’s family was. The various noble families in the capital were fighting amongst themselves, vying for the emperor’s favour. They had made even the minor officials like his master think that the emperor was still the supreme ruler of the world. He had never imagined that just a few days south of the capital would make him feel like he was spinning around, unable to recognise the world!
In order to prevent Lin Li from speaking recklessly again, his great-uncle took him aside and rebuked him in a low voice: ‘What are you planning to do? Qiao Qiao didn’t want to be taken away by the royal family, and once she was there, she couldn’t go to the imperial examination. You’d better hurry back to the capital and tell your master to start preparing his fourth daughter for the imperial examination!’
Lin Li was unwilling to accept this and said, ‘Even if Miss Cao can’t go to the selection ceremony, judging from the Jingwei Mansion’s behaviour, I think they will give her a position as a concubine. My master should be able to get a share of the spoils!’
Only then did the eighth great-uncle understand Lin Li’s greedy thoughts and hurriedly said, ‘Do you think the reason the prince changed Qiao Qiao’s family tree is because he obviously doesn’t want your master to be Qiao Qiao’s nominal father!’
Lin Li was about to argue further, but Eighth Uncle waved his hand impatiently and said, ‘You’d better hurry back to the capital before you get caught and beaten up again by the people from the royal palace!’
Eighth Uncle turned around quickly, but saw that Cao Daniu’s family had already welcomed Cao Wanqiao inside, and several attendant eunuchs and servants followed. The remaining guards began to methodically deploy their forces outside the Cao family. Eighth Uncle smiled and walked forward, planning to go in, but was stopped by the guards with cold faces. Eighth Uncle was dumbfounded, and all he heard the guards say was, ‘Anyone who wants to find Miss Cao’s family must first report in before they can go in.’
Eighth Uncle Gong tried desperately to explain to the guards outside that it was inconvenient for any man to enter the small Cao family home, but Changfu and Shunfu personally helped carry the gifts inside, filling the main hall. were dazzled. Cao Wanqiao introduced Bi’er and the two servants, Changfu and Shunfu, who had been serving her, to her parents. Cao Daniu and Tao Shifu dared not act like the superior, and could only stammer.
Cao Wanjiao said to Changfu and Shunfu, ‘As you can see, my home is really not big enough to accommodate so many people. I was thinking that since there are guards outside, I will only keep Bi’er at home to serve me, and I will ask the two eunuchs and the other servants to stay at the inn outside.’
Chang Fu and Shun Fu hesitated for a long time, but seeing that the Cao family really did not have a place for them to stay properly, they had no choice but to agree. They smiled and said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘Miss Cao, you don’t have to worry about the accommodation for the younger ones. The royal court has ordered the Pinghan County government to vacate the place for the guards to live in shifts. The younger ones will just go there and stay.’
Upon hearing this, Cao Wanqiao realised that the Pinghan County Magistrate was also responsible for arranging accommodation for those who had accompanied her back. What did Guo Yufeng think? This was embarrassing indeed.
After the arrangements for the gifts brought back from the royal court were completed, Changfu and Shunfu led the other relevant people to the county government office. The Tao family wanted to host a meal, but Changfu and Shunfu declined, so they gave up.
At this moment, the guard at the gate took advantage of the opportunity to report that Eighth Uncle wanted to come in. Cao Wanqiao heard this and said indifferently, ‘I’m tired today, let Eighth Uncle come back another day.’
At this time, no one dared to contradict Cao Wanqiao. When Changfu and Shunfu went out, they also notified Eighth Uncle. Regardless of what was going on outside, Cao Wanqiao told Bi’er to go to her room to pack her things, so that only the family could reunite.
Mrs Tao looked half-mockingly in the direction of the door and said to Cao Wanjiao, ‘Ever since the royal family sent someone to deliver the news, Eighth Uncle has known that you may have a great future, and it’s as if he wants to live in our house forever! How he used to shout at us, but now he’s smiling so widely his face could bloom. Do you think we don’t know what he’s up to?’
Cao Wanjiao laughed and said, ‘Eighth Uncle has also tried to please us today. Just let him be. It’s better than before, when he was always trying to trick me.’
Upon hearing this, Tao’s eyes showed concern as she carefully examined her from head to toe. Her eyes reddened as she took Cao Wanqiao’s hand and said, ‘A few days ago, your eighth uncle came back to Pinghan with Lin Li, crawling and rolling, unable to speak clearly. speak clearly. They said you were arrested by the Jingwei Mansion’s people, and that they had a large army, and beat Lin Li almost to death. I was so worried that your father and I almost wanted to fly to Hangyi immediately to find out what had happened!’
Cao Wanjiao looked at Cao Daniu, who was not good at expressing his emotions. At this moment, he gave her a simple smile, which made Cao Wanjiao feel warm inside. She comforted them, saying, ‘I was also shocked, but the eunuchs of the royal palace only attacked Lin Li. They treated the girls well, and no one bothered us after we entered the palace.’
Tao let out a deep sigh. ‘Later, when your eighth great-uncle calmed down, he said that it was the Prince Jing who took you girls to the palace to be selected for the imperial examinations. That’s when I found out that this had happened before, but your eighth great-uncle had forgotten all about it and didn’t warn us or the county magistrate but your father and I were still extremely worried. If you go to the imperial examinations and fail, you may be able to return home, but if you enter the prince’s household, we will never be able to find out anything about you. I prayed to the Buddha all night, begging him to protect you and keep you safe.”
Although they had only spent a year together in this life, they were indeed the family members who treated her best. Cao Wanqiao snuggled up against Tao’s shoulder meekly. ’Fortunately, the prince let me go home so quickly, otherwise my parents might really have come looking for me.’
Mrs. Tao patted her hand and wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye. ‘I’m relieved to see that you’re safe and sound. I was just getting news from the palace that you were to return home first and the prince would let you enter the palace later. Your father and I were at a loss for words, but everyone said that it meant you had a bright future. Qiaoqiao, is that true? Does the prince really like you?’
Cao Wanqiao became apprehensive again, lowered her head and pretended to be shy, saying, ‘That’s what the prince said, that he wants to give me a name and let me go home first, and that he will come for me soon.’
Tao Shi wanted to ask her if she had already had sex with the Prince Jing, but with the children here, it was really not a good time to ask, so she just let it go and said, ‘This is also considered your opportunity. You didn’t enter the capital to be selected, but the Prince Jing took a liking to you. I just don’t know if we will be able to see each other in the future after entering the palace.’
Cao Wanqiao looked up, feeling a little heavy-hearted. ‘I don’t know yet, but the princess passed away a year ago, and it seems that there is no one in charge of the prince’s household now. Maybe we can see what the rules are after the new princess arrives.’
Upon hearing this, Tao thought that was the only thing to do, so she got up and greeted them, saying, ‘I thought the adults in the prince’s household would stay for dinner, so I asked your father to order a table of food, but now it’s just going to be our family enjoying it.’
The younger siblings did not quite understand the conversation between Mrs. Tao and Cao Wanqiao, but they knew that they were having a big meal tonight and were very happy and excited.
Cao Wanqiao was at ease in the Cao family. In the study of the Prince Jing’s mansion in Hangyi, the capital of Songzhou, the Prince Jing was deep in thought as he held the secret letter sent by the emperor in the capital.
Liu Fu also knew that the emperor had sent someone to deliver a letter. After serving tea, he asked carefully, ‘Your Highness, does the emperor want to make things difficult for you?’
The Prince Jing stroked his beard and said indifferently, ‘Nothing much, just that he wants to send another noblewoman to be the new Princess of the Jing Palace.’

Chapter 20
Hearing this, Liu Fu was taken aback. After doing some quick calculations, he sighed and said, ‘It’s been more than a year since the Princess passed away. I guess the Emperor has already chosen someone and was waiting until after you finished mourning to tell you. So, does Your Highness plan to write back to the Emperor and tell him when you will marry?’
The Prince of Jing raised his eyebrows slightly and said, ‘Do you think the new princess can hide the “thing” in the Fragrant Garden?’
Liufu’s face stiffened for a moment, and he asked with deliberation, ‘So, should the prince not move the… the princess out?’
As a servant, he could not directly refer to the princess as ‘the thing,’ so he had to keep calling it that.
The Prince of Jing shook his head and said firmly, ‘No.’
Liufu sighed inwardly as he grimaced, and had to ask, ‘If a new princess comes, it will be really hard to hide. After all, that place has been the residence of many princesses over the generations. Even if you don’t let people live there, it’s not good to stop people from going to see it.’
The Prince of Jing glanced at Liu Fu and said slowly, ‘That’s why I plan not to accept the emperor’s marriage proposal this time.’
Liu Fu was taken aback. Although it had not been just one day or two for the feudal lords to obey the emperor’s orders outwardly but disobey them inwardly, and the situation of disobeying outwardly and inwardly was even increasing day by day, Liu Fu could not help but worry. ‘According to the court’s habits, if they send you a letter, it is more than likely that they have already made a deal with that family, and they will say that the dowry has already been prepared…’
The Prince of Jing, however, said, ‘What has that got to do with me? My father agreed to the marriage last time, but the emperor’s power is not what it was when my father was alive. Marrying this princess will not benefit me.’
Liudu Fu saw that it was rare for the Prince of Jing to say such a thing, and he nodded in agreement, but he still couldn’t help saying, ‘But the prince’s back garden should still have a princess in charge. With the princess position left vacant, several masters in the back garden are unsettled, and they frequently ask me about the prince’s situation.’
The Prince of Jing stood up, walked over to the bookshelf, and took out a book. It was the Book of Songs that he had brought from his chambers. He touched the cover of the book before saying, ‘I have already decided on a suitable candidate for the new princess, and that is Miss Cao.’
Liú Fú was stunned for a long time before stammering, ‘Miss Cao? The Miss Cao whose father is a butcher?’
The King nodded, indicating that he was correct. Liu Fu was still in disbelief and blurted out, ‘The princesses of past dynasties were either from noble families or aristocratic families. How could a butcher’s daughter become a princess?’
The King looked at Liu Fu askance. Liu Fu felt the King’s gaze was cold, with an undertone of murderous intent. Unable to help himself, he knelt down and wrinkled his face, begging for forgiveness, ‘It was my fault for speaking out of turn. I deserve to die!’
After saying this, Liu Fu gave himself two slaps in the face. The King of Jing then withdrew his gaze and said, ‘With Songzhou’s current strength, I can marry whoever I want.’
Thinking about how Songzhou is now strong in soldiers and horses, wealthy and prosperous, his master really has the confidence to ignore the emperor’s arranged marriage. Liu Fu did not dare to argue anymore and said carefully, ‘Does Your Highness really like Miss Cao that much?’
The Prince Jing looked at the scroll of poems in his hands and said after a long while, ‘I like her, very much.’
Liu Fu let out a sigh of relief and said with a smile, ‘Then I will immediately start preparing for the marriage to the new princess!’
The Prince Jing rarely spoke other than to nod, and he said, ‘Yes, go.’
Liu Fu then dared to get up and said to himself, ‘Once this news spreads, it will surely shock the entire Songzhou!’
The King Jing listened intently to this remark and pondered it.
When the Cao family received the edict from the King Jing, Shunfu and Changfu came with beaming faces, and everyone thought they had heard it wrong. Mrs. Tao stuttered and asked them, ‘Did the two eunuchs say concubine? Our daughter is going to enter the royal palace as a concubine, right?’
Submissively, Chang Fu was also stunned for a long time when he first received the edict, and repeatedly confirmed its authenticity before he had to believe it when he was sure it was a genuine edict from the Prince Jing.
They had already been very pleased with themselves for thinking they were accompanying the future concubine of the Prince’s household, so they were overjoyed when they received such a great gift from heaven. As long as they fawned on and served Cao Wanqiao well, they would not have to worry about becoming the Princess’s confidant in the future, and their future would be bright!
Therefore, they are now even more flattering to the Cao family, and they can’t wait to serve everyone in the Cao family. They even call the youngest Cao Xiaobao up and say, ‘Your Highness Cao!’
Cao Wanqiao is the most confused. She repeatedly thinks back to how she treated Jing Wang, but she can only remember treating him like the plague, crying whenever she got close to him. Did Jing Wang see any of her unknown merits? The kind she didn’t even know herself?
She couldn’t help but look at herself all over again, touching her face. Could it be that the aesthetics of this era viewed her as if she were a fairy from heaven?
Cao Daniu’s family were unable to snap back to reality for a long time. Bi’er, still in a state of joy, knelt down and praised Cao Wanjiao, ‘Congratulations, Princess!’
Cao Wanjiao tugged at the corners of her mouth, hurriedly walked over to the side, and gestured for her to get up. ‘Not yet, don’t shout!’
Bi’er pouted and got up, unconvinced, saying, ‘The Prince has decreed it, so it must be done. It’s a good habit to shout first!’
Tao Shi saw Bi’er’s behaviour and kept quiet for the moment. She said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘No matter what title is bestowed, we should wait for the prince’s household to send someone over to see what the rules are and then decide how to respond.’
Cao Wanqiao’s heart was racing inside her, and she was actually very nervous and at a loss. Hearing what Mrs Tao said, she nodded repeatedly. She really didn’t know how she should react.
She had always thought that she would inevitably end up as a concubine, and that she could only take things one step at a time. Who knew that there would suddenly be such a big surprise, or rather, shock? She had suddenly become the wife, the wife of a provincial prince. Was this the fulfilment of her original wish? After all, she had always avoided becoming a concubine.
In any case, the Jingwang Mansion had no intention of concealing the news, and soon everyone in Pinghan City was whispering about it. The daughter of butcher Cao had already been lucky enough to be the head of the household, but instead of becoming a secondary consort, she would become an even more honoured queen. Naturally, everyone found this hard to believe and tried to find out more.
However, the Cao family’s security was even more stringent. Previously, when Eighth Uncle Gong gave notice, Cao Daniu could come to the door if he agreed. This time, Shunfu and Changfu directly refused, saying that Cao Daniu’s status was now very important, and the family would not open the door easily. However, they were unwilling to reveal the slightest bit to Eighth Uncle Gong about how important it was.
In fact, Shunfu and Changfu were also a little worried. It was simply unheard of for the daughter of a butcher to become a princess of a feudal kingdom.
As for Cao Daniu’s business, it has been closed since Cao Wanqiao was abducted by the royal palace. At first, they were worried that their daughter had no heart for business, but then they learned that Cao Wanqiao had been noticed by the Prince of Jing, and it would be inappropriate to reopen the business until she had secured a position.
All the turmoil outside cannot enter Cao Wanqiao’s ears. Cao Daniu and the others do not treat her differently, but they are also a little at a loss, which makes Cao Wanqiao’s mood complex.
That night, she lay alone in bed, tossing and turning. Bi’er was sent to sleep in another room because she had been nagging her for days about how being the princess would be glorious and wealthy.
Wanqiao Cao was too tired to care about her and went to bed early. However, she was still full of confusion. The actions of the Prince of Jing were really puzzling. Why did he want to marry her as his princess?
As she was lost in thought, she suddenly heard a light creaking sound. She looked towards the source of the sound and saw that the door to her room had been pushed open gently and a tall figure had walked in.
Cao Wanjiao was stunned, and it was as if her soul had flown away. She instinctively wanted to scream, but the man stepped forward and covered her mouth.
She heard a low male voice say, ‘Don’t scream, it’s me.’
Cao Wanjiao trembled all over, shaking her head non-stop. The man gently removed his hand from her mouth, and she saw Cao Wanjiao choking and saying, ‘Who are you?’
The man was taken aback and said with a frown, ‘I am King Jing.’
Cao Wanqiao stopped shaking immediately, and when she looked closely, she saw that it was indeed King Jing with the big beard and single eyelid. She couldn’t help blushing, and explained in a low voice, ‘Ah… Your Majesty, don’t mind, I have never been able to recognise people’s voices…’
King Jing shook his head. ‘Forget it.’
Cao Wanqiao only realised the situation now. It was the middle of the night, and she was only wearing a thin, pure white single garment. The King had obviously come to her room to avoid the ears and eyes of others. What was he trying to do?
The author has something to say:
Our male protagonist has jumped through the window… Well, no, he went through the door directly, no fuss!

Chapter 21
Cao Wanqiao never dreamed that the King of Jing would appear in her home, and she still feels like she’s in a dream.
Now she is sitting, while the King of Jing is standing in front of the bed. There is only the faint light from the moon shining through the window, so Cao Wanqiao gets up to light the candles, and quietly moves a few steps away from the King of Jing.
But the King of Jing stops her, saying, ‘I came quietly, so don’t light the candles, so as not to disturb your parents.’
Cao Wanqiao had no choice but to give up. She pointed to the seat by the wall and said, ‘Your Highness, please sit down first.’
The Prince of Jing sat down as she instructed, and Cao Wanqiao went to pour tea again. Suddenly, the Prince of Jing said, ‘Don’t bother, I won’t touch you today.’
Cao Wanqiao’s body stiffened, and she smiled awkwardly. She couldn’t deny that she felt relieved, so she asked, ‘Why did Your Highness suddenly come? But is there something the matter?’
The Prince of Jing saw that she was still standing a few steps away, so he didn’t force her, but just stared at her and asked, ‘Has suddenly welcoming you as the main consort affected your life?’
Cao Wanqiao didn’t expect the Prince of Jing to ask this, and she shook her head. ‘I don’t go out, so I don’t know what’s going on outside. The Prince’s guards are very responsible and protect our family very well.’
The King nodded, but didn’t continue. Cao Wanqiao thought to herself, did the King come all the way to Pinghan without saying a word just to find out if the rumours about her being made a concubine had affected her?
She really couldn’t understand the King’s intentions. Cao Wanqiao bit her lip and gathered her courage to ask, ‘May I ask the King…why he wants to marry me as his concubine?’
The Prince of Jing looked at her quietly for a while, and suddenly asked in return, ‘Why do you think?’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback, her expression a little dazed. She touched her cheek and said apologetically, ‘I don’t consider myself a great beauty. For example, Miss Yang Han is much more beautiful than I am. I didn’t know how to please you when I was at the palace. Besides, you are in a high position of power, so you can have any woman you want. I’m a little worried about being made my concubine or the princess…’
Cao Wanqiao also weighed up his attitude and actions towards her since they met. She found that the King should not be as manic and violent as rumoured, and that he did not distinguish between right and wrong. So she poured out all her doubts.
After listening to her, the King remained indifferent and slowly said, ‘Cao Wanqiao, you said your name comes from the Book of Songs, and you can’t read. But when you opened the Book of Songs, you flipped to the Qin Wind page. What do you think I’ll think?’
Cao Wanqiao’s body stiffened, her heart began to race, and she looked around with her eyes. She was obviously shaken, stammering, ‘I…’
She couldn’t think of an excuse to get out of it, and if she said the prince had made a mistake, would that not be questioning his eyesight? Just as she was at a loss for words, the prince continued, ‘Do you remember before you were hit by the car, someone tried to push you away?’
Cao Wanqiao listened, unable to understand the meaning of the prince’s words for a long time.
“What… what…’
She asked out loud as if she were talking to herself. Jing Wang saw that she seemed to be having difficulty understanding, so he added, ‘I’m the person who got hit by the car with you.’
Cao Wanqiao blinked several times before she finally understood what Jing Wang had said.
From panic to surprise, she couldn’t help but take two steps forward, raise the corners of her mouth, and shout, ‘Old friend!’
Jing Wang quickly got up and walked up to her, put his finger in front of his lips, and hissed, ‘Keep your voice down.’
Cao Wanjiao immediately covered her mouth, but her eyes revealed joy and excitement. She let go of her hands and lowered her voice, ‘You also came through?’
The King of Jing nodded, but before he could say anything else, Cao Wanjiao took the initiative to hold his hands. ‘So you came through with me! I thought you were dead, but I didn’t expect you to come through as the King of Jing. You are my benefactor!’ Cao Wanjiao paused and frowned. ‘Well, no, I guess you and I both died in a previous life, so it’s not like I saved you… I’m the one who dragged you here…”
Cao Wanjiao’s joy vanished in an instant, and her eyes were filled with deep guilt. “I’m sorry, you were just trying to help, but you ended up in a place where you don’t know anyone!”
The King of Jing looked at her holding his hand, swallowed the words he had previously intended to say, and said, ’I didn’t expect to travel through time either. I didn’t believe in this originally.’
Cao Wanqiao nodded repeatedly. It was hard to find someone in the same situation as her, and she felt a sense of recognition. ‘Exactly, I was so panicked when I first arrived, afraid of being exposed and also afraid of being married off here at random. Fortunately, I later learned that my current family is doing well, and I have formed relationships over time… But it’s still not as lucky as yours, being the prince here. You are the most powerful in the palace, no, the whole Songzhou, which is much better than me, right? What was the situation when you first arrived?’
King Jing couldn’t help but nag Cao Wanqiao a lot, and was not impatient at all. Instead, a hidden smile appeared in his eyes. After hearing Cao Wanqiao’s question, he thought for a moment before saying, ‘When I first arrived here, I opened my eyes and saw the Princess Jing lying next to me, well, dead.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned, her eyes filled with fear. ‘No, that can’t be right. People said that the Princess died a year ago, could it have been when you arrived?’
The King of Jing nodded. ‘That’s about right.’
Cao Wanqiao looked hesitant and asked hesitantly, ‘Did the original King of Jing kill the princess?’
The King of Jing shook his head. ‘I still have the memories of the original King of Jing. In his memory, he just drank wine with the princess and has no recollection of it.’
Cao Wanqiao let out a sigh of relief. If the original body that had travelled through time was a murderer, that would be really scary.
“Do you know who killed the princess?’
The King of Jing shook his head again. ‘At that time, I was still adjusting to my new role, and I didn’t suspect anyone. But this incident was really strange. The wine and food were tested and found to be non-toxic, and no one else entered or left the bedroom. The princess herself had no other external injuries. Since I didn’t know who the murderer was, I ordered someone to place the princess’s body in her courtyard and keep it in ice, planning to continue the investigation once we had a lead.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned. ‘What do you mean? The princess’s… body is still in the palace?’
The Prince of Jing nodded. ‘Well, I had the funeral arrangements made so that the princess was buried in an empty coffin.’
Cao Wanqiao suddenly let go of his hand, her expression embarrassed.
‘This… your idea is really quite peculiar…’
The Prince of Jing looked at his empty hand, a little puzzled. What had he said wrong just now?
Cao Wanjiao took two more steps back, straightened her face, clapped her hands lightly, and said, ‘You recognised me as the person who was hit by a car in my previous life, so you summoned me to serve you, didn’t you? You also tested me with the Book of Songs. Gee, you’re so clever! Now that we’ve recognised each other, things will be much easier. You want to marry me as your main wife, but you’re also afraid that someone will find out, aren’t you? Well, it’s better for two people to work together than for one person to fight alone. Life was not easy in ancient times, so let’s help each other and cooperate with each other!”
Cao Wanqiao finished reasoning this series of conclusions to herself, full of fighting spirit. King Jing stroked his beard and coughed lightly before saying, “Well, let’s do it.”
Cao Wanqiao smiled and said to him, ’In fact, it’s very good for a man to come here and be a prince. You have so many women in your backyard, both fat and thin, so you must be very happy, right?’

Chapter 22
Upon hearing this, King Jing slightly twitched the corners of his mouth and said indifferently, ‘I have never slept with any of them.’
Cao Wanqiao tilted her head in confusion. ‘Isn’t that a pity?’ She had a flash of inspiration and clapped her hands again, ‘Is it because the queen died next to you and you have a shadow? No wonder, if it were me, I would have been scared to death when I first came here! Alas, the backyards of ancient times are really scary, even the king’s wife doesn’t know how she died, maybe those women did it!
Cao Wanqiao has been suppressing her natural sexuality for over a year since she travelled back in time. Now that she has met someone from the same time period as her, she can’t help but reveal her chatterbox personality, chattering away like a little sparrow.
The Prince of Jing had not said a word, so Cao Wanqiao patted him on the shoulder and smiled sweetly, ‘We might as well grow old and die here. If you meet a girl you like, don’t be polite, I’ll be your shielding princess, and you can spoil whichever one you like!’
The Prince of Jing was speechless for a moment, and whispered, ‘I don’t want to think about that for now.’
Cao Wanqiao tilted her head slightly, not quite understanding. ‘You really don’t need to be polite. If I weren’t disgusted by the men here, I would use you as a shield and raise you as my concubine.’
The King of Jing’s eyes suddenly narrowed, but before he could give off a dangerous glare, Cao Wanqiao laughed and said, ‘I’m just kidding. I’d be really happy if I didn’t have to marry someone else as a concubine. I can’t even imagine falling in love right now!’
The anger that had risen in the king of Jing slowly subsided. To distract Cao Wanqiao from the topic, he said, ‘The princess died in a strange way, which shows that the original king of Jing did not have complete control over the palace. This is my primary concern. When you enter the palace in the future, I will protect your safety.’
Cao Wanqiao felt that this made sense and shuddered. ‘Will I also die after drinking a cup of wine?’
The King of Jing looked at her with a firm gaze. ‘With me here, no.’
Cao Wanqiao froze for a moment, feeling that his eyes contained a few inexplicable emotions in addition to confidence. She suddenly asked, ‘What’s your name?’
The King of Jing froze for a moment, looking at Cao Wanqiao’s clear, sparkling eyes. He blurted out, ‘Chu…’
Cao Wanqiao blinked. ‘Chu? As in Chu? That’s your surname? How about I call you Ah Chu?’
The King of Jing coughed lightly and nodded. ‘As you wish.’ He added later, ‘Be careful not to let on in front of outsiders.’
Cao Wanqiao said seriously, ‘I will. Usually, I’d better just call you Your Highness.’
She had originally wanted to ask him his real name, but Jing Wang interrupted her and she forgot. Anyway, she usually had to call him Your Highness, and there was nothing she could do even if she knew.
Suddenly, the sound of the night watchman’s beat sounded outside. The Prince of Jing looked down at her and said softly, ‘It’s late at night. You should go to sleep. I’ll send someone to propose soon.’
Cao Wanqiao suddenly remembered that the Prince of Jing had come in secret. Well, it wasn’t exactly secret. The guards outside were all his men, so it wasn’t difficult for him to come to her room.
“Are you going back to Hangyi? You didn’t come here just to meet me, did you?’ Cao Wanqiao suddenly asked again, her eyes full of doubt.
The King of Jing thought for a moment before saying, ‘I have other things to do.’
If she felt burdened, it would be better to tell a kind lie.
Indeed, on hearing the King of Jing say this, Cao Wanqiao’s eyes relaxed and she smiled again. ‘Then take care on your journey!’
The King of Jing nodded and walked towards the door. Before leaving, he looked back and saw Cao Wanqiao standing in the same place, smiling and waving at him.
The King of Jing raised the corners of his mouth, but unfortunately his beard hid it, and Cao Wanqiao couldn’t see it.
After seeing off the King of Jing, Cao Wanqiao slept a sweet dream.
The next morning, Cao Wanqiao woke up feeling exceptionally refreshed. The anxiety that had often appeared since she came to this world had settled down at this moment. Knowing that she had a companion here made her suddenly full of hope for the future.
After the edict welcoming her as the princess was issued, she did not feel happy for a moment, and she kept doubting herself. But after learning that the Prince Jing was the person who saved her in her previous life, she began to feel hopeful. Princess, in my previous life I was just a white-collar worker, earning a few thousand yuan in salary. Now I can become the princess of Songzhou, second only to the king, so I guess this is a turning point in my life, right?
Cao Wanjiao is not a vain person, but after being able to ensure her safety, who wouldn’t want to live a comfortable life? Especially in ancient times, there were countless incidents where the powerful treated people’s lives like trash, and there was no guarantee that one day one’s life wouldn’t be taken. As a woman, she also had to worry about her chastity all the time. Now at least most of these worries have disappeared after becoming the princess, so who wouldn’t be happy?
Cao Daniu and Tao Shifu also found Cao Wanjiao to be much more cheerful overnight, which surprised them. In fact, they should be happy that their daughter has been noticed by the Prince of Jing and will be his primary wife. However, they were also uneasy and couldn’t believe it when they saw Cao Wanjiao often looking sad.
Now that Cao Wanqiao seems to be looking forward to the marriage, Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao also feel relieved. Mrs. Tao starts helping her daughter embroider things like shoes, socks, handkerchiefs, and other items in preparation for her daughter’s wedding.
The Prince of Jing was indeed very efficient. He quickly arranged the six formalities of marriage. The Prince of Jing was in a second marriage, and the woman was a commoner who had already been inside the palace once before. To avoid the people of Songzhou gossiping, the process was accelerated as much as possible. By the time it came to the first formalities, the date was quickly set for that month.
Although Cao Wanjiao felt that it was a bit too fast, since she was about to become a concubine, her family was afraid of causing trouble for her, so they all stayed at home and didn’t go out. Her younger brothers and sisters really felt a bit sorry for her, so she felt that it was better to marry as soon as possible.
However, Cao Daniu and his wife couldn’t help but feel reluctant. Mrs. Tao sighed while the family was having dinner and said, ‘She’s getting married this month, so I’m afraid I can only embroider a few handkerchiefs.’
Cao Daniu was more optimistic and comforted his wife as well as himself, saying, ‘Qiaoqiao is going to be the wife this time, so if you embroider more, we should be able to give them to Qiaoqiao, right?’
The couple looked at Cao Wanqiao with expectant eyes, and she had to smile and say, ‘I think the prince will approve of such trivial matters. You just shouldn’t overwork yourself, mother, and tire yourself out.’
Tao’s wife calculated in her heart, saying, ‘We can put off the jerky. You’re marrying into the royal family, and Eighth Uncle won’t dare pick on us anymore, right? There’s no need to rush to save money.’
Cao Daniu nodded repeatedly. ‘That’s right, Uncle Eight told me a while ago that he would give me the best goods in the future and charge me less.’
Upon hearing this, Mrs. Tao thought of something and asked Cao Wanqiao with a worried face, ‘Qiaoqiao, I was thinking, should your father change his occupation? Otherwise, if you become the Princess Jing and we are still butchers, I’m afraid people in the back garden of the palace will say things.’

Chapter 23
Cao Wanjiao was taken aback. She had only thought that her family business would no longer be subject to the control of her eighth uncle, and had not thought about how it would affect her reputation.
“Actually, I don’t care about that. In the palace, no matter how you compare it, many people are from higher backgrounds than me. If the prince doesn’t mind, it doesn’t matter what my father does for work.’
Cao Wanjiao reassured Cao Daniu and Mrs Tao that it was not easy to change jobs after working in the same one for so long. Besides, Mrs Tao had difficulty walking, and there were only a limited number of businesses that Cao Daniu could do. She always felt guilty for wanting to change things for herself.
I wonder if the princess has a monthly stipend? Cao Wanjiao thought to herself that she should save as much money as she could at the palace to send back to her family, so that Cao Daniu and Mrs Tao would not have to work so hard.
However, reality proved that she was still too naive.
Mrs Tao wanted to buy her daughter a dowry, so she discussed it with the head of the guards outside and asked Cao Daniu to take her out to buy red cloth and gold jewellery. The Prince of Jing had ordered that no one should disturb Cao Wanjiao, but there was no restriction on the Cao family going out, so they were allowed to go.
However, two guards from the county government, who were not supposed to be on duty, were assigned to accompany Cao Daniu and Mrs Tao.
After they had finished buying the cloth and had just left the cloth shop, they ran into Tao’s mother and sister-in-law. Tao was very surprised, but the old woman wore a smile on her face and said she wanted to speak to Tao for a moment. The guards knew that she was Cao Wanjiao’s grandmother and aunt, of course they didn’t stop her. The old woman then came closer and said to Tao Shi, ‘The news spread to the village that Qiao Qiao is going to marry the Prince of Jing as his princess. The whole family was shocked and refused to believe it. That’s why they hurriedly entered the city. My daughter, is this true?’
The sister-in-law of the Tao family looked at the guards next to her, her expression a little dazed. The guards glanced at them briefly, and the sister-in-law of the Tao family shook as if startled. When she saw this, the Tao family frowned.
‘The royal decree has been issued, and the date has been set. You will leave this month,’ the Tao family explained briefly to the old woman. There was nothing to hide about this, and in time the whole of Songzhou would know.
The old woman and the eldest sister-in-law were shocked to hear this. The old woman looked surprised, while the eldest sister-in-law had a complex expression.
The old woman then whispered to Mrs. Tao, ‘Our Qiaoqiao has really turned a corner! The royal court must have paid a lot of money as a bride price, right? How much do you think it was?’
Mrs. Tao was a little disinterested when she saw her mother asking about money, and replied indifferently, ‘I don’t know.’
The old woman Tao paused for a moment, and with some displeasure, patted her arm. ‘I’m your mother, how dare you not tell me the amount of the betrothal gift?’
Tao said with some impatience, ‘I really don’t know. The prince was in a hurry to marry Qiao Qiao, so he only sent the betrothal gift list first, saying that the things would be shipped over slowly. Since no one in our family can read, how would we know how much it is?’
It turned out that Cao Daniu and Mrs Tao took the engagement gift list, which they said was a list, but was actually a booklet. They could only see a lot of dense words. Shunfu and Changfu both congratulated them. Mrs Tao thought that no one in the family could read, so they would take their time looking at it when the goods arrived. Since Cao Wanqiao had never studied before, Mrs Tao didn’t think to show it to her. So Cao Wanqiao had completely forgotten that there was such a thing as an engagement gift. In fact, the Cao family had long since become very rich, and the family didn’t know it.
When Tao’s wife saw that all the old woman wanted to talk about was the bride price, she was unhappy and took Cao Daniu’s hand to leave. ‘Mother, I’m very busy today. If you don’t have anything else to say, I’m going to leave.’
The old woman hurriedly stopped her, smiling with a wry face and saying, ‘My dear, it’s just that the family’s situation has been a bit difficult recently. Your eldest brother has his eye on a piece of land, but we don’t have the money…’
Tao’s expression changed, and she said incredulously, ‘Mother! Do you want to use Qiaoqiao’s betrothal gift to buy land for the family?’
The old Tao woman didn’t feel anything was wrong at all, and she said with reason, ‘Qiaoqiao is going to be a princess, so what’s wrong with giving our family a little something?’ She looked at her escort and moved closer to Tao, lowering her voice. ‘Qiaoqiao used to have an arranged marriage with her cousin. If the prince finds out about this, what will he think?’
Mrs. Tao was struck by lightning. She looked at her mother-in-law’s greedy face in disbelief, her heart filled with despair. How could her mother’s family be like this? In the past, she didn’t care that she was related to Cao Daniu, but now that Cao Wanqiao has become successful, she has no shame and wants a share of the pie!
Tao was instantly so angry that her eyes reddened. Cao Daniu saw this and quickly went up to help her.
In fact, he had heard a little of it. He had completely left the money matters to his daughter-in-law to plan, so he didn’t interfere. When he saw that his daughter-in-law was so angry that she couldn’t speak, he put his arm around Tao and told the guards on the side, ‘Two big brothers, my daughter-in-law isn’t feeling well, so let’s go home first!’
The guards, of course, could not let anything happen to Mrs. Tao, who was the biological mother of the future princess. They could not bear the responsibility if anything happened to her outside. They immediately agreed, with one person in front and one behind, escorting Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao towards the Cao family.
The old Mrs. Tao and Mrs. Tao’s sister-in-law chased after them. The old Mrs. Tao shouted anxiously, ‘My daughter, I haven’t finished talking yet!’
One of the guards impatiently said, ‘Auntie, can’t you see that your daughter isn’t feeling well? You should let someone go back and rest!’
The old woman was from the countryside, and when a soldier said this, she was too timid to say anything else. She and the wife of the Tao family stood face to face, unwillingly watching the Cao family husband and wife go away.
When Mrs Tao returned home, her face was a terrible sight. Cao Wanjiao was shocked and asked what had happened. Cao Daniu briefly explained what had happened. Cao Wanjiao’s eyes widened. The Tao family’s face was really impenetrable. They didn’t want to marry her before, and now they still want to take advantage of her to get the bride price if she marries someone else.
But since she was Tao’s mother, Cao Wanqiao held back from scolding her. After calming Tao down, Cao Wanqiao finally felt relieved. Shunfu and Changfu, who were standing nearby, suddenly asked her to come over and whispered, ‘Girl, we all feel that there is something strange about this matter. Your grandmother lives in the countryside, so how is it that your mother happens to run into her when she rarely goes out?’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned and nodded in agreement. ‘It is indeed very strange!’
Shunfu and Changfu had been helping with the preparations for the wedding every day, so they were there to hear this. They told Cao Wanjiao that they were going back to the county government to investigate.
The next day, as soon as they arrived, they told Cao Wanqiao, ‘It turns out that Magistrate Guo is the one behind this. Your grandmother and aunt were invited by him from the countryside long ago and placed in the inn. Didn’t we ask the two guards who were resting in the county office to accompany your parents out? If Magistrate Guo finds out, he will take this opportunity to let them two go find your mother.’
Cao Wanjiao was very shocked. Shunfu and Changfu had watched her enter the royal palace with Guo Yufeng and knew everything that had happened from beginning to end. She also said bluntly, ‘I think Miss Guo still has some opinions about me. Didn’t my grandmother threaten to tell everyone about my arranged marriage to my cousin? I’m afraid Miss Guo just wants this to get out and pin it on my grandmother’s family.’
Shunfu and Changfu also agreed that this was the truth. Cao Wanjiao thought about it for a moment and asked them, ‘If I want to write a letter to the prince, do you have any way to deliver it to him?’

Chapter 24
Shunfu and Changfu were taken aback. Although they knew that Cao Wanjiao could not read, they might want to send a message to the prince by drawing a picture. So they replied, ’We can deliver the letter. Every day, the palace sends someone from Hangzhou to help us prepare for the wedding.’
Cao Wanqiao then went back to her room to prepare a letter. It was only then that she realised that the Cao family had no paper or pen at all. She asked Shunfu and Changfu to go buy a set and then started writing.
In the letter, she wrote at length about herself and the candidates for the marriage that had been discussed with her original body, so that the Prince Jing could be prepared. If it was rumoured that she had any involvement with these people, don’t be too surprised.
In her opinion, the attitude of the King of Jing was the most important thing. If the King of Jing didn’t care, even if she was a beggar on the street, no one could stop the King of Jing from marrying her. She wrote this letter mainly to prepare the King of Jing mentally.
However, she never expected that after she sent the letter, within a few days, a rumour appeared all over Songzhou, including Pinghan City.
A crazy Taoist priest was going around saying all kinds of nonsense, saying that the King of Jing was a jinx, born tyrannical and ruthless, and that in the long run he would be a danger to the people of Songzhou. Fortunately, the heavens had heard and had sent a lucky star to rest in the home of a butcher in Pinghan. If the King of Jing married this girl, it would quell his bloodlust and bring endless blessings to the people of Songzhou.
This lucky star had several possible real-life romantic encounters, all of which were stopped by the heavens, in order to allow her to marry the King of Jing.
This rambling Taoist priest was quickly arrested by the Jing Palace, but the rumours had already spread throughout Songzhou.
When Cao Wanqiao heard about it, she was dumbfounded and unable to speak for a long time.
Shunfu giggled and said, ‘His Royal Highness told us to pass on a message to Magistrate Guo, saying that he knows everything. He wants to see if Magistrate Guo will marry off his daughter as soon as possible or what he will do, otherwise he will have to arrange a husband for Miss Guo. The Magistrate’s family was so scared that they chose a candidate in one night and betrothed Miss Guo to the Magistrate’s wife’s family.’
Cao Wanquan knew without even thinking that it was Jing Wang who had someone do it after reading her letter.
She never imagined that her benefactor would be so direct. The people here are still quite pious. After hearing this rumour, they probably won’t casually spread any more rumours about her. But in doing so, they have tarnished the reputation of the Prince Jing himself. Before, all kinds of rumours about his cruelty were only whispered in private, but now a Taoist priest has confirmed them.
Cao Wanqiao said worriedly, ‘After all, the Prince is the feudal lord of Songzhou. Will having such a bad reputation make people impetuous?’
Chang Fu replied indifferently, ‘What if people’s hearts are fickle? At present, each feudal king is still judged by the strength of his army. Our prince grew up in the army since childhood and has a deep relationship with the generals. His fists are bigger than others, so how dare others covet our Songzhou? Besides, Miss Cao, you don’t have to worry too much. What the Taoist priest said is that as long as you marry into the royal family, the prince’s misfortune will be dispelled. In this way, the people of Songzhou can also rest assured.’
Cao Wanqiao listened to their persuasion and thought that it seemed to make some sense. It was just that Jing Wang had treated her so well, and he was afraid that if the fact that she had proposed marriage several times before got out, he would lay the groundwork first. He was very attentive, and was worthy of being such a good person who had sacrificed himself to save her in a previous life.
Cao Wanqiao determined in her heart that she would repay Jing Wang after marrying into the royal family!
The rumours spread for several days. Tao’s people made inquiries and learned that her elderly mother and sister-in-law had returned to the countryside in disgrace. She felt relieved and went out twice more to prepare Cao Wanqiao’s dowry.
Their family was not wealthy, so they prepared as best they could. At least they had the bride price and dowry, and could feel at peace.
As the wedding drew near, Mrs. Tao was afraid that Cao Wanqiao would be too busy, so she came to her room a few days early to talk about the wedding night.
Bi’er was sorting out Cao Wanjiao’s wedding clothes and shoes, so Tao told her to go out. Bi’er looked around curiously before going out.
Cao Wanjiao helped Tao sit down on the bed. Tao hesitated for a moment, and she had never dared to ask if she had already had an affair with the Prince of Jing. Now she asked awkwardly, ‘Qiaoqiao, tell me honestly, when you were in the palace, did you and the Prince…’
Tao was conservative after all, and blushed just from saying those few words. Cao Wanqiao was confused and asked stupidly, ‘What already?’
Tao was determined and simply asked, ‘Have you and the prince slept together?’
Cao Wanqiao froze. She was not a three-year-old child, so of course she understood the meaning behind those words. She immediately blushed and lowered her head, shaking it from side to side. ‘No, not yet…’
Oh dear, discussing this kind of thing with Lady Tao is so embarrassing.
Lady Tao let out a sigh of relief, but she was also a little puzzled. ‘The Prince is still young and vigorous, after all. Didn’t you say that there were six girls who went to the Prince’s mansion together? Did they have sex with the Prince…’
At this point, the words ‘vigorous and energetic’ completely occupied Cao Wanqiao’s mind, and she shook her head even harder. ‘In fact, the prince didn’t know that the eunuchs at the palace went to rob… to invite people to be guests. At that time, they only saw me, but we only chatted. It’s just that… maybe… I’m more to the prince’s liking…’
These words sounded like boasting, and Cao Wanqiao couldn’t continue, feeling particularly guilty.
Tao didn’t pursue the matter, but in any case, her daughter hadn’t yet consummated the marriage before marrying into the royal family, so she naturally had a lot more confidence.
Tao coughed twice and then talked about the wedding night. Cao Wanqiao, a modern person who had travelled back in time, knew all about the science of human anatomy. After listening for a while, she just blushed and kept quiet. Tao felt really embarrassed after she had made her point, so she got up and prepared to leave.
Cao Wanqiao helped Tao Shi out the door, and suddenly saw Bi’er standing outside the room pretending to be unconcerned. Tao Shi squinted and her face fell.
Cao Wanqiao also knew that she had been eavesdropping, but since Bi’er knew everything that had just been said about the royal palace, she didn’t think it mattered if Bi’er had heard.
“Bi’er, come with me, I need your help,’
Since she had entered the Cao family, Cao Wanqiao had asked her to help out as much as possible, without having to serve her personally. As a maid, she naturally had no choice but to obey her master’s orders.
Tao took Bi’er to the main room, where they were alone. Tao said bluntly, ‘I heard Qiaoqiao tell me about what happened when you were at Magistrate Guo’s house. No matter what you were like before, you should serve Qiaoqiao wholeheartedly in the future, and she will definitely not treat you badly. But if you get any improper ideas, I won’t let you off even if Qiaoqiao doesn’t do anything to you!’
Upon hearing this, Bi’er’s legs trembled involuntarily. She had originally felt that the Cao family was simple and innocent, and that they seemed particularly easy to bully, but after hearing Mrs. Tao’s stern threat, she felt a sense of trepidation.
‘My lady, I will definitely serve the young miss well and dare not think of anything else,’
Bi’er replied with a lowered head and submissive eyes, but Mrs. Tao snorted and laughed.
‘Don’t think you can fool me. You think I can’t punish you when I’m not in Hangyi? But I can make Qiaoqiao marry you right now. You can be a peasant or a cart driver, you choose!”

Chapter 25
Upon hearing this, Bi’er panicked and knelt down, crying, ’Please, madam, don’t marry me to those people. I will serve you well and dare not have other thoughts!’
Mrs. Tao thought that the cooking was almost done and eased up a little, saying, ‘You can get up for now. You know that our family is just an ordinary one. Qiaoqiao still isn’t used to having a maid to serve her. You can tell me how loyal you are, I don’t take it seriously.’
Bi’er slowly stood up with a pale face and stammered, ‘Madam, I really dare not do anything like what happened at the home of Magistrate Guo…’
Tao said with deep concern, ‘You are a maid who sold yourself into slavery, but you still keep thinking about flying up the social ladder. It’s a good thing that the long-time attendant of our family’s third uncle bought you, otherwise those matchmakers might sell you to a brothel.’
Bi’er was stunned. She had been sold as a servant since she was a child, and no one in her family had ever said anything like that to her. She had previously been preoccupied with outshining the other maids and living a comfortable life of wealth, and never imagined that the consequences could be so miserable. Hearing what Mrs. Tao said, she couldn’t help but feel scared.
‘You are very lucky to have followed my Qiaoqiao. No one else would have been able to enter the palace as a maid, but you were able to do so so easily. You must first thank Qiaoqiao. In the future, you will follow the Princess Jing and serve her well. You will not have to worry about not finding a good husband in the future. Do you understand?’
Tao’s expression was kind and sincere, and Bi’er was unable to help but be influenced, becoming serious and looking forward to serving Cao Wanqiao well and becoming the most favoured maid in the Princess Jing’s service. ‘My lady, I understand. In the future, I will definitely not dare to have any thoughts about the Prince, and will only serve you wholeheartedly!’
Mrs Tao added slowly, ‘It’s said that your contract is still in Lin Li’s hands, but I don’t know if he will return it, or if he has already sold it to another matchmaker.’
Bi’er was shocked to hear this and hurriedly said, ‘Please help me get my contract back, and I will be your servant for the rest of my life!’
In fact, Mrs Tao had already asked Eighth Uncle to ask Lin Li for the contract when Cao Wanquan first returned home. What kind of thing is this, having the contract for one’s daughter’s maid in someone else’s hands? Eighth Uncle was busy trying to curry favour with Cao Daniu and her, and Lin Li had no one to rely on in Pinghan City at the time. Faced with Eighth Uncle’s fierce demand, naturally he could only hand over the contract, which is now in Mrs Tao’s hands.
Tao’s reason for telling Bi’er was to make her feel insecure, so that she would be more cautious in the future.
‘Don’t worry, I will ask Lin Li for it.’
Bi’er was afraid that she would be sold again before she even entered the palace. She looked at Tao gratefully, and Tao saw that she had said enough and told her to go downstairs.
In fact, Mrs Tao had also considered buying someone else to serve Cao Wanqiao, but how could she guarantee that the person she bought would be loyal to Cao Wanqiao? Most of the maids that could accompany the bride to the wedding and were available to the tooth fairy at that age were like Bi’er, who had committed a crime in the original owner’s household and was sold. It was more or less the same, so it was better to let Bi’er go with Cao Wanqiao. After spending so much time together, they had some kind of master-servant relationship.
If Bi’er is not allowed to go with her, the Tao family fears that the maids assigned to Cao Wanjiao by the royal household will be much more cunning than Bi’er. By that time, Cao Wanjiao will be isolated and helpless, and her situation will be even more miserable. This is why the Tao family has painstakingly planned today’s conversation with Bi’er.
The Tao family is also extremely worried. Her daughter’s marriage has been full of twists and turns, and she has no choice but to privately fix things up, so that Cao Wanjiao can marry into the Jing royal household with peace of mind.
After all the arrangements had been made, the wedding day soon arrived.
Since Hangyi was a day or two’s journey from Pinghan, the prince would not come to meet the bride in person. For example, when the previous princess married from the capital, it was also not the feudal prince who went to meet the bride. According to the previous regulations, the chief historian would lead the prince’s orders and arrive in Pinghan in advance, intending to go to the Cao family to meet the bride on behalf of the Jing prince two days before the wedding, send off the bridal procession, and then go to Hangyi to complete the wedding ceremony.
The chief historian arrived at the county government a few days early and stayed there temporarily. The night before the wedding procession, the Cao family had a reunion dinner, exchanging parting words with each other. Cao Wanqiao had already said many things she was reluctant to part with when she went to the capital to be selected for the imperial concubines. Now she is only marrying someone in Songzhou, and she is much more relaxed than when she went to the capital.
Although she does not know how life will be like after she marries and moves there, at least she can look forward to seeing each other when the New Year’s Eve and the Lantern Festival arrive.
After chatting with her family, Cao Wanjiao returned to her room. After Bi’er helped her freshen up, she went to another room to rest on her own initiative. She was much more contented now and knew Cao Wanjiao’s habits, so she didn’t disturb her.
Cao Wanjiao lay on the bed. As someone who would be leaving the next day and getting married in a couple of days, she was quite content to get a good night’s sleep.
Because she knows that the person she is marrying is a cooperative partner, she doesn’t feel that the ceremony in two days is a wedding at all. Instead, she feels that she needs a good night’s sleep after the two days of bumpy road.
Cao Wanjiao quickly fell asleep and didn’t notice someone gently push open the door and come in.
King Jing saw that Cao Wanjiao was already asleep, and froze for a moment. He shut the door as quietly as possible, and then walked silently to the bed.
King Jing, no, Chu Anzhou, actually followed the chief historian, just not letting anyone know, because he didn’t want to miss the wedding ceremony.
He had lost her in the previous life, confused, and never knew what he had done wrong. But if someone wants to break up, what’s the point of stopping them?
He just kept a close watch on her life in secret. Seeing that she was still so carefree after the breakup, as if it was no big deal to her, made Chu Anzhou feel very lost.
He had also thought about trying to win her back, but having been dumped once, and not being good with words, he doubted that asking her out again would cause her any burden. While he was still hesitating, he saw her being almost hit by a car.
Before Chu Anzhou pounced, his mind went blank, and then the image of her smiling at him for the first time flashed past.
Those round eyes curved into a beautiful arc, so sweet and so seductive.
Then he woke up on the bed in the King of Jing’s palace, next to the dead Princess of Jing.
Putting aside the various events that transpired, when he encountered Cao Wanqiao and learned that she was still alive and had become a girl of only sixteen years old, Chu Anzhou felt a variety of complex emotions, but he was happy after all.
However, because he had been broken up with before, Cao Wanqiao’s obvious dependence on him in her eyes made him unable to tell her his true identity.
He also felt a little sad that Cao Wanqiao did not recognise him.
Although he had a beard and was without his glasses, which made him hard to recognise, Cao Wanqiao had changed so much – she was younger, thinner, and no longer the vivacious girl from his past life – that he recognised her at once.
She was still the same lovely, delicate girl he had always loved.
And that girl was about to marry him.
How could he just sit around in Hangzhou and wait? Naturally, he had ignored everyone’s advice and followed her here, and he had tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep.
That’s why he wanted to come and check up on her, but he didn’t expect that Cao Wanqiao would be sleeping so soundly.
Under his moustache, Chu Anzhou couldn’t help but laugh.
In fact, this is Cao Wanqiao’s true nature: unpretentious, unconcerned with minor details, always smiling naively at people without guarding herself.
Chu Anzhou bent down and slightly brushed the stray hair on Cao Wanqiao’s forehead, and gently placed a kiss on that smooth, white forehead.
He just hoped that when she discovered his true identity, she would be able to forgive him.
The reason he did this was really just because he liked her very, very much.

Chapter 26
The Cao family still had to go through the ritual of leaving the house, so Cao Wanqiao was woken up early and Bi’er served her as she dressed in the Wanhua Zhenzhu Jiu Zhai crown, embroidered Yun Jin Yu Zhui Xia Pei. The things had been delivered to the Cao family the day before, and Cao Wanqiao had even marveled at the intricate craftsmanship while looking at them. But when she put them on, the whole thing almost crushed her.
It really is a skilled job to be a princess. She couldn’t move around at all just to support all these decorations.
Other dressing work was taken care of by the people sent by the royal family, including applying makeup on Cao Wanqiao’s face. She glanced in the mirror briefly and didn’t dare to keep looking. Well, she hoped that the Prince Jing wouldn’t faint from shock.
The makeup aesthetics of this era were really strange.
After she bid farewell to her parents, the family cried for a while, and then she was covered by the veil and got into the bridal palanquin.
The royal wedding procession did not ask her to get out of the palanquin until they had left Pinghan City, and then she switched to a carriage.
Bi’er had been walking next to the bridal palanquin, and now helped her get into the carriage. Fortunately, the whole wedding procession took two days, and once they got into the carriage, she was able to take off her veil and crown, and was left in her red wedding dress.
The carriage prepared by the royal family is even more luxurious and spacious than the one that brought her back before. Bi’er has been tipped off by Shunfu and Changfu before, and knows where to take out the small tea table and prepare easy-to-eat pastries and tea for Cao Wanjiao to stop her hunger.
While serving tea, Bi’er said, ‘My lady, did you know that when you go out, the Pinghan officials must follow you and escort you out of the city before they can go back? When they reached the city gate, Magistrate Guo led a group of people and knelt down to pay their respects to the Prince of Jing. You were really magnificent this time.’
Cao Wanjiao looked at Bi’er. She noticed that since Mrs Tao had spoken to Bi’er, Bi’er had stopped talking about riches and glory and had been serving her attentively. So Cao Wanjiao guessed what Mrs Tao had said to Bi’er.
At that moment, Cao Wanjiao smiled and said, ‘Don’t you think that Magistrate Guo is just like everyone else?’
Bi’er looked up in surprise, stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing. ‘You’ve guessed my thoughts correctly, young lady. Yes, I always thought Magistrate Guo was the most remarkable person in the world, but now it seems that he’s not so remarkable after all.’
Cao Wanjiao felt slightly reassured when she saw that Bi’er really seemed to have put Magistrate Guo behind her. She would just have to wait and see how Bi’er would perform in the royal palace in the future. At least Mrs. Tao had quietly slipped Bi’er’s contract of indentured servitude to her before leaving.
But Cao Wanqiao really wasn’t that worried. She and the Prince Jing were in a cooperative relationship. If Bi’er really had the ability to outshine the current group of beauties in the palace and seduce the Prince Jing, she would have to admire Bi’er.
Cao Wanqiao thought about the Prince Jing’s face, which could not be read, and really couldn’t imagine what kind of girl her benefactor would like. Hmm, no, her benefactor hadn’t slept with those women for a year since coming over, so should she suspect her benefactor’s sexual orientation…
Cao Wanjiao rambled on while chatting with Bi Er in a perfunctory manner. The bridal carriage was extraordinarily comfortable, and although she was getting married, she was very happy.
In the evening, they stayed at the official’s home, which had been decided long ago. It was said that the previous Princess Jing had also married from the capital to Songzhou, and she had asked officials along the way to provide accommodation. It would not do for the future princess to sleep in the bed of an inn where people had slept thousands of times.
The official took his family to hide temporarily, and as Cao Wanjiao had not yet completed the marriage ceremony, it would not have been proper to pay a visit before then, so the chief secretary went out to entertain the people.
So they set off the next day, and when they were about to arrive at the royal palace, at the right time on the right day, Bi’er helped her put on her veil and crown again. When they arrived at the royal palace, she was helped out of the carriage, and as she listened to the chief secretary reciting the regulations, Cao Wanjiao suddenly peeked under her veil and saw a pair of red shoes with black soles. They were embroidered with two dragons holding a pearl, and for some reason, she felt that the shoes gave off a particularly stable and mature vibe. Cao Wanqiao thought to herself, she is her benefactor after all, and even her feet have a special air of elegance.
After the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds were led by the chief minister to their bridal chamber. Cao Wanqiao looked at the path on the ground and recognised it as the Pingtianyuan. She guessed that the bridal chamber was located in the sleeping quarters of the Prince of Jing. Cao Wanqiao did not know the rules from the past and just thought it was perfectly normal.
Sitting on the bridal bed, she suddenly saw a bright light in front of her eyes. It turned out that the bridal veil had been lifted.
Cao Wanqiao heard a sound of gasp, and looking up, saw that the King Jing was looking at her with a complex expression, not the surprised reaction that a normal groom would have.
Cao Wanqiao looked around and saw that only the chief historian and the maidservants were serving around her. She raised an eyebrow and said to King Jing, ‘Isn’t this makeup amazing?’
She had long since tacitly anticipated the King’s reaction, and sure enough, he nodded helplessly in agreement.
Although the servants were secretly surprised at the new Queen’s easygoing attitude towards the King, they did not dare say anything. The Chief Historian asked them to continue with the ceremony. The King sat down next to her, and the maid knelt down and offered two cups. The Chief Historian said, ‘I respectfully invite the King and Queen to drink a cup of wine.’
The King paused for a moment before reaching out to take the cup, while Cao Wanqiao did not hesitate to join hands with the King. As it was too embarrassing to look at each other, she drank with her eyes closed, so she did not see the King staring at her the whole time.
The wine was unexpectedly not spicy, but a bit sweet, and it was quite delicious. Cao Wanqiao even wanted to have a refill.
After the basic wedding rituals were over, the chief historian led the unrelated servants and maids away. The King of Jing said to the maids present, ‘You may go as well.’
Bi’er looked at Cao Wanqiao, who nodded slightly, and Bi’er followed the others out.
Once the room was empty, Cao Wanjiao immediately asked Jing Wang, ‘Don’t you need to go out and drink with the guests? Also, I thought there would be some relatives of the royal family who would cause trouble in the bridal chamber?’
Jing Wang shook his head. ‘I didn’t let those relatives in, they’re all drinking outside. I said I wouldn’t go out.’
Cao Wanjiao was about to say whether that would be too rude, but then she thought that Jing Wang was respected in the royal palace, so who would dare say anything? So she let the matter drop.
‘Hey, you’ve sent the maids away, who’s going to help me take off this crown?’ Cao Wanqiao frowned as she held the crown with nine dippers on her head.
She could ask King Jing to call Bi’er in again, but she didn’t want to. It was only because she was alone with King Jing that she didn’t have to pretend to be Cao Wanqiao from this era, but could just be herself.
King Jing suddenly reached over and held out his large palm. ’I’ll help you.’
Cao Wanqiao was extremely suspicious and looked at him with distrustful eyes. ‘My benefactor, it’s not that I look down on you, but this crown is not just something you put on. Bi’er always takes a long time to take it off and put it on again.’
The King of Jing leaned closer to her, looked at it for a while, put his hands on both sides of the crown, lifted it slightly, and Cao Wanqiao let out a cry of pain: ‘Ouch!’
The King of Jing immediately gently lowered it, afraid to move it again. ‘Does it hurt?’
Cao Wanqiao looked up at him with a pained expression. ‘There’s some hair caught in it. Never mind, just get me a mirror.’
The King of Jing’s eyes flashed with feelings of concern. Hearing Cao Wanqiao say this, he got up, but wandered around the room for a while, and then returned to the bed awkwardly, saying, ‘I don’t know where there is a mirror.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned for a moment, and after scanning the room, she indeed saw that there was no mirror. She muttered, ‘Is that what men are like? No wonder you didn’t think to shave that beard, and you dare say you weren’t looking in the mirror.’
King Jing touched his beard. He truly didn’t feel that the beard was in the way. The original body also felt very manly, and that’s why he kept it like that.
She didn’t expect Cao Wanqiao to dislike it so much, and Jing Wang felt a little disoriented.
Cao Wanqiao didn’t expect him to find it, so she simply got up and looked for it. There was a sandalwood table next to the washbasin stand. Cao Wanqiao opened the drawer and sure enough, she took out a round mirror with carved gold edges. She handed it to Jing Wang and said, ‘Hold it for a moment while I take off my crown in the mirror.’
The King of Jing was very obedient and didn’t move the mirror even a little bit. Cao Wanqiao fiddled with the mirror for a while and successfully removed the magnificent crown.
She placed it on the sandalwood table and then took off the robe. She felt much more relaxed and patted her shoulders, saying, ‘It’s really not easy to be a princess. I heard the chief historian say that I still have to wear it for any big ceremonies in the future. Is that true?’
The Prince of Jing then put down the mirror and replied, ‘You’ve had a hard time. I’ve read the Da Jin Li Dian (大晋礼典) [Book of Jin Rites], and if the feudal king is still in the capital, there are some major ceremonies, but now each state is expected to have its own rules. If you don’t want to wear it, don’t.’
Cao Wanqiao’s face lit up with joy, and she kept saying, ‘Actually, it’s fine to wear it. This phoenix crown and rosy gown are so beautiful! It’s just a bit heavy. I think it can be improved, made lighter, without all the gold and pearls.’
The Prince of Jing looked at her heavy bridal makeup and couldn’t help but say, ‘Do you want to remove your makeup first?’
Cao Wanqiao touched her face and looked at her hands. Hmm, there was really an extraordinary amount of powder.
She looked over to the basin rack and picked up the towel hanging from it. Dipping it in the water, she turned to Jing Wang and said, ‘Please get me a mirror again, I’ll remove my makeup.’
Jing Wang, however, naturally took the towel and held her face in one hand, saying, ‘I’ll help you.’

Chapter 27
It wasn’t until Jing Wang took the towel and wiped her face that Cao Wanqiao realised what he had done. Looking at Jing Wang’s focused gaze up close, Cao Wanqiao despised the confused young girl inside her.
Jing Wang didn’t even want to sleep with Concubine Lan or Yang Han, so he definitely wouldn’t fancy the young girl with yellow hair. Indeed, the benefactor is kind-hearted, doing whatever comes to mind. He must have been unable to bear the sight of her heavy makeup, which was hard to explain, and so he just went ahead and helped her!
It was just that she was so close to a man, and Cao Wanqiao felt a little uncomfortable. She could count on one hand the number of times she had been this close to a man in her previous life, such as with that ex-boyfriend she had no future with. At most, they had held hands, and she could still remember that when they broke up, he had hugged her, and she had been so embarrassed that she had been afraid to look up at him.
Cao Wanjiao’s thoughts drifted. The Prince of Jing even wiped her face clean with a towel several times, and then held her chin while looking at her very carefully for a while, making sure that there was no makeup left before he said with satisfaction, ‘This makeup doesn’t look good.’
Cao Wanjiao pulled the corners of her mouth, thinking, ‘What a straight man’s opinion!’ If this wasn’t her benefactor, she would have given him a dirty look.
She picked up the mirror and looked at herself. Fortunately, ancient cosmetics were still quite water-soluble, and she was able to remove it all in just a few moments. As she checked herself out, she muttered, ‘Benefactor, you can’t do that. Even if a girl doesn’t like how she looks, you can’t criticise her, it’ll make her very sad!’
The Prince of Jing was taken aback and asked very straightforwardly, ‘But this makeup…’ The Prince of Jing suddenly realised the meaning of Cao Wanjiao’s words and quickly realised his mistake. He simply said, ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to criticise, it’s just that the makeup is a bit strange.’
Cao Wanqiao twitched the corners of her mouth again. Never mind, this is the tone of the benefactor’s speech. At least there has been some progress. ‘I didn’t expect to get married in this era and have to wear makeup like this. Never mind, I’m not going to wear this makeup again anyway. Fortunately, I saw that Concubine Lan’s dress was quite reliable, otherwise if everyone wore makeup like this, it would scare me to death, let alone you!’
King Jing listened very patiently to Cao Wanjiao’s idle chatter, but in his heart he was worried and thinking, ‘Did I unintentionally “criticise” Cao Wanjiao’s makeup a few times in my previous life?’
Blaming himself for being bad at expressing himself and offending the girl he liked without knowing it, King Jing looked at Cao Wanjiao earnestly with the mentality of making amends, saying, ‘You look good without makeup.’
Cao Wanjiao’s rambling stopped instantly, and her face flushed slightly. She felt a little embarrassed and said, ‘Hey, I didn’t ask for compliments on purpose, so you don’t have to say anything polite.’
The King of Jing was about to argue that he wasn’t being polite, but Cao Wanjiao looked at him and said, ‘Huh?’ ‘I’ve always been curious, but did you have this beard before, your majesty? Why didn’t you shave it off?’
The King of Jing stroked his beard and explained, ‘I followed the original intention of the King of Jing. He felt that a beard was more domineering and would make the subordinates more convinced when leading the army, so I continued to grow it.’
Cao Wanqiao was about to say, ‘I see,’ but then the King of Jing added, ‘And I think it’s quite good-looking.’
She was stunned for a while, her expression difficult to describe, and couldn’t help but say, ‘Benefactor, your taste is not something that can be lived with in the modern world, isn’t it particularly hard?’
The King was rarely at a loss for words, and said with some despondency, ‘No, it’s not nice…’
Cao Wanqiao looked around the room, pointing to a few pieces of furniture and decorations with her fingers, one, two, three, four, five. In particular, she pointed to the tiger skin on the wall and asked, ‘Do you also think these are nice?’
The King said nothing, indicating tacit approval. Cao Wanqiao forced a smile and said, ‘Never mind, it’s a matter of personal taste. Besides, no one will laugh at you now, so who dares say the King’s taste is bad?’
The King thought to himself, aren’t you just saying that his taste is bad?
He couldn’t help but argue, ‘But I think your face is really quite good-looking.’
‘…’ Cao Wanqiao was at a loss for words. Dare she hit herself in the face? She couldn’t help but raise her hand to her forehead and sigh. ‘Forget it, I’ve had a busy day and I’m quite tired, I won’t dwell on this for now.’
After hearing this, the King hurriedly asked her to sit down, and then called in Liu Fu, instructing him to set the table for dinner.
In no time at all, the maids brought in a dozen dishes, all kinds and colours. Cao Wanqiao was dumbfounded. She took a bite and realised that it was still hot. The royal household was truly impressive. They didn’t know when their masters would eat, but they could always serve piping hot food whenever they wanted.
Liufu was going to take a few people to serve them personally, but the Prince of Jing once again waived the offer. So, after the servants had left, Cao Wanqiao said, ‘Being a prince is so luxurious, with a meal of more than ten dishes?’
The Prince of Jing said, ‘That’s how it was when I first arrived. Later, I had it reduced. I just thought that since it was a wedding day, you would be more hungry, so I had them prepare more.’
Cao Wanqiao was still amazed when she heard this. Indeed, poverty had limited her imagination. There were only two people, and they could eat for a whole day. What a waste of food!
“Even if I were hungry, I couldn’t eat that much. We should reduce it in the future,’
Cao Wanqiao reminded him, and naturally the King of Jing did everything she said. He picked up a piece of lamb and put it in Cao Wanqiao’s bowl, but when he saw her frown and wave her hand, he said, ‘I don’t eat lamb, I can’t stand the smell.’
The King of Jing was taken aback, and slowly put the lamb back in his own bowl. He remembered that in his previous life, when he and Cao Wanqiao were eating together, he had also picked up lamb for her, but she had not objected and had eaten it silently.
He was still in a daze when Cao Wanqiao swallowed a piece of tender chicken thigh meat and suddenly touched her mouth and said, ‘Oh, didn’t the former queen die after just one glass of wine? Is there a problem with this food?’
The Prince Jing came back to his senses and reassured her, ‘There’s no problem, I’m in control of this part of the meal.’
Cao Wanqiao heard this and let out a sigh of relief, and then contentedly picked up a piece of chicken and ate it, saying, ‘There are so many people in the palace, aren’t you afraid that someone will have an ulterior motive?’
The Prince Jing spoke with great eloquence: ‘When I first came here, I thought the same thing, but according to the memories of the previous Prince Jing, there are still quite a few people who can be trusted. I tested it at the funeral of the former queen, and I knew that there were quite a few people who were in the empty coffin. Those were all trusted confidants, and so far nothing strange has happened. Of course, I have also done a lot of testing since then, and I can only say that the rest are the people brought over by the former queen. Just in case, I have not let them come into contact with the empty coffin or the location of the actual corpse.’
What he didn’t say was that he had suspected a conspiracy by the emperor from the beginning, so he was on his guard against everyone from the capital. He knew that the people who knew about the empty coffin were all on his side, and not a hint of news had leaked out. The emperor had also taken the death of the former queen in a normal manner, showing that the Jingwei Mansion itself could still be trusted.
Cao Wanquan was a little more at ease when she heard him say this. Although the people brought by the former queen were suspicious, there would still be opportunities to get to know them in the future. For the time being, they were not in a hurry and continued to eat.
After dinner, Liang Liufu led the others in to clear the table. Liang Liufu bowed with a smile on his face and said, ‘A spring night is worth a thousand in gold. Please rest, Your Highness and Your Highness.’
Both the King and Cao Wanqiao were taken aback and couldn’t help but look at each other. Although half of his cheeks were hidden by his beard, Cao Wanqiao could still see that the top half of the King’s face had turned red.

Chapter 28
Cao Wanqiao never imagined that Jing Wang would be so innocent. She was afraid that he would reveal his true feelings in front of Liu Fu, so she hurriedly told Liu Fu to go downstairs first. Then she smiled, winked at Jing Wang, and said, ‘My benefactor, don’t worry, I won’t make a move on you!’
Jing Wang was stunned for a moment, and the blush on his face gradually faded. He pinched his eyebrows and pointed to the long couch, saying, ‘I’ll sleep here tonight.’
Cao Wanqiao hurriedly said, ‘That’s embarrassing. After all, this is your sleeping quarters.’
The King of Jing shook his head. ‘You are still growing up, and sleeping on a couch will hinder your bone development.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned. She had originally been prepared to persuade the King of Jing for a long time, but she was suddenly speechless. The King of Jing’s reason was so special…
She looked at her body. Well, her breasts were flat, she was short, and she was still growing… To be honest, she was only 16 years old, so it wasn’t wrong to say she was still growing.
‘My benefactor, don’t worry. I wasn’t tall in my previous life, and I won’t grow much more. I’d rather sleep on the couch. You’re tall, so you’ll be more comfortable in the bed,’ Cao Wanqiao tried to convince him.
But the King was still adamant: ‘I can still grow a little more.’
Cao Wanqiao was at a loss for words again. It is rare to find such a good person who cares so much about the growth environment of a young girl. Seeing that Jing Wang’s attitude had not changed, she had no choice but to diligently find the bedding from the trunk and place it on the couch, making it as comfortable as possible so that Jing Wang could sleep better.
As she tidied up, she said, ‘This body is already sixteen years old, and there is not much more growth to be expected. I’m afraid it will be a waste of your hard work.’
The King of Jing, however, silently observed her height and thought to himself, ‘Sixteen is still too young. At least I have to wait until she is eighteen and fatten her up a bit before I can sleep with her in the same bed.’
Cao Wanqiao never imagined that the King of Jing was, after all, a man. His actions were very gentlemanly, but his mentality was still very instinctive. She was the only one who was foolish enough to think that someone else cared about her development.
Once the sleeping arrangements were decided, the two washed up and got ready for bed. Cao Wanqiao changed into the bright red nightdress she had brought with her and peeked out from behind the screen. Jing Wang was already in bed, wearing the same bright red pajamas. Newlyweds must look happy like this, but Cao Wanqiao was a little tired after looking at all the bright red decorations in the room.
The two went to bed separately. Cao Wanqiao was tired after a long day and fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow, but she had dreams.
She dreamed that in her previous life, she was with her ex-boyfriend. At first, she was quite satisfied with the look of his face, but later she felt that their personalities were really incompatible.
From the beginning, they got to know each other with the mentality of being a couple, and Cao Wanqiao always felt shy and was afraid to speak easily, for fear of damaging her image. Her ex-boyfriend was also a taciturn person, and she could be quiet for a whole day without talking to him.
So when they went out, they didn’t chat much, and they mostly did static activities. Her ex-boyfriend would invite her to go to exhibitions and museums. Although Cao Wanqiao wasn’t completely uninterested, she was even more embarrassed to say stupid things in these places. At most, she would smile slightly and nod, and when she got tired, she had to be careful not to fall asleep standing up.
Over time, Cao Wanqiao also tasted the bitter fruit of hiding her true nature. She had to think about what to say three times before she dared to speak, and it was just too exhausting.
As for her ex-boyfriend, it was only after they started dating that she gradually discovered that he was still a ‘male god’ in university, with top grades, a tall and handsome face. The friend who introduced them to each other was unkindly surprised when they got together, saying that she had never expected the male god to be so easy to conquer.
Cao Wanjiao thought to herself that she had not conquered him at all, and she still had no idea what the male god saw in her.
But after all, he is in a doctoral programme, with a heavy workload. She also heard that he already has industry sponsorship for his research, and his schedule is full. In the three months they have been dating, they have only gone out a handful of times.
Cao Wanjiao occasionally wants to be a little spoiled, but she hesitates because she doesn’t want to hold him back from his work. Watching her friends casually throw a temper tantrum at their boyfriends, she just can’t be mad at that handsome, silent face.
For example, she sends him a message: ‘I’m hungry!’ She was hoping that he would comfort her, but instead he quickly replied, ‘Let’s eat.’
How could Cao Wanjiao continue? She could only reply obediently, ‘Oh, okay.’
There were many such situations, and Cao Wanjiao found them particularly boring. The male god would hold her hand when they walked, but no further advances were made. It could be said that the mood was never created. If the male god stared at her for a long time, she would touch her face nervously and ask, ‘Did I get some rice stuck on my face?’
She just couldn’t tell what the male god was thinking about her.
In short, after three months of such a bland and tasteless relationship, when Cao Wanjiao wanted to bring him lunch at school after he hadn’t seen her for two weeks, she ran into one of his female classmates in the research lab.
The female student said to her with particular disdain that it was really wishful thinking for her to want to tie down Chu Anzhou. Chu Anzhou came from a prominent and wealthy family, was naturally intelligent, and was going to develop his career abroad after graduating with a doctorate. She told Cao Wanjiao to get lost as soon as possible, and not to cry and beg Chu Anzhou to stay
It was the first time Cao Wanqiao had been so humiliated in front of someone since she was a child. Without saying anything else, she simply snapped back, ‘None of your damn business,’ which was so blunt that it left the other person stunned.
She stormed off. She knew that Chu Anzhou didn’t dislike her as much as the woman had said, otherwise why would he be dating her? But the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She had never been confident in the relationship, and Chu Anzhou had never told her about his family’s situation or the possibility of going abroad after graduation.
He didn’t show how much he liked her.
She could have asked Chu Anzhou for confirmation, but after thinking about it for a long time, and after being tired for the past three months, both physically and mentally, she realised that the two of them were definitely not a good match.
She looked at the photo of her late father and muttered, ‘If only Dad were here, he could tell me whether this man is good or not.’
When Chu Anzhou finally had time to ask her out, she broke up with him as soon as they met. Chu Anzhou was stunned and asked for a reason. She calmly said that their personalities did not match. Chu Anzhou was silent for a long time and nodded.
Cao Wanjiao thought that was it. After all, the relationship had started so easily and ended so simply. It was pretty good. She had a boyfriend who was a god, and she could brag about it to her children and grandchildren in the future.
Just before she was about to leave, she was suddenly pulled by Chu Anzhou’s arm. Before she realised what was happening, she was in his arms.
Chu Anzhou whispered, ‘Take care of yourself.’
Cao Wanjiao’s heart was beating fast, but she also wanted to ask why he had to be like that, so she nodded carelessly before Chu Anzhou let her go.
After the breakup, Cao Wanjiao felt much more relaxed. Of course, sometimes she would doubt the decision to break up, but there was really very little to miss in this relationship that was like white water. She easily put it behind her.
A week later, Chu Anzhou did send her a message, saying that he knew about the female classmate’s rude remarks to her, that he was very sorry, and that he wanted to meet to talk about it. Cao Wanjiao only thought about it for a moment before replying to decline. Those words were only the trigger. Without them, she believed that they would still diverge one day.
It was just a matter of time.
She replied to the message, treating it as if it were over. However, who knew that the next day, after work, she was walking down the street when she was hit by a car.
Cao Wanjiao suddenly woke up. The dream came to an abrupt end at this moment. She looked up at the ceiling in a daze, and the finely crafted carvings confused her for a moment.
Right, she had travelled back in time and married a prince.
As the dragon and phoenix wedding candles burned all night, casting shadows across the room, she sat up and looked over to the side of the bed, where the Prince Jing was asleep in a particularly proper position. For a moment, Cao Wanqiao actually felt that the figure looked a little like her ex-boyfriend.
She shook her head. It was all because she had suddenly had a dream about Chu Anzhou from a previous life, which had given her strange hallucinations. If King Jing were her ex-boyfriend, he would never have married her. She had dumped him, which must have been very hurtful to his pride.
But she still got out of bed as if possessed and crept up to King Jing.
Chu Anzhou had three small moles behind his ears, which she had once seen by accident and said looked like constellations.
She wanted to see what the King’s ear looked like.

Chapter 29
When Cao Wanqiao stood next to the King of Jing, she hesitated. He was sleeping in an upright position with his face facing upwards, so how could she see behind his ears? She bent slightly and reached towards the King of Jing’s ear.
Unexpectedly, a large hand caught her wrist off guard.
The King of Jing’s eyes suddenly opened, flashing a sharp light in the darkness. Cao Wanqiao was startled and let out a cry of alarm.
‘What are you doing?”
The low, cold voice of the King of Jing came, and Cao Wanqiao’s heart contracted, and she was unable to speak for a moment. She saw the King of Jing slowly sit up, still holding her wrist.
Cao Wanqiao felt that this Jing Wang was very unfamiliar. She saw that he seemed to come back to his senses, recognised her face, and his eyes stopped being so aggressive. He spoke in a softer tone, ‘The original Jing Wang was very alert when asleep. He would automatically wake up if someone approached. This body still retains this reaction. Did I scare you?’
Cao Wanqiao shook her head. She felt as if she had acted like a thief, and was a little guilty. She said awkwardly, ‘I just saw a mosquito on your head…’
The King of Jing frowned slightly. ‘A mosquito? I’ve slept here for over a year and have never seen a mosquito.’
Cao Wanqiao said with a laugh, ‘Then I must have been mistaken?’
The King of Jing didn’t care much, but when he looked down, he saw that he was still holding Cao Wanqiao’s wrist. He let go and saw that the thin wrist was slightly red. He thought it was because he had just woken up and didn’t have control over his strength. He said apologetically, ‘I’m sorry, does it hurt?’
Cao Wanqiao waved her hands quickly. ‘No, it doesn’t hurt. Don’t worry, it’ll go away in a little while.’ She was released and stood up straight. Pointing to her bed, she said, ‘It’s still dark outside, so I’m going to go back to sleep. You should do the same.’
The Prince of Jing also stood up and walked to the window. He opened the window a little, looked at the sky, closed the window, and then turned to Cao Wanqiao and said, ‘It’s five o’clock in the morning. I need to go patrol the soldiers.’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback. ‘Patrols, so early?’
The King of Jing explained: ‘The barracks of the Imperial Guards are behind the palace, with about 2,000 men. The original King of Jing went on patrols at this time every day without fail, and I have continued this practice.’
Cao Wanqiao knew that the fifth watch was from 3 to 5 a.m., and judging from the still dark sky, it was probably about 4 a.m. The King of Jing actually had to get up so early every day to go on patrols. Cao Wanqiao looked admiringly at him. ‘You were married last night and had to patrol the troops this morning. Even if you don’t go, they won’t do anything to you, will they?”
The King of Jing shook his head and said, ’The royal guard doesn’t need to be managed so strictly. The original King of Jing did this because he was interested in the affairs of the barracks. I must control the troops because the death of the former queen has not yet been solved, so I can rest assured.’
What he didn’t say was that according to the law, the number of guards for a feudal prince should not exceed 300, but since imperial power was weak, all feudal princes did as he did and registered 300 guards, even though in reality they all exceeded that number. There was also the military strength gathered in each county of Songzhou. Officially, they should serve the emperor, but secretly obey the orders of the feudal lords. Songzhou’s powerful army not only intimidates the other feudal lords, but also makes the emperor wary. This is why the King Jing, who stole the women selected in the capital to be imperial concubines, married them as princesses or made them remarry, and the capital still dares not issue an edict to reprimand him.
Managing so many soldiers is mentally and physically demanding, but the benefits are too great. Chu Anzhou has continued the habit of controlling Songzhou’s military strength.
He insisted on going on patrol, so he told Cao Wanqiao, ‘You go back to sleep. I’ll wake you up to pay respects to our ancestors when I get back from patrol.’
Cao Wanqiao was envious of Jing Wang for being so lucky to have come through to become a prince. She was a little ashamed to realise that he had to work so hard behind the scenes. She said obediently, ‘Go ahead, but be careful, it’s dark and slippery.’
Jing Wang was touched. Ever since he had come through, he had been going on patrol every morning before dawn. At first, he hadn’t really noticed, but now that he had a wife, just a simple reminder made him feel so much better.
He couldn’t help but stroke the top of her head and say, ‘I know.’
He then turned around, put on his outer garment, and walked out. Cao Wanqiao saw him leave the door and yawned. She had initially thought that it was not good for the king to sleep while on patrol, but the king’s bed was so soft and comfortable that she quickly fell asleep again.
‘Your Highness, the Princess, please rise.”
Hearing Liu Fu’s voice outside the room, Cao Wanqiao opened her eyes drowsily, only to see the King of Jing sitting at the table, quietly reading a scroll of books. The light coming in through the window had already brightened, and she was fully awake. Sitting up, she asked him, ’You’re back? Why didn’t you wake me?’
The King of Jing put down his book and saw Cao Wanqiao with a sleepy, defenseless look on her face, which was very cute. His gaze softened as he said, ‘Seeing as you were sleeping so soundly, and there was nothing urgent anyway, I didn’t bother waking you. I never thought that Liu Fu would be so inconsiderate.’
Cao Wanqiao rubbed her eyes and smiled. ‘He probably thought we overslept. Today, apart from paying respects to our ancestors, I also have to meet with those women in the back courtyard. Lying in bed will make people laugh.’
However, the King of Jing said imperiously, ‘Who dares to laugh at you?’
Hey, that’s reasonable. The previous king and queen both passed away early, and none of the relatives of the royal family live in the palace. There is no one to be on one’s guard against when serving tea. As for the women in the back courtyard, Cao Wanqiao is curious to see how they will treat her as the new queen.
Although the Prince Jing said this, Cao Wanqiao still got up. The Prince Jing had no choice but to go open the door. Liu Fu led a group of servants outside and waited. When they saw their master open the door, they entered quietly and orderly, holding basins, towels, and handkerchiefs. Dressed in fine clothes and wearing ornaments, they began their work methodically.
Bi’er came forward to help Cao Wanjiao wash up. Among the servants in the Jingwang Mansion, she even seemed to have a sense of stability. If she had been as fidgety as before, she would have been looking around, full of curiosity.
At this time, three maids came forward, each holding a sash and jewellery, and said, ‘Your servant greets the Queen.’
Liufu then said, ‘In past dynasties, the princesses had six first-class maids-in-waiting. The prince has said to reduce the number by two. Apart from the lady you brought with you, Miss Bi, these three are Song’er, Zhu’er and Mei’er. They will serve you in the future. If there is anything inappropriate, just tell me and I will punish them severely.’
Cao Wanjiao looked at the three meek maidservants, who were pretty but nothing special. She looked at the Prince Jing, who said lightly, ‘There are too many people, and I’m afraid you won’t feel comfortable. These three are quite sensible.’
The implication was that these three maids, Song, Zhu and Mei, had been selected by him. Cao Wanjiao felt relieved. The previous queen had died a violent death for no reason, and she naturally had to be on her guard with the people serving her. Since the Prince of Jing had chosen these three for her, she thought she could trust them.
Bai took out a few silk pouches and gave them to the three maids, looking alert. ‘This is a gift from Her Highness to you. Serve her attentively in the future.’
Cao Wanjiao was slightly surprised, and the three maids, Song, Zhu and Mei, naturally promised to serve attentively in the future. Cao Wanjiao let them get up first, and then whispered to Bi’er as she wiped her face: ‘Eunuch Liu Fu gave me a lot of these packets last night, saying that there are many rewards today.’
Cao Wanjiao had never thought about this: did one have to reward one’s servants? She didn’t have that much dowry to squander, either. Liu Fu was indeed considerate, having prepared all this to spare her face. Just as she was thinking this, Bi’er said happily in a low voice, ‘This must have been ordered by the Prince. The Prince really does love you, thinking of even such small things for you and the new bridal chamber is located in the Ping Tian Yuan, while your chamber is located in the Jiang Xu Yuan, where you previously lived. I heard Eunuch Liu Fu say that the Queen can live in the front courtyard, which is unprecedented, so you can see how much the Prince cares about you!”
Cao Wanqiao was stunned and couldn’t help but look at the man in the mirror who was dressed in formal attire by Liu Fu. She saw him notice her gaze, his eyes slightly curved, revealing a gentle smile.

Chapter 30
Cao Wanqiao’s heart skipped a beat when she saw that smile.
She felt that this series of arrangements by the Prince of Jing must be for the convenience of their lives as people from the same time and space. However, after hearing what Bi’er said, it seemed to really imply some affection. After all, she was just an ordinary girl, and being treated like this made her heart feel a little sweetness.
Hey, Cao Wanqiao, wake up and don’t get the wrong idea! She seriously admonished herself.
But just think about it, if there was someone so considerate and gentle by her side in a previous life, she might have been moved.
Unfortunately, she never met him.
As she was thinking all this, she didn’t notice that Bi’er and Song, Zhu, and Mei were secretly competing with each other. Song was good at hair styling, so she went up to Cao Wanqiao and started to arrange her hair in a bun. Zhu took out her eyebrow pencil and rouge and prepared to put on makeup for her, while Mei held a tray with several gold and silver jewellery pieces on it and waited for her to choose.
At this point, Bi’er no longer had the desire to seduce her master as she once had. She was too busy competing with these maids for Cao Wanjiao’s favour to think about it. Cao Wanjiao finally came back to her senses and said a few words back to her. It was only then that she realised she was being surrounded by these maids like the moon being surrounded by the stars.
Mom, is this what it feels like to be a princess? It’s simply too exciting!
Who hasn’t dreamed of being a princess? Cao Wanqiao was really vain. After the maidservants had served her, she was dressed in a gorgeous outfit with a high bun, adorned with gold beads and jade ornaments. She looked nothing like the little girl from the market.
She walked up to the Prince Jing and, excitedly, unfurled the wide sleeves of her embroidered cloud patterned dress and asked, ‘Do I look good?’
The servants present fell silent. No one had ever seen the Prince Jing praise any of the women in his harem, and no one dared to provoke the cold, unfeeling face, so they all secretly sighed at the new princess’s naivety.
Unexpectedly, the Prince Jing said softly, ‘You look good. You look good in anything.’
Cao Wanqiao’s pretty face flushed, and she pouted and complained, ‘That last sentence is dishonest. I meant to compare it with the way you looked before. Isn’t it much better now?’
The King of Jing was taken aback. As a man, he just thought that his beloved little woman was beautiful and cute no matter what she wore, and didn’t really pay much attention to what she wore. Especially since ancient clothing was layered and the princess’s attire was even more complicated, there was nothing to see…no, there was nothing to pay attention to.
But when Cao Wanqiao said this, even the stupid Jing Wang knew that he should take a serious look. After looking her up and down, he commented, ‘It’s a bit too flashy. Wearing so much doesn’t make her any thinner than before, but it also makes her look shorter, and it’s probably not very convenient to walk around in.’
As Jing Wang said this, the room fell silent.
Cao Wanqiao almost thought she hadn’t heard it right. Did Jing Wang really think that her outfit made her look short, fat and nouveau riche?
She pouted, turned around and said to Bi’er, ‘Quickly take these hairpins out and change into another outfit!’
Bi’er felt sorry for her master. Why did the King speak so hurtfully? She had previously thought that he would try to please his master, but she never expected him to say such annoying things. Bi’er hurriedly went up to Cao Wanqiao and said, ‘I will change them for you immediately, don’t worry!’
The King was a little flustered. What had he said wrong? In a panic, he took Cao Wanqiao by the wrist and brought her to him, saying softly, ‘I’m not saying you’re ugly, you just look good in a single garment. And before, you were too thin, but now you’re just the right size. But I’m afraid if you wear too much, you might trip and fall.’
Cao Wanqiao had originally just wanted someone to praise her appearance, but who knew that Jing Wang was so insensitive. She wasn’t really angry, but she was afraid that Jing Wang was telling the truth and she would be teased by the other women if she went out dressed like that.
Now that Jing Wang was flattering her in public like that, she felt a little embarrassed. She touched her nose and laughed, ‘You’re exaggerating a bit. What’s so good about wearing just a single garment? Hey, you’re right, I am overdressed.’ Then she turned back to Bi’er and said, ‘Take off two hairpins and replace the jacket with a thin one.’
Bi’er had just seen her masters not avoiding the public ‘flirting’, her face slightly red. At this time, she heard Cao Wanqiao’s order and hurriedly responded.
When Jingwang saw Cao Wanqiao smile, he let go of her wrist with relief, but in his heart he retorted, it is only when wearing a single garment that she looks good, with her curves blurred and her fair skin faintly visible.
After this episode, the servants gained a new understanding of this new princess. It seems that the new princess is very much loved by the king. I have never seen the king flirting like this with a woman from the back garden, not even with the former princess. But don’t look at the new princess’s humble origins. With the king’s favour and protection, I’m afraid all the flowers in the back garden will wither.
The news of the new princess’s favour spread throughout the palace in less than half a day as the servants spread the word from mouth to mouth. Let’s not mention these trivial matters for now.
Cao Wanqiao finally finished dressing up. The Prince Jing was waiting for her at the door. She walked over to him and saw him extend one hand, palm up.
Cao Wanqiao was puzzled by his meaning, but the Prince Jing gave her a palm-down handshake and took her hand.
She felt a pang of emotion. The Prince Jing didn’t show many emotions, or perhaps the bearded man couldn’t see many of them. Cao Wanqiao told herself that this was for the outsiders to see, and naturally they should act affectionate at the beginning of their marriage.
The palace had its own ancestral hall. The couple arrived holding hands, and the servants had already set up the incense burner and offerings. The chief historian of the palace was already waiting. Cao Wanqiao followed the chief historian’s lead, reciting the rules, and in turn knelt to offer tea to each tablet. Finally, they arrived at the tablet of the former queen. ancestral tablet. Cao Wanjiao looked up and saw that the former queen was actually Xiang. The chief historian hesitated for a moment and said, ‘The imperial family does not follow folk customs. A secondary wife needs to pay respect to the primary wife because they were both bestowed the title of queen by the emperor…’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned. No wonder the chief historian hesitated. She was not the Princess Jing personally bestowed by the emperor, so it was difficult to know whether or not this rule should be followed. It was only mentioned today during the ancestral worship, so it was a bit suspicious.
She heard that the person who went to Pinghan City to welcome the bride before was the chief historian on the right, so this person must be the chief historian on the left. She wondered if it was because he didn’t know how to be flexible that he said those things in public. She only heard the King of Jing say coldly, ‘No need to bow.’
The left chancellor changed his expression and hurriedly knelt down to beg for forgiveness. ‘I have offended the princess…’
The King of Jing said indifferently, ‘Since you reminded me that the princess has not yet been bestowed a title by the emperor, you should write a petition yourself until the emperor conveys the decree on the title of princess to Songzhou.’
The left chief historian looked shocked. Although the chief historian was responsible for submitting petitions on behalf of the royal court, such as petitions for the naming and conferral of titles, the feudal lords of the Great Jin Dynasty had strong regional powers, and this work was just a formality.
The King of Jing also did not wait for him to defend himself, but went over and took Cao Wanqiao’s hand, walking out of the ancestral hall.
Cao Wanqiao glanced back, and saw that the left chief historian was still kneeling there with a sad and pained expression on his face. It was clear that the King of Jing’s request was very difficult.
The King of Jing whispered to her, ‘I have been observing this person for a long time, and I can see that his thinking is old-fashioned and outdated. Even before he married you, he wanted to dissuade me from my idea. This time, I think he is just using this opportunity to persuade me, and he is not targeting you. Don’t take it personally.’
Cao Wanqiao shrugged. ‘I don’t care. I’m not like the people of this era who care so much about kneeling. Kneeling before a few tablets is nothing. It’s just that I thought this person had some ulterior motives towards you. If they just want to give you a piece of their mind, that’s fine.”
The Prince of Jing pondered for a moment before saying, ’I said this person’s ideas are stubborn and old-fashioned because he still believes in the supremacy of imperial power, but it’s not as if he’s been sent by the emperor. I’ve checked up on this person, and his ancestors have served the Prince of Jing’s household for three generations. Now that I’m not briefing him on important matters, there’s no need to worry too much about him.’
Cao Wanqiao nodded. As long as Zuo Changshi doesn’t harbour any evil intentions, she doesn’t have to worry too much. What she fears most is an ambush from an unexpected source. For example, she didn’t mind kneeling before the ancestral tablets during the ancestral worship ceremony. It’s when she has to meet with those women from the harem later that she becomes anxious.

Chapter 31
When they reached a fork in the road, Liu Fu reminded her, ‘Your Highness, Concubines Fang and Lan are waiting for your summons in the Shulan Courtyard.’
Cao Wanqiao looked up at the King of Jing and said, ‘I’ll go meet those women and find out about the situation in the back courtyard of the palace. You go back first.’
The King of Jing, however, did not move. He lowered his eyes and asked her, ‘Do you need me to accompany you?’
Cao Wanjiao was a little moved. Her benefactor must be afraid that she would be bullied! She waved at the King, who lowered his head. Cao Wanjiao covered her mouth with her hand and whispered in his ear, ‘I want to see what those women are like when you’re not there. It won’t work if you go! Don’t worry, I won’t be bullied… Well, if I am, I’ll definitely tell you and you can help me get back at them!’
The King laughed softly. It was the first time Cao Wanjiao had heard him laugh, and she couldn’t help but be taken aback.
The servants nearby saw their masters whispering and all tried to minimise their presence, pretending not to hear or see.
King Jing wanted to pat her on the head, but she had a high bun and a pearl hairpin in her hair, so he couldn’t do it. He had to touch her face with the back of his hand and say, ‘Good.’
Cao Wanqiao was a little dazed. She would have suspected some kind of intimacy in any other action King Jing took, but what did it mean to touch her face with the back of his hand? She was still confused when the Prince once again patted her on the back and said, ‘Keep up the good work.’
She came back to her senses, gave him a sweet smile, and gave a little fist bump, saying, ‘Keep up the good work!’
The servants heard what he said but didn’t understand, so they continued to pretend they hadn’t heard.
Cao Wanqiao gestured to Liu Fu to lead the way, and Liu Fu respectfully led the way with hand signals. The Prince stood at the fork in the road, watching her go in the direction of the backyard, and didn’t move until he couldn’t see her anymore.
Caowan Qiao, surrounded by a crowd of servants, passed through the second gate and entered the backyard. The view of the palace was beautiful, and the landscaping was not bad, but she had no interest in admiring it. She kept thinking to herself, ‘I wonder what style of painting the backyard of the King of Jing is?’ She only knew that Concubine Lan was bright and cheerful, but her speech was also a bit suffocating. How would the other women treat her as the new queen? This made Caowan Qiao both curious and scared.
As expected, palace intrigues are a stomachache. Among those people, there might be those who caused the death of the former queen, Xiang.
Liufu explained as they walked: ‘His Royal Highness has commanded that you live in the officers’ courtyard in the future. Since the concubines in the rear courtyard are not allowed to go to the front courtyard without reason, Your Highness, if you have something to say to them, you can do so in this Shulan Courtyard, Fangfei Courtyard… After it was sealed off, the side concubine Fang once borrowed this place to take care of the trivial matters of the palace, and it is still quite serviceable.’
Cao Wanjiao’s face showed slight surprise as she asked, ‘Did Concubine Fang once act as the Queen’s representative?’
Liu Fu answered ‘yes’ and continued, ‘When the previous Queen passed away, the King was not paying much attention to the rear courtyard, so Concubine Fang took the initiative to take responsibility. Concubine Fang was the cousin of the previous Queen and was also bestowed by the Emperor, so everyone in the rear courtyard was convinced.’
Cao Wanqiao seized on the words ‘considerably convinced’ from Liu Fu’s mouth and felt that there was something to it. She asked again, ‘Then why didn’t the secondary consort continue to act on behalf of the primary consort?’
Liu Fu replied, ‘The secondary consort was always weak and sickly, and taking care of those trivial matters would always make her sick for a few days. The prince later learned about this and ordered me to take over the position and be responsible for handling all matters in the harem.’
When Liu Fu said this, he didn’t mean to show any respect for this concubine. Otherwise, he wouldn’t dare say things like his master is ‘weak and sickly’. Cao Wanqiao observed Liu Fu’s attitude, and it seems that this concubine was not favoured before or after the Jing Wang’s time travel. She only has status in the royal palace, and may not even be as prestigious as the Lan concubine. Cao Wanqiao still remembers Liu Fu’s attitude towards the Lan concubine, who was always smiling and laughing, and they seemed to have a very good relationship.
I have a slight understanding of this concubine Fang. At this time, the group also entered the Shulan Courtyard. The maid at the door knelt down and said, ‘Greetings to Her Highness the Queen.’
Cao Wanqiao walked in and saw a group of women dressed in different styles bowing and bowing to her. There were about ten of them, and they were all of a certain rank. They could greet her in the Shulan Courtyard. The other dancers and courtesans could only stay in their own rooms.
Liufu gave a discreet hint, and Cao Wanjiao placed her hand on Bi’er’s arm, walked through the crowd with dignity and composure, took her seat, and then said lightly, ‘Please be seated.’
The women slowly straightened up. At this time, each person’s personality came to the fore. For example, the concubine of the Blue Side, like the others, boldly raised her eyes and surveyed Cao Wanqiao, not avoiding eye contact, and gave a friendly smile. Then there was the skinny woman of the Blue Side, dressed in the same class as her but more luxuriously, who kept her eyes downcast and lips pursed from beginning to end, expressionless. I think this must be the concubine of the Fang Side.
This Fang side wife, indeed, has a sickly appearance, pale and thin. Although she is wearing makeup, her sunken cheeks have no expression, and her brightly painted lips look out of place.
She is naturally somewhat attractive, but she already looks frail, and she doesn’t smile or laugh, which really makes people feel bad.
Cao Wanqiao is holding herself aloof, and although it is a bit awkward, she still puts on airs and graces and says, ‘Please, sisters, take your seats.’
The others took their seats in turn, but the two concubines Fang and Lan sat facing each other. Fang sat at the lower left, with the left being the honoured position, which showed the status of the two concubines. Fang was from a noble family and had been given the title by the emperor, so Lan could not compete with her in such an occasion.
The blue concubine is quick-tempered. At this time, she took a handkerchief and covered her lips, smiling, ‘Congratulations to my sister on your new happiness. I heard that the prince loves you very much. I still remember that you and I once had a long chat in my residence. At that time, I knew that you were not only good-looking, but also had an extraordinary temperament, like a fairy come down to earth. Sure enough, you have returned to the palace as the princess. My sister is really very happy!’
Concubine Lan was indeed well-informed, and she knew that the Prince loved her. She even volunteered to talk about Cao Wanqiao’s previous stay at the palace, without any inhibitions, in order to ease the awkwardness of their switched identities. Her ability to flatter was truly unparalleled.
Cao Wanqiao and she had no previous grudges, and the concubine Lan was able to immediately lower her status to ingratiate herself with her. Cao Wanqiao was happy to be on good terms with her, so she smiled and said, ‘My sister is too kind. We are both serving the prince, and it is our duty to do so. In the future, we will get along peacefully and not cause any trouble for the prince. That is the right way to do things.’
This was also a message for everyone else: the new princess wants everyone to get along peacefully and not fight. Of course, everyone had their own thoughts, which they would not easily show on their faces, and they all just agreed with her.
Cao Wanqiao noticed in the corner of her eye that a maid by the side of the concubine Fang was staring at her. When she turned her head, the maid immediately lowered her head again. Cao Wanqiao was puzzled. Her mistress was so arrogant that she didn’t even talk to me or look at me. Why are you looking at me?
The concubine Lan, however, was a shrewd person, and having captured this scene, she looked askance at the maid and said in a neutral tone, ‘But Miss Mengdie, seeing the new princess, has remembered your old master, has she not?’
The girl named Mengdie was taken aback, and first looked at the concubine Lan, who momentarily revealed an expression of disgust. Mengdie gritted her teeth, knelt down, and whispered to Cao Wanqiao, begging for mercy, ‘Your Highness is discerning. Your servant absolutely has no ill intent!’
Only then did Cao Wanqiao understand, and asked her, ‘You served the former Queen…sister?’

Chapter 32
Mengdie’s eyes reddened, and she bowed her head and replied, ‘To answer Your Highness’s question, I was the handmaiden of the former Queen’s dowry. After the former Queen passed away, I was spared by the Concubine Fang, and I was able to serve her.’
Cao Wanqiao, however, remained silent, looking only at Fangshi. Because of her gaze, the women in the room followed suit, and suddenly Fangshi was the centre of attention. Her expression, which had been tense, finally cracked a little. She still did not raise her eyes, let out a breath, stood up and said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘Please forgive this maid.’
Lan Xiaoxiao snorted coldly and interrupted, ‘Oh, Your Highness condescendingly calling us sisters, what does Fang mean by directly addressing the Princess as “Your Highness”? You dare to say that no one in this house is on the same level as you because of your noble status, is that it?’
Cao Wanqiao raised her eyebrows slightly. Lan Xiaoxiao is indeed incredibly formidable. Her series of respectful appellations for Fangshi were loaded with barbs, leaving people speechless. It also brought out a sense of old grudges and new hatred. Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but get excited. As long as she doesn’t get off the field, it’s always fun to watch the melee!
Fang suddenly glared fiercely at Lan Xiaoxiao, bit her lip, took a few deep breaths, and then said to Cao Wanjiao, ‘Please…my sister, do not listen to the side concubine Lan’s attempts to sow discord. Just now, when you were dreaming of a butterfly, you were actually feeling the same way as I am. It has only been a little over a year since the death of the previous empress, and when I see you and us calling each other sister and talking to each other, it just brings back sad memories. Please, my sister, don’t take it to heart.’
Fortunately, Fang is able to bear it. The woman whom the emperor granted a title to a feudal prince was either rich or noble in origin, and she was also a cousin of Xiang. How could she be convinced to lower her head to a girl from a butcher’s family like her? Cao Wanqiao saw that she could say such considerate things, so she spoke before Lan Xiaoxiao could argue again: ‘I won’t take it to heart, sister. Sit down. Mengdie, get up too.’
Lan Xiaoxiao saw Cao Wanjiao come out to smooth things over, so she disdainfully glanced at Fangshi and turned her head away without further mockery.
Mengdie got up as she had been told to do, and helped Fangshi slowly sit back down.
Cao Wanqiao lightly rubbed her temples. She had thought that the royal family was a high-ranking family with a large estate, and the struggles in the back yard must be subtle and unfathomable. However, because the Jing Royal Family had a high-ranking master like Lan Xiaoxiao, who was fiery and passionate, the situation was explosive and no courtesy was shown.
Fangshi probably felt helpless too. She might want to keep the peace on the surface, but Lan Xiaoxiao would not let her off the hook when she was in the right. How could a noble woman give up face and argue with other people? So she will only suffer.
Cao Wanqiao reasoned silently in her heart, and she wanted to roughly grasp the personalities of everyone in the backyard today. The more she observed, the better. At this time, Liu Fu reminded her, ‘Your Highness, I will now take care of everything in the backyard. Since you have entered the Prince’s mansion, you will have to work hard in the future.’
Everyone present was shocked to hear this. As a close attendant of the Prince, Liu Fu would not have said this without the Prince’s approval. The new Princess was going to take over the authority in the backyard as soon as she entered the palace. The backyard of the Jingwei Palace was really going to change!
Cao Wanqiao thought for a moment before saying to Liu Fu, ‘I just got married and don’t know much about things. You can give me the name lists and account books to look at in the next few days, and I will make a decision after I understand the situation. In the meantime, you can still take care of things.’
The breath that everyone had held was silently let out again, and they would see what the new princess did next.
The two secondary consorts still had a strong presence, so Cao Wanqiao focused on getting to know them. She indicated to Bi’er to give out the prepared gifts, and the two secondary consorts got up to thank her again.
There were also two other concubines. The late mother of the Prince Jing had given the young Prince Jing two maids as his chamber maids. Later, they were freed from slavery and given the title of concubine by the late Queen. You could tell from the history that the two were also of a certain age. Their once pretty faces were now ordinary. Naturally, they were respectful towards Cao Wanjiao and dared not act rashly. Cao Wanjiao could not see anything special in them and just gave them a gift.
There is nothing much to mention about the remaining concubines. Whether they were given to the concubines by the emperor or other feudal kings, they were barely able to be bestowed with titles due to their origins, and that is why they stayed in the royal palace. Lan Xiaoxiao is very enthusiastic. Whenever Cao Wanjiao talks to someone, she can’t wait to tell everyone about their family tree. The other women were afraid of Lan Xiaoxiao and let her talk. Fortunately, apart from being clearly on bad terms with Fangshi, Lan Xiaoxiao’s attitude was generally neutral towards the rest, and she didn’t praise or criticise the things Cao Wanqiao introduced to her.
Cao Wanqiao was still dumbfounded in her heart. There were more than ten ranks, and the courtesans in the back courtyard were probably twice as many. What was worse was that the ranks were a bit chaotic. Fangshi became a secondary concubine because of her background, and Lan Xiaoxiao became a secondary concubine because she was favoured. The two secondary concubines were also once slaves, and the lower concubines were of good family status. How could this not make people restless? Cao Wanqiao thought of the death of Xiangshi. This chaotic back courtyard was probably the place where people took advantage.
It took a lot of time just to get to know the women in the harem, and finally, Liu Fu came out again to remind her, pointing at Yang Han, who was sitting at the end of the table, and saying, ‘Miss Yang has only been in the palace for a short time, she has not yet been favoured, and she does not have a rank yet. She is still temporarily staying in the Que Ling Yuan. Your Highness, perhaps you could make some arrangements.’
Cao Wanqiao looked at Yang Han and saw that her appearance was still as refined and elegant as ever, with eyebrows and eyes like a picture. At this moment, she was called upon and stood up, quietly looking back at Cao Wanqiao, smiling faintly, her attitude neither humble nor arrogant.
Cao Wanqiao scratched her temple again, which embarrassed Yang Han. Naturally, Jing Wang had not taken in any new people since he had travelled back in time, so it was hard to say where Yang Han would be positioned. In any case, Jing Wang would never let her ‘be his favourite’.
Cao Wanjiao couldn’t think of a good way for the time being, so she said, ‘I’ll go back and ask the king.’
It was always a good idea to pass the buck to the king. After all, who would dare to ask the king what he planned to do in the end?
Yang Han had no choice but to accept this conclusion, and she still had to thank the king with a gift. Cao Wanjiao was exempt from this courtesy.
Cao Wanjiao was a little tired after all the fuss, so she said to the others, ‘That’s all for today. I’ll come back to see you all some other time if I have time.’
Everyone was taken aback, and it was only then that they remembered that the new princess lived in the front courtyard, and normally they would not even be able to see her. Everyone had mixed feelings.
Although they were thinking these things, on the surface they still had to respectfully rise and see Cao Wanqiao out. Cao Wanqiao waved goodbye to everyone and left gracefully.
She left Shulan Hall and was almost at the second gate when she heard someone call out behind her, ‘Your Highness!’
Cao Wanqiao stopped in her tracks, and her attendants had to stop too. She looked back and saw Yang Han approaching her with a maid. He first bowed before saying, ‘I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t chat with you more at the Shulan Courtyard just now, so I chased after you.’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback, and couldn’t help but raise the corners of her mouth. ‘My dear sister, don’t be in a hurry. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.’
Yang Han gave a crooked smile. ‘I entered the palace on the same day as Her Highness, and although our circumstances are worlds apart, I am very happy that it is Her Highness who has become the Princess. Her Highness is kind and innocent, and I don’t expect the Prince to pay any attention to me. As long as Her Highness is willing to bestow a little favour, I will be eternally grateful!”
This sounded like Yang Han was trying to befriend, or perhaps it could be said that she was trying to ingratiate herself with, the new Princess. It was only natural for her to do so, and Cao Wanqiao slowly smiled and said, ’We are serving the Prince together, so what is there to talk about favours?’
This noncommittal response made Yang Han hesitate a little, so she had to thank her again. Cao Wanjiao waived the courtesy and turned to continue walking, and Yang Han looked at her from behind in the long line of women.
Cao Wanjiao thought to herself, this Yang Han is a bit strange.
When she first entered the Shulan Hall, Yang Han, like the side concubine Fang, seemed to have no interest in her at all, bowing her head and keeping her face expressionless.
If she wants to ingratiate herself with her, shouldn’t her attitude be more positive?

Chapter 33
Cao Wanjiao felt that her first audience with the concubines in the back courtyard of the Prince Jing’s residence went quite well.
In her imagination, those women would definitely be resentful that the butcher’s daughter had become a princess and would humiliate her in public or make sarcastic remarks, but she didn’t expect most of them to be very polite to her. Except for the side concubine Fang, who was from a noble family in the capital and more in line with the style of palace intrigue.
Cao Wanjiao attributed today’s smoothness to the fact that the Prince Jing had asked Liu Fu to follow her to the backyard. The reason why everyone dared not act rashly towards her was because Liu Fu represented the face of the Prince Jing. Who would dare to get on her, the new princess, bad side? Liu Fu was watching, and every minute would be reported to the Prince Jing.
The Prince Jing was the master of this household. No matter what the background of any woman, if she didn’t do what he wanted, she would definitely suffer the consequences.
Although Cao Wanjiao felt that some characters were still quite tricky, such as Fangshi, who felt the most resentment towards her, the clever and charming Lan Xiaoxiao, and Yang Han, who said one thing but meant another and tried to please her, at this time Cao Wanjiao was especially glad that she lived in the concubines’ quarters and didn’t have to see these people every day.
On the way back, Song’er was the oldest maid and had the most seniority, so Cao Wanjiao asked her, ’Fang the secondary consort and the late consort were cousins and were they close?’
Song’er glanced at Liu Fu, who nodded, before saying, ‘I heard that the two ladies were not familiar with each other before they married here, but after they married into the palace together, it seems that they were still on good terms. The late queen was the younger sister, and she often took the initiative to talk to the side consort. I used to serve the king in his study, and the late queen often persuaded the king in front of him to summon the side consort more often. It’s just that the side consort was not in good health, and after the king summoned her a couple of times, he stopped listening to the late queen.’
This first concubine sounds quite selfless. While everyone else was fighting to win the King’s favour, she was still recommending her sickly cousin. It shows how close their sisterly bond was. Today, the hostility of the second concubine towards her may be her way of seeking justice for her cousin’s unjust death.
Cao Wanqiao thought to herself, since she was too sick to even hold onto the power in the back courtyard of the Prince Jing’s mansion, it seems that her hostility towards her is not worth dwelling on, so she decided to let it go for now.
Back at the Ping Tian Yuan, the Prince of Jing was waiting for her at the entrance to the bedroom. The servants couldn’t help but stare, but they dared not look long, and they all lowered their heads. Cao Wanqiao laughed and asked him, ‘Are you afraid that I’ll be eaten by someone? You even waited here on purpose.’
Seeing her smiling, the King’s heart did indeed feel lighter. In his opinion, Cao Wanqiao was soft-spoken and gentle, and he was afraid that someone would bully her without thinking. He was waiting to teach that person a lesson. ‘It’s good to go and meet her now that you’ve just married in. There’s no need to go in the future.’
King Jing then reached out and took her hand, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Cao Wanqiao looked around at the many servants and thought that her benefactor was really dedicated. He put on a show of affection in front of the servants, just to give her face.
The two walked hand in hand into the main room. Cao Wanqiao shook her head and said, ‘Occasionally, I still have to go over there, otherwise they’ll think I’m a figurehead as a princess. Don’t worry about these women’s affairs, they’re beyond my ability to handle anyway. Just come out and be my support.’
King Jing had originally thought that he could just keep the women in the back courtyard and feed them, while he and his wife could live their own lives in the front courtyard. But Cao Wanqiao was determined to shoulder the responsibilities of a princess, so he had no choice but to say, ‘I’ll be your backer at any time.’
Cao Wanqiao gave a satisfied smile and patted him on the chest happily. ‘You’re a real friend!’
King Jing couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth as well, although they were still hidden by his beard.
Since there was still some time before dinner, Cao Wanqiao was tired after getting up early in the morning, so King Jing suggested taking a nap. Cao Wanqiao asked her four maids to help her remove her makeup and other items. Bi’er followed her behind the screen to get changed. She saw Bi’er frowning and whispered to her, ‘Just now, Your Highness asked Song’er a question, but Song’er only dared to speak after looking at Eunuch Liu Fu’s face. Does she really take Your Highness as her master?’
Cao Wanjiao was stunned. This was obviously bad-mouthing. In fact, Cao Wanjiao had also noticed Song’er’s actions just now, but she felt that it was quite normal. Song, Zhu and Mei were able to get Jing Wang transferred to her side, so they must have been maids who served Jing Wang before and were trusted by him. Now they also respect Jing Wang as their master, which is only natural.
For example, Bi’er followed her into the mansion, and the only master she can rely on is Cao Wanjiao. She must have a protective instinct when it comes to serving Cao Wanjiao, and Cao Wanjiao can understand this.
After thinking about it, she said to Bi’er, ‘Alas, I can see that you are indeed the only one who is devoted to me. It’s just that Song’er and the others still don’t know my personality very well, so they are more cautious. This is understandable.’
Bier was delighted to hear this. It was so gratifying to receive Cao Wanjiao’s affirmation. She could only see Cao Wanjiao change the subject and earnestly advise her: ‘We are kind of dependent on each other in the palace. You and Song’er and the others are all first-class maids. Why don’t you take the opportunity to get along with them and get along with them, so that they will stand by me and we can gain a foothold in the palace in the future.’
Bi’er was taken aback. She felt that Cao Wanjiao’s words made a lot of sense, and she felt trusted and asked to do a favour. She immediately became ambitious and said with shining eyes, ‘Your Highness, don’t worry, I will definitely get along well with Song’er and the others, so in the future you won’t have to worry about being bullied by other women!’
Cao Wanjiao was puzzled. Why did everyone think she would be bullied? She was, after all, a princess!
But when she saw that Bi’er was so easily fooled by her, she suddenly turned her vigilance towards Songzhu Mei into the goal of cultivating good relationships, and instead of her, the queen, she went to gain the favour of the original maidservants of the palace. Cao Wanjiao felt that she was being too lazy and not working hard enough.
But never mind, it’s great to be able to live an easy life, and Cao Wanjiao is not determined to be the best queen in the Dajin Dynasty.
After she had changed and removed her makeup, the Prince of Jing dismissed everyone else and the two of them slept on separate beds, taking a short rest before having dinner.
This time, the Prince of Jing had learned his lesson. He first let Cao Wanjiao order the food, and then mentally jotted down the foods Cao Wanjiao liked. Although he didn’t know why Cao Wanjiao hadn’t just told him her likes and dislikes in the previous life, he still planned to get to know her better in this life. He liked seeing Cao Wanjiao happy, especially because of him.
When Cao Wanjiao eats, the table is full of her favourite dishes, and her mood is obviously much higher. She even helps Jing Wang by serving him several dishes. Jing Wang is secretly delighted.
The last soup was chicken soup with peach wine. Cao Wanqiao had heard that peach wine was good for beauty, and the chef of the Jingwang Palace had heard that he was good at making soup, so he had made this one. Sure enough, as soon as the soup lid was opened, the aroma of wine filled the air, and the maids could pull the bones out directly when they disassembled the meat, which showed that the meat was tender and soft. Cao Wanqiao once again felt the benefits of being a princess. There was no end to the delicious food, and she was so happy!
Since she had gained her position as princess through the help of her fellow villager, Cao Wanqiao resisted the urge to salivate and first ladled a bowl of soup for the Prince of Jing.
As the Prince of Jing was drinking the soup, Cao Wanqiao suddenly remembered something and asked him with wide eyes after clapping her hands, ‘By the way, when are you planning to sleep with Yang Han?’
The Prince of Jing choked and almost coughed up the soup.

Chapter 34
The King coughed a few times in a muffled voice. Cao Wanjiao hurriedly patted his back, saying, ‘Oops, you drank so fast!’
She looked up and saw that the maidservants serving at the side all had strange expressions on their faces. Cao Wanjiao tilted her head slightly. What are they looking at her like that for?
Cao Wanjiao thought for a moment, reflecting on whether she had been too casual just now when she asked about Yang Han. Even the Prince of Jing had choked.
She puffed out her cheeks and pretended to snort. ‘Then Miss Yang Han is so pretty, and she has entered the palace but has not yet been given a rank. That is truly pitiful. When does the Prince intend to take responsibility for her?’
The acidity of her words left the Prince of Jing stunned, and the maidservants on the side all revealed the expression of ‘of course’ again. It turned out that the Queen was jealous of Miss Yang, which was normal.
The Prince of Jing frowned slightly before speaking: ‘Who is Yang Han?’
His words stunned everyone, including Cao Wanqiao.
Cao Wanqiao was really stunned for a while before helplessly explaining, ‘She is one of the six girls who came to the palace with me. Only her family refused to let her remarry, so she stayed. Didn’t you know?’
The King of Jing also did not look suddenly enlightened. He thought to himself that she was an insignificant person and said, ‘She should have been left behind by Lord Liu Fu. I said that her family could take her back if they wanted to. There must be something wrong with the Yang family, so Lord Liu Fu left her behind in the palace.’
Cao Wanqiao was not surprised by the Jingwang’s reaction. Stealing people was definitely not the idea of the fellow villager who had travelled back in time. Since the person had already been sent here, it would be good if she could be sent back to marry someone. After all, in ancient times, if Yang Han did not have a happy ending after going back, then staying would be like saving a life.
The Jingwang was a little bothered by the sourness in Cao Wanqiao’s words, so he said seriously, ‘I won’t sleep with Yang Han. You can decide on her rank.’
Cao Wanqiao was a little stunned. She knew that Jing Wang had not slept with anyone in the backyard for more than a year since he came, and that he must have been very self-disciplined in his previous life. She knew that he was just not trying to provoke the women of the time by saying that he would not sleep with them, but his tone made it sound like he was trying to reassure her. He even let her decide on the ranking, which made her feel very comfortable.
‘I’ll discuss the rank with Liu Fu, but you mustn’t go back on your word,’ Cao Wanqiao said with a smile, even blinking her eyes in a quirky manner.
King Jing found her especially cute in this way, and couldn’t help but touch her cheek with the back of his hand again. Cao Wanqiao just let him do it, thinking that he was putting on a show in front of everyone again.
The servants once again marveled in their hearts at the new princess’s favor, which goes without saying.
After dinner, the Prince Jing extended his hand to Cao Wanqiao and said, ‘I’ll take you for a walk.’
Cao Wanqiao did not hesitate this time and placed her hand in his large palm, curiously asking, ‘Where are we going?’
The Prince Jing simply said, ‘Let’s walk around the palace.’
Cao Wanqiao thought that he was showing her around, feeling that getting married really makes a difference. Even if it is a cooperative relationship, if it continues like this for a long time, she is afraid that it will be hard for her not to fall in love…
The Prince of Jing forbade the servants to follow, and the servants along the road did not dare to bother him. It was a quiet night with a full moon. Cao Wanqiao was alone, her heart pounding. She noticed that they had passed the second gate and were walking towards the backyard. Cao Wanqiao tried her best to remain calm and asked, ‘Where are we going in this direction?’
The Prince of Jing replied, ‘Fangfei Garden.’
Cao Wanqiao’s raised mouth suddenly froze.
No one else knows what Fangfei Garden, where the former queen lives, is like, but she does!
Cao Wanjiao suddenly got goosebumps. Sure enough, she had been thinking too much about the good atmosphere just now. What was the King of Jing taking her to Fangfei Garden in the middle of the night for?
‘Why do we have to go there?’ Cao Wanjiao had just finished asking when she felt a cool breeze brush past her arm, making her shiver, and she couldn’t help but hold the King of Jing’s hand even tighter.
The King of Jing looked at the hands of the two people intertwined, slightly curled his eyes, and then replied, ‘Liu Fu just took the opportunity to tell me that some of those women have sharp tongues and said that I didn’t treat you as the proper princess by not letting you live in the Fangfei Courtyard.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned. She had originally thought that the King of Jing’s concubines were quite respectful towards her, but she had never imagined that she was ultimately too naïve. There were still some petty actions behind closed doors. Cao Wanqiao once again reflected on her ability to judge people.
‘So what are you taking me to Fangfei Garden for now?’ she still didn’t understand.
The King of Jing said matter-of-factly, “Go take a look, and if you like it, you can live there too.”
Cao Wanqiao almost stumbled. Her benefactor, the former queen had died and was still “living” there for over a year. Rather than care about the questioning glances of others directed at her, she would never, ever live there. She couldn’t help but laugh and cry, saying, ’I wouldn’t dare live there, maybe the former queen’s ghost still haunts the place.’
However, King Jing was puzzled. ‘I didn’t put her in the annex. There is an underground stone room in Fangfei Garden, which is quite cool. She is stored there with ice. That’s right. Besides, there are no ghosts in this world. Don’t be superstitious.’
Cao Wanjiao was unconvinced and retorted with a pout, ‘We can all time travel, which is not superstition. Maybe there really are ghosts in the world!’
The King of Jing paused. Ever since he had travelled back in time, his scientific theories had been greatly impacted, but deep down he had always wanted to uphold the spirit of physics, so he was not afraid of the idea of ghosts and gods. Cao Wanqiao’s argument did have some merit.
He sighed. ‘If Xiang’s soul is still around, I hope she can come out and tell me who killed her.’
Cao Wanqiao felt a little heavy at heart when she heard this. No matter how much fun you have in this house, you can’t deny the shadow of the murder case. Just thinking that the murderer is still at large makes her a little scared.
As the two walked and talked, they reached Fangfei Garden without realising it. Just outside the garden, they saw four eunuchs on guard, all of them strong and fit, not inferior to ordinary soldiers. The Prince Jing said, ‘There are a total of eight eunuchs capable of serving as guards around here, patrolling regularly. The inner chambers are also heavily locked, and so far there has been no sign of anyone trying to break in. These people all know what’s inside, and I’ve never heard of any leaks of information. They’re quite reliable.’
As Cao Wanqiao listened, she followed Jing Wang inside. Fangfei Garden was indeed the residence of successive princesses, resplendent in gold and jade, with a different view at every step, with exquisite embroidered buildings and a babbling brook. The inner room was even more brightly decorated with gold, jade, silks and brocades. The eunuch on guard lit a few lamps, and the room became bright, revealing many rare and precious furnishings. In front of the cave door in the inner room was a twelve-panel red lacquered and gold-painted screen, embroidered with a picture of twelve beauties, the most conspicuous.
It is worthy of the heritage of the successive princesses of Jing. Not only does it have the aesthetic sense of a woman, but also the domineering nature of the mistress. If she didn’t know that the former princess was living downstairs, Cao Wanqiao would also like this place.
Jing Wang looked at her admiringly and asked, ‘If you like it, you can still live here. I’ll have her “moved away”.’
Cao Wanqiao shuddered and shook her head. ‘No, I don’t dare.’
The King was relieved. The back courtyard was so far away from the front courtyard, he would rather Cao Wanqiao live by his side. He was just afraid that Cao Wanqiao would mind not living in the residence of the queen because she was willing to take on the responsibilities of the queen.
Since Cao Wanqiao didn’t want to live there, that was good.
Cao Wanqiao entered the inner room and didn’t feel it was eerie. She just felt a little awkward when she thought about the underground stone room. She asked him, ‘Do you come here often?’
The King of Jing nodded. ‘I often think back to the memories of that night of the original King of Jing, and occasionally come to see if there might be some clues, but so far there hasn’t been.’
Cao Wanqiao became interested and asked, ‘Why don’t you tell me about that night?’
She thought secretly that the two spouses had met to drink together, and there might be something beautiful and enchanting, and it was a pity that the King of Jing had repeatedly thought back to it.
The King of Jing didn’t know that Cao Wanqiao was thinking of something naughty, but calmly began to narrate: ‘Xiangshi and the previous King of Jing did not have a good relationship. Xiangshi was a bit of a delicate person, but she didn’t dare to lose her temper with the King of Jing. Later, Xiangshi learned the King of Jing’s secret, and their relationship improved. So when the King of Jing heard that she wanted to meet for a drink, he didn’t object and agreed.’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback, cut him off, and hurriedly asked, ‘What secret are you talking about?’
The King of Jing paused, thinking that it wasn’t about him, and said firmly, ‘Have you noticed the strangest thing about the King of Jing’s backyard?’
Cao Wanqiao tilted her head and asked suspiciously, ‘Apart from the fact that the ranks are a bit confusing, I don’t feel anything suspicious.’
The King of Jing then said slowly, ‘There are so many people in the backyard, but there isn’t a single child.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned. She really hadn’t thought of that!
The original Jing Wang was already thirty years old, with a harem of wives and concubines, but without a single child, which was indeed unusual!
I saw the Jing Wang say again, ‘The previous Jing Wang actually didn’t sleep with any of them. After he took in the two maids, he knew he would be unable to perform his duties.’
Cao Wanqiao was even more stunned. It took her a while to digest this ‘secret’. When she came back to her senses, her intuition made her lower her eyes and look over at the Jing Wang.
The King of Jing noticed the meaning in her eyes and couldn’t help but turn pale.

Chapter 35
The King of Jing pinched Cao Wanqiao’s lower jaw with his hand, slightly lifting her cheeks, and moved back into her line of sight, helplessly saying, ‘That was the previous King of Jing, not me.’
Cao Wanqiao almost couldn’t help but look down again, but she still maintained the direction of her gaze with great integrity, innocently saying, ‘Isn’t that the same body? How come with you…’
The King of Jing answered instinctively, ‘I’ve tried it myself.’
Cao Wanqiao’s red lips parted slightly, her eyes wide. The King of Jing coughed twice uncomfortably, and Cao Wanqiao also silently averted her gaze, a blush rising to her cheeks.
Oh my, this topic is so dirty!
The King of Jing gently released her jaw, crossed his arms, and changed the subject, saying, ‘I guess the previous one was born like that, and he also secretly consulted many famous doctors, but to no avail. Afraid of being discovered, he paid extra attention to training his physique, rolling around in the barracks, etc., to appear more manly.’
Cao Wanqiao also tacitly cooperated and stopped talking about what had just happened, and curiously asked, ‘With so many women in the backyard, don’t they know?’
“Most of those women came from Songzhou officials and were presented by other feudal kings. The previous one simply shared a quilt with them and took turns. They didn’t know that the others were the same. After Xiang’s marriage, she didn’t like to share a room with that person. She didn’t have many doubts about just sleeping together. doubt. Later, Lan Xiaoxiao guessed it out, so that person simply stayed mostly at Lan Xiaoxiao’s place, making it seem like Lan Xiaoxiao was more favoured. The rest were the two maids who later became concubines. They were very loyal to the Prince Jing’s Mansion, and even though they knew, they didn’t dare say anything to anyone.
After listening to the explanation of the Prince Jing, Cao Wanqiao took a moment to understand the mentality of the original Prince Jing. It must have been very difficult to keep this secret, especially since he did not take a concubine on his own initiative, but women were sent in from all directions regardless. Although he could have refused to sleep with them, what would those people think? Did they think he was not sleeping with them because he didn’t find them attractive? There might also be strange rumours, especially since he was unable to perform his duties as a man, which he would definitely want to cover up by all means…
At this point, the King of Jing frowned and said, ‘However, I have always suspected that there is something to do with the death of Xiang. Shortly before Xiang’s death, because that person tried to find her for an heir several times, he finally discovered this matter, but she was instead very happy about it, and she was not so afraid of him anymore. The relationship between husband and wife improved a lot.’
Cao Wanqiao was surprised. ‘The former queen knows the secret?’
Jing Wang nodded: ‘I also suspect that Xiang’s death may be related to this matter, but there is no direct evidence. That night, they drank wine, and Jing Wang got drunk earlier than usual. When he woke up, he found the body. Xiang had no external injuries, so the imperial physician examined her and said that as far as he knew, Xiang did not seem to have taken any poison. He judged that she had died of suffocation. I had the food, drink and utensils examined, and there was nothing mixed in. The area was guarded by the imperial guards all night, and no suspicious people came near. Besides, as you already know, the previous owner would wake up if anyone came near while he was sleeping, even if he was drunk, but that night he slept until morning.”
Cao Wanqiao listened and thought that this situation was indeed very strange. If there were modern instruments for testing poison, it might be possible to find out why. There were many restrictions in ancient times. ‘Could it be alcohol poisoning?”
The King of Jing shook his head. ’In the original person’s memory, Xiang’s drinking ability was better than his, and he also loved to drink. However, he took the wine out that night himself, and for his own safety, he didn’t drink the wine offered by others. Also, Xiang used his own wine cup to pour wine for him to drink, and they also used all the food together, but he was fine. Maybe it has nothing to do with what was eaten.’
Cao Wanquan tilted her head, unable to figure it out, and said casually, ‘How do you know the original one is fine? Do you know how I came here? My previous one hanged himself, and I came here.’
The King of Jing was taken aback, and his thoughts suddenly came through like lightning, and he hurriedly grabbed Cao Wanquan’s arm. ‘You came here because the previous person died?’
Cao Wanqiao was a little startled and nodded. ‘Yes, maybe the original King Jing is dead too?’
King Jing really didn’t expect how Cao Wanqiao had travelled through time. If that was the case, then it was the same as what he had suspected at the beginning: there was something wrong with the food and drink, and it was possible that the original King Jing had really died.
If that was the case, then the problem was even more serious. Originally, it was thought that only Xiangshi had been killed, but now even the original King Jing was also dead. The suspicion about the murderer behind the scenes was completely different.
The King of Jing muttered, ‘That night, only Xiang’s maid was serving at the side. After checking the food, drinks and utensils, there was nothing wrong, so she was let go. Maybe we should ask her.’
Cao Wanqiao heard him muttering to himself and asked curiously, ‘Where is the maid now?’
The King of Jing thought for a moment and said, ‘I remember that the maid’s name was Mengdie. After Lady Xiang died, she blamed herself and wanted to commit suicide.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned for a moment and intuitively said, ‘The Mengdie by the side of Concubine Fang?’
The King of Jing looked at her. ‘Yes, then Concubine Fang begged me for mercy, saying that she couldn’t bear to see the Princess’s maid die as well, so she took Mengdie away.’
‘Today, that Mengdie was a bit out of control when she saw me, staring at me the whole time. Concubine Lan asked her if she was missing her old master, and she admitted it, as if she was really very sad.’ Cao Wanqiao hurriedly told Jing Wang her impression of Mengdie, so that he could make a judgment.
Jing Wang thought for a moment and said, “I’ll ask her tomorrow.”
Cao Wanqiao nodded in agreement, but then heard Jing Wang say, ’I’ll go downstairs and take another look. Maybe I’ll discover something I didn’t notice before.’
Cao Wanqiao’s face stiffened and she tugged the corners of her mouth. ‘If you go, I won’t.’
Seeing that she was very resistant to this, the King of Jing smiled helplessly and took her hand. ‘Forget it, I’ll look at it myself later.’
Cao Wanqiao let out a sigh of relief. She had originally planned to wait until the King of Jing had looked down there, and then she would definitely force him to take a triple shower before she would sleep in the same room with him.
The two of them returned to the Ping Tian Yuan together. Cao Wanqiao had no idea how the King would summon Mengdie the next day, and she didn’t care too much about it, thinking that the King would always tell her the result.
The King returned but didn’t mention it. He only told her, ‘Liu Fu told me that today should have been your wedding return day, but unfortunately Pinghan is too far from Hangzhou to go back.’
Cao Wanqiao had actually thought about this, but it was impossible to spend a day or two travelling back, and according to ancient customs, she could not stay for too long and return. She did not insist on this matter, and patted Jing Wang on the shoulder and said, ‘It’s fine, we’re not really married, and even if you were the former queen, there’s no way you could return to your parents’ home. I’m following her example.’
When the King of Jing heard her say this, his expression was a little depressed, but he quickly added, ‘Why don’t you bring your family to Hangyi? I’ll arrange a house for them to live in, and you can see them often.’
Cao Wanqiao was surprised for a moment, and couldn’t help but raise the corners of her mouth. ‘Really?’

Chapter 36
The King of Jing touched her cheek with the back of his hand and said gently, ‘I usually have a lot of miscellaneous matters to deal with, and having your family move here will also be a way to keep you company.’
Cao Wanqiao’s mood instantly soared, and her eyes, like crescent moons, smiled sweetly. ‘I’ll have Chang Fu and the others go ask my parents. It would be great if they could come!’ After she finished speaking, she looked at the King of Jing gratefully and added, ‘You’re really very special to me!’
Although Cao Wanqiao could not see the expression behind the beard, she always felt that the King was smiling when he heard this. She could only hear him say, ‘I should.’
Cao Wanqiao’s heart warmed, and she giggled at him for a long time.
The King thought to himself, ‘In this life, I have tried every means to guess her preferences and be good to her. Sure enough, her attitude is very different from the last life. He decided to maintain it well and let this girl truly fall in love with him.’
Cao Wanjiao had no idea what Jing Wang was thinking. She was content and slept soundly. The advantage of being a princess was that no one dared to wake her up. She slept until she naturally woke up, letting her four maids attend to her washing and grooming, without having to lift a finger. It was particularly sinful.
As for the affairs of the back garden of the palace, she is still looking at the account books and registers sent by Liu Fu. Judging by the volume, she may not be able to finish reading them in a month. Cao Wanqiao wants to take it easy, so as not to assign the wrong person to the wrong job, which would be even more troublesome.
However, she cannot spend the day leisurely today. Fangshi asked her personal maid to report that she would like to invite her for a chat.
Cao Wanjiao was shocked. She thought that it should be Lan Xiaoxiao or someone else asking her out first, but it was Fangshi?
But the time Fangshi asked was also strange. Everyone knew that she had said that she would be looking at the account books and registers in the next few days, so she should not be disturbed at this time.
Could it be that there is something strange about the account books and registers? Is Fang afraid that she will find out? Cao Wanjiao couldn’t help but think irrationally, but she also refuted herself, thinking that Fang would only be in charge for a while, and that if there was anything fishy, she would have found out by now when she left it to Fu to take over.
Cao Wanjiao was still relatively cautious towards Fang, so she replied that she would agree, and told her maids to get her changed.
Fang had someone say that a banquet was being held in the glazed pavilion where she was staying, so Cao Wanjiao led the group to the backyard.
From afar, Song’er explained to her where the Liuli Pavilion was located. Just like Lan Xiaoxiao’s Mudan Pavilion, it was actually still a courtyard, but it was smaller. The main building was a two-storey pavilion. Although it didn’t cover a large area, there were more two-storey side rooms, which was quite luxurious for the secondary concubines to live in.
Of course, there was also a three-storey pavilion in the Pingtian Courtyard, which was the tallest in the palace. Only the residence of the Prince of Jing could stand at the highest place.
Cao Wanjiao was afraid of heights and had no interest in approaching the third floor of the Pingtian Courtyard. Now she was even more worried that Fangshi would set up the banquet on the second floor. She made up her mind not to go near the windows.
Thinking this, she entered the courtyard of the Liuli Pavilion. Fangshi greeted her at the entrance and the group of Liuli Pavilion maids naturally knelt to pay their respects. Cao Wanjiao told them to dispense with the formalities.
Fang Zhi looked up, but her expression was not welcoming. She lowered her eyes and said, ‘My sister is afraid that you have listened to the slanderous words of Concubine Lan about you, and that you think you need to know about my talents, so she has invited you for a chat.’
Cao Wanqiao thought, ‘I see, so she really doesn’t like Fang Zhi, but it’s not because of Lan Xiaoxiao. Look at Fang Zhi, she’s so reluctant to even meet someone for a chat, how can she be in a good mood?
Cao Wanjiao thought that she would just mumble a few words and leave later, so as to avoid seeing her put on this long face.
As the two of them led the maidservants towards the pavilion, Cao Wanjiao saw a shadow flying down about ten steps away, followed by a loud bang, which startled her.
She looked more closely, and heard everyone around her gasp.
Cao Wanjiao saw the bloody mess on the ground, and she felt dizzy. The women around her screamed one after the other, and she swayed twice, about to fall backwards.
She heard Bi’er shouting anxiously, ‘Your Highness! Your Highness, what’s wrong?’
Cao Wanjiao thought to herself, she was so scared she was about to faint, but she couldn’t speak because her mouth wouldn’t work. She felt Bi’er and Song, Zhu, and Mei supporting her, and they didn’t let her fall.
Before she closed her eyes, she saw Fang staring at her coldly.
Hey, sure enough, I’m not good at housefights…
Cao Wanjiao woke up again and saw the ceiling of the Pingtianyuan Palace, which she was already familiar with. She felt particularly thirsty and turned her head to see that Jingwang was sitting on a stool by the bed with his eyes closed. He originally had a big beard, but now it looked like he hadn’t taken care of it and it was a bit messy.
Cao Wanqiao felt the warmth in the palm of her hand and looked at her hand to find that Jing Wang had been holding her hand with his fingers intertwined.
She looked at her hand and his hand for a long time, and she didn’t see any other servants in the room. Jing Wang wouldn’t be putting on an act at this time, would he?
She noticed that Jing Wang had moved and saw him slowly open his eyes and meet hers. Jing Wang froze for a moment before his eyes sparkled. ‘You’re awake?’
‘Mmm…’ Cao Wanqiao felt a little hoarse when she spoke, and only then did Jing Wang let go of her hand. He went to the table and poured a cup of warm tea, then placed a large hand on her back to help her sit up. He then gently fed her some water.
Cao Wanqiao wanted to say that she could do it herself, that apart from feeling a little sticky, she wasn’t feeling unwell. But seeing Jing Wang so busy taking care of her, she didn’t know why she didn’t say anything.
After drinking the tea, Cao Wanqiao’s throat felt much more comfortable, and she asked, ‘How long was I unconscious?’
The King sat down by the bed and looked her over carefully, wanting to make sure she was alright. He answered, ‘You were brought back yesterday with a high fever, and you’ve been unconscious for a day.’ He asked again, ‘Are you feeling unwell anywhere? I was afraid the servants would disturb you, so I sent them away and told them to wait outside. The imperial doctor said you were in shock.’
Cao Wanqiao took advantage of the situation and leaned against his big hand, which was like half-lying in the arms of the Prince Jing. She smiled slightly. ‘I’m fine, I just want to take a bath.’
The Prince Jing was relieved to see her smile. ‘I had Bi’er wipe you down, but with a fever and sweating, it’s inevitable that you’ll feel uncomfortable. I’ll have someone go prepare water and have the doctor take your pulse again.’
Cao Wanqiao, however, shook her head and said, ‘Don’t bother.’ She looked up at him and asked, ‘Have you been keeping watch by my side?’
The King of Jing froze for a moment, and slowly nodded. Cao Wanqiao felt a very strange emotion in her heart, one that made her almost blush, but she didn’t want to break the mood, so she whispered, ‘Thank you…’
The King of Jing, however, replied gently, ‘You and I don’t need to be polite.’
Cao Wanjiao really couldn’t hold back her blush this time. She looked down, strongly wanting to ignore the pounding of her heart. After a moment of silence, she said, ‘Who was the one who fell?’
The King of Jing’s face grew grave, and he said in a deep voice, ‘It was Mengdie.’
Cao Wanjiao was not too surprised. She vaguely saw that she was dressed as a maid. With a glimmer of hope, she asked, ‘Is she…still alive?’
The King of Jing shook his head, and Cao Wanqiao’s heart sank. She lightly tugged on the sleeve of his other hand. ‘Did she kill her to keep her quiet…’
‘I think so,’ the King answered quickly. ’The day before yesterday, I summoned Mengdie and asked her about that night. She said that her story had not changed, but I had someone search her bedroom in the meantime. Liu Fu said that it would look like I wanted to take Mengdie as a concubine, so he went and packed her things so as not to alarm her too much. I let them do as they wished. Now Fangshi says that Mengdie didn’t want to be a concubine and jumped to her death.’
Cao Wanqiao tugged the corners of her mouth. ‘This Fangshi must be lying.’
The King of Jing nodded. ‘I don’t believe it either, so I’ve had the Liuli Pavilion sealed off, and no one is allowed in or out until I find out who the murderer is.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned. The King of Jing had acted decisively!
No matter what you say in your defence, I suspect you of murder, so what?

Chapter 37
‘Concubine Fang has now revealed herself. Could it be that the things you found in Mengdie’s room made her so nervous that she had to silence you immediately?”
Cao Wanjiao voiced her doubts. Previously, neither she nor the King had suspected Fang, but she couldn’t wait to kill Mengdie, which made her the prime suspect in the murder of Concubine Xiang.
The King shook his head. ’I haven’t gone to look yet. Liu Fu said he couldn’t see anything suspicious, so I’m leaving it.’
Cao Wanqiao’s eyes revealed fear. ‘Fang the concubine deliberately told me to go over there, just to scare me. Does she want me to be afraid of her from now on?’
It had to be said that Fang did make Cao Wanqiao hate her so much that she would avoid her at all costs from now on.
The King’s expression darkened. ‘She is truly hateful. I have separated and imprisoned all the maids around her, and assigned maids and servants she is not familiar with to guard her. No matter what she tries to do, without the help of her own people, she will be unable to escape, even if she has wings.’
Cao Wanqiao was very impressed by the King’s actions. Not knowing Fang’s intentions, he decided to take drastic action and put her under house arrest, isolating her from the outside world.
‘The Second Concubine Fang will definitely protest. After all, she is a noble lady… By the way, if she finds a chance to complain to her family about what you did, will it be harmful to you?’ Cao Wanqiao said with concern in her eyes.
King Jing actually found out a few things, such as the fact that Concubine Fang comes from a military family. Her father is the commander of a military unit in the northern border. Surprisingly, Mengdie’s brother is the deputy commander under Fang’s father and has climbed up the ranks rapidly in recent years, which has attracted a lot of attention.
In the past, he didn’t pay attention to Mengdie because her brother had risen from the bottom and no one knew about it. He only found out about it when he tried to find out about her in the past two days.
However, the Prince of Jing did not intend to tell Cao Wanqiao these details. He looked at her tenderly and said, ‘Don’t worry, I will deal with Fang. You just rest up for a while.’
Cao Wanqiao looked lost in the drowning gaze. Weren’t they in a cooperative relationship? The Prince of Jing, however, wanted to protect her in everything. What was this?
Her mind was in turmoil, and she was also afraid of Fangshi. Since the King of Jing said so, she would leave everything to him.
Cao Wanqiao rested according to the doctor’s orders. Even if the concubines in the backyard wanted to visit for some reason, they were ordered by the King of Jing not to. Her days were indeed very quiet.
Not only that, even if the King of Jing was busy with Fangshi and the affairs of the palace army, he still accompanied her at mealtimes and would not leave until he saw that she had obediently drunk her tonic.
Every day, he also had all sorts of strange and unusual things sent over to keep her entertained. Bi’er was almost overjoyed to see her so favoured, and she kept telling her every day, ‘The Prince loves you so much, and you’re sure to have a little prince soon. Just look at the back garden and see who dares to gossip anymore!’
Cao Wanqiao didn’t reply to this, however. She still doubted whether the Prince could really ‘produce’ a little prince. She just didn’t know how he meant when he said he had tried…
Regardless of her random thoughts, the Prince of Jing had someone set up a swing in the Jiangxu Courtyard. Although the new room was located in the Pingtian Courtyard, according to custom, they had to stay in the new room for a month after the wedding, but after that, Cao Wanqiao still had to live in a separate courtyard, otherwise, if there were any guests visiting, it would not be appropriate for her to be living in the Prince’s main courtyard.
So the swing was set up in the maid’s quarters, which were close to the main building anyway. Cao Wanjiao was overjoyed when she heard about it and excitedly took a group of maidservants over to see it. She saw that the swing frame was very sturdy and decorated with many pink flowers, which was in line with the playthings of a young woman in seclusion. Cao Wanjiao went up and touched the petals, smiling and saying, ‘Thank goodness your lord didn’t decorate the swing with gold. With his aesthetic sense, it’s possible that he used gold for the swing frame.’
The maids also knew that the Prince Jing favoured the local tyrant style, so they dared not laugh out loud, but could only smile and nod their heads in agreement. However, they heard a voice from behind them say, ‘It was Liu Fu who persuaded me to decorate it with flowers.’
The servants were shocked, and then knelt down to pay their respects. Cao Wanqiao turned her head and saw that it was the Prince Jing walking over, and teased, ‘Persuaded? It can be seen that you originally came up with some strange style, right?’
Cao Wanjiao unceremoniously snapped, and the King of Jing helplessly said, ‘I don’t think it’s strange.’
She covered her lips and giggled, and the King of Jing saw that she was in a good mood, so he felt that it was worth it to make this swing. He waved his hand at the servants below and said, ‘You go down first.’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback, and the maids naturally did not dare to disobey, so they retired in order, leaving the couple alone in the courtyard. Cao Wanqiao hurriedly said, ‘I still want to watch them swing on the swing. I’m afraid of heights, I dare not play.’
The King of Jing, however, said in a carefree manner, ‘I know, you can still watch them play in the future. I just set it up today, I’ll help you push it, I promise it will be gentle, you try.’
Cao Wanqiao hesitated. Ever since she was a child, she had been afraid of being laughed at when she went on a swing, so she rarely played with it.
Now that Jing Wang had suggested it, she was a little tempted, but she couldn’t help wondering why he knew that she was afraid of heights.
‘Then…you must not push too hard, okay?’ Cao Wanqiao seriously reminded him.
The king nodded, indicating that he understood. Cao Wanqiao broke into a delighted smile. She bent down first to roll up the wide skirt into a knot to avoid it getting tangled in the swing chains, then carefully sat on the swing seat. It was worthy of being the queen’s swing, with an intricately carved wooden seat surrounded by gold lacquer.
When Prince Jing walked up behind her, he placed his large palm on her back and asked, bowing his head, ‘Are you ready?’
Cao Wanqiao looked up and saw his gaze fixed on her. The tall shadow of Prince Jing covered her entire body. Her heart suddenly gave a hard thump. She blinked and quickly looked back, unable to help but reply in a low voice, ‘Yes, I’m ready.’
Fortunately, she was facing away from Prince Jing, so he didn’t see her blushing.
Cao Wanjiao gripped the two chains as the King of Jing began to gently push her. The movement was indeed very slight, and only Cao Wanjiao felt that the speed was just right. The breeze caressed her face, and the surrounding scenery was suddenly high and suddenly low. The swaying had a unique charm, and the shock of the dream butterfly falling from the building finally allowed her to forget about it for a moment. The more she laughed, the happier she became.
And she didn’t have to worry about others laughing at her, as there were only the two of them here, her and the King of Jing.
Cao Wanjiao thought to herself, why is her benefactor being so good to her? It can’t be explained by mere kindness, can it? The figure she remembered before being hit by the car seemed quite young, probably about the same age as her. It would be natural for two young men and women to have crossed over to this time and place together, supporting each other, and to have feelings for each other…
He accompanies her to eat, gives her things, and doesn’t laugh at her for being so timid on the swings.
Cao Wanjiao smiled sweetly.
‘Take your time.‘
Cao Wanjiao suddenly spoke up, and Jing Wang had no choice but to extend his other hand to hold the chain and let the swing slowly come to a stop.
She stood up, turned around, took Jing Wang’s hand, and pulled him to the front. Jing Wang didn’t understand why, and just stared at the sweet smile on her face that was pretending to be mysterious.
’I just want to see people swing high. You come swing for me.’

Chapter 38
When the King heard her request, he was taken aback. Cao Wanqiao, however, looked innocent, shook his hand, and pouted slightly, saying, ‘You chased everyone away, so you’ll have to swing high for me!’
She had a small vice, and that was that as long as people pampered her, she couldn’t help but take advantage of the situation. For example, in her previous life, her father spoiled her rotten, saying that she couldn’t pick the moon if she wanted the stars. She loved to pout with her father the most, making her feel like she was the most special girl in the world.
Since the Prince Jing treated her so well, she couldn’t help but want to tease him and see his reaction.
The Prince Jing looked embarrassed and tried to struggle, saying, ‘This is for girls…’
But Cao Wanqiao pushed his shoulders and looked up at him, smiling and saying, ‘No way? When I was little, I saw how much boys loved to play. Games are for both genders. Try it, it’s fun!’
How could King Jing refuse to look up at him at a 45-degree angle? In his eyes, Cao Wanqiao was just adorable and endearing.
Moreover, Cao Wanqiao did not give him the chance to refuse. She pushed him backwards to the swing seat and said to him with a smile, ‘Come on, don’t get hurt!’
King Jing thought for a moment and told her, ‘You go further away.’
Cao Wanjiao was puzzled. Didn’t he need her to push him from behind? But she did as he said and walked over to the side.
She saw that Jing Wang was not sitting on the swing, but standing on it. With one foot sliding across the ground, he made the swing swing.
This was really unlike the timid look she had just seen. Jing Wang swung the swing easily, higher and higher. Cao Wanjiao was dazzled and her lips parted slightly.
She couldn’t help applauding. ‘You’re amazing!’
The Prince of Jing was a little embarrassed, having won her praise by swinging on the swing. But he couldn’t help feeling a swell of pride at being looked up to by the woman he secretly adored.
He swung to a point where he was almost parallel to the ground, and suddenly jumped forward, landing on his front in a somersault.
Cao Wanqiao was startled, and when she saw him return to the ground neatly and firmly, she was simply dumbfounded and applauded even harder.
‘That was a stunt! How did you do that?”
The Prince of Jing pinched his eyebrows together to hide his embarrassment and calmly explained, “The Prince of Jing loves practising martial arts, so I got used to exercising every day with him.
Cao Wanqiao went up to him and patted him on the shoulder, praising, ”I definitely wouldn’t dare do that. How did you find the courage to jump out? It’s true that people are not comparable. A comparison makes me look especially useless.’
The King of Jing suddenly grasped her hand that had been patting his shoulder, wrapping her small hand in his large one, and the difference between the two of them seemed even greater. ‘The place where you are useful is not here.’
Cao Wanqiao was a little flustered by being held like this, and the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous. She asked coyly, ‘Tell me, where am I useful?’
The King looked at her with serious eyes and said, ‘Just be happy every day. Eat well, sleep well. That’s your purpose.’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback. Her benefactor had this shortcoming. His words were like arrows that pierced her heart. Was this a good thing or a bad thing? Eating and sleeping every day to keep a good mood—was this raising a pig or taking care of a wife?
She gave him a slap on the chest with her other hand. ‘Are you kidding me? Is that considered useful?’
The King of Jing laughed out loud, but the mood was just right between the two of them when the voice of Liu Fu came from outside, sounding troubled: ‘Your Highness, I have something important to report.’
The King of Jing instantly stopped laughing and his eyes narrowed.
Cao Wanqiao instinctively withdrew her hand from his grasp and coughed twice, feeling uncomfortable. The King of Jing’s expression became even more annoyed.
‘Come in and talk.’ Liu Fu is not an inconsiderate person. If he is disturbing the King and Queen, it must be really important. The King then told him to come into the courtyard.
Liu Fu walked in very cautiously, bent slightly, and bowed to the King and Queen before saying, ’There is a commotion at the side concubine’s place. Please go see her, Your Highness, or she will bite her tongue.’
Cao Wanqiao felt that Liu Fu was truly a wonderful person. For the same thing, he could use wording and tone to remind the other person of the seriousness of the matter. For example, in the case at hand, it was clearly a matter of life and death, but Liu Fu’s attitude did not seem urgent. It was probably because he also felt that Fangshi was just threatening and would not really commit suicide.
The King of Jing looked grave, and it was clear that he was not happy. Cao Wanqiao smiled at him and said, ‘The capable have more work to do. Since you are more useful, you will have to take care of this matter. Go quickly.’
Upon hearing this, the King of Jing smiled helplessly at her, lightly pinched her cheek, and then said to Liu Fu, ‘Go. Also, tell those maids outside to come in and swing on the swing for the princess to see.’
Liefu responded by smiling at Cao Wanqiao in a flattering manner before following Jing Wang out.
Cao Wanqiao felt the pinched cheek and found that she didn’t feel a bit disgusted. Seeing the way the Prince Jing Wang could do nothing about her, she felt particularly good.
Bi’er, Songzhu Mei and the rest of the maids all walked in. Bi’er saw Cao Wanqiao giggling by herself and knew that the Prince and Princess must have gotten along very well just now. Unfortunately, the atmosphere was ruined by the concubine on the side, which was truly hateful!
Mengdie fell to her death, and the Fang side concubine’s Liuli Pavilion was sealed up. These are things that the servants in the palace know, but the Fang side concubine’s words of defence for the Prince Jing have not been spread, so the servants only think that Mengdie may have lost her footing and fallen, frightened the queen, causing her to have a fever and fall asleep for a whole day. The Fang side concubine was considered to be jointly and severally liable, and that is why her courtyard was sealed.
Everyone secretly lamented the new princess’s good fortune, saying that it was too lucky that the noble concubine had fallen from grace without lifting a finger.
Bi’er stood by Cao Wanquan’s side, indignant, and said, ‘The incident of the second concubine attempting suicide is quite serious. The maids and eunuchs guarding the Liuli Pavilion heard it all, and they even mentioned you in their foul-mouthed ramblings. They were shameless, and they even disturbed the king and queen while they were playing and having fun. What kind of people are they? They’re so annoying!’
As Cao Wanqiao listened to Bi’er complain, she saw Song’er’s disapproving expression on her face. It seemed that she found Bi’er’s words too vulgar. The youngest Mei’er couldn’t hold back any longer and said, ‘Sister Bi’er, the Prince said these things should not be brought to bother Her Highness.’
Bi’er’s face changed, and she remembered the Jing Wang’s admonition. She shrunk her shoulders and stammered, ‘I couldn’t help it for a moment…’
Cao Wanqiao stopped them from dwelling on the matter and interrupted, ‘It’s fine, I’m already feeling much better, so it’s fine for me to hear about these things. Bi’er is also upset for me, so it’s rare that you have this kind of heart.’ She then said to Mei’er, ‘You’re young, and you seem pretty agile, so go swing on the swing for me, and I’ll reward you if you do it well.’
With this mediation, the two maids eased up. Zhu Er chimed in, ‘If the princess has a reward, then I want to participate too!’
Cao Wanqiao laughed, ‘Good, if you want to play, go ahead, I have a reward for everyone!’
The women laughed happily, filling the Xu Yard with laughter.
In complete contrast to the Xu Yard, the once-prosperous and noble Liuli Pavilion was now dead silent.
Fang sat in the main hall with a gloomy face. None of the maids and servants around her spoke. They were all sent by the King of Jing. Apart from serving her, they were also there to monitor her every move.
Fang had never imagined that the King of Jing would act so decisively. Without even listening to her side of the story, he had sealed off the courtyard and arrested her trusted maids, preventing her from passing on any news.
She tried to use both carrot and stick on the maids and servants, but they were like wooden stakes, not saying a word, nor did they go and invite the King to see her, which made Fang extremely angry.
She had no choice but to threaten to bite her tongue off, just to meet the King once and try to salvage her situation.
Sure enough, after the servants hesitated for a moment, fearing that she might really die, they finally delivered the message for her. Fang was filled with anxiety, fearing that the King would be so ruthless as to refuse to see her even if she killed herself.
Suddenly, there was a flurry of greetings outside, and Fang’s heart leaped with joy. She stood up abruptly.

Chapter 39
Fang subconsciously wanted her maid to bring her a mirror so that she could quickly check her makeup.
She couldn’t help but smile bitterly. Now it was definitely impossible to win the King’s favour, right?
She had never had it in the first place, and now she was considered a murder suspect, so there was no way the King would have any romantic thoughts about her.
Fang raised her head and puffed out her chest. So what if she had killed someone? She was just a lowly maid, and she could die whenever the King wanted her to. Fang just wanted to use this incident to intimidate the new concubine, who came from a lowly background.
Was it worth the King making such a big deal of it?
The King had already walked in with his arms behind his back. Fang and the other maids bowed to greet him. The King said casually, ‘You may rise.’
Then he walked past Fangshi and went straight to the top seat, without even looking at Fangshi.
Fangshi gritted her teeth, got up, and turned to face Jingwang, looking helpless. ‘Please forgive me for threatening to commit suicide. I really couldn’t see you, so I had no choice.’
Jingwang still didn’t look at her, but took out a small, exquisite wine glass from the secret pocket of his sleeve and played with it as if he didn’t care.
Fangshi was still waiting anxiously for the reaction of the Prince Jing, and casually glanced at the wine glass, but suddenly her eyes widened and her face paled.
The Prince Jing, however, seemed to be simply playing with a trinket, feeling the pattern on the top of the wine glass, and slowly said, ‘Your crime is too serious. If it weren’t for your status as a concubine, I would have you taken to prison directly.’
Fang’s eyes were fixed on the cup, her heart pounding. After listening to the Prince’s words, she swallowed and then forced herself to remain calm, saying, ‘Why would the Prince say such a thing? Even if the Prince does not believe what I say, it was Mengdie who did not want to be a concubine and jumped to her death. For me to have a maid executed is not a crime, let alone using such a method.’
The Prince Jing placed the wine glass on the table nearby, making a soft ‘knock’ sound, as if knocking on Fang’s heart, causing her to tremble uncontrollably.
The Prince Jing said to the servants in the room, ‘You may go first, and let Liufu come in.’
The servants withdrew as they were told, and the King said to Fang: ‘You also killed another person, and your crime is serious.’
Fang’s original posture as a noblewoman, who wanted to hold on, could not help but slowly disintegrate. She twisted her face and argued, ‘Your Majesty, don’t falsely accuse your servant. Is it that someone is spreading gossip around your Majesty, causing you to misunderstand your servant…’
She didn’t dare say that it was because the Prince had summoned Mengdie on that occasion and Mengdie had said something. After all, when she had questioned Mengdie later, the servant girl had casually said that there was nothing special about the conversation with the Prince. When she learned that the Prince had sent Liu Fu to come and pack up her things, Mengdie’s face had changed slightly. Fangshi continued, that the rumours were that the Prince wanted to take her as a concubine, and that was what turned Mengdie’s worries into joy. All these changes made Fangshi feel a sense of crisis rising in her heart. Mengdie even said that if she had to be a concubine, it would be fine with her. Fangshi decided to strike hard, first having someone smash Mengdie’s head, and then pushing her to her death.
At this point, Liu Fu quietly walked in and went to serve by the side of the Prince Jing, who then continued, ‘No one is spreading gossip in front of me. You are underestimating the hearts of those who use you.’
Fang was puzzled, her expression a little dazed. The King picked up the wine glass again and said lightly, ‘Do you know that the night before Xiang died, Mengdie persuaded her to pour wine from her own glass, to toast me, and then make me drink it?’
Upon hearing this, Fang’s face turned pale, and she muttered to herself, ‘How, how could it be…it was agreed…’
‘Mengdie told you something different, didn’t she?’ The Prince of Jing picked up on her words and continued, ’Mengdie said that my relationship with Xiangshi is getting better, and sharing a cup of wine shows how deeply in love a couple is. I’ve been watching your actions over the past year, and I don’t think you know what Mengdie is actually doing.’
Fang was really shocked. She and Mengdie had agreed that their goal was to poison Xiang, and Mengdie’s brother was a deputy general under her father. Mengdie would definitely have to take risks to cooperate with her for her brother’s future.
But she only now realised that Mengdie had actually wanted to poison the Prince Jing as well! She had cooperated with this servant girl for more than a year, and had no idea that she was harbouring such a secret!
Fangshi was still in shock, but the Prince Jing was too lazy to argue. He had also read the things that Liufu had searched from Mengdie’s room and discovered this wine glass that had been hidden more carefully. At first glance, it was just a more expensive cup that Mengdie, a maid, carefully treasured like gold and silver jewellery. Therefore, Liufu and the others did not notice anything unusual, but the Prince Jing, upon seeing it, remembered everything that had happened the night before he had travelled back in time, and only then did he figure out the key point.
Fang’s hands were clasped tightly together under the cover of her wide sleeves. Her eyes were red and she shed two lines of tears as she argued, ‘My lady, I really don’t understand what Your Highness is talking about. What do the details of your drinking with the late queen have to do with me? The maid Mengdie, when I asked her to come here, it was only because I couldn’t bear to see the late queen’s personal maid die with her. But after she came here, she was unruly and often spoke ill of me, and even complained about the late queen…’
When Jing Wang and Liu Fu heard this, they knew that Fangshi was still trying to make them think in the direction of Mengdie alone harming Xiangshi to death. Jing Wang glanced at Liu Fu. Liu Fu knew that his lord was too lazy to explain to Fangshi, so he coughed twice and spoke slowly, ‘Concubine Fang need not waste words. We have found many letters between her and my brother in Mengdie’s room. The truth is already clear.’
Fang was taken aback. Family letters? She knew that Mengdie often corresponded with her brother in writing. As the personal maid of the Princess Jing, Mengdie had been literate since childhood, and those family letters were one of the means Fang used to control Mengdie. Only she could allow Mengdie to correspond with her brother in the army, and Mengdie would never dare betray her.
Fangshi had also read those letters and found nothing unusual about them. What did that have to do with the truth?
Liufu continued, ‘The Prince is wise and valiant. He could tell from the letters that in the past few days, he has been busy having them deciphered. Only then did he realise that Mengdie and her brother had big plans. They even planned to kill the Prince and earn the Emperor’s favour, so that they could rise to the top and be awarded titles and honours.’
Fang was dumbfounded and couldn’t believe what Liu Fu had said. She couldn’t help but exclaim, ‘How is this possible? Mengdie is so bold?’
The attitude of the Prince Jing and Liu Fu was very calm. They deduced the whole thing as early as when they deciphered the letters. Although they were shocked that Mengdie, an insignificant-looking little person at first glance, had actually planned the whole conspiracy, and even Fang was being played by her without knowing it, Mengdie was dead after all, and only Fang had to deal with it.
Mengdie probably never imagined that Fang would mistakenly believe that she had the intention of serving the prince and angrily kill her, bringing to an abrupt end the grand plan that she had been plotting for so long.
Liufu glanced at his prince, who gave him a cold look. Liufu coughed twice to clear his throat and continued to speak to Fangshi: ‘His Royal Highness is naturally aware of your original plan. No, I should say, the original purpose of the Emperor sending you and the late Empress to marry here.’
Upon hearing this, Fangshi felt as if she had been struck by lightning and stood there in shock.
The author has something to say:
This Saturday, July 21st, it will enter V, and chapters 28-40 will be reversed. Little angels who have read it should not buy it.
There will be three chapters dropped on the day it enters V, but it will not be updated until 10:30 a.m., not the usual early morning time. After that, I will resume my usual updating habits.

Chapter 40
I have to say, Chu Anzhou was not at all surprised to learn the emperor’s plan from the deciphered letters.
Or perhaps I should say that he also felt that the emperor was a bit petty.
Now in his fifties, the emperor still had some face left with the feudal lords of the various states when Prince Jing was of marriageable age. Prince Jing was also willing to cultivate a good relationship with him, so he accepted the marriage gift.
As a result, Xiang became the queen and Fang became the secondary consort.
Xiang was the granddaughter of the prime minister at the time. Xiang’s mother came from the noble Fang family, and Xiang was her eldest daughter. Although the Fang family was prominent and Xiang was older, the prime minister’s family naturally surpassed the Fang family, which only had a reputation. Therefore, the emperor bestowed the title of princess on Xiang.
This has always been a thorn in Fang’s side.
When the noble ladies of the capital got together, they didn’t care about comparing the power of their fathers and brothers, but rather about their personal versatility. The Fang family came from a famous family, and she had practiced playing the zither, playing chess, poetry and painting since she was a child. She was quite famous among the noble ladies, unlike the Xiang family, who were timid and delicate by nature and knew nothing about such things, and just relied on others to make poetry and paintings.
Since she was her cousin, Fang was very willing to take care of her at that time.
But after the marriage was arranged, everything changed.
They were called in by the elders of both families, who earnestly explained the real purpose of the emperor’s marriage arrangement: it was best to ensure that the next Prince Jing would have no heir.
Not only would they be unable to bear children, but they would also prevent the next generation from doing so, ensuring that the line of Songzhou Prince Jing would be extinguished. The emperor agreed, and after that, a royal heir would be adopted into the Xiang family name, and Songzhou would be returned to the central government without a fight.
The two young women, Xiang and Fang, were naturally apprehensive about the task they had been given. Xiang, in particular, who had always been innocent and naive, became increasingly dependent on Fang and was terrified at the prospect of life at the Prince Jing’s mansion.
Fang, who considered herself a noblewoman, remained calm in the face of danger and then accepted her own destiny. At first, she also regarded Xiang as a partner in their common struggle, but as the days passed after her marriage, the situation gradually got out of the sisters’ control.
Xiangshi could not ingratiate herself with the Prince Jing, so she often introduced Fangshi. However, Fangshi knew that the Prince Jing looked at her with no interest at all. She let it be known that she was frail and weak, but that was just a cover-up.
Fortunately, the King did not have any children, but since no one in the harem had ever been pregnant, they had no way of getting started. The emperor in the capital city still thought that they were earnestly carrying out the plan, and everything was going well.
However, without the King’s favour, the Queen’s position was empty, and she became increasingly invisible in the palace. The rise of Concubine Lan, and the fact that a group of dancers and courtesans were more pleasing to the King than she, made her feel as if her dignity was being trampled on. She was tormented by conflicting feelings of jealousy and resentment every night.
Just then, Xiang’s inexplicable relationship with Jing Wang grew closer. Fang couldn’t help but question her. Xiang hesitated for a moment before smiling and telling her that she wanted to be a serious Jing Wang’s wife. Of course, she would still do what the emperor told her to do, but that didn’t conflict with her good relationship with Jing Wang.
At this time, Xiangshi had discovered the secret of the Jingwang’s inability to have sex. She knew Fangshi’s inherent strength and was afraid that Fangshi would come up with any unnecessary ideas after learning about this. Xiangshi just wanted to be at peace as her Jingwang’s wife and be happy doing nothing, so she did not tell Fangshi about the Jingwang’s secret.
Fangshi, however, was furious. What right did the incompetent and weak Xiangshi have to be Jingwang’s wife?
If Xiangshi could do it, she could do it too, and even better!
The idea of replacing Xiangshi gradually took root, and she approached Mengdie, who was close to Xiangshi, to begin her evil plan.
For reasons unknown, she knew that Mengdie had a younger brother who was a soldier in the army. She had long ago volunteered for her father to promote Mengdie’s brother. On the surface, she said that she loved her cousin’s maid, but in fact, she subconsciously believed that controlling Xiang’s trusted aide would be useful one day.
Sure enough, Mengdie came in handy.
As Xiang’s personal maid, Mengdie naturally knew that her master’s marriage to the emperor was his sinister idea. She agreed to Fang’s request and poisoned Xiang.
The poison was obtained by Fang’s father, Shoujiang, from an outsider. Few doctors in the Central Plains could recognise this medicine. It is very potent and can make the person who is poisoned feel drowsy and gradually suffocate to death within an hour.
Mengdie agreed to the plan, but she had her own agenda.
Seeing as her brother was climbing higher and higher in the military, while she was still a lowly servant, perhaps she could ask Xiangshi to remove her status when she married, marry into a wealthy family and be reborn.
But she had more ambitious desires. She thought that she could use this matter to get rid of Prince Jing, do a great service for the emperor, and benefit her brother, so that her family could rise in the world.
After all, as a maid, her horizons were limited, and she didn’t understand why the emperor only asked to have the prince’s line extinguished, rather than just get rid of him.
She was naive but bold enough to carry out her plan. She deliberately chose a time when the Prince Jing was drinking with the Lady Xiang. She smeared the inside of the Lady Xiang’s cup with poison beforehand. She told the Lady Xiang that she would take the opportunity to replace the cup with an unpoisoned one, and no one would notice the difference afterwards.
But Mengdie did one more thing, which was to pour wine into the Lady Xiang’s cup and persuade her to drink it to the Prince Jing. And the Prince Jing did drink it.
No matter how careful the King was with his food and drink, seeing the Queen drink from that cup so many times, he naturally would not suspect that someone had poisoned it.
Mengdie never expected that the King did not die, but the Queen did.
She dared not pursue why the King did not die, and she did not tell Fangshi that she intended to poison the King as well. She kept this secret in her heart, washed the wine glass from that time and hid it, as if it were a way out for her. She did not trust Fangshi completely.
In her letters to her brother, Mengdie always hid coded messages that only they could understand. Chu Anzhou read the deciphered text and discovered that Mengdie was very impatient with Fangshi’s inability to get close to Jingwang for a long time, and she was still thinking about murdering Jingwang to achieve great success.
So she had been looking for a way to get close to Jingwang.
Perhaps that was why Mengdie was so happy when she heard Fangshi say that the King intended to take her as a concubine.
Instead of hoping for Fangshi’s help, if she went to serve the King herself, the chances of succeeding in another assassination attempt would be greater.
However, she had forgotten that she was still a servant, and the jealousy in Fangshi’s heart could easily burn her to the ground.
Chu Anzhou recalled the truth revealed in the letters from Mengdie, and looked at Fangshi in front of him. She looked frightened, trying to struggle and defend herself: ‘What did the prince say? The emperor’s original intention… I don’t understand at all… I married into the royal family when I was young, and I consider myself diligent and conscientious. I dare not take a single wrong step…’
The prince suddenly stood up, and Fangshi was startled, and her voice suddenly stopped.
‘Although the emperor’s intentions were not pure, you are even more sinister than the emperor. For the sake of a selfish thought, you caused the death of your close cousin and easily silenced those who had done things for you. You now have conclusive evidence of your crimes. Tell me, if I report what you have done to the imperial court, what will happen?’
The tone of Jing Wang’s words was very flat, as if he were talking about the weather. However, after listening to him, Fang’s whole body felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and her legs grew weak, so she fell to the ground.
The author has something to say:
This Saturday, July 21st, it will enter V, and chapters 28-40 will be inverted. Little angels who have read it should not buy it.
There will be three chapters released on the day I enter V, but they will not be updated until 10:30 a.m., not the usual early morning time. After that, I will resume my usual update schedule.
You can pre-order the next book, ‘Your Majesty, Smile’, and little angels who are interested can click into the column to add it to their collection.

When the seventh prince, Meng Chen, was thirteen years old, he got into a fight with his brother and was seriously injured and bedridden.
His best friend came to visit him with his five-year-old sister, Shi Wei.
and he couldn’t help but pinch the rosy cheeks of Shi Wei.
‘This fat girl doesn’t even smile when visiting the sick,’
said Shi Wei, expressionless.
‘Your Highness, seeing that you’ve been injured like this, you’re obviously not good at fighting, so you should stop in the future.’
Several years later, Meng Chen, who had been exiled to guard the imperial tomb,
returned to the capital with a murderous aura and war exploits.
He stole the bridal palanquin of Shi Wei and lifted the curtain to take a look.
saw that the rosy-cheeked little girl from back then had blossomed into a stunningly beautiful woman,
who sat inside expressionless, holding a dagger.
Meng Chen smiled and said, ‘Put the knife down. No matter what, you can’t beat me.’

Chapter 41
Fang’s reason told her to continue to defend herself, but when she saw the cold, emotionless gaze of the King, she suddenly fell silent.
This man would never believe her. He already understood what kind of person he was and what he had done.
Fang suddenly calmed down, staring directly at the King and asking, ‘How can you convict a concubine based solely on the letter from Mengdie? What if she wants to frame me? When the late queen died, nothing was found, and the body had already been buried for a long time. If the king wants to report to the court, is he going to rely on the one-sided words of a lowly maid? Your Highness must not forget that I am from a prominent family, and my family will definitely seek justice for me.”
Upon hearing her words, the king slightly frowned.
Liufu was secretly amazed. Fangshi had reached this critical juncture, but instead of crying and pleading for mercy, she was blackmailing the prince.
Chu’anzhou did hesitate for a moment, but not because Fangshi had said there was insufficient evidence in the case, but because he thought that in this era, power and influence spoke louder than words. Just as Mengdie was a person of low status, Fangshi could have killed her blatantly without having to bear any blame.
Especially now that Xiang’s grandfather is no longer the prime minister, and Xiang died young, the Xiang family could not do anything about the Prince Jing’s household. It can be seen that power and influence are not what they used to be. And Fang’s father became a military commander, and his family is a powerful clan. Even if Chu Anzhou makes public the fact that Fang murdered Xiang, the imperial court may not want to suppress it.
Power and influence, is that it? Chu Anzhou stroked his beard and spoke slowly: ‘You’re right. In that case, I’ll write a personal letter to the emperor, saying that you’ve compromised your virtue. Since I can’t do anything about the marriage, I’ll have to lock you up, to save the emperor’s face.’
Fang was stunned, and hurriedly said, ‘My reputation is pure and clean, how can you slander me like this? Your Highness thinks that the Emperor will believe you…”
Chu Anzhou had already stood up and was walking out of the room. Fang tried to stop him, but was blocked by Liu Fuku. She heard Chu Anzhou say coldly without looking back, ’You come from a prominent family, and I am the lord of Songzhou. You told someone else that you are innocent, but in my heart you have already been convicted. What are you going to do?’
Fang looked at the figure of the King of Jing, who had left without hesitation, and her heart sank. It was over. She was finished. She should have prostrated herself at the King of Jing’s feet, kneeling and crying out for his forgiveness!
But even if she wanted to, it was already too late. The Prince had already walked out, leaving Fu to give her a disgusted look before following the Prince out. Fang wanted to go after them, but the main hall door slammed shut. The eunuch guarding the door read from a book: ‘The Prince has ordered that no one is allowed to enter or leave the Liuli Pavilion.’
Once the door was closed, Fang’s cries and screams were trapped behind it. Even those who passed by the Liuli Pavilion gate heard her, but they dared not linger and hurriedly left.
Chu Anzhou quickly returned to the officers’ quarters. The maids, who had been having fun, were startled and knelt on the ground to greet him. Cao Wanqiao was giving out rewards when she saw him return. She looked surprised and asked, ’So soon? I thought you had to deal with this until dark.’
When Chu Anzhou saw her, he let out a small sigh of relief. After spending so long looking at Fang, a disgusting woman who didn’t care about human life, he was really unhappy. It wasn’t until he saw Cao Wanqiao that he felt the world brighten up.
Chu Anzhou walked up to her and sat down beside her. When he saw this, Liufu acted wisely and gestured for the maidservants to go away, and he himself silently stood guard at the courtyard entrance.
‘There’s nothing more to say. In the past few days, I’ve clarified everything Fang did, and she has no way to defend herself.’
Cao Wanqiao curiously asked, ‘So she really did kill Mengdie?’
Chu Anzhou nodded. ‘Not only Mengdie, but also Xiangshi.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned and said in surprise, ‘You found that out too?’
Chu Anzhou was concerned that Cao Wanqiao had fainted from seeing Mengdie fall to her death, so he did not explain the details clearly, but simply said, ‘I plan to imprison Fangshi.’
Cao Wanqiao was not surprised by this outcome. The murderer in the royal court must be dealt with somehow. It is estimated that it will be impossible to execute him like in the modern era. Fangshi is the concubine of the side of the palace, and she was married by the emperor. She killed the queen. Once this scandal breaks out, the face of the emperor and the Jingwei Palace will be tarnished.
‘The Liuli Pavilion is full of people, and it’s attracting gossip. I heard from Bi’er that she tried to commit suicide today, and the whole house knows about it,’ Cao Wanqiao reminded him.
Chu Anzhou nodded slightly, and after a moment of thought, he said, ’Just lock her up in the underground stone room in the Fangfei Garden. It can be used as a prison.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned. The face of Jing Wang was just him. He was just talking about the matter dispassionately and didn’t feel anything wrong about it. Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but get goosebumps. The corpse of Xiangshi was still there. If Fangshi saw it, she would still have to be locked up there. Couldn’t she go crazy?
‘So…will the late queen continue to “live” there?’ Cao Wanqiao asked with a crooked mouth.
It was only then that Chu Anzhou explained: ‘There are a few small stone chambers in there. I will have the place where Fangshi lives installed with iron bars, and she will live in that room and not be allowed to move around freely. As for Xiangshi, of course she will have to be moved out and placed back in her coffin.’ Chu Anzhou paused for a moment and added, ‘Well, before letting Fangshi move in, go take a look at Xiangshi, so that she thinks she is living with Xiangshi.’
So the benefactor is black when cut open… Cao Wanqiao thought to herself, without saying anything.
Chu Anzhou felt that he had made the right arrangements. Fang had always longed to be a princess, and now she would finally be able to ‘move in’ to Fangfeiyuan, the residence of past princesses.
‘The two most problematic people in the palace have been dealt with. I will send back to the capital the maids and servants they brought with them.”
Hearing the Prince Jing say this, Cao Wanqiao was puzzled. Wasn’t Fangshi the only one who was really bad? She asked, “Two people?”
Chu Anzhou thought for a moment. It didn’t matter if he told Cao Wanqiao, so he said, ’Xiangshi and Fangshi are both the emperor’s people. Privately, they have received an edict to make the Jingwangfu extinct.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned. This emperor’s actions were really…hard to describe in words. You want to get rid of a vassal king and send a woman as the spearhead? How shameless! And using the method of killing off the heir is both vicious and petty. Cao Wanqiao had never really thought much of the emperor before, but now she couldn’t help but despise him.
And the Xiang consort sent was killed by the Fang consort. Isn’t that blackmailing the blackmailer? It’s not unreasonable to think that the imperial court will be partitioned by the feudal lords. The emperor is so unreliable, and the people he sends are fighting among themselves.
Cao Wanqiao still had some doubts, and worriedly said, ‘Although the hidden worries of the royal court have been temporarily resolved, the emperor should be suspicious when he finds out, right? What should we do?’
Chu Anzhou, however, remained as carefree as ever. ‘This is my home for the rest of my life, and I won’t allow it to be in chaos. I’ll wait and see what the emperor does next.’

Chapter 42
Cao Wanjiao was slightly moved. The Prince Jing had travelled back in time from the modern era, and his way of thinking resonated with her in particular. In fact, she didn’t like the idea of palace intrigue either. What’s the point of living under the same roof as a bunch of people with ulterior motives day and night?
However, it was still her own laziness that was to blame. Housekeeping is too mentally draining.
In any case, having uncovered the hidden dangers of the Prince Jing’s mansion, Cao Wanqiao felt much more at ease. She and the Prince Jing walked hand in hand out of the officers’ quarters. Before leaving, Cao Wanqiao looked back at the swing decorated with flowers and counted the days in her heart. It had been half a month since she married into the royal family, and in another half a month, she would be moving here.
Cao Wanqiao looked up at Jing Wang. Although they slept separately, like roommates, and did nothing, Cao Wanqiao had been startled by Mengdie and woke up in the middle of the night. Seeing Jing Wang sleeping on the side of the bed, she felt at ease and could go back to sleep.
She was really reluctant to end these days.
It so happened that the King of Jing looked down at her. Cao Wanqiao was unable to take her eyes off him in time, and their gazes met. She blushed involuntarily and quickly lowered her head.
The King of Jing touched his face and asked, ‘What’s on my face? Are you looking at me like that?’
Cao Wanqiao looked up at him again, speechless. Benefactor, you’re so unromantic and still single.
“Nothing, I want to eat pickled fish tonight.’
The King of Jing smiled. ‘Okay, I’ll have the kitchen make it.’
Cao Wanqiao was satisfied. What did it matter if it wasn’t romantic? A husband who would feed her whenever she wanted to eat, what else was there to complain about?
In the eyes of the servants, the King and Queen of Jing had returned to their sweet and loving married life, but Fangshi was not having a good time.
No matter how much she argued this time, no one would pay any attention to her. The King of Jing really had the eunuchs drag her to the underground stone chamber in Fangfei Garden. Fangshi was almost driven mad when she saw that Xiangshi’s corpse had been kept in the palace all along, and she fainted on the spot.
When she woke up again, she was already locked up in a small compartment. The King did give her daily necessities, but since she had no maidservants, she had to do everything herself. Her meals were still delivered on time, but no matter what she asked, the people there would not respond.
That wasn’t the worst of it. Whenever Fang thought about the corpse of her cousin Xiang lying next door, she had nightmares every night and couldn’t sleep. Xiang often haunted her dreams, questioning why her closest cousin had caused her death.
In the stone chamber, there was no way of telling day from night. Fang soon became emaciated, losing weight all over, but perhaps it was her strong self-esteem that kept her from going insane.
After hearing from the guards and eunuchs who delivered the meals about Fangshi’s condition, Chu Anzhou didn’t care much anymore. He later ordered someone to move Xiangshi’s body to the coffin in her grave. Now what needed to be dealt with was the dowry brought by Xiangshi and Fangshi. Regardless of how they had served in the palace over the years, he sent everything back to the capital and even wrote a personal letter to the emperor.
In the letter, he did not mention Mengdie’s series of plans, but only said that Fang had colluded with these maids to commit immoral acts. Since Fang had been married to the royal family for many years, he would not divorce her, but only lock her up. As for the maids, he would let the emperor decide what to do with them.
The current era name of the Dajin Dynasty was Leshun, and the current emperor was called Emperor Leshun.
In the capital city, the Le Shun Emperor, with his bulging muscles, small bean-like eyes and round, chubby face, jumped up from the dragon throne as soon as he read the letter.
He looked startled and uncertain, trying hard to make sense of the letter. However, the King of Jing had simply written the words ‘deviations from virtue’ and nothing about what had happened in the process. The King of Le was certain that it must be very serious, sending back the entire dowry to the capital and even saying outright that they should be imprisoned. The King of Le was worried, wondering if the task he had previously assigned to the Xiang and Fang clans had been exposed.
Naturally, he hurriedly had the servants who accompanied the dowry interrogated, but since the incident with Mengdie, they had been isolated by the Prince of Jing and Fangshi. They were also in the dark as to what crime Fangshi had committed.
Only the maids who had helped to smash Mengdie’s head and push her downstairs cried and told the story, but Emperor Leshun listened with even more suspicion. Did it really make sense to punish Fangshi with such a big fuss when one maid had died?
The only thing Emperor Yueshun could guess was that the maid Mengdie had died in front of the new wife of the Prince of Jing, causing the new wife to be frightened, and the Prince of Jing was so furious that he simply abolished Fangshi.
He laughed in his heart at the Prince of Jing’s being so concerned about a little delicate lady from a butcher’s family. He was indeed a young man who only thinks about the future and does not care about the consequences.
Emperor Leshun was both jealous and looked down on this new Prince Jing. He held the imperial examinations because he felt that the harem had not been replenished for a long time, and the daughters of those high-ranking officials from noble families were out of the question. He could not let them stop the imperial examinations, so he only ordered the daughters of officials below the sixth rank to enter the palace for selection.
Unexpectedly, what happened ten years ago happened again. Several powerful feudal kings stopped the road and robbed the women selected for the imperial harem. Those who didn’t fancy, like the Prince Jing, sent them home to marry. It was better not to say anything, but some feudal kings who didn’t fancy them even let them continue to the capital for the imperial examination. They didn’t take the emperor seriously at all!
You didn’t fancy them, and they even lost their reputation. You continue to send them to the capital for the imperial examination as if nothing had happened. Do you want the whole world to laugh at the emperor?
But what could Emperor Leshun do? The imperial court officials were opposed to the imperial examinations, saying that he had more than a dozen princes and princesses, and that the imperial examinations would be a waste of manpower and resources. He still held the event, and in the face of such a situation, he could only hold his nose and accept it. However, no one approved of him sending troops to depose those feudal kings.
However, the Prince Jing still attracted his attention. He thought that the one-year mourning period for the Xiang clan had passed, and he planned to find a new noble woman to send to be the princess. He hadn’t thought about promoting the Fang clan. Every year, the Xiang clan and Fang clan would send gifts back to their families in the capital. Even if the letters were written in an implicit way, it could be seen that neither of these two people were favoured. Promoting the Fang clan would not be of much use. It would be better to choose a young and beautiful girl to win the Prince Jing’s heart.
Unexpectedly, the King of Jing had not responded at all to his attempts to remarry him. In the end, the news that reached the capital was that he had married a woman from a butcher’s family as his wife!
Emperor Yueshun couldn’t help but fantasise about how beautiful the woman must be for the King of Jing to marry her despite her background and make her his wife. But he also knew that wasn’t the point. Fortunately, Fangshi was still in the palace, so the plan to make the King of Jing’s line die out was still underway.
Now, however, he suddenly received this letter abolishing Fangshi and her retinue. The Emperor was suddenly overcome with a headache. The Jingwang Mansion in Songzhou was now without his spies. What was he going to do if the Jingwang made any sudden moves in the future?
He couldn’t help but become a little irritable, so he complained to the eunuch head Zhang Deming about the concerns expressed in the Prince Jing’s letter. Zhang Deming thought for a moment and suggested, ‘Why doesn’t the emperor summon the new Princess Jing to the capital and say that he wants to formally bestow upon her the title of princess? Perhaps that will be enough to lure her?’
Upon hearing this, the Emperor Leshun was indeed very tempted.

Chapter 43
The Emperor immediately ordered someone to draft an edict, but the officials in the Ministry of Rites stopped him. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the emperor was deliberately trying to make things difficult for the Prince of Jing.
Although these officials from the capital are useless in the presence of the princes, they are at home in the capital. They are afraid that if Emperor Leshun issues such an edict, he will anger Prince Jing, and no one can predict what the prince will do. After all, that prince is notorious for his impulsive nature and hot temper.
While the officials in the capital were still playing mind games with the emperor, Cao Wanqiao knew nothing about what was going on at the Prince Jing’s mansion. Half a month after the deposing of the Fang clan, she was living a very comfortable life. The Prince Jing, under the pretext that she was still convalescing, forbade anyone in the back garden from disturbing her. Cao Wanqiao, as a carefree princess, really only had three tasks: eat, drink and sleep, and she only had to use her mouth, not her hands.
So after a month of being newlywed, Cao Wanqiao sadly discovered that she had put on weight!
In her previous life, she was always sad and melancholy due to her personality, and her family was not well off in her early years, so she was always quite thin. Although she was already sixteen years old, in the eyes of modern people, she probably only had the body of a thirteen or fourteen year old. She never imagined that after only a month of being married into the royal family, with all kinds of nutrients not lacking, she gradually gained weight.
In fact, she is not really fat. She looks like Cao Wanqiao when she was 16 in her previous life. Her face, which was a little pale and thin, has become rounder and much fairer. When Bi’er applies her makeup, she often praises her for having better and better skin that is becoming fairer and fairer, and the whole person is much more beautiful.
But the fact that she has gained weight still makes a woman very frightened.
Cao Wanqiao sat in front of the dressing table, looking at the mirror and sighing.
Chu Anzhou came in from the outside and saw that she was in a bad mood. He walked up behind her and looked at her in the mirror and asked, ‘What’s wrong? Who’s bullying you?’
The maids who had originally gathered around Cao Wanqiao all silently retreated. They all knew that the prince and princess did not like the presence of outsiders when they were together.
Cao Wanqiao let out a laugh, ‘Who dares to bully me in this household?’ But she quickly stopped laughing, touched her face, and sighed, ‘Every day is a big meal with delicious food, and I don’t have to work. It’s only been a month, but I’ve gained a lot of weight. Will I become a big fat person in the future?’
Chu Anzhou looked down at her, and suddenly reached over with his large palm and pinched her chin. He said seriously, ‘I think this is just right. Before, you were too thin, and that wasn’t good.’
What do you mean, no? Cao Wanqiao didn’t quite understand, so she grabbed Jing Wang’s mischievous hand with both hands and pretended to bite it. ‘It’s all your fault. You never let me do anything, and you keep an eye on me to make sure I eat until I’m full at every meal. That’s why I’ve gained weight!’
She knew she was being unreasonable, but she knew this person well enough to know that he would never get angry with her. When you meet someone who is so tolerant, you can’t help but want to misbehave.
Sure enough, Chu Anzhou let out a low chuckle, his voice mellow and a little magnetic. Cao Wanqiao felt it go from her ears to her heart, and her lips, which were about to bite, pursed up silently.
‘Even if you become a fat ball, you will still be my queen.‘
Uh, should she be happy to hear that? Cao Wanqiao thought to herself, okay, you just can’t expect this guy to be romantic.
’I don’t want to become a fat ball. I’m fine like Concubine Lan, with my front bulging out and my back curving, I’m especially charming.’ Cao Wanqiao pushed away the big hand and imagined with longing how she would become a peerless beauty.
Chu Anzhou couldn’t understand how the Blue Concubine looked good like that. It’s tender and cute like Cao Wanqiao that attracts people, isn’t it? Although she has recovered a little now, she is still too young. Well, he must wait until she is 18 years old, otherwise he will feel guilty.
Cao Wanqiao was so silly that she didn’t realize how filthy the man behind her was thinking. She kept looking at the mirror, complaining that her eyes weren’t big enough, her nose wasn’t straight enough, and her breasts…well, she was about to measure them with her hands when she fortunately remembered that Jing Wang was standing behind her and pretended to be fine.
Chu Anzhou noticed that her boxes and cages were much fewer, and thinking that in a couple of days Cao Wanqiao would have to move to the Zhangxu Courtyard, he asked, ‘Have you packed everything?’
Cao Wanqiao looked nonchalantly at the boxes and cages where she had kept her daily necessities and said, ‘Almost done. There weren’t many to begin with.’
Most of her dowry and clothes had been placed in the Jiangxu Courtyard when she married into the family, but for the past month, the things she needed on a daily basis had been kept in a few boxes and cages, piled in the Pingti Courtyard’s bedroom, so that the maidservants could easily get them. Now they were gradually being moved to the Jiangxu Courtyard.
Chu Anzhou was not disappointed, because he had already planned it in his heart. Since Cao Wanjiao moved to the General’s Courtyard, he could just sleep there at night, right? It was not appropriate for the princess to live in the Ping Tian Courtyard, and he himself was living in the General’s Courtyard, so who could say anything?
Just as he was thinking about how to tell Cao Wanjiao about this, he saw Cao Wanjiao turn around and look at him and say, ‘I’ve always wanted to discuss with you how we are going to be the King Jing and Queen Jing from now on, and now is a good time to talk about it.’
Chu Anzhou was a little dazed and couldn’t help but ask in return, ‘How?’
Cao Wanqiao smiled, got up, took him by the hand, and sat down at the round table in the centre of the bedchamber before beginning to explain: ‘In the year since I travelled back in time, the thing I was most afraid of was marrying someone else as a concubine. As a woman, the only thing I needed to worry about was getting married, and I spent a year in a daze like that. Now that I’m married to you, that worry is solved. Now that we’re husband and wife, I want to know what you think of the Jingwang Mansion.’
It was only then that Chu Anzhou understood what she meant. The word ‘husband’ made him feel very comfortable. He slowly recounted his experiences: ‘The original King Jing managed Songzhou very well. Because of the secret of being unable to tell people, his personality was a bit hot-tempered. It seemed to others that they didn’t know when they would anger him. Since I have come, I have resolved it in this direction, and so far it seems to be going well.’
Cao Wanjiao tilted her head and asked, ‘What about the future? For example, the emperor must have ill intentions towards you, so how should we defend ourselves?’
Chu Anzhou thought for a moment, stood up, held out his hand, palm up, and said to Cao Wanjiao, ‘You come with me.’
Cao Wanjiao didn’t understand what he wanted to do, but she still got up with him and obediently let him take her hand.
The two walked out of the bedroom and walked deep into the Pingtiyuan garden. Chu Anzhou stopped the servants from following them. After taking a few turns, Cao Wanjiao suddenly saw a three-story building in front of her. It was magnificent and resplendent, and the three characters ‘Feixian Building’ were written on the upper plaque.
This was the tallest building in the Prince Jing’s mansion, and Cao Wanqiao had never been interested in going near it. She saw that the Prince Jing was leading her towards it, and her face showed some hesitation. ‘Are we going up there?’
The Prince Jing turned back and reassured her, ‘I want to show you something. Don’t worry, I know you’re afraid of heights, and I’ll protect you.’
Upon hearing this, Cao Wanqiao’s anxious heart calmed down a little. They entered the building and found that there were many tall bookcases inside, with quite a lot of books. She wondered what they were. The King led her upstairs and passed the second floor, where there was a huge portrait of a Taoist priest, surrounded by many Taoist flags and other objects, which made people feel uneasy.
The King of Jing explained as they walked: ‘The King of Jing was good at managing the army, but he didn’t have any grand ambitions. He was obsessed with Taoist practices and often practised here.’
Cao Wanqiao finally understood, and followed the King of Jing to the third floor. It was very airy here, with two large window sashes on each wall, but in the centre was a heavy furnace with dragon and phoenix carvings.
“Did the King of Jing really mean it? Did he finally ascend?’ Cao Wanqiao curiously approached the furnace and asked, joking.
The King of Jing shrugged. “He died before the age of forty, leaving behind only his only son, Yuan Sheng. Whether he ascended or not is unknown, but there are rumours that he used living people to make medicine.”
Cao Wanqiao’s body stiffened, and she quickly took a few steps back, looking at the furnace with alarm and feeling sick.

Chapter 44
Chu Anzhou saw her fearful reaction and said, ‘It should be fake. In the original body’s memory, this father is quite reliable.’
Cao Wanqiao stared at the furnace with disbelief, and Chu Anzhou added, ‘Anyway, the original body has never seen anyone enter this building and never come out.’
This…can be used as evidence? But Cao Wanqiao would rather believe that the rumour of using living people to make medicine is false. Otherwise, there would really have been too many deaths in the Prince Jing’s mansion, and she would be afraid to sleep at night just thinking about it.
Chu Anzhou regretted mentioning the rumour and brought her to the window to distract her.
As soon as Cao Wanqiao saw that they were going to the window, her legs felt a little weak. She held the Prince Jing tightly with one hand and covered her eyes with the other, trembling and saying, ‘What, what is there to see?’
‘Don’t be afraid, don’t look down, just look straight ahead.”
The gentle tone of the King of Jing’s voice made Cao Wanqiao reluctantly open her eyes between her fingers. The King of Jing opened the window, and suddenly a gentle breeze blew, brushing Cao Wanqiao’s hair aside. The first thing that entered her eyes was the vast blue sky and white clouds. The sky was so clear that she could see the distant mountains stretching on and on, rising and falling.
Cao Wanqiao slowly lowered her hand that had been covering her eyes. In this field of vision, she could see the entire Jingwei Mansion, including all the buildings in the front and back yards, pavilions and towers. The masters and servants were standing, sitting, running or walking, and she could see them all clearly.
No wonder the benefactor, after travelling back in time, was still so confident in his control of the Jingwei Mansion. From this vantage point, it seemed that the actions of everyone in the mansion were laid bare in the sunlight.
For example, Concubine Lan is playing cards in the Peony Pavilion garden, a few eunuchs are patrolling outside the desolate Fangfei Courtyard, and Yang Han is painting in the courtyard of the Queying Courtyard. This is only what Cao Wanjiao would pay attention to.
In the front courtyard, one can look in through the open windows of the side rooms and see the chief historian and the military advisors going about their business, each with a serious expression.
Outside the palace, Cao Wanqiao’s eyes are drawn to the streets of Hangyi. Although the view is not as clear as that from the palace, she can still get a rough idea of what it looks like.
She had never realised that Hangyi was so prosperous. The streets were laid out in a grid pattern, with roads branching off in all directions. The city walls were solemn and tall, and the people walking on the streets were full of vitality. Not only were there men walking around, but there were also many women, some dressed up in gorgeous clothes, others in simple clothes, walking along the streets without veils. Cao Wanqiao could feel the atmosphere of freedom and unrestrained expression.
She couldn’t help but blurt out, ‘I thought that in ancient times women never left the house, but it turns out that they can still walk on the streets.’
She was able to walk on the streets of Pinghan at the time, simply because she was a commoner and Pinghan was a remote small town.
Chu Anzhou could feel from Cao Wanjiao’s tightly grasped hand that she was still very scared. He suddenly let go of her hand, and before she could panic, Chu Anzhou put his arm around her from behind, holding her hand again with one hand and leaning on the window sill with the other. Before she could react, he said, ‘In this era, people are less constrained. Of course, most women from noble families are still mostly kept at home. The people you see are mostly from the common class and need to go out and do business.’
Cao Wanqiao suddenly felt his gentle embrace from behind, and her heart began to beat faster. She suddenly forgot the fear of being high up in the air, and the dazzling scenery in front of her suddenly couldn’t be reflected in her mind.
All she heard was the King of Jing saying again, ‘I have been to the streets a few times. Hangzhou is a very nice place, full of vitality. When I went to Pinghan to look for you before, I also took the opportunity to visit a few counties on the way. Of course, there are also some that are relatively backward and poor, but overall Songzhou is quite wealthy. Since I came through time, I can feel the ambition of the original body to properly govern Songzhou. Needless to say, the military strength is there, but the people’s livelihood is also taken care of. After seeing this scenery, I can feel the responsibility I shoulder even more. I brought you here to show you that since I have become King Jing, I will be responsible for the future of Songzhou.
It was the first time Cao Wanqiao had heard him speak at such length. She turned her head slightly and looked up at him. She saw that the King of Jing’s eyes were fixed on the landscape outside the window, his gaze firm. Her heart stirred, and she asked in a low voice, ‘You…the original King of Jing, apart from Songzhou, do you have any other plans?’
The King of Jing suddenly lowered his eyes and looked at her. This close-up gaze made Cao Wanqiao unable to help but get lost in the deep, dark pupils. The light and sharpness in those eyes suddenly made her feel that there was still so much about this person that she did not understand.
‘I did have some thoughts, but mainly I was dissatisfied with the emperor’s incompetence, so I planned to act according to the situation. I thought the same way. Although the emperor is not very good now, the world is peaceful, and the princes are also at peace with each other. As long as they don’t interfere with the lives of the people in Songzhou, I am quite satisfied with the current situation.”
Hearing the king’s explanation, Cao Wanqiao silently lowered her head and looked back to see the landscape that could only be seen from Feixian Tower.
Her benefactor was completely different from her. They had to bear very different burdens. She had always wanted to live a stable life in this era, but her benefactor had to consider so many things.
Since that was the case, she would try not to hold him back! Cao Wanqiao silently made up her mind.
Cao Wanjiao understood the meaning behind his asking her to come and see this scenery. Originally, she was just worried about how to continue living in this era as the Princess Jing. Perhaps she had revealed her concerns about the future, so Prince Jing brought her here to show her what the future might be like, and what it could be like. The most important thing was what they were like right now.
Her heart had indeed settled down a lot. The fog in front of her seemed to have been lifted, and she couldn’t help but thank Prince Jing in her heart.
‘Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Hangyi Street yet. It feels much busier than Pinghan.”
Cao Wanjiao’s voice carried a light mood, and Chu Anzhou saw that she seemed to have forgotten to stand on high ground, so he happily agreed, “Well, I’ll take you for a stroll next time.”
Cao Wanjiao turned back and smiled at him with a crooked eye, and Chu Anzhou’s whole heart almost stopped, as he heard her say, ’I knew you were the best to me!’
Chu Anzhou thought silently, in his previous life, he didn’t know how to treat the people he liked, but in this life, he was able to hear these words from her, and it was not in vain that he had carefully protected and spoiled her.
‘It’s almost lunchtime, let’s go downstairs first.’
Hearing the King of Jing say this, Cao Wanqiao obediently tried to walk, but her knees gave way. The King of Jing was quick-witted and quickly helped her, so she didn’t fall.
Cao Wanqiao said embarrassedly, ‘Ah…actually, my legs were shaking a moment ago, and they’re a little weak now.’
Chu Anzhou closed the window and hurriedly helped her walk away from the window, saying hurriedly, ‘I’m sorry, I wanted you to see what this era is like, and I knew you were afraid of heights but I forced you anyway.’
Cao Wanqiao shook her head and said, ‘It’s okay, I’ll rest for a while…’
Before she could finish speaking, she saw that the King of Jing had squatted down with his back to her and said gently, ‘Let me carry you.’
Cao Wanjiao was taken aback, and after hesitating for a moment, she slowly leaned her body against his back and put her arms around his neck. The King of Jing easily picked her up on his back.
She didn’t say anything, but in fact, away from the window, her feet stopped shaking. But seeing how good this person was to her, Cao Wanqiao’s bad nature came out. The more she knew how much this person loved her, the more smug she became.
King Jing was tall and strong, carrying her on his back as if it were nothing, steadily stepping down the stairs step by step.
Cao Wanqiao leaned against his broad back, feeling very at ease. She thought back to being embraced from behind by him upstairs just now, and the pounding of her heart was impossible to ignore. Even now, she was still a little dazed.
She smiled as she looked at the nape of Jing Wang’s reliable neck and his broad shoulders. She thought that the only thing wrong with this man was his big beard, and she had to persuade him to shave it off. Otherwise, just looking at his eyebrows and eyes, she could see that he had her favourite single eyelids.
He is decisive and reliable, and most importantly, he spoils her. He is simply perfect.
As she thought these random thoughts with a sweet feeling in her heart, she gradually lost her smile as she looked at that back.
It was because she saw the three small moles behind the King’s ear, arranged like a constellation.
She was a little confused, and a question mark popped up in her mind. How did the King know that she was afraid of heights?
The scene of having dinner with her ex-boyfriend in her previous life flashed back in her mind. He asked her to go on the Ferris wheel, but she refused, saying that she was afraid of heights.
She suddenly felt a little panicky, and more puzzled. When the King of Jing carried her to the first floor, Cao Wanqiao tapped his back and said, ‘Okay, let me down.’
The King of Jing did as she said, slowly lowering his body, and Cao Wanqiao stood firmly on the ground.
He turned around, but saw Cao Wanqiao tilting her head, staring at him with a solemn and dazed expression.
“Are you… are you Chu Anzhou?’

Chapter 45
Chu Anzhou suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. He was at a loss for words in response to Cao Wanjiao’s sudden question, and instinctively asked in return, ‘You…why…’
Cao Wanjiao saw his reaction, and her heart sank. Reflexively, she took two steps back to put some distance between them.
How, how could it be? How could her benefactor be her ex-boyfriend, Chu Anzhou?
She took another good look at the man across from her. Although he was about the same height as her last life, he was much more compact than Jing Wang, and the beard that covered half his face made it even harder for her to recognise him.
In her last life, Chu Anzhou wore glasses and was very gentle, but of course he didn’t in this life. Although she had looked closely at his eyebrows and eyes, she had never looked at him up close in her last life.
Cao Wanqiao’s mind was in a complete mess. She lifted her finger and pointed behind Chu Anzhou’s ear, saying, ‘Behind your left ear, there are three small moles. I told Chu Anzhou…’
Chu Anzhou touched the back of his left ear and looked at her with a complex expression in his eyes. ‘Well, you did say that they looked like constellations.’
He didn’t expect Cao Wanqiao to remember this. Throughout her life, Cao Wanqiao had always looked at him with a strange expression, never associating Jing Wang with the previous life’s Chu Anzhou. He was actually very disappointed. Although their relationship was short, the former lovers treated him like a stranger. If it weren’t for the thought that he could take this opportunity to win her favour again, Chu Anzhou would have actually felt like there was something stuck in his throat.
Unexpectedly, he was exposed because of those three small moles.
Cao Wanqiao had been stunned the whole time. She still remembered it. On her first date with Chu Anzhou, they had not hit it off. She had been so embarrassed that she ran to the bathroom several times. It was when she was walking back to her seat that she saw the three moles from behind. In order to find something to talk about, she deliberately mentioned them to him.
She felt that the whole thing was ridiculous. Chu Anzhou had actually travelled back in time with her, and she had been treating him like a stranger who had done her a favour. As she thought about all the days that had passed, she had relied on his kindness towards her and had acted like a spoilt child. Cao Wanjiao wanted to find a hole and crawl into it.
She couldn’t help shaking her head, still unable to believe it. She looked up at him and asked, ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’
Chu Anzhou looked at the distance between the two of them, his heart sour. It felt as if all his efforts over the past few days had been wasted. She had once again become the Cao Wanqiao who had always been wary of him. He whispered in reply, ‘I recognised you right away, but I didn’t expect you wouldn’t recognise me. When I wanted to say something, I saw the way you trusted me, and suddenly I didn’t want to say anything.’
Cao Wanjiao was stung to the quick by his words. He couldn’t even recognise his ex-boyfriend. Could there be a worse ex-girlfriend than her? But at the same time, she was angry. Could he have hidden something like that? She couldn’t help but defend herself: ‘With that big beard of yours and no glasses, you looked so different from your previous life that I didn’t recognise you…’
‘I know, I don’t blame you.’ Chu Anzhou just looked at her tenderly and added, ’But if you want to blame me, I completely understand. I’m sorry I didn’t say who I was from the beginning.’
Cao Wanjiao was at a loss for words when he apologised first. How could she continue to be angry with him? Chu Anzhou was right. Having heard that in his previous life he had died because of her, she naturally felt both gratitude and guilt towards him, and had instinctively trusted him. As her ex-boyfriend, Chu Anzhou might have really found it hard to say anything at the time.
And, most importantly, Chu Anzhou had seen her about to be hit by a car and had rushed up to her, regardless of his own safety.
Why should she lose her temper at him?
But she felt so awkward after being kept in the dark for so long.
‘You… you should have told me…’
Her voice trailed off, but Chu Anzhou asked in return, ‘We broke up in our past life, and I felt that you definitely didn’t like me anymore. Would you be willing to go back to the Prince’s mansion with me?’
Cao Wanqiao looked hesitant. If she had known from the beginning that Jing Wang was Chu Anzhou, what would she have done?
She had been to Jing Wang’s mansion before, and it was impossible for her to continue with the selection process. She had been there to replace the daughter of her third uncle, and how could she replace someone who had damaged her reputation? If she returned to the Cao family, she wouldn’t have to take the imperial examination, but her eighth uncle was still eyeing her up to gain favour, so her situation would definitely be difficult. If at this time, her ex-boyfriend, dressed as the Prince of Jing, extended an olive branch to her, she would actually…still accept it, but she would definitely feel guilty while forcing herself to please Chu Anzhou, for fear that he, with such a vast difference in status, would tire of her at some point.
Just imagining it, she felt that way of getting along with him would be very painful.
At least it won’t be like it is now, where she is approaching ‘Jing Wang’ without any restrictions, discovering his various good qualities and gradually revealing that side of her nature that her ex-boyfriend never saw.
‘Are you angry with me?’ Chu Anzhou was really uneasy when he saw that she hadn’t spoken.
Cao Wanqiao looked up at him in shock for a moment, finally averting her eyes and shaking her head.
‘I’m not angry with you, and I shouldn’t be angry with you either. I’ve even caused you to come here with me.”
After saying this, she bit her lower lip, screwed up her brows, and turned around and walked out.
Although Chu Anzhou heard her say that she wasn’t angry, it was obvious that she could no longer smile so defencelessly at him. He looked at the palm of his hand that was spread open, and now it would definitely be even more difficult to win her favour again.
At least he couldn’t hold her hand as if nothing had happened.
He stood still for a moment before walking away. Outside Feixian Restaurant, he saw Cao Wanqiao leaning sideways at the end of the path, waiting for him. Chu Anzhou’s eyes lit up, but she said, ‘Give me some time to adjust. I’m supposed to move into the Jiangxu Courtyard, so I’ll be moving out soon.’
Chu Anzhou paused for a moment, and after a moment of silence, he replied, ‘Hm.’
Cao Wanqiao really hated this atmosphere between her and Chu Anzhou, where they could not communicate freely. Not to mention the fact that she had acted so childishly and unreasonably towards him so many times. Now she realised that he was her ex-boyfriend, and it was so embarrassing! She needed some space to sort out her emotions.
But seeing Chu Anzhou looking so obviously downhearted, it didn’t make her feel any better. Although she was face-blind and didn’t recognise him, he shouldn’t have kept it from her! Now it seemed like she was the big bad guy, cheating on his feelings, making her feel responsible for him for some reason.
Cao Wanqiao asked him to walk in front of her, and the two of them walked back to Pingtianyuan, one in front of the other. Bi’er and Songzhumai, who had been chatting happily, came forward to serve them, but when they saw the serious expressions on their two masters’ faces, they were puzzled. The princess, who usually hummed a tune even when she didn’t speak, didn’t say a word the whole time, and she didn’t even look at the prince.
The maidservants looked at each other in confusion. What was going on? The two masters had seemed quite close when they went to Feixianlou, so had they had a fight?
All one could hear was Cao Wanqiao saying to Bi’er, ‘I think I’ve finished packing. I’ll move everything to the Xuyuan before dinner, and I’ll be sleeping there from today onwards.’
As soon as these words were spoken, the servants in the bedroom did not dare to make a sound. Bi’er replied ‘Yes’ in a small voice, and began to carefully pack Cao Wanqiao’s accessories on the dressing table, afraid of making the slightest sound and breaking the tense atmosphere.
Chu Anzhou watched this scene, but suddenly said, ‘Let’s have lunch first.’
Cao Wanqiao finally turned her attention to him and saw Chu Anzhou say, ‘I have your favourite shrimp egg soup today.’

Chapter 46
Cao Wanqiao was momentarily stunned, her heart filled with mixed emotions. Eventually, she nodded and said, ’Okay.’
Chu Anzhou had been really considerate to her in this life. Even at this moment, he remembered her preferences as usual and reminded her to eat.
She really hadn’t taken the time to get to know the previous life’s Chu Anzhou.
Now those memories were a bit confusing. When Chu Anzhou looked at her, as the two walked side by side, she thought he was just being polite and concerned. Perhaps what Chu Anzhou was thinking was even more tender than she had thought.
Lunch was served, and the two ate in silence. As usual, Chu Anzhou always tried to pick some food for her, so that she would eat more. Cao Wanqiao was very grateful to him, but she couldn’t bring herself to eat. When Chu Anzhou once again tried to pick food for her, Cao Wanqiao shook her head and said, ‘I can’t eat.’
Chu Anzhou froze for a moment, and silently put the dish back in his own bowl. Cao Wanjiao suddenly remembered if Chu Anzhou had done the same thing in his previous life, and after she refused, Chu Anzhou felt that she was rejecting his kindness?
Cao Wanjiao thought about it and explained to him, ‘I don’t have an appetite today, thank you.’
Chu Anzhou froze for a moment before he replied, ‘Well, I understand.’
Just thinking about the reason why Cao Wanqiao had no appetite, he always felt that he should take responsibility.
The meal the two had eaten made the surrounding servants and maids secretly agonise. What on earth was wrong with the prince and princess?
After the meal, Cao Wanqiao still asked Bi’er to continue packing things up. The chief secretary came to find Chu Anzhou. He had wanted to send Cao Wanqiao there to the Xu Yard, but it was not possible. He stood in front of Cao Wanqiao, bowed his head and said to her, ‘You need time, so I won’t go find you for dinner tonight. Remember to eat a lot, you ate too little at lunch.’
After saying this, he reached out, intending to touch Cao Wanjiao’s cheek with the back of his hand, but he withdrew halfway through and just gave her a deep look before leaving.
Cao Wanjiao touched the cheek that Chu Anzhou had not been able to touch, and her heart ached.
If Chu Anzhou had done this to her in a previous life, she would definitely have been shocked. After all, she had always felt that Chu Anzhou was definitely not passionate about her, and the sudden intimacy would definitely have been inconceivable to her.
But in this life, in his capacity as the Prince of Jing and her benefactor, his occasional touches have always made her heart flutter. His touch can make her fill her head with a whole lot of ambiguous thoughts.
Sigh, why did he let her discover those three little moles? She feels that nothing feels right now.
Bi’er silently watched the interaction between the two masters. Song, Zhu and Mei went to prepare the room for Cao Wanjiao’s move. Only she and Cao Wanjiao were left here, so she couldn’t help but go up and say, ‘Did Her Highness quarrel with His Royal Highness? Just now, the maidservants didn’t dare to speak.’
Cao Wanjiao saw that Bi’er’s eyes were sincerely concerned, sighed, and asked in return, ‘Can it be considered a quarrel?’
Bi’er said with a scolding tone, ‘How can there be a quarrel? Everyone says that Your Highness is extraordinary. Not long after entering the palace, the secondary concubine fell from grace. There is simply no concubine in the palace who can compare with Your Highness. I heard Song’er say that she has never seen the Prince care about anyone like this before. Your Highness is riding high, so why argue?”
Cao Wanqiao muttered to herself, thinking, ’That man, Chu Anzhou, never showed any care for anyone in his previous life, so it’s no wonder that even after he came to this life and there were concubines all over the palace, he is still so unmoving.
But… Cao Wanqiao once thought that she was also one of the people that Chu Anzhou ‘did not care about’. Now it seems that she really is a bit special, doesn’t she?
But when she thinks about how, for the past month, she has been like a crazy girl, constantly falling for her ex-boyfriend, she wants to hit the wall.
‘No couple is perfect every day. It’s normal to have conflicts. Next time you talk to those people, just tell them that everything is fine between me and the king.”
Cao Wanqiao told Bi’er with a stiff upper lip. Although Bi’er disagreed, she knew that she had to help the princess out in front of the other maids. So she obediently agreed and planned to tell the other maids that the princess was still very much favoured when she gossiped with them.
As the princess, Cao Wanjiao didn’t have to do anything. She walked to the servants’ quarters by herself. Naturally, many servants had already set it up. As she entered the courtyard, she saw the swing. She walked over and twisted the fresh flower decoration on top, which was often changed, and accidentally pulled off a petal.
She couldn’t help but cry out in pain, ’Oh, quickly get me some glue to stick the petal back on.’
Bi’er hurriedly said, ‘Your Highness, it doesn’t matter. The flowers are changed often, and no one will notice if one is missing.’
Cao Wanqiao froze for a moment. What’s she being so sentimental about? It’s just that she can’t help but miss the happy times she spent here with Chu Anzhou.
She pursed her lips, twisted the flower petals, and walked into the bedroom of the Prince’s Mansion, where she silently placed it on the dressing table.
The Prince’s Mansion was where she had lived before she married in, and the decorations had been changed according to her preferences. The large, soft pink bed was where she sat, her eyes instinctively looking to the left, which was the direction Chu Anzhou slept in the Ping Tian Yuan’s bedroom.
Of course there is no couch here, so she had a desk put in. According to her habits in her previous life, she had to go to the study to write a character, which was troublesome, so she had the four treasures of the study put in the bedroom in an unseemly manner.
At the thought that in the evening, Chu Anzhou would not be there when she woke up in the middle of the night, and the image of Mengdie falling to her death jumped back into her mind, and Cao Wanqiao shivered.
She shook her head and tried hard to banish the image from her mind.
Alas, why wasn’t Chu Anzhou as good to her in a previous life as he was to her in this life? She would definitely not have broken up with him. It was like now, when she was both attracted to his gentleness and felt uncomfortable with the existence of her ex-boyfriend.
The first night she moved into the Jiangxuyuan, she just muddled through, not wanting to do anything. She didn’t even enjoy her dinner properly, and she felt a little guilty about it, after all, Chu Anzhou had told her to eat more.
The next day, as soon as she got up, she had not wished for anything like this for a long time. She hoped that as soon as she opened her eyes, she would have returned to the modern era, where she could just be an ordinary little white-collar worker, working hard for her daily bread.
Bi’er was washing her face, and Cao Wanjiao felt a little lazy, so she did not let Bi’er put on her makeup. Song’er came forward and asked, ‘Your Highness, shall I serve breakfast?’
Cao Wanqiao was in a bad mood, her eyes still half-closed. She said, ‘Wait a while.’
Song’er had not yet responded when she heard a chorus of greetings from outside. Cao Wanqiao also heard it and opened her eyes. Who else in the courtyard needed to greet her except her?
Her heart was racing. She had not seen Chu Anzhou last night, but she had not made good use of the time to organise her thoughts either. What expression should she put on to face him?
She quickly looked in the mirror and regretted not having applied makeup. Her plain face looked a bit lacklustre.
The four maids, who were ready to kneel and greet their master, looked up and saw Chu Anzhou, but they were both taken aback. Cao Wanqiao wondered why she hadn’t heard them greet their master, so she turned around, but she too was taken aback.
In front of her stood a man with a straight nose, indifferent eyebrows and lightly pursed lips. He looked a little cold, with a firm jawline and a low, mellow voice that said, ‘Haven’t you had breakfast yet?’
Cao Wanqiao was still stunned, her lips slightly parted, and Chu Anzhou had shaved off his beard!
The author has something to say:
Sanyuan is really busy, and there have been a lot of comments in the past two days. I have found time to read them all, and I thank you all for your support and encouragement. I will keep the suggestions you have made in mind, and please continue to read this story with a relaxed mood.

Chapter 47
After that handsome face was completely revealed, Cao Wanqiao thought foolishly, ‘Hey, this really is her ex-boyfriend!’
Chu Anzhou looked like a scholar, and his previous beard gave him a fierce appearance, but now he gave the impression of a charming and elegant man. Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but ask, ‘Why did you suddenly decide to shave?’
The four maidservants below were particularly embarrassed. They had almost not recognised their master just now, and now they were embarrassed to say hello. Since the princess had spoken, they looked at each other and silently withdrew.
Chu Anzhou was followed by Liu Fu. He first gave Liu Fu his instructions: ‘Bring up the morning meal.’
After that, he walked up to Cao Wanqiao, touched his chin, and said, ‘I don’t think this beard is going to be of any use anymore.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned, and then she understood. She had already discovered his true identity, and there was no point in continuing to grow the beard.
What she didn’t know was that Chu Anzhou had already made up his mind to get rid of the beard and start afresh with her as his true self.
Cao Wanqiao was still wearing her light clothes. She had previously lived in Pingtianyuan and had felt fine wearing whatever she liked, but now she felt a little embarrassed, especially as Chu Anzhou’s face, which she liked so much, was right in front of her. She got up and put on the silk clothes that had been laid out ready.
‘You shaved, didn’t the gentlemen in the front courtyard find that strange?”
Chu Anzhou kept looking at Cao Wanqiao, and when he saw that she was reluctant to make eye contact, he couldn’t help feeling a little sad. He replied indifferently, ’In the past, I knew that my appearance wasn’t manly enough, so I deliberately grew a beard. Now that the Jingwang Mansion’s power is stable, it will just be a matter of people talking about it for a couple of days.’
Cao Wanjiao dressed, and when she saw that the table was already set for breakfast, she frowned. She heard Chu Anzhou say, ‘I heard from the kitchen that you ate very little last night, and today you want to postpone breakfast. No.’
Cao Wanqiao finally couldn’t help but look up at him. Chu Anzhou’s eyes were firm and unyielding. She pouted, plumped up her cheeks, and muttered a complaint, ‘Do I have to report to you even if I eat a few mouthfuls of rice?’
Chu Anzhou eased his gaze and said, ‘I told them to let me know for sure.’
Cao Wanqiao paused for a moment, speechless, and could only reply, ‘Oh…’
Since Chu Anzhou had come here in person to urge her to eat, Cao Wanjiao had no choice but to obediently sit down and sip the porridge bite by bite. Chu Anzhou also lifted his chopsticks to eat with her. During this time, Cao Wanjiao couldn’t help but secretly look up at him several times.
Sure enough, this face really suited her, and it was pleasing to the eye, so she could eat a few more mouthfuls of rice.
In particular, without the glasses from his previous life, Chu Anzhou’s black and white eyes were exceptionally charming. His single eyelids made his gaze seem a little lonely and cold, but when he looked up at people, it was so gentle that Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but stare.
Hmm, no, looking at people? Cao Wanqiao only then realised that at some point, Chu Anzhou had made eye contact with her, and she was still staring at the face of the man of her dreams. She was so embarrassed!
She choked a little and couldn’t help coughing. Chu Anzhou quickly patted her back gently. Cao Wanjiao covered her mouth with her hands, wanting to bury her face in her palms.
“Eat slowly. You just ate too little yesterday, so you’re rushing today.’
Chu Anzhou was about to ask her why she kept staring at him without saying a word, but when he saw her choke, he didn’t ask. Although he was slightly relieved that she had eaten more today, he felt distressed when she choked on her food.
Cao Wanqiao took two sips of tea and felt a little better. She lowered her eyes and didn’t dare to look at him again, weakly saying, ‘Yes, yes, I accidentally ate too quickly…’
Chu Anzhou withdrew his hand from her back and said in a relaxed manner, ‘You’re not as chatty as usual today.’
Since she had married into the family, Cao Wanqiao had not been subject to the rule of not speaking with food during the three meals a day. She could chatter on about anything and Chu Anzhou would respond with a few words, which would amuse her.
Hearing this, Cao Wanqiao had to prevaricate, ‘I didn’t know you were Chu Anzhou before, and no matter how noisy it was, I thought you didn’t mind, so I could say anything.’
Chu Anzhou sulked and defended, ‘I didn’t mind in the first place.’
Cao Wanqiao choked. She was used to holding herself back in front of her ex-boyfriend in her previous life, thinking that he was a scholar and how could she talk about topics of low intelligence? She had always been very mindful of what she said, but in fact she really didn’t have any substance, and she was the most skilled at idle chatter.
But for the moment, she really couldn’t continue to show her true nature in front of Chu Anzhou. Even though he said he didn’t mind, her mind went blank and she had no idea what to say.
The awkward atmosphere spread between the two again. At least they had finished breakfast. Chu Anzhou called for the leftovers to be removed and said to her, ‘Liu Fu said that there is something in the backyard that he wants you to decide. I have stopped him before, but now if you are bored in the courtyard, let him report to you.’
Cao Wanjiao thought that Chu Anzhou’s suggestion was very good. She was very distracted at the moment and could use some distraction, so she said, ‘I can also go over the old ledgers and registers again, and try to take over the management of the backyard as soon as possible.’
Chu Anzhou nodded slightly and was about to leave when he suddenly stopped and looked down at her. Cao Wanjiao’s heartbeat quickened for a beat, and Chu Anzhou remained silent for a moment, but only pursed his lips before turning around and walking away again.
Cao Wanjiao didn’t understand why, and she kept holding her breath waiting for his next move. Seeing him leave the Xuyuan Palace, she let out a long breath, couldn’t help but sit down in her chair, and banged her head against the table a few times.
Oh my, how long is this awkward atmosphere going to last?
‘Uh, Your Highness, are you okay…’
Cao Wanjiao suddenly looked up. It turned out that Liu Fu had walked in with four maids. He looked at her with a strange expression on his face. Cao Wanjiao coughed twice, touched her forehead, and said, ‘I’m fine, I’m fine!’
She waved at Liu Fu. ‘I heard the prince say that there are some things you want to ask me?’
Liú Fú was about to speak, but then thought that it was just trivial matters, such as the rank of Yang Han, which had never been decided. But there were more important matters at hand, and Liú Fú did not hesitate for long before saying, ‘Those are not important matters. It so happens that just now the front courtyard reported that Shùn Fú and Cháng Fú have returned from Pínghàn. Would Your Highness like to summon them first?’
Cao Wánqiú’s eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, ‘Really? Quickly summon them in!’
It turned out that Chu Anzhou had previously asked her if the Caos could be brought to Hangyi to live, so she had sent Shunfu and Changfu to Pinghan to discuss the matter with Caodaniu and Taoshi. She thought that they had returned with news.
Shunfu and Changfu had obviously just got off the carriage not long ago, and both of them looked like they had been travelling for a long time. Cao Wanqiao felt a little guilty when she saw this and said, ‘Oops, I forgot to let you rest first. How about this, you go downstairs and freshen up and get some sleep, and then come back to me tonight.’
However, Shunfu and Changfu both shook their heads. Shunfu said with a grave face, ‘Your Highness should hear about the situation of the Cao family first, so that you can be mentally prepared.’
Upon hearing this, Cao Wanqiao’s heart gave a thump, and she immediately stood up, her face full of anxiety. ‘What do you mean? What’s happened to my family?’
She didn’t even care about what to call her family now. After hearing Shunfu say that, she had a gut feeling that something had happened to the Cao family.
Seeing her anxiety, Shunfu couldn’t help but regret. He hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed, saying, ‘Your Highness, don’t be anxious. All your family members are healthy and safe. It’s all my fault for not knowing what to say!’
Cao Wanqiao patted her chest, let out a sigh, sat down again, and waved her hand, saying, ‘Get up. You scared me to death. If they’re fine, then what did you mean just now?’
Shunfu then cautiously got up, but dared not say anything more. Changfu, who was sitting next to him, continued: ‘It turned out that we returned to Pinghan with the royal guards and a large gift, only to learn that your parents had taken the young ladies and gentlemen back to the countryside. They said they had bought back the ancestral fields and planned to farm them for a living. They wanted the schoolmaster to write a letter to the royal court on their behalf to inform you of this, but they were delayed by some troublesome matters.’
The author has something to say:
Thank you to the little angel who voted for the nutrient solution, I’m very touched~

Chapter 48
Cao Wanjiao was a little taken aback when she heard that Caoniu and Tao had returned to the countryside with their younger siblings, but on second thought, it made perfect sense. Previously, Caoniu and his wife had discussed with her whether they should continue the butcher’s business. She had married in a hurry and no conclusion had been reached at the time. I think they finally decided to end the business and return to the ancestral home.
Cao Wanquiao was very happy to hear that Cao Daniu had bought back the ancestral land. After all, this was something Cao Daniu had longed for, but obviously things were not as smooth as expected. Cao Wanquiao asked Chang Fu, ‘Tell me everything from beginning to end!’
Chang Fu did not dare delay and told him the whole story: ‘We immediately went to your maternal home outside Pinghan City, and after asking about the move in detail, we found out that after you married into the royal family, Master Cao originally wanted to continue doing business. Because your eighth uncle had promised to sell goods at a cheaper price in the future, so Master Cao felt it would be a pity not to continue the business. Little did he know that your eighth uncle, who was a relative of the princess’s family, had offended many wealthy families in Pinghan City and often mentioned you, using this…ahem!’
Cao Wanjiao saw that Changfu was in a difficult position, and she was sure that he didn’t dare to directly rebuke her maternal relatives. So she continued, ‘Is it that my eighth great-uncle is bullying men and women because of this?’
Changfu didn’t say anything, which was a tacit admission. Cao Wanjiao sighed. She thought that the eighth great-uncle had wanted to curry favour with the powerful and influential from the past, and he must have accumulated a lot of resentment in his heart towards those who used to look down on him. Now that he had her as a ‘backing’, he had become unrestrained.
Cao Wanqiao told Chang Fu to continue, and Chang Fu said, ‘Although your lordship and your lady stopped your eighth uncle, that person still boasted that he had arranged your marriage with the prince and assumed the role of benefactor. Your lordship and there was nothing you could do. As it happened, your betrothal gifts had already been moved to the house, so you took some silver from them to buy back the ancestral land and fields, and the whole family moved back. If the big families that your eighth great-uncle had offended wanted to seek justice from them, they could avoid them as well.”
Cao Wanqiao blinked a few times when she heard the key words and asked, stammering, ’Me, my what? Betrothal gifts?’
Chang Fu said matter-of-factly, ‘You don’t know? The betrothal gift was on its way, so only the list was sent to your family. Since it was delivered successfully, the master and mistress can make good use of it. Your Ladyship can rest assured. I have inquired about the cost of the fields, and compared to your betrothal gift, it is only a drop in the bucket. After all, your betrothal gift was this much…’
Changfu held out two hands with ten fingers spread wide. Cao Wanqiao only now remembered that she had a bride price. She had completely forgotten about it and had no idea how much it was. Now Changfu held up ten fingers, and the servants on the side all looked enviously. But Cao Wanjiao had no idea what the number was. But in order not to look like a bumpkin, she coughed twice and put on a cold expression and said, ‘Of course I have nothing to worry about. The betrothal gift is filial piety to my parents, which is only natural.’
After listening to this, Chang Fu and Shun Fu both exaggeratedly praised Cao Wanjiao’s filial piety, and Cao Wanjiao felt her heart grow faint as she listened.
‘But after moving back to the countryside, your maternal grandparents‘ home was in a neighbouring village, so they often came to your wife to complain and borrow money. If your wife refused, your grandmother would roll around in front of the Cao family gate and cry, causing the villagers to look askance. Your wife was very distressed about this, and these things happened together, so your in-laws had not yet had time to tell you the news of the move.’ Chang Fu finished speaking in one breath.
Cao Wanqiao never imagined that she would marry into the royal family, but the family had gone through all these troubles. She felt very guilty, but she also felt disgusted with her eighth great-uncle and the Tao family. Do these people have to cling to people and suck their blood?
‘Have you asked my parents if they are willing to move to Hangyi? What did they say?’ She hurriedly asked Shunfu and Changfu about the most important purpose of this trip.
Changfu looked ashamed and said, ‘We asked, but Master and Mistress said they were afraid that if they went to Hangyi, people would talk about you, Your Highness, and they refused to do you any trouble. We persuaded Master and Mistress that no one would dare talk about the Princess, but they wouldn’t believe us. We had no choice. Master and Mistress urged us to hurry back to Hangyi to serve you, so we had to come back first.’ Changfu took a letter out of his sleeve and respectfully handed it to them, saying, ‘I wrote this letter on behalf of my master and mistress. My mistress asked me to read it to you.’
Cao Wanjiao wanted to take it and read it herself, but then she suddenly remembered that she was illiterate, which was why Mrs. Tao had instructed Shunfu and Changfu to do so. She had to let Changfu read the letter out loud. It was just some words of care, telling Cao Wanjiao to take care of herself, but it didn’t mention the troublesome matters that Changfu had just mentioned. It just said that everything at home was fine, which made Cao Wanjiao feel a little sad.
After Changfu finished reading the letter, Cao Wanjiao took it from him. She then rewarded Shunfu and Changfu for their hard journey and told them to go and rest. After thanking her profusely, Shunfu and Changfu obeyed and left.
Cao Wanjiao then sat down at the table, resting her chin in one hand and frowning, looking very unhappy.
Bi’er poured her some tea, observed her face, and couldn’t help but suggest, ‘Your Highness, since Your Lordship and Her Ladyship are having such a hard time in the Pinghan countryside, you should be firm and ask them to come here. Let them know that no one in Hangyi dares to disobey the Prince, let alone discuss Your Highness’s merits and demerits behind your back. Once Your Lordship and Her Ladyship come here with your younger brothers and sisters, and see your situation, they will naturally feel at ease and settle down.’
Cao Wanjiao agreed with this proposal in her heart. Even if she was just tricking Cao Daniu’s family into coming to Hangyi for a few days of fun, it would be logical to ask them to stay then, without having to face Eighth Uncle and the heartless people in the Tao family who would only cause trouble.
But the difficulty was that this was not something she could solve on her own. Sending escorts to pick up the Cao family and buying a house in Hangyi would all have to be discussed with Chu Anzhou.
She is still having a falling out with Chu Anzhou, and she doesn’t have the face to make such a big request of him…
Bi’er seemed to sense her hesitation and advised with a tone of exasperation, ‘Didn’t Your Highness argue with the Prince? Take this opportunity to ask the Prince for help, and the Prince will naturally relent. In that case, your family can come and live in Hangyi, and you can reconcile with the Prince, it’s the best of both worlds!”
Cao Wanqiao tugged at the corners of her mouth. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to “reconcile” with Chu Anzhou in this way. In the end, was there any sense in asking an ex-boyfriend who had dumped you to take care of your family? She wasn’t shameless enough to go that far.
She did remember something, however. Seeing Songzhu Mei busy outside her room, she asked Bi’er in a low voice, ‘Just now, Changfu made a gesture, but I couldn’t tell how much my bride price was. Do you know?’
Bi’er was taken aback and said awkwardly, ‘Actually, I don’t know either. Seeing that everyone else looked surprised and envious, I just followed suit.’
Cao Wanjiao felt a sense of kinship. She was not wrong to have married over from Pinghan with her, for the maid had never seen the world and her reaction was similar!
Bi’er patted her chest with great loyalty and said, ‘I will go and find out and report back to Her Highness later!’
Cao Wanjiao then saw her go outside as if nothing had happened, chat with Song’er for a while, then support her chin and walk lightly as she came in.
Bi’er whispered excitedly to Cao Wanqiao, ‘Your Royal Highness, the dowry the palace is giving your family is a staggering 100,000 taels of silver!’
100,000 taels of silver? Cao Wanqiao felt a little dizzy at the thought of the number. She still remembered that at the beginning, she had to save up every year and had finally managed to save five taels of silver. 100,000 taels of silver was a huge sum for her, and she could not imagine how astonishing it was in this world.
She also heard Bi’er exclaim, ‘It shows how much the Prince loves Her Highness. I heard that the dowry for the previous Princess was only about 50,000 to 60,000 taels. Song’er and the others just found out that the Prince’s dowry for Her Highness is almost twice as much.’
When Cao Wanqiao heard these words, her heartstrings twitched slightly. Rationally, she knew that in fact she was not comparable to Xiangshi. In fact, it was the original King Jing who had given Xiangshi the betrothal gift, and Chu Anzhou was the one who had given the betrothal gift of 100,000 taels.
But she knew that Chu Anzhou must have deliberately doubled the amount given to the Cao family, taking into account the amount given to the Xiang family.
Cao Wanqiao could guess the good intentions behind this, and to be honest, she was also…very moved.
And Chu Anzhou never mentioned a word about these things, never took credit for them. Who knew how much else he had done for her behind the scenes?
Cao Wanjiao thought to herself, if he doesn’t say anything, she won’t know anyway. Won’t their thoughts just go in different directions again?
Although Chu Anzhou had done many thoughtful things for her before his identity was revealed in this life, his problem of never saying anything still existed. As long as it existed, she would never be able to truly enter his heart.
Chu Anzhou is the same.

Chapter 49
In this era, it is really difficult to help your family completely on your own, despite being a princess.
Cao Wanjiao knew the amount of her dowry. Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao had scrimped and saved to give her 30 taels of silver as a dowry. If Cao Wanjiao had married an ordinary person, this would have been a sufficient amount for her to hold her head high in her in-laws’ household.
But she knew that it would definitely not be enough in the palace, and at that time she didn’t know that the betrothal gift would be so large, so she insisted that Cao Daniu and his wife save the silver and spend it on her younger siblings in the future.
So what Cao Wanjiao brought with her were mostly clothes, fabrics, and daily necessities. She didn’t know how much of the money for the servants had already been handed out, so she left it to Fu to regularly give it to the four maids who were close to her, and put it in a drawer for them to cut up the silver and give it to people at any time.
Cao Wanjiao did bring her clay pot of savings, which contained five taels of silver, as well as a pair of silver bangles that the Taus had given her for her sixteenth birthday. This was all the wealth she could control, and she felt sure that she was the poorest of all the princesses of the Jingwang Mansion.
She has already finished reading the register of the royal household, which lists the number of people serving in each department. She can’t possibly remember all of them, but she knows that the entire household depends on these hundreds of people to function. Liu Fu is very meticulous in his work. He has added the current monthly salary to the names, so if there is a need to transfer someone, he can see at a glance what the change should be.
Cao Wanjiao flipped through the account book again. The monthly expenses of the royal household were quite staggering. Fortunately, the royal household had more sources of income. There were fields and manors in various places, and the officials and merchants under them regularly paid tribute, which was several times the amount of expenses. No wonder the Jingwei Royal Family was so well-funded.
Her current concern was the monthly salary of the princess. After flipping through the entire account book and not seeing it, she summoned Song’er and asked, ‘According to convention, how much should the princess’s monthly salary be?’
Song’er was taken aback at first, but as a professional maid, she did not inquire why her mistress was asking. She simply said, ‘When Your Highness first entered the palace, Eunuch Liu Fu instructed me to send 200 taels of silver every month, and if Your Highness ever needed more, to take a pair of seals to the accounting office to get more. If you want to know the usual practice, I heard the old maid in the house say that in the past, the princess’s monthly stipend was 50 taels of silver, and the rest came from the dowry.”
Cao Wanqiao was a little surprised. Fifty taels of silver was not a lot. She had heard Bieer say that in the month since she had married in, the rewards paid out had exceeded 50 taels. It was not easy to be a princess if you were not a noblewoman. She could not help but put her hand on her forehead.
Liu Fu probably saw her humble origins and was afraid she would lose face, so he went to the account book and marked the monthly salary of a princess, and secretly gave 200 taels of silver to the officer’s quarters. In this way, Cao Wanqiao was even more afraid to privately embezzle this monthly salary. She treated being the princess as a salary for her work, but when this salary was not in accordance with the rules, she felt embarrassed to take it.
She stared at her clay pot again, shook it, and the coins inside jingled. Bi’er entered at this moment. She did not speak as formally to Cao Wanqiao as the other maids, and said, ‘Why did Your Highness think of this pot? It’s funny to say, but the last time Mei Er wanted to reward the young girl who brought in the fresh fruit with copper coins, she couldn’t find any, and almost took out your clay pot. It was me who stopped her. Maybe this is a kind of talisman for protecting safety, how can you reward someone with it?’
Cao Wanqiao’s face changed. With only 5 taels of silver to her name, she almost gave it away as a reward, which really scared her out of her wits.
As a princess who was not physically active, everything she owned was taken care of by her maids. She did not hide the fact that the pottery jar was there, and she knew that the maids handled jewellery worth hundreds or thousands of taels of silver at a time, so they would not care about a jar of copper coins. It was no wonder that Zhuer did not know and wanted to give it away as a reward.
Cao Wanjiao felt that it was still necessary to remind them, so she said, ‘The money in this clay pot must never be touched. I have already given the orders.’
Song’er and Bi’er both nodded in agreement, thinking that it was just some kind of lucky charm for protection. After all, how could the Princess Jing possibly guard a copper coin pot as if it were her own child?
Cao Wanjiao remembered something and asked Bi’er, ‘Do you know how much a house outside costs?’
Bier shook her head blankly and replied, ‘Pinghan knows the price of a house. A typical three-hall house costs about 200 to 300 taels of silver, and a house with a garden is priced separately. I really don’t know the price of a house in Hangzhou.’
After she finished speaking, Cao Wanquan and Bier looked at Song’er at the same time. Song’er looked embarrassed and stammered, ‘I’m not very familiar with the price of a house in Hangzhou either. My family has served in the royal court since my great-grandfather served in the royal court, and have never gone out to buy property. I heard that a teacher in the front courtyard wanted to buy a house and had his eye on one. The person wanted 3,000 taels of silver, but the teacher asked eunuch Liu Fu to negotiate, and the price was later lowered to 2,500 taels.
The teacher was most likely referring to the royal court’s advisors in the front courtyard, the people who advised Prince Jing. Cao Wanqiao felt dizzy when she heard that an advisor’s house in Songyi would cost more than 2,000 taels of silver.
She was racking her brains here, actually all in order to be able to buy a house for the Cao family in Hangzhou. She took a fluke, thinking that if she could buy a house for the Cao family on her own, then she would have the bottom to tell Chu Anzhou to ask him to pick up the Cao family and come to Hangzhou.
But according to her wealth and the housing prices in Hangzhou, by the time she really saves up a house, the Cao family may have been stripped of their bones by the Eighth Uncle and the Tao family.
She has been working very hard these past few days going through the account books, and even when she was having dinner with Chu Anzhou, she refused to put them down. Chu Anzhou told her to take it easy, but she only mumbled, ‘I’ll finish reading them as soon as possible and try to take over the work of the princess as soon as possible.’
This is what she thinks. If she can do the work of the princess, manage the details of the household, the income and expenditure of the manor, and other miscellaneous tasks, then she can at least feel comfortable taking her monthly stipend of 50 taels of silver, right?
When she came to her senses, she realised that Chu Anzhou had not come to the kitchen for two days. No matter how awkward the atmosphere between them had been recently, Chu Anzhou had always come to have dinner with her at least once a day. The two of them never mentioned what had happened in their previous lives, but just ate in peace and quiet.
When Chu Anzhou didn’t come, Bi’er was the first to feel anxious for Cao Wanjiao. Even Songzhu Mei often looked at her with worried eyes. Bi’er couldn’t hold back any longer and asked, ‘My lady, don’t you want to ask the Prince why he hasn’t come to dinner these past two days? Has he been seduced by some vixen in the back garden?’
Cao Wanqiao could now sense that Bi’er no longer regarded becoming the concubine of the male host as her goal, but was genuinely worried about her position in the palace, and was therefore anxious about Chu’anzhou’s attitude.
In fact, Cao Wanqiao also felt a little strange when she didn’t see Chu’anzhou come over the first day, but she was afraid that if she asked someone to ask, it would make Chu’anzhou misunderstand that she wanted to ‘reunite’.
They had broken up two lifetimes ago, and she hadn’t yet sorted out her own thoughts. If she gave Chu Anzhou hope, and then in the end she still felt that the gap between them was really unbridgeable, wouldn’t she be playing with his feelings? So she left it and didn’t ask Chu Anzhou why he hadn’t come to the hospital.
But after not seeing Chu Anzhou for two days, Cao Wanjiao did feel a little knot in her heart. Could it be that Chu Anzhou really didn’t think she was worthy and went to eat with someone else?

Chapter 50
Cao Wanqiao shook her head. She didn’t even believe her own thoughts. Hmph, Chu Anzhou has been here for a year, and he hasn’t even looked at any of the pretty birds in the backyard, but he only praises her looks!
When she thought about the night of their wedding night, Chu Anzhou’s comment about her face. At the time, she just thought he was being polite, but now, when she thinks about it, Cao Wanqiao can’t help but blush.
What’s wrong with this man? He never spoke to her in his previous life, but it turns out that he always thought she looked good. If he just praised her looks once a day, she would never want to part with him!
Bi’er saw Cao Wanjiao lost in her own thoughts and smiled, ‘Hehehe,’ she frowned and waved her hand in front of Cao Wanjiao to call her back to reason, and then said, ‘Your Highness, why don’t you send someone to Pingtianyuan to ask?’
Cao Wanjiao coughed twice to hide her embarrassment. If she wanted to ask, she could just ask Liu Fu. But Liu Fu had been with her every day these past few days, handling affairs of the palace together, and there had been nothing unusual. Besides, if she asked him, Liu Fu would definitely mention it in front of Chu Anzhou. Cao Wanjiao thought about it for a moment, then called Shun Fu.
Shunfu and Changfu returned to the palace and served by her side as per the previous arrangement. Anything the maidservants could not do for her was much more convenient for the two eunuchs to do.
Shunfu soon came in, and Cao Wanjiao asked him, ‘Do you know what the prince has been busy with these past two days?’
Shunfu was so excited. Unlike the personal maids who could accompany the queen day and night, as an eunuch, he could only stand guard at the door of the room. He still couldn’t figure out the character of his master, Cao Wanquan, and was afraid of talking too much and causing his master to dislike him. Hearing Cao Wanquan finally ask about Jing Wang, he respectfully replied, ‘I heard that the king went to inspect other counties and is not expected to return to the palace for a few days.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned by this news. Chu Anzhou was going to leave the palace to visit another county, and he had planned to be gone for a few days, but he had never mentioned this to her. Why?
Bie’er saw that Cao Wanqiao was in a daze after hearing the news, and thought that she was embarrassed because the prince had left the palace and she, as the princess, had been kept in the dark. She hurriedly put on a smile and persuaded, ‘Your Highness, the prince must have been afraid of worrying you, that’s why he didn’t tell you. Anyway, he’ll be back in a few days, and then you can throw him a welcome home banquet!’
Cao Wanqiao came back from her thoughts, still unable to say what she felt. She instinctively responded to Bi’er, ‘You’re right, at least he didn’t go to eat at another woman’s place.’
As soon as these words came out, the servants in the bedroom were all stunned. Cao Wanqiao thought to herself, ‘Oh no, they must all think I’m a jealous and petty princess!’
But there was no way to take back what had been said. Shunfu also changed the subject to the welcome banquet, singing in tune with Bi’er. Cao Wanqiao let them go. Chu Anzhou must have had a hard time inspecting the county, and it was only right to hold this banquet for him.
Perhaps Chu Anzhou thinks she is too cold and is taking this opportunity to give each other some space? Cao Wanqiao tried to interpret the situation in a positive light. After all, Chu Anzhou was doing his job as a vassal king, and it would be unreasonable of her to speculate about his intentions.
With the excuse of the welcome banquet, Shunfu and Bi’er went directly to ask Liufu about the date of the Prince Jing’s return to the palace. Liufu was very happy to hear that the Princess was holding a banquet for the Prince, and he also offered some suggestions. Perhaps because of the great fanfare, the well-informed Lan Xiaoxiao learned about it and came to see Cao Wanjiao with a flattering smile.
‘You are a wise and understanding sister. If the Prince knew, he would be very happy. We sisters in the harem haven’t seen the Prince for a long time. I dare to suggest to you that we all have fun together on the day of the welcome banquet.”
Cao Wanqiao was speechless when she heard Lan Xiaoxiao say this. Anyone with a discerning eye could see what Lan Xiaoxiao was thinking. She just couldn’t sit still any longer. Anyway, the privileges of the Princess had passed a month after the wedding, and it was time for them to show off their talents.
In the past, Cao Wanqiao quite liked Lan Xiaoxiao. For example, she is like this now, not playing mind games, simply telling you that they should be given some benefits, right? There is no need for Cao Wanqiao to speculate about any plots and schemes.
But she is now in a completely different state of mind. Lan Xiaoxiao is, after all, the woman of her ex-boyfriend. How can she deal with Lan Xiaoxiao’s requests as rationally as she used to?
Bieer was very nervous when she heard this. The relationship between the king and queen had been getting worse recently, so how could they let these vixens from the back garden interfere? Song, Zhu and Mei were also like Bieer. If they encroached on the status of their master, they would not be so easy to deal with!
Bi’er spoke up first, saying, ‘Concubine Lan, Eunuch Liu Fu said that it is uncertain when the Prince will return, and that the welcome banquet may have to be held again that night after the Prince returns home. Our Empress Dowager will also have to ask the Prince first. If the Prince agrees, then you and the others can be invited!’
Song’er smiled gently, but she agreed, ‘Exactly. The Prince is exhausted from his journey and naturally wants to rest. If our mistress invites you and the other masters without consulting us, and the Prince gets angry, our mistress can’t take the blame.’
Cao Wanjiao hadn’t even rolled up her sleeves and prepared to fight before the personal maids, whose fighting skills were stronger than hers, stunned her into silence. Lan Xiaoxiao’s face looked a little bad, and she looked at Cao Wanjiao with pitiful eyes, defending herself, ‘Sister would never let her sister bear any blame. She was just worried that the Prince would be unhappy without her sister to look after him while he was away, and naturally everything would be fine once he returned home and saw her. She just wanted to have some fun with her sister, and seeing how deeply in love the two of them were, she was the first to be happy for her.
Lan Xiaoxiao is truly the number one person in the back garden. Even if she wants to compete for the prince’s favour, she can say that she is thinking of Cao Wanjiao. No matter how much she says, she can’t win against her shamelessness. Cao Wanjiao didn’t know whether to like her or hate her. She took the step down from the ladder in Lan Xiaoxiao’s words and said, ‘I really don’t know when the prince will return. Bi’er also said that after he returns, a welcome banquet will be held that night or the next day. I will ask the prince in advance if it should be held in the back garden so that everyone can have fun together.’
Lan Xiaoxiao let out a sigh of relief when she heard this. In her eyes, Cao Wanqiao was just a simple young princess who didn’t know the ways of the world, someone who could be taken advantage of with a little deception. She was also anxious, because she had heard that for the past month, the prince and his wife had been inseparable. In the past, she had relied on the secret that the prince was unable to personally, she had relied on the secret that the Prince could not perform sexual acts to get the Prince to sleep in her courtyard, creating the illusion that she was favoured, but in reality nothing had been done. Now, the Prince had not set foot in the back courtyard for more than a year, so perhaps Cao Wanqiao had truly cured the Prince’s ‘illness’ and therefore had gained the full favour of the Prince.
But as long as she can get a chance to see the Prince, Lan Xiaoxiao feels that there is still a chance to fight. She happily bids farewell, but Cao Wanjiao thinks to herself, ‘Anyway, whether those concubines in the back courtyard can attend the welcome banquet depends on Chu Anzhou’s decision. However, she is almost 100% sure that Chu Anzhou will not agree.
When that happens, it will be Chu Anzhou’s problem, not hers.
However, Lan Xiaoxiao’s performance today made Cao Wanjiao think of her ex-boyfriend’s women in the courtyard. Even though she knew it had nothing to do with Chu Anzhou, she still felt uncomfortable in her heart, and she didn’t sleep well at night.
She kept her eyes closed, but she wasn’t actually asleep. Her mind was full of thoughts, and she was unable to sleep. She was feeling irritable, and in her daze, she felt something warm touch her forehead.
She quickly opened her eyes, but saw Chu Anzhou sitting by the bed, looking down at her in the flickering candlelight.

Chapter 51
When Chu Anzhou saw that she had woken up, he froze for a moment, touched his lips with his finger, and whispered, ‘So you haven’t slept yet.’
Cao Wanjiao did not expect Chu Anzhou to come back in the middle of the night. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and saw that he looked a little tired between his brows and had a five-o’clock shadow growing on his chin. She asked, ‘Did you just get back?’
Chu Anzhou had long since silently told Song’er, who was on night watch outside, not to wake Cao Wanjiao. He had only wanted to take one look at Cao Wanjiao’s sleeping face before returning to Pingtianyuan, but he hadn’t expected her to be awake. However, the innocent and pure look on her face made him unable to stop looking at her. He continued to sit by the bed and replied, ‘Yes, I just got back. Did I wake you?’
Cao Wanqiao shook her head. The quiet midnight, coupled with the dim candlelight, made her feel an indescribable flow of affection when she looked at Chu Anzhou. She knew even if she was slow-witted that Chu Anzhou must have been very worried about her to appear in her chambers as soon as he returned.
Thinking about this, she couldn’t help but blink first, pursing her lips, feeling very embarrassed.
She was still thinking about whether she should ask Chu Anzhou about the situation of the county inspection, but Chu Anzhou first said gently, ‘The Cao family will soon move to Hangyi, so you can rest assured.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned by this news. Looking at Chu Anzhou’s slightly raised lips, she asked anxiously, ‘Why?’
Chu Anzhou hesitated before saying, ‘I have asked someone to solve the problems with the Tao family and the Tao family’s uncle. I have also ordered someone to help the Cao family move to Hangyi as soon as possible. In short, you don’t need to worry too much.’
Cao Wanqiao was not surprised that Chu Anzhou knew about the Cao family’s predicament. The Prince of Jing was the master of the royal court, and Shunfu and Changfu would definitely have to report the results of their trip to Pinghan to him. She just didn’t expect Chu Anzhou to have already helped the Cao family before she had even spoken.
She felt a little strange in her heart, furrowed her brow slightly, raised her eyes and asked him, ‘While you were away these past few days, did you go to the Cao family in Pinghan?’
Chu Anzhou’s expression hardened. He looked at Cao Wanqiao’s definitely not happy expression and said in a softer tone, ‘Yes, I went.’
Cao Wanqiao’s heart was suddenly filled with mixed emotions. She was silent for a while and then asked bluntly, ‘What did you do there? Tell me everything, including how you settled things with the Tao family.’
Chu Anzhou was not sure if Cao Wanjiao was upset, so he obediently explained slowly: ‘I told the people at the royal court to tell the Eighth Uncle and the Tao family that the Prince Jing knows that they have introduced many marriage candidates for you and that one of them almost got engaged to you. The Prince Jing is very unhappy about this and told them to be careful in the future, otherwise the royal court might hold them responsible one day.’
After listening to this, Cao Wanjiao knew that both the Eighth Uncle and the Tao family were bullying the weak and fearing the strong. They must have been threatened. Of course, Chu Anzhou was not just paying lip service. If they really did not know how to behave, the royal family would definitely teach them a lesson they would never forget.
This was for the best. One was an elder in Cao Daniu’s clan, and the other was the Tao family’s maternal family. It would be difficult to resolve this matter no matter how it was handled. Chu Anzhou had someone warn them on behalf of the royal family, which should be enough to deter them for a long time.
Cao Wanjiao waited for Chu Anzhou to continue, looking at him quietly. Chu Anzhou dared not hide it any longer and said, ‘I heard Shunfu and Changfu say that the Caos didn’t want to move here for fear of harming your reputation. But I saw that you had been preoccupied the past few days, and I had also said before that I hoped they would move to Hangyi, so I went over there to persuade them to move.’
Cao Wanjiao heard him speak so casually, but she knew that Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao must have been shocked when they met him. The King of Jing went out of his way to personally visit the countryside of Pinghan just to persuade them to move here. It was needless to persuade them. They had no choice but to agree.
Cao Wanjiao had a variety of emotions that were hard to describe. She looked at the thin moustache growing on Chu Anzhou’s chin and couldn’t help reaching out to touch it. Chu Anzhou froze in surprise and dared not move. Cao Wanjiao felt the sharpness of the fingertips, as if it was also piercing her heart.
‘My parents…what did they say when they saw you?”
Chu Anzhou was finally sure that Cao Wanqiao was not angry, and he let out a sigh of relief. He replied, ’They seemed very happy to hear that I also agreed that they should move to Hangyi. They agreed without too much difficulty. Since there were still some things to be settled at the Cao residence, I said that I would send someone to escort them here. After that, I returned to Hangyi first.’
Cao Wanqiao imagined the expressions on Cao Daniu and Tao’s faces. Seeing that the King of Jing had even gone to persuade them personally in order to let them move, she was sure that he must have thought that his daughter was being spoiled rotten in the palace and was overjoyed.
She couldn’t help but smile. Chu Anzhou saw this and asked, ‘Are you angry with me for taking matters into my own hands?’
Cao Wanqiao’s eyebrows rose slightly, and she withdrew her hand from his stubbly chin, smiling slightly, ‘Why would I be angry when you’ve done so many good things for me?’
Chu Anzhou was about to smile, but then she added, ‘Since you left the house because of me, next time you should tell me first and not just suddenly run away.’
He readily agreed, nodding several times. ‘Okay, I’ll definitely tell you next time.’
Cao Wanqiao saw that his eyes were a bit bloodshot, so she hurriedly urged him, ‘It’s late, go back to bed!’ Although Chu Anzhou wanted to talk to her more, he still got up as she said. Cao Wanqiao, however, remembered something else and hurriedly said, ‘You sleep well tomorrow and accompany me to look at houses in the street. It’s just that last time you said you would take me to walk around Hangzhou City.’
Chu Anzhou was a little dizzy by her initiative, and although he was happy, he asked blankly, ‘Wouldn’t it be better to take your family to live in the palace?’
Cao Wanqiao shook her head. ‘There are still so many people in the backyard, and I’m afraid that if some unpleasant things get into my parents’ ears, they’ll worry for nothing.”
Chu Anzhou readily agreed to do whatever she wanted, and replied, “Okay, I’ll accompany you to look at houses tomorrow.”
Cao Wanqiao then urged him to go back to Pingtianyuan to rest, and Chu Anzhou left.
She lay back on the bed again and sighed.
This is his problem. He does everything for her, but never says a word. She feels that Chu Anzhou really thinks that these actions are not worth mentioning, but how can she accept his silent kindness with a clear conscience?
It seems that she is gradually figuring out the mind of this man, whom she never understood in her past life. If she hadn’t time-travelled and hadn’t been in the car accident, would she have missed Chu Anzhou forever?
She remembered that the day before she died in the previous life, Chu Anzhou had asked her out on a date, which she had refused flatly. But the next day, he still came to see her, determined to explain what was going on with the female student in his lab. Cao Wanjiao thought to herself that after hearing his explanation, her willingness to break up would probably not change.
After all, the main reason for the breakup was that she didn’t think this man and she were a good match and there was no point in staying together.
But the same man had given her so many touching moments in her life.
Cao Wanjiao smiled helplessly, and with that smile, she finally fell asleep.
The next day, when she woke up, everyone in the Xu courtyard knew that the prince had returned. Everyone was overjoyed, as if it were the New Year. Bi’er applied her makeup, Song’er arranged her hair in a bun, and Zhu’er and Mei’er held the jewelry and clothes as they tried to help her get dressed.
Bi’er was about to say something to make her laugh, but she heard Cao Wanjiao tell Zhu’er and Mei’er, ‘Bring something light, I’m going out with the Prince today.’
The maids were stunned, but Bi’er was overjoyed and quickly said, ‘Congratulations, Your Highness. As soon as the Prince returns, he’ll take you out in plain clothes to have some fun?’
Cao Wanjiao felt like she was basking in her love, and she nodded with a slight blush. Bi’er asked again, ‘Then, should the welcome banquet be held at the concubine quarters? The Prince will definitely want to spend some quality time with Her Highness while he is away, and those vixens should not expect to get a share!’
Cao Wanjiao thought about it for a moment, and said to Bi’er, ‘No, let’s hold it in the backyard. Concubine Lan’s Peony Pavilion is big enough, so let’s set it up there.’

Chapter 52
When Chu Anzhou came to pick up Cao Wanqiao, the stubble was gone, and it was that same clean and gentle face. Zhu’er was putting on a yellow-and-green blouse for Cao Wanqiao. She looked at Chu Anzhou and froze for a moment. It turned out that Chu Anzhou was dressed in a long dark blue gown, unlike the usual king’s brocade robes and jade robes.
He had deliberately dressed in civilian clothes, but he didn’t look at all approachable. Together with his naturally cold and stern gaze, he exuded an air of self-assumed authority.
Cao Wanqiao had naturally also changed into modest clothes, with her hair done in a woman’s bun and only two green jade hairpins. She looked like an immature bride.
Chu Anzhou held out his hand towards her, and Cao Wanjiao gently placed her hand over it. All she heard was Chu Anzhou say, ‘Today, don’t bring those maids and servants, just bring Liu Fu and the four guards. There are too many people.’
When he said this, Bi’er and Song, Zhu, and Mei were of course very disappointed, but the prince was also right to say that if he went in plain clothes and brought so many servants, it would attract unnecessary attention.
Song’er handed Cao Wanjiao a veil-covered hat, which she accepted, and then she let Chu’anzhou take her hand and they went out.
As they walked, Cao Wanjiao asked, ‘Are we taking the carriage?’
Chu’anzhou looked down at the veil-covered hat in her hand and replied, ‘Since you have a hat, let’s walk. We’ll have the carriage follow behind, and you can sit in it when you get tired.’
Cao Wanqiao was overjoyed. She had thought that she would only be able to see the streets of Hangzhou through the car window, but she never imagined that she could go shopping on foot. This made her unable to contain her excitement.
Chu Anzhou was also infected with her happy mood. He looked down at her and silently raised a shallow smile. The four escorts and Liu Fu all sensibly kept their distance and followed behind.
Cao Wanqiao put on her veil and they walked out of the corner gate of the Wangfu. The Wangfu covered a vast area, and Cao Wanqiao felt that she had walked along the high walls of the Wangfu for a long time, taking several turns before she heard the sound of people gradually becoming noisy.
The streets of Hangyi were very different from those of Pinghan. The streets were very spacious, with two rows of shops each with their own stalls. The vendors and buyers came and went, and the cries of the sellers and the sounds of laughter filled the air. Cao Wanjiao deeply felt the vibrant energy of the place.
The group looked like a wealthy couple out shopping, and it was normal for them to have a few escorts. Chu Anzhou had just shaved, and even if some people had met the prince before, they would probably only remember his beard, so they didn’t pay much attention to them.
Even those who were curious about Chu Anzhou’s handsome face were glared at by the guards, and they were afraid to look again.
Cao Wanqiao whispered to Chu Anzhou, ‘I didn’t realise that it was so lively so close to the royal palace. There wasn’t a sound inside the palace.’
Chu Anzhou had been here several times before, but now his thoughts were all on Cao Wanqiao, and he was afraid of bumping into her, even though they were surrounded by four guards who kept a close watch.
‘This street is called ‘Hucheng’. Originally, there was nothing here, except for heavily armed soldiers patrolling back and forth. Later, the previous generation of King Jing predicted that this place should be opened up for merchants to settle in, and it began to become lively. Those merchants also like doing business here. With the royal guards patrolling from time to time, it is very safe.”
Cao Wanqiao was overjoyed when she heard him say this, and she said with a smile, ’It’s so close to the royal palace, can I come here often? It’s just a short walk!’
Even through the gauze, Chu Anzhou could see Cao Wanjiao’s expression of expectation, but he tightened his grip on her hand and said in a low voice, ‘When you go out, you must let me accompany you, and you are not allowed to go alone!’
Cao Wanjiao turned to look at him. Chu Anzhou’s face was serious. She asked doubtfully, ‘Why are you so nervous? Is it that dangerous out there? Could there be any more spies in Hangzhou who would endanger the royal palace?’
Chu Anzhou turned his head uncomfortably and coughed lightly, changing the subject and saying, ‘It’s best to be careful. Although the merchants here can only enter after being investigated, the royal family has also opened a few businesses here. Pretend to be ordinary people, and if there are any strange people or things on the street, they will also notice.’
Cao Wanqiao knew that Chu Anzhou didn’t want to scare her with these dark things. After all, in front of her was such a peaceful and happy scene, who could have expected that there might be people with evil intentions towards the royal family?
She thought that Chu Anzhou usually had to work hard to maintain the safety of Hangzhou, which must be very difficult, and naturally she didn’t want to be an ignorant princess. She shook the hand Chu Anzhou was holding, gave a bright smile, and said, ‘Doesn’t this place look like the little street in front of our old university? I still remember that I especially liked one of the bakeries selling buns. Everyone else hated the thick crust, but I liked it. The filling was slightly salty, just right!’
The guards and Liu Fu all silently moved several steps away from them, following them without being noticed. They were both speaking in low voices, and there was a lot of noise from the crowd, so they couldn’t hear the content of the conversation between the Prince Jing and his wife.
Chu Anzhou looked down at her, his eyes revealing a hint of affection. ‘So you like that shop. Let’s find somewhere that sells buns and try it.’
Cao Wanjiao nodded happily. Although they went to the same university, Cao Wanjiao did not know Chu Anzhou while she was there. This street reminded her of her simple student days in her previous life, and she felt a little emotion and a little joy.
They really found a baozi shop, and Liu Fu went in to buy some for them. Cao Wanjiao noticed that the stall in front of the shop next door sold some small jewellery and things, so she dragged Chu Anzhou over to have a look.
The owner, seeing that they were a young couple, praised them indiscriminately, saying things like ‘he is a talented man and she is a beautiful woman’ and ‘you will have children soon’. Cao Wanqiao blushed when she heard this under her veil, but Chu Anzhou’s face remained expressionless, as if he were quite content.
The jewellery was all very cheap, with the wooden carvings costing just a few hundred coins, and the silver jewellery more expensive, but it was not clear whether it was coated with silver on the outside and wrapped in something on the inside. Cao Wanqiao finally stopped her gaze on a small semicircular wooden comb. She picked it up and looked at it, and saw that there was a butterfly painted in red and purple colours on it, with no handle, so it could be stuck directly into the bun to decorate it, and it was particularly cute.
Chu Anzhou also did not ask her if she wanted it or not, and directly told the boss, ‘I’ll take this one.’
The boss was puzzled. He had been looking at the small wooden comb for a long time and only wanted to pay a few hundred coins for it, but Chu Anzhou didn’t ask for the price. He gave the guard a wink, and the guard immediately took out a solid silver ingot from his money bag and gave it to the boss, saying that he didn’t need to give change. The boss was dumbfounded. This silver ingot could buy more than ten wooden combs, and he had really made a big profit!
Cao Wanqiao nearly burst out laughing when she saw this, but she held back desperately. Doesn’t this look like the CEO bringing his mistress shopping without blinking an eye? Chu Anzhou has a really good CEO vibe, and he doesn’t even have to pay for anything himself, just give him a look and someone will serve him.
She took the little wooden comb, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it. She felt around her cuff and realised she didn’t have a secret pocket, so she handed it to Chu Anzhou and said, ‘Keep it for me.’
Chu Anzhou didn’t say a word, and immediately put it in his sleeve. At this time, Liu Fu was standing nearby, having already bought the buns. He had been afraid to disturb them, but he also didn’t want the buns to get cold, so he took advantage of the situation to quickly go up to them, smiling sheepishly and saying, ‘Please, my lords, eat while they’re still hot.’
Chu Anzhou asked him to buy buns for everyone, and they ate them while walking down the street. This was actually quite normal, but Cao Wanjiao found it particularly amusing to see these big men, each of them fierce-looking, eating soft and plump buns. Fortunately, she was shielded by her veil and felt no pressure. Hee hee!
Seeing her enjoying her meal, Chu Anzhou said, ‘Do you remember the first time we met? You were also holding a bun in your hand and eating it.’
Cao Wanjiao froze. Their first meeting?
Wasn’t it the particularly embarrassing meal they had, accompanied by friends on either side? It was still Western food, so where did the buns come from?

Chapter 53
‘When we first met, how could I have been eating a bun?’ Cao Wanqiao asked.
Chu Anzhou froze for a moment. Cao Wanqiao caught the obvious slip of the tongue in his eyes. She put on an aggressive posture, determined to get to the bottom of this, and then realised that she was wearing a veil, so Chu Anzhou couldn’t see her expression clearly. He had to try to lower his voice and ask, ‘Have you seen me before that?’
Hearing her bad tone, Chu Anzhou hurriedly explained, ‘I didn’t mean to hide it from you either, but you probably forgot. At that time, you were still in school. One time, I was crouching by the roadside feeding the stray cats on campus when you walked up to me and said that you usually fed it too, a small orange and black spotted cat. Later, we fed it together for about ten minutes.’
Cao Wanjiao was shocked. In her past life, she had fed cats with Chu Anzhou, and they had fed for ten minutes? Then she was being rude not to remember him! She remembered the cat. There were many stray cats on campus, and the ones she fed regularly were very affectionate. Occasionally, she would also encounter other college students feeding them together, striking up a conversation and then forgetting about it.
But no matter how face-blind she is, she would never forget Chu Anzhou’s face, the face of the man she liked.
Chu Anzhou saw that her expression was very confused after she saw Wei Sha, so he added, ‘I had a cold and was wearing a mask.’
Cao Wanqiao patted her chest and said, ‘Luckily, no wonder she didn’t recognise Chu Anzhou later.
It was just that they had had this connection before they were introduced to each other by a friend, and she had never known about it. She then smiled and asked him, ‘What did I say to you at that time?’
It was as if Chu Anzhou was remembering the scene at that time, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes. ‘You asked me if this cat was cute, and I said yes. You also asked me if I fed it often, and I said not much.’
Cao Wanjiao also looked forward to what romantic and literary dialogue they had when they didn’t know each other yet. Just like that?
Chu Anzhou looked down at her before saying, ‘You looked at me for a while later and said my eyes looked like a cat’s eyes.’
Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but laugh when she heard this. ‘Really?’
Chu Anzhou nodded. Cao Wanqiao felt a little funny and a little shy. She must have been looking at someone else’s single eyelids and thought their eyes were pretty, so she couldn’t help but flirt with them a little. Oops, she really is shameless!
She blushed silently and pouted a little in complaint, saying, ‘Why didn’t you tell me later? And then you were even introduced by a friend, which is a rare fate!’
Chu Anzhou paused for a moment, a suspicious light redness rising to his cheeks, and he said softly, ‘At that time, I was introduced to many people, and I rejected them all. It was only after seeing your photo that I agreed to meet you.’
Cao Wanqiao was confused for a moment, and at this time, she couldn’t even think about the buns in her hands that were gradually cooling down. Did Chu Anzhou mean that he remembered her during that ten-minute cat feeding session? And then he agreed to meet her without anyone else?
She was not as subtle as Chu Anzhou, and her face turned red under her veil. Her heart was pounding like a drum. She had thought that she and Chu Anzhou had just had a blind date in a previous life and had broken up because their personalities did not match. It was as simple as that.
Who knew that after feeding the cat together at university for a while, she had graduated for a year, and Chu Anzhou still remembered her, not only meeting with her, but also asking if she could be his girlfriend.
She had once thought that Chu Anzhou didn’t care about her, but now she gradually understood the position that Chu Anzhou placed her in. She felt particularly unreal. The relationship that she had experienced that ended without a trace seemed to be so different from what Chu Anzhou felt.
She didn’t know what to say at this time. Chu Anzhou looked down at her from time to time, but didn’t say anything either. Cao Wanjiao gathered her courage and was about to say that he should tell her, but Liu Fu stepped forward at this time and said, ‘My lords, turn the corner ahead and go west. There is a house in the alley inside, which is quite nice, you can take a look.’
It turned out that Liu Fu couldn’t help but go up to them and remind them when he saw that the prince and princess suddenly stopped talking and eating buns, and they walked quickly all the way to the place where they had arranged to see the house before.
Cao Wanqiao also didn’t want to continue dwelling on the topic of feeding cats in college, so the group temporarily ended their shopping trip and started looking at the house. Liu Fu found three places, and Cao Wanqiao finally chose the house they had looked at in the beginning, which was closest to Hucheng Street, which meant it was also Although it was not large, it had three courtyards and about 20 rooms, which was enough for the Cao family. It was originally the residence of an official from Hangzhou, but it was sold after the official was transferred after three years of examination. The original owner was already in the capital, so the agent handled the sale.
Naturally, Chu Anzhou paid for the house, although it was a drop in the ocean compared to the royal household. Cao Wanjiao wanted to tell him that she would repay him once she had saved up enough monthly salary, but she knew that this would surely be embarrassing for Chu Anzhou, so she secretly decided that she would save up her monthly salary and repay him once she had saved enough.
They returned to the mansion and signed a contract with the estate agent, written in Cao Wanjiao’s name and witnessed by the Hangzhou magistrate’s officer. This officer had been tipped off by Liu Fu, who pretended not to know them. This was what Cao Wanjiao had requested. As the Jing princess’s family home in Hangzhou, it would be fine for people to find out later, there was no need for a big fuss now.
The day of the Cao family moving in was drawing near, and Chu Anzhou intended to get it over with quickly. The official in charge of the case then took Liu Fu and the lawyer to the magistrate’s office to register the contract. Four guards stood guard near the entrance, while Chu Anzhou and Cao Wanqiao took the opportunity to continue admiring the house.
Although it was close to the city, the house was quite quiet. Cao Wanjiao stood in front of a shallow pool and looked at it. It was now dry due to lack of maintenance. Cao Wanjiao pointed at the pool and said, ‘Fill it with water and release a few fish. Those three rascals and their baby will definitely be overjoyed.’
Cao Wanjiao looked back at Chu Anzhou and saw that he was standing behind her, quietly staring down at her. When he saw her looking over, he said, ‘Whatever you say.’
Cao Wanjiao blinked, bit her lower lip, gathered her courage, and then said, ‘Chu Anzhou, I was the one who broke up with you in my previous life. I used to think that we would never meet again, but now fate has bound us together. I want to ask you a favor. From this moment on, let’s forget that we were ever involved, and start again as friends and colleagues. Let’s continue to live our lives to the fullest in this time and space, okay?’
Chu Anzhou was stunned for a long time. He had concealed his true identity from Cao Wanjiao in order to win her favour, but it all seemed to have come to nothing after she discovered the three birthmarks.
However, he felt that Cao Wanjiao’s proposal was very good, as it was like giving him a new chance to stand in front of her as the real him. Moreover, he still had a lifetime here to win her heart.
‘Okay,’ he nodded with a determined look in his eyes.
Cao Wanqiao smiled sweetly and held out her hand for a handshake. Chu Anzhou did the same, as if they had struck a very important deal, and they shook hands.
Her smile grew wider and wider, her eyes twinkling with a mischievous light, as she said to him, ‘This cooperation also involves maintaining the appearance of a husband and wife relationship. At tonight’s welcome banquet, you must cheer for me!’

Chapter 54
Chu Anzhou only then realised that there was a welcome dinner waiting for him. Although he only wanted to have a quiet meal alone with Cao Wanjiao, he would agree to whatever she wanted.
Although he understood the meaning of Cao Wanjiao’s proposal, it meant that her current direction of heart was not the same as his.
He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, ‘Okay.’
Cao Wanjiao felt particularly relieved to have resolved the misunderstanding that had been plaguing them for several days. She began to chatter about what should be added to the house. After a while, Liu Fu returned with the deed, which had been stamped by the authorities. Cao Wanjiao was very satisfied to see her name printed on the deed and beamed at Chu Anzhou, saying, ‘Thank you, my lord!’
Chu Anzhou really hoped that at that moment she wasn’t wearing a veil, so that he could clearly see the expression on her face.
He gave Liu Fu instructions regarding the furniture and supplies that Cao Wanqiao had mentioned as lacking, and Liu Fu took note of them, preparing to add them as soon as possible.
With the matter of the house settled, Cao Wanqiao was also a little tired, so she took a carriage back to the palace with Chu Anzhou.
There was still some time before dinner, so the two returned to the Ping Tian Yuan and Jiang Xu Yuan respectively. Cao Wanqiao was surrounded by her maids at the entrance of the courtyard and returned to her chambers. Bi’er said as they walked, ‘I had someone go to the back courtyard to pass on your order, saying that the welcome banquet would be held in the back courtyard. I went there in person to the Peony Pavilion. When Concubine Lan heard that, she was overjoyed. Later, when I said that it would be held in her courtyard, she was so taken aback that she couldn’t speak for a long time!
Bi’er hid her sniggering with a handkerchief. Cao Wanqiao actually didn’t hold that much animosity towards Lan Xiaoxiao. It was just that Lan Xiaoxiao was used to assessing the situation and had to be suppressed so that she wouldn’t use her crooked mind on herself.
And doing it in front of everyone in the backyard was meant to set an example. Even Lan Xiaoxiao couldn’t beat her, so naturally no one else was a threat.
Cao Wanjiao took a nap for a while, and after waking up, she had the maids carefully dress her up. Chu Anzhou, of course, had also changed into the attire of a prince and came to pick her up. Unlike the simplicity of going out of the palace in plain clothes, Cao Wanjiao had four maids and two eunuchs by her side, and Chu Anzhou had Liu Fu and his two apprentices by his side, as well as four strong old women carrying a sedan chair, ready for Cao Wanjiao to use. The group went to the backyard in a grand manner.
Chu Anzhou naturally took Cao Wanqiao’s hand. As soon as they stepped into the Peony Pavilion, all the concubines of different ranks gathered here. Lan Xiaoxiao had been busy all day, arranging the Peony Pavilion and setting up the tables and chairs. She made sure that it didn’t look shabby, and she also had to prepare her clothes, jewellery and makeup, as she was going to meet the King of Jing. It made her dizzy with work.
The concubines were all dressed up and looking their best, cooing and curtsying. When they looked up at the King and sent him their glances, they all froze for a moment, before blushing even more. A few of them couldn’t stop blinking.
Cao Wanqiao looked at Chu Anzhou and realised that these concubines had probably never seen Jing Wang without a beard. She shook her head. What a blunder! Such a handsome face, and they have to share it with the rest of the harem. Doesn’t that just make them burn with even more ambition?
There was nothing she could do now. Fortunately, Chu Anzhou seemed to have ignored them, his eyes fixed only on Cao Wanqiao. He took her hand and led her past the crowd to the table at the head of the room, without even bothering to ask her to stand up.
Cao Wanqiao gave a reserved smile as the couple sat down, saying, ‘You sisters need not be so formal.’
The crowd slowly straightened up and took their seats. Of course, during this time, they sent Chu Anzhou countless flirtatious glances, or made a show of sitting down in a way that made them look graceful and supple. Cao Wanjiao was dazzled by the sight, while Chu Anzhou remained unmoved, taking Cao Wanjiao’s hand and examining it closely.
It was as if these women, taken together, were not as good-looking as his wife’s little finger in his eyes.
Cough, of course, this is Cao Wanjiao’s mental supplement of Chu Anzhou’s thoughts. At this moment, a faint cry suddenly came from somewhere. She looked over and saw that it was a concubine who had not sat down properly and had fallen to the ground, looking limp and fragile.
The others secretly gritted their teeth, thinking that she had used this method to attract the attention of the prince. Well, you can’t even sit properly in a chair and you fell over so nicely. If I let you walk a few steps, would that be asking for too much?
However, no one expected that Chu Anzhou was only attracted by the sudden noise and glanced over, then withdrew his gaze and said indifferently, ‘Whoever you are, you have been rude. Go.’
Before anyone could react, Liu Fu gave a wink to his two apprentices, and they went forward to surround the concubine. They secretly exerted force in their hands to pull her up. They apologized for their rudeness, but the force in their hands was not light at all. The concubine wanted to say something, but she was quickly pulled away.
The Peony Pavilion was once again quiet. Cao Wanqiao laughed and said, ‘It seems that…that person is not feeling well today. It’s a pity that they weren’t able to welcome the Prince with us. Never mind, let’s serve the food and not delay the Prince’s appetite.’
She thought for two seconds and couldn’t figure out which of the two was the concubine, so she just called out after Chu Anzhou.
The crowd was clearly much less imposing. The prince didn’t buy it at all. She had to be smarter later on to avoid losing out.
The dishes were served one after the other, but the crowd was dumbfounded. It was because the always-arrogant Prince Jing had actually given the Queen a wide variety of dishes with a carefree look on his face. The Queen didn’t hold back either, and returned the favour by serving the Prince a lot of food as well. The couple ignored the crowd in front of them and ate happily on their own.
The people below felt like they were chewing on bitter herbs, with a face of bitterness.
Before, they had only heard that the king and the new queen were like glue, but they still had doubts in their hearts. Now that they had seen for themselves, their hearts were filled with jealousy.
Lan Xiaoxiao, of course, could not sit still. She poured herself a glass of wine, stood up neatly, held the glass in both hands, and said to Chu Anzhou with a smile, ‘I would like to propose a toast to the Prince. You have worked hard outside, and your sisters and we, your younger sisters, have all been worried about you day and night. Now that we see that you are safe and healthy, we are beyond words with joy!’
When the others heard this, they all became restless and poured themselves a drink, ready to follow suit.
But when Chu Anzhou heard this, he turned to Cao Wanqiao and said with a gentle look in his eyes, ‘The Queen has been worrying about me day and night in the palace, which is really hard work. I’d like to toast you.’
Lan Xiaoxiao almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. No, it was the Queen who was with them!
But what could she do? The show must go on. Lan Xiaoxiao gave a sad smile and said with a forced laugh, ‘You are the Prince’s wise and capable wife, and we naturally cannot compare.’
After saying this, she gulped down the wine in one go.
Cao Wanqiao did not want to fall out with Lan Xiaoxiao, and she still had to give her face. So she also raised her wine glass and said with a smile, ‘My sisters and I naturally all hope that the Prince will return safely, and our hearts are the same.’
Lan Xiaoxiao felt a little better after hearing this and sat down.
Later, although several concubines also stood up to toast, Chu Anzhou did not respond directly, so Cao Wanjiao had to raise her glass one after the other in return.
However, after the toast, Chu Anzhou took her glass and drank for her.
Instead, everyone ate more dog food as a result, and gradually no one offered a toast anymore.
It is estimated that only the King and Queen enjoyed the meal, while everyone else felt stifled. By the time the last dish was served, Cao Wanqiao felt that she had fed the dogs plenty of food in front of the backyard today, which should be able to shock them for a long time. She was thinking about making a concluding remark.
However, she never expected that suddenly a pale pink figure walked up unhurriedly and bowed to Chu Anzhou, saying, ‘Concubine Yang, I present my respects to Your Highness.’

Chapter 55
Cao Wanqiao looked closely and saw that it was Yang Han who had come forward. She had lightly brushed her eyebrows, painted her lips red, and lightly applied rouge. She was wearing a flowing, light pink dress, which made her look even more like an ethereal fairy.
Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but feel emotional. Looking around, she could say that Yang Han’s beauty was number one in the backyard.
But she still remembered how Yang Han had warned her at the beginning that the King of Jing was cruel and liked to kill, telling her to be careful, and how she had acted so lofty and proud. Now why was she being so proactive?
Lan Xiaoxiao saw Yang Han boldly step forward to attract the attention of the King of Jing, and she couldn’t hold back any longer. Seeing that neither the King nor the Queen had spoken, she laughed twice and said, ‘Sister Han, are you confused? Just now, when the King and you came in, didn’t you greet each other? Sister Han, have you had too much wine and don’t know where you are?’
Many people could hear that Lan Xiaoxiao was trying to label Yang Han as being drunk and disorderly, just like the concubine who had deliberately tripped before, so that Jing Wang would feel ill will towards Yang Han.
However, Yang Han didn’t even bat an eyelid, speaking with neither arrogance nor humility, ‘My lady, I was fortunate enough to be granted the rank of concubine a few days ago, but since entering the palace, I have not formally greeted His Royal Highness. I feel uneasy about being idle in my position, so I am taking this opportunity to thank His Royal Highness for the favour of granting me the rank.’
Lan Xiaoxiao almost wanted to bite her handkerchief. How could she not see that Yang Han was a tough nut to crack? She spoke so openly, but she was just trying to make a presence in front of the Prince! ‘Serving in an unimportant position’ – does she think that she shouldn’t have slept with the Prince after receiving the monthly stipend of a concubine?
After hearing Yang Han’s words, Chu Anzhou remained silent, but turned his head to look at Cao Wanqiao.
Although Chu Anzhou’s face was expressionless, Cao Wanqiao seemed to know what he was thinking, so she leaned over to him, put her hand over his mouth, and whispered in his ear, ‘She was the only one left from the same batch of imperial maidens as me who was snatched in. I just remembered a few days ago that she never had a rank, so I gave her one.’
When the people below saw the prince and princess whispering, each of them was so stifled that they were about to suffer internal injuries. They all shot Yang Han glares, thinking to themselves, ‘She’s so presumptuous, looking on as others continue to show affection for each other. Are you happy?’
Yang Han’s mouth gradually tightened imperceptibly. She could only hear Jing Wang finally speak slowly, ‘The princess is the master of the backyard. You should thank her for your rank, not me.’
Lan Xiaoxiao unceremoniously burst out laughing, and said with a sidelong glance at Yang Han: ‘Sister Han, why don’t you thank your sister?’
The other concubines also burst into laughter one after the other. Although they were in the same situation as Yang Han, without the favour of the master, Yang Han was a loner and her appearance was so threatening that everyone had long wanted to see her fall from power, so of course they were gloating now.
Yang Han’s lowered eyelashes concealed her gaze full of hostility. She took a breath before saying to Cao Wanqiao, ‘It is the concubine who is ignorant and should thank her sister. I hope my sister will forgive me.’
Cao Wanjiao had always had an inexplicable feeling about Yang Han, but her behaviour so far had not given her cause to accuse her of anything suspicious. She was just trying to make a presence in front of Chu Anzhou, which was perfectly normal. Cao Wanjiao smiled gently and said, ‘It’s nothing. Sister, go back to your seat.’
Cao Wanqiao dismissed Yang Han with a few words, without the slap in the face that everyone was expecting. Yang Han had no choice but to return to her seat. Cao Wanqiao then said to everyone, ‘Today’s welcome banquet for the prince was organized with the help of all of you. It’s getting late, so let’s call it a night and go to bed.’
Upon hearing these closing remarks, the concubines suddenly all revealed expectant and sparkling looks, looking over at Chu Anzhou.
Cao Wanqiao hadn’t yet reacted to what those looks meant, but she saw Chu Anzhou stand up and extend his hand towards her, saying, ‘Let’s go back to bed.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned for a moment, and then she realized belatedly that those women were waiting for Chu Anzhou to say which one of them he wanted to take to bed. Now they were all showing disappointed expressions, and the looks they were giving Cao Wanqiao were mixed with jealousy and unwillingness.
But this was exactly the effect Cao Wanqiao wanted. She was extremely satisfied with Chu Anzhou’s support today. She smiled charmingly and placed her hand on Chu Anzhou’s hand, their fingers intertwined, and she received countless envious glances.
The crowd had no choice but to bow respectfully to see the King and Queen leave. Although a sedan chair was prepared, Cao Wanqiao did not use it. She wanted to take a walk to digest her food, so she took Chu Anzhou’s hand and slowly paced back to the front yard.
At the entrance to the Xu courtyard, Cao Wanqiao told the servants to stay away, looked up and smiled flattery at Chu Anzhou, saying, ‘You really came out in force today. I think those women have completely believed that we are really very much in love. You don’t know, they always spread rumours that they want to see me, but who doesn’t know that they actually want to see you! I hope they will calm down a bit after today and stop harassing me.’
Chu Anzhou looked down at her. In the moonlight, her constantly moving rosy lips were practically inviting sin. He let out a long breath. ‘If you don’t like it, I’ll dismiss them all.’
Cao Wanqiao’s eyes widened suddenly, and she hurriedly shook her head and said, ‘No, no, no. If you break them up now, I’m afraid that rumours will spread about me being jealous and petty. This is nothing, but right now the Caos are moving to Hangyi, and they will have to bear the opinions of others about me. It’s better to keep a low profile for now!’
Chu Anzhou naturally obeyed her words and told her to get some rest early. Cao Wanjiao wanted to ask him if he really didn’t have any thoughts about the beautiful Yang Han, but then she felt that she was really being pretentious. She knew that Chu Anzhou had already put all his thoughts on her, and it would be really rude to ask him about this.
But as a woman, Yang Han is really pretty, and it’s easy to see why her husband or boyfriend would be jealous. Yang Han is not as flamboyant as Lan Xiaoxiao, but she is delicate and gentle, with a charming smile. She can be either delicate or glamorous, and it’s hard for a man not to fall for her.
Today’s actions set off alarm bells in Cao Wanjiao’s heart once again. She thinks that in the future, she must pay extra attention to Yang Han and not treat her lightly.
Cao Wanqiao and Chu Anzhou parted ways at the entrance of the Xu courtyard and each rested without mentioning it.
A few days later, the Cao family, accompanied by more than a dozen guards from the royal court, arrived in Hangyi in a grand manner.
They didn’t actually have much luggage, but the Tao family was worried about Cao Wanqiao’s betrothal gift, and they didn’t trust anyone to keep it safe in Pinghan, so they brought it with them.
The gold and silver had already been deposited in the bank, and the rest were rare items such as decorative antiques and silks. The royal family had sent a dozen guards in advance to help them move, and they rode in a carriage with the royal family crest. Naturally, no one dared covet it along the way, and they arrived in Hangyi very smoothly.
The carriage drove directly into the house. Mrs. Tao was holding Cao Xiaobao in her arms, while Cao Daniu led Dapi, Ershu, and Sanmo down from the carriage. The house was already fully furnished and spotlessly clean. The Cao family could hardly believe that this was to be their future home.
They saw Cao Wanqiao and Chu Anzhou walking out of the side room. Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao panicked and hurriedly tried to bow, but Cao Wanqiao quickly stopped them, saying, ‘Parents, there’s no need to be nervous. There are no outsiders here.’
Caodaniu and Taoshi looked at Chuanzhou carefully, only to see him nod slightly back at them. This made Caodaniu and Taoshi feel flattered, and they were even more at a loss for what to do.
‘Sister, I’ve missed you so much!’
Caobaobao reached out to Cao Wanqiao with a soft, plump hand. Cao Wanqiao’s heart melted, and she quickly hugged him and kissed him several times. ‘Sister has also missed Baobao so much!’
Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao, however, noticed that the King of Jing’s body stiffened. They weren’t sure if they were mistaken, but it seemed to them that the King of Jing’s eyes were filled with envy.

Chapter 56
Cao Daniu and Mrs. Tao did not have time to ponder the King’s gaze. Seeing Cao Wanqiao, whom they had not seen for a long time, the whole family’s eyes welled up with tears. Mrs. Tao wanted to ask her daughter how she was doing at the palace, but the King was standing nearby, and she did not dare to ask, looking as if she wanted to say something but could not.
Chu Anzhou sensed the Cao family’s unease and said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘You can stay here tonight, and I will come pick you up tomorrow.’
Cao Wanqiao was overjoyed and couldn’t help but pull his sleeve, revealing a sweet smile. ‘Thank you!’
Chu Anzhou’s expression did not change much, but his aura suddenly became more gentle. He said goodbye to the Cao family again, and Cao Daniu and Tao were a little stunned and quickly thanked him as well.
Cao Wanqiao had brought along four maidservants, Bi’er, Songzhu and Mei, as well as two eunuchs, Shunfu and Changfu, to see if the Cao family needed any help. Chu Anzhou had left so suddenly and left a few guards around the house. In addition, Chu Anzhou had also ordered someone to hire a few reliable cooks and maids.
With these servants, the Caos did not need to worry about packing. The children were busy exploring the new house, while Caodaniu instructed the servants where to put things. Cao Wanjiao led Taoshih to the main room, where Caodaniu and Taoshih would live in the future.
Naturally, Cao Wanjiao’s first concern was the problems with the two families. Tao’s gentle smile said, ‘Now they dare not come to the door. In the past, it was the prince who didn’t care how much trouble they caused you. They really thought they could threaten us to get benefits!’
Cao Wanqiao was still quite angry, and she also sincerely thanked Chu Anzhou. The more than one year she had spent living in the Cao family had given her a lot of the warmth of family. She could do nothing to help the Cao family deal with their problems, and Chu Anzhou was able to help, which she felt was more than she could repay with her monthly savings.
Tao silently looked at Cao Wanqiao for a while, and saw that she was rosy and radiant. Although she had known before that the King of Jing loved her daughter very much, she was only able to be convinced when she actually saw her in person. Especially just now, in front of the King of Jing, Cao Wanqiao was so carefree and unrestrained, which showed that the King of Jing really indulged her, and Cao Wanqiao did not seem to be suppressing her true nature to please the King of Jing. All of this made her, as a mother, completely at ease.
However, she still had many concerns and so she weighed up her words before speaking: ‘How do you get on with the Prince? Are the other concubines respectful of you?’
Cao Wanjiao knew that Lady Tao was worried about her and so she tried to look happy. She said shyly, ‘The Prince is very nice to me and those people in the harem don’t dare to be disrespectful to me.’
Having seen how Jing Wang treats Cao Wanqiao, what she is more worried about now is the part about those women in the back garden. She said with earnest concern, ‘The prince is treating you well now, so you must cherish it. Take advantage of this time to quickly give birth to a son, so that even if the prince has other favorites in the future, you will not be without support in the palace.’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback. Why did Mrs. Tao rush her to have a child with Chu Anzhou as soon as she arrived? Although this was only natural, and the elders all liked to say things like ‘have a son early’, she and Chu Anzhou were only husband and wife in name. What’s more, she was only sixteen years old in this body, and it was not a good idea to have a child so early.
Uh, no, the point is that given their current relationship, how could she possibly have a child?
She nodded vaguely, as if she had taken Dow’s advice to heart.
As for what Chu Anzhou might like in the future, she really couldn’t imagine. She thought that by that time, it would probably be the end of the world for her.
Given her family background, it is unlikely that she will be able to divorce, and her way of thinking is too different from that of the people in this time and space. If there is a child between the two of them by then, it will be even more tragic. For the sake of the child, she may really have to compromise and please Chu Anzhou and deal with all the women in his harem.
Of course, from Chu Anzhou’s perspective now, these things are unlikely to happen, but who can say for sure what the future will hold?
She can’t find anyone else to discuss things with in this time and space, and she has to figure things out on her own. As for Tao, she can say that apart from Chu Anzhou, she trusts no one more. After thinking for a moment, she asked, ‘Mother, I want to ask you, if someone, in the past…a long time ago, wasn’t considerate of you, and was even a bit cold, but now they are very nice to you, why is that?’
Tao was a little puzzled by this question. Her intuition told her that Cao Wanjiao was alluding to the Prince of Jing, but she had not known him for long, so Tao could not guess who Cao Wanjiao was talking about and had to reply, ‘Maybe you have always been very kind to him and he is very touched?’
Cao Wanjiao felt very guilty when she heard this. She was, to be honest, very ashamed of what she had done for Chu Anzhou.
Tao added, ‘There is another possibility. He didn’t know how to treat you well before, but now that he knows how, he has changed his approach. You feel it’s sudden, but in fact, he always wanted to treat you well.’
Cao Wanjiao felt that Tao’s guess was not far off. She guessed that this was how Chu Anzhou was. He had pushed many girls introduced by friends, was only willing to meet her, and took the initiative to get involved with her, but he got nowhere. He didn’t know how to treat his girlfriend well, which caused her to misunderstand.
As for herself, she also had communication problems. She felt that things were not going well and gave up easily, which made Chu Anzhou even more at a loss.
Somehow, in this life, Chu Anzhou suddenly understood and knew that he should go with the flow.
She just couldn’t tell if she should accept him fearlessly, as she had done in her previous life.
In the previous life, they could break up, but what about this life?
The gap in status between them in this life meant that she could not easily give him her heart. On the contrary, in an era when women could only cling to men like dodder, she felt that the only person who could protect her heart was herself.
Cao Wanjiao was unable to tell Mrs. Tao about this, and she sighed silently in her heart.
That night, the family had a long-lost reunion dinner. Cao Daniu was sent to sleep in the guest room, while Cao Wanjiao slept with Mrs. Tao and Cao Xiaobao. They chatted about trivial matters before falling asleep.
The next morning, Chu Anzhou came to pick her up. This time, Cao Wanqiao said goodbye to the Cao family with a smile. They lived so close together that they would have plenty of opportunities to meet in the future.
On the carriage, Chu Anzhou asked Cao Wanqiao if the Cao family was used to the new house and other similar topics, and Cao Wanqiao answered each one.
Although Cao Wanqiao was still smiling, Chu Anzhou always felt that she was a little down.
The journey back to the palace was short, and Chu Anzhou didn’t have the chance to ask. He saw her off to the servants’ quarters, dismissed the servants, took something out of his sleeve and handed it to Cao Wanqiao.
‘I forgot to give you this.”
Cao Wanjiao looked at it and realised it was the butterfly half-round wooden comb she had bought on the street that day. She took it and looked at it for a while, then suddenly laughed, ’In your previous life, you never bought me anything, but this life is different.’

Chapter 57
Chu Anzhou paused for a moment, thinking back to his previous life. Apart from taking her out to dinner, he really hadn’t bought her any small gifts. But he had learned his lesson, and immediately replied, ‘I’ll buy you more in the future.’
Cao Wanqiao burst out laughing, and waved her hands, saying, ‘I’m not asking you for anything!’
She smiled and pulled Chu Anzhou over to sit next to her at the table, and asked him, ‘No wonder I didn’t recognise you before, you tell me, were you this considerate in your previous life?’
Chu Anzhou had actually always known that the two of their lives were very different. He raised a faint smile and said helplessly, ‘I was always quite busy then, about to graduate, contacting a few companies for interviews, and there was also the thesis. Sometimes I picked up my phone to talk to you for a while, but was interrupted by other things.’
Cao Wanjiao was taken aback. In her previous life, she went to the research lab to find Chu Anzhou, and she remembered a female classmate of his saying that Chu Anzhou was going abroad and that she should get out of the way as soon as possible. ‘Didn’t you want to go abroad?’
Chu Anzhou shook his head, looked at Cao Wanjiao with somewhat complicated eyes, and then said, ‘You heard it from someone else? I wanted to explain this to you, but it seems that you don’t care anymore.’
Cao Wanjiao felt a little confused, so she straightened out the order of events before saying, ‘It’s that female classmate of yours who told me that you were going abroad after graduation. I thought, ’I’m your girlfriend, don’t say let’s discuss it, but at least tell me about it. I was a little angry, but I wasn’t refusing to listen to your explanations. I thought that our personalities didn’t really match, so I just let it go. You did try to explain to me the day of my car accident, didn’t you? But then you died with me.’
Chu Anzhou nodded and continued after a moment’s thought: ‘I didn’t plan to go abroad afterwards, and I was looking for a job in China, so my schedule was a bit tight and I couldn’t take care of you. I understand the personality issue you mentioned when you broke up with me, but I think this misunderstanding still needs to be explained.’
Although the matter is in the past, Cao Wanqiao now understands that the original source of her anger was really a petty person acting like a demon, and her complaints against Chu Anzhou are not valid. She began to feel guilty. ‘I see. Then why is that woman still lying? She must have had a secret crush on you!”
Chu Anzhou said indifferently, “I asked her why she was telling you all this, and she told me that she liked me, and I rejected her.”
Cao Wanjiao never imagined that there was really such a malicious female supporting character, and she believed her words. She couldn’t help but scold, ’How could she be so bad! I guess if she knew that you died trying to save me, she would curse me a thousand times.”
Chu Anzhou didn’t think much of it and said, “When I gave up the opportunity to go abroad, she did tell me bad things about you and told me not to change what I had planned because of you. I ignored her.”
Cao Wanqiao stiffened when she heard this. ’What did you say?’
Chu Anzhou realised that he had let slip a slip of the tongue. He instinctively looked away, thinking of a way to cover it up, but Cao Wanqiao came closer and grabbed his sleeve, her eyes wide with surprise. ‘You didn’t go abroad because of me? How is that possible? We’ve only been dating for a month…’
Chu Anzhou felt that there was no way to cover it up, so he lowered his voice and said, ‘I’ve been thinking about it since the first time we met. It’s not just been a month. There’s no point going abroad anyway. It’s just as good working here in the country.’
Cao Wanqiao was still in a state of shock. How much had this person done for her?
Seeing that she was in a daze, Chu Anzhou hurriedly said, ‘Don’t feel pressured. I wasn’t keen on going abroad in the first place.’
Cao Wanqiao silently let go of his sleeve, staring at the crease she had made on the cuff, thinking to herself, ‘Why is this person like this? He changed his career plan for her, but was afraid that she would feel pressured if she knew. Isn’t it common for people to be eager to take credit for it and show it off to their girlfriends so that they will be moved to tears?
She thought back to her past life. Because he was busy, she took the initiative to ask him out to dinner, and he agreed, but only sent a simple and short message saying ‘dinner’. This made her wonder if he was agreeing to her out of obligation.
She tried to ask him out for the weekend and asked if he was busy. He simply replied with the word ‘yes’. She guessed that he had deliberately replied in this way because he knew that she wanted to ask him out.
She wanted to chat with him and get to know him better, so she asked if he was busy. He simply replied with the word ‘yes’, and she felt bad about disturbing him again.
But dare I say that Chu Anzhou’s busyness is all because he wants to stay in the country with her?
Seeing that she hadn’t spoken for a long time, Chu Anzhou didn’t know if she was scared of him, so he pretended to speak in a relaxed tone and said, ‘Anyway, I have a lot of time now, so if there’s anything you want to do, just let me know and I’ll accompany you.’
Cao Wanqiao wanted to scold him, saying that they had already broken up, so it was too late to say that he had time.
But when she looked up and saw his expectant gaze, she couldn’t bring herself to complain. This guy had put the cart before the horse when they were dating, and now she was asking him to be her friend, but he was being so gentle and considerate that she didn’t know how she was supposed to adapt.
She felt that with Chu Anzhou’s boring personality, she really couldn’t pretend any longer, and she had to remind him over and over again how to come clean.
Cao Wanjiao took Chu Anzhou’s hand, placed the butterfly hairbrush in his hand, and said to him, ‘You put it on for me, I want to wear it now.’
Chu Anzhou looked at the hairbrush a little confused, and then looked at Cao Wanjiao’s bun, and asked, ‘Where should I put it?’
Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help laughing a few times at his silly appearance. She turned sideways and pointed above the back of her head. ‘Just stick it into the hair along the hairline, in the centre.’
Chu Anzhou obediently picked up the hairbrush, and for fear of messing up her bun, he fiddled with it above her head for a while before carefully inserting it.
Cao Wanqiao tilted her face to the side and looked back at him, asking, ‘Does it look good?’
Seeing the butterfly look particularly cute on her dark hair, Chu Anzhou nodded. ‘It looks good.’
Cao Wanqiao muttered again, ‘I like this hairbrush. In the future, I’ll have my maids put it on for me every day. Will I get tired of it easily?’
She was talking to herself, but Chu Anzhou replied like a block of wood, ‘I’ll tell you you look good every day, no, I’ll tell everyone you look good every day, so you won’t get tired of it, right?’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned. What was this? She was at a loss for words, and her cheeks couldn’t help but flush a little. Chu Anzhou’s way of showing affection was a bit diabolical, wasn’t it?
‘Don’t worry, I won’t get tired of it. I just need to change my jewellery every now and then.”
Chu Anzhou added, “That’s why I’ll buy you more so you can change them every day.”
Cao Wanjiao felt that she didn’t need to remind him that he had improved a lot in his life, and that he could say sweet things like that. She was a little uncomfortable with this, and turned to face him half-jokingly and said, ’Are you really Chu Anzhou? I didn’t get this kind of treatment in my past life.’
Chu Anzhou just smiled a little embarrassed. He couldn’t bring himself to say it, and after saying he wanted to marry Cao Wanjiao, no one else could be asked, so he had to ask the Wangfu staff. He changed the concept and asked what to do to win someone over.
The staff thought he had some idea or plan for the other feudal kings and offered all kinds of advice, such as bribing with benefits, letting the other person know how sincere you are, solving other people’s problems, and so on.
Chu Anzhou then tried to put these methods into practice with Cao Wanqiao. Before his identity was revealed, he felt that they were quite effective.
Although Cao Wanqiao said that they would be friends again, that did not stop him from continuing to be nice to her.
However, he still felt that there was no need to tell Cao Wanqiao about these things. After all, he was doing it of his own accord from the bottom of his heart. If it made Cao Wanqiao feel burdened, he was afraid they would not be able to remain friends.

Chapter 58
Cao Wanjiao thought to herself, if they could slowly build a deep foundation of affection from the many little things in their daily lives, whether it be friendship, family or love, perhaps she wouldn’t be so afraid that Chu Anzhou’s strong feelings for him would one day be dashed.
Assuming that they immediately returned to being boyfriend and girlfriend, just as they had in a previous life, and were together again quickly, it would be like living on water and clouds, unable to touch the ground, and a little damage could cause it all to flood away.
She was still contemplating her future life with Chu Anzhou, while he just quietly looked at her face. He saw a strand of hair fall on her temple and reached out to brush it behind her ear. Cao Wanqiao looked up and realised how close they were.
“I used to call you Qiaoqiao, remember?’
Chu Anzhou suddenly asked her this, and of course Cao Wanqiao remembered. She had told him that her father loved to call her by her nickname, and it seemed that Chu Anzhou started doing so.
It was just that they had been together for such a short time that he didn’t call her by her nickname very often. She suddenly remembered that after she was abducted to the Prince Jing’s mansion during the selection process and was listening to Lan Xiaoxiao in the Queying Hall, Chu Anzhou suddenly came in and seemed to call her Qiaoqiao. She couldn’t remember clearly, and just thought that since Liu Fu had told him her name and the Prince Jing liked her, he just called her casually.
She didn’t even realise that the Jing Wang in front of her was Chu Anzhou. Now that she thought about it, she was really slow. She couldn’t help but smile with slightly curved eyebrows and eyes. ‘Of course I remember, last life when you first called me that, I was so shy.’
Chu Anzhou didn’t reply, and only then did Cao Wanqiao notice the faint smile spreading in his gaze. She belatedly realised that the atmosphere between them was a little too ambiguous.
She couldn’t help but tremble slightly, feeling a little flustered. Outside, however, she heard Liu Fu call out softly, ‘Your Highness,’ and the lingering emotions in the air were suddenly broken.
She saw Chu Anzhou’s eyebrows tighten in obvious displeasure, and he asked in a deep voice, ‘What is it?’
She heard Liu Fu’s careful reply from outside, ‘Your Highness, this matter is somewhat confidential, and you may need to go out front to discuss it with the gentlemen.’
Chu Anzhou was silent for a moment, but then said, ‘Liú Fú, come in.’
Liú Fú did not dare to delay, opened the door, walked in with his back bent, and then closed the door tightly before bowing to the two of them.
“You tell me what it is first, I’m talking to the queen.’
Cao Wanqiao felt a little embarrassed when she heard this. Chu Anzhou wanted to stay and continue chatting with her, but after showing such understanding, he saw that Liu Fu’s face was a little embarrassed, so he hurriedly said, ‘I deserve to die, for disturbing the king and queen!’
Liu Fu hesitated a little. Cao Wanqiao thought that this might not be something she should know about, so she planned to persuade Chu Anzhou to go ahead. Before she could speak, she heard Chu Anzhou say to Liu Fu, ‘You can tell me here, the queen is not a stranger.’
Liu Fu froze for a moment, and only dared to do so for a short while, before immediately lowering his voice and saying, ‘The spies at the Songzhou border sent a message back saying that the Prince of Lanzhou dressed in plain clothes and entered Songzhou, stopping along the way, but heading in the direction of our Hangyi.’
Chu Anzhou’s gaze suddenly sharpened. Cao Wanjiao thought to herself, it’s no small matter that another vassal king has infiltrated Songzhou without a word. What does this Chenwang of Lanzhou intend to do?
Chu Anzhou’s tone was still very calm as he asked Liu Fu, ‘How many people are there?’
‘When entering Songzhou, there was an escort, but that escort was from all over the country and should be a normal escort company. The escort company that escorted the Prince into the city also returned to Songzhou. Now the Prince is accompanied by a woman, who looks like a couple, and the other two should be eunuchs, a man and two maids. It is not yet known whether there are any secret guards. At the moment, it seems like they are just sightseeing.’
Although Liu Fu said so, even Cao Wanjiao knew that the feudal prince had not even said hello before running off to another feudal prince’s fief, so how could he just be sightseeing?
Seeing her puzzled expression, Chu Anzhou explained, ‘A feudal prince may not leave his fief without an imperial edict. Lanzhou is just to the south of our Songzhou.’
Cao Wanqiao did not dare to say anything about such an important matter, so she told Chu Anzhou, ‘You’d better go ahead and discuss it with the gentlemen. If the Prince of Chen has any evil intentions, you can take precautions.’
Seeing her worried face, Chu Anzhou reassured her, ‘Apart from the army in Songzhou, there are also spies in various places. Someone like the Prince of Chen, who pretends to be an ordinary person, can be seen through. Don’t worry for now. If they make any rash moves, even if there are secret guards, they still won’t be able to escape from my grasp in Songzhou.’
Cao Wanqiao saw him looking so confident, and silently felt that his aura suddenly became powerful. Her heartbeat couldn’t help but quicken. She also heard Chu Anzhou say to Liu Fu, ‘Since the Prince is here and Lanzhou has no owner, send a few people to guard outside the Lanzhou Royal Palace.’
After he finished speaking, he stood up and apologetically said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘I’ll go ahead.’
Cao Wanqiao also stood up to see him off. Although Chu Anzhou spoke lightly, she couldn’t help feeling a little panicked when she heard about such turbulent military affairs.
Although their statuses were worlds apart, she didn’t want to be a burden to him. Before he left, she said, ‘Come have dinner here tonight.’
Sure enough, Chu Anzhou was surprised to hear this and raised the corners of his mouth. ‘Then wait for me.’
Cao Wanjiao nodded with a smile before Chu Anzhou went ahead. Bi’er and the four maids, Songzhuemei, heard this from the side. Bi’er looked at Cao Wanjiao with relief on her face, thinking that her master had finally wised up and knew how to curry favour with the prince.
Bier came forward excitedly, supporting Cao Wanqiao and saying, ‘Your Highness did the right thing. You don’t know, but last night, when you weren’t at the palace, all kinds of evil spirits tried to get an audience with His Highness under various pretexts. His Highness not only rejected them, he simply slept in the barracks.’
Cao Wanqiao was not surprised. After the welcome banquet, not many people had any excuses to see her, and it was much quieter. Even Lan Xiaoxiao might have been thinking about competing for her favour, but to please her, he asked her to play cards, and Cao Wanqiao was still considering whether to go.
She was very happy with Chu Anzhou’s actions, not only had she not been seen, she had also broken the hearts of those people in the back garden. It was really rare to have such a good teammate.
Bi’er looked at the unfamiliar butterfly-shaped wooden comb behind her head and said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘My lady, is this wooden comb part of the dowry? Shouldn’t you change it for a brighter one when you have dinner with the Prince later?’
Cao Wanqiao unconsciously reached out to touch the wooden comb and laughed, ‘No, this was given to me by the Prince, so I should show it to him.’
When the maids heard this, they all showed happy expressions, as they were all proud that their master and the Prince were getting along better and better.
Now that the Caos had been brought over, the management of the back garden also knew the process more or less, and Cao Wanqiao’s life as the Princess Jing had thus stabilised. After two days, Chu Anzhou said to her, ‘The Prince Chen is indeed heading towards the Jingfu Mansion. He handed in a letter today, wanting to come and pay his respects tomorrow. The letter also said that there are women around him, and they may be the Princess Chen. I plan to meet them. Will you accompany me tomorrow?’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned. What did the Chen king really want? He even sent a message boldly asking to meet the king of Jing?

Chapter 59
Since there were women present, as the Princess of Jing, she naturally should receive them. Chu Anzhou decided to hold the banquet in the Pingtian Hall. Although he did not know the purpose of the Prince Chen, as fellow feudal kings, and the other party was so open and aboveboard, it was only right to entertain them in the main hall.
Moreover, by entering the Jing Palace, the Prince Chen was putting himself in Chu Anzhou’s hands.
Cao Wanqiao asked Chu Anzhou, ‘Do you know anything about this Chen Wang?’
He pondered for a while before saying, ‘Lanzhou is also a wealthy place with a flourishing literary scene. Unlike Songzhou, which is known for its strong military power, Chen Wang’s current queen is his original wife. Like the original Jing Wang, she was married by the emperor. Chen Wang’s queen is the daughter of the Minister of Rites, but I heard that Chen Wang and his wife have a very good relationship. I remember that because of this, Chen Wang is seen as being closer to the emperor’s faction.’
‘Close to the emperor?’ Cao Wanqiao frowned slightly. “Could it be that the lecherous old emperor is up to some kind of plot?”
Chu Anzhou, however, was not worried. He simply said, ’They have a few secret guards, which have already been discovered by spies. I don’t think the king himself knows about it, but it’s still pretty normal to have secret guards. Instead of making wild guesses, we might as well wait until they enter the palace and see what they’re up to.’
After hearing this, Cao Wanqiao had no choice but to agree.
Because of the Prince Chen’s different status, the responsibility of entertaining the entourage did not fall on Cao Wanqiao, the princess, but on the staff in the front courtyard. Cao Wanqiao only needed to say a few words to the Prince Chen’s female relatives at the banquet.
The next day, Cao Wanqiao dressed up in her best clothes and specially instructed her maids to make her look more glamorous and imposing.
She thought that if the other party was going to put on an act, she might as well do the same. In the eyes of others, she, the Jing princess from a commoner’s family, must be eager to act like the hostess.
She waited at the Pingtianyuan, and Chu Anzhou went to the front to greet the guests. When a chorus of greetings sounded in the distance, she led the maidservants and eunuchs to stand and look towards the door.
After a while, Chu Anzhou strode in, followed by a young man and woman holding hands. The man was dressed in a simple shirt and long trousers, holding an ink-stained bamboo fan. He had a refined appearance, smiling before he spoke. The woman was dressed in a light blue dress with a pale blue veil. Her eyes were a little small, and her makeup was very stable, but she had a sharp gaze. As soon as she entered the door, she stared at Cao Wanqiao and winked before revealing a faint smile.
At first glance, they really do look like a wealthy commoner couple. Although the Prince of Chen also has the surname Chu and is related to the King of Jing, it is estimated that the generations are too far apart to see any resemblance.
Chu Anzhou didn’t have any expression on his face as he very succinctly introduced Cao Wanqiao, ‘This is the Prince of Chen and the Princess of Chen.’
Cao Wanqiao went up to them and exchanged greetings. The Prince of Chen smiled and said, ‘We’re family, so there’s no need for all that.’
Although he said that, Cao Wanqiao could feel the king and queen looking at her for a while, especially the queen, whose eyes seemed to convey a sense of relief.
She wondered if it was because Cao Wanqiao was dressed so ostentatiously that they looked down on her, or if they were just glad that the king’s taste was so vulgar.
Neither Chu Anzhou nor Cao Wanqiao responded to the king’s words, but politely invited the others to sit down.
They had agreed on the post that the time they came was relatively early, not the meal time, so the Jingwang Mansion prepared a banquet of fragrant tea, cakes and fruits. They sat down first to chat, and the atmosphere was relatively relaxed.
The Princess Chen took the lead and raised the corners of her mouth and said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘Jingwang is older than my husband, so I have to call him brother, so I will also call you sister-in-law, is that okay?’
This remark was clearly meant to get close to the other person, but Cao Wanqiao felt that the Princess Chen’s standard template for the original wife was a bit insincere when she said this to her, and her eyes seemed to reveal an innate pride from the bottom of her heart.
Cao Wanqiao glanced at Chu Anzhou, who nodded slightly, before she said to the Princess Chen, ‘In that case, I will be your sister-in-law, and since you are my younger sister-in-law, I will call you sister.’
The Princess Chen was obviously approaching her thirties. When she heard Cao Wanjiao say this, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, but she still smiled and said, ‘That’s very good.’
The Prince Chen, on the other hand, picked up the cup with tea in it, smelled the fragrance, and said to Chu Anzhou, ‘Brother, the tea here is no ordinary product. I’m really lucky today.’
Chu Anzhou, however, had no patience for this kind of familiarity and asked him directly, ‘What are you doing here in Songzhou?’
Chen Wang froze, put down the cup, and smiled bitterly, ‘I have long heard that you are a straightforward person, and today I finally understand.’
Chen Wang’s wife chimed in, looking at Cao Wanqiao and winking, ‘Sister-in-law, with such a hasty husband, you must put in a lot of effort.’
Cao Wanqiao pretended to be coy and lowered her head. ‘In fact, I’m even more impatient than he is. Yesterday, I kept asking him what the Prince and Princess of Chen were doing visiting us.’
The Prince and Princess of Chen were both embarrassed. They didn’t even want to cultivate some kind of relationship with their relatives. The Prince and Princess of Jing were even better at playing the double act than they were!
The Prince of Chen coughed twice before he stopped laughing and said with a serious face, ‘In fact, our visit has something to do with you, sister-in-law.’
Cao Wanjiao was taken aback. It had something to do with her?
Chu Anzhou’s eyes suddenly darkened. The Chen king and queen were a little surprised. They hadn’t said anything yet, but this person looked like he was ready to pounce the moment he said something bad.
The Chen king quickly said, ‘This matter is somewhat confidential, so please ask the servants to leave.’
Liu Fu stood aside with a hesitant look in his eyes, but Chu Anzhou waved his hand without hesitation. ‘Leave.’
Liu Fu had no choice but to lead a group of servants and wait outside the main hall.
Chu Anzhou looked coldly at the King of Chen. ‘You can speak.’
The King of Chen suppressed his displeasure and still smiled kindly, ‘It turns out that a while ago, the capital received news that you had married a new princess. I don’t know what that person was thinking, but he requested that the Ministry of Rites draft an imperial edict to summon your wife to the capital to meet with him.’
Cao Wanjiao did not expect the Prince Chen to be talking about this. She looked at Chu Anzhou, who obviously did not know that the emperor wanted to summon her to the capital. Cao Wanjiao was a little panicked. She did not want to go to the capital alone to meet the emperor, but if Chu Anzhou went with her, they would undoubtedly be at the mercy of others.
Chu Anzhou, however, was not very worried and just continued to ask, ‘And then what?’
Seeing that the Prince was unperturbed, Chen Wang gritted his teeth and pretended to be very distressed, replying, ‘There seems to be some controversy in the court about this matter. As you know, my wife’s father is the Minister of Rites, and my father-in-law wrote to my wife about this matter. My wife is afraid that if a precedent is set, all the princesses of the feudal lords will also have to go to the capital to see the emperor. . It is not known how long the journey will take, perhaps even years. This is no different from being a prince in exile. My wife feels for your sister-in-law’s situation and has written to my father-in-law, asking him to oppose the person who is determined to have his way. My wife and I decided to come in person because we were worried that you, my eldest brother, would not know anything about this and we were afraid that this matter would be leaked. Let us, brothers-in-law, discuss this thoroughly.’
Cao Wanqiao was a little stunned. This Prince Chen was really good at both singing and acting. It seemed as if he was really worried about the couple, and he even hurriedly left the fiefdom and came as far as the Jingwangfu in Songzhou.
If she really were a stupid woman from a butcher’s family who had never seen the world, she might have been moved by their behaviour and believed it without a doubt.
After a moment’s thought, Cao Wanqiao leaned over and pulled the sleeve of Zhu Anzhou, puffing up her cheeks and pursing her lips, with a quavering voice, ‘My dear, what should we do? I don’t want to go to the capital alone… Right, since my younger sister is so kind, why don’t you accompany me to the capital?’

Chapter 60
The Princess Chen’s face changed instantly. The Prince Chen hurriedly smiled and said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘Sister-in-law, don’t worry. It would be best if we didn’t have to go to the capital. My wife and I came here to find a way to solve this problem.’ The Prince Chen paused for a moment, glanced at the Princess Chen, and said gently, ‘Besides, the capital is my wife’s hometown. If we have no choice but to go to the capital, my wife will definitely entrust her family to take good care of you.’
The Princess of Chen broke into a smile only after the King of Chen gave her a glance, and she said stiffly, ‘That’s right, Sister-in-law, you don’t need to be too nervous.’
Under the table, Chu Anzhou suddenly took Cao Wanqiao’s hand. Cao Wanqiao looked up at him, and Chu Anzhou whispered, ‘Don’t be afraid.’
Cao Wanqiao’s face turned slightly red. Chu Anzhou couldn’t tell that she was deliberately acting scared, could he? And yet he was still comforting her so earnestly.
Seeing their interaction, Chen Wang smiled and said, ‘When I heard that your new wife was not the one appointed by the emperor, I guessed that you must really like your wife. Now I can see that you are very much in love.’
But Chu Anzhou was impatient with all this empty talk. He asked Chen Wang directly, ‘What can you and I discuss when you come to Songzhou as a married couple?’
The Prince of Chen also understood the temperament of the Prince of Jing, and said with a serious expression, ‘Although your father-in-law did not mention it in the letter, I feel that the Emperor’s sudden desire to summon the Princess of the Han Kingdom may have a deeper meaning. To put it bluntly, the Princess of the Han Kingdom was preparing to go to the capital to take the imperial examinations, and the Emperor specifically requested her. Is the Emperor dissatisfied with the Prince of Han for ignoring imperial orders? Then perhaps this is just the beginning. We, the princes, must be on our guard against the emperor’s next move.”
Even after hearing these sensational words, Chu Anzhou remained calm. He glanced at the Prince Chen’s wife before saying to the Prince Chen, ’Your father-in-law, as the Minister of Rites, should understand the situation in the capital best. Just ask him directly. If you consult me, I won’t know what the emperor is thinking either.’
The Prince of Chen was speechless. The Princess of Chen quickly interrupted, ‘Brother, you don’t understand. I am already married and my father is still an official in the court. Even if there is something that is not good for the prince, how can my father honestly tell me? Of course, the family comes first, and there is nothing we can do about it. What my lord means is that if there is any major action in the future, you might consider joining forces with the Chen royal family.’
Cao Wanqiao pretended to be confused, but in her heart she wondered if the Princess of Chen was telling the truth. What if they were the lackeys of the lustful old emperor, trying to trap Chu Anzhou?
But Chu Anzhou did not question this, and after a moment of silence, he said, ‘The edict summoning the Princess of Jing has not yet been issued. You just said that there is controversy in the capital, which shows that the emperor cannot act arbitrarily. In that case, I will wait until the edict is issued.’
Upon hearing this, Prince Chen looked anxious and said, ‘If the edict is really issued, what does my eldest brother intend to do? Defy the edict? Although Songzhou can afford to defy it, defying the edict is a clear way for the imperial court to catch us, and I’m afraid the consequences will be bad.’ He calmed down a lot after saying this, and then smiled lightly, ‘My wife and I have already thought of a plan. My wife will write to the capital and ask your father-in-law to definitely stop this matter. Although your father-in-law is an official of the imperial court, he will weigh the importance of things and know how many waves this edict will cause. While he is at it, he can also ask the emperor to allow your sister-in-law to be officially inscribed in the jade tablet, so that she can be justified.’
After listening to Chu Anzhou, he stared at Prince Chen for a long time, making the Prince and his wife feel like they were sitting on pins and needles. They had clearly proposed such a friendly idea, but why was this person looking at them like they were prey?
It was only after a while that Chu Anzhou said, ‘In that case, the Prince of Jing would be in your debt.’
The Prince of Chen thought that the Prince of Jing had been swayed by their proposal and his eyes gleamed with joy. He waved his hand and said, ‘You need not be polite, brother. As fellow princes, I naturally understand your thoughts. It is best for the Emperor and us to be on good terms, otherwise, we are not an easy bone to chew.’
These words were very revealing. Cao Wanqiao had originally suspected that the Prince and Princess of Chen were here to act as lackeys for the Emperor, but now she was not so sure. Was it really necessary to put on such a show?
The Prince and Princess Chen had overlooked the fact that Chu Anzhou had not directly agreed or rejected their proposal. Thinking that they had settled the matter with each other, the two of them leisurely began to drink tea. The Princess Chen raised the corners of her mouth and said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘To be honest, after travelling with my husband for a few days, I’m not used to inns outside. Now that we’re here at the Prince Jing’s residence, I’m embarrassed to ask my sister-in-law to let my husband and I stay for a few days.’
This was a witty remark, and of course Cao Wanquan could not make the decision, so she looked at Chu Anzhou, who said very firmly, ‘I will arrange a place in the front courtyard for you to stay.’
The Princess Chen still smiled and said to Cao Wanquan, ‘Sister-in-law, their men are staying in the front courtyard, so let them go and play by themselves. I still need to ask you to show me to the back.’
Cao Wanqiao, however, replied innocently, ‘But I’m also living in the front courtyard. Can you live in the back courtyard by yourself?’
The Prince and Princess Chen were both stunned. The Princess Chen’s lips twitched stiffly as she asked incredulously, ‘Sister-in-law, are you joking? You’re the princess, how can you live in the front courtyard?’
Chu Anzhou, however, answered for Cao Wanqiao: ‘I’ve asked her to stay by my side, so she won’t be living in the back. You and your husband will be living in the front with Chen Di.’
The Princess of Chen still couldn’t believe it, but the King of Chen was the first to react, smiling teasingly and saying, ‘My brother really does love his sister-in-law very much and never leaves her for a moment. In that case, we will be troubling you in the front courtyard for a few days.’
A trace of anxiety flashed in the eyes of the Princess Chen, but there was nothing she could do. The hostess wasn’t even staying in the back courtyard, and it didn’t make sense for her, a guest, to go and stay alone in the face of a courtyard full of her husband’s cousins’ concubines.
Since they were going to be staying for a few days, the Prince Chen and his wife didn’t feel the need to rush to make friends with the Prince Jing. The Prince Jing told Liu Fu and the others to come into the main hall and lead the Prince Chen and his wife to the guesthouse.
The guest house in the front courtyard was always ready and could be occupied at any time. The Prince and Princess of Chen then told their attendants to go to the inn outside to fetch their luggage, and they themselves went to the guest house to rest for a while.
Cao Wanqiao stayed behind at Pingtianyuan to discuss the actions of the Prince and Princess of Chen in private with Chu Anzhou. Chu Anzhou spoke softly to her, ‘Don’t worry. They made the imperial edict summoning the feudal princess sound so serious, but it’s actually quite easy to solve. I just want to see what kind of monkey business they’re playing.’
Cao Wanqiao was relieved to see that he was confident, and she asked suspiciously, ‘The Chen king and queen are a bit strange. I originally thought they were sent by the emperor, but they don’t seem to be?’
Chu Anzhou pondered for a while and whispered, ‘I have a guess. Let’s wait until I send someone to find out more. It’s fine for them to stay here for a few days. If the Chen queen bothers you, just pretend to be sick and don’t let her disturb you.’
Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but let out a light laugh. Chu Anzhou really didn’t intend for her to suffer in any way. ‘I’ll see how it goes. Anyway, I don’t know anything, so if she tries to get a word out of me, I won’t be able to talk. If it bothers me, I’ll just pretend to be sick. I’ll do as you say.’
Chu Anzhou was satisfied, glanced at the butterfly wooden comb she had inserted behind her head, and raised a faint smile, stroking the wooden comb.
Cao Wanqiao knew that Chu Anzhou must still be busy dealing with the Prince and his wife, so she took the maids and eunuchs back to the hall of officers.
She left Song’er and Mei’er to guard the courtyard, and before she had sat down for long in the bedchamber, Song’er came up to her and said, ‘Yang the concubine asked to see you today and sent word three times. We all said that you were busy entertaining guests today and asked the maid at the second gate to tell her to go home, but Yang the concubine was very insistent and is still waiting at the second gate at the moment.’

Chapter 61
Cao Wanqiao froze. Yang Han asked to see her?
It hadn’t been the first time. Before the welcome banquet for Chu Anzhou, Yang Han had also mingled with the group of women in the backyard and had asked to see her. It was only once or twice. She thought that although Yang Han had initially acted like she was above it all, in the backyard of this royal palace, she was just like everyone else.
And knowing that she is entertaining guests today, she has been asked to see her three times by word of mouth. Maybe there really is something urgent?
Cao Wanqiao said to Song’er, ‘If she is still at the second gate, bring her here.’
Song’er went as she was told, and Bi’er, who was standing nearby, did not say anything. Everyone felt that Yang Han might really be in trouble and had no choice but to ask to see the queen again and again.
After about a quarter of an hour, Song’er brought the person in. Yang Han did not seem as anxious as Cao Wanjiao had imagined, but instead, she was dressed even more brightly than on previous occasions. Her hair was arranged in a bun, her face powdered, and she was wearing a slim-waisted, flower-patterned skirt. As soon as she entered, she looked around the main hall of the Xu Yuan, her eyes a little anxious. Only then did she greet Cao Wanjiao and pay her respects.
Now Cao Wanquan really couldn’t understand her. Could it be that Yang Han had chosen today to compete for favour? Cao Wanquan then asked her, ‘You seem to be in a hurry. I heard Song’er say that you were waiting at the second gate to see me.’
Cao Wanjiao then saw Yang Han, who rarely smiled, pull a pleasing smile at the corner of her lips and say to her, ‘My younger sister previously wanted to pay her respects to her elder sister, but my elder sister was probably busy and couldn’t spare the time. Later, I didn’t dare to disturb her. My younger sister had a dream yesterday and became a little worried about my elder sister. I thought I had to see you with my own eyes today. If you are safe and sound, my younger sister will also be at ease.’
After Yang Han had finished speaking, she left everyone in the courtyard, including Cao Wanqiao, stunned.
“Sister, you’ve been waiting at the second gate for a long time, all dressed up and looking pretty, just because you had a bad dream and wanted to catch a glimpse of the princess?
Cao Wanqiao didn’t know where to start, rubbed her temples, and asked Yang Han, ’I’m really curious, what kind of dream did you have that made you so nervous?’
Yang Han, however, lowered her head and said apologetically, ‘I don’t know why I had that dream. I’m afraid that if I tell you, it will upset you, so it’s better if I don’t say anything. As long as you are safe and healthy, that’s all that matters.’
Bai Er couldn’t help but say, ‘Did Yang’s dream mean that there is something wrong with our empress? Perhaps you think too much about things in your daily life, and that’s why you have strange dreams?’
Cao Wanqiao scolded Bai Er lightly, ‘Shut up.’
Yang Han frowned unhappily at being spoken to like this by a maid. In her arrogant nature, such a reaction was quite normal. Cao Wanqiao was just pretending to tell Bi’er to stop going too far, but in fact she was really a little uncomfortable about Yang Han’s inexplicable bad dream about her.
Although she was unhappy, Yang Han still apologised to Cao Wanqiao, ‘It was my sister who was reckless. Please forgive her.’ She paused for a moment and then added, ‘I heard that you had a guest visiting with the Prince today. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.’
Cao Wanjiao waved her hand and said nonchalantly, ‘It’s already over. You didn’t keep me waiting.’
Yang Han blinked a few times quickly and then said, ‘It’s not even lunchtime yet, and it’s already over?’
Cao Wanjiao felt a sudden pang in her heart. Did Yang Han want to continue chatting with her or what? Cao Wanjiao thought for a moment, yawned, and then said, ‘What can I say when the prince makes the decision?’
Sure enough, the maids around her were very perceptive. When they saw her yawn, they gathered around to serve tea and massage her shoulders. Bi’er, acting like the domineering and loud-mouthed eldest maid, said to Yang Han, ‘Yang concubine, our mistress has been entertaining guests all morning and is tired. If you have nothing to do, please go home first.’
Yang Han, however, hesitated, wanting to say something more, but was half-persuaded and half-pushed by the maidservants and women serving at the side to leave the hall.
After Cao Wanqiao and the others had left, they instructed Song’er, ‘Go ask Yang Shicheng what she did before asking to see me. Also, when she goes back, keep an eye on what she does and let me know.’
Song’er went to find out as she was told. Bi’er muttered disdainfully, ‘Does this concubine Yang still harbour delusions of running into the Prince here? Dressed up like that, is she trying to seduce the Prince in front of Her Highness?’
This was a bit much, and Bi’er knew she had said something inappropriate. She covered her mouth with her hand and looked anxiously at Cao Wanjiao.
Cao Wanqiao just absentmindedly scolded her a little, but because of Bi’er’s words, she suddenly realised that Yang Han was dressed differently from her usual plain and pure appearance, and she must have some kind of purpose.
She pondered for a while before Song’er returned to report, ‘My lady, we have someone keeping an eye on Concubine Yang. As for Concubine Yang’s actions before she asked to see you, preparations were made last night because of the guests in the front courtyard. Some servants in the back courtyard gossiped, and while some of the masters just asked a few questions, Concubine Yang caught the servant who let slip and questioned her for a long time, as if she wanted to know who the guests were. However, the servants didn’t know and couldn’t answer her.’
The Prince and Princess of Chen had left their fiefdom to come to the Prince Jing’s residence in Songzhou, and naturally this could not be leaked. They had just been welcomed into the Pingtian Courtyard from the gate, and the servants did not know who the visitors were. Only Liu Fu and the staff knew.
Cao Wanqiao deeply felt that Yang Han was even more elusive than she had thought, and all day long she kept thinking back on all of Yang Han’s actions since they had been abducted to the Prince Jing’s residence together.
When it was time for dinner, Chu Anzhou arrived at the Xu Yuan. Cao Wanjiao mysteriously dismissed everyone and led Chu Anzhou to the bedroom, whispering to him, ‘Can you find out about the background of that Yang Han in the back courtyard?’
Chu Anzhou’s eyebrows rose slightly, and he first answered, ‘Yes,’ before asking, ‘Why?’
Cao Wanqiao was still trying to figure out how to convince Chu Anzhou that Yang Han was strange, but Chu Anzhou immediately agreed to investigate her without saying a word. Cao Wanqiao found this a little funny and couldn’t help but ask him, ‘Do you not remember who Yang Han is?’
Chu Anzhou said with a face full of reason, ‘No.’
Cao Wanqiao laughed even more happily, but she was still thinking about the important matter. She coughed lightly twice and said, ‘At the last welcome banquet, a woman came forward at the end to pay her respects to you. I said that she was the woman who had originally been supposed to join the talent show with me.’
Chu Anzhou still had some recollection of this, so he nodded.
Cao Wanqiao continued to explain, ‘She asked to see me today, and I felt that she was a bit strange, so I had someone keep an eye on her.’ She briefly described the process of Yang Han paying her respects, and then added, ‘It seemed like she just kept asking what kind of guests were being entertained today, and didn’t do anything else. But it was still very strange. She’s the daughter of the county magistrate’s chief clerk, and because she was kidnapped and taken to the Prince Jing’s mansion, she had to go to the family temple when she returned home, and only then did she stay at the mansion. Logically, she shouldn’t have any contact with the outside world, so why was she inexplicably concerned about our guests today?’
Moreover, Chu Anzhou and Cao Wanjiao both knew very well how ‘special’ this guest was.
After listening, Chu Anzhou nodded again and said, ‘I understand. I will have someone look into it.’
Cao Wanjiao felt much more at ease after telling Chu Anzhou about her suspicions. She didn’t know if Yang Han’s actions were serious or not, so she could only analyze them one by one for Chu Anzhou to know, for fear that he would not think it was a big deal at all.
Fortunately, Chu Anzhou blindly trusted her.
Cao Wanjiao was very happy about this.
She had originally wondered if Chu Anzhou would think that she was jealous of the beautiful Yang Han and looked down on her. Perhaps this was a little dark in her heart. She couldn’t explain why she had made up a bunch of doubts, whether it was because Yang Han was too beautiful and she paid too much attention to her.
Cao Wanqiao once again fell into her own thoughts without realising it. She heard Chu Anzhou say, ‘She even used having nightmares about you as an excuse. This kind of behaviour must not be encouraged. I’ll have her punished by being confined to her room and copying sutras. If she does more good deeds, she won’t dream so much.’

Chapter 62
Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but freeze for a moment after hearing this, and her heart started pounding wildly a little while later.
She had originally thought that since Yang Han’s behaviour was strange, she could observe her actions over the next few days, but she had not expected Chu Anzhou to immediately have her confined to her room and make her copy sutras.
Rationally, she wanted to suggest that Chu Anzhou lure the snake out of its hole, but when she saw the way Chu Anzhou looked at her, with such concentration and tenderness, she could not help but swallow her words.
Forget it, let people think that the King of Jing doesn’t even allow her to have a nightmare about her, and let people think that she is arrogant because of her privileges.
Her cheeks were a little warm, and she couldn’t help but touch her face before saying, ‘If you find anything strange about Yang Han’s background, remember to tell me, I’m a little curious.’
Although Chu Anzhou didn’t want to let Cao Wanjiao worry about these insignificant people, since she had asked so, he naturally had no choice but to agree, so he nodded.
‘By the way, I have discussed with my staff how to deal with the imperial decree summoning you to the capital, so you don’t need to be afraid of owing the Prince and Princess Chen a favour.’
Upon hearing Chu Anzhou say this, Cao Wanjiao hurriedly asked, ‘What is the plan?’
Chu Anzhou paused for a moment and smiled lightly, ‘I don’t know yet if it will work. There may be other things that need to be dealt with afterwards. You’ll know if it succeeds. I’ll try it first.’
Although Cao Wanqiao really wanted to know, Chu Anzhou might have a reason not to say, so she didn’t rush to pursue it. She came up with a stupid idea on her own: pretending to be sick. If she was sick, she wouldn’t be able to travel far, and she could also stay sick for a long time. The emperor couldn’t force a sick vassal princess to go to the capital, right?
She thought that if Chu Anzhou’s method did not work, she would suggest it to him again, but she did not say it out loud.
The next day, she slept late as usual. Who knew that Bi’er gently woke her up and said that the lady who was temporarily staying in the royal palace had come to talk to her. Cao Wanjiao suddenly opened her eyes.
Has the Princess of Chen come to see her so soon? Indeed, Chu Anzhou was right. This Princess of Chen might probably pester her to do something.
She immediately got up and told her maids to get ready. It took more than a moment, and the Princess Chen was waiting in the main hall of the courtyard.
When Cao Wanqiao walked out in light makeup and casual clothes, she said apologetically to the Princess Chen, ‘I kept you waiting. I usually don’t wake up until this time, so it took some time.’
The Princess Chen was very surprised that Cao Wanqiao, as a princess, could sleep until the sun was high in the sky. She also gained a new understanding of how much the Prince Jing loved this new princess. This was completely different from her daily life as the Princess Chen. She had to preside over the entire kitchen of the royal palace, wake up before dawn every day, and accept the greetings of the concubines. The Princess Jing didn’t even live with the concubines, so how could they be treated so differently even though they were both princesses of the same clan?
The Chen Princess suppressed the injustice in her heart and the jealousy she hadn’t realised she felt, and smiled at Cao Wanqiao, saying, ‘I knew you wouldn’t be free at this hour, so I’ll come back later. It’s not a big deal. As a guest, I always want to say hello to you.’
Cao Wanqiao waved her hands, saying, ‘You don’t need to be so polite. You are our honoured guests, so just feel free to stay. I don’t mind. I feel uneasy that you came especially to say hello to me.’
This was meant to spare the Princess Chen the trouble of having to come and speak to her in the future. The Princess Chen naturally heard this and was displeased. Did she want to come? But thinking about her husband’s grand plan, she had to swallow her pride and said with a thick face, ‘I feel a strong affinity with you as soon as I saw you. We must take advantage of the time when my husband and I are staying here to chat more. Of course, I will come a little later tomorrow so as not to disturb you.’
Cao Wanqiao was not surprised that she was so clingy. After all, the worst that could happen was that she would feign illness early, and the Princess Chen could not keep pestering her. So at the moment, she just smiled politely and said, ‘My sister and I come from very different backgrounds, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep you company and you won’t find it interesting.’
Hearing this, the Princess Chen felt a little embarrassed. She had never expected the Princess Jing to so openly talk about her background. But she couldn’t say that she agreed with her, could she? So she just smiled and said, ‘Sister-in-law, you shouldn’t belittle yourself. As for fate, why talk about background? You have become my sister-in-law, which means we have a strong connection. We should see each other often in the future.’
‘Frequent contact?’ Cao Wanjiao felt that this was a bit of a strange thing to say, and without thinking about it, Bi’er came up to her and asked, ’My lady, would you like to have breakfast here?’
Before Cao Wanjiao could say anything, Princess Chen stood up politely and said, ‘I’m sorry to disturb you while you’re eating. I’d rather come back tomorrow to talk to you. Please don’t mind me.’
Cao Wanjiao didn’t expect her to leave so quickly, and she was stunned. She politely offered to let her stay for lunch, but Princess Chen said she had already eaten and didn’t dare to continue to trouble her.
Cao Wanjiao was a little confused. She asked Bi’er to show the Princess Chen the way out, but the Princess said that her maid was waiting outside and she didn’t need any directions, so Cao Wanjiao didn’t bother and simply said goodbye.
But she still thought about it for a moment, called Song’er, and told her to follow the Princess Chen, saying that she was afraid that they, the master and servant, would get lost. Song’er went as she was told.
Cao Wanjiao returned to her chambers to eat alone, but Song’er took a long time. She finished her breakfast before Song’er walked in with a puzzled look on her face and reported, ‘Your Highness, that lady and her maid did not take the road back to the guesthouse, but instead walked towards the back courtyard. I thought they were really lost, so I followed them to warn them, but…’
Song’er paused, obviously not knowing whether to speak up. Cao Wanjiao then said, ‘What’s wrong? It’s okay, if you feel strange, just tell me, I won’t think you’re being paranoid.’
The servants around her only knew that the Princess Chen was a guest and did not know her real identity, so Song’er didn’t know whether she should doubt the guest like this, and she hesitated about whether to report it, for fear of spoiling the friendship between her master and the guest. After hearing Cao Wanjiao say this, Song’er plucked up her courage and replied, ‘I went up to remind them of the direction of the guesthouse, and they said they had accidentally lost their way. They also asked me if they had almost walked to the front yard . I said no, and that they had been walking in the direction of the back courtyard. Then the lady said she wanted to go back to the guesthouse. I watched them turn and leave, and I planned to go back to the courtyard as well. But I was thinking about what you had told me, and I felt that it would be better to see them return to the guesthouse. So I returned to the original path, and I didn’t expect to see that lady and her maid walking back the way to the back courtyard.
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback. What did the Princess of Chen want?
Song’er continued, ‘I felt strange at the time, so I didn’t say anything, just watched as the lady and her maid fumbled their way to the second gate. The gatekeeper asked who they were, and they answered, saying they were lost. But I saw the lady looking behind the second gate several times. Later, the gatekeeper asked them to go back to the guesthouse, and they left.’
After listening to Cao Wanjiao, she thought for a while before saying to Song’er, ‘Well done. Tomorrow, when the lady comes again, you will personally escort them back to the guest house.’
Song’er nodded in agreement. Cao Wanjiao then called over Bi’er and asked what was unusual in the back courtyard today. Bi’er loved to keep an eye on the concubines in the back courtyard and immediately replied, ‘They heard that the prince had punished Yang, the concubine, for disobeying the empress by grounding her and making her copy sutras. They whispered to each other about it in private. I I think they are all jealous of you. Also, Yang’s reaction was a bit extreme, she even tried to disobey the prince’s order and ran out, but she was stopped by the maids and servants. I heard that Yang couldn’t sit still all day and smashed things in the house!”
Cao Wan murmured, ‘This is quite a contrast to Yang Han’s usual character…’
When Chu Anzhou came over in the evening, Cao Wanqiao asked him quietly, ‘Did Yang Han have anything to do with Lanzhou before she was married?’
Chu Anzhou was taken aback and asked her in return, ‘How do you know?’

Chapter 6 3
Cao Wanjiao heard Chu Anzhou’s question and knew she was right. She asked, ‘Have you found out anything about Yang Han? Don’t underestimate the amount of information a woman can obtain in the backyard. After all, she is still under my control, and I can know about any little move she makes.’
Chu An Zhou looked at Cao Wanjiao’s smug expression and found it cute. He couldn’t help but touch her face with the back of his hand before saying, ‘I don’t underestimate you. You’re very clever. I know.’
Cao Wanjiao touched the cheek he had touched. This person praised her as if she were a child. She muttered discontentedly, ‘Why do you always like to touch my face like this?’
Chu An state, stunned, before saying, ‘I was going to pinch you, but I was afraid I’d make it red. Your skin is so white and soft.’
What kind of straight man’s description is this? Is he not describing a bun? Cao Wanqiao was completely speechless at Chu Anzhou’s choice of words.
‘Forget it, just tell me what you found out about Yang Han.’
Chu An Zhou slowly said, ‘Although Yang Han’s father is now the chief clerk of the Gaoya County government in Songzhou, his family used to live in Lanzhou. Her father worked as a clerk in Huting County, Lanzhou, for six years. He was only promoted to chief clerk last year after passing the assessment. Huting County is where the Prince Chen’s hunting ground is located. The Prince Chen goes hunting there every spring and autumn.’
Although Although Chu Anzhou did not explain Yang Han’s relationship with the Chen Wangfu clearly, Cao Wanqiao understood it roughly and asked, ‘Yang Han is only sixteen years old now, which means she grew up in Lanzhou. If the Yang family had a relationship with the Chen Wangfu there, then Yang Han’s appearance in our Jing Wangfu now is very problematic, isn’t it?’
Chu Anzhou explained the logic to her: ‘Yang Han’s father only passed the imperial examinations, and the family has no background, so he only got the position of a magistrate. He stayed in Huting for six years, and it was very difficult to get promoted without a lobbyist. My people are still investigating in Lanzhou, but I guess Yang Han’s father is working for Prince Chen. Given the power of the Chen princess’s family in the capital, it would be easy to transfer him to Songzhou. And it is very likely that they learned about the imperial examination last year and made preparations in advance. They knew that the Prince Jing’s palace had once kidnapped a woman who went to the capital for the imperial examination, and took advantage of the situation to send Yang Han in.”
Cao Wan Qiao were both a little creepy. The Chen Royal Family had actually targeted the Jing Royal Family so early and prepared for Yang Han? Based on the Jing Royal Family’s past experience of keeping the women selected in the imperial examinations in the palace, and even Lan Xiaoxiao becoming a secondary consort, the Chen Royal Family was simply trying to use this backyard to plant a spy in the Jing Royal Family.
She was really scared now, and grabbed Chu Anzhou’s sleeve and asked, ‘What do they want? If they are the emperor’s men, although the Princess Jing died last year, the side consort Fang is still here, so why did they arrange for someone else to come?’
Chu Anzhou, however, remained as calm as ever. He took Cao Wanqiao’s hand in his and reassured her, ‘Precisely because of this, I suspect that the Prince Chen does not have a cooperative relationship with the emperor, but has his own plans.’
Cao Wan Qiao was taken aback. ‘Another plan?’
The Prince is already the king of his territory, what else could he possibly want?
As soon as she thought about it, Cao Wanqiao immediately understood, and with a blink of her eyes she asked Chu Anzhou, ‘Could it be that he wants to…?’
Although they didn’t say it out loud, the two of them had an unspoken understanding, and Chu Anzhou nodded slightly. ‘This is a very likely possibility. My spies are currently investigating the military strength of Lanzhou and the personal guards of the Prince’s Mansion, but I suspect that it is most likely the case.’
Cao Wan Qiao never thought that she would have to worry about such a major event when she came to this time and space. This is not something she can solve by just keeping an eye on the back garden of the Prince of Jing’s residence. She looked at Chu Anzhou helplessly, ‘Is there going to be a battle? Are you going to lead troops into battle?’
Seeing her like this, Chu Anzhou instinctively put his arms around her and let Cao Wanqiao’s head rest on his chest.
“Don’t be afraid. If the Prince of Chen were that capable, the battle would have already started. Lanzhou is flourishing with culture, but its military strength is not strong. Otherwise, he would not have used such a roundabout method to plant spies in the Prince Jing’s court. I guess he wants to use Yang Han, and this imperial edict summoning the feudal princess, to make me owe him a favour and feel good about him, so that we can cooperate.”
Cao Wanqiao suddenly found herself in his arms. She really forgot her fear for a moment and was completely confused.
It took her a before long, but she did not push away Chu Anzhou. She looked up at him and asked, ‘What would you do if he really asked for your cooperation?’
Chu Anzhou had originally just wanted to comfort her, and without thinking too much, he embraced her. Now that he had come to his senses, he realised that Cao Wanqiao did not push away either. He felt that the person in his arms was delicate and soft, and she was still looking up at him like this. It took him a lot of effort to suppress the urge to bow his head and kiss her.
They They are still just friends, friends who support each other in this time and space. He is afraid that if he gives in to his impulses now, Cao Wanqiao will only hurt his pride and not refuse him.
However, what he wants is her willingness.
Chu Anzhou coughed twice uneasily, turned his head away, and whispered, ‘Of course it’s best not to fight. What’s the point if everyone who dies is a civilian? I think Although the current emperor is a bit confused, he is not a tyrant. To overthrow the current imperial court for no reason cannot guarantee that the next one will be better. Of course, we should wait until my people have obtained more definite information from Lanzhou before making a decision. For now, you don’t need to worry about this.”
He still had something to say to Cao Wanqiao. He suspected that the emperor’s edict summoning the feudal princess was also related to the Prince Chen. If so, then the Prince Chen must also have made arrangements around the emperor, which would be difficult.
However, remained relatively calm. The Prince of Chen’s actions had been despicable, and he did not at all seem like the chosen one of heaven. At least, even if the current emperor was a tyrant, he would not choose to cooperate with the Prince of Chen.
He was afraid that if he told Cao Wanjiao about these things, she would become even more afraid of the Prince and his wife, so he played down the matter.
Sure enough Cao Wanqiao felt a little embarrassed when she heard Chu Anzhou speak so lightly about it, thinking that she had overreacted a bit. Blushing slightly, she quietly broke free from his embrace and couldn’t help but warn him again, ‘If the Prince of Chen is really dangerous, don’t go against him. I’ll go to the capital myself as ordered, and I can also take a look at the situation there and let you know.’
After all, she was not a woman of this era, and she had no choice but to be a puppet behind her husband’s back, taking care of household matters and listening to her husband in everything else.
In the past, thought she was the only one who had travelled back in time and had to be careful. Although she had lived that way, since learning that Chu Anzhou had also come, no matter how many conflicts and entanglements there were between the two, she could not imagine how she could continue to persevere in this world without Chu Anzhou.
However, Chu Anzhou flatly rejected her proposal, saying sternly, ‘I can’t let you go to the capital on your own. Don’t say anything more about this.’
Cao Wan Qiao still wanted to say something, but Chu Anzhou decisively told the servants to bring the evening meal over, so she had to shut up.
Chu Anzhou had never stopped her from speaking like this before, but she knew that he was worried about her safety, did not want her to take risks, and did not want her to have such a desire.
The two sat down and had dinner. Cao Wanqiao changed the subject and said, ‘I don’t know what the Prince of Chen promised the Yang family, but he sent his daughter to the Prince of Jing’s household. And, judging from Yang Han’s attitude, although she is proud, she is still willing to lower herself to please me. I don’t understand. Did the ancients sacrifice for their families and were they willing to go to such lengths?’
Chu An Zhou had never looked Yang Han in the eye, and had only learned about her from Cao Wanqiao’s analysis. He said, ‘She may not be willing to sacrifice herself, otherwise she wouldn’t have let you see the contradiction, or the Prince of Chen would not have threatened her family’s lives.’
Cao Wan Qiao thought for a moment. Given Yang Han’s beauty, she really had a good chance of charming a man. If Chu Anzhou hadn’t travelled back in time, and if the King of Jing had been himself, even if he had been unable to act, he might still have been willing to get close to such a beauty.
There were just too many candidates for the role of using a beauty to confuse the King of Jing. Yang Jia was promoted to Songzhou, and then gambled that the Jing Wang Mansion would kidnap someone. It was unlikely that the Yang family would just submit to threats.
Definitely The Yang family themselves were probably willing, and even actively cooperated with the Prince of Chen. But Yang Han’s attitude towards being abducted to the Prince of Jing’s mansion was not at all willing.
Cao Wanqiao had a flash of inspiration, and said to Chu Anzhou, ‘Let’s do this. We might be able to use a reverse strategy. The Yang family is still in office in Songzhou. The Prince of Chen can promise them benefits, and so can you! I don’t think Yang Han doesn’t really want to be the concubine of the Prince of Jing, so perhaps we can find out her intentions.”
Seeing her so clever and resourceful, although Chu Anzhou wanted to deal with the Prince of Chen in a more direct and decisive way, since Cao Wanqiao had already come up with a plan, he was willing to let her try.
He asked ‘What exactly should I do?”
Cao Wanjiao did some mental arithmetic and said, “How about this: I’ll say that I’ve generously forgiven her for the nightmare. She’ll definitely want to thank me. You can be there too. I’ll make an excuse to leave, leaving you two alone for a while. See if Yang Han really makes a move on you. If she does, I won’t hold back. If not, I can understand. It’s not easy for her. A sixteen-year-old girl doing something dangerous like this for her family. I can talk to her about it.”
Chu An The whole conversation focused on Cao Wanqiao’s remark, ‘I won’t hold back,’ and Chu Anzhou couldn’t help but look at her with a doting gaze. Did this mean that Cao Wanqiao didn’t want to see him being seduced?
He said gently, ‘Fine, whatever you say.’
Cao Wanqiao was delighted to have his support, and her smile curved up to her eyes. She felt very happy at being unconditionally trusted.
She didn’t didn’t want to waste any time, so the next morning she had Yang Han summoned as soon as possible. The Princess of Chen knew her routine, and since she would only be visiting in the afternoon, she took advantage of the early morning to get it done.
Chu Anzhou simply came to have breakfast with her. When Yang Han arrived, he saw the King and Queen of Jing spooning each other food, looking sweet and loving.
Yang Han was surprised to see the King of Jing here. Could it be that the Queen intended to humiliate her in front of the King?
However, she could only grit her teeth and bear it. As long as she was not grounded, that was fine. When that person finally came to Songzhou, she would carry out her plan as soon as possible, so that he would know that she had been working hard for him, and that only she had truly given of herself without reservation.

Chapter 64
Yang Han She had known Prince Chen for a long time. At that time, Prince Chen came to Huting County to go hunting, accompanied by local officials. Her mother even went to help in the kitchen, for fear of delaying the meal for the most noble Prince Chen in Lanzhou. The family was poor, and no one took care of her and her younger brother, so her mother secretly took the two children to the camp.
Her younger brother was playful, and she ran out of the camp to start the stove to take care of him, and accidentally bumped into Prince Chen.
All all her fears suddenly disappeared because of the gentle smile of the Prince. From then on, her world revolved around the Prince.
The Prince not only did not punish them, but also summoned her father in person. After that, the treatment of their family improved significantly. Everyone in the county government treated her father with great respect. She had a maid, a foster mother, beautiful clothes and jewellery. Her foster mother quietly told her that she would enter the palace in the future to serve the Prince.
She always remembered the man who had brought happiness to her family, and day after day she thought about how, once she entered the palace, she would do her best to repay him.
But the wheel of fate was not something she could control. On the eve of her marriage, when she was about to enter the Prince Chen’s palace, her father’s three-yearly posting was suddenly upgraded, and he was transferred to Songzhou. She panicked and asked her father to beg the Prince Chen to let her in, but her father told her with a grave face that this was the Prince Chen’s plan.
The Prince Chen had changed his mind and would not let her enter the Chen royal household. Instead, she would go to the Jing royal household and try to win the affection of the Jing king, as the Chen king had planned.
No matter how long it took, Yang Han was as confused as when she first received the news. She did not understand why her imagined life had suddenly taken a turn. She just wanted to be by the Chen king’s side, even if she was only a foot maid, so that she could look up to him every day.
But now now she has to pretend to be a girl preparing to go to the capital for the imperial examination, but unexpectedly she was robbed and taken to the Prince Jing’s palace. Apart from the Prince, she has never wanted to marry anyone else. When she was in Huteng, her neighbours and relatives all tacitly agreed to her future status, and she has never suffered hardship since then. But now she has to eke out an existence at the bottom of the back garden of the Prince Jing’s palace, trying to get the attention of a man she is not at all interested in.
She is is naturally conflicted. Her heart is bound up with the Prince of Chen, and she is being asked to smile and ingratiate herself with the Prince of Jing’s harem and compete for his favour. This is a far cry from the proud stance she has maintained for so long, and she finds the days at the Prince of Jing’s palace a daily ordeal.
However she had to compete. So when the King favoured the new Queen, and she was still languishing in the Que Ling Yuan, with no proper title, she was mocked and ridiculed by the concubines and servants, and she hated the Queen.
That butcher’s daughter had clearly arrived at the King’s Palace on the same day as her, and she wasn’t as pretty or as slim as her, so why had she been so favoured by the heavens and become the Queen in one fell swoop?
Later she still felt that life was difficult despite her rank. The Prince of Jing simply did not look at any woman except the Princess. What could she do to help the Prince of Chen?
Fortunately, the maid who was close to her was brought from her family and was also arranged by the Chen Royal Family to be close to her. Neither she nor the maid was allowed to leave the palace, but they would ask the butler of the Chen Royal Family to buy things occasionally. This was very normal, and many concubines would pay out of their own pockets to ask the butler to buy things that were not included in the provisions.
Her personal maid would specify some more special things, which could only be purchased from specific shops, and the Chen royal family had spies in those places to keep in touch with the Chen royal family in this way.
Because of this, she knew that the Chen royal couple had actually come to Songzhou in person.
Originally Yang Han, who had been a little self-abandoned, suddenly perked up. That man had actually risked his life to come to the Prince Jing’s residence. Perhaps, perhaps he was a little worried about her situation here?
Yang Han couldn’t help but think so, and tried hard to convince herself to think so.
However, since the Princess Jing didn’t live in the backyard, her chances of connecting with the Princess Chen were almost impossible. Coupled with being grounded, it was like a house full of leaks and a night full of rain, and she was desperate.
Fortunately God had given her a glimmer of hope. The Princess Jing might have been pretending to be magnanimous by letting her out, and even the Prince Jing was there. Yang Han couldn’t help but feel for the gold ring on her left pinky finger under her sleeve.
It was something she had never dared to part with since arriving at the Jing Palace.
The servants were kept outside, and only the Prince and Princess of Jing were with her in the side room of the main hall of the prison. She bowed her head and paid her respects to the Prince and Princess of Jing.
The Princess of Jing spoke gently, ‘My sister, you may rise.’
Yang Han was not sure if she could carry out her plan today. She was annoyed, but she could only pretend to be respectful and replied, ‘My concubine was bold and reckless the other day and had that strange dream, which disturbed Your Highness. I feel uneasy about it. I really don’t know how to apologise. Your Highness punished me by forbidding me to leave the room and copying sutras, which is not enough to make up for my sins. Your Highness is still generous enough to forgive me. I am so grateful that I would like to pray for Your Highness’s longevity every day in the future.’
Cao Wan Qiao heard this and thought that if Bi were here, she would definitely be sarcastic. Yang Han, didn’t you smash things in the house? And Yang Han’s words also had a bit of a bitter undertone. She was downright ignorant of her own mortality. Cao Wanjiao felt that her plan might be in jeopardy.
This girl Yang Han might be a bit too hostile.
She didn’t want to pick on Yang Han’s words, but Chu Anzhou was unhappy and glared at Yang Han coldly, saying, ‘I’m the one who punished you. What’s your grievance against the princess? Her blessings and longevity aren’t yours to pray for. Kneel down.’
Yang Han’s heart trembled, and without daring to delay, she slammed her knees to the ground.
Is this Jing Is the King of Jing sick? She clearly said that it was all her fault, where did she say she was dissatisfied with the princess? Is the King of Jing thinking that someone is deliberately trying to harm the princess?
But the King of Jing’s own aura was so oppressive that Yang Han felt fear in her heart. Not only did she kneel, she also bowed her head, her voice trembling as she hurriedly shouted, ‘My concubine dares not be dissatisfied, Your Highness, please spare my life!’
This delicate The image of the delicate beauty was instantly destroyed. Cao Wanjiao felt a little reluctant to watch, and she thought that she’d better get on with the plan as soon as possible. She said, ‘Sister, don’t panic, get up.’
Cao Wanjiao turned her head and said to Chu Anzhou, ‘Your Highness, I’m going to change my clothes.’
After saying that and then she got up and walked towards the bedroom. Yang Han didn’t even react, still kneeling on the ground in a daze.
Cao Wanqiao and Chu Anzhou told the servants in advance to stay outside the main hall and not to come in, in case they were heard when they persuaded Yang Han to defect. So after Cao Wanqiao left the side room of the main hall, there was only the King of Jing sitting at the head and Yang Han kneeling at the bottom.
Yang Han stood up carefully, and glanced at the King Jing surreptitiously. She saw him sitting up there expressionlessly, not saying a word. She was confused for a moment before she came back to her senses. This was actually her perfect opportunity!
Her heart was pounding wildly, and her lips trembled as she spoke: ‘My lord, I have admired you for a long time… I have never had the chance to speak with you…’
She plucked gathered her courage and looked up. She saw that the Prince of Jing was still standing there, unmoving, and he did not react in the slightest to the face that the Prince of Chen had once praised.
Yang Han felt a little ashamed and a little angry. With these conflicting emotions, she quietly turned the gold ring on her left pinky under her sleeve.
A sweet fragrance spread lightly, and Yang Han felt a little dizzy.
No She should have waited until she was close to the King of Jing. Thinking this, she hurried towards the King of Jing.
Unexpectedly, when she was a few steps away from the King of Jing, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest, her vision went dark, and she was thrown backwards.
She let out a cry of pain, feeling only burning and aching in her chest. Her whole body felt hot and she touched her chest as she bent over.
Cao Wan Qiao was eavesdropping outside the side room. When she heard Yang Han’s cry, she was startled and hurriedly walked in. She saw Yang Han curled up on the ground with a flushed face. She paused for a moment, dumbfounded, and asked, ‘What, what happened?’
Chu Anzhou’s face looked terrible. It was as if he had squeezed a sentence out between his teeth: ‘I kicked her.’
Cao Wan Qiao did not understand. She had only been out for a moment, but what had Yang Han done to make Chu Anzhou kick her to the ground?
She tried to walk forward, but Chu Anzhou suddenly shouted, ‘Don’t come any closer!’
Cao Wan Qiao was startled and dared not move. Chu Anzhou pinched the middle of his brow with his hand before saying, ‘Go into the bedroom and don’t come out.’
Cao Wan Qiao was a little panicked. Although Chu Anzhou looked normal, there was something wrong. Although she was panicked, she still obediently turned her head towards the sleeping hall, and even involuntarily quickened her pace.
She could only hear Chu Anzhou’s voice behind her, ‘Liufu, you come in!’
She did not dare to delay. After returning to the sleeping hall, she did not sit down, but walked around in the sleeping hall. What on earth had happened? Chu Anzhou state kicked Yang Han, why didn’t he let her go?
Did Yang Han just assassinate Chu Anzhou? Chu Anzhou felt danger and didn’t let her get close?
Cao Wanjiao now regretted why she had to test Yang Han like this. She never thought that Yang Han might also assassinate Chu Anzhou. Maybe Chu Anzhou had some wounds that she hadn’t seen. Shouldn’t she go take a look?
But Chu had said that she was not allowed to go out, Cao Wanqiao was so anxious that she paced back and forth in the bedroom.
Suddenly, she heard a sound of hasty footsteps. She looked back and saw Chu Anzhou striding in, his face serious. As soon as he entered, he slammed the door.
Cao Wanqiao hurriedly asked, ‘Are you hurt? Is Yang Han…’
She did not finished saying, because suddenly she was lifted up by Chu Anzhou’s hands, forcing her to raise her head, and then Chu Anzhou’s lips came down.
He was not gentle at all, and his hands had tremendous strength. Cao Wanqiao could not move at all, and her instinct was to pull his wrists, but the anxious pressure and heat she felt on her lips made her forget to struggle again.
When she unprepared, her teeth were prised open. Chu Anzhou’s gentle breath, which had always been gentle, suddenly swept over her, inch by inch, as if he wanted to rub her into his world.
Cao Wanqiao opened her eyes and saw her reflection in Chu Anzhou’s pupils. Only then did she realise that she had originally occupied his entire field of vision.

Chapter 6 5
But that wasn’t how Chu Anzhou was like. His personality wouldn’t suddenly treat her like this.
Cao Wanqiao vaguely guessed in her heart that it might have something to do with the fact that Chu Anzhou had just kicked Yang Han. But Chu Anzhou was holding her face and kissing her non-stop, and she didn’t have a chance to speak.
Moreover, in such a domineering and sweet kiss, it was too difficult for her to maintain her sanity.
Until she felt a strange touch in the body heat of the two people pressed close together. Cao Wanqiao froze for a moment before realising that Chu Anzhou had reacted.
Chu Anzhou kissed her lips until they were red and swollen, and then kept dropping tiny kisses. Cao Wanqiao found a gap and said with difficulty, ‘Are you… have you been drugged?’
Hearing Tsao Wan-chiao finally let out a breath and released her lips. Tsao Wan-chiao saw fine beads of sweat forming on his forehead, and he was clearly in pain.
‘That woman… she smelled of something. I only caught a whiff, but still…’
Before Chu Anzhou could finish his sentence, Tsao Wan-chiao saw the dangerous, confused desire in his eyes. She felt like he was going to devour her at any moment, and she couldn’t help but break out in goosebumps.
“Yang Where is Yang Han?‘ Cao Wanqiao suppressed the urge to run away. Such Chu Anzhou felt strange to her, but there was a kind of fatal attraction.
’I asked Liu Fu to drag her down there,’ said Chu Anzhou, as if he was enduring great pain. Suddenly, he let go of Cao Wanqiao’s cheeks and turned his back.
Cao Wan Qiao looked at his stoic expression, feeling both guilty and distressed. It was she who had proposed the plan for Yang Han to be alone with him in a room, and her naivety had caused Chu Anzhou to suffer so much. At that moment, she felt an urge to kill Yang Han.
‘Are you… are you okay?’
she asked carefully. Chu Anzhou’s hand was resting on a tall table nearby, the veins on the back of his hand bulging, and his fingertips were white from the force of his grip.
It took him half said a sentence: ‘Qiaoqiao, you help me go and call Liufu, prepare a bucket of cold water, I’ll soak for a while.’
This ‘Qiaoqiao’ from Chu Anzhou made her heart flutter, and she suddenly softened. How come this man is still protecting her so much? He would rather suffer himself than see her hurt in the slightest.
Cao Wan Qiao suddenly took a few steps forward and came to stand in front of him. Chu Anzhou was taken aback. He saw Cao Wanjiao suddenly embrace him, put her arms around his waist, and whisper, ‘Please hold me.’
Chu Anzhou suddenly forgot the heat in his body. When he realised what Cao Wanjiao meant, he couldn’t help but feel ecstatic. He pinched Cao Wanjiao’s chin with one hand and slowly lifted her up.
He saw her cheeks were flushed, and her lips bore the marks of his ravishment. What softened Chu Anzhou the most was that in Cao Wanjiao’s eyes there was not a trace of reluctance, only shyness and worry.
He couldn’t help kissing her again. This time, Cao Wanjiao obediently let him kiss her. Chu Anzhou was not as anxious or forceful as before, but instead cherished her like a delicate and fragile treasure, tender and lingering.
However, Chu Anzhou kissed her for a while, but then let her go. Cao Wanqiao’s eyes were still a little dazed, and she could only hear him say, ‘You’re not 18 yet, so it’s not allowed.’
Cao Wanqiao came back to her senses, and after a moment of being stunned, she remembered that she was only 16 in this body. She wanted to argue that she had reached adulthood in her previous life, but after Chu Anzhou said that, she felt that it didn’t sound very good in her heart, and she hesitated.
“But what about you?‘ Cao Wanqiao asked worriedly.
Chu Anzhou shook his head and said, “I’ll just soak in cold water.”
Cao Wanqiao objected, resolutely saying, “No, the medical conditions in this era are not as good as where we are from. What if you get sick if you soak in cold water?”
’It’s better than me not being able to resist eating you.”
Chu Anzhou state. His voice sounded a little hoarse, which made him sound extra sexy. Cao Wanjiao blushed again, a little flustered, and stammered, ‘Why don’t you just get it out?’
Chu Anzhou was clearly also reaching his limit. He pushed Cao Wanjiao away and turned his head away, saying, ‘Go outside.’
Cao Wanjiao mumbled, ‘If I go outside and leave you alone in here, what will people think?’
After she finished speaking, she ran to the bed with a thud, surrounded herself with the quilt, and blushed as she said, ‘I won’t look, just hurry.’
She then covered herself with the quilt. Chu Anzhou was a little at a loss for words. Since Cao Wanqiao was so stubborn, he had no choice but to find a chair to sit down and start ‘solving the problem himself’.
Cao Wan Qiao hid under the quilt, listening to the faint panting of Chu Anzhou. She was sweating profusely and was so ashamed that she wanted to find a hole to crawl into.
Well, although she looked like she was hiding in a hole right now.
That damned Yang Han actually used this trick to seduce Chu Anzhou. If it wasn’t for Chu Anzhou’s alertness, would she have seen a horrible sight when she crashed into him?
Cao Wan Qiao simply couldn’t imagine Chu Anzhou embracing another woman.
Just imagining it caused a pang of pain in her heart.
She recalled the lingering kiss and suddenly realised that she could not bear to push Chu Anzhou away, and her possessiveness towards him was far greater than she had thought.
When did she start behaving like this? bring Chu Anzhou under her control and even be willing to give herself to him?
She just instinctively wanted to share Chu Anzhou’s pain. At that moment, she realised that all the rational analysis she had done before about the relationship between the two of them had been shattered and destroyed by Chu Anzhou’s kiss, leaving nothing at all.
She didn’t want to share Chu Anzhou with anyone else, and she was also afraid that Chu Anzhou would leave her. How was all this like just being friends in a cooperative relationship?
Maybe she had to admit that she had long been in love with Chu Anzhou, far more than she had been in her previous life.
Cao Wanjiao thought this in a daze. She didn’t know how long it had been when she heard Chu Anzhou’s low, hoarse voice, as if asking someone to bring in some water.
She slowly lifted the quilt, and immediately met Chu Anzhou’s gaze. He looked very embarrassed, standing by the door with a handkerchief in his hand.
“I borrowed your handkerchief.’ She saw Chu Anzhou say this with a rare flush of embarrassment.
Cao Wanjiao understood, a little embarrassed but also a little amused, she pursed her lips and said, “Throw it away.”
Chu Anzhou saw that she had even laughed, and the embarrassment gradually faded. He gave a low response, “Mmm.”
Outside came the careful voice of Liu Fu: ‘Your Highness? I have brought the water.’
‘Put the water in the tub in the side room,’ Chu Anzhou said to the outside, and outside, the sound of Liu Fu commanding the servants to set up the tub could be heard.
The side room of the bedroom of the Xu courtyard was where Cao Wanqiao bathed, so the servants quickly prepared it and did not dare to disturb their master. They all retreated, and only then did Chu Anzhou go in to wash.
Liu Fu has always been attentive and meticulous. He prepared a set of regular clothes, and Chu Anzhou changed clothes and came back into the bedroom. He saw that Cao Wanqiao was wrapped in a quilt, and her hairline was soaked, so he couldn’t help but freeze. He asked her, ‘Do you want to wash as well?’
Cao Wan Qiao nodded. Chu Anzhou went out to get someone to change the water, and when he returned, Bi’er and the three maids Songzhu, Mei and Bai also followed. They were confused about what had happened, and thought that Yang Han had been sent out by Fu Luo, which was considered a sign of disrespect in front of the king and queen. Then the king wouldn’t let anyone in and asked for more water. The maids misunderstood that their masters were in the mood and didn’t dare to disturb them.
At that moment the maidservants saw Cao Wanqiao sitting on the bed. Although her clothes were neat, her hair was damp with sweat and her face was flushed. They were all very happy. Although the Prince had accompanied the Princess to meals in the past few days, he had never stayed overnight. They dared not advise on such matters in the room, and could only secretly worry for the Princess. Now, seeing the two masters in love, they were naturally overjoyed.
Chu Anzhou said to Cao Wanjiao, ‘I’ll go deal with Yang.’
Cao Wanjiao froze for a moment, then got out of bed, walked quickly up to him, put her hand over her lips on tiptoe, and whispered in his ear, ‘Remember to let the doctor take a look. I don’t know what kind of incense it is, but it might be harmful to your health.’
Chu Anzhou read concern in her eyes, and a warmth welled up in his heart. He nodded, then paused for a moment. In fact, he really wanted to ask Cao Wanjiao why she had just agreed to let him hug her, but this was not the occasion to discuss such things. Besides, if Cao Wanjiao had only done so out of concern for his health, he might not want to hear that answer.
Chu Anzhou left with a heavy heart. Cao Wanjiao asked the servants to serve her a bath, and then asked Shunfu and Changfu to go and ask Liu Fu about Yang Han’s condition.
Liu Fu came in person. He knew that the King of Jing had been drugged and could not speak of it, so he came especially to explain to Cao Wanjiao.
Cao Wanqiao told the others to leave, and then Liu Fu said, ‘The prince had Yang’s concubine dragged down and locked up right away. I was afraid that unnecessary rumours would spread if she was dragged back to the backyard along the way, so she was locked up in a small building in the front yard instead. Yang’s concubine…is not in a good condition.’ When Liu Fu finished speaking, his face turned red with embarrassment, and he continued, ‘I had someone pour buckets of cold water on her, but it was useless. I had to knock her out. I found a gold ring on her body, and there was a mechanism inside it. When you opened it, powder would spray out. I already had someone examine the powder.’
Cao Wanqiao, however, was only concerned about the condition of Chu Anzhou, and asked, ‘Has the prince had the imperial doctor take a look?’
Liú Fú hurriedly answered, ‘He has already been seen. There is nothing wrong with his pulse. The doctor said that it seems to be for arousing interest, and the prince probably didn’t smell much of it. He will be fine after the fire is extinguished.’
Cao Wānqiáo thought for a moment, not sure if she should give Liú Fú this advice, but her worries were too great. She said, ‘I’m worried that the powder will have aftereffects. After you find out, come tell me exactly what it is.’
Liú Fú didn’t think too much about it and agreed.
Cāo Wānqiáo was worried that if the powder was a poison, Chú Ānzhōu would hide it from her, and Liú Fú was Chú Ānzhōu’s man, so she was afraid that he wouldn’t tell her the truth. She could only tell him to do so for the time being.
After reporting to her, Liu Fu left. In the afternoon, the Princess Chen did come to visit. They could not find out anything about Yang Han in this palace. The servants in the front courtyard kept their mouths shut much more tightly than those in the back. Cao Wanqiao drank two cups of tea with her and saw that the Princess Chen looked like she knew nothing, so she felt slightly relieved.
Later, when Chu Anzhou came over for dinner, things seemed quite normal, except that he never looked Cao Wanqiao in the eye. She felt that Chu Anzhou might have found the morning’s events too embarrassing and didn’t know how to face her, which was why he was acting that way.
Cao Wanqiao didn’t say much either. After the two of them had eaten a few mouthfuls together, she looked at him and said, ‘So, when I turn 18, can we consummate the marriage?’

Chapter 66
Chu Anzhou immediately choked and coughed several times before Cao Wanqiao reflected on whether she had asked too directly. She said apologetically, ‘I’m sorry, I should have asked after dinner.’
Chu Anzhou finally caught his breath, but he still looked like he hadn’t come back to his senses, and asked her blankly, ‘What did you just ask?’
Since Cao Wanqiao had brought up the subject, she put down her chopsticks, her cheeks flushed, and gave him a sideways glance and said, ‘Didn’t you say that I couldn’t do it until I was eighteen? So doesn’t that mean that when you turn eighteen, you should…do what?’
Chu Anzhou also put down his chopsticks. He was a little at a loss for what to say, and it took him a while before he looked at her and said, ‘You don’t have to force yourself. At that time, I was drugged. You wanted to help me. I know.’
Cao Wanqiao suddenly felt very shy. How was she supposed to confess her sudden revelation of her feelings?
‘It’s not just that I want to help you, it’s that I…’
She suddenly remembered that Chu Anzhou didn’t seem to have clearly confessed his feelings to her either. She knew that Chu Anzhou had done a lot for her, which also meant that he must really like her, but this enigmatic person just did things without saying anything, and made her take the initiative to confess. She didn’t know what to do.
Seeing her stammering, Chu Anzhou sighed and smiled helplessly, ‘Never mind, just forget about what happened this morning. I was carried away by impulse. I apologise…’
‘Stop!’ Cao Wanqiao raised her voice to stop him, a little angry, ‘Do I want you to apologise? If I didn’t let you kiss me, I would have told you long ago, and you wouldn’t need to apologise! You kissed me already, and now you want to pretend it was an accident. How can you be like this? This is too much!”
Chu Anzhou was a little stunned, and he slowed down his tone before saying, “What I meant was, I don’t want you to feel pressured…”
Cao Wanqiao was so embarrassed that she couldn’t help but get a little irritable, pouting and muttering and complaining, ’I’m not the one who’s feeling pressured, you are! You have to put up with it for two years, huh? I’ll let you put up with it for two years!’
Chu Anzhou looked at her, who seemed to be in a bad mood, and didn’t know what to say to cheer her up. He thought about what to say a few times, but finally just tried to say, ‘After all, this kind of thing requires mutual affection. Sudden situations like the one this morning don’t count. If you don’t like me, there’s no point in doing that kind of thing.’
Cao Wanqiao looked at him sadly and whispered, ‘I don’t dislike you.’
Chu Anzhou froze, and although he was very happy to hear this, he said after a long pause, ‘Well, that’s good.’
I’m stunned. Cao Wanqiao simply had no strength to complain. Having a partner who couldn’t say sweet things made her feel that life was so difficult. She had to ask directly, ‘Chu Anzhou, you like me, don’t you?’
Chu Anzhou was stunned for a moment, nodded, and said, ‘Yes.’
‘Okay.’ Cao Wanqiao finally heard him be so honest, and added, “I don’t mean I don’t like you, I just mean I like you. So you like me too, which means we like each other, right?”
This time, Chu Anzhou was even more stunned, and only then revealed an expression of doubt, asking, ’You, you like me?’
Cao Wanqiao looked at his dazed expression and found it so cute that she couldn’t help but smile and pinch his cheeks with both hands. ‘Yes, you idiot.’
Zhu Anzhou looked at her sweet smile with curved eyebrows and eyes, and for a moment, suddenly reached out his right hand, grabbed the back of her head, and kissed her.
Cao Wanqiao panicked for a moment. This person kisses at the slightest provocation? Can’t you hold back a little?
But she did not resist, and let him kiss her for a long time, even closing her eyes. When Chu Anzhou let her go, she still had an incredulous look on her face, and asked her, ‘Really?’
After Cao Wanqiao said it, her whole frame relaxed. She pinched his cheek and laughed, saying, ‘Really, really, really!’ She pretended to ponder for a moment, and said slyly, ‘But I won’t be eighteen for another year, so maybe I’ll change my mind then?’
Chu Anzhou, however, was not fooled by her words. He smiled tenderly, kissed her, and then said, ‘No backing out.’
Cao Wanqiao’s heart raced at the sound of his magnetic voice. And as she looked at Chu Anzhou’s face, which she liked so much, and as he looked at her and said these words to her, she couldn’t help but sigh inwardly. With a face like his, he already had half the battle won. And coupled with the fact that he was so good to her, she wondered why she had ever doubted that she wouldn’t fall in love with him.
‘I believe you won’t regret it, so I won’t either.”
Cao Wanqiao said with a meaningful tone. She didn’t expect Chu Anzhou to hear the unease in her words. She wasn’t very smart, and it was too difficult for her to use tricks and means to tie a man’s heart down and make him be devoted to her.
The best she could do was to lay her heart bare before him. If he loved her too, she hoped he would cherish it.
If the day came when he didn’t love her, she could only pick up her heart and console herself.
When Chu Anzhou heard her say this, he promised her earnestly, ‘I will try not to make you regret it.’
Cao Wanqiao gave a faint smile and said, ‘Okay.’
After she had finished speaking, she leaned quietly into his arms and enjoyed the sweetness of the moment. But then she heard Chu Anzhou say, ‘Since we’re not going to be friends anymore, can I sleep in the same room as you tonight?’
Cao Wanqiao suddenly looked up and glared at him. ‘You scoundrel! Didn’t you say you were going to wait?’
Chu Anzhou said innocently, ‘I promise I won’t do anything, I just want to watch you sleep.’
Cao Wanqiao thought to herself, if this person can hold back, then she will sleep with him. She also said innocently, ‘My bedroom only has one bed, so you decide!’
It was only then that Chu Anzhou slightly furrowed his brow and considered it. But what was there to consider? If he didn’t sleep with his wife at this time, he might not get the chance.
The two slept in the same bed that night. Cao Wanqiao prepared an extra quilt for his sake, but Chu Anzhou ended up sleeping with his arm around her.
Cao Wanqiao was confused as she nestled in Chu Anzhou’s arms. She thought, ‘In my previous life, I didn’t have this kind of benefit even when I was dating a celebrity. This time, I’ve been directly promoted to wife, and I’ve truly enjoyed the feeling of having a boyfriend.
Well, it feels really good!
The next morning, Chu Anzhou kissed her for a long time, but he really got up too early. Cao Wanqiao was dazed from beginning to end, and she just lazily wrapped her arms around his shoulders. In the end, she heard Chu Anzhou whisper, ‘Keep sleeping.’
Cao Wanjiao was a good girl and obeyed. When she woke up, Bi’er looked a little anxious and told her, ‘His Royal Highness has returned from inspecting the barracks and said he wants to wait for you to have breakfast together, but he doesn’t want me to wake you, so he’s waiting in the side hall reading.’
While Cao Wanjiao was getting dressed with Bi’er’s help, she asked her, ‘Bi’er, do you think I’m being spoiled?’
Bi’er froze in her tracks, taken aback. How dare she criticise her mistress? But she was worried that Cao Wanquan would sooner or later lose the prince’s favour if she continued to be so lazy and idle. So she answered with a stiff upper lip, ‘Your Highness, yes, a little.’
But Cao Wanquan said with a straight face, ‘Yes, I am proud of my privileges. If I don’t act pretentiously while my man is spoiling me, when else can I act pretentiously? Can you make him dote on you forever by pretending to be good and sensible? How can you guarantee that? It’s better to be arrogant while you can, while you still have his favour, and enjoy life while you can!
Bi’er was confused and didn’t quite understand, but after all, she was an unmarried girl, so she believed whatever the empress said. The empress was able to monopolise the prince’s affection, so she must have a knack for it, and what she said made perfect sense!
Cao Wanqiao asked someone to invite Chu Anzhou to come over for dinner. Chu Anzhou walked in looking fresh and energetic, and smiled when he saw her, making Cao Wanqiao feel a little shy for some reason.
While they were eating, she asked the thing she most wanted to ask: ‘Have you felt unwell today? Have they found out what the powder is?’
Seeing that she cared so much about him, Chu Anzhou’s eyes softened even more, and he said, ‘I don’t feel unwell. The powder was investigated and found to be an aphrodisiac used in brothels. It’s not poisonous, but it can be addictive. Yesterday, when the woman Yang turned her ring, she was further away from me, so I only smelled some of it, which is why I was able to remain rational. The imperial doctor also said that only a little of it is addictive.’
Cao Wanqiao was not at all relieved, and said angrily, ‘How can this Prince Chen be so hateful? How could he even think of harming you with this addictive medicine? How are we going to repay him?’
Chu Anzhou, however, replied very calmly, ‘I have already repaid him. Yesterday, after the woman Yang was knocked unconscious, she still felt some effect. I had someone invite the Prince Chen to the small building, and neither of them has woken up yet.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned for a while and gained a new understanding of Chu Anzhou’s views. Her husband’s methods were really fast, ruthless, and accurate…
‘So what was the reaction of Princess Chen when she didn’t wait up for the king all night?’
Chu Anzhou said nonchalantly, ‘It seems that she was asked several times. Maybe she heard that I had someone go, and she didn’t dare ask me for the person. I just told the princess to take her servants to help the king back to the guest house.’
Cao Wanqiao was really dumbfounded by Chu Anzhou’s series of actions. She suppressed her laughter and applauded him. ‘You’re so smart and amazing!’
Chu Anzhou then raised the corners of his mouth. He was indeed dissatisfied with the Prince Chen’s despicable tactics to this extent. He intuitively did what he did to treat the person in the same way he was treated, and he was a little inflated when his wife praised him so much.
After thinking for a moment, Cao Wanqiao said to him, ‘The Princess of Chen cannot settle the score with you, she will definitely come after me. Don’t stop her, I’ll handle it.’
Although Chu Anzhou didn’t understand what she wanted to do, he had no intention of stopping his wife, and would just finish things up himself.
After Cao Wanqiao had leisurely finished her morning meal, she called her maidservants and walked with great momentum to the guest house.
In the guest house, Princess Chen still did not understand why Prince Chen had slept with Yang Han. When she was invited by King Jing to bring Prince Chen back, she still did not understand the meaning. It was not until she saw the mess in the small building and Yang Han lying with Prince Chen, covered in marks all over her body, . Her anger flared up. She never liked Yang Han. She had seduced the Prince of Chen at a young age and made him miss her. She had even sent Yang Han to the Jingwang Mansion and persuaded the Prince of Chen to listen to her. She was very wary of Yang Han. She was afraid that Yang Han would steal the limelight once she entered the palace.
Who knew that after all that, the Prince of Chen still slept with this wench. She knew that the Prince of Jing must have seen through the Prince of Chen’s ploy and somehow engineered the whole thing. But what angered her most was that her husband had so easily fallen into this trap and fooled around with Yang Han.
Yang Han was someone she didn’t want to bother with at all, so she just left her in the small building. The Prince was exhausted from the night before and didn’t even wake up when he was helped back to his guest room. The Princess was serving him while cursing Yang Han and the King in her heart. Who knew that there was a loud noise outside, and she was startled. She hurriedly went out to investigate.
She saw Cao Wanqiao surrounded by servants, looking unhappy and saying in a soft voice, ‘Sister, the king and I consider you our honoured guests. How could your brother sleep with the king’s concubine? How do you think he should be punished?’

Chapter 67
The Chen Princess was stunned. How could she turn the tables like this? She hadn’t even asked the King and Queen for an explanation, and the Chen Princess was already accusing her?
And the fact that the Chen King had slept with the Jing King’s concubine, shouldn’t that be kept secret? Did the Chen Princess even have a brain? She just blurted it out?
After all, the Princess Chen was born into a noble family. Her first reaction to such a situation was to gloss over the truth and say with a fake smile, ‘Sister-in-law, this is all a misunderstanding. Let’s talk about it first, before it damages my brother’s reputation.’
Cao Wanqiao snorted, put on a haughty and domineering look, and said, ‘What’s there to talk about? Everyone in this household knows that Yang’s rank as a concubine has just been confirmed, and our prince hasn’t even been lucky enough to consummate the marriage yet. Who knew that my brother had the nerve to do such a thing? What else is there to misunderstand?’
The Chen Princess was also angry, and her tone turned hard. She said, ‘Last night, it was my eldest brother who invited my husband to go, and my husband must have thought that the girl was there to serve him, especially since my brother had arranged for her to be there. Who knew that my brother’s concubine would appear in the front courtyard? Please don’t sling mud at my husband.’
Cao Wanjiao retorted, ‘Are you saying that my husband is slinging mud at your husband? Does your husband have such a big face? What’s wrong with the concubine of our royal family appearing in the front yard? I, the queen, live in the front yard, so why can’t she also live in the front yard? My husband originally wanted to invite his younger brother for a drink, but who knew that his younger brother took a wrong turn and went to the wrong place. He even mistook Yang’s concubine for a servant girl and slept with her. What does this have to do with my husband?”
The Chen Princess was doubtful of this statement. She really didn’t know how the Chen King had ended up with Yang Han last night. If the King and Queen insisted on this explanation, would they have to swallow their pride?
Thinking about her husband’s great ambitions, especially the fact that he had come to Songzhou this time to win over the Prince Jing, it was useless to fight for face at a time like this. The Princess Chen could only bear the humiliation of the Princess Jing and grit her teeth and reply, ‘If it really is my husband who has mistaken your concubine for a maid, please forgive him this time, my husband definitely did not do it on purpose.’
Cao Wanqiao snorted coldly and said slowly, ‘This is the first time I’ve heard of someone going to someone’s house as a guest and sleeping with their maid without saying a word. Your husband is not going to argue with you, but I will remember this. In that case, since Yang’s concubine has never served my lord, I will demote her and you can take her home!’
The Chen Princess was almost so angry that she vomited blood. This Jing Princess was being so unreasonable. It was fine that she had embarrassed her in front of everyone, but she had gone to great lengths to get the Chen King to send Yang Han to the Jing Palace. Who knew that she would suddenly send Yang Han back? She had worked for nothing!
At this point, the Chen Princess could do nothing. The Chen King had not even woken up yet, so she had no idea how to respond. She could only say, ‘In that case, I thank my brother on behalf of my husband.’
Cao Wanqiao then told the maid next to her, ‘Go to the small building and bring Yang the concubine… Yangshi here to the guesthouse. Also pack up her luggage in the backyard and bring it here together.’
Hearing this, the Chen Princess wanted to complain. Didn’t you just say that Yang Han was living in the front yard? You’re not even going to cover it up, are you?
There was nothing she could do but bow her head under the roof. Princess Chen now just wanted to get rid of Princess Jing quickly before she continued to cause trouble.
Cao Wanqiao was satisfied that she had passed the buck back to Yang Han the spy, and so she turned around and walked away with her head held high.
She treated this matter as if Prince Chen had drunkenly and unintentionally slept with Yang Han, leaving the Prince and Princess Chen unable to say anything. In fact, both sides knew exactly what was going on, but she was willing to suffocate the unscrupulous Prince and Princess Chen!
After watching the Princess Jing finally leave with a large entourage, the Princess Chen returned to the room and almost bit her lips until they bled. She swept the things on one side of the table with her hand, knocking them all over. The servants she had brought from the Chen Royal Court knew that the Princess was furious and they all held their breath, afraid to speak.
After venting her anger and calming down, the Princess of Chen went to check on the condition of the Prince of Chen. One of the eunuchs she had brought with her knew how to practice medicine, so he took the Prince of Chen’s pulse and said that he was just drunk, and that he had not been drugged. This made the Princess of Chen even more exasperated. The Prince of Chen had simply gone along with the flow and slept with Yang Han. It was clear that he had given his woman to another man for the sake of a greater goal, but at the critical moment he still could not control himself, which made the Princess of Chen angry and jealous.
However, she had not been brought up to blame men, and she continued to curse Yang Han in her heart thousands and thousands of times.
Not long after, the servants reported back that Yang Han had arrived and had already woken up, but her health was not good and she could not stand on her own. The Princess Chen cursed her in her heart for pretending to be sick, and then coldly commanded, ‘Take out the contraceptive medicine from the luggage and give it to Yang to take.’
The servant went as instructed. Even when the Prince and Princess went on a long journey, they took the contraceptive medicine with them. The Prince’s personal maid also served the Prince. As the mistress of the house, the Princess strictly controlled the issue of offspring in the back garden, and the Prince turned a blind eye to this.
Yang Han was tossed and turned all night over there, and her body was already weak. She was forced to drink the medicinal soup that harmed her body, and from then on, she was unable to become pregnant. This is a later story, so let’s not talk about it for now.
By midday, Chen Wang finally woke up. He saw Chen Wangfu sitting by the bed, her face not looking very good. All of last night’s memories came back to her, and she was especially embarrassed.
He remembered that he was suddenly called by the Prince Jing, but he didn’t see him anywhere. In a courtyard, he was accompanied by a few guests to drink wine. When he became a little confused, a servant from the Prince Jing’s mansion came to guide him. He was led in a daze to the small building. with his attendant eunuch by his side, but the servants of the Jingwang Mansion immediately retreated, leaving them confused. Then they heard a low moan from inside. He, who was familiar with amorous affairs, immediately associated it with the beauty the Jingwang had arranged for him.
He was a little excited, and he didn’t expect the Prince of Jing to be so understanding. He still had some alertness, so he led the eunuchs in and walked in. Who knew that he would see Yang Han writhing on the bed, her voice sounding both painful and ecstatic. He told himself rationally that this situation was not right, and why was Yang Han here? Had the Prince of Jing discovered something? But when he saw Yang Han, whom he had raised for so long, she had blossomed into a beautiful woman with a seductive charm. His heart ached with desire. One of the eunuchs went to the front and came back saying that the door was locked from the outside. The Prince of Chen was sure that the Prince Jing had done it on purpose.
Although his plan was revealed, which made him grind his teeth, he could not stay in that room. He saw Yang Han still delirious and shouting, as if she was mumbling the word ‘chen wang’ (meaning ‘the prince’). He was already half drunk and was looking for someone to vent his anger, so he did not struggle for long. He told the two eunuchs to go and stand guard outside, and went to the bed himself.
After that, he only remembered that Yang Han was particularly enthusiastic and kept him company all night, reminding him of how he had fallen for this young and beautiful girl at first sight.
Now that he had woken up and seen that he had returned to the guesthouse, he also knew that last night had really gotten out of hand. With a dark face, he asked the Chen Princess about the current situation. Although the Chen Princess was not happy, she still told him everything. In the end, she said, ‘The Jing Princess only said that you slept with the Jing King’s concubine after drinking, and she… sent her over. I guess you, Your Highness, will have to eat this loss and make up this lie and apologize to the Jing King.’
The Chen Wang felt that this result was not bad. The Jing Wang did not know why he had figured out Yang Han’s background, but he did not expose them. He just stuffed Yang Han back in. This meant nothing to him at all. Yang Han was originally just a spare pawn, not necessarily useful. Since things had come to this, he would just find a new way to cooperate with the Jing Wang.
He said calmly, ‘Fortunately, things are going well in the capital. First, we got the emperor interested in the princess of the Jing Kingdom, and had a decree of summoning drafted. As long as my father-in-law blocks it, the Jing Kingdom will owe us a favour. With the momentum created by the Lanzhou scholars and the help of Songzhou’s military forces, I will ascend to the throne sooner or later.’
After hearing this, the princess of the Chen Kingdom gradually let go of her anger. In the future, she would be the empress, so it was nothing to endure a moment of anger.
The Prince and Princess Chen were still imagining a bright future together, but in the capital, an urgent secret letter had arrived from the Prince Jing’s residence.
The emperor had been very unhappy recently and wanted to summon the princess of a feudal prince’s household, who had been born a butcher. The Ministry of Rites had put up all sorts of excuses, making him feel like it was a hassle. He wanted to give up the idea, but Zhang Deming, the head eunuch, said that the princess was on the imperial ancestral roll, so how would the Prince Jing dare disobey the emperor’s orders? It can also be used as an opportunity to proclaim the majesty of the emperor, so that the feudal lords dare not act recklessly.
The emperor was a little hesitant after being persuaded like this. He also knew that he was a useless emperor, and he wanted to reduce the power of the feudal lords. But he wasn’t that interested in politics, and he just found the ministers annoying with their endless chatter. As long as no one revolted, he just wanted to be a carefree emperor who enjoyed life.
But occasionally he also wants to show those arrogant feudal lords who is boss, so he keeps wavering back and forth, not knowing whether to be tough and issue the decree summoning the Princess Jing to the palace.
Just then, he suddenly receives an urgent secret letter from the Prince of Jing. This is not delivered in the form of a memorial, so it is clear that it is a secret letter from the Prince of Jing, which only the emperor can read. Therefore, after the messenger from the Prince of Jing enters the palace to deliver the letter, the emperor himself opens it.
After reading it, he looked ecstatic, immediately got up from his chair, and laughed to the heavens for a long time.
Zhang Deming was very curious about the content of the secret letter, so he tentatively asked, ‘Your Majesty, seeing you so happy, could there be any good news from the Prince of Jing’s court?’
At this time, there were only Zhang Deming and the emperor in the imperial study. The emperor did not avoid the issue and said, ‘The Prince Jing’s Mansion sent a message saying that the Prince Jing has suddenly fallen seriously ill and his life is in danger. He asks me to prepare for the worst. The Prince Jing has no son, so he asks me to have his new wife, who is a princess, enter the Imperial Genealogical Records as soon as possible, so that he can adopt her!’
Zhang Deming’s heart skipped a beat. How could it be that the Prince Jing is seriously ill and about to die? He has not received any news from the Prince Chen at all. Could it be that the Prince Jing’s court has kept this matter so tightly under wraps that even the Prince Chen has been unable to find out?
Seeing that he could adopt a prince without any trouble and that would be equivalent to easily taking Songzhou back under his rule, the emperor was overjoyed and quickly shouted outside, ‘Come here, quickly pass on my decree, have the new Princess Jing enter the Imperial Genealogical Table immediately!’

Chapter 68
It would take two or three days for news from the capital to reach Songzhou, and even longer for an imperial edict. So when the emperor decreed that the new Princess Jing could be inscribed in the jade tablet, the Prince Chen and his wife were blissfully unaware of the situation and were still relaxing as guests in the Jing Palace.
After the Prince of Chen sobered up, he went to Chu Anzhou to apologise. Chu Anzhou knew that Cao Wanjiao had returned Yang Han to the Prince of Chen without objection, but he was tired of looking at the Prince of Chen’s hypocritical face. They both knew about Yang Han’s background, but the Prince of Chen could still continue to act like an idiot. Is it true that people with strange ideas have particularly thick skin?
Chu Anzhou was actually waiting for the Prince to speak. As long as the Prince dared to mention cooperation, Chu Anzhou would have more clues to investigate the situation in Lanzhou. However, the Prince reminded him, both in words and actions, of the imperial decree summoning the Princess Jing. Chu Anzhou guessed that the Prince and Princess wanted to wait until the Minister of Rites had successfully blocked it before using this leverage to discuss cooperation.
In the eyes of everyone in the courtyard, except Yang Han, Cao Wanqiao has defeated another formidable enemy by becoming the new princess. Yang Han is so beautiful, and after being promoted, she finally got to stay in the front courtyard. However, she was given away to some unknown VIP the next day. One has to say that the new princess is very clever. Everyone in the courtyard is even more wary of Cao Wanqiao and no longer dares to act recklessly.
Cao Wanqiao and Chu Anzhou have made their feelings clear, and the entanglements between the two can be put aside. However, the matter of Prince Chen makes Cao Wanqiao always a little nervous. If Prince Chen really starts a rebellion, no matter which side Chu Anzhou stands on, he will be involved. How can she not worry?
Even if she wanted to flirt with Chu Anzhou, she was afraid of affecting his preparations to deal with Chen Wang, so she could only try to act as if nothing was wrong when Chu Anzhou came over every night to sleep together.
As Chu Anzhou had expected, Chen Wang was indeed waiting for good news from his father-in-law, the Minister of Rites. He could still have the face to go and talk to Chu Anzhou, but the Chen Princess didn’t have the face to see Cao Wanqiao. Mainly because Cao Wanqiao had caused such a scene at the guest house that day, and she just not want to associate with her. And now Yang Han was living in the guest house. Although she was still weak, she was finally able to stay by the Prince Chen’s side in an open and aboveboard manner. Yang Han was overjoyed, and the Prince Chen never refused when she asked to serve him. She was a little carried away, and the Princess Chen had a headache just dealing with Yang Han.
This kind of life came to an abrupt end when the emperor’s edict arrived in Songzhou. When the Prince and Princess heard the edict, they were both shocked, and wondered if the Minister of Rites had not stopped the edict summoning the Princess of Jing.
As a result, after the imperial messenger revealed the imperial edict, everyone in the Jingwang Mansion soon learned that Cao Wanjiao had been inscribed on the jade tablet. The people in the back courtyard were at most surprised that the emperor had no objections to this butcher’s daughter-in-law, but the Chenwang couple were the most dumbfounded, unable to understand how things had developed beyond their expectations.
After Cao Wanqiao received the imperial decree, the servants congratulated her one after the other. Chu Anzhou gave a reward of half a year’s salary to the whole household, and the servants praised Cao Wanqiao even more. However, Cao Wanqiao knew that this imperial order came a bit strangely. She remembered that Chu Anzhou had said before that he would deal with the emperor in his own way, so she wondered what Chu Anzhou had actually done to make the emperor so readily include her in the jade tablet and not mention the summons at all.
She asked Chu Anzhou that night, and he only hesitated for a moment, thinking that since the plan had worked, he would explain clearly: ‘I had someone send a secret message to the emperor, saying that I was seriously ill and about to die. I knew that the emperor had wanted to replace the crown prince, and at this time he had no need to oppose your status any longer. Stabilising your position as the queen would make the succession go more smoothly.’
Cao Wanqiao was stunned for a long time. She never imagined that Chu Anzhou would use such a reason to deceive the emperor. She was a little angry in her heart that Chu Anzhou had cursed himself like this, but he was doing it for her status. How could she blame him? She just said with a sad heart, ‘I’m not in a hurry to go on the jade tablet, so why did you say you were sick? In this way, in order to convince others, I’m afraid you have to act for a while.’
Chu Anzhou said nonchalantly, ‘You can recover from an illness. The main point is that if you say so, the emperor won’t be able to summon you. After all, I’m dying soon, and it’s not right to ask my wife to leave me to go to the capital.’
Cao Wanjiao had to admit that Chu Anzhou’s methods were always a bit unconventional, but they were also surefire. She didn’t know what to say. ‘Why didn’t the emperor write about your serious illness in the imperial edict? Fortunately, he didn’t. If Prince Chen and the others were here, they might try every means to expose you.’
Chu Anzhou smiled slightly and said, ‘The emperor is more afraid of Songzhou falling than I am. If word of my serious illness gets out, it will be too late to mobilise the capital’s defence forces. I’m afraid the other feudal lords will take advantage of the situation. He will definitely choose someone to adopt me before releasing the news. But from what I know about the capital, there are so many princes, each with their own backing forces, and there will be a lot of arguing. Before he makes a decision, I will have recovered from my illness.’
Cao Wanqiao was left speechless by his words. Then Chu Anzhou said, ‘I was the one who asked you in my secret letter to make this matter of entering the Imperial Register a top priority. In fact, this is the simplest thing in the world. There is no reason for those courtiers to stop you from entering the Imperial Register. And once your status is settled, it will be too late for the emperor to summon you on the pretext of personally conferring on you the title of princess consort.’
Since Chu Anzhou had already thought of everything, Cao Wanjiao could only admire him. She asked him, ‘The Prince of Chen will probably be anxious to hear about this imperial decree. Should we get rid of them quickly?’
Chu Anzhou remained as calm as ever and said indifferently, ‘No hurry, they will leave on their own.’
The Prince Chen was really incredulous about this imperial decree. He hurriedly sent someone to the capital to find out what had gone wrong. In front of Chu Anzhou, he could only feign a smile and congratulate him, but in fact he was burning with impatience, not knowing what bargaining chip to use to talk cooperation with the Prince Jing.
The Prince Jing owed him no favours, so how could he say that he wanted to borrow troops?
He tossed and turned all night, agonising over this matter. But who would have thought that the next day he would hear such shocking news: the Chen Prince’s residence in Lanzhou had been burned to the ground overnight!
He couldn’t believe his ears. The Chen Princess fainted as soon as she heard the news. The Chen Prince’s residence was guarded by imperial guards and patrolled by soldiers, and there were hundreds of servants in the entire residence. How could it have burned so badly when there was hardly a spark anywhere?
The news was still notified to them by Chu Anzhou. The Prince and Princess were a little skeptical, but even if they were skeptical, they couldn’t stay in the Prince Jing’s residence after hearing that their home had burned down. Naturally, they were full of regret and unwillingness, and quickly packed their bags and left.
The Prince did not give up because of this. He was glad in his heart that he had left a backup plan. Their caravan stopped briefly at a shop before continuing on to Lanzhou.
The street was full of people, and no passerby paid any attention to a woman wearing a hood, who kept her head down as she came out of the shop and got into Chen Wang’s carriage. Once she was inside, she took off her hat, revealing a haggard and emaciated face with some frighteningly pale skin and eyes full of hatred.
Chen Wang smiled and asked, ‘Are you Consort Fang?’

Chapter 69
The Chen king and his wife returned to Lanzhou empty-handed and dispiritedly, but that wasn’t the end of it. They were still on the road when suddenly rumours started spreading in Lanzhou that the Chen king and his wife had been burnt to death in the palace.
The Chen king had always been courteous and respectful towards the people of Lanzhou, treating the scholars well. Some scholars became anxious when they heard the rumours and went to the palace gate one after the other to express their concern. Although the head of the palace staff came out to deny the rumours, some of the scholars still hoped that the Chen king would come out and meet with them to put their minds at ease.
It was also because the Prince usually treated these scholars too cordially, even calling each other by their courtesy names, that they dared to make such a request. The head of the palace was having a headache. If he forced them to go, it would destroy the image the Prince had built up. He didn’t know where the rumours had come from. The scholars were still stubbornly standing in front of the palace and refusing to go. The head of the palace used various excuses to stall, but there were always people among them who advocated that they must see the Prince.
When the Prince finally entered Lanzhou, he discovered that news of his death had spread everywhere. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He hurried back to the palace to dispel the rumours, but little did he know that there were even more misfortunes waiting for him.
Cao Wanqiao was finally able to relax after seeing the couple off. She was also in the mood to think about other things. For example, she had invited the Caos to the palace for dinner. Of course, only the Caos and the couple spent a warm and simple time together.
The Cao family gradually became known in Hangyi as the family of the Princess of Jing. The Cao family was also guarded by the imperial guards, but the Cao family did not withdraw from society because of this. Chu Anzhou arranged for the three younger brothers to go to the academy, so Cao Daniu naturally was not suitable to sell pork anymore, but he continued to look for a stable business that would not affect Cao Wanqiao’s reputation and could be a long-term career.
Cao Wanqiao could be said to be very happy. She knew that the Prince and Princess had fled because of the fire at the Prince’s residence, and she also understood that it must have been Chu Anzhou’s doing. She just didn’t know that the fire was only the first step in a series of plans.
That day, Chu Anzhou told her, ‘You can remove the guards from Fangfeiyuan. I know you don’t want to live there, so you can consider changing it.’
Cao Wanqiao was taken aback. Wasn’t Fang Xifei still locked up in the underground stone chamber of Fangfei Garden?
Seeing her confusion, Chu Anzhou said, ‘There’s no one there anymore.’
Cao Wanqiao then knew that there was something fishy going on and hurriedly asked, ‘Where did Fang go?’
Chu Anzhou smiled and explained, ‘Didn’t Yang Han have a maid that she brought from her family? The day Yang Han was sent to the Prince Chen, you instructed someone to go to the backyard to pack her belongings. The guards at Fangfei Garden came to tell me that her maid was wandering around Fangfei Garden. In fact, there is nothing unusual about this. People come and go in that area, but they also heard that Yang Han was being moved from the backyard, and it was very strange that her maid did not follow to pack her things and was just wandering around outside Fangfei Garden.
Cao Wanjiao had never thought of this, and asked in puzzlement, ‘Are you saying that they rescued Fangshi? How did they know that Fangshi was being held captive under Fangfei Garden?’
Although Fangshi had followed the Prince of Chen, Chu Anzhou didn’t seem in the least bit anxious. He said slowly, ‘Perhaps the maid had long since found it strange that Fangshi’s courtyard was guarded by guards, and had been asking around for a long time. I then had the guards search carefully and found that there were several places where the air holes of the underground stone chambers were covered by grass and couldn’t be seen. one is right above Fangshi’s room. It is possible that the maid had already established contact with Fangshi, and she had been very careful before because Yang Han suddenly had to be moved out of the backyard. In order to inform Fangshi, the maid made a bit of a commotion and was discovered by us, but I told the guards to pretend to be oblivious. Even if Fangshi makes any movements, we should ignore her.’
Cao Wanqiao still felt a little magical, and Chu Anzhou patiently explained the reason to her. It turned out that Chu Anzhou was also puzzled as to how the Prince of Chen knew that there was an underground stone chamber in Fangfei Garden. The Jingwangfu had been built since the first generation of the Jingwang was relocated here, and the successive generations of Jingwang had no friendship with the Lanzhou Chenwangfu, so it was unlikely that they would know such secrets. Moreover, no one was originally using the underground stone chamber in Fangfei Garden, and Chu Anzhou also discovered it unintentionally.
Chu Anzhou then made a bold guess and went through the Jingwang Mansion’s collection of books, which contained records of who designed and built the Jingwang Mansion. It turned out that it was a famous royal craftsman of the time who not only designed the Jingwang Mansion, but also several other royal mansions. The stone room at the bottom of the main courtyard was originally used to store food to avoid disasters.
Chu Anzhou guessed that the Chen Wangfu must be similar, which is why he asked the maid to find out about the stone room in the Jing Wangfu. After all, it was very strange that there were guards protecting Fangfei Garden, and he might have discovered by accident that Fangshi was being held inside, and wanted to take advantage of the situation.
He did not stop Fang from escaping because on the one hand, he wanted to find out what secret passages led from the stone room to the outside, and on the other hand, he got the inspiration to ask his spies in Lanzhou to secretly investigate the situation at the Chen Prince’s Mansion. Although the Chen Prince’s Mansion was heavily guarded, its capabilities were not as strong as those of the Jing Prince’s Mansion. . He then found out that the Prince of Chen’s wife had moved out of her courtyard a few months ago, under the pretext of having it redecorated, and had the guards keep watch. Chu Anzhou’s men imitated Yang Han’s maid and discovered through the air holes that there was a lot of food and weapons stored inside.
This was ironclad evidence of the Prince of Chen’s rebellion. Chu Anzhou conferred with his staff and decided that even if the Prince of Chen was exposed, it would only force him to start the rebellion earlier. So they decided to burn the contents of the stone chamber first. To conceal their real intentions, they also picked several other dry places with no people around, only to create the situation that most of the Chen’s Palace had been burned.
It is estimated that the Prince of Chen will be so angry when he returns and finds that what was burned was the stone chamber that he will pass out.
After listening to Cao Wanqiao, she knew that everything was in Chu Anzhou’s hands. She admired him greatly. If it were her, she would never have thought of so many follow-up plans. ‘They took Fangshi away, but they took away our troubles. I just don’t know what they will do with Fangshi.’
“I have arranged more than just this for him. If he can handle it and still use Fangshi against me, I will admire him.’
Although Chu Anzhou seemed a little distracted, Cao Wanjiao could see the resolute will in his eyes. She and Chu Anzhou both had modern mindsets. Even if Chu Anzhou could help the imperial court raise an army to destroy the Prince of Chen, what then? Who knows how many innocent people would die in the process? After the central government had destroyed the Prince of Chen, would it set its sights on the other feudal lords?
She now understands why so many people want to covet the position of the sovereign. Only by standing at the top of the world can one fully control one’s own destiny and the destiny of the people one loves dearly.
But Chu Anzhou will not want to do that. As he said before, the imperial court is not yet too corrupt. Songzhou and Lanzhou are still thriving, and the people are living and working in peace and contentment. Chu Anzhou will not destroy all this for selfish reasons.
Unless one day in the future, when it comes to that point and he has to, he will change his mind, but it won’t be now.
Therefore, Chu Anzhou will do everything he can to eliminate the conspiracy of Prince Chen and its subsequent effects, and minimize the damage.
And so far, everything is going well.
As for Prince Chen, since the group of scholars in front of the Prince Chen’s mansion were still waiting for news from him, their convoy had no choice but to enter through the corner gate.
But when they arrived at the corner gate, he was sitting in the carriage when suddenly someone shouted, ‘Look everyone, isn’t that the Prince of Chen?’

Chapter 70
The Prince and Princess of Chen each rode in a carriage, but both of them immediately missed a beat at the same time. Although their convoy was rich and powerful, they did not display the Prince of Chen’s insignia, so why was someone shouting out that the Prince of Chen was here?
The Prince of Chen quickly shouted at the servant guiding the carriage, ‘Hurry up and go inside!’
But that shout attracted many scholars in front of them, and they rushed over one after another. The Prince’s carriage happened to enter the corner gate, but the Princess’s carriage was surrounded by the scholars, who shouted, ‘Is the Prince inside? Has the Prince not been at home the past few days? Why doesn’t he come out to see us? Where has the Prince gone?’
The Princess had never seen such a scene before, being surrounded by a group of men. She was so scared that she clutched the wrist of the maid next to her, terrified.
She said in a trembling voice, ‘Quick, please ask His Royal Highness to go and get rid of them!’
But she didn’t expect that once the Prince entered the corner gate, he had it closed to prevent the scholars from rushing in, leaving the Prince’s wife and entourage outside to deal with them. The Prince cursed as he quickly entered the garden, where he was greeted by the chief historian, who he then instructed to send the guards to the corner gate to help the Prince’s wife.
After the princess finally entered the palace, she was still shaken and unable to come back to her senses for a long time. She was especially sad and resentful when she thought about the king entering the palace alone without even looking back, and she didn’t see him come over to comfort her.
Although the scholars did not see the Prince and Princess in person, rumours began to spread like wildfire that the Prince had not been at the palace for several days and no one knew where he had gone. There were also speculations that the Prince had left Lanzhou altogether, otherwise he would have returned as soon as the fire broke out. It was only after a day or so that he appeared, so it was likely that the Prince had left the fiefdom in secret and gone elsewhere.
When the Prince discovered that the underground stone chamber had been burned, he almost couldn’t catch his breath. He berated his guards one after the other, almost going crazy with anger. The chief of staff hurriedly came to report the rumours about him leaving his fiefdom without permission. The Prince’s eyes immediately filled with bloodshot redness, and he revealed a distorted expression.
The underground stone chamber, leaving his fiefdom without permission, the only person who could possibly know about both of these things at the same time is the Prince Jing!
He had originally brought Fang back just in case, and the Prince decided that she would come in handy at this time.
He originally told the maid by Yang Han’s side to inform Fang Shi to find a secret passage to get out, and his undercover agent in the Songzhou shop went to meet Fang Shi. He thought that this would be done without anyone knowing. In the Chenwang’s opinion, the Jingwang must have something to hide by locking a concubine in an underground stone room. He wanted to use this to get the Jingwang’s hands on him before bringing Fang Shi back.
Fangshi, on the other hand, was suffering terribly in the underground stone chamber. The thought that Xiangshi’s corpse was lying next to her was enough to drive her insane with nightmares every night. The note thrown to her by the maid by Yang Han’s side gave her a glimmer of hope.
Although she didn’t know why these people wanted to help her, she would seize any opportunity to escape from this hell.
It wasn’t until she was taken to the Prince Chen’s carriage that she realised that the person who had saved her was actually the Prince Chen. Fang Shi was not stupid. She knew what it meant to fall into the hands of the Prince Chen. She had never heard of any conflicts between the Prince Chen of Lanzhou and the Prince Jing. The Prince Chen saved her, and she associated it with several possibilities.
After all, she was a noblewoman from the capital, her father still served the emperor, and her family had intertwined interests in the capital. Even if she wanted to take revenge on the King of Jing, she could not turn to the Prince of Chen.
So when she returned to the Chen Prince’s mansion, the Chen Prince initially put on a good face and asked her in detail why she had been locked in the stone room. Fang simply played it down, mainly blaming it on offending Cao Wanjiao, but she knew that the Chen Prince was very disappointed. Backyard intrigues were not a powerful lever that could threaten the Jing Prince.
Fangshi’s days at the Chenwangfu were not easy. She was basically under house arrest and was not allowed to see outsiders. Every day, the Chenwang had people ask her in different ways what the Jingwang’s weaknesses were. Fangshi wanted to use the Chenwang to get back at the Jingwang, but the things she provided were not at all worthy of the Chenwang’s attention.
At this time, the situation of the Prince of Chen was already very tense. The scholars who had always supported him disagreed with him for leaving his fiefdom without permission. Naturally, the imperial court in the capital also heard about this rumour and sent officials to investigate. The Prince of Chen had no troops and no public opinion to support him. He should have kept his head down and waited for the storm to pass before making any plans.
But when the Prince of Chen thought about the fact that the hard work he had prepared for many years had been destroyed by the Prince of Jing, he became enraged. Since he still had the Fang family as a card up his sleeve, the Prince of Chen vaguely wrote a sealed letter and asked someone to find a way to deliver it to the Prince of Jing.
The shops where he had arranged spies in Songzhou were suddenly arrested by the Prince Jing’s court on various charges after he left Songzhou, so he could be sure that it was the Prince Jing who was behind everything. This secret letter took some effort, but it was delivered to the Prince Jing’s hands.
The secret letter said that he had already learned the Prince Jing’s secret through the Fang family, and if he did not want it to be made public, he would ask the Prince Jing to help him.
Naturally, the letter was made up of coded words, and only the messenger would reveal to the people of the Prince Jing’s residence how to decipher it, so even if it was intercepted by outsiders, they would not be able to tell what was inside.
The Prince Chen had only written this coded letter in a moment of heat of the head, mainly to scare the Prince Jing a little, and did not expect the Prince Jing to agree to his demands as a result. Even if the Prince Jing did not agree, he could still make the Prince Jing feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, not knowing what secrets would be revealed.
Even if the King of Jing was not afraid of the Fang family revealing anything and did not react in any way, the King of Chen would not lose out.
However, he did not expect that the King of Jing would do something that caught him off guard because of this letter.
The King of Jing actually went straight to the imperial court and said that the King of Chen had plotted to take the Fang concubine in his backyard and imprison her in the Chen mansion, not knowing what his intentions were!
The Jing Wang had no evidence, but the Chen Wang would forge secret letters, so he forged an ‘open letter’. His accusation was clever. He heard that the Chen Wang had left Lanzhou for no reason, and the Fang side concubine in his own mansion suddenly quietly escaped. Then the Chen Wang sent him a letter asking him to let Fang and the Chen Wang be together.
Of course, this letter could not prove that the Chen Wang had written it himself, but why did the Jing Wang have to slander the Chen Wang? The King Jing’s accusation caused a huge uproar in the capital. The fact that the King Jing had the Fang family’s daughter locked up for ‘moral turpitude’ was only quietly spread among the upper class of the capital as idle gossip.
However, what the King Jing accused was very unbelievable. How did the King Chen steal someone’s secondary consort? Was there something romantic going on? All kinds of speculations instantly spread throughout the major families and noble families in the capital.
The Minister of Rites was having a headache. Not only had he failed to block the emperor’s summons of the Princess Jing as planned, which had already made him feel uneasy, but now his son-in-law was suddenly embroiled in all kinds of scandals, had abandoned his fiefdom, and had forcibly taken the king’s concubine. How could someone with such a dark past ascend to the throne in the future? The Minister of Rites had originally wanted to support the Prince Chen to ascend the throne, so that his family could become the queen’s family, and he could become the future emperor’s grandson.
But as the reputation of Prince Chen fell overnight, the Minister of Rites also had other thoughts. Perhaps he should take advantage of the situation and withdraw, to protect his family.
The emperor, on the other hand, was dumbfounded when he heard that Prince Chen had forcibly taken the concubine of Prince Jing. Fangshi was obviously his pawn, so how could she be related to Prince Chen? The fact that the Prince of Chen had left his fiefdom without permission had already made him very unhappy. He was discussing with the courtiers what appropriate punishment to mete out, and now this shocking news had dropped out of the blue. The King of Jing was even asking the Emperor to do him justice. The Emperor didn’t know what to do.
The court argued about the matter reported by the King of Jing for a month without reaching a conclusion. After all, the Prince of Chen had firmly denied the incident. Even if the court had sent someone there, they would have feared that Fang would be silenced immediately and no evidence could be found.
Although the matter was dealt with without consequence, it was a bitter experience for the Prince Chen. He never imagined that bringing Fang back would be such a hot potato. Even if the court could not find evidence, the scholars in Lanzhou who had originally supported him believed that his actions had been greatly tainted. The Prince Jing was his cousin, so what was the big deal about forcibly taking his cousin’s concubine?
The Prince of Chen lost the support of most of the literati. Without weapons or food, and without the military support of the Prince of Jing, his father-in-law in the capital began to cool his attitude, and Zhang Deming, who was close to the emperor, also lost interest in cooperating with him.
The Prince of Chen had to admit that the grand chess game he had played had fallen apart, and there was no way to salvage it.

Chapter 71
The Prince Chen returned to Lanzhou. Two months later, the Prince Jing’s illness was declared to have ‘recovered’. When the Emperor heard the news, he was stunned for a long time. His disappointment was beyond words. But what made him even more headache was that he had revealed this to a few of his beloved concubines, causing them to scramble to covet the adoption of their sons to the Prince Jing. As a result, the harem is now in a state of chaos. The Emperor has to clean up this mess, which is a headache just thinking about it.
But what can he do? Can he forbid the Prince of Jing to recover? He was the one who secretly wrote to him to tell him that he was seriously ill. Since he was ill, it is only natural that he has recovered. The Empress of Jing, Lady Cao, has already been inscribed in the Imperial Genealogical Records, so the Emperor can only swallow his tears and accept this loss.
Now that the Prince of Jing has recovered, the Empress of Jing has sent out invitations and is preparing to host a banquet.
Originally, after Cao Wanjiao became the Princess Jing, she should have made an appearance in the upper echelons of Songzhou society, so that the wives and wives could recognise each other’s faces. However, after marrying into the royal family, due to various trivial matters, she has not had the time to engage in wife diplomacy until now.
This time, she has invited all the officials of Songzhou and the wives of the local families and aristocrats, mainly the well-known people in the Hangzhou area. Cao Wanjiao plans to arrange the banquet process more securely, which is to watch a play while having dinner. There is a stage in the backyard of the palace, but there is no opera troupe, so she has invited a well-known troupe from outside. Then the dishes will feature the specialty dishes of Songzhou, and the servants will make the decorations more ornate and exquisite.
Cao Wanqiao was a little nervous. She had never liked speaking in front of a crowd since she was a child, and she was still very anxious about this banquet.
On the day of the banquet, she woke up early in the morning and let her maids put on her makeup and dress her. Today, she is wearing the crown of a princess of a vassal state, so her makeup must be a bit more extravagant, otherwise it won’t hold up. Bi’er and Zhu’er are concentrating on helping her draw her eyebrows and dot her lips when they suddenly hear the sound of other people greeting them. They stop what they are doing and realize that it is Chu’an-zhou entering the bedchamber of the military commander.
Chu Anzhou didn’t need to show his face at today’s occasion. Cao Wanqiao asked him casually when she saw him enter, ‘Have you gone to see the banquet in the backyard? How is the arrangement?’
Chu Anzhou saw that her makeup was not as pure and clean as usual, and he hesitated for a moment before shaking his head and answering, ‘I haven’t seen it. Don’t worry, even if there is a mistake, they dare not say anything about you.’
Cao Wanqiao also knew this truth. She was the princess consort of Songzhou, so who would dare to provoke her? But today everyone’s attention was focused on her, and she had to recognise the wives of Songzhou who were worthy of the name, so she was under a lot of pressure. Hearing Chu Anzhou say that, she felt slightly relieved.
Hey, no matter how the banquet goes today, there is always Chu Anzhou to take care of things.
Bi’er and Zhu’er quietly withdrew after Jing Wang entered. They could worry about their appearance later, but they must not interrupt the Prince and Princess while they were talking. Otherwise, the Prince could kill someone with just his eyes, which was terrifying.
Cao Wanqiao was still looking at her makeup in the mirror, muttering, ‘The blush shouldn’t be too thick, or it will make me look younger and lack authority…’
She didn’t notice Chu Anzhou walking over to her, placing a large hand on her shoulder and then lowering his head to kiss her.
Cao Wanqiao came back to her senses and panicked, shouting, ‘Oops, I put on a lot of rouge today, now I’ll have to reapply!’
She was originally a little flustered, but when she looked up, she saw that Chu Anzhou’s cold face had been stained red by her lips, and she couldn’t help but burst out laughing, her temper instantly disappearing.
‘You’ll make everyone laugh if you go out looking like that, wipe it off!”
Seeing that she couldn’t stop laughing, Chu Anzhou looked in the mirror himself, and then, embarrassed, took the handkerchief Cao Wanqiao handed him and wiped the rouge off her lips. Then he said sulkily, “I don’t like your heavy makeup.”
Cao Wanqiao said helplessly, ’Today is different from usual, so bear with it.’
Chu Anzhou always liked to kiss her when there was something going on or nothing at all, and she was used to it. Who knew that with her heavy makeup on, Chu Anzhou would kiss her without noticing. She still found it funny when she thought about it, and her eyebrows and eyes were always curved.
‘Just get them to leave quickly.”
Chu Anzhou whispered to her, and Cao Wanjiao saw that he was uninterested in the party, and she softened a little. Although her rational mind told her that the party was important, she still softly said, ’I’ll just act a bit, and besides, I’m tired, so let them go home early.’
Chu Anzhou nodded with satisfaction. He tilted his head a little, intending to give her another kiss, but after feeling his lips, he settled for a light kiss on the back of Cao Wanjiao’s white neck.
Cao Wanjiao couldn’t kiss him with her bright red lips, so she just stroked his hand for a while before Chu Anzhou left.
The maids re-entered the bedroom and helped Cao Wanqiao get dressed for the last time. She looked at her own gorgeous and dignified appearance in the mirror and was quite satisfied. She felt brand new and completely different from her usual childish self, and her heart was filled with excitement.
Hmph, let them see that she, the Princess of Jing, is not some ordinary little country girl who has risen to power!
She emboldened herself like this and, surrounded by everyone, made her way to the banquet in the backyard.
Although she was the hostess, as the Princess Jing, she should have been the last to arrive, but she chose the time specified on the invitation and appeared in front of everyone quite punctually.
Cao Wanjiao laughed inwardly, looking at the faces of those who were late and walked in front of her, so she could recognise which people had treated the Jing’s residence lightly.
However, most people still had great respect for it. More than 90% of the wives had already taken their seats, and the rest were still waiting in line outside because the carriages were crowded.
Cao Wanqiao was satisfied. Indeed, the Prince of Jing was still very intimidating in Songzhou, and she had also risen in the world thanks to him.
The Tao family had also been invited. As the mother of the Princess, she was seated next to Cao Wanqiao, and there was no need for her to mingle with others. She only needed to stand next to Cao Wanqiao to make her feel at ease.
The other recently appointed wife was the wife of the prefect. The current prefect of Songzhou was surnamed Zhang. This Mrs. Zhang was already in her forties, had a graceful figure, and although she was not fawning towards Cao Wanjiao, she was very kind and agreeable.
Whenever a woman came to pay her respects, Mrs. Zhang would enthusiastically introduce her. Cao Wanjiao was very impressed that she knew so many people, and this was truly diplomatic skills! It is estimated that Chu Anzhou must have given some advice to Zhang Zhizhou beforehand, telling him to let his wife help Cao Wanjiao. Zhang Zhizhou’s wife is also very astute, so she acts as Cao Wanjiao’s secretary, reminding her who this person is, what relationship they have, and roughly what rank they hold in Songzhou, making Cao Wanjiao’s life much easier.
When it was time to order the opera, Cao Wanjiao, as the host, ordered two performances, and let the more respectable wives order the rest. She sat back, sipping tea and eating dim sum, while watching the spectacular performances on stage.
For these ladies, this was the first time they had seen the young princess, who was only sixteen years old. She was beautiful, with a small, round face, round eyes, a petite figure, fair skin, dark eyebrows and hair. What was rare was that she had a pleasing smile that made people feel good, and it was no wonder that the cold and domineering Jing Wang had simply and decisively married her.
At this time, of course, no one dares to point fingers at Cao Wanqiao’s background. She is favoured by the King and is on the imperial genealogy. No matter what she thinks in her heart, it does not affect her stable position. It is better to take advantage of this rare banquet to make a splash in front of the King’s wife.
To be honest, Cao Wanqiao didn’t really understand the singing of the opera troupe, so she just waited for the others to finish singing before she gave her praise. Then she listened to Tao’s quiet remarks about the interesting story of the three young children beginning to learn to read and write.
At that moment, however, a woman of medium appearance and dignified temperament walked over, accompanied by two plump maids. She smiled and said to Cao Wanqiao, ‘I am the concubine of the Lian family from Donglai Street in Hangzhou. I pay my respects to Your Highness.’
A few other wives had also taken the opportunity to say a few words to her earlier, so Cao Wanqiao also took this wife as such, smiling and nodding in greeting, saying, ‘Mrs. Lian, you are welcome.’
Mrs. Zhang interjected appropriately from the side, ‘The Lian family on Donglai Street is a scholarly family, and Mrs. Lian also studied the Women’s Commandments diligently at home. She is a model figure of the Three Obediences and Four Virtues in Hangzhou.’
Upon hearing this, Mrs. Lian smiled bashfully and waved her hand, saying, ‘Mrs. Prefect, you are too kind. I only know a few characters.’
Cao Wanjiao found Mrs. Zhang’s description of Mrs. Lian really interesting, but it seemed that Mrs. Lian hadn’t heard it. She just took it as a compliment and even flashed a few gleams of delight on her face.
Next, Cao Wanjiao knew why Mrs. Zhang had said that.
“My concubine is overjoyed to meet Her Highness today. My family has prepared a small gift, but I’m afraid it won’t please Her Highness. My concubine thought that since the prince’s household still has no children at his knee, she would be presumptuous to bring these two maidservants. Her Highness can rest assured that they are both from good families, healthy, with many brothers at home, honest in character, and will definitely not cause Her Highness trouble. I hope Her Highness can appreciate my concubine’s sincerity.’
After Mrs. Lian finished speaking, Mrs. Tao couldn’t help but gasp, while Cao Wanqiao was stunned. Could there be such an inconsiderate person?
She had only married into the royal family a few months ago, and someone was already proposing the Prince Jing’s women to her? Apparently, they were still childless!
The other wives next to them all listened intently, waiting to see how Cao Wanqiao would handle the situation.
Mrs. Zhang’s eyes flashed with displeasure and worry. She knew that even Mrs. Lian, who was so dull, would stir up trouble. She pulled the corners of her mouth up in a smile and said to Cao Wanjiao, ‘Mrs. Lian is truly worthy of being the most virtuous woman in Hangyi. She has taken numerous concubines for her husband and given birth to many children, and she is also worried about the problems of other people’s families. The two she gave to my family before were really good.’
Cao Wanjiao could hear the undertone in Mrs. Zhang’s words. It turns out that Mrs. Lian is a strange person, giving away maidservants to others everywhere, afraid that they will not be able to bear sons. Cao Wanjiao could not understand the thinking of such a ‘virtuous’ person. Is it enjoyable to watch your husband have children with other women every day?
No, from Mrs. Zhang’s implied mockery of Mrs. Lian’s words, she also knew that even an indigenous person like Mrs. Zhizhou did not like this practice.
Cao Wanjiao thought for a moment. Even Mrs. Lian didn’t refuse the gifts from Mrs. Lian, which indicated that the Lian family probably had some background in Hangzhou. Although the feudal king didn’t need to fear offending them, there was no need to make enemies. Then there was the fact that she remembered that the King of Jing’s backyard also had many dancing girls and singing courtesans sent by other feudal kings or officials. Sometimes accepting these people could also consolidate mutual friendship.
Mrs Tao anxiously watched Cao Wanqiao, fearing that if she refused, she would be accused of not being virtuous. Although Cao Wanqiao had only been married for a few months, the King Jing was approaching his thirtieth birthday without a child, and if Cao Wanqiao was jealous and refused to help him take a concubine, it would not reflect well on her.
But as a mother, Lady Tao also didn’t want her son-in-law to fall in love with someone else. It would be best to spoil Cao Wanqiao. So now she didn’t know how to help Cao Wanqiao and could only stand by and worry.
She saw that Cao Wanqiao didn’t think about it for long, smiled, and said, ‘Even the wife sent this girl to solve my problem. The soldiers under the king have many who have never married, and the king is worried about them. I will find good husbands for these two girls.’
Mrs. Lian was stunned for a moment, and the others were also surprised to hear this. Mrs. Lian hurriedly said, ‘Your Highness, these two maidservants are…’
“Those soldiers have worked very hard to defend Songzhou. I will definitely tell the Prince about the Lian family’s good intentions.’
Cao Wanqiao said with a smile, and Mrs. Lian was suddenly at a loss for words. Although it was not what she had originally intended, it seemed to have helped her husband. She couldn’t help but say excitedly, ‘Your Majesty is too kind. The Lian family is honoured to be able to do something for Songzhou!’
The people present couldn’t help but secretly admire this young Jing princess in their hearts. She had so easily resolved the difficult problem of a local powerful family offering a woman to the king. It seemed that the Jing princess could not be underestimated, and they would have to be on their guard in the future.
After Mrs. Lian left happily, Mrs. Zhang sighed and said to Cao Wanqiao with a wry smile, ‘Her Highness is really clever. If I had used that method in the beginning, it would have been great.’
Cao Wanqiao smiled faintly and comforted her, ‘Have the two maids that Mrs. Lian gave you conceived yet? In fact, there are many soldiers in Songzhou who cannot marry, and everyone spoils their daughters. They cannot bear to let their daughters wait at home for their husbands to return from the barracks. This has caused this situation. However, a few people have a whole courtyard of wives and concubines, which makes these soldiers even more miserable. Even if they have served someone else, as long as they have no children, they can still be married off. As long as those soldiers can marry, where would they care about her background?
Lady Zhang was stunned. Apart from finding this new theory incredible, she always felt that the Princess Jing seemed to be planting a seed. Lady Zhang was a sensible person, and she laughed and said, ‘Your Highness is right. I was blind before.’
This little incident was resolved by Cao Wanjiao in a calm and unassuming manner. The maids brought by the two wives of the company were also settled down, waiting to be matched with the soldiers.
The banquet ended peacefully. Cao Wanqiao said a few words of blessing and thanks to everyone, and then let them disperse. Overall, today’s banquet was a great success.
Tao’s stayed until the end before leaving. She thought about it for a long time before anxiously asking Cao Wanqiao, ‘You didn’t ask the prince first, and you just pushed those two maids out there. Will the prince blame you?’
‘Mother is worrying for nothing. The Prince will not blame me.’ Cao Wanjiao knew that Dowager Lady Tao was worried about her, but she could not tell her that Chu Anzhou would support her in any case. Dowager Lady Tao would not believe that, so she had to find an excuse to avoid the issue: ’The two maids are not outstanding-looking. The Prince has so many concubines and consorts, where would he look at someone like that? If I were to send someone to him without permission, he would be angry.’
After listening to this, Mrs. Tao felt relieved, but she still couldn’t help but urge her, ‘Even Mrs. Lian is right. You’d better give the Prince a big, fat boy soon, so that the royal family will have an heir. Then you won’t have to worry.’
Of course, Cao Wanqiao had no way to explain to Mrs. Tao that she had to wait until she was 18 before she could consummate her marriage. She had to nod repeatedly in agreement and see Mrs. Tao out the door.
As the prefect’s wife had guessed, Mrs. Lin’s actions had indeed given her inspiration. She had always wanted to use Chu Anzhou’s backyard as a mere decoration, but with so many women in one household, even if they were not favoured, they would still fight and quarrel over time. Solving this problem could be dealt with in due course.
She returned to the courtyard and saw Chu Anzhou sitting in the bedroom reading a book. This man clearly had a study, but he loved hanging out in her room, so she didn’t know what to say.
The maids took off her coat and headdress for her and quickly withdrew. Chu Anzhou asked her, ‘How was your day?’
Cao Wanjiao nodded. ‘It went quite well.’ She then smiled slyly, glanced at him and said, ‘I pushed your peach blossoms today, you won’t have a problem with that, will you?’
Chu Anzhou actually knew what happened at the banquet. He had been keeping an eye on things, but seeing Cao Wanjiao looking so cute and funny, he asked deliberately with adoring eyes, ‘What peach blossoms?’
Cao Wanqiao also pretended to be sour and said, ‘Someone sent you two delicate beauties, which made me angry. Don’t you have a lot of soldiers at the bottom who can’t get married? I just said that I would marry them!’
Chu Anzhou sat down next to her, slowly clapped his hands twice, and then said, ‘My wife is really virtuous, solving my problem for me.’
Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but laugh, and gently pushed him in the chest. ‘Are you mocking me?’
Chu Anzhou said innocently, ‘I mean it sincerely. My wife is the smartest.’
After he finished speaking, he looked at Cao Wanqiao’s heavily made-up face, frowned, and then got up to get a damp towel from the washbasin stand. He sat back down next to Cao Wanqiao, and gently lifted her chin. ‘I’ll remove your makeup for you.’
Cao Wanjiao obediently let him wipe her face. She remembered that on their wedding night, he also removed her makeup in the same way. It seemed that this man really didn’t like heavy makeup and had to personally remove it.
With her eyes closed, she said, ‘Concubine Lan, and those women in the backyard, what are you going to do about them?’
Chu Anzhou’s actions did not pause for a moment, and he said with reason, ‘If you find them pleasing to the eye, let them continue to live here. If you don’t like them, then kick them out.’
Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but raise the corners of her mouth. This person had simply guessed what she was thinking and said it on purpose.
“Just like those two girls today, if they have suitable partners, let them remarry slowly. If you let them go, they won’t know how to live. But here, it’s like being a widow, and they are still so young.’
In fact, most of the time, remarrying the women in the backyard is still mostly her selfishness. Although they are only concubines in name, neither the former King Jing nor the current Chu Anzhou has touched them, but Cao Wanqiao gradually grew to resent even these ‘titles’.
This shows that she is increasingly in love with this man and only wants to have him all to herself.
But she also knows the innocence of the concubines such as Concubine Lan, so she can only do her best to settle them down.
Chu Anzhou said softly, ‘Do whatever you want, I’ll do whatever you say.’
Cao Wanqiao couldn’t help but open her eyes and look at the tenderness in Chu Anzhou’s eyes. In fact, she relied on him to spoil her. A woman who is spoiled can do whatever she wants.
Cao Wanqiao muttered, ‘Take your time. There are those who are stubborn. You have to persuade them one by one. You have to find a good partner, otherwise I will feel bad if I marry a bad person.’
Chu Anzhou moved very gently, painstakingly removing layer after layer of powder and rouge from Cao Wanjiao’s face until it was clean, before lowering his head to kiss her.
Cao Wanjiao responded to the kiss, gradually closing her eyes again, feeling as if she were floating in the sea, and only Chu Anzhou could give her oxygen.
Sometimes she wonders if she and Chu Anzhou were destined to be together, or if they were destined to part in a previous life in a way that made it impossible to reunite, and if so, how they could be reunited in this life, crossing paths with someone with the same name and appearance, despite the vast class difference between them.
Chu Anzhou just hopes that their destiny will endure, day after day, year after year.
The author has something to say:
It’s over, which seems a bit sudden, but this is the end of the story. This one is more of a free-for-all, and as the old saying goes, it has many shortcomings, so please bear with me.
There are two more short side stories, after all, the bridal chamber hasn’t been written yet, it must be written, hahaha!
Let me also promote my next story, ‘Your Highness, Smile,’ a little. If you like it, little angels, please bookmark it, okay?
There is also the final chapter, ‘The Happy Life of the First-Class Lady,’ which you can read when you have some free time!
‘Empress, Smile for Me’ synopsis ↓ ↓ ↓
When the seventh prince, Meng Chen, was thirteen years old, he got into a fight with his brother and was seriously injured and bedridden.
His best friend brought his five-year-old sister, Shi Wei, to visit him.
He couldn’t help but pinch Shi Wei’s rosy cheeks.
“This fat girl doesn’t even smile when visiting a sick person,’
Shi Wei looked at him expressionlessly.
‘Your Highness is badly injured, so you can see that you are not good at fighting. You should stop fighting in the future.’
Several years later, Meng Chen, who had been exiled to guard the imperial tombs, returned to the capital with a murderous aura and war exploits.
He robbed Shi Wei’s bridal palanquin and lifted the curtain to take a look. He saw that the rosy-cheeked little girl from back then had blossomed into a stunningly beautiful woman.
She sat inside expressionlessly, holding a dagger.
Meng Chen smiled and said, ‘Put the knife down. No matter what, you can’t beat me.’

Chapter 72
Before Chu Anzhou met Cao Wanjiao, he never really cared about love.
He was lucky to come from a relatively well-off family and always had access to the resources he needed. Unfortunately, his parents died young, and his grandparents raised him. Although they spoiled him, Chu Anzhou was unable to live the carefree, innocent life of a normal child.
And when his grandparents passed away one after the other due to old age and illness, he felt that this was probably how the world worked, and that he would have to go it alone until the end.
He liked physics and did well in school, so he continued his studies all the way to graduation. Going abroad was always an option, but since he had no family left in China, he would be alone no matter where he went.
As for finding a girlfriend, he could say that his heart was unmoved by such things. Many people had confessed their love to him, but he never felt like being with anyone in particular. He had a very clear position on the people around him: classmates, friends, teachers, relatives, but there was just no place for a lover.
Until the day he was walking on campus and saw the orange and black spotted kitten that he would feed occasionally. On a whim, he bought food to feed it.
He is often surrounded by the stares of others, but he is used to ignoring them. His cold and aloof image also makes others hesitate to approach and strike up a conversation.
At first, she didn’t say anything. When the kitten saw her, it snuggled up to her affectionately. Chu Anzhou found this very strange. The kitten usually didn’t get that close to people. If he hadn’t fed it before, I’m afraid it wouldn’t have come near.
Cao Wanqiao casually fed the kitten, muttering, ‘Why have you gained weight again? Haven’t you eaten enough from me, but also from other people?’
After she finished, she looked up at him, and Chu Anzhou was very impressed. Her round eyes, black and white, curiously examined him.
Chu Anzhou suddenly felt an itch in his throat, and couldn’t help but cough lightly. He pressed the mask on his face.
“Did you just feed it? Don’t let its small size fool you, it was even smaller at first, but it really has gained weight.’
Chu Anzhou knew that. He watched the kitten gradually gain weight, and in fact, he had also complained in his heart. He hesitated for a moment and nodded.
Cao Wanjiao squatted down to look at the cat, and suddenly asked him again, ‘Isn’t it very cute?’
Chu Anzhou didn’t know why, but looking at Cao Wanjiao’s round dark eyes and rosy cheeks, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He answered softly, ‘Yes.’
‘Do you feed it often?’ she asked again.
Chu Anzhou shook his head and replied, “Not very often.”
Cao Wanqiao let out an “oh” and didn’t continue talking. Chu Anzhou was also crouching, and there was some distance between the two of them, as well as a cat in between. Chu Anzhou wondered if he should leave, but for some reason, he just wanted to stay like this, not moving.
Cao Wanqiao looked at him again, and kept looking at him for a while. Chu Anzhou didn’t know why, and only heard her say, ‘Your eyes are a bit like cat’s eyes.’
Chu Anzhou froze for a moment, not knowing how to reply. He was still thinking about how to respond in his head, but Cao Wanqiao stood up, waved to the kitten, and said, ‘Bye.’
Chu Anzhou’s eyes followed her movements. Cao Wanjiao looked back at him and suddenly smiled, saying, ‘Bye.’
He crouched in the same place for a while before he felt a little heat on his face.
That girl’s smile was really pretty.
In fact, he didn’t really pay much attention to this episode, but since they had met by chance, he only remembered the girl’s appearance the next time he fed the cat.
But after that, whenever a friend tried to introduce him to a girl, unlike before when he was indifferent, a clearer image would come to mind: a girl with round, doe-like eyes and a sweet smile.
And he never met anyone who looked like that girl again.
After a long time, a friend sent him a photo and said it was someone they wanted to introduce him to. He was used to saying no, but when he saw the face he thought he had forgotten, the corner of his mouth lifted involuntarily.
He agreed to meet her, which almost scared his friend, and then they really met. She didn’t seem as natural as when she was feeding the cat, but a little reserved and nervous. But so was he, only it was hard to tell from the outside.
After that, they met a few more times. He really wanted to find something to talk about, but he was afraid that she wouldn’t be interested in what he was interested in. When she brought up something, he wanted to respond, but he had no feelings about it and the conversation just wouldn’t get going.
But a faint joy always filled his heart. Her occasional sweet smile could make him think back on the whole day.
Later, he asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend, and she quickly agreed. This made Chu Anzhou feel that maybe on this road of life, he could be with someone.
He had to admit that in order to continue being with Cao Wanjiao, he had changed many of his original plans. But he also truly felt that those plans were not something that he had to stick to. It was just because of these changes that he became even busier.
He tried to reply to Cao Wanjiao’s messages as quickly as possible and to find time for dates, but he knew, he could feel it, that the sweet smiles were becoming less frequent and her words were gradually becoming shorter.
He had asked for a relationship, so he didn’t know if Cao Wanjiao liked him as much as he liked her.
Standing by her side, watching her every expression, frowning and pursing her lips, he actually remembered it all.
He liked her, very much, so much that he was clumsy and didn’t know what to do.
But he couldn’t tell how Cao Wanqiao felt about him. He could sense that she was still very distant towards him sometimes.
It made him feel as if he were secretly in love with her.
They were obviously dating, and she was obviously his girlfriend, but in this relationship called ‘lovers’, he was still secretly in love with her.
But it didn’t matter, he thought that maybe time would be kind and she would fall in love with him too.
Although he didn’t wait until the end, what he got was her breaking up with him.
He thought that was the most disappointing moment for him, except for the death of a loved one.
He told himself rationally not to force her and restrained himself from disturbing her, but when he learned that his female classmate had actually told her nonsense, he lost his temper for the first time. The entire research room was scared into silence, and the female classmate even burst into tears.
But Chu Anzhou didn’t care. The only person he cared about was her. He hoped that perhaps Cao Wanjiao was just angry with his female classmate for telling her nonsense.
Even though Cao Wanjiao refused to listen to his explanation, he still went to find her, hoping that if he looked her in the eye, she would be willing to give him a chance.
Seeing the car speeding towards Cao Wanjiao, Chu Anzhou actually didn’t think about anything. His body moved faster than his mind.
It had always been like this. Everything he did for her was not pretentious; he just did it when he thought of it.
When he opened his eyes again, it took some time for him to understand his situation. He was quite calm inside, and just hoped in his heart that Cao Wanqiao would be fine.
Everything else, forget it.
No matter where he was, he was walking alone.
It wasn’t until a year later that he heard her name and saw her face, which was even more childish than in her previous life. All the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time rushed into his chest in an instant, and he couldn’t help but call out, ‘Qiaoqiao…’
The author has something to say:
From our hero’s perspective, let me add that there is another extra chapter about the wedding night. Of course, the car cannot be driven, but it is sweet to finally let the hero eat the heroine, okay?

Chapter 73
Cao Wanqiao’s 18th birthday passed in a very low-key manner. It had been more than a year since she had become the Princess Jing, but she had only had a handful of social interactions with the wives of Songzhou. Since she rarely showed her face in public, the rumours about her were a bit exaggerated, such as that she was beautiful as a fairy, with ice-cold skin and jade bones. After marrying into the family, she had made the King of Jing love her alone and call the shots in the palace.
Cao Wanjiao only felt embarrassed, and she disliked appearing in public even more. Anyway, she could not get along with those wives and concubines, and since they felt that she was favoured, they often wanted to use her to get close to the King of Jing. It would be better if they didn’t know her.
Months before her eighteenth birthday, invitations started arriving from all over, asking how she wanted to celebrate. Cao Wanjiao was tired of dealing with this, so she decided that it would be enough to just have a meal with her family on her birthday. After all, her birthday in this life was the anniversary of her death in her previous life, which didn’t seem like something to celebrate.
Most importantly, she had an even bigger worry.
As the day of her eighteenth birthday drew closer, Chu Anzhou’s gaze on her grew more intense. The two had always slept in the same bed, and Chu Anzhou had at first only kissed her forehead, and after a while had fallen asleep with his arm around her. But recently, Chu Anzhou’s hands and feet had become a little restless. Not only did the kisses last longer, he also liked to explore the mysteries of the human body. Every night, she was so ashamed that she wrapped herself in a quilt and slept, not allowing him to come near, for fear of something going wrong.
In fact, when the passion is deep, it will happen naturally. Cao Wanjiao doesn’t feel awkward yet. It’s just that this sultry man has to wait until she turns 18, which makes her nervous. On her birthday, the Cao family came to have dinner with them, and Cao Wanjiao was distracted the whole time.
Chu Anzhou’s temperament has become more and more calm over the past year or so. He has become accustomed to his role as Prince Jing, and the responsibilities and powers that come with it have allowed him to show off his domineering and imposing manner of a local king. Cao Wanjiao actually often thinks to herself that this man is getting handsomer and handsomer every day, while she is doing nothing but getting plumper and plumper thanks to his spoiling.
Chu Anzhou tells her every day that she is not fat, just right. Cao Wanqiao thinks to herself that he must be doing it on purpose, to get a feel for her body.
After the birthday banquet, after seeing the Cao family off, Cao Wanqiao walked in front of Chu Anzhou and entered the bedroom of the general’s quarters first, but she couldn’t help but be startled.
She saw that the entire bedroom was wrapped in layers of red silk and satin, and there were dragon and phoenix candles burning, as if it were the first day of their marriage.
Chu Anzhou also walked in. Obviously, the servants had been told not to enter and serve, leaving just the two of them alone. Cao Wanqiao looked back at him helplessly and said, ‘It’s obviously my birthday, but why do I feel like I’ve become a gift?’
Chu Anzhou gave a shallow smile at this remark, his eyes full of tenderness. He reached out and touched her blushing cheeks, whispering, ‘I’m your gift. I want to make today our wedding night.’
Cao Wanqiao wanted to argue with him, but in fact she had been looking forward to this day for a long time. Every time she put on the brakes, she felt a little uncomfortable. She always felt that if she could take that step, the bond between her and Chu Anzhou would become even more deeply entwined.
There was a silver wine set on the table. Chu Anzhou reached out and poured two small glasses of wine. Cao Wanqiao understood what he meant. Even though she muttered to herself in her heart that it was unnecessary to be so ritualistic and it was strange and embarrassing, she still took the glass in her hand, crossed her arms with Chu Anzhou, and gulped it down.
The wine was sweet, a fruit wine that Cao Wanqiao usually liked to drink, which made her feel more satisfied. Chu Anzhou took the empty glass and put it on the table.
Cao Wanqiao felt a little panicked, not knowing when Chu Anzhou was going to start the ‘bridal chamber’.
But she didn’t have much time to think. It was only a blink of an eye, and she felt her whole body being lifted into the air. She was quickly placed on a soft bed, and Chu Anzhou’s tall shadow covered her, quickly leaning over her.
As soon as the deep, magnetic voice fell, Cao Wanqiao’s lips were kissed.
This man…has no intention of letting her prepare at all?
He first kissed her lips delicately, then kissed her forehead, cheeks, and tip of her nose again. Cao Wanqiao was already used to his gentle but firm kisses, and she was familiar with his breath and smell, but she still couldn’t help but tremble slightly as Chu Anzhou’s kisses gradually moved downwards.
He whispered her nickname, and her little bit of confusion and unease gradually dissipated, replaced by a burning heat that ignited everywhere on her body. Until all restraints faded away, her pale, rosy skin shimmered with a seductive glow in the candlelight. Chu Anzhou’s eyes darkened completely, and his movements became increasingly hurried.
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and the unfamiliar feeling made her close her eyes. The man whispered her name over and over again, making her feel as if she were floating in the vast sea of stars, weightless, and only he could embrace her and give her warmth.
‘Chu Anzhou…you know I love you.’
He suddenly stopped moving at these words, staring at her blankly. Cao Wanjiao broke into a sweet smile, and he couldn’t help but smile back.
‘You know I love you too, forever.”
Then he kissed her again, softly.
After everything calmed down, Chu Anzhou held her in his arms and began to murmur about things from his childhood. Cao Wanjiao was too tired to move a finger, and she listened to Chu Anzhou telling his story. Her chest felt an indescribable sense of peace, and she finally fell asleep in his arms.
Now that they were truly married, Chu Anzhou hardly let her rest at night. Whenever he saw her, he would either kiss her or hug her, as if they were back to the passionate love they had when they first confirmed their feelings for each other. Cao Wanqiao felt very happy and embarrassed. Every time she looked in the mirror, she felt a rosy glow of happiness spread across her face.
However, the frequent sex has made her more sensitive to changes in her body. The couple has also seriously discussed whether or not to have a child. Chu Anzhou’s opinion is to listen to her, of course it would be nice to have the fruit of their love, but he is still keen to have sex every night as he has only just tasted it.
Cao Wanqiao has more thoughts. She has doubted several times whether the two of them can travel back in time. This is a relatively heavy topic, and Chu Anzhou’s attitude has become serious.
However, the two of them agreed that they knew in their previous life what they would probably look like if they were hit by a car. If they travelled back in time, they would either die or be seriously injured. They had become accustomed to their lives here in this life, and it would of course be better to be able to live in peace.
Chu Anzhou, on the other hand, was considering the level of medical care here. Of course, the resources of the Prince Jing’s household were abundant, but he still felt that eighteen was too young, and that they could wait a little longer. Cao Wanqiao agreed.
On the night of the Chinese Valentine’s Day, Cao Wanqiao watched the maids playing cards and happily drank some more wine. A little tipsy, she kept cooing to Chu Anzhou throughout the night, and then…the two of them got a little carried away.
The result was that a month later, she was diagnosed with pregnancy.
Chu Anzhou’s mood was a little complicated. He felt that they hadn’t had enough nights of revelry yet, and he was worried about her giving birth. But the woman he loved was having his child, and he was more than happy about it.
So he decided to celebrate properly, and the way to celebrate was to marry off all the women left in the backyard.
In the past year or two, Cao Wanqiao has actually moved many people out of the Jingwangfu backyard with half persuasion and half cajoling. It’s not that there aren’t rumours of her jealousy, but the Jingwang is happy with her, so who dares say anything?
Now there are very few left in the backyard, and the one who has always been more difficult to deal with is Lan Xiaoxiao.
Although she has been sensible and stayed in the backyard, not causing trouble, and in her spare time she just looks for someone to chat with or play cards with, it is more difficult to find a good match to replace her current life because of her status as a concubine.
Lan Xiaoxiao herself is also a little stubborn. The apparent favour of the Prince Jing once made her enjoy the envious glances of others, which made it difficult for her to give up easily. Every time she saw one of her sisters remarry, even though she had a yearning in her heart to be a real wife, she still held back.
When she heard that Cao Wanqiao had finally become pregnant and that the Prince Jing wanted to dismiss everyone in the back courtyard, Lan Xiaoxiao felt relieved. She couldn’t take the initiative to let go, so it was good to have someone give her a push.
After all, they had lived under the same roof for almost two years, and there were some feelings. Cao Wanqiao gave her several candidates, and even had those people come to the palace. Lan Xiaoxiao stood behind the screen and peeked.
In the end, Lan Xiaoxiao chose someone and quite grandly married him.
At this time, the backyard of the Prince Jing’s mansion was already defunct, and there were no other women there except Cao Wanqiao.
So when Cao Wanqiao was expecting, her days were both leisurely and quiet. She wanted to maintain a calm mood, so she was optimistic about the birth.
Chu Anzhou was a different story. Every time the imperial doctor took her pulse, he would ask questions for half a day, which made the doctor quietly impatient. How had the Prince of Jing suddenly become such a chatterbox? It was a far cry from the old days.
In the ninth month, Cao Wanjiao gave birth to a healthy baby boy.
Chu Anzhou was overjoyed and set up soup kitchens and other charitable activities throughout Songzhou to pray for the well-being of his son.
The couple smiled knowingly at each other as they looked at the sleeping little face in the cradle at night.
Not only did they get married in this time and space, they also formed their own little family, making them even more eager to live a down-to-earth life step by step here.
Until the two of them slowly grew old, with a house full of children and grandchildren, sleeping hand in hand.
The author has something to say:
Thank you to every little angel who stayed until the end. I hope we can meet again in the next story~