The Red Beauty

Content summary:

Reincarnation (time travel); female supremacy (not really, it’s just that the woman happens to be the emperor); one woman and many men (one husband, countless lovers); incest (definitely exciting); fictional (because I hate making up history, I’ll just make up a country); men getting pregnant (I guess it’s possible, men should experience the hardships of being a wife); lots of thunderclaps, don’t get caught in the thunder.

A royal war rages on, and the beauty’s tears are cold.

Main text:

One day at the Imperial College

: Fule is 20 years old, Fuxi is 20 years old, Kehua is 15 years old, Kexue is 14 years old, Kelan and Keying are 12 years old, Kewei is 10 years old, Kesheng is 7 years old, Keheng and Kemin are 4 years old, Feng Qinghui is 19 years old, and Chi Ge is 16 years old.

Two years is enough to make someone forget the ugliness of yesterday, enough for a mother to forget her child’s mistakes, enough for a man once deeply loved to return to her embrace and conceive a child again…
Two years is enough time for a passion to turn into sorrow, for someone to bare their true feelings, for a child to grow from tender to adolescent…
As in the past, Ke Wei led Ke Shan and Xia Hua from the Fendian Palace to the Anren Hall, the imperial children’s school, passing through the Zhengdong Palace. They heard someone shouting inside, ‘How dare you! This palace is no longer in power, and everyone is bullying us? You worthless lackeys…’
Then came the muffled cries of a maid begging for mercy and the crack of a whip.
Xia Hua glanced at her master, who was 10 years old, but had already grown to the height of an average 13-year-old girl due to her early menstruation, and her body had already undergone significant changes. However, the master is as unadorned as ever. Once other people’s princesses grow up, they like to change from the cross-neck palace clothes they wore as children to the adult bandeau palace attire, but the master does the opposite. Now she wears the cross-neck formal attire with the golden peacock pattern all day long, with dark blue gems and a golden hair crown, which is so deep and majestic that people dare not think about it.
Ke Wei tilted her head, and the three words ‘Xi Cheng Yuan’ were as red as blood. Turning to see the servile palace attendants at the courtyard entrance and the awe-inspiring expressionless imperial guards, Ke Wei smiled as she bowed her head at the movement of Ke Shan’s grasping hand, and turned away.
The view from Anren Hall is the most beautiful part of the entire Jiao Tai Hall. There is a lot of flowing water and flowers and trees, and it looks like a water pavilion in the Jiangnan region. A body of water and a palace on the water – this is where the princes and princesses go to class. Crossing the arched bridge with the white jade ceiling, they enter through the door opened by the palace attendant.
Ke Wei enters at the appointed hour. As soon as she enters, the junior tutor arrives. He seats Ke Shan in the seat next to him, and Ke Wei sits on the right-hand side against the wall, away from everything.
Ke Ying gave Ke Shan a glance, looking aggrieved at Ke Wei, and incidentally placed a brocade bag containing almonds on Ke Wei’s table, before returning to her seat under the glare of Shaofu’s glare and sitting next to the silent Ke Lan.
The junior tutor was a female official named Qing’e. She failed the imperial examinations in the 13th year of Fule, but was recommended by the Shangguan family of Baiyuan City to enter the officialdom. Qing’e was just as upright as her name suggested, and she could not tolerate the slightest mistake. She also hated the powerful people in the palace, and treated high-ranking officials with contempt. She was even stricter with the princes and princesses, and would not give them face if she didn’t like them. She often judged the officials in the palace and commented on the empress’s political achievements in class. Such a person would have difficulty establishing themselves in the officialdom, but she has a good husband, a collateral relative of the Shangguan family, so even if she fails the imperial examinations, she can still enter the officialdom by virtue of the Shangguan family’s privileges.
Qing’e often abuses the imperial princesses and princes, but she greatly admires Ke Xue and is very fond of her, often giving her praise. The one she hates most is Ke Shan, who has only been enrolled for a little over a year, and she often gives him tests and gives him the ruler if he doesn’t give a satisfactory answer.
Qing’e opened the book and asked the students to recite the homework left over from the previous day. The first one to stand up was Ke Lan, who recited the passage on governing the country and family in ‘The Great Learning’ aloud. After that, he heard the young tutor say, ‘Your Highness, what you had to recite yesterday was the three passages from “The Doctrine of the Mean”. If you can’t recite them, you will be punished.’
Ke Lan sneered, and in the corner of his eye he glanced at Ke Shan’s direction, ‘Naturally, the student can recite it…’
He shouted out the cold sound of the book, reciting it word for word.
Qing’e lowered his face and turned to Ke Shan. At this moment, Ke Ying jumped up and said, ‘Master, it’s the student’s turn.’
He recited the passage on governing the country and family in ‘The Great Learning’ again. Ke Ying carefully watched Qing’e’s increasingly gloomy face and stammered, ‘Lan, what was my homework yesterday?’
‘The four paragraphs of “Encouraging Learning”,’ Ke Lan said expressionlessly.
Ke Ying swallowed, pulled the corners of his mouth, and recited ‘Encouraging Learning’ without missing a word before Qing’e could speak. After that, he sat down and gave a playful glance at Ke Wei before glaring at Ke Shan.
Qing’e clenched her hands and glared at Ke Wei with hatred in her eyes: ‘Your Highness, do you know the text of “The Great Learning” by heart?’
Ke Shan’s eyes flashed with joy, and he leisurely got up: ‘I am not talented, but I have received so many strokes from the junior tutor, and I have caused my sister to be punished for me. How could I not be able to recite it?’
Without missing a word, Ke Shan recited the section on governing the country and family from ‘The Great Learning’, and then looked at Qing E with satisfaction.
Qing E’s angry face turned cold with contempt, ‘Not bad. However, the third prince previously eavesdropped on the two princes’ recitations, so this is considered cheating.’
Ke Shan was furious when he heard this: ‘They can do what they want, I’ll recite my own. I’ve been reciting this all night, why are you being so unreasonable?’
Qing’e’s smile was gentle, and the ruler in her sleeve slipped into her palm. ‘Your Highness, what do you think this classroom is? You’re violating the etiquette of respecting your teachers and the teachings of the sages. Give me your hand.’
‘You…’ Ke Shan tried to argue, but was pulled back by Ke Wei.
Ke Wei got up expressionlessly and held out her hand, ‘Ke Shan is young, so I, as his elder sister, will take the punishment on his behalf.’
Qing E’s eyes flashed with anger, and she sneered, ‘Your Highness is being a bit arrogant. You have no respect for your elders, and Your Highness will not escape the punishment of the ruler.’
‘Really? Baiyuan City Guardian Situ Xi insulted Qicheng County Magistrate Dong Mingfa. What do you think, Junior Tutor?’ Ke Wei withdrew her hand, looking straight ahead, not even glancing at Qing’e.
Qing’e was momentarily stunned, then sneered, “Are you challenging me to a debate, Your Highness?”
At this, Ke Hua spoke up, ’Junior Tutor, Lord Situ Xi is currently in the prison of Qiushui Mansion.’
His words silenced everyone, and Qing Ke angrily glanced at Ke Wei. ‘So what if it is? Situ Xi insulted his colleagues, and he should be… Besides, the Qiu Shui Mansion is under the control of the Prince Qin.’
‘You know that, but Situ Xi is the husband of Shangguan Lingfeng.’ Ke Lan sneered coldly, ‘Sir Tutor, you don’t know about this kind of thing, do you? I heard that you became the Sir Tutor because the Shangguan family recommended you.’
‘How dare you.‘ Qing’e swung her ruyi and struck Ke Shan.
Ke Wei saw this and quickly put up her arm to block it. The ruyi fell into her palm, where a bloody line appeared, as if it could drip blood. Ke Shan reacted quickly and hurriedly took Ke Wei’s hand, crying, “Sister… sister, you did this for me again… sister…”
’Don’t cry,’ Ke Wei said softly, then turned to Qing’e and said, ’Lord Junior Tutor, what were you trying to do by assaulting the prince?’
Qing E was stunned. Just now, Ke Wei’s sudden attack was unexpected. As the others had said, ‘Situ Xi is the son-in-law of the Shangguan family, but he offended Qi Cheng Dong Mingfa and was taken to prison by Qiushui Mansion. The person in charge of Qiushui Mansion is Mu Chi Ge, and the person in charge of the Qiu Shui Mansion is Mu Chi Ge, who is also the Minister of the Imperial Court, Qin Wang Feng Lin Zi, and the fifth prince is the child of Qin Wang… I wanted to avenge the Shangguan family, but since the Qiu Shui Mansion imprisoned Situ Xi, I offended Qin Wang… In that case, the ruler’s cane today was not a big deal, but what you said was too much.”
Qing E is not stupid, even if she is foolish. After listening to Ke Wei’s words, she said, ’As the young master, what’s wrong with me disciplining my student?’
‘Really? But I just saw the junior tutor’s ruler about to hit the third prince’s head.’ Ke Wei narrowed her eyes and released a cold aura from her body.
Qing’e was shocked, and the sound of the ruler hitting the ground resounded through Anren Hall. Turning around, she looked for help, and when she saw Ke Xue’s expression, she stiffened and waved her sleeve, ’Your Highness, you have no respect for your elders, and the third prince has no respect for the sages. I will go and tell the emperor about this, so that she can make the decision herself. Hmph.’
Qing’e finished speaking and fled in a panic. Ke Wei could not let her have her way, and told Xia Hua at the door, ‘Stop her.’
Xia Hua dodged and grabbed Qing’e, turning to Ke Wei.
Qing’e angrily brushed Xia Hua’s hand away and yelled, ‘Fifth Princess, are you trying to hit your teacher? You’re rebelling…rebellion…’
‘Slap her.’ A cold voice came from Ke Lan.
Ke Lan’s close attendant Dong Ming appeared and grabbed Qing Ke and slapped her.
Qing Ke was confused and couldn’t speak, pointing at Ke Lan.
‘Hmph, you, a Second Rank Junior Tutor, dare to assault a princess. Junior Tutor Qing Ke, we will go and inform Her Majesty the Empress so that she can mete out justice.’ Ke Ying was unusually serious, glaring with fiery eyes.
Qing’e looked at Ke Xue in silence. Ke Xue laughed loudly, walked up to Ke Wei, and said, ‘Fifth sister, does it still hurt? My sister has some excellent white medicine. Why don’t we skip class and go to my palace?’
‘No need,’ Ke Wei looked at Ke Xue coldly and said in a voice only the two of them could hear, “Third Imperial Sister, does the eldest Imperial Sister still remember what happened 18 years ago?” Then, she shook Ke Shan’s hand and walked out of the hall.
Ke Xue was stunned when she heard this, her body unable to stop trembling. She looked at Ke Wei, who had already left, with a complex expression in her eyes.
Ke Wei passed by Ke Lan and Ke Ying, nodded slightly, and turned her head without looking at the soft colour in Ke Lan’s cold eyes, and Ke Ying’s slight grievance and concern.
Standing in front of the stunned Qing’e, Ke Wei laughed lightly and spoke harshly: ‘If the words and deeds of Qing’e’s junior instructor today were to spread to the Anren Hall, and if Lord Situ Xi was sentenced in Qiushui Mansion, I wonder if it would still be useful for Shangguan Lingfeng to visit Qin Huangfu the day before. The Shangguan family…I wonder how they will treat your husband? If Qing’e Shaofu wants to avenge the Shangguan family, she needs to keep her eyes open and see if she is qualified.”
Qing’e’s knees gave way and she fell to the ground, her eyes wide open.
Ke Wei glanced at Xia Hua and pulled Ke Shan away.
Everyone watched as the three of them left, their expressions complex.

Ke Wei took Ke Shan out of the Anren Hall and said to Xia Hua, ‘Take the Third Prince back to Weiye Garden.’
‘My lord…’ Xia Hua wanted to say something but stopped, ‘My lord is hurt…’
‘My sister, I’m not leaving. You come back to Weiye Garden with me and let Aunt Chun apply medicine, okay?’ Ke Shan tugged at Ke Wei’s sleeve, his eyes red and swollen.
“Little Shan, I’m fine. I went to see Emperor Qin, and the matter of Qing’e has not been resolved yet. Why don’t you go back with Xia Hua first, so that you don’t make your sister worry?’ Ke Wei squatted down and pinched Ke Shan’s rosy cheeks.
Upon hearing this, Xia Hua thought to himself, “Emperor Qin will always apply medicine to His Highness, so this is good.” He then took Ke Shan’s hand and said, “Your Highness, let’s go back first.”
Ke Shan glanced at Ke Wei, nodded, and left with Xia Hua.

Ke Wei dismissed the sedan chair and walked towards the imperial garden. To get to the Dongqin Palace in the Qianhuang Palace, passing through the imperial garden was the shortest route. Ke Wei arrived at the entrance of the garden and saw a large group of guards outside, as well as the emperor’s personal guards. She froze for a moment, turned around and took a detour, but saw Li Lian, the King of Qin’s close aide, among them.
Li Lian happened to see Ke Wei and said something to the female attendant next to the emperor, stepping forward. Once he reached Ke Wei, he apologised and then led her past the corner and away from the guard of honour.
‘Your Highness, I apologise. Your Highness, I wish you a thousand blessings,’ said Li Lian, waving his whisk and kneeling to kowtow.
‘Get up,’ said Ke Wei, averting her eyes. Her mouth felt dry and astringent, and she wanted to kill someone, but she also wanted to confirm, ‘Is the Emperor’s father with the Empress?’
‘Yes.‘ Li Lian didn’t know the further relationship between Prince Qin and Ke Wei, but he knew that Ke Wei was someone who could not be offended. Moreover, Ke Wei’s increasingly deep expression was becoming more and more similar to Prince Qin’s, and it was absolutely not to be disobeyed. “His Majesty feels that the weather is very good today, and he asked Prince Qin to accompany him for a walk, saying that it is good for the ”body’.’
Ke Wei clenched her hands. ‘Body? Hmph, pregnant is pregnant. “She swallowed the pain that rose up, ”I’ll go discuss the matter of Qing’e’s tutor with the Emperor. If he’s free, tell him I’ll be waiting in the Dongqin Palace.’

She turned and left, walking towards the small door on the east side of the Qianhuang Palace. Ke Wei was restless the whole way. ‘At first, my father-in-law would still react a little to my actions, but after the incident with Fu Xi, he treated me coldly no matter how hard I tried to please him. Then, it was as if there was a mountain between us. A few months ago, when the Empress announced the good news, I went to question him, but he gave me ambiguous and specious answers. Finally, when I pressed him, he just kept silent with a cold face. Now, he’s spending time with his wife and the child they’re going to have… Bastard.’
‘Your Highness, people have emotions, and so do flowers and plants. By treating them like this, you are hurting them.’ A sudden voice interrupted Kewei as she was trampling the flower buds.
Kewei paused, and her already impatient and annoyed heart was even more annoyed, to the point where she didn’t even notice a living person appear behind her. Adjusting her expression, she looked back and her eyes almost fell out of her head. She stammered, ’You are… Ziyan Huixue?’
Zi Yan Hui Xue, as the name suggests. She wears a pale purple tight-fitting shirt, has a look like a misty screen, and skin as white as snow. She is the beauty of the golden chamber that has been passed down from generation to generation in the palace.
Zi Yan Hui Xue’s eyes light up like precious stones. She takes a step forward, then realises her inappropriate behaviour. She lowers her head and lets her hair hang down to her heels like a silk dress. ‘Your Highness, you know Hui Xue?’
Ke Wei drew back her mouth corners, ‘This person… Should I say she is simple or is she a master of acting? She then laughed at herself, ’Ke Wei, Ke Wei, what are you doing making yourself look so miserable over a man? You put up a wall of thorns everywhere, hurting others and yourself. Hmph, just let him enjoy his love life. She laughed and said, ‘Well…I heard that there is a beauty in the palace. I see that you…’ Ke Wei pointed at the upper and lower parts of the painting, ‘quite meet the conditions. I was just guessing.’
‘Giggle…Your Highness, that’s really interesting. Yixue is the manager of Fulefang. I wonder if Your Highness would be so kind as to go to Fulefang for a cup of tea to calm down.’ Her voice was like a silver bell, pleasant to the ear.
‘Do you know me?’ Ke Wei was shocked. It was probably the first time they had met.
Zi Yan Hui Xue nodded, and her long, black hair swayed.
Suddenly, Ke Wei’s mind flashed back to the sight of Zi Yan Hui Xue in bed, naked with a snow-white body covered in red spots. Her knees were bent slightly, revealing her long, slender, snow-white neck. Her bright, red lips parted slightly, and her long, waterfall-like hair swayed with her movements… It was so erotic that it was hard to stop looking.
‘Your Highness…”
Ke Wei suddenly came back to her senses, saw the peerless face close at hand, her breathing stopped, her face flushed, and she turned around and left the side road, “I still have things to do, let’s talk next time.”
Zi Yan Hui Xue froze in place, and then she burst out laughing, like a rose in full bloom, delicate and beautiful.

Ke Wei walked faster and faster, and when she entered the Dongqin Palace, she ignored the people kneeling on the ground to pay their respects. She went straight to the King’s bedroom, shouted for everyone to leave, slammed the door, and lay down on the King’s bed.
Smelling the familiar refreshing scent of peppermint, Ke Wei slowly calmed down. Suddenly, she remembered the sound of a silver bell laughing. She felt her face flush with heat, and her lower abdomen stirred. ‘Oh my…’
‘It’s over. I only glanced at him, but I had such a reaction, and I fled in such a panic… You demon. I only saw a little saliva when I looked at Chi Ge, and that was an unparalleled appearance that could not be violated, but Zi Yan Hui Xue…is absolutely a demon that can enchant the world, with a face and voice that can enchant the world. God…no wonder I couldn’t see him before, and I wouldn’t let him attend family banquets…this person is simply a man who can charm both men and women.
Ke Wei rolled around on the bed, thinking about it, and the appearance of Zi Yan Hui Xue became another determined and gentle face, with cold and gentle eyes, warm big hands… Suddenly, Ke Wei seemed to feel big hands covering her body, stroking her lightly over her clothes, and her cold fingertips rubbing her breasts. Her whole body gradually warmed up, and she muttered indistinctly, ‘Ooh…
She was fully conscious, but she couldn’t control her hands or the thoughts in her head. Ke Wei felt like she was going crazy, imagining her father-in-law’s large hands wrapping around her, her own hands exploring his erogenous zones. She could feel her lower abdomen heating up, and a gushing liquid. Unable to control herself, Ke Wei reached inside her skirt and explored along the curve…
A squeaking sound, the sound of a door opening, and the King of Qin stepped inside in his Qilin brocade boots.
Ke Wei froze, forgetting to breathe, listening only to the sound of footsteps approaching the bed and the pounding of her heart.
The King of Qin dismissed his attendants, turned the screen, and saw the little boots in front of the bed. He curved his lips, then suppressed the smile.
‘Wei Er…’ Qin Wang’s hand, which had pulled back the curtain, stopped, and his eyes met with the pair of dazed, tearful eyes of the stiffly raised head of Ke Wei. “Wei Er, what are you doing?”
His expression changed, and Ke Wei didn’t know whether to withdraw her hand from inside her skirt or remove the hand pressing against the bud of her chest. She felt embarrassed and wanted to cry, ’Emperor… Father…’
‘Hey…’ The King of Qin sat sideways on the edge of the bed, pulled down the curtain, and his eyes were helpless and soft.
He bowed his head, lightly kissed Ke Wei’s tear-filled eyes, and then embraced Ke Wei’s trembling lips, sucking gently.
Ke Wei’s stunned shock was followed by joy, and her hands unconsciously left their original position and hooked around her father-in-law’s neck, and she kissed him deeply.
The King’s eyes flickered slightly, as if he wanted to leave, but he was stopped by Ke Wei’s tongue, and he then indulged. Unconsciously, his hands took the place of Ke Wei’s original position, one pressing against Ke Wei’s chest, the other reaching down.
Ke Wei trembled slightly, and then she struggled even harder with the King.
Suddenly, the King stopped moving, tilted his head slightly, and looked at the small, dazed face below him with cold, narrowed eyes. He said hoarsely, ‘Wei’er, look.’
Ke Wei came back to her senses from the thrill of her pounding heart, and looked at the transparent, sticky wetness on Qin Wang’s fingernails. With a ‘thud,’ a burst of fire shot up her cheeks and burned to her neck. She mumbled, ‘Your Majesty…this…this…means…that…Wei…has grown up.’
‘Hey…’ Qin Wang wiped his hands with a towel, picked Ke Wei up and sat her on the bed, and reached out to undo Ke Wei’s belt.
When Ke Wei saw Qin Wang’s movements, her heart skipped a beat, and then she quickly held down Qin Wang’s hand. She saw Qin Wang blink his eyelids, and his eyes said, ‘What’s wrong?’
Swallowing hard, she said, ‘Your Majesty, Wei… hasn’t… fully… developed…’
‘Ouch.’ Ke Wei covered her head, her disoriented expression fading away, and her expression of grievance reappearing.
King Qin took the opportunity to strip Ke Wei naked, pulled the quilt over her, and covered her up without looking at Ke Wei’s bunny-like eyes. He got up and walked towards the closet.
Ke Wei felt a wave of loss. ‘Your Majesty… You’re not going to do it to me… Sigh…’
‘Pat,’ a light slap on the cheek. Seeing that King Qin had taken a set of clothes and looked strangely at them, she pulled open her mouth and smiled, ‘Heh…’
‘Change.‘ The King of Qin displayed the clothes, then pulled out Ke Wei again and helped her put them on, piece by piece, with extremely gentle movements.
’…looking up at Ke Wei, his cold, gentle eyes smilingly asking, ‘What’s wrong?’
Ke Wei hugged the King of Qin’s head and exclaimed, ‘Father, Wei loves you the most.’
‘…‘ Qin Wang looked up at Ke Wei again, smiling in his eyes.
Ke Wei curved her lips, “Father, will you dress Wei for the rest of your life?”
Qin Wang’s hand, which was holding his belt, paused, and he did not answer.
Ke Wei did not give up, took her father’s hand, and stared into his eyes, “Dress Wei for the rest of your life, okay?”
’Wei…’ Qin Wang looked into the bottomless spring, ’When did Wei’s eyes stop being clear as a mirror and become so deep and quiet? My Wei, you’ve changed. Will this love change in the future?
‘Father…answer me.’ Ke Wei stroked the Qin King’s ink-black hair, reluctant to let go.
‘Hm.’ The Qin King’s determined and gentle face smiled. He took Ke Wei’s hand that was stroking his hair and asked, ‘Why did you make the Junior Tutor so angry?’
‘So? What do you mean? She hit Ke Shan, it hurt.’ Ke Wei pouted, but suddenly her wounded hand was grasped by the Qin King.
‘Hurt?’ Qin Wang opened his palm, and there was a red mark on the palm. He immediately turned pale and said sternly, “How dare she hit you?”
Ke Wei couldn’t stop smiling, and she just kept laughing, not daring to nod.
Qin Wang patted Ke Wei on the head and said, “Wei’er, you’re not stupid from being hit, are you? Someone come.”
Li Lian pushed open the door and stood outside the screen, ’My lord.’
‘Bring Gery’s wound medicine and go prepare some food.”
The King of Qin walked out of the screen to receive the medicine handed to him by Li Lian and returned to the bed. “The Emperor will not let her go.”
The cool ointment was very comfortable, and when she heard the King of Qin’s words of concern, Ke Wei was full of joy. ’Well, but Situ Xi is not a bad person, as long as the Emperor doesn’t take it out on him.’
King Qin looked at Ke Wei with a smile, ‘Is that really how the Emperor is?’
‘Heh heh… So when I caused a scene in the Taiji Hall, the Emperor didn’t blame me but Li Lian instead.’ Ke Wei snickered, ‘The Taiji Hall is the Empress’s political hall. When the Empress wanted to send Ke Shan away from the palace, Ke Wei refused to let her go and personally went to beg for her. Li Lian was outside the Taiji Hall at the time and was unable to stop her. Later, King Qin stepped in a few times and managed to get Ke Shan to stay without any major problems.’
‘Forget about it. Fortunately, you didn’t fight Qing’e today. However, if she dares to hit you, she needs to know the consequences.‘ The cold eyes of King Qin flashed with ruthlessness as he applied ointment to Ke Wei’s face and gently blew on it, “Does it still hurt?”
’Mm,’ Ke Wei shook her head and turned to smile, “Father, were you just in the imperial garden?”
King Qin did not even look up and continued to gently blow on Ke Wei’s face.
After a long while, Ke Wei thought it was another answer to which she would not receive an answer, and only then did she hear the King of Qin sigh lightly: ‘Wei’er, is your father really so unreliable?’
Ke Wei turned her head away, and the sour taste welled up in her eyes, ‘She is your wife.’
‘Hey,’ the King of Qin turned Ke Wei’s head and stared into her dark eyes, ‘How many times does Wei’er want me to say it before she believes me? That child is not mine.’
‘Not enough. Over the past year, the days she invited people to bed were counted on one hand, and…and those few times, you were the one who went.‘ Kewei felt aggrieved, and her sorrow turned into tears. The last sentence was whispered, heartbreaking.
’Wei’er, she is the emperor,‘ said King Qin, taking Kewei into his arms and turning her head, his fingertips bringing tears to her eyes.
’Wo…wo…’ she whimpered, too distressed to speak, only hating that she hadn’t grown up yet. ‘What else can I say? My father the emperor didn’t even bother to tell me that the man is my husband, he just said he’s the emperor. What kind of word is ‘emperor’?
Suddenly, Ke Wei remembered Fuxi. Fuxi’s words, ‘Wait for me, when I become the emperor, no one will be able to separate us again…’ ‘I didn’t think much of her using her power to protect her lover, but when faced with a powerful enemy, the only way to protect and keep someone is to use your power, your supreme power.’
‘Wei Er,‘ when King Qin saw the determination flash in Ke Wei’s dark eyes, he felt a sudden wave of worry. Recalling what the Empress had said about Fu Xi, he said, “Just be yourself, okay?”
’Why? I suddenly feel that Fu Xi was right.’ Ke Wei’s eyes flickered, and she felt only the long-buried heat in her heart boiling in her blood.
King Qin frowned and said sternly, ‘My father doesn’t want Wei Er to change into someone who is not herself. If you are willing to take that position, I will help you, but if it’s to get me, you know my father’s temper. Don’t cause any more trouble recently, the emperor may restore Fu Xi to the position of princess.’
Ke Wei froze, then got out of bed and put on her shoes.
King Qin held Ke Wei back and asked softly, ‘Are you angry?’
Ke Wei stuck out her neck and her voice choked up: ‘No, I’m going back to Weiye Garden.’
‘Haha,’ said the King of Qin, picking Ke Wei up and pinching her cheeks, ‘I don’t know who’s angry, with that sharp tone.’
‘Let go,’ said Ke Wei, jumping down from the King of Qin’s embrace. Her grievances welled up like a tidal wave, ‘You said the child wasn’t yours, so I believed you. Anyway, when the child is born in a few days, she’ll announce whose it is. You’ll also deal with the matter of Qing’e. What am I staying here for? I’m angry. What right do I have to be angry? What am I…your concubine? Haha…and a minor concubine at that.‘
For no reason at all, she was angry. The sadness and anger that she had suppressed every day found a breakthrough in an instant. Watching the King being summoned to bed every other day in recent years, Ke Wei felt like she was being followed by a demon in her heart, and she just felt panicked.
’Wei’er,’ the King’s face turned cold. Only Ke Wei could make him change colour in an instant. ’Don’t be ridiculous.’
‘Nonsense, what nonsense have I done? Look at yourself, you are the emperor, I am your daughter, we… we can only be together again when that woman is dead…‘
Ke Wei covered her cheeks, unable to hold back her tears any longer. ’You hit me? You hit me for that woman? I was right to say she was dead, wasn’t I? Huh… you still like her, don’t you? She was your first woman, your wife, my mother, and your favourite was still her, wasn’t she, wasn’t she?’
Cui Wei felt like she was going crazy. In the mist of tears, she saw the hurt in Qin Wang’s eyes, which pierced her heart and made her panic. A trace of tears made her turn around and run out.
Qin Wang looked at his hands in a daze, raised his head and inhaled, murmuring, ‘You’re so agitated, I just don’t want you to get into trouble from speaking out of turn. Cui Wei…why don’t you understand.’


A year of chaos
Not long after Qin Wang finished speaking, Fu Tian summoned Fu Xi. With Fu Tian’s weakness and the appearance of the King of Huang, Fu Xi finally went from being passively confined to being confined in anger, and then Fu Tian’s daily rewards and visits.
As Futian’s belly grew day by day, by the time Kehua turned 15, as a princess with no powerful background, Kehua’s leaving the palace for her birthday was less grand and less popular than that of Fuju’s. After all, it was the first time a princess had left the palace to establish her own household, so Futian still gave it some attention.
In recent years, Futian’s fondness and favour for Kehua could not ultimately overcome a single sentence from Fuxi: ‘This palace does not like the second princess.’ Futian thus distanced herself from Kehua. As a result, Ke Hua was only given the title of ‘Hua Jin Hou’ and the rank of Lieutenant Commander of Light Cavalry, in charge of the south gate of Danyang City, with a hundred-strong female army. As a result, Hua Jin Hou became the butt of jokes in the capital. Hua Jin Hou was a third-rank title, while Lieutenant Commander of Light Cavalry was a fourth-rank title. As such, a princess was in an awkward position.
Everyone in the palace knew that Princess Fuxi would be reinstated, and they were just waiting for the day to come. Fuxi was released from confinement and voluntarily left Xichengyuan. The first person she visited was Weiye Yuan.
Fuxi set foot in Weiye Yuan for the first time and saw the frightened palace maidens and the composed Ke Wei. Fuxi smiled faintly. Ke Wei was puzzled and exchanged a few words of greeting and congratulations with Fuxi, but then they ran out of things to say.
Fu Xi suddenly hugged the suddenly running in Ke Shan and yelled, ‘Shan’er, let your sister take care of you, okay? Go with your sister to Xicheng Garden.’
Ke Wei was stunned and realised that apart from her bad temper and a bit of a stuck-up attitude, Fu Xi still had her good points. She dared to love and hate, and at the moment, she was sincere.
Little Ke Shan refused and insisted on staying with Ke Wei. At that moment, Fu Xi’s face turned cold, but she didn’t lose her temper and then left.
Fuxi’s departure was followed by an imperial decree that the third prince live with the eldest princess.
Ke Wei was furious. Coupled with the increasingly cold atmosphere between her and Prince Qin, she felt her forehead ache. She begged Prince Qin to intercede with the empress, but she was too proud to do so, and could only watch as Ke Shan cried and was taken away by the palace attendants.

In the bamboo forest, the strong wind caused her skirt to flutter, like a blade of thin paper. Her figure was like a flash of lightning, fast and ruthless. Her swordplay was ingenious, and an invisible murderous aura was present.
‘Pat, pat, pat.’ Three rounds of applause.
Huan Yang leaned against the bamboo pole, her eyebrows and eyes flying with an air of proud radiance. ‘Wei’er, the “Nine Imperial Sword Styles” have become deadly with your changes.’
Ke Wei’s dark eyes narrowed as she sheathed her sword and snapped, ‘Swordsmanship is beautiful when it kills, and a sword is a lethal weapon. What’s the point of learning it if it’s not deadly?’ She then laughed, ‘You’re such a busy person, what brings you here?’
Raising one eyebrow and narrowing her long eyes, Huan Yang laughed, ‘To see you go crazy.’
‘Hmph,’ Ke Wei snorted, ‘I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you.’
‘Oh… don’t say that, you are my future daughter-in-law, if something happens, I will be sorry to my ancestors.’ Huan Yang opened his fan and laughed while covering his face.
Ke Wei’s anger flared up when she heard this, “You are a married man.”
The sword came out of its sheath, and a murderous aura spread. A leaf gave rise to a thousand leaves, and rain rained down all over the sky, attacking Huan Yang, followed by the person and the sword.
Huan Yang looked serious, and with a quick movement of his fan, he used the force of the bamboo branch to jump up, avoiding the rain and the sword.
Ke Wei gave a powerful kick, and chased after him. With a swift movement, the sword flew out, and the sword energy formed a net to capture Huan Yang in the air.
What is sword mastery? The sword leaves the hand, and the sword follows the mind, and the person moves with the sword.
Ke Wei saw that Huan Yang was incredibly fast, and she was determined. She took her sword off her hand and used the last move of the ‘Nine Styles of Swordsmanship’, flying sword in the air.
Flying sword in the air, as the name suggests, flying sword to kill people is also.
The flying sword, coupled with the rain in the sky, and the ever-changing trajectory of the sword, made it impossible to defend against.
Huan Yang broke out in cold sweat and thought to himself, ‘That’s ruthless!’ He used everything he had learned in his life, channeling his qi and forming a natural aura around his body to defend himself.
Although Ke Wei was furious and left some of her strength behind, the flying sword was immediately shaken off by the aura and Huan Yang disappeared into the shadow of the sword. If you use the flying sword, you must be determined, otherwise…
Ke Wei watched the flying sword return to the sky and fly towards her. Cold sweat covered her back. Suddenly, she was embraced from behind and pressed into someone’s arms. The person, Jinxiu, flicked her hands several times and fired several bamboo leaves. There was only the sound of ‘clang clang’ as countless N-shaped flying rain flew towards the flying sword.
Ke Wei poked her head out and looked up at the Hanyang above her, smiling at her. She punched Hanyang’s nose angrily.
Huan Yang reached out and grabbed her hand, smiling: ‘Wei’er, your punches are getting slower. Go back.’
Ke Wei was stunned and asked doubtfully, ‘Are you okay?’
‘Haha…is Wei’er concerned about her husband? If you let your husband kiss you, all your illnesses will be cured.’ Huan Yang let go of Ke Wei’s hand, took a step back, rolled the sword into its sheath, and handed it to Ke Wei.
‘You’re not serious.‘ Ke Wei took the sword, gave him a cold stare, and turned around to leave.
Ke Wei stopped, not looking back at Huan Yang, “What is it?”
’Don’t use the flying sword on people so casually next time. It’s a loss if you kill yourself instead of someone else. Haha.’ Huan Yang smiled with crooked lips, ’Go back, don’t let them worry.’
Ke Wei snorted, ‘Got it,’ and left immediately.
Jumping out of the bamboo forest, she suddenly felt that something was wrong. She took a look at the sword in her hand, a flash of inspiration came to her, and she drew the sword. The silver-bright sword body was clean and radiant, and a trace of bloody smell spread out. She cursed under her breath, and flew towards the bamboo forest.
Bamboo leaves were flying about, and in the light and shadow of the swaying bamboo, Hanyang was leaning against a bamboo pole, sitting on the ground, looking up at the sky between the leaves with a desolate and lonely expression on his face, which made people feel a pang in their hearts.
Ke Wei had never seen Huan Yang like this before, and her heart ached.
Huan Yang seemed to come back to her senses, turned to Ke Wei, and, startled, then smiled flirtatiously, her voice trembling with emotion, ‘Why have you come back? Can’t bear to leave your husband?’
Ke Wei stared, walked up to her, and squatted down in front of her, staring at her with complex emotions in her eyes.
The iridescent pupils were a peerless sight she had not seen in a long time. ‘How long has it been since I last saw eyes like these?‘ Huan Yang smiled, his eyes clean and pure without any impurities. He reached out and stroked Ke Wei’s eyelids, smiling warmly as his narrow, dark, shiny eyes did not blink.
Ke Wei froze, then let Huan Yang’s hand stroke her eyes without moving.
’Wei’er,’ Huan Yang whispered, afraid of disturbing the rippling colours, ’if only these eyes could always look at me.’
Ke Wei’s heart trembled, and she coldly said, ‘Get up, I’ll take you back to Dongyang Palace.’
‘Haha,’ Huan Yang withdrew his hand and resumed his teasing manner, as if the moment just now had vanished like a dream. ‘Why, do you want to come and visit my Dongyang Palace?’
‘Hmph, can you even go back?’ Ke Wei was annoyed at Huan Yang’s change of mood and spoke sarcastically.
‘Tsk, you noticed?’ Huan Yang supported herself with her hands and tried a few times but couldn’t get up. She smiled awkwardly, “Um…my legs are a little numb after sitting for a long time.”
Ke Wei glared at her, helplessly angry when she saw the teasing face. She put her sword at her waist, grabbed Huan Yang’s arm and put it on her shoulder.
Huan Yang quietly let her do it and just looked at her with a gentle smile.
Ke Wei ignored him and supported him as they walked out of the forest.
After a long while, Ke Wei said in a hoarse voice, ‘Why did you save me just now?’
Huan Yang only smiled without saying a word.
‘You were the one who got hurt saving me? There was no way to stop the flying sword in the rain.’ Ke Wei huffed, then laughed at herself, ‘I got myself into this. I knew I couldn’t hurt you, and I knew I wouldn’t hurt you, but I tried to hurt myself anyway. And you still saved me? Aren’t you afraid of dying?’
Huan Yang stopped and narrowed his eyes. ‘At the moment the flying sword turned around, what did Wei Er think of?’
Ke Wei froze, averted her eyes, and said, ‘Fear, cold sweat.’
‘Since you are afraid, don’t do it again next time,’ Huan Yang smiled understandingly, lifted his foot and drove away.
He picked a secluded road and walked back to Dongyang Palace. Seeing Dongyang Palace in front of him, Ke Wei suddenly said, ‘Huan Yang will not let me die.’
Huan Yang paused, his lips curling up in a smile, his eyebrows flying up, and he let out a soft ‘hmm’ sound, which drifted away in the wind.
Ke Wei escorted Huan Yang over the wall into Dongyang Palace, helped him sit on the bed, and undressed him, but Huan Yang grabbed her hand.
‘Wei’er, are you really going to undress me?’
Ke Wei shuddered, her hair standing on end, ‘Don’t be so ambiguous, you’re the one undressing, not me.’
‘Heh… I’m going to blush.”
Ke Wei pushed Huan Yang, and heard a cry of “ouch”. She sneered, “You know it hurts? Where’s the medicine?”
Huan Yang grunted a few times and pointed to a closet in the distance.
Ke Wei turned around, pursed her lips and smiled, and when she got to the closet, she opened it and was dumbfounded: ’So much? Which bottle is it?’
The cabinet was full of all kinds of bottles and jars, with red, green, yellow and blue pieces of paper stuck all over.
‘The one with the pear injury medicine written on it is the one,’ said Huan Yang.
Ke Wei sorted through the bottles and finally found the medicine among the blue ones. She held it in her hand and was about to get up when she glanced at the cabinet and saw that there was another compartment. She felt around and heard a ‘pop’ as she pulled out the cabinet. Inside, a black-backed painted mask of a hundred birds lay quietly. The birds had no eyes and looked strangely boring.
Memories of that year’s Lantern Festival immediately flooded back: the cries of begging, the indifferent world, the bright red blood, the reddened plum blossoms, the silent fire…
Ke Wei felt around for the mask and then heard Huan Yang ask if she had found it. She snapped back to reality and closed the cabinet.
Huan Yang had already taken off his shirt and was wiping the wound on his shoulder with a cloth dampened in water, beads of cold sweat on his forehead.
Ke Wei took it from him, not looking at Huan Yang’s smiling eyes, and applied the medicine to the bloody wound on his back, and incidentally took the cloth strip he had brought along to wrap it up.
‘Are you in charge of the Empress’s shadow?’ Ke Wei asked, and froze.
Huan Yang’s smile froze at the corner of his mouth, then he laughed, ‘Wei Er is interested?’
‘No, I was just asking,’ Ke Wei let out a sigh of relief, feeling that Huan Yang still took such good care of her. Her emotions were inexplicably complex.
‘Wei Er, apart from the Eastern Empress, everyone who knows about our relationship is no longer in this world,’ Huan Yang whispered.
Ke Wei paused. ‘Fortunately, Chunrong and the others only know that I study martial arts, but they don’t know who I learn from. However, since Huan Yang and I are so close, they might be able to guess. Huan Yang is so smart, she should have expected this, but she didn’t do anything. Is she protecting me?’
‘Thank you.’
Huan Yang paused, her eyelids half-drooped, her expression hidden. ‘Thank you for what?’
‘Thank you for saving me just now.‘ Ke Wei was also stunned. “What are you thanking me for? Not killing Chunrong and the others? If I say that, I’ll be looking for death.”
’Didn’t Wei say that I won’t let you die? Naturally, I have to save you.‘ Huan Yang clenched his hand and grinned. “Ke Wei is still very good when she’s quiet, although she’s not as good at provoking as she used to be.”
’I’m leaving.’ Ke Wei took out a new set of clothes from the cabinet and placed them on the bed, planning to leave.
‘Wei Er…‘
Ke Wei stopped, without turning around.
’The Shadow is the emperor’s assassination unit, which only obeys the Shadow King, not the empress.‘ Huan Yang paused, “The Shadow King has the right to choose his own master, and I chose…”
’I’m leaving.’ Ke Wei opened the window and left without listening to the end, as fast as a frightened bird fleeing.
Huan Yang let out a bitter smile, silently uttered a word in his heart, and shouted, ’Come in.’

The author has something to say:
The character of the female pig may slowly change a little.
‘Those who associate with reds become red, and those who associate with blacks become black.’
‘Out of the mud but not stained… Youyou would never approve of that. If you can leave the palace, you can naturally maintain it, but it’s hard to do that for a long time in the palace!!!’…
I hope that no one is shocked by her changing character… And don’t forget what Weiwei is best at… She’s been playing the pig eating the tiger from the start…
The restoration of the princess
The day of Fuxi’s restoration became more and more peaceful as the day of Futian’s birth drew near. Until one day, the imperial court announced an imperial decree that shocked the palace and the outside world.
Fuxi was going to marry the emperor, and the person he was marrying was none other than Feng Qinghui, the assistant minister of the imperial court, who was likely to become the talented leader of the Feng family in this generation. Once the imperial decree was announced, the imperial court shook. The first to oppose it were the disciples of the Feng family, led by Prince Qin. This time, the Emperor Huang gave his tacit approval, as if he was willing to give up the struggle of more than 20 years and shake hands with the Feng family in peace.
Feng Tian’s move was unpredictable. It was thought that Feng Qinghui was placed in the Ministry of the Central Secretariat to undermine the influence of Emperor Huang, but who knew that once the imperial edict was issued, Feng’s family was used to consolidate Emperor Huang’s power, becoming a major force in allowing Feng Xi to return to the court. This is a move that everyone except the empress will have to laugh at. Fu Tian is truly a wise empress at the pinnacle of power, and the final beneficiary is none other than her.
A few days later, Feng Qinghui had no reason to object, because the Feng family had considered the final result and, despite the opposition of the Prince Qin, agreed to the imperial decree. The Feng family explained that the Prince Qin’s children were dull-witted from a young age and would never be able to claim the throne. There was now a great opportunity in front of them, so why not seize it? Feng Qinghui is the husband of Princess Fuxi. Once Fuxi ascends the throne, Feng Qinghui will become the first emperor, firmly occupying the central palace, and the Feng family will continue to enjoy the same prosperity.
In this way, the only person in the imperial court who will be isolated is King Qin. Futen did this, but every day he summoned King Qin to keep him by his side, almost never leaving his side.

Ke Wei spent her days either teaching or practising swordplay, and apart from initially establishing her authority to show the might of the fifth princess, she kept a low profile. However, recently, things have been a little unstable in Weiye Courtyard.
Once, Shi Zhu discovered a deadly poison in the food, but Ke Wei looked down on it with indifference and ignored it. Then there was the assassination attempt. As soon as the person entered Weiye Courtyard, a masked young man grabbed him from behind and threw him to Xia Hua. The assassin didn’t get to see Ke Wei and took poison and killed himself. Chunrong and the others were worried, but Ke Wei suppressed them from reporting it. Over the next few days, there was no movement from the King of Qin either. Ke Wei didn’t know if it was because the masked boy didn’t report it or because the King of Qin had reached a point where he couldn’t care about himself anymore, but in any case, the poisoning and assassination were left unresolved.

Ke Hua was made a marquis, and there was one less person in the Anren Hall. Ke Wei entered the Anren Hall as usual. Ke Shan was sitting in his usual place. When he saw Ke Wei, he got up and called out, ‘Sister.’
Ke Wei gave a wry smile and walked to the last seat, not looking at Ke Shan’s face of disappointment.
Ke Lan and Ke Ying remained in their original positions. Ke Lan was indifferent, while Ke Ying appeared reckless and reckless, but was actually calm. Ke Ying looked at Ke Shan with satisfaction. Ever since Ke Shan had accompanied Ke Wei, Ke Ying had hated Ke Shan. Now that she saw Ke Wei stay away from Ke Shan, she couldn’t help but feel happy.
Ke Shan looked at Ke Wei with great grievance. Seeing that Ke Wei was propping her head up and closing her eyes, she nodded obediently and returned to her seat. She recalled what Ke Wei had said: ‘Little Shan, the older sister doesn’t like you being with her. There are so many eyes and ears in the palace, if she finds out, you’ll be punished. So, in the future, you must pretend you don’t know me when you see me, understand?’
Ke Shan’s tears fell as she recalled this, sobbing.
The junior tutor was still a woman, but she had been replaced by an older tutor. Qing’e had not heard from her for a long time, and the last time she did was because she was being investigated for dismissal for some reason.
Ke Wei thought to herself, ‘My father said he wouldn’t let her off, I wonder… But she deserves it, she hit me for a year, she should pay a price. Speaking of my father… Futian has already announced that the child in her womb is the king’s, but she is still holding on to my father, forcing him to this point and still trying to please him… My father must be having a hard time right now.’
The old and young tutors were knowledgeable, old-fashioned in their thinking, and their language was boring. The most she said was, ‘The late emperor once said…’ and ‘The sage once said…’
Even Ke Xue, who had always performed well, often couldn’t help rolling her eyes and secretly pulling out a book to read.
Ke Ying had never liked Fu Xi or Ke Xue, and often shouted for the junior tutor to come over, which scared Ke Xue so much that she quickly stuffed the book back in her drawer. After a while, Ke Ying couldn’t play with Ke Xue anymore, and instead, he had to be called upon by the teacher to answer questions.
None of this seemed to bother Ke Wei. Whenever the teacher started a lesson, Ke Wei would meditate, but when even that didn’t work, she would fall asleep on the desk. Then Ke Lan would secretly tap the table with his hand to remind Ke Wei that the teacher was coming.
The class after noon is an optional class, with a wide range of subjects such as literature, martial arts, calligraphy, chess, strategy, and war tactics. Ke Wei didn’t want to learn any of them, so when the teacher said it was time to go, she took Xia Hua back to Weiye Garden.

Today was another uneventful day, but behind them followed Ke Xue, who shouted, ‘Fifth sister, wait.’
‘My lord,’ Xia Hua asked Ke Wei for her opinion.
‘You go back first, I’ll go back myself in a while,’ Ke Wei’s expression was indifferent, and her tone was unmistakable.
Xia Hua was worried, but she bowed and left.
Ke Xue walked up to her. At 14 years old, she was at a delicate age, with a touch of masculinity. The shadows in her face were full of a gloomy colour, and her lips, which were curved in a smile, did not smile but looked like they were smiling: ’Fifth sister, can I borrow a moment of your time?’
Ke Wei’s dark eyes twinkled slightly as she nodded.
Ke Xue’s bright eyes shone, flickering with a hint of ruthlessness, as she led the way outside the Hall of Harmony. Ke Xue didn’t go far, to the place behind the Hall of Harmony that bordered the Hall of Taiji, and also near the Eastern Palace.
Ke Wei’s mind raced slightly, and she raised an eyebrow in derision: ‘I didn’t realise there was such a place, and there’s also a… pool. I heard that Fuxi has moved back to the Eastern Palace. This girl… really knows how to choose a place. In the 18th year of Fule, if no one had reported Fuxi’s affair, who would have gone to the East Palace to catch her in the act of adultery? Ke Xue left the earliest, and her recent expression was even more pleased. Coupled with the poison and assassins that followed her half-open words, this girl is actually vicious to this extent.
Ke Xue led Ke Wei to the trees near the back door of the East Palace, walked along the edge of the pool, and stared at the pool.
Ke Wei saw that she was silent and motionless, just staying away from the pond.
As if she had seen enough, Ke Xue suddenly clapped her hands and laughed, ‘Fifth sister, look, there are fish here.’
Pulling the corners of her mouth, she said, ‘The fish were scared away by your loud voice.’ Ke Wei hung her head, changed her expression, looked up with an innocent and harmless expression on her face, and laughed sweetly, ‘The fish will be scared away.’
Ke Xue was taken aback, as if she felt something was wrong, but she didn’t know what. She laughed with a hint of fear, ‘Come and have a look and you’ll know.’
‘Really?’ Ke Wei’s childish expression became even sweeter as she laughed, ‘But…I’m afraid of the water and I can’t swim.’
Ke Xue’s bright eyes flashed with a hint of joy, and she walked towards Ke Wei.
‘Hmph, girl, I’m telling you that you can’t swim to remind you that I know about your despicable plan. You’re still fooling yourself, you really don’t know what you’re doing, you’re looking for death.”
Ke Xue walked closer and took Ke Wei’s hand, walking towards the water’s edge.
Ke Wei glanced at the back door of the Eastern Palace, it was just about time for the shift to change, there was no one there. ’Hmph, you sure know how to pick a time. Since you want to die, then I’ll oblige.’
Ke Xue pulled Ke Wei closer to the water’s edge and suddenly changed her expression: ‘Haha, no matter what you know, today is the day you die.’ With that, she shook off Ke Wei’s hand and pushed her into the water.
Ke Wei could not let her have her way. Looking at Ke Xue’s sinister face, she thought hard and pulled a smile, ‘Let’s go together.’ With that, she grabbed Ke Xue’s belt and, looking at her suddenly frightened face, laughed cheerfully.
The two of them fell into the pool together.
Ke Xue couldn’t swim, and she floundered around in the water. Ke Wei suddenly exerted her strength and dragged Ke Xue under the water. She looked at Ke Xue, whose eyes were tightly shut, and sneered. She covered her mouth and pried open her lips to suck the air out of her mouth.
“I’m sorry! It’s not good to provoke me, and it’s not so easy to calm down once you have.’
Ke Xue’s wide-eyed stare gradually lost its focus and her eyes closed.
Ke Wei held her breath for more than a minute, seeing that Ke Xue was close to suffocating. Then she heard a commotion on the surface of the water, so she inhaled a mouthful of water suddenly, her breathing stopped, and her consciousness gradually faded.

Her hand moved, and Ke Wei slowly woke up. Her consciousness gradually returned, and she felt a pair of large hands grasping her hand. She turned her head to look.
Her bloodshot eyes revealed a look of worry and joy. Her usually clean and fresh chin had grown a short, green beard. ‘This is the person I, You Ke Wei, like!’
Ke Wei grinned, ‘Father, you look terrible.’
The outstretched hand was grabbed. King Qin, who was crying and laughing at the same time, touched Ke Wei’s forehead. ‘Wei… Wei… I’m so glad you’re okay.’
‘Father, are you crying?‘ Ke Wei felt more guilty than happy, blaming herself for her recklessness.
’Wei’er, if something happened to you, what would Father do? You made Father…’ The resolute and gentle face of King Qin was twisted, remembering Li Lian’s panic-stricken report, the shock of hearing that the fifth prince was in danger, and seeing Ke Wei, who was wet and lifeless, almost driving him mad.
‘I’m sorry,‘ Wei said weakly. Seeing the King in such a state, she felt her heart ache.
’As long as you’re alive, everything will be fine,‘ the King said, picking Wei up in his arms and kissing her head.
Wei was taken aback. “Father…people…”
’Haha, it’s nothing,’ the King said, grinning like a child. ’Chunrong, bring some water and food.’
‘Yes, Your Highness.’ Chunrong’s voice also clearly carried the sound of crying.
Ke Wei looked around in a flash. Apart from Chunrong, the only other person left was Shishu; everyone else was not in the room. Chunrong saw Ke Wei looking around, and wiped her tears with her sleeve, ’My lord, they are all waiting outside. Chunrong resented the fact that they were crying and whining…bothering my lord…Chunrong is going out too…’
‘Rongrong,‘ Ke Wei called out softly, “I’m fine. Tell everyone not to worry and go rest.”
’…’ Rongrong placed her things on the bedside table, frowned, pursed her lips, and ran out.
The King of Qin took the water handed to him by the attendant and offered it to Ke Wei to drink. He then turned serious and said, ’You go rest as well.’
‘Yes, attendant Shu, I bid you farewell.‘ Attendant Shu bowed, lifted the curtain and left.
’Wei’er,‘ seeing that everyone had left, the King of Qin kissed Ke Wei’s lips, took the food on the table, and said, “You’ve been asleep for two days, eat something.”
’Mmm,’ Ke Wei obediently drank the food the King of Qin fed her, finishing the bowl of congee.
The King of Qin got up, but Ke Wei held him back, saying, ’Father, don’t go, you haven’t slept for two days.’
Ke Wei shifted her body to the side and felt her bones go limp. Qin Wang put Ke Wei’s hand under the covers and laughed, ‘Your Majesty, I’ll go wash up, I’ll be right back.’
‘Mmm,’ Ke Wei closed her eyes and curved her lips.
After a moment, she heard Qin Wang’s movements, and she heard him lift the covers and enter the bed, hugging Ke Wei, as if he were hugging a precious thing he had lost and then found again, hugging her hard but carefully.
‘Father, Wei volunteered,‘ said Kewei, nestling into the Qin Wang’s embrace. “What she meant was that no one could force her into the water, unless she went in herself.
‘Mm? That’s it?’
Kewei opened her eyes and met a pair of cold, clear eyes, with emotions so complex it was hard to tell what they were: sadness, heartbreak, worry…so many things that made her heart ache. ‘Father, who made you so sad and heartbroken…that person deserves to die.’
‘Father, that person deserves to die. Don’t you hate her?‘
’Hey…‘ The King of Qin stroked Ke Wei’s forehead and smiled bitterly, “Father can’t live without her. I love her too much to hate her. Because of love, I can’t hate her.”
’Father… I’m sorry.‘ Ke Wei buried her head in the King of Qin’s arms. A feeling of both sorrow and joy welled up in her throat and raced through her nerves.
’Silly, as long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters.’ The King of Qin smiled as he opened his lips, ’Wei, next time, don’t do it this way, okay? You can tell your father, and let him handle it.‘
’Mm,‘ Ke Wei nodded, “as expected, nothing can hide from this person. After a long while, ”How is she?’
‘She’s not dead,’ Qin Wang said confusedly.
‘Mm,’ Ke Wei was also confused, ‘I found out that she was the one who snitched in the 18th year of Fule. She was afraid that I would say something I shouldn’t, so she sent someone to kill me a few times, but they failed. This time, she went in person, but her cleverness backfired.
‘Well, she’s still unconscious. The imperial doctor said she might just die from using ginseng like this. Go to sleep, Your Majesty, I want to sleep too.‘ The King of Qin became more and more confused, and his jaw rested on Ke Wei’s head, and he rubbed it before falling asleep.


At the end of the 20th year of the Fu Le era,
Ke Wei and Ke Xue fell into the water. At the time, it was Ke Xue’s close attendant, Chuan Shui, who called for help. Chuan Shui waited a long time for his master to return, but he didn’t. He went to the edge of the pool to look for him, and saw ripples on the surface of the water, but no sign of his master. He was alarmed and realised that something had happened. It so happened that the imperial guards had finished their shift at the back door of the Eastern Palace, so they called for help and immediately rescued the two Ke sisters.
At that time, Ke Xue had already stopped breathing, and Ke Wei was close to it too. Upon hearing this, the empress summoned the palace’s best healers to save their lives. The two of them vomited water on the spot, and the imperial physicians said that the fifth prince had absorbed too much water and, coupled with his chronic illness from earlier years, it was feared that he would be unable to recover. The third prince was lucky to be saved, as the healers used internal strength to stimulate his heart channels. However, due to drinking too much water, the prince fell into a coma… After all this, the two were carried into their own palace to recuperate.
The empress interrogated the reason, and the empress dowager said that His Highness Suishu liked the fish in Minghu Lake and invited His Highness Wu to go with him. His Highness Wu was purely trying to harm His Highness Suishu. The empress was furious and said that the two men fell into the water at the same time, so why was Xuer her more serious than Wei her.
Huan Yang then said that the imperial doctor said that the third prince had not known how to hold his breath, and then asked whether Cui Shui had seen it with her own eyes. If she had, why had the two princes drunk so much water, and why had she not rescued them in time?
Huan Yang’s words were neither too light nor too heavy, but they sided with Ke Wei. The empress saw this and her eyes darkened. She had already made up her mind
Cui Shui was confused when she was asked a question, and she hastily said that she had been watching from a distance.
Huan Yang continued, saying that if she was just watching from afar, she should have seen clearly whether it was the third prince who pushed the fifth prince into the water, or whether it was the fifth prince who pulled the third prince in. If it was the latter, she asked, why did the fifth prince pull the third prince in when he fell into the water?
The empress saw that Chuanshui was mumbling and became angry in public. She ordered Chuanshui to be imprisoned in the sky prison, and this angered the empress, who then went into labour and gave birth.

Ke Wei was stunned when Chun Rong told her briefly what happened that day, and finally laughed, ‘Is it a boy or a girl?’
Chun Rong handed Ke Wei a fruit stuck on a skewer and laughed, ‘It’s a boy. His Majesty has already given him a name, Ketai. He is the second son of Emperor Huang and the fourth child.’
‘Mmm, delicious,’ Ke Wei mumbled as she nibbled on a pear, ‘I’ll save some for Emperor Father later. He’s been tired lately.’
Chunrong nodded with a smile as Shizhu entered with the medicine: ‘My lord, it’s time to take your medicine.’
Ke Wei frowned and forced a smile: ‘Has Xia Hua not returned yet?’
‘He’s here, my lord.’ Xia Hua entered carrying a stack of things, shouting as he walked, ‘These are from Xuanji and the others for you, my lord.’
Pulling the corners of her mouth, Ke Wei lay upright in bed, complaining weakly, ‘Rongrong, I have a headache and want to sleep.’
Everyone pursed their lips, and they discovered that the playful, cheerful master was back.
In the end, she could not resist the five of them. She had to drink what she was supposed to drink and see what she was supposed to see… Her complaints were dismissed, and her escape was caught red-handed… There was laughter all around Weiye Garden.

The New Year was approaching, and so was the marriage of Fuxi and Feng Qinghui. According to Fuchen’s wishes, the marriage ceremony would be held according to the etiquette of the imperial concubine. In this way, the day Fuxi got married would be the day she officially resumed her position as imperial concubine.
Fu Xi gradually recovered from her initial uncertainty, and regained the majesty and poise of the imperial princess she once was. It was just not clear whether her feelings for him would fade as easily. She cared deeply about Ke Shan, and picked him up from school almost every day. If no one knew they were brother and sister, they would be mistaken for mother and son.
After all, as the days passed, Ke Wei went to school every day, Ke Lan still had a cold face, and Ke Ying no longer glared at Ke Shan, but the two of them played happily instead. Emperor Huang remained low-key. Even though the Empress gave birth to his fourth child, he still dealt with some political affairs every day and tended to some flowers and plants in the harem. Emperor Qin either accompanied the Empress every day or ran to the political deliberation hall. Occasionally, he would come to see Ke Wei, but he was summoned back before the bench was warm. There was almost no time when he was not busy. Huan Yang has been infiltrating the Fendong army day by day, and his control of the army has caught up with the level of the military god Xiao Ling’s control of the Junxi army. Chi Ge…no news of this person, I heard that he went from Qiushui Mansion to the position of Assistant Minister of Justice. Feng Qinghui was busy preparing for his wedding, plus learning the ways of the Huangwang…

In such days, Fu Xi’s wedding was celebrated. The sound of drums and music once again shook Danyang and the Fendong palace. Ke Wei and the other princesses and concubines, except for Fu Nu, who was in a border town, all attended Fu Xi’s wedding ceremony.
Feng Qinghui wore a top hat with a ruby-red gemstone, a red brocade robe with golden dragons, a jade pendant, and a pair of brocade boots. He looked graceful and elegant, with a freshness like morning dew, a little otherworldly, and more of a refined charm tainted by the mundane.
Ke Wei looked at Fuxi, dressed in the robe of a nine-tailed phoenix, as she walked towards Feng Qinghui, and suddenly remembered Chi Ge. That day, she had wandered into the Qiushui Mansion and heard Chi Ge playing the zither in the pavilion. At the time, she had sighed at the whims of fate and found it all very amusing. But now, looking at the two people in front of her, she felt even more ridiculous.
Fuxi was beaming with joy, while Qinghui looked calm and collected. The two of them were a perfect match, or rather, an ill-fitting match. Ke Wei shook her head at the answer she had come up with for herself, and thought about the people in the Si Shan Yuan today. Fu Jihong, a forbidden name in the palace, was doing what in the Si Shan Yuan? What had he been thinking back then? How dare he say openly in a dynasty ruled by women, ‘I am your sky.’
Ke Wei shook her head. A cup of sweet wine went down her throat, stirring her up in a fiery way, but not intoxicating her. How did everyone’s faces look in the flickering light of the palace lanterns? They were all different and colourful.
Ke Lan was the other protagonist besides the newlyweds. The reason was that after Fu Xi agreed to the wedding, Fu Tian liked Ke Lan more and more, and took her into public places such as the Political Council Hall in public. As a result, Ke Lan was besieged by groups of supporters of the princesses, all of whom were saying happy and lively things, as well as praising the 12-year-old Ke Lan for his youthful talent.
Ke Wei sat in the corner, exchanged a few words with Ke Ying, then got up and left the hall unnoticed.
The night air was already getting cool, the bright moon and bustling stars watched the changes in the world with a smile.
As Ke Wei watched, she felt the noise around her fade away, and reached up to the sky that she could not reach, scoffing, ‘Is that all you can do? Aren’t you tired?’
‘Sister,‘ Ke Shan said, grabbing at Ke Wei’s hem with a quavering voice.
Ke Wei came back to her senses and realised that it was easy to get lost on a night like this. She laughed and said, “What’s wrong, little Shan?”
’Sister, don’t fly away, little Shan wants to stay with you,’ Ke Shan’s round eyes slightly upturned, his mouth twitching as he tried to hold back the tears.
Ke Wei shook her head and laughed, about to say something, but then she froze when she saw the approaching figure. She lowered her head and whispered something to Ke Shan, who nodded and ran off.
‘The wind is very pleasant tonight,’ the man said, brushing the stray hair from his ear and smiling.
‘Shao Fu, today is a joyous occasion, why are you, the main attraction, out here?’ Ke Wei also smiled.
‘Wei,‘ Feng Qinghui paused slightly and smiled, “can I call you that?”
Ke Wei was stunned, but then she also smiled, “A teacher is a teacher for life. You are my teacher, so you can call me whatever you like.”
’Wei,‘ Feng Qinghui’s lips curled up into a smile, and her pure and beautiful face looked soft and elegant in the moonlight.
’Teacher,’ Ke Wei smiled back, feeling a chill in her heart, ’this atmosphere…why does it feel more and more strange?’
‘Young Master Feng, I can do without you at the banquet, but I can’t do without you. You should go back soon, before everyone runs out of people to get drunk with.’ Ke Wei stopped Feng Qinghui from creating an ambiguous atmosphere.
Feng Qinghui gave a bitter smile, “Wei’er, His Royal Highness Guangluo… In the future… Oh, nothing, I’ll go back first.”
Ke Wei was puzzled, and sighed slightly as she watched the figure leave, ’His Royal Highness Guangluo? Huan Yang? What was he going to say? The moonlight is so beautiful today, why don’t we go out of the palace? In the past, when Princess Fuxi’s coronation was held, I couldn’t run out, but today is different from the past. I wonder if I’ve tried the new wine at Huayunlou yet?
Ke Wei left the Eastern Palace and passed by a corner where she smelled a faint fragrance of plum blossoms. Looking up, she saw a centuries-old pine tree towering within the high walls, breaking through the restrictions and reaching up to the heavens. She shook her head, turned around, and returned to the soft sedan chair.

Ke Wei did not return home that night. She was at Huayun Building, drinking with Dou Kui and Xuan Ji. The others looked on in amazement as the three of them got into the swing of things. Ke Wei wanted to know just how much she could drink. There was a limit to how much she could drink without getting drunk, so she was eager to find out. The three of them got along well and soon got into the swing of things. Later, a few other people also joined in the drinking, and Pearly, who hadn’t been seen for a long time, also joined the drinking spree, changing her usual aloofness.
In the middle of the night, the four people who could still stand were Xuanji, Kewei, Doukui, and Pear Rong. The others, Kaiyang, Tianji, Tianxuan, Tianshu, Tianquan, Yaoguang, and Yuheng, had fallen drunk one after the other.
The four asked someone to carry a few of them into the guest room and continue drinking, until the sun was high in the sky. The other few people got up one after the other and saw two people still drinking, Xuanji and Kewei.
Kaiyang was the first to wake up. He entered the room and was greeted by the smell of alcohol and bottles scattered all over the floor. He shouted at the others, because he knew he could not stop them alone.
Later, the others arrived. Pear Rong and Dou Kui were fast asleep on the table, while Xuanji was slumped over the table leg, hugging it and shouting, ‘Miss, let’s drink some more…’
Everyone shook their heads, and then looked at the other person, sitting upright, holding a jar in his hands, his eyes glazed over, lost in thought. No one dared to move until Tianji walked over, gently shook Kewei and shouted, ‘Miss… Miss…’
Kewei’s head tilted, her eyes closed, and she fell into Tianji’s arms. Everyone was shocked. Tianji said that she had fallen asleep, and then calmed down. He sent Ke Wei to bed and asked Tianji to look after her.
Everyone saw the wine bottles all over the room and heard the sleepy waiter say, ‘There is no more wine in the shop, but we have borrowed 10 jars from the shop next door.’ Everyone was sweating. ‘Who are these people? They can drink up a whole cellar of wine and still borrow more.’
In short, Ke Wei drank all night and didn’t know how she did it. She woke up five days later, and Xia Hua had come five times to report back to Chunrong.
Ke Wei was lucky to wake up okay, with no headaches or fevers, just feeling sleepy and with her bones feeling like they were falling apart. She was shocked when everyone told her she had slept for five days, and she took everyone’s criticism in turn, even Xuanji, whom she despised.

At the end of her stable 20s, Ke Wei opened her last shop, Cha Cha Zhuang. As the name suggests, Cha Cha Zhuang is a tea shop. When Kaiyang proposed this name, everyone rejected it, but Ke Wei raised her hand in favour, and in the end everyone compromised.
Cha Cha Zhuang is located under Shiliu Mansion, across the street from Xing’an Temple, in the upper part of Dongshi, which is considered to be in the heart of the commercial city that extends into the imperial city. Cha Cha Zhuang needed its own tea garden, so Ke Wei bought a hilltop with a long tea field in Maiqiu River. The western boundary of the land in the Miaoqiu River basically belongs to the Huafa Temple. Kewei sent a few tables of wine and food to Youyou and bought the hill without spending a single coin. Then… ‘He who controls the mountain rules the world.’ At the foot of the mountain, Kewei asked Doukui to build a ‘Stone Forest Manor’ and workshops according to the plans, and also asked the child trained by Pear Rong, who had already achieved some martial arts at the age of 14, to be the guard.
Ke Wei drew and redrew the mountain, and the simple Chacha Manor became the Huacha Manor. Large areas were planted with medicinal herbs and flowers, and a gardener was hired to take care of them. Several workshops were built at the top of the mountain, and the cultivation masters and tea masters invited from the south were relocated to the top of the mountain, along with their families. The local people were responsible for picking tea and working, and a few children were placed in the manor to cultivate later talent.
The heads of the tea shops in the city were Yao Guang and Tian Quan, while Yu Heng and Li Rong were in charge of the Shilin Manor. Incidentally, they promoted a few mature and prudent children to help Yu Heng.
Ke Wei also asked Hanyang to send a few masters over to teach them arithmetic, bookkeeping, and other skills besides diplomacy, such as singing, dancing, playing the zither and chess, tea art, tea ceremony, martial arts, and a whole bunch of other things. Apart from the children Hanyang had gathered, the beggar children that Li Rong had gathered, and the ten people who had already been taught, they had to spend one day a week for seven days learning at the Shilin Manor.
Huan Yang Dao Ke Wei finally understood and knew how to cultivate talent. Ke Wei gave a cold stare, saying that she wanted to become the richest person.
The children that Huan Yang Dao chose themselves came from clean families and could be trusted more than those beggars. Ke Wei gave a cold stare, saying that those who help in times of need are more grateful.
Subsequently, Ke Wei picked 20 people out of the group of children, and left the others to be taught business knowledge by the master sent by Huan Yang. Those with good aptitude could also learn martial arts. As for the 20 people, Ke Wei didn’t know what use they would be either, but she always felt that picking them out was the right thing to do.
Hanyang said that the 20 people Ke Wei picked were the most promising children. Ke Wei rolled her eyes and said that she didn’t know what use those children would be either.
Hanyang said, ‘Why don’t I teach them for you?’ Ke Wei became alert and thought to herself, ‘It’s better to let them become shadows than to let them rot.’ She then agreed.
In this way, 20 people disappeared for no reason.
A tea house, not counting the cost of the land, almost used up the savings of Hua Yun Lou over the past few years, and with the cost of food and clothing for the group at Shi Lin Manor, it was almost in the red. Ke Wei went to Huan Yang to borrow money, and Huan Yang said, ‘You still have a jewellery shop.’ Ke Wei refused, and used tricks to get 100,000 taels from Huan Yang for temporary use. This time, the silver shop did not contribute, citing the reason that the silver shop could only make a loss. The crowd was puzzled, but Ke Wei only said that it was not yet the right time.
In this way, Ke Wei’s anticipated opening of the three shops was completed: Hua Yun Lou, Yin Lou, and Cha Cha Zhuang, along with the large family residence, Shi Lin Manor.


Still waters run deep

Fule 21 years – Fule 23 years.

Fleur 21.
Ke Xue was unable to leave the palace and build a house for her 15th birthday. The Emperor still requested the Empress to build a house outside the palace for his daughter, saying that Ke Xue would wake up one day.
The Empress agreed and bestowed Ke Xue with the title of ‘King Xue Jing’. The Xue Jing Royal Palace was built on the west side of Danyang City near the Imperial City, but no official position was granted.
Ke Wei heard the news about Ke Xue once. She was hanging on by a thread with ginseng every day, but she still didn’t wake up. After hearing this, Ke Wei forced herself to remain calm and thought to herself, ‘In the beginning, I was the one who held back time, so she can’t die without my consent, right?’

Over the past few days, Ke Wei’s biggest source of stress has evolved from managing the books of the three shops to poaching people.
The Tea House is now on the right track. The celebrities and scholars in the capital have praised the new floral teas in every way, and they have even praised them in poems. Both men and women can’t get enough of the floral teas that suit them. Dou Kui and Xuan Ji have already established many connections in the capital, and their collaboration with the Tea House to promote flower tea has been instrumental. Nowadays, if the tea served in a restaurant in the capital is not flower tea, it is considered outdated and criticised by the customers.
The greatest credit for all this goes to Huan Yang. Without Huan Yang’s people, money and strength, Ke Wei would have achieved nothing. When Ke Wei told Huan Yang this, Huan Yang shook his fan and grinned evilly. Ke Wei saw this and hurriedly flung her sleeves and flew away.
Huan Yang’s main target was the King of Qin.
At the age of 11, Ke Wei already had the body of a 14-year-old woman. She grew more and more beautiful, with eyes as clear as the King’s, but not quite the same. The occasional flashes of colour in her eyes were something the King would never have. Her body was already clearly defined, but Ke Wei spent her days wrapped up in traditional Chinese dress, like a man. Only her crystal-clear skin could not be concealed, and Chunrong could not help but occasionally touch it, teasing her master like it was made of milk.
Since giving birth to Kete, Futan has become even more radiant. Coupled with Fuxi’s growing familiarity with the imperial court, she has almost become so engrossed that she ignores the court every day and stays exclusively in the Qianhuang Palace. She doesn’t even go to the Qin Palace when she is in the Qianhuang Palace, but only goes to the Dongqin Palace and Fulefang.
Ke Wei grinds her teeth in secret hatred and keeps a close watch all day. Whenever Fu Tian ran to Fulefang, Ke Wei would go to Dongqin Palace to see King Qin. After they met, she didn’t wait for King Qin to speak, but pounced on him, grabbed him and kissed him. While kissing, she kept taking off her clothes, making the two of them pant and blush, and they had to be stopped by King Qin’s strong hand.
She asked N+1 times why they had to stop, and King Qin’s answer was always the same: ‘Wei’er, you’re only 11 years old.’
Ke Wei was so angry that she was breathing heavily. She picked up a pile of clothes that she had been taking off in a hurry and, while putting them back on, she hissed, ‘I’m almost as tall as you already, what are you waiting for?’
As this happened more and more often, with her nose bleeding and her temper rising, Ke Wei had already forgotten what shyness was like. She just sighed, thinking that her father-in-law still had such a stubborn, innocent side.
Qin Wang just laughed without saying a word. The look in his eyes for Ke Wei grew softer and softer, so soft that it could drip water.
The two of them took advantage of this precious time to hold each other, sit together, and kiss. The most comfortable action was when the King stroked Wei’s hair, and Wei held onto the King’s hair. Li Lian happened to see them once when he broke into the palace, and his face turned red. After being lectured by the King, he sighed that the two of them were indeed father and daughter, and they even liked doing the same things.
If we’re talking about what Ke Wei likes best, it’s definitely not just stroking her hair, that’s a second best thing. As her body changes, things suddenly spring up in her mind, and Ke Wei has become like eating food, dreaming about 18-rated content is commonplace, and she feels uncomfortable if she doesn’t dream about it. Every time she wakes up, she can’t stop feeling beautiful, and she has to sigh, ‘If Dad knew that I’m now fantasising about someone twice my age, I wonder if he’d ground me. But, to be honest, I’m about the same age as him. Dad, Mum, little sister… I can’t remember what you all look like anymore, so I just have to think about you every day, otherwise I’m afraid I’ll forget you. X Unscrupulous professor, alas, without you, how would I have met my father? Now I love my father so much that I can ignore my unscrupulous crimes… roar.
Fule 22nd year:
Fule, who had been away from the capital for 3 years, finally replaced Jinzhi as the garrison commander of Gongbian City. For this reason, Futian adopted Fuxi’s advice in the gentle paradise, commended Fule and married him to Princess He of the vassal state ‘Beihe Kingdom’, who was sent by Beihe Kingdom.
That year, Fu Tian’s neglect of the affairs of state became even more apparent. He spent his days in the Fulefang singing and dancing the night away. Rumor had it that the empress did not attend court early in the morning because of Ziyan Huixue. The songs and dances of several support troupes even spread further afield. Ziyan Huixue was famous throughout the country, and people said that she was a natural talent and a beauty that enchanted the world.
Another scandalous male character is the King of Qin. The King of Qin has become the empress’s close attendant who is always on call, and he is also busy with the affairs of the six ministries. It is almost as if he hates to use one person as several.
After Ke Wei learned about this, she ground her teeth with hatred from the bottom of her heart and complained. Every day, she poisoned the ears of the five people in Chunrong. The five people cried out in pain but had nowhere to complain.

One day, she heard Chunrong say by chance that King Qin had recently become even more emaciated.
Ke Wei was immediately heartbroken, rushed into the Eastern Qin Palace, and heard Li Liandao say that his master was taking a nap in the White Hall. With a slight change in her colourful eyes, she asked Li Liandao where his father was working.
Li Liandao was curious but did not ask. He said that King Qin had been summoned by the emperor and had to take the official documents to his bedroom to approve them. He had just seen His Highness the Grand Tutor in the White Hall and fell asleep on the couch in the White Hall.
Ke Wei nodded and went to the Qinwang’s sleeping quarters. There were two large piles of towering official documents neatly placed on the desk. Ke Wei swallowed, sat down in the chair, and opened one of the documents. It had already been approved, and after reading it carefully, she understood that it was about the arrangements made by the Ministry of Rites for Fu Nu’s wedding. After reading the comments, she understood the general idea. Then she took another document and read them one by one, quickly reading through the ones that had been approved by the Qinwang before taking another stack and opening it. It was exactly the one that had not yet been approved.
Ke Wei took the red brush and dipped it in the red ink, looking at the content of the memorial, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
The memorial was submitted by Xiao Ling, and it said that the Western army had not changed their armour for five years. According to the rules, it should be changed every five years, so he was asking whether it should be changed according to the rules.
Ke Wei was silent. ‘Rules? What kind of rules? Change it or not? Time flies when you’re writing!’
‘Wei’er,’ said the King of Qin, entering the room and closing the door behind him. He saw Ke Wei staring blankly with a red brush in her hand and laughed: “What’s wrong? Is Wei’er in trouble?”
Frowning, she looked up and smiled wryly, ’Yes, the Xiling army wants to change its armour. They say it’s the rule, but I don’t know what the rule is.’
The King of Qin took the red pen from Wei Ke’s hand and rested it on the inkstone. He lifted Wei Ke into his arms and sat her on a chair, glanced at the document, and laughed, ‘The rules for the army of the Fu country, according to the number of troops, are different for each rank. For example, the Junxi army, which protects the country, is ranked second, and it is the rule that it is replaced every five years.’
‘So it’s time to replace it?’ Wei Ke heard this and understood a little.
‘Well, it’s time to change. When was the last time Xiaoling went to war?‘ The King of Qin pondered.
’If we’re talking about suppressing bandits, it was five years ago, in the 17th year of Fule,’ Ke Wei replied after thinking about it.
The King of Qin laughed, “In that case, it’s time to change.”
Ke Wei took the red pen and blinked.
The King of Qin shook his head and laughed, took Ke Wei’s hand, and put a check mark in the margin at the end of the document, and then wrote ’change.’
Ke Wei suddenly asked, ‘How is the armour changed?’
‘Well, buy a new one and take it there. Why?’ Qin Wang reached out and took another book, opening it.
‘What about the old one?’
‘It should be left with the sergeant himself. Why are you asking, Wei Er?’ Qin Wang put down the document and stared at Ke Wei earnestly.
“The last time I saw the armour of the Junxi army, it was all made of iron, so it’s normal for it to rust and need to be replaced, but there should be some rules for this replacement, right?’ Ke Wei blinked, and seeing the appearance of the Qinyu King, his gaze was soft and affectionate. His heart, which had been polished for a long time, suddenly started pounding heavily. He licked his lips, and at that moment, he forgot what he was going to say, and directly pounced on the pale pink and bright lips, sucking softly.
A smile flashed in the Qinyu King’s eyes, and his heart darkened slightly. ‘Wei’er, with your sharpness and intelligence, you shouldn’t waste it like this.’
He stepped back and said sternly, ‘Wei’er, we’re discussing serious matters.’
‘Serious business?’ Ke Wei poked her head through, bit Qin Wang’s earlobe, and breathed in like orchid incense, “Aren’t we doing serious business too?”
Qin Wang trembled, pursed his lips, “Wei’er, the more you learn, the worse you get. You’re only 12… Ooo…”
Ke Wei didn’t give Qin Wang the chance to say those words, her heart hardened, and she stuck her tongue out to lick his ear, and with one hand she went straight for the dragon’s den, and grasped Qin Wang’s soft spot.
‘Mm,’ the King’s face flushed as he grabbed Ke Wei’s hand and held it behind his back, “Wei’er, just wait three more years, there’s only three years left.”
Ke Wei stared, her pupils aglow with anger, struggling to leave the King’s lap, ’All that armour is made of iron, it doesn’t matter if it rusts or breaks, it can be melted down and remade, if it’s recycled, won’t that save the state treasury money?’
The King of Qin was momentarily at a loss for words, and after a moment of thought, he said, ‘But these are all items that have been distributed, can they be collected back?’
‘Father…’ Ke Wei smiled, her eyes sparkling.
The King of Qin continued the thought in his head, and laughed, ‘You are worthy of being my Wei’er, seeing everything. Father has forgotten that the army places the greatest importance on military discipline, hehe.’
‘Heh heh,’ Ke Wei also laughed, ‘Father, there are still 2.5 years left.’
The King of Qin suddenly shivered and said helplessly, ‘Wei’er, can you stop smiling like that?’
‘Just like that.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Just like that.’
The two of them chatted a lot, and in the end the King of Qin gave up and said it was nothing. Then Ke Wei continued to smile ‘like that,’ and the King of Qin looked up at the sky helplessly and sighed, ‘Why did I give birth to such a flirtatious girl? She smiles so wickedly… Wei’er, Wei’er, how am I supposed to choose?’
The two then finished approving a stack of documents, during which time Ke Wei stole a kiss and did a lot of other things to take advantage of the situation.
The King of Qin told someone to prepare dinner, and the palace attendant passed on the message that the Empress had summoned the King of Qin to the Hall of Happiness, giving Ke Wei a helpless look and saying, ‘Wei’er, Ziyan Huixue has been in the palace for several years, and now Futen is suddenly like this. Don’t underestimate her.’ Then he got up and left.
Ke Wei wondered if the King was referring to her or him, and whether he was warning Zi Yan Hui Xue or the Empress. She then read the approved memorial from beginning to end, thinking that if she understood the details of court politics, she could help her father the Emperor.
Year Fu Le 23.
A day of vast white snow was Ke Wei’s 13th birthday and also a day of joy in the Fu family. The Lord of the Bow County received an imperial edict to return from the Gongbian City to the capital to complete his wedding with Princess Hehe.
Everyone in Weiye Garden complained that the original birthday celebration was messed up by the marriage of the Bow County, and only Keying and Kelan came. Recently, Keying has become a regular visitor to Weiye Garden, dragging the cold-faced Kelan along with him, saying that he will soon leave the palace to establish his own house, and he can’t see his strange thoughts often, so he wants to spend more time with him while he still has time.
The King of Qin attended the wedding banquet in place of the Queen, and the King of Huang was definitely going to be there. So the two big shots at the wedding banquet were old men who had been rivals in the palace for decades.
Ke Wei listened to Ke Ying pour water with a clatter and just smiled without saying a word, but she muttered to herself, ‘Old men? The King of Huang is old enough, an old man in his 40s, but he’s still in pretty good shape. Men are like flowers in their 40s. Otherwise, how could Fu Tian still give birth to Ke Tai? My father-in-law is not old, he is a notch younger than Emperor Huang. Back then, when Fu Tian married Bai Letian, he was 18 and she was in her 20s. When he married my father-in-law, he was only 17, and when I was born, he was 21, so now he is just in his early 30s. If I calculate my age myself, I am the same age as Fu Tian, 38…that’s old.
Ke Wei coughed up a mouthful of tea. Everyone handed her a handkerchief and patted her back in a flurry of panic. Ke Ying panicked and kept saying that the King of Qin was full of energy and peerless in his beauty…
Ke Lan snorted coldly, and Ke Ying stopped talking. Ke Wei’s dark lines disappeared, and everyone continued to laugh secretly.
After a few people had lunch, Ke Lan got up and left. His cold eyes became even deeper. In recent years, Ke Lan has been the most composed, and if compared to Ke Xue’s personal abilities, Ke Lan is even better.
Before leaving, Ke Lan’s gaze flickered over Ke Wei before he led Dongming out the door and left. Ke Ying stuttered and kept shouting that it was cold, and he chased after them with Yao Chuan, yelling all the while that they were all going to the elder brother’s house together, so why did they have to go separately.
‘My lord, the time is almost up,’ said Chunrong, resolutely reminding Ke Wei, who was lost in thought.
‘Ke Lan, you have had someone following me since I left the Huafa Temple. What is the meaning of these looks?’
Ke Wei snapped back to reality, handed the brazier to Chun Rong, and sighed lightly, ‘If the Empress Dowager doesn’t go, the Emperor will go after all. I have to go to see the Emperor, even though I hate that banquet. In recent years, the Emperor has been unusual. Not only is he hard to catch, his whereabouts are also unpredictable. He’s been to the Dongqin Palace, the Taiji Palace, the Taiji Palace, the Fulefang… I don’t know if it’s intentional or unintentional, but it seems like he’s deliberately avoiding me.’
He got into the sedan chair and walked towards the outside of the Jiao Tai Hall. Chunrong said, ‘My lord, let’s go out through the small gate by the Taiyi Pool, it’s closer.’
‘You decide.’
Chunrong bowed and led the sedan chair through the outer edge of the imperial garden.
Ke Wei coughed white vapour into the sedan chair, watching it dissipate. Suddenly, she caught a whiff of a cold fragrance. She lifted the curtain and saw that a few white plum blossoms were blooming beautifully in the corner, blending in with the snow.
Ke Wei glanced into the corner of the distance and saw a flash of white palace attire at the corner of the palace wall in the imperial garden. ‘Fu Xi? Where is she going?’
She shook her head, smiled bitterly to herself, and then lowered the curtain.
Entering the Taiyi Pool, it was covered in deep snow, and the palace servants made a ‘crunching’ sound as they stepped on it, the depth varying.
‘Stop the sedan.’
Chunrong was puzzled, but she still told the palace servant to stop. She whispered, ‘My lord?’
Ke Wei lifted the curtain, and a world of pure white appeared. She placed the brazier in Chunrong’s arms, tightened her fur-lined clothes, and stepped forward in the snow. Taiye Pond is a vast place. After a day and night of heavy snow, the roofs of the pavilions, terraces, and buildings were covered in white. The bare branches were bent down by the weight of the snow and hung with icicles. The water in the pond was covered in ice and snow, and the Penglai Island in the pond had become a small snowy mountain. The only greenery were a few conifers, which were also covered in snow.
Ke Wei looked at all this and remembered the August 15th of that year. Xia Hua had talked a lot about the scenery and bustle of Taiyi Lake. At the time, she had really wanted to see it, but she had to pretend to be weak and go to the state banquet. She was teased by Fuxi, and got to know Ke Lan and Ke Ying…
‘My lord, if we don’t hurry, we won’t make it in time,’ said Chunrong, her fresh and mature cheeks flushed from the wind.
Ke Wei nodded, ‘Hey. ’Fuxi, are you going to Sishan Garden?’
‘Why are you sighing, my lord?‘ Chunrong reached out to hand over the warming stove, but was pushed away by Ke Wei.
’Chunrong, how old are you?’ Ke Wei shook her thoughts off and sat back in the sedan chair.
The sedan chair slowly rose and continued on its way outside the palace. She heard Chunrong say softly, “Chunrong has been with my lord for 13 years.”
Ke Wei sighed, ’14 in your age reckoning. You came to me when you were 10, so Chunrong, you’re 24 already. You’ve been in this world for 13 years too. You’re really getting old, and you’re getting more and more sentimental. Seeing Fuxi like this, and then looking at myself, I actually feel the same pain. Father Emperor, why are you avoiding me again?
He exited the side gate by the Taiyi Pool, entered the outer avenue, passed through Anfu Gate, and just happened to encounter the sedan chair of the Grand Tutor. The two sides’ close attendants greeted each other, and the Grand Tutor went first, followed by the Fifth Prince.
The Prince of Nu County’s residence is adjacent to the Marquis of Huajin’s residence, and separated by several buildings is the Xuejing Prince’s residence of Ke Xue, all at the top of the Western Market.
The Prince of Nu County’s residence is bustling with music, drums, bamboo flutes, and the sound of people playing and pounding on drums.
Ke Wei got out of the carriage and saw Feng Qinghui standing at the gate looking over here, nodded and smiled, and then glanced into the distance to the quiet gates of the Marquis of Huajin’s residence, sneering inwardly.
‘Your Highness, how have you been?‘ Feng Qinghui spoke before Ke Wei could bow, his elegant aura filling the air.
’Wei greets Your Highness.’ Ke Wei bowed, but Feng Qinghui caught her hand, causing her to frown and pull back her hand.
‘Why does Your Highness seem to be so formal? Back then, Your Highness’s daughter exempted Your Highness from the formalities, and she can certainly exempt me from them.‘ Feng Qinghui gave a faint smile and turned to go inside.
Ke Wei’s dark eyes looked at his back. At 23, Feng Qinghui no longer resembled the 15-year-old Chenyang Chaolu from back then, and he was increasingly composed and refined, with an air of majesty that faintly resembled that of the King Huang from back then.
’What a painful thing it was for him to get married! The royal family is really so helpless.’
Suddenly, she felt someone looking at her. Ke Wei turned her head and saw Ke Lan’s cold eyes turn to the distance, while Ke Ying was secretly winking. Ke Wei gave a faint smile and entered the room with Chunrong, following the messenger.

The Prince of Nu County’s mansion. Because Fu Nu returned in a hurry, apart from the necessary scenery, it was normal and had a clean and refreshing atmosphere. In particular, there was no snow to be seen, but the smell of the cool air mixed with the beautiful hibiscus flowers blooming by the roadside.
Ke Wei looked at the roadside hibiscus flowers and sighed lightly, ‘Hibiscus flowers? Hua Jinhou? Fu Nu is actually so infatuated.’
‘It’s beautiful, isn’t it?‘ A calm voice, with a hint of cheerfulness.
Ke Wei turned around and saw a tan complexion, with handsome and unrestrained eyebrows and eyes that were not as tender as they used to be. “Ke Wei has met the Prince of the Bow County.”
’Haha,’ Fu Nu laughed, the bright red wedding attire matching the hibiscus flowers, looking so harmonious. ’Fifth sister, you and I have never spoken before. You didn’t play with us before, do we still have to be so formal now?’
Ke Wei paused, then grinned, ‘You’re right, Big Brother. In the past, Fifth Sister was foolish, but now I get to laugh and chat with you. I’m truly blessed.’
‘Oh, don’t say that. Today is my big day, and I’m so happy that you could come. It’s cold outside, so come inside and sit down.’ Fu Nu held out her hand, inviting her in.
Ke Wei nodded, and as she looked back one last time at the gorgeous hibiscus flowers, she said as she passed Fu Nu, ’June flowers should be treasured. If you leave them in the cold, they’ll wither, and it’ll hurt both you and them.’
Funan paused for a moment, looking at Kewei leave with a complex expression in her eyes, and then looked back at the clusters of delicate flowers.
The wedding banquet reached its climax with the arrival of the auspicious hour. King Qin and King Huang entered the hall one after the other and took their seats at the head table to receive the formalities. Princess Hehe was marrying into the Nü County Royal Family, which was a great honour for Funan. The empress did not bestow the title of princess on Hehe, but only allowed Funan to return to Gongbian City one month after the wedding.
Fu Nu and He He knelt three times before Emperor Huang, and after the ceremony, He He entered the bridal chamber. Fu Nu then laughed and drank at the feast, in a happy and boisterous mood. When it came to Ke Wei’s turn, Fu Nu laughed and said, ‘Fifth sister, I’ll take your good wishes.’
Everyone was puzzled by this strange but reasonable remark, but Ke Wei understood and replied, ‘Ke Wei wishes you, my eldest brother, a smile that never fades and hibiscus flowers that are always in bloom.’
Fu Nu nodded, gulped down the wine, and then went to the next table. She thought to herself, ‘Fifth Princess Ke Wei, will you be the straw that breaks the camel’s back?’
Ke Wei also gulped down the wine. She turned her head and saw that King Qin was looking over here, his eyes cold and severe. Occasionally, a hint of tenderness rippled away with the barely visible curve of his lips. Her heart suddenly felt warm, and the melancholy that had built up over many months disappeared. The wine tasted even better.
‘My lord, how could Chunrong not understand what you were saying to Lord Nu today?’ Chunrong helped Kewei take off her fur coat and golden crown.
‘Alas, the king has intentions, but the goddess has no heart. This goddess is not wise at all,‘ Ke Wei sighed lightly, then sneered: “Ke Hua, a princess who only focuses on power, Fu Nu, how could you possibly fancy her?”
’My lord, who are you talking about?’ Chun Rong took over the comb from Shi Ju and gently straightened her hair.
Ke Wei did not say anything, and after a long while, when Chun Rong had finished, she said, ’Xia Hua hasn’t returned yet?’
‘Yes,‘ said Shi Shu, her eyes downcast.
Ke Wei nodded and laughed, “It’s cold, are you all cold and lacking in energy?”
Shi Zhu said, “My lord, why don’t you try the Sydney bar?”
’Good idea, go to the Pavilion of Laughing Oblivion and heat some wine, and get some food, and bring everyone together for some fun.’ Ke Wei then took out a set of women’s clothes, and when she saw Chun Rong’s disapproving look, she winked, ’I’m going out for a while, I’ll be back soon. The four of you go to Xiaowangting and wait for me.‘
’My lord, wait until Xia Hua returns…‘ Although Chunrong said this, she called Shi Ju over to help her change clothes.
’It’s fine.’ Ke Wei let the two of them change her clothes, and then opened the window and disappeared.
The four people in the room glanced at each other, sighed lightly, left Shi Shu in charge of the inside, and the three of them went out one after the other.
Snowy clothes are like electricity, weaving through the white world like a nimble white fox. Ke Wei sped along the secluded path on the north side of the Imperial Garden. As she passed by Fulefang, she heard bursts of laughter coming from the Silver Bell. She frowned: ‘That woman is all right with surrounding herself with beautiful people all day, but she’s also competing with me for someone. I don’t know if she’s ashamed or not. When will she ever get her daughter married? Fuxi, you have to work harder!
Ke Wei shook off the chaos and entered the Qianhuang Palace group, leaping straight to the quiet corner in the north. Seeing that there was no one around, she climbed over the vermilion palace wall. Everything she saw was desolate and defeated, and there was a cold north wind.
She dodged into a dilapidated palace, leapt onto the beam, and climbed along it into the inner room. She heard a sound, and the room went white. Instantly, dust entered her eyes, causing her great discomfort.
After a long while, the sound gradually stopped, and she heard people talking.
‘Xi’er, don’t come here anymore. This is not the place for you.’ The previous wild and unrestrained atmosphere was gone, replaced by a sound of desolation and dilapidation, mixed with a sense of laziness after indulgence.
‘Hong, hang in there. When the time is right, I’ll come get you.’ A soft voice, tinged with sadness and determination, “Take care of yourself during this time, don’t sulk anymore, look at how thin you’ve become, it breaks my heart to see you like this…
”Xi’er, don’t cry. Only after experiencing great hardship do you realise the preciousness of friendship. Listen, Xi’er, in the past, I was powerless and not entirely prepared.’ Fu Jihong’s voice was gloomy, and his words were full of pride, ‘In the 17th year of Fule, the suppression of bandits in the six eastern counties, although the Empress agreed that Xiao Ling went there, it was also I who brought the two together.’
Fu Xi paused and said in a hoarse voice, ‘The bandits in the six eastern counties were really suspicious. Even now, I don’t know why the men in those places were so bold as to openly become enemies of the court. Fortunately, Xiao Ling went there and was able to recruit them.’
‘Haha… Xi’er, my dear Xi’er, that was a gift I left for you. Back then, I personally planned the mountain bandits in the six eastern counties, and even the suppression of the bandits and their recruitment into the army was in the plan. Now, they have been woven into Xiao Ling’s Junxi army, and at least three layers of them are our people.’ Fu Jihong laughed, ‘People like Fu Tian deserve to be deserted by everyone. All that nonsense about the phoenix and the savage god is just nonsense. She doesn’t even have the golden phoenix flower mark of the empress on her, and she’s controlling the government and playing us. The golden phoenix in Weiye Garden is just a reflection of the pattern in the Taiji Palace. Xi’er, you have to believe in yourself, and you have to believe that I know, right? We still have a bright future ahead of us.’
Fu Xi was shocked and overjoyed to hear this: ‘I believe it, I always have. I have believed in you since I was 11 years old. If it weren’t for Fu Tian, we would have been the most perfect couple. I hate her, I want to kill her. That year, I begged her so much, but she was unmoved. Haha… Now Feng Lin Zi is becoming more powerful every day, and she can’t control it anymore, so she thought of using me to control people. Now I know that she hasn’t had the golden hibiscus flower and still controls the government, and hasn’t announced it to the public for more than 20 years. I want to make her fall from power and lose her reputation.’
Fuxi paused, got up and dressed. ‘Hong, although I have some power, I don’t have military power. With the backing of the three-tiered Yunsi army and the support of the imperial father’s family, the Bai family, in the court, hehe…in less than three years, I will definitely ascend the throne, and then I will make you the emperor, standing beside me. At that time, the world will be ours, and we will never be apart again.’
‘Xier, I’ll be waiting for you. But be careful, there are still some forces in the court that are on my side. When the time comes, you can contact them like this,‘ Fu Jihong whispered in Fu Xi’s ear, and then said, “It’s better to come less often in the future. Fu Nu’s wedding should be over, so go back quickly.”
’Hmm,’ Fu Xi said with tears in her eyes, ’I…I left Ke Shan in the palace and never told you.’
‘What… ahem,‘ Fu Jihong gasped in shock, “he is Fuchen’s child, how could you keep him? He is a scourge, why don’t you…”
’Hong, our child is gone,‘ Fu Xi cried, “I treated Keshan as my own child. Back then, I had no choice but to abort the child, but… but I…”
’Hey,’ Fu Jihong sighed lightly, embraced Fu Xi, and coaxed, ’Don’t be so sentimental. Keshan was born to Fuchen, not you. In the future, when our plan succeeds, we won’t have to worry about having children. If we’re to blame, we have to blame someone else.‘
’The snitch. Xi’er, have you found anything out over the past few years?‘
’Fu Tian won’t tell me who it is. I suspect it’s either someone from the Qin court or her.’ Fu Xi hissed, ’If it really is her, she’s taken advantage of my general care for her and treated me like this. She’ll have to pay.’
‘The only person who knew about us back then was Fu Nu. If it was him…‘
’No, it wasn’t him, it was Ke Xue,’ Fu Xi gritted her teeth, ’Nu brother once told me in secret that Ke Xue had drunk him up and got him to talk, but I don’t know if it’s true. This girl has always had an unpredictable mind, so it’s normal for her to stab me in the back. Unfortunately, she can’t drown in a pool, and she wants to kill Ke Wei and frame me for it. Hmph, the news says she’s recently shown signs of waking up. If she really wakes up, it’ll be the perfect time to take revenge and settle old scores.‘
’If it really is Ke Xue, you must dismember her body into a million pieces to repay us for all the suffering we’ve endured apart over the years. I can’t get out right now, so you have to be careful.’ Fu Jihong lamented, her tone despondent.
‘Hong, you must have faith in me. Sooner or later, I will get you out. It’s almost time. I’ll go now, and I’ll come back to see you again in a few days.’ Fu Xi got up, her expression firm, and she left lightly.

Ke Wei rubbed her eyes and opened them a little to watch the curtain fall. ’Haha, I’ve gained a lot from this trip. The two of them didn’t talk about business first, but got down to business first, which was good for my ears. If only my father-in-law could be as enthusiastic and charming as Fu Ji Hong,’
He let out a sigh, narrowed one eye and turned around to leave.
“That year, I also guessed that Ke Xue was the one who snitched, but I always had some doubts. Soon after I tested her, Ke Xue poisoned and assassinated people, and finally took matters into her own hands. But there was still something wrong. I always felt that this girl was a scapegoat. Ke Xue was trying to trap Fu Nu? Why did she go along with it? Could it be that there was someone behind her?
Fu Jihong is so cautious and far-sighted that he has brazenly planted the bandits in the army. Haha, I’m speechless. But where did a powerless imperial tutor get the money and food? Where did this person come from? And who is the insider in the court? It is impossible for him to arrange the bandits from six counties alone. Only the blind child, Fu Xi, believes whatever he says.
Fu Xi hates Fu Tian, but in front of him she acts as if nothing has happened. After being locked up for a few years, her acting skills have not only not declined, but have improved. She can’t deal with Fu Tian openly, so what method will she use? A beauty trap – Zi Yan Hui Xue? 30% of Jun Xi Jun’s army? She wants to bring Fu Tian’s reputation and name down, so the best way to do this is to force him from the palace.
…guess, guess. I haven’t had a proper look at the stunning beauty Zi Yan Hui Xue since we last met, and what role is he playing again? Will I meet him some other day?
Oh, and there’s also the boy Ke Shan. Fu Jihong is truly a man without scruples. He would even betray his own flesh and blood for power. He’s not worthy of being a father.
After sorting out her thoughts, Ke Wei also returned to Weiye Garden.
The maid Shishu was alone in the room. When she saw Ke Wei return, she hurriedly brought her hot water to wash and change clothes.
After Shishu finished, she asked if they should go to Xiaowang Pavilion. Ke Wei glanced at the pile of things on the desk and sighed, ‘Xia Hua is back?’
The attendant nodded.
‘Go ahead. It’s a strange cold day, and a warm drink would be nice.’ Ke Wei folded her sleeves, lifted the curtain, and went out the door.

In the winter of the 23rd year of Fule, on a dark and rainy night, Ke Xue, who had been asleep for three whole years, opened her eyes.
Ke Lan and Ke Ying were delayed until winter because of Ke Xue, and were only then crowned King of Jialan and King of Jiaying respectively. They left the palace together with Ke Xue and then entered the court.
Ke Xue, who had just recovered and was in a state of not knowing anything, stayed in the Xuejing Royal Palace to recuperate.
Ke Lan was appointed Commander of the Imperial Army and served under Xiao Ling. At this time, everyone learned that Ke Lan had practiced martial arts and wielded a silver spear with great prowess, far surpassing Ke Ying’s swordsmanship.
Ke Ying took up a lowly position in the Ministry of Works under the Qin King, which seemed to be his own choice.
Life returned to normal on the surface, and two new members were admitted to the Anren Hall, reducing the number by two.
Ke Heng and Ke Min, a pair of talented siblings, were admitted to the Anren Hall. At the age of 6, they seemed to be separated from the 10-year-old Ke Shan by a chasm, but the two often hung around Ke Shan, who ignored them and often stole glances at Ke Wei, who was sleeping unattended . Sometimes she couldn’t hold back any longer and would hang tear drops on Ke Wei and coo at her… The old and young empresses no longer cared how much trouble there was in the Anren Hall. They adopted a policy of letting the children run wild. Even the old-fashioned empresses knew that there would be no more new favourites emerging from the Anren Hall.

A turning point in one year
and Fleur’s 24th year, a turning point in one’s emotions. Kewei was 14 years old.

It all happened so suddenly, without any warning.
Ziyan Huixue, the world’s most beautiful man, invited the Fifth Prince, who had been playing in the Dongqin Palace, to go to Fulefang for a visit.
Kewei finished reading the折子 for the Prince Qin, kissed his forehead as he slept, and then left the room to follow the servant.
‘Father, what have you been doing for the past year? You never face me. You’re either invisible or asleep. Fulefang? Ziyan, Huixue and the Empress Dowager, what do they want with me? The Empress Dowager has also become increasingly strange recently. Whenever she sees me, she always looks thoughtful.’

Fourteen-year-old Ke Wei, with the appearance of a sixteen-year-old, is like a rose covered in a veil, full of a hazy charm, beautiful yet innocent. Her quiet and dignified beauty, her calm and peaceful aura, at first glance is shocking, but upon closer inspection, one becomes enchanted and loses one’s heart.
This is what the King of Qin said, and Ke Wei gave a faint smile, not saying anything.
Having loved for 14 years has become a habit, a kind of sediment, as mellow and rich as wine.
The King said, ‘Wei’er, your eyes change in an instant, but you can always see yourself in them.’
Ke Wei narrowed her eyes, which was only natural, because those eyes had never focused on anyone but the King.

Fulefang, the residence where the King spent his time in the harem.
Ziyan Huixue, dressed in light purple, as thin as a cicada’s wings, with skin as white as snow, like a spring dream.
Ke Wei had seen him before, but could not remember his appearance. She could only remember the sound of his laughter and the word ‘world-shattering’.
‘Your Highness, Yixue has admired you for a long time. I feel like I’m dreaming that I’ve finally met you today. I have no regrets in my life,’ said Zi Yan Yixue as she lightly twirled the teacup.
Ke Wei sneered, ‘We can’t talk about admiration, and you say you have no regrets in your life? Do we…know each other well?’
‘In recent years, my father has become more and more eccentric, while I have become more and more unpredictable. Now, looking at this person, I feel nothing but impatience.‘
’If Your Highness says so, Yixue will not insist. This is Ziyunyan, Yixue’s favourite tea. I wonder if it is to Your Highness’s liking?’ Her fingers were as thin as scallions, her nails polished red like blood.
The tea is a pure, slightly purple colour. Ke Wei took up the teacup and sniffed lightly. The fragrance was elegant and slightly sweet. She looked slightly to the side at the person in front of her. She had not applied any makeup, only a light sweep of makeup on her forehead, and a makeup sticker of a plum blossom on her forehead. Her eyes were bright like stars, dark like pearls, and her nose and lips were round and seductive. She did not look like an ordinary person, but she was also an ordinary person.
She let out a sigh in her heart as she put down the teacup. Ke Wei laughed lightly, ‘You are not the type of person who would lie.’
‘Your Highness, what makes you say that?‘ Yixue’s eyes were like beads, smiling and teasing, stirring the heartstrings.
’I remember the first time I saw you, you said, ‘Even flowers and plants have emotions’?‘
Yixue pursed her lips and stroked her hair, “I’m really impressed that Your Highness still remembers that. I thought you had long forgotten.”
’At that time, your expression was like the clouds and mist, indistinct and shadowy. Now it seems real and true, but also illusory and illusory. What has changed you? It’s like getting it but not getting it.‘ Ke Wei looked away and fondled the Cloud Shadow ring, smiling like the gentle breeze.
’Your Highness is observant, and I admire you.‘ Zi Yan Hui Xue lifted the teacup and took a sip, “Your Highness, don’t you want to try this Ziyun Yan?”
’You’re pushing me so hard,’ Ke Wei leaned in, smiling lightly with her lips slightly pursed, full of charm, ’I’ll feel…you have a plot.’
‘Haha,‘ Yixue laughed heartily, “Your Highness, you are still so interesting.”
’Really?‘ Ke Wei lifted the teacup and played with it on her fingertips, “I think Yixue is even more interesting. I wonder what the reason for inviting me here is?”
’Tea tasting,’ Yixue reached out and took the teacup from Ke Wei’s fingertips. The cool fingertips lightly brushed her palm, causing a gentle tingling that quickly faded away.
Ke Wei suddenly got up and grabbed Yixue’s neck. She heard him exclaim and laughed lightly, ‘Your skin is as white as snow, that’s what they say about you, right? Do you know what women hate the most?’
Although Yixue’s neck was grabbed, he remained calm as usual. He placed his hands on the hands holding his neck, and wound them up the sleeves of his clothes. As Ke Wei increased the pressure, his face became more and more rosy, and his eyes became more and more bright, as if there was a hidden meaning of expectation.
‘You really want to die? Haha…‘ Ke Wei shook her head at this thought, and suddenly said, “You are so kind to invite me for tea? Don’t you need to take care of the Empress? She will go if you are not here…”
Instantly changing her face, Ke Wei shook off Zi Yan Hui Xue and said sternly, “Where is the Empress?” “Could it be that she went to the Emperor’s father?”
’Cough… Your Highness has already guessed, hasn’t he?’ Hui Xue turned around and smiled, like a fog.
Ke Wei instantly turned around and grabbed the door.
‘Your Highness, you still haven’t told Huixue what women hate the most?’
Ke Wei’s foot stopped as she walked out the door, and she turned back with a sneer, ‘Women hate things that are more beautiful than themselves, especially people, especially men.’
Behind her, Ziyan Huixue smiled bitterly, got up, picked up the purple sand tea bowl, and said softly, ‘Your Majesty, I made it for you, but when will you stop looking at Huixue forever?’

Ke Wei quickly left Fulefang, annoyed. ‘Futen, what are you going to do? A while ago, you saw me angrily throwing a bowl after pestering the Emperor, and the Emperor repeatedly avoided me. Today, you let Ziyan Huxue distract me. Is this your idea or the Emperor’s? What do you want?’
Ke Wei wanted to use her light skills to hurry along, but there seemed to be an unusually large number of palace attendants on the road, and she couldn’t afford to be exposed.
The palace attendants watched Ke Wei pass by and hurriedly knelt to pay their respects.
Without a second glance, she rushed into the Dongqin Palace. Seeing Li Lian and the empress’s personal attendant standing at the entrance of the closed palace, Ke Wei felt cold from head to toe, and her body trembled with cold.
The cold was followed by a rush of hot blood. In an instant, Ke Wei pulled off her jade ornaments and ran forward, shouting, ‘Father, Father, look, what have I found? Look, don’t stop me, go away…’
Ke Wei pushed open the door and rushed into the screen room. Although she was prepared, her heart stopped beating for a moment.
The two naked bodies on the bed were entwined in a passionate embrace. The gauze bedspread seemed to tremble and sway with their movements, enacting a scene that was blinding.
Ke Wei stepped forward with heavy steps and laughed, ‘Emperor Father, look, what have I found?’
Each word and step carved itself into her heart, dripping a trail of blood.
‘Stop.’ The hoarse voice came from the woman.
Ke Wei’s hand, which had lifted the curtain, paused for a moment, and when she withdrew it, she was determined. She pulled slightly harder, and the muslin fell, leaving her completely exposed.
In an instant, her anxious, fearful and frightened heart settled. Ke Wei’s face changed slightly, and a look of panic and confusion appeared on her face. She knelt down in a panic and said, ’Your Majesty… Your Majesty, I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I… I
Just like the stuttering of ten years ago, it was a seamless blend of interruption, panic and trembling, effortlessly performed, as if everything was carved into her blood and bones, and her heart possessed a bloodthirsty madness and rage.
Ke Wei’s eyes widened in disbelief, and she looked up in shock. A pair of cold, emotionless eyes now possessed a ruthless and annoying expression.
‘Father, you told me to rest assured and to trust you, but what are you doing now? What are you doing…being so cruel? Hiding from me? Is it because of her…Father, if you want to say something, just say it, why do you have to do this?‘
Her heart was raging furiously, her face was tearful, and she was humbled like grass on the ground.
’Get out.’ A cold voice, cold eyes, the expression that only appears when dealing with others.
‘Qin, Wei’er is still young and doesn’t know any better,’ the woman’s eyes flickered slightly, her face wearing a smile, and she wrapped the man in a quilt from behind, as if to prevent outsiders from seeing the view that belonged to her alone.
Her heart was sinking and she was about to die, but she still had her breath left. Ke Wei coldly watched the two naked bodies wrapped in the quilt.
‘Wei Er, get out.‘ The woman’s gaze was dim, as if she was impatient. The hand under the quilt had already covered the man’s body, and the quilt tilted to reveal the bodies pressed close together.
’Thank the Queen Mother and the Emperor Father for their unmerited kindness. Wei Er takes her leave.’ Ke Wei stood up, turned around, and walked out of the hall, a sneer on her lips.
The two behind her glanced at each other, pondering various thoughts in their own way.

Outside the hall, Li Lian and the emperor’s close lady-in-waiting closed the door without saying a word.
Ke Wei forced a smile and said, ‘Eunuch Li, please tell His Majesty that I will go to Huafa Temple to pray for him and the Empress.’
Li Lian nodded obediently, not daring to respond.
Ke Wei left quickly.

The bamboo forest is a place to practice martial arts, a place of tranquility, and a place to let off steam.
The wind was howling, the green leaves were flying, a cold sword, a heart full of anger, the Nine Styles of Swordsmanship led from the mind to the realm of demons, the flying sword struck out, the trees fell, the sword energy struck back, rushing straight to the heart.
‘Ugh…‘ Ke Wei coughed up blood and lay on her back.
’Haha… I’ve gone mad… Father, it hurts… Father, Wei, it hurts, it hurts so much… Why didn’t you come… Haha… Ugh… Haha…”
Poof! Her anger overwhelmed her, and she blacked out and lost consciousness.
‘All things that are subject to desire are like dreams, bubbles, and shadows. They are like dew and lightning. One should regard them as such,’ said the gluttonous rogue.
‘Haha, if everything is to be taken naturally, what is the point of having emotions?’ Ke Wei sneered. ‘Chunrong, get rid of this uninvited guest.’
‘My lord…’ Chunrong was at a loss. “My lord, this is someone else’s territory, and they’re the ones who healed your wounds. Could you please not do this?”
She raised an eyebrow and snorted. ’What? This is my courtyard, right? Old man Youyou, don’t think that just because you saved my life you can freeload here. No way.’
‘Hey, Your Highness, you judge people based on yourself, and you are really narrow-minded.‘ Youyou stroked his beard and accepted the tea brought by Shiju, “What a fragrant tea, the lady has a good skill.”
’Shiju thanks the master for the praise, the master does not abandon, but can often come to this courtyard, Shiju will treat the master with tea on behalf of my master.’ Shiju smiled and bowed, and winked at Chunrong.
‘My lady, you’re feeling better. Shall we go for a walk?‘ Chunrong hurriedly engaged in conversation with Ke Wei to prevent her lady from saying anything unpleasant again.
’No. Let Zizhu treat the liar to a vegetarian meal.‘ Ke Wei laughed, “It’s a vegetarian meal. Don’t get it wrong.”
’Oh, Your Highness’s child has opened up, and wants to treat me to a meal? Zizhu’s vegetarian food has impressed the chefs at Huafa Temple.’ Youyou laughed, then turned to Chunrong and said, ‘Chun’er, go ask Miss Shizhu to cook. I’m really hungry.’
‘Yes,’ Chunrong said, pursing her lips, and bowed to the two of them before leaving.
‘Girl, who are you listening to? Who is the master?’ Ke Wei was angry.
Shiju laughed and said, ‘Of course the master is the master. Try this cloud needle, master. It’s the new tea picked in the spring.’
‘Hmph, you’re all in the same boat as those four,‘ Ke Wei grunted, and took a sip of the cloud needle.
’Your Highness, you’re wasting it,‘ You You lamented, wringing his hands, and sadly ran out the door.
’Master, the master has been driven away by you,‘ Shi Ju covered her mouth and laughed.
’Laugh, laugh. Who doesn’t know that he was annoyed by me and ran away. I was grateful to him for saving my life at first, but I never imagined that he would say something like that. He repeated it over and over again every day, and never seemed to get tired of it. Huan Yang found me in the bamboo forest, and he should have hidden me. Why did he obey that woman’s wishes and send me to Huafa Temple to recuperate? Hmph, I now understand the hatred of that girl, Fu Xi. She really is hateful.
Ke Wei used to use internal strength to confuse the blood and Qi, and finally suffered the consequences. Coupled with the sword energy striking back, her heart was filled with anger, causing her to go crazy. After half a year of recuperation, she had almost recovered.
Ke Wei had been holed up in Huafa Temple for half a year, and she was tired of looking at the back mountain every day. She also stopped listening to the gossip in the palace, and any news was retracted when she glared at them. When Ke Wei woke up and understood the situation, she said, ‘Don’t tell me anything about the palace, or you will suffer the consequences.’
The five of them looked on, but there was no point in worrying. ‘We can only hope that Master Youyou can make the master see things more clearly. Even though he is normal now, there is something wrong with him. Everyone can see it and feel it.’

As night fell, Kewei let out Wuye, and Xia Hua and Shi Ju both fell asleep with their heads tilted on the table. They got up, changed their clothes, and jumped out of Huafa Temple. Xiaoyou had also become Dayou. The maroon horse’s mane was even more spirited, and it had grown into a beautiful horse.
A white horse jumped out of the shadows, snorting and panting at Xiaoyou. Xiaoyou saw this and, shaking her head, galloped off on her own.
Ke Wei pursed her lips. ‘Chi Ge’s horse is really good. It’s been running wild. It spends the whole day gallivanting outside the city, and whenever it sees Xiaoyou, it chases after it. Now it’s always with Xiaoyou, I wonder if Chi Ge is in a hurry.’
He thought to himself, but showed no emotion on his face, as if he were not concerned. Staying in the temple for a long time was really boring, so he took advantage of the moonlight to sneak out for some fresh air or to express his feelings.
He rode Xiao You, followed by Feng Wu, and headed for the mountains and forests of Maiqiu River.
The moon was bright and the stars were few, and the insects in the forest chirped and croaked at night. Ke Wei sat on the horse, and Xiao You trotted slowly. Feng Wu snorted beside her, occasionally turning his head to look at Xiao You, listening to its snorting. Feng Wu turned his head back with a grin, probably laughing to himself.
Ke Wei saw the two of them and remembered that time at Xiao Qi Chuan’s farmhouse, when Feng Wu tricked her into getting on the horse, then took off running and knocked her off. What did he say back then? ‘The horse ran away, so I followed the hoofprints and chased after it’… Haha, I don’t know if that’s true or not. Chi Ge really has offended me a lot. The first time I suffered a great loss at his place, ah, he also saw my body… Later, he comforted me a few times and invited me to drink, so I can barely consider him a friend.
After some soul-searching, Kewei said to Fengwu, ‘Fengwu, Xiao Bai, our Xiao You is a beauty… If you treat her badly, I’ll hang up your master and beat him. Oh, you don’t care, then I’ll introduce Xiao You to many, many handsome guys… When the time comes, Xiao You won’t be just your… your horse.’
Fengwu grunted a few times, ran over and nuzzled Kewei’s leg, which smacked of flattery.
Ke Wei laughed quietly, jumped off Feng Wu’s back, and tugged at Xiao You’s leash. ‘Xiao You, you’re a good boy. Feng Wu seems quite devoted, much better than other people. If you hang out with him, you’ll steal a little white horse for me soon and make me happy.’
She patted the horse’s neck, and Xiao You whinnied and ran forward. Feng Wu caught up, turned his head and gave Ke Wei a few snorts of thanks.
The horse was nowhere to be seen. Kewei looked around, drew back her mouth corners, and said, ‘How am I going to get back to such a remote place?’
She walked slowly in the night, lost in thought. Having trained hard during her days of living in the wild, she wasn’t afraid of the night owl that scampered out from the moonlight.
Ke Wei held a thin leaf in her fingertips, not putting in much effort, just in case.
Hearing the sound of water, she parted the leaves and saw a calm, round lake reflecting the moon, very quiet…
“Quiet? Then where did the sound of water come from just now?’
Her heart trembled. ‘It’s the middle of the night, I shouldn’t be wandering out into the wild to see mountain spirits and monsters. I’m such an idiot.’
Ke Wei scolded herself, her heart flinching back while her feet kept walking forward. As soon as she looked down and saw the water’s edge, she saw the moon reflected in it. ‘This damned curiosity…curiosity has legs…I’ll torture you when we get back.’
It’s the middle of the night in the mountains, what do you expect to pop out of the water?
Ripples spread out on the water, bubbling and gurgling…
Her heart trembled, her eyes wide open, as she cursed and spun around, twirling the leaves of the plant: ‘Forget the beautiful women, as long as the beautiful men aren’t goblins… Never mind, as long as they aren’t monsters… I’ll accept anything, even if immortals come, I’ll welcome them…’
‘Are you beautiful?’
A voice came from behind.
‘Ah~‘ Ke Wei turned around and jumped away. When she looked at what was behind her… a long black hair covering her face, her body glistening with moonlight… her half body covered in reflective objects similar to scales…
’Plop~‘ she fell into the water.
Ke Wei forgot that there was a lake behind her, and watching that thing extend a long fingernail that looked suspiciously like a hand, falling into the water was the wise choice.
’Hey~’ the unknown object sighed lightly, brushing her hair back with her paw, ’I didn’t catch it, I wonder if it can swim?’
Ke Wei in the water was caught off guard and swallowed. Recalling her last experience of falling into the water, she sucked all the air out of Ke Xue and watched her struggle and then become motionless.
Thinking about it, the fear that had been suppressed in her heart began to emerge, and she felt like her whole body was on fire. For a moment, she forgot to hold her breath and floated to the surface.
‘Cough… cough…’ Ke Wei was still in shock. The look on Ke Xue’s face in front of her became more and more vivid. She couldn’t quite react, and her hands and feet were cold and trembling.
’So you’re not a demon or immortal?‘
’If you’re human, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?‘
’Hey, if you’ve got the guts to come here, you shouldn’t be scared like this, should you?‘
’Could it be that you’re afraid of water?‘
’Seeing you shaking like that, could it be that you’ve killed someone?‘
’Oh, you must have pushed someone into the water?‘
’Yikes, you really did it.’
‘Tsk, if you have the guts to kill someone, why don’t you have the guts to take it?‘
’You really are a coward!‘
’Thank goodness, I thought I’d met a fairy, or at least a demon, at least as beautiful, but I didn’t expect to meet a murderer.‘
Ke Wei angrily got up and scolded, “Are you done yet? You’re so long-winded, the person is still alive and well.”
’Oh, so you really killed someone? Could it be that you’re here in hiding because you’ve committed murder? Wow, did you come to the mountains to commit suicide?
Furious and shaking with anger, Kewei looked him over from top to bottom. His hair was dishevelled, and scales covered half his face. It seemed that the scales grew on the top half of his face, but not the bottom half, so it was a natural mask. His eyes, which looked like eyes, were exposed, and his naked body was covered in scales, even in places you wouldn’t expect. His fingernails were long, like those of a vampire. Damn, who is the real monster here?
‘Aren’t you afraid?‘
She drew back her lips, “Are you a human or a demon?”
’Why don’t you ask if I’m a fairy? At least someone asked if you were a fairy or a demon.”
Veins on her forehead were throbbing, and her fists were itching. “Fairy, you look like this? Not human, not demon…” She thought of a word and sneered, ’Half-demon, no… a human demon is more appropriate.’
The she-demon also laughed, ‘That’s right, I’m a she-demon, a demon that eats people…’ and made a pouncing motion. Seeing Ke Wei lift her foot, she waved her hand and said, ‘Hey, you were trembling with fear just now, but now you’re not afraid?’
She gave her a disgusted look and said, ‘I’ve travelled all over the world and seen it all. A demon that eats people? These days, demons are not scary.’
‘That’s right, demons are not scary, it’s the people who eat demons that are scary,’ the she-demon nodded seriously.
Ke Wei felt that this she-male was not only annoying, but also had a screwed-up brain. ‘Yawn,’ she yawned, shook herself, sat cross-legged immediately, and used her internal strength to steam dry her clothes.
The she-male was curious. ‘These days, women are a bit shy. This person saw a man naked, but didn’t react at all. She saw that I’m covered in scales, but she’s not afraid, and she can even meditate in front of strange people. Is she not afraid that I might suddenly attack? Haha, this is interesting.’

(— _ —!!!, If a woman reacts to a man covered in scales in a way other than fear, it can only mean that the man is extremely strong, or at least has nerves of steel. The thing I fear most is snakes. Writing this she-male was pure insanity, scaring myself as well as harming our Weiwei. )

Ke Wei opened her eyes, and half of a face covered in scales appeared in her field of vision. Her heart skipped a beat, and she raised her hand to slap it away. The she-male’s scaled eyes narrowed, and it disappeared.
‘Hey, I thought you weren’t afraid, but it turns out you are.‘ The shemale appeared behind her.
Ke Wei had learned her lesson and turned around directly to attack.
The shemale pointed her finger, and Ke Wei couldn’t move.
’You are smart, but unfortunately you have too little practical experience,‘ the shemale said, mesmerised by Ke Wei’s scales, and smiling seductively.
’Hey, can you go and put some clothes on first?’ Ke Wei blinked, her smile sincere.
The shemale froze for a moment, then burst out laughing, ‘Haha, they say that the face of the Fifth Princess is like the weather in Lufeng City, changing all the time. I saw it for myself today, and it really is amazing.’
Ke Wei narrowed her eyes and sneered, ‘Someone like me would be the Fifth Princess?’
“Well, I know about you. For the past six months, the Fifth Princess has been living in Huafa Temple, and everyone knows about it. This forest is on the grounds of Huafa Temple, and the nearest village at the foot of the mountain is five li away, so no one would normally come here. Well, there is one more thing that I can be sure of: the five maidservants around the Fifth Princess are all in their twenties, and you, well, you look sixteen or eighteen, but you’re really only fourteen, aren’t you?‘ The shemale leaned in, and his long-nosed snout touched Kewei’s cheek as he rubbed it.
She was a little afraid, but she didn’t show it. “Huh? So that’s your conclusion? You’re being a bit rash.”
’Tsk, tsk, tsk. No. Do you know a common problem with the royal family?’ The shemale shook his finger, and when he saw Kewei confused, he laughed, ‘They think highly of themselves, with an unyielding air. It’s like you, who are now restrained, but can still remain calm and deal with me. This is something that ordinary people can’t learn, and it’s not something a 16 or 18 year old girl can show.’
The shemale walked around Kewei and stood behind her, ‘To find out if she is the fifth princess, I just need to say something, and she will definitely lose her air of superiority.’
“Hmph,’ Ke Wei couldn’t see the shemale, which made her even more scared. She felt like a mouse that had been caught playing by a cat. ‘I’m not the Fifth Princess, and I don’t have that kind of luck. I’m just a pilgrim who went to the temple today to ask the gods for a place to stay.’
‘Hmm, that’s a good reason. I heard that the Empress is pregnant,’ the shemale said slowly. ‘You’re trembling.’
Ke Wei trembled. ‘Pregnant? Pregnant again? This woman and the Emperor’s father… No, I can’t let the shemale see anything… He’s too powerful.’
‘Do you want to know who the father is?‘
’No, don’t tell me… I don’t want to hear…‘
’You’re making that face even before I tell you,‘ the shemale said, turning to face her. His eyes flashed. “You still won’t admit that you’re the fifth princess?”
’The child… whose is it?’ Kewei gritted her teeth and glared at the shemale. ’I thought you didn’t want to know? Why did you change your tone? As long as I hear anything about him, I can’t help it.’
‘Haha… You should be sad. Falling in love with your biological father is something that ordinary people can’t imagine, not to mention that it’s mutual.‘ The she-demon saw that Ke Wei was trembling and seemed very happy, so he continued, “I’m curious, how could you fall in love with your own father? This ordinary woman doesn’t have the courage to love like this, and she still dares to admit it, confess her love, and be happy about it?”
’You damned she-demon. What do you want? You’re neither human nor ghost, nor demon nor animal, nor anything like anything, just here spreading rumours and playing tricks…‘
’Hahahaha…‘ The man-woman laughed, and when she had had enough, she stared directly at Ke Wei.
Ke Wei’s scalp went numb, and she sheepishly stopped scolding, “Let go of me.”
’You’re so beautiful!‘
’…’ Ke Wei was infuriated. ’This person’s brain is knotted up, why can’t they think things through normally?’
‘Umm…‘ She was kissed. Ke Wei gritted her teeth and glared, but this person was extremely skilled. With a flick of the armpit, Ke Wei opened her mouth and successfully stuck out her tongue, biting with her teeth. She dodged quickly and returned quickly…
’Bah… bah… get out. Transvestite… psychopath…’
The shemale laughed, a low, seductive laugh, which was more pleasant than Huan Yang’s laugh and more charming than Huang Fu’s. ‘I’ll see if you can hold back. Heh heh.’
‘Let go… Ugh…’
Ke Wei’s heart was brimming with tears. The shemale’s kissing technique was too high, she could hardly breathe, but he still managed to send air in time. As a result, with each breath in and out, it felt deeper and deeper, as if the tip of his tongue was pressing against her throat, which was both uncomfortable and comfortable.
The ladyboy’s hands were restless too. Her long fingertips explored inside the clothes, firmer than the pads of her fingers, teasing and tantalising, like a master flirt. One hand held her nails back, and she used the pads of her fingers to knead Ke Wei’s waist, not too hard, just right, arousing her to the point where she wanted to lean into it and let her knead her all she wanted.
‘Mmm…’ She let go. ‘Umm… I’m only 14, I’m a minor. No, I have to give it to my father… Oh god, what do I do?’
‘That child is the seed of your royal father, Lord Qin.‘
A thunderclap sounded. “The child of my royal father… Fu Tian is pregnant with my royal father’s child…”
’Eat this, be good.’ The shemale looked at the dazed man and smiled wickedly. He got some red fruit from somewhere, bit it up and fed it to Ke Wei, then stuck out his tongue and sent it all into her mouth. The red juice on the side of her lips slid down, lewd and scarlet, arousing her fingers.
Ke Wei stammered, ‘That child…is the emperor’s?’
The shemale’s eyes narrowed slightly and he laughed, ‘Yes. It’s been five months, probably conceived not long after you left.’ The shemale pulled Ke Wei’s eyes shut with his belt, ‘This way you’ll feel more awake and won’t think about anything else.’
Ke Wei sank into herself completely. Although her body began to burn, her senses began to magnify, and her touch was etched into her nerves, her consciousness fell into an infinite vortex. That day in the bedroom, the scene played back again and again. Fu Tian’s legs were wrapped around her father-in-law’s narrow waist, the two of them fitting together perfectly, kissing each other… Then her father-in-law came down, slapped himself, and said coldly, ‘Get out.’ Fu Tian wrapped her father-in-law in a quilt, and the hand inside the quilt was still moving restlessly…
‘Ah…‘ The pain was like being ripped apart, but it was also mixed with an indescribable burning sensation and pleasure. Everything expanded infinitely along with the crack in her heart… It was like a black hole that could never be filled… She wanted… she wanted to fill it up…
’I want… ow… I want more… hurry… it hurts… mm…’ Tears fell without restraint. Everything was in chaos. Her words and senses were in agreement. Her father’s cold eyes became more and more distant, and the only sense of reason disappeared with them.
The shemale’s tongue licks the man beneath him, worshipping every inch of his creamy body. The man’s body keeps pulsing, causing the man beneath him to tremble. Listening to the sounds of moans and groans, he raises the corners of his lips…
‘It’s so hot… so hot…’
‘Be good… it won’t be hot for a while…’ The shemale smiles, kisses the lips that are as red as peonies, ‘You were sent by heaven, this is fate.’

Birds chirping, morning dew dripping, a fresh morning, a change of fate.
Ke Wei opened her eyelids, and what met her eyes was the high sky and the leaves. She sat up, ‘Ah…my waist…’ She suddenly stiffened and couldn’t move. She looked down, her clothes had slipped down, and all over her body were red marks and bruises, as well as an indescribable feeling in her lower body. Memories returned, last night’s debauchery and moans, the infinite pleasure that reached the clouds, pounding her heart with each blow…
‘A she-devil.‘ Ke Wei placed a hand on her forehead, fell back to the ground, and grabbed the cushion under her with the other hand. After a long while, she angrily got up, “If I don’t avenge this, I’m not a gentleman… You she-devil, don’t let me find you, or else… I’ll chop you into a million pieces.”
’Ah…’ she let out a loud cry to vent her anger, startling countless birds and animals.
Ke Wei dragged herself up with great difficulty, checked to see if it looked like it had been washed, and put on her clothes one by one. Looking down again at the clothes that had been used as a cushion, she sneered, ‘Hmph, with these clothes, I’m not afraid of not finding a clue to you.’
She stamped angrily a few times, and suddenly discovered that the clothes had a hole in them. Grabbing them, she looked at them and her anger burst out. She suddenly swung out a palm, and the water surface cracked and splashed open, ‘You dead she-devil, don’t even think about humiliating me.’
Carrying a torn piece of clothing, she walked back the same way she had come, stepping in uneven paces. She saw Xiaoyou and Fengwu rubbing up against each other, affectionate and loving, which made her jealous. Xiaoyou saw her master and ran over to her, leaving Fengwu behind.
Ke Wei had no intention of playing around, so she got on her horse and hurried to Huafa Temple.
At the original location, the shemale felt the clothing in her hands, sniffed it lightly, and laughed, ‘I am your first man, so you must always remember me. Haha…’
The birds and beasts were startled again.

Searching for the dead shemale
Ke Wei sneaked back into the temple, jumped into the courtyard, and as soon as she entered the room, she saw five people kneeling together to block her.
Frowning slightly, she said coldly, ‘Get up. I went out for a stroll last night because I was bored, and I forgot the time and fell asleep outside. Shi Zhu, prepare a bath.’
The five people were worried, but they also knew that the rules of master and servant could not be transgressed. ‘The previous master would put on airs but not take things seriously. The current master doesn’t put on airs, but he’ll become serious without knowing it. The master has changed, or rather, the master is becoming more and more like a master.‘
The servants bowed to each other, leaving Chunrong and Shishu to leave.
Chunrong had sharp eyes, “Master, this clothes…”
’Don’t ask, get a package.’ Ke Wei didn’t raise her eyes, climbed into bed and pretended to sleep.

Without asking anyone else, she tidied everything up. Ke Wei lay on the bed, eyes closed, and asked, ‘Rongrong, is the Empress pregnant?’
Chun Rong was startled, glanced at Ci Shu, and whispered, ‘Yes. It’s been more than five months.’
‘Do you know whose child it is?’ Ke Wei was very tired. Every time she mustered the strength to ask a word, the emptiness in her heart expanded, like a whirlpool, trying to suck in everything, including her soul.
‘Yes…‘ Chunrong didn’t know whether to say it or not. She always felt that saying it would hurt her master, but she had no reason not to say it.
’The child in the Empress’s belly, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, is the master’s younger sister or younger brother. It is a relative, so what is wrong with saying it? But why do I feel that if I say it, the master will be sad and upset?‘
’Shishu, you speak.’
The attendant bowed her head without answering.
‘Why won’t you tell me? If I say it, there’s still a chance that it won’t be true, but if I don’t say it, I’ll lose the only reason I have.’ Ke Wei turned sideways and faced the inside, ‘Go away, I want to be alone. You’re not going out.’
The two of them hid their worries and bowed to take their leave, and Xia Hua was waiting outside the door.

Ke Wei felt better, and said she wanted to go into the city to take care of some business. Chun Rong asked Xia Hua to go with her to take care of her, and Ke Wei nodded.
Xia Hua was also in her twenties, and considered an old maid in the Kingdom of Fu, but whether a woman married or a man was able to marry was a matter of personal choice. Ke Wei no longer asked them about their future, as there was no point in asking, and it was as if they were sworn to her, but they had sworn their allegiance to the King of Qin, so there was always a gap between them. Moreover, after the incident with the demon, there was always a problem with one of the five, but it was hard to tell.
Ke Wei rode Wind Dancer and Xia Hua rode Xiao You. The first place they went to was the Shi Lin Manor.
As soon as the guard at the entrance saw Ke Wei, he came up to greet her, bowed, and led the horses over.
Ke Wei asked, ‘Have Dou Kui and Xuan Ji returned today?’
‘Yes, Miss. The two managers returned today to study, and they are inside the house.’
Ke Wei nodded and led Xia Hua into the manor.
‘Xia Hua, go and fetch Dou Kui and Xuan Ji to the study.‘ Ke Wei carried a package and walked towards the study, where she was greeted by Bai Ling, the young steward of the manor.
Xia Hua smiled and left, while Bai Ling led Ke Wei and said with a smile, “Miss, the Sophora japonica tea was ready the other day. Would you like to try it?”
Ke Wei nodded, “Sophora japonica? You go ahead, just tell Feng Chun in the study to serve it.”
’Yes. I’m busy. Bai Ling bowed and left.
Ke Wei stepped into the study and was greeted by Feng Chun, who took what Ke Wei was holding and said, ‘Miss is here. The accounts for this month have been left in the study by the stewards.’
Ke Wei stopped her hand and refused, nodding her head and saying, ‘Dou Kui and Xuan Ji are here, so please ask them to come in. You go make a pot of locust tree flowers.’
‘Yes, Miss.’ Feng Chun greeted her companion and sent him away.
Ke Wei went into her room, closed the door, threw the bundle on the desk, and stared with wide eyes.
After holding back for a few days, her anger was building up. She thought about the other day when she was actually fucked by something that was full of snake scales and not human, and she actually enjoyed the pain…
‘Clatter…clatter…’ Things fell all over the floor.
‘Bastard,’ Ke Wei clenched her fists, hating the thought of plucking all the demon’s scales, boiling them in hot water, and feeding them to the dogs.
In the past few days at Huafa Temple, Kewei could not show it too obviously. Chunrong and the others were all meticulous people, and could tell if something was wrong. In order to prevent things from getting out of hand, they had to keep it a secret.
Now at the Shilin Manor, it was like her own world, where she could vent all her grievances and anger. After a few days of pent-up anger and grievances, she could no longer hold back, and remembering the situation that day made her even more furious.
Kewei grabbed her torn clothes and tried to tear them, but she couldn’t, so she threw them on the ground and stomped on them a few times to vent her anger.
Xuan Ji and Dou Kui entered the room and, upon seeing the situation, looked at each other, but knew that they could not interfere.
Dou Kui took Feng Chun’s tea and placed it on the table, and Xuan Ji gave Feng Chun a wink to let him leave.
The two of them, along with Xia Hua, who had a complicated expression on his face, stood to one side and said nothing.
Suddenly, Ke Wei looked up and smiled, ‘Xia Hua, go out into the courtyard and teach the girls some kung fu. I want to know their current level.’
Xia Hua’s eyes flickered, but she did not dare to reveal her worries and doubts. She smiled and said, ‘Yes, Xia Hua will go now.’
Ke Wei saw Xia Hua leave, her face turning cold. She picked up the torn clothes on the ground and said, ‘Look at these clothes.’
Xuan Ji took them and looked at them with Dou Kui.
Dou Kui said, ‘This is a high-quality garment with a smooth feel. It must be Nan Jin silk.’ He turned the garment over and said, ‘There’s a mark.’
Ke Wei went over to have a look. ‘It’s not a word, it’s a picture.’
Xuan Ji said, ‘It looks like a flower and a six-pointed star.’
Ke Wei was stunned. ‘Which shop makes clothes and uses embroidery as a mark?’
Xuan Ji and Dou Kui looked at each other and shook their heads. Xuan Ji said, ‘The stitching looks like it was done by a wealthy family, not like the uniform sewing on the market. As for the flower, no shops in the capital use the six-pointed star as a mark.’
Ke Wei slammed her fist onto the table, letting out a cry of pain.
‘Miss, what are you doing?’ Dou Kui hurriedly went up and took Ke Wei’s hand, gently blowing on it.
Ke Wei pulled back her hand. ‘The hermaphrodite knows a lot of secrets about the palace, and even knows my secret. Could it be that he was waiting for me that day? Since he knows the secrets of the palace, he must be in the capital. Since the clothes were not made by a shop in the capital, he must be a wealthy family. Scales on the body? Were they born with them or did they appear later? If they were born with them, this person knows so much that it would be difficult for him not to show his face, so he must be wearing a mask. If they appeared later…’
‘Mobilise all your spies in the capital and help me find out whose family crest bears this flower. Also keep an eye out for a man in the capital who wears a mask and is over 1.8 metres tall, that is, between 5’6 and 6’0, with skin as white as jade…”
Ke Wei thought about the man’s appearance, and the more she thought about it, the more she trembled. “Anyway, help me find this man.”
Dou Kui and Xuan Ji were puzzled, and they responded, “Yes.”
Xuan Ji said, ’Miss. Most of the wealthy families in the capital have their own family crests, so it’s going to be difficult to find him.‘
’I don’t care how much it costs, just find him for me. Xuanji, have someone draw this pattern. Most of the customers at the jewellery shop are women, so ask them about this flower. Hua Yun Lou is always full of customers, Dou Kui, keep an eye out for a man like this. As long as he’s about the same height, has a lean build and thin lips, just write him down. Oh yes, that man’s hair…’
‘That person’s hair reached his ankles, and it was smooth and slightly coarse. His fingernails were more than 10 centimetres long, and they didn’t look fake. But would anyone go out looking like that? Could it be that he was deliberately trying to disguise himself?”
Xuan Ji and Dou Kui looked at each other, and Xuan Ji said, “If you have seen that person, Miss, you can draw a picture.”
Ke Wei was taken aback, and her mouth twitched slightly. ’Draw a picture? How? Half his face was covered in scales, so I wouldn’t be able to recognise him even if I drew him.’
Xuan Ji and Dou Kui were shocked. ‘Scales? Is that even human? What happened to you, young lady?’
Ke Wei was stunned when she said it, and it made her feel even worse. She said, ‘The other day, I was bored at home, so I went out to the mountains for a stroll. Little did I know… I met something that was neither human nor demon. I was no match for his kung fu, so he… bastard.’
Xuan Ji and Dou Kui understood. Hearing Ke Wei’s words, Xuan Ji recalled her own experiences in Baiyuan City, and her anger flared up again. She walked up to Ke Wei and hugged her, saying, ‘Miss, don’t be afraid. Xuan Ji will definitely help you find that person, skin him alive, and throw his body into the river to feed the fish.’
Dou Kui walked up to the two of them and hugged them. ‘Feeding him to the fish is too easy for him. I think he should be cooked in oil and tortured to death.’
Upon hearing this, Ke Wei’s heart warmed instantly. Leaning against Xuan Ji’s embrace, she took a breath and said, ‘Heh, thank you.’
‘Miss, just think of it as being bitten by a dog,’ said Xuan Ji, stroking Ke Wei’s bangs. ‘I will definitely help you find this person,’ he said angrily.
‘We must find this person, but at that time, you must not alert the snake. Let me know when you find him, and I will have Xia Hua come to gather information. And Xia Hua must not know about this,’ said Ke Wei solemnly, regaining her composure.
Dou Kui and Xuan Ji stepped back a little, feeling a little disappointed but also reassured. ‘Miss, this is the kind of person she should be. Nothing can bring her down.’
‘Dou Kui/Xuan Ji, understood,’ the two said solemnly, before picking up the things on the floor.
‘Miss, do you still want to look at the accounts?’ Xuan Ji asked with a smile, placing a few account books on the desk.
Ke Wei glanced at them and said, ‘Over the past few years, you have trained a lot of people at the Huayun Building, the Silver Building and the Chachazhuang Tea House. Let them take over. In a few days, I want you to take the people with you and go out.’
Xuanji and Doukui were shocked.
“Once that person is found, I think we should contact the Chamber of Commerce in the capital. Once the Chamber of Commerce is established, we can open the bank. You should also make some preparations and sort out the money and accounts of the jewellery shop. By then, when the investigators return from other cities, you should get in touch.‘
’My lady, in recent years, we have had good relations with major merchants, and the reputation of the jewellery shop is famous in the capital. Coordinating with the merchants at that time and asking them to join the merchant guild, your idea of issuing banknotes will definitely work,’ Xuanji laughed, her words full of expectation and confidence.
‘Well. It’s time to put the accounts to rest. We were only going to look at the quarterly profit and loss statements, but because of the Shilin Manor incident, we’ve been looking at them for years. From now on, you all know what to do. Keep the original accounts in the Xing Shu Zhai, and keep your own copies of everything else. By the way, the reputation of the Shilin Manor is growing day by day. You should choose a place to build another secret manor for easy discussions.’ Kewei paused, ’Have you heard any news about Lord Huan recently?’
Xuan Ji and Dou Kui nodded and replied one after the other. At the end, Xuan Ji laughed and said, ‘Lord Huan introduced the Xiao family, the richest family in the country, to Silver House. Silver House and the head of the Xiao family have reached an agreement. The Xiao family has jewellery shops in the five most famous cities in the south and is willing to spare a counter to sell Silver House’s jewellery. In this way, Silver House can first use the Xiao family’s reputation to establish a reputation in the five southern counties. When people come back with news, we will then open our own shops.’
Ke Wei nodded, ‘How will the profits be divided?’
‘According to what you suggested before, we will deliver the goods, the Xiao family will provide the staff and the shop, and we will split the profits 40/60. We will give up some profit, and consider it as a down payment,’ Xuan Ji smiled.
Frowning, ‘Is the Xiao family really that difficult to deal with? Why did it become 40/60?’
Xuan Ji sighed helplessly, ‘The Xiao family is the richest family and has a lot of influence in the south. If we force our way in, it will be difficult. I also know that the things in the jewellery store are all unique treasures, but…if we don’t give a little profit, it will really be difficult to get the Xiao family to agree.’
“The richest family in the country, the Xiao family, forget it, just give in, you can’t catch a wolf without giving up your children. Over the years, I have taught you a lot about business, and you can all be considered masters of the marketplace. In the future, I won’t ask too much about business matters.’ Ke Wei sighed, thinking of the pile of troubles in the palace, which gave her a headache and a pain in her heart.
‘Miss, you can relax. In recent years, we have also learned a lot and taught many people. In the past, we relied too much on you and caused you trouble everywhere. Now, we want to protect you and let you rely on us. We will be your strongest backing.’ Dou Kui answered with a smile and handed over the tea.
‘Haha,‘ Ke Wei laughed, taking the tea bowl, “yes. In the past, if I said anything slightly permissive, you would think it was something, and you cried all the time, crying more than my own children. Now everyone has grown up.”
’What are you saying, Miss? You are the younger one,’ Xuan Ji laughed.
The three of them chatted for a while longer, and Ke Wei had Xia Hua called, then got up and left.


August Ziguo
Ke Wei asked Xia Hua to go to the Shilin Manor every day for no particular reason, just to see if there was any new tea, and to deliver some paintings that Tu Cao had drawn.
When Xia Hua returned, he was carrying either all kinds of flower tea or a new type of accessory, but he didn’t have the news that Ke Wei wanted.
Ke Wei was annoyed and spent the whole day hiding in the courtyard reading ‘The Travels of Fuhua Yun’. Although the five of them were anxious, they didn’t know what the emergency was, so they could only silently stand by.
It was a misty autumn night, with a gloomy sky and low, muggy air pressure. Ke Wei went to bed as usual, but suddenly she heard a flute sound whispering in her ear, and she was instantly awakened.
She wanted to move, but found that her limbs were not responding, although her consciousness was clear and lucid.
Ke Wei felt as if her soul had left her body, and watched as she got up lightly, without putting on any clothes. She quickly flicked the sleeping acupoints of Xia Hua and Chun Rong, and then jumped through the window and into the rain.
The cool rain invaded her body, and she felt it, but she was unable to let herself go.
Ke Wei was scared to death. When had this ever happened to her before? The flute music still sounded intermittently in her ears, and it seemed that her movements were controlled by the music.
After running for a while in the rain, the flute music became clearer and clearer, and her pace quickened. Ke Wei looked in the direction of what seemed to be the back of Huafa Temple.
In front of a thatched hut, Ke Wei stopped.
Looking at this thatched cottage, her heart trembled violently.
‘Isn’t this the cliff-side house I saw on the back mountain before? What should I do? I can’t scream and I can’t move.’
Cold sweat mixed with the rain that had gathered on her forehead. She lay down, already feeling no cold.
A person inside the house laughed, ‘Come in.’
The voice was deeper than the dark clouds. Ke Wei watched her feet advance uncontrollably, and saw her hands lift up and push open the door of the thatched cottage.
The room was full of heat, with an orange lamp flickering. Looking at the person in the white mist, Ke Wei was filled with hatred and wanted to scream and rush up to kill him.
The shemale was sitting in a steaming bucket, with half his face covered in scales that were faintly visible in the mist.
‘Be good, come here.’
‘Bastard, I’ll kill you.’
But her legs wouldn’t obey her, and she just walked up to him.
The shemale waved his hand, and the door to the thatched hut closed in the wind.
Ke Wei’s heart trembled, and she could no longer control her facial expression.
The shemale got up, and half of his body was covered in silver scales. Water droplets slid down the scales. He reached out and pinched Ke Wei’s chin, then kissed her and blew air into her mouth.
Ke Wei suddenly felt her body go limp. She raised her hand to strike, but she was no match for the shemale’s speed. She couldn’t see how he struck, but she felt her acupressure points being pressed.
‘Bastard, what do you want?’ Ke Wei frowned, feeling terrible.
The shemale’s smile was sinister, and his silver scales glistened with terror.
‘I’ve missed you for a month,’ the shemale said, seeing that the man’s eyebrows were knitted together, and his long-scaled nose nudged against Kewei’s cheek, ‘your body.’
Kewei was shaking with anger, but still forced himself to remain calm, ‘What have you done to me?’
The shemale stepped back slightly and took out a red fruit from nowhere: ‘This is a fruit from the eighth lunar month that has been soaked in golden snake juice.’ Seeing that Ke Wei did not understand, she narrowed her eyes and smiled: ‘Where is the golden snake juice? I am it. What about the fruit from the eighth lunar month? It’s nothing, but the two combined have some special uses, like a timed aphrodisiac that allows you to be attracted by the sound of the flute, and of course there are others. After tonight, you can go back and ask someone like You You, who is immortal.’
Kewei was speechless, but her heart was cold. She had a gut feeling that hopelessness was even more unbearable than death.
The she-male reached out and dragged Kewei into the hot water.
‘Let go of me,’ Kewei said, exasperated and powerless as she watched his movements. ‘You can tell me what you want, just let go of me.’
‘Hm,’ the she-male said, sitting Kewei upright in the water. He stopped moving, his un-scaled hands curled around his fingernails as he ran them along his chin, narrowing his eyes and sneering.
The five long fingernails of the shemale looked like a cage, propped up in front of his face. The more bizarre it looked, the more bizarre it felt. It didn’t feel like a human being, it felt like a demon.
Swallowing, Ke Wei said, ‘You know that I am the fifth princess, and you know a lot of things too. So tell me, what do you want? If it is something I can do or can achieve, I will definitely…’
The shemale suddenly pounced on Ke Wei and muttered, ‘You are so beautiful!’
Ke Wei was thrown against the edge of the bucket, and a mouthful of water went down her throat. It was unbearable, but her mind kept racing, ‘What a stupid she-devil.’
‘Umm… Uhh…’ She was still catching her breath when she was kissed.
The she-devil’s hands kept moving. Ke Wei wasn’t wearing much, just a bra and underwear, and they were ripped off in two movements, revealing her breasts. Her long fingernails and fingertips wandered over every sensitive spot.
Ke Wei couldn’t move, and although she wanted to die, she was unwilling to do so. The internal strength she had gathered was somehow dispersed by the hot air from her body. She knew that it was probably some kind of timed aphrodisiac, and she tried her best to suppress it.
After the shemale had kissed enough, he moved down the neck, and one hand even reached below Ke Wei.
‘Let go of me. What do you want?’ Ke Wei cursed as soon as her mouth was free, but her thoughts began to become confused. She heard in her ear, ‘Zi Guo’s medicine is working. Be good, just four times will do.’
‘Fuck, no…don’t…’ This time it was clearer than the last time. The long fingernails reached deep inside her body, causing her to feel hard and uncomfortable. She could no longer remain calm, and cried out, begging, “No…please…let…me…ah…I…woo…”
The shemale lifted Ke Wei up, so that her chest was above the surface of the water. She used her body to block it, smiling charmingly, ’No. Who told you to show up there?’ He licked her delicate neck and rubbed her pink nipples with the palm of his hand. Hearing her intermittent pleas for mercy, he laughed, “According to yesterday’s news, Fu Tian spent the night in the King’s chambers.”
Ke Wei trembled as the heat in her body rushed through her body, her lower body tightening up in an instant. Her mind was a jumble of cotton wool, and all she could hear was the unfamiliar moans in her ears.
Seeing this, the shemale withdrew his finger and supported Ke Wei’s buttocks with his hands. He thrust himself directly into Ke Wei and let out a sigh of contentment. As he heard Ke Wei scream and moan, the curve of his lips became even larger.
‘Ah…ow…’ Ke Wei felt like she was going to die. The last time, the pain of being ripped apart was mixed with an ugly memory that revived again. The emptiness in her heart swirled infinitely, expanding…
The shemale’s scaled eyes flashed with infinite smoothness, and he extended his finger to relieve Ke Wei’s acupressure points. His mouth sealed Ke Wei’s mouth and wouldn’t let go.
Ke Wei had lost her sense of autonomy, and she let her hands go straight along her senses and wrap around the shemale’s neck. Half of her jade-like skin, and half of her scales with a cool feeling, entangled with the shemale’s tongue. Her body moved even more with the shemale’s movements, and she felt a rush of tingling and a sense of satisfaction from being filled…
A night of ecstasy.
For an unknown period of time, Ke Wei did not faint, or perhaps the shemale did not press Ke Wei’s sleep acupoints.
The shemale picked up the limp and lazy person and stepped out of the bathtub. He casually wiped himself off and lay down on the bed covered with a quilt.
‘How do you feel?’ The shemale embraced the person and ran his fingernails along Ke Wei’s neck, his voice lazy and low.
‘I want to kill you.‘ Ke Wei was weak and did not resist. She leaned against the shemale’s unarmoured torso, even her fingernails exuding a sense of laziness.
’Haha,’ the shemale rolled over and pinned Ke Wei down. Her body slipped between his legs, her scaly eyes shining menacingly. Her long hair, which she had not known when to dry, covered the bodies of the two. ’Zi Guo’s medicine has worn off, so how about some lovemaking without the medicine?’
Without waiting for a reply, he kissed her directly and put a hand down to bend her leg.
Ke Wei suddenly came to her senses and put her hand on the shemale’s chest to support herself. ‘No.’
‘Protest invalid,’ the shemale said and thrust himself up.
‘Ugh… Bastard… Who the fuck are you?’ Ke Wei let go of her hand and grabbed the bedsheets underneath her. ‘I can’t fight back, I can’t try anything, what should I do now?’
‘Ah…can I call you Ke Ke? It sounds much nicer than your royal father calling you Wei Er.’ The shemale buried his head in Ke Wei’s breasts, sucking on her pink nipples, while one fingernail was pushed into Ke Wei’s mouth and stirred her tongue.
He then thrust his lower body with all his strength. He shook his head, got away from the fingernail, and hissed, ’Well…don’t…mention…him.’
‘Why?’ The shemale lifted her head, her hair moving with her body, her eyes fixed on the man beneath her.
Ke Wei did the piston movement with him, but her head was clear. She turned her head and didn’t look at the shemale. “I’ll feel…well…like I’m betraying…him…well…hurry…ho…”
In order to forget the cold eyes and escape the betrayal that could not be changed, the only thing she could think of was to immerse herself in this absurd and inexplicable carnal desire.
‘Haha, betrayal?‘ The shemale kissed Kewei and accelerated the pace of the thrusting. After a long time, the shemale withdrew and thrust with all his might, murmuring, “He betrayed first…ahhh…”
The two of them did not move, each panting to calm down.
’Hoho…he didn’t,’ Kewei pushed away the person who was pressing on top of her, braced herself to sit up, but fell back with no strength.
The shemale propped himself up to hold Kewei, who had fallen back onto the bed, in his arms, and whispered, ’Don’t go back.’
Ke Wei calmed down, suppressed her anger, and said indifferently, ‘If I don’t go back, will you do it to me again?’
‘Heh…’ the man-woman laughed, ‘I swear, I won’t touch you again tonight.’
‘Hmph, you can’t believe a word a human says, and who would believe a man-woman…’ Ke Wei raised her voice and pushed the man-woman away, crossing her legs to gather her strength.
Seeing that she was so determined, the demon no longer tried to persuade her. He got up, dressed, and said as he was doing so, ‘The fruit of the eighth month is a medicine that can make a man pregnant.’ He saw Ke Wei flinch and laughed, ‘However, it only works if the man eats it.’
Ke Wei gathered her strength, wrapped herself in the quilt, and glared, ‘What do you mean?’
‘The effect is the same if a woman eats it, but the medicine’s power is ultimately exerted in the seventh month,’ the she-male said with a smile as he saw Ke Wei glaring at him. “If a woman eats the fruit, she will have intercourse with a man in the first six months, and the fruit will gather the essence it ingests and take shape in the seventh month. If she has intercourse with a man that month, she will conceive that man’s child. And if she has intercourse with a man in the eighth month, the aura formed by the fruit will be transferred to the man, and the man will become pregnant and give birth.”
Ke Wei was stunned.
After a long while, she frowned and said, ‘What do you want?’
The she-male narrowed his scaly eyes and laughed, ‘When you reach the seventh month, you can get pregnant with any man, including your own father.’
Ke Wei trembled, her eyes red with anger, and she jumped up, shouting angrily, ‘What do you want?’
The she-male also laughed, ‘To help you. Don’t you like your own father?’
She ground her teeth, tugged the quilt tighter, and her mind racked endlessly over how to kill him. ‘What do you want?’
‘Haha, including this time, we’ve already had sex twice. You just need to sleep with me four more times. I’ll lose interest after the seventh or eighth time.‘ The shemale laughed, the high-necked scholar’s robe concealing the scales on his neck, and a silver mask covering his face.
’You’re using me to detoxify?’ Kewei’s mind was quick, and she suddenly realised that perhaps this person’s scales grew after birth, so she had to try it out.
The man-woman paused in handing over the clothes and laughed, ‘The Fifth Princess is indeed clever. To be honest, that day I just happened to go to the woods, and I had already planned to abduct you, but since you suddenly appeared, I advanced the plan. Haha, do you think this is fate? The poison I was poisoned with is called Golden Snake Poison, and this poison requires the fruit of the eighth month and…’ The man-woman pointed his finger and hooked up Ke Wei’s chin, laughing, ‘The royal blood of the barbarian lineage is the only antidote.’
Ke Wei opened the hand of the shemale, her mind going a million different directions. She took her clothes and thought, ‘Bastard, that day I actually walked right into the door.
’Essence blood? Why don’t you just take my blood? You…‘
’Haha, doesn’t the Fifth Princess understand?’ the shemale laughed, ’It’s the blood of a virgin, and you have to have sex with the owner of this blood six times to transfer the poison in your body to her.’
‘What,’ Ke Wei’s hand paused as she dressed, her eyes wide in shock, “you actually want to pass the poison to me?”
The shemale laughed, ’Just hear me out, this is related to a story between the barbarians and the golden snake. Anyway, the poison is beneficial when it enters your body, and that’s what happened when it entered mine.’
Ke Wei paused, frowned, and her face fell. ‘There are so many princesses, why don’t you go find them?’
‘Haha, the virgins in the royal family now, the young ones are not yet formed, and the older ones are all taken. You are the only one left, and I have no choice. But it’s still a good thing to meet you, hehe.’ The shemale shook his head and laughed.
‘Ke Hua, Ke Xue, and Ke Lan?’ Ke Wei was outraged. ‘How could I be the only one? Even if Fuxi is not, there are still three of them. Am I just supposed to be so unlucky?’
‘Hm,’ the shemale ran a finger along his chin, his silver fingernails glowing orange. “This concerns other people’s secrets. Do you want to hear?”
Ke Wei remained silent. ’This person really is not normal in the head. He is poisoned by abnormality, and he needs an abnormal antidote. The most insidious thing is that he can seize people’s weaknesses and drive them crazy.’
‘Ke Hua should still be a virgin no matter how you count it. Ke Xue doesn’t know, but she should be fine after waking up from her coma for a few years. Ke Lan is even more of a stranger, so how could she not be a virgin? ‘ Ke Wei felt that her own head was not normal either. Not only did she have sex with this she-male, but she also discussed with an abnormal person who was not a virgin. What was going on?
The she-male laughed, ’Is this princess really a princess? If it weren’t for the blood poison in my body easing up, I really wouldn’t believe it.’
‘The second princess’s first time was probably given to a certain minister, and the third princess? Hmph,‘ the shemale snorted coldly, not unlike Feng Wu. “This third princess is still somewhat related to you. I heard she was given to the general of the Fendong army, that is, Guangyang Wang Huan, who taught you kung fu.”
’Impossible.’ Ke Wei jumped in front of the shemale, and when she landed, her legs gave way and she fell to the ground.
The shemale reached out and caught Ke Wei’s belt, and sneered, ‘What? So your father complex doesn’t just extend to King Qin, but also to King Guanglu.’
‘You’re talking nonsense, Huan Yang is not that kind of person,’ Ke Wei pushed the shemale’s hand away, but he locked her in his arms.
‘Nonsense? Haha, there’s something even more interesting.’ The shemale’s smile was cold and sinister, and there was a chill in the air from just his eyes and lips. “Fourth Princess Ke Lan, do you know how to lose your virginity? Her mansion can keep a lot of women and men like you.”
Ke Wei shuddered, and the panic that could no longer be suppressed climbed from the bottom of her heart to her face. ’You…nonsense.’
‘I scared you.’ The shemale stroked Ke Wei’s face. “Hey, who told you to be so stubborn and so strong? Go to sleep.”
The shemale brushed the sleep acupoint, saw that Ke Wei was asleep, picked her up, and jumped out of the thatched hut, with several white-clad people following behind.

The end of Fleur 24
The author has something to say:
WW is unchangeable…experience is a must…Huan Yang has changed because he does everything for WW…forgivable or unforgivable…Xiao Qin and WW are still attached, unable to speak as they look at each other…first love is beautiful…in times of peace, peace is paramount…^_^
Hee hee… Thank you all for your support… cat, Xue, Luo’er, Meow, ganjue, haozi, zq2516601, 814369929, Xiao Shaoyou, yoyo, da YOYO… thank you so much ^_^

The next day, when she woke up, Ke Wei found herself in her familiar bed. Turning around, she saw Chunrong standing by the bed, a little flustered, not knowing what to do.
Chunrong saw that her master had woken up, turned around and smiled, ‘Shiju, bring the clothes, and Xiahua go notify Shizhu to bring the morning meal.’
Several people left and went about their business.
Ke Wei was a little unsure of what to do. Seeing that the others didn’t look surprised, she let out a sigh of relief. She stopped Chunrong from helping her change clothes, saying that she would do it herself, covering her body with traces of the past.
After freshening up, Si Zhu and Xia Hua brought in breakfast. After eating a little, Ke Wei said, ‘Si Ju, go and invite Master You You to come.’
Si Ju winked and smiled, ‘My lord, the master is a good person, not a liar. Si Ju will go now.’
Ke Wei nodded and said to Chun Rong and the others, ‘Go away. I will discuss something with the master, you go out and wander around.’
Chun Rong and the others did not ask any more questions and simply agreed.
Youyou entered the room, and Shiju served tea and left, closing the door behind her.
Youyou laughed and said, ‘Your Highness, your girls are all very clever, and they are all first-rate at making tea and cooking.’
Ke Wei did not beat around the bush and said directly, ‘I have been fed something. Please take a look.’ She held out her hand and asked Youyou to feel her pulse.
Youyou stroked his beard and laughed, shaking his head, ‘No need. You have taken the possibly extinct August fruit.’
Ke Wei was stunned, and angrily got up, ‘Are you in cahoots with him?’
‘Hey, Your Highness is once again judging others by your own standards,’ You You sighed, and when he saw Ke Wei sit down, he laughed, ‘I can tell from your complexion. The fruit of the eighth month is a medicine for men to get pregnant, and for women to nourish their bodies and pass on their children. This fruit has been gone for thousands of years.’
Ke Wei frowned, ‘Explain more clearly.’
‘If a woman takes the fruit of the eighth month, she will gather the essence of a man for six months, and in the seventh month, she will definitely be pregnant. In the eighth month, she will give the child to the man. I can see that your aura has changed, your yang energy is greater than a woman’s yin energy, and your face is rosy…’
‘…No need to say anymore.’ Ke Wei saw You You’s sparkling eyes and knew that he knew what had happened, so she quickly stopped, ‘Is there any solution?’
Youyou shook his head and laughed, ‘A man taking the fruit of the child may not necessarily get pregnant. If he does, he can only use safflower. A woman can get rid of the essence gathered by the fruit of the child by not having sex again.’
Ke Wei nodded, ‘But the demon said that the fruit of the child I ate was drenched in the golden snake juice, and I guess it was the golden snake juice that was causing the trouble, since I was under his control.’
‘You can tell. What else did I take?’ Ke Wei asked worriedly.
Youyou frowned slightly and stroked his beard, ‘I’m not sure. But… I’d better take your pulse.’ He said and took Ke Wei’s pulse. The longer he did it, the tighter his eyebrows wrinkled. After a long time, he withdrew his hand, ‘Your Highness, a child is always a blessing, not a curse. If it is a curse, there is always a way to turn it around.’
Ke Wei gave him a blank stare, lowered her sleeve, and got up to pace, ‘What’s the situation? Is there any way to solve it?’
Youyou sighed to the sky, ‘Have a child.’
Ke Wei stamped her foot and rubbed her forehead, ‘What’s the situation?’
‘Golden Snake Blood is good for Your Highness. If you add in the August Fruit, you will give birth even if you don’t want to.’ Youyou was helpless, ‘Your Highness’ child, when you encounter something like this, it is really… the word ‘miracle’ describes it.‘
’What exactly is Golden Snake Blood?‘ Ke Wei was angry, “Golden Snake Blood is probably what Golden Snake Lin is. ”Miracle’? It’s more like bad luck. No, it’s even worse than when I came through time.
‘The Golden Snake was a wild godly mount, but fell in love with a wild god,’ Youyou seemed to be recalling the memory, speaking indistinctly, ’In the end, his courtship failed and he was crushed under a mountain. No one knows exactly which mountain the Golden Snake was crushed under. Rumor has it that the blood of the Golden Snake is the most powerful medicine in the world, which can prolong life and increase one’s power. After all, it is only a legend, and no one knows exactly where it is.’
‘What is the Golden Snake Rain? Can you get to the point?’ Kewei was impatient. ’Old man, you can’t tell a story, and you’re so wordy, just like that dead hermaphrodite.
‘It’s golden snake blood, something that’s hard to find for a thousand years.‘ After a pause, Youyou chuckled, “Tell me, isn’t that a miracle. I guess the man couldn’t withstand the backlash of the golden snake blood, and needed the medicinal effects of the crossing fruit to assist in detoxification. Your Highness” child got a great bargain.’
‘Bargain? You old fool, which eye of yours can see that I got a bargain.’ Kewei was furious, ‘You’re right about the shemale, Youyou really is an old man, and an old man who refuses to die.’
‘The Golden Snake loved the wilderness, and its blood is only beneficial to the wilderness. Your Highness‘ child is an heir of the wilderness, and the Golden Snake blood is beneficial, not harmful. Increasing a person’s martial arts power by one level should not be a problem.’
‘One level? That’s a lot!’ Kewei was at a loss for whether to be surprised or angry. Then she angrily said, ‘That person couldn’t bear the backlash of the Golden Snake blood and it became poison, so he transferred the poison to me to alleviate it. Why did he give me the August Fruit to eat?’
‘This may be a problem with the recipe. I have never encountered such a recipe before. You have the Golden Snake Blood and have taken the rare August Fruit. If you have sex, the essence will not dissipate.‘
’Then what?”
Youyou clapped his hands and laughed, ’Have a son, or let a man have a son.’
Ke Wei stroked her forehead and suddenly looked up: ‘Do you know who found the Golden Snake?’
Youyou stroked his beard and mused, ‘It’s a blessing to find the Golden Snake. If I find it…well…I’d rather not. It’s attractive and harmful…’
Ke Wei drew back her mouth corners, ‘You found it? Damn, then I don’t want to be with you…cold.’
‘The Golden Snake’s blood is too tempting, and if an ordinary person can find it, they won’t go public about it,’ Youyou sighed lightly, ‘The world is obsessed, look…’
‘Stop, don’t poison my ears with your nonsense. I’m in trouble and I want to get rid of it, but I can’t. How many people in the world do you think are capable of finding the Golden Snake Blood?‘ Ke Wei frowned.
’Well, it’s a matter of personal fortune,‘ You You sighed as he drank his tea.
’Not a single clue?’ Ke Wei was exasperated. ’Then what’s going on with me being controlled by that person? The flute sound, and… Anyway, I can’t control myself.’
‘It’s probably because the man has passed the Golden Snake Blood on to you, and there is some kind of connection between the two. You don’t seem to have been poisoned or drugged, so it’s probably still the Golden Snake Blood that’s the cause.’ Youyou got up and waved his sleeves, ’Your Highness, since it’s already happened, you should just let it go. It’s a rare and precious thing. If you want a child, just go find that man. I reckon he’s got good genes, so the baby won’t be bad. In the future, he can be my apprentice, and I’ll be very…’
‘Get out, you old man.‘ Kewei wanted to punch him in the face and kill him.
’All things that appear are like dreams, bubbles, and shadows…‘
’Ah, you old man, get out.‘ Kewei was mad, pushed Youyou out of the room, and slammed the door.
’You old fart, even I’m going crazy. Hmph, I’m a modern person, what’s there to be afraid of, it’s just being…’ Kewei leaned against the door, slid down to the floor, hugged her knees with her hands, and tears rolled down her cheeks, ’Father Emperor…oh…’
In the palace in the distance, a man is lost in thought as he looks at a pile of petitions. His handsome, gentle face is full of thoughts of longing and remorse. He presses his hand to his chest and murmurs, ‘Wei’er, are you still angry? Wei’er, if you had hardened your heart and stayed in the palace, there would have been no more troubles. How can you be a strong, cold-blooded person if you avoid the palace and don’t care about anything? With Futen having a child, you are even more heartbroken and desperate. Now that it’s come to this, I can never be forgiven. My Wei’er, why are you so wise?”

Flowers fall and water flows, one kind of longing, two places of idle sorrow. There is no way to dispel this feeling, it’s just that when you frown, it goes to your heart.

For three consecutive months, Ke Wei hid in the Shi Lin Manor, Hua Yun Lou, but she was still taken out by a demon and had sex.
Ke Wei was miserable, but there was nothing she could do about it, and Dou Kui and Xuan Ji had not found any clues either.
This was the last month of Fu Le’s 24 years, and after this month, Ke Wei would turn 15 and become an adult.
The palace sent someone to tell Ke Wei to return to the palace for the holiday. Considering the monthly threat of the shemale, plus the plan that was about to be implemented, Ke Wei agreed to return to the palace.
Before leaving, she let out a long sigh and said, ‘Your Highness, my child, from love comes worry and fear. If you let go of love, there will be no worry and no fear.’
Kewei gave a faint smile and said, ‘It’s like having hair when you’re bald, or being dustless when you’re vulgar. It’s like dreaming within a dream, or seeing a body outside the body. I’ve taken your words to heart, Master.’ Then she left with the others.

Upon returning to the palace, the first person she met was the heavily pregnant Empress, who was eight months pregnant.
Ke Wei knelt in the Hall of Tai Chi, and her shadow was reflected on the smooth black and jade stone like a mirror. High above in the hall, the young and beautiful Futian, as beautiful as she used to be, was helped by a servant to sit on the lustful chair.
‘Wei’er, you have worked hard these past few months,’ said Futian with a smile on her lips, touching her bulging belly and holding the phoenix head on the handle of the golden chair. The Empress, who combined majesty and gentleness, said:
‘Your Majesty, you are too kind. Wei is foolish, and this is all I can do for you and Your Majesty.‘ Kewei bowed her head, looking at the sweet smile carved into the black jade, and felt a wave of contempt.
’Haha, Wei, you’ve grown up. You’ve had a hard journey, go back and rest.‘ Futen waved her sleeve, and the palace attendants left, holding her arm.
’Farewell, Your Majesty.’
Ke Wei saw that the people had gone, so she slowly got up from the ground, straightened her sleeves, and left the Hall of Taiji.
Chunrong and Xia Hua were waiting outside the Hall of Zi Zai, and when they saw their master come out, they hurriedly said, ‘Master.’
‘Let’s go back to the palace, I’m tired,’ Ke Wei nodded and walked towards the Hall of Jiao Tai.

It had been half a month since she returned, and the various palaces were already busy with preparations for the New Year. In particular, Weiye Garden was abuzz with excitement, as it was only a month until Kewei’s birthday, her fifteenth birthday and coming-of-age ceremony, and also the day she would leave the palace. Everyone was looking forward to that day.
Kewei looked at the silvery moon, her heart filled with melancholy and anger. ‘Only a month until my fifteenth birthday. My dear father, you have been back for so long, and yet we can only look at each other in silence. Fu Tian is about to give birth, and that’s my younger brother/sister. And I’m not willing to accept it. If she can, why can’t I? I want to bear a child too, but how can I confess everything to you? Emperor Father, Wei Er feels so bad… so bad…’
It was late at night and quiet, when the sound of a flute was heard.
Ke Wei jumped out the window and headed towards the palace, sneering in her heart, “You damned she-devil, today is the last month, and you will never return.”
Frowning, she headed towards the palace of the Eastern Spring.
However, someone in the palace noticed her shadow.
Ke Wei felt a cold chill in her heart, and her face was covered in cold sweat. ‘You damned she-demon… If I hadn’t been prepared, I would have fallen into your trap.’
Standing on the palace wall, she suddenly felt black before her eyes. Ke Wei lost her balance and fell, and was caught by someone. Then there was the sound of wind whistling…

When Ke Wei regained consciousness, she felt like she was floating in the water, swaying violently. When she opened her eyes, she was shaking with anger but unable to resist.
The shemale held Ke Wei’s legs and looked at her dazed face with a mocking expression. He stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, laughing, ‘Finally awake. I didn’t expect the Golden Snake’s effect to be so strong that it made you faint.’
Ke Wei rolled her eyes, tried her fingers and found that she could move them. Her irises changed colour, and she gave an ambiguous smile, a look of being indulged in sensuality, but said with a mouthful, ‘What, the poison is gone, the scales have retreated, so you’re changing to wear a mask?’
Suddenly the shemale exerted force from below, and Ke Wei frowned in alarm, ‘Umm…asshole, you’re hurting me.’
‘Haha, Ke Ke is always irresistible,’ the shemale laughed, kissed Ke Wei’s lips, and no longer had long fingernails. The tips of his fingers gently rubbed Ke Wei’s sensitive places, and his long, waist-length black hair undulated with the movements, sending shivers through Ke Wei’s skin as it touched it.
The two did not hold back when they became aroused, and let out moans.
Half a month ago, Ke Wei felt a change in her internal strength, and after a fight with Huan Yang, she even pushed him back three steps.
Now, she was determined to either kill or seriously injure him. She was therefore even more passionate with him, taking the initiative to clamp her slender legs around his waist, matching his movements, and running her hands over his skin, looking for sensitive spots to attack at any time.
The eyes under the shemale’s mask were dark and mesmerising, feeling every movement of her man. His lower body was even more violent, nine shallow and one deep, so comfortable that she almost lost her mind.
The shemale was overcome with emotion, let out a low cry, embraced Ke Wei, spun around, and pressed himself against her, the two of them merging together without a gap.
Ke Wei was filled with resentment, but she had to endure the overwhelming pleasure. The wordless enjoyment that reached her throat was like the difference between ice and fire.
The two of them panted and calmed down. The shemale spoke first, ‘I’m a little sorry,’ feeling the tremor of the man, and chuckling, ‘I shouldn’t have lured him here.’
Suddenly, Ke Wei felt cold from head to toe, as if she had immersed herself in the icy waters of midwinter. She heard a ‘bang’ outside the window, and without thinking, she hurriedly pushed away the shemale, leaving the stiff place. She picked up a gauze shirt and wrapped it around her body, then dashed to the door, opened it, and suddenly her face turned white.
The Qinyang King stood 3 zhang away in a white robe, holding a bloody sword in his hand.
On the ground lay a white robe, as if the dying man still didn’t believe what had happened.
Ke Wei looked at the changing expression on her father’s face. Her heart ached, but she couldn’t find the words to defend herself.
The King looked at Ke Wei standing at the entrance to the room, naked under the gauze robe. Her snow-white neck was marked with red spots, and purple bruises were visible under the gauze. Then he looked behind him and saw someone coming out, wrapping Ke Wei in his arms, feeling around with his hands and kissing her.
My heart is bleeding, filled with remorse. ‘Why did I treat Wei that way that day? Wei, is this your revenge? Haha, you’ve finally grown up, learned to be cold and cruel to hurt people.’
My heart is crying, rebelling. ‘Why are you here? It’s obvious…’
The voice of the shemale in my ear: ‘Ke Ke, instead of being in a dilemma, why don’t you let me help you explain, and how will you thank me?’
Ke Wei’s eyes were fixed on the cold and mocking figure, watching him look up at the moon, and then into her eyes.
‘Wei, I’m sorry,’ said the King of Qin, his heart aching as he watched the two of them grinding their ears together. He wanted to kill the man with his sword, but then he thought, ‘Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted? To make Wei cold-blooded, cold-hearted, and cold-passionate.’ With these thoughts, he flew away with full body ridicule.
‘Father…’ Ke Wei shouted, watching her father fly away, and the sky and earth suddenly turned black, sinking into the bottomless abyss. After a long time, she came back to her senses and was once again being pressed against the bed by the shemale, who was demanding sex. She suddenly opened her eyes wide in anger, “Bastard…ah…uh…uh…”
The shemale saw that she had come back to her senses, and her movements below became even more intense, as if she wanted to embed Ke Wei into her body.
Her hands and feet were tied and she couldn’t move, and her mouth was sealed by the shemale, so she couldn’t bite. The first time, the shemale also struck like this, and Ke Wei’s fear shot up from the bottom of her heart, trembling, her mouth trembling…
Seeing the man like this, the shemale’s dark eyes flashed, and she laughed, ‘Your Highness is talented, I admire you, but using such a trick is too fake.’
Ke Wei fell into self-absorption, her eyes dull and vacant, her face pale and weak, her body cold and trembling, and her mouth murmuring continuously.
The demon listened carefully but could not hear clearly. Her eyes darkened even further, her interest waned, and she got up and put on her clothes.
The demon poked Ke Wei in both holes, untied the ropes, wrapped the person in a quilt and picked her up, coaxing her with soft words, ‘Ke Ke, don’t be afraid, wake up, Ke Ke.’
Suddenly, two men in black broke through the window and rushed in, brandishing swords and stabbing at the demon.
The demon woke up with a start, put Ke Wei on the bed, and blocked in front of her as she fought with the two men.
One of the black-clad men gave up on the shemale and stabbed the unconscious Kewei.
Seeing this, the shemale swung his palm and knocked the other man flying. Seeing that the sword was already at Kewei’s neck, he reached out and grabbed the sword’s hilt directly, blood dripping along the sword.
The black-clad man couldn’t pull back the sword and attacked the shemale with his palm.
The shemale sneered and also attacked with his palm. The two clashed palms, and the black-clad man was unable to withstand the force and was knocked flying and crashed into the wall.
The shemale swung the sword away and sneered, ‘Trivial skill.’
At this moment, Ke Wei, who was sweating profusely, suddenly opened her eyes and jumped up, gathering all her strength to strike the shemale in the back of the head with a palm strike.
The shemale was shocked when she noticed it, but it was too late to avoid it, and she only had time to side. She was still hit in the lungs and injured by the palm power, falling backwards to the ground, spitting out blood in an instant.
Ke Wei’s eyes were cold and bone-chilling. She wiped the blood from her lips and looked into the distance at the two people kneeling with their hands over their chests.
The two people looked at Ke Wei and hurriedly lowered their heads. ‘Master.’
Ke Wei no longer looked at the two people, and took the clothes next to her and put them on under the cold and mocking gaze of the shemale. Then she turned around and looked at the shemale, who was propping himself up with one hand and covering his chest with the other. She sneered, ‘You have given me so many gifts, such big gifts, how should I repay you?’
The shemale’s right hand was deeply visible to the bone, with blood flowing continuously. Pinching her lips could not stop the blood from rising in her internal organs, which flowed down her mouth. She was too seriously injured to get up, but she still smiled, ‘Your Highness, you are worthy of being a master of acting. I am ashamed to be in your presence.’
‘Huh,’ Ke Wei thought of the sad back of her father when he left, her heart felt like it was being torn apart. Looking at the mockingly cold person on the ground, her hatred intensified even more. She raised her hand and sucked back the sword on the ground and pointed it at the transvestite, ’If you want to die, why are you still talking? Do you have any regrets before you die?’
‘Haha…ahem…‘ The shemale laughed loudly, then coughed heavily and spat out blood. He wiped his mouth with his hand, stood up unsteadily, and saw that Ke Wei’s hand holding the sword trembled. He laughed and said, “Your Highness, you and I have been husband and wife for several days, and I have already done this, so why would I be afraid?”
’Shut up.‘
The sword flashed, and a sword wound appeared on the shemale’s chest. Blood immediately found a breakthrough and flowed, staining half his body.
’If you keep talking nonsense, I’ll let you suffer more than death.’
The face under the mask of the man-woman could not be seen, but upon hearing these words, his eyes lit up even more, and the corners of his mouth curled up, as he forced a smile and said, ‘Your Highness, how about for the sake of our several months as husband and wife…’
‘Chirp~’ Another one, this time from the left shoulder to the right waist, hideous and terrifying.
Ke Wei’s heart had long since trembled, but she could not cover the burning blood within her, the endless bloodthirsty murderous intent and anger.
The shemale’s mouth twitched, and her body swayed, but she still smiled, ‘If Your Highness doesn’t kill me with one sword, does that mean you have feelings for me?’
The constant provocation aroused waves of hatred. Ke Wei felt her hand stab uncontrollably at the shemale’s heart, but the sword blade veered slightly and stabbed into the shoulder.
The shemale instantly grabbed the sword with one hand, and with Ke Wei in a state of shock, he forced it even further into her body.
The sword body passed straight through the body, and the man approached Ke Wei even closer, kissing her cheek with surprising speed.
Ke Wei came back to her senses and attacked with her palm power, and the silver sword blocked the palm wind diagonally.
The man took the opportunity to get out of the sword body and lean against a white-clad man with a blank face.
The white-clad man twirled his hands and wrapped the man in a cloak.
Seeing this, the two blacks directly exchanged moves with the several white-clad men who appeared, and leaped to Ke Wei’s front to protect her.
The exasperated Kewei watched the man dressed as a woman lean against the man in white, his hand shaking as he gripped his sword.
‘Haha, Your Highness, you shouldn’t talk so much when you’re killing someone…ahem…if you talk too much, you won’t have the courage to kill…Today, Your Highness has spared my life out of old friendship, and I will definitely come to thank you in person some other day.’ After the man dressed as a woman had finished speaking, he closed his eyes and several men in white with hoods on their heads protected the man dressed as a woman as they flew away.
The two men in black saw this and looked at Kewei.
‘No need to chase. Take me to see Huan Yang…’ After saying this, she fell to the ground with a blackout.

Huan Yang had been waiting for a long time in the secret room. When he saw someone come back with Ke Wei in his arms, unconscious, he didn’t say anything and took the person directly into the secret room to heal the injuries.
In Weiye Garden, Ke Wei lay for three days and three nights before she slowly woke up, ’Water…my father…’
Chunrong shouted, ‘My lady has woken up. Servant Book, water. Xia Hua, go and inform King Qin.’
Ke Wei opened her dazed eyes and listened to the sound of a bunch of chaotic footsteps and sobs. She tasted the warm water on her lips and felt as if she had drunk several cups after wandering around the desert.
When she became more alert, she saw Chunrong’s red and swollen eyes with a smile of tears. Ke Wei hid some disappointment and forced a smile, ‘Rongrong, why are your eyes like rabbits’ eyes? They look terrible.’
Chunrong turned her head, wiped away her tears, and said angrily, ‘What are you talking about, my lord? No matter how ugly I look, you still have to keep me to serve you.’
Ke Wei curved the corners of her mouth, and seeing the four people behind Chunrong, a little warmth flowed. Seeing Eunuch Li Lian also wiping away tears with a smile, she instantly looked downcast.
Chunrong saw this and whispered, ‘Eunuch Li was sent by the King of Qin to greet the master.’ She was also saddened, ‘The King of Qin has always come in person and never delegated to others. In this situation, I don’t know what to do.’
Ke Wei nodded, narrowed her eyes and forced a smile: ‘Eunuch Li, you may go back and tell His Majesty that Wei is fine.’ She lightly drew in her brows and tears welled up in her heart. ‘Thank His Majesty for his concern on Wei’s behalf… I’m tired, so you may go back now.’
Chun Rong helped Ke Wei lie down and gave a signal to Shi Ju, who led the complex-looking Li Lian out of the door.

The only choice
A year ago, it was heard that Princess Fu Nu of the Kingdom of Nu, accompanied by Princess He He and 3,000 soldiers, was returning to the capital for the New Year. The Grand Princess Fu Xi, accompanied by Marquis Ke Hua of the Kingdom of Hua Jin, went to the eastern city gate of Yanxing personally to welcome them.
Empress Fu Tian even issued an imperial decree, allowing King Nu and Princess He He to live in the palace and share their family life with King Huang.
On New Year’s Eve, the palace was as lively as ever, with music, singing and dancing all night. Ke Wei was too ill to attend the state banquet and spent the night in Weiye Garden. She instructed Chunrong to keep watch over her and then turned into the secret indoor passage to go directly to her destination.
Since Ke Wei returned to the palace a month ago, she has had to enlist the help of Hanyang in order to kill the demon.

That day, when Hanyang heard that Ke Wei had come to borrow people, he immediately laughed and said, ‘Wei’er, you must know what kind of people these are.’
Ke Wei understood in her heart, ‘If Hanyang truly protects me, he will lend me people, and they will disappear after use. If Hanyang wants to recognise a master, then my fate will go in a completely different direction.’
Seeing Ke Wei hesitate, Huan Yang laughed and said, ‘Wei’er, this is your only chance. I will lend you people, but those people will die because of you, including me.’
Ke Wei was stunned. ‘The implication is that there is no choice. Father… There is really a lot of helplessness in life, such as the bond between you and I, which will never be seen in the secular world because of our status and blood ties. Now, if I give up my hatred and ask you to go into seclusion, you won’t agree. You can’t let go of the Feng family, the Kingdom of Fu, and your first woman. How can I compete with your comments on state affairs and your deep love for the people? Haha, if I could really let go, I would have done it years ago.
‘Okay. You didn’t finish what you were saying last time?’ Kewei’s face lit up, and she was full of conviction.
Hanyang looked serious, his gaze complex, and he led Kewei to the palace tunnels and into a secret room.
A hall illuminated by the firelight was empty.
Ke Wei could sense the cold, murderous aura in the darkness, the cold of blood from countless killings.
Huan Yang turned around and smiled, his refined air gone, replaced by a sinister, bloodthirsty air. ‘Ke Wei, the fifth princess, you are my chosen master.’ After saying this, he immediately knelt down and said with a serious expression, ‘Huan Yang, the 51st generation Shadow King of the Fuguo royal family, greets my lord.’
Ke Wei felt complex inside. This Huan Yang was unlike any she had seen before. At the moment, it was as if a gully had suddenly appeared to separate the two, harshly pulling apart the distance between them.
Huan Yang took out a blood-coloured jade pendant from his bosom, held it out with both hands, and then looked up and said softly, ‘Just put a drop of blood on it to complete the recognition of the master.’
Ke Wei looked at Huan Yang, her inner conflict and torment rising and falling. She thought of her father the emperor and the demon, and with a resolute heart, she bit her finger and let a drop of blood fall onto the blood jade.
Huan Yang took a dagger and cut her wrist, letting her own blood fall onto the jade. The two bloods merged, causing a flash of red light that illuminated the hall.
Suddenly, a group of black-clad people silently knelt around them. Ke Wei didn’t know when they appeared or when they knelt down, and her heart became even more complicated.
Hanyang put the blood jade in his bosom and laughed, ‘My lord, how long do you want us to kneel?’
Ke Wei paused, and found that the old Hanyang had returned, a little at a loss, ‘Get up.’
The black-robed people around him got up and disappeared under Hanyang’s gaze.
Hanyang laughed, ‘My lord…’
“No. How you used to call me, and now you’re calling me like this, it makes me feel uncomfortable.’ Ke Wei stopped Huan Yang’s words, looked at the chair on the upper level, and walked over to sit.
Huan Yang smiled when he saw it and said, ‘You have some airs. Not bad, not bad.’
‘You only have this one chair, and I’m tired of standing.’ Ke Wei didn’t know whether to be happy or annoyed. The previous chasm could be filled instantly with just one of his words. Being with Huan Yang was always so relaxed, and there was no need to worry about embarrassing or awkward situations. Even if there were, Huan Yang could handle them very well.
Huan Yang shook his head and laughed, then became serious: ‘Do you want to know the cause and effect, or do you want to borrow someone to handle things first?’
Ke Wei was furious when she heard this, ‘I want a few people with better skills, and also to use your influence to find someone.’
“Not mine, it’s yours. Master…Wei’er, you have to remember that in addition to using the royal family’s power to exist and help the royal family deal with problems, the Shadow of the Kingdom also has the right to choose its own master, and the master will exist above the royal family.’
‘So, if I want to confront the royal family, you will help me?‘
’Of course. You are the master.‘
’Isn’t that contradictory?’ Kewei rubbed her forehead, a little confused.
Huan Yang laughed: ‘If the Shadow King had chosen the Empress as his master, then there would be no conflict with the imperial family. The Shadow King who chose Futian died long ago when he assassinated the Second Princess during Futian’s struggle for the throne. As the new Shadow King, I did not recognise Futian, so although I helped her, I did not completely obey her. As a result, Futian became quite suspicious of me, and she used me in the imperial court and even married me to restrict my freedom.’
‘In that case, Futian is actually afraid of you?‘ Kewei was stunned when she heard this, and suddenly said, “Is that also the reason why Futian has not touched you so far?”
’Ahem… Wei’er, we are talking about serious matters.‘
’Um… can I ask a question?‘ Kewei thought of something and smiled stiffly.
Huan Yang tilted his handsome eyebrows and gave a sign with his phoenix eyes.
’Are you and Ke Xue…’ Kewei swallowed hard, and when she saw Huan Yang frown, she stopped talking.
‘Wei’er, are you jealous?‘ Huan Yang instantly broke into a smile, still teasing.
’Forget I asked. Huan Yang, help me with two things. First, find out if anyone in the underworld has recently found the Golden Snake or taken the Golden Snake Elixir, and also the fruit of the eighth month. This person is probably not from the capital, where are your spies located?‘
’The Wasteland Continent.’ Huan Yang’s expression changed, ’The Golden Snake is a rumour, does it really exist?’
‘Hmph, exists? It’s all appeared. Anyway, find this person who took the Golden Snake’s blood and has extremely high martial arts skills. There’s still a mark of his on Xuanji, you send someone to get it.‘ Kewei hissed in hatred.
’Wei’er, you…‘
’Don’t ask. Anyway, don’t ask now.’ Kewei stopped Huan Yang’s words, ’Second, I remember you training 20 people for me? What are they all doing?’
‘Five have entered the civil service, ten have become spies and are training in several officials‘ households, and the other five are assassins,’ Huan Yang said with a laugh, clapping his hands.
Five men in black appeared in an instant. They were quick and skilled, and their aura was restrained. If you didn’t pay attention, you wouldn’t even feel their presence. Ke Wei praised in her heart and said, ‘You five attack me at the same time.’
The five men knelt on the ground and bowed their heads, ‘Your servant dares not.’
‘Haha, Huan Yang, why aren’t they listening?”
Huan Yang also laughed, “If the shadows don’t listen to their master, there’s only one way.”
The five people looked up at Ke Wei and said, “Master, we are sorry.” Instantly, two of them disappeared, and the other three attacked from three sides.
Ke Wei felt the sword energy coming from behind and above her head, and then saw three swords all around her. Without dodging or avoiding, she instantly gathered her energy to form a qi shock that repelled the five swords.
‘Enough.’ Hanyang was amazed to see this scene. He saw the five people kneeling in the same place with their hands covering their chests, and turned to Ke Wei, ’Wei’er, your internal strength?’
‘Don’t ask. You and I will each give our best palm strike, and I want to see just how good I am.’ After saying this, she closed her eyes, gathered all her internal strength in her palm, and instantly opened her eyes and struck with a palm.
Hanyang did not avoid it either, gathering his strength as well. Seeing the dots of crystal on Ke Wei’s palm, his doubts grew even greater. “Only those with supreme internal strength can turn solidity into reality, and this level cannot be achieved without forty years of hard work.”
At that moment, Hanyang gathered all his strength and struck Ke Wei with a palm.
The two palms clashed, the power was endless, and the sound was loud. The five people kneeling on the ground were all affected by the palm power and their swords and the ground also retreated several zhang. Looking at the two people again, Ke Wei looked at the palm of her hand, and Hanyang retreated three steps and covered his chest. The outcome was already clear.
‘Unless someone with high level teaches you internal strength, otherwise it is like taking a miraculous medicine. Wei’er, where did you get your internal strength from?’ It was not a question, but just a faint concern. Hanyang’s eyes were full of worry.
Ke Wei shook her head, not surprised but worried instead. ‘Youyou the old guy gave me a lot of good medicine, and that’s what happened.’
“In just a few months, my internal strength has improved to this extent, and the internal strength of that she-male is even more not to be underestimated. In the past, I didn’t even know how he made his move. Now that the excess Golden Snake Blood in his body has been transferred to me, and he can alleviate it in his own body, his internal strength is still higher than mine. No one here can match us, so what should we do?’
Huan Yang frowned when he saw Ke Wei’s dejected expression. ‘In the past six months, I have been preoccupied with controlling the Fendong Army, dealing with Baile Tian and Fu Xi, and winning over people like Ke Xue, and I have let my guard down when it comes to Wei’er. Something must have happened to her. What is it that she finds so difficult to tell me?’
‘Huan Yang, within the next half month, you must strengthen the five people’s surprise attack skills, so that I can use them then.‘ Ke Wei glanced at the five people and thought to herself, “Since we can’t fight head-on, we’ll have to use a plan.”
Huan Yang nodded, and seeing that Ke Wei was still deep in thought, he didn’t disturb her and told the five people to leave.
’On the day of Fu Nu’s wedding banquet, I went to Sishan Garden and overheard Fu Xi’s conversation with Fu Jihong.’ Ke Wei said, ‘When Fu Xi sat in that chair, ruling over the world, she would inevitably learn about the Shadow. She and I are ultimately on opposing sides. Her recent actions, spreading rumours that there are no golden chrysanthemums on Fu Tian’s body and that the Da Lisi is deceiving the world, are ultimately meant to frame Ke Lan or me. Ke Xue is pretending to be stupid and waiting at the mansion for the two of us to fight. In this way, whether it is Ke Lan or me, we will inevitably be framed. Coupled with the bandits recruited by Junxi Jun, some insiders in the court, and more importantly, the hatred for Futian, she now has sufficient ability and motive to rebel. As long as there is a suitable time, a time when Fuyang is lax, a time when Futian is unprepared…
Ke Wei told Huan Yang everything she knew and had thought about, and then waited for Huan Yang to make a choice.
‘Wei’er, if you have your way, Fu Xi will be deposed and will have no chance of recovery. Then who will become the princess?’ Huan Yang’s tone was serious, and although she was smiling, she was extremely calm.
‘Ke Lan…’ Ke Wei frowned, remembering what the she-male had said about Ke Lan, “Ke Hua may be intelligent, but he is not a great man. Ke Xue is ruthless, and she will become even more successful in the future… Do you have anything to do with her?”
Huan Yang paused, shook his head and laughed, “Just playing along.”
Grinding his teeth, ’Men are all trash.’
‘If Ke Xue succeeds, it will be because the cunning rabbit is dead and the running dog is being cooked. It is better to abandon her now than to be bitten back then. Ke Lan…is currently the most suitable choice among the princesses.‘ Ke Wei felt a little sad, “If the dead shemale is right, what will Ke Lan do to me then? Ugh…I can’t see through it. A 17-year-old child is so unpredictable…the future…”
’You’re forgetting someone,’ Huan Yang laughed, ’not considering yourself?’
Frowning, she rubbed her forehead. ‘It’s too much trouble.’
‘Vile, I know your wish. But do you think that if you let Fuxi kill Futian, or if Fuxi is deposed and Kelan becomes the empress, you can definitely stay out of it? …Now, do you still have a choice?’
‘I can…’
“Take him far away? Have you asked his opinion? Besides, since ancient times, being with the king is like being with a tiger. Do you think Kelan will let you go if she becomes the empress?’
‘Huan Yang, was this your plan from the beginning?‘
’That’s right. I decided that when I first saw you. Later, your status, intelligence, strategy, kindness, and now the ruthlessness you’ve learned all suited you to be an emperor. The only thing I didn’t expect was for you to fall in love.’ After Huan Yang finished speaking, he turned around and said, ’Feng Qinghui has taught you a lot about ruling the country, and you should understand and know what a king needs.’
Ke Wei was stunned. ‘You instructed Feng Qinghui in his teachings? I was wondering why he suddenly became diligent after teaching me to read. From the beginning, I was in your control?’
‘No. From the very beginning, I have been preparing you for everything, and I still am. Everything you have learned in the palace, you have learned on your own initiative. Nowadays, I am not the only one who has put you on this path.’ Hanyang lifted his foot and left, “There are some tunnels between the various palaces in the palace. Yingming will give you the map.”
Ke Wei’s mind flashed with images, which she shook her head to dismiss, and she left the secret chamber.

In the hall, five people were already kneeling and waiting.
Looking coldly at three of them, Ke Wei asked in a stern voice, ‘What’s going on? I told you to control the situation!’
‘Why did the emperor go over there? Asshole…he even let the shemale escape.’
“My lord, that day, the five of us followed you to the Dongqin Palace. We saw the Prince of Qin and he chased after you with his sword. Yingruo went ahead to distract the Prince of Qin, and the four of us continued to follow. Your Highness fell straight off the palace wall. Your servant and Yingzhan and Yingfeng were unable to stop him in time. Yingming was worried about Your Highness and so intervened, fighting with the white-clad man who had appeared. Yingming revealed his identity, and your servant asked Yingzhan to help Yingming out of danger while Yingfeng continued to track down Your Highness, who had been taken hostage by the white-clad man…‘
’In the end, King Qin appeared. Yingruo, where were you?’
Yingruo hung his head and said, ‘Your servant was unable to stop King Qin. He went outside the palace to join Yingming and Yingzhan and engage the white-clad man in combat, while King Qin took the opportunity to leave. Your servant deserves to die.’
Ke Wei rubbed his forehead and said, ‘Yingfei and Yingfeng, why didn’t you stop King Qin?’
“Your servant saw that the master had already been abducted into the room and dared not move rashly and ruin the master’s plan, so…’
‘Go, each of you will receive 50 lashes. If you’re not dead, go on a mission. I don’t want useless trash.’ Ke Wei didn’t look at the five people again, and turned around and left.

The Origin of White Subtitles
The author has something to say:
This relationship is overflowing like a sink…^_^It’s really chaotic, I want to kill someone…
If you don’t understand the beginning of this chapter, I will explain it in the later text…^_^
Fule is 25 years old, Fuxi is 25 years old, Funu is 22 years old, Kehua is 20 years old, Kexue is 19 years old, Kelan and Keying are 17 years old, Kewei is 15 years old, Keshan is 12 years old, Keheng and Kemin are 9 years old, Keta is 6 years old, and Kewu is 1 year old.
Feng Qinghui is 24 years old, and Chi Ge is 21 years old.

Mu Chige, the late second daughter of the late emperor, was coincidentally picked up by the King of Qin and adopted as his disciple. Ke Wei already had a conclusion in her mind as she held the information she had obtained through the shadows.
In order to have a father for the child that was coming, Ke Wei chose Mu Chige, who had been staying in the Qiusui Mansion and by the side of the King of Qin for some purpose.

Recalling the past and the various things she had done with Mo Chi Ge, Ke Wei looked coldly at the stunning figure in white in front of her and laughed, ‘Mo Chi Ge, if you’re a man, you should take responsibility.’
‘Your Highness, if you’re asking for something from me, you shouldn’t be like this,’ Mo Chi Ge also laughed, ‘there’s no such thing as a free lunch, you haven’t been seen for a few years, what is it that you want from me?
King Qin, what are you asking me to do with your uncertain tone, to agree to her?
‘Then take a look at this. Whether it’s concealing your identity or accomplishing your goal, agreeing to me is the best solution.‘ Ke Wei handed the information in her hands to Mu Chi Ge.
Mu Chi Ge glanced at it indifferently and laughed, “What does Your Highness require?”
’To live in my house and be my manservant.’ Ke Wei also laughed.
‘Heh…Chi Ge can admit it to the outside world and will also temporarily stay at your house. Your Highness is very clever, but please let me kill my enemies when the time comes.‘ Mu Chi Ge sneered, “If that’s the case, why not make the show more realistic. Your Highness, it’s easy to invite a god, but difficult to send him away. Have you heard that before?”
’Fine. You, are you not afraid that I will cross the bridge and tear down the bridge? At that time, will you leak your background?’ Ke Wei looked at the so forthright Mu Chi Ge and her heart was suspicious.
‘Haha…Mu Chi Ge is in charge of the Ministry of Justice and the Qiu Shui Mansion, and Your Highness, these things can still be found out.‘ Mu Chi Ge smiled gently, “When did the young and clever you become so suspicious? When did the friendly you become so willing to dominate others?”
’Are you threatening me?’ frowned, ’Mu Chi Ge is not an easy fool to fool, so how can I do things for you without making a sound?’
‘No. Your Highness asked me to help you, and you also gave me this, so I have no reason to refuse.‘ Mu Chi Ge smiled as he waved the paper in his hand.
’A gentleman’s word.‘ Ke Wei naturally smiled and let go of her doubts.
’You can’t make a dead horse chase after you.’

Ke Wei entered the secret passageway to the bedroom, turned the screen, walked towards the bed, lifted the curtain, and saw King Qin lying peacefully on the bed.
‘Father…’ she whispered, her head held high, tears still dripping down her face. She reached up to undo her hairband, took off her simple skirt and hung it up, sat naked on the bed, stroked King Qin’s cheek, and called out, ‘Father, father…’
‘Mmm,‘ the King of Qin slowly woke up. He was not in his right mind after drinking too much, and looked at the tearful figure in front of him with a dazed look. He reached out and held her in his arms. His touch felt smooth skin, and his heart trembled with tingling pleasure. “Wei’er, I’m sorry. The King shouldn’t have hit you.”
’Wei’er doesn’t blame the King,’ Ke Wei nestled in the King of Qin’s arms, and reached into his shirt. ’King, today Wei’er is 15 years old. Why did you drink so much? You’re not going to congratulate Wei Er?”
Qin Wang trembled, lost in the feeling of the soft hands roaming over his body. “Well, Wei Er, why did you welcome the late evening song into the house? For…well…”
Tears fell, lips parted in a smile.
Ke Wei kissed Qin Wang, reluctant to part, and with both hands she took off Qin Wang’s clothes, the two of them facing each other naked.
Qin Wang was like in a dream, touching the smooth, silky skin, and rolled over to press Ke Wei beneath him, murmuring, ‘Wei’er, only in a dream can I be so at ease with you. Wei’er…’
‘Father, it’s not a dream,’ Ke Wei said no more, lifting her body to kiss the dark red cornelias on Qin Wang’s chest, kneading the other one with great care. With one hand, she reached down to remove Qin Wang’s overcoat, and rubbed her snow-white legs against his lower body.
Qin Wang instantly turned wild. He pressed his hands down to suppress the hands that were moving around, and kissed Ke Wei like a storm, his body nestled between her legs.
Ke Wei closed her eyes, curled her lips, and naturally lifted her legs to clamp around Qin Wang’s waist. She murmured, ‘Father… Father…’
Qin Wang heard her call out his name again and could no longer hold back. He rubbed his lower body to find the entrance and thrust with all his strength, murmuring, ‘Wei…’
‘Hehe…Father…’ Ke Wei gasped, her body filled with a sense of satisfaction and tingling. Her blood was throbbing wildly, and she suddenly looked up and bit the King’s shoulder, the smell of blood rushing to her nose and mouth. Instantly, she became alert, loosened her teeth and looked up at the person above her.
Qin Wang was a little sobered by the pain, shook his head, touched Ke Wei’s bloody lips, and said softly, ‘Wei’er, bite, this way, my father will take the dream seriously.’
Ke Wei shuddered, ‘I had someone put some sleeping pills in the wine. Coupled with the fact that my father was shocked by the news that I was going to marry my husband, he went back to the palace and let Li Lian take a lot of wine. I secretly investigated and found that my father was drunk and in a mess, so I came according to the plan.
At this moment, the bloodlust in his heart actually overwhelmed his brain, and he bit the emperor. Tomorrow, when he wakes up, he will definitely know, and even if he doesn’t know who it was, he will definitely investigate.‘
Ke Wei secretly resented that she was out of control. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her shoulder, but it was from Qin Wang’s bite, which hurt to the bone.
’Ah…’ Ke Wei raised her eyebrows, feeling both pleasure and pain, and let out a low cry.
‘Wei…‘ Qin Wang looked up, his eyebrows and eyes soft and dazed, with a trace of blood around his lips.
Ke Wei’s heartbeat reached her throat, and she pulled Qin Wang’s head down and kissed him shakily. Her lower body sank into the sea of desire in unison with Qin Wang’s movements.
’Father, no matter what you are thinking, I will drag you down to hell with me. We are together, Father.’

Ke Wei tidied everything up, touched the King’s relaxed brow and closed eyes, and lightly kissed his red, cold lips. She felt the coolness and warmth of the kiss, and called out his name in her heart, as if she couldn’t get enough of him. Again and again, it was like the first time she snuck into his chambers, lightly kissing him, feeling a deep sense of happiness and contentment.
‘My lord,’ a female voice cried from outside the curtain as she knelt.
Ke Wei paused, looked at the sleeping man again, touched the shallow wound with teeth marks, and suddenly made up her mind. She bit down, stopping the bleeding wound from dripping blood again.
The peace of the sleeping King Qin was disturbed, and he frowned, not waking up.
Ke Wei licked the blood clean to stop the wound, wiped her mouth, pecked him again, whispered something in his ear, and then got up and got out of bed.
‘Yingruo, bring the person here.’ Ke Wei looked coldly at the kneeling Yingruo.
Yingruo picked up the person wrapped in a quilt and placed him on the bed of the King of Qin, then stepped back.
Ke Wei pulled back the quilt and threw it to Yingruo, pushed the person towards the King of Qin, and did not cover the person with the quilt. She cut her finger, and the blood dripped onto the person’s lips. She glanced at the sleeping King of Qin again, then left the Dongqin Palace with Yingruo through the secret passage.
After a long time, the King of Qin opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling with a complex expression, felt around the wound on his shoulder, rolled over, sat up, kicked the eunuch off the bed, and sighed with his hand on his forehead, ‘Wei’er, things have come to this, and nothing can be undone.’

Back in Weiye Garden, Ke Wei entered the bedroom, where Chunrong and the other four stood solemnly.
Ke Wei didn’t even look at them, but sat directly on the seat of honour. She looked at the six of them one by one, and after a long time, she said, ‘Chenming, we are about to leave the palace. In the past, I treated you five as sisters. Although you always knelt and begged for forgiveness, I never really punished you. But things will be different once we enter the Chiwei royal family. I have been made king, and as a royal official, I cannot return to my home. The entire royal family will be under your charge. Dongge, you have always been the one who guards in secret. Since you have sworn allegiance to me, from now on you will be an open servant, working together with Xia Hua, and no longer need to hide in the shadows.
‘Yes,‘ Dongge answered.
Ke Wei nodded, “Get up. It’s almost dawn. You several people each check to see if there is anything else to clean up.”
’Yes,’ the six people answered in unison and retreated.
Ke Wei glanced at the house where she had lived for 15 years, touched her belly with one hand, suddenly giggled, and whispered, ’Father, we’re having a child.’
‘Wei Er?‘ Huan Yang’s teeth clenched, and he flipped through the window and entered, followed by Dong Ge, who drew his sword.
’Dong Ge, you go down.’ Ke Wei smiled, saw Dong Ge retreat, and turned to Huan Yang, “Why are you here?”
Huan Yang smiled wryly, and withdrew his hand that tried to touch Ke Wei’s temple, ’To see if you’re okay?’
‘What? Doesn’t Dark Shadow report back?‘ Ke Wei turned around and sat on the bed, lazily looking at the same lazy person.
’Dark Shadow obeys its master. The Shadow King is just a high-level Dark Shadow. It can order Dark Shadows to do things, but Dark Shadows will not answer any questions about its master. Wei’er, you have to trust Dark Shadow, so that even if the Shadow King dies, it can be the master of Dark Shadows for life, and not end up like Futian.’ Huan Yang said with a serious expression.
‘Well, I was being too suspicious. That urge in my blood sometimes just can’t be restrained, bloodthirsty, possessive, lustful, suspicious, a bunch of negative things.’ Ke Wei rubbed her forehead, “Every time my emotions get bigger, the burning urge in my blood will stimulate me. This feeling seems to have started the day the phoenix appeared. Could it be related?”
Huan Yang frowned, turned around and looked out the window, and sighed, ’Such is the will of heaven. These are the negative aspects of human nature that will become the blood of the imperial family. These negative aspects will be magnified even more than normal people. You must learn to be calm and patient, and try to control them.‘
Ke Wei paused and muttered, “Imperial blood…imperial…It’s hard to believe that I, Ke Wei, also have these moments.”
’Haha, if you think so, that’s cowardice and kindness in your heart.’ Hanyang walked closer and patted Ke Wei on the head, “Wei’er, you’ve grown up.”
Ke Wei shrugged her shoulders and narrowed her eyes and smiled, ’Grown up? How can you tell?’
‘Haha, do you remember what you said? Live for today, tomorrow’s worries will come tomorrow. At that time, you were carefree but also ignorant. Now, you know how to fight, how to set up a strategy, how to guard against danger, how to get what you want, how to survive here, and become the king. Isn’t this growing up?‘ Huan Yang’s teeth fan out, and he also smiles with narrowed eyes.
’Really? I didn’t know I had changed so much.’ Ke Wei smiles bitterly, her expression hard to read, ’Is that a good thing in your eyes?’
‘Of course. My Wei’er, you don’t need to worry about me.‘
’Well. I’ve always asked you to prepare this and that for me, to be on guard against this and that. It’s been hard on you.‘ Ke Wei let her long hair down and, seeing Huan Yang’s disgusted smile, quickly said, “Apart from giving myself to you, I’ll do anything else.”
’Hey,’ Huan Yang made a sad face and put on an exaggerated expression, ’Wei’er, you’re really heartless.’
‘Haha,’ Ke Wei snickered, “Huan Yang, you’re not young anymore. If you meet someone you like, go after them, don’t hang yourself on one tree. Even if you really like that girl Ke Xue, it’s fine.”
The two of them talked in a jumbled mess as the sky gradually brightened. Huan Yang said goodbye, and Ke Wei changed her clothes and prepared to go to the palace.

In front of the mirror, a woman of about 1.65 metres in height, with a golden peacock pattern embedded with sapphires, fixes her hair in a towering coiled snake bun, leaving a layer of waist-length black hair behind her. She has a slender melon-shaped face with delicate and soft features, especially the soul-stirring black colour in her eyes, which sometimes flashes with seven colours. Her small, upright nose and lips are soft but not lacking in masculinity.
She wore a yellow and gold-painted peacock-patterned robe with jade sashes, a golden palm-sized identification token, and yellow brocade high boots with auspicious clouds.
‘The golden cabbages with buttered jade…are very valuable,’ Ke Wei said with a faint smile, her eyebrows spreading in the mirror, her gentle face glowing. She traced the corner of her upper lip, ‘You’ve changed, Ke Wei. Your appearance has changed, as has your personality. Why are you so gentle now? Because of the child? She explored her belly and felt around with her hands, ‘There is a little life inside. Apart from her love and suspicion of the Emperor, the child has always been innocent. Haha, I wonder if it’s a boy or a girl?’
‘My lord, it’s time,’ said Chunrong, her head bowed slightly, as the tortoiseshell hit a crisp ‘ding dong’ sound.
Ke Wei took a deep breath, lowered her hands to her sides, and her eyes shifted between cold and warm, making others feel uncomfortable and turn away.
Dong Ge and Xia Hua stood on either side. When they saw Ke Wei come out, they bowed their heads and followed her.
Ke Wei walked out of Wei Ye Yuan and looked back. The palace of the past 15 years was still standing behind her, still and silent, about to welcome its new owner.

Today, after the morning court in the Hall of Imperial Decrees, Ke Wei went to the Hall of Soaring Clouds in the outer court of the Palace of the Cosmos to work with the other ministers before leaving the palace directly for the Chibi Royal Family, Ke Wei’s new home.
Xuanzheng Hall is located in the inner court of the Qiankun Palace and is the hall where the Empress holds her daily court. Hanyuan Hall is the main hall, but since Fu Tian has not been attending court for a long time, she only went there yesterday when Ke Wei was being made a queen. Afterwards, she returned to the harem. Therefore, Fu Xi held a court meeting in Xuanzheng Hall on behalf of the Empress.
Dongge and Xiahua were left outside the Taiji Palace. Ke Wei instructed them to go directly to the outside of the Xiangyun Hall and wait, and then walked towards the Xuancheng Hall.
The air was cold in the morning, and there was a thick layer of frost on the ground.
Ke Wei walked along the palace corridor and approached the officials who were whispering to each other.
Some of the ministers were about to enter the hall, but when they saw Ke Wei coming, they stopped, bowed their heads, and greeted her.
Ke Wei gave a faint smile and nodded as she entered the hall.
There were already familiar faces in the hall, including Emperor Huang, Emperor Qin, Emperor Guanglu, Emperor Guangyue, the Grand Mistress, Lord Nu, Lord Xuejing, Lord Jiaying, and Marquis Huajin. They all saw Ke Wei enter the hall, and although their expressions remained the same, they stopped talking to the officials. Emperor Qin looked at Ke Wei with a mixture of deep thought and pain, while Ke Xue’s face turned slightly pale.
Since everyone in high positions stopped talking, the officials naturally fell silent and looked at the newly appointed Queen Chiwei. They could see that her cold eyes seemed unapproachable, and she looked somewhat similar to someone.
Ke Wei glanced around, approached Emperor Huang, and bowed, ‘Your Highness.’
Bai Letian nodded with a faint smile, ‘Queen Chiwei, please rise.’
Ke Wei stood up properly and exchanged greetings with King Qin and the others, before standing next to Ke Xue, who was trembling slightly. Below, Ke Ying could no longer hold back, and grabbed Ke Wei’s hand, smiling playfully, ‘Fifth sister, you’re here.’
He glanced around, and the officials had various expressions on their faces.
Ke Wei laughed inwardly, and nodded to Ke Ying, ‘Ke Ying County Lord.’
Ke Ying pouted, about to speak, when two people entered the door: the Grand Princess Fu Xi and the Ke Lan, the King of Jialan. Fu Xi had a beautiful smile, while Ke Lan was calm and cold. When he saw Ke Wei in the corner of his eye, he gave a slight flash.
Fu Xi entered the hall and stood below the imperial steps. The four Huang Wang stood below Fu Xi, and the Feng Wang, Ke Xue, Ke Lan, and Ke Wei, stood in a row on either side. Then came Fu Nu, Ke Hua, and Ke Ying. The county lords, of the rank of princes, occupied one seat and were divided into two rows, civil and military. There were nearly a hundred people bustling about, men and women of the same court.
The empress’s personal attendant announced that the empress was unable to attend court and that Fu Xi would be attending in her place. Fu Xi then stood tall in front of the officials, her expression solemn, and said with a red lip, ‘My lords, if you have anything to report, do so; if not, the court is adjourned.’
One of the officials stepped forward: ‘Your servant has something to report. For the past few months, there has been heavy snow and rain, with frost causing disasters. All the counties in the south have been affected, and the situation is particularly serious in the west and north. Nearly half of the winter crops have died. Your servant fears that the wheat seeds sown in winter will not sprout, causing a famine.’
Fuxi frowned and said, ‘It is true that there has been a lot of frost recently, but I didn’t realise that it has spread so widely. Do you have any good ideas?’
‘I think we should transport good seeds from the south to the west and north, and sow them as soon as the frosts are over. It’s late, but they will still sprout and resist the coming famine,’ said one of the female officials.
Fuxi did not comment, and looked at the other officials again.
Another person said, ’Although the south is a fertile land for rice, it has been several months since the autumn harvest, and there may not be much food left. Besides, the south has also been affected by the frosts. I don’t think the Imperial Inspector’s plan is feasible.’
The officials had numerous strategies, but no definite conclusion.
Fu Xi smiled and said, ‘Your Highness Qin, what do you think of your plan?’
The King Qin was taken aback for a moment, but then said, ‘Your Highness, you are very clever, you can make the decision yourself.’
Ke Wei’s lips curled up, and she laughed inwardly, ‘Father, don’t be so obvious when you’re distracted.’
Fu Xi stiffened her lips and said, ‘What does King Ke Lan think?’
‘I think we should listen to Lord Ruohu, the Minister of the Imperial Household, who has been instrumental in disaster relief over the years,’ said Ke Lan coldly.
The Minister of the Imperial Household stepped forward and bowed, saying, ’I believe that the severe frosts have caused the arid land to run short of water and crack, and the heavy snow and ice have killed young plants, leaving the land barren. This is indeed a major event, but I wonder what the situation is for the people in the west and north under the frost.’
‘Impressive,’ Ke Wei praised in her heart, slightly opening her eyes and turning to Ruohu, the female official in charge of the imperial household department. She recalled that Feng Qinghui seemed to have mentioned her back then. ’Ruohu and the imperial censor Huiyang are both respected officials who have done a good job in disaster relief, so it’s no wonder that Ke Lan would want to hear their opinions. The imperial censor was the one who just moved the grain from the south to the north, right? Smart, knowing how to adapt.’
‘The people in the west and north are safe. Although there have been some unfortunate incidents, the magistrates in each region have taken measures to deal with them. Only Jiashan City, which borders Tianlu Grassland and Yingxie Kingdom, has more victims, and other cities and counties in the west have already come to its aid.’ A male official stepped forward and said.
Fuxi nodded, ’That’s very good. It is fortunate for our country that the magistrates in each region look out for each other. Queen Chiwu, what do you think about this matter?’
Ke Wei blinked, looked up at the high ceiling, and felt many gazes on her, ‘Your servant…’
‘King Chiwei, you may speak freely.’
‘Your servant…was tutored by Your Highness, and if Your Highness does not have any ideas, I cannot think of any good solutions either.’ Ke Wei hung her head, feeling many disdainful gazes. She cried inside, ‘You can discuss all you want, but why bring me into it? My father the emperor refused to budge when you all refused to budge, but I pushed and you gave me a dirty look. It’s not fair.’
King Guanglu even laughed out loud in a low voice, which was heard by everyone, even some officials.
‘Your servant believes that the green is better than the blue, and that the Queen of Red Wei must have a good solution to the disaster of grain production in the west and north.’ Tai Fu Feng Qinghui stepped forward, his clear, bright eyes flicking over the crowd, his voice clear and loud.
‘What are you laughing at? I’m exercising my iron will. Feng Shaofu, I thank you for coming to my rescue without regard for hatred, but please don’t kick the ball back.‘ Ke Wei’s heart was indifferent, her face neither red nor white, as calm as usual.
’If Your Highness says so, the knowledge of the Queen of Red Wei is extraordinary. I wonder what Your Highness thinks?’ said the King of Xue Jing indifferently.
‘Ke Xue, I didn’t trouble you, but you’re the one who came to me. Haven’t you learned your lesson from last time? Hmph, as the old saying goes, if you want to die, don’t blame me.‘
’Your Majesty Jing, you are too kind. How can Ke Wei’s knowledge compare to Your Majesty Jing’s?’ Ke Wei blinked, and the coldness in her eyes shot towards Ke Xue.
Ke Xue’s face turned white. She still remembered the scene underwater back then. Now, if it weren’t for someone standing up for her husband, she wouldn’t dare to face Ke Wei head-on. She stammered, ‘Your Highness is being modest. I don’t have a good solution.’
Ke Wei tilted her head slightly and looked at Fu Xi, ‘If Your Highness doesn’t have a solution, I can’t think of one either.’
Fu Xi laughed, ‘That’s fine. Everyone can deliberate on this matter some more, and we’ll discuss it again tomorrow.’
‘I have a report to make. The ruler of Yingxie Kingdom has sent a letter to our emperor, saying that he will send an envoy here soon,‘ said an official.
Fu Xi smiled and said, “Yingxie Kingdom occupies the Tianlu grasslands and is mainly nomadic. It has previously started many wars. I wonder what you all think about this?”
’I think the people who are coming are guests. Fu Kingdom should receive them with courtesy,‘ said an official.
’I request permission to receive the envoy,’ said Hua Jinhou, stepping forward.
Fu Xi’s eyes flashed, but she didn’t say anything.
‘I think we should send an envoy to find out the intentions of the Yingxie Kingdom, and the court should also make preparations to welcome them,’ said the King of Jialan, stepping forward.
The silent King of Huang spoke up: ‘The Yingxie Kingdom has always been ambitious and has always bullied our country under the rule of our Empress. The last war was three years before the death of the previous emperor, who exhausted himself fighting. Do the old ministers remember this national humiliation?’
Upon hearing this, some of the old ministers fell to their knees and wiped away their tears. One of the oldest female officials yelled, ‘The Ying Country has always had evil intentions towards our country. It would be best to stay away from the Dongmei Country, otherwise if the two countries attack our country together, it will be difficult to defend. Now, the envoy from the Ying Country must have some sort of plan, and the old ministers agree that we should be on our guard.’
‘…all that nonsense, not a single useful sentence. What are these people for?‘ Ke Wei rolled her eyes, when suddenly she heard a voice in her ear: “Wei’er, why don’t you greet the envoy yourself, so you don’t have to be bored all day?”
’Hmph, no need. I’m already tired,’ Ke Wei shot back at Huan Yang’s telepathic message.
‘Haha, Wei Er, now is a good opportunity for you to make a name for yourself. The Marquis of Hua Jin is going to welcome the envoy of the country. Not to mention her marquis rank, her current position is also not allowed. Besides, Yingxie has not been on good terms with Fu since its founding. If you give Fu the face this time, won’t that be a meritorious deed? Besides, don’t forget who is behind Fu Nu.
‘This…‘ Ke Wei hesitated.
’I think the proposal of the King of Jialan is desirable,’ said the King of Qin, adding, ’Send an envoy to the border to greet the envoy of Yingxie Kingdom first, find out their intentions, and on the other hand, prepare the state gifts to welcome them. The visitor is a guest, and how can the dignified Kingdom of Fu be belittled by other countries?’
Fu Xi nodded, ‘Your Highness Qin Wang is right. As Your Highness Huang Wang said, Yingxie Country is ambitious and we should send someone to investigate first and then make a decision. Which of you would like to go and investigate?’
‘I am willing…’
‘I am willing…’
Ke Xue and Ke Hua stepped forward at the same time, then looked at each other and said in unison, ‘We await Your Majesty’s decision.’
‘Since both Marquis Hua Jin and King Xue Jing have asked for the mission, I will report to His Majesty and let him decide.’ Fu Xi struck the gavel and looked at the officials, saying, ’It is time for some of the Junxi troops stationed in Luoshan City to return to the capital to report on their work. The court will send the Fun Dong troops to take over. Your Royal Highness Guanglu, what do you think about this?’
Huan Yang curled his lips and laughed: ‘The northern border has always been guarded by the Western Army. I fear that the Western Army will not obey, and that the Eastern Army will be unable to do the job because of the lack of communication between the generals and the troops.’
Fu Xi paused and laughed: ‘In that case, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible. If there is nothing else, the meeting is adjourned.’
The officials bowed and left the hall one after the other.

Ke Wei walked behind, and when she saw the Prince Qin walk up to her, she reached out to take his hand, but he dodged it. The Prince Qin looked straight ahead, walked out of the hall, and Ke Wei watched his departing back, lost and tangled in her heart.
‘Fifth sister,’ Ke Ying dragged Ke Lan forward and smiled, ‘today, you can go back to the palace. Please treat us to a big meal?’
‘Of course. The palace is complete, and I will send out invitations to my sisters and brothers to come over for a chat some day.’ Ke Wei put away her thoughts and smiled back.
Ke Lan said coldly, ‘I’m afraid some people won’t dare to come.’ His gaze flicked to Ke Xue, who was leaving the hall, and he saw her body tremble. He sneered.
‘Lan, it’s cold enough already,’ Ke Ying said with a white eye, ‘don’t you still have military affairs to attend to? Hurry up and go.’
Ke Lan glanced at Ke Ying and then turned to Ke Wei. She saw her turn her head to look at the painted pillars in the hall, her eyes darkening a little. She nodded and left.
‘Hoo~‘ Ke Ying laughed when she saw Ke Lan leave, “Fifth sister, let’s go to the Xiangyun Hall.”
’Hm,’ Ke Wei agreed, and they left the hall together.

The Xiangyun Hall was where the officials worked, divided into six departments: the Zhongshu Province, the Menxia Province, the Hongwuguan, the Shiguan, and the Shusheng Province. Ke Wei was demoted to a minor official and was assigned to the Shiguan, where she compiled and stored books.
When she arrived outside the Hall of Soaring Clouds, she saw Dongge, Xiaha, and Mochige. Ke Ying smiled awkwardly at Mochige and then excused herself to enter the Hall of Soaring Clouds.
Mochige was the Assistant Minister of Justice and the Lord of Qiushui Mansion, and walking side by side with Ke Wei on the road to the Hall of Soaring Clouds attracted a lot of attention.
“I’ve already had someone move the things into the Qiwei Royal Mansion. Now, it’s time for us to put on a show,’ Chi Ge’s peerless posture was calm and composed, and there was a heavy hint of mockery in her smile.
‘Play? I don’t plan to play any.’ Ke Wei walked straight towards the embassy, saying as she walked, ‘You just need to remember your promise, and I will fulfil mine in time. The palace of the Ministry of Justice is over there, so I won’t see you off.’
Chi Ge looked at the departing back, sighed lightly, and murmured, ‘After all, you don’t understand.’

The author has something to say:
The draft is finished…hehe…^_^
I’m going to fill in the gaps and fix the text…That…all of you who are strolling in the clouds, walking on the ground, and leisurely in the water, come out and hang out…Let me tell you…^_^
One month later, the court sent Ruohu and Huiyang to the six counties in the east, and borrowed grain from the counties in the south, as well as the money and grain drawn from the national treasury.
The matter of the envoy from Yingxie Kingdom was also handed over to Hua Jinhou and Xue Jingwang to go to the border to greet them, while Kelan and Keying were in charge of welcoming them in Danyang City.
At the end of the month, the empress added another daughter to the royal family. The second daughter of the Qin Wang Feng Lin Zi was named Ke Wu, and Ke Wei was in charge of the month-old birthday ceremony for Ke Wu.
The deadlock in the court was due to the fact that the Junxi army in the north had petitioned the emperor to return to Beijing to report on his work, and the court did not know which side to send. Fu Xi’s preference was the Fendong army in Huanyang, but Huanyang was unable to make a decision after negotiating with them.
Another matter was that Fu Nu had already passed February in the capital, but had not yet set off for Gongbian City, and there were quite a few grumbles in the court.

The royal guard at the Chiwei Palace saw Ke Wei get out of the carriage and immediately bowed, ‘Your Highness is back.’
Chunrong came out to greet him and said with a smile, ‘My lord, you’re back?’
‘Yes,’ Ke Wei said as he walked towards the main hall, ‘Did anything happen at the palace today?’
“The Prince of Jiaying came to the palace and saw that you weren’t going to stay for a while, so he left. The wife of the Prince of Nu, Princess Hehe, sent someone to deliver an invitation for you to visit the palace when you have time. Lord Shangguan’s family sent a note inviting you to a gathering at the Drunken Beauty Pavilion on the 14th. Besides, Xia Hua has gone out and hasn’t returned yet.‘
’Hehe invited me to a banquet? Could it be that Fu Nu gave the order? For what reason?
Huan Yang’s spies are monitoring the situation. Hehe and Fu Nu live in separate rooms, and it even reveals the son’s identity. Now, they’re coming to me? What are they planning?
Shangguan Lingfeng, the head of the Shangguan family, is the Imperial Chancellor, and he has adopted Situ Xi as his son-in-law. He is now a senior official in the imperial court. The Shangguan family is approaching me? Could it be related to the Shangguan family’s military forces that Hanyang mentioned?
Ke Wei pondered as she walked towards the main hall, sat in the seat of honour, accepted the tea handed to her by the maid, and asked, looking up, ‘Has Mister Mu not returned yet?’
Chunrong gave a smile and handed two invitations to Ke Wei, ‘Lord Mu has not returned yet.’
Ke Wei opened one and saw that it was from the Prince of Nu County’s mansion, and the other was from the head of the Shangguan family, Shangguan Lingfeng, the Imperial Chancellor. ‘Help me reply to the Imperial Chancellor on the 14th. The Prince of Nu County’s mansion means that I will visit tomorrow at the hour of the rooster. I heard that Princess Hehe’s child has already celebrated its first month birthday?’
‘Yes. The last time the child had its first birthday, you were on duty in the palace and couldn’t go.‘
Ke Wei rubbed her forehead. “Have you sent your regards?”
’My lord need not worry. The gift that Mr. Mu went to deliver represents our Chiwei Royal Family.’ Chunrong laughed. ’The servants I spoke to said that Lord Nu has stayed in the capital and there has been a lot of discussion. If my lord goes, I’m afraid…’
‘There’s no need to worry. Forget it, there’s nothing I can do about the rumours. I’m just a lowly official in the History Department, so I can’t make waves even if I wanted to.‘ Ke Wei drank her tea and then laughed, “Ke Wu is really a cute girl, hehe.”
’My lord?’ Chunrong was puzzled. ’A few days ago, you hated the seventh prince so much, what’s wrong today?’
Ke Wei saw Chunrong’s puzzled expression and sighed lightly. She placed a hand on her abdomen and said with a smile, ‘Today, I’m not in charge in the palace. Rongrong, let’s change and go out.’
‘My lord, it’s almost dinner time,’ Chunrong frowned.
‘You girl, do you want to die in the palace if you don’t go out? Go, change and let Dongge follow.’ Ke Wei got up and walked towards the inner garden.

She changed out of her court attire and put on a light purple silk dress, arranged her hair in a loose bun, inserted a pearl-studded tortoiseshell hairpin at an angle, and held a light, painted peachwood folding fan in her delicate fingers. She looked every bit the dainty young lady.
Chunrong changed in similar fashion, and when she saw how Ke Wei was dressed, she opened her mouth and muttered, ‘My lady, Chunrong will go change.’
‘Haha, it’s fine if we wear the same clothes. I think it looks beautiful.‘ Ke Wei opened her fan to cover half her face, still holding the fan half-way up in front of her face, causing the crowd to stare.
’Haha, what’s wrong with you guys? Are you stunned?’ Ke Wei waved the fan in front of Chun Rong’s face. Chun Rong, suddenly alert, said, ’My lady, you…’
‘It’s fine. We’re just going out for dinner.‘ Ke Wei took Chun Rong and left, saying to the maid following behind, “Bing Xue, you don’t need to follow.”
Dong Ge was dressed in black, standing in front of the carriage with his sword in one hand. When he saw Ke Wei come out, he was slightly stunned and said, “Your Highness?”
’Yes, thank you.’ Ke Wei held out her hand to Dong Ge, but when she saw that he was still in a daze, she laughed and said, ’Dong Ge, your master and I are wearing skirts.’
Dongge’s mouth twitched, and he took Ke Wei’s arm to help her into the carriage. Then he looked at Chunrong, who also held out her hand, and her mouth twitched even more as she helped Chunrong up as well.
‘My lord, you didn’t see Dongge’s expression just now,’ said Chunrong, tugging at her sleeve and smirking.
Ke Wei didn’t disturb her, but instead turned her eyes to ponder when these two had become so close.
The wheels rolled, and outside the curtain, Dongge said, ‘Where to, my lady?’
‘Go…’ Ke Wei paused, then turned and smiled, “Go to the intersection between the eastern and western cities. I heard the Lord Zhaoli talking about a new restaurant that just opened there called Tianyi Building. Let’s go try it.”

Tianyi Building, newly opened, is comparable to the top restaurant Zuihua Building. I heard that Tianyi Building is famous for its wine called Wangxiang. Chunrong helped Ke Wei get off the carriage, and the three of them stood in front of Tianyi Building. The two women and one man attracted a lot of attention.
Ke Wei went in first. The waiter was a short-sleeved man who welcomed them with a smile, ‘Thank you for coming to our humble restaurant. May I ask if you have made a reservation?’
The interior of the restaurant was elegantly laid out, with a piano and study desks, presumably to attract talented people.
It wasn’t empty, but most of the tables were occupied. Ke Wei felt a little embarrassed, ‘What? Your business is so good that you need to reserve tables?’
‘Hey, I won’t hide it from you three. Don’t you see that those seats are empty, but they’ve all been reserved? The big and small rooms upstairs have also been booked, look?‘ The waiter answered with a smile.
’We’ll pay triple whatever price they offer.‘ Chunrong frowned, “They’ve made us stand here for so long, what do they mean?”
’This… is difficult. The shop’s reputation is important for business, young lady, would you like to wait or come back another day?’ The waiter was at a loss for words, but still answered with a smile.
Ke Wei stopped Chunrong and said, ‘How about this? I heard that your shop is famous for its homesickness. Bring me two jars of wine, and we’ll pay with the wine and leave.’
‘Since you three have come, why leave?’ A clear voice came from a man dressed in brocade, with a simple hair accessory in the shape of a cloud. He bowed and smiled, ‘If you three don’t mind, I’ll be the host. How about you three join me at my table?’
Ke Wei turned to look at the man, his handsome face with a certain charm in his eyes. ‘In that case, I would be honoured.’
‘It is my honour,’ Cheng Qiuyue smiled, a hint of joy in his eyes.
‘Since you are guests of Lord Cheng, please follow me.’ The waiter bowed and walked towards the upstairs.
Cheng Qiuyue reached out his hand, and Ke Wei walked lightly ahead, followed by Chunrong and Dongge.
The waiter led the group into a large room with elegant and simple furnishings, which took the character ‘Qiao’ (meaning ‘ingenious’). There were also two waiters waiting on them.
‘If you had said that these people were waiting for you, I would not have been so rude, Your Honour Cheng. I apologise.’ The waiter bowed sincerely.
‘Really? If you hadn’t invited us, you would have thrown us out? Tianyi is not good at all, and he looks down on people.’ Behind Ke Wei, Chunrong spoke sharply with a hint of anger.
‘Young lady, I respect you as a young lady, so please don’t hurt people’s feelings with your words.’ The waiter frowned, quite unconvinced.
Chunrong stepped forward and saw Ke Wei bow her head at her gesture and step back.
Ke Wei glanced around and smiled at Cheng Qiuyue, ’Lord Cheng, this place doesn’t seem like it would invite just anyone.’
‘Cheng Qiuyue can invite the King of Chiwei to the table, so naturally this is no ordinary person, he is the King of Chiwei.‘ Cheng Qiuyue bowed, and invited Ke Wei to take the seat of honour.
Ke Wei didn’t put on airs either, looking around at the people trembling as they knelt down, she sighed to herself, “I’m here to eat!”
’Everyone, get up. Just do as Lord Cheng says, I’m just here for a casual meal.’ She twirled the ring, ’Lord Cheng, who have you invited today?’
Cheng Qiuyue did not sit down either. After looking around and telling the people to leave, he said, ‘Some merchants in the capital wanted to establish a chamber of commerce, so they approached me. After listening to what they had to say, I felt that it would benefit the people, so I invited the King of the Jialan and some merchants to come and discuss it.’
‘Oh, a chamber of commerce, I’ve never heard of that. Please sit, Lord Cheng.’ Ke Wei took the tea that Chunrong handed her and took a sip. ‘Haha…it’s really better to come at the right time than too early.’
‘I dare not,‘ Cheng Qiuyue hung her head.
’Is the Lord of the Jialan also here?’ As Ke Wei finished speaking, she heard a few laughs and excuses outside the door.
A few people entered the door and saw a woman in plain clothes sitting in the upper seat in the hall, with the elegant Lord Cheng standing beside her. After a slight moment of confusion, she returned to her senses and respectfully bowed, saying, ’Your humble servant greets Lord Jialan and sees Lord Cheng.’
Ke Wei remained silent, minding her own business and drinking tea. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Dou Kui, Xuan Ji, and Tian Quan. Each of them looked shocked, but then composed themselves.
Cheng Qiuyue smiled awkwardly, about to speak, when she heard movement outside the door. A maid entered the room and saw a group of people, but she was not surprised. She stepped aside to let her master enter, followed by a handsome guard.
Everyone was taken aback by the arrival and thought to themselves, ‘What a cold person. Who is she? I heard that the King of Jialan is a beautiful ice queen…’
Ke Wei smiled when she saw the arrival, but inwardly she sighed, ‘Please, don’t always have that expression like someone owes you millions of taels of silver. Your poker face makes you ugly even when you’re beautiful.’
Ke Lan entered and immediately saw Ke Wei in the seat of honour. A look of joy flashed in his eyes, but he remained expressionless after a moment of shock.
Cheng Qiuyue covered her sleeve and touched her nose, then walked up with a serious expression and bowed, ‘Your servant greets Lord Jialan.’
Ke Lan did not look at Cheng Qiuyue, or rather, she saw the person in the upper seat as soon as she entered the door, and she could not take her eyes off him. She walked past Cheng Qiuyue and stood next to Ke Wei. ‘Why are you here?’ Her voice was soft and low, and with her dark blue Confucian clothes and cold expression, she was actually a handsome Confucian with an androgynous appearance.
Hearing this voice, the crowd almost couldn’t stand steadily. ‘Such a cold person actually has such a gentle voice. Who is this person in the upper seat?’
‘Come… eat,’ Ke Wei pointed behind her at Chunrong and Dongge, and then at Cheng Qiuyue, who looked like she had been ignored, and said, ‘There were no seats, so when I met Lord Cheng, he invited me to come up. I didn’t know you were hosting a banquet for them,’ she pointed at the group of people who looked like they were shocked, ‘otherwise…’
‘Otherwise…you wouldn’t have come?’ Ke Lan’s eyes were filled with ice and snow, “You really don’t want to see me?”
Ke Wei frowned secretly, “Please, don’t be so ambiguous! That’s crazy.” She smiled on the surface, “Why would that be the case? Otherwise, I won’t sit here waiting for you.” Seeing that Ke Lan’s expression was gradually softening, as if it was about to melt, she hurriedly stopped and looked at the group of people, “Don’t you have some important business to discuss?”
Cheng Qiuyue walked forward, not sure whether or not to interrupt, ’Your Highness, discussing the Chamber of Commerce…’
Ke Lan smiled faintly at Ke Wei, just as she had ten years ago, quietly and tenderly.
Ke Wei looked at her in shock, feeling quite uncomfortable, uncomfortable about the lie she had just told, and feeling quite awkward.
‘Please be seated, my lords,’ Ke Lan said with a smile, sitting down next to Ke Wei.
The group of people almost lost their bearings when they saw this smile. Ke Wei was also stunned, ‘Ke Lan is so beautiful like this!
Then a dozen businessmen crowded around a large round table. The waiters set the table one after the other. Cheng Qiuyue mingled with the various parties, asking questions about the usefulness of the Chamber of Commerce, its talents, its matters, the pros and cons of government assistance, etc.
Xuan Ji was the one who answered the most questions during the meal, and most of the businessmen echoed her. Dou Kui and Tian Quan added a few points from time to time, keeping their eyes on Ke Wei in the seat of honour. They felt a little joy and sadness in their hearts.
Ke Lan’s lips curled into a smile as she kept an eye on the people around her, ignoring the heated discussions of the others. She stopped Chunrong from serving the dishes and personally helped Ke Wei to pick her favourite dishes, occasionally asking if they were to her liking.
As the group of people chattered on, there was a melting iceberg next to them, and Ke Wei rolled her eyes in secret, ‘Is this food edible?’
One person said, ‘The Chamber of Commerce is an organisation that brings together the most famous merchants in the capital. Its aim is to enable everyone to do business together more effectively. Now the government is in charge, and we only have to pay a small percentage of the profits, and we get customs clearance discounts. This is a win-win situation for both the government and the merchants, so why wouldn’t we do it?’
“Boss Tong, once the government gets involved, won’t we become the government’s mobile ticket number? What will happen to the Chamber of Commerce and what will happen to us merchants if the government increases the percentage of profits it takes?’
‘Manager Xiao, don’t worry. The government has reached an agreement with the Chamber of Commerce to send someone else to maintain order in the Chamber of Commerce. As long as the country is in danger and the Chamber of Commerce can help, Cheng will ensure that the government will not increase taxes on businesses,‘ Cheng Qiuyue said sternly.
’Hmph, I represent the Xiao family, which is the richest family in the country. This Chamber of Commerce clearly has the suspicion of bullying others. If they can’t do business themselves, they want to take it from others. What is the point of the Xiao family participating in such an organisation?’ Manager Xiao pushed his cup away in anger.
Xuan Ji smiled and said, ‘Manager Xiao, you are wrong. The Chamber of Commerce brings together the wealthiest people in the capital. Its business ranges from weapons and food to the daily necessities of the people, such as vegetables and fruits. The Xiao family is intricately involved in all of this. If the Chamber of Commerce were to refuse to cooperate with the Xiao family, then forgive Xuan Ji for being ignorant, but I wonder how the Xiao family would be able to establish themselves in the capital in the future?’
‘Are you threatening us?’ Xiao Guan, angered, rose to his feet and pointed at Xuanji, cursing, ’Collusion between government and business has been frowned upon since ancient times. Government offices do not care to cooperate with merchants, and merchants do not believe that government offices can keep their promises in the long term. Your Chamber of Commerce is clearly a lackey of the imperial court.’
Xuan Ji glared at him, took a look at Ke Wei in the seat of honour, and then laughed: ‘What do you mean by “not worthy”? Government-people cooperation has existed since ancient times. Isn’t the Xiao family the representative? A mere chamber of commerce is not worthy of your Xiao family?’
‘You…’ Xiao Guan turned to leave, but was stopped by the handsome guard, who snorted, ‘What? Government-people cooperation is not working, so you want to use force?’
‘Haha…’ Cheng Qiuyue had seen enough of the show and got up to pull Xiao Guanshi back, smiling, ’Don’t be angry, Xiao brother. This Chamber of Commerce matter will do no harm. The Xiao family’s business in the Kingdom of Fu is well-known and powerful, and their reputation is known throughout the Kingdom of Fu and Beihedu. However, the Kingdom of Dongmei and the Kingdom of Yingxie are rarely heard of.’
Xiao Guan Shi’s eyes sparkled as he said, ‘Dongmei and Yingxie have never been on good terms with our country, and although there is some trade between them, it is restricted. Could the Chamber of Commerce solve this?’
‘You idiot, didn’t Boss Cai just say that one of the major benefits of the Chamber of Commerce is preferential tariffs?’ Xuan Ji snorted, picked up her wine glass and drank it in one go.
‘You shrew, the Chamber of Commerce was your jewellery shop’s idea. You stole my Xiao family’s business in the four southern counties and then crossed the bridge to destroy the bridge. How can I trust you?‘ Xiao Guan Shih pointed at Xuan Ji and scolded.
’Xiao Guan Shih, you are a senior and you should know better. My jewellery shop pays a high rent to your shop, but you get six parts of the profit and I get four. Everyone in the capital knows that the quality of my jewellery is much better than the stuff from your Xiao family’s Cloud Hairpin Workshop. In the four southern counties, the silver shop’s reputation is indeed due to the Xiao family’s reputation, but you must not forget that in the past few months, how much money has your Xiao family made? Because of the goods in my silver shop, your Xiao family’s shop has opened up to Haicheng.‘ Xuan Ji also laughed, competing with each other without losing out.
’You bitch…‘
’Cough cough…’ Cheng Qiuyue coughed loudly, whispering, ’You two can settle your personal matters later, the prince is still in the seat of honor, so don’t forget the important matters.’
The crowd fell silent. Cheng Qiuyue looked at the King of Jialan and saw that she was holding her chopsticks and smiling at Chiwei’s king. Her heart trembled. ‘Your Majesty, what do you think?’
Ke Lan did not respond, but instead asked with a smile, ‘How is the taste? Is it still flavourful?’
‘Ahem,’ Ke Wei coughed as well, took a handkerchief to wipe her lips, and whispered, ‘I’m full, so you don’t need to worry about me. They’re all waiting for your word.’
Ke Lan gave a soft smile, put down her chopsticks, turned to the crowd, and said coldly as if she were ice: ‘The merchants gathered here today are not all of them. Go back and tell all the bosses that the Chamber of Commerce is beneficial to the country and the people. As long as the merchants join the Chamber of Commerce, they can be exempted from two levels of business taxes. If there are merchants who need to clear customs in other countries, they can go to the North Union with the Chamber of Commerce certificate and the official seal, and they will be exempted from customs duties. Merchants from the East Mei Kingdom, the Fang Kingdom, and the Eagle Evil Kingdom can reduce customs duties by three levels on the current basis as long as they do not harm the Fu Kingdom.’
The crowd looked at each other, each with their own thoughts, some surprised, some doubtful, among them, the face of the manager Xiao was the most complex.
Cheng Qiuyue laughed, ‘The Lord of the Jialan has said so, you should also know the Lord’s title outside, “iron-faced and selfless”, naturally he will not deceive merchants, moreover, the jurisdiction of the Chamber of Commerce is in your own hands, we are only maintaining it. Haha…’
A few nodded in public, some hesitated, and some looked at Manager Xiao.
‘Everyone, please allow me to say a few words.’ Ke Wei smiled faintly and opened her lips. Seeing that everyone’s attention was on her, she said, ’The Chamber of Commerce not only unites the famous merchants in the capital, but also merchants from other famous counties in the country. It will be much easier for the government to mediate than for you to negotiate on your own. If the capital establishes a business association with other counties, your business will not just be in the capital, but also in other counties. As we all know, each county has its own rules, and without the strength of the Xiao family, do you think you can enter other counties? The government is different. The imperial court leads the county magistrates of the country and assists the business association, naturally saving a lot of trouble.”
Everyone nodded frequently, and it was clear that Xiao Guan was frowning and bowing his head, afraid to speak.
Ke Wei smiled faintly, taking in the expressions of the crowd, and taking a sip of tea, she said, ‘Lord Jialan said that by joining the Chamber of Commerce, your current taxes can be reduced considerably. Manager Xiao, the Xiao family is rich beyond compare and has a great reputation in the Northern Union, but they still have to pay customs duties when entering and leaving the Northern Union. If your family joins the Chamber of Commerce, not only will you be able to reduce this huge tax amount, but you will also be able to do business in Dongmei, a country that is abundant in rare birds and animals. There are many wealthy people in Fu, and they are bored most of the time. The idea of having a hobby to pass the time is not a new one. And only the Xiao family has the ability to travel long distances to Dongmei. What do you think, Xiao Guanshi?’
After listening to what Xiao Guan Shi said, he nodded frequently, his mood changing from gloomy to bright. He laughed and said, ‘If this young lady goes into business, my Xiao family will definitely provide full support. You are so clever, and this idea is a surefire way to make a fortune. I admire you. May I ask your name?’
Ke Wei narrowed her eyes, feeling the temperature around her drop. She couldn’t wait to get up and leave immediately. If it weren’t for the fact that the Xiao family was so difficult to deal with, she wouldn’t have to come out in the first place.
‘I…‘ She was at a loss. “Xuanji and the others must know more or less who I am. As for the public, should I tell them or not?”
’You all go back and think about it. If there’s nothing else, I won’t keep you company.’ Ke Lan said coldly, grabbed the surprised Ke Wei and walked out the door, leaving behind a group of people who had turned to stone.
It was getting dark, and the two of them were walking quickly down the street, followed by two maids, two guards, and two carriages, attracting a large crowd of curious onlookers.
Ke Wei was dragged along by her, looking at the slender back of this person who was slightly taller than herself. She tugged on her wrist with extraordinary force, and the little bit of awkwardness gradually dissipated. In the blink of an eye, she saw a tofu shop next to them and reached out to hold the hand that was tugging on her.
Ke Lan paused, curling her lips, but did not stop.
‘Hey. Lan, stop.’ Ke Wei simply tugged on her forcefully. Seeing her turn around with a cold face, she laughed dryly, ‘There’s tofu for sale over there. Are you going to eat it?’
Ke Lan looked at the person giggling awkwardly with mixed feelings, then followed the gaze to a small, narrow shop with a plaque hanging high: ‘The Capital’s Number One Tofu Shop’. There were a few noisy people lined up outside. After reading it, she was stunned for a long time, not frowning or speaking, not reacting at all.
“Really… At least I thought I would see disgust or contempt, but the strangest thing is excitement. But what kind of reaction is this lack of reaction? I’m so confused!’
Ke Wei sighed, shook her head, and ran her hand through her bun. Turning her head, she saw Ke Lan staring at her, his cold and handsome face, and she couldn’t tell if he was a man or a woman. Her heart beat faster, and she blushed, and mumbled, ‘Go try it. I heard the embassy’s Lord Zhang say that the water tofu at this tofu shop is very delicious. You don’t seem to have eaten anything just now.’
Ke Lan seemed to be touched, and smiled brightly, pulling the stunned Ke Wei over.
Ke Wei’s heart was pounding, ‘Meeting Ke Lan is the ultimate in helplessness and emotion.’
‘Boss, two bowls of…water tofu.’ As soon as Ke Lan walked over, the people stopped arguing and made way for him.
The boss paused, looked up, and dropped what he was holding when he looked at Ke Lan. He only came back to his senses when he heard a ‘pop’ sound, and after Ke Lan had patiently repeated himself, he said, ‘Okay, young master, just a moment. I’ll get it ready for you.’
‘Well, thank you,’ Ke Lan replied with a smile, also refuting the “young master” with his footsteps.
Ke Wei couldn’t help but look back at the people behind her. Dong Ming and the guard had long since widened their eyes, one hand supporting their chin. Chunrong glanced around nervously, covering her mouth with her sleeve. Dong Ge simply looked away to the distance, but she could also see the curve of his lips. She sighed, ’Everyone is abnormal!’
When she looked back, there was a bowl of watery tofu by her mouth. The white, tender tofu was as fresh as the hand holding the bowl, and the bright green scallions on the tofu matched the luster of the hand.
Looking up along the hand holding the bowl, she saw the gentle gaze of the smiling Ke Lan, with a hint of expectation. The thick eyelids were half-drooped, blinking out a trace of tenderness. Ke Wei felt a twitch and her mouth went dry. She didn’t know what to say, and her eyes looked for help, but she saw that the onlookers seemed to be mesmerised, their eyes fixed on Ke Lan’s open mouth, from which liquid was dripping.
‘Why aren’t you eating?’ Ke Lan’s voice was low and hoarse, which sounded very pleasant and magnetic to everyone else, but it sounded awkward to Ke Wei.
‘I’m full, you eat.’ With that, he reached out his hand and pushed the bowl to Ke Lan’s mouth, grinning toothily.
Instantly, Ke Wei regretted it. This push pushed Ke Lan’s eyes into a rage. The glare of the setting sun reflected in the ice and snow was blinding. Then she heard her soft “yes,” and her hand trembled, almost spilling the bowl.
Ke Lan took advantage of the situation, holding Ke Wei’s hand as he drank from the bowl, his eyes staring unabashedly at her.
Ke Wei swallowed, trying to pull her hand back, but it was held very tightly. She looked away from everyone, who were even more shocked, and a small puddle had formed on the ground. Their gazes said, ‘Why aren’t you holding the bowl yourself? Why are you being stared at by her?’ They couldn’t help but curse inwardly, ‘Damn it, men and women of all ages are having a go, when did this girl become a scourge?’
Ke Lan saw Ke Wei tilt her head to the side and withdraw her gaze. Reluctantly, he let go of Ke Wei’s hand. An obvious sense of loss spread out, causing everyone to glare at the culprit in unison.
‘It’s delicious, let’s go,’ Ke Lan put down the bowl, did not hold Ke Wei’s hand, and took the lead in striding away with the others.
Ke Wei was stunned, and Chunrong’s hand was shaking. Dongge shouted directly, ‘My lord, the people have left.’
‘Ah,’ Ke Wei slapped her forehead and noticed that there were still many unfriendly stares at her, so she hurriedly dragged the two of them away.

Smoke and chaos
passed in the months, and Ke Wei had already reached an agreement with the Shangguan family. She had also privately found out about Fu Nu and He He, and had reached an agreement with the Feng family to remain on the sidelines.
In this way, Ke Wei understood the situation in all directions and had sufficient ability to control the situation. A discussion with the inner chamber of Huan Yang caused a storm, and the situation was irreversible.

‘Have you made a decision?‘ Huan Yang pinched her teeth together and looked serious.
Ke Wei touched her Cloud Shadow ring and laughed heartlessly, “It’s just a matter of time anyway,” and looked down at her slightly bulging stomach and laughed, “I want to give her a stable home before the baby is born.”
’They haven’t been moving quickly lately,’ Huan Yang stared fiercely at Ke Wei’s stomach as if she wanted to eat it.
‘If you move the Fengdong army away, according to the current situation, it would be the best time for them to make a move.‘ Ke Wei touched her stomach, and a sour taste rose in her stomach. She frowned and held it back.
’Don’t be stubborn.’ Hanyang closed his fan of teeth and handed Ke Wei an orange, which he had peeled, from somewhere.
Ke Wei looked at him gratefully and smiled, ‘Thank you. It’s been more than two months, and all these reactions have come out. Mmm…delicious…can it be more sour next time?’
Huan Yang rolled his eyes and opened the fan, ‘These are green tangerines, and I don’t like the sourness even when I look at them. Whose child is this?’
‘We’re talking about serious matters. Don’t talk about the child. Why do you carry tangerines with you? Where did you get them?’ Ke Wei blinked her eyes and sat in the armchair, cracking the sour tangerines.
‘Let’s get down to business.’ Huan Yang squinted, feeling helpless. ’She suddenly came to tell me she was pregnant, and on the surface it seems like the child is from Mo Zhi Ge, but she’s been keeping it a secret. But judging from the gloomy expression on Qin Wang’s face all day, I don’t think the child is his. If it really is Mo Zhi Ge’s baby, that would be infuriating. Haha… girl, you have so much love, why don’t you share some with me?
‘This girl, Fu Xi, must be determined to see Fu Tian’s reputation ruined, even if it costs her own. She’s 25 years old, but still so young at heart. Not only did she steal Fu Ji out of the palace and hide him, she’s even unwilling to wait a few more years.‘ Ke Wei shook her head, sighing inwardly, “Oranges are delicious, with a sour, refreshing taste.”
’She’s infatuated,’ ’not that you’re indiscriminately in love!’
Huan Yang tapped her hand with a fan and looked admiringly at her, ‘Unfortunately, she is really stupid.’
‘Puff… ahem,’ Ke Wei choked on the sour tangerine and patted her chest to catch her breath, ‘What’s with that look on your face? Don’t harm my child.’
‘Cough, you’re in this situation and you’re still thinking about harming people. I was just teasing my future grandchild.’ Huan Yang waved her hand and laughed, but in the dark, she was full of helplessness, ‘All we need is a reason to transfer the Fendong army. Isn’t the prince of the Yingxie Kingdom returning to his country soon? Escort him back, and in the process, swap positions with the Shanguan family in Jiashan City, and transfer their family and 20,000 generals back to the capital. In this way, the silly child Fuxi should be very happy.‘
’Good. The Shanguan family is openly on Fuxi’s side, and by transferring 20,000 Shanguan family soldiers back to the capital, Fuxi will have nearly 80,000 soldiers and generals. The imperial army, together with the Wangshi army from Tailin Mountain, has 50,000 soldiers and cannot withstand 80,000. Futian has gone to Tailin Mountain to avoid the Jin Fuhua case, and although the royal army is protecting the emperor in Tailin Mountain, none of the imperial army has gone. As long as Futian returns to the palace before the 20,000 troops of the Shangguan family return to the capital, Fu Qihong will inevitably incite Fuxi to force the palace.’ Ke Wei clapped her hands and laughed, ’You have to act as soon as possible. Futian has already secretly sent someone to investigate the matter of Jin Fuhua.’
‘There’s still a big problem. Fu Xi has more than just Fu Jihong behind him, or rather, there are people behind Fu Jihong. The six eastern counties could not have hidden the bandits without enough money and food. There must be someone behind this.’ Huan Yang paced back and forth, ’I have been waiting for this opportunity for more than ten years, and I really shouldn’t miss it.’
‘Fu Nu has brought a lot of soldiers back to the capital. Although they have been dispersed, it is easy to gather them again. However, the transition of power in Dongmei has been unusually peaceful. In previous years, there were always minor disturbances. Recently, secret agents have reported that the situation is unusually calm. Could there be a connection?’ Ke Wei also got up and paced back and forth. “Could it be that the people behind Fu Nu are really from Dongmei? But didn’t they not have such plans at that time?” Ke Wei paused, speculating.
‘Just because Fu Xi and Fu Nu didn’t do it doesn’t mean Fu Jihong didn’t. The two prime ministers in the court are both his men. Fu Jihong has been planning for a long time and is deeply hidden. It’s normal that there are things we can’t find out. If Fu Jihong has dealings with Dongmei, then the bandit incident makes sense. Moreover, Fu Xi happened before, and Fu Nu was demoted afterwards. It is not surprising that Fu Nu used Fu Ji Hong to communicate with Dongmei.
‘So what do we do? This is a landmine behind us. If we step on it carelessly, it may harm us.’
“The Fendong army has left, and I will definitely go to Yueliang for a month. Xiao Ling is in Tailin Mountain, and you and King Qin are the only ones left in the capital. This is too unsafe.’ Huan Yang paused and frowned.
‘I will close the door and refuse guests, or you can kill a horse and help Fu Tianyi, but there will be trouble in Jiashan City. We cannot invite the wolf in to quell the internal unrest. This evil spirit is shameless, appearing and disappearing in my mansion every day. If it weren’t for the shadow sent to keep an eye on it, we wouldn’t know what it wants to do. The Eagle Evil Kingdom should be renamed the Insidious Kingdom.’
“Haha, just bear with it for a few more days, and he’ll go back.’
‘Go back? He’s been holed up here for almost a month, and he’s been begging to go back for a long time, but he just won’t leave.‘ Kewei snatched the Huanyang fan and fanned the fire down.
’Things are getting complicated. Should we reconsider the plan?‘
’No. Since this strange wolf doesn’t want to go back, we might as well keep him here to watch the show. In case Yingxie Country really makes a move, having him as a hostage will carry some weight. Jia Shan is a major border city, and there is also Gongbian City to the east. The two places are thousands of miles apart, and it is impossible to travel from west to east without three or four months of travel. Beihe is a small and peaceful country that does not like to fight, but if something happens to Fu, the whole country will be in danger. Let Beihe’s spies ask the Beihe king to send troops to the border of Dongmei, and just wait without fighting. If Princess Hehe gets in the way, show the King of the North Alliance the alliance treaty from that year. If that doesn’t work, the King of the Bow County can’t run away. He can’t run away from the temple, and his children are in the capital, right? Hehe still needs something from us. All in all, their family is still in our control.’
Huan Yang raised his eyebrows in appreciation, clapped his hands and said, ‘As for Jiashan City, my Fendong army will go there to exchange soldiers, and then bring back 8,000 light cavalry on the way to return to the capital with the Shangguan family’s returning soldiers. The Shangguan family is your man, and the 20,000 Shangguan family soldiers in the capital will also defect at the time. Fuxi only has part of the Junxi army in the capital, and together with Fuju’s scattered soldiers, there are only 50,000. It will be a war between Futan and Fuxi on equal terms.’
‘That’s right. Fifty thousand against fifty thousand, neither of them will lose out. The Shangguan family and I have an alliance, so you can just go back to the capital in disguise behind their backs. As for inciting Fuxi, she is a bit infatuated when it comes to relationships and has loved the wrong person. But when it comes to important matters, to be honest, she is more suitable for ruling than me, and more suitable than any of the other princesses. She can see the situation clearly, and she will know when to take action without needing someone to plan for her.’ Ke Weili looked up and remembered the scene when Fuxi received the imperial decree for the princess. At that time, she was so radiant.
‘I need to use shadow detection to find out who is behind this, but…can we really trust the Shangguan family?’ Hanyang was a little worried. Leaving Ke Weili alone in the capital was always a worry.
“The ancestor of the Shangguan family was Shangguan Biping, who was a great man who got rid of the old and established the new. You know better than I do whether the ancestral system of the Shangguan family is reliable or not.
The Shangguan family chose me from the very beginning. Didn’t Feng Qinghui’s way of ruling the country come from the Shangguan family? You let Feng Qinghui teach me, isn’t that what the Shangguan family wanted? After I left the palace and entered the house, they secretly contacted me and made a promise with me.
Huan Yang, I know that you initially sabotaged Fu Tian’s plan to eliminate Baile Tian’s power because the timing was not ripe, allowing Fu Xi to take Feng Qinghui and restore her status as a princess. This happened to be the perfect opportunity to plant Feng Qinghui as an insider. In this way, I was able to reach an agreement with the Feng family not to intervene.
Huan Yang, if I’m not wrong, you were also involved in the Fu Le incident 18 years ago, weren’t you? What else have you done?‘
Ke Wei was a little annoyed, thinking back to the past, the news Shadow had found out, and the fact that her whole life had been walking in the calculations of others.
’You think I’m meddling too much?’ Huan Yang’s mind was shaken, and she turned around with her head down, unable to read her expression. ’Wei’er, you’ve actually gone this far. Haha, it shows I haven’t misjudged you.’
‘Huan Yang, ever since you appeared, everything you have done has been for my own good. All I can say is ‘thank you’.’ Ke Wei also turned around and looked up, holding back her sorrow. ’But everything you have done would have been in vain, but because of the change in my father, I hardened my heart and did so much.’
‘Wei’er, perhaps this is fate. From the first time I saw you in your short coat, I was surprised to see the despair in your dark eyes, so still and lifeless.’ Hanyang paused, ’Wei’er, perhaps you think your eyes are ever-changing and that no one can read your mind. In fact, your eyes are the best reflection of your heart. Anyone who truly cares for and loves you can absolutely tell what they are writing.’
Ke Wei was stunned, lowered her head, and let the tears fall to the ground. Her shoulders were held and brought into Huan Yang’s arms, and she murmured, ‘Huan Yang…’ ‘Huan Yang, you don’t know how bad you are? You’re also pushing me, but I can’t say it’s your fault.’
‘Silly child. You are really special, very attractive, and impossible to let go. Sometimes things like relationships also come down to first come, first served, especially since you are so kind. You fell in love with him first, and I didn’t stand a chance. Now I’m pregnant with Mu Chi Ge’s child, I have even less of a chance… You are so heartless… ow…”
Ke Wei put away her thoughts, and the little pity she had felt was gone without a trace. She drew the corners of her mouth and scolded, ’That’s enough, stop acting.’
‘Oops, Wei’er has seen through me!’ Huan Yang pulled back his fan of teeth and turned away, saying as he walked, “The mantis preys on the cicada, and the oriole is behind it. We’ve become the orioles, but don’t forget there’s still a catapult. Ke Hua is on Fu Nu’s side, and Ke Lan? You have to take care of him. Ke Xue is on my side, and I’m sure she hates Fu Xi far more than she hates you.”
Ke Wei turned around and looked at the departing back, feeling a mixture of emotions.

Back at the embassy, Lord Zhang was buried in a pile of books, screaming for help on all fours.
Ke Wei went over to help, pulled the person out from under the books, and asked, ‘Lord Zhang, are you okay?’
Lord Zhang’s white beard was sticking up, and he glanced at the books on the ground. He bent down and picked them up one by one, sighing, ‘Hey, I was checking the books on the Golden Flower.’
Ke Wei was taken aback and helped tidy up the books that had been scattered all over the place: ‘Your Excellency, can’t you be emperor without the golden hibiscus? What is the emperor afraid of?’
“Hey, you don’t know. I once read in an ancient book that a woman from the imperial family could only become emperor if she possessed a golden hibiscus when she was chosen to open the light. But then, over time, the golden hibiscus became just a general ritual. It is said that the Huafa Temple has the right to choose the emperor, but all of that is just nonsense.’ Lord Zhang slammed the book onto the shelf, curled up his moustache and scolded, ‘I don’t know which traitorous minister would slander the emperor like this. Wei, tell me, what use is having the golden hibiscus flower when you’re the emperor? If you don’t have the virtues and abilities, even if you’re given the country, you’ll still fail. His Majesty has ruled the country for 25 years, is upright and incorruptible, with a wise and virtuous queen by his side, and the country is at peace. This is virtue and talent. Alas, you don’t know the story of the two other princesses from the previous reign. After the previous emperor passed away, before he could even be buried in the imperial tomb, they fought with each other. They were usually arrogant and licentious, but they even went so far as to fight over the sons of the ministers when the previous emperor was being buried. If His Majesty had not stepped in to take charge of the situation in time, and if Lord Taiwei had not assisted him, the country would not have been as prosperous as it is today. ‘Hey, these people have nothing better to do than dredge up old issues. They say that without the golden hibiscus flower, they cannot be the emperor. Pah…”
Ke Wei turned pale and put the books back on the shelf. Seeing that the old man was still nagging, she hurriedly said, ’Sir, the books are all done. We are not on duty today, so go home early.’
‘Hey, Wei girl, you are the imperial princess, but you really look like the emperor when he was young. You are very likeable, and you often help Zhang sort the books.’ Lord Zhang stroked his beard, knocked his bent back, and walked out of the library.
Ke Wei watched the old man’s stooped back as he left, and sighed lightly, ’Like? Haha…’

Ke Wei returned to the palace and entered the inner courtyard. The sound of the piano drifted away, as gentle and serene as the person playing it.
‘Your Highness, Mr. Mu is playing the piano again,’ said Bing Xue with a smile, his admiration for the man clearly written on his face.
‘He plays often?’ Ke Wei turned and walked towards the study.
‘Yes. Ever since Lord Mu moved into the palace, we’ve heard him playing a lot. But it’s strange, the times when Lord Mu plays the piano and the times when His Highness is in the palace…never match up. His Highness is in for a treat today.’ Bing Xue followed behind her. She was Chunrong’s personal maid assigned to Ke Wei, a cute and pleasing young girl.
‘Heh…maybe he’s still mad at me.‘ Ke Wei entered the study, and Bing Xue handed her a cup of tea. “Why would he be? The prince is going to have a baby with Mister Mu, and Mister Mu is very happy to hear the maids teasing him.”
’Happy? Would he be?’ Ke Wei sipped her tea, remembering the mocking look in Mu Chige’s eyes when she gave him the information. ’Mu Chige, my cousin. Heh, would he be happy for the daughter of his enemy? Not to mention that it’s not even his own child.’
‘Yes. Lord Mu is really a very nice person, and he cares a lot about His Highness. I heard Head Servant Chun always say that Lord Mu is really a very nice person, and the first thing he asks when he returns to the mansion is, ‘Has His Highness returned yet?’ Your Highness, shouldn’t you go to Lord Mu’s place more often?’
‘Girl, when did you start caring about such things? Aren’t you tired of taking care of His Highness?‘ Ke Wei picked up a book and read absentmindedly.
’I dare not, Your Highness. But in private, we servants all say that His Highness has only been to Mu Feng Yuan three times, and we are all worried about the young master,‘ Bing Xue said, squeezing Ke Wei’s shoulders.
’Worried? Worried that I’ll get involved with other women?’ Ke Wei flipped the page of the book and looked out the window at the green vines.
‘Hey, our prince is not like those ladies, who think about those things all day long. Your Highness, the roses are blooming beautifully recently. Shall we go to the garden to admire the flowers?‘
’Ugh…no. You may go. Call Chunrong.‘ Ke Wei shook her neck and turned the book upside down.
’Oh…’ Bing Xue was a little disappointed and bowed to retire.

Chunrong entered the study, bowed and smiled, ‘My lord, you wanted to see me?’
‘Yes, close the door. Don’t let anyone in.’ Ke Wei got up, pushed open the hidden door behind her, and walked in.

‘Doesn’t the palace have a main gate? What do you want with me?’ Ke Wei frowned and stopped the jangling bell, ‘Don’t keep ringing it, no one can hear it, and it’s annoying.’
‘My lord, don’t be angry. Today, the head of the Shangguan family, Shangguan Lingfeng, asked me to ask you, my lord, if you have already made a decision?‘ His face was overly scholarly with a warm smile, and his indigo robe was clean and neat.
Ke Wei turned around, stared at the person, and laughed, “Didn’t the secret agent pass on the message?”
’It was passed on. However, does my lord want to meet someone from the Xiao family before making a decision?’ He sat down in a chair with his bottom, and played with the night pearl he took out of the box.
‘Situ Xi, I solemnly warn you, if you take the night pearl out of this door, I won’t let you leave the gate.’ Ke Wei was furious and snatched the bead from Situ Xi’s hand.
The person who came was the son-in-law of the Shangguan family, Situ Xi, who was also the former garrison commander of Baiyuan City and had met Ke Wei once. Now, Situ Xi, who was a high-ranking official in the court, was a subordinate of the Shangguan family and also the liaison between the Shangguan family and Ke Wei.
‘Oh dear, my dear Prince, I’ve taken these beads out several times, but you’ve always got them back.‘ Situ Xi didn’t try to take them back, because he was the Prince, and he laughed, “Didn’t the Prince ask the secret agents to investigate the case of the bandits in the six counties to the east?”
’Any news?’ Ke Wei placed the night pearl in a brocade basket and made two cups of tea.
‘Well, the Xiao family and my family are quite close, but we are officials and they are merchants. It is estimated that the King Xian had some connection with the Xiao family when he was able to bribe the villagers of the Six Counties Mountain Road to join his army and become bandits. However, the Xiao family is after all a merchant family, and although our family is close to them, we don’t know the extent of their involvement,’ said Situ Xi, smiling as he accepted the tea.
‘Are you trying to exonerate the Shangguan family?‘ Ke Wei set the teacup aside and recalled the scene between Fuxi and Fu Jihong in Sishan Garden.
’Heh heh… Your Highness is famous. It is true that the Xiao family relied on the Shangguan family to do big business and became the richest family, and the Shangguan family has given them a lot of help. After all, these two families are two separate families. If the Xiao family doesn’t stand on our side, there is nothing the Shangguan family can do. The family head, Shangguan Lingfeng, is also suffering from headaches over the Xiao family’s affairs. Your Highness should be able to see that.’ Situ Xi clapped his hands in a helpless manner.
‘Has the Xiao family had direct contact with Lady Fuxi?’ Ke Wei frowned, ‘If the richest man in the country is helping Lady Fuxi, that’s not a good thing.’
‘No, there hasn’t been any direct contact. After all, the Shangguan family is on the surface the person of the crown princess, and the Xiao family has transported a batch of grain and grass to be sent to the crown princess by the Shangguan family.’ Situ Xi touched the tip of his nose and looked closely at Ke Wei’s expression.
“How can you be sure that the Xiao family has had contact with Lady Fuxi? Isn’t it just using your relationship to get to Lady Fuxi?’
‘The Shangguan family has had an army since the time of their ancestors, waiting to serve a wise ruler. The Xiao family used this as a pretext to send food to the Shangguan family directly.‘
’In secret, they asked you to deliver it to Fu Xi. The head of the Xiao family is Xiao Musue?’
‘Yes. Xiao Mu Xue is a genius. At the age of 8, he took charge of the Xiao family’s business in the Northern Union. At the age of 14, he returned to the country to take over the family. After ten years, he almost doubled the family’s business. He even trained the new caravans to the East Mei Kingdom and the Ying Xie Kingdom. Although Xiao Mu Xue is weak in literature, he has been deeply influenced by the culture of other countries. He is aloof, but he is truly a business genius.‘
’The richest man in the country also wants to meddle in politics. Could it be that you have been oppressed by the Shangguan family for a long time?’
‘Oh, Your Highness is joking. Isn’t the Xiao family still relying on the Shangguan family to get ahead?‘
’The situation was already set up, and suddenly the Xiao family appeared.‘ Ke Wei rubbed her forehead.
’The Shangguan family has already begun to act according to the princess’s orders, and Feng Qinghui has also handed over the list of the King of Crossbow County’s soldiers to the secret agents. Now, all control is in our hands, except for the Xiao family, which has suddenly interfered. I really don’t know the reason.’
‘Everything is proceeding according to plan. The Xiao family? I will take care of it myself.‘
’Yes. Situ Xi takes his leave.‘
’Hm.’ Ke Wei got up and saw that Situ Xi had not gone straight out, but had gone closer to the sandalwood stand. She shouted, ’Situ Xi, if you dare to take the night pearl again, I will let your son enter the palace to be the playmate of the Seventh Prince.’
Su Xi trembled and hurriedly put down the bead. ‘Your Highness, my child really likes this bead. If it weren’t for Lingfeng nagging him every day, my son wouldn’t dare touch your things even if he was noisy.’
“I said you could take any other beads, but you had to have this one? Do you believe I will really send your son to the palace to be Ke Wu’s playmate?’
‘I believe you. I just don’t understand why my son likes this bead so much.‘ Situ Xi glared at the small nightlight with a hazy glow with great resentment.
’…’ Ke Wei was speechless. ’The bead was given to me by Huan Yang. At that time, his skills were not high, and it was too dark at night to see clearly, so he gave me this and said not to give it to anyone. I just kept it here as a lighting tool.’
Taking advantage of Ke Wei’s distraction, Situ Xi took the bead, entered the secret door, and ran. He thought to himself, ‘My lord, let my son play with it for a few days. My wife Lingfeng nags me every day, and I’m about to become a Taoist monk. I really regret taking this thing back in the first place.’
‘Situxi~‘ Ke Wei shouted, flapped her sleeve and rang a bell. A stack of crisp sounds entered her ears, and she hurriedly covered her ears and ran out. Her abdomen sank, “Ouch, baby, be a good boy, mommy’s not angry anymore, not angry anymore.”
’My lord, what’s wrong? Are you okay?’ Chunrong saw Ke Wei come out of the secret passage with a white face and hurriedly went up to help her.
‘Well, it hurt a little while ago, but I think I’m fine.‘ Ke Wei sat on the cushion and stroked her stomach lightly, “My baby, just hang in there for a few more days. I’ve really been busy lately.”
’My lord, you’re pregnant, so you have to be careful. The King of Qin doesn’t care, and Lord Mu…’ Chunrong shook her head and sighed, ’My lord, although Lord Mu’s expression is cold, he…’
‘That’s enough. Just now, Bing Xue asked me to go see the roses, but who knew that the roses in the Mu Feng Garden were in full bloom. There are things that I can’t explain to Mu Chi Ge, but it’s fine as long as he and I have this child.‘
’My lord,‘ Chun Rong kneeled down, her mouth opening and closing.
’Rong Rong, what’s wrong?’ Ke Wei tried to pull her up, but Chun Rong wouldn’t let go.
‘My lord, there is something that Chunrong has wanted to say for a long time, but was afraid that you would be angry if she did. ‘Chunrong hung her head, covering her mouth with her hands and sobbing.
’Get up, Chunrong. In the past, you were the most outspoken of us all. If you don’t speak up, I don’t think anyone else will dare to. Just say it, I promise I won’t be angry.‘
’My lord, Hua Fa Temple… When you returned from outside that day, although you didn’t let us help you wash up, we still saw it.’
Ke Wei was startled and her heart hung in the balance. ‘Which day?’
‘My lord, you said you weren’t angry.’ Chunrong saw Ke Wei nod. ‘It was the day you said you were in a bad mood and sneaked out for the night and didn’t come back until dawn.’
‘A month passed and my lord went out again. When you came back, there were marks on your body. We were afraid that my lord was…shy, so no one dared to mention it.’ Chunrong grabbed Ke Wei’s hand and worriedly said, ‘My lord, is this child the person you went to see?’
‘…Yes.‘ Ke Wei’s heart sank as she looked away. “The person I went to see was Mu Zhi Ge. Back then, he was living in the Luo Yun Zhai, so I…”
’I see. My lady, there is no need to say anymore. Since the child is indeed Master Mu, Chun Rong will not be afraid to mention him in the future.‘ Chun Rong patted Ke Wei’s hand, then withdrew her own hand and resumed her servant’s appearance.
’You are afraid to mention him?’
‘Yes. At Huafa Temple, the first time we saw Lord Mu, you ran out, and we thought you hated him. Then he came to the house again, but we didn’t know why. Until you said you were pregnant, we thought the baby was Lord Mu’s. But you never went to Huafang Garden again after you found out you were pregnant. We started to wonder if the baby was really Lord Mu’s, so we were afraid to mention him, for fear of upsetting you. Now that we know that the child is the son of the late lord and the person the lord met at Huafa Temple is also the son of the late lord, then we are not afraid.‘ Chunrong spoke a lot in one breath, her eyes full of concern.
’Haha, I’ve made you worry,‘ Ke Wei shook Chunrong’s hand and suddenly said, “Does Rongrong know where the attendant’s hometown is?”
’Chunrong doesn’t know. The few of us were all adopted back by the Prince Qin, and we were taught separately by different teachers.’ Chunrong withdrew her hand, ‘My lord, why are you concerned about our hometowns?’
‘I want to go on a trip. Let’s see which of your hometowns is the best.’ Ke Wei smiled and gathered her thoughts.
‘My lord, you don’t have time to go out and play. There’s so much to do.’
‘Well, that’s true. But there’s always time. Go and get Xia Hua. I need her for something.’ Ke Wei nodded.

Soon, Xia Hua arrived. ‘My lord, you wanted to see me?’
‘Go to Qixingzhuang and send someone to tell Xuanji that I want to see Xiao Musue and ask her to return to the capital to make arrangements.’
Xia Hua’s eyes flashed as she nodded and left.
‘Wait, Pearly Rong is not at Qixingzhuang right now, so you can stay there. I’ll go there in a few days.’ Ke Wei twirled the Cloud Shadow ring.
“My lord, if I go, then you…’
‘Dongge is here, so it’s fine. I’m going to Qixingzhuang in a few days, and when Li Rong comes back, I’ll bring you back.‘
’Yes, my lord. Take care.’ Xia Hua nodded, bowed slightly, and left.
Ke Wei watched Xia Hua’s actions more than enough, sighed lightly, got up, and walked to the window to look at the sky, which was pale blue and pure: “It’s going to change.”

The author has something to say:
Ignore those you don’t know.
Anyway, Shangguan Baiping appeared in the first volume and is a BT ancient person.
Shitu Xi and Shangguan Lingfeng are people I know. They appeared in the first volume in Baiyuan City. They weren’t married then, but now they even have a child (laughs nervously).
Shangguan Lingfeng is the head of the Shangguan family, and in later chapters, Linghu Zhen’ai is also the head of the Linghu family (please ignore them all! ^_^)
All of this is in preparation for the military coup. I’ll post another chapter tonight, and a very important major figure will appear…
Please remember to leave a comment and rate… Youxian found this quite amusing too…|||…^_^
Oh yes, Yueyue…a kiss first…Xiao Qin is so ungrateful, it’s not too much to stomp him to death in one go…It’s also good to dry him out and turn him into a Qin Wang…hehe…^_^
Everything is ready
The author has something to say:
Youxian is speechless…There are only 7 chapters left…Youxian hasn’t deviated from the script at all…tears

A few days later, everything changed as planned.
Fuxi asked Hanyang to take the Fendong army to Jiashan City to exchange for 20,000 Shangguan soldiers, and then temporarily ordered Xiaoling to hand over the Junxi army’s tiger token on the grounds that the Empress wanted Guangyue Wang to accompany her. The reason for this was that the prince of Yingxie had already had enough fun in the capital, so the king of Jialan was invited to accompany the prince to the Eastern Six Counties to enjoy the sights instead of the pregnant Queen Chiwai.
After several attempts, Princess Fu Xi basically took control of all the troops in the capital, except for the 4,000 palace guards without a leader, the 20,000-strong troops in the barracks in Danyang City, and the 30,000 royal troops in Tailin Mountain.

‘Lord Jialan… Your Highness… Your Highness is currently in the Mufeng Garden and cannot receive guests.’ Chunrong followed Ke Lan, unable to stop him, until they reached the Mufeng Garden.
Dongge was waiting outside the garden, and when he saw that Lord Jialan was determined to break in, he drew his sword and held it in front of his chest.
Inside the garden, Muchi Ge was dressed in white, with a cold sword moving with him. Ke Wei was holding the chess pieces and deep in thought about how to play.
The two of them heard the commotion outside the courtyard and stopped at the same time. They looked at each other and realized that they understood each other’s thoughts.
‘Ge Tian, go invite King Jialan.’ Mu Chi Ge sheathed his sword and sat down next to Ke Wei. He took the piece in her hand naturally and stopped moving.
Ke Wei glanced at him indifferently and then saw Ke Lan enter the courtyard and stop under the green rose curtain. He looked at them coldly and grabbed a rose vine with his left hand.
Chi Ge ignored it and smiled sweetly as he held Ke Wei’s hand and placed the chess piece on the board, saying, ‘Wei’er, how does this move sound?’
Ke Wei said nothing, got up and looked at Chun Rong, ‘Go and get the attendant to come and apply medicine to King Lan.’
Chun Rong nodded and left, while Dong Ge returned to the entrance of the courtyard.
Ke Lan did not move, nor did Ke Wei. Chi Ge busied himself tidying up the chessboard, and the three of them seemed to have frozen in place.
Blood trickled down Ke Lan’s arm and into the sleeve of his robe, dripping onto the green leaves and forming bright red dots that became dark red spots as time passed.
‘My lord, please let me apply the medicine for you,’ said the attendant, without blinking, as he went to take Ke Lan’s hand, but was unable to do so.
Ke Wei sighed lightly, walked up to him, took hold of his hand gripping the vine, opened it, and handed it to the attendant. The attendant was quick, washed the wound, applied the pear wound medicine, bandaged it up in a few moves, and then took his leave without saying a word of advice.
Ke Lan let Ke Wei lead him out of the evening breeze courtyard. Chi Ge watched the two of them leave, a gentle smile spreading across his face with a layer of bitterness, and he lost his mind as he held the chess piece.

As soon as they reached the door of the study, someone jumped out and shouted, ‘Queen Wei, King Lan came without saying a word, I have to entertain him properly.’
Pulling the corners of his mouth, Ke Wei rolled her eyes and said, ‘Evil Your Highness, this is the Wei Royal Palace.’
‘Oops, I thought this was my home. Our grasslands have always been a family.’ The fourth prince of the Eagle Demon Kingdom, wearing a scholar’s attire, a wolf gold crown on his head, with a wicked look on his face but an idiot smirk on his lips, pulled Ke Wei over, put an arm around his shoulders, and looked provocatively at Ke Lan, who had a cold expression on his face.

Xieyi arrived in Fuguo more than a month ago and went to the palace to see the Empress Dowager to ask to stay in the capital to study. He was originally being entertained by Ke Lan and Ke Ying, but as soon as Xieyi saw Ke Lan, he immediately jumped to the side, shouting, ‘As a hero of the prairie, how can I be friends with ice and snow? I want a passionate empress.’
Everyone was so shocked that their jaws dropped to the ground. Ke Wei angrily cursed, ‘Bastard, how long are you going to step on my feet?’
The Queen of Red Wei had never lost her temper before, and her angry outburst shocked the court. What’s more, when she saw the Queen of Red Wei push the burly Fourth Prince to the ground with one hand, the emissary was furious, and the empress was stunned, then burst out laughing. The King of Qin and the others apologized to the emissary, and the two sides exchanged heated words.
The Fourth Prince laughed evilly, ‘The post station is boring, so please, Your Majesty, allow me to stay in the Red Wei Palace. The Queen of Red Wei is warm-hearted, and it will be good for me to exchange cultures with the King.’
Ke Wei immediately clenched her fists. The empress’s decree had to be obeyed, so she took this plague back home with her. After staying for more than a month, he harassed all the women in the palace.

Then a maid came running up, bowing her head and saying, ‘Your Highness, please forgive me. I was unable to take good care of Lord Xie.’
Ke Weila lowered her hands from her shoulders, clenched them with inner strength, and Xie Yi did the same to compete with her. ‘You go first. Your Highness Xie, Your Highness Lan, please come in.’
The two sides held their hands tighter and tighter, and both of them smiled at each other.
Ke Lan’s eyes grew even colder, and she took the lead into the study and sat on the chair. When she saw the two of them holding hands as they entered the room, she understood that they were competing with their inner strength, but the more she looked, the more uncomfortable she felt.
Ke Wei exerted a small amount of strength, but Xie Yi was being ridiculous, and the more she exerted, the more uncomfortable it became. If she didn’t want to get hurt, she had to continue exerting more strength. She just hoped that Ke Lan, who had always been relatively unable to bear it, would be able to help her.
Ke Lan really couldn’t bear it, as long as it involved Ke Wei. He placed the teacup heavily on the table and said coldly, ‘Your Highness Xie, Wei’er is pregnant.’
This remark was well-reasoned, and the two people listening to it were covered in cold sweat, feeling as if they were lying naked on an ice surface, the cold piercing.
Xie Yi laughed, and dripped sweat as he said, ‘King Wei, I’ll count to 1, 2, and then we’ll both stop exerting ourselves!’
‘Haha, why not 1, 2, 3?’ Ke Wei also laughed, a charming smile, ‘Kid, see how long you can hold out?’
“Haha, 1, 2, 2.’
Both parties withdrew their palm power. Xieyi wiped the sweat from his brow with his shirt, while Kewei sat on a chair, covering her stomach.
‘Hmph, even if you wear the dragon robe, you’re still the wolf king.’ Kewei took the hot tea and took a sip.
‘Hey, wolves naturally belong on the grasslands, a free-spirited bunch. I’m a valiant male wolf. You, on the other hand, are a sinister female wolf who says one thing but means another.’ Xieyi sat crookedly and took the tea that was offered to him.
Ke Wei covered her head and took a deep breath, ‘Your Highness Xie, I have something to discuss with King Lan right now. Would Your Highness please follow the maid back to your room?’
‘Go out? What for? This is my home.’
‘This is my home!’ Ke Wei glared and got up.
‘Hey, don’t get angry, be careful of the baby in your belly.’ Xie Yi put down the teacup, pushed away the person helping Ke Wei, and reached out to help her himself.
Ke Wei opened her hand and sat down, ‘If you want to sit, just sit. Just don’t talk to me.’
‘Fine, I won’t speak, you sinister wolf.‘ Xieyi saw that Ke Wei was about to get up again, so he hurriedly walked back to help.
Ke Wei hurriedly sat down, turned to look at Ke Lan, and then tried to look away.
’It would be very rude of you to turn your head away from King Lan right now,’ Xieyi smiled and whispered a reminder.
Ke Lan heard him, and his cold expression dropped below freezing point. He opened his mouth and said, ’What are you going to do?’
‘Huh?‘ Ke Wei’s expression changed three times, and she really couldn’t figure out what this question was asking, as it could be interpreted in so many ways.
’The princess is now gaining power and intent on monopolising the imperial court. What are you going to do?‘ Ke Lan explained, his gaze escalating from icy to blizzard.
’You know I don’t have much real power. I started shutting the door to guests a few days ago, and I hardly go out except for the imperial court.‘ Ke Wei forced a dry laugh.
’You don’t, but the King of Qin does.’
‘…‘ Ke Wei felt that it was not an easy task to close the door. “He is a man of the Futen.”
The meaning is very clear: “He is my father, but first and foremost he is a man of the Futen and the husband of the Futen.”
’He has been very unwell recently. When I am on duty in the palace, it is deathly quiet when I pass by the Dongqin Palace. You should go and see him.’ Ke Lan said these words with a heavy heart, but if you want to get this person’s attention on current affairs, it has to be the one in the palace.
‘I went to see him some time ago, and he was doing well,’ Ke Wei said, holding her breath as she spoke. ’Do you think I wouldn’t know if he was doing well? He’s busy as a dog every day, drinking like a drunk, and if he’s not drunk, he’s pretending to be. Who’s he showing off for? He’s clearly holding the lives of so many people in his hands, but in the end, what does he really want? To kill his wife and abandon his children? Hmph, would he dare?
‘Fu Xi has seized control of Huan Yang and Xiao Ling, and the next person to go will be the Prince Qin. The Feng family relies on Feng Qinghui, so he is completely isolated and helpless. Now he has become so depressed that he has no interest in politics. It seems that he is busy, but he is actually useless. If even he is stripped of power, you will have no one to protect you.’ Ke Lan stood up and stood in front of Ke Wei, bending down to look at her. ’You must know that you have only survived to this day because you have been under his protection.’
Ke Wei was silent, looking down at the jasmine in the teacup.
Ke Lan turned to Xieyi and said, ‘Your Highness, in my opinion, you should return to my residence with me to discuss matters regarding your departure.’
‘Haha…hahaha…it’s all up to you, King Lan. I just remembered that there are some fresh fruits in my garden, so I’ll be going first.’ Xieyi didn’t wait for Ke Lan to make a move, and he quickly went to the door and ran away.
Ke Lan looked back at the silent man, turned and walked towards the door, ‘Think about it yourself, without him you wouldn’t be who you are today.’
‘Hey, Father! You do love her, don’t you? And you hate her. If that’s the case, why provoke me? Why push me so hard?’ Ke Wei touched her stomach and felt an unformed heartbeat. ‘My child, I really want to go see your father and explain everything, but the time isn’t right yet.’

As night fell, Kewei changed into some clothes, exited the palace through a secret passage, and boarded a carriage to Cha Cha Zhuang.
After entering the password, she was greeted by the manager and ushered inside.
‘Miss, everything is ready. The room is this way, please, miss.’ The manager, surnamed Zhan and named Qian, was a young girl who had taken over Tian Quan’s position as Cha Cha Zhuang’s external relations manager. She had been told to wait for the young lady to arrive the day before.
Ke Wei entered the room and was soon informed that someone wanted to see the young lady. The person who came was Xuan Zhi’s bodyguard, Xuan Zhen. He bowed to Ke Wei and said, ‘Xuan Zhi asks that you be at the Gui Yun Lou on Fenghua Street at noon tomorrow.
’What is it?‘
’Xuan Zhi asks that you be at the Gui Yun Lou on Fenghua Street at noon tomorrow. Because of the location, please be prepared.”
Ke Wei laughed, ’Fenghua Street?’
Xuan Zhen’s darkened face froze, and she replied, ‘Fenghua Street is a place of vice.’
‘Oh~’ Ke Wei nodded, remembering that she had dragged Huan Yang to the red light district at the beginning, and that street was called Fenghua Street. At that time, Huan Yang just kept talking nonsense with her for a long time, and in the end they didn’t go. But the ending was the same, and Chi Ge still met up with her.
‘What kind of building is Guiyun Building?‘ What Ke Wei wanted to ask was, “Is it a men’s or women’s building?”
’It is the largest brothel on Fenghua Street, and it caters to both men and women.‘
’Oh,‘ Ke Wei raised the corners of her lips, “Guiyun Building is Xiao Muyue’s property?”
’It’s not even noon yet, and you want to go?’
Xuan Zhen’s face turned even blacker. ‘Xuan, the manager, said it was to prepare you mentally, but it seems like it’s not necessary at all. You seem to really want to go.’
‘Miss, you are going to meet the Xiao family head.’ ‘Not to visit a brothel!’
“Cough…go away.’

The next day, Ke Wei got into the carriage and headed for Fenghua Street.
Creatures of the night rarely come out and about in the daytime. After crossing Zhongyang Avenue, she turned into Fenghua Street as soon as she entered Xizhi Road, and entered the quiet from the noise.
Guiyun Building, the largest brothel in the capital, was owned by the Xiao family. The couplet above the door read: ‘Clouds have no heart to go out of the mountain, birds are tired of flying and know to return,’ and the banner said: ‘Birds don’t stray when the heart is far away.’
Ke Wei and Xuan Ji both twitched the corners of their mouths at the same time. Xuan Ji laughed and said, ‘Miss, there are more women than men here. The men in the capital are under a lot of pressure from women, so they come here to have fun.’
Ke Wei’s mouth continued to twitch under her white veil, her eyes sparkling. She smiled and asked, ‘How many times has Xuan Ji been here?’
‘Haha, not less than a hundred times,’ Xuan Ji laughed, leading Ke Wei inside.
A smiling middle-aged man greeted them. He bowed with a charming air, slightly surprised to see Ke Wei’s mask, then laughed calmly, ‘Boss Xuan, I presume this is the owner of the jewellery shop. I’m not sure how to address you.’
‘Please forgive me, Mr Yun. My lady’s surname is You. I wonder if Master Xiao has arrived?’ Xuanji bowed, standing next to Ke Wei, his protective intentions obvious.
‘Miss You… and Boss Xuan, this way please, my master has been waiting for a long time.’ Mr. Yun reached out and led Xuanji and Ke Wei upstairs.
There were three floors in Guiyun Building, and the three of them went up to the innermost room on the third floor. Xuanji bit her lip and whispered, “Miss, don’t be surprised at anything you see. Last time, I was so shocked that I lost my momentum and the Xiao family took advantage of that to rip me off.”
Ke Wei was curious, ’What could possibly surprise you?’
‘My young master is uninhibited, and anyone who meets him for the first time would be shocked if they didn’t have courage.’ Young master Yun turned around and smiled, pushing open the door.
A sweet, intoxicating aroma of wine greeted them, and there was a large screen of birds on one side.
Lord Yun led the two of them around the screen, and then bowed: ‘My lord, Miss You, Boss Xuan is here.’
Ke Wei was indeed stunned when she saw her. A woman was wearing a red robe embroidered with cherry blossoms, her upper body naked, wrapped around the man’s legs like a rabbit silk flower. Her smooth arms were wrapped around the man’s neck, holding a wine glass, and her charming, smiling face was pressed against the man’s chest, along the neck is a naked back covered in red plum blossoms, the lower body wrapped in a wide belt to hold the robe in place, the snow-white thighs hanging off the sides of the man’s slender legs, the whole picture of courtship…
‘Giggle, my lord, look at that lady, she’s so dumb, if she didn’t have a handkerchief, she’d probably blush like a monkey’s bottom, haha…’ The woman rubbed against the man’s chest, rubbing restlessly with one hand.
Ke Wei narrowed her eyes, all her attention on the man. His face was like a crown of jade, his eyes clear, his lips half-smiling, his jaw lightly rubbing against the top of the woman’s head lazily like a cat. ‘Deja vu!’ These four words popped into her head, and she became alert.
Xuan Ji nudged Ke Wei and whispered a few times, ‘Miss~’
Ke Wei was not yet back to her senses. Although the man was courting the woman, he was fully clothed, and one hand was rubbing the woman’s waist. His eyes were devoid of lust, reminding one of another pair of eyes.
Suddenly, a chord in her mind snapped.
He narrowed his eyes and smiled charmingly, ‘Master Xiao is in a good mood, so why don’t you let me join in as well?’
Xuan Ji had experienced life and death, the cunning and deceit of the business world, and all kinds of storms and troubles, but none of it had been as shocking as Ke Wei’s words. He was absolutely struck by lightning and didn’t know what to say. Master Yun was also stunned, but he didn’t understand Ke Wei, so after a moment he came back to his senses and thought to himself, ‘Sure enough, she is a young child, but…’
Ke Wei ignored what the people behind her were thinking, and walked straight up to them, secretly gathering her energy in her palms.
‘Haha… my lord, this girl is also bewitched by you.’ The charming woman, after returning to her senses, looked after herself and licked the man’s neck, her eyes gathering a fierce expression.
“Since Miss You is in the mood, I, Xiao, will accompany you, but it seems that you are pregnant.’
A light comment that was neither too light nor too heavy just stopped the hand that Ke Wei had extended. Luo Xiu flicked her sleeve, and Ke Wei raised an eyebrow and squinted: ‘That’s right. You are so handsome, Mr. Xiao, and I don’t have enough self-control,’ she said, feeling her abdomen with her hand. ‘I will definitely invite you to my jewelry store some other day.’
Xiao Mushe didn’t move, and his eyes also narrowed. ‘If you invite me, I will definitely go. I wonder…what did you want to see me today?’
‘Naturally, I admire your talent and have come to visit. Xuanji, take the present.‘ Ke Wei stared at Xiao Muyue’s hands, her eyes gathering ice and snow. “If it’s really him, such a ruthless person will definitely harm the child in my belly. Bastard Xiao Muyue, you’d better pray that it’s not him, otherwise…”
’Haha…uh,’ Xiao Muyue suddenly kissed the woman’s neck and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist.
Yun Gongzi walked over and took a plate of fruit from the table, nervously saying, ‘My lord, please try today’s seasonal fruit.’
The charming woman smiled and said, ‘I love these sweet and sour plums. My lord, please try some.’ She handed Xiao Mu Xue a plum and brought it to his lips.
Xiao Mu Xue smiled, squeezed the woman’s waist, took a bite of the plum, and the juice ran down the flesh of the fruit onto the woman’s finger. He stuck out his tongue and licked it into his mouth.
The woman cooed a few times, rubbed Xiao Mu Xue’s neck, and the two flirted as if they had no one around, a scene of deep affection.
Ke Wei frowned, her heart filled with hatred. She took the box from Xuan Ji’s hands and opened it. A silver light shone, and inside was a silver round stone. She said coldly, ‘This is a chain bead that Master Youyou offered to the wild god for seventy-two days and opened with divine light. If worn all year round, it can not only cultivate one’s character, but also dispel disasters and solve difficulties. It will definitely be of great help to someone like you, the family head, who loves life so much.’
This is a very ambiguous statement. The charming woman was taken aback, but then she continued to hand Xiao Mu Xue the plums. Mr. Yun was also taken aback when he heard this. Xuan Ji applauded in the dark, ‘Miss, wonderful!’
Xiao Mu Xue ate several plums in a row, without looking at the beads, and laughed slowly, ‘Miss, I appreciate your kindness. These beads have miraculous effects, and you need them yourself.’
‘Master Xiao, this is a unique treasure that no one can afford to buy.‘
’Yes, it is also the store’s treasure, and I really can’t accept it.‘
’If you like it, the silver shop will give it to you.‘
’No need. Miss, why don’t you just tell me what you came here for today? I can also consider it and decide whether to accept this store treasure.’
Ke Wei looked around and saw that Xiao Muyue was unmoved, so she spoke directly: ‘The Silver Shop has opened a store in the south with the help of the Chamber of Commerce, and the biggest benefactor is the Xiao family. Today, I have come on behalf of the Silver Shop to thank the Xiao family.’
‘Haha, the Silver Shop has the strength to open a branch in the four southern counties, and the Xiao family has done nothing more than just help on the basis of being from the same hometown, so it can’t be considered as help.’
“Today, I have come to borrow the Xiao family’s caravan.’
Xiao Musue looked up at Ke Wei with a smile and said, ‘Haha… Isn’t the Silver Shop’s appetite a bit too big?’
‘Not really. I just want to go to the Kingdom of Beihe.’
‘The Kingdom of Beihe is a place exclusively for the Xiao family.’
‘That’s right. That’s why I’ve come to ask the Xiao family to lend me a caravan.’
‘The Xiao family doesn’t have any idle caravans recently.’
“I heard that the Xiao family transported a batch of grain and grass into the capital. This caravan that completed the task can be lent to the Silver Shop.’
’The Silver House’s profits from the Northern Union for the past two years all go to the Xiao family.‘
’Hmph, the Xiao family doesn’t lack money.‘
’It lacks power.‘
Xiao Muyue narrowed her eyes, held the woman in her arms still, and laughed, “Tell me.”
’The Silver House is not as powerful as the government, but it has some connections. The Xiao family is unhappy with the Shangguan family’s suppression of their power in the government, but the Silver House can.’
‘Oh, I haven’t heard that Yin Lou has hooked up with an official above the rank of Imperial Inspector.‘
’Haha, no, Yin Lou has hooked up with the prince in the palace.‘
’Which one?‘
’Will the Xiao family lend the caravan?‘
’Without a clear explanation from you, I really can’t oblige.‘
Ke Wei took a tablet out of her sleeve and flashed it, but when Xiao Musue saw it, she froze and retracted it into her sleeve. “What do you think?”
’I need to think about it.’
‘Haha, Master Xiao, merchants value timing the most. If you wait too long, it won’t be easy to get it back.‘
’Miss You, you should always consider whether to bet on the high or low before placing your bet, otherwise you’ll be annoyed if you lose, won’t you?‘
’How long?‘
’10 days.‘
’2 days.‘
’7 days.‘
’3 days. I can’t increase it anymore. You should know that your consideration will be even more disadvantageous to you in the end.‘
’Fine. The Xiao family will give a response to the jewelry store after 3 days.’
‘In that case, I won’t disturb the head of the Xiao family’s good mood, I’ll take my leave.‘
Ke Wei tossed the bead chain to Xiao Mu Xue, then turned around and left with a strange-looking Xuan Ji.
After leaving the Gui Yun Building, before Xuan Ji could say anything, Ke Wei said, “Xuan Ji, send someone to check the Xiao family crest, or steal an article of clothing from Xiao Mu Xue.”
’Miss, are you saying that… Xiao Mu Xue is a frivolous person…’
‘I’m not sure. But I need to confirm. After all, that person has disappeared without a trace.‘
’Yes. Are you going back or to the manor?‘ Xuanji helped Ke Wei into the carriage.
’To the manor.’

There is another secluded manor outside the Shilin Manor called Qixing Manor. Qixing Manor is located on Xinyuan Mountain, thirty li south of the city. The Shilin Manor is known to merchants for its tea production and many other things, so most people have moved to Qixing Manor. None of the original ten people are in charge of the three stores anymore, and they have become managers of a district. The silver shop took advantage of the fact that the Chamber of Commerce Alliance began to open stores in various places, and except for Yu Heng and Li Rong, who used to manage the Shilin Manor, they are all out on business.

Ke Wei and Xuan Ji rode directly out of the south of the city towards Xin Yuan Mountain, and once they entered the forest they changed to horses. They bypassed the stream before arriving at a mountain villa surrounded by mountains and trees, with the words ‘Qixing Villa’ inscribed on it.
‘Young lady,’ Xuanji helped Ke Wei dismount, and together they entered the village with the warriors who had come out to greet them.
Qixing Village was more like a family residence than Shilin Manor, and it covered a much larger area. While Shilin Manor had many workshops, Qixing Village was a place of learning and residence. Qixingzhuang is divided into two courtyards, the east and west courtyards. The west courtyard is divided into two halls, the martial arts hall and the literary hall, which serve as places of learning for warriors and scholars respectively. It can be considered an academy, but the students inside are all children collected from all over, and the number is limited. There have been peace and stability for more than 20 years, no wars, and few natural disasters, so there are naturally fewer orphans. From this, we can see that the way the empress of Fu governs the country is that the hearts of the world belong to her. The Martial and Literary Halls are to the west of Qixingzhuang, near the Shanyu Waterfall, while the east side is where the stewards gather. There are 20 courtyards of various sizes, as well as the highest building in Qixingzhuang, the Xingchen Pavilion, and the most beautiful place, Kewei’s Xingyu Building.
‘My lord, you’re here.’ Xia Hua arrived with a light step on the forest leaves.
‘Yes, come back with me later,’ Kewei nodded and then walked towards the Xingchen Pavilion.
Xingchen Pavilion is the office building, where all the paperwork, archives, personnel lists, accounts, and information gathered from various sources of the Seven Star Manor are kept. It is the most heavily guarded place in the manor.
Ke Wei walked into Xingchen Pavilion, and behind her she heard five stewards, who had arrived with news, sitting in the seats of honour. They watched as the several people bowed to report on the recent actions of the Chamber of Commerce and the news gathered from the stewards who had gone out to various places. Afterwards, the several people handed over the information and account books from various places to Yuheng for consolidation.
It was past mid-afternoon when everyone had finished reporting. Xuanzhi instructed everyone on their various tasks before dismissing them. She then ordered the messenger from the Star Pavilion to serve dinner, and sat down with Ke Wei and the others at the table.
Xuanzhi saw that Ke Wei was distracted from time to time, so she put down her chopsticks and said, ‘My lady, is the food not to your liking?’
‘Xiao Musu…’ Ke Wei had been thinking about this person ever since she returned from Guiyun Building. ’The Xiao family is wealthy and influential. It is very likely that they are helping Fu Jihong behind the scenes. The source of funding for the case of the six eastern counties would then be available, and it would also make sense for them to send rations to Fuxi using the Shangguan family’s name. In this way, the Xiao family must be the other person behind Fuxi and Fu Jihong. If the Xiao family agrees to lend the caravan three days later, then they will inevitably side with Hanyang, that is, the empress. If they don’t lend it, then Fuxi will be the choice.
Ke Wei rubbed her forehead and said, ‘Is Xiao Musue really a she-male? I felt that this person was not simple the first time I saw Xiao Musue. He is handsome and refined in appearance, but what he does is very evil. When I tried to test him with words, he easily deflected them, and with a single sentence, ‘pregnant,’ he stopped me from taking action. The dead shemale has ears and eyes everywhere in and out of the palace, even around me. But when I took out my token, he was surprised. Among the dead shemales, I have recovered from my palm and sword wounds, but this Xiao Musue seems physically weak. Although he hides it well, you can still tell.
‘Miss, Xiao Mu Xue may seem harmless, but she is actually a ruthless character.’ Xuan Ji placed a bowl of steaming hot soup in front of Ke Wei. ’Xuan Ji first met him when the jewellery shop opened. At the time, he sent someone to buy the first item sold, and I sold it to them because they looked respectable. Afterwards, I sent a letter to the Xiao family. At the time, Xuan Ji thought that the Xiao family was the wealthiest family and that they would definitely want to establish a relationship in the future, so she decided to go to the appointment. At nightfall, I went to Guiyun Building to visit this person. What I saw at the time was even more lewd than what Miss Bi saw today. And he came right to the point about ordering goods. After some bargaining, I made a small profit for the jewellery store, and the Xiao family benefited more. It is said that every time I visited Xiao Musue, the woman by his side was not the same one.‘
’This person is a lecher. Miss, what did you see today?’ Xia Hua nibbled on some meat and blinked.
‘Nothing. It was all just bravado. Xiao Muyue is a beauty, but she’s not impressed by him. If she didn’t have extraordinary self-control, or…heh, there would be a problem.’ Ke Wei sighed lightly and drank some soup.
‘Xuan Ji, the Xiao family has a very high seat in the Chamber of Commerce, so you must be careful how you deal with them. Also, if the Xiao family agrees to lend their caravans after three days, then you should sign an agreement with them, adding that all of the Xiao family caravans must remain outside the capital and not return, including the one that is bringing in the grain and fodder. If they refuse, within one month, all of the Seven Star Manor’s businesses must reduce their scope of activities and not expand.”
Xuan Ji nodded with a serious expression, ’My lady, if the Xiao family agrees, will they send all of their caravans out of the capital?’
‘Yes. As long as he agrees, he will definitely do so. Besides, there must be other caravans in the capital besides the one carrying the grain rations. At that time, just send someone to investigate, and don’t let him cheat.‘
’This is very important, Xuanji. Success or failure depends on this.’ Ke Wei looked at Xuanji solemnly, ’Although the Xiao family has no power, they are an important piece in the game. If I don’t handle this well, I will be the one who loses.’
Ke Wei and Xia Hua returned home late at night and saw Chunrong in her room. They asked her a few things and then went to bed.
For the next three days, Ke Wei did not go to the palace or the embassy, but stayed at home to rest and nurture her baby. Xia Hua went to Qixingzhuang and brought back the news that the Xiao family had agreed to lend the caravan. Ke Wei then sent a message to all parties by flying eagle, saying, ‘Everything is ready, only the east wind is lacking.’

The east wind blows
Fule On the sixth day of the sixth lunar month, at the hour of the boar, Fuxi finally did what Fu Qihong wanted.
The Chiwei royal palace was surrounded by soldiers from the Shangguan family returning to the capital, and they said that all rebels were to be arrested and not allowed to go outside. Ke Wei sat quietly in the secret room of the study, feeling her already high and bulging belly, playing with a night pearl in one hand, and listening to the news returned by the shadow spies.
At 9:30 pm, troops from the Shangguan family’s army camp outside the city began to use force against the imperial army outside the city, taking control of four camps outside the city.
At 11 pm, people from all over the city attacked the east, west and north gates, taking control of the soldiers defending the city and letting in troops from the Shangguan family’s army returning to the city. Lord Hua Jin of the south gate automatically ordered the gates to be opened to let in troops from the Kingdom of Crossbow led by Lord Wang.
At midnight, Shangguan Lingfeng led 5,000 Shangguan troops to control the streets in all four directions of the capital, surrounding the officials‘ and princes’ mansions. Feng Qinghui led 10,000 troops directly into the palace and confronted the palace guards. The king of Jialan, who had originally left the city, suddenly appeared and commanded the palace guards to defend, pitting the two armies against each other.
The 20,000 Junxi troops led by the Lord of Crossbow County and the 20,000 soldiers of the Shangguan family led by Princess Fuxi and the missing Lord Xian directly attacked Tailin Mountain. The Tailin Mountain was covered in smoke and fire, and the sound of gunfire reached Danyang City. The people lit lanterns and did not dare go out.
At the third hour of the morning, the Junxi army attacked the Qifeng Palace on Tailin Mountain. The princess, King Xian, Lord Bow County, Marquis Hua Jin, the head of the Shangguan family, and the two senior officials of the imperial household all confronted the empress, King Huang, and King Guangyue in the main hall of the Qifeng Palace.
At the fifth hour of the morning, King Huang suddenly attacked the empress with his sword, and the Qifeng Palace was completely taken over by the Junxi army.
At 3 o’clock in the morning, the generals of the Shangguan family turned against each other. The head of the Shangguan family protected the empress and broke out. King Guanglu led 8,000 light cavalry to descend from the sky, followed by the defections of Shangguan family guards from all over the capital to control the situation in the capital. King Jialan led some of the imperial troops and Feng Qinghui to take the Shangguan family generals and rushed up Tailin Mountain to protect the empress, and the situation between the two sides instantly reversed.
At dawn, the Shangguan family escorted the injured empress back to the palace. Ke Wei received a message from the shadows and left the house through a secret passage to go to the palace.
At the third hour, the situation was basically under control by Wang Guanglu, King Jialan, and Situ Xi, and they captured the princess, Lord Nu, and Marquis Hua. Wang Huang and Wang Xian took advantage of the chaos to escape.
The princess’s attempt to force her way into the palace failed.

Inside the palace, Futian was summoning the imperial doctor in the Taiji Palace’s sleeping quarters, and the entourage was gathered outside the hall. After a while, there was a shadowy movement, and the Taiji Palace fell silent.
The hall was brightly lit, and the imperial doctor was lying on the ground, while Futian was asleep on the phoenix bed. It was quiet all around, with many black-clad guards standing in all directions, and King Qin and Muchi Ge standing in front of the phoenix bed.
‘Creak,‘ the bookshelf moved, and a black-clad man nearby drew his sword and held it across the man’s neck.
’Mu Chige, you can’t kill her. My father…’ The man was none other than Ke Wei, who had received the news. Seeing that the sword at his neck did not move, he looked at the Qin King, who was several zhang away.
The Qin King trembled, but did not turn around. Mu Chige’s silver sword in his hand flashed and rested on Fu Tian’s neck.
‘Mu Chi Ge…‘ Ke Wei shouted, moving closer to the sword at the neck. “If you kill her, Your Majesty, I will kill myself.”
’Let her go,’ the King of Qin said coldly, and the man in black withdrew the silver sword on command.
Ke Wei, with her belly protruding, stepped over the fallen imperial doctor and walked up to the King of Qin. She put her arms around his waist and said softly, ’Your Majesty, you cannot kill her.’
‘Wei’er, it was you who shouldn’t have come.‘ The King felt a dull pain and a sense of joy in his heart, and was extremely disturbed.
Ke Wei’s heart tightened at the cold voice, and she squeezed her hand even harder. “Father, you can’t just kill her, otherwise, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”
’Wei’er, isn’t this what you’ve always wanted?‘
’No,’ Ke Wei let go of the King and turned to him, calmly saying, ’Father, can you say that you don’t have the slightest feeling for her?’
‘No.’ Hearing this, the King of Qin was filled with hidden anger. “Wei’er, why didn’t you say yes, so I could spare you some trouble?” A storm gathered in his dark eyes. “Wei’er, get out of the way.”
Ke Wei gritted her teeth and turned to the cold-natured Chu Ge. ’Chu Ge, I know you want revenge, but she is your aunt and the empress of this country. You don’t want to see the country in turmoil, do you?’
‘I will only follow orders.‘ Mu Chige sent his silver sword flying, saw Ke Wei’s hand move, and raised his sword to her neck. “Don’t forget your words. Are you going back on your word?”
’No. At least, you can’t kill her yet.’ Ke Wei glared, and turned to the uncertain King Qin. ’Father, what’s the difference between killing her now and having Baile Tian stab her? Bai Letian was a genius who was hated by the Empress, but what about you? Your Majesty, you entered the palace at the age of 17 and have been with her for 18 years. I don’t believe you have no feelings for her.‘
The King of Qin shook off the hand that Ke Wei had extended and narrowed his eyes at the protruding belly, coldly saying, “Wei’er, stop messing around. In the past, I indulged you and let you mess around outside, but today you’d better go back.”
’Your Majesty, don’t deceive yourself.’
‘Who is deceiving whom? From beginning to end, you are the one who has let everyone down, Ke Wei.‘ The King angrily threw his sleeves and turned away. “Wei’er, don’t blame your father for forcing you again. You must be strong.”
’Shut up. Chi Ge, escort Princess Chi Wei back to the palace.‘ The King gave the order to his black-clad servant and then walked to the entrance of the hall.
’Father…’ Ke Wei opened her eyes and saw the black-clad servant running up to her and driving her own horse, but someone had pressed the sleep acupoint on her back.

‘Ah, Father,‘ Ke Wei woke up with cold sweat.
’My lord, are you alright?‘
Chunrong sat on the bed and wiped the sweat off Ke Wei’s face. Shi Shu held Ke Wei’s wrist to take her pulse, while Xia Hua was anxious at the side.
’I’m fine. By the way, what’s the news in the palace?’ Ke Wei grabbed Shi Shu’s wrist back and asked anxiously.
The few people were stunned and looked at Ke Wei at the same time.
‘My lord, the princess has rebelled…‘
’Is the emperor alright?‘
Chunrong froze for a moment before replying, “The emperor has only suffered minor injuries and should be fine. He attended court in the morning.”
’Oh,‘ Ke Wei closed her eyes in relief and called out, “Tell Mu Chige to come here.”
’My lord, after attending court, Lord Mu went to the Ministry of Justice to hear the princess’s case,’ Xia Hua said.
Ke Wei got up and told Chunrong to take care of things, saying, ‘You’ve assigned the case of the princess to Muchi Ge?’
‘Yes. All affairs of state have also been handed over to the three kings, the King of Qin, the King of Guanglu, and the King of Guangyue. The Empress has returned to the Taiji Palace after the court and has not come out again.’
Ke Wei finished dressing, but didn’t know where to go.
‘My lord, do you want to go to the palace or the study?’
‘Go to the study.’ Ke Wei thought for a moment and changed direction.
‘They are all guarding outside. Chunrong, you come in.’ Ke Wei led Chunrong into the study and then told her to guard the door while she entered the secret room.

Huan Yang was fully dressed, lying on the bed with her eyes closed, sleeping soundly. She had let down all her guard and looked like a child. Her face was a little haggard, but she could not hide her exuberant confidence.
Ke Wei let out a soft sigh and sat down next to her. She got up but was stopped, and when she looked down, she saw that Huan Yang’s hand was holding the hem of her skirt. Her eyelashes were trembling slightly, and the corner of her lips was slightly curved.
‘Am I disturbing you?’ Ke Wei sat back down and whispered.
‘Wei’er, you’ve become gentler after a month apart,’ Huan Yang grinned, her eyes half-open.
‘Maybe you’re going to be a mother,’ Ke Wei patted her stomach, ‘try it, he woke up and kicked me.’
‘Oh,‘ Huan Yang said, suddenly alert. He let go of the hem of his skirt, half-supported himself, and reached up to feel Ke Wei’s stomach. He was excited, “Really, it’s moving. Haha, he’s moving.”
’Mm. If you listen, you can hear the sound too,’ Ke Wei laughed.
Huan Yang leaned over and put his ear to her stomach, and after a long while, he looked up and said, ’Mm, two thumps, one for each. And one for you.’
‘Of course.‘ Ke Wei turned sideways and laughed as she turned her head back, “You came to see me as soon as you finished the court meeting?”
’Well, I thought you would know something and hurried to see you before Situ Xi could blabber.‘ Huan Yang got up to serve tea, and before she turned around after pouring the tea, “I heard that you went to the palace last night.”
’Heard? Is that what you call it?’ Ke Wei rolled her eyes and got up to take the teacup that Huan Yang was holding, ’If I hadn’t gone, I might have been in mourning today.’
‘Heh, only you could have stopped him.‘ Huan Yang took a sip of tea and held it in her hands to play with it.
’He couldn’t bring himself to do it, it was Mu Chi Ge who did it.‘
’Are you making excuses for him? If he could kill Futian, wouldn’t you be able to do whatever you want?’
‘That’s enough. You know better than I whether Futian can be killed. Muchi Ge is the grandson of the late emperor and my cousin, so it makes sense that he wants to kill Futian. If my father wanted to kill him, I would definitely stop him. He did love Futian.’ Kewei also took a teacup in her hands and played with it. The two of them leaned against the tea stand and chatted idly.
‘You looked into his affairs? Haha… the King of Qin loved Futan, but you can’t just make that decision on your own, can you?‘
’I was just curious about him. As the saying goes, ‘A hundred days of kindness after one day of marriage. Just like Fuxi said at the beginning, no matter how many husbands Futan had, how many of them really cared about her? But in the end, Futan didn’t have the heart to kill Fu Jihong. Futan was a kind and beautiful monarch with a good reputation. Who wouldn’t love someone like that? Just look at you, are you sure you don’t have any feelings for her? Could the Emperor’s father, such a delicate and refined person, really have the heart to kill? The Emperor could raise his sword and stab Furen because he hated her out of love. My dear Emperor’s father was no different. He killed Furen for himself, because he still had feelings for her. He loved her to the extreme. If he killed Furen like that, he would live with remorse for the rest of his life, and she would never be his again. You tell me, could I let him kill her?’ Ke Wei recounted all this calmly, but her heart was torn apart.
’Even the emperor himself can’t tell what he feels for me, can he?
We’ve been avoiding certain subjects ever since he confessed his love for me at the age of seven, such as who our parents are and our status. I remember the first time he hit me was when I said something blasphemous about Fuchen, but it was the truth. He can’t take me away with him, so if I want to be with him, what other choice do I have? Fuxi is more ruthless than I am when it comes to her dreams. She’ll do it. She is happier than me because the person she loves doesn’t really love her. The real pain is when two people who love each other are close to each other but cannot be together.
When I fell into the water at the age of 10, he stayed by my side for two days and one night. I thought our relationship had finally taken a big step forward, but it turned out to be the same as before. For the two years since I was 13, he has hardly had time for me. Every time I get the chance to go to him, the rare opportunity to see each other, he always hugs me like I’m a child. Ke Lan said, ‘My whole life has been lived under your protection. Yes, he treats me as the reason for his existence, giving him a reason to live in the world and not die of emptiness in this palace—I am his child. He and I are simply not on the same page, and he treats me like a child. What is that? Love? No.
When I saw him in bed with Futian, my heart ached with pain and hatred. But that wasn’t enough for him, and he slapped me out of the way. No matter how much he had his reasons, or how much he still had Futen in his heart, I endured without hatred or resentment. But I cannot tolerate substitutes. In the end, am I Futen’s substitute, or is Futen my substitute? I really can’t tell the difference. He once said that I was the person he would protect for the rest of his life. I was really moved, excited and happy, but when problems came, neither of us could handle them.
Even he himself didn’t notice, and sometimes he gets more nervous about Futian than he does about me. Yesterday, even if I didn’t go, he wouldn’t let Mu Chige lay a hand on Futian. When I first arrived, he was looking at Futian with a deep expression, and at that time he was really cold.’ Kewei looked up and let out a long breath. From last night until now, her whole being had been on edge, and now that she had let out all the pent-up emotions she had been feeling for years, she suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.
‘Wei Er, you’ve changed.’ Huan Yang looked at her without taking his eyes off her. “At this moment, Wei Er is a different person. In the past, she was old-fashioned but immature, mischievous and clever but kind and reckless. Now she understands, she can tolerate, but she also gets into trouble. No matter what she becomes, she’s still worrying!
”Changed? Only you, Huan Yang, would say I’ve changed.
Huan Yang, I can tell the difference between friendship, family ties and love. Father, I have gone from dependence to admiration since the beginning, and falling in love with him was a natural and logical thing. I have carried the memory of a past life since birth, so I know exactly how I feel about him.’ Ke Wei lowered her head and touched her stomach.
After a long while, Huan Yang finally realised the meaning of what Ke Wei had said, looked deeply into her eyes, and murmured, ’Memory of a past life…no wonder!’
Ke Wei looked up, patted Huan Yang on the shoulder, and forced a smile, ‘Haha, I knew you would understand. You are worthy of the title of King Guanglu, which even the most studious geniuses envy.’
‘Are you making fun of me? But this is really… Wei’er, what is there that you haven’t heard of? Abacus, house architecture, numbers, accounting methods, chambers of commerce, banknotes… methods of deploying troops, laying traps…‘
’Okay, okay. These are also methods that others have used, and I’m not saying that I’m good just because I’m not saying that I’m not conventional. Huan Yang, do you still have feelings for me?’ Ke Wei stood in front of Huan Yang with a clear gaze.
‘The way of the Dao is merciless but compassionate. After all these years, I can’t tell anymore.’ Huan Yang took Ke Wei’s shoulders in his arms and said, “Wei’er, as long as I can be by your side in this life, that’s enough for me. You can’t tell clearly about things like emotions. Is your feeling for the Prince really that pure? I’m afraid that the person in the middle of it will never be able to see clearly.” His tone changed and he laughed, ’Wei’er, if you get tired of him some day, just take me instead.’
‘Alas, how can that be? What about Ke Xue?‘ Ke Wei also laughed, pushed Huan Yang away, and took a step back.
’Do you have to push me away every time?‘ Huan Yang looked hurt, then rolled his eyes and teased, “Wei’er, if you’re jealous, I’ll kick her out tomorrow.”
’Heh, but this time, Baile Tianyi’s group, she’s the only survivor. What are you going to do?’
‘You should be asking me, shouldn’t you? Fu Tian is not thinking about politics right now. This time, Fu Xi dealt her a blow that was even more severe than Baile Tian’s sword. As for the rest, Ke Lan, that’s all your business.’ Huan Yang walked past Ke Wei and left, ’The King of Qin is not entirely related to you. Some things are clearer to an outsider. You should have a good talk with him, and don’t let an unborn child and your own suspicions get in the way.’
The person had already gone far away, and Ke Wei hung her head and looked at her own towering belly.
‘Hey, every time I push you away first, but every time I watch your back as you leave!’ Ke Wei smiled and murmured, ‘Baby, no one knows who your father is. Baby, do you want to find your father? Suspicion…’

‘It’s better to come at the right time than too early. Your Highness knew I was coming and was waiting for me?‘ Situ Xi drew his sword and entered the room, swaying.
Ke Wei frowned, “Situ Xi, what did your wife give you to eat? Why are you in this state?”
’Cough cough… Your Highness is famous for your good name. Lingfeng is jealous and said that I always come to see you, so she put drugs in the tea. I drank very little and I was fine soon after.’ Situ Xi shook his head and sat down in a chair.
‘It’s a love potion? How did you survive it?‘ Ke Wei handed Si Tu Xi the tea.
’Hey, Ling Feng is really… The potion didn’t take effect at home, but it kicked in as soon as I left. Ling Feng didn’t put much of it in.‘ Si Tu Xi shook his head and drank the tea.
’Haha, she was afraid of hurting you if she put too much in.’ Ke Wei shook her head and laughed, ’I know what I need to know. You can go back, and you will naturally do what you promised the Shangguan family.’
Sifu Xi got up, forcing himself to stay awake. ‘The imperial court will naturally do what it promised the Shangguan family, but what about what the prince promised?’
‘Let me think about it.’ Ke Wei turned away and lifted her foot to leave.
‘Your Highness, at present, the only person who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you is the King of Jialan. You should make a decision soon.’ Sifu Xi’s voice was clear and he bowed deeply. ‘No matter what, the Shangguan family will support you. Sifu Xi takes his leave.’

On the day of the eclipse, news came from the shadows that the King of Huang had been found committing suicide at the ancestral home of the Bai family, and Fu Jihong and his men had disappeared on their way to the east towards Gongbiancheng. At this time, the Kingdom of Dongmei gathered troops to attack Gongbian City, while the Kingdom of Beihe simultaneously sent troops to attack the north of Dongmei. Dongmei knew that the princess of Danyang City had forced her way into the palace and suppressed her overnight. The king of Jiaying County, with the unanimous consent of the three ruling princes, led 20,000 troops to Gongbian City to negotiate.
When the Empress Dowager heard the news of the King’s death, she ordered a secret funeral and burial in the imperial tombs.
Mu Zhi Ge reviewed the case of the princess’s rebellion and confiscated the homes of several officials in the capital. The family of the Prince of Jun County was also imprisoned in the sky prison. The house of the Marquis of Hua Jun was confiscated, the maid of honour Cheng was sent to the Si Shan Yuan, and Fu Xi, Fu Nu, Ke Hua and Feng Qing Hui were taken to the Da Li Temple. After this incident, the Western army was reorganized, and military power was handed over to King Jalan. Bai Letian was removed from his posts as Grand Marshal and Minister of the Imperial Court, and some of his political duties were delegated to the three kings. Situ Xi was promoted to head of the imperial army, and Shangguan Lingfeng took over as Grand Marshal. Huan Yang took this opportunity to promote many of his trusted subordinates, and once again, the political power in the court changed hands.

Ke Wei stayed at the palace all day during her pregnancy, reading and practising calligraphy every day, arguing with the shadowy and unpredictable Xie Yi, and listening to the shadows report back on the news.
Ke Shan was implicated in the case of Fu Ji Hong again and was admitted to the palace of Princess Chi Wei. Xie Yi spent his days dragging Ke Shan around the palace causing trouble, and the two of them haunted Ke Wei, causing unrest in the palace.
After two months, the princess was finally convicted of treason. Fu Xi was removed from the imperial family, given the surname ‘Chen’, and demoted to the status of a commoner. Feng Qinghui was granted permission to return to the Feng family to succeed as head of the family, in recognition of his role in exposing the treason and leading the army against the rebels. Fu Nu was imprisoned in the Fu County royal palace, even though she was not the mastermind but had aided Fu Xi in the rebellion. Hua Jinhou, a princess, was demoted and sent to guard the imperial tombs for plotting a rebellion at the same time as Fu Xi. King Xian Wang Fu Jihong fled the palace and issued a public notice to arrest him. King Jiaying arrived at Gongbian City and sent back news that Dongmei agreed to withdraw its troops but requested to establish relations with the Chamber of Commerce in the Fu country, which coincided with the wishes of Cheng Qiuyue’s faction.

‘My lord, according to the report of the spy, the Grand Princess was abducted on her way out of the capital,‘ Ying Feng knelt and said.
’Someone got there first again? Fu Jihong was abducted, and now it’s Fu Xi. Who the hell is it?‘ Ke Wei slammed her hand on the arm of her chair and rose to her feet to question.
’My lord, this was left at the scene, exactly the same as the last one,’ Ying Feng handed over the gold medallion.
Ke Wei took it in her hands. It was the same gold plaque that Fu Jihong had left behind when she was robbed on the road to Gongbiancheng last time. The plaque only had the mark of a flower, which Ke Wei knew all too well.
‘Pat,’ Ke Wei threw the gold plaque on the ground in anger, ‘you damned witch. Yingfeng, have you found out where this pattern comes from?’
‘I am incompetent. None of the noble families in the Fu Kingdom use this pattern, and none of the brocade workshops in the south have these pattern marks. In my opinion, if this pattern is not from a secret sect in the rivers and lakes, it must be from another country.‘
’Rivers and lakes? Another country…’ Ke Wei rubbed her forehead. ’You dead monster, you evil spirit from the underworld, I, You Ke Wei, will not believe it until I dig up the ground five feet to find you.’
‘The Shadow Sect has members in all four countries. Since he is not in Fú Country, you should post this map and turn the Yuanhuang Continent upside down to find him.‘ Ke Wei got up and left the Shadow Hall.
’The stolen Xiao Mu Xue’s clothes did not have this pattern. At first I thought he would be the Phantom Killer, but there is not a single clue. This person has the ability to abduct Fú Xī in the capital and capture Ji Hong halfway. Where is he hiding?
The dead shemale has many spies and is well aware of everything, even about me. This person is a major problem if not eliminated. How on earth do we find him? For now, we can only start with the people around him.

The white child was born.
The sky darkened, the cold wind whistled, and the snow fell in flurries. The lights in the Chiwei Palace were all alight, and everyone was busy in an orderly manner, despite their anxiety.
Inside the Hongye Pavilion, there were repeated shouts, the sound of which pierced the heart. Youyou looked composed as he lit a firework, which added a little colour to the dark sky and attracted a chorus of chirps in the cold winter.
Youyou brushed the dust off his face and laughed, saying, ‘Your Highness, your child, so you must be a child blessed with good fortune.’

‘It’s born, it’s born…’ Jingxue shouted, suddenly screaming, ‘Ah~ a monster…’
‘Shut up,’ Chunrong shouted, wrapping the washed baby in brocade cloth and letting Shiju take care of it. She turned to Shishu and said, ‘My lord, how is it?’
‘No problem, just too tired to expend energy. I’ll go check on the baby, I wonder how Xia Hua is doing?‘ Shi Shu glanced at the person in bed and turned to look at the baby.
’My lady invited Master Youyou to help, so everything will be fine.’ Chunrong wrung out the towel and wiped the sweat from Kewei’s forehead.
Shi Shu looked at the baby in the cradle and felt a burst of anger, but still reached out to make a diagnosis. Shi Ju looked over and said, ’Shi Shu, how is the young prince?’
‘…‘ Shi Shu frowned and did not answer.
After listening, Chunrong gave the towel to Sheng Xue and also walked over to the cradle, “How is the young prince?”
’The young prince is different from ordinary people. Your Highness guessed that this would happen and that is why you made all these preparations. Let’s wait until Your Highness wakes up to talk about it.’ Shi Shu withdrew his hand and picked up the young prince and placed him in the medicine basin that had been prepared long ago.

‘My lord, you’re awake.‘ Chunrong’s head jolted against the table as she woke up and saw Ke Wei crouching in front of the basin. She hurriedly went up to help her, “My lord, your body has not yet recovered, so go rest first. The servant said that the young prince needs to stay for the whole day.”
’It’s fine,’ Ke Wei smiled, running her fingers through the sparse white hair on the baby’s head. ’I didn’t think she would really be so strange and so ugly.’
‘My lord, she already looks very pretty. In a few days, when the skin has opened up, she’ll look even better. I think she’ll look exactly like you when you were a baby.‘ Chunrong didn’t stop Ke Wei, but also squatted down and looked at the baby in the basin.
’Really?’ Ke Wei poked the baby with her finger, but Chunrong opened it.
Chunrong remembered her original intention and hurriedly pulled Kewei up, ‘My lord, the young prince can’t stand being poked like that. Hurry up and go rest. Shizhu has been busy all night making porridge for you.’
Kewei had no choice but to take one last look at the wrinkly baby in the basin before going back to bed.
Xia Hua and the others entered lightly, relieved to see that Ke Wei had woken up. Shi Ju brought in the washbasin, Shi Shu took her pulse, and Shi Zhu brought in the medicine and porridge. Xia Hua said from the side, ‘My lord, the mansion is full of magpies, and people from all over have been drawn here to watch. The effect is as you predicted, everyone saying that the young prince you gave birth to is a lucky star blessed by the gods of the wilderness. Master Youyou was also outside and calculated the little prince’s birth data, saying that he is a child blessed by heaven with profound blessings.‘
’Wow…‘ Ke Wei finished the porridge with a smile, “Go to the first floor of the sky and book a few tables, Master Youyou is already helping with the dishes.”
’Yes, my lord. However, those magpies won’t last long. Master Youyou asks my lord, how about another hour?’
‘Well, as long as it has such a name, it’ll do. You may go.‘ After finishing her porridge, Ke Wei asked, “Shi Shu, how is the child?”
’My lord, the young prince is very healthy, but his appearance may be a bit unusual. Look.’ Shi Shu dried and wrapped the baby up and brought him over.
The baby woke up, opened his eyes that looked exactly like Ke Wei’s, and grinned.
‘White,’ Kewei was stunned, and she let out a sigh of relief when she saw that no one else seemed surprised.
Everyone let out a sigh of relief when they saw Kewei let out a sigh of relief, all worried that if the master saw such a child, would he…
The sparse hair on the baby’s head was white, and the pupils were a lustrous white that was brighter than the whites of the eyes. The distinction was clear, and the pupil in the middle was almost transparent, but occasionally a flash of colour appeared, almost exactly the same as the iridescence that had flashed in Kewei’s eyes.
‘Has she cried?’ Kewei suddenly thought of something. She hadn’t heard the baby’s voice since she had fallen unconscious last night.
Everyone seemed to have frozen, forgetting that babies could cry. They all looked at the only servant who didn’t look shocked.
‘My lord, I have examined the root of the tongue, the throat and the neck of the young master, and found nothing wrong.’ The attendant paused, and when he saw everyone looking at him curiously, he smiled wryly, “There are only two reasons why the young master is not crying: either the young master himself does not cry, or the young master simply cannot make a sound.”
There was a moment of silence, and Ke Wei reached out to hug the child, who was crumpled up, with small, white pupils wide open. She sighed to herself, ’My child, I have done my best to give you a good environment.’
‘Go and ask Youyou to come.‘ Ke Wei saw Shi Ju go out and said to Chunrong, “Rongrong, come here and pinch her.”
’My lord…‘ Chunrong was embarrassed and looked at Shi Shu.
Shi Shu hung her head and said, “Shi Shu tried using needles, but the young prince didn’t react.”
Ke Wei frowned, looked down at the child, waved her finger in front of her eyes, and the small white pupils followed. “Is it just a voice problem? What about the eyes, limbs, and intelligence?”
’Only the voice.’
‘Hoo…‘ Ke Wei let out a sigh of relief. “In my previous life, most children of incest were unable to survive. Now, this child is alive, and that is already thanks to the heavens.”
’Your Highness, what does my young master want with me?‘ Youyou waved the dust from the Dao, and entered with a body of ice and snow. She heard the attendant Ju remind her to use internal strength to dispel the cold.
’You all go downstairs,’ Ke Wei said to the crowd, “Master, come sit.”
The crowd glanced at each other and retreated.
Youyou laughed, ‘Why do you need to ask the old master for anything when you have a master?’
‘Look at this child,’ Ke Wei got up and handed the child to Youyou.
Youyou’s eyes sparkled as he took the child in his arms, nodding repeatedly and smiling, ‘Only Jin Shelin and Ba Zi Yuguo could make this child so healthy and extraordinary. Your Highness, you are truly blessed with this child.’
‘The child can’t speak,’ Ke Wei glared, anxiously.
‘How can you expect a baby that has just started to speak to speak?‘ Youyou smiled, making the baby laugh.
’Ahem… I mean, Master…‘
’Wait, Your Highness, my apprentice is her, not you. Don’t call me that.’ Youyou sat on a chair with the baby in her arms, unable to let go.
Ke Wei froze, then angrily said, ’How can this be? You immoral Taoist, do you want to corrupt my child?’
‘Hey, no, no. Your child was born with the blood of the golden snake and the barbarian, and has gathered the blood of the golden snake and the barbarian. Unlike you, he cannot resist it. If you don’t let me take care of him, I’m afraid…‘ Youyou stroked his beard and looked sad.
’Are you telling the truth?’ Kewei was shocked, and after a moment’s thought, she said, ’Although the attendant doctor’s medical skills are not as profound as yours, he is also a master in the country. Are you trying to trick me?’
‘Cough cough…‘ Youyou coughed loudly and angrily said, “Your Highness” child, no one in the world would disbelieve a word from Youyou, so how can you doubt the old Taoist?’
He drew back his mouth corners, trying to take the child from Youyou, but Youyou dodged. ‘You can believe three-quarters of what a human says, one-quarter of what a demon says, and half of what a human demon says. You can never believe a word from you.’
‘Okay, okay, I’m scared of you,‘ Youyou sighed, “I’ve met the wrong people. This child has gathered rare treasures from heaven and earth. Wouldn’t it be good if I helped you teach her?”
’Okay. First, answer me a few questions seriously,‘ Ke Wei said, taking the baby from Youyou.
’First, can the baby talk…can she make a sound?‘
’Why doesn’t she make a sound?‘
’I’ll have to ask her.’
Frowning, she looked down at the baby, who blinked and drooled as her open mouth slobbered. ‘Is she like me?’
‘If she were like you, that would be terrible. Oh, of course not, she’s a normal child, apart from a few appearance issues,’ said Youyou, stroking his beard and smiling.
‘Second, who found the golden snake’s blood?’
‘That…’ Youyou shrugged, ‘I don’t know either.’
‘You really don’t know?’
“Indeed I don’t.’
‘I’ll take your word for it. Third, among the Ke imperial princesses, who is suitable to be the emperor?‘
’Ahem… Your Highness, you are asking things that are beyond my knowledge.‘
’Even your fire eyes cannot tell? Among Ke Xue, Ke Lan, me, Ke Min, and Ke Wu, who has the best aptitude?‘
’The baby in your hands has the best aptitude.’ Youyou stroked his beard, shook his head, and sighed before leaving.
Ke Wei sat on the bed, hugging her child. The baby was closed-eyed, not crying or fussy, and it was strangely quiet.

A month later, it was almost the end of the year. Ke Wei held a full-moon celebration for her child, and the officials came without being invited. King Qin brought the name bestowed on the child by the Empress: Huanchen. Huanchen made her first sound at the full-moon celebration, which made Ke Wei shed tears on the spot. She looked contentedly at the cold-faced King Qin in the distance, speechless with emotion.
Taking this opportunity, with the help of the King of Jialan and others, whether intentional or not, Kewei won over the officials and established a new image for herself as a cheerful and hospitable prince.

Kewei resumed her former position and went to the court and the History Museum as usual every day.
One day at court, King Jialan suddenly recommended Queen Chiwei for the position of Chancellor, and he was seconded by King Jiaying, who had returned in triumph. However, the court was silent, with neither objections nor endorsements.
King Xuejing, who had been acting low-key, stood up and said that Queen Chiwei did not have enough experience as an official to take on this position, and gave a wink to Hanyang, who remained noncommittal.
King Jialan said, ‘She lacks experience, but with the three kings here, Queen Wei is more than capable of the job.’
The crowd fell silent, and when Xuejing saw that Hanyang was silent, he stopped speaking as well.
‘I agree that Queen Wei should be the Chancellor,’ said Lingfeng, stepping forward.
As the Grand Marshal, once she spoke up, a number of officials expressed their approval. Feng Yuebai, the governor of the capital, also stepped forward and agreed with King Jialan’s suggestion. As a result, Ke Wei’s appointment as the Chancellor was ironclad and unshakable.
Ke Wei yawned and saw everyone looking at her. She glanced up at the three people above her. King Qin looked calm and unshakable as usual, while Hanyang smiled without saying a word and Xiao Ling sipped a cup of mild tea. She glanced around, stepped forward and laughed, ‘Since all the officials have responded, I will ask the three Imperial Fathers for their wishes and report them to His Majesty, who will make a decision.’

Ke Wei was stopped by Ke Lan as soon as she left the Xuan Zheng Hall. She bowed and said, ‘Thank you, Your Highness, for your promotion.’
Ke Lan was taken aback, her expression of coldness breaking down. She frowned and said, ‘Right now, the court is superficially divided into three parties, but everyone knows that everyone is being controlled inside and out. Hmph, I pushed you forward because I was afraid that you would be bored and know nothing to do.’
‘Hey, fifth sister… Lan is just too busy with all the recent holiday preparations, so don’t mind him,‘ Ke Ying said, pulling Ke Lan’s sleeve.
’No, I won’t. Chen is waiting for me to go home. Have you two thought about visiting your nephew?’ Ke Wei also smiled and patted Ke Ying on the shoulder.
Ke Ying was dumbfounded, and then burst out laughing, ’Haha, that’s great. I haven’t seen him since the Empress gave him his name during the last full moon. Lan, are you going?’
Ke Lan froze for a moment, looked at Ke Wei, who was laughing without a care in the world, and nodded.
The three of them did not report to the Xiangyun Hall, but simply told their attendants to take leave and left the palace for the Chiwei Royal Family.

As soon as they entered the door, they heard the child’s loud cries and the howling of a man.
Ke Wei and Ke Lan froze, looked at each other, and then walked towards the source of the sound. Ke Ying yelled, ‘What’s going on? Is Chen crying?’
By the wall, there were three people, one big and two small. Xie Yi was cackling while holding the child, while Ke Shan was excitedly clinging to his back. Xie Yi was about to jump over the wall.
‘Stop,’ Ke Wei shouted.
Xieyi tilted his head to see that it was Kewei, smiled, and tried to run directly. Then he glanced at Kewei again, and his legs directly went weak.
Kewei was scared and rushed forward to grab the child, kicking Xieyi away. Kewei was also gathering her strength to catch the child, but she was not as fast as Kewei. When she saw Xieyi fall, she turned around and picked up Kewan, and also kicked Xieyi with one foot. Xieyi could not dodge in time and fell directly onto the wall.
Ke Wei hugged the baby, and the baby stopped crying. Then she saw Ke Shan cowering behind Ke Ying, and she angrily said, ‘Ke Shan, didn’t I tell you to keep an eye on him? Why did you mess around with him? Go to Chunrong’s and take your punishment.’
‘No, sister. Brother Yi wanted to take little Huanchen out to play, and I couldn’t stop him, so I just went along.’ Ke Shan tugged Ke Ying, asking him to intercede.
“Fifth sister, Ke Shan didn’t do it on purpose. He…’
‘It’s not the first time he’s done this. And this wolf,‘ Ke Wei handed the child to Ke Lan and ran over to pull Xie Yi’s ear, yelling, “Why haven’t you gone back yet? If you stay any longer, I’ll have someone sweep you out of the door.”
’Ouch, it hurts, let go, you insidious wolf…’ Xie Yi cried out, holding onto Ke Wei’s hand and begging for mercy, ’Okay, I won’t take Little Fantasy Dust out anymore, let go of me, it hurts…’
‘Hmph,‘ Ke Wei shook her hand off and directly pressed the acupressure points on Xie Yi. “Someone, take His Highness Xie back to the Book of Condolences Pavilion and have Head Servant Xia watch him.”
’Hey, Insidious Wolf, don’t, I can’t outrun those spinning legs,‘ Xie Yi was driven away by the guards, and his howling gradually ceased.
’Fifth sister,’ Ke Ying narrowed her eyes and smiled.
Ke Wei raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, ’Where is this ghosthead Ke Shan?’
‘Haha, he just ‘left’.‘ Ke Ying laughed dryly and ran over to tease the child in Ke Lan’s arms.

’Fifth sister, is this child’s father really Mo Chige?‘ Ke Ying swung the child in her arms, causing continuous laughter.
Ke Lan glanced at Ke Ying, took the child in her arms, and revealed a rare tenderness.
’It doesn’t look like him? Everyone says that daughters look like their mothers, and I look like him.’ Ke Wei smiled and lifted her tea to shield it from view.
Ke Ying jumped next to Ke Wei and said mysteriously, ‘Fifth sister, look at Lan. She’s a different person after she’s held the baby.’
‘Hm,’ Ke Wei glanced over, just meeting Ke Lan’s gaze, and quickly averted her eyes, giggling, ‘Haha, it really is different.’
‘Ooh, fifth sister. Do you think Lan has a secret crush on someone?’ Ke Ying said in a mysterious tone, also holding a cup in front of her.
‘Ahem…‘ Ke Wei coughed on the tea and glared, “Who is she secretly in love with? You don’t know? The Jialan Royal Family is so close to the Jiaying County Royal Family, and you are twins.”
’No. Don’t you know the men and women in her household? They all look like the same person,’ Ke Ying said, completely unable to see the person looking at him coldly because the tea bowl was in the way.
Ke Wei swallowed and whispered, ’Who does she look like?’
‘Ying, Zhang Shu from the Western Army stable has asked for leave and gone home, so there’s no one to groom the horses.”
Ke Wei and Ke Ying froze, their hands trembling as they looked at each other and laughed nervously. Ke Lan’s gaze lingered on Ke Wei, looking deeply into her eyes before she lowered her head to tease the child. This was a scene that would be hard to come by for a thousand years.

What is the truth?
On New Year’s Eve, the sky was clear and the stars shone brightly.
The Empress still had not left the Taiji Palace, but had summoned Chiwei Wang instead.
On the way to the Taiji Hall, Ke Wei thought to herself, ‘Ke Lan pushed me out, and the Empress approved. Why did she summon me again? Could it be the current situation in the court? At that time, several months had passed since my father’s assassination, and the Empress Dowager should not know… If…
In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a few palace lanterns were lit, but the hall remained dim and hazy. The air was thick with incense and there was a suffocating atmosphere. In the corner of the hall, Ke Wei saw Fu Tian, with her hair down, holding a copy of the ‘Savage Scripture’ in her hands, lying on a chaise longue with her eyes closed.
‘Your servant greets Your Majesty,’ Ke Wei bowed.
‘No need.’ Futian’s eyes were half-open, her beautiful and noble face unchanging, and the aura of her uninhibited hair was still as awe-inspiring as it had been back then, but the desolate air of age that surrounded her was even more pronounced.
Ke Wei’s expression was composed, and she calmly said, ’I don’t know why Your Majesty summoned me here.’
‘Come here.‘ Fuchen tilted her body to one side, revealing half of her couch.
Ke Wei sat on one side, and the closer she got, the more clearly she could see Fuchen’s face, which was no different from what it had been 20 years ago, except for the emotions in her eyes.
’Wei, you never want to call me your empress.’ Fuchen put down the “Savage Classics” and took Ke Wei’s hand, patting it, “You must be wondering why I asked you here today.”
Ke Wei’s whole body twitched like a cat with fleas, and she nodded.
‘Haha, the situation is already decided, so it’s time to explain everything. Otherwise, your father will become more and more gloomy every day, and lose interest in the government.”
Ke Wei was puzzled, “What does this have to do with my father? The situation is already decided… Your Majesty…”
Futian sighed softly and said, ’Don’t be nervous, it’s an old saying that the winner takes all. Now listen carefully, no one will tell you this twice.
I want to talk about three things, all of which concern you.
The first is about my relationship with your late father. In the last years of his reign, I left the palace to find someone who could help me. The first person I met at the Feng family was your late father, Feng Linzi. He was only ten years old at the time, but already an extraordinarily intelligent young man. I fell in love with him at first sight. When I learned that he would soon become the head of the Feng family, I implored him to help me in every way I could, but he was stubborn and always managed to foil my plans. Later, I asked him why he refused to help me. Guess what he said?”
Futen saw Kewei shaking his head in confusion and laughed, ’He said that the Feng family has always been a minister of the country, not a founding general, and only supports the empress who finally ascends the throne.
At that time, I admired him and, in my youthful exuberance, promised him that if I became the empress, he would have to use the full power of the Feng family to help me stabilise the imperial court. He agreed.
Later…in the end, I won this chaotic battle and was confident in my ability to control this flood of civil and military officials. But from the third year of Fleur to the seventh year of Fleur, Lotte took power day by day, one rank below the top, and eventually became more and more involved until even the palace rules could not restrain him.
No matter what method was used, it was useless. In desperation, I went to the Feng family. Feng Linzi, who was seven years old, was already the head of the Feng family. As the Empress, I demanded that he fulfil our promise, and he agreed and entered the palace. The Feng family is the number one family in the Fu country, and they themselves have great power in the court. It was easy for him to take power, and within a year, he had taken over most of the court politics. Lotte also woke up and began a long-term confrontation with the Feng family in the court. The only thing that your father and I have had since the beginning is an agreement.‘
’Why are you telling me all this?’ Ke Wei asked while Fu Tian was deep in thought. Her doubts were gradually becoming clearer, but she still had many questions. She had originally thought that the word “agreement” would make her feel at ease about the lingering suspicions, but she found it to be a heavy burden.
‘There are some things you can do, but Xier can’t. Besides, Hanyang has already told me in his capacity as the Shadow King that he recognises you as his master. I can’t allow the power of the Shadow and the Empress to be separated, as it would shake the foundations of the imperial family. It would be best if I could kill you, but now I no longer care. If that’s the case, you might as well let go.”
Futian said with a smile, not feeling the slightest remorse for betraying her conscience.
Ke Wei was unusually calm. She felt that Fu Tian was a true emperor who knew how to balance power and nip dangers in the bud. But now she had been defeated by the betrayal of her daughter and husband, and had become a pitiful woman who lived alone in an empty house. She realised that she was also an emperor, a ruthless and cold-blooded one. Unconsciously, she had agreed with everything Fu Tian had said, and even applauded her wisdom. The perspective from which she was standing was one of victory and practicality, but also of failure.
Futian was very pleased to see Kewei’s unchanged expression, nodded, and turned to look into the smoke in the shrine.
“The second thing is about your birth and Fuluo. Since Feng Linzi entered the palace, I have been much more relaxed, and began to practice the “Three Turns of Fuluo”, which is exclusively for queens. When I reached the third and final level, I had an accident. In a state of confusion, I had an affair with Feng Lin Zi that would not have happened otherwise. Afterwards, I discovered that I was pregnant. At the time, we discussed that if the child was a girl, it would cause great changes in the court. Moreover, I really like Xi’er the most in my heart, and I don’t want her to face the same situation as me in the future. Therefore, I must not let this child be born.”
Ke Wei trembled, her thoughts were in chaos again after becoming clear, cold sweat covered her back, and she gulped, ’That child…is me?’
Fu Tian lowered her eyes, nodded, and smiled bitterly, ‘Because of the bloodline, the empress can get pregnant very easily, and once she is pregnant, it is very difficult to abort the child. I can only give birth to you and then make a decision. You will be born and ultimately cannot escape your fate.’
Ke Wei understood, ‘I woke up and I was already born… Does that mean that in fact, the owner of this body died before I took over?’
‘After you were born, I asked my close attendant Zhang Yan to do it. I thought you were definitely going to die, but when I carried you out to be shown to the public, you cried out and were still alive. Such are the vagaries of life. When I tried to do it again, Feng Linzi, who was 21 years old at the time, stepped forward and said that he wanted to protect you, while rumours spread that you were stupid. As your mother, I have also thought about this: whether you are really stupid or not, if Xi’er really has talent in the future, she will still be able to win the battle for the throne. Otherwise, it will also endanger the Fu Kingdom’s foundation for thousands of years.”
Ke Wei was speechless. ’So, that was when I was possessed. This woman, for the sake of Fu Xi, could even kill her other child.’
‘Wei’er, I trusted Zhang Yan, but I don’t know how you came back to life. Maybe it was really the blessing of the barbaric gods, and it was destined that all of this would be yours, even the last level of the Fuluo Three Turns. Life is like a dream. That was the result of my hard work over a hundred years, but you, by some strange twist of fate, absorbed the power of the third level within me.‘
’Wei’er, I don’t understand.’ Ke Wei felt as if she was in an ice cellar, trembling with cold.
‘You are the child I conceived when I made a mistake during the third level of the third transformation of the Fuluo. Perhaps because of the inheritance, you unconsciously absorbed my martial arts skills. Do you know why your eyes are sometimes iridescent?‘
Ke Wei shook her head, but her face said, “No way is this true?”
’That’s right. Your iridescent eyes are the third level of the third transformation of the Fuluo, Floating Life is Like a Dream. Life is like a play, a dream, and smoke. The essence of the Fuluo is in its transparency, attracting followers with its own charm, just like the Shadow King, who recognises you as his master, and many of the ministers in the court now. Emperors of past dynasties cultivated the three transformations of the Fuluo. After practising the first two transformations, they could retain their youthful appearance and cultivate their bodies. Only when others grow old while her appearance remains the same do people say that the empress of the Fuluo country is the most beautiful woman in the world. Cultivating the third transformation can make the world follow, and the country will be forever secure.
Ke Wei wanted to leave and didn’t want to stay, but her mind wouldn’t listen. She couldn’t believe what she heard, ‘It’s just because life is like a dream that Huan Yang is attracted to me, and it’s just because life is like a dream that I attract attention…’
‘Wei’er, the third turn of the Xiu Cheng Fu Luo is the dream of all the empresses in history, but very few have truly achieved it. And you have only half the skill. Now that you have the illusionary dust, you don’t even have half of that, and what’s left is very little. In the future, you can study in the imperial monastery. The Fu country has been able to stand for thousands of generations without falling, not because of the third turn of the Fu Luo, but because of the talent and virtue of the emperors themselves.
Xi’er, she is capable but tends to be emotional. I will not interfere if she is someone you like, but I will definitely stop her if she is someone I like. This is my request to Xi’er as the emperor and as her mother. As for you, I have no intention of caring anymore. I can only say: you don’t need to mind the troubles caused by the fleeting nature of life, it is only a help.‘
’Why are you telling me all this?’ Kewei squinted at Futian, on full alert.
Futian let go of Kewei’s hand, got up and sat on the couch, sighing lightly, ’I really am old.’
Ke Wei’s eyes widened, and she realised that she had been saying the wrong thing. ‘You’re not old at all.’
‘Haha,’ Fu Tian touched her own face and smiled bitterly, ‘the queens of the Fu Kingdom will never grow old as long as they practice the Fu Luo, but that’s just the appearance. The heart is old. Wei’er, although you are not the person I have chosen, you have passed my trials and have also been chosen by your emperor father, the Shadow King, and Lan’er. They trust your character and intelligence, and even the Shangguan family and so many ministers are willing to help you. You will be a good queen in the future.‘
’No, I…‘
’Lan’er has pushed you forward, so she has made a decision. From now on, you should decide all major and minor affairs in the court on your own.
The third thing is that the disciples of the noble families are extremely powerful. This is the last trial I will give you. As a side note, after I die, you can bury Feng Lin Zi and Huan Yang with me, and what you do in between is your business.”
Fu Tian smiled with relief, stroked the top of the stunned Ke Wei’s head, and said, ’I spoiled Xi’er, but I also watched you come along step by step, and forced you to become what you are now. The Empress Dowager will not say sorry to you. They forced you, and they forced me. In fact, I hate you, Wei’er, as a mother, and as a woman.
The only thing I ask you to do is this: The empress gives birth easily, but she is merciless. The imperial family has never had many children. Xi’er has already gone, so please don’t hurt them, and your many younger siblings. Remember, whoever has the people’s hearts has the world. Everything comes from one’s own talent and virtue. Don’t mind why Fuluo did it.’ Futian stroked Kewei’s head, closed her eyes, and lay down on the beauty couch, “Go.”
Kewei was stunned by the three things she heard, and she left the Taiji Hall like she was in a trance.
‘My lord, are you alright?’ Xia Hua supported Ke Wei as she left the hall, and was extremely worried when she saw her face turn from pale to white.
Ke Wei shook her head and walked towards the Xingqing Palace.

At the banquet, the empress revealed her intentions and left, and before she left, she looked at Ke Wei and smiled. The ministers did not know the reason, but they were all very clear in their hearts. King Qin, King Guanglu, and King Jialan were all bright-eyed and clear-minded, and they saw this move in their eyes but did not say anything.
Ke Wei was at a loss all night, wondering what was going on. Her mind was racing: ‘Futian and the Emperor are just a contract, but why? Force me! Force me to become a worthy successor. Were those two just acting?
Futian said that by a twist of fate you came into being. At the beginning, the Emperor said, “I never thought there would be you,” and everything turned out to mean just that.
Is everything I have ever suspected ridiculous? He said he would protect himself for the rest of his life, and that is what he has been doing. And he said that I only needed to be myself, and he was wrong.
What about Futen? And what about Kemu?
Did my father fall in love with me because of these eyes, or was I really a replacement? He often smiles tenderly as he touches my eyes. And Huan Yang, and Chun Rong, and Xuan Ji, they all agreed to follow me only because I can use my eyes. Everyone around me is gathered together because of these eyes.
Distracted, Ke Wei knocked over her cup several times, and was left with little to say in conversation with the adults. The people seated at the top looked at her in their eyes, each wondering what Futan had told her, and none of them could sit still at the table.
It was not until the end of the banquet, when the three kings invited the officials to go to Taiye Pond to enjoy themselves with the people and spend the New Year’s Eve together, that Ke Wei finally ended this distracted situation and followed the group to Taiye Pond.
‘My lord, this way.’ Xia Hua dragged the absent-minded Ke Wei behind the others and walked to the side.
‘What are you doing?’ Ke Wei shook her hand, suspicious in her heart, and looked around to make sure there was no one around.
A cold voice made Ke Wei turn around hurriedly. The King of Qin stood nearby with a composed expression, his eyes bright and reflecting the coldness of the flickering stars.
‘Father,’ Ke Wei was originally annoyed, lowered her head, not knowing how to face it. ‘If Father and Fuchen are innocent, then I should be happy. Fuchen doesn’t love Father, that’s clear. But what about Father and Fuchen? The indistinguishable affection between them… How should I position myself?
‘Hey,‘ the King of Qin took Ke Wei’s hand and drew her into his embrace, sighing softly, “Wei, what’s wrong with you?”
’I… don’t know.’ Smelling the familiar scent, her heart’s turmoil subsided a little, and she quietly shed tears, “Father, tell Wei what’s going on?”
The King of Qin stroked Ke Wei’s hair and patted her back to comfort her, ’This is the War of Contention, a war that started the moment you were born.’
‘Wei Er doesn’t understand, not at all.‘ Her head was buried in the King’s arms, and her heart grew cold. “Father, things have gotten out of my control. I thought everything was as expected, but in the end I found out that it was just a show, a show for others.”
’At the beginning, Father was also watching a show. Later, after watching the show for a long time, he got caught up in it and couldn’t get out. Wei Er, you are no longer young and can do whatever you want. Since you chose all of this, you should bear the consequences.’ The King picked up Ke Wei and walked towards the inner garden.
‘Father, did I really choose all of this?‘ Ke Wei whispered, feeling her body stiffen in his arms. She forced a smile and said, “Tell Wei what happened that day.”
’What kind of relationship do you have with her? Just tell me, no matter what!’ Ke Wei grabbed the king’s robes, her face full of forced smiles and nervousness.
The king froze for a moment, understanding that she was asking about that day. He hardened his heart and said indifferently, ’It was just a show.’
‘Why?’ Ke Wei’s eyes were ablaze with anger. Although she had guessed something, when she actually confronted him, she was not happy to know the truth, but angry, angry that she had been tricked and deceived and not trusted.
The King did not answer, and with a burst of energy, he leapt away to the Eastern Qin Palace. She heard Ke Wei murmur, ’Was that late evening song about killing her also a scene? Was it exactly what Fuchen called a trial? A scene you two collaborated on?’
When the two of them arrived at the Dongqin Palace, Ke Wei jumped away from the Qin King’s embrace, her face confused. ‘Did you know everything from the beginning? That I was the one behind the scenes, that the Shangguan family sent the invitation to me in the morning, that I was on their side, and that I knew Hanyang’s identity? Why did you repeatedly test me? What were you testing with the play with Futian and with Mu Chige? Do you not trust me or yourself?’
The Qin King remained silent.
‘Tell me what else you know,‘ said the quiet tone, no longer crying and being spoiled as before.
’I knew it from the moment Huan Yang approached you,‘ said the King of Qin, seeing that Ke Wei had shaken her head and was about to reach out to help her when the door was opened. “I don’t know Huan Yang’s identity, but I have guessed a bit. I just wonder why he approached you?”
’So, you just observed without saying a word, for ten years?’ said the cold voice, no less cold and ruthless than before.
The King of Qin shook his head and whispered, ‘Wei Er, you don’t understand. You don’t understand Huan Yang’s intentions, or maybe you do but are pretending not to.’
‘That’s because my whole heart is with you…’ Ke Wei yelled inside, sneering, ‘So you’re testing me?’
The King of Qin remained still, talking to himself, ‘I can tell that he, like me, never knew what kind of person could be looked upon with favour and be engraved in one’s heart, until he met you.’
‘Is this how you remember it? Haha, you let Futian distract me, sleep with her, and then let me find out and see how I react? You deliberately let Muchi Ge get close to me, so that I could find out about his past, and then used him to put on a show of being heartless? Killing Futian? You really did it? You just wanted to see how I’d react. From beginning to end, I was just a fool. If it weren’t for the accident with Huanchen, was it just my one-sided love from beginning to end?
In that moment, there were no tears. Ke Wei smiled calmly, ‘On the night of the Lantern Festival, were you drunk or awake?’
The King of Qin was taken aback and forced a smile, ‘I know it was you.’
Ke Wei raised her head and suddenly broke into a smile, ‘You also know that Huachen is your child?’
“What made you test me like that? Even Futian and Muchi Ge had to be involved?’
‘Wei’er, you are destined to be an emperor, and you will be one. You must have a cold heart. Bai’e Chuan has been blaming himself for so long for the murders, and someone like you is not suited to this place.’
‘So what? If it doesn’t suit you, you’ll just engineer a change?‘
’Yes. You care about me the most, and Futian has lost all faith in Fuxi. I have no choice but to join forces with her to do something cruel to you, knowing full well that you will be sad, angry, and hate me. Futian is pregnant with your child, which is an accident but also the best way to strike you. Only in this way can you change. A weak person like you doesn’t belong in this cruel palace, and only someone as cruel as you can fit in.’
‘You pushed me into this grave with your own hands.‘ Kewei ran up to him and grabbed the hem of his robe, her face twisted with grief. “An accident? Giving birth to me was an accident? Giving birth to Kewu was an accident? Was Huachen an accident too?”
King Qin raised his head, nodding slightly with his jaw before shaking his head.
’Father, have you ever thought about taking Kewei away with you?’ A faint whisper.
Ke Wei waited for a long time without a sound, slowly lowering her hands. The devil in her heart reached out its claws and crawled out of the abyss, laughing derisively, ‘Your Majesty, because you wanted me to change, I left the palace in anger and went to Huafa Temple. Because you wanted me to change, Fu gave birth to the adorable Kewu. Because you wanted me to change, I was raped by a man covered in scales… Haha, all of this stems from your own decisions.’
The burning heat of the blood was burning, the source of destruction of everything. Ke Wei couldn’t control her need to vent, even though she knew the person in front of her was also in pain. But she hoped he would hurt even more, a thousand times, ten thousand times more than she did.
Ke Wei looked at the stiff body of the Qin King with satisfaction, and looked incredulously into his eyes. Smothering all her pain, she sneered, ‘You remember that day, don’t you? That masked man tortured your Wei’er for six whole months… Six months… And you, you thought it was my revenge, didn’t you? You flew away by yourself, haha…’
‘Wei Er,’ the King of Qin hugged Ke Wei, his thoughts in a mess. ’At first, I just wanted Wei Er to be herself, but Wei Er’s revealed talents, the Feng family’s pressure, and Huan Yang’s instigation forced her to take this path against everyone’s wishes but her own. I regret it. I regret not taking Wei Er away with me, and why I made her learn to be cruel. Now she knows, she knows how to hurt me.’
‘Father, do you regret it?’ Ke Wei sneered, but her heart was burning with torment.
The King of Qin nodded, but he couldn’t answer.
How could he, who was so calm that he didn’t seem human, not know that there was no use in regretting? How could he not feel the pain?
‘Father, Wei is tired,’ Ke Wei said, leaving the Qin king’s embrace and forcing a smile. “Huan Yang has wanted me to take this path from the beginning, and when did you, Father? But it doesn’t matter anymore. What matters is that I’m already on this path, and there’s no turning back. This path is stained with the blood of Baile Tian’s father and daughter, Zi, and my dead heart.”
Ke Wei held her head high and turned to leave.
‘Wei Er, who is that person?”
Stopping in his tracks, he didn’t turn around and sneered, “I’ve been looking for him for more than a year and I haven’t found him. If the emperor is interested, please help Wei Er find him.”

This is the second revised explanation…It’s a bit fragmented, and you don’t like it either!
The author has something to say:
After reading this chapter, if you really don’t understand the emotional entanglements between the Qinyu Emperor and Ke Wei, you can only sigh at your own logic problems and unreasonable layout.
To put it in the third person: I have discovered your intelligence and the current situation. You are qualified to be the emperor, but you lack the weapons to protect yourself. You must learn this.
You are so stupid, Qin. You have used every method possible, but you have used yourself as a stepping stone.
Qin is in tears: ‘Stepmother, I blame you! I have only managed to get to this point today. The adults don’t love me, my fake daughter doesn’t love me, and you all don’t love me… I won’t feel bad anymore!’
Ke Wei is furious: ‘Stepmother, you have turned me from an innocent and clever girl into a bad woman who is good at scheming and cold-blooded, and knows how to hurt others. I want to X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Yu wrote the whole thing, and all that can be said is: Yu didn’t feel like she didn’t understand anything when she wrote it, but after all, the person reading it and the person writing it aren’t using the same head, and you can’t understand each other with your hearts and eyes… This is what people say: novels are novels after all, and they make everything that is unreasonable reasonable after all. Yu’s novel is a bit far-fetched (Yu also thinks it’s pretty bad!), but it’s the truth.
Like in the text, ‘The Shangguan family can help Ke Wei,’ you don’t need to understand why, just know that this is the case. It is understood that Ke Wei has a new and increased source of support that can help her win in the midst of the chaos of war.
As for the many questions of why people fall in love, such as Feng Qinghui’s spying-like help for Ke Wei, Ke Lan’s kissing Ke Wei, and the shemale’s approaching Ke Wei…some things don’t need to be explained very clearly.
Lan’s love for Ke Wei is very clear. There is no need to find the beginning, just know what has happened to her. He has always guarded Ke Wei and quietly given of himself.
Hegel said, ‘Existence is reason!’
I’ll borrow this saying: It’s Yu’s fault for being so messy, so let’s just rationalise it as it is.
As for Xiwen, this text has tortured Yu for 2 months, and Yu loves novelty. One day, if I come back and don’t like it, I might fix it, but it’s hard to do so in the near future.
If you want to bash bricks, go ahead, Yu has bought an earthquake protector^_^, it’s fine, it can withstand it… Progress comes with pressure!^_^
Fleur 26 years
Ke Wei is 16 years old.

Since the New Year’s Eve, Ke Wei has been locked in her study, refusing to see anyone, until the Empress decreed that she would assume full power of the government, almost like a princess’ duty, did she step out of the study.
The Wangfu and others seemed relieved to be untied. Chunrong asked Bing Xue to take good care of her, and asked the removed servants Ju and Zhu to come back to take care of her, and sent someone else to take care of the young prince.

In the secret room of the study, Huan Yang’s face was gloomy and uncertain. Her clothes were loose and untied, exposing a large area of skin, and she sat quietly in her chair without saying a word.
With her bare hands, she took the clothes and slowly put them on, stroking her dark hair. Ke Wei laughed lazily, ‘What? Do you dislike me, or are you angry with me for drugging you?’
Huan Yang looked at the lazy and charming figure in front of him, his heart tingling. He averted his eyes and asked, ‘Why did you do this?’
‘Because,’ she said, her pure and bright eyes never leaving his, ‘if I didn’t do it, you would never have touched me.’
‘You…’ Huan Yang darted forward, picked up the unbound hem of Ke Wei’s clothes, and, suppressing his anger, growled, ‘Is this a favour or a pity?’
‘No. It’s a conspiracy.‘ Ke Wei opened Huan Yang’s hand, stood up on the bed, looked at the person in front of her proudly, and said, “Huan Yang, I want to abolish the positions of Zhongshu Ling and Shangshu Ling and establish the position of the cabinet minister. And you, you will stand by my side.”
’Wei’er, is everything that has evolved now such a big blow to you? You don’t even bother to deceive me a little.’ Huan Yang waved his sleeve and turned around, ’If you want to reform, just say the word and I will naturally agree to you.’
‘I also want to take back the Fendong Army in your hands. You also give it?’ Ke Wei clenched her hands, waiting for a word from Huan Yang.
Huan Yang was stunned, laughed loudly, and turned around, his face full of mockery. ’Ke Wei, I have said from the beginning that I was only preparing for you, and the choice is in your hands. What do you mean by doing this? Hurt us or yourself? If you want it, just take it,’ said Huanyang, throwing the golden tiger talisman on the bed. Huanyang picked up the clothes on the floor and quickly left, without looking back at the person behind her.
Ke Wei sat on the bed with her eyes closed, her hands clutching the quilt tightly. She sneered, ’The choice is in my hands? Haha, haven’t you guys been pushing me?’
After a long while, she opened her cold eyes again, picked up the tiger talisman, and left, leaving behind only the emptiness of the room and a heartfelt thought: ‘Huan Yang, I’m sorry. If I don’t do this, how can I be sure to control you all?’

‘You’re going to do this?’ Ke Lan’s cold eyes flickered slightly as she stared at the person in front of her, who looked so at ease.
“Yes. In the imperial court, there are many families like the Shangguan family that support other families in developing their businesses abroad, and this has seriously affected the national treasury’s tax revenue. If the Shangguan family can be uprooted from the court, then the restrictions on commerce in the southern counties can be lifted, and merchants from all over the country can interact normally.’ Ke Wei handed a stack of papers to Ke Lan, which described the Shangguan family’s support for the richest Xiao family’s development in the south, as well as the Shangguan family’s roots in Baiyuan City, the restrictions on the city guards in the six eastern counties and the southern counties.
‘The last thing Fuchen did was to eliminate the Shi family. Haha, wasn’t Fuxi’s failure also due to the Shangguan family? It seems that Fuchen also knew about the various connections and hated the Shi family’s control of the imperial court. Fuchen followed the wishes of an emperor in requesting Fuxi, but it went too far and ultimately failed. And I, what will happen if I expect to become a cold-blooded and ruthless person one by one?
“The Shangguan family has deep roots and is not easy to eradicate.’ Ke Lan finished browsing the information and looked at Ke Wei, ‘The Shangguan family is the greatest hero in eliminating the Ta’nu faction, and you…’
‘Don’t forget. Our surname is Ke, and our mother’s surname is Fu.’ Ke Wei played with the teacup and laughed, ‘The Shangguan family is indeed deep-rooted and prosperous, and the Feng family is even more closely related. If you want to eliminate the Shangguan family, you will inevitably have to eliminate the Feng family as well. If you make a major move, you will inevitably face backlash. In that case, I want to use a radical solution.’
Ke Lan’s eyes lit up and he pondered, ‘Pull the plug? Yes, if you want to eliminate both families at the same time, you must find another. But if the Bai family, who are part of the Fuxi faction in the imperial court, are completely eliminated, who else is there?’
‘No one. We can create one.’ Ke Wei put down the teacup and laughed, ‘Lan, don’t you forget your father’s surname, Linghu?’
Ke Lan was startled and looked up at Ke Wei in shock. Because of the word ‘Lan’ and the two characters ‘Linghu,’ ‘This person has changed.’
‘You don’t agree?‘ Ke Wei asked, turning her finger to point at the jade ring on her finger, smiling and looking at Ke Lan with narrowed eyes
’Why? The Linghu family…‘
’I already said it was a desperate move, and I have met Linghu Zhen, she is upright, not only is she calm and astute, more importantly, she is loyal to the court, not the family. Besides, your reputation as the Prince of Jialan, it is not difficult for you to raise a family.’ Ke Wei glanced at the information on Linghu Zhen and played with the teacup.
‘You should know that up until now, I have never been involved with any family.‘ Ke Lan frowned and got up, his eyes changing rapidly, and his calm expression could no longer be maintained.
’Yes. You have never helped the Linghu family, but Emperor Linghu hoped that you would help his family. And the Linghu family are your relatives, so it is only natural that you help them. This way, it will not arouse the suspicions of the two families, and you can gradually erode their power, thereby abolishing the situation where the disciples of the noble families hold power.’ Ke Wei put down the teacup and walked up to Ke Lan, ‘Lan, if it succeeds, the Linghu family is willing to leave the imperial court. I will never stop them. As long as no one in the Linghu family violates the laws of the Kingdom of Fu, I will never touch a single person. I swear.’
Ke Lan looked at the person in front of him with mixed feelings in his eyes, reached out and touched her cheek, stroking it gently.
Ke Wei gave a toothsome smile and rubbed her face against his.
Ke Lan froze and suddenly pulled Ke Wei over and kissed her. They just quietly pressed against each other. Ke Wei stuck out her tongue and licked, and Ke Lan couldn’t control himself anymore and stuck his tongue into her mouth, entwining and sucking.
‘Dong~’ Xia Hua looked at the two of them in shock and saw them looking at each other and hurriedly knelt down, saying, ‘I didn’t see anything.’
Ke Lan’s face turned slightly red and she turned around.
Ke Wei narrowed her eyes, ‘Xia Hua, please don’t be the one to betray me, otherwise…’ She smiled, ‘Get up. Pack up your things.’
‘Yes.’ Xia Hua quietly finished packing her things and got up to leave. She turned back to peek at Ke Wei, and saw her smiling at herself. Her heart sank, and she quickly left.
Ke Wei turned back to see Ke Lan looking at her, narrowed her eyes and smiled, ‘I’m sorry. I had to do this to find this person.’
‘Really?‘ Ke Lan’s expression was cold, and without asking what had happened, he wiped the water around his lips with his hand and said coldly, “Now that it’s over, I’ll go back first. You’ll be in charge of everything at the Linghu family.”
’Thank you, Lan.‘ Ke Wei went to pat Ke Lan on the shoulder, but she avoided it and laughed nervously.
’Don’t do anything so misleading in the future,’ Ke Lan turned and left.
‘Hoo~’ Ke Wei patted her chest and said to the house, “Keep an eye on her as planned.”

A group of black-clad people emerged from the Wei royal palace and blended into the night. Not far behind them, dozens of black-clad people followed suit.
Ke Wei stopped outside a courtyard, gave a hand signal, and the surrounding black shadows dispersed. Ke Wei flew alone onto the roof of a house, lightly stepping to reach the location. She heard a sound breaking the air, and hurriedly leaped to avoid it, but was forced by the white-clad people appearing behind her into the courtyard.
A group of white-clad men with hoods over their faces surrounded her, holding torches. The white-clad men made way for a tall man to appear. He had a silver mask covering the top half of his face, revealing a pair of dark, fierce eyes. He looked like he was smiling but his lips were thin and pursed. He was dressed in black clothes, which tightly covered his body, and his hands were behind his back.
‘Haha, Your Highness, what brings you here at this late hour?’ The man stood in front of her, his black clothes tightly wrapped around him, ready to strike.
Ke Wei pulled off her mask and sneered, ‘Brother Shemale, I haven’t seen you in a while. I wonder if your injuries have healed?’
Shemale’s mouth twitched and he laughed, ‘I didn’t think Your Highness would still care about me. It’s true that one night of being husband and wife is a hundred nights of kindness, not to mention that we have been husband and wife for several months.’
‘Where is Xia Hua?’ Ke Wei drew her sword from her waist and pointed it directly at Shemale.
‘Xia Hua? Oh, she should be the maid by Your Highness’ side. Why are you asking me if Your Highness has lost someone?’
‘Enough nonsense. I don’t know what her relationship with you is, but since she did it, she should accept my punishment and hand her over.‘
Ke Wei gave a wave of her hand, and dozens of people in black appeared outside the white clothes, all of them with murderous intent.
’Your Highness has learned to be wise. No, Your Highness has always been wise, but in recent years, there have been various betrayals, and Your Highness’s methods have become more and more brilliant.’ The shemale took a step forward, and the air around him suddenly turned.
Ke Wei sneered, on full alert: ‘You tried to distract me with this nonsense a year ago, and you think I’ll fall for it again?’
In an instant, the shemale flashed to the front of her, and Ke Wei used her sword to spin around, using the shemale’s momentum. Black and white clothes were fighting all around, with a blur of swords and knives.
Ke Wei and the shemale exchanged a few moves without being able to determine the winner. The nine styles of swordsmanship were all fatal moves, but they were blocked by the shemale. The two were evenly matched in terms of their ability to adapt to each other’s moves. In the end, they both punched each other and retreated one zhang at the same time.
‘Puff~’ The shemale placed a hand on her chest and coughed up blood.
Ke Wei gathered her strength and narrowed her eyes in a sneer, ‘I didn’t think that after more than a year apart, your skills had declined.’
‘Cough cough,’ the shemale looked up and also smiled, ‘You should praise me for being hurt like this for someone.’
‘Hmph, when you die, I’ll whip your corpse as a reward,’ Ke Wei shook her silver sword, gathered her energy and used the sword technique Flying Snow, the sword light was like snow, and the sword energy rushed towards the sky.
‘No, my lord.’ Xia Hua suddenly appeared in front of the shemale, opened his arms to block the way, and the sword energy struck Xia Hua directly. “Pooh~cough…my lord…”
Ke Wei watched Xia Hua, who was covered in tears, fall, and her hand holding the sword tightened. She was about to go forward when the shemale took a step forward, picked up Xia Hua, and forced a smile: ’You’ve become more powerful since I haven’t seen you for a year. Since you want to kill her, it’s not too much for me to take her away, is it?’
‘Wait,’ Ke Wei had not stopped him, and the man dressed as a woman picked her up and, with the help of several men in white, flew away. “Yingruo, send a few people after them.”
Yingfeng knelt and said, “My lord, what should we do here?”
Ke Wei looked around and saw that several men in white were dead. ’Check their bodies for any distinguishing features and burn the place down.’

There was a sudden change in the political affairs of the court. King Guanglu took leave of absence and did not attend court. Ke Xue withdrew from the political arena without assistance and no longer attended court. Ke Lan promoted many Linghu people, especially Linghu Zhenqian to the position of imperial censor.
The Shangguan family watched without making any moves, and the Feng family disciples attacked en masse.
Ke Lan immediately became furious and rebuked the Feng family for bullying the merchants and amassing wealth in the southern counties.
The court was in an uproar, and the Feng family asked the King Qin to make a ruling.
Ke Lan coldly produced evidence of the Feng family amassing wealth in Lishan City in the south and asked the King Qin how he would rule.
The King Qin ignored the matter entirely, claiming to be ill and withdrawing from court politics.
Ke Lan then asked Ke Wei to order the arrest of the people involved, and Ke Wei reluctantly agreed.
The investigation into the Feng family case, which had started with a minor incident, lasted for a year and resulted in the arrest of most of the Feng family members in the imperial court.
Soon afterwards, it was discovered that the Feng family case was related to the Shangguan family. Furthermore, it was revealed that Shitu Xi had offended the Feng family by promoting the Feng family member Dong Mingfa as the magistrate of Qicheng. The Shangguan family took advantage of this to have unclear dealings with the Feng family, and it was discovered that the Shangguan family had a business relationship with the Xiao family, the richest family in Fuguo. Subsequently, Ke Wei ordered troops to investigate the Shangguan family in Baiyuan City and the Xiao family in the capital.
At the same time, Ke Wei proposed to expand the imperial examinations from the original autumn examinations in a few cities and counties to the whole country, and to add a spring examination. The court was unable to respond in time, and with the three kings taking leave, the Feng and Shangguan families were too busy to help, so the proposal was quickly implemented, with the King of Jiaying County taking full responsibility.

The Xiao family was investigated by the authorities, and Ke Wei, as the head of the silver shop, went to Guiyun Building to negotiate the acquisition.
‘Miss, Guiyun Building is here.’ Xuan Ji stroked Ke Wei’s face as she got off the car and walked into Guiyun Building.
Seeing the shopkeeper of the silver shop, Xuan Ji, in the room, Yun Gongzi felt a little awkward, but he still politely invited the two to come upstairs.
In the same room, Ke Wei and Xuan Ji, as usual, looked at the man getting off the bed, wrapped in a simple cotton towel around the key areas, and sat in the upper seat.
‘I wonder what the silver shop wants with Xiao Mo Xue?’ Xiao Mu Xue narrowed his eyes, picked up his tea, and looked carefully at Ke Wei’s face, which looked like a palette, and smiled unnecessarily.
‘It’s you.’ Ke Wei pulled off her veil and looked at the shameless man with a face full of hatred.
Xiao Mu Xue touched the scars that crisscrossed his body and laughed, “Your Highness, these are your marks.”
Everyone present, except for Ke Wei, was stunned. The delicate young woman on the bed got up from the ground and knelt in front of Xiao Mu Xue, wrapped in her clothes, and looked up at Ke Wei with her chin tilted. ’My lord, you say she is Your Highness, could it be that she is the Red Wei King who became famous in the capital at the age of seven when she had her first menstruation?’
‘Haha, it’s her.‘ Xiao Musue stroked the delicate breasts of the young lady, causing her to gasp, and laughed, “You have to take a good look, this person is a once-in-a-century rare sight.”
’Oh, why is it so rare? I don’t think she’s anything special, she’s skinny as a stick and her face isn’t that great either. It’s all lies to say that the women in the royal family are as beautiful as heavenly immortals, it’s really just a rumour that spreads from mouth to mouth, and she’s not even as good as the one next to her.’
‘You want to die?‘ Ke Wei waved her sleeve, and the nail polish popped off and rained down.
The young lady screamed in terror, and Xiao Mu Xue sneered, and pulled the young lady’s clothes across the room to block it. The gauze fell to the ground, and the young lady stood naked in the middle, screaming and running to the bed.
’Your Highness, the place where you are standing is the Gui Yun Building.’ Xiao Mu Xue lifted up the teacup, and several people in white surrounded Ke Wei and the young lady.
‘Xiao Musue, I’m here to tell you today that the Xiao family is rich and influential, so you’d better sell me your family’s properties, or else…‘
’Or else what? You should also not forget that the Xiao family is the richest family, with abundant financial resources, so it is not difficult to cause some unrest in the country. Your Highness, if you are standing from the perspective of the imperial court, then please think about it carefully.’ Xiao Musue’s face darkened, and she sneered, ’Arrest Chiwei Wang.’
White-clad people attacked Kewei and Xuanji one after the other. Kewei was alone and had to defend herself and Xuanji at the same time, so she was a little overwhelmed. She heard Xuanji say, ‘Miss, don’t worry about me, just go. Xuan Zhen and the others are outside.’
Kewei frowned, ‘There are too many of them. If the shemale catches me, I don’t know what kind of humiliation I’ll have to endure.’
‘Wo… wow…’ The sound of a child crying came from the next room.
Ke Wei was taken aback, stopped holding the sword, and cursed, ‘Xiao Musue, you have no humanity.’
‘Haha, it really is a mother and daughter with one heart. I haven’t even shown my trump card yet, and Your Highness already knows who it is.’ Xiao Musue got up, took a pill from Yun Gongzhu’s hand, and walked up to Ke Wei, ‘I don’t need to say it.’
‘You let go of Chen.’ Ke Wei was furious, secretly hating herself for underestimating the enemy.
‘Of course I will. No matter how vicious Xiao Muyue is, she would never harm a child. Your Highness, you should take it.‘
Ke Wei looked at the pill by her mouth and hissed, “How can I trust a demon? Xuanji, go and take Chen Er away.”
’My lady,‘ Xuanji was shocked.
’Yun Rong, bring our little guest here.”
Yun Rong left and returned with someone holding a child.
Ke Wei stared in shock, her eyes wide, and she hissed, ‘Xia Hua, how could you do such a thing?’
Xia Hua hung her head, and handed the delicate child to Xuan Ji. Xuan Ji looked at the child and froze for a moment, before carefully taking him in her arms.
‘Xuan Ji, take Huàn Chén home.’ Ke Wei let out a sigh of relief when she saw that Huàn Chén was safe and sound.
Xuan Ji nodded, looked at Xia Hua, who hung her head in complex, and left with Yun Gongzi, carrying Huachen.
Xiao Musue sealed Ke Wei’s acupoints with two fingers and stuffed the medicine in her hand into her mouth.
Ke Wei blinked, her eyelids drooped, she leaned forward, and was embraced. She heard Xiao Musue say, ‘Xia Hua, take the madam to the villa.’

The warm tent of the smoke and silk, the bed curtains swayed.
Ke Wei opened her eyes and found that the nightmare was repeating itself. Xiao Musue was lying on top of her naked, and his lower body was inside her. She hated him and said, ‘Beast, let go of me.’
‘Well, Your Highness, you’ve become more attractive after not seeing you for over a year.’
‘Bastard… Mmm…’ Ke Wei felt weak all over, unable to even lift her hands. She was kissed forcefully by Xiao Musue, and his hands wandered over sensitive areas. The excitement in her lower body made her lose all sense of reason.
Ke Wei felt indignant inside, her body feeling completely out of control, and she hated it so much that she wanted to bite her tongue.
‘Mmm, does Ke Ke know?’ Xiao Mu Xue kissed the breasts, and one finger reached into Ke Wei’s mouth and scraped against her pink tongue. She gasped, ‘The Golden Snake Blood is simply uncontrollable when it encounters the combined Wild Blood. Besides, you are a royal woman, and you are inherently an uncontrollable carrier of lust. You simply cannot resist your own feelings.’
‘Wo… Xiao Mu Xue… Hmm… I will kill you sooner or later…’ Ke Wei could not control the enjoyment of her senses. The double torment of body and mind simply could not make her faint. In a while, she was completely immersed in lust and could not extricate herself, and the curses she uttered changed in tone.
The torture and torment lasted from dusk until dawn and then until dusk again. Ke Wei passed out and woke up several times, and every time she woke up with consciousness, she found that Xiao Mu Xue had not stopped yet. She cursed him for exhausting himself to death, but Xiao Mu Xue was still enjoying it and going at it full force.

The fatigue after the indulgence made Ke Wei stay in a state of semi-consciousness, confused and unaware of everything outside, perceiving but unable to remember.
She no longer knew when she had last woken up normally. Hearing the laughter of a child next to her, Ke Wei sat up instantly and looked towards the source of the sound.
Xiao Musue was holding a baby and amused, and when she saw Ke Wei get up and fall back, she laughed and said, ‘You really can sleep, sleeping for two days, not knowing how the world has turned upside down.’
Ke Wei let out a sigh of relief, ignored Xiao Musue, and was astonished that this person could also hold a baby with a gentle fatherly look on his face. This was truly the first wonder of the century, no, the second wonder, as Ke Lan holding a baby was also a great spectacle.
A maid came in and helped Ke Wei get up, washed her up, and then brought her some congee. Ke Wei looked at the congee on the plate and her heart screamed out that she was hungry, but she couldn’t muster any strength. It was a miracle that she was able to sit up just now. She thought that Xiao Mu Xue had grabbed the illusionary dust again, but when she saw that the hair on her head was not white, her heart relaxed and she fell back onto the bed, unable to move again.
Seeing this, Xiao Mu Xue let the maid hold the child in her hands, walked to the front of the bed, picked up the bowl and smiled, ‘I’ll feed you.’
‘No need for your fake kindness,’ Ke Wei turned her head away, although she knew it was irrational, but resentment was in her chest.
‘Haha,’ Xiao Mu Xue didn’t say anything, took a mouthful of porridge and then turned Ke Wei around and kissed her. Seeing her grit her teeth, she scratched under her armpit with her hand and immediately sent the food inside, and in passing wrapped her tongue around it and kissed her.
‘Umm,‘ Ke Wei’s head couldn’t shake, her hand was raised weakly and hung down, so she angrily bit down on her jaw, which was pinched, and her saliva fell straight down the corner of her mouth.
Xiao Mu Xue kissed enough to release her hand, picked up the porridge and put it in her mouth again.
’You can feed me,‘ Ke Wei panted, and hurriedly spoke up when she saw his movements.
’Huh, aren’t I feeding you?’ Xiao Mu Xue swallowed the porridge, finished answering, and then put the porridge in her mouth again and kissed her.
Ke Wei was outraged, but there was nothing she could do.
The two of them panted as they finished the last mouthful. Xiao Mu Xue’s eyes were already filled with lust, and he reached directly under the covers, rubbed Ke Wei’s breasts, and kissed her neck.
Seeing this, the servants took the children out of the room one after the other and closed the door.
“Xiao Mu Xue, I beg you…let me go.’ Ke Wei could not withstand Xiao Mu Xue’s advances, and sighed that this guy was indeed a demon and not a human. Suddenly, she recalled a saying from her past life: ‘Conquer a woman through her vagina, and conquer a man through his stomach. Damn, it’s a famous saying.’
Ke Wei felt like she was floating in the clouds, with all her senses rushing towards satisfaction. She just lacked the strength to hook Xiao Mu Xue and pull out her tongue, which had been non-stop stirring the food. The feeling of hating and loving at the same time was torture.
‘Ke Ke, marry me.‘ Xiao Mu Xue did his best to please Ke Wei, licking each of her rounded fingers. He was also deeply versed in the essence of the bedroom arts, and the nine shallow and one deep movements were irresistible.
’No…ah…let…ah…go…me…’ Ke Wei cried out, begging. She had sworn that she would never cry again, but now she was crying, hating the person on top of her so much that she wanted to kill him.
Xiao Mu Xue shook his head and said hoarsely, ’No way. You are the daughter-in-law sent from heaven, how could I let you go?’
Ke Wei was speechless. Ever since she met the shemale, she had never understood his way of thinking. She abandoned all distractions and drowned in this tormenting lust.
Xiao Mu Xue’s energy was truly formidable. As a result, it took him half a day to finally let Ke Wei go.
The servant let the water run, and they took a romantic bath together, and then did it all over again. Ke Wei was exhausted from being tormented by him, and her eyes narrowed as she dozed off.

Escape from the clutches of the devil
Ke Wei woke up and was trapped by Xiao Mu Xue for another two days. During those two days, Ke Wei found a way to make Xiao Mu Xue stop touching her, and it was a child.
Xiao Mu Xue was called out by Xiao Zongguan. The child was brought in by a maid. Ke Wei was too weak to go out, and she kept hearing the child cry, so she asked the maid to bring the child over.
The doll was so delicate and pretty that it stopped crying as soon as it was placed in Ke Wei’s hands. It opened its big, round eyes, grinned with its toothless mouth, and waved its hands as it tugged at Ke Wei’s hair.
Ke Wei looked at it and thought of Huachen, who was the same age and also very cute. Her heart softened, and she grinned from ear to ear as she made faces to amuse the child, who laughed all the time, while the maid laughed along with her.
Xiao Mu Xue watched this scene for a long time, standing in the doorway, until the maid noticed and bowed before entering the room and laughing, ‘Ke Ke likes this child?’
Ke Wei didn’t bother to answer him, amusing the child on her own, shaking her head lightly and teasing the child’s hands with her hair.
Xiao Mu Xue watched with a tingle in his heart, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed.
Ke Wei saw him sitting next to her, not daring to move, just looking at the child with his eyes, his heart pounding with fear that Xiao Mu Xue would turn into an animal again.
‘Ke Ke, if you like this child, how about naming him?’ Xiao Mu Xue reached out and picked up the child, turned his body and leaned back on the bed, pressing Ke Wei’s legs under the quilt. His bright eyes looked up at Ke Wei’s expression from below.
Ke Wei looked away, but was pulled by the child’s hair, which hurt, and he gritted his teeth and glared at Xiao Mu Xue.
Xiao Mu Xue smiled when she saw this, and took the hair in the child’s hands and wound it around her finger. She pinched the small face that was lying on her body with one hand, and said in a fake angry tone, ‘Look, you’ve made your mother hurt, she’s not going to beat you?’
Ke Wei only took him as a joke, and didn’t look at this scene that made the ghost tremble. When had she seen a ruthless shemale tease a child before?
Her hair was pulled again, but it didn’t hurt. Ke Wei glared angrily, ‘Xiao Mu Xue, what do you want after all?’
‘Look at this cute child without a mother. Coco is quick-witted, how about naming him?‘ Xiao Mu Xue pulled a few strands of hair from time to time, scratching the child under the armpit with one hand, and the child kept cooing.
’He is your child, not mine, and it is your fault that he has no mother. Why should I name your child?‘
’Fickle father? Haha…Coco, are you jealous?‘
’I don’t care.’
Xiao Musue smiled, and tugged on her hair.
‘Ooh…let go.’
‘No. If you help name the child, I will.’ Xiao Musue acted childishly and refused to let go, causing the other girls to smile.
Ke Wei’s eyes widened in shock, and when she turned around, she saw the child facing her, with a pair of dark, bright and intimidating eyes. Her heart stirred, and a familiar and indescribable feeling came to mind, ‘Boy or girl?’
Xiao Musue was delighted to hear this, ‘It’s a boy.’
Ke Wei regretted asking as soon as she asked, ‘What’s the fuss about someone else’s child! “Thinking of Huanchen, who was also this small and cute, her eyes shifted slightly, ”Xiao… Shuzhen.’
Xiao Musue was stunned, ‘Huh, “Shu”? Which character?’
“The character for virtuous and virtuous.’
Xiao Musue turned her head and smiled, ‘The character “淑” is too feminine, so how about changing it to “书”? Reading ten thousand volumes, the pen has spirit.’
Ke Wei saw that she had not succeeded in harming the child, her eyes floated, and she pouted, ‘What’s wrong with “淑”? It’s much better than you, the father, who is so quiet.’
Xiao Musue ran her finger along her hair, thinking for a while, ‘’书’ is also quite literary, and “淑” is generally a girl’s name.’
‘Hmph, you can pick a name, so what do I need to think about? Whatever.‘ Ke Wei turned her head away, but Xiao Mu Xue pulled her hair and turned her back again.
’How about removing the three dots in the character for ‘淑’? What do you think, Xiao Shuzhen?’ Xiao Mu Xue kept laughing, let go of her hair, threw the baby up in the air, and laughed loudly, ’Xiao Shuzhen, the child of Xiao Shuzhen, haha…’
Ke Wei rolled her eyes. Seeing the child laughing loudly, ‘giggle, giggle,’ and drooling onto Xiao Mu Xue’s face, she smirked to herself, then immediately thought of her own child, and was once again overcome with sadness.
Xiao Mu Xue was observant and careful. He picked up Xiao Shu Zhen and sat him up in the bed, holding the child’s hand as he stroked Ke Wei’s face. Seeing Ke Wei grind her teeth in hatred, the father and son couldn’t stop smiling.
In the evening, when Xiao Muyue entered the room, Ke Wei immediately shouted, ‘I want to sleep with Xiao Shuzhen!’ and then leaned her head hard against the sleeping child next to her.
Xiao Muyue helplessly looked at the two people leaning close together, grinned, took off his clothes and got into bed, and slept peacefully through the child and under Ke Wei’s wide-eyed glare.
Nothing happened that night.

Another day passed. Ke Wei counted that she had been trapped in this room for six days. The only people she had seen were the maids and the child, as well as Xiao Mu Xue. She was anxious and afraid.
In theory, Xuan Ji would have to go back to Qixingzhuang with Huo Xian after taking Huo Xian back. Once they arrived at Qixingzhuang, they could ask someone to tell Huan Yang, and the Shadow would definitely come. Now, if no one has come to the rescue for six whole days, then it can only be said that this place is too hidden, or that Hanyang has been delayed by other matters.
‘My lord, the head steward requests an audience,’ the maid announced as she entered.
Xiao Musong was feeding her child, but on hearing this, she turned and looked at the person sitting leaning against the bed and smiled, ‘Ask him to come in.’
The person who had come was Xiao Guan, the head steward of the Xiao family, who had a one-sided relationship with Xiao Guan on the first floor of the sky.
Head Steward Xiao bowed his head and entered the room, standing by the door without going any further. He said respectfully, ‘My lord, the Silver House has used the Shangguan and Feng families’ case to acquire many of our properties in the south. Several properties in the six eastern counties have also been affected, especially the bank in our name. The Silver House incited the people to withdraw silver from the bank, and although our vault is full, I’m afraid we won’t be able to keep up if this continues.’
Xiao Muyue glanced at the person in the bed and saw that she didn’t respond. She then laughed and said, ‘Since the silver shop likes the Xiao family’s things so much, it’s fortunate that we can sell them more.’
Xiao Zongguan was taken aback, and then said, ‘My lord, that is the foundation that the ancestors of the Xiao family laid.’
“A tree that grows tall attracts the wind. You can’t say you don’t know. The Xiao family has been established in the marketplace for a hundred years, and it is already the envy of others. It is better to save our best troops for the future. Ke Ke, don’t you agree?’ Xiao Muyue put down the silver spoon, took the maid’s handkerchief to wipe the child clean, and got up to the bed.
Ke Wei glanced at the calm and composed Xiao Muyue and laughed, ’You are a business prodigy. Now that the imperial court wants to move against the Xiao family, no matter how rich and powerful the family is, they cannot defeat an army of a million.’
‘Haha,‘ Xiao Muyue leaned closer to Ke Wei and raised the corners of her lips: “Ke Ke, you’re wrong.” Seeing Ke Wei stunned, she sneered: “The Xiao family’s vast family business has more than just the Shangguan family as a backer. Moreover, once the Xiao family stops supplying goods everywhere, the Fu country will at least face the crisis of a national uprising.”
’Xiao Muyue, don’t threaten me.‘
’Haha, whether it’s a threat or not, you, the backstage owner of this jewelry store, should know.’ Xiao Muyue placed the child next to Ke Wei, stood up straight, brushed her hair, and instructed the maid, ‘Take good care of the mistress and young mistress.’
Xiao Muyue led Xiao Zongguan out of the door. Xiao Zongguan heard the owner of the jewelry store turn around and glance at the person by the bed. Upon seeing him, he remembered the woman who had been sitting with the King of Jialan in the Tianyi Building, and he shuddered slightly.
Soon after Xiao Muyue left, a butterfly flew into the room, and the maids were amazed to see it.
Ke Wei finally let out a sigh of relief, and then saw someone in black quickly subdue the maids.
The four maids knelt down and said, ‘If the Shadow Lord is late, please punish us.’
Ke Wei rolled her eyes and said sternly, ‘What’s the situation? Are there only four of you?’
“The Shadow Lord personally led the team to find this Xinyuan Mountain Heming Stream, and is currently dragging Xiao Mu Xue, who is about to go out, outside. My lord, we need to leave quickly.’
Ke Wei frowned, ‘Huan Yang is no match for Xiao Mu Xue! We have to hurry.’
‘I don’t know what kind of medicine I was given, I feel weak. You take me away, and,’ Ke Wei turned to look at the child next to her, and remembered meeting Chen Er at Gui Yun Lou, ‘take this child with you and protect it carefully.’
‘Yes.’ Ying Ruo walked up and picked Ke Wei up in his arms, Ying Feng picked up the child, and Ying Ming and Ying Fei guarded them from the front and back as they all flew away.
Once they left the room, Ke Wei realised that she was in a villa. She had just heard Yingruo say that it was Xinyuan Shanjuejing, and she realised that it was right under her nose. She sighed in admiration, ‘Xiao Musue is really amazing, building a villa behind Qixingzhuang without anyone knowing.’
No one stopped them along the way. The few of them rode out on the forest road and saw several horses. Yingruo and the others got on the horses and rode towards the capital. Ke Wei suddenly said, ‘Yingfei, go find Yingwang. If Xiao Muyue does anything to harm the Shadow King, tell him we have Uncle Xiao in our hands.‘
Ying Fei ran off into the forest as ordered.

Ke Wei returned to the Hongye Pavilion in the Chiwei Palace, appeared in bed, and Jing Xue, who had pushed the door open, was startled and hurriedly threw away the handkerchief he was wiping his tears with, shouting, “My lord, you’re back.”
’Well, Jing Xue, go and get the attendant.‘ Ke Wei moved her hand, but she was still weak.
’My lord, you…’
‘Go and get the attendant Shu, and ask Head Servant Chun to come as well.’ Kewei frowned.
When Kewei saw the person leave, she turned to look at the child lying on the bed, laughing with his eyes wide and his limbs kicking about. She felt a little inexplicable joy and anger. ’A child? Why do I feel an inexplicable sense of closeness when I see you? You’re the child of the dead demon! How can I not hate you? Never mind, the dead demon is always appearing and disappearing, it’s better to keep you as a hostage.’

After a while, Chunrong and Shishu arrived. They were both delighted to see Ke Wei. Ke Wei first asked Chunrong to take the child away and raise it with Huanchen, and then increased the number of guards in the house. Shishu took the pulse and said that it was necessary to take the antidote for the powerful soft tendon powder.
Ke Wei told everyone to leave and summoned Ying Feng, asking him to stay by Huanchen’s side at all times from then on. At this point, Ying Fei returned and reported that he had brought the antidote for the soft-muscle powder.
Ke Wei was overjoyed. After taking the antidote and adjusting her breathing, her strength returned, and she immediately called Ying Fei to ask about Huan Yang’s situation.
Ying Fei said that Xiao Mu Xue and Huan Yang had exchanged a few moves, and Huan Yang had thrown the antidote away, left a message and then left.
Ke Wei was finally relieved to hear that Huan Yang had returned to the palace, but she was furious when she heard what Ying Fei had told her about Xiao Mu Xue.
Ying Fei said, ‘Xiao Mu Xue said, ’Your Highness, if you like Zhen’er so much, you might as well keep her for me and send someone to fetch her some day.

Ke Wei closed the door and rested in the palace for a few days, sending spies to kill Xiao Mu Xue and his entourage, ordering the jewellery shop to seize the Xiao family’s assets, and having the government issue a warrant for the Xiao family’s arrest, accusing them of kidnapping the princess and plotting a rebellion.
A group of people sat in the hall, including Xie Yi, the King of Jialan, the King of Jiaying, the King of Xuejing, Mu Chige, and Eunuch Li Lian. Everyone was smiling, except for the usually cold-faced King of Jialan.
‘I have been away from home for a few days, thank you all for your concern.‘ Ke Wei sat in the seat of honour and saw Xie Yi pounce at him, so he side-stepped to avoid him.
’You insidious wolf, you disappeared for six days and didn’t receive any guests for three days, we were all worried. Where did you go?’ Xie Yi waved his wide sleeves and straightened his golden wolf crown, glancing at Ke Xue, who was sitting on the side.
‘Since you are unharmed, my lord, I can rest easy too. It is time to return to the palace.‘ Ke Xue’s face was smiling, but she could not hide the complexity in her heart. She got up and bowed.
’Hmph, hypocritical,‘ Ke Ying said, shaking her head in disdain.
’Ying, don’t be rude,’ Ke Lan said, not even looking at Ke Xue.
Ke Xue was getting bored, so she turned around and left.
‘Thank you, King Xuejing, for your concern. Come here, someone, see King Xuejing out.‘ Ke Wei said to the maid, then looked at the silent Mo Chige, “I won’t be here for a few days, so I’m counting on you to take care of things.”
’Wei’er, you’re too kind. I’m your husband-to-be, it’s only right that I help you.’ Mo Chige smiled faintly, ’Since there’s nothing else, I should get back to Mufeng Court.’
Mu Chige nodded to the other two and got up to leave.
Ke Wei turned to the anxious Li Lian on one side and said, ‘Thank you for coming to visit, Your Excellency. Please tell King Qin that Queen Chiwei is fine.’
Li Lian’s expression changed, and he sighed inwardly: ‘My dear, my dear, when has the Fifth Prince treated King Qin with such an attitude? After the last incident, the two of them have actually grown apart. Sigh…’
‘Yes. I will go back and report to my master that His Highness is well. I take my leave.‘ Li Lian bowed and left.
’What about you two? Staying for dinner? We have something to discuss.‘ Ke Wei turned her head and saw her siblings, Ke Lan and Ke Ying.
’Hey, you sneaky wolf, what about me?’ Xie Yi jumped between Ke Lan and Ke Wei, his handsome face full of rascal-like expressions.
‘Your Highness Evil, I heard that your eldest brother and third brother have already started. I wonder when you will leave?’ Ke Wei coldly looked at the boy who was pretending to be crazy.
Evil, the fourth prince of the Eagle Evil Kingdom, came to the Flower Kingdom to temporarily avoid the design of the country’s eldest prince and third prince killing each other. He stayed in the Red Wei Royal Palace for a year, smiling all day and causing trouble for no reason. Ke Wei secretly resented: ’Pretending to be crazy? You are also a master.’
‘Oh, they can do whatever they want, it’s none of my business. Insidious Wolf, dinner…‘
’You come to the study with us.’ Kewei stopped ignoring him and walked towards Kewei, who had already stood up.

The four entered the study, each with a different expression on their faces.
After the maidservants had left to prepare the tea, Kewei said nothing, Kewei looked at Kewei and smiled wickedly, and Kewei picked up the document on the table. The wicked smile could not hide the dark look in his eyes.
‘His Highness the Fourth Prince of Eagle Evil Country, this is the intelligence that has just been sent from your country. I think you should have received the news.‘ Ke Wei put the file she had read aside and turned to look at Xie Yi.
’Insidious Wolf, can’t I treat your family well?’ Her expression of grievance was unmistakable, and Xie Yi sighed inwardly, ’Alas, it seems that I can’t escape after all.’
‘Stop pretending. You’ve been here for almost a year, and while you were gone, your country’s first and third princes have become rivals. They’ll most likely fight and both lose. You should go back and clean up the mess.’ Ke Wei put down her tea bowl and secretly longed to get a broom and blast the person.
‘Hey, you treacherous wolf, you don’t understand the rules of the grasslands. Wolves are very persistent.‘ Xieyi leaned closer to Kewei, depressed, “I heard about you in Eagle Evil Kingdom, and I deliberately picked Fuguo. Now it’s time to say goodbye. But…”
’You want to wait until your eldest brother and third brother are dead before you go back?’ Kewei snorted, ’Your eldest brother is brave but not clever, and your third brother is treacherous and overly suspicious. Neither of them is a match for you, a wild wolf.’
‘You know, it won’t do any good if I just go back like this.’ Xieyi clapped his hands and narrowed his wolfish eyes: “Why don’t I stay here and look after your children?”
Ke Wei’s mouth twitched, ’If you say that a shemale’s brain is made of a bunch of wires, then this person’s brain is a mess, completely incomprehensible.’
Puff! Ke Ying laughed, ‘Your Highness, you are really interesting. Are all the people on the grasslands as fun as you? Fifth sister is only married to one man, and it is not yet legitimate. If you return to the country and submit a letter of request to marry fifth sister, I don’t think anyone will object. Haha…’
Ke Lan said, and Ke Ying immediately looked away and pursed her lips to stifle her laughter.
‘Lord Jia Ying, that’s a good idea. What do you think, Wolf? As the Queen of Fu’s country, if the future husband of Her Highness returns to Eagle and Evil’s country, I don’t think anyone would dare to touch me.‘ Evil nodded repeatedly, smiling and praising, “Hey… it’s good to take a title back to ease your longing and feel good about yourself.”
’…’ Kewei was speechless, and then she said, ’What you mean is also possible. However, I have a request. If I can appoint the merchants entering Eagle and Evil Kingdom, and if all the cattle, sheep and horses sold in your country every year are sent to Flower Kingdom through the merchants appointed by me, then I can consider whether to give you assistance or not. In addition, I must get a share of the profits from the merchants entering Flower Kingdom from Eagle and Evil Kingdom. It must be me!
Xie Yi didn’t bat an eye and laughed, ‘You are worthy of being called Insidious Wolf, you are good at taking advantage of a crisis.’
‘Your Highness, recognise your position and watch your words,‘ Ke Lan said coldly, glaring at Xie Yi.
’Haha, the King of Jialan really is deeply in love. You are blind to the fact that the Insidious Wolf is using public affairs for personal gain in such an open and aboveboard manner?’ Xie Yi sneered at Ke Lan, and when she remained unmoved, he thought to himself, ’King of Jialan, King of Jialan, you’re still just an ice cube, scaring me all day long, and you still can’t have the one you want.’
‘Okay. You don’t have to be so provocative.‘ Ke Wei saw that the more she said, the more outrageous it became, so she took out a stack of documents and changed the topic: “If you agree, you can put your own seal on it. If you don’t agree, you’d better go to another country.”
’Haha, sinister wolf, how long have you been preparing for this?’ Evil picked up the documents and read each page, nodding in approval of the detailed writing. ’However, I cannot agree.’
The three looked at him with different expressions. This person is also an unfathomable master.
‘Disagree?’ Ke Wei laughed, ‘Not to mention your background and status in the Eagle Evil Kingdom, if you want to return to your country without an identity to help you, can you go back safely?’
‘Insidious Wolf, I have been in the Fu Kingdom for almost a year and have found something better than this. Therefore, I cannot give you what you have mentioned.’ Xie Yi placed the document upright on the table and looked at Ke Wei earnestly with his eyes.
Ke Wei narrowed her eyes, took the writing brush and twirled it between her fingers, her gaze flicking to the cold Ke Lan, ‘Something better? What is it that Lord Xie likes?’
‘Haha, I’m not very talented, but I heard that the empress of your country can marry one primary consort, two secondary consorts, and two imperial concubines, and the emperor can marry one primary husband and two…’
‘Wait, what are you trying to do?’ Ke Wei stopped writing, frowned and looked at Xie Yi, a bad feeling rising in her heart.
‘Xie Yi knows that he is not rich or powerful enough to match you, Yin Xi Lang, but he is no less sincere than the white-faced boy, Mu Zhi Ge, and in terms of this, the King of Jialan will definitely side with him,’ Xie Yi said with a serious expression.
Ke Wei held back a twitch, and when she turned her eyes, she saw Ke Lan’s eyes were burning with anger. She rubbed her forehead inwardly, thinking, ’This really isn’t good. Sincere heart? How sincere is a heart? Has it been tested by time? What does this have to do with Mu Zhi Ge?’
Ke Ying was dumbfounded, and then burst out laughing, ‘Puff! Haha… Fourth Prince, you’re so funny. You don’t have to do that to get help, do you?’
‘Ying!’ Ke Lan suppressed a sound, and the room fell silent again.
‘Are you joking?’ Ke Wei glanced at Ke Lan, whose face had turned even colder, and turned to the window.
Seeing this, Xieyi lowered her head and sighed, ‘Hey, it really is like this. I heard of the great name of Queen Chiwei in the country of Eagle and Evil, and I came to this country of Fu specifically to see you. Queen Chiwei, the foot in the door was not unintentional, and neither was living in your mansion. Every day when I go out, it’s after you’ve gone out… I argue with you to get your attention.’
Ke Wei suddenly felt a headache coming on. ‘A while ago, someone said, ’Marry me! Today someone is asking me to marry him! There’s even a woman ice cube opposite me. When did my peach blossom become so vigorous?
“You are a unique woman. The men on the grassland dare to love and do what they want, but it doesn’t fit your Fu country’s rules. In this way, Xie Yi has learned a lot of Fu country’s common sense and changed his usual clothing to wear Fu country’s clothing and customs. Haha, but these are all incongruous in Your Highness’s eyes, and you even disdain them.’
‘Ah! Crazy, I can’t even handle my own emotions, and you’re over there having a secret crush, who knows! You’re more obvious about your feelings for Ke Lan than you are about me… Grr!”
Ke Wei realised that evil allowed her to return to her true nature and stir up a purity that had long since disappeared. King Qin had made her lose her way and head towards the endless hell. Huan Yang had made her feel spoiled and loved, and she had taken advantage of that to hurt him at will. Mu Zhi Ge had made her understand beauty and look on from afar. Xiao Muyue, this scum, let me know lust and feel the most primitive ‘love’; Ke Lan let me know the beauty and silently bear it…There are the culprits who caused the current situation, the beauty that I will never be worthy of, and the person I have blamed myself for my whole life…
Xieyi stopped talking and silently looked at Ke Wei, who hung her head in silence. Ke Lan and Ke Ying were also silent.
Ke Wei knew what she should say, and even needed to fill the infinitely large void with something else, but this person should not be Xieyi, and she could not let the person down.
‘Your Highness, thank you for liking me!‘ Ke Wei pursed her lips and smiled calmly, “But in my opinion, you are more suited to the grasslands than here. The rules of the Fu Kingdom are numerous, not as free as the grasslands. You are a wolf, you should go back to your place and live freely, not stay here for someone who no longer has any intentions.”
’No intentions…’ Two murmurs, one from Xieyi and the other from Ke Lan.
The former laughed at himself, while the latter’s face was cold.
Ke Wei smiled bitterly and said with a poker face, ‘Your Highness, it is better to sign your name here. After returning to the country, someone will help you clean up the mess and help you get what you want.’
Xieyi sighed lightly, shook his head, and whispered, ‘I shouldn’t have listened to that bastard, King Xuejing, about sending secret glances, calling it affection, and hitting as a sign of love… Why is talking about love in the Fu country so complicated?’ Suddenly, he exclaimed, ‘Loving someone should be like the sunrise and sunset on the grassland, burning everything and being passionate.’
Ke Wei’s forehead suddenly pulsed with blue veins. ‘It really is a mess!’ In the blink of an eye, she saw Ke Ying covering her mouth to stifle a laugh. Ke Lan pursed her lips and looked at herself, smiling inwardly. It was a little warm.

Having banished the evil spirits, Ke Wei put away the signed documents and turned to the two people who remained.
Ke Ying took the lead in clearing his throat and speaking seriously, saying, ‘In a few days, I will send someone to escort the Fourth Prince back to the country.’ Seeing Ke Wei nod, he continued, ‘The spring imperial examinations will not be held because the original deadline has passed. Local examination announcements have already been posted, and imperial examiners have been sent to supervise. I believe that the number of people coming to the capital to take the autumn imperial examinations this year will be very high.’
‘Without any local officials to stand in the way?‘ Ke Wei lifted her teacup and pondered over the possible trouble.
’Some of the southern county magistrates are relatives of the powerful in the capital, so there will be trouble. But the Feng and Shangguan family case involved a wide range of people, so not many people dare to come out and stand in the way.‘
’The Shangguan family case implicated most of the southern counties and the city guards of the six eastern counties. How should the local magistrates be dealt with?’ Ke Lan looked up at the seat of honour.
‘There is a group of people in the court who will give you the list, so you can just raise it in the court at that time. The governorship of the southern counties is a good job, why don’t you consider placing your own people in it?‘ Ke Wei narrowed her eyes and smiled.
’The cunning rabbit is dead, and the lackey is being cooked. I don’t want to get involved,’ Ke Lan said coldly, staring straight at Ke Wei.
Ke Wei was taken aback, and then she laughed, “Are you blaming me for taking action against the Shangguan family and the Feng family?”
Ke Lan turned her head away and didn’t say a word.
Ke Ying hurriedly said, ‘Fifth sister, Lan’s concubines are fighting over jealousy and causing her headaches. Don’t mind what she says.’
Lan, since the 25th generation emperor of the Fu Kingdom, the harem has interfered in politics, and there have been countless powerful concubines. The court is even controlled by many families of concubines. Do you think that the Fu Kingdom will not rot in this situation? Look at the powerful people in the capital, which of them are not carrying pets and concubines to have fun, indulging in singing and dancing at night. And if you look at the annual palace banquets, who are the people there apart from some officials, and what are they doing? What has the Empress been doing these past few years? And there are so many people in the capital following their example. Do you think such a country will last forever?
Let’s also look at Eagle Evil Kingdom and Dongmei Kingdom. In Eagle Evil Kingdom, the royal system is bloody and fratricidal, and the throne is occupied by the capable. Their cavalry can even ride across the Tianlu grasslands to the wildest wasteland in the west. What if they ride over the Tianshan Mountains and enter Jiashan City? Do you think that with the current border city defenses, the Fendong Army, and the Junxi Army, the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Shangguan family can resist?
The Kingdom of Dongmei is the second largest country in Yuanhuang. Dissatisfied with the imperial system of women in power, they divided the country into two parts along the Meishan mountain range and made themselves king. For hundreds of years, they have been working hard to improve the country, and their military is strong and their horses are powerful. Their national strength can rival that of our country. What do you think is the reason why they have not been able to take over our country so far?”
Ke Wei paused, lifted her teacup and took a sip.
Ke Lan lowered his head and pondered, while Ke Ying was stunned, his eyes wide with surprise.
‘Lan, talent is the foundation of the Kingdom of Fu. Men and women serving as officials in the same dynasty have enabled the Kingdom of Fu to benefit from other countries, and it is also the reason why the other two countries have not dared to move against the Kingdom of Fu so far. The Kingdom of Fu has a vast territory and is blessed with talented people. It is impossible for other countries to take the Kingdom of Fu easily.
However, look clearly at the current situation of the Kingdom of Fu. The country and the imperial court need new blood. It is about the common people and students in the countryside being able to participate in state affairs together, rather than a few families holding power and a few palace concubines ruling.’
Ke Lan stood up and stepped forward to Ke Wei’s desk, his eyes blazing. ‘Is this your political opinion? Is this what you’re doing?’
Ke Wei got up and laughed, ‘Yes. I want to let the children of humble families participate in politics and become officials in the court. I hope that concubines can no longer take part in politics. If they want to govern, they must become officials and give up their concubine positions. I hope that the Fu Kingdom can become even stronger, so that other countries will never even think about using force.’
‘Good,’ Ke Ying jumped up, walked quickly to the table, and said with great enthusiasm, “What my fifth sister said is good. Our Fu country should not be like this. The ministers” families hold banquets all day long and form cliques for personal gain. The children of poor families are even rejected by the academies, and their hard work in life is wasted. The imperial court needs a change of blood, and Fu country needs a new impetus. Your idea is just the right way to change the status quo. Fifth sister, I support you.’
Ke Wei nodded and turned to Ke Lan, waiting for her words.
Ke Lan glanced at Ke Ying and then extended her hand. Ke Ying laughed and shook it. Ke Wei also extended her hand to shake it. The six hands were folded together, their eyes clear and excited, and a like-minded friendship flowed between them.

King Jialan and King Jiaying’s twin sons
have some inexplicable connection.
For example, when Ying looked at the trembling figure, I knew what he wanted to do.
Ying was trembling badly himself. If he were to save the life of a prince, his words would not carry much weight, not to mention a prince without power.
I have always been cold and emotionless, but if Ying is to be punished, I will not let that happen.
I grabbed Ying and gave her a wink. Together, we went up to greet the eldest and third eldest sisters.
In fact, Ying didn’t need to stand up at all.
She is the child of the King of Qin, and in the palace, apart from the Queen Mother and the King Father, even the eldest sister has to give her face to her on account of the King of Qin.
Sure enough, even a trivial remark from Ying and I was not as important as a remark from her attendant Chunrong about what would happen if the King of Qin found out.
Everyone knows that the Prince can openly defy the Empress for the sake of this daughter, and can spread the doting lie that this supposedly foolish person is actually clever and intelligent.
But since Ying has come forward, if we don’t ask for some favours, we would really be sorry to face the elder sister’s revenge in the future.
In other words, even the maidservants know that the elder sister said at noon that she would exempt her from kneeling. At that time, Ying and I were also there, so it was just right to use this to attack.
But I never guessed that Third Sister Ke Xue would be so vicious. She stabbed herself, but made Ying and I take the blame.
Hmph, if I don’t avenge this, I’m not Ke Lan.
But when the eldest sister turned on Ying and me, she spoke up to divert everyone’s attention, and her face full of tears was so pitiful, it was heart-melting.
At that moment, Ying and I looked at each other and shared the same feeling in our hearts. We also had the same strange thought: she was protecting us.
Although we knew it was impossible, our hearts just knew for sure.
The eldest sister also turned to her and immediately made a decision, announcing in public that she was exempt from the kneeling ceremony.
Haha, I couldn’t help but start to wonder, is someone like this really stupid? A few whimpers and a few tears can exempt you from the strict sisterhood system of the Fu country.
Ying really likes her.
Ying sent Yao Chuan to move a chair and sit next to her. With him setting such a precedent, I naturally felt justified in asking Dong Ming to move his chair over, but I was looking directly into her eyes. At that moment, I suddenly noticed that her eyes were very beautiful, clear as crystal, with a hint of impatience in them.
Haha, I questioned this discovery.
She said she wanted to eat almonds, so Ying grabbed a plate and handed it to her. She didn’t want to eat, and blinked her eyes in a very scared manner.
My intuition has always been very accurate. My father said that I was born a beast, cold-faced and emotionless, with the persistence and sense of smell of a beast. I couldn’t say whether to believe him or not.
At that moment, I really felt that this person was extraordinary, too dazzling and attractive, even though she was a foolish child. And from the bottom of my heart, I felt: she is not foolish, but terrifyingly clever.
At that moment, I was even afraid to touch her. Ying, you shouldn’t get so close to her, she will hurt us.
I said I wanted to eat walnut cookies, but Ying ignored me and only let Dongming take some.
I was so angry that I took the walnut cookies and pretended to eat them while she was chewing.
Ying asked her if she was afraid that I wouldn’t eat them.
But I hated in my heart, how could you get close to someone like her. At that moment, I took an almond and opened Ying’s mouth, then threw it down. Ying coughed violently, but she laughed.
Her laughter was pure, like a stone dropped into a lake, sinking and sinking, reaching the bottom and etched there forever.
I laughed, no longer afraid of her, wanting to get close to her.
My father said, ‘All animals find their own kind, because they are the only ones who understand them, and who are willing to let them understand.’ Lan’er, you are a kind animal, and you will find your other half in the future, someone who can make up for your lack of humanity.
Will she be my other half? My other half, an animal, or a human?
I was confused, but my heart inexplicably wanted to get close to her.
I took some almonds and tried to get her to talk to me. I wanted to hear her voice, a voice that was clear and clean and could cover up all the darkness.
She spoke, and I was very excited at that moment. Because I had heard that she had never been able to say more than five words in front of people, and this meant that I was the first person, and for that I was so excited that I wanted to go crazy.
At that moment, Ying and I were lost in thought at the academy. We looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking.
We wanted to go see her.
Coincidentally, the King of Qin came to the King’s father in person and said that the fifth princess had a connection with us and hoped that we could often go to see her and talk to her, so that she could get used to being close to strangers.
At that moment, I discovered by intuition how warm the King of Qin’s voice became when he said the word ‘Wei Er’, and it made me feel a jealousy that I had never felt before.
Did she also warm the heart of this cold-faced man with her clear eyes and pure voice? Why is she not just mine?
I was shocked, scared, and terrified by this thought.
Haha, she really is a terrifying person, someone who shouldn’t be approached.
Ying and I went to Weiye Garden for the first time. It was very clean and orderly inside, and it was hard to imagine that it was a courtyard that could be well-managed by a foolish princess.
I attributed all this to her father, who had been melted by her.
I tried my best not to look at her and just drank my tea. The orange juice and the very delicious tea did not fail to arouse my interest.
Ying was also very smart, and teaching her to recite ‘Asking Friends’ was a test.
She did not disappoint, and began to mutter a few words, and eventually recited fluently. Earlier, her attendant Chunrong said that she was more approachable than us. Is that really the case? Is she really that stupid that she can recite so fluently and still tease Keying? Or, to be more daring, is she pretending?
Keying had a great time playing with her, and I felt inexplicably uncomfortable watching. I got up and took Keying away during the afternoon lesson.
Afterwards, her attendant, Chunrong, brought us some orange juice and said that she wanted to thank us for playing with her, because she was no longer afraid to see people. The emperor’s father, whose face was full of sadness, gave me a smile and turned back to her, saying, ‘Lan’er, don’t be afraid. The fifth prince is a sweet child. You can be friends.’
I didn’t reply. Was I afraid? Yes, I was afraid. Sweet child? Yes, she was very attractive. Friends? I don’t know. My intuition told me that she would hurt us.
After that, Yingchang took me to Weiye Garden to teach her to speak and play with her. For this reason, Ying and I were silent in the academy, which made others dislike us, especially Ke Xue and Ke Hua.
Ying and I never complained when we were bullied, as if we had already become willing. We went to Weiye Garden and could still joke and play with her as usual.
As a result, she was finally able to meet people and speak normally. Ying was very happy about this and often said that it was thanks to herself. I felt a little uncomfortable, as I felt that her glory was no longer ours alone.
On the first day of the New Year, we waited for her at the Qinhuang Palace for half a day, but she didn’t come. When we left the palace, we saw her close aide Xia Hua wandering outside the Qinhuang Palace. After asking about the situation, we learned that she was sick, but His Royal Highness the Prince of Qin ignored her.
Ying and I glanced at each other, our thoughts in agreement, and we went to see her.
Everyone in her chambers was full of anxiety. Ying said her hands were very cold and asked me to go and see.
I had never touched her before, and the feeling of touching her forehead at that moment was very strange. My heart was beating so fast that I felt it might jump out of my mouth at any moment.
The warm touch and smooth skin made my racing heart stop for a moment, and I felt panicked. I turned around and coldly questioned her attendant. This question even released the hidden momentum.
She made me at a loss, panicked, and became unlike myself. Why?
Medicine! She has always been a picky eater, and I can’t get her to take it. I thought of the scenes of the Empress Dowager and the Emperor together, and then I said to myself, ‘I’ll do it.’
I dismissed everyone around me, even Ying, and I told her to go outside.
I held the bowl of medicine and looked at her blankly.
Her long feather fan trembled slightly, as if she were having a good dream.
Haha, maybe I’m dreaming too.
At that moment, I put the medicine on her lips.
She wasn’t as cold as I was, and it felt very warm.
The fluttering in my heart prompted me to reach out and pinch open her jaw, and I poured the medicine down her throat.
Forgetting to be afraid, I poured the medicine back and forth, but I still wasn’t satisfied. Seeing the fruit in the dish, I took it and bit it into pieces, and then I put it into her mouth. The sweet and soft feeling was very comfortable.
I wanted to continue, but I found that she stuck out her little tongue and put it into my mouth, and she let her tongue rest on mine. At that moment, I almost couldn’t hold the fruit in my hand, and I watched her long eyelashes flutter with wide eyes.
After a long while, I also tried to explore her mouth and entwine my tongue with hers. The feeling in my heart gradually became clearer: I liked her, very much, and wanted to have her.
She let out a soft cry, her dazed eyes slightly open. At that moment, I was so excited that I wanted her to wake up quickly and tell her, ‘I like you.’
I stepped back a little and listened to her murmur, ‘Father, Violet likes you, and wants…’
Oh my, this was undoubtedly a thunderbolt. I was very angry, and at that moment, I bit her recklessly.
She woke up, pushed me away and asked what I was doing.
Oh, what I was doing? Isn’t it obvious?
I pretended to be unconcerned and got up, calmly telling her that I was giving her medicine.
She was shocked and a little angry.
Angry? I’m crazy, I’m angry when I kiss you, but what about when you kiss your emperor in your dreams?
She lay on her back on the bed, and I said angrily, ‘You’re not scared, are you?’
She giggled. At that moment, she wasn’t stupid. It seemed that she understood everything but pretended to be confused.
I’ll let you pretend! She was really afraid when she heard my ambiguous words and asked me what I meant.
Haha, if that’s the case, what’s done is done, what’s liked is liked, and what’s wanted is wanted. I, Ke Lan, have nothing to fear, and I can speak more frankly than you.
She got angry! She said I was only nine years old.
Haha! That’s ridiculous. In the Kingdom of Fu, a girl can marry at the age of 13. Who wouldn’t know what that means?
I, Ke Lan, am nine years old and understand my own heart. You are seven years old and want to kiss your emperor father.
Who is really younger? Who is really not clear-headed…

She left, staying away from the palace for more than a year.
Ying and I stood under the porch watching her palanquin leave. The loss and pain in our hearts were even greater than being scolded by the Minister of Rites and being bullied.
Ying gradually noticed that something was wrong with me and asked me what was wrong.
I did not answer.
Over the past year, I discovered something else: the King of Qin often went to Weiye Garden and would stay there for half a day.
I suddenly felt very afraid. I realised that I was really far away from her.
Her closest person, the King’s father, had to wait for her at the place where she had been, but what about me? I had no connection with her at all.
I suddenly told myself that as long as she could come back, as long as she let me stay by her side and not leave me alone, then I was willing to silently stand by her side and watch her for the rest of my life.

On the Lantern Festival, which would have been her 18th birthday, she was not there.
But something unbelievable happened in the palace.
The phoenix, the incarnation of the wild god, appeared above Weiye Garden. The palace staff ran around telling everyone, discussing whether this was a sign that Weiye Garden was the future ruler.
Ying and I stood in the Jiao Tai Hall, watching the golden phoenix circling. Its gaze was directed towards a distant place outside the palace. Was it looking at her too?
Ying said, ‘She will be the most supreme person, not something we can…’
Yes, supreme!
At night, there was a commotion in the palace.
I didn’t care, but I was dragged along by Ke Hua.
A scene, a ruthless and cold-blooded royal scene.
The eldest sister and the King Xian were caught in the act by the Empress.
What’s the point of crying and pleading? How could it move someone who had come from the midst of a war? It was so obvious that someone had informed on them and caught them in the act, so the suspect was between us.
The Empress Dowager still loved the eldest princess dearly, so she confined her for the time being as a form of protection.
The only thing I was grateful for was that she wasn’t there, so I didn’t have to watch this bloody imperial battle.
King Guanglu, an unpredictable imperial father, a man who can maneuver freely in the officialdom. The Empress Dowager openly handed over the aftermath to him, so how important was he in her heart?
I watched as King Qin helped the Empress Dowager leave, and suddenly I felt very happy.
‘He is your father, your biological father, and your mother’s husband. When your mother needs him, he has no right to resist. He doesn’t belong to you, and you can’t say such treasonous things about the King like your elder sister. Haha…such a you, the supreme you in the future, is destined to be lonely. And I am destined to stand by your side, always guarding you and sharing your burden.”

Goodbye. I watched her palanquin from afar as it returned to Weiye Garden.
Ying and I still stood under the porch, watching from afar.
Ying said, ‘Lan, she’s back.’
Yes, she’s back, finally.
Ying said, ‘Lan, do you like her?’
Yes, I like her very much, so much that I’m willing to quietly wait by her side.
Ying said, ‘Lan, I know you like her, and I like her too. We’re one and the same!’
I was stunned, almost forgetting that Ying was my half, a twin born of the same mother.
‘So what?’ I said icily.
Ying laughed, “But she is not someone we can get.”
I was silent. Her power was not obvious yet. How could she stand out when the Phoenix incident was suppressed by the Empress?
Ying said, “Lan, in the midst of the war, you will be a crucial piece. Have you made your decision?”
Piece? Haha… Ying, you are worthy of being my younger brother, you see more clearly than anyone else.
‘The Empress Dowager is very fond of me and Kewei these days,‘ I sneered, “and she has to choose between me and Kewei.”
Ying laughed, “The Prince Regent. It’s got to be Kewei.”
’Hmph,’ I snorted.
The Empress Dowager had confined her eldest sister, but she hadn’t completely lost faith in her. She knew that Kewei had interfered by sending someone to Gaomi, and that’s why she hadn’t chosen her, but was cultivating an ally for the future princess between Kewei and me.
Wei’er, you will be the most powerful person, so let me be your helper.

Insincere words
After clarifying their political views, Ke Lan and Ke Ying no longer questioned the policies proposed by Ke Wei, and the court even followed Ke Wei’s lead. The two of them were united in their efforts to assist Ke Wei in handling government affairs.
As a result, Ke Wei’s power and influence grew day by day, to the point where she could get almost anyone to do whatever she wanted. The court was so busy accusing and slandering each other that they had no time to consider the new policies Ke Wei had introduced. Everyone was trying to curry favour with the Prince and others in order to change the unfavourable situation.
Ke Wei proposed the establishment of a cabinet of ministers to share the responsibilities of the Chancellor of the Imperial Secretariat, and selected five people from the court to serve in it. Officials from all walks of life scrambled to recommend themselves, in an attempt to salvage the situation that had been destroyed for the clans.

The huge Shadow Hall was filled with a pungent smell of alcohol, and the occasional sound of broken porcelain bottles and the squeaking of rolling objects echoed through the hall, making it seem hollow and lonely.
Ke Wei entered the Shadow Hall, kicked over a bottle at her feet, frowned slightly, and walked to the centre, stopping when she saw the mess of broken bottles all around her.
Huan Yang was lying on the upper seat, a wine pot in his hand, drinking non-stop. When he saw the person approaching, he squinted, turned his head away and yelled, ‘Who told her to come? Come out and receive your punishment in the punishment hall.’
There was silence all around, only the sound of the wine gurgling down his throat and the echoes.
Ke Wei kicked the bottle aside and walked up to Huan Yang, coldly saying, ‘Are you in pain? Do you need to get drunk to relieve your sorrow?’
‘Pain? Haha…’ Hanyang glared, threw the bottle at Ke Wei, and saw her side to avoid it, but it still stained her face with wine. She sneered, “Who are you to say I’m in pain? You’re the one crying and in pain.”
Ke Wei’s face dripped with wine, like tears. She squeezed past the half of the chair and sat down, took two unopened pots and handed them to Hanyang, and laughed, ’Yes. It is I who should be crying and suffering.‘ She tilted her head back and gulped down the drink, which had a spicy, pungent taste. “Drunken Beauty House’s Roasted Knives. Haha…”
Huan Yang looked at Ke Wei for a moment, then tilted her head back and gulped down the drink as well. She couldn’t help but laugh and cry at the same time, and said helplessly, “What are you doing here?”
’The imperial court has passed the proposal to establish the position of cabinet minister.’ Ke Wei felt around the bottle’s mouth and suddenly said, “I volunteered that day.”
Huan Yang paused for a moment, then laughed at herself, ’If I didn’t really want to come, what’s the point? Well done, congratulations on another success.’ He slammed his bottle against Kewei’s and guzzled without spilling a drop.
Kewei sighed, knowing the bitter sweet taste. “There’s a place for you in the cabinet.”
Huan Yang didn’t say anything, just kept drinking.
After a long while, he half-closed his eyelids, removed his disguise, and let the wine drip onto his fingertips, spinning it around. He whispered, ’I heard you fought Xiao Mu Xue. Are you okay?’
‘Haha, Xiao Mu Xue is a deep and hidden person, and he even deceived me. ‘Huan Yang smashed the wine jar, and it made a crisp sound when it hit the ground. “How dare he hurt you? Let him know what regret is. I have already ordered the Shadow to kill him. No matter how high his martial arts are, he won’t be able to live in peace.”
’Huan Yang, haven’t you always wanted to know what really happened to me at Huafa Temple?’ The droplets on her fingertips spun faster as she whispered about what happened that day on the moonlit night, and the effects of Ziguo and Jinshelin.
Hanyang grabbed the wine jar and gulped it down even more vigorously, before throwing it away: ‘You gave your first time to a demon you didn’t know, your child was born to someone who hurt you deeply, and you still want to protect his reputation, and take someone with unclear intentions into the family… Wei’er, Ke’wei, wake up, learn to take care of yourself and protect yourself, okay?’
‘Huan Yang…‘
’At the beginning, I thought of everything and made all the preparations. You changed step by step, but I didn’t expect that your change was to get your own father. I endured it, but you still want to bear his child. Now, because he did what I have been doing, you are angry and forcing yourself to do this. Did I do it wrong from the beginning? Wei Er, I don’t ask you to accept me or fall in love with me, but I beg you not to hurt yourself anymore, to not abuse yourself…it’s not worth it.’ Huan Yang grabbed Ke Wei’s shoulders, his gaze filled with anger, pain, and pleading.
Ke Wei had never seen Huan Yang lose control before. His eyes were always dark and unfathomable, and it was impossible to tell his emotions. Only the side of him that was willing to show others was never revealed. At this moment, his eyes and expression were so easy to understand, and it hurt her heart.
Huan Yang shook his head, touched Kewei’s eyes, and murmured, ‘When will you stop looking at me with those eyes? When will you cry for me? No, I absolutely don’t want you to cry.’ He hugged Kewei tightly and whispered, ‘Kewei, how about you take him away? I’ll help you tie him up.’
Ke Wei raised her head and laughed, ‘It’s too late. I’ve discovered that a heart can do many things besides love. I can try to contribute to the country and try to like other people. Huan Yang, I haven’t humiliated myself.’
Huan Yang was stunned and hugged Ke Wei even tighter.
‘Huan Yang, I told you that day that I volunteered, and I have no regrets.’ Ke Wei hugged Huan Yang back and whispered, ’I fell in love with him at first sight, and I have an inseparable attachment. Huan Yang, for you it’s a daily accumulation, and I can’t live without you. You’re more like a friend, but the feelings are more complicated than those of a friend. You say that you are ruthless but have feelings, and it’s hard to tell if you have feelings or not. You say that you are in the middle of the situation, so how can you see clearly. Huan Yang, you and I are both players in the game, and I can’t tell if I’m being righteous or if I’m in love with you.‘
’Haha…haha…‘ Huan Yang laughed in a low, hoarse voice, his body unable to stop trembling. “Wei’er, do you know? Your words, your unrecognisable feelings, have made me so heartbroken that I can’t help myself, hahaha…”
’Haha…’ Ke Wei also laughed, with a bitter undertone, ’Huan Yang, you’re silly.’
‘Haha… I’m willing…’ Huan Yang let go of Ke Wei, got up, kicked the wine jar, and laughed with his head held high, “They say that if you die under the peony flower, you will be a charming ghost. Wei’er, why don’t you let me be that ghost?”
Ke Wei turned her head away, wiped away the tears, got up, and said, “I’m going to the Dongqin Palace,” and walked away. She was stopped by Huan Yang, who whispered, ’What?’
‘Wei’er, don’t be too hard on yourself,’ Huan Yang said softly before letting go of her hand.

Ke Wei left the Hall of Shadows and looked in the direction of the Dongqin Palace. ’It’s all so lonely and majestic. What good will it do if I get it? Father, have you ever thought that this palace will bury you for life, and it will also bury your Wei’er. Can you bear to do that?’

‘Your son greets his father, may the emperor be in good health.‘
The King of Qin remained silent, half-lowering his eyes as he watched the kneeling figure. The pain in his heart spread to his throat, and he could not speak.
’Your son greets his father, may the emperor be in good health.’
Another shout, already a little impatient. Ke Wei, unwilling as she was, still looked up at the person in the seat. As soon as she looked, the emptiness in her heart expanded even more, and she wanted to tear this person apart and devour them. ‘No need for sexual intimacy, I can hold you in the palm of my hand and you can never run away again, never hurt me again. This is what I’m doing right now, heh heh.’
‘Your servant greets his imperial father. May his father be in good health.‘
Li Lian saw what was going on and coughed once, smiling, “Your Highness, please rise. Your master has been looking a little pale lately, a little unwell.”
Ke Wei heard this and got up, brushing her sleeves, smiling calmly, “If Your Highness’s health is not good, why don’t you summon the imperial doctor?”
’This,’ Li Lian was at a loss for words for a moment, and when he glanced at the two people’s faces, he cried out in his heart.
‘Leave.’ The King Qin’s eyes closed slightly, and he spoke.
Li Lian anxiously glanced at the two of them, withdrew from the hall, and commanded the left and right to close the palace doors.
Being alone together was a suffocating net. Ke Wei was nervous, secretly resenting her own uselessness, and forced a smile, ’Father, the proposal of the cabinet minister has been passed, and the document has also been issued. Father is the capital minister appointed by the Empress…’
King Qin looked up at Ke Wei, his gaze burning.
Ke Wei couldn’t continue, her heart in turmoil. She looked away and said, ‘Your Majesty wants to hand over the position of Minister of the Board of Rites and only appoint the Minister of the Cabinet and four other ministers to handle the duties of the Minister of the Board of Rites.’
King Qin sighed, as if a huge axe had been smashed into Ke Wei’s already chaotic heart, stirring up a thousand waves.
‘Father, if there are no objections, I will take my leave.‘ Ke Wei just wanted to get out of this boring place quickly. If she stayed any longer, she was sure she would explode.
A clear voice pierced her heart. Ke Wei stopped in her tracks and heard approaching footsteps. Her fingernails dug into her palms, causing unbearable pain.
King Qin extended his hands and held Ke Wei’s clenched fists. He whispered, ’Still angry with your father?’
Ke Wei remained silent, sneering inwardly, ‘Today, what’s the point of bringing this up? What’s the meaning of it?’
‘I don’t ask for your forgiveness, only that you don’t forget your heart, don’t force yourself too much, don’t…’ The King looked at the person on his shoulders, feeling the pain and sorrow himself, and stopped talking, turning his back.
Ke Wei lowered her head, a smile curling the corners of her mouth. She said coldly, ‘Father and daughter have no feud that lasts overnight. How could I blame the emperor? As for what the emperor said, I will remember it forever. I take my leave.’
She raised her head and walked towards the palace. She heard three words spoken in a cold voice behind her, and suddenly her tears flowed as she walked quickly away.
The person behind her turned around and looked at the departing back, stroked her chest, and said with grief, ‘My child…heh, Wei Er!’

Unconsciously, she had walked to Weiye Garden, which was now Qingwu Garden, the residence of the seventh princess, Ke Wu.
The garden was still the same, but the people were gone.
Laughter could be heard in the courtyard, and birds were chirping.
A bamboo ball rolled to Ke Wei’s feet, making a crisp sound.
Everyone was startled to see the visitor and panicked, kneeling down, ‘I, your servant, greet Your Highness. May Your Highness live a thousand years.’
‘Sister, come, play with Wuer.’ Ke Wuer tied her hair in a bun, grinned and showed a few milk teeth, stumbling over to Ke Wei’s feet and pulling up the hem of her golden dress.
Her round, smooth face and delicate eyebrows and eyes did not at all resemble the Prince of Qin, but rather looked like a young version of Fu Tian.
‘Get up,’ Ke Wei suppressed her emotions, took the bamboo ball, leaned over and picked up Ke Wu, smiling, “Has Wu been good lately?”
Ke Wu pulled the bamboo ball and slammed it around Ke Wei’s neck, pouting and shouting, “Wu has been good. Dong Momei said that Wu is the most well-behaved child.”
The maid named Dong Momei laughed and said, ’Your Highness is well-behaved, exactly like Your Highness when you were a child.’
Ke Wei picked up Ke Wu and turned towards the inner chamber, smiling, ‘Who sent you?’
Dong Momeo was taken aback, and she only knew that she had not said anything wrong. She smiled and said, ‘I was sent by the Prince Qin.’
‘Haha, the emperor is really old. He even sends such an inexperienced maid.’ Ke Wei turned around and looked at Dong Momeo coldly.
Dong Momeo panicked and knelt on the ground, saying, ‘I know I was wrong, please forgive me, Your Highness.’
‘Oh, where did you go wrong?‘ Ke Wei placed Ke Wu on the ground and patted her on the top of the head to calm her down.
’I’m sorry… I’m sorry…‘
’Someone come.‘
The maid in the Qingwu Courtyard bowed and obeyed the command.
’Take Dongmo away. I don’t want to see her in the Qingwu Courtyard again.”
Dongmo was dragged to the door by the maid before she could react, with her mouth covered.
‘Sister, where is Dongmo going?‘ Ke Wu dropped the bamboo ball and threw her arms around Ke Wei’s thighs.
’Dongmo is going to play, and she’s not taking you with her. Let’s ignore her,‘ Ke Wei laughed, scratching Ke Wu’s nose.
’Dongmo is so bad, let’s play by ourselves,‘

Ke Wei returned to the palace, met the two babies who could babble and run and say ‘mama’, had some fun, and then returned to the study.
Ying Ruo Dao discovered the whereabouts of the eldest princess, Fu Xi, and Xian Wang Fu Ji Hong, and Ke Wei followed her out of the secret passageway to the outskirts of the western city.
A common village thirty li from the capital, the setting sun shining brightly.
Ke Wei stood outside the courtyard, and what caught her eye was a simple farmhouse with a low fence and a few date trees and hibiscus. Entering the courtyard, a smiling Fuxi, dressed in simple clothes, was feeding a few hens with a dustpan, occasionally smiling and saying a few words to the person sitting behind her.
The setting sun shone, creating a picture of rural happiness.
‘Big sister.”
Fu Xi heard a voice that startled her and made her drop the dustpan in her hands. She slowly turned her head to look at the person coming, and saw Ming Dong’s dark eyes. Her simple and plain attire wrapped an introverted and invisible aura, which was different from before.
Fu Xi’s eyes flickered slightly, and she forced a smile and said, ’Who are you looking for? What big sister? My family has a big yellow chicken. Are you here to buy a chicken?’
Ke Wei remained silent, and turned to look at Fu Ji Hong, who was lying on a recliner. His eyes were dull and vacant, and he was staring in one direction like a fool.
Fu Xi saw this and hurriedly gave up the chicken, ran over to Fu Ji Hong, hugged him, and pleaded, ‘He’s gone crazy. Please let us go, okay?’
‘How could he go crazy?’ Ke Wei waved away the shadows, walked over, picked up the dustpan, and took the dry grains inside to feed the chicken.
Fu Xi was taken aback, her eyes flashing slightly. ‘Aren’t you here to arrest him today?’
‘Well, didn’t you say he was stupid? What’s the point of arresting a stupid person? You shouldn’t execute a stupid person either.’ Ke Wei placed the dustpan, which had finished scattering the grain, on the wooden rack and laughed, ‘This is a nice place of yours. If one day Wei can’t get along in the palace, would it be nice for her to come and stay here?’
Fuxi’s expression changed, and she looked around. She let out a sigh of relief and laughed, ‘Miss, don’t joke around. A farmhouse like ours is not for someone of noble birth like you.’
Ke Wei rubbed her forehead and laughed bitterly, changing the subject, ‘Why did he go crazy?’
Fuxi glanced at the motionless Fu Jihong and brushed the hair around his ears. ‘He left me and ran away, but was brought back by a kind person, so we were reunited. He wanted to take me to Dongmei, but I didn’t want to. He just couldn’t let go of his ambitions, so I had to resort to this. Next time he does this, I’ll make him stay with me forever and never leave again.‘
Ke Wei was shocked. She saw that Fuxi was as happy as a little girl, nestled in Fojihong’s arms, and her emotions were mixed.
’He did this, and you don’t regret it?‘
’Regret it?’ Fuxi closed her eyes, held Fojihong’s hand, and laughed, ’Compared to the past when we were sneaking around in secret, our lives now are like those of immortals. Why would I regret it?‘
’Don’t you regret falling in love with him? He’s left you behind and run away.‘
’No. If I regret it, it’s only because I didn’t love him enough. True love has no regrets.
I love him more than my life or my reputation. I would take up a sword for him and kill for him, and get him whatever he wants.
I’ve always been afraid that he is too naive, and that he is naively trying to change the system that has been in place in Fuguo for 2,000 years. This is not something that he and I can achieve. Even at this point, he is still delusional. I only hate myself for being useless and losing to the Empress Dowager, and for no longer being able to help him. I have no choice but to let him be like this. When we are old and can no longer handle the turmoil, I will let him recover. By then, he should have accepted his old age and live quietly, by my side.’
Ke Wei was speechless and whispered, ‘Empress Dowager only hopes that you can be a good emperor. As a mother, she has been too demanding on you.’ Seeing that Fu Xi was stunned and unmoved, she sighed lightly and walked out of the courtyard.
‘Miss,’ Fu Xi called out, smiling, ‘Ke Shan is still a child, please take care of him. Also, thank you for helping us, this is a gift for you, and a young man said that if he had the opportunity to meet you, he would give it to you.’
‘Ke Shan, he is living a good life.’ Ke Wei took the porcelain bottle and turned away, exclaiming, ’If you knew that I was the cause of all this, would you still be grateful? Demon, Xiao Mu Xue, why did you leave the two of them here and why did you give me this bottle?

In the last month of Fleur’s 26-year reign, the overall situation in the court had been decided.
Seeing that the situation could not be reversed, the two clans, the Shangguan and Feng families, had one after another retired to their hometowns and removed all things related to the capital. Ke Wei had even recovered the 50,000 troops held by the Shangguan family and incorporated them into her own National Protection Army, with the army flag under her control.
In the secret chamber, Ke Wei talked with Shangguan Lingfeng, Situ Xi and Feng Qinghui all night, and designated the cities and counties where the two families would return to as Wuhe City in the south and Baiyuan City in the east.
Before leaving, Ke Wei knelt and asked the two families to set up academies in the local cities and counties, recruit students from poor families, and recruit talented people to teach in order to cultivate talent for the imperial court.
Shangguan Lingfeng and Situ Xi both said that they did not dare, but seeing that the family’s servants were numerous and their hearts to serve the country undiminished, they finally agreed and left happily.
Feng Qinghui had lost a lot of weight in the past year.
Ke Wei’s words, her way of ruling the country and her ability to handle matters had deeply impressed Feng Qinghui. However, the friendship they had cultivated in the past and the events they had experienced had separated the two of them like thousands of miles apart. Meeting again could not be more than a mere exchange of formalities between a ruler and his minister.
“Your Highness, someone once told me that the throne is not taken by wisdom, but is half determined by fate and half by people. Your Highness’s life has changed because of these words and this person. Do you hate it?’
Ke Wei smiled faintly: ‘Hate? Someone once told me that everything you have learned is because you took the initiative to learn it. Junior Tutor, tell me, who do I hate?’
Feng Qinghui sighed lightly and whispered, ‘What’s been missed in this life cannot be forced.’ Then, as if letting go of a complex, he laughed freely, ‘Your Highness’s grand ambitions and aspirations are the utmost admiration of Qinghui. I hope Your Highness can remember the game you played with King Qin. When you are poor, change; when you change, you will be unblocked; when you are unblocked, you will last. This is the way you should be, and it is also the way the Fu Kingdom will go in the future.”
Ke Wei smiled, remembering the first time she met Feng Qinghui: playing chess under the tree. It was a test to make this person see everything clearly. ’What was my evaluation of him at the beginning? Qinghui is like his name, the clear light of the moon at dawn, clean and transparent, with the disappearance of morning dew and the vitality of the sun. Morning dew is a transient thing, quiet and composed. The sun is a day thing, lively and cheerful. Feng Qinghui is precisely a combination of the two. On the surface, it is the sunlight of the day, but within is the ephemeral morning dew.
Now, Feng Qinghui’s aura is refined and restrained. It is no longer the pure radiance of the bright moon, but the wisdom of a great scholar like the setting sun.
‘In just a few years, a person has grown so much.’
Ke Wei sighed with emotion, her heart slightly softening. ‘Shao Fu, it is a blessing to leave this chaotic whirlpool.’
‘Yes, Qinghui is also very fortunate to have escaped unscathed. If Your Highness is tired of the mundane affairs of the palace, you can come to Wuhe City, and Qinghui will personally welcome you with a toast and song.’ Feng Qinghui laughed lightly, and his scholarly charm was already under control.
Ke Wei nodded and laughed, “If that happens, I will definitely drink with the young master and not stop until we are drunk.”
The two laughed in unison, and a tacit understanding grew between them.

A large number of impoverished students passed the autumn imperial examinations, so Ke Wei took this opportunity to hold a grand banquet for the students in the mansion, gathering people of insight and promoting them in the imperial court.
The cabinet ministers have been decided, and the five people of Qin Wang, Huan Yang, Ke Lan, Ke Ying, and Linghu Zhenqian share the duties of the cabinet. Ke Wei abolished the traditional three general directors of the Zhongshu Ling, Shangshu Ling, and Menxia Province. The cabinet is responsible for Zhongshu affairs, and the six departments of the Shangshu each perform their duties. The six deputy ministers are promoted to check and balance each other, and the officials of the six departments are streamlined. The submissions are submitted to the cabinet for approval and then to the empress for a decision. The Ministry of Rites was abolished, and all matters relating to the etiquette and teachings of the Empress were handed over to the Da Lisi. Ancient texts were also borrowed to prevent people from arguing about the succession to the throne.
In this way, hundreds of officials were removed and replaced, and hundreds of magistrates were appointed to various places. A system of local city and county regulations was established, commercial orders were unified, money changers were added to uniformly collect silver coins, and the state guaranteed the issuance of limited authoritarian banknotes, which were sold and executed by designated money changers.
Various new policies and regulations were issued, and the name of King Chiwei resounded throughout the court and the people, and he was praised in history books.

Marriage rewards
In the early 27th year of Fule, Ke Wei was 17 years old, Ke Lan and Ke Ying were 19, Ke Xue was 21,
Ke Shan was 14, Ke Heng and Ke Min were 11, Ke Wu was 3, and Huan Chen and Xiao Shuzhen were 2 years old

Fule 27 years, the empress, who had not been involved in politics for many years, suddenly took power and fully implemented the new policies implemented by Kewei. In March, she praised Kewei for properly handling the Golden Flower matter and decreed that Kewei be made the crown princess. On the same day, she married Mu Chige, the assistant minister of justice, as her official husband, and chose a good day and auspicious time to hold the grand ceremony and wedding ceremony.

The wedding ceremony and the wedding date were set for January. Someone came to the Jiwei Royal Family.
‘My lord, Chunrong begs you to spare her,’ said Chunrong, kneeling at the entrance to the study with her attendants Shushu, Shizhu and Shiju, pleading with a piteous voice.
The family was close to a happy occasion, but the biggest managers were all kneeling here. The male and female attendants were all scared and didn’t know how to respond. Grateful for the usual manager’s pleasant demeanour, they also knelt down and begged.
When the Lord of the Manor arrived and saw this scene, he turned and walked over to Chunrong. ‘There’s someone kneeling outside, and you’re kneeling too? Don’t you have anything to do around here?’
Chunrong was shocked, and hung her head, saying, ‘Lord Lord of the Manor, please beg for her. No matter what she did, she took care of you for 16 years after all, and she has worked hard even if you don’t count her merits. She’s already been kneeling outside the manor for three days, and no matter how skilled she is, she can’t take the weather, rain or shine.’
Upon hearing this, Ke Lan sighed and said with a pout, ‘Who can persuade her now?’ Then his face turned cold, ‘She betrayed the Prince and the young Prince. No matter how great her contribution was, she cannot be forgiven. As the head of the household, how can you kneel before this servant? Are you rebelling?’
Chunrong fell to her knees, her heart filled with sorrow. She cried out, ‘I know that Xia Hua’s crime is unforgivable. My lord has shut himself in his room ever since, refusing to see her. He could have her expelled or punished, but he just ignores her. Please, my lord, don’t be so indifferent.’
Ke Lan sighed slightly and said coldly, ‘If your lord ignores you, you should understand what that means. Go back to your work. Kneeling here with a crowd of people is unbecoming.’
Chunrong knew that if the master ignored Xia Hua, he would be considered dead. But Xia Hua was kneeling outside the mansion, just begging to see the master one more time, and it was actually so difficult. Could it be that the master was really so heartless?
Creak! The study door opened, and Ke Wei, dressed in plain clothes and with a composed expression, stood in the doorway, coldly watching a group of people kneeling on the ground. ‘Chunrong, you are the head of the royal household, and yet you have acted so recklessly. The four of you do not know the difference between right and wrong. You are dismissed from your position as head of the household and will go to your room to reflect on your actions. Bingxue, bring Xiao Shuzhen here and go outside with me.’
Everyone trembled. Chunrong and the other three bowed their heads in silence. They let out a breath, tightened their hearts, and bowed to leave. Bingxue bowed his head in response and led the way to the backyard.
‘Lan, are you going to sit in the study or come with me?’ Ke Wei smiled at Ke Lan.
Ke Lan looked past Ke Wei, nodded slightly, and said, ‘Hey, why smile if you don’t want to?’
‘In that case, let’s go.’ Ke Wei smiled, turned around, and walked towards the outside of the house with a stern face.

It had rained heavily the night before, and the lingering spring rain was the worst for one’s health. Xiaohua, drenched and disheveled, knelt outside the palace, his gaze grey and defeated, but determined. He held on with every breath in his body, standing upright as best he could.
Ke Wei, carrying Xiao Zhen, followed by Ke Lan and the others, walked up to the front door of the palace.
When Xiaohua saw them, he crawled forward, bowed his head, and remained silent at Ke Wei’s feet.
“Sister Xiaohua,’ Bing Xue whispered behind her, covering her mouth, and dared not speak as she saw the heavy atmosphere.
‘Zhen’er, go to her side,’ Ke Wei said, putting Xiao Shuzhen down and feeling his forehead.
Xiao Shuzhen was already two years old and as clever as Huachen. He heard Ke Wei’s words and said in a childish voice, ‘Zhen’er wants to stay with mommy.’
“Zhen’er is a good boy. Zhen’er has always been asking mommy who daddy is, hasn’t he?’
Xiao Zhen nodded, his light-blonde hair swaying, and pouted, ‘Huanhuan has a daddy and a papa, but Zhen Zhen has nothing.’
‘If Zhen Zhen wants to see her daddy, she can go with this person…’
‘Hm…’ Xiao Zhen looked at Xia Hua and, after a moment’s thought, said, ‘How about mommy goes with Zhen Zhen?’
‘Mommy has something to do. If Zhen’er misses her, she just has to shout, and Mommy will come.‘
’Really?‘ Xiao Zuzhen questioned.
’Of course. When has Mommy ever lied to Zhen’er?‘
’Hm.’ Xiao Zuzhen turned to Xia Hua, ’Hey…um…young lady, will you take me to Daddy…Father? Mommy, am I saying this correctly?’
Ke Wei narrowed her eyes, nodded, and turned to Xia Hua: ‘Last time, with one sword, you and I settled our scores. He,’ glancing down at Xiao Shuzhen, ‘I no longer need it, so you can take it back. Tell Xiao Musue that it would be best for him to hide for the rest of his life, otherwise, I will make him wish he was dead.’
Xia Hua reached out and grabbed Ke Wei’s clothes, raising his eyes in silent pleading.
‘Xia Hua, nowadays, you are no longer a member of my Chibi Royal Family.‘ Ke Wei kicked Xia Hua away with her foot and turned around.
’Mom…’ Xiao Shuzhen shouted. Seeing that Ke Wei had stopped, he said weakly, ’Mom, Huanhuan said that I have to bring her to see my father when I have one. Huanhuan can only see my father but not my dad. Huanhuan said that he likes my dad. Mom, let Huanhuan go see my dad… Mom…’
Ke Wei did not linger and led the people into the house.
‘My lord…’ ‘Mom…’
The two poignant sounds accompanied by the sound of the door slamming were exceptionally heart-wrenching.
Back in the study, Ke Lan and Ke Wei sat in silence, enjoying the rare peace they had together.
After a long while, the servant reported that Xia Hua had left with Xiao Shuzhen. Seeing Ke Wei nod, he left immediately.
Ke Wei’s eyes flickered slightly, and when she turned to look at Ke Lan’s expression, she smiled and said, ‘What did you want to see me about today?’
‘The Empress Dowager has granted the marriage. You don’t plan to refuse, do you?’ Ke Lan’s hand trembled slightly as he held the bowl, and he sighed inwardly: ‘I knew this day would come. What was I begging for? Didn’t I say I was just protecting you?
‘Well. The traditional system of the Fu Kingdom does not restrict marriage between close relatives. Mu Chi Ge is the son of the late Second Imperial Consort. The Empress is ashamed of him, and I have taken him into the household. It is only a matter of time before an edict is issued to marry him.’ Ke Wei lowered her eyelids, her long eyelashes fluttering slightly, as she recalled the agreement she had made with Mu Chi Ge that day: “Kill your enemy with your own hands!” That night, he was also an actor, but I don’t know what was really going on in his heart.
Ke Lan’s heart sank as he thought, ‘Wei’er, whose child is Huandun?’
‘Why are you suddenly asking this?’ Ke Wei lowered her eyes and did not accept the gaze she received.
Ke Lan’s cold eyes flickered slightly, ‘Don’t make the wrong decision.’ Then he got up, ‘The Lord of Crossbow County contacted you earlier and has recently entrusted me with this. You should make a decision.’
Ke Wei saw the person leave and sighed lightly, rubbing her forehead, ‘Yingruo.’
‘Go and ambush Hua Jinhou at the hut 30 li outside the southern suburbs of the capital.‘

It was a clear May day. Danyang City had been in a state of excitement since dawn, with everyone carrying lanterns on the streets heading for the outer imperial city, surging from the south gate towards the east-west avenue at Xuanwu Gate to catch a glimpse of the Princess Regent, who was receiving the investiture ceremony.
Everyone said that Queen Chiwei was upright and incorruptible, that she sought out the wise like she was thirsty, that she established schools for the children of humble families, that she abolished customs tariffs for all counties, and that she issued banknotes that benefited the country and the people…
At noon, the Imperial City’s bells tolled loudly, and the drums and music played in unison, heralding a new beginning.
A long and majestic procession accompanied a bright yellow sedan chair carried by 32 bearers as it left the inner imperial city through the Jiale Gate, passed through the east-west avenue and entered the Xuanwu Gate directly. The people gathered here to cheer and shout: ‘Long live the Empress!
The huge procession slowly followed the path opened by the people themselves out of the outer imperial city’s Suzaku Gate and turned west towards the Chiwei Prince’s Mansion. Thousands of people moved slowly and in an orderly manner.
There were lanterns and streamers, the sound of drums and music, a large red character for ‘happiness’ hung high, and the main gate of the Princess Chiwei’s palace was wide open, with palace guards welcoming the procession.
When the procession arrived at the entrance to the Princess Chiwei’s palace, the jade hook on the sedan chair was raised lightly, and Princess Chiwei was helped down from the sedan chair by her male attendant Xizhen.
The people were overjoyed at the sight, and they called out ‘Long live the princess!’
The nine-tailed bright yellow peacock costume is even more magnificent and majestic than the princess’s formal attire. The towering nine-tailed golden crown is draped with a jade sash, awe-inspiring and inviolable. Majestic, solemn, magnificent, graceful… At this moment, Ke Wei has a calm and composed temperament, a royal bearing that exudes power without anger.
Ke Wei has bright black eyes and a friendly, gentle smile on the corners of her lips. Turning to face the people, she shouts with inner strength, ‘My fellow villagers.’
Gao Hong’s clear voice penetrated to the heart, and everyone held their breath.
‘Today is a joyous occasion at the Chiwei Royal Palace. Everyone, you have been kind to me. If you don’t mind, let the servants of the palace escort you to the banquet to celebrate my wedding together, in honour of your kindness to me.’
Upon hearing this, the crowd, black as night, knelt down and shouted, ‘Thank you, Your Highness, many, many thanks.’
Then, to the sound of drums and songs, Ke Wei led the crowd into the house.
In the main hall, she stood out in her bright red wedding dress. The red colour made her peerless and pure beauty even more dazzling. The ceremonial official handed Ke Wei a big red ribbon, and the two then stood in the main hall to receive the ritual.
The attendants shouted, ‘His Royal Highness the Prince of Qin, His Royal Highness the Prince of Guanglu, and His Royal Highness the Prince of Guangyue have arrived!’
Ke Wei’s face lights up with a smile, and she squints her eyes at the many dignitaries with complicated expressions, as well as King Xuejing, King Jialan, King Nu County, and King Jiaying County…
The three of them enter together through the path cleared by the crowd, and everyone except Ke Wei shouts out greetings.
Crossing the crowd, Ke Wei is as bright and picturesque as a picture, smiling at the calm and cold King Qin, the forced composure of Huan Yang, and the self-assured Xiao Ling.
‘Wei greets the three imperial fathers,‘ Ke Wei said, bowing half-crouching.
The two men did not speak, and the atmosphere suddenly settled. Xiao Ling glanced at the two men beside him and laughed, “Your Highness, today, the three of us have been specially ordered by the Empress to marry you.”
’In that case, thank you, three imperial fathers,’ Ke Wei turned sideways to welcome the three men, ’heh heh, the Empress’s mind is becoming more and more difficult to understand!’
A servant had already added chairs and a seat of honour.
King Qin looked at the smiling Ke Wei and walked up to the high seat with half-dropped eyelids. Hanyang laughed loudly and said to the side Mo Chi: ‘Congratulations to Minister Mo for seeing the moon after the clouds.’
Mo Chi smiled faintly and said: ‘What King Guanglu said.’
Hanyang was startled, then laughed and walked to the top seat to sit on the same side as Xiao Ling.
The sound of drums and music started again, and everyone was still laughing and joking.
The master of ceremonies shouted, ‘First bow to the heavens and the earth.’
Ke Wei glanced at the smiling Mu Chi Ge and bowed to the heavens with him.
The master of ceremonies shouted again, ‘Second bow to your parents.’
Mu Chi Ge led the red silk, looking at Ke Wei with a soft expression on his face. Seeing her stunned expression, his gaze became even softer.
Ke Wei hung her head in shame, her mouth twitching slightly. ‘Suddenly, I like the ancient red headscarf. In that case, it would be a lot easier!’
The two of them faced the three elders and bowed.
The King of Qin’s hand, which was gripping the arm of his chair, was blue with veins, and his eyes were dark as he looked half-closed at the top of Ke Wei’s shoes, his chest heaving slightly.
Huan Yang smiled at Ke Wei’s flushed cheeks, his heart churning. His thighs trembled slightly beneath his clothes, and his hands tightened under his sleeves.
Xiao Ling smiled faintly like a cup of clear tea. Recalling Bai Yucheng’s rescue of Ke Wei, and then looking at the spirited and radiant person before him, he sighed lightly.
The master of ceremonies shouted, ‘Husband and wife, bow to each other.’
Mu Chi Ge turned around and looked at the unmoving Ke Wei. His eyebrows twitched slightly but he did not move.
Ke Wei half-lowered her eyes and smiled as she watched the blood dripping from the edge of the chair above her. It formed a dark stain at the foot of the chair before dissolving into a dark red carpet and leaving a black stain. She thought that her heart, which she had thought would never palpitate again, was throbbing as a whole. She clenched the red silk in her hands and pinched her fingernails into her palms. ‘Father, does it hurt? Wei’er, it hurts too…haha…’
The red silk quickly stained with spots. Ke Wei resolutely turned around, her lips and teeth trembling slightly, smiling as she faced the late-coming singer.
The two looked at each other and laughed lightly, bowed, and listened to the master of ceremonies shouting the end of the ceremony. Ke Wei’s eyelids fluttered slightly, and a tear fell onto the heart of the late-coming singer nearby.
The late-coming singer turned his hand and pulled Ke Wei up, and then left the lobby to the inner courtyard amidst the cheers of the crowd.
Ke Lan watched the two leave, half-lowering his head. He heard Ke Ying whisper beside him, ‘Lan, she is not someone we can get.’
Ke Lan trembled, his hands under his sleeves tightening. He turned to the upper seats, sneered softly, and walked over to the side hall banquet.
Behind him, Chunrong greeted the crowd and went to the banquet. The three kings got up and left, leaving behind a pool of blood on the chair legs.

Ke Wei sat in the newly decorated room, expressionless as she finished her formalities with Chi Ge. The two of them were silent.
Chi Ge smiled gently and said, ‘I’ll go greet the guests outside. Your Highness, freshen up and come over.’
Ke Wei looked up, her eyes shining. She blinked slightly and a tear rolled down her face. ‘You go ahead,’ she said.
‘Hey,’ Chi Ge sighed lightly, laughed at himself, and turned to go out the door.
Ke Wei gripped her sleeve, held her head high, suppressed her pain, and calmed her mind. ‘Yingruo.’
‘Where is Lord Nu?’
‘Lord Nu is waiting for you in the back courtyard.’
Ke Wei patted her cheek, got up, changed her clothes, and walked with Yingruo in the shadows through the secret passage to the back courtyard.

‘Fifth sister, Fu Nu thanks you for your help,‘ said the Lord of the Crossbow, bowing to her and his eyes gleaming with joy.
’Please rise, older brother,’ said Ke Wei, helping Fu Nu to his feet. She then turned to Yingruo: ’We don’t have much time. Yingruo will take you to your older brother. Take care, older brother.’
‘Fifth sister. This letter is my way of thanking you for your help. We will never meet again, and this imperial city is a prison. Fifth sister, please be careful in the future.’ Fu Nu took out the letter and handed it to Ke Wei, then implored, ’Please look after He He and her child. They want to return to the Northern Union to be reunited with their loved ones. Please help them.’
‘Heh,‘ Ke Wei smiled faintly and nodded, “I helped you, so naturally I will help He He. Back then, when she invited me to the banquet, I already promised her that I would help her in the future.”
’Heh, He He is also a smart person. She has long since made plans. Take care, Fifth Sister. My brother takes his leave.’ Fu Nu let out a bitter smile, but she couldn’t hide the excitement in her eyes, and she bowed.
Ke Wei nodded and instructed Yingruo to lead the way out. Watching the departing back, her heart was filled with bittersweet feelings.

Back in her new room, Ke Wei lay on the bed, her mind flashing back to the blood on the chair legs. Her heart pounded as she heard the door being blown open. She quickly gathered her thoughts and got up to change clothes, and once again appeared at the banquet.
There were glasses and dishes everywhere, and people were singing and celebrating.
Ke Wei toasted 150 tables in a row, from high-ranking officials to commoners, everyone was included, and no one got drunk, their faces neither red nor flushed.
The crowd marveled and bestowed upon him the nickname of the God of Wine.
Chi Ge watched in awe and also toasted everyone, but he was unable to handle the wine and passed out at the 70th table.
Ke Lan saw what happened and took over from Chi Ge at the 71st table and continued toasting with the crowd, passing out drunk at the 100th table.
Ke Ying laughed, connected to table 101, and passed out at table 149.
Ke Wei took on table 150 alone, not getting drunk, and then saw off the adults and villagers with Chunrong and the others. It was already early evening, with the moon and stars in the sky.
After everyone left, Ke Wei watched the silhouettes of the people who had gone away, and the kind of emptiness that could not be filled expanded infinitely. Her eyes narrowed with drunkenness and she passed out.

Goodbye Ke Wei got up and stood at the entrance of the room. Chun Rong, Bing Xue and the others exclaimed in surprise, and they all let out a sigh of relief.
The seven-day marriage leave passed while Ke Wei was asleep, and after that, the empress decreed that the princess move back to the Eastern Palace to live, so that she could govern the country more easily.
Ke Wei and Mu Chi Ge both went to the palace. The mighty moving team only had four carriages in total, and under the command of Chun Rong, they headed towards the palace. As for the Chi Wei Royal Palace, Ke Wei gave it to Ke Shan.
The Martial Arts Hall of the Taiji Palace is where the cabinet ministers hold their meetings. At the head of the hall is a zitan wood table with six chairs beneath it and four side tables.
Ke Wei sits at the head of the table, opposite the cold-faced King Qin, with Hanyang at the foot of the table. Opposite Hanyang is Xiao Ling, below Hanyang is Ke Lan, and opposite Ke Lan is Linghu Zhenqian.
Ke Wei half-lowered her eyelids and looked at the floor between the two chairs. She listened as Ling Huo Zhen said, ‘The fourth prince of Ying Xie country was soon after his return to the country, was named the crown prince, and the succession ceremony will be held in February.
’Your Highness, should our country send an envoy to congratulate him?’ Ling Huo Zhen asked Ke Wei for her opinion. ’It is said that the fourth prince of Ying Xie country, Ye Yi, stayed in the Chi Wei royal palace during his time in Fu country, so he should be on good terms with Your Highness.’
Ke Wei was probably in a daze after hearing this, looking at the black eyes reflected on the ground, ‘I wonder what these eyes are looking at at this moment?’
‘Your Highness?’ Linghu Zhen’ai glanced around, and sighed: ’This meeting of cabinet ministers is really strange! King Qin looked down at the princess with half-closed eyes, while King Guanglu leaned sideways, resting his hand on his hip and narrowing his phoenix eyes as he looked at the princess. King Guangyue was still drinking tea, while King Jialan took the petition with a cold face and flipped through it, his eyes occasionally glancing at the princess sitting across from him… Overall, I’m the only one who’s normal here…’
‘Wei Er, how are things in your new home?‘ Huan Yang pursed her lips and glanced across the room.
Ke Wei rolled her eyes at Huan Yang, and when she saw Ling Hu Zhenai’s face turn bright red, she coughed to clear her throat. “Xie Yi and I are old friends, so I sent someone to congratulate the royal family on behalf of the state. That’s just the way it is.”
’I wonder who Your Highness has chosen?’ Ling Hu Zhenai was slightly excited to see that someone had finally paid attention.
Ke Wei already had someone in mind, but she didn’t want to mention it. ‘Who do you think is suitable from the court to go?’
‘Your Highness, someone already volunteered the other day, but Your Highness was delayed due to your recent marriage,’ Xiao Ling said calmly as he put down his teacup.
‘…’ Ke Wei’s face fell. ‘Recent marriage? Does everyone have to mention that?’
‘Wei’er, I heard that you slept for seven days?‘ Huan Yang took a sip of tea, tilted her eyes to look at the person above her to the side and pursed her lips, and then looked at Ke Wei.
Ke Wei glared at Huan Yang and whispered, “Are you on the wrong medication?”
’Medication? Your Highness, I haven’t taken any medication for years,‘ Huan Yang said with a straight face.
Ke Wei was speechless.
’How about sending the County King of Pai Jiaying?’ The King of Qin said in a deep voice.
Ke Wei trembled, glanced over and met his gaze, then left, ‘What do you all think?’
‘This Jiaying County King has recently been credited with merit, and going there should be the best,’ Linghu Zhen said.
‘I have no objection,’ the others said.
Ke Wei’s choice in her heart was naturally Ke Ying, so this matter was settled.
‘The Empress will go to Mount Tailin, and King Guangyue will go with her as an escort. The Da Lisi will be in charge of this matter. Is there anything else?‘ Ke Wei sorted out the documents on the tea table and put them on the desk.
’If not, go back to work.”
The crowd nodded and left.
Ke Wei heard the footsteps of the crowd leaving and let out a sigh of relief. She turned around and was startled: “King Qin…”
King Qin approached Ke Wei and stood a step in front of her: ’Wei’er, when will you stop being angry?’
‘…‘ Ke Wei averted her eyes, not looking at the serious expression, “If there’s nothing else…”
’Wei Er?‘ Qin Wang interrupted Ke Wei’s words. The daily torment of the tortured mind was restless, and she could no longer bear this kind of non-human suffering of being close at hand but seemingly thousands of miles apart.
’Hey,’ Ke Wei sighed lightly, facing Qin Wang directly, ’Father, Wei Er is tired. I don’t want to get hurt again.’
The King of Qin trembled slightly, concealing the aches and pains in his eyes. ‘After all this time, can’t you still be okay?’
‘Okay?’ Ke Wei turned around, sniffed lightly, and turned back, saying, ‘Father, I don’t think there’s anything that can be made okay between us. You can’t make me generous enough to watch you make out with other women, generous enough to have one more sister, and even more generous to let you do all this for me without considering my feelings.’
The King of Qin bowed his head, and a few drops of blood rolled down his sleeve and scattered on the ground.
‘Father, feelings sink deeper and deeper with time. The wounds fade with time, but that doesn’t mean they never existed. If you really look clearly, I ask you, who really let all this happen? Should I ask you back?’
The King of Qin was stunned, closed his eyes, and sighed lightly, ‘I’m sorry.’
‘You said that day that I would shed tears for those three words, but now I won’t. It doesn’t matter if you hate or don’t hate, forgive or not. If you really are heartless towards her and have intentions towards me, then let the test of time begin.’ Ke Wei walked past the palace of the Qin dynasty and stopped at the door: ’Chen’er is a beautiful and lovely child, if you have the heart to go see her. If you feel guilty, then you don’t have to, and don’t say these words again in the future.’
The Qin King turned around and watched the resolute figure of his daughter as she left, crying and laughing at the same time: ‘Wei’er, you are such a love-hate person.’
Another person leaning against the door frame said: ‘Was all of this expected?’
‘Yes. When we first started forcing her, the situation is already very good now. You, on the other hand, have spoiled her.’
‘Haha… I don’t think there is anything bad about this. Besides, she and I were also husband and wife for a day.’
’…In that case, I will have to rely on you more in the future.’
‘You’re welcome… It’s good that we’ll be watching out for her together.‘
One person laughed bitterly, while the other laughed with a sour feeling. Each person savoured their own feelings, and because of the same goal, Qin Wang and Huan Yang eventually came together.

Xiao Mu Xue Extra

Under the lustful crimson moonlight, there is a beautiful and enchanting figure.
With such a moon and such a person, how could anyone not be moved?
Xiao Mu Xue is a normal arrogant and treacherous man. This is exactly the situation where the Golden Snake’s blood takes back after two months of taking it. Faced with this person, the Golden Snake’s blood in her body trembles inexplicably, and the only feeling she has is that she is the one I want.
Under the circumstances, it is inevitable that she will be moved.
The long, heel-length hair conceals the scales on the front of her face, and she whispers, ‘Is it beautiful?’
The woman jumps up in shock, looking at the long, black hair, stunned and unable to recover.
The hand that was about to directly touch the acupoints stops, and the splash of water from the shock splashes all over her face, and the coolness of the water recalls some of her senses.
After a long time, no one comes out of the water, and she is inexplicably worried, so she goes into the water to fish someone out.
Her simple bun was wet from the water and hung down on her temples. She didn’t look like a lotus flower, but she was a little bit sad and even more adorable.
The night was long, and the beauty was in front of him, not for a moment.
His teasing words actually helped him find out her identity.
He had learned the day before that among the current women of the Kingdom of Fu, only the Fifth Princess still kept her virginity. He had also learned from a spy who had been lost for many years that this person was still so in love with her father that she was willing to keep her virginity for him.
Now, after searching high and low, I have found what I was looking for without any trouble at all.
Savage blood is the nemesis of golden snake blood. As long as they have intercourse and pass blood through the fruit of the eighth month, once a month, they can get rid of all their snake scales.
Haha, there are no downsides to this, just benefits, so why not? Losing her virginity, I wonder how this will affect her?
A little test, but it was watertight. Xiao Muyue was also impressed by her composure.
If not, wouldn’t it be boring?
Just the sound of the empress getting pregnant broke her expression, and the sound of the child being Feng Lin Zi’s seed broke her momentum… Such a weak person, how could it be fun?
Recalling the Silver House’s cooperation with the Xiao family, this person is indeed intriguing.
The spy is the errand boy between her and the silver shop. How can so many secrets be kept? The spy cannot hide it from me, someone who has done her a great favour.
It is even easier for her to find out the news. At the tender age of seven, she was able to win over a group of people to work for her, and at the tender age of seven, she was able to open such a unique restaurant as Hua Yun Lou… As the information from her birth to the age of 14 flashed through her mind one after the other, and then she looked at the person in front of her whose acupressure points had been blocked, she no longer saw a sad beauty, but a strong one.
She fed the fruit to herself to neutralise the poison. But I wonder what choice she will make after I tell her about the fruit’s effect.
Ru Yu’s body made the blood in her body tremble uncontrollably, and she just wanted her. Thinking of this person’s inexplicable anger for keeping her body for her father, he spoke even more mockingly.

Playing the flute to attract people is another of the Golden Snake’s great skills. How can the savage blood that has combined with the Golden Snake escape the Golden Snake’s melodious playing of the jade flute? After this happened twice, she actually looked forward to the month passing quickly, hoping for that day to come. Suddenly, she became a little afraid. If after six times, she would no longer be able to connect with her, what should she do?
Bazihzi is a medicine that allows a man to conceive a woman. When I came back to my senses, I had already taken Bazihzi and laughed at myself, ‘Xiao Mushe, you are the crown prince of Dongmei, and yet you are so frivolous.’

The ancestor of the Dongmei Kingdom was a male general from the Fu Kingdom, but he was angry that a woman from the Fu Kingdom became the emperor, so he led his fellow subordinates to escape from the Fu Kingdom, divided the country into two parts with the Meishan Mountain Range as the border, and made himself king. The ambition of the Dongmei Kingdom is to change the traditional system of the Yuanhuang Continent, where women are in power. My father worked hard to improve the country, but he lost to the 49th Empress because of love. After the Empress passed away, my father celebrated with music and dancing, and we, the princes and princesses who should not have been born, came into the world.
At the age of 4, I volunteered to go to the Xiao family, which was a spy of the Dongmei Kingdom in the Fu Kingdom, to leave this filthy palace.
At the age of 8, she went to the Northern Union to gain experience, saved a girl who was being bullied and took her in as a sister. She sent someone to take her back to the Kingdom of Fu, but there was a mistake along the way, and she was mistakenly rescued by the current King Qin and placed next to the fifth princess.
At the age of 14, she took over all of the Xiao family’s businesses in the Kingdom of Fu, and she had some connections with the Shangguan family. She expanded her business in the Kingdom of Fu, and her business reached as far as the prefects of the counties, and even her own country, the Kingdom of Dongmei and the Kingdom of Fang.
Later, when he learned of his sister-in-law’s whereabouts, he was secretly pleased. It was considered providential to have left someone in the palace alone.
Later, when he learned of the adulterous relationship between King Xian and the eldest princess in the palace, he took advantage of the situation even more. He paid for Fu Jihong, who firmly believed in the state system of Dongmei, to install the Dongmei army, which claimed to be bandits, in the six eastern counties, and asked him to persuade Fu Jihong to surrender.
However, after this, he began to pay attention to one person, the fifth princess, Ke Wei.
Although he had long known that she had been faking insanity in the palace, he had never imagined that she actually loved her father, and that she had established her own power in Danyang City, growing from Huayun Building to Yin Building. She was truly a rare figure that came along once in a century.
Such a person had long been wanted.
At the age of 21, by chance, he found a map that showed the location of the Golden Snake, which was rumoured to be in the Jianghu world. He went to great lengths to find it, and finally obtained a little of the Golden Snake’s blood.
His stagnant martial arts skills suddenly improved dramatically under the stimulation of the golden snake blood. His internal strength was superb and unpredictable, and he couldn’t believe it even himself. At the same time, there were also side effects. One month later, silver scales began to grow on his left foot and spread to his face, making him look strange and demonic.
After investigating various books and records, he discovered stories about the golden snake and the barbarians. It was said that the only way for a person who has taken the golden snake blood to get rid of the snake scales is to have intercourse with a barbarian blood virgin who has eaten the fruit of the eight-month-old tree.
After some pondering, I learned a little bit about it. The golden snake was crushed by the barbarians under the mountain, and only the barbarians can dispel the golden snake’s infatuation.
The fruit of the eighth month, which has been unparalleled for nearly a thousand years, is still on the imperial mountain of the Dongmei Kingdom. In this way, someone was sent to pick it, and on the one hand, to investigate the virgins of the Fuguo royal family.
After investigating in secret, it turned out to be full of jokes.
The eldest princess, needless to say, has already had children. The second princess even sought help from a minister in order to gain power. The third princess is the most bizarre of all. Knowing of her elder sister’s tragedy, she was so easily won over by the smooth words of the minister Guanglu that she became submissive and obedient. Even though she is a virgin, how could such a person be attractive?
The fourth princess, Ke Lan, is actually bisexual, as revealed by an investigation. The fifth princess, Ke Wei, reported by Xia Hua that she is abstaining from sex for the sake of her father. This person is interesting. She has admired her for a long time, so why not use this person to counteract the poison.

Using words to slander someone she values has an extraordinary effect. Huan Yang, the Guanglu Wang, is actually her master. If she were told about the incident between her and the third princess, I wonder how she would react?
He sneered, saying that Huan Yang and Ke Xue were close friends. Upon hearing this, she jumped off the ground on the spot, regardless of her body after the sexual encounter.
In this way, this person cares about more than just her father, the emperor, and even the Guanglu Wang. The fourth princess, who said she had a close relationship with her, may not necessarily see such an effect.

After taking the Ziguo, she found out she was pregnant on the fifth try. She was unable to cry or laugh at the same time. She blamed herself for her own misdeeds and suffering. After much consideration, she decided to abort the baby. Jin She Xue is such a domineering thing, and even after several bowls of safflower, the baby still would not come out.
So what if I have to give birth to it?
Day and night, she began to envy someone. The King of Qin had sealed off Lin Zi, and this person made Ke Wei go to Huafa Temple in a rage. What right did he have to win her love? If that was the case, it would be better to make him suffer.
For the last time, the jade flute sounded, leading her past Dongqin Palace.
The King of Qin was so astute, how could he not be able to tell the smell and appearance of the person?
Sure enough, after having had heavenly sex with her, he heard the sound and began to doubt: ‘Even though the attendants from all directions have been ordered not to move without my command, it shouldn’t be this late! But it’s good, it’s just the right time to get down to business. Haha…’
Upon hearing these words, the personage panicked, flew to the door, and turned pale.
Looking at her now, there was not joy but a little jealousy and resentment.
‘Why does he get your attention? He betrayed you, didn’t he? Why do you say you betrayed me?”
Out of anger, she threw on a shirt and walked naked behind the man. In front of the King, whose expression was changing, she intimately embraced the man, thinking to herself, ’I wonder if he humiliated you like that that day. If you don’t hate him, then I’ll hate him for you. Haha.’
The effect was as expected. The King of Qin left in a daze, while the mannequin also seemed to have lost its soul and let itself do whatever it wanted.
But this was not the result he wanted. Seeing that the mannequin could not recover, he felt a sense of desolation and sadness in his heart, emotions that he had never experienced before with so many women.
If only I had known that the Fifth Prince Wei was a famous actress, that she could deceive the wise King Huang, the wise Empress, and many brothers and sisters in the palace. Even I, who knew her tricks, could not escape, or perhaps I had already fallen, too preoccupied to care.
I didn’t even try to avoid the slap in the back, knowing that it would seriously injure me if not kill me, but I thought about the child in my belly.
I sneered and stepped aside, but I was still hit in the chest.
The person brandished a sword, but didn’t realise that her hands were shaking.
Suddenly she wanted to ask, ‘Have you ever killed anyone?’ Even after pulling someone into the water, she would be scared, and she was so fragile that she could not even kill someone. In that case, you will never be able to kill me. But how can you live in the palace like this? Your emperor father probably wanted to provoke you and make you cruel because you are so fragile. Why don’t you let me do it too? In that case, won’t you remember me even more?
His words provoked her, and she drew her sword and made a slash. Although it hurt, she felt inexplicably excited. ‘Still can’t do it? It’s only a shallow wound. How about if I push you some more?’
He had expected her to stab him in the heart, but she had missed and stabbed him above. ‘Haha, I was going to be a sacrifice on your path to power, but you’re still such a coward.’
He grabbed the sword and stabbed it into her body, looking at her shocked face and seeing how lovely she was.
He made a gesture and leaned in to kiss her.
Sure enough, a palm wind came, and the attendant just happened to appear and block the sword with his sword.
Seeing her shaking with anger, he couldn’t help but start to feel happy, but due to the loss of blood from his body, he couldn’t really harm the child. ‘From now on, the child is the only connection she has, and if she loses the adult, she can’t lose the child as well.’

When they met again later, she had already coldly plotted everything behind her back, making Fuchen and the Grand Princess fight each other to the death. She found out about the bandits in the six eastern counties, and this matter also passed through the hands of the Shangguan family. Behind it were the Dongmei Kingdom and the Xiao family.
She was indeed clever, using the name of the silver building to come to the Guiyun Building. However, she did not know that at this time, both of them were people with children, and it was not appropriate to have a head-on conflict.
When they met again, she did remember her, but she wasn’t sure. She spoke boldly, and even she had to admire this person’s decisiveness.
She whispered that being pregnant made her disperse the internal strength she had gathered, but suddenly her stomach felt sour, and Yun Rong and Jiao Niang saw this and fed her sour plums.
After some discussion, they discovered that this person had not only matured a lot, but also become more decisive and wise. In that case, what harm would there be in giving up this country of Fu and the achievements of the Xiao family over the generations? Besides, my father only wanted to use force to win the heart of the woman he loved after a fleeting glance, but in the end, he let her die of exhaustion in battle, and he regretted it all day long. How could he follow in his footsteps?
After some consideration, he agreed to give her an answer in three days, but only to see her again. Afterwards, he laughed at himself, thinking that he had been so naive. Wouldn’t she send someone else? Why would she come herself?
When they met again, he knew that the princess had been defeated and captured, and that Fu Jihong had fled to the Kingdom of Dongmei.
Haha, in that case, how about I give you a present?
He sent someone to capture Fu Jihong and left behind the Six Snow Orders that she had been tracking. Now she should know that I have her in my hands and want to find me even more.
The princess was not executed, but was demoted to a commoner.
She sighed, ‘Is this your mercy again? You let your own people capture Fu Qihong, and now you let Fu Xi go. Since you want to do it, I might as well do it for you.’
She sent someone to capture the Grand Princess before she left the capital, and placed the two not far from Danyang. In a few months, she would find them too.
But Fu Qihong was so simple and foolish that he even dared to ask me to send troops to help him.
I asked Fuxi, ‘Do you really want this person?’
To be honest, I don’t have much resentment towards Fuxi. At least she is someone who is willing to do anything for love, and she deserves admiration and sympathy.
‘Sympathy? Haha, I, Xiao Musong, have so much emotion for everything. Because of you?’
Fuxi’s answer was unrepentant.
In that case, I will give her two bottles of medicine. Let people know everything about the outside world, but they cannot speak or act like idiots. The other bottle is naturally the antidote.
Fu Xi held it in her hand with a hardened heart and fed the mind-altering powder to the restrained Fu Jihong.
“Haha, for love. She has already been able to be so ruthless, and Fu Xi is really pitiful. But in contrast, I am the same. I look forward to the birth of this child every day, just to be similar to her in some way.’
On a whim, I wondered if I should give her a bottle of the soul-dispelling powder. Her royal father was not so disobedient, and she would find Fu Xi sooner or later. It would be good to give her the powder through Fu Xi. I took another bottle and gave it to Fu Xi, telling her to give it to the next princess who came. Fu Xi was shocked, but reluctantly accepted it as a favour to me.
I guess Fu Xi didn’t want to see any more royals.

Then, her child was born, and I heard that she also gave birth to a girl with white hair. I felt a little unfair for my child. My child has never even met her mother, and that girl with white hair is the child who hurt her the most deeply. She spends her days dying just to hear news of her.
She is really clever, and she discovered Xia Hua. My sister-in-law, the spy who had been hiding until now, almost lost her life because of me, who told her to report to me any unusual behaviour she saw.
Xia Hua knew about the entanglement between her and me, and also knew about my situation. She proposed to catch her and bring her back to the Kingdom of Dongmei, so that she could leave this man-eating palace and the people who tortured her all day long.
Xia Hua brought back Huanshen, the girl with white hair. When I first saw this child, I was inevitably stunned, but then I admired her. Only she could take in such a strange child. For this child, she hired the old immortal Youyou to deceive the world, and magpies filled the courtyard in the middle of winter.
She came to Guiyun Building in person to convince the jewellery store to buy the Xiao family’s business. It was the perfect opportunity to capture her.
Mother and daughter are united as one, and this is true. She recognised her child’s cries and immediately gave up resistance, just so Xuanji could leave with the baby in her arms.
“Haha, if Huachen is your child, then where is mine? Can you recognise him just by listening to his cries?’

Jin Snake could never control his love for the wild. Seeing her, his heart was overwhelmed with emotion, and he just wanted her. He wanted to rub her into his blood, as if it were not enough.
For a whole two days and nights, he tortured her, making her fall asleep for two days.
‘Hey, do you know that for these two days, I have watched your sleeping face every day, holding our child, and pointing at you and saying, “This is your mother. How can she call you ”mother’?’
Seeing her so contentedly holding the baby, she felt that nothing else mattered at the moment. What about the righteousness of the country? What about the hatred of the country and the family? With you and the baby, everything in the world is already there.
Pulling her hair, she asked her to give the baby a name. Xiao Shuzhen, hehe, not a bad name. What’s the difference between Shu and that character? Just to peacefully get along with you, to quietly enjoy the happiness of this family and joy.
I knew it would be short-lived, but I never expected it to come so soon. ‘The silver shop took revenge for the Xiao family by using the government to acquire the property, and I simply had no time to care. I just didn’t realize that the King of Glory was such a powerful person, and the Shadow King of the Kingdom of Fu and his shadowy influence were even more pervasive. If I hadn’t had the idea to build the villa on Xin Yuan Mountain and Heming Brook, I’m afraid we wouldn’t have even lasted six days.
The only thing that gives me some comfort is that you took Zhen’er away with you. This is for the best. I’m afraid I can no longer set foot in Fu again, so it’s better to let him stay with you for two years, so that you can continue your mother-son bond.
The mountains of Dongmei are greener and more beautiful than those in Fu, and all kinds of rare birds and beasts can be seen everywhere. Dongmei is a peaceful country, but the women of the Fu royal family are so attractive that the rulers of Dongmei have fallen for them. The ancestor emperor fell in love with the empress but was unable to win her heart, and he hated the system of women in Fu so much that he took his army far away. The reason why he was able to carve out the Fumei mountain range was that the empress of Fu was actually not heartless and did not send troops to attack.
‘Haha, now that I am the ruler of Dongmei, I also stand here under the August fruit tree on Huangshan, just as my ancestor did. I stand here every day, looking out over the territory of Fuguo, because he was unable to fulfil his wish to bear the Empress a son. I had a child but sent him to you, because his cry of ‘Daddy’ is the same as mine. He misses his mother.”
If you cannot see me, why not let your child see you, stay by your side, so that the palace, which should not have locked you in, does not feel so cold.

The past is like smoke
Fu Le is 31 years old,
Fu Tian is 46 years old, Ke Wei is 21 years old, Ke Xue is 25 years old, Ke Lan and Ke Ying are 23 years old, Ke Shan is 18 years old, Ke Heng and Ke Min are 15 years old, Ke Tai is 12 years old, Ke Wu is 7 years old, Ke En is 4 years old, Huan Chen is 6 years old, and Xiao Shu Zhen is 6 years old…

This year, 46-year-old Futan passed away from illness in Tailin Mountain. Those who accompanied her in death included the crown princess, the Prince of Qin, the Prince of Guanglu, the Prince of Guangyue, the Prince of Jialan, the Prince of Jiaying, Ziyan Huxue, and 4-year-old Ke’en…
Before Futan died, she issued an imperial decree that within seven days of her death, the Prince of Qin and the Prince of Guanglu would commit suicide and be buried together in the imperial tombs of Tailin Mountain.
After that, the two kings, Qin and Guanglu, were isolated in the Tai Lin Shan palace.
Ke Wei took Huachen and Ke En there, opened the door to the hall, and the dark palace was deathly silent.
‘Mom? You said you’d show me Dad? Where is she?’ Huachen had a head of white hair down to her feet, and her white pupils glowed with a fluorescent sheen in the dark, sparkling and translucent.
‘Sister, where is Father?’ Ke En asked softly, with delicate eyebrows as soft as willow leaves.
‘Ahem, he’s behind you!‘
A voice came from the door, and Ke Huan tugged Huanshen’s clothes and hid behind him. He saw a ghostly face with dishevelled hair and let out a cry of alarm.
Ke Wei stared, “It’s late, and you’re scaring the child?”
’Haha,’ Huan Yang pushed back his hair and crouched down, smiling, ’Huan, why don’t you recognise your father?’
Ke En hung up his tears, tilted his head to get a better look at the person, pounced forward, hung around Huan Yang’s neck, and exclaimed, ‘Father…Father…I’ve missed you so much.’
‘Haha…’ Huan Yang laughed, stroked Ke En’s head.
When Huan Chen saw Ke En like this, his white pupils became even whiter. He turned his head and saw someone sitting in the dark. His white pupils flashed, and he ran up to him, exclaiming, ‘Father, I’ve come to see you.’
The King of Qin picked up the illusionary dust and laughed softly, ‘Dust, you’ve gained weight again.’
“No, I haven’t. Daddy Mo said I’ve lost weight, Master Youyou said I’ve become prettier, Uncle Emperor said I’m more and more lively, and Auntie Lanhuang said I’m beyond compare in beauty. Daddy, what does “beyond compare in beauty” mean?’
‘Haha, that means that Chen looks good.‘ Qin Wang stroked the white hair of Huan Chen and turned to look at Ke Wei, who was at the intersection of light and dark. He smiled softly and said, “Wei, you’re here.”
Ke Wei tightened her hand and nodded slightly.
’Wei, now we’re going to be separated forever. Before I go, I wonder if there’s anything I should say?’ Huan Yang hugged Ke En and leaned towards Ke Wei, chuckling.
‘Have a good journey.’ Ke Wei rolled her eyes. “Guards.”
Three attendants entered behind her, each carrying a tray with two pieces of white silk, poisoned wine, and a dagger on it.
Huan Yang was startled when he saw the people entering, and laughed, ’Death by white silk is the most terrifying, poisoned wine is very painful, and the dagger is too bloody. Wei’er, do you have a better idea?’
‘Yes,‘ Ke Wei raised an eyebrow and sneered, “how about I slap you and make you bleed five steps?”
Huan Yang laughed dryly, “That’s too harsh. Brother Feng, you’re older than me, you choose first.”
The King of Qin picked up Huànchén and walked to the waiter, looked at the dishes on the tray one by one, and laughed, “What’s the harm? This life is over, so what difference does the method of death make?”
’Dad, drink.’ Huanchen bent down, took the wine glass, poured the wine, and handed it to Qin Wang’s mouth. She said in a childish voice, ‘Dust often pours wine for my mother. Today, I will pour wine for you too.’
Qin Wang looked at Ke Wei, his gaze never leaving her. There was a hint of tenderness and apology in his eyes. He bowed his head slightly and drank the wine handed to him by Huanchen’s hand.
Ke Wei met Qin Wang’s eyes and forced a weak smile. ‘Father, you haven’t changed over the years. Now, I am the one letting go first, setting you free. It seems that many years ago, I already said that you shouldn’t be trapped in this palace. Wei’er is setting you free, Father!
Huan Yang, who was watching from the side, narrowed his eyes and smiled, ‘Wei’er, how about you pour for me?’
Ke Wei blinked slightly to hide the expression in her eyes, glanced at Huan Yang askance, poured the wine, and handed the glass to Ke En, who held out his hand.
Ke En said, ‘Father, I’ll feed you.’
‘Haha, good.’ Huan Yang held the wine glass close to his lips, his hand shaking as he held Ke En’s. He turned to Ke Wei and smiled, ‘Wei’er, you won’t leave us, will you?’
Ke Wei was taken aback. She glanced at her father, who had the same expression, and shook her head, saying softly, ‘No!’
Huan Yang smiled and simply drank the wine.
Ke Wei saw that the two were a little unsteady, so she hurriedly told the two children, ‘You two come down and go back with Xizhen.’
Huan Yang and Qin Wang both put down their children at the same time. They saw the two leave and looked at them deeply before turning to Ke Wei one after the other.
‘Wei’er, I’ll leave the future in your hands.’
Qin Wang gave a gentle smile on his firm and gentle face, fixed his gaze on Ke Wei, and fell to the ground with his eyes slightly narrowed. Ke Wei hurriedly went forward to catch the person, sighed lightly, and then turned to see Huan Yang smiling vacantly at her. She bent over and fell to the ground, and before her eyes closed, she muttered, ‘What a mistake. I should have fallen on the bed.’
Ke Wei couldn’t help but laugh and cry. Her heart felt heavy as if it had been filled with lead. She clenched her lips and carried the two of them to bed. After checking their breathing and heartbeat, she looked at them deeply, sat in silence for a moment, and then calmed her emotions.
A shadowy figure appeared and said, ‘My lord, Ziyan Huixue has taken poison! The body is here.’
Ke Wei let out a deep breath, glanced at the two people in bed again, and said softly, ‘After the imperial physicians and others have verified it, they can take them away!’
The shadowy figure nodded and then disappeared.
Ke Wei had the imperial physicians, the court historian, and the Da Lisi officials summoned. They came one after the other to verify the situation and then record it in the history books.

The 51st empress ascended the throne and the country was called Qin Yan.
The whole country rejoiced at the new empress’s accession to the throne.
Ke Wei, wearing a golden crown with a draped veil, a golden hibiscus blooming on her forehead, and a bright yellow and dark red phoenix robe, stood on top of the palace wall. She heard the nine long ringing bells and saw tens of thousands of generals shouting below the wall. Outside the wall, tens of thousands of people knelt on the ground and shouted in unison. Looking into the distance, she saw the blue sky and azure clouds, and her heart felt open.
Overlooking the world, a feeling of heroic compassion welled up in his heart. He spread his arms wide and with a majestic air, the crowd knelt down together and shouted three times, ‘Long live the emperor!’
In the Hua Fa Temple in the distance, he looked up at the sky and sighed. Turning to the two other silent people, he smiled and said, ‘Finally, this day has come.’
The two people looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

On the altar, on the throne, Ke Wei sits solemnly and quietly, while the officials below pay their respects.
Ke Wei looks at the group of bowing subjects, each expressing their own opinions, watching their mouths open and close, and looking out at the blue sky outside the hall…
“Father, Huan Yang, this is the position you want me to sit in! I’m sitting here now, looking at the sky, at the world… I have nothing but sighs and busyness… And you? What are you thinking about outside the palace? Looking at the same sky, what have we all gained… The responsibilities we have shouldered have become obligations. Father Emperor, your Majesty, such a brilliant person was robbed of her husband and daughter by power. What else can your Wei’er lose?
A new emperor and a new generation of officials. The original older generation of officials have all disappeared, leaving behind a new beginning.
Ke Lan looked up and saw the man in the upper seat smiling faintly. The lotus flower on his forehead seemed to float like water, as if it had a life of its own. The bright golden phoenix robe separated them by an unbridgeable chasm. His heart was filled with relief, loss, and melancholy. He looked coldly at Ke Ying, who had been made king. The two of them looked at each other, feeling a little connection in their hearts. They recalled the past: ‘She is not someone we can have.’

In the inner palace, the sound of the zither was languorous, like a complaint or a cry, expressing endless suffering and inexpressible indifference.
Mu Chi Ge sat under the pear tree in white silk, like an immortal, her slender jade fingers gently twisting, her eyes looking peacefully beyond the high wall.
After a long while, she stopped playing and looked over at the person in the bright yellow phoenix robe in the corner of the wall, smiling sweetly, ‘You’re here!’
Ke Wei looked at the person under the pear tree with mixed feelings. The person was like a flower, so clean that she didn’t want to touch them. She sighed lightly, ‘The great revenge has been avenged, so why don’t you go?’
‘Where to go?’ Mu Chi Ge reached out and caught the falling pear flower in the snow. He smiled like the wind, ‘Zi Yan painted the snow. He was willing to be buried with her for love, and he fulfilled your wish! It’s very beautiful, just like this flower, pure and sad.’
‘You are not him. There is always a place for you in this world.’ Ke Wei frowned, remembering the time she spent with Mu Chi Ge when she was seven years old, which was a long time ago.
Mu Chi Ge got up and brushed the pear flower off his shoulder, ’My heart is here, I will come back no matter where I go. Your Majesty, you are not going to send me away, are you?’
‘Why do you do this?‘ Ke Wei walked up to Chi Ge and reached out to remove the pear flower from his head. “Chi Ge is a calm and unruffled person, not suited to this palace.”
’And you are suited?’ Chi Ge leaned down to pick up the zither and turned back to the inner chamber. “Everyone who should go has already left, so why don’t you let me stay here with you?”
Ke Wei smiled wryly, looked up at the snow-white pear flowers above, and sighed.

On the third floor of the Hua Yun building, several people dressed in luxurious clothing sat at a table, smiling faintly as they looked out the window at the little spring flowers.
‘Such a beautiful scene, wouldn’t it be pleasant if we could go for a walk together?’ The person who made the joke didn’t receive a response, so he turned to the younger one, ‘Chen’er, do you think what your second father said is right?’
‘Mom won’t go, and coming out today is already an exception.’ Bai Tong glanced at the cold-faced man next to her, leaned forward, and spread a smile, saying, ‘Dad, Chen’er wants a hug.’
Upon hearing this, the two of them gave her a dirty look, while he snickered.
Ke Wei scolded, ‘Little brat, do you want to go back?’
When she heard her master get angry, Huanchen glanced at her father, who was looking at her mother, pouted, and snorted. She gave up on her father and dragged the sneering Aunt Xuanji to go shopping.
Ke Wei was helpless, so she secretly sent someone to keep an eye on them, and then turned to the two of them, saying, ‘Ziyan Huixue has already been buried in the imperial tomb with her in your place, so it is best to take Ke En out. Yang, Ke En is Ziyan Huixue’s son, who was adopted by you when he was born. You make the decision yourself.’
Huan Yang’s teeth flashed as he laughed, saying, ‘You are lonely in the palace, so it is good to have him keep you company.’
‘Wei’er, how have you been recently?’ the King of Qin asked softly.
‘…‘ Ke Wei turned her head away, “Yang, don’t mess with my manor. Ke En is interested in cosmetics, so if you don’t mind, I’ll send him to the Shilin Manor, where there are plenty of flowers for him to play with.”
’Haha, if you don’t mind, I don’t either. Everything is based on the wife.’
‘…’ Ke Wei looked away, “In the beginning, the Empress knew everything and let the Emperor and Huan Yang be buried with her, but she let Zi Yan Hui Xue know and come to me, asking to be buried in their place. Zi Yan Hui Xue, a person who got what she wanted and didn’t get what she wanted, fell in love with someone who only had a good appearance but no heart, and was willing to die with her, but she became the person that Mu Zhi Ge admired.
”Wei Er?’
‘What is it?‘ Ke Wei glanced at the Qinyu King, “Nowadays, the emperor’s father is also settled by the passage of time, how can he be allowed to experience more storms?”
’…‘ The Qinyu King did not speak, but gave a soft, faint smile.
Ke Wei’s heart stirred, and a scene from many years ago returned, “The emperor’s father just smiled without saying anything, not answering my question, just waiting for me to fall into his trap.”
’I’ll go back first. There are still a lot of things to do in the palace, or else Ke Lan will catch someone and give them a hard time. And lately, Mo Chi Ge has been playing the piano day after day, disturbing people’s sleep.‘ After Ke Wei finished complaining, she saw that the two of them were smiling at her softly, and she felt a little uncomfortable.
’Ke Lan, she is a self-aware person. Mo Chi Ge is a person of leisure, so you should let him go,’ said King Qin with a light smile, reaching out to stroke Ke Wei’s hair a few times. Seeing that she did not resist, his heart stirred, and his joy gradually grew.
‘Mu Chige? My dear husband, if he won’t go when you let him go, there’s nothing I can do. The rules of the harem forbid political involvement, so he just plays the zither all day in the palace. He’s a stubborn one, and not to be reasoned with.‘
’Wei’er, why don’t you just take him?”
Ke Wei narrowed her eyes and smiled lightly: ’Take him? He’s my husband, the father of my child, how could I not use him?’
‘Hey, come to think of it, the two of us are the ones who are not in the right.‘ Huan Yang sounded tearful, glanced at the dark-faced Qin Wang, and snickered secretly.
’I’m not going to chat with you guys anymore. Dusty also kept asking to see you guys when we came out.”
Ke Wei got up and walked downstairs, leaving behind two people who were just smiling bitterly while drinking.

On the street, they saw from afar that Huan Chen was talking to someone, a child of about the same age. The two were quite close, and there was no sign of Xuanji nearby.
Ke Wei walked up to them and, taking Xuanchen by the arm, frowned and said, ‘Why are you talking to a strange child?’ ‘Could it be that you’re bullying someone again?’
‘Mom, he’s not a stranger. Look carefully,’ Xuanchen shook off Ke Wei’s hand, took the child’s hand, kissed him on the cheek, and said with a smile, ‘Mom, this is Zhen’er and Zhen Zhen, they’re not strangers.’
Ke Wei was stunned, and turned to the child, who looked hopeful and slightly shy, with a little bit of water in his dark eyes. ‘Mom, you promised me that you would appear whenever I shouted, but Zhen’er shouted many times and you didn’t appear.’
A slight pain welled up in her heart, similar to the feeling she had when Huanchen was sick, inexplicably difficult to bear. She still remembered the piercing cry accompanied by the slamming of the door, which had pierced her heart.
“Xiao Shuzhen? Zhen’er?’
‘Yes. Mum still remembers Zhen’er? That’s great.‘ Xiao Zuzhen took a step forward, wanting to hug her but then stepping back half a step with a polite smile, “Mum said that Dad means father, so Zhen’er has found her father. Dad said that Mum means mother, so Zhen’er wants her mother.”
’…’ Ke Wei felt a sour pain in her heart, ’Where’s your father?’
Xiao Shuzhen smiled politely and took out a letter from the brocade bag behind him, saying, ‘Daddy asked Auntie Xia to send Zhen’er over and then give this to mommy.’
Ke Wei took it, opened it, and immediately became angry. She pulled the dried blood-stained clothes from a long time ago into the palm of her hand and poured out a red fruit and a piece of paper. On it were written Xiao Shuzhen’s birth date and events.
Ke Wei looked at it, alternately hot and cold, uncertain, staring at Xiao Shuzhen in shock, ‘Did your father say anything to you?’
‘Father said that if mother doesn’t recognise Zhen’er, Zhen’er will go back to Dongmei to be with father.’ Xiao Shuzhen’s words were spoken with conviction, and tears rolled down his eyes, ‘Mother, you are my mother, and also Huanyuan’s mother, why do you recognise her and not Zhen’er?’
’Mom, is Zhen really your child? Why don’t you recognise him?’ Huanchen wiped Xiao Shuzhen’s tears away with her sleeve and hugged him gently.
Ke Wei saw this and winced. ’Xiao Musue, the Xiao family spy that Dongmei placed in Fuguo is also the eldest prince of Dongmei. The letter from Fu Nu back then was about his identity, the person I couldn’t kill in the open. Now you’ve given me such a landmine. You’re a demon, you really are a demon, coming and going without a trace. How can I take my revenge? In the eighth lunar month, the fruit, the man took the pregnancy medicine, how dare you, the prince, give birth to him?
‘Where’s Xia Hua?‘
Xiao Zhen was taken aback, and then said, “The woman who claimed to be Aunt Xuanji just took her away, saying that an Aunt Doukui was looking for her.”
’Mom, Aunt Chun also mentioned this person. I think she has a deep connection with the Xuanji aunts, so she let her go.‘ Huanchen then laughed and said, “Mom, let’s take Zhen’er back to the palace.”

(The end of the play)

The story is over.

Everyone may be very surprised by the ending. Haha, what’s written in the manuscript is even more surprising. (^_^)

Anyway, I started writing this article at the beginning of my dissertation defence in my last semester at university. At that time, I was quite busy and didn’t write much, and I didn’t dare to post it, for fear of being treated the same as ‘Chrysanthemum Falls’. (I was really scared to death!)
Then I understood one thing and remembered my original intention: I didn’t start writing articles to show them to others, I just had the desire to write them. I wanted to depict all kinds of characters that I had fantasised about since the fourth grade of elementary school. ‘Chrysanthemum Falling’ was even more influenced by the influence of several years of BL writing. I like BL and let others understand my own thoughts, which is a kind of venting. At first, the writing was very different from what I had expected, and I gradually forgot my original intention. Then I lost track of ‘Chrysanthemum Falling’. To be honest, I lacked experience and my writing was not very good. I had a hard time grasping the release and control of the characters‘ personalities.
I made the same mistake with “Confusion”. It was difficult to control the release and control of the characters’ personalities, and the plot was very poorly organised. I even made the male pigs you like fall apart, none of them stand out in particular.
My original definitions of male and female pigs are as follows:
He is deeply in love but not long-lived, and when he is at his strongest, he is humiliated. – Feng Lizi (sad)
He is refined and graceful, and has exceptional strategy. – Huan Yang (open-minded)
He is like a bright moon, and is a skilled dancer. – Feng Qinghui (pity)
He is carefree and gentle, and his youth is quiet and peaceful. – Mu Chi Ge (sad)
She is cold as ice, and hot as a volcano. – Ke Lan (cold)
He is wise but appears foolish, and is exquisite and delicate. – Ke Ying (Linglong)
He is rich and powerful, and has a long-term perspective. – Xiao Muyue (Fuhe)
He is unrestrained and passionate, and speaks his mind. – Xie Yi (Hao)
She is full of laughter and anger, and loves and hates with all her heart. – Ke Wei, Chiwei Wang (Niu)
Comparing the characters in the above text with the ones in the story, there is a huge difference.
I can only say that my level is terrible and my handwriting is even worse! The words I type are definitely not what I want to say, and the character and plot are also different from what I set out to write.

Let me briefly explain my understanding of the characters in ‘Confusion’.
King Qin:
The husband of the Empress fell in love with his own daughter. Whether or not he had the courage to do so is not the point. Suffice it to say that the author made him do it (hey!), and he could not resist (really headstrong!). Watching the special qualities that the female pig displayed during her growth process, it is not surprising that he was attracted to such a clever child.
When it comes to love, it takes an equal to see the relationship clearly (I always think that relationships are only fair when they are on an equal footing, and there are many ways to understand this). The fact that the line between Qin Wang and Wei Wei is obviously not equal does not affect their attraction. Qin Wang even forgets his role as a father and switches to the line of a man admiring a woman (to be honest, it was strange from the beginning when Ke Wei pretended to be stupid, and the language in the text is rather subtle|||).
His identity is clear, and it only takes a little spark to make this otherwise fragile line become incomplete. It is only normal for things to go wrong, and it is understandable to be suspicious.
At the beginning, King Qin truly hoped that Ke Wei could be herself, or rather, he wanted to protect Ke Wei for the rest of her life, not asking for companionship or not, just wishing that she could be safe. When he appointed Zhaofeng Qinghui as the young tutor, this idea had not changed.
It was not until the King guessed the identity of Huan Yang, and even more so when Ke Wei revealed her thoughts while reviewing the official documents, that the situation in the palace changed, and he had to make a decision, allowing Ke Wei to become the emperor, which became a turning point for the decline of the Fu country. Fu Tian’s disappointment in Fu Xi was even more obvious. The King and Fu Tian had another agreement. Fu Tian agreed to give it a try, hoping that his daughter would become cruel enough to survive in the world.
Ke Mu would not have been born, but it was Ke Wei’s escape. Ke Wei ran to Huafa Temple to escape the pain of her heart, while Qin Wang knew everything in the palace. He knew that just witnessing his own betrayal was not enough to change Ke Wei. He had to have another child to strike Ke Wei, and that was the fatal blow.
Regret is normal. When King Qin tried Ke Wei’s coldness and cruelty, of course he would regret it. But King Qin also knew that everything was his own wish, and regret was useless. He could only live with heartache every day, until the pain accumulated to a certain level and needed to be exploded. The strong are humiliated, and they invite ‘humiliation’ themselves. He let go of his pride and asked for forgiveness…Anyway, do you think this person should be forgiven?

Huan Yang:
Status is really a mysterious thing. With one sentence from him: I’ve decided on you! Ke Wei’s life was doomed. (If he hadn’t said it, she would have been doomed anyway.)
As a ‘stepfather,’ when faced with such a young couple, he set his sights on them (he really is a pedophile, I won’t deny it!)
Huan Yang secretly did a lot. He knew that Ke Wei was pretending. He understood from the first time he saw her at the age of one, from the look in her eyes (the eyes of a newborn are really absolutely clear (excluding the exceptions, like Ke Wei’s kind!)), and so he kept an eye on her. He knew that the child didn’t like him, and he endured it until Ke Wei was four years old and he ‘hooked up’ with her again. He knew the truth as soon as he tried, so it was clear how young Ke Wei was at the time.
Later, Huan Yang learned a lot about her as the Shadow King. For example, when Ke Wei tried to sneak out of the palace (I swear I really wrote that!), he did what she liked and taught her kung fu to get close to her.
Huan Yang is a hard person to guess. He is not someone who gives his emotions away lightly. It wasn’t until the two of them went missing after leaving the palace at the age of 6 that he truly realised the extraordinary and unique charm of this girl and fell in love with her.
Huan Yang is a ninja, even more so than another ninja, Ke Lan. He talked to Feng Qinghui and asked him to teach him the imperial arts passed down by the Shangguan family ancestral system, the ability to read people… (Remember Shangguan Bailing? By the way, he appeared when the 25th generation empress was in power! The Shangguan family is really a family of scholars!)
Huan Yang designed step by step to make Ke Wei stronger and more capable of protecting herself. He was even trying to find an opportunity to do so. He was the one who saw Fu Xi cheating with Fu Ji Hong, and he was even involved with Ke Xue. Everyone guessed that it was Ke Xue who reported the cheating that night. However, Ke Wei said, ‘I always feel that there is someone behind this girl!’ (There is something fishy about this. Huan Yang made Ke Xue take the blame, and even made Ke Xue shift the blame to Fu Nu! I really didn’t make it clear about all the twists and turns!
Huan Yang has been trying to make Ke Wei stronger all along, and when the King of Qin did something to Ke Wei, he only fuelled the fire. For example, when it was clear that Ke Wei had relationship problems, he wanted to stir up trouble and sent Ke Wei to Huafa Temple.
For example, when Ke Wei was pondering the Fuxi coup, he was thinking: This is an opportunity I’ve been waiting for decades…to let Wei surface…
To ask, is Hanyang a man of deep feelings? Everyone will say: Deep! Is Hanyang a bad person? I guess no one will say bad!
The truth is, Hanyang is the worst person in there! When he was planning everything for Ke Wei, he asked, ‘Wei, do you agree with me?’
And everything he did was the most brilliant, so that Ke Wei could not even hate him. She remembered it in her heart, but all she could say with her mouth was, ‘Thank you!’…Anyway, he is the worst culprit! Can everyone make him happy?

Ke Lan:
My most pitiful young man!
I instinctively like this person, but she is like a fallen flower, while I am like a flowing river.
To her, I can only say I’m sorry. I will fulfil your kindest wish, and let you keep guarding her!
Anyway…Do you guys have a crush on each other?

Mu Chi Ge:
A strange identity! It turns out to be the son of the second daughter of the former empress, the nephew of the current Fu Tian, and the cousin of Ke Wei. (This article is really speechless about incest!)
Omit the previous paragraph. From the very beginning, Mu Chi Ge saw a lost 6-year-old child crossing the Qiushui Mansion (at this age, only Ke Wei could do it!) Couldn’t it be strange? As soon as he was surprised, his curiosity arose, and he remembered this doll.
They meet again at Huafa Temple, and although the five princesses are not stupid (they learn from King Qin that he is under the King Qin’s command!) they can’t imagine that it is the girl who goes in and out of Qiushui Mansion. After the surprise, they hate the royal family and don’t like them very much.
Out of gratitude to the King of Qin, he went out to find Ke Wei. In Qicheng, he met a beggar-like person, and followed him secretly day after day to get to know his character. The more strange and curious he became, the more he focused on the person, carving him into his heart.
At that time, Mu Chige was only in his teens, so it was only natural that he was curious and took a liking to the beggar boy (in the Fu country, men and women married at the age of 13).
Later, he guessed that there was something unusual between Ke Wei and the Qinyu apart from their father-daughter relationship, and he disappeared of his own accord (I did write about the part where Ke Wei returned to the capital!).
After a few years apart, when they meet again, it’s another mistake. After seeing another side of Ke Wei, who is lost and disoriented, he learns to get drunk (Ke Wei pretends to be asleep! I swear!).
Mu Chi Ge is happy when Ke Wei asks him to enter the mansion. Once he enters the mansion, his reputation is established. Whether he gets it or not, it is also a blessing for these two to be able to see each other morning and night under the same roof.
When Mu Chi Ge found out that Ke Wei was using him as a shield, he was bitter but didn’t say much. Therefore, his love was the most silent and quiet of all (Ke Lan was still able to get a few kisses~|||), and he knew his own hatred and his own identity… He wanted to get it, but he could never say it.
The only thing he said in the end was a sentence about someone else in the palace. He said that Zi Yan Hui Xue’s deep feelings were profound, and that he himself also wanted to emulate them~ This feeling is really hard to let go of!
So, can such a person not stay by Kewei’s side?

Xiao Mu Xue:
A she-male. I won’t talk about it anymore! I haven’t even thought about his imperial name. This person needs a few kicks to the face before he’ll talk.
Anyway, with his identity, responsibilities, and previous misdeeds, it’ll be good enough if he can return to the country safely. Can he stay by the female pig’s side? Will the female pig agree?

Evil Spirit:
This guy is barely described, and I almost thought he was a match for Ke Lan. In fact, it would be quite good if that were the case. Unfortunately, I really can’t bear to let go of Ke Lan.
So, the description is unclear, but he is the most obvious person.
Do you remember when Xie Yi visited Fuguo and who tried to find out his intentions? It was Ke Xue and Ke Hua. The text also says that Xie Yi had heard rumours about Ke Wei (the crazy story of the fifth princess, menstruating at the age of 7~|||), and also said that Xie Yi’s tricks for wooing Piggy were from Ke Xue (at that time he got in touch with Ke Xue!). It also says that this person’s mind is a mess. It can be seen that he is really a relatively pure one, a type of grassland person.
His misfortune was that he confessed his love just as Ke Wei was planning to serve his country. The time, place, people (the two light bulbs were there!) and occasion were all wrong, so he could only return with the most primitive interests of the Lafu country (getting help in Lafu and ending the civil war in the country).
Such a werewolf became the crown prince – whether or not he is accepted is not something you or I can ask about, it is already a matter of state.

Feng Qinghui:
Personally, I feel that he is the best, purest and cleanest image I have created!

Ke Ying:
I like him too. Quiet and unassuming, he watched over the two of them, Lan and Ke Wei, and maintained a balanced relationship between the two. There’s no reason not to like him!

Ke Wei:
A natural-born socialist university student (one reader said: a modern-educated person who ran to ancient times to engage in father-daughter love! I’m speechless! I don’t oppose his ideas, I can only say that I’m too flighty!)
From simplicity and innocence to learning to protect oneself using one’s own strengths, from unrepentant love for an older person to being forced to grow up, it is a bloody path (there is a lot of blood in it, and she alone vomited several hundred CCs…not to mention the palace coup, Bai Letian…the families of officials whose homes were ransacked by the court…)
How could she not hate?
One after the other, they made decisions without her consent, broke promises… She was alone, climbing out of the abyss of pain, and when she got out, someone kicked her back in (the birth of Ke Wu, the eunuch who attracted the King of Qin… the invisible oppression of Huan Yang~)
Of course she can love, but she can also hate! So, she agreed to change, but she also had to accept her hatred.

Anyway, everyone told Ke Wei not to forget her true self. Did she forget? No. Although she became cruel, she remained kind. She let Fu Xi and Fu Jihong go, she let Fu Nu and Ke Hua go, she let Ke Xue go, and she fulfilled Fu Tian’s wish to fake their deaths and escape the palace… She set them free, but in the end, she imprisoned their bodies and minds.
But this cannot make her happy. She imprisoned herself and others: Ke Lan and Ke Ying in the palace, Mu Zhi Ge, the King Qin and Huan Yang outside the palace, and Xiao Mu Xue in the distance.

This is a tragedy, but it is not sad! Everyone gets what they deserve.
Ke Lan and Ke Ying are satisfied! Mu Chi Ge is willing! King Qin, Huan Yang and Xiao Mu Xue have to bear the consequences of their actions. Ke Wei fulfils the wishes of her father the emperor and everyone in Huan Yang by ascending the throne, but her satisfaction comes from making them suffer before moving on…