conquer the world

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At the age of four, Qiulei encountered a union of a super brain and a spiritual body. The union merged with Qiulei without his noticing. The union gave Qiulei the memories of seven cosmic civilizations. Qiulei’s mind matured rapidly, and he developed an ambition to dominate the world. The first step towards world domination was to build his own power. By chance, he met the undefeated commander who would later help him unify the continent and the head of the fearsome secret agent organization.
Three years later, war clouds gathered, and the legend began.

The Blood Polestar people are a star tribe that believes in war. After they mastered spaceflight technology, they began the process of conquering the outside world. Although their civilization was not highly developed, with their reckless bravery, strong military strength, and strong ability to absorb the civilizations they conquered, in just 700 years, the Blood Polestar people had established a powerful empire. Although the empire also experienced division and turmoil during these 700 years, the pace of external conquest never stopped. Finally, in the year 2301 of the Blood Pole, they encountered strong resistance from the Woodlouse.

At that time, the Woodlouse had the greatest civilization and technology in the universe. Although the Woodlouse hated war, their powerful technology still gave them relatively strong military strength. In the initial battle between the two civilizations, the Blood Polarians had a great advantage (this was due to the fact that the military personnel of the Woodlot Star people had extremely low combat qualities after many years of peace). Even the birthplace of the Woodlot Star civilization, Woodlot Star, was occupied by the Blood Polarians. In order to win the war, the Woodlot Star people created a large number of super weapons for use in warfare, the most outstanding of which was the super brain researched and developed in the fifth star year after the fall of Woodlot Star.

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