conquer the world

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Volume 3
Chapter 1 She sheathed her sword.

My spiritual power receded, and I used my super brain to change the frequency of my vital energy fluctuations to match the Thunder Dragon Sword. Immediately, it reacted, and the Thunder Dragon Sword rushed towards me, startling me. The Thunder Dragon Sword then seemed to become confused, and kept spinning back and forth between No. 3 and me. I then used my spiritual power to enter the primordial spirit of No. 3 and temporarily change the frequency of its vitality. The Thunder Dragon Sword suddenly abandoned No. 3 and started spinning around me. I extended my right hand and secretly ordered it to land on my hand. The Thunder Dragon Sword hovered for a while, as if it sensed something was wrong, but in the end it stopped on my hand.

Just as Sister Xuan said, this is a sword that is only one foot long, but it doesn’t show any cold light in my hands, but I have already seen it when it was slaughtering my monsters. The sword is jade-white in color, and the handle seems to be made of some kind of animal bone.

My spiritual power gradually invaded the sword, transforming its senses. Now the sword moves according to my spirit, without having to go through the vital energy. This way, even if my vital energy returns to its original frequency, I can use it. I used the same method to absorb the Zelong Sword.

When I arrived at Xuan’s side, I saw that the two of them were still like the previous two days. I couldn’t help but let out a sigh. How long will it be until they are ready? Never mind, I’ll go hunt some monsters. So I left behind a bunch of monsters, including seven fire demons, six Medusas, and twelve pterodactyls, and told them to carefully guard the people in the enchanted circle. I then set off for the Cave of Monsters with three fire demons, three skeletons, and three pterodactyls.

How come these monsters ran away without me even seeing them? I grumbled after wandering around the third level for a long time. After thinking about it, I realized that the fire demon’s demonic aura was too strong, and most monsters below the eighth rank simply did not dare to get close. However, there were really some who were not afraid of death. After wandering around the third level twice, ten seventh rank monsters actually dared to challenge us, and of course they became my subordinates.

Since my gargoyles were almost completely destroyed, I went to the first floor to replenish some, and incidentally, I had a good meal. By the way, it seems that the higher the level of the monster, the worse the meat quality. After replenishing the army, I felt that I could take a break. I haven’t slept in a long time, and I almost forgot. I’m going back to sleep now.

I returned to Xuan’s side. We were still sitting on the ground. I replenished some spiritual energy. You have to know that collecting so many monsters is a serious challenge to spiritual energy. There were still a few hours before they would be fine, so I only slightly replenished the energy of the barrier, pulled a hunting tiger as a pillow, and used the monster skins I brought from outside as a cushion and quilt, and then fell asleep soundly.

I woke up with a yawn, feeling very refreshed.

How could I not feel refreshed? Over the past two days, I have tamed a large number of monsters, which has greatly strengthened my spiritual power. After a good night’s sleep, my spiritual power has been completely replenished, and I have made great progress in terms of quantity, quality, and technique. If I say that I was a little reluctant to tame so many monsters before going to sleep, then now I could easily double that amount without any problem.

When I woke up, I found that my head was resting on Xuan’s lap, and Xuan was looking at me while Yamada was checking her out.

“Xuan, you just need to rest for another month to heal, and don’t fight anyone for a month.”

Xuan obviously frowned, “It can’t be any sooner, I still have some things to take care of.”

“This is the fastest it can be.”

“I have a solution,” said Xuan, who was injured and couldn’t care less. ‘Xuan, I have a method of healing that can precisely treat your injuries.’ I then recited a mantra.

Xuan listened carefully, and Yamada Hodako also listened intently, her face occasionally flashing with disbelief. The mantra seemed to be tailored to her exclusive abilities.

After listening, Sister Xuan tried to run it for a while, and after one cycle, a smile appeared on her face: “In about three days, I will be able to recover.”

I was greatly encouraged, otherwise I would have been able to go crazy from boredom if I had to stay here for a month.

“By the way, Brother Lei, how do you want to explain your martial arts skills to me?” Sister Xuan looked at me with a smile.

I stammered, “It’s nothing, I just have stronger mental strength than ordinary people and more magical weapons than others.”

“Really? Do you know how many monsters you’ve captured along the way?“

I pretended to be dumb: ‘I don’t know, Sister Xuan, I’m hungry.’

Unfortunately, the method of changing the subject did not work.

”Just look at the monster in front of us. Even if there were ten seventh-level Summoners, they still couldn’t do it. No matter how powerful your magic stone and crystal are, they still couldn’t do it.“

”I’m just a little stronger than ordinary people.”

“You told me that you often live in caves, so your skin should be an unhealthy pale color, but your skin is a healthy jade color. How do you explain this? You also said that when you lived in caves, you ate meat every day. I think even if you don’t hate meat, it’s probably hard to like it. And the wild boar I cooked for you wasn’t very tasty, but you ate it with relish. What do you have to say about that?”

I was dumbfounded.

“When we stopped to rest on Mount Changbai, I noticed your spiritual power was extraordinary. I was surprised to feel your spiritual power fluctuate. But I didn’t realize your spiritual power was so strong that you could easily release the Seventh-Ranked Still Water Ring and subdue such a large number of monsters (I put away the skeleton and fire demon, or else Sister Xuan would be even more surprised),” Sister Xuan said to me.

I pouted, thinking that what I thought was flawless was actually full of flaws in Xuan’s eyes.

“Never mind, if you don’t want to talk to me, that’s fine,” Xuan hugged me in her arms, “as long as you’re still my Thunder Brother.”

“Of course I’m your Thunder Brother, always will be,” I said, hugging Xuan.

“Okay, don’t hug too tightly, Xuan-niang was seriously injured, don’t hurt her again,” said Yamada Honoko next to us.

I quickly let go of Sister Xuan: “By the way, Sister Xuan, I found a secret room with a bed, you can stay there.”

“Okay, let’s go there.”

Fortunately, there was an extra person, otherwise it would have been a bit difficult for a child like me to carry Sister Xuan into the secret room. The room was a bit cramped, so I asked a corner monster and a pterodactyl to stay inside to protect my sister, and the rest stayed outside.

“What did you find here?” Sister Xuan asked me.

“A few secret scrolls, some weapons, three skulls, and yes, medicine.” I took out a medicine bottle from my bosom. ”I found it in a secret passage after breaking the head of a stone statue. I sniffed it and it’s exactly the medicine for this kind of injury.”

“It seems to be the Blood Elixir passed down from the Demon Realm. The name is not very pleasant to the ear, but it is miraculous for treating internal injuries caused by yin damage. The person who takes it can also increase their martial arts power quite a bit.“ After carefully observing the bottle, Sister Xuan said, and then poured one pill into her mouth. ‘Not bad, it should be the Blood Elixir. In that case, I can recover sooner.’

”Sister Xuan,” I carefully pulled the Thunder Dragon Sword and the Dragon Sword of the Marshes from my bosom. ”Look, what did I get!

Xuan Niang’s calm face also showed a look of surprise: “Where did you get this sword from, and how did you get it?”

“I got it in this hall. You didn’t see the corpses of those monsters outside? I had to expend countless manpower to get these two swords,” I said casually. “This is the sword manual I found inside. Xuan Niang, take a look and teach me, okay?”

Sister Xuan took the book and read it carefully. She said, “Although the knowledge contained in this book is extraordinary, it is slightly inferior to the knowledge of my martial arts school. Its approach is not entirely suitable for me, and it was specially compiled for these two swords. How about this: I will practice for 20 hours a day, and I will teach you the swordplay during the rest of the time.”

“Great, but I have nothing to do now. Sister Xuan, what do you think?”

“Play with your sister Sui, don’t bother Xuan, she should be practicing,“ said Yamada Suiko.

Who is the master? I once again questioned, it seems like it’s Xuan no matter how you look at it, but never mind, she is my sister anyway. Suiko has now removed her mask, a pretty face, charming.

”Okay.“ Suiko might have something interesting on her too.

”What shall we play?“

”How about I teach you ninjutsu?”

“Is it the skill of hiding on the ceiling without being noticed?“

”Yes. Do you want to learn?“

”Yes!” I said enthusiastically.

After practicing ninjutsu for a while, I discovered that it had the same effect as stealth, so I picked it up right away. Seeing that I had learned it in no time, Suizi taught me assassination techniques, which I also quickly picked up. She taught me how to get along with the darkness, which I had never learned before, so I practiced it with special diligence. Soon Suizi taught me ventriloquism, imitating an old man, a young man, and a bird.

If you don’t reciprocate, it’s not polite. Since Suizi had taught me so much, I gave her the secret manual I had found in the tomb, “The Way of the Night Watch.” I read the contents of the manual and felt that it was quite suitable for Suizi.

After reading the content of the method of crossing the night, there was surprise in Suizi’s eyes, but more so joy. Currently, she is experiencing a plateau in her progress, where her skills are not improving but regressing. She has been working hard for three months with no progress. Now, with the help of this secret heart method, she will be able to break through the current plateau and reach new heights.

The two days passed quickly. During these two days, I practiced martial arts and ventriloquism, and I also learned swordplay from Sister Xuan. Not only did I learn Thunder Dragon Swordplay and Blessing Dragon Swordplay, but Sister Xuan also taught me her master’s peerless skills, the Great Sun and Moon Divine Swords and the Great Luo Divine Swords. During these two days, I also traveled back to the base in my mind to let everyone know that I was safe. While Sister Xuan was practicing her kung fu, if I was bored, I would drag Sister Suizi to hunt monsters. After two days, the number of monsters on the third floor of the monster cave had decreased sharply. The monsters ran away without a trace when they heard my movements. However, I felt strange, because there was not even a single eighth-order monster. Naturally, I didn’t know that there should only be 7th-rank monsters in this cave at most. The reason why there were ten 9th-rank fire demons last time was that firstly, I added the fire of Samadhi to the sea of fire I released, which was very similar to the situation of the ground flame, and secondly, the spatial portal appeared just above the sea of fire at that time, and the third point was that this place was relatively close to the ground flame.

Xuan’s sister’s injury had finally healed, so she took us out. To prevent Suizi from being recognized by the so-called Crown Prince, I changed her clothes. They were made of jiao skin (jiao, a water-elemental Tier 9 monster), which is immune to water magic below Tier 6 and reduces damage from all other magic by by one (for example, if an opponent casts a seventh-level magic spell on you, the resulting damage is only that of a sixth-level magic spell). I also gave her a mask of the night demon (doubling magical power) and a poison-attracting sword (with poison and wind damage). Of course, all these things were found here.

At night, we left the cave and returned to our original place of stay, only to find that our original campsite was gone. Sister Xuan frowned slightly and pondered. This mountain is so big, where can I find my people.

“Sister Xuan, I have a way to find them,” I said, patting my chest.

“Young master, it’s so big here, it’s not easy to find,”

“I don’t need to look for them, they’ll come to me.” I gave a mysterious smile, pinched a talisman in my hand, drew a square, and hid it. The Thunder Dragon and the Dragon of the Marsh Swords on my arms soared into the sky, facing the moon and flying through the air. They slowly rose and gradually emitted a blinding light. I pulled the two men’s clothing, and the three of them hid in the woods.

Soon, the sound of breaking air came one after another, and figures appeared. Four people, not afraid of death, actually used their qi to rise into the air and went up to catch the two swords. Thunder Dragon Sword’s lightning power surged, and seven thunderbolts fell from the sky. The three thunderbolts shook the four people to the ground, and the fourth thunderbolt blocked the way for assistance from below. . The Zelong Sword suddenly glowed with a cold light and flew towards the four people like lightning. “Spell to subdue the world,” sixteen yellow talismans appeared in the air and hovered towards the Zelong Sword. As the talismans got closer, a roaring sound came from the sword, and water vapor rose up into the sky. The sixteen talismans instantly disappeared in the water energy. Boom, boom, boom, seven more lightning bolts. Three struck the water energy, immediately causing the water to become electrified, while the other four continued to cover the ground. The yellow light on the four people’s bodies instantly disappeared into the water, and their corpses fell from the sky. When they hit the ground, they were already charred and black.

But this did not shake the determination of the people on the ground in the slightest. Countless figures flew up from the ground and pounced on the sword.

Watching everyone pounce on my swords, I snickered a few times. The two swords flew high into the air without waiting for anyone to come up, and the crowd yelled and cursed. But these two swords had played with them a few times every day before, and every time it was the same: when there were few people, they would play for a while; as soon as there were more people, they immediately flew through the air and left the crowd infuriated. Using tricks to lure them? It was useless. They just hovered in the air, not going anywhere else, and they were extremely sensitive to energy fluctuations. As long as there was a barrier, they wouldn’t go through it. To be honest, even if the two swords were as powerful as ever, they couldn’t fight against so many people.

But this time was different. I ordered the two swords to fly all the way to the west, and they must fly more than a hundred li before they could sneak back quietly. Since my spiritual power could sense the swords, I was not afraid that they would get lost.

As the two swords flew across the sky, the expressions of everyone changed. The swords did not disappear after moving away from the people as they had done before. They were still clearly visible in the sky, heading west, clearly leaving the area. Those who were unwilling to accept this immediately took action, chasing after the two swords.

“Sister Xuan, I saw Sister Ruoxin. Look, she’s by the lake,” I said, pointing to a woman in green clothes by the lake.

Sister Xuan took me in her arms and walked towards Bi Ruoxin.

“How was your trip, Master?“ Bi Ruoxin.

”It went relatively well. We’ll talk more about it later,“ Xin Qiyuan said, looking at the rapidly approaching Dongfang Xuanyi.

”Hello, Fairy Xin, Miss Bi, good evening,“ Dongfang Xuanyi greeted with a lot of energy.

”I’m afraid the two swords won’t be coming back. I wonder if the Dongfang family still wants to go after them?” Xin Qiyuan said.

“In order to maintain peace on earth, the Dongfang family will naturally guard the sword.“

I thought disdainfully, this kid is going to treat his family as the guardian of my sword, hmph, I don’t look up to your family. Xin Qixuan’s beautiful eyes flickered, but she didn’t say anything.

”I wonder what the two fairies plan to do.“

”We are afraid we will have to return to our country once,” this time it was Bi Ruoxin who spoke.

The small (but actually quite big) eyes of Dongfang Xuanyi twinkled as he said, “I heard Bi Xianzi’s flute playing the other day, and it was like listening to the sound of immortals. Xuanyi really wants to spend some more time with Bi Xianzi, so that he can improve his music theory.”

“That’s good. Learning from each other will help you understand music theory better.”

I was puzzled and angry at the same time. I could only comfort myself mentally, thinking that this guy had been following Ruoxin for a while and had never taken any advantage of her, so he wouldn’t do so this time.

“Very well, I will take my leave for now.” After saying this, Dongfang Xuanyi hurriedly went back to pack his luggage.

As he watched Dongfang Xuanyi go far away, Ruoxin asked, “Uncle, who is this…”

“She is my personal bodyguard, not Sister Xuan’s.“ I was afraid that someone else would take my things.

Sister Xuan told me everything that happened in the cave, even about how I had performed a great feat. When she heard that I had subdued so many monsters, Sister Ruoxin’s eyes also showed disbelief.

”So, the two sword techniques that appeared just now were you messing with them?” After calming down, Sister Ruoxin asked me.

“Yes, they didn’t have anything to do anyway, so I let them run around a bit to get some exercise,“ I said with a smile.

Ruoxin shook her head: ‘But we have nothing to worry about when we leave here!’

”What happened?” Xuan asked.

“The Oriental one really didn’t come. The Second Prince just sent people to rush here, but they were ambushed on the way, and only eleven people returned out of the three hundred. The Second Prince then sent an urgent message to our sect, asking us to send more people to protect him.“

”None of the three hundred were from the sect, right?“ Sister Xuan asked with some concern.

”No, the people from the sect never travel with them.“

”Do we need to go back immediately?”

“Yes, leave immediately.“

”How long will it take this time?“

”Until His Highness receives 300 reliable people again.“

”Then this time it will take a long time.“

”Why?“ I asked.

”Loyalty is an issue. It takes years to prove loyalty, and it is not easy to recruit people with high cultivation,” Ruoxin sister explained to me.

I turned pale. Then I wouldn’t be able to be with Xuan, right? I wouldn’t dare go to the enemy’s territory, even if I was brave. There were so many monsters, and if 10,000 people surrounded me, I would be dead for sure.

“Xuan, what should I do? I should go home.”

“Can’t you stop for ten days and go again?” Xuan asked Ruoxin.

“They are in a hurry over there, and our sect also wants us to hurry there as soon as possible.”

Xuan couldn’t help but feel difficult.

Seeing that Xuan Niang was in a difficult situation, my heart softened again: “It’s okay, Xuan Niang, Lei will take care of himself, and no one can hurt me. Besides, I still have Suizi Niang to take care of me.”

Xuan Niang sighed: “Suizi, then please take good care of Brother Lei.”

“I know, Xuan Niang, just go with peace of mind.”

“Okay, let’s leave tomorrow.”

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