Forgive me, Your Majesty

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Look at the other side want to catch her and can not catch the furious look, Hua Yi heart is very cool, she was still in the body of the true qi, other can not, but run thieves fast. From the time she learned that this world was so pitiful, in order to avoid the fate of dying for no reason, after Hua Yi crossed over, she only did one meaningful thing – running.
When the martial arts servants of Jinhua Mountain Villa were practicing their swordsmanship, Hua Yi brought up his true qi and ran non-stop in the ravines and rivers of Jiaojing Mountain; when others were gagging, Hua Yi sweated and ran wildly in all the hills – the 36th plan is the best plan, and running away is always the best way to save one’s life.
After a year of running like this, no one taught her martial arts moves, she naturally does not know, but the speed of escape is not even comparable to Liang Barn. She ran all the way out of Jiaojing Mountain where Jinhua Mountain Resort is located, and those martial arts servants chasing her behind could only look at her distant figure and sigh. Later on the road, she met a carriage pulling firewood and preparing to head to Bu Huo City, and after Hua Yi said a few kind words, the old man driving the carriage let her hitch a ride.
When the sun sets, the carriage arrives at Buhuo City, Hua Yi thanks the uncle who drove the carriage, and then goes straight to the biggest pawnshop in the area, and pawns the only valuable thing on her body, which is said to be the bracelet given to her by her mother, who has already passed away, and after a fierce bargaining, Hua Yi takes ten taels of silver and leaves the pawnshop, and goes straight to the tavern at the corner of the street.
Perhaps she was hungry and panicked run too fast, not yet run into the tavern and passers-by bumped into, the man said “sorry”, flower Yat did not care, striding towards the tavern ordered two small dishes, devouring a meal, such as eating and drinking enough, she touched to the waist, and then face changed, finished, the money bag is gone.
That day Xiao Er flung a rag full of contemptuous look at her, “this girl, just three money silver, you are not planning to eat a king’s dinner, right?”
Just after Xiao Er’s words were finished, a few robust thugs beside her immediately surrounded her, as if they were afraid that she would run away, Hua Yi’s heart was weak, “Who is planning to eat a king’s dinner, am I not looking for it?”
She searched in front of and behind her for nearly a quarter of an hour, and finally raised her head pitifully, “Are you guys short of dishwashers here?”
It’s true that the shopkeeper only wants money but not a woman to wash dishes, Hua Yi left the door of the tavern with her hair in disarray, after taking two steps she turned back, “Shopkeeper, give me a clean chopstick.”
The jade hairpin on her head was used to pay for her meal, Hua Yi was glad she didn’t order much food just now, otherwise she didn’t know if the shopkeeper would strip her clothes off to pay for her debt. The shopkeeper looked at her twice, cloaked like a madwoman, and very kindly handed her two chopsticks.
At that time, the night was sticky, the lights of Bu Huo City were flashing, and the flower streets and alleys were very lively. But Hua Yi was sitting alone on the green stone steps with two chopsticks stuck in her head, her heart was as sad as the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves.
Not far away is the best restaurant in Bu Huo City, upstairs hanging a chain of red lanterns, red light and joyful, in and out of the guests are dressed in brocade clothes and fancy clothes, servants waiting, their complacency and Hua Yi’s miserable contrast. Hua Yi’s heart lit a blazing fire, grinding her teeth, she decided to go to revenge society, let others also taste the taste of losing money.

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