conquer the world

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Chapter 10: Zombies

After the visit, I ordered one third of the robots, or 100 of them, to guard the second basement level, and the remaining 200 to guard the first basement level. I myself will be in the control room on the second level, opening the computer to view the data and see what they are actually researching. After reading it, I gasped. This is truly insane and cruel. In order to win the war, the military leadership secretly ordered research into human weapons, requiring unparalleled strength, defense capabilities and recovery abilities, ignorance of pain, quick reaction capabilities, and the ability to remain flexible without losing it, but absolute obedience to orders.

There were seven bases secretly carrying out this plan. Just this base 2 alone sacrificed the lives of more than 30,000 people every year, and the entire plan was carried out for about twenty years. But this cruel plan ultimately failed. Flexibility and absolute obedience are fundamentally incompatible. In the end, the experimenters destroyed the consciousness and subconsciousness of the test subjects and replaced them with intelligent computers, but unfortunately it was still unsuccessful. Somehow, the test subjects were unable to move. In the end, an order was issued to seal these test subjects here.

After reading it, the only thought in my mind was how I could use these hundreds of zombies for my own purposes. So I went back to the storage room, opened the crystal cover, and used my psychic powers to invade the cyberbrain in the head of a zombie. Upon contact, I realized that due to the lack of energy supply over tens of thousands of years, the cyberbrain had stopped functioning. So I began stimulating the zombie, causing all its senses except the brain to start functioning. As its bodily functions recovered, bioelectricity began to concentrate on the brain. Soon, the brain began to start up, but after starting up, the brain immediately began to perform rapid calculations. I intervened with my mental power to try to stop its calculations, but I was unsuccessful. Then I followed his calculations to see what he was calculating. After a while, I suddenly withdrew my mental power and laughed.

The Yuri siblings next to me looked at me in surprise.

“I’m fine,” I said, laughing and shaking my hands. No wonder these test subjects ended up unable to move. It was because they had crashed. Since flexibility and absolute obedience to orders were completely contradictory in logic, to absolutely obey orders, one must give up flexibility, and to have flexibility, one cannot absolutely obey orders. Therefore, the computer got stuck in a dead loop during calculation and finally crashed. Having found the key to the problem, it was easy to solve it. I once again entered the intelligent brain, removed the flexibility item, and after restarting, the intelligent brain returned to normal.

“Stand up,” I commanded.

The zombie suddenly sat up from the coffin. ‘Ahhh!’ A scream. I was startled, but it turned out to be Sister Yuli who had screamed. I was shocked that even a zombie could be scared like that. I heard that there is a kind of necromancy in the West that also manipulates zombies. I was afraid that Sister Yuli had not learned it, otherwise she would not have become like this when she saw a zombie.

“I’m fine, I just didn’t expect them to move,” said Yuli, blushing.

I pretended to understand and nodded, continuing to think about my own concerns. Is there really no way to make the smart brain flexible? If only I could give the smart brain orders anytime, anywhere. Never mind, let’s leave it for now. Let’s take this zombie for a check-up. ‘From now on, you’re Zombie No. 1,’ I said to the zombie. ”Follow me.”

I took No. 1 into the operating room for a comprehensive examination. I sighed. These zombies have been stuck here for too long. Many of the original functions have now been severely weakened and will probably take six years to recover. Right now, their abilities are only one or two times stronger than ordinary people, which is far worse than those of the robots. However, if they practice some of my kung fu, they can probably recover their full abilities in three years. Forget it, these people are not useful for the time being, so let them stay here for now. So I went back to the storage room, woke up all the zombies, numbered them, and used the super brain to transfer a lot of martial arts and spell information to their intelligence brains, and then let them practice in the coffins in this morgue. I suddenly had a brainstorm. If these zombies can practice magic, why can’t the robots? (It turned out that the robots could manipulate energy like the super brain, but their abilities were weaker.) Which robot should I use for research? I tapped my head and wondered why I was being so stupid. Are there any differences between these robots? Let’s take No. 7. He scared me when I woke him up, so I’ll tell him to come down here and give him a spell to practice. I giggled when I thought of this.

“Young master, why are you smiling so much today? Is there something funny? Let me hear it too,” Yuri asked me gently.

“No.“ I shook my head like a rattle: ‘I just find these people quite amusing.’

”I didn’t realize that your race treated its own people like this.“ Seeing this situation, Yuri also knew that these people had been killed.

”When it comes to despicable, our race can definitely be ranked at the top of all races on the continent, but when it comes to justice, our race is also definitely at the forefront. Humans are the most complex intelligent creatures in the world, and they cannot be summed up in a single word,” I said indifferently.

“Okay, let’s go up, we’ve finished here,” I told everyone.

Just as I entered the second basement hall and was about to go back to the surface, a robot stood at the entrance and said in a mechanical voice, ‘Master, Number Seven reporting.’

I was shocked. ”When did I order you to do that?”

“Master, just now, while Seven was guarding on the first floor, it heard you calling for me and so it came down.”

Just as I was puzzled, a light dawned on me. Could I contact them from thin air? I calmed down and tried to contact Seven mentally. With a shock of spiritual energy, my field of vision suddenly doubled. Not only did Seven appear in my eyes, but also myself. I could clearly see that I was staring at Seven. My heart was stirred, and I tried again to establish a mental connection with Zombie No. 1. It worked, and my field of vision once again expanded. It was as if I had returned to the storage room. I then connected with Zombie No. 2, and it worked again, and again… It turned out that I could establish a connection with 47 targets. This was truly amazing. I think it had something to do with the super brain. The connection between robots is inherently very special. Many people are just like one person. Could it be that through the super brain I have gained the same abilities as the robots? In fact, the ability to connect in this way is not just the result of the super brain. Since my mental power has entered these computers before, it has left traces within them. These traces are like their coordinates in the world, and the super brain can effortlessly find them and thus establish contact. In fact, once the distance between these robots exceeds ten miles, they can no longer connect.

“Young master, what’s wrong?“ I heard someone calling me, and it turned out to be Yuri.

”Oh, nothing, I was just thinking about something.“ I came back to my senses, ‘Let’s go, we’ve had a lot of gains today. Hey, why is my stomach so hungry.’ I could only hear the protests of my stomach.

”Young master, you’ve been playing underground all day, you only ate a little at noon, and then you fiddled with those steel monsters,” Yuri said.

“Really? That won’t do. I need to go back and eat properly.” I ordered No. 7 to return to its original position while I hurriedly ran back up, followed by a burst of laughter from everyone behind me.

When I reached the ground floor, the head of the family was there, just about to come down to see me. I was excited to see the head of the family (finally I could show off again). ”I found something that can be used to make weapons. We can completely refine our own weapons and sell them, so that we can make enough money for everyone.”

“Young master, could you please explain in more detail, we didn’t quite understand,” Bach Xiang said with a bitter smile.

So I told them about my discoveries that day. Of course, there was still a lot they didn’t understand, but one thing was clear: there was no need to worry about weapons or money anymore. The problem of money would be a little more troublesome to solve. After all, weapons couldn’t just be sold, there also had to be a channel to sell them.

“By the way, the five clan leaders, underground things are more delicate and easily damaged. Send someone to guard them and tell them to be careful. It is best not to go to the second basement, where things are even more easily damaged.“ I specifically reminded the five people again.

”Okay, we’ll remember.“

”Oh, I have two books on the art of war here. You can read them when you’re not busy.” I found these two books in my internal database and then printed them out in the main control room on the first basement level.

“Okay, we’ll read them carefully.“

”If there’s nothing else, I’ll go back first. If you need anything, you can find the group of guardians in the basement – the steel monsters, the robots. Just tell them I’ll know, I have a special way of contacting them, and they can also help you in time.“

”Okay, young master, you probably don’t know the way very well, so we’ll give you a ride again.”

I have already recalled the people sent to the city to gather information these past two days. Although I really want to establish an intelligence network, I don’t have the extra money or manpower, so I have to put it on hold for now.

The third day of the agreement with the Winged Clan has finally arrived. As I was practicing the Cloud and Mist Heart Method among the cliffs, Mu Yiluo Xinchang came up to me. Sensing someone approaching, I stopped practicing and stood up, “What is it, Mu Yi?”

“Young master, the Winged Clan has sent someone.“

My eyes lit up: ‘How many?’

”Two. One of them is Sang Jie.“

Sang Jie? They’ve even sent this person. It seems that the Winged Clan really has no hostility towards us. I quickly returned to the barracks to meet with them.

”Brother Sang Jie, this is the third time I’ve seen you. Do you have any good news for me?” I said with a smile.

“Exactly,“ Sangjie said to me seriously, ‘the chieftain and almost all the elders agree to cooperate with you and are willing to accept your command for the time being. Now what we need is a formal agreement.’

”Is it an invitation to go to your place of residence?“

”Yes.” Sangjie didn’t expect that I could guess what he didn’t say.

“Okay, let’s go.” I called on Zhang Zhengli and his apprentice, the orc (with a hood over his head), Yuri and Yuli, and Jin Yi to follow Sangjie.

Along the way, we had passed through seven villages, but further in, the villages became significantly fewer. There were only three villages for the same distance. I was curious about what was going on.

“The land here can only be cultivated for a period of time. After a period of time, it has to be left fallow for ten years or so. And as long as the total time cultivated exceeds a certain limit, that piece of land can no longer be cultivated. This is also the reason that forces us to keep migrating outward.“ Sangjie’s square face showed a look of distress.

”Don’t worry. In the future, if you cooperate with me, you won’t have to worry too much about food,” I said, leaning in Yuri’s arms and patting my chest.

Sangjie let out a hearty laugh at this.

After a series of twists and turns, we arrived at the foot of a cliff, where a number of people were already waiting.

“Hello, Your Highness, we meet again,” said Tarozi.

“I heard from Sangjie that you have agreed to form an alliance with me, so I came to take a look.”

“Your Highness, we have decided to cooperate with you for the time being. We will contribute our strength in exchange for land. We are betting everything on you, betting that you will win and that you will not break the agreement.“

”Don’t worry, even if I don’t win, I can still earn you a piece of land. As for breaking the agreement, hey, Baku, take off the hood.”

“Hello everyone, our allies, we are going to fight together again,“ Baku said to the winged tribe in a friendly manner.

The winged tribe saw that the five were orcs and looked at them in disbelief. The scene suddenly fell silent, and it was only after a while that there was a loud commotion, with almost all the winged tribe members whispering to each other.

”You…” Lintorn and Tarozi didn’t know what to say.

“Our five tribes of orcs have already signed a covenant with Your Highness, the same covenant as yours, and we believe that Your Highness will abide by the covenant,“ said Baku’s last sentence with absolute certainty.

”In order to increase the credibility of the covenant, I will pass on certain special skills to the orcs as a reference,” I threw out a bait.

At this time, the five orcs ran into the winged tribe and publicized the favor I had given the orcs to them.

Tarozi and Lintorn laughed and shook their heads, but instead of stopping the clamor of their people, they walked over to me and said, “If we had known that the Orcs would follow you, we would have made our decision sooner and more easily.”

“What others give you can only be used as a reference. To control your destiny, you must rely on yourself,” I replied with a smile.

“By the way, how many people are there in your two tribes now?” I asked.

“The Falcon Clan has 7,000 people, the Eagle Clan has 3,000, and there are a total of 10,000 combat-ready people,” said Lintorn with some pride.

I was taken aback. Humans generally have 1,000 combat-ready people out of 10,000, so I didn’t expect 70% of the people in these two clans to be able to fight.

“I wonder what special skills Your Highness wants to pass on to us?“ Lintern was a little impatient. During the third territorial war, the Winged Clan had also lost many special skills.

”I haven’t thought of anything yet. I’ll come back tomorrow and pass on the special skills to you then.“

”Then let’s enjoy the carnival now,” said Tarozi.

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