ice that has lasted for a thousand years

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Bai Yuting looked at Tang Ziyu, who was covered in blood, in surprise: ‘Young master, this is!’ ‘Hurry and save him, he’s dying!’ Bai Yuting quickly asked the coachman for help, carried the seriously injured Cheng Ying over, and then the group hurried to Qilin Town. Tang Ziyu was still in a state of shock in the carriage, so Bai Yuting had to hold her and keep rubbing her cold, cramping fingers.

Tang Ziyu only recovered when they were almost at the Qin residence. As soon as she entered the house, almost all the family members knelt down before her, with tears in their eyes. This took Tang Ziyu by surprise. Then she looked at the masters from the jade workshop in the house, all of them looking happy. They dragged her into the hall. Bai Yuting asked someone to quickly find a doctor, and had Cheng Ying put in a room.

When she heard the news, Madam Qin hurried out and burst into tears as soon as she saw her: ‘My dear, you must save your father’s life this time!’ Tang Ziyu was stunned. What was going on? Several of the jade workshop’s masters hurriedly told her that the lotus and lotus root had originally been bought by the king’s father for 100,000 taels, but the queen had taken them back to the palace. The emperor liked them and had someone pay another 100,000 taels to the Qin family’s jade workshop to have them recreate a white one. It wasn’t difficult, as they had the best white jade, the plans and the workers. The lotus root was already done, but no matter what they did, they couldn’t get the lotus to fit or bloom.

But the people at the Qin family didn’t know where their second young master had gone, thinking that he had returned to the capital with Situ. But after searching the capital, they found out that he was at Xiaoyun Villa. After this round trip, the agreed time was about to arrive. In a hurry, Master Qin fell ill, and Master Bai hurriedly went to find Tang Ziyu in person. 6c29 Copyright protection! Respect the author! Against piracy!

‘Did you make it according to the drawings I gave you?’ ‘Yes, yes, not a single millimetre off! Master Bai has checked it for us.’ “Bring it over to me.” The lotus petal was immediately brought over, and with the craftsmanship of the several masters and the good transparency of the white jade, it looked like it would be a beautiful lotus flower. Tang Ziyu told Bai Yuting to go with her to a room in the back, and she quickly assembled it in front of Bai Yuting. It turned out that the key was the order and a small tool. The second picture for everyone was fundamentally different from the first, which meant that the order was wrong, so no one could assemble it properly except her.

‘Go and deliver it to Godfather. I want to go and see Brother Cheng.’ Bai Yuting nodded, “The doctor just came, and now he’s probably looking at it. You should change your clothes first.” “Give me a woman’s outfit. I don’t want to be a man anymore. I almost got killed this time because I was dressed as a man!” “I know. I’ll have someone send water and clothes over.” Bai Yuting carefully took the lotus flower away.

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